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Chapter 2: Gasses

1. The atmospheric pressure of 768.2 mm Hg. Expressed in kilopascals (kPa) what

would the value be the pressure?
(1 atm = 101325 Pa = 760 torr = 760 mm Hg)
a. 778.4 kPa
b. 102.4 kPa
c. 100.3 kPa
d. 91.62 kPa
e. 1024 kPa

101.325 kPa = 760 mm Hg

? 768.2 mm Hg
P = 102.4 kPa

2. A sample of a gas occupied a volume of 6.414 liters when the pressure was 850 torr
and the temperature was 27.2 °C. The pressure was readjusted to 4423 torr. What was
the new volume?
a. 0.837 L
b. 0.937 L
c. 1.23 L
d. 1.53 L
e. 3.34 L

V1=6.414 L P1= 850 torr

V2=? L P2= 4423 torr

P1.V1 = P2.V2
(850 torr) (6.414 L) =(V2) (4423 torr)
V2 = 1.23 L

3. A sample of a gas 1.40 liters when the pressure was 762 torr and the temperature was
26.9 °C. The volume of the system was readjusted to 0.150 liters. What was the new
a. 13.4 atm
b. 883 atm
c. 918 atm
d. 1020 atm
e. 9.36 atm
P1.V1 = P2.V2
(762 torr) (1.40 L) =(x) (0.150 L)
P = 7112 torr
P= 7112 /760 = 9.36 atm

4. A sample of a gas occupied a volume of 1.40 liters when the pressure was 768 torr and
the temperature was 26.9 °C. The volume of the system was readjusted to 2.16 liters.
What was the temperature in the system at this point?
a. 41.5 ºC
b. 41.9 ºC
c. 189.8 ºC
d. 194.7 ºC
e. 288.6 ºC
V1 T1

V2 T2
T2= V2 T1 / V1
2.16 x (26.9+273.15) / 1.40 = 462.9 K
462.9 – 273.15 = 189.8 oC

5. STP for gases has the values;

a. temperature: 0.00 K; pressure: 1.000 standard atmosphere
b. temperature: 0.00 ºC; pressure: 1.000 standard atmosphere
c. temperature: 273.15 K; pressure: 1.000 Pascal
d. temperature: 298.15 K; pressure: 1.000 standard atmosphere
e. temperature: 298.15 K; pressure: 1.000 Pascal

6. The volume of gas was 1.524 liters at 28.40 °C, and 637.6 torr. What volume would
this gas sample occupy at STP?
a. 1.069 L
b. 1.158 L
c. 1.412 L
d. 1.645 L
e. 2.006 L
STP : P2= 760 torr and T2=273 K
P1.V1 / T1 = P2.V2 / T2
V2 = (P1V1T2) / (P2T1)
V2 = 637.6 x 1.524 x 273 / 760 x 301.55
V2 = 1.158 L

7. How many liters of pure oxygen gas, measured at STP, are required for the complete
combustion of 11.2 L of CH4 gas, also measured at STP?
1CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
1L 2L
11.2 L ?L
V= 11.2 x 2 / 1 = 22.4 L
a. 11.2 L
b. 16.8 L
c. 22.4 L
d. 32.0 L
e. 33.6 L

8. A chemical reaction is shown: 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g). How many liters of
pure oxygen gas, measured at STP, are required for the complete reaction with 8.82
L of NO(g), also measured at STP?

2NO(g) + 1 O2(g) → 2NO2(g)

2L 1L
8.82 L ?L
V= 8.82 / 2= 4.41 L
a. 4.41 L
b. 8.82 L
c. 11.2 L
d. 17.6 L
e. 22.4 L

9. A gas sample weighing 3.78 grams occupies a volume of 2.28 L at STP. What is the
molecular mass of the sample?
P.V = n.R.T
MM = [(3.78 g) (0.08206 L atm mol¯1 K¯1) (273)] / [1 atm) (2.28 L)
MM = 30.6 g mol¯1
a. 8.54 g mol
b. 13.5 g mol -1
c. 37.1 g mol -1
d. 51.1 g mol -1
e. 193 g mol -1

10. Two moles of CO2 gas at 35°C are heated to 250°C, The density of the gas in the gas
P.MM = d.R.T
The Density is inversely proportional to Temperature
T increases, Density decreases

a. increase.
b. decrease.
c. remain the same.
d. There is not enough information given to correctly answer this question.

11. What volume would 11.2 g of a gaseous compound occupy at STP if its molecular
weight is 44.0 g/mole?
P.V = n.R.T
P V = m R T / MM
V = m R T / P MM
V = [(11.2 g) (0.08206 L atm mol¯1 K¯1) (273)] / [1 atm) (44.0 g/mole)
V = 5.71 L

a. 5.71 liters
b. 11.0 liters
c. 11.2 liters
d. 22.4 liters
e. 44.0 liters

12. A gas sample occupies a volume of 1.66 L when the temperature is 150.0 °C and the
pressure is 842 torr. How many molecules are in the sample?
P.V = n.R.T
n = p.V/RT
n= (842/760)atm x 1.66 L / 0.08206 L atm mol¯1 K¯1 (150+273.15 K)
n=0.053 mol
N= n x NA = 0.053 x 6.022 x 1023 = 3.19 x 1022 molecules

a. 1.52 × 1022
b. 2.60 × 1022
c. 3.19 × 1022
d. 9.01 × 1022
e. 9.42 × 1021

13. A gas container has a volume of 6.504 L. When filled with C3H8, at 28.3 °C, the
pressure is 486.3 torr. How much should the gas sample weigh?

P.V = n.R.T
P V = m R T / MM
m = P.V. MM / R T
m = (486.3/760)atm x 6.504 L x (44 g/mol) / 0.08206 L atm mol¯1 K¯1 (28.3 + 273.15 K)
m = 7.41 g

a. 4.67 g
b. 7.41 g
c. 7.52 g
d. 18.1 g
e. 263. G

14. A container contains 0.2 moles of O2 gas and 0.3 moles of N2 gas. If the total
pressure is 0.75 atm what is the partial pressure of O2?
Pi =Xi . Pt
Pi = (ni / nT ) . Pt
Pi = (0.2 / 0.5 ) 0.75
Pi = 0.30 atm
a. 0.20 atm
b. 0.30 atm
c. 0.50 atm
d. 0.75 atm
e. 0.45 atm

15. A container contains partial pressures of 0.80 atm CO2 gas and 0.35 atm N2 gas.
What is the mole fraction of N2 in the glass container?
Xi = Pi / Pt
Xi = 0.35 / (0.8 + 0.35)
Xi = 0.30
a. 0.35
b. 1.15
c. 0.70
d. 0.80
e. 0.30

16. A gaseous substance diffuses twice as rapidly as SO2 gas. The gas could be
a. CO
b. He
c. H2
d. CH4
e. O2
r1 MM 2

r2 MM 1
32  32
MM 1
MM 1
MM 1   16 g / mol
17. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the average kinetic energy of the gas
particles in a gas sample is directly proportional to the;
a. pressure.
b. volume.
c. absolute temperature.
d. molar mass.
e. number of moles of gas.

 n 2 a  V  nb 
18. The van der Waals equation of state for a real gas is:  P  2     nRT
 V  
At what pressure will 1.00 mole of CH4 be in a 10.0 L container at 298 K assuming
CH4 is a real gas.
(van der Waals constants for CH4 are a = 2.253 L2 atm mol-2, b = 0.04278 L mol-1)
a. 2.43 atm
b. 2.28 atm
c. 2.51 atm
d. 24.5 atm
e. 0.440 atm

19. A real gas behaves most nearly like an ideal gas under conditions of
a. low temperature and high pressure.
b. low temperature and low pressure.
c. high temperature and low pressure.
d. high temperature and high pressure.
e. Actually it will behave like an ideal gas regardless of the temperature or the
pressure as long as it remains in the gaseous state.

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