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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Take a break

Aspects Description Image
What it is Barranquilla's carnival is
celebrated. a celebration to show all
the different cultures and
traditions of the
Colombian Caribbean
The Barranquilla Carnival
is the most important
event of Colombian
folklore because it shows
the diversity of
Colombian culture.
Where and The Barranquilla Carnival
when it is is celebrated in
celebrated. Barranquilla from
February 13 to 16.
Barranquilla, the capital
of the Atlantic, is a very
pleasant and welcoming
city, it is a great
destination to take a
break and better if you
visit it during carnival
What people Speaking of costumes, it
wear. is very varied and of
many colors, the
Barranquilla carnival is
an event with a lot of joy,
dance, and colors in their
One of their most
important costumes is
that of marimonda, it
represents the spirit of
the Barranquilla party
man and is a mix
between a primate and an
What people The carnival is celebrated
do. four days before the
beginning of Lent, during
this time all the
participants celebrate,
dance, sing, drink and
much more.
It is important to say that
many events during the
carnival are simultaneous
and you must choose the
event you prefer.
some of the important
events are:
battle of Flores
Great Stop of Tradition
and Folklore
Great Parade of floats
Orchestral festival
Joselito's death
Why it is a The Barranquilla Carnival
special is a special celebration
celebration. because it brings
together people from all
over the world for the
celebration regardless of
social status or skin
color, additionally, the
Barranquilla Carnival was
declared a Masterpiece of
the Oral and Intangible
Heritage of Humanity.
The Barranquilla Carnival
is an excellent event to
have fun and change the
environment, the best
one for a vacation.

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