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2492 North Landing Road, Suite 104

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456

Tel. (757) 301-3636 Additional Office Locations By Appointment:

Fax (757) 301-3640 Chesapeake – Hampton - Richmond - Vienna

March 8, 2021

Richmond Circuit Court

400 North Ninth Street
Richmond VA 23219

Re. Moschetti v. Westfall

Dear Clerk:

Attached, please find a Petition for Declaratory Judgment and Verified Petition for Mandamus
that I am asking you to file in your Court.

Once the Judge is assigned, please alert his chambers that we are requesting expedited review of
this matter.

Service of the Petition will be via email to the Office of the Attorney General per the COVID-19
protocols at [email protected].

Timothy Anderson
Clear All Data

COVER SHEET FOR FILING CIVIL ACTIONS Case No. .............................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Circuit Court
Jennifer Moschetti
............................................................................................................................... MIchael Westfall, State Inspector General
v./In re: ......................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................

I, the undersigned [ ] plaintiff [ ] defendant [ ] attorney for [ ] plaintiff [ ] defendant hereby notify the Clerk of Court that I am filing
the following civil action. (Please indicate by checking box that most closely identifies the claim being asserted or relief sought.)


Subsequent Actions [ ] Appeal/Judicial Review of Decision of [ ] Accounting
[ ] Claim Impleading Third Party Defendant (select one) [ ] Aid and Guidance
[ ] Monetary Damages [ ] ABC Board [ ] Appointment (select one)
[ ] No Monetary Damages [ ] Board of Zoning [ ] Guardian/Conservator
[ ] Counterclaim [ ] Compensation Board [ ] Standby Guardian/Conservator
[ ] Monetary Damages [ ] DMV License Suspension [ ] Custodian/Successor Custodian (UTMA)
[ ] No Monetary Damages [ ] Employee Grievance Decision [ ] Trust (select one)
[ ] Cross Claim [ ] Employment Commission [ ] Impress/Declare/Create
[ ] Interpleader [ ] Local Government [ ] Reformation
[ ] Reinstatement (other than divorce or [ ] Marine Resources Commission [ ] Will (select one)
driving privileges) [ ] School Board [ ] Construe
[ ] Removal of Case to Federal Court [ ] Voter Registration [ ] Contested
Business & Contract [ ] Other Administrative Appeal
[ ] Attachment MISCELLANEOUS
[ ] Confessed Judgment DOMESTIC/FAMILY [ ] Amend Death Certificate
[ ] Contract Action [ ] Adoption [ ] Appointment (select one)
[ ] Contract Specific Performance [ ] Adoption – Foreign [ ] Church Trustee
[ ] Detinue [ ] Adult Protection [ ] Conservator of Peace
[ ] Garnishment [ ] Annulment [ ] Marriage Celebrant
Property [ ] Annulment – Counterclaim/Responsive [ ] Approval of Transfer of Structured
[ ] Annexation Pleading Settlement
[ ] Condemnation [ ] Child Abuse and Neglect – Unfounded [ ] Bond Forfeiture Appeal
[ ] Ejectment Complaint [ ] Declaratory Judgment
[ ] Encumber/Sell Real Estate [ ] Civil Contempt [ ] Declare Death
[ ] Enforce Vendor’s Lien [ ] Divorce (select one) [ ] Driving Privileges (select one)
[ ] Escheatment [ ] Complaint – Contested* [ ] Reinstatement pursuant to § 46.2-427
[ ] Establish Boundaries [ ] Complaint – Uncontested* [ ] Restoration – Habitual Offender or 3rd
[ ] Landlord/Tenant [ ] Counterclaim/Responsive Pleading Offense
[ ] Unlawful Detainer [ ] Reinstatement – [ ] Expungement
[ ] Mechanics Lien Custody/Visitation/Support/Equitable [ ] Firearms Rights – Restoration
[ ] Partition Distribution [ ] Forfeiture of Property or Money
[ ] Quiet Title [ ] Separate Maintenance [ ] Freedom of Information
[ ] Termination of Mineral Rights [ ] Separate Maintenance Counterclaim [ ] Injunction
Tort [ ] Interdiction
[ ] Asbestos Litigation WRITS [ ] Interrogatory
[ ] Compromise Settlement [ ] Certiorari [ ] Judgment Lien-Bill to Enforce
[ ] Intentional Tort [ ] Habeas Corpus [ ] Law Enforcement/Public Official Petition
[ ] Medical Malpractice [ ] Mandamus [ ] Name Change
[ ] Motor Vehicle Tort [ ] Prohibition [ ] Referendum Elections
[ ] Product Liability [ ] Quo Warranto [ ] Sever Order
[ ] Wrongful Death [ ] Taxes (select one)
[ ] Other General Tort Liability [ ] Correct Erroneous State/Local
[ ] Delinquent
[ ] Vehicle Confiscation
[ ] Voting Rights – Restoration
[ ] Other (please specify)
[ ] Damages in the amount of $ ............................................................... are claimed.
...................................................................... ____________________________________________________________________
Timothy Anderson

2492 N. Landing Rd 104

............................................................................................................................................ *“Contested” divorce means any of the following matters are in
ADDRESS/TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SIGNATOR dispute: grounds of divorce, spousal support and maintenance,
Virginia Beach VA 23456
............................................................................................................................................ child custody and/or visitation, child support, property distribution
or debt allocation. An “Uncontested” divorce is filed on no fault
[email protected]
............................................................................................................................................ grounds and none of the above issues are in dispute.
Civil Action Type Codes
(Clerk’s Office Use Only)

Accounting .......................................................................... ACCT Ejectment ........................................................................... EJET

Adoption ............................................................................... ADOP Encumber/Sell Real Estate ............................................... RE
Adoption – Foreign .......................................................... FORA Enforce Vendor’s Lien ................................................VEND
Adult Protection .................................................................. PROT Escheatment ........................................................................ ESC
Aid and Guidance ..................................................................AID Establish Boundaries .................................................... ESTB
Amend Death Certificate ................................................... ADC Expungement .................................................................. XPUN
Annexation ........................................................................ ANEX Forfeiture of Property or Money .............................. FORF
Annulment ...........................................................................ANUL Freedom of Information .................................................. FOI
Annulment – Counterclaim/Responsive Pleading .. ACRP Garnishment .................................................................. GARN
Appeal/Judicial Review Injunction ............................................................................... INJ
ABC Board .................................................................... ABC Intentional Tort ................................................................ ITOR
Board of Zoning ........................................................ ZONE Interdiction ....................................................................... INTD
Compensation Board ..............................................ACOM Interpleader ....................................................................... INTP
DMV License Suspension ............................................. JR Interrogatory ..................................................................... INTR
Employment Commission ........................................ EMP Judgment Lien – Bill to Enforce ............................... LIEN
Employment Grievance Decision .......................... GRV Landlord/Tenant ................................................................... LT
Local Government ...................................................GOVT Law Enforcement/Public Official Petition ............... LEP
Marine Resources ....................................................... MAR Mechanics Lien ............................................................ MECH
School Board ..................................................................... JR Medical Malpractice ...................................................... MED
Voter Registration ....................................................AVOT Motor Vehicle Tort ........................................................... MV
Other Administrative Appeal ............................... AAPL Name Change ....................................................................... NC
Appointment Other General Tort Liability ..................................... GTOR
Conservator of Peace .................................................. COP Partition .............................................................................PART
Church Trustee .......................................................... AOCT Permit, Unconstitutional Grant/Denial by Locality LUC
Custodian/Successor Custodian (UTMA) ...... UTMA Petition – (Miscellaneous) ............................................. PET
Guardian/Conservator .............................................. APPT Product Liability ........................................................... PROD
Marriage Celebrant ................................................. ROMC Quiet Title ..............................................................................QT
Standby Guardian/Conservator ........................... STND Referendum Elections .................................................. ELEC
Approval of Transfer of Structured Settlement .............. SS Reinstatement (Other than divorce or driving
Asbestos Litigation .................................................................. AL privileges) ..................................................................... REIN
Attachment .............................................................................. ATT Removal of Case to Federal Court .............................REM
Bond Forfeiture Appeal ...................................................... BFA Restore Firearms Rights – Felony ............................ RFRF
Child Abuse and Neglect – Unfounded Complaint .. CAN Restore Firearms Rights – Review ..........................RFRR
Civil Contempt ...................................................................CCON Separate Maintenance ......................................................SEP
Claim Impleading Third Party Defendant – Separate Maintenance – Counterclaim/Responsive
Monetary Damages/No Monetary Damages ........... CTP Pleading ........................................................................ SCRP
Complaint – (Miscellaneous) .......................................... COM Sever Order ......................................................................SEVR
Compromise Settlement ................................................. COMP Sex Change .........................................................................COS
Condemnation ................................................................... COND Taxes
Confessed Judgment ................................................................ CJ Correct Erroneous State/Local ........................ CTAX
Contract Action .................................................................. CNTR Delinquent ..............................................................DTAX
Contract Specific Performance .......................................PERF Termination of Mineral Rights ....................................MIN
Counterclaim – Monetary Damages/No Monetary Trust – Impress/Declare/Create ................................ TRST
Damages ................................................................................. CC Trust – Reformation ...................................................... REFT
Cross Claim ......................................................................... CROS Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments ....... RFCJ
Declaratory Judgment ...................................................... DECL Unlawful Detainer .............................................................. UD
Declare Death .....................................................................DDTH Vehicle Confiscation ...................................................... VEH
Detinue ...................................................................................... DET Voting Rights – Restoration ...................................... VOTE
Divorce Will Construction ...........................................................CNST
Complaint – Contested/Uncontested ......................DIV Will Contested ................................................................ WILL
Counterclaim/Responsive Pleading ................... DCRP Writs
Reinstatement – Custody/Visitation/Support/ Certiorari ...................................................................... WC
Equitable Distribution ............................................ CVS Habeas Corpus ........................................................ WHC
Driving Privileges Mandamus .................................................................. WM
Reinstatement pursuant to § 46.2-427 ................ DRIV Prohibition .................................................................... WP
Restoration – Habitual Offender or Quo Warranto ........................................................ WQW
3rd Offense ................................................................... REST Wrongful Death .................................................................. WD



Jennifer A. Moschetti
v. Case No.
Michael C. Westfall in his official capacity
As State Inspector General


This petition for Declaratory Judgment and Mandamus action is filed pursuant to §2.2-

3011 of the Code of Virginia. Due to the sensitive nature of the circumstances, the Mandamus

Petition is intentionally written to disclose the most minimal nature of the facts and

circumstances. Petitioner will file documents with this Court and give testimony regarding the

specific details of the issues involved if the Court so directs.


1. Jennifer A. Moschetti is an employee of the Commonwealth of Virginia, specifically

employed as an investigator at the Office of the State Inspector General.

2. The Office of the State Inspector General operates primary operations in the City of

Richmond, Virginia.

3. In 2020, Petitioner was assigned by Michael C. Westfall, State Inspector General to

investigate multiple complaints of fraud and abuse involving the Virginia Parole


4. The Petitioner faithfully performed her investigation in the numerous allegations of

fraud and abuse as directed by her supervisor, State Inspector General Michael C.

Westfall (“Westfall”). At all times during the investigation, Westfall supervised and

collaborated with the Petitioner regarding various steps of the investigation.

5. Westfall certified findings of the Petitioner for seven offenders involving violations

of policy and law by members of the Virginia Parole Board in granting parole to the

following offenders (names redacted) DLB, IC, RDG, TXG, DMR, PS, and DKS.

6. State Inspector General Westfall further certified the findings of Petitioner for an

additional offender (name redacted), VLM, with substantial violations of policy and

law by members of the Virginia Parole Board in granting the parole of VLM which

were detailed in a executive summarized 10-page report. That report was submitted

by Westfall to the Office of the Attorney General where it was redacted and reduced

to a six-page report.

7. The reports of the violations of the reports stated in paragraph 5 and the redacted

report stated in paragraph 6 are known by the Petitioner to be in the possession, since

September 2020, of the Office of Governor, The Office of the Attorney General

(OAG) and the Office of the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security.

8. In 2020, summarized reports detailing the violations of the Parole Board of DLB, IC,

RDG, TXG, DMR, PS, DKS and VLM were released to member of the General

Assembly by Westfall. Following those releases, the media obtained copies of some

of the summarized reports.

9. Petitioner did not release any of her work product or documents to the media at any


10. During the Parole Board investigations, Petitioner was contacted by Federal Law

Enforcement and was requested to cooperate with them regarding a federal

investigation involving the circumstances of the Virginia Parole Board; Petitioner has

fully cooperated with Federal Law Enforcement.

11. Shortly after the leak of the six-page redacted report regarding offender VLM,

Petitioner was summonsed to the Office of the Governor where she was interrogated

by various members of the administration regarding her reports, investigations and

findings. At that meeting were Clark Mercer, Chief of Staff for Governor Ralph

Northam; Brian Moran, Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, State

Inspector General Westfall, and others.

12. For over an hour, Petitioner and Westfall were hostility interrogated for the findings

contained in the report regarding VLM by members of the administration based on

the six-page report that had been redacted by the OAG and leaked to the media.

Petitioner announced to members of the meeting that a more comprehensive report

regarding VLM existed; however, State Inspector General Westfall refused to release

his approved report to the administration.

13. The meeting contained in paragraph 11 and 12 was intended to intimidate the State

Inspector General and the investigators tasked with making fact findings related to

members of the Parole Board.

14. Following the meeting, State Inspector General Westfall spoke to Petitioner and

explained that Westfall may lose his job for the work product regarding the VLM

investigation. This apprehension by her supervisor placed Petitioner in substantial

fear of losing her job as the primary investigator on the Parole Board matter.

15. The investigation into the Parole Board continued. Petitioner submitted additional

reports to Westfall but those additional reports of additional misconduct have not

been released to members of the Northam Administration.

16. In February 2021, the full 14-page VLM report was leaked to the media. The 14-page

report was an earlier draft of Petitioner’s work product. The report contained

substantial facts and findings of serious wrongdoing by members of the Parole Board

previously omitted at the direction of the Office of the Attorney General.

17. Petitioner did not leak the report to the media then or at any other time.

18. Following the leak of the 14-page report, Westfall then publicly announced that the

Virginia State Police would be conducting an investigation into discovering the

person who leaked the documents. 1

19. Petitioner having already cooperated with Federal Law Enforcement and being the

author of the report that was leaked feared she was now going to be used as a

scapegoat for cooperating with law enforcement based on the announcement of the

Virginia State Police investigation by Westfall and the previous hostile in-person

meeting described in paragraph 11-12 with senior leadership of the Northam

administration as well as Westfall’s comments that he believed he was also going to

be fired as a result of the investigation of the Parole Board.

20. On Wednesday, March 3, 2021, Petitioner released a partial copy of her file to

leadership of the General Assembly, as a defined Appropriate Authority under the

Virginia Whistle Blower Act and identified herself anonymously through the


undersigned counsel as a Whistle Blower. The release contained the full reports of

DLB, IC, RDG, TXG, DMR, PS, DKS and VLM, as well as other facts and

circumstances detailing additional violations by the Parole Board which are not being

stated at this time for confidentiality reasons.

21. On Friday, March 5, 2021, Petitioner received a home visit by Katrina Goodman,

Chief of Investigations and Rich Scholl, Investigations Manager, both employed by

the Office of the State Inspector General who hand delivered the attached letter

authored by Corrine Louden placing the petitioner on pre-disciplinary leave with pay

pending an investigation into alleged misconduct. Petitioners work laptop was seized

as well as the Petitioners employee access card.

22. On March 5, 2021, Petitioner through counsel sent a letter to State Inspector General

Westfall and Deputy Inspector General Louden unmasking herself as a Whistle

Blower and demanding retraction of the threat of “pre-disciplinary” leave for “alleged


23. As of the timing of this Petitioner, the Petitioner remains of “pre-disciplinary” leave.


I. Petitioner has been subjected to retaliatory actions for conduct as a whistle blower

which is protected under Virginia Code §2.2-3011.

24. Virginia Code §2.2-3011(A) states: No employer may discharge, threaten, or

otherwise discriminate or retaliate against a whistle blower whether acting on his

own or through a person acting on his behalf or under his direction.

25. Petitioner has, in good faith, cooperated by request with Federal Law Enforcement.

26. Petitioner has, in good faith, reported alleged misconduct by State Inspector General

Westfall evidencing his failure to publish additional violations of the Parole to an

Appropriate Authority, namely the leadership of the Virginia General Assembly.

27. Petitioner has, in good faith, reported alleged misconduct of the Office of the

Attorney General in redacting substantial sustained facts and circumstances of the

VLM report to conceal the findings of the State Inspector General from other

members of the Northam Administration to an Appropriate Authority, namely the

leadership of the Virginia General Assembly.

28. Petitioner has, in good faith, reported alleged misconduct of the Office of Public

Safety and Homeland Security and the Office of the Governor for failing to take

actions to correct the wrongdoing of the Parole Board to an Appropriate Authority,

namely the leadership of the Virginia General Assembly.

29. Petitioner has neither communicated with the media nor released any information,

documents or otherwise to the media at any time.

30. State Inspector General Westfall has been on notice that that Petitioner is a protected

whistle blower, protected by applicable provisions of the Virginia Code, and

continues to threaten retaliation against Petitioner in violation of law.

31. State Inspector General Westfall is harassing Petitioner by threating Virginia State

Police investigations to the media and suspending her under the auspices of a “pre-

disciplinary” investigation for “alleged misconduct” in violation of her rights as a

protected whistle blower in an effort to insulate his own position as State Inspector


Accordingly, the Petitioner moves this Court for the following relief:

1. Declaring that Petitioner is a protected whistle blower.

2. Ordering State Inspector General Westfall to immediately reinstate Petitioner to her

previous employment status.

3. Ordering State Inspector General Westfall to cease and desist in threats and

harassment, publicly and privately, of retaliation for Petitioner’s lawful disclosure to

Federal Law Enforcement and the leadership of the General Assembly.

4. To grant any other relief as may be appropriate to further the intent and integrity of

whistle blower protections provided by the Virginia Code.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer A. Moschetti

By: ' A - ~

Timothy Anderson
Anderson & Associates, PC
2492 N. Landing Rd 104
Vrrginia Beach VA 23456
VSB 43803

I have reviewed and verified the above Petition for Mandamus and state it is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge information and belief.

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Subscribed and sworn by me, Jennifer Moschetti, this _5-=----_ day of March 2021.

Expires 7 /3) /24


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