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An Internship Report on



Submitted to
Dr. Mohammad Solaiman
Associate Professor
Department of Marketing
Comilla University

Submitted by
Golam Mohiuddin
Session- Spring 2019
MBA (Weak End)

28 February 2021
Department of Marketing
Letter of Transmittal

028th Feb 2021

Dr. Mohammad Solaiman
Associate Professor
Department of Marketing
Comilla University
Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Industry Analysis and Supply Chain
Management of Meghna Group of Industries”.
Dear Sir,
It is my pleasure to submit my Internship Report that fulfills partial requirement of my
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree. It has been extremely helpful as a
student of Department of Marketing to undergo the Internship Program. It facilitated my
exposure to the Industry analysis and Supply Chain Management of Meghna Group of
Industries. I could relate well the theoretical knowledge to the real-world situation. In
preparing this report I’ve tried my best to follow the guidelines provided to me by academic
supervisor. I have my sincere efforts to make it an informative and analytical study while
preparing this report. I sincerely hope this report will live up to your expectations.
I would be happy to answer any query regarding this report and end up with a good grade.

Sincerely Yours,

Golam Mohiuddin
Session- Spring 2019
MBA (Weak End)
Department of Marketing
Comilla University

Declaration of Supervisor

This is to certify that the internship report on “Industry Analysis and Supply Chain
Management of Meghna Group of Industries”. has been prepared by Golam Mohiuddin,
ID-19010712, under my supervision.
The internship report is an integral part of the requirement of MBA (Weak end)) degree from
the Department of Marketing at Comilla university. He has communicated with in regular
basis and the report has been prepared under my guideline and is suitable for submission.

Dr. Mohammad Solaiman
Associate Professor
Department of Marketing
Comilla University

Student Declaration

I hereby declare that this intern report titled “Industry Analysis and Supply Chain
Management of Meghna Group of Industries”. is executed as per course requirement for
the post graduate program in marketing. It has yet never been submitted by me or any other
person to any other university or institution for degree or diploma until now. It’s my own
work, and confront to be subjected to any queries or liable for any miss interpretation of the
data presented. Most of the information and data presented has been collected from primary
sources as the market as well as related personnel and the rest was partially collected through
net browsing and further studies of texts, articles and journals. I will not take any
responsibilities for the errors attained for various sources. It will be my humble request to see
them as statistical errors.

Golam Mohiuddin
Session- Spring 2019
MBA (Weak End)
Department of Marketing
Comilla University

The theoretical knowledge that is gathered from the Educational institution is not
sufficient to aware the subject matter rather the practical knowledge. In order to resolve the
dichotomy between these two areas, I was assigned to prepare a report on " Industry Analysis
and Supply chain Management of Meghna Group of Industries."
I, Golam Mohiuddin, First of all, would like to express my gratitude to almighty Allah
for keeping me mentally and physically sound to prepare this report. Again, I would also like
to express my heartiest gratitude & thanks to those people, because without their dedication
and contribution this project would not have been possible and would not get the successful
I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to my internship advisor,
Dr. Mohammad Solaiman, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Comilla
University for his valuable suggestion, without his supervision that would have been
extremely difficult to accomplish.
In the office of Meghna Group of Industries some people continuously assisted to
learn numerous aspects of Supply Chain. Among those people, I want to thank to Md.
Zobayer Hossain, Area Seles, Comilla; who was my organization supervisor. During last
three months, he taught me every logistics work to the point and assigned me in different
Finally, I humbly appreciate the endurance & assistance of the entire individuals at
Meghna Group of Industries who spent their time in making me able to complete my
Internship Report.

 MGI- Meghna Group of Industries.
 HR- Human Recourse
 JDE- Specialized Software uses to automated business
 SCM- Supply Chain management
 TFM- transportation and Freight management
 TMS- Transportation and Management System
 TM- Transport Module
 EDI- Electronic Data Interchange
 KPI- Key Performance Indicator
 BIWTA- Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
 DN- Delivery Note
 DOA- Diligence of Authority
 GRN- Goods Received Note
 S&OP- Sales and Operational Planning
 OP- Order Process

Table of Contents
No Contents Page
Letter of Transmittal i
Declaration of Supervisor ii
Student Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abbreviations v
Executive Summary vii
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Origin of the Report
1.3 Objectives
Chapter 2 Overview of Industry
2.1 History of Industry
2.2 Factors that influence the cement industry
2.3 Overview of the Company
Chapter 3 Supply Chain Management
3.1 MGI Plant
3.2 Production Process
3.3 Supply Chain Management
3.4 Supply Chain and Logistics
Chapter 4 Analysis & Findings
4.1 Factor analysis of the Conceptual Model
4.2 Respondents and their demographic characteristics
4.3 On way ANOVA Test
4.4 Fresh Cement’s conformance quality
4.5 Fresh Cement distribution process is effective
4.6 Fresh Cement provide quality product with low cost
4.7 Advertising helps to know and buy Fresh Cement
4.8 Findings of the Study
Chapter 5 Performance Analysis
5.1 SWOT Analysis
5.2 Porter’s five forces
5.3 Departments of MGI
5.4 Pricing of Meghna Group of Industries
Chapter 6 Job Responsibilities
6.1 Job responsibilities
6.2 Project Work
6.3 Competitors Analysis
Chapter 7 Recommendations and Learning
7.1 Observation
7.2 Recommendation
7.3 Learning

Executive Summary

Bangladesh Cement Industry currently holds an installed capacity of 33-35 Mn MT,

while it can supply 25-27 Mn MT cement, efficiently. However, the demand is at lower-end,
hovering around 18-20 Mn MT. As a result, the industry possessed with overcapacity.
Despite industry-wide overcapacity, per capita cement consumption is still very low, with
107 KG in Bangladesh, in comparison to its regional peers, like 210 KG in India, 265 KG in
Pakistan, 310 KG in Sri Lanka and 570 KG in Korea. Backed by ongoing and upcoming
infrastructure development activities, we do expect and believe that, demand may flourish
and spike up cement consumption, in the days ahead. Hence, industry leaders with
exceptionally higher installed capacity may see higher capacity utilization rates, merging to
industry average utilization rate of 60-65%. The good news is that, for the last several years,
100% demand for cement has been filled up locally. Notably, some companies have also been
exporting cement to India, while some others are expecting to export cement in Nepal and
Myanmar. (IDLC Finance Limited, 2015). Supply Chain Management means stream of
merchandise from the assembling association to end client through distinctive mediums. In
this report different elements of Supply Chain Management are extravagantly examined. The
real capacities are: Transportation Management, Distribution Management, Inventory
Management, Cost Management, Payment Management, Supplier Management, and
Customer Service Management. Alongside the hypothetical parts of these capacities, this
report additionally gives a framework how "Fresh Cement" works its Supply Chain of
Cement. This association has the main completely coordinated cement plant in Chhatak,
Sylhet; while its head office arranged in Dhaka. MGI has six terminals in better places of
Bangladesh which bolster its conveyance system. In this report, the obligations of mine in
different regions of MGI head office are depicted here. I have worked in three departments.
For the most part I included in Logistics department, and incompletely I worked in Human
Resource Management and Corporate Social Responsibility. At last, from my experience of
three months entry level position I have watched some missing of MGI. I attempted to give
suitable suggestions to the change of Meghna Group of Industries.

Chapter 1

1.1 Background
Bangladesh cement industry is the 40th largest market in the world. Currently capacity of the
industry is about 20 million ton (MT). Top 13 players are alone controlling over 78% of the
total industry capacity. However, the balance capacity still remains quite fragmented. (Zebun
Nahar, 2011)
Development of cement industry in Bangladesh dates back to the early-fifties but its growth
in real sense started only about a decade. The country has been experiencing an upsurge in
cement consumption for the last five years.
Government gave permission for establishing cement industries in Bangladesh in FY1995.
Initially the cement industry took place without the proper analysis of the demand and supply
of cement in the country. Within the span of the two to three years, industry attained
expanded capacity of the product with stable growth rate of consumption.
There were mainly four dominant players in the cement industry in the year 1998 that
produced their own cement to meet the demand of their customers. These companies were:
 Meghna Cement (owned by Bashundhara group)
 Eastern Cement (currently known as Seven Horse)
 Chatok Cement
 Chittagong Cement (taken over by Heidelberg)
After a decade, currently 123 companies are listed as cement manufacturers in the country.
Among them 63 have actual production capacity while 32 are in operation. The current
installed capacity of the industry is 20.0 mn MT.
Meghna Cement Mills Ltd is the first manufacturing unit of Bashundhara Group and it is one
of the largest cement industries in the country producing nearly 1 million metric tons a year.
The Meghna Cement Mills Ltd is an International Standard Organization (ISO 9001: 2008)
certified company having accreditation of manufacturing products for both domestic and
international markets. The company is listed with both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock
Exchanges, the two bourses of the country since 1995 and 1996 respectively. The company
markets its product under the registered trade mark "King Brand Cement".

1.2 Origin of the Report

This report is prepared as a mandatory requirement of the internship program for the MBA
program at the Department of Marketing, Comilla University. The organization which this
report represents is Meghna Cement Mills Ltd. The internship program at Meghna Cement
Mills Ltd. started from June 23, 2020, and the attachment period with the organization ends
on 23 September 2020. The preparation of the report was done under the supervision of
Professor Suntu Kumar Ghosh.

1.3 Objectives
Broad Objective
To analyze the existing cement industry in terms of Supply Chain Management System at
Logistics unit of Meghna Cement Mills Ltd.

Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of this report are:

 To have a practical experience of Job life.

 To find out the relevance and application of the theoretical knowledge in practical
 To know about the real-life scenarios and problems that occurs in a workplace which
however cannot be understood properly by reading books and studying in classrooms.
 To gain an in-depth knowledge about how a company (in this case a cement
company) functions by utilizing its resources properly.
 To gain knowledge about the cement industry of Bangladesh.

This report is intended to be a detailed examination of the activities that take place in logistics
department of MGI and will analyze the details of bills and procurement system of the
company as well as the overall operational efficiency. The analysis is based on information
till August 16, 2015. Any other development of logistics thereafter is thus out of the scope of
this report.

The Internship report has been prepared as a part of fulfillment of BBA. This report “Industry
Analysis and Supply Chain Management of Meghna Cement Mills Ltd” was prepared to
analyze the existing industry and the supply chain management system of Fresh Cement.
This report can be useful to the employees of logistics team and other teams dependent on
logistics administration and the management committee and help them make informed
decisions. Moreover, other players of this industry can compare their operations as well and
strategize accordingly.


I have been an intern at Meghna Cement for around 11 weeks and gathering all the necessary
information within those eleven weeks was quite difficult on both my part and my
supervisor’s part. Moreover, in order to abide by the policy of Data Security of Meghna
Cement Mills Ltd, certain information could not be reproduced in preparing this report, also
accessing information relevant to my report was not encouraged either.

To have the initial objectives accomplished, both primary and secondary data was used.
The organizational overview information was derived from various sources including the
annual reports of meghna group, MGI website, the Financial Statements of MGI.
For the procedural and analysis section information was gathered through interview of the
employees working in the Logistics Unit, extraction of relevant data from original sources
and from policy guidelines.
In case of making a comparison with competitors, the websites of such competitors, publicly
available annual reports and interviews have been taken as the major sources of information.
The methodology includes the methods procedures & techniques used to collect and
analyze information. For conducting the study, I have used both primary sources and
secondary sources. The sources are given below-

Primary Data Raw Data- Gathered from my

own observation

Information from indirect

Secondary Data sources

Primary Data Sources-

Many of the data and information were collected from my practical experience and
queries from the executives while doing my internship at Meghna Group. Besides, most of
the necessary data has been gathered by up close and personal meeting with the significant

customers of the bank and individuals working in various office, individual examination with
brokers, roundabout sent by Head office and keeping up every day journal which contains
every one of the exercises that has been watch and done in the bank. Some sources are-
i. Face to face conversation with existing & new clients of MGI.
ii. Practical desk work.
iii.Relevant document’s studies as provided by the officers concerned.

1.5.2. Secondary Data Sources-

Many of the information in this report additionally has gathered from some secondary
sources some of them are-
i. Documents of MGI
ii. Annual report of MGI
iii. Audit reports
iv. Official website of MGI
v. Research journals

Chapter 2
Overview of Industry

2.1 History of Industry
Cement has been in use by humans throughout history; variations of the material were
used by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians, with the earliest archaeological discovery
dated to 12-10,000BC in modern-day Turkey. The Romans used a mixture of lime (calcium
oxide) and pozzolan – crushed volcanic ash – to create hydraulic cements, which could set
under water. Other cements used crushed brick, tiles and ceramic pottery as aggregates.
Famous historical buildings made from concrete, still standing today, are the Colosseum and
Pantheon in Rome, and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.
The Middle Ages were a quiet time in the history of cement; any discoveries made during this
era remain unknown, although masons are known to have used hydraulic cements to build
structures such as fortresses and canals.
The Industrial Revolution in Europe in the late 18th century saw a flurry of new
developments in cement and concrete, with important contributions made by John Smeaton,
who discovered that the hydraulicity of lime was directly related to the limestone’s clay
content, James Parker, Louis Vicat and Egor Cheliev.
The precursor to modern-day cement was created in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin, a British
bricklayer and builder, who experimented with heating limestone and clay until the mixture
calcined, grinding it and then mixing it with water. Aspdin named this Portland Cement, after
the famously strong building stone from the Isle of Portland in Dorset, UK. His son, William
Aspdin, made the first cement containing alite (an impure form of tricalcium silicate).
In 1845, Isaac Johnson fired chalk and clay at much higher temperatures than the Aspdins, at
around 1400-1500oC, which led to the mixture clinkering, and produced what is essentially
modern-day cement.
Since the 1900s, rotary kilns have replaced the original vertical shaft kilns, as they use
radiative heat transfer, more efficient at higher temperatures. achieving a uniform clinkering
temperature and produces stronger cement. Gypsum is now also added to the resulting
mixture to control setting and ball mills are used to grind clinker.
Other developments in the last century include calcium aluminate cements for better sulphate
resistance, the blending of Rosendale (a natural hydraulic cement produced in New York) and
Portland cements to make a durable and fast-setting cement in the USA, and the increased
usage of cementitious materials to store nuclear waste.
New technologies and innovations are constantly emerging to improve the sustainability,
strength and applications of cement and concrete. Some advanced products incorporate fibres
and special aggregates to create roof tiles and countertops, for example, whilst offsite
manufacture is also gaining prominence with the rise of digitalisation and AI, which could
reduce waste and improve efficiency and on-site working conditions. Cements are also being
developed which can absorb CO2 over their lifetimes, reducing the carbon footprint of the
building material.

2.2 Factors that influence the cement industry
There are certain factors that influence the cement industry. The factors include:

 Economic scenario – Phases of growth in the economy are positively linked to cement
company growth.
 Cost structure and competitiveness – There isn’t much that cement companies can do
regarding cost structure because the margins are less to begin with. Cost advantages
are usually due to companies having access to a cheaper power source, a quality
limestone reserve, or being close to bigger markets.
 Legal, regulatory, and environmental scenario – The cement industry is affected by
regulatory norms. This is prominent in developed countries where environmental
issues are more stringent. This adds to the companies’ costs.
 Technological advancement – A disruptive innovation can give the innovating
company an advantage. For example, when companies moved from the wet
manufacturing process to the dry manufacturing process, there was a cost savings of
5%–10% of the overall cost structure.
 Geographic advantages – It’s an advantage for companies to be near limestone mines
or waterways. Ease of transportation is an advantage.

2.3 Overview of the Company

Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) represents a global enterprise and brand that
houses more than 35,000 employees, 6,000 distributors and 15,000 suppliers under its
umbrella and has an annual turnover of approximately $2.5 billion.

2.3.1 Brief Profile of Meghna Group of Industries

The full name : Meghna Group of Industries
Head office : Fresh Villa, House-15, Road-34, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212.
Industries : 48 & more to come
Business partners : 6,000 plus
Suppliers : 15000 plus
Employees : 35000 (Professionals, Skilled, Semi-Skilled) and casual labours
Brands : Fresh, Super Fresh, Pure, No.1
Products : Consumer goods, Cement, Chemical, Power, Fibre, Pulp & Paper,
Feeds, Steel, Real Estate, Securities and media

Export Market : India, Bhutan, Nepal, UAE, Kuwait, Singapore, Malaysia, UK, Hong
Kong, Vietnam
Logistics & Services :Oceangoing Vessel-02, Oil Tanker-15, Lighter-31, Covered
Van/Bus/Truck/Pickup-550, Air Craft-02.

2.3.2 History
The history of one of Bangladesh’s largest leading conglomerates, Meghna Group of
Industries (MGI) can be traced all the way back to 1976 when its predecessor operated under
the name of Kamal Trading Company. The conglomerate itself has humble origins and began
its life as Meghna Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd. in 1989 on a small patch of land in
Meghnaghat, Narayanganj.
The secret to the success and vast expansion of MGI has been diversification and the group
has entered a broad array of different markets and industries including Fast Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG), building materials, pulp and paper, LPG, feeds, fiber, power
plants, shipping, seeds crushing, chemicals, ship building, dockyard, securities, insurance,
media and aviation. The product range of MGI today is truly impressive and the
conglomerate markets most of its products under the recognisable brand names of "Fresh",
"No.1", "Actifit", "Pure" and "Meghnacem Deluxe". The result of this level of reach and
diversification has been that within Bangladesh one in every two households uses MGI
products and internationally MGI has a substantial presence in the Middle East, Southeast
Asia, Europe, South Africa, North and South America.
As a result of this relentless process of expansion MGI has become a powerful player within
Bangladesh and has become the largest investor in relation to industrial development in
Bangladesh over the last few years. MGI became the first company in Bangladesh to
establish a private economic zone known as the "Meghna Economic Zone", which has since
been followed by the creation of two further economic zones, which are named “Meghna
Industrial Economic Zone” and “Cumilla Economic Zone” respectively. The conglomerate
has expanded even further since this point, with an unprecedented investment of $451 million
in 2020 that has erected nine new industrial units within its multiple economic zones.
Throughout this process, and the history of the conglomerate, in general, the unwavering
commitment of its visionary leader, Mostafa Kamal, Chairman and Managing Director of
MGI, has been pivotal. Renowned for his entrepreneurial expertise and patriotism, Mostafa
Kamal has played a key role in the development of industry, healthcare, education, sports and
social welfare in Bangladesh. The integrity and dedication towards the group that he has
displayed during his tenure, in addition to his philanthropic work, have played a vital part in
the overall success of MGI.
Meghna Group has contributed almost 75 million US Dollars as Tax to the state exchequers
in Fiscal year 2012-2013.

This is undoubtedly a glaring example of passionate initiative and a pioneering leadership
role by a private sector investor in country's economic and industrial development.

2.3.3 Owners and Management

Chairman & Managing Director Vice Chairman
Director Director MOSTAFA Director

2.3.4 Number of Employees

The number of employees in MGI Ltd is 35000. There are more than 48 industries. They
have 6 core departments, which are as follows:
 HR & Admin Department
 Cost & Budget Department
 P&P Department
 Vat & Customs Department
 Marketing Department
 Finance & Accounts

2.3.5 Vision
To be Bangladesh’s most admired & progressive global conglomerate.

2.3.6 Mission
Delighting our customers and maximizing value through innovative solutions,
inspired employees, adaptation of technological advancements and living in harmony with

2.3.7 Values

 
Integrity Customer Focus

 Keeping Promises
Respect Team Work

2.3.8 Customers or Buyers of the Company
MGI ltd. is fast moving consumer goods in short FMCG manufacturing company.
Customer groups from every sphere of the society use to buy its products. This company also
has cement production unit. Renowned housing companies as well as individual builders also
prefer to buy Fresh cement. In addition, a good number of café, restaurant & dining hotels
use its FMCG products in their everyday life. Beside, this company has aviation business;
normally rich people use this service for their personal use.

2.3.9 Products – Cement

Meghna Group of Industries is one of the top three cement producers and marketers of
Bangladesh, operating with its two strong brands namely Fresh and Meghnacem Deluxe. The
group started its cement manufacturing business in the year 2002. Since then, the company
has been continuously investing in capacity expansion and embracing the latest technology to
keep pace with the changing consumer demand and competitive landscape. Today its brands
have been synonymous with dependable construction ranging from large infrastructural
projects like bridges and power plants to building houses for individual home builders.

2.3.10 Subsidiaries
Meghna Group of Industries has the following subsidiaries:
 United Sugar Mills Ltd.
 Meghna Seeds Crushing Mills Ltd.
 United Edible Oil Mills Ltd.
 TanveerOil Mills Ltd.
 Surma Mustard Oil Mills Ltd.
 Unique Cement Industries Ltd.
 Fresh Cement Industries Ltd.
 Janota Flour and Daal Mills Ltd.
 Tasnim Chemical Complex Ltd.
 United Fiber Industries Ltd.
 Tanveer Polymer Industries Ltd.
 Global Ad Star Bag Industries Ltd.
 Unique Power Plant Ltd.
 Everest Power Generation Company
 Tasnim Condensed Milk Ltd.
 Tanveer Food Ltd.
 Sonargaon Salt Industries Ltd.
 United Mineral Water & PET Industries Ltd.
 Dhaka Plastic Bottle Industries Ltd.
 Meghna Tea Company Ltd.
 TanveerPriting& Packaging Industries Ltd.
 Tanveer Paper Mills Ltd.
 Meghna Pulp & Paper Mills Ltd.
 Meghna Shipbuilders & Dockyard Ltd.
 Mercantile Shipping Lines Ltd.
 United Shipping Lines Ltd.
 Meghna Aviation Ltd.
 United Feeds Ltd.
 Unique Hatchery & Feeds Ltd.
 Tanveer Steel Mills Ltd.
 Meghna Properties Ltd.
 Bangladesh National Insurance Company Ltd.
 Dhaka Securities Ltd.
 Everest CNG Refueling Conversion Ltd.

Chapter 3
Supply Chain Management

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Head of
and Assistant
Planning Manager
Head of Industrial
Purchasing Ecology


3.1 MGI Plant

Meghna Group of Industries (MGI), a leading Bangladeshi business group
inaugurated last week nine newly-built industrial units, including cement plants, at its
economic zone in the Narayanganj district, Dhaka of Bangladesh. A group announcement
said, "We are much obliged to the distinguished guests, patrons and well-wishers for their
unconditional support to our cause."
The Finance Minister of Bangladesh, A H M Mustafa Kamal, was the chief guest of the
inauguration programme. Minister of Commerce, Tipu Munshi, as well as State Minister of
Shipping, Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury. Leakoat Hossain Khoka and Narayanganji-3 also
attended, as did Sheikh Fazle Fahim, president of FBCCI, Paban Chowdhury, executive
chairman of BEZA, and Mostafa Kamal, chairman and marketing director of Meghna Group
of Industries and his team.
The new industrial units include Unique Cement Industries Ltd (Unit-2), Meghna Sugar
Refinery Ltd, Sonargaon Seeds Crushing Mills Ltd, Meghna Ballpen and Accessories MFG
Ltd, Meghna Noodles and Biscuit Factory Ltd, Sanargoan Printing and Packaging Industries
Ltd, Fresh Welding Electrodes and Wire Meghna Fresh LPG Ltd, and Sonargaon
Shipbuilders and Dockyard Ltd.
MGI invested about BDT 40bn (US$471.9m) to set up the manufacturing facilities, where
8400 workers will be directly employed. After meeting the local demand, the group also
intends to export the different products manufactured at the factories.
The second manufacturing unit of the Unique Cement Industry with the brand name "Fresh
cement" has a production capacity of 10,000tpd. It is expected to meet the growing local
demand and export to northeast India. The company's first unit was set up in 2001, which has
original capacity of 3.6Mta near Dhaka.

3.2 Production Process
The different stages of Cement production is described here:

3.2.1 Major raw materials:

limestone, clay, iron & sand
 In the FMD quarry the limestone is collided with 3 stages and sent to Bangladesh
plant through the transport line. Mud, Iron and Sand are gathered by regional
standards from better places.
 At the beginning stage of Meghna plant in Bangladesh, the limestone slammed again
and changed over into fine particles.
 This fine limestone is blended with prepared iron, dirt and sand, and after that warmed
into furnace by 1400 to 1600 degree centigrade temperature. At this high temperature,
calcium carbonate, silica, alumina, and iron metal artificially responded and produce
clinker which contains water driven calcium silicates, is the fundamental segment of
 At first clinker states in semi fine particles, and afterward they are set in the cooler
where these get to be harder and framed a greater shape. At that point these are
molded close just as in another machine.
 In the furnace the clinker is cooled and put away for delivering concrete, when
fundamental, these are sent to cement storehouse for last generation. MGI offer
clinker specifically also.
 For Producing SUPERCRETE, 65-79% Clinker, 21-35% Limestone and 0-5%
Gypsum are combined and crushed.
 For creating POWERCRETE, 65-79% Clinker, Slag-Fly fiery remains Limestone 21-
35% and 0-5% Gypsum are combined and crushed.
 In the Chhatak plant just SUPERCRETE is created, POWERCRETE is delivered in
other concrete plant's setup where administration keeps running by Meghna.

3.2.2 Packaging
The packaging of MGI is likewise done in a computerized way. MGI hosts contract
with third gatherings that produce cement sacks as indicated by prerequisites. Every pack
weights 50 kg and concrete is filled naturally more than 50kg, so that after spillage the
amount does not diminish less than 50kg. Bundled and fixed concrete packs are sent through
carpet lift to the canal boat and truck loader. There are 2 flatboat loaders and 1 truck loaders
in the plant.

3.3 Supply Chain Management
In definition, Supply Chain management defines the flow of goods, movement and
storage of raw materials, placing finished goods from production place to customers through
interconnected and interlinked networks of channels and businesses. “Keith Oliver”, a
consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton (Booz and Company) brought the word “Supply Chain
Management” in business world through his interview for Financial Times in 1982.
Gradually, the word spreads to different organizations and became popular in mid 1990s.
Major areas of SCM are operation management, logistics, procurement, information
technologies, product development, sourcing and production. According to Robert Handfield,
Ph.D. (2011), “Supply chain activities cover everything from product development, sourcing,
production, and logistics, as well as the information systems needed to coordinate these
The general process of SCM follows, design planning, execution, control and monitoring to
maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Through SCM
organizations gain various objectives, like creating net value, building a competitive
infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics synchronizing supply with demand, measuring
performance globally, calculating supply chain transactions, managing supplier relationships,
and controlling associated business processes.
A definition is given by Hines (2004:p76): "Supply chain strategies require a total systems
view of the links in the chain that work together efficiently to create customer satisfaction at
the end point of delivery to the consumer. As a consequence, costs must be lowered
throughout the chain by driving out unnecessary expenses, movements, and handling. The
main focus is turned to efficiency and added value, or the end-user's perception of value.
Efficiency must be increased, and bottlenecks removed. The measurement of performance
focuses on total system efficiency and the equitable monetary reward distribution to those
Page 33 of 61 within the supply chain. The supply chain system must be responsive to
customer requirements."

3.4 Supply Chain and Logistics

Strong logistics ensures on-time delivery and distribution everywhere. The logistics team
in plant maintains coordination with Packing, Production and Head Office fleet team.
 When Sales Order set in Head Office, armada group oversees freight boat, truck and
transporters and send points of interest of transporter to the Plant Logistics Team
through JDE framework.
 The vehicle came to the plant and it is given a card where the majority of its data (ID,
transporter, destination, cargo rate and so forth.) are embedded.
 Empty trucks weighted first and after that cement sacks are stacked with the
assistance of programmed loader.
 Two works stack those packs in the truck and do a manual meaning cross check.

 Barges are likewise stacked in a programmed path for cement and clinker.

MGI, Supply Chain has three divisions and Logistics team has two subdivisions

3.4.1 Principal functions of MGI Supply Chain Management are:

 Transportation Management
 Distribution Management
 Inventory Management
 Cost Management
 Payment Management
 Supplier Management
 Customer Service Management

3.4.2 Transportation and Freight Management

Transportation is one of the center sections of SCM which concerns with cargo
administration, shipment and transportation portion with vehicle sort, shipment size,
recurrence and so forth. TFM meets expectations for both inbound (obtainment) and

outbound (delivery) orders. Transportation and Freight Management for the most part
manages stream of products and data.
With the assistance of TFM individuals can figure out the expense of transportation of
products, it keeps up the nature of merchandise amid transportation, can discover the best
course and mode for the most straightforward transportation.
Transportation administration frameworks deal with four key procedures of transportation
1. Planning and decision making – TMS will define the most efficient transport
schemes according to given parameters, which have a lower or higher importance
according to the user policy: transport cost, shorter lead-time, fewer stops possible to
ensure quality, flows regrouping coefficient, etc
2. Transportation Execution – TMS will allow for the execution of the transportation
plan such as carrier rate acceptance, carrier dispatching, EDI etc.
3. Transport follow-up – TMS will allow following any physical or administrative
operation regarding transportation: traceability of transport event by event (shipping
from A, arrival at B, customs clearance, etc.), editing of reception, custom clearance,
invoicing and booking documents, sending of transport alerts (delay, accident,
nonforecast stops…)
4. Measurement – TMS have or need to have a logistics key performance indicator
(KPI) reporting function for transport.
Transport and freight management helps organizations to improve the economic well-being,
social interaction, quality of physical environment and quality of daily life. It remains the
bridge between demand and supply by fulfilling the demand of people in new location where
no local supplies are available. Some components of TFM are: transit time, reliability,
accessibility, capability, Security (Coyle, 2011)

3.4.3 Requirements for perfect TFM

 For long separations water and rail modes are financially savvy as far as
transportation. Associations' settle their vehicle mode in view of separation.
To contend in the business numerous associations seek after the administration
to enhance the foundation and administrations of rail and marine modes.
 Standard calendar ought to keep up for accessibility of vehicles and labor to
exchange merchandise. It should be possible effectively through expanded
computerization and coordination among distributers. For simple
transportation territorial conveyance framework ought to be taken after. Amid
conveying products in urban territories human fueled transport ought to be
 Freight can be lessened by decreasing volume and superfluous bundling
 Implement armada administration programs that lessen vehicle mileage, use
ideal estimated vehicles for every excursion, and protect that armada vehicles

are kept up and worked in ways that diminish outer expenses (blockage,
contamination, accident hazard, and so on.).
 Change cargo conveyance times to lessen blockage
 Land use availability ought to increment by bunching regular destinations
together, which decreases the measure of travel needed for merchandise
 Vehicle energizes need to keep up effectively and decrease outflows through
outline upgrades and new advances. These incorporate expanded optimal
design, weight Page 36 of 61 diminishments, decreased motor grinding,
enhanced motor and transmission plans, more effective tires, and more
productive embellishments.
 Training ought to ad lib for vehicle administrators to energize more pro
 Improve passengers’ ability to carry luggage and other baggage on public
transit (Goldman and Murray 2011).
Now a day’s organizations use ERP system for smoothen TFM. Some software providers are
either acquired or merged with supply chain management consultancies and started offering
shippers "blended"; managed and software services as an outsourced process. With new
innovations and technologies the efficiency of freight and commercial transport is getting

3.4.4 Transportation Types

Stocks Transfer from Plant to Depots:
As per MGI business model stocks are being transferred from plant to depots and
terminals. This is called sales transfer/stocks transfer (ST). This is also called as internal
transfer. For this type of shipment MGI fleet operation team arranges transports by road &
river and enlisted suppliers provide required number of transports as per requirement of
business which is governed by transports planning and execution process. This transfer incurs
the cost of freight, handling, BIWTA charges; empty bags consumption, demurrage etc which
is called as “ITC” (Internal Transfer Cost).

Delivered Basis Sales:

As Executive Logistics (Fleet Operations) organize the vehicles (street/waterway) for
conveying stocks at client end upon solicitation from deals group and accessibility of "SO" in
frameworks. This is called "conveyed premise" deals/shipment for which MGI is completely
in charge of cargo and different issues which will be secured by other piece of shipment
procedure. This shipment causes expense of cargo, taking care of, void packs utilization,
demurrage and so on which is called "FTC" (Freight to Customer)

Customer Pick-up Carrying:
There is another kind of transportation which is called "Client Pick-up Carrying". In
this connection client will organize transports (trucks/canal boats/trawler) at his own
particular obligation and send the same with legitimate documentation (DN, approval Paper).
The vehicles/transports will likewise take after line frameworks (serial) for stacking at
individual area.

3.4.5 Shortfall/ Damages

During delivery to customers there may be short fall in bags. Customer will inform
sales team about shortfall. Thereafter sales team will inform HO Logistics team (fleet
operation) and Customer Care Department. After that, Sales Operation & Customer Care will
make a joint visit to customer site for investigation of claim. Based on the investigation
report, fleet team will take necessary action on the basis of transport agreement.

3.4.6 Distributer Network

Appropriation system is another huge section of Supply Chain Management which is
a framework interrelate administration of individuals, storeroom and transportation through
Page 38 of 61 which products and administrations are exchanged from maker to customers. It
is one of the key drivers of benefit. With an organized circulation arrange an organization can
increase minimal effort and high responsiveness. The real significance of dispersion system is
to give products and administrations to clients when they need. Substantial as a multinational
organization, takes after diverse conveyance systems in light of their client's necessity. Case
in point, Wal-Mart control their expense and keep up its game changer with the assistance of
a great many partners, a privet armada of drivers, various appropriation focuses and
transportation workplaces and minimizing the quantity of miles its trucks travel unfilled.
There are three types of distributions in terms of manufacturing industry. They are:
1. Primary Distribution: when goods are distributed from plants to different warehouses
or depots that is called primary distribution.
2. Secondary Distribution: when goods are distributed from warehouse to customers that
is called secondary distribution
3. Tertiary distribution: when goods are distributed from warehouse to retailers that is
called tertiary distribution.

3.4.7 MGI Distributer Network

For smooth distribution of products, MGI has six depots in Kutubpur, Kanchpur,
Sylhet, Nowapara, Mirpur and Dipnagar. From plants cement is sent to these depots as stock,
so that goods can be transferred to the customers as early as possible. Kutubpur depot is fully

owned by MGI; others are handled by third party but monitored and controlled by MGI. At
every point MGI has handling contractor to load and unload goods swiftly.

3.4.8 Inventory and Warehouse Management

The execution of a production network (responsiveness and productivity) is controlled
by choices in the regions of stock, transportation, offices and data. Stock is kept up in the
store network in view of confuses in the middle of supply and interest. Store network system
plan and displaying is a mind boggling framework and stock make it more unpredictable yet
it additionally gives benefit to the organization. Stock is extremely huge expense driver.
For diverse industry and items stock is kept and oversaw in distinctive ways. Expanding
stock gives higher responsiveness however brings about higher stock conveying expense.
A supermarket inventory network ought to utilize authentic interest examples for regular
things to mitigate weight on all individuals and give clients item amid crest interest periods.
For autos the store network is planned in such a way, and get together operations are situated
with closeness to businesses, then the production network can be run economically without
holding an excessive amount of stock in travel.

3.4.9 MGI Inventory Facility

For wellbeing, smooth transportation, and consumer loyalty, MGI keep stock in its six
stops and plant. They keep the stock in such a path along these lines, to the point that simple
exchange is conceivable. Directly after creation the merchandise are sent to stations as
indicated by free space in every stop. Stops size and area were built up in light of the interest
of client and simple exchange office of that territory. In instances of crisis cement kept in the
capacity place of plant. In the distribution centers concrete sacks are kept in stacks. Stacking

is done in a deliberate manner with the goal that cement sacks can undoubtedly take out when
fundamental. From the distribution center, old concrete packs are dispatched first and
afterward new sacks. Other than distribution centers, there are dump regions where stocks are
kept also.

3.4.10 Stocks shortage or damage

In the distribution centers stock deficiency or harm may happen amid operations at
those capacity places. In the event that stock lack or harm is distinguished in third gathering
stations (distribution center/dump) amid compromise, Depot In-control will give authority
letter to stockroom/dump proprietor for joint compromise. After joint compromise, Depots
logistics group will bring up the issues with distribution center foreman on the premise of
administration assertion and stocks quality will be deducted from builder's bill. On the off
chance that MGI is in charge of stocks deficiency or harm for at all reasons (like long
stockpiling & then clearing) then stocks alteration will happen according to DOA of the
organization. MGI & transport builder will settle protection claim where material according
to the terms of the administration understanding.

3.4.11 MGI Cost Management Optimization

Meghna, utilizing the LCA (is an institutionalized strategy which permits the
indispensable record, measurement and assessment of the natural harms joined with an item,
a methodology, or an administration in the setting of a given inquiry) system, has recognized
Page 41 of 61 various levers which will decrease the expense of developments all through
their lifecycle while keeping up or expanding their social and ecological exhibitions:

 Decrease underway expenses;

 Reserve funds in worksite time and assets;
 Configuration of structures and developments which are monetary in their use
stage (vitality devoured, support, and so on.);
 The strength, adaptability and recyclability of developments and structures
after some time, i.e. their capacity to be.

3.4.12 Logistics Cost Reduction

Transportation through waterway state of mind is 3 times less unreasonable than
transportation through street. That is the reason MGI transport its two third generation of
concrete from plants with canal boat through waterway temperament. Just concrete needed
for Sylhet warehouse is exchanged by truck. As far as exchanging from warehouses to client
it is exceptionally hard to send through freight boat. At the point when cement is send by
organization transport, in longer course cost increments yet in shorter course cost decreases.

So MGI diminish cost by selecting shorter course for organization exchange and maintain a
strategic distance from longer course.
Another approach to lessen logistics expense is arrangement with the transporters and
handlers which for the most part relies on upon sum and improving limit use.
For stock the expense once in a while varies. MGI consistently screen how cost can be
decreased without diminishing quality and administration.

3.4.13 Parts of IT in Supply Chain: ERP

With the improvement of programming building, now a day's business is keep
running with the assistance of distinctive programming. This product can be tweaked by
business prerequisites. Endeavor Resources Management (ERP) is extremely surely
understood undertaking administration programming which serves to modernize the business
process. Page 42 of 61 Utilizing a typical database business can gone through distinctive
divisions and better places. ERP framework track business assets precisely.

3.4.14 Backings done by ERP:

Product arranging, cost and advancement, assembling or administration conveyance,
promoting and deals, stock administration, transportation and installment, dispersion process
administration, store network administration, administrations learning base, design, costs,
enhance exactness of budgetary information, encourage better venture arranging, mechanize
worker life-cycle, institutionalize discriminating business systems, diminish repetitive
undertakings, survey business needs, bookkeeping and money related applications, lower
obtaining expenses, oversee HR and payroll.ERP encourages data stream between all
business capacities, and oversees associations with outside partners and mistake free
exchange and creation. In spite of the fact that early ERP frameworks concentrated on huge
undertakings, littler ventures progressively utilize ERP frameworks.

3.4.15 Meghna Style:

MGI utilize the JD Edwards altered framework for its business. The focal server of
MGI is arranged in Singapore yet it is controlled from Malaysia. Each bureau of head office
and stops has distinctive capacity in JDE.

3.4.16 Result of TM:

 Visibility of transportation expense.
 Eliminate a ton of manual employments.

 Easy bill checking and smooth installment process.
 Route shrewd expense examination and recognize chance of addition.
 Transporter fulfillment for on time installment.
 Solid establishment for a cargo database.
 Target accomplishment and overcome gathering review perception
 Activates in JDE

3.4.17 MGI Logistics SRM Management and Practice

As being a people-oriented organization, MGI maintain strong and loyal relationship
with its suppliers. MGI Logistics department has three categories of suppliers.
Transporters- manage truck and barge for smooth transportation of goods from plant to
different depots and from different depots to customer ends.
Handling Contractors - manage on time labor for loading and unloading of cement in
different depots and customer end.
Depot Contractors- manage the warehouse for stocking and maintain the quality of goods.
Except the Kutubpur Depot, all other depots of MGI are run by third parties. In most of the
depots, the depot contractor manages the handling work.
MGI do long term contract with all its suppliers based on “Sales Level Agreement”. They
have given target for every month; based on their achievement the next month target is
provided. These monthly targets are set based on annual target and budget.

3.4.18 Preparing for suppliers:

MGI attempt to keep up a standard level as far as quality and administration in each
layer of its business. Along these lines, they attempt to prepare up its suppliers how they can
enhance their administration and workplace. By consistent correspondence MGI figure out
the issues they face and attempt to illuminate those. They are given preparing on wellbeing
and legitimate methods for performing woks in a brief while.

3.4.19 Estimation of execution:

The execution of the suppliers is measured by watching a few issues:

 Safety
 Warehouse administration
 Stock administration
 Customer criticism

 Response time
 Labor accessibility (for Handling Contractors)

3.4.20 Payment Management
For Logistics operational purpose, MGI has contracts with different transporters and
handling contractors as well as with some service providers. They submit their bills to the
Head Office after service received from users with authentication. To provide their payments
MGI need to process that bill for proper checking and documentation after compliance.

3.4.21 Types of Logistics Payment

 Transporters freight bills
 Handling bills
 Others (Petty cash, Fuel/Utility bill etc.)

3.4.22 Payment Process Owner

Logistics Executive is the process owner of SOP for freight bills.
Start Point
Receiving bills from suppliers and entry in ITS
End Point
Providing checks to the suppliers through Finance

3.4.23 MGI People Management Strategy

In light of division need, MGI enlists exceptionally qualified workers. For enrollment
they gathers resumes, sort out those in view of instruction and aptitudes. At that point call
"sort out" contender for bent test and meeting. After that second period of meeting is taken by
the executives lastly enroll the best representative for the organization. In the wake of
enrolling workers, MGI give extraordinary preparing to every representative. Some broad
preparing is given to all representatives:
 Preparing on Company Policy
 Direction on Behavioral Expectations
 Preparing on Health and Safety
 Preparing on VAT and TAX
 Correspondence Training
For Logistics Department Employees are given some unique preparing:
 Outline on Supply Chain
 Preparing on Transportation Management
 Stockroom Management

 Monetary Analysis
 Programming administration Training
 Authority Training

3.4.23 Assessment of Employees

Consistently the workers are assessed by Key Performance Indicators (KPI). For
individual worker KPI is given altered at the beginning of the year. The entire year, execution
is assessed in two ways:

I. Administration and Leadership Skill: How great the representative is dealing with the
workplace, how the worker is performing wellbeing measures and how well in driving
II. Useful Skill: How productively the representative is performing own employment

In light of these two abilities last assessment is finished. In the event that any
representative has lacking on any range, unique preparing is arranged.

3.4.24 Shipment Process

The goal of this procedure is to guarantee emptying stocks from plant and conveying
the same merchandise to client end through terminal & stations with compelling
transportation & warehousing frameworks alongside keeping up standard procedure,
agreeability and wellbeing.
This over all procedure is reported by Logistics division and sanction by Supply Chain
Director. All logistics workers take after this as unchangeable rule. On the off chance that any
change obliged then the entire office have a meeting and fix the progressions and after that
take regard from the SCD.

3.4.25 Customer Management System

Meghna treats its clients in a productive approach. It needs two sorts from claiming
customers: Retailers and end consumers. Greatest bargains need aid carried of the retailers.
Those retailers would provide for A large number offices In view of their execution. Page 47
of 61 Logistics Branch doesn't straightforwardly handle the clients However if any whine
found from client’s related logistics that is monitored Also took care of Toward those
logistics group.

3.4.26 Client protestation & come back merchandise oversaw economy.
Client Complaints: In there will be At whatever protestation viewing item quality, afterward
client informs those deals group. Offers fewer groups authoritatively send mail on client
forethought less group to examination. Then afterward investigation, client mind
manager/executive informs logistics less group for substitution cost for merchandise
following endorsement from concerned power.
Come back goods: Assuming that any protestation emerging starting with the client will be
advocated and endorsed Furthermore approved by worried cooperation At that point vital
activity will be taken Toward particular logistics less group to came back merchandise from
client webpage upon Regard laid down to client objections taking care of strategy.
Came back products adjustment: following settlement from claiming client objections
Furthermore bringing physical give back of products starting with customer, webpage station
in-charge/terminal administration faculty speak for ho offers admin cooperation for change
over framework & production about new “SO”. Then afterward accessibility for “SO” in
systems, station / terminal logistics group organize reinstatement for merchandise.

3.4.27 Corporate Social Responsibilities

As being a part of society we all have some responsibilities towards our surrounding
society. Based on our ability we should fulfill this responsibility. Like individual human
being a corporation or business has also some farm duties for the society, in general it is
called corporate social responsibility. According to institutional theory, corporate social
responsibility consisting of a series of propositions specifying the conditions under which
corporations are likely to behave in socially responsible way. The initial objective of a
business is making profit, but now the large multinationals and other businesses are focusing
on Corporate Social Responsibility, which means they are trying to be ethically, legally and
socially responsible towards the society. According to James Brusseau, three theoretical
approaches had established for Corporate Social responsibility.
 Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
 The triple bottom line
 Stakeholder theory

Chapter 4
Analysis & Findings

4.1 Factor analysis of the Conceptual Model
Factor analysis is a statistical approach that can be used to analyze interrelationships among a
large number of variables. The main purposes of factor analysis are to reduce data to a
smaller set of summary variables and to explore theoretical structure (Malhotra, 2009). Factor
analysis was used in the current research to assess the discriminate validity of the
questionnaire. In this research. Factor analysis were conducted for the items related product,
price, place, promotion and customer Buying Behavior.
Factor analysis of customer satisfaction about marketing mix elements resulted in 5 factors
accounting 67.544% variance. The factor underlying customer satisfaction at different level
of customer perception towards product was as follow:
Product (Factors 1) contained five statements and explained 43.917% of the variance in the
data with an Eigen value of 16.689.The attributes associated with ‘wide range of product
assortments’ ‘Brand image’ ‘Quality’ ‘Durability’ .
Price (Factors 2) contained five statements and explained 17.351% of the variance in the data
with an Eigen value of 6.593. The attributes associated with ‘fare price’ ‘satisfactory
discounts offer’ ‘low priced products’ ‘lucrative price bundling’ ‘fare price ’.
Place (Factor3) contained three statements and explained 4.517% of the variance in the data
with an Eigen value of 1.735. The attributes associated with ‘Distribution process’ ‘constant
supply’ ‘distribution center’
Promotion (factor4) contained five statements and explained 1.696% of the variance in the
data with an Eigen value of .645. The attributes associated with ‘online shopping services’
‘advertising media choice’ ‘direct media ads would have a direct effect on purchase’.
Customer Buying Behavior (factor5) contained four statements and explained .063 % of the
variance in the data with an Eigen value of .053. The attributes associated ‘recommend my
product to my friend family member considering the recent purchase’ ‘recommend to others
considering the overall experience’ ‘satisfied with my decision to use the brand’.

Factors Description Factor Eigen %vari Cumula

loading value ance tive%

Factors 1 .663 4.856


Fresh Cement has the biggest brand image .594 3.680 43.917 43.917
in Bangladesh .525 2.974
Fresh Cement’s conformance quality is high.
Fresh Cement is more durable than other brands

Factors 2 Fresh Cement provide quality product with .679 1.798

Price low cost.
The price-bundling of Fresh Cement is .517 1.379 17.351 61.268
The charged price of Fresh Cement is fare. .696 1.187

Factor3 Fresh Cement distribution process is effective .597 .843

Place I satisfied with location of distribution center of .695 .394 4.517 65.785
Fresh Cement in Comilla.
Fresh Cement ensures constant supply of .510 .498
products at all times.

Factor4 Advertising helps to know and buy Fresh .636 .190

promotion Cement.
1.696 67.481
Fresh Cement maintain their online shopping
services properly. .573 .099
The advertising media choice of Fresh Cement
is good. .527 .077

Factor 5 I always purchase the same brand in future. .649 .043

Customer .063 67.544
Buying I would suggest/recommend the brands to others that .670 .008
Behavior I use.
I am satisfied with my decision to use the brand. .725 .007

Table5.1: Results of factor analysis

4.2 Respondents and their demographic characteristics

Out of 100 questionnaires, all were usable. The demographic characteristics of the respondents are
shown in table 4.1. The major occupation group of the respondents was student 25%; 25%
respondents was service holder, 25% respondents were businessman and 25% respondent was

housewife. In terms of level of education, 10% of the respondents had an Up to college level, 30% of
the respondents had a Graduate level, 40 % of the respondents were Post Graduate level and others
are 20%. In the issue of gender distribution of the respondents, most of the respondents were male
80%; the female respondents were 20%. The case of age group the foremost of the respondents was
15 or below years10%,16-30 years 10%,31-45 years 20%,46-60 years 20% and 61 or above years
30%. The income group included those with an annual household income of Below 20000 tk 10%,
20001-35000 tk 20%, 35001-50000 tk 30% and Above 50000 tk 40%.

Frequency Percent%
15 or below 10 10%
16-30 10 10%
31-45 20 20%
46-60 30 20%
61 or above 30 30%
Male 80 80%
Female 20 20%
Student 25 25%
Service Holder 25 25%
Businessman 25 25%
Housewife 25 25%

Up to college 10 10%
Graduate 30 30%
Post Graduate 40 40%
Others 20 20%
Monthly Income
Below 20000 10 10%
20001-35000 20 20%
35001-50000 30 30%
Above 50000 40 40%

Table 5.2:Demographics Characteristics of the Respondents

4.3 On way ANOVA Test


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Gender Between Groups 1.503 4 .376 1.733 .149

Within Groups 20.607 95 .217
Total 22.110 99
Age Between Groups 3.723 4 .931 1.127 .148
Within Groups 78.467 95 .826
Total 82.190 99
Occupation Between Groups 4.806 4 1.201 .966 .000
Within Groups 118.154 95 1.244
Total 122.960 99
Education Between Groups .202 4 .051 .090 .186
Within Groups 53.588 95 .564
Total 53.790 99
Income Between Groups 7.986 4 1.997 1.836 .001
Within Groups 103.324 95 1.088
Total 111.310 99
Table 5.3: Results of on way ANOVA analysis

Interpretation of data: Significance Level of Gender .149 means that this factor cannot
vary on customer buying behavior. Significance Level of Age .148 means that this factor
cannot vary on customer buying behavior. Significance Level of Occupation .000 means that
this factor can vary on customer buying behavior. Significance Level of Education .186
means that this factor cannot vary on customer buying behavior. Significance Level of
Income .001 means that this factor can vary on customer buying behavior.

4.4 Fresh Cement’s conformance quality

Fresh Cement’s conformance quality is high.

Value Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Disagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0

Moderately disagree 1 1.0 1.0 2.0
Neutral 11 11.0 11.0 13.0
Moderately agree 18 18.0 18.0 31.0
Agree 38 38.0 38.0 69.0
Strongly Agree 31 31.0 31.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data

Source: Primary Data

From the above table it can be seen that 38% of customers are agree that Fresh Cement’s
conformance quality, 31% customers are strongly agree, 11% customers are neutral, 1%
customers are disagree about this statement. Here, the maximum customers support the

4.5 Fresh Cement distribution process is effective

Fresh Cement distribution process is effective

Value Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly disagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 8.0
Moderately disagree 3 3.0 3.0 11.0
Neutral 39 39.0 39.0 50.0
Moderately agree 34 34.0 34.0 84.0
Agree 16 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary Data

Source: Primary Data

From the above table it can be seen that 16% of customers are agree that Fresh Cement
distribution process is effective, 34% customers are Moderately agree, 39% customers are
neutral, 5% customers are disagree about this statement. Here, the minimum customers
support the statement.

4.6 Fresh Cement provide quality product with low cost
Fresh Cement provide quality product with low cost
Value Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0

Moderately disagree 5 5.0 5.0 10.0
Neutral 37 37.0 37.0 47.0
Moderately agree 30 30.0 30.0 77.0
Agree 22 22.0 22.0 99.0
Strongly Agree 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary Data

Source: Primary Data

From the above table it can be seen that 22% of customers are agree that Fresh Cement
provide quality product with low cost 34% customers are Moderately agree, 37% customers
are neutral, 6% customers are disagree about this statement. Here, the minimum customers
support the statement.

Advertising helps to know and buy Fresh Cement.

Value Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Moderately disagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Neutral 2 2.0 2.0 3.0
Valid Moderately agree 11 11.0 11.0 14.0
Agree 68 68.0 68.0 82.0
Strongly Agree 18 18.0 18.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0
4.7 Advertising helps to know and buy Fresh Cement
Source: Primary Data

Source: Primary Data

From the above table it can be seen that 68% of customers are agree that Advertising helps to
know and buy Fresh Cement,11% customers are Moderately agree,18% customer are
strongly agree, 2% customers are neutral, 1% Moderately customers are disagree about this
statement. Here, the maximum customers support the statement.

4.8 Findings of the Study
After completing a comprehensive survey I am able to understand the Marketing Mix and
Consumer Buying Behavior of Fresh Cement. I have attained both positive and negative
Image of Fresh Cement. The survey’s major findings are given below:

 In overall, Fresh Cement has strong Brand image all over the country (Based on
sample data). In today’s market place, consumers not only buy the actual product or
service, but the status, perceived benefits associated with the organization that is
doing the selling– intangible qualities that differentiate the item of choice from all
other similar offerings in the marketplace.

 It is very important to charging the correct price for a product. If the price is too high
consumers will avoid the product as they will believe it to be too expensive yet if the
product is priced too low they may believe that there is something wrong with the
product for it to be so cheap. A good portion of consumer thinks that increase of price
will hinder them to purchase.

 From the data we can say that Fresh Cement brand has undoubtedly the best quality in
the market place.

 Consumer always seeks value from desirable product for money. A good portion of
consumer thinks that Fresh Cement provides good value for money.

 People are being satisfied by using Fresh Cement than other Brands. Because of
strongly influential factor, Fresh Cement is able to satisfy a large portion of consumer.

 The intention of consumer to buy Fresh Cement in near future is positive. Since, Fresh
Cement is meeting consumer’s expectation, so consumers think they buy in near

Chapter 5
Performance Analysis

5.1 SWOT Analysis

Strength Opportunity

Threats Weakness

5.1.1 Strength :
 Fully Intregreted cement Company in Bangladesh
 One of the best limestone Miles in Bangladesh
 Fully Automated 24 hours automated quality control cement plant
 Best Quality Cement

5.1.2 Weakness
 It has no owned trans port vehicle
 High Price

5.1.3 Opportunity
 Going to be merged that will increase its growth.
 Opportunity to occupy clinker market in Bangladesh

5.1.4 Threat
 Inreasing of fuel and gas price
 Legal restrictions

5.2 Porter’s five forces
The Five Forces That Shape Industry Competition

Threat of New

BargainingnPower Among Bargaining Power
of Suppliers Existing of Buyers

Threat of Substitite
Products or

5.2.1 Threat of new entrants ---------------- Low

 Long time is required for land side acquisition and infraction build up.
 Many Incumbents have captive power generation where new entrants would find it
difficult to get power connection
 Strong demand and supply side economics of scale of existing players
 Restrictive government policy for finish cement import
 High capital requirement to avail economics of scale
 Incumbents possess substantial resources to fight back. Average capacity utilizations
are below 60%
 Existing cement companies enjoy high demand side benefits of scale and distribution

5.2.2 Bargaining power of buyers ---------------- High
 Large number of segmented buyers
 Government, more than 20 percent consumer of cements; enjoy monopoly power to
select the cement companies.
 Buyers are price sensitive as cement accounts for large portion of infrastructure cost.
 As cement industry is likely to be co concentrated in the future, oligopoly structure
would curtail the buyers’ power.

5.2.3 Rivalry among existing competitors---------------- Medium

 With combined annual production capacity of 21.4 million metric tons. As the
industry is growing at a pace of more than 20%, all players have the scope for higher
capacity utilization. But smaller local companies are prone to consolidation with large
company to attain production efficiency. In an oligopoly structure, rivalry would get
intensified in near future.
 Though many small positioned regionally rather than nationally but the big players
are revamping the distribution capacity to reach everywhere.
 Though Competitors are numerous but unequal in size and power. In Bangladesh
where 34out of 54 cement companies are in operation.

5.2.4 Bargaining power of suppliers ---------------- High

 Clinker, is primarily imported from countries like India, Thailand, Malaysia,
Philippines, Indonesia and China and is therefore susceptible to rising global.
 Raw material costs and beyond the control manufacturers.
 Raw material suppliers are experiencing heavy infrastructure growth in their own
country and will not be affected if they do not supply raw materials to Bangladeshi
 There is no substitute for what the supplier group provides.

5.2.5 Threat of substitution ---------------- Low

 Cement is an integral raw material for Construction and there is no substitution

5.3 Departments of MGI

5.3.1 Information Technology Department

The fundamental capacity of this division is to give sound IT backings to the whole
organization. It is likewise in charge of overseeing and exchanging information among the
concerned powers of MGI. The head of IT alongside his group dependably attempt to give
the representatives better support. It is a critical division.

5.3.2 Finance and Accounts Departments
The Finance and the Accounts Department of MGI is interlinked. This office is
primarily in charge of keeping and checking on the financial records and to transform the
reports which include the monetary exchanges of the organization. All the monetary reports
and budgetary Board of Directors CEO Finance Director Supply Chain Director Marketing
Director Sales Director Operations Director Director, FMD Strategy Director Legal Director
Page 20 of 61 diary sections of MGI are readied by the Finance and Accounts office. These
offices additionally guarantee the upkeep of the records for the organization. The yearly
spending plan distributed to different branch workplaces are checked by the Finance and
Accounts group. If there should arise an occurrence of any budgetary intricacies to be
determined sheet or yearly reviewing, the office assumes the key part in fulfilling that.
Checking bills, doing installments and repayments are their key assignments

5.3.3 HR Departments
This department is responsible for recruiting potential candidates, training them, making a
succession planning and developing their talent.

 Recruitment process

To select a worker, the organization first gives the promotion of the empty position
inside. Intrigued hopefuls from the association are permitted to apply for these positions. The
representative would then need to confront a meeting. On the off, chance that he passes the
meeting then the hopeful would need to take consent from his area of expertise head so as to
switch his specialty or to move to another position. The second alternative is that the interior
referrals are utilized where the representatives of MGI alludes to an applicant who may be
qualified for the empty position of the organization. Last however not the minimum,
opportunity notices are given in both the neighborhood news papers and the online business
catalog of Bangladesh.
 Training and development
The preparation and advancement is essentially upheld by the logistics and promoting
office. There are different sorts of preparing projects which are accommodated the
representatives in MGI. The representatives who are working in the Commercial building in
Dhaka are given additionally preparing which is of a more refined nature. This primarily
alludes to doing so as to prepare where the worker essentially learns and by working with
their chief. Then again, other concerned laborers of the organization, for example, the
professionals, bricklayers, engineers, assembly line laborers and the merchants are prepared
throughout the year. Different sorts of at work instructional meetings alongside gatherings
and classes are Page 21 of 61 organized them with help and backing from the promoting and
the logistics division of the organization.

 Succession planning and talent development
The administration of the association takes a gander at the track records of the
representatives in the progression arranging project. The reputation for the most part
comprises of data identified with the execution of a worker. This reputation is likewise made
by the HR division of the organization. According to the consequences of the reputation, the
lacks of the workers are recognized and obliged steps are taken by the HR staff to help that
representative further evaluate and build up his abilities.

5.3.4 Marketing Department

Creation of market
The market is created by:
1) Providing advertisement.
2) Providing agent ship.
3) Giving dealership.
4) And also through the wholesalers and retailers of the product.

Determination of market demand and supply

Market demand and supply of the product is determined by: i) surveying. ii)
Gathering monthly report. iii) Collecting the opinion of consumers. iv) Collecting the
competitors’ views and opinions. v) Collecting data and information from market researchers
and specialists.

Meeting market demand and achieving target market

The company is able to meet its market demand. And it is capable to achieve the target

 Best technique for creating market

 The best technique for creating market is mainly agent ship.
 Main approach on marketing
 The chief approach on marketing is to satisfy the consumers

Research and development (R&D) program :

The types of techniques for R& D are:
I. Market survey for marketing product.
II. Making discussion with the agent.
III. Ensuring product quality and gathering report.

The marketing department of MGI follows each and every aspect which is mentioned to gain
the best out of the market and from the customers as well. During Ramadan month they
arranged several Iftar party to be in touch with their loyal and potential customers.

5.3.5 Sales Administration

The sales administration department of Meghna Group of Industries works with the
pricing procedure of it\s product. Pricing Procedure describes the “Price Management” of
Meghna Group of Industries. (“MGI”), which includes selling rebate to accommodate
relevant changes. It sets internal control in the price and rebates changing management.

5.4 Pricing of Meghna Group of Industries

The pricing of cement of various players in the industry are very close to one another.
Due to the presence of homogeneous products in the market, price war is a sensitive issue in
this industry which exists from time to time in the cement market. Cement prices have been
on an upward trajectory since 2007 in line with steady increase in clinker costs. However, the
large capacity expansions are expected to weigh down on price realizations by cement
companies due to increasing availability of product.
Moreover, cement prices, like all commodity prices, are influenced by demand-supply
dynamics. Seasonal factors like weak demand during monsoon in most areas also put
pressure on prices. As the freight cost accounts for a substantial proportion of sales price, the
ruling market price of cement becomes different in different regions.
Additional capacity utilization of the existing units as well as commissioning of new
producing units is likely to bring down the sales price, unless there is an equivalent rise in
demand. But if the demand does not rise proportionately to absorb the additional supply, the
units would have to lower price to induce more sale to maintain the required level of revenue
income. The quality of cement, brand image, export potential, price of cement in international
market, anti- dumping position of cement manufacturer, future tariff policy etc. will have an
impact on price of cement in future.
The factories which would be using captive power, which is cheaper and more reliable than
grid power and backed by uninterrupted clinker supply at competitive price, are likely to be
more cost efficient to emerge as the market leader.
Hence, average price of cement is expected to increase by BDT 5.0 - BDT 10.0 per bag over
the next 3 years. Price may not increase in line with increasing demand as the cost of sales
may dip due to stable clinker price and increasing supply of product.

5.4.1 Factors Influencing Pricing Strategy at LFC

Price reflects the revenue generated for product. Here price means invoicing price for
cement & clinker by the customers and distributors. Cement prices, like all commodity

prices, are influenced by demand-supply dynamics. Seasonal factors like weak demand
during monsoon in most areas also put pressure on prices. As the freight cost accounts for a
substantial proportion of sales price, the ruling market price of cement becomes different in
different regions.

There are certain factors that directly have an impact on the pricing strategy at Meghna
Group of Industries. These are as follows:
 Price dynamics change in the market. This can be caused by fluctuation in costs
like electricity cost, fuel cost, distribution cost elements etc. For example, if suddenly
the fuel cost goes high by a large margin then the price of the product will also move
 Seasonality impact. Seasonality means a characteristic of a time series in which the
data experiences regular and predictable changes which recur every calendar year.
Any predictable change or pattern in a time series that recurs or repeats over a
oneyear period can be said to be seasonal. These seasonality changes causes cement
price to fluctuate.
 Special offer. During special offers special prices are introduced to go with the offer
 Achievements for volume target. If a volume target is achieved then in some
instances reduced prices are offered for a certain time period to the achiever.
 Strategic market decision. Sometimes strategic marketing decisions are taken which
Page 28 of 61 affect the price of the product.
 Change of imported clinker price. Meghna imports clinkers for production. If the
clinker price moves upwards or downwards then the price of cement moves along
with it.
 Non trade customer. For non trade channel customer, price may change based on
negotiation with customers, customer’s purchase order, MOU, business agreements
with the customer and special project based competitive offer etc.
 Modes of transportation change/lifting location. If a customer’s mode of
transportation changes then often it causes the price of the product to change as well.
This happens because different vehicles cost different amount of money to deliver
product. Similarly if the location of lifting is changed that also affects the price of the
 Freight cost elements change. Another reason for price of the product to change is if
the freight cost elements change. These affect the price of the product directly.
 Need to be price competitive in the market. Sometimes to price competitive in the
market the price of the product needs to be marked down. For instance if all the
competitors are selling their product at a significantly cheaper price than sales of
products from MGI will automatically go down. So to be competitive in the market
the price needs to be marked down. (Nasif Kabir Siqqique, 2014)

Chapter 6
Job Responsibilities

6.1 Job responsibilities
 I used to compile monthly transfer costs (freight, handling, BIWTA charges; empty
bags consumption, demurrage) for each transporters and kept record.
 my responsibility was to collect the handling bills, recheck them and after processing,
send to Accounts Payable for payment. Besides that I analyzed those bills to find out
whether we can minimize cost at any point.
 I was responsible to check their bills with JDE transport module and keep
documentation. Then I took approval from Logistics manager. After processing the
bills I send them to Accounts payable department for check disbursement.
 After joining in the Logistics Department, I had to go through the whole Shipment
Process to understand how logistics works are done by MGI. Following that process I
had to do all the assigned jobs. Furthermore, I had prepared two SOP (SOP for ST
Truck Unloading and SOP for Bill Processing) and coordinated in another SOP (SOP
for Depot Opening and Closing).
 Participated in preparing the presentation on “Safety instructions”
 Monitored the personal protective equipment and timely handover those to each

6.2 Project Work

Here in this project part I have described some of the important topics related to the
cement industry of our country in terms of MGI. To start up, brief information of cement
industry of Bangladesh and the concerned product “Cement” is given. Passing on to that,
objectives of this project, relation of MGI among other cement companies, methodology, key
players in the industry, ranking and positions along with the competitive analysis followed by
swot analysis.

6.2.1 Project work description

Objectives of the project work are:

 To analyze the overall cement industry in terms of the current scenario of MGI
 To predict the competitiveness among the key players
 To have a better understanding of the cement industry of Bangladesh

This project has been done by collecting information from diverse applicable sources.
A few records have been taken by watching and working with the organization itself. On the
other hand, this report additionally comprises of a lot of information got from both primary
and secondary sources.

Brief History of Industry

Cement Industry, a generally quickly developing industry, is creating in pace with
expanding building and development exercises. Concrete has long been utilized as holding
operators to unite particles or to bring about one surface to stick to another. Today pressure
driven cements, of which Portland concrete is most well known, when made into glue with
water and total, set and solidifies as a consequence of synthetic relations in the middle of
water and the mixes present in cement. With great pressure driven concrete, advancement of
quality is unsurprising, uniform and moderately fast.
Verifiably, Bangladesh did not depend much on concrete. It likewise does not have enough
normal assets for assembling it. The base materials generally utilized as a part of house
building and other development obliged little utilization of cement. Progressive substitution
of customary building structures or examples by cutting edge skyscraper ones have pushed up
the utilization of cement. Be that as it may, as the economy keeps on remaining agro based,
development divisions have not possessed the capacity to pick up energy and as the base
advancement is specific, cement remained result of low request. A speedier development
sought after for cement has been watched just since mid-1980s, particularly with usage of
huge framework ventures, expanded pace of urbanization, development of condo structures
and multistoried shopping edifices in urban ranges, and a movement in the essence of wellto-
do rustic individuals for present day houses.
Bangladesh has received EN197-1:2000 as Bangladesh Standard, titled BDS EN 197-1:2003.
Under this Standard there are 27 items in the group of basic cements, which are assembled
into five principle concrete sorts as takes after:

 Blast furnace cement

 Composite cement
 Portland cement
 Portland composite cement
 Pozzolanic cement

In the year of 1995, the administration first gave authorization for building up cement
commercial enterprises in Bangladesh. Notwithstanding, this authorization was given to the
organizations with no sort of exhaustive former investigation of the business. In this way the
Page 53 of 61 beginning stage of the foundation of the concrete business occurred without the
best possible examination of the interest and supply of cement for the nation. Inside of the

compass of the following 2 to 3 years, the supply of cement coming into the nation
confronted an extended limit of the item.

6.3 Competitors Analysis

The largest 13 cement manufacturers hold 78% of the market share. Heidelberg,
Holcim and Meghna are the leaders among multinational cement manufacturers and Shah and
Meghna are the leading domestic manufacturers. Shah cement is the market leader with close
to 14.20% of the market share, closely followed by Heidelberg with about 9.30% of the
market share. During the 2010, many small local manufacturers like Premier, Seven Circle,
Crown, Fresh and King cement increased their sales drastically riding on their benefits of
economies of scale, backward linkage and aggressive marketing effort. 70% of the market
share belongs to the local companies and the rest 30% belongs to the multinational companies
(in total 5).

Local Companies Market Share

Shah Cement 14.2%
Heidelberg 9.3%
Meghna Cement (MCML-King) 7.4%
Seven Circle BD Ltd. 6.9%
Unique Cement (Fresh) 6.1%
MI Cement (Crown) 5.9%
Premier Cement 4.5%
Akij Cement 4.2%
Royal Cement 4.0%
Mongla Cement (SKS)- Elephant 3.9%
MTC Cement (Tiger) 3.8%
Total 70.2%

Multinational Companies Market Share

Heidelberg 9.31%
Lafarge Surma 7.67%
Holcim 7.45%
Cemex 3.0%
Emirates 2.0%
Total 29.8%

To compare between a local and a multinational company I choose Shah Cement and
Heidelberg Cement. In terms of products offerings, production and technology, and price the
differences are analyzed as follows:

Products offerings: Shah Cement offers Shah Cement Special and Shah Cement Popular,
MGI offers Supercrete and Powercrete whereas Heidelberg offers only Scan Cement and
Ruby. In order to survive in the industry all top 10 companies uses almost same functional
activities. Every cement company uses unique names to offer their products.

Production and Technology: In terms of technology there is hardly any difference among
them as they are the top players of the industry. Being the market leader Shah cement has
some unique features that make the difference. It has the highest production capacity which
amounts to 2,700,000.00 in MT/year followed by Heidelberg 1,800,000.00 in MT/year and
for MGI it is around 1,600,000.00. When we come to technological aspects Shah cement has
an upper hand like its high-tech bagging plant is capable of producing 3 lac packs per day;
where packaging unit is equipped with exclusively Star linger High tech Machinery. Shah
Cement is the pioneer to use stitch free bags. Meghna has one huge advantage over these two
which is- it can produce its products with its own resources without importing anything from

Price: Price varies from area to area or locations to locations but very close to one another.
Pricing of cement bags is done by observing the price of the competitor’s products. For a
sample, the business pioneer of cement in Dhaka is Shah Cement. In this manner the cost of
the results of Heidelberg and MGI in Dhaka is altered relying upon the cost of Shah Cement
in Dhaka. Then again, right now Ruby Cement is the marker pioneer in Cox's Bazar and
Supercrete is the business pioneer in Sylhet. In this manner the cost of Heidelberg items in
Page 55 of 61 Cox's Bazar and Sylhet will be altered according to the cost of Ruby and
Supercrete. This methodology does result to a fluctuating cost of the same item starting with
one area then onto the next yet in any case; there is never a hole of more than Taka 10 inside
of the nation.

Chapter 7

7.1 Observation
From my three months experience I have watched a few issues where MGI has absence of
productivity. I am clarifying those issues here:
 In the transportation framework, the transporters once in a while make delay in
conveyance of merchandise, as a result of activity, now and again they waste time in
streets and here and there they squander products quality. This issue makes some
misfortune like client disappointment, loss of merchandise and so on.
 Some of the time line of requests happens in view of sudden request from the client in
an odd time. Like, if any client give request by the day's end it is not generally
conceivable to convey item the following morning.
 MGI don't load or empty amid terrible climate. In this way, amid the blustery season
the stops here and there get to be out of stock and clients need to sit tight for quite a
while for the merchandise. For terrible climate MGI needs to number loss of
numerous hours.
 The stockrooms are overseen in a manual manner, similar to; the amount of stock in
any distribution center is measured from the information of offers, which does not
give precise data. There is no programmed including framework the distribution
centers. For this lacking at some point the distribution centers got to be out of stock or
 MGI assess suppliers by just watching their administrations, yet there is no standard
configuration to gauge the execution of suppliers.
 MGI gives great support of its clients, after that it doesn't keep up any estimation level
for client administration. There is no "Service Level Agreement" with its clients.

7.2 Recommendation
MGI can execute GPS framework in the vehicle so that from the head office the
vehicles can be checked. With the assistance of GPS, it can quantify, which vehicle squander
the amount of time in movement and some other issues. It can likewise be observed whether
the transporters are included with any fuel pilferage or some other wrongdoing.
Automation can be acquainted in line administration with give the products to client on time.
During blustery season, transportation for the most part done through trucks. In this way,
long separation ought to be kept away from by truck. It will diminish the expense.
Additionally, taking into account interest anticipating the warehouses ought to be filled
before stormy season.
in every distribution center, programmed checking framework ought to be set up, so that
when the concrete sacks will stack in the stockroom framework will keep record and amid
uprooting products framework will do same. From the both data, correct free space can be
measured and in view of the precise measure of products can be sent.

7.3 Learning
 Timing: we all know “time is money” and in Meghna I came to know how important
it is to be time specific. If any meeting is on 1p.m then by any means that meeting has
to be on time.
 Team work management: every team works to carry out their members to accomplish
the given task whether it is HR, Finance, Marketing or Logistics department. Working
as a unit not as individuals is their main theme.
 Corporate manners and culture: in our day-to-day life the way we intend to do things
we just do it but in an organization like MGI I came to know corporate norms,
manners and culture. It seemed to me that everything is structured and organized.
 Real work life experience: in these three months I never felt like I was an intern as I
always felt that I was working as a real employee.
 Business terms and conditions: my internship gave me a real chance to closely
practice the business terms and conditions.
 Communicate with corporate: just doing a job by sitting on the desk and
communicating with corporate people to accomplish a task are two different things.
Fortunately, I got both the opportunity during my internship. I used to communicate
with not only the employees of head office but outside of the head office as well.
 Other than that, I have learnt more features of excel, how to do scanning and

 Annual Report of MGI
 Business processes, p. a. Business and Industry Portal. Retrieved from‐planning/processes‐
 Cacioppo, K. Measuring and Managing Customer Satisfaction:‐and‐managing‐
 Chopra, S. (n.d.). Designing the Distribution Network in a Supply Chain. Retrieved
 Coyle, N. G. (2011). Transportation: Critical Link in the Supply Chain. Khalid
Rababah, H. M. (April 2011). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Processes.
 Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.
 International Journal of e‐Education, e‐Business, e‐Management and e‐Learning, Vol.
1, No. 1.
 Marinko Jurčević, D. M. (n.d.). THE ROLE OF HUMAN FACTORS IN SUPPLY
 Rifat, Khadija Islam. (2014). The Supply Chain Management of Lafarge Surma
Cement Ltd.
 Saurine Doshi, H. K. (n.d.). Reducing total delivered costs through improved . A.T.
 Transport Module. (n.d.). Retrieved from Klevas:
 Vanek, F. (2014, April 1). Increasing Commercial Vehicle Transport Efficiency.
Retrieved from


Dear Respondent
This is an academic research project entitle as “Supply Chain Management in Cement
Sector: A study on Meghna Group” There are some questions related to your personal
information. I will appreciate your valuable time and support in answering the questions. All
the information collected will keep strictly confidential and shall use for only report purpose.
The research intends to abide by all communal acknowledged ethical codes.
Please indicate at what scale you agree with each statement using the following scale. Please
give tick (✓) mark in the response Colum.
(1) Strongly disagree
(2) Disagree
(3) Moderately disagree
(4) Neutral
(5) Moderately agree
(6) Agree
(7) Strongly Agree

Customer Information:-

Gender ( ) Male ( )Female

Age ( )Below 15 ( )15-30 ( )31-45 ( )46-60 ( )Above 61

Occupation: ( )Student ( )Service Holder ( )Businessman ( )Housewife ( )Others

Education ( )Up to college ( )Graduate ( )Post Graduate ( )Other

Monthly Income ( )Below 20000 ( )20001-35000 ( )35001-50000 ( )Above 50000

No Statements
. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Fresh Cement has the biggest brand image in Bangladesh

2 Fresh Cement’s conformance quality is high.

3 Fresh Cement is more durable than other brands.

4 Fresh Cement provide quality product with low cost

5 The price-bundling of Fresh Cement is lucrative.

6 The charged price of Fresh Cement is fare.

7 Fresh Cement distribution process is effective

8 I satisfied with location of distribution center of Fresh Cement

in Dhaka.
9 Fresh Cement ensures constant supply of products at all
10 Advertising helps to know and buy Fresh Cement.

11 Fresh Cement maintain their online shopping services

12 The advertising media choice of Fresh Cement is good.
13 I always purchase the same brand in future.
14 I would suggest/recommend the brands to others that I use.

15 I am satisfied with my decision to use the brand.

Thank you for your helpful and nice Co-operation


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