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Writing: B1

An email giving holiday advice

Learn how to write an email to give holiday advice.

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Put the phrases in the correct group.

Regards, Clive Dear Claude, See you soon, Clive Hi Claude!

Lovely to hear Thank you for your I look forward to I hope we can
from you. email. meeting you. meet up!

Informal Formal

An email giving holiday advice

From: Janet
Hill To: Sunny
Chen Subject:
Hi Sunny!
How are
We’re finally coming to Singapore so I wanted to ask your advice on what we should
do while we’re there. What shouldn’t we miss? We’ll have our two kids aged 6 and 8
with us so ideally we want to do things we can enjoy as a family.
We’ve already got a hotel booked in Marina Bay and we arrive on 12 May for
a week. I hope you’re around so we can meet up!
See you soon,
From: Sunny Chen
To: Janet Hill
Subject: Re: Hi!
Hi Janet!
Lovely to hear from you and how exciting that you’re coming!
You’ve picked a great area to stay in as it’s right next to a must-see attraction,
Gardens by the Bay. They light them up at night and the kids will love it. Another
place to take the little ones is the zoo, and the Night Safari is really worth doing. The
animals are much more active at night than during the day, so it’s pretty special.
As for food, there’s quite a variety here. I’d recommend trying laksa and kaya toast –
they’re both really typical Singaporean foods. You can also eat well and cheaply at street
markets. You should definitely check them out.
Can’t wait to see you
all! Sunny
P.S. My number here is +65 1234 1234.

1. Start informal emails with Hi + name instead of Dear + name.
2. An informal email can be like a conversation, so you can start with How are you?
3. If you’re replying, you can start with Lovely to hear from you.
4. Use these phrases to make recommendations:
 ... is worth doing / seeing / going to.
 ... is a must-see (attraction).
 I’d recommend ...
 You can ...
 You should …
5. Say why you recommend those things.
6. You can add something at the end using P.S.

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?

1. The two people don’t know each other well. True False
2. Janet has wanted to visit Singapore for a long time. True False
3. They’re having a two-week holiday. True False
4. The hotel is near a tourist attraction. True False
5. Sunny recommends going to the zoo in the morning. True False
6. Sunny thinks the street markets would be good places for Janet True False
and her family to eat.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

will doing must-see

recommend worth should

1. I’d.....................staying in the city centre.

2. You......................try the local food while you’re here.
3. The National Museum is...................going to.
4. Your it.
5. The castle is a....................attraction.
6. Another thing that’s a walking tour of the old town.
Task 3
Write the words to complete the email.

Hi Sam,
(1)....................are you?
Guess what, we’re coming to Manchester in April! Will you be there then? What’s your
advice on what we (2)..........see and do while we’re there?
See you soon,

Hi Adil!
(3) hear from you! Yes, I’ll be here in April so let’s meet up 
I’d (4 ).....................staying in the city centre so you’re close to everything. I know you
football so you (5)...................definitely go to a match, and the Football Museum is
another must-(6)………………………………. The Northern Quarter is (7)...................seeing as well.
It’s a really cool
place. Looking
forward to it!
(8)....................Let me know your flight details!

What would you recommend to tourists near where you live?

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