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Schunk Carbon Technology

Carbon Brushes for Industrial

and Railway Application
Physical data of the principal grades

Physical data of the principal grades Grade Material type Voltage Coefficient
of friction conditions
Rockwell Bending Bulk
strength density
µΩm HR10/40 HR5/40 N/mm² g/cm3 %

A15 Copper-graphite l l 7 4.0 100 — 40 2.65 40

To characterize carbon and graphite materials used for carbon brushes, it is sufficient to state the following material A16 Copper-graphite vl m 5 0.10 70 — 40 5.00 85

characteristics: A41 Copper-graphite m m 6 3.0 100 — 20 2.80 37

¬ Specific electrical resistance A41X Copper-graphite m m 6 4.0 105 — 20 2.90 37

¬ Hardness A90 Copper-graphite vl l 6 0,2 100 — 30 5.35 89
¬ Bending strength and Bulk density B25 Bronze-graphite vl l 5 0.3 85 — 85 5.50 90

B30 Bronze-graphite vl l 5 0.3 95 — — 5.60 90

For metal-graphite grades, we additionally state the metal content. All data are average values. Information on the test
C16 Metal-graphite l l 6 1.0 100 — — 3.00 45
methods and equipment is given in IEC Publication 60413, the recommendations of which have been generally adopted.
C20 Bronze-graphite vl l 5 0.1 95 — 80 5.60 90

C40 Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.3 80 — — 4.05 75

As an indicator of the running performance of carbon brushes, voltage drop and coefficient of friction can be looked at. These
C40Z2 Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.15 105 — 55 4.25 75
two parameters are, however, affected by numerous environment influences and the operating conditions, so that they are
subject to relatively high fluctuations. A statement which is generally valid is therefore only possible by stating ranges, in C40Z3 Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.2 100 — 55 4.20 75

which experience shows these values to lie. The following summary shows the ranges selected in each case and the C50 Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.5 95 — 100 5.65 92

corresponding symbols: C60 Bronze-graphite vl l 5 0.6 100 — 80 5.70 92

C70 Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.3 105 — 40 3.70 67

C72 Bronze-graphite l l 7 6.5 85 — 25 2.30 27

Classification Symbol Voltage drop between two carbon brushes Coefficient of friction
connected in series C80X Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.70 100 — 30 3.10 50
Uü (V) µ C80Y3 Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.8 100 — 25 3.10 50
Very low vl < 1.5 < 0.08 C80Z2 Bronze-graphite vl l 6 0.8 100 — 20 3.15 50

Low l 1.5 – 2.2 0.08 – 0.15 K14Z3 Copper-graphite vl l 6 1.0 110 — 50 3.30 62

Medium m 2.2 – 3.0 0.15 – 0.22 S11 Silver-graphite vl m — 0.05 — 70 150 7.50 95

High h > 3.0 > 0.22 S13 Silver-graphite vl l — 8.0 75 — — 3.35 60

S14 Silver-graphite vl l — 6.5 95 — 25 3.20 53

S15 Silver-graphite vl l — 0.5 100 — 30 5,00 75

The grades are classified into the selected ranges on the basis of measurements under test conditions 1–7, which are S20 Silver-graphite vl l — 1.5 100 — 25 3.20 60
explained in the following table. On request we are able to supply detailed technical data sheets of our grades, which also S30 Silver-graphite vl l — 1.5 105 — 30 3.30 60
contain information regarding other operating conditions. S60 Silver-graphite vl l — 9.5 85 — 25 3.35 57

Sl10 Silver-graphite vl m 7 15 105 — 20 1.75 5

Sl20 Silver-graphite vl m 7 20 70 — 20 1.65 5

No. Current density Peripheral Brush Collector Related to the following
speed pressure temperature fields of application Sl30 Silver-graphite vl m 7 15 80 — 12 1.70 15
A/cm² m/s cN/cm² °C of the carbon brushes Sl40 Silver-graphite vl m 7 25 100 — 20 1.73 5
Stationary D.C. machines F17 Graphite l l 6 25 90 — 14 2.20 20
1 12 30 250 90
with and without commutation aids
HG2643 Graphite m l 4 15 — — 10 1.30 —
2 12 50 250 90 Traction motors
HG6634 Graphite m l 4 18 — — 10 1.25 —
3 10 30 200 90 Three-phase commutator motors
F40 Resin-bonded graphite h l 3 115 100 — 35 1.80 —
4 6 60 160 90 Turbogenerators and turbomotors F49 Resin-bonded graphite h l 3 350 105 — 30 1.68 —
Slip-ring machines and
5 20 30 200 90
low-voltage machines

Slip-ring machines and

6 16 30 200 90
low-voltage machines

Slip-ring machines and

7 12 30 200 90
low-voltage machines

02 03

Grade Material type Voltage Coefficient Test Resis- Rockwell Bending Bulk Metal
drop of friction conditions tivity
µΩm HR10/40 HR5/40
F51 Resin-bonded graphite h l 3 300 100 — 25 1.70 —

F61 Resin-bonded graphite h l 3 250 100 — 30 1.70 —

F63 Resin-bonded graphite h l 3 250 75 — 12 1.60 —

E29 Electrographite m l 2 35 — 90 25 1.60 —

E43 Electrographite m l 7 20 100 — 30 1.70 —

E43Z3 Electrographite m l 7 20 — 105 40 1.80 —

E46 Electrographite m m 1 22 70 — 10 1.50 —

E46F3 Electrographite m m 4 22 70 — 10 1.50 —

E46X Electrographite m m 1 22 90 — 17 1.60 —

E468 Electrographite m m 1 20 65 — 10 1.50 —

E49 Electrographite h l 1 55 — 90 18 1.60 —

E49X Electrographite h l 1 55 — 108 30 1.70 —

E498 Electrographite h l 1 55 — 90 16 1.60 —

E50 Electrographite h l 1 100 — 110 25 1.64 —

E50X Electrographite h l 2 100 — 115 35 1.70 —

E55 Electrographite m l 1 20 — 85 25 1.70 —

E558 Electrographite m l 1 20 — 90 28 1.75 —

E64Z4 Electrographite m m 2 40 — 90 28 1.70 —

E79X Electrographite m m 1 35 90 — 16 1.65 —

E79Z1 Electrographite m m 2 40 105 — 23 1.65 —

E84S Electrographite m l 2 32 — 110 35 1.70 —

E841 Electrographite m l 2 32 — 110 38 1.72 —

E88 Electrographite m l 2 40 — 105 30 1.70 —

E88X Electrographite m l 2 40 — 115 38 1.75 —

E888 Electrographite m l 2 38 — 105 28 1.70 —

E101 Electrographite m l 1 45 — 95 30 1.60 —

E101X Electrographite m l 1 45 — 105 35 1.65 —

E104 Electrographite m m 4 28 — — 5 1.40 —

E105 Electrographite m l 1 43 — 80 18 1.54 —

E106 Electrographite m l 1 43 — 95 25 1.60 —

E108 Electrographite m l 1 45 — 90 27 1.60 —

E141 Electrographite m l 2 40 — 115 35 1.78 —

E151 Electrographite h l 2 95 — 115 35 1.70 —

E160 Electrographite l m 2 18 110 — 28 1.68 —

E220 Electrographite m l 2 60 115 — 22 1.70 —

L300 Carbon-graphite h m 7 23 95 — 24 1.62 —

L310 Carbon-graphite h m 7 33 90 — 20 1.73 —

04 05
Schunk Carbon Technology:
Always at your side.
Schunk Carbon Technology focuses on development, manufacture and application of carbon and
ceramic solutions. It combines innovative spirit and technological expertise with exceptional
customer service to provide a range of products and services unique to the market. In Schunk
Carbon Technology, you have a partner who can offer all the technological possibilities of an
international company and implement ideas custom-tailored to your needs, both for high-volume
industrial markets and for highly specialized niche markets. After all, this is our commitment:
Ahead in Carbon Technology. Closer to your Business.

A Schunk Group division.

Enabling, idea-driven, cooperative – if you hope to apply technology to develop better products and capture
new markets, we can help. The Schunk Group has been supporting customers with innovative technologies
since 1913. As an idea-driven technology company, innovation is fundamental to our culture. We forge
long-lasting, cooperative working relationships with our clients.

You will find our custom-tailored high-tech products and systems in markets such as carbon technology
and ceramics, environmental simulation and air conditioning, sintered metals and ultrasonic welding. The
Schunk Group is active in a large number of key industries, from automotive, rail, aviation and marine tech-
nologies to solar and wind energy, medical and electrical technology as well as the semiconductor industry.
Our more than 8,100 employees in 29 countries are ready to serve you.

Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH

Rodheimer Strasse 59

35452 Heuchelheim ¬ Germany

Phone +49 641 608 0
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E-Mail [email protected]
All specifications are subject to technical change. Texts and pictures are subject to copyright laws.
Use of the content is not permitted without the written consent of Schunk Carbon Technology.

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