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January 2015

Charis J. GANTES, Ph.D.

Professor of Structural Engineering
Institute of Steel Structures - Department of Structural Engineering - School of Civil Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
9 Heroon Polytechniou Street, GR-157 80, Zografou Campus, Athens, Greece
tel. + 30 210 7723440 - telefax + 30 210 7723442
E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]
Web :

Structural analysis and design with emphasis on steel structures, earthquake-resistant design,
evaluation of ultimate capacity of structures under extreme loading including seismic, wind and blast,
employing mostly numerical (finite elements) but also experimental and analytical methods, nonlinear
behavior, structural stability, connections in steel structures, unconventional industrial steel
structures, steel structures for energy applications, steel structures for marine applications, wind
turbine towers, tension structures, deployable structures, buried pipelines.
 Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, M.I.T., 1991.
 Master of Science (S.M.) in Civil Engineering, M.I.T., 1988.
 Diploma in Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1985.
 Abitur, German Highschool of Athens, Dörpfeld Gymnasium, June 1979.
 Professor, Institute of Steel Structures, Civil Engineering Department, National Technical University
of Athens, Greece. Activities and distinctions include:
th th
• Teaching of the compulsory courses “Steel structures I” (7 semester), “Steel structures II” (8
semester), the elective course “Nonlinear behavior of steel structures” (9 semester) and the
graduate course “Design of tension structures”.
• Supervision (since 1994) of 117 diploma theses, 47 graduate theses as well as 7 completed and 4
ongoing Ph.D. theses.
• Research activity in the area of structural behavior, analysis and design under extreme loads,
including seismic, wind and blast, leading structures to nonlinear response, with emphasis on
steel structures. Author of one book in English, one book in Greek, two sets of class notes (in
Greek), nine book chapters, 75 technical papers published or accepted in international journals,
140 technical papers published in proceedings of international conferences, and several technical
reports. Participation in and direction of several research projects.
• Research awards from Fulbright Foundation and the British Royal Society.
• More than 800 citations of his research work (excluding self-citations and citations by co-authors)
and a value of h-factor equal to 16, combining citations from search engines Scopus, ISI Web of
Science and Google Scholar (
• Member of several Greek and international scientific and professional organizations and working
groups, reviewer for more than 40 international journals, member of publishing boards and co-
organizer of Greek and international conferences.
 Kalochairetis, K.E. Gantes, C.J. and Lignos, X.A., “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of
Eccentrically Loaded Laced Built-Up Steel Columns”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.
101, pp. 66–81, October 2014.
 Hadjioannou, M., Douthe, C. and Gantes, C.J., “Influence of Cold Bending on the Resistance of Wide
Flange Members”, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 353-366, June
 Gantes, C.J. and Bouckovalas, G.D., “Seismic Verification of High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline
Komotini – Alexandropoulis – Kipi in Areas of Active Fault Crossings”, Structural Engineering
International, Vol. 23, Number 2, pp. 204–208, May 2013.

Short CV of Charis Gantes January2015

 Vassilopoulou, I. and Gantes, C.J., “Nonlinear Dynamic Phenomena in a SDOF Model of Cable Net”,
Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 82, pp. 1689–1703, 2012.
 Gantes, C.J. and Kalochairetis, K.E., “Axially and Transversely Loaded Timoshenko and Laced Built-
up Columns with Arbitrary Supports”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 77, pp. 95–106,
Oct. 2012.
 Dimopoulos, C.A. and Gantes, C.J., “Experimental Investigation of Buckling of Wind Turbine Tower
Cylindrical Shells with Opening and Stiffening under Bending”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 54, pp.
140-155, May 2012.
 Gantes, C.J., “Deployable Structures”, Fifty Years of Progress for Shell and Spatial Structures: 50th
Jubilee of the IASS, edited by I. Mungan and J.F. Abel, pp. 373-390, 2011.
 Gantes, C.J., “Numerical Evaluation of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Steel Structures”, Civil and
Structural Engineering Computational Technology, edited by B.H.V. Topping and Y. Tsompanakis,
Saxe-Coburg Publications, pp. 219-242, 2011.
 Akgün, Y., Gantes, C.J., Sobek, W., Kalochairetis, K.E. and Korkmaz, K., “A Novel Adaptive Spatial
Scissor-Hinge Structural Mechanism for Convertible Roofs”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 33, pp.
1365-1376, Apr. 2011.
 Vassilopoulou, I. and Gantes, C.J., “Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Saddle Form Cable Nets under
Uniform Harmonic Load”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 33, pp. 2762-2771, Oct. 2011.
 Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., “Control Strategy for Mitigating the Response of Structures
Subjected to Earthquake Actions”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 32, pp. 3616-3628, Nov. 2010.
 Papageorgiou, A.V. and Gantes, C.J., “Decoupling Criteria for Inelastic Irregular Primary/Secondary
Structural Systems Subject to Seismic Excitation”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, Vol. 136,
No. 10, pp. 1234–1247, Oct. 2010.
 Gantes, C.J., and Fragkopoulos, Κ.Α., “Strategy for Numerical Verification of Steel Structures at the
Ultimate Limit State”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 6, pp. 225–255, 2010.
 Lemonis, M.E. and Gantes, C.J., “Mechanical Modeling of the Nonlinear Response of Beam-to-
Column Joints”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 65, pp. 879-890, 2009.
 Dimopoulos, C.A. and Gantes, C.J., “Design of Circular Steel Arches with Hollow Circular Cross-
Sections According to EC3”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 64, pp. 1077-1085, 2008.
 Kouretzis, G.P., Bouckovalas, G.D. and Gantes, C.J., “3-D Shell Analysis of Cylindrical Underground
Structures under Seismic Shear (S) Wave Action”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.
26, pp. 909-921, Oct. 2006.
 Gantes, C.J, Deployable Structures – Analysis and Design, WIT Press, Southampton, England, 2001.
 Consulting engineer, mainly active on design of buildings and other special structures made of steel,
reinforced concrete and masonry.
 Collaboration with design offices and construction companies for structural consulting and design of
a variety of projects related, among others, to:
o Building structures, mainly:
• Large-span steel structures for buildings, athletic facilities (including 3 major Greek football
stadiums), industrial and commercial complexes.
• Design of new and strengthening of existing reinforced concrete and masonry buildings.
o Other special projects, including:
• The steel gates for the New Panama Canal.
• Structures for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
• Highway infrastructure projects for “Attiki Odos”, the new Athens peripheral highway.
• Underground structures including tunnels and stations for Attiko Metro, the Athens subway.
• Special structures in power plants and other industrial facilities.
• Buried pipelines transporting oil and natural gas.
• Transmission towers, guyed towers and wind turbine towers.
• Offshore, port and marine facilities projects.
 Member of expert committees for the resolution of technical differences.

Short CV of Charis Gantes January2015


 Consultant for the checking of structural design of stations and viaducts of “Red Line South Elevated
and at Grade” of Doha Metro in Qatar (2014).
 Consultant for the structural design of connections of pipe racks and pipe bridges in the project
“General Cargo and Liquid Terminal at Port of Salalah” in Oman (2014).
 Consultant for the final structural design of industrial facilities of “Hellas Gold” in Stratoni,
Chalkidiki (2014).
 Consultant for the structural design of a 368.152MW Power Plant Project in Hassi R’Mel, Algeria
 Consultant for the structural condition assessment of the steel structure of the Air Cooled Condenser
at Korinthos Power CCPP in Korinthos, Greece (2013-2014).
 Member of two Committees for Resolution of Technical Differences between the Greek State and the
contracting consortium “Moreas S.A.” concerning the time table and payment orders related to the
construction of the Highway Corinth-Tripolis-Kalamata and the branch Lefktro-Sparta (2013).
 Structural design of custom-made steel structures supporting the works for the reconstruction of an
existing marine facility in Jorf Lasfar Port, Morocco (2013).
 Participation in the structural design of industrial facilities of “Hellas Gold” in Perama Hill, Thraki
 Consultant for the structural design of Samra Power Station - Fast Track Simple Cycle Combustion
Turbine Power Project in Samra, Jordan (2012-2013).
 Consultant for the structural design of solid household waste treatment facility in St. Petersburg,
Russia (2012).
 Consultant for the assessment of feasibility of lifting arrangement of unreinforced concrete blocks
for the project “General Cargo and Liquid Terminal at the Port of Salalah”, Oman (2012).
 Forensic investigation of the collapse of a steel sign bridge on the National Highway Schimatari-
Chalkida (2012).
 Consultant for the design of steel superstructure supporting the heat recovery steam generators in
power plant project in Denizli, Turkey (2012).
 Consultant for the tender structural design of Mechanical Biological Treatment plant (MBT) in Sofia,
Bulgaria (2012).
 Consultant for the evaluation of available bearing capacity and strengthening of old steel cement
loading tower damaged due to corrosion and ship impact in Vasilikos, Cyprus (2012).
 Consultant for the structural design of Waste Treatment Plant in Izmir, Turkey (2011-2012).
 Consultant for the structural design of Gas Power Plant in Shatt al Basrah, Iraq (2011-2012).
 Consultant for the structural design of a seawater supply pipeline network, part of a power
generation and water desalination facility at Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2011-2014).
 Consultant for the tender structural design of steel trestles, platforms and other harbour facilities in
Vasilikos, Cyprus (2011).
 Evaluation of available bearing capacity and structural strengthening design of power production
facility of the Greek Public Power Corporation on the island of Syros (2011).
 Participation in the preliminary structural design of industrial facilities of “Hellas Gold” in Stratoni,
Chalkidiki (2010-2011).
 Consultant for the structural design of membrane structures in Kefalonia airport (2010-2011).
 Participation in the structural design of IKEA-Leroy Merlin facilities in Sophia, Bulgaria (2010-2011).
 Consultant for the seismic upgrading of steel grandstand structures in outdoor Petra Theater in
Petroupoli (2010).
 Consultant for the seismic design of the steel gates for the New Panama Canal (2009-2010).
 Participation in the preliminary and final structural design of the new football stadium (22,000
seats) of the A-League Greek football team PAS Giannina, in Giannina, Greece (2009-2010).
 Participation in the construction structural design of several reinforced concrete buildings for the
Blue City project in Oman (2009-2010).
 Consultant for the tender structural design of steel trestles, platforms and other harbour facilities in
Azzawiya, Libya (2009).
 Consultant for the construction structural design of power plant project in Thisvi, Greece (2009).

Short CV of Charis Gantes January2015

 Structural design of special auxiliary structures used by the contractor for the erection of bridges as
part of the Khalifa port and industrial zone project in Abu Dhabi (2008).
 Checking of structural design for all steel structures associated with the three major highways that
are now under design and construction in Greece: PATHE, Ionia Odos and E65 (since 2008).
 Structural design of steel structuress for the entrance canopies of Argyroupoli and Ellinikon metro
stations (2008).
 Failure investigation of steel scaffolding during construction of Chamezi Bridge, Crete (2008).
 Consultant for the influence of tunnel boring for the Thessaloniki metro on the buildings of the
Aristotle University (2007-2008).
 Participation in the construction structural design of steel structures covering 50,000m2 of the
Athens Metropolitan exposition center next to the Athens International Airport (2007-2008).
 Participation in the preliminary, final and construction structural design of the new football stadium
(42,000 seats) of the major Greek football team Panathinaikos, in Athens (2006-2009).
 Participation in the structural design for the transformation of the International Broadcasting Center
(Ι.Β.C.) of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games into a commercial and business center (2006-2008).
 Preliminary structural design of pumping house in methanol treatment and sea water desalination
industrial facility in Salalah, Oman (2006).
 Structural design of temporary supports and Doka-type scaffolding system for concreting of sea
platforms in Qatar (2006).
 Checking of structural design of sea platforms of Qatar Liquefied Gas Company in Qatar (2006).
 Consultant for the structural design of a cable-suspended steel arch railroad bridge with 110m span
and composite deck, connecting the Neo Ikonio Harbour with the central Greek Railroad Line, over
an area of potential landslide (2006).
 Consultant for the preliminary structural design of the cable-suspended steel roof of a 15,000 seats
indoor gymnasium in Krakow, Poland (2006).
 Member of special working group of the Greek Ministry of Public Works to investigate the reasons
and consequences of a failure due to fire in a cable of the Rion-Antirion Bridge (2005-2006).
 Checking of structural and foundation design of 49m tall wind turbine towers of type NEG-Micon 952
for a wind park in Xirolimni, Lasithi, Crete, Greece (2005).
 Member of special working group of the Greek Ministry of Defense to prepare technical guidelines
for designing new and strengthening existing fortification works buried in the ground (2004-2007).
 Foundation design of 41 44m tall wind turbine towers of type Vestas in a wind park on Panachaikon
Mountain, in Greece (2004).
 Checking of the structural design performed by S. Calatrava Design Office for the steel structure of
Neratziotissa Railway Station (intersection of Metro Line 1, the Athens Suburbian Railway Line and
Attiki Odos Highway) in Athens (2004).
 Checking and modification for construction of the structural design performed by S. Calatrava Design
Office for the steel structures of the Entrance Canopies of the Athens 2004 Olympic Complex (2003-
 Structural verification of seismic performance of Natural Gas Pipeline (Section Kipi-Alexandroupoli-
Komotini) subjected to possible landslides and seismic fault activation, in Thrace, Greece (2003).
 Consultant for the preliminary structural design of the steel roof of the new Central Athens Railway
Station in Athens, Greece (2003).
 Consultant for the structural design of the steel roof of spectators’ stands in the new A.E.K. football
stadium in Nea Philadelphia, Athens, Greece (2003).
 Structural design of the cable-suspended steel roof at the archaeological site of “Aristotle’s
Lyceum” in Athens (2002-2009).
 Checking of structural and foundation design of 53m tall wind turbine towers of type NEG-Micon for
a wind park in Servouni, Evia, Greece (2002-2003).
 Structural design of spectator stands steel structure for outdoor theatre and pedestrian arch bridge
in the archaeological site of Ancient Olympia, in Greece (2002).
 Consultant for the tender structural design of the grandstands’ roof of the “Panpeloponisiakon”
Stadium in Patra (2001-2002).
 Consultant for the tender structural design of the grandstands’ roof and lighting towers of the
“Panthessalikon” Stadium in Volos (2001).

Short CV of Charis Gantes January2015

 Consultant for the tender structural design of “Media Press Center” for the 2004 Olympic Games
 Evaluation of carrying capacity and strengthening design of composite toll stations along the Athens
Peripheral Highway “Attiki Odos” (2001).
 Evaluation of carrying capacity and strengthening design of a 250 m tall guyed tower of the Greek
Navy in Kato Souli, Greece (2000-2001).
 Seismic structural design of the “Thessaloniki-Skopia Oil Pipeline” in areas of potential faults and
landslides (2000-2001).
 Design of a variety of technical works for the new Athens peripheral highway “Attiki Odos” (1999-
 Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the analysis and design against earthquake actions of the
underwater tunnel connecting Aktion and Preveza, in Greece (1999).
 Consultant for the tender structural design of airplane hangars in the new Athens international
Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” (1999).
 Participation in an investigation of the effects of a potential landslide on the pipeline of the Greek
natural gas transmission system at location Antinitsa (1996).
 Checking of structural design of the temporary and permanent structures for the stations Panormou,
Attiki, Neos Kosmos, Analatos, Megaro Mousikis and Evangelismos of the new Athens subway system

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