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Solar PV Projects

Emergency Management
Doc ID: PL-CO-05
Rev No.: 3
Rev Date: 08/02/2017

Prepared By: Reviewed by: Approved By:

Damian BRANDON Philippe NGUYEN Marie Chuet
Project Director
Id no.:PL-CO-05

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Document Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 4
1.3 Document Amendment and Distribution ........................................................................ 4
1.3.1 Revision Status .............................................................................................................. 5
2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Project Overview .......................................................................................................... 5
3 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................ 6
4 ORGANISATION ................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Responsibilities and Authorities..................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 8 BYCA Senior Management .......................................................................................................... 8 OHS Manager ............................................................................................................................. 8 Environmental Manager/Coordinator ........................................................................................ 9 Project Based Managers ............................................................................................................. 9 Project Foreman and Supervisors ............................................................................................... 9 Employees ................................................................................................................................. 10 Emergency Response Coordinator(s) (ERC)............................................................................... 10 Emergency Response Team (ERT) ............................................................................................. 10 On-scene Commander .............................................................................................................. 10 First Aid Personnel ............................................................................................................... 11
5 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ............................................................................................. 11
5.1 Risk Assessments ........................................................................................................ 11
5.2 Identified Emergency Situations .................................................................................. 12
5.3 Emergency Drills/Exercises .......................................................................................... 13
5.4 Training ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.5 Equipment .................................................................................................................. 15
5.6 Communication in the Event of an Emergency ............................................................. 15
5.7 First Aid ...................................................................................................................... 15
5.8 Fire Prevention and Protection .................................................................................... 15
5.9 Emergency Response Diagram .................................................................................... 16
6 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ..................................................................................................... 16
6.1 Incident Response Actions ........................................................................................... 16
6.2 Environmental Incident Response Actions .................................................................... 17
6.2.1 Treating Polluted Water .............................................................................................. 17
6.2.2 Treating Contaminated Soil ......................................................................................... 17
6.2.3 Crisis Management ...................................................................................................... 17
6.2.4 Media........................................................................................................................... 18
7 POST EMERGENCY ............................................................................................................. 18
8 RECORDS ........................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix 1 Emergency Contacts ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
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Id no.:PL-CO-05

Appendix 2 Emergency Response Diagram ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 3 Medical Services and Hospital Location Maps .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix 4 Emergency Response Prompts......................................................................... 19
Appendix 5 First Aid and Medical Response ....................................................................... 25
Appendix 6 Emergency Evacuation Scenarios .................................................................... 26
Appendix 7 Other Incident Response Scenarios .................................................................. 28
Appendix 8 Emergency Services Contact Instruction........................................................... 30
Appendix 9 Emergency Response Protocol Cards ............................................................... 31

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1.1 Objectives
The objectives of this Emergency Management Plan are:
 Secure the health, safety and welfare of all employees, sub-contractors, suppliers, visitors
and members affected by workplaces under the control of BYCA
 Contain an emergency
 Protect property, plant, equipment and the environment
 Care for the welfare of casualties and families
 Manage the recovery and resumption of normal operations
Once this plan is approved it must be issued to the BYCA QSE Director to ensure that the BYCA
corporate office is aware of the relevant procedures and emergency contacts to ensure clear
communication in case of any serious incident.
This Emergency Management Plan has been developed to manage the Solar Farms Projects awarded
by NEOEN, under the following entities:
 Parkes Solar Farms Pty Ltd
 Griffith Solar Farm Pty Ltd
 Dubbo Solar Hub Pty Ltd
This Plan should be read with the site specifics section (Appendixes 1 to 4 of the Project
Management Plan.)

1.2 Document Responsibilities

This Emergency Management Plan must be in place and operational prior to commencement of
construction work and shall be read in conjunction with the PR-CO-05 Emergency Management
The Project OHS Mgr/Crd in conjunction with the Project Director will ensure that the plan is
monitored, reviewed (at least annually), maintained and updated as necessary and kept up to date
during the course of the project.
A copy of the Project Emergency Management Plan will be available for consultation throughout the
course of the construction work by all subcontractors and workers performing work on the site.
The Project OHS Mgr/Crd will ensure that each subcontractor is provided with relevant parts of this
Emergency Management Plan and Project HS Risk Assessment and Project Environmental Risk
Assessment for the preparation of their SWMS.
If a Project Emergency Management Plan is changed during the course of a project, the Project OHS
Mgr/Crd must ensure that any affected workers and subcontractors are provided with a copy of the
updated plan.

1.3 Document Amendment and Distribution

This Emergency Management Plan shall be reviewed as follows:
 Annually
 When there is a change of method and/or technology that may affect the accuracy of this

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 Following an emergency drill, response or a significant event to which this procedure was
 As a result of a non-conformance resulting from an audit
Document amendments and distribution will be conducted as per detailed in the PL-CO-01 Project
Management Plan and the PL-QA-02 Records Management Plan.
New and amended documentation issued after the initial approval and distribution of this plan to
controlled copy holders shall be identified in the FS-QA-RG-06 Document Control Register. Revision
details shall be recorded in the Revision Status Section of this plan.
All changes to documents shall be reviewed and approved by the same function that performed the
original review and approval and as per the cover of this plan, unless specifically designated

1.3.1 Revision Status

Revision Revision Date Issued Date Nature of modification

0 24/11/2016 24/11/2016 Contract Award revision

1 30/01/2017 Reviewed for Execution Contract
2 03/02/2017 Revision Amendments
3 08/02/2017 Revision Amendments

2.1 Project Overview
The project comprises:
The development of four solar farms sites spread across regional central NSW. They will be split into
three main areas:
 Parkes Solar Farm: 66MWdc size on a 240ha property
 Griffith Solar Farm: 36MWdc size on a 125ha property
 Dubbo Solar Hub: This consists of two smaller farms which total to 29MWdc of solar energy
 South Keswick: 18MWdc size on an 85ha property
 Narromine: 11MWdc size on a 30ha property
BYCA is the Principal Contractor for the scope of works, and is responsible for Engineering,
Procurement and Construction (EPC).
The project will be delivered in a number of stages outlined below:
Stage 1 – Civil works consisting of land clearing, levelling and earthworks, internal road construction,
drainage installation, laydown area preparation, fencing installation, site establishment, preparation
of delivery station and inverter station, and vegetation screening/landscaping.

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Stage 2 – Mechanical works consisting of foundation piling (ramming and augering), tracker
installation, module installation and delivery.
Stage 3 – Electrical works consisting of solar cabling of aerials and conduits, DC main cabling via
direct burial, MV cabling from inverter station to delivery station through direct buried, module
connection, connection of junction boxes-inverters-delivery station, connection to grid and finally
testing and commissioning.

For further information about the Project Scope please refer to the PL-CO-01 Project Management

ALARP As Low as Reasonable Practicable (risk management objective)
BYCA Bouygues Construction Australia Pty Ltd.
Class 1 Injury/ Alters the future of an individual permanently and includes:
Illness (OHS) fatality, quadriplegia/paraplegia, amputation, impaired back, disfigurement, serious head
or spinal injury, serious burns, loss of an eye or total or partial loss of vision, loss of
consciousness, loss of movement of a limb, loss of the sense of smell, taste, sight or
hearing, loss of function of an internal organ
Class 2 Injury/ Alters the future of an individual temporarily and includes: fractures, contusion,
Illness (OHS) lacerations requiring sutures, Lost Time Injury (LTI), Medical Treatment Injuries (MTI),
Alternate Work Injuries (AWI)
Some LTIs may also be classified as Class 1 incidents
Class 3 Injury/ An Injury or illness that does no more than inconvenience to the person. This injury causes
Illness (OHS) discomfort but allows the person to quickly carry out normal duties and includes, but may
not be limited to: first Aid injuries, minor cuts, bruises, swelling
Class 1 Causes or has the potential to cause pollution or degradation which has or may have long
Environmental term detrimental effects on the environment and/or community and will require extensive
incident remediation.
Class 2 Causes or has the potential to cause pollution or degradation which has persistent (greater
Environmental than three months) but reversible detrimental effects on the environment and/or
incident: community
Class 3 Causes or has the potential to cause pollution or degradation which has short-term (less
Environmental than one month) and reversible detrimental effects on the environment and/or
incident: community
Communication The process by which people are kept informed about topics or issues regarding health and
safety matters
Consult To share information about risks and what each party is doing to control the risk
Co-Operate Providing assistance where necessary and ensuring that your activities do not interfere
with the other person’s duties
Co-Ordinate Planning and organizing activities together so that each person can meet their duties
Dangerous An unplanned incident event that had and/or has a potential to cause injury or illness to
Occurrence (DO) any person, damage to property or the environment
Duty Holders Persons who have duties under Australian Work Health Safety legislation
Emergency An accident requiring an immediate action with external assistance, to manage the
Emergency Emergency Response Coordinator(s) consisting of site members who have the skills,
Response knowledge and authority to manage a site emergency situation
Emergency Emergency Response Team of competent and trained site members who will respond,
Response Team contain and control an on-site emergency

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EMP Emergency Management Plan
EMT Leader EMT representative who has overall responsibility of the EMT and emergency
management during an onsite emergency event
ERT Emergency Response Team
Hazard Source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or
a combination of these elements
QSE Health Safety, Environment and Quality
Illness A work related disease or sickness affecting body or mind
Incident Work-related event or occurrence that exposes persons health and safety, the
environment or other objective to risk
Injury A work related injury is a disorder that results from exposure to a physical hazard in a
single traumatic event (occurrence)
Lost Time Injury A work related occurrence that results in a fatality, permanent disability, injury or illness
(LTI) resulting in the lost time from work of one day/ shift or more
Medical A work related occurrence that results in treatment by, or under the order of, a qualified
Treatment Injury medical practitioner, but excludes (the following would not be considered medical
(MTI) treatment):
(a) Administration of tetanus shot/s or boosters
(b) Diagnostic procedures such as X-rays or laboratory analysis, unless they lead to further
Method A document which describes in detail “how” the task will be implemented
BYCA QSE He/she is not attached to the project hierarchy. He/she checks the adequacy of
Director implemented means against risks analysis, carries out regular sites inspection, ensures the
(Corporate) use of PPE and compliance of collective protections, put a stop to any at-risk situations,
proposes sanctions for non-respect of rules behaviours
OHS Information All information related to OHS including:
Minutes of OHS related meetings
Agenda of those meetings
OHS alerts
Advisory material
SMS processes, standards, procedures and practices
OHS Manager/ He/she assists Project Directors in setting up the OHS system, audits, workstation
Coordinator ergonomics approach, analysis of at-risk situation records and their analysis
On-scene Appointed person allocated to the role of coordinating rescue and responding to all
Commander emergency situations and takes control of the incident scene and coordinates the
emergency response from the scene of the incident
PCBU A Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking; whether the person conducts the business
or undertaking alone or with others; and whether or not the business or undertaking is
conducted for profit or gain
Policy The OHS policy provides a framework for action and for the setting of Occupational Health
and Safety objectives
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Risk Combination of the likelihood of occurrence of one or more hazardous events or
exposures to such event(s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the
event or exposure(s)
Safe Work A document which describes task methodology and sequence, identifies hazards, assesses
Method risk, and nominates control measures to reduce risk ALARP
Safety For each and every project, the plan drafted that identifies the hazards associated with the
Management activity, evaluates the risks and eliminates or mitigates them
Plan (SMP)
Serious Incident A work related incident resulting in an injury, or a Dangerous Occurrence event, that is

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(SI) required to be notified to the relevant Regulatory Authority
WHS Work Health and Safety
WHS Legislation Work Health and Safety Act and Regulation 2011, or as prescribed by the relevant
Regulatory Authority
Worker A person is a worker if the person carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting
a business or undertaking, including work as:
an employee
a contractor or subcontractor
an employee of a contractor or subcontractor
an employee of a labour hire company who has been assigned to work in the person's
business or undertaking
an outworker
an apprentice or trainee or a student gaining experience
Workplace An area where personnel, equipment and tools are combined to complete a specific task
or duty

4.1 Responsibilities and Authorities
This section defines the duties, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities of key persons with
safety associated responsibilities.

4.1.1 Responsibilities
The Project Directors/Construction Managers and Department Managers that are responsible for a
project/department should identify the possible types of emergencies in the project/department
under their control.
The project OHS Manager/Coordinator(s) are required to establish an Emergency Management Plan
in accordance with the information identified by the Project Director/Construction Manager to deal
with the emergencies.
This section defines the duties, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities of key persons with
safety associated responsibilities. BYCA Senior Management

BYCA Senior Management is responsible for ensuring that:
 Systems are implemented to ensure that training programs are developed and delivered to all
BYCA employees, and as refresher training, to ensure that they are familiar with the
requirements of all emergency preparedness and response related processes
 BYCA Health and Safety Management System requires periodic audits to be conducted to
ensure the effectiveness of, and compliance with, the emergency management procedures
and plans
 Systems are implemented to ensure sufficient support and resources are applied in the
formulation and implementation of the Emergency Response Plan(s) OHS Manager/Coordinator

The OHS Manager/Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that:

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 Competency based training programs with regards to emergency preparedness and response
are delivered to all BYCA personnel and that all workers are familiar and deemed to be
competent with Emergency Management Procedures and Plans
 Emergency response capabilities which include all fire, medical and rescue equipment are
maintained to an operational standard and reviewed and documented on a regular basis
 Emergency preparedness and response procedures and plans are tested and the outcomes
reviewed and documented on a regular basis
 Adequate resources have been made available for the instruction, training, provision and
maintenance of facilities and equipment used by any emergency response team to the
required high standard
 A project Emergency Management Plan is developed and provided to the emergency
management team members
 Reviewing and updating the Emergency Management Plan Environmental Manager/Coordinator

The Environmental Manager is responsible for ensuring that:
 Competency based training programs with regards to emergency preparedness and response
are delivered to all BYCA personnel and that all workers are familiar and deemed to be
competent with Emergency Management Procedures and Plans
 Emergency response capabilities which include all spill response, containment, extraction and
storage equipment are maintained
 Emergency preparedness and response procedures and plans are tested and the outcomes
reviewed and documented on a regular basis
 Adequate resources have been made available for the instruction, training, provision and
maintenance of facilities and equipment used by any environmental emergency response
team to the required high standard
 A project Emergency Management Plan is developed and provided to the emergency
management team members
 Reviewing and updating the Emergency Management Plan Project Based Managers

Project based Manager as Project Directors, Construction Managers, Operations Manager -
Construction, Construction Manager, and General Superintendent Managers shall:
 Comply with the Emergency Management Plans and Procedures
 Remain vigilant with respect to ensuring that all emergency related Procedures and Plans
address the four primary elements of emergency management, which are:
- preparation
- prevention
- response
- recovery
 Ensure that all BYCA personnel receive competency based training and instruction to enable
them to comply with the need to maintain a high level of emergency preparedness and
 Be responsible for ensuring all emergency drills and all manner of exercises are well
coordinated and resourced Project Foreman and Supervisors

Project Foreman and Supervisors shall:

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 Comply with the requirements of all Emergency Management Procedure and Plans
 Ensure that all persons on all BYCA sites have the level of competency to enable them to
comply with the Emergency Management Procedure and Plans
 Provide formal input into all emergency related documentation, systems and processes from
an operational perspective
 Be responsible for co-coordinating the emergency drills in the areas under their direction Employees
Employees/workers are responsible for:
 Performing all duties in a manner which will ensure their own and others safety
 Complying with the responsibilities assigned under relevant legislation
 Complying with all site safety rules and procedures
 Being alert at all times to potential hazards
 Participating in the identification and elimination of hazards
 Reporting immediately any dangerous occurrence, injury, hazard or defective equipment
 Possess knowledge of how to implement safe work practices using the hazard identification,
risk assessment and risk control techniques
 Actively participating in safety meetings and programs, including training
 Actively participating in rehabilitation programs Emergency Response Coordinator(s) (ERC)

Emergency Response Coordinator(s) (ERC) is/are responsible for:
 Responding to occurrences/emergencies as appropriate
 Where an occurrence impacts on the safety and/or reliability of the construction works /rail
and/or involves members of the public, immediately notifying the BYCA QSE Director
 When evacuation is required, ensuring that personnel that are affected are evacuated in
accordance with the project Emergency Management Plan
 Ensuring that head counts are conducted by supervisors responsible for particular workgroups
and that any missing persons are identified and subsequently accounted for
 Coordinating Emergency Services to the incident scene from the designated site access
 Providing up to date information as to the status of the incident to the Emergency Services
 Notifying others according as specified by the project Emergency Management Plan
 Recording incident and other relevant details Emergency Response Team (ERT)

The Emergency Response Team has the responsibility to respond, contain and control an on-site
emergency. The ERT will follow instruction of the Emergency Response Coordinator(s), and include
the following members:
 Emergency Response Team Leader: EMT representative who has overall responsibility of the
EMT and emergency management during an onsite emergency event
 On-scene Commander
 First Aiders On-scene Commander

The On-scene Commander is appointed by the Emergency Response Leader and has the following

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 Coordinate rescue and responding to all emergency situations
 Control of the incident scene
 Coordinate the emergency response from the scene of the incident First Aid Personnel

First Aid Personnel are responsible for:
 Attending to any casualties in the affected area, providing it is safe to do so
 Ensuring Emergency Services are contacted as and when required
 Directing persons to the site access location to meet Emergency Services vehicle
 Awaiting instruction from the ERC and respond to requests for first aid treatment
 Managing the First Aid Room in accordance with WHS Regulations and the PR-HS-05 First Aid
Management Procedure
 Ensuring that the First Aid room is stocked and maintained for operational readiness and will
assist in return to work programs as required

5.1 Risk Assessments
When conducting the Project HS Risk Assessment and Project Environmental Risk Assessment
foreseeable emergency situations shall be identified and control measures nominated to adequately
mitigate risk arising from emergency situations (e.g. fire-fighting equipment, rescue equipment, etc).
The objective of this Emergency Management Plans is to:
 eliminate harm to person’s health and safety
 eliminate harm to the environment
 ensure safety is the paramount consideration at all times
This plan will identify all potential emergency situations, and nominate control measures to facilitate
adequate emergency response.

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5.2 Identified Emergency Situations
The following potential emergency situations have been identified on this project:

Incident Cause
- Spark from hot work
- Spark from plant exhaust
- Equipment overload/ malfunction
- Smoking on site
- Traffic accident
- Bush Fires
- Electrical fire
- Fire
Emissions to the atmosphere
- Chemical spill
- Dust
- Potential asbestos exposure
- Chemical spill
Discharge to water or land
- Plant malfunction
- Fuel tank leak
- Utility strike
- Bund breach
- Isolation procedure failure
- Plant malfunction
Hazardous Substances Spill
- Pipe work breach
- Bund breach
- Faulty storage equipment
- Breach of delivery protocol
- Traffic accident
- Fire
Damage to native flora and fauna
- Poor vegetation clearance protocol
- Chemical spill
- Vehicle/Fauna strike
- Unauthorised clearing breach/damage to
protected trees
- Potential for confined space work
Personal injury
- Hot work
- Manual handling
- Removing equipment from transport
- Working with hazardous materials
- Excavation collapse
- Traffic accident (onsite/off site)
- Vehicle/pedestrian interface
- Working in extreme temperatures
- Snake/Spider Bite
- Lightning strike

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- Infections
Contact with sewage flow
- Release of gases from sewage
Gas Monitor alarm
- Inadequate ventilation
- Excavation without barricades
Fall into Trench or Excavation
- Power failure
Lighting failure
- Lighting equipment failure
- Interface between other existing workplace
Other existing workplaces
emergency risks and response impact
- Fatality
Major National Disaster
- Property lost
- Flora/Fauna impact
- Severe Thunderstorm
- Fatality
Community Outrage
- Property lost
- Fatality
Major Spill
- Property lost
- Environmental major contamination

5.3 Emergency Drills/Exercises

Drills shall be conducted in accordance with the PR-CO-05 Emergency Management Procedure to
assess the adequacy and effectiveness of this plan.
The following drill scenarios will be conducted with priority, due to the likelihood of these occurring
on this project site:
 Trench/ground collapse
 striking of live services
 bush fire drill to be conducted (including electrical fire)
 mobile plant rolls over
 major spill – water contamination
 flooding
 mobile plant accident
 crushing due to plant
 venomous snake/spider bite
Emergency Drills will be recorded on the FS-HS-EM-01 Emergency Evacuation Record.

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Please find below Drill Schedule:

Month Emergency Drill Scenario

Feb 2017

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017

June 2017

July 2017

August 2017

5.4 Training
This project Emergency Management Plan shall be communicated to all persons (including
subcontractor and visitors) using the following methods:
 Corporate Induction
 Site Induction (Project Induction, Delivery Driver and Visitors Induction)
 Safety Notice Board
 Tool Box Talk Meetings
All site personnel including sub-contractors will be instructed in the correct response to an
occurrence, or emergency evacuation in accordance with the various procedures outlined in the
appendices to this document, but in particular:
 Emergency Contacts
 Emergency Response Diagram
 Medical Services and Hospital Location Maps
 Emergency Response Prompts
 First Aid and Medical Response
 Emergency Evacuation Scenarios
 Other Incident Response Scenarios
 Emergency Services Contact Instruction, and
 Emergency Response Protocol Cards
The OHS Manager/Crd and the Environmental Manager shall ensure that the project personnel are
trained to deal with the anticipated emergencies in order to reduce the damages that could occur
during an emergency event. Please refer to the FS-QA-CT-02 Training Needs Analysis (QSE).
The OHS Manager/Crd will ensure that an adequate number of suitably trained personnel are
appointed as part of the Emergency Response Team (ERT).

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Please refer to the PR-HS-05 First Aid Management Procedure for further information on first aid

5.5 Equipment
The maintenance, inspection, testing of all emergency equipment will be conducted as per required
on the PR-CO-05 Emergency Management Procedure.
Please refer to PR-CO-05 Emergency Management Procedure, PR-HS-03 Fire Emergency Procedure
and PR-HS-05 First Aid Management Procedure for further information.

5.6 Communication in the Event of an Emergency

Radio and/or mobile telephone communications will be the main means of communications in the
event of an emergency.
In the event of an emergency, persons that are not involved in the emergency shall maintain radio
silence so as to allow radio communications between the On-scene Commander, Emergency
Response Coordinator(s) and Leader, and other services/personnel involved in the emergency, to
flow uninterrupted.
The On-scene Commander shall be in control of radio communications during an emergency.

5.7 First Aid

First Aid will be conducted following the PR-HS-05 First Aid Management Procedure and the PR-CO-
05 Emergency Management Procedure.
First aid facilities shall be provided to all employees, with access to immediate first aid treatment
when required. All BYCA sites will maintain a First Aider Room.
Project first aid requirements will be identified as part of the Project HS Risk Assessment.
Checking/restocking of first aid provisions will be undertaken at least on a monthly basis or when
required, and usually by the Site First Aider or nominated person(s).
The FS-HS-EM-03 First Aid Attendant form shall completed with the project First Aiders details and
displayed in the Safety Notice Board.
An up-to-date list of all First Aiders will be displayed throughout the site.
Suitable independent medical providers shall be nominated for the project to provide medical
treatment for all work injuries requiring treatment beyond first aid.

5.8 Fire Prevention and Protection

Fire Emergencies will be addressed following the PR-HS-03 Fire Emergency Procedure and the PR-CO-
05 Emergency Management Procedure.
All employees will receive training and instruction on the relevant fire procedures as part of their
induction training.
Firefighting equipment which is identified during the risk assessment process shall be made available
to the appointed Emergency Response Team.
Smoking is prohibited in work areas, and within 5 meters of any door, window or air conditioner

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5.9 Emergency Response Diagram
An Emergency Response Diagram will be prepared for the project detailing the following:
 Emergency Assembly Point
 Fire Extinguishers
 First Aid Kit
 Spill Kits
 Offices
 Storage Facilities
 Sanitary Facilities
 Stockpile areas (if applicable)
 Traffic Flow (if applicable)
The Diagram will form part of this plan and the Site Induction, and will be displayed on the Safety
Notice Board.

Emergency Response will be conducted as per PR-CO-05 Emergency Management Procedure, PR-HS-
03 Fire Emergency Procedure, PR-HS-05 First Aid Management Procedure and particularly as describe
on the following Appendices of this plan:
Appendices 1-4 of the Project Management Plan contain the site’s specifics in regards to:
 First Aid Personnel
 Emergency Response Personnel
 Emergency Response Diagram
 Medical Services and Hospital Location Maps

Appendices 1-6 of this Emergency Management Plan contain the following:

Appendix 1 – Emergency Response Prompts
Appendix 2 – First Aid and Medical Response
Appendix 3 – Emergency Evacuation Scenarios
Appendix 4 – Other Incident Response Scenarios
Appendix 5 – Emergency Services Contact Instruction, and
Appendix 6 – Emergency Response Protocol Cards

6.1 Incident Response Actions

Appendix 1 Emergency Response Prompts and Appendix 6 Emergency Response Protocol Cards
provide a list that details potential incidents and responses.
The specific treatment will vary for each case and may require the expertise of internal and/or
external specialists to fully manage the incident.
When directed by BYCA supervision, all personnel will evacuate to the nominated Emergency
Assembly Points as detailed on the site’s specific Emergency Response Diagram.
The Evacuation Signal is four (4) blasts of a horn. In the event of failure of the horn, the ERC will
sound (4) long blasts of a whistle.
Details of contact numbers shall be displayed on the project Safety Notice Board.

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6.2 Environmental Incident Response Actions
In addition to the Appendix 4 Emergency Response Prompts and Appendix 6 Emergency Response
Protocol Cards, the following actions shall be considered when responding to an environmental
 case of a plant and equipment or a machinery: immediate switching-off of machinery causing
the leak
 notify the maintenance team concerned as soon as possible
 seal off the leak if possible or remove the cause of pollution (overturned canister)
 use absorbent products (sawdust, absorbents) to recover the maximum of spilled polluting
 if leak persists, install a drain pan or other container to collect the polluting products that
continue to spill out
 if the leak spread, trace the path of the product and minimise the extent of the pollutant
using earth mound, absorbent socks

6.2.1 Treating Polluted Water

In case of discharging pollutants into water, complete and wrap-up the emergency actions:
 set up floating absorbing bunds as close as possible to the area of contamination in low
turbulence areas of the river to contain the spread of pollution
 prevent as much as possible the spreading of pollution
 use absorbing rolls on water surface
 procure the service of a specialised company if necessary to pump out surface water

6.2.2 Treating Contaminated Soil

Contaminated soil will be dealt with as follows:
 carefully strip the polluted area with a shovel down to the untainted soil level
 store polluted earth in a special packaging and in an area intended for such
 evacuate polluted soil to authorised site

6.2.3 Crisis Management

A Crisis Situation is defined by one or a combination of the following events:
 fatality
 terrorist attack
 natural disaster
 Actual Class 1 Incident
 incident event where we are exposed to risk of prosecution
BYCA will apply the Incident Management procedure PR-CO-04 Incident Management Procedure for
all the reporting of Crisis Situations.
In a crisis situation, it is imperative that the head of entity (Deputy CEO, CEO or Chairman and CEO)
be informed as soon as possible. It is his or her responsibility to decide whether or not to set up a
crisis task force, depending on a personal assessment of the situation.
It is also up to the head of entity to notify Bouygues Construction by informing the following or
seeing that they are informed: the senior management (Deputy CEO, Chairman and CEO), the head
of the support department concerned, where appropriate, and the head of the Communication

R3 08/02/2017 Page 17 of 40
Department at Bouygues Construction. If the latter cannot be reached, the head of External
Communication should be contacted. The latter are responsible for informing the senior
management, management of the support department concerned, where appropriate, and
management of the Communication Department at Bouygues SA.
Figure 1 – Crisis Situations Information Flow Chart

6.2.4 Media
All statements to the media concerning an emergency at any BYCA workplace shall only be made by
a BYCA Community Relations Manager or delegate as directed by BYCA Senior Management.
In the majority of cases involving serious injury or fatality the media may learn of the incident from
the reports made to the authorities and then attend the site without notice. The media will be
treated courteously but should not be allowed access to the site.
In the first instance all media enquiries shall be referred to the BYCA Community Relations Manager.
In case of a significant injury, it is important that the name(s) of those involved are not broadcast
until all next of kin have been notified and legal advice has been obtained confirming the release of
detail is acceptable.

Once the emergency has ended; incident investigation, rehabilitation and return to work, and
employee assistance programs may be required to be initiated. All these processes will be conducted
in accordance with the PR-CO-05 Emergency Management Procedure.

R3 08/02/2017 Page 18 of 40
All records shall be maintained following the PR-QA-01 Document Control and Record Management

Emergency Response Prompts


Response Responsible Means of


Contact Site Supervisor at the work site where the incident / Area Supervisor Telephone /
accident has occurred and advice to sound emergency Runner
evacuation alarm. Sound four long blasts (4 x 3 seconds) of the
emergency air horn

The Site Supervisor at the work sites will sound the emergency Site Supervisor Site = 4 x 3 sec
evacuation alarm Blast of Horn

Contact emergency services immediately if required at this Area Supervisor 000 / 112

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator of the evacuation Area Supervisor Radio /
and the reason(s) why it has been required Telephone

Emergency Response Coordinator activates the emergency Emergency As per

response protocol for the scenario(s) being encountered Response Scenario

All personnel evacuate to the nearest emergency assembly point Area Supervisor Telephone
and gather in their employer groups

Area Supervisor (if safe to do so) does a sweep of the site to Area Supervisor
ensure no personnel remain on site

Area Supervisors to account for the individuals under their Area Supervisor Visual and
supervision, including subcontractor employees Verbal

Area Supervisor confirms that all personnel are accounted for to Area Supervisor Verbal /
the Emergency Response Coordinator Telephone /

If any member of the workforce cannot be accounted for, notify Area Supervisor
emergency services immediately All

Supervisors are required to remain at the emergency assembly Area Supervisor Telephone /
point with all evacuated employees and carry out instructions as Radio
directed by the Emergency Response Coordinator

R3 08/02/2017 Page 19 of 40

Response Responsible Means of


Contact Emergency Service and follow instructions Anyone 000 / 112

Direct the Emergency Services to the nearest site access. Anyone

Refer: Emergency Response Diagram

Send someone to the site access gate to await and escort the Anyone Verbal / Radio /
Emergency Services into the site Telephone

Secure the area and apply first aid as necessary until the Anyone / First
Emergency Services arrive Aider

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the Area Radio /

emergency and the reason(s) why Emergency Services are Supervisor Telephone

Emergency Services to take control of situation. Directions to All

be followed by all on site

Medical Emergency

Any BYCA employee requiring medical treatment must be Area

referred to the selected medical facility – Refer to project Supervisor
Notice Board

Contact the medical facility and advise when an injured person Area Radio /
is on their way to the medical facility Supervisor Telephone

Senior BYCA staff member (preferably Site Manager) to

accompany injured employee to the medical facility

Appropriate transport (to medical facility and/or home) Area

arrangements must be made available to injured employee Supervisor

Suitable duties to be immediately made available through the OHS

Rehabilitation Coordinator whenever possible Manager/Crd/

Assistance from Rehabilitation Coordinator and OHS OHS

Manager/Crd is available in selecting suitable duties Manager/Crd/

R3 08/02/2017 Page 20 of 40
Hydrocarbon/Chemical Spill, Contaminated Material Release
or Turbid Run-off to Surface Water

Flooding, Bush Fire, Tropical Cyclone Events (QLD), Severe Thunderstorms, Venomous Snake/Spider
bite, Potential Asbestos Exposure

Response Responsible Contact

Assess the risk, identify the spilled material and determine Anyone / Area Radio /
how much has spilled. Use the container's label or SDS to Supervisor Telephone /
identify the liquid and the primary dangers posed to spill Runner
responders and the environment

If a major spill notify the Emergency Response Coordinator Area Radio /

(ERC) of the requiring emergency response Supervisor Telephone /

If possible limit the spill area by blocking, diverting or Anyone / Area Radio /
confining the spill. Stop the spread of liquid before it has a Supervisor Telephone /
chance to contaminate a water source Runner

Ensure the appropriate PPE to safely respond to the spill is


After the spill is confined, stop the source of the spill. This Area Radio /
may simply involve turning a container upright, closing a Supervisor Telephone /
valve, or plugging a leak from a damaged hose, drum or Runner

Notify the Environmental Manager and Construction Manager Area Radio /

Supervisor Telephone /

Limit the spill area by blocking, diverting or confining the spill. Anyone / Area
Stop the spread of liquid before it has a chance to Supervisor
contaminate a water source

If necessary isolate the area ERC Radio /

Telephone /

If Emergency Services need to be contacted, follow ERC Telephone

Emergency Services Protocol as above

Provide First aid as appropriate to any individuals exposed to First Aider Radio /
a hazardous substance. Telephone /

ERC in consultation with Environmental Manager activates AEM Telephone

emergency response protocols for the scenario/s being

R3 08/02/2017 Page 21 of 40

If it is safe to do so, take further steps to isolate the spill or Anyone Radio /
run off from the surrounding environment such as dig up, Telephone
place in container, treatment and /or add additional control
measures downstream

Once the spill is confined and the source has been stopped, a Area Radio /
clean-up plan needs to be implemented. Place absorbents Supervisor or Telephone
that are chemically compatible with the liquid spilled EM
throughout the area. Once the absorbents are saturated, they
should be properly disposed of

Rags and oil-absorbent materials that only contain non-

volatile petroleum hydrocarbons and do not contain free
liquids may be Disposed of as General Solid Waste (non-
putrescibles) under the project relevant state Waste
Classification Guidelines

Note that sorbents do not render liquids non-flammable,

neutral or less-hazardous and will take on the
characteristics/properties of whatever liquid is absorbed.
Therefore, all measures must be taken as if you were handling
the liquid itself. Sorbents do not make the liquid less
Always refer to the MSDS for the chemical absorbed before

In the case of an uncontrolled release to a water course Environmental Telephone

representative samples should be taken of the discharged Team
liquid and the receiving water

In the event of significant inclement weather conditions, or Area Radio /

severe thunder storms, ongoing monitoring of situation is Supervisor Telephone
required in consultation with relevant local emergency
services. No vehicles are to attempt river or creek crossings in
the event of centralised flooding. – Site ERC to ensure regular
updates maintained via Australian Government Bureau of
Meteorology Website;
Severe Thunderstorms; after visually sighting approaching
storm front, ERC/Supervisor to employ 30/30 rule to
determine proximity of lightning to site (If the time between
seeing a flash of lightning and hearing thunder is less than 30
seconds, head for shelter immediately. Works may resume
after 30 mins from last lightning or thunder event)
Suitable refuge shelter provided for on ground personnel

R3 08/02/2017 Page 22 of 40
Bush fires- coordination between BYCA and local emergency Area Radio /
services to ensure regular updates to site. Site evacuation Supervisor Telephone
protocol implemented as instructed by ERC, and local
emergency authorities

Venomous snake/spider bite – stabilise involved person, First Responder Radio /

identify type of snake/spider if possible (remain well clear, Telephone
First Aider/ERC
and do not approach however) apply compression bandage
and mark point of injection with a marker pen if available.
Limit movement. Immediately contact local emergency Local snake
services and follow all instructions – local snake handler handler contact
contact details to be sourced and available for the safe details as
removal of any identified snake(s) within the site boundary available

Potential Asbestos Exposure – Strong management and Area Notifications

control of all in situ asbestos-containing materials (ACM) is Supervisor
essential. Ensure area is isolated to prevent entry
The well-known adverse health consequences of exposure to Manager/ERC
airborne asbestos fibres can be prevented if precautions are
taken and appropriate procedures are followed.
The risks posed by ACM depend on the nature and condition
of the materials and the potential for exposure.
The main elements of managing the risks of ACM in
workplaces are to:
• identify all ACM in the workplace, as far as practicable;
• assess the risks associated with all ACM; and
• introduce control measures to prevent, as far as practicable,
the generation of airborne asbestos fibres and any exposure
to airborne asbestos fibres.

Tropical Cyclonic Events (QLD) – Site ERC to ensure regular Construction Radio /
updates maintained via Australian Government Bureau of Manager/ERC Telephone/
Meteorology Website;
ERC to liaise with local emergency services and follow all

R3 08/02/2017 Page 23 of 40

Response Responsible Contact

1. Damage Identified to Pipe or Lining Anyone / Radio /

Supervisor Telephone /

2. Sound Emergency Warning and Evacuate the incident site Anyone / Radio /
Supervisor Telephone /

3. Contact Project Director, Gas Service provider and if required Supervisor / Radio /
Emergency Services ERC Telephone /

4. Secure site and follow instructions from Gas Service provider Supervisor / Radio /
and Project Director ERC Telephone /

R3 08/02/2017 Page 24 of 40
Appendix 1 First Aid and Medical Response
First Aid Treatment Responsible Mean of Contact

Notify first aider and/or Supervisor Any Radio /

Telephone /
Treat injured person on site First Aider
Move injured person to Project Office first aid room if First Aider
required. (This is at the discretion of the First Aider)
Assess patient and stabilise. If further treatment is required First Aider
follow “off-site medical treatment” process below
Complete first aid injury register and forward on to OHS First Aider Hand

Off-Site Medical Treatment Responsible Mean of Contact

Following initial first aid treatment;

Contact OHS Manager/Crd and inform them that non- First Aider / Telephone /
emergency medical treatment is required Area Runner
OHS Manager/Crd to contact BYCA approved medical centre(s) OHS Telephone
then instruct the First Aider to the appropriate medical centre Manager/Crd
Accompany the injured person to medical centre First Aider /
Injured person to be assessed for alternate / modified duties Medical
Accompany injured person back to site (or if required, ensure First Aider /
transportation to home is managed) after treatment Area
Medical certificate and any other documentation relating to Area
the medical treatment completed Supervisor /

R3 08/02/2017 Page 25 of 40
Appendix 2 Emergency Evacuation Scenarios

Overhead or Undergound Power Strike Responsible Mean of Contact

Remove all personnel from the area, if safe to do so, secure Anyone

Apply first aid to injured person(s) if safe to do so First Aider

Contact Emergency Services if required and follow Anyone

instructions, e.g. if persons are injured/trapped

Evacuate personnel to emergency assembly area if necessary Area 4 x 3 sec Blast of

Supervisor Horn

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the Anyone / Area Telephone /
incident requiring emergency response Supervisor Radio

Notification to asset owner applicable to state (NSW/QLD) ERC Telephone

ERC attends incident site and coordinates emergency response ERC

and recovery

Quarantine the scene for investigative purposes ERC

Fire/Explosion Responsible Mean of Contact

Assess the situation - Try to extinguish with portable Anyone / 000 / 112
firefighting equipment if not out of control. Contact Supervisor
Emergency Services if required, and follow instructions

Give first aid to injured personnel if necessary and safe to do First Aider Runner /
so Telephone

Evacuate if necessary or as instructed, sound Emergency Site Supervisor Site = 4 x 3 sec

Evacuation Alarm Blast of Horn

Personnel to evacuate to the nearest safe Emergency Area

Assembly Point Supervisor

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the Area

incident requiring emergency response Supervisor

Prevent personnel from entering explosion/fire area. Supervisor / Verbal


R3 08/02/2017 Page 26 of 40
ERC attends incident site and coordinates emergency response ERC Verbal
until Emergency Services arrive

Assist Emergency Service as necessary (evacuation of adjacent ERC

property) and/or follow direct and provide assistance

Plant or Car Accident on Site, Vehicle/Pedestrian Strike Responsible Mean of Contact

Remove other personnel from area and secure Anyone

Apply first aid if necessary First Aider

Contact Emergency Services if required and follow instructions Anyone 000/112

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the Anyone Radio /

incident requiring emergency response Telephone /

ERC attends incident site and coordinates emergency response ERC Verbal
and recovery or until Emergency Services arrive

Assist Emergency Services as necessary and/or follow direct ERC

and provide assistance

Quarantine the scene for investigative purposes ERC

Bomb Threat Responsible Mean of Contact

Recipient of call or threat to record details on the Bomb Threat Recipient

Checklist – DON’T HANG UP

Contact Emergency Services Recipient 000 / 112

Evacuate all personnel to Emergency Assembly Points Area

Supervisor /

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the ERC Telephone

incident requiring emergency response

ERC attends incident site and coordinates emergency response ERC

until Emergency Services arrive

Wait for clearance to return to site from Emergency Services ERC Verbal

R3 08/02/2017 Page 27 of 40
Appendix 3 Other Incident Response Scenarios

Water Mains Damage Responsible Mean of Contact

Secure the area so that it is safe Anyone

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the Supervisor / Radio /

incident requiring emergency response Anyone Telephone /

Contact Water service provider ERC Telephone

ERC attends incident site and assesses the severity of the ERC
situation coordinates response and recovery

Car Accident Responsible Mean of Contact

Make the area safe i.e. implement traffic control if safe to do Anyone
so, remove personnel from the area.

Apply first aid if safe to do so as required First aider

Contact Emergency Services and follow instructions Anyone 000 / 112

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) Anyone Radio /

Telephone /

ERC attends incident site and assesses the severity of the ERC
situation coordinates response until Emergency Services arrive

Assist Emergency Service as necessary ERC

Assault or Threatening Person/s Responsible Mean of Contact

Do not attempt to arrest or restrain persons All

Remove yourself from the threat if possible All

Contact Emergency Services Anyone 000 / 112

Apply first aid if necessary First aider

Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the Area Telephone

incident requiring emergency response Supervisor /

R3 08/02/2017 Page 28 of 40

ERC attends incident site and coordinates emergency response ERC

until Emergency Services arrive

Wait for clearance to return to site from Emergency Services ERC Verbal

R3 08/02/2017 Page 29 of 40
Appendix 4 Emergency Services Contact Instruction


Step 1 State who you are

Nature of the emergency

Step 2
e.g. Medical, Fire, Person Trapped etc.

Step 3 Location of the Emergency

Refer: Emergency Response Diagram

Types of Injuries,
Step 4
Danger or Damage

 CALL 000
 Direct someone to wait at site entrance to guide emergency
 Keep calm – so you can help
 Administer First Aid as necessary
Role Name Phone No.
 Do not move any injured person unless they are in further danger

Emergency Response Coordinator

Emergency Response Coordinator


R3 08/02/2017 Page 30 of 40
Appendix 5 Emergency Response Protocol Cards

Emergency Response Checklist

Site Location:
Ambulance: 000____________ Fire: 000_____________ Police: 000___________
Doctor: :____________________________Hospital:_______________________________
Dial Before You Dig:______________________ Water & Sewage: ____________________
Electricity (Site / Local):_____________________ Gas_____________________________
Statutory Authority (WorkSafe / EPA):___________________________________________
Site / Construction Manager (name &
Emergency Coordinator (name & contact):________________________________________
Site HSE Coordinator (name &
Site Security: ______________________________________________________________
Client (name & contact):______________________________________________________
Client Representative (name & contact): _________________________________________


R3 08/02/2017 Page 31 of 40
1. Do not rush to the scene. Move quickly and calmly. Ensure there is no danger to you or the
injured person. If possible, do not leave the injured person unattended and only move the injured
person if the area becomes unsafe.
2. If the injured person has been involved in a vehicle crash, ensure the vehicle is stable before
attending to the injured person. Turn the engine off and, if possible, isolate the battery.
3. Contact a First Aider. Provide advice regarding the type / extent of injury, where you are and the
number of people injured.
4. Stay and wait for the emergency team to arrive and direct them to the area.
If you are the first person on the scene of a medical emergency (for example: heart attack,
collapse, serious injury) immediately attend to the injured and make contact with a First Aider.
The following procedure will then apply:
1. First Aider attends injured person.
2. Phone ambulance.
- name of caller / organisation / call back number
- apparent nature of injury or condition
- location of patient
- clear directions to access points
1. Name of person taking call.
2. Ensure area is made safe (if needed, block off or barricade area).
3. If required, send someone to the front gate (if possible, with a radio or mobile phone for
communication) to guide the emergency vehicles and ensure that no unauthorised persons enter
the site (e.g.: media or general public).


R3 08/02/2017 Page 32 of 40
1. The Driver must sit still and remain calm not touching the vehicle cabin.
2. Raise the alarm and prioritise power isolation by liaising with electricians.
3. The Driver must stay in the vehicle until the power is isolated unless there is risk of fire.
4. Contact Emergency Service.
5. Contact the Electricity supply company.
6. If possible, the Driver should attempt to drive the vehicle out of the power lines.
7. If the Driver must get out of the vehicle, they should JUMP CLEAR and not hang onto any
handles. Do not touch the vehicle and the ground at the same time. When moving away from the
vehicle the Driver should shuffle walk.
8. Once clear of the power supply contact a First Aider.
9. Barricade the area around the vehicle to protect others.
10. If required, send someone to the front gate (if possible with a radio or a mobile phone for
communication) to guide the emergency vehicles and ensure no unauthorised persons enter the
site (e.g. media or general public).
1. If safe, turn off or disconnect the power supply. This can be done by switching off or jerking leads
free from power points with an insulated piece of material.
2. If you cannot turn off the power, DO NOT touch or handle the person.
3. Attempt to remove live electric equipment with an insulated piece of material such as dry wood,
rubber or plastic and if possible wear rubber soled shoes. HIGH VOLTAGE - do NOT attempt to
rescue the victim until the current has been disconnected.
4. Once clear of power supply, contact a First Aider and call an ambulance.
5. If required, send someone to the front gate (if possible with a radio or a mobile phone for
communication) to guide the emergency vehicles and ensure that no unauthorised persons enter
the site (e.g. media or general public).


R3 08/02/2017 Page 33 of 40
If you discover a fire in your area:
1. Alert other people by sounding a warning device (Horn or Whistle) or yelling “FIRE, FIRE, FIRE”.
2. Contact the Fire Service and / or the Emergency Services Supervisor.
3. If safe, remove all vehicles and other items as appropriate to safe area.
4. Attend to human life in immediate danger. If safe to do so, put the fire out using appropriate
firefighting equipment.
5. Once out of a building, stay out. Do not allow people to go back into a burning building to get
valuables. While exiting the building close doors (but do not lock them) to slow the spread of fire.
Obey all instructions of the Emergency Responders.
6. Proceed to emergency assembly area and await further instruction.
7. If required, send someone to the front gate (if possible with a radio or a mobile phone for
communication) to guide the emergency vehicles and ensure no unauthorised persons enter the
site (e.g. media or general public).

1. If safe, park the vehicle away from buildings and other flammable items such as fuel tanks.
2. Shut down the engine and activate fire suppression system if it is fitted to the vehicle.
3. Exit the vehicle and if safe fight the fire with appropriate fire extinguisher. Stay up wind of the fire,
avoiding toxic fumes and smoke.
4. Raise the alarm by radio, phone or other means as soon as possible.
5. If required, barricade and isolate the vehicle.
6. If required, send someone to the front gate (if possible with a radio or a mobile phone for
communication) to guide the emergency vehicles and ensure no unauthorised persons enter the
site (e.g. media or general public).


R3 08/02/2017 Page 34 of 40
If you come across a chemical spill, gas leak or other
Environmental emergency:
1. If safe, attend to human life in immediate danger (stay up wind to avoid toxic fumes).
2. Raise the alarm as soon as possible by use of radio, phone or other means.
3. Obey all Emergency Responder instructions.
4. If safe, stop chemicals or hazardous materials leaking or venting by closing valves.
5. Contain the spill or loose chemicals by using sand, earth or spill kits.
6. If required, isolate and barricade off the area.
7. Remove all sources of ignition and ensure no one smokes in the area.
8. If required, use appropriate fire extinguisher to fight any fire.
9. If required, send someone to the front gate (if possible with a radio or a mobile phone for
communication) to guide the emergency vehicles and ensure no unauthorised persons enter
the site (e.g. media or general public)
10. If required, notify neighbours.
11. Identify correct PPE from the MSDS if there is likelihood to handle chemicals or materials.

MSDS FILES ARE LOCATED AT:_____________________________________________________


R3 08/02/2017 Page 35 of 40
Emergency Management Plan Id no.:PL-HS-02
The person who receives the Bomb Threat should:
1. Remain calm and do not hang up.
2. Ask the following questions
 Where did you put the bomb?
 When is the bomb going to explode?
 When did you put it there?
 What kind of bomb is it?
 What will make the bomb explode?
 Did you place the bomb?
 Why did you place the bomb?
3. Try to record the exact wording to the threat.
4. Try to keep the caller talking and complete the following checklist (do not hang up because the call may be
able to be traced).
Voice: Speech: Telephone: Background:
Man Accent Calm Local Music
Woman Stutter Angry Mobile Voices
Child Fast Slurred Traffic
Taped Slow Drunk Unknown Aircraft
Unknown Loud Other Train
Soft Machinery
5. Notify the Emergency Co-ordinator/Site Manager/Supervisor.
6. If a suspected bomb is found:
 Do not touch it.
 Clear the area and barricade the location.
 Notify the Emergency Co-ordinator / Site manager / Supervisor.
 Prevent other people from entering the area near the bomb and call the police.


1. Stay calm and comply with the Robbers’ or Intruders’ demands.
2. Once the Robber or Intruder has left, call the police.
3. Complete the Robber / Intruder description checklist.
Height: Build: Hair: Eyes: Gender: Age:
Short Light Brown Blue Male Child
Medium Medium Blonde Brown Female Youth
Tall Heavy Black Green Adult
Estimate Estimate Grey Hazel Estimate
__________ ___________ Balding Other __________
4. Notify the Emergency Co-ordinator/Site Manager/Supervisor


R3 08/02/2017 Page 36 of 40
Emergency Management Plan Id no.:PL-HS-02

(fire, bomb threat, explosion, earthquake, flood, severe weather)

1. Evacuate as directed.
2. If safe to do so, plant and equipment should be turned off and made safe.
3. Leave your area via the nearest safe exit in an orderly manner.
4. Request any site visitor to come with you.
5. Assemble in the nearest nominated area and await further instruction.
6. Do not leave the assembly area unless advised to do so.
5. Obey the instructions of the Emergency Response Team Leader.
6. Check everyone has assembled in the nominated area (check and verify all personnel accounted
for off the site entry sign in sheets, and cars in car park and, if safe, check the site).
7. Ensure passage is clear for emergency vehicles.
8. Check any other access to the site is secure (e.g. back gates) to prevent entry by unauthorised

Emergency Assembly Area(s) are: Access Gates or as instructed by BYCA
Emergency Assembly Area(s) are shown on the Site Map)


R3 08/02/2017 Page 37 of 40
(Note any site specific emergency procedures here and where they are located)

Site Specific Emergency Response Procedure/Plan

R3 08/02/2017 Page 38 of 40
The following people have been designated as part of the emergency response team.
(Include names and contact phone numbers)
Emergency Co-ordinator: ______________________________________________________________
Deputy Emergency Co-ordinator(s):
Emergency Co-ordinators are identified by: ________________________________________________
(Options include coloured hard hats or hard hat stickers)
Site First Aiders:
(First Aiders are identified by green cross on hard hats)
Legal: ______________________________________________________________________________
Public Affairs (media): _________________________________________________________________
Counsellor: _________________________________________________________________________


R3 08/02/2017 Page 39 of 40

Refer to Site Specific Appendices

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