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Organising a site visit

Health and safety checklist

This checklist is a practical tool to help you run events safely. When used well, it should help
you to organise and run an event that complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Planning the event

A site visit is an event where you visit a working location where construction
or operations may be in progress. Site visits have particular health and safety

Before the site visit is advertised

;; Discuss the visit with the site manager. Ask the site manager for written confirmation that they
will provide:

;; all visitors with a clear health and safety induction on the day of the site visit. This needs to include
site specific risks and emergency procedures.

;; a list of safety gear required for the site visit, including Personal Protective Equipment requirements.
The list must clearly indicate what safety gear will be provided by the site manager, and what the
attendees need to bring themselves.

;; Talk to IPENZ1 about your plans for the activity and get approval. Visits to active sites should be in writing
(email is fine). As part of this process, send IPENZ a list of all safety gear required for the visit, specifying
who will provide each item.

Once you have the go-ahead

;; Create a site visit registration form which:

;; clearly identifies all the safety gear that attendees need to bring and wear.
;; requires attendees to explicitly agree to:
33 bring any specified safety gear;
33 wear the required safety gear throughout the whole site visit; and
33 follow any reasonable instructions given by the site manager and the event organiser in respect
of health and safety procedures.

;; Make sure that all attendees fill in and sign the registration form (or provide electronic proof that they
agree to the terms), before they are accepted as participants for the event.

;; Do you need someone with a current first aid certificate?
;; What you will do in the case of an emergency – will you need to have a fully charged mobile
phone accessible?

;; Does this activity have the potential to put members of the public at risk? If so, how will this
risk be managed?

 or branch events, contact the Regional Stakeholder Manager. For Engenerate or SENZ events, send this to the
Member Engagement Manager.

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Organising a site visit
Health and safety checklist

At the event
Before you start

;; Ensure the site manager gives a health and safety briefing including site specific risks and emergency

;; Make sure all attendees have the required health and safety gear.

;; Make sure a list of all attendees is checked off at the beginning of the site visit.

;; Ensure all attendees agree to adhere to the instructions given by the site manager and event organiser,
and understand the consequences of not doing so.

;; Confirm that safety gear which the site manager agreed to provide is provided to all attendees.

During the site visit

;; Ensure any attendees not adhering to the health and safety instructions are warned and, if they persist,
are asked to leave.

;; Check off a list of all attendees at the end of the site visit.

After the event

;; You need to tell us about any notifiable events, illnesses, injuries2 or near misses. If there is anything you
need to report, please provide this report by email3 within five working days of the event. An example
post-event report form is on page 3.

 otifiable events, illnesses or injuries are defined in the Act. If you have any questions about whether or not something counts as a notifiable event,
illness, or injury, please contact the IPENZ legal team.
 or branch events, send the report to the Regional Stakeholder Manager. For Engenerate or SENZ events, send this to the
Member Engagement Manager.

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Post-event report form

Event name:




Name of event organiser:

Number of attendees:

Were there any notifiable events (injuries, illnesses, near misses):

If yes, please provide details:

Please email this report to your IPENZ contact within five working days of the event.

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