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Stats Making Action Rolls

A character makes Action rolls with a d100, adding
There are 3 stats: MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.
both the value of the Stat and the Skill to the
Distribute the GM-approved amount of points
number rolled, which generates a number between
among the 3 stats (standard amount is 75, high-
0 and 199 (zeroes are read as zero). This Action
powered would be 100, supers at 125+).
Total determines both failure or success, and the
Roles degree of success.
The roles are Fighter, Expert, and Adept.
Stat + Skill + D100 Roll = Action Total
• Fighters wear any kind of armour and use any 35 + 28 + 70 = 123
type of weapon. They have a +20 bonus to
Combat and add +10 to all attack rolls. If using Reading the results:
a light weapon in each hand, a Fighter can make • First digit: Success or Failure (1/0)
2 attacks in the same turn. • Second digit: Rank of success (0-9)
• Experts can use light armour and use light • Third digit: Hit location (0-9)
weapons. They have a +10 bonus to all skills. If
As shown above, each digit of the Action Total
they successfully sneak up on a foe (usually
represents some aspect of the attempted action.
Subterfuge+BODY), they can add their
The first digit is like a binary number - either zero
Subterfuge skill to the damage of their first
or one - and represents basic success or failure. A
attack of the encounter.
one (1) is positive, and is successful. A zero (0) is
• Adepts wear no armour and use only light
negative, and the action has failed. When
weapons. They can cast spells, use Spirit in
successful, the second digit determines the Rank of
combat as an extra magical/psychic action in
success - the higher the Rank, the more successful
addition to their normal attack action, and gain a
the action. And in combat situations, the third digit
+20 bonus to Knowledge rolls and +20 bonus
is used to determine the hit location. In this
to Communication rolls.
example, the roll is successful, has 2 successes on
Gestalt characters are multi-classed characters, location 3.
but only take the better of the 2 bonuses as
determined jointly by the player and GM. For Combat
example, an Expert Adept would have a +10 bonus Hit Points = BODY stat. If HP reaches 0,
to Combat and Subterfuge, but the bonus wouldn’t unconscious, incapacitated and near death.
stack for Knowledge and Communication. Sneak Damage directly reduces BODY. If that reaches
attacks would still be possible. A GM may or may -BODY, death occurs.
not choose to disallow armour for Fighter Adepts,
Roll d100 + Combat for initiative order. Everyone
or may also choose to disallow combining magic to
can do one thing each turn: move, attack, cast a
attack bonus rolls.
spell, etc. Adepts can use an extra Magic attack.
Skills Fighters using light weapons can make 2 attacks.
There are 4 skills: Combat, Subterfuge, • Melee attacks = BODY + Combat
Knowledge and Communication. Distribute • Missile attacks = MIND + Combat
the same amount of points used for the 3 Stats • Magic/Psychic attacks = SPIRIT + Combat
(MIND, BODY, SPIRIT) among the 4 skills. Add A successful attack does damage, but armour
any bonuses from Roles. absorbs that damage on a point-for-point basis
Once a skill goes over 30, certain benefits apply. (often at different rates for different types of
When Combat exceeds 30, damage locations can attacks) – any excess not absorbed are subtracted
be “pushed” +/- 1 hit location, optimizing damage from BODY. Damage inflicted = second digit
done by a successful attack. Also, melee attacks of the attack roll X Weapon Damage X Hit
gain the advantage of cleaving – if the attack kills Location Damage Modifier. In the roll example
a target, the attack continues against a second and assuming a weapon with a damage rank of 5,
target that’s also within melee range. When the attack was successful, hit the Target’s left arm
Subterfuge exceeds 30, attempts to determine and disabled it and inflicted 10 points of damage to
deception/to deceive can be rerolled. When the Target’s BODY score – 2 handed attacks or
Knowledge exceeds 30, “lore” checks can be re- actions would be impossible and future melee
rolled. When Communication exceeds 30, it is attacks (BODY + Combat) are penalized. If the
very difficult to be deceived – any attempts to do so Target were wearing some sort of armour that
are penalized by the target’s SPIRIT stat. protected the arm at 20 points, no damage would
be received and the arm would still be usable.

Keith Boyle (EKB) 1 07 April 2008

Magic character has 10 successful encounters, 1 point can
be added to any score – preferably in a stat or skill
Adepts can cast any arcane spell as a normal action
that matches what was used to survive those
or as an additional action to a weapon attack. A
number of SPIRIT points are declared for the
attack at a rate of 1 point per 1 affected score: Example
• +/- 1 target The characters have just completed an adventure,
• +/- 1 rank of damage and defeated 7 encounters, a double trap and the
leader. That’s a total of 10, so they all advance 1
• +/- 1 distance range
point each. BODY, Combat, Knowledge, or
• +/- 1 hit location Subterfuge would be appropriate to advance, but
• +/- 1 point on next roll SPIRIT and Communication wouldn’t be.
• +/- 1 point of damage to target SPIRIT
Magical attacks bypass normal armour directly, but
attacks against a target’s SPIRIT can be countered Strife: All opponents have a value known as
by a Magical attack roll. Even if the Magical Attack strife. The total Strife available to a GM for an
roll isn’t successful, the points declared are lost. adventure follows a fairly simple formula: number
SPIRIT loss is only recovered after 8 hours rest. If of contests planned per adventure X the sum of all
SPIRIT reaches 0, the character is unconscious, character STATs X number of contests. This total
incapacitated and near death. If that reaches can be distributed across any number of
-SPIRIT, death occurs. opponents: 100 minions worth only 1 Strife or 4
25-Strife lieutenants are still 100 Strife total.
Just because a character can cast any spell, doesn’t
However, 100 minions will be worth 100 points
mean that they should. Choose spell effects that
towards advancement while the lieutenants deliver
suit the character. Select one ‘signature’ spell that
only 4 points toward the advancement total…
the character prefers to use over any other. These
spells are easier to cast due to familiarity, costing 1 Strife is spent on character creation (1 Strife = 5
point less to use. character creation points) and trap/device
challenges (1 Strife = 10 points towards opposed
Advancement rolls against player characters).
Advancement is a continuous process – whenever a


0 Attacker’s Choice per new location

1 Head 2x Damage
2 Right Arm ---, disables arm
3 Left Arm ---, disables arm
4-6 Torso 1.5x Damage
7 Abdomen ---
8 Right Leg 0.5x Damage, disables leg

9 Left Leg 0.5x Damage, disables leg

Keith Boyle (EKB) 2 07 April 2008

Example Weapons
Weapon Type Damage Type RoF Ammo Ranges
Holdout Pistol 2 A 1 5 1-2 (0)/3-5 (-20)/5+ (-40)
Pistol 4 A 1 20 1-2 (0)/3-7 (-10)/8+ (-20)
Rifle 6 A 1 12 1 (-10)/2-7 (0)/8+ (-10)
SMG 4 A 3 30 1-4 (0)/5+ (-10)
Assault Rifle 6 A 5 50 1-4 (0)/5+ (-10)
Shotgun 8 A 1 8 1-8 (0)/9+ (-10)
Holdout Tazer 4 C 1 -- 1-2 (0)/3+ (unusable)
Tazer Pistol 8 C 1 -- 1-2 (0)/3-7 (-10)/8+ (-20)
Laser Rifle 16 A 1 10 Unlimited
Survival Knife (BODY/10)+1 A/B -- -- 1
Longsword (BODY/10)+2 A/B -- -- 1-2
Katana (BODY/10)+3 A/B -- -- 1-2
Kana Blade (BODY/10)+2 A/B -- -- 1
Cutlass (BODY/10)+4 A/B -- -- 1-2
Stiletto (BODY/10)+3 A/B -- -- 1
Rapier (BODY/10)+5 A/B -- -- 1-2
Fist (BODY/10) B -- -- 1
Kick (BODY/10)+1 B -- -- 1-2
Sap (BODY/10)+1 B -- -- 1
Club (BODY/10)+4 B -- -- 1-2
Staff (BODY/10)+6 B -- -- 1-2
Damage Total = (Success Rank X Weapon Damage) – Armour Reduction. A/B Damage is split equally between types A and B.

Example Armour
Armour Type A B C Special
Heavy Clothing 2 2 2
Light Ballistic Cloth 5 2 0 Concealable
Medium Ballistic Cloth 10 5 0
Heavy Ballistic Cloth 15 8 0 Non-concealable
I-D Under-armour 0 5 2 Cumulative with other armour, concealable
EM Weave (light) 2 0 5 Disrupts electrical & taser attacks, concealable
EM Weave (medium) 0 0 10 Disrupts electrical & taser attacks
EM Plate (heavy) 15 10 10 Disrupts electrical & taser attacks, cumulative, non-concealable
Ops Armour 20 10 5 Non-concealable, -15 to initiative rolls
Tactical Shield (light) 10 10 0
Tactical Shield (medium) 20 20 5
Tactical Shield (heavy) 30 30 10
A = Assault/Ballistic Damage, B = Blunt/Impact Damage, C = Concussive Damage

Keith Boyle (EKB) 3 07 April 2008

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