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CD-FE 05 29/03/13 FINAL ISSUE A.Vo llni ' I ,Mastai P!G' tto / M.Monteleone
CD-FE 04 14/10/1t :{EqSSUED FOB Manuel Wtston Francesco
TENDER Bergarnaschi Roddguez Nant N,A.
CD-FE 03 21/03/11 MODIFIED
FOR Andrea Stetano Linda Richelmo
Dellasanta Capogrossl Palazzo Chlorrini

CD-FE 02 17109110 ISSUE FOR

Andrea Gluseppe Llnda Rlchelmo
Dellasanta Ferronl Palazzo Chlorrinl

CD-FE 01 09/06/10 FINAL ISSUE Paolo Gluseppe Llnda Richelmo

Salvuccl Ferronl Palazzo Chlorrini

CD-FE G0 20/05/10 ISSUE FOR

Paolo Giuseppe Llnda RIchelmo
Salvuccl Ferronl Palazzo Chlorrlnl
Validity Ray,
Status number Date Description Prepared
Revision Index
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Rev. Date Nr. of Description

CD-FE 00 20/05/2010 23 Issue for Approval
CD-FE 01 09/06/2010 23 Final Issue
CD-FE 02 17/09/2010 23 Issue for Tender
CD-FE 03 21/03/2011 23 Modified for Addendum
CD-FE 04 14/10/2011 26 Re-Issued for Tender
CD-FE 05 29/03/2013 24 Final Issue

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00250600BASG10006 CD-FE 05
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1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Definitions............................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Site Information ...................................................................................................................... 4
2 Codes and Standards ............................................................................................................... 4
3 Reference Documents .............................................................................................................. 5
3.1. Project Specifications ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2. Geotechnical Investigation Reports........................................................................................ 6
4 Document Precedence ............................................................................................................. 6
5 Quality Assurance / Quality Control ....................................................................................... 6
6 Documentation / Submittals .................................................................................................... 6
6.1. Submittals............................................................................................................................... 6
6.2. Excavation Safety Plan........................................................................................................... 6
6.3. Water Control / Dewatering Plan ............................................................................................ 7
6.4. General Material Definitions ................................................................................................... 7
7 Surveying .................................................................................................................................. 7
8 Water .......................................................................................................................................... 8
9 Existing Services and Facilities .............................................................................................. 8
10 Clearing and Grubbing............................................................................................................. 8
11 Stripping of Top Soil ................................................................................................................ 9
12 Demolition ................................................................................................................................. 9
13 Underground Cavities .............................................................................................................. 9
14 Fencing .................................................................................................................................... 10
15 Excavation ............................................................................................................................... 10
16 Dewatering and Drainage ...................................................................................................... 11
17 Fill Materials ............................................................................................................................ 11
17.1 Lean Backfill ......................................................................................................................... 11
17.2 General Fill ........................................................................................................................... 12
17.3 Structural Fill ........................................................................................................................ 12
17.4 Gatch .................................................................................................................................... 13
17.5 Soil Stabilization ................................................................................................................... 13
18 Coarse Sand ............................................................................................................................ 14
19 Sub-Base Course .................................................................................................................... 14
20 Crushed Rock / Gravel ........................................................................................................... 15
21 Sand Bitumen Mix .................................................................................................................. 15
22 Rock ......................................................................................................................................... 15
23 Fill Compaction ....................................................................................................................... 15
23.1 General................................................................................................................................. 15
23.2 Small Areas .......................................................................................................................... 16
24 Compaction Requirement ...................................................................................................... 16
25 Trenching, Bedding and Backfill for Underground Piping ................................................. 17
26 Inspection and Testing .......................................................................................................... 18
27 Grading Tolerance .................................................................................................................. 20
28 Grading .................................................................................................................................... 20
29 Storm Drainage ....................................................................................................................... 21
30 Rip Rap .................................................................................................................................... 21
31 Gravel Surface / Base Course on Roads .............................................................................. 21
32 Concrete Structures ............................................................................................................... 22
33 Plastic Liner and Clay Liner................................................................................................... 22
34 Protection of Property and Personnel .................................................................................. 23
35 Dust Control ............................................................................................................................ 24
36 Clean Up .................................................................................................................................. 24
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1 General

1.1 Introduction

This specification covers the requirements for the site preparation work on the
Zubair Oil Field Development Project.

1.2 Scope

The objective of this specification is to define the requirement for materials,

construction, installation and testing in the site preparation contract, including but
not limited to, the following areas:

demolition and removal,

site clearing and grubbing,
construction staking,
stripping of top soil,
material compliance,
treatment of underground cavities (if any),
fencing, gates and access control,
dewatering and drainage,
fill and compaction,
inspection and testing,
storm drainage,
gravel surface (base course for roads),
concrete structures,
protection of property and personnel,
erosion and sedimentation control,
dust control,
clean up.

1.3 Definitions

For definition, refer to the “general conditions of contract” .

1.4 Site Information

For site information refer to doc. No. 00250600BGSG09005 “Site and climatic

2 Codes and Standards

The following codes and standards form a part of this specification. When an
edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition in force at the
time of contract award shall apply.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards:

ASTM D422 Particle-Size Analysis of Soils

ASTM D638 Tensile Properties of Plastics

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ASTM D1241 Standard Specification for Materials for Soil-Aggregate

Subbase, Base, and Surface Courses
ASTM D1505 Density for Plastics by the Density-Gradient Technique
ASTM D1556 Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand-Cone
ASTM D1557 Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil using Modified
Effort (56,000 ft-lb/ft3 (2700 kNm/m ))
ASTM D1693 Environmental Stress - Cracking of Ethylene Plastics
ASTM D2487 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil
Classification System)
ASTM D2488 Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual
ASTM D2940 Graded Aggregate Material for Base or Subbase for
Highways or Airports
ASTM D2922 Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear
Methods (Shallow Depth)
ASTM D4253 Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a
Vibratory Table
ASTM D4254 Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and
Calculation of Relative Density
ASTM D4718 Correction of Unit Weight and Water Content for Soils
Containing Oversize Particles
ASTM D5030 Density of Soil and Rock in Place by the Water Replacement
Method in a Test Pit

British Standards Institution (BS):

BS 1427 Field and On-Site Test Methods for the Analysis of Waters

ISO (International Organization for Standardization):

ISO 9001 Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Design,
Development, Production, Installation and Servicing
ISO 9003 Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Final
Inspection and Test
ISO 9004 Quality Management and Quality System Elements –

3 Reference Documents

3.1. Project Specifications

00250600BASG10007 General Specification for Concrete Works
00250600BASG10008 General Specification for Road Works
00250600BASG10009 General Specification for Steel Works
00250600BASG10010 General Specification for Embedments
00250600BASG10011 General Specification for Grouting and Levelling
00250600BASG10012 General Specification for Surface Lining of Earth
00250600BASG10013 General Specification for Sewers and Drains
00250600BASG10014 General Specification for Cementitious Concrete
00250600BASG10015 General Specification for Gratings
00250600BASG10016 General Specification for Erection of Steel Structures

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3.2. Geotechnical Investigation Reports

During the Tender phase, COMPANY has provided the preliminary geotechnical
reports regarding the areas. The CONTRACTOR shall revise these documents
according to the final geotechnical investigation included in the SOW.

4 Document Precedence
Any apparent conflict between this specification, the related data sheets, the
Codes and Standards and any other specifications noted herein shall be notified
to the COMPANY.
Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from the
COMPANY in writing before proceeding with the design/ manufacture.
In case of conflict, the order of precedence shall be:

• Bid Clarification Technical Bulletin: Response to Bidders’ Queries

• Contract Drawings
• Project Specifications and Standards
• Industry Codes and Standards

5 Quality Assurance / Quality Control

CONTRACTOR’S quality system shall provide for the planned and systematic
control of all quality-related activities performed during design, development,
production, installation or servicing (as appropriate to the given system).
Implementation of the system shall be in accordance with the CONTRACTOR’S
Quality Manual and Project Specific Quality Plan, which shall both together with all
related/referenced procedures, be submitted to COMPANY for review, comment
and approval as required by purchase/contract documents.

6 Documentation / Submittals

6.1. Submittals

The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit all reports, test results or
documents required by this specification to COMPANY within three (3) days after
testing, unless specified otherwise in this specification or by the COMPANY.

6.2. Excavation Safety Plan

The CONTRACTOR shall submit an Excavation Safety Plan to COMPANY for

review and approval prior to commencement of any earthworks. The plan shall
indicate the systems, methods, and techniques to be used to ensure that
excavation sidewalls shall be properly guarded to protect personnel, and existing
facilities and structures in the vicinity of the work.

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6.3. Water Control / Dewatering Plan

Where applicable, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a Water Control/Dewatering

Plan to COMPANY for review and approval prior to commencement of any
earthworks. The plan shall indicate the methods and techniques to be used for
control of water (both surface runoff and groundwater) during work and the
intended discharge points and facilities. For Groundwater Control, see Dewatering
and Drainage section of this project specification.

6.4. General Material Definitions

SUITABLE MATERIALS — Materials excavated from the site or imported from

outside that are in conformance with the specifications and are approved by the
COMPANY for their intended use. Backfill material shall have a maximum
allowable chloride content of 1%, a maximum allowable sulphate content of 3.5%
and a maximum gypsum content of 2%.

UNSUITABLE MATERIALS — not meeting the conformance requirements due to

the presence of the following components:

• boulders in excess of 75 mm size,

• peat, slurry, logs, stumps and perishable materials,
• materials which are contaminated or susceptible to spontaneous
• material with undefined properties,
• materials having a moisture content greater than the maximum specified,
• building rubber and domestic and industrial wastes,
• soils and rock susceptible to deterioration/change of their mechanical
• gypsum and dredged materials,
• excavated soil with more than 2% in gypsum content,
• materials from demolitions,
• soil with liquid limit ≥ 40%,
• soil with plasticity index ≥ 18%,
• material with chloride content greater than 1%,
• material with sulphate content greater than 3.5%.

7 Surveying
All setting out and construction staking required for the work shall be performed
by the CONTRACTOR from bench marks and base lines acceptable to

All control bench mark monuments and stakes, and other markers base lines,
elevations, slopes etc shall be protected and preserved. The CONTRACTOR
shall replace at no cost to the COMPANY permanent monuments and other
markers which are disturbed or destroyed during the course of construction.

As part of their Quality Plan requirements, COMPANY may check lines, grades,
and locations established by the CONTRACTOR.

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8 Water
Water for moisture conditioning of soils shall be obtained form a source approved
by the COMPANY, and shall comply with the following:


Chlorides BS 1427 Cl. 4.3 200 ppm
Sulphates BS 1427 Cl. 5.5 500 ppm
Ph BS 1427 Cl. 4.6 6.5 to 9.0
Total solids BS 1427 Cl. 5.4 4000 ppm

9 Existing Services and Facilities

CONTRACTOR shall ascertain the nature and location of all existing above and
underground services and facilities on site and in adjacent areas by inspecting
available plans or, if necessary, by hand excavation before beginning the works.

The CONTRACTOR shall protect the existing services and facilities from damage
or interference during Site Preparation and construction. The CONTRACTOR’S
methods of protections shall be subject to COMPANY approval.

Notify the COMPANY in writing if any previously unrecorded services or other

objects are discovered before or during construction. The CONTRACTOR shall
record and give to the COMPANY accurate description, dimensions, location, and
elevations related to reference datum and other relevant details of such services.

Where CONTRACTOR is interfacing construction with existing facilities, a

certificate or permit shall be obtained from the COMPANY indicating that services
have been cut off and made safe.
Specify any services or other facilities adjacent to site including related safety
aspects and measures which must be maintained during the execution of the

When the CONTRACTOR needs to block drainage paths during construction, he

shall provide temporary or permanent alternate routing during construction and
restore the drainage to the satisfaction of COMPANY when construction is

In the event of accidental damage, the CONTRACTOR shall replace or repair the
damage to the satisfaction of COMPANY.

10 Clearing and Grubbing

Site clearing shall include taking down or grubbing up and immediate removal
from the site all surface obstructions and unsuitable materials such as
contaminated soil, organic material, debris, rubble and existing improvements
such as concrete slabs, hedges, trees, stumps, roots, guard rails, concrete
sleepers, lamp posts, abandoned electrical cables and pipes within limits of new
construction as shown on project drawings.

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The COMPANY may direct the CONTRACTOR to protect in place certain items
such as fences or other features required for incorporation in landscaping. The
CONTRACTOR shall, under such conditions, be responsible for the care and
protection of such items during the course of the work.

Fill and compact all depressions and holes made below the sub-grade or slopped
surfaces as a result of grubbing operations. All excavations and soils requiring re-
compactions shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.

Disturbed areas, surrounding the designated clearing areas, shall be cleaned of

debris and restored to the satisfaction of COMPANY.

As the work progresses, remove all materials resulting from clearing and grubbing
operations except those materials specified for reuse or as otherwise specified by
the COMPANY. Dispose of those materials at locations acceptable to the
COMPANY. Accumulation of unwanted material on site shall not be permitted.
Maintain the site in a safe and accessible condition at all times.

Disposal of materials removed form site shall be in accordance with the governing
local, national laws. CONTRACTOR shall propose acceptable dumping locations
for COMPANY approval.

11 Stripping of Top Soil

Strip topsoil in areas to be either filled or excavated to a minimum depth of 200
mm or deeper as required to remove all vegetation and soft spots. Removed
topsoil shall not to be used as structural or general fill.

The CONTRACTOR shall haul the excavated topsoil off the site and dispose of it
in accordance with national and local laws and regulations. The material resulting
from stripping may be used as lean backfill with approval of the COMPANY if
they are removed from site and processed. The processing shall remove any
organic matter or unsuitable material.

12 Demolition
The CONTRACTOR shall demolish and remove all existing abandoned
structures, utilities and other items as indicated or as may be required. Where
applicable, the CONTRACTOR shall remove fencing to existing facilities (at new
works interface) only after the new fences have been constructed and approved
by the COMPANY meeting all security requirements.

13 Underground Cavities
Where naturally occurring cavities, e.g., caverns or man-made cavities, e.g.,
wells, cesspools, basements are detected under or adjacent to the construction
area, the CONTRACTOR shall plug them as directed by the COMPANY / soil
Where underground water courses are found, plugging should be carried out if no
substantial modifications to original flow conditions are induced. For these cases,
the proposed solution shall be approved by COMPANY / soil engineer.

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Cavity packing / filling may include but not be limited to grout injection, mass
concreting, further excavation and placement with compacted structural fill

14 Fencing
The CONTRACTOR shall install new fencing and gates at the locations shown on
project drawings and details.
Refer to drawing No. 00250600BADQ12002 “Typical drawings for fencing and

15 Excavation
The CONTRACTOR shall make all excavation to the lines and elevations shown
on the project drawings and as required by this specification. After excavation,
COMPANY engineer shall inspect the exposed soils. The CONTRACTOR shall
remove any soft or unsuitable materials to the satisfaction of the COMPANY
engineer. After approval by COMPANY, the CONTRACTOR shall then scarify the
exposed soil to a depth of 150 mm and compact it to at least 95 percent of
maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557.

When the CONTRACTOR cannot compact the existing soils to the required
density, upon the approval of COMPANY, he shall place and compact a 200 mm
thick hardcore layer before placing the fill material.

The CONTRACTOR shall perform excavation in a manner which assures proper

drainage during the course of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall dewater
flooded excavations and remove all muck as directed by and approved by
COMPANY before proceeding with the work.

If the depth of the excavation exceeds 1.5 meters, the excavation sidewalls shall
be sloped or shored in order to prevent cave-ins or hazardous conditions.
Temporary slopes shall be cut back to a minimum ratio of one horizontal to one
vertical or as recommended by COMPANY engineer, whichever is flatter.
Additionally, any existing adjacent structures and footings shall be located outside
of a 2:1 projection from the base of the excavation cuts. The CONTRACTOR
shall assume full responsibility for maintaining the stability of the shoring systems
or cut slopes.
The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for safety of the personnel
and for maintaining all the excavated faces and cuts in a safe and stable condition
and in compliance with the requirements of the Geotechnical Investigation Report,
as well as the national and local laws, and regulations until final acceptance of the

The CONTRACTOR shall notify the COMPANY of any obstructions encountered

and shall provide support, protection, or removal of such obstructions as directed
by the COMPANY.
Tolerances for excavation, see grading tolerance section of this specification.

The CONTRACTOR shall not leave excavated materials even temporarily, where
they will interfere with other construction.

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The CONTRACTOR shall route earth moving equipment so that minimum

damage is caused to the natural subsoil structure of exposed formations.

The excavated suitable materials shall be stockpiled in an orderly manner at

locations approved by COMPANY and a distance from the banks of the
excavation sufficient to avoid overloading the banks. Stockpiles containing
suitable material shall be protected from contamination with unsuitable material or
other material that may adversely affect the quality of the material and render it
unfit for use. The stockpiles shall be arranged so as not to obstruct drainage or
other construction operations in the vicinity of excavation.

All excavated materials that are unsuitable for use as fill or backfill, or are surplus
to that needed for backfilling, shall be disposed of in a safe and proper manner off
the project site.

Permanent slopes in cut area shall be 3 horizontal to 1 vertical.

16 Dewatering and Drainage

In the event of encountering high water table, CONTRACTOR shall dispose of all
water encountered in the earthwork operations so as not to damage property or
create a nuisance or health menace. The CONTRACTOR shall provide well
points, sumps, temporary ditches, culverts, trenches, drains, pumps, pipes, and
all other equipment of sufficient capacity or other means as necessary to keep the
construction area free from water until construction is completed.

Where local excavation is likely to extend below the groundwater table, measures
shall be taken to lower and maintain the groundwater table to at least 0.5 m below
the excavation level, in order to curtail active hydraulic gradient into the
excavation . Lowering of the water table shall be carried out from a level of not
less than 0.5 m below the excavation. This is to prevent loosening of the sand
below the formation level caused by seepage into the excavation. The
groundwater table shall be continuously maintained at least 0.5 m below the
excavation bottom and the formation grade until foundations are constructed and

If any dewatering is necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the details of the
intended procedure to the COMPANY and obtain approval before commencement
of the work.

17 Fill Materials

17.1 Lean Backfill

Lean Backfill shall consist of any granular fill materials excavated from the site or
imported from outside the site provided that materials meet the requirements
specified herein for Suitable Materials as well as the following:

• Plasticity index (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤ 15%
• Compaction: 90% of max dry density as obtained by modified proctor (ASTM

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• Maximum thickness of layers to be compacted: 250mm

• Free of organic matter or deleterious substances

This kind of fill material cannot be used in project areas where roads, structures and
foundations are included; Lean Backfill can be used as fill material only for secondary and
temporary installations such as, but not limited to, temporary access roads, pre-loading
embankment (if required), external security fence filling, etc.

The material resulting from stripping of top soil may be used as lean backfill only if subject
to proper procedure for top soil reconditioning.

Lean Backfill can be used only after COMPANY approval, in any case.

17.2 General Fill

General Fill shall consist of any granular fill materials excavated from the site or
imported from outside the site provided that materials meet the requirements
specified herein for Suitable Materials as well as the following:

• Soil classification: granular material A-1 or A-2-4 or A-2-5 or A-3 according

AASHTO M145 and ASTM D 3282
• No particles are greater than 75 mm in size
• Less than 20 percent of materials pass the No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm)
• Plasticity index (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤ 10%
• Liquid limit (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤ 35%
• Compaction: 90% of max dry density as obtained by modified proctor (ASTM
• Maximum thickness of layers to be compacted: 250mm
• Dry density ≥ 1,7 g/cm3
• Moisture content: within 3% of the optimum moisture content
• Free of organic matter or deleterious substances
• Elastic modulus as obtained from Plate Load Test (first load cycle) ≥ 30 MPa
• Ratio between moduli from second (E2) and first (E1) load cycle: E2/E1 ≤ 2
• Number of plate load tests to be done for each layer: 1 each 2000 m .

17.3 Structural Fill

Structural Fill shall consist of any granular fill materials excavated from the site or
imported from outside the site provided that materials meet the requirements
specified herein for Suitable Materials as well as the following:

• Soil classification: granular material A-1 or A-2-4 or A-2-5 or A-3 according

AASHTO M145 and ASTM D3282
• No particles are greater than 50 mm in size
• At least 80 percent of materials are smaller than 19 mm in size,
• Less than 20 percent of materials passes the No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm),
• Plasticity index (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤ 6.
• Liquid limit (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤ 25%
• Soaked CBR value at 95% modified proctor test (T180) ≥ 30%
• Compaction: 95% of max dry density as obtained by modified proctor (ASTM

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• Maximum thickness of layers to be compacted: 200mm

• Dry density ≥ 1,7 g/cm3
• Moisture content: within 3% of the optimum moisture content
• Free of organic matter or deleterious substances
• Elastic modulus as obtained from Plate Load Test (first load cycle) ≥ 50 MPa
• Ratio between moduli from second (E2) and first (E1) load cycle: E2/E1 ≤ 1.5
• Number of plate load tests to be done for each layer: 1 each 500 m2.

Structural Fill materials shall be adopted where the requirements for structural
limit and serviceability states (allowable settlements, required foundation bearing
capacity, presence of cyclic loads, etc.) could not be guaranteed with the General
Fill materials.

The thickness of the structural fill layer to be arranged below foundations shall be
designed according to structural requirements. A minimum thickness of 300÷400
mm shall be considered.

17.4 Gatch

Gatch is a type of calcareous soil which has a fine to medium well graded
granular material exhibits good cementing properties under compaction. Gatch is
generally used for filling materials as road subbase, bundwalls, under floors and
paved areas and in areas where the excavated soil is found to be unsuitable for
backfilling and proper compaction. Gatch material shall meet the requirements
specified in the following:

• Free from organic matters and stones

• Soil classification: soil group A-1a, A-1b, A-2-4 or soil Group GW (well
graded gravel, GP (poorly graded gravel), SW (well graded sand) with
coarse fraction retained on sieve n.4 (4,75mm) > 50% with 5% fines <
0,06mm), SM/SC (silty/clayey sand) with coarse fraction retained on sieve
n.4 (4,75mm) ≥ 50% with fines (< 0,06mm) ≥12%.).
• Amount of fines “F” (silt+clay) passing the sieve size 200: 10%<F<15%
• Dry density: ≥ 1,95 g/cm3
• Liquid limit (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤ 25%
• Plasticity Index (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤
• Soaked CBR value at 95% modified Proctor test (T180): ≥ 20%
• Sulphate content ≤ 2%;
• Chloride content ≤ 3,3 %;
• Carbonate content ≥ 50%;
• Gypsum content ≤ 2%;
• Moisture content shall not vary by more than ± 2%.

17.5 Soil Stabilization

Soil stabilization can be considered in order to increase mechanical

characteristics of terrain.
Stabilization of soil can be obtained using:

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• Cement: suitable for sandy soil with amount of fine (silt+clay) passing
sieve 200 < 10-15%. Soil stabilized with cement shall be done according
spec. 00250600BASG10008 sect. 3.4.1.
• Lime: suitable for fine-grained clay soil with amount of fine passing sieve
200 > 25% and Plasticity index > 10 defined as A6 – A7 soil. Soil
containing significant amounts of organic material (<1%) or sulfates
(<0,3%) can be also treated with lime. Lime percentage, moisture etc…
should be determined using a mix design and tests for determination of
the optimum lime-soil mixture. Generally lime percentage varies from 1 to
3 %.

18 Coarse Sand
Coarse sand shall consist of fine aggregate passing the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve
per ASTM D2940 with a maximum of 10 percent (smaller than 0.075 mm) which
shall also meet the requirement of Suitable Material as indicated herein.
Natural sand may also be used for bedding material provided that all grains pass
through a No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve and no more than 10 percent is passed through
a No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve.
Coarse sand material shall not have a salt content of more than 0.1 percent.

19 Sub-Base Course
Sub-base course shall conform to ASTM D1241 as well as the requirement of
Suitable Material as indicated herein. The sub-base course shall consist of
durable and sound crushed gravel or crushed stone with the following gradation:

U.S. Sieve Size (mm) Percent

Size Passing
2 inch 50.0 100
1-1/2 inch 37.5 95-100
3/4 inch 19.0 70-92
3/8 inch 9.5 50-70
No. 4 4.76 35-55
No. 30 0.595 12-25
No. 200 0.075 0-8

The sub-base course material shall be of such nature that it can be compacted
readily under watering and rolling to the required level of compaction. Sub-Base
material shall be free from organic matter, silt, clay and other deleterious material.
Sulphates shall be <250ppm; Chloride shall be <50ppm. Liquid limit for material
passing the 425 µm shall be ≤ 25% and Plasticity index ≤ 6%. Any deviations from
the above requirements shall be approved by the COMPANY.

As an alternative to sand-gravel mix, Gatch material may be used accornding to

sect. 17.3.
For sub-grade CBR values greater than 25, a sub-base will not be required.

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20 Crushed Rock / Gravel

Crushed rock or gravel shall consist of durable and sound material with the
following gradation and requirements:

U.S. Sieve Size (mm) Percent

Size Passing

1-1/2 inch 38 100

1-inch 25 90-100
3/4 inch 19 30-60
1/2 inch 13 0-20
No. 4 4.75 0

This material is to be used for surface covering purposes.

21 Sand Bitumen Mix

Sand bitumen mix shall be coarse sand mixing with a cut-back bitumen. The mixture
proportion shall be 80 to 100 kg of cut-back bitumen to 1 cubic meter of dry sand. The
mixture shall be spread, rolled and compacted to the satisfaction of the COMPANY.

22 Rock
Rock for riprap shall be of a hard ASTM quality, suitable for this purpose, and it shall be
approved by the COMPANY. The rock shall consist of rock fragments, angular in shape
and graded as follows:

Riprap Gradation
Sieve Size Percent Passing
300 mm (12”) 100%
200 mm (8”) 40%
75 mm (3”) 10-25%

23 Fill Compaction

23.1 General

Place, spread, moisture condition, and compact the fill in strict accordance with
the project specifications and drawings.

Before the fill is placed, test the ground surface that will receive fill for COMPANY
inspection and approval. Then before placing new fill, after approval by the
COMPANY, the CONTRACTOR shall scarify and re-compact the upper 150 mm
of existing soil to the specified density as required for structural or general fill

Fill material shall be placed in horizontal layers not greater than:

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• 200 mm for structural fill

• 250 mm for general fill
• 250 mm for lean backfill (to be used only after COMPANY approval)

loose lifts for the full width of the cross section. Each layer shall be spread evenly
and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of material
and moisture.

After placing, mixing and spreading, each layer shall be thoroughly compacted to
the specified density. The CONTRACTOR shall accomplish compaction by using
appropriate types of compacting equipment as approved by the COMPANY in
parallel paths with an overlap of the adjacent trip by not less than 600 mm.
Compaction shall be continuous over the entire area and the equipment shall
make sufficient passes to obtain the desired density uniformly.

The CONTRACTOR shall compact the surface of fill slopes until the slopes are
stable, and there is no loose soil on the slopes. The CONTRACTOR shall
compact the slopes by an overbuilding and cutting back method approved by the

Permanent slopes in fill areas shall be 3 horizontal to 1 vertical.

23.2 Small Areas

Small and confined areas shall be compacted with a hand compactor to achieve
desired density. Hand compacted fill shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding
100 mm in thickness.

Benches shall be required at all locations where the natural slope or excavated
ground is steeper than 5 horizontal to 1 vertical. The new fill shall be properly
keyed and benched through all unsuitable soils or existing un-compacted fills and
into competent soil.

When tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof does not
meet the specified density, rework the particular layer or portions until the material
meets the specified density.

24 Compaction Requirement
Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be compacted at a moisture content
of +/- 3 percent of the optimum moisture content and to at least 95 percent of the
maximum dry density.

Fill materials for non-structural areas which are not planned to support any
foundations, slabs, pavements, tank farm bunds (dikes) or roads, and
landscaped areas shall be compacted at a moisture content of 3 percent of the
optimum moisture content and to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density.

The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for all materials shall be
determined in accordance with ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Corrections to
adjust the laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for soils
with oversize particles shall be made in accordance with recommendations
contained in ASTM D4718.
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For sand and gravel material with less than 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve
(0.074 mm), the compaction requirement of 95 percent of ASTM D1557
maximum dry density may be replaced by 80 percent relative density in
accordance with ASTM D4253 and D4254.

25 Trenching, Bedding and Backfill for Underground Piping

All excavations shall be backfilled to return them to existing grade elevations.

The depth of the trench shall be deep enough to provide a minimum ground cover
above the top of the pipe of 900 mm, and a ground bed of at least 150 mm in
depth below the bottom of the pipe. The width of the trench should be wide
enough to allow room for jointing, but in any case not less than pipe diameter plus
300 mm.

The bottom of the trench shall be dry before any pipe is installed. The ground bed
shall provide uniform and adequate support and drainage along the entire length
of the pipe route. The trench bottom shall be continuous, smooth, free of rocks,
and to the line and grade shown on the drawings.

A bedding layer of clean sand, 150 mm in depth is required for all trenches. The
sand shall be free of debris and rocks and compacted to at least 70% relative
density (ASTM D4253/ASTM D4254), or 95% proctor density as per ASTM D698,
whichever gives the greater density.

The clean sand from the bottom of the pipe to 300 mm above the top of the pipe
(sand cover) shall be compacted by water flooding and hand tamping only. Within
300 mm of the top of the pipe, backfill shall be hand tamped, or a board shall be
used to protect the pipe from damage from vibratory plate compactors. Backfill
above 300 mm sand cover shall be on site excavation or borrowed material that
meets the following conditions:

a) not more than 3% organic or decomposable material,

b) no debris,
c) a maximum particle size of 150 mm or one-half the lift thickness, whichever is smaller,
d) minimum compaction shall be per table below.

Minimum Compaction

Non-traffic Areas Traffic Areas

65% relative density 85% relative density
per ASTM per ASTM D4253/ASTM

D4253/ASTM D4254 D4254

or or
90% of maximum 95% of maximum

density per ASTM D698 density per ASTM D1557

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26 Inspection and Testing

It shall be the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility to seek technical advice from an
independent qualified SOILS ENGINEER consultant with testing laboratory
capability to perform all inspection and testing related duties during the
construction as specified in this specification.
The selected soil engineer shall be acceptable and approved by the COMPANY.
The COMPANY reserves the right to also independently test or inspect any of the
materials or portions of the work as specified in this specification.

The SOILS ENGINEER shall plan and perform inspections and tests in a timely
manner so as to avoid delaying site development operations. The SOILS
ENGINEER shall advise the CONTRACTOR and the COMPANY of any
nonconforming conditions detected and of any adjustment or revised
recommendations which are deemed necessary based on the encountered
subsurface conditions.

All fill materials to be utilized by the CONTRACTOR whether from onsite

excavations, site stockpiles, borrow pits, or imported from outside shall be tested
and properly characterized by the SOIL ENGINEER in accordance with ASTM
D2487 and D2488. The following properties for each type material shall be
established as applicable:

a. Natural Water Content

b. Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content
c. Particle size distribution, including hydrometer analysis where fraction
passing 75 micron sieve exceeds 15%
d. Liquid Limit
e. Plasticity Index
f. Angle of Internal Friction
g. Maximum salt and organic matter content.

These tests shall be repeated if the source of material changes or the material
itself changes. A sufficient number of tests shall be performed to establish
representative average and range of properties.
Field density tests should be performed in accordance with ASTM D1556 (Sand
Cone Method).
Nuclear density tests may be performed in accordance with ASTM D2922. It can
be used satisfactorily when it is calibrated to soil relative compaction and moisture
content in compaction control with Sand Cone Method. In areas or circumstances
where the above field density tests procedures appear not practical, ASTM D5030
may be used as a substitute.

After the initial characterization for each type material is completed and the
uniformity of the results has been established to the satisfaction of the
COMPANY, a minimum of one laboratory compaction test (ASTM D1557) and
one grain-size analysis test (ASTM D422) shall be made for every 100 field
density tests. Other classification tests may also be performed if deemed

CONTRACTOR shall keep records of the approximate location (elevation and

coordinates) of each field density test or inspection performed and provide this
data on the daily field reports as well as in the final report.

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CONTRACTOR shall report the results of any failed tests or inspection to the
COMPANY as soon as possible and practical. The SOIL ENGINEER shall confirm
that any fill associated with the failed test has been reworked in accordance with
project specifications. Subsequent inspection and testing on all reworked areas
shall be performed to determine conformance with the specification requirements.

CONTRACTOR shall submit all inspection and test results or documents required
by the specifications and as indicated herein to the COMPANY in a timely fashion:

a. CONTRACTOR shall prepare written records of all inspections/observations

and tests made. All records shall be maintained in a file and condition so that
they are readily accessible and available at the jobsite to the COMPANY.

b. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and maintain written logs fully describing
all work inspected and monitored each day. Daily field logs shall be
submitted to the COMPANY verifying that the work is being performed in
accordance with design documents and soils report. As a minimum, daily
field logs shall contain the results of all density tests performed, type of field
density test, areas inspected and results, weather conditions, time spent on
the jobsite, an overview and summary of the earthwork and other
geotechnical related activities performed for the day, and any discrepancies
noted. Approximate location coordinates and elevations shall be provided for
each location tested or inspected.
c. Any nonconforming conditions detected which are not immediately brought
into conformance by the CONTRACTOR shall be documented in a written
report and submitted to the COMPANY for disposition.
d. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and maintain written records of the results
of all field and related laboratory tests performed. The results of all laboratory
tests shall be submitted to the COMPANY no later than two days from test
e. All documentation and work performed shall be signed and certified by the
f. At the end of earthwork operation or periodically (e.g. monthly) as required by
the COMPANY, the CONTRACTOR is responsible to prepare a complete
report documenting the results of all field density tests, observations, and
inspection performed during the construction, and shall certify that all
performed earthwork conform to the requirements of the soils report, project

Field density tests shall be made for each lift of fill material placed and at the
following minimum frequencies:

a. Mass Fill

For mass fill, a minimum of 3 field density tests shall be performed on every
1000 sq.m. of each layer of compacted fill.

A higher frequency of testing (at least twice the above) shall be performed
until adequacy of compaction has been established to the satisfaction of

b. Structural Fill Earth Bunds

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For bunds, a minimum of 3 field density tests per 100 meter length of each
layer of compacted fill.

c. Tank Foundations

For tank foundations, a minimum of 3 field density tests for every 500 sq.m.
of each compacted layer.

d. Road Embankments

For road embankments, a minimum of two field density tests per 100 meter
length of each layer of compacted fill.

27 Grading Tolerance
The grade shall be properly shaped to the required elevations and parallel to the
required surface.

The elevation of any point and the line of any edge or center of the grading shall
conform to that shown on the drawings within the tolerances stated below:

Tolerances from Tolerances from

True Level True Line

Basic Grading +0 +75 mm

-25 mm -75 mm

Embankments & Bunds +75 mm +75 mm

+0 -75 mm

28 Grading
Provide grading in accordance with the elevations indicated on the Project

Grade sub-grade to smooth and compact condition.

Ensure that culverts, piping, conduits and other features under sub-grade have
been installed.

After the road sub-grade is completely compacted, the finished surface shall not
vary more than 13 mm when tested with a 3 meter straightedge applied parallel
with, and at right angles to, the centerline. Rectify unevenness by completely
cutting out and reworking uneven areas as directed by the COMPANY.

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29 Storm Drainage
Final elevations shall be within 5 mm of the elevations given on the project
drawings for drainage ditches and culvert inverts.

30 Rip Rap
Rip Rap for erosion protection shall be provided at the thickness and locations
shown on the project drawings.
Larger stones shall be distributed evenly and the entire mass of rock shall be
graded to the lines, grades and thicknesses shown on the project drawings so
that there shall be no area composed largely of either the larger or smaller sizes
of rock.

31 Gravel Surface / Base Course on Roads

Place material on roads and gravel surface areas in accordance with thickness as
shown on the project drawings.

For base course, place and spread the material in loose lifts of 150 mm thick.
Compact each layer to a dry density of not less than 95 percent of maximum dry
density determined by ASTM D1557.

Roll the material with a self-propelled, three-wheel roller weighing no less than 10
metric tons, or with approved Vibratory equipment. Begin the rolling at the edges
of the layers. On the final layer the outside wheel of the roller shall cover equal
parts of the material and the shoulder. The roller shall run forward and backward
along the edge until the shoulder and coarse material are bound together firmly.
When the sides have been rolled, the rolling shall progress gradually toward the
center, parallel with the centerline of the roadway, uniformly lapping each
preceding track at least 400 mm and covering thoroughly the entire surface with
the rear wheel. Continue rolling until the required density is achieved and the
entire surface is well keyed and does not creep or wave ahead of the roller.

Compact inaccessible areas with smaller mechanical equipment or hand tampers.

If the mixture is excessively moistened by rain, aerate it by means of blade
graders, or other approved equipment, until the moisture content of the mixture
is satisfactory. Finish the surface of the layer by blade shaving or rolling with a
smooth roller or a combination thereof. The completed surface shall be firm,
even, and true to line and grade.

Ensure that the surface of the completed base course does not deviate more than
13 mm from the specified cross section at any point and 17 mm in 33 m from the
specified longitudinal grade at any location. Correct deviations by loosening,
adding, or removing material, reshaping, watering and compacting. The
smoothness requirements specified above apply only to the top layer.
The average thickness of the base course, determined by computing the average
of the depth measurement, shall not under run the specified thickness by more
than 6 mm. Measure the thickness of the base course at intervals such that there
shall be a depth measurement for at least each 500 square meters of complete

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base course. The CONTRACTOR shall take depth measurements by making test
holes, at least 75 mm in diameter, through the base course.
Where base course deficiency exists, it shall be corrected by adding mixture of
proper gradation, re-blading, and re-compacting. Where the measured thickness
is more than 12 mm thicker than specified, the CONTRACTOR shall consider it
as the specified thickness plus 12 mm for determining the average.

32 Concrete Structures
Concrete structures in the infrastructures site preparations include headwalls, box
culverts, manholes, inlet/outlet structures, and drainage channels. Design,
materials and installation shall be in accordance with concrete works specification

33 Plastic Liner and Clay Liner

33.1. Plastic Liner

Under storage tanks and on bund floors, install a 2 mm (nominal) thick high
density polyethylene (HDPE) membrane approved by the COMPANY. The
membrane shall be installed in accordance with the details shown on the drawings
and as described in this specification.

33.2. Material

The membrane material shall be manufactured of new, first quality products

designed and manufactured specifically for the purposes of liquid containment in
hydraulic structures. The membrane shall have the following minimum

Property Test Method Test Results

Density ASTM D1505 0.9 g/cm3
Tensile strength at ASTM D638 55 N/mm width

Tensile strength at ASTM D638 30 N/mm width


Elongation at break ASTM D638 550%

Elongation at yield ASTM D638 13%

Environment stress ASTM D1693 1500 hours


The liner material shall be produced free of holes, blisters, undisturbed raw
materials, or any sign of contamination by foreign matter. Any such defect shall be
repaired using the extrusion welding technique in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. The liner shall be GSE (Gundle) Hyperflex,
premium grade, or approved equal.

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33.2.1. Installation

Surfaces to receiving lining shall be graded to the dimensions and elevations

shown on the contract drawings and shall be smooth and free of all rocks, stones,
sticks, roots, sharp objects, or debris of any kind. The surface shall provide a firm,
unyielding foundation for the membrane with no sudden sharp or abrupt changes
or breaks in grade. No standing water or excessive moisture shall be allowed. The
CONTRACTOR shall receive approval from the COMPANY that the surface on
which the membrane is to be installed is acceptable before beginning installation.

Installation of the liner shall be done in conformance with the manufacturer’s

instructions and using the manufacturer’s extrusion or hot wedge welding
equipment and installation methods.

Individual panels of the liner material shall be laid out and overlapped by 75 mm
to 100 mm prior to welding for extrusion welds and 100 mm to 125 mm for hot
wedge welds prior to welding.

33.2.2. Field Seam Testing and Quality Control

The installer shall employ on-site physical non destructive testing on all welds.
A quality control technician shall inspect each seam. Any area showing a defect
shall be marked and repaired in accordance with the MANUFACTURER’S
recommended repair procedures.

33.3. Clay Liner

The clay liner for the storm water retention pond shall be Geosynthetic Clay Liner
(GCL). The GCL shall be one of the following systems:

Claymax 600SP manufactured by CETCO Europe,

Bentofix Thermal Lock NS manufactured by Naue Fasertechnik Gmbh,

The preparation of sub-grade, the installation, lapping and seaming, protection,

repair of any damage of the liner shall be carried out in accordance with the
MANUFACTURER'S specifications and recommendations.

Alternatively 2 mm HDPE liner laid on 50 mm sand and surfaced with 100 mm

sand plus 200 mm gatch for containement and erosion control can be used.

34 Protection of Property and Personnel

The CONTRACTOR shall protect all active utility lines at existing facilities or
encountered during the excavation. If damaged, the CONTRACTOR shall repair
or replace them to the satisfaction of the COMPANY. If existing utilities interfere
with the work, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the COMPANY and secure written
instructions for further action.

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The CONTRACTOR shall barricade open holes and depressions which he

creates or exposes as part of his work. He shall post warning signs and lights on
property adjacent to or with pedestrian and vehicular access. He shall operate
warning lights during hours from dusk to dawn each day and as otherwise
required for safety.

The CONTRACTOR shall protect structures, utilities, pavements, and other

facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, washout, and
other hazards created by his operations. CONTRACTOR shall maintain the
existing roads in good condition during construction and repair damaged roads as
required to the satisfaction of the COMPANY.

The CONTRACTOR shall plan and execute all aspects of the site preparation
work so that the safety of personnel, the work and adjacent property is
guaranteed and such that a minimum of inconvenience is caused.

35 Dust Control
The amount of dust resulting from site preparation work shall be controlled to
prevent the spread of dust to the facilities in plant site and to avoid creation of a
nuisance in the surrounding areas. The CONTRACTOR shall control dust by
cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling with water or other means as frequently as may
be necessary. Excessive use of water resulting in hazardous or objectionable
conditions shall be avoided.

36 Clean Up
Upon completion of work, the CONTRACTOR shall leave project site clear of
debris and surplus material resulting from the construction operations. The
CONTRACTOR shall dispose of all debris and surplus materials off the project
site in a manner meeting all local authority requirements.

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Site Levelling - Technical Specification-PPG


Released For
E EX-CO 00 18/09/14 G. Striuli R. Genchi M. Nesti A. Parikh Luca Paci
Released For
D EX-CO - 11/08/14 G. Striuli R. Genchi M. Nesti A. Parikh -
C EX-CO - 14/05/14 For Use G. Striuli R. Genchi M. Nesti A. Parikh -

B EX-CO - 05/05/14 Second issue G. Striuli R. Genchi M. Nesti A. Parikh -

A EX-CO - 24/04/14 First issue G. Striuli R. Genchi M. Nesti A. Parikh -

AP Validity Rev.
Prepared Checked Approved Contractor Company
Rev. Status number Date Description
By By by Approval Approval
No Revision Index
Company logo and business name Project Name Company Identification


eni iraq b.v. Job N. 210/2011/NR/ZU
Contractor logo and business name Contractor Identification


Contract N. 210/2011/NR/ZU
⏐Alstom Middle East, FZE, Dubai, UAE.
Vendor logo and business name Vendor Identification

S. 2433-29.02

Order N. 210/2011/NR/ZU

Facility Name Location Scale Sheet of

Document Title Supersedes N.

Site Levelling - Technical Specification-PPG Superseded by N.

Plant Area Plant Unit

Software: Microsoft Word 97-2003 File N° 00251900DAST60201_EXCO00_12.doc

This document is property of eni Iraq BV. 
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Status . 2/12
eni Iraq b.v.
ZBR/00/W/UZV05---CD/CT/001 00251900DAST60201 S. 2433-29.02 E EX-CO 00


Rev. Date Nr. of sheets Description

- 24/04/14 15 First Issue
- 05/05/14 16 Second Issue
- 14/05/14 16 For Use
- 11/08/14 16 Released for Construction
EXCO00 17/09/14 12 Released for Construction

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Status . 3/12
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ZBR/00/W/UZV05---CD/CT/001 00251900DAST60201 S. 2433-29.02 E EX-CO 00

Table of Contents:

1.  OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................................4 

2.  SCOPE OF APPLICATION...........................................................................................................4 

3.  REFERENCE DOCUMENT ..........................................................................................................4 

4.  TERMINOLOGY, DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................5 

5.  BACKFILLING MATERIAL...........................................................................................................5 

5.1.  Type of Backfilling Material ...................................................................................................5 
5.1.1.  Lean Backfill ................................................................................................................. 5 
5.1.2.  General Fill ................................................................................................................... 6 
5.1.3.  Structural Fill ................................................................................................................ 6 
5.1.4.  Gatch............................................................................................................................ 7 
6.  EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING PROCEDURES ...................................................................7 

7.  EXCAVATION AND FILLING SLOPES ......................................................................................10 

8.  CONTROLS ................................................................................................................................10 

8.1.  Controls on the used materials ............................................................................................10 
8.2.  Quality control on the spread materials ...............................................................................11 
9.  ATTACHMENT ...........................................................................................................................12 

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⏐Alstom Middle East, FZE.
Status . 4/12
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ZBR/00/W/UZV05---CD/CT/001 00251900DAST60201 S. 2433-29.02 E EX-CO 00


This technical specification provides materials, method of construction and control tests
for the execution of the backfilling in the Zubar Oil Field Development Project.
The backfilling will regard both general site preparation and localized filling below and
around the foundations, according to the AASHTO Standards M-145 (see reference
document n. [1]), unless noted otherwise.


To be applied on Zubair Permanent Power Generation Unit.


[1] AASHTO DESIGNATION: M145-91(2004) - Classification of Soil and Soil-Aggregate

Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes.

[2] ASTM D1557-12 : Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction

Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort.

[3] ASTM D 1196-M-12 : Standard Test Method for Nonrepetitive Static Plate Load
Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, for Use in Evaluation and
Design of Airport and Highway Pavements.

[4] A. Rico Rodriguez, H. del Castillo, G.F. Sowers - SOIL MECHANICS IN HIGHWAYS



[6] ASTM D 3282 – 09 : Standard Practice for Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate
Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes.

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AASTHO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ASTM : American Society for Testing and Materials


The characteristics of the backfilling soil materials that have to be used are reported here

The soil utilised for the backfilling shall not contain rubble, debris or any other matter
which could compromise the geotechnical characteristics of the backfilling.

Any soil which is known to contain sulphide minerals (pyrite, marcasite, chalcopyrite,
pyrrhotite) and muscovite shall be further investigated.

Backfill material shall have a maximum allowable chloride content of 1%, a maximum
allowable sulphate content of 3.5%, maximum allowable organic matter of 0.5%.

Before starting the use, all the materials shall be tested for qualification and acceptance
by the tests indicated above & in the subsequent sections.

5.1. Type of Backfilling Material

Following type of Fill material are covered in this specification:

a) Lean Backfill
b) General Fill
c) Structural Fill
d) Gatch

5.1.1. Lean Backfill

Lean backfill shall consist of any granular fill materials excavated from the site or
imported from outside the site provided that materials meet the requirements specified
herein for Suitable Materials as well as the following:
- Plasticity index (for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve) ≤ 15%

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Lean Backfill will be used as fill material for secondary and temporary installations such
as, but not limited to, temporary access roads. It shall also be used for external security
fence filling like HESCO and New Jersey.

5.1.2. General Fill

General Fill shall consist of any granular fill materials excavated from the site or
imported from outside the site provided that materials meet the requirements specified
herein for Suitable Materials as well as the following:

- Soil classification: granular material A-1-a or A-1-b or A-2-4 or A-2-5 or A-3

according AASHTO M145 and ASTM D 3282,
- No particles are greater than 75 mm in size
- Less than 20 percent of materials passes the No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm)
- Plasticity index for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve ≤ 10%
- Liquid limit for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve ≤ 35%
- Dry density ≥ 1.7 g/cm3

Areas, where General fill shall be used, are shown in Annex layout.

5.1.3. Structural Fill

Structural Fill shall consist of any granular fill materials excavated from the site or
imported from outside the site provided that materials meet the requirements specified
herein for Suitable Materials as well as the following:

- Soil classification: granular material A-1-a or A-1-b or A-2-4 or A-2-5 or A-3

according AASHTO M145 and ASTM D3282
- No particles are greater than 50 mm in size
- At least 80 % of materials are smaller than 19 mm in size,
- Less than 20 % of materials passes the No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm),
- Plasticity index for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve ≤ 6%
- Liquid limit for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve ≤ 25%

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- Soaked CBR value at 95% modified proctor test ≥ 30%

- Dry density ≥ 1.7 g/cm3

Considering higher envisaged loads and the criticality of structures this type of fill is
suggested for Power Island area, as shown in Annex layout.

5.1.4. Gatch

Gatch material shall be according to following requirements:

With reference to the AASHTO M-145 classification soil group either of A-1-a or A-1-b
or A-2-4.


Soil Group GW (well graded gravel), GP (poorly graded gravel), SW (well graded sand)
with coarse fraction retained on sieve no.4 (4.75mm) > 50% with 5% fines (< 0.06mm),
SM/SC (Silty / Clayey sand) with coarse fraction retained on sieve no.4 (4,75mm) ≥
50% with fines (< 0,06mm) ≥12%.

- Amount of fines “F” (silt+clay) passing the sieve size No 200: 10%<F<15%
- Dry density: ≥ 1.95 g/cm3
- Liquid limit for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve ≤ 25%
- Plasticity Index for the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.425 mm) sieve ≤ 6%
- Soaked CBR value at 95% modified Proctor test ≥ 20%

Gatch shall generally be used for gatch roads and below bunkers.


Before any filling work execution a visual inspection of the excavated and existing
ground level shall be done and any unsuitable material shall be removed by scarifying
top 150 mm soil. The exposed surface shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum
dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557 (AASHTO T-180) for backfilling.

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In the event of encountering high water table, all water encountered in the earthwork
operations shall be disposed so as not to damage property or create a nuisance or
health menace. There will be provided well points, sumps, temporary ditches, culverts,
trenches drains, pumps, pipes and all other equipment of sufficient capacity or other
means as necessary to keep the construction area free from water until construction is

It is recommended that Excavation bottom shall be compacted by at least 6 passes of

heavy vibrating roller to achieve desired density. The weight of the roller should be
higher than 10 t for all the backfilling earthworks.

In case of small and confined areas, they shall be compacted with a hand compactor to
achieve desired density.

In the case in which unexpected unsuitable material is found at foundation bottom, it

shall be removed and replaced with structural filling in order to guarantee uniform
supporting base for the foundation.

Any backfilling earthworks to be executed shall comply the procedure here below
- The backfilling material shall be uniformly spread in layers; the loose layer thickness
shall not exceed 25 cm for lean & general fill and 20 cm for structural fill. Loose fill
layer thickness shall not exceed 100 mm for hand compaction.

- The layer must be compacted by at least 8 passes of a vibrating roller at speed less
than 4 km/h and 2 passes without vibration at speed not higher than 2 km/h.

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The compacted backfill layers shall meet following requirements

Structural filling

- in-situ dry density: at least 95% of the modified Proctor reference

- secant Young’s modulus: 50 MPa at least;
- ratio between moduli, obtained from Plate Load Test, from second (E2) and first
(E1) load cycle: E2/E1 ≤ 1.5;
- moisture content: within 3% of the optimum moisture content.

General filling

- in-situ dry density: at least 90% of the modified Proctor reference

- secant Young’s modulus: 30 MPa at least;
- ratio between moduli, obtained from Plate Load Test, from second (E2) and first
(E1) load cycle: E2/E1 ≤ 2.0;
- moisture content: within 3% of the optimum moisture content.

Lean filling

- in-situ dry density: at least 90% of the modified Proctor reference

value; however, this limit shall not apply to filling in
HESCO Concertainer and New Jersey.


- in-situ dry density: at least 95% of the modified Proctor reference

- Moisture content: within 2% of the optimum moisture content.

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Subgrade layer (one layer only) under foundations, grade slabs, tank farm dikes or
roads shall be compacted to achieve in-situ dry density at least 95% of the modified
Proctor reference value.

Compaction requirement for sand and gravel material with less than 5 percent passing
No. 200 sieve (0.074 mm), the requirement of 95 percent of ASTM D1557 maximum
dry density may be replaced by 80 percent relative density in accordance with ASTM
D4253 and D4254.


The excavations could be executed in natural soil or in the filled areas and in both the
cases they should be realised with maximum slope 1 (vertical): 2 (horizontal) and no
protection are required.

Also, for permanent slopes without any protection in fill areas the maximum slope shall
be 1 (vertical): 3 (horizontal).


8.1. Controls on the used materials

The materials used for backfilling shall comply the suitability requirements.

Before spreading any quantity of material, the backfilling soil type must be controlled by
the execution of the following tests:

- Sieve analysis and Atterberg’s limits on the fine fraction (<0.425 mm)
- Modified Proctor tests in accordance with standard ASTM 1557-91 (AASHTO T-
- Chemical analyses to determine chloride and sulphate content, organic matter,

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After the initial characterization for each type material is completed and the uniformity of
the results has been established, a minimum of one laboratory compaction test (ASTM
D1557) and one grain-size analysis test (ASTM D422) shall be made for every 100 field
density tests. Other classification tests may also be performed if deemed necessary.

New tests shall be of course performed whenever the source or the type of quarried
material is changed.

8.2. Quality control on the spread materials

On the spread and compacted material the following tests shall be carried out:

‰ Field density tests by the sand cone method (ASTM D1556-07) or other suitable
method; if nuclear gauge method is used (ASTM D6938-08), calibration tests must be
executed before, on every type of soil;

‰ Plate load tests using a plate with diameter ∅ ≥ 450 mm. The test procedure shall
be in accordance with standard ASTM D 1196-M-12, the pressure shall be applied up to
450 kPa. The secant Young’s modulus will be calculated for the loading step 200 kPa.

Loading steps: 0-50-100-150-200-250-300-450-300-200-100-0 kPa

The general required tests number is:

Structural backfilling

• 3 density test every 1000 m2, each layer and at least 1 test each layer
below every major foundation ;
• 1 plate load test every 500 m2, each layer.

General filling

• 3 density test every 1000 m2, each layer and at least 1 test each layer
below every major foundation ;
• 1 plate load test every 2000 m2, each layer;

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Tank foundations

• 3 density test every 500 m2, each layer;


• 2 density test every 100 m, each layer;

The number of tests on the spread material shall be appropriate to the plan size of the
backfilling, in order to have a satisfactory number of tests to prove the good realization.
Backfilling areas which are smaller than 1000 m2 shall also be tested adequately.

In any case, the number of tests can be changed and other types of tests can be
accepted, where the prescribed ones are impracticable, if approved by the Engineer or
by the Geotechnical consultant. The thresholds of acceptability for alternative tests shall
be defined in accordance with the required level of compaction.


Annex- General and Structural Backfilling Areas


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Method Statement for Civil works - PPG

Issued for
A EX-DE 00 23/06/2014 MSH MFS JRI AKS
AP Validity Rev.
Rev. Status number Prepared Checked Approved Contractor Company
No Date Description
By By by Approval Approval
Revision Index
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Job N. 210/2011/NR/ZU
eni iraq b.v.
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Contract N. 210/2011/NR/ZU
Alstom Middle East, FZE, Dubai, UAE.
Vendor logo and business name Vendor Identification

Order N. 210/2011/NR/ZU

Facility Name Location Scale Sheet of

Document Title Supersedes N.

Superseded by N.
Plant Area Plant Unit
Method Statement for Civil works - PPG -

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1. Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Scope of Application ..................................................................................................................... 4
3. Reference Documents .................................................................................................................. 4
4. Terminology, Definitions, Abbreviations .................................................................................... 4
5. Civil works...................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 Demolition ............................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Site Clearing and grubbing...................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Stripping top soil ...................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Excavation & Backfilling .......................................................................................................... 6
5.5 Filling/Backfilling ...................................................................................................................... 7
5.6 Plain concrete.......................................................................................................................... 7
5.7 Reinforced Concrete ............................................................................................................... 7
5.8 Formwork .............................................................................................................................. 10
5.9 Reinforcement ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.10 Masonry works (Blocks/Bricks) ............................................................................................. 11
5.11 Plastering works .................................................................................................................... 13
5.12 Various types of Paintings:.................................................................................................... 14
5.13 Flooring works ....................................................................................................................... 14
5.14 Structural Steel Works (erection) .......................................................................................... 16
5.15 Road works ........................................................................................................................... 17

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This document specifies methods and ways to execute the work safely and in accordance with
construction drawing and adhering to applicable specifications with consideration to local rules
and regulations.

The scope is confined to civil activities which are listed in Section 5. These include material,
machineries, instruments, workforce, temporary activities & materials, mobilization and
demobilization of the team & stuff assigned to complete all related activities. All the activities to be
performed in accordance with relevant international codes & standards or recognised good
engineering practice.



00250600BASG10010 - G.S. FOR EMBEDMENT


PROJECT Zubair Oil Field Development

CONTRACTOR Alstom Middle East
SUBCONTRACTOR Shams Al-Sabah General Contracting Co.


5.1 Demolition

Demolition shall consist of:

- Removing existing abandoned structures.

- Utilities like pipes.

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• Removing existing structures.

- Existing structures shall be identified prior to work.

- Measurement and volume calculations shall be completed and accepted before

commencing this work.

- Demolishing exposed part of structure shall be with Loader/Bulldozer. Substructure

shall be removed by backhoe.

- Debris from demolishing works shall be loaded and exposed of site.

• Removing pipes.

- Pipe lines shall be identified prior to commence the work.

- Life pipes shall be disconnected and flashed by others.

- Pipes shall be exposed by removing top earth if any.

- Measurement shall be taken, documented and approved by CONTRACTOR.

- If the pipe is long, cutting shall be required to length can be loaded into disposing

- All working personnel shall be equipped with minimum suitable safety equipment
including precaution measures like fire extinguishers.

- After cutting, cut pieces shall be lifted to disposing truck with good condition lifting
tools and gears.

5.2 Site Clearing and grubbing

• Site clearing shall include taking down or grubbing up and immediate removal from the
site all surface obstructions and unsuitable materials such as contaminated soil, organic
material, debris, rubble and existing improvements such as concrete slabs, hedges,
trees, stumps, roots, guard rails, concrete sleepers, lamp posts, abandoned electrical
cables and pipes within limits of new construction as shown on project drawings.

• Items to be removed from site shall be identified prior to any removal.

• Loader or bulldozer shall be used to take down trees, walls, columns and posts. Then big
pieces shall be broken to smaller pieces, so they can be loaded to dump trucks and
disposed off.

• Any long pieces like pipes must be cut before loading and removing from the site.

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• Depending on the depth, backhoe or excavator shall be used to clear foundations

underground cables. It is very important to make sure that the cables are not energized
before removal.

• As the work progresses, remove all materials resulting from clearing and grubbing
operations except those materials specified for reuse or as otherwise specified by the

• Fill and compact all depressions and holes made below the sub-grade or slopped
surfaces as a result of grubbing operations.

• Disposal of materials removed form site shall be in accordance with the governing local
national laws and regulations.

5.3 Stripping top soil

• Strip topsoil in areas to be either filled or excavated to a minimum depth of 200 mm or

deeper as required to remove all vegetation and soft spots. Removed topsoil shall not to
be used as structural or general fill.

• Stripping shall be done mechanically either by bulldozer or loader. Material generated

from stripping shall be accumulated in small heaps then loaded to trucks for disposal from
of site.

5.4 Excavation & Backfilling

• After establishing TBMs coordinates, corners of the excavation area shall be obtained
from the construction drawing.
• Make sure all survey instruments are calibrated.
• By using Total Station survey instrument, outward offset line shall be plotted on the
ground as reference.
• Peg shall be fixed at the corners of the excavation areas and intermediates of long line.
• Layout, Alignment & size of the excavation pit will be marked on the ground as per
drawing by considering 300 mm working space.
• Diagonal of the footing will be verified before starting of excavation.
• It will be taken care that excavation starts after finalizing the place for disposal.
• Excavation will be done mechanically by using excavator or backhoe.
• Manual excavation may be needed for fine alteration.
• Depth of excavation will be checked frequently by using level instrument with values
given in the construction drawing.
• For deep excavation, adequate side slope of the excavation will be considered for
• After reaching required depth, the ground shall be compacted to achieve minimum
95% of maximum dry density obtained following ASTMD1557.

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5.5 Filling/Backfilling
• It is to be ensured shall be in consideration that filling/backfilling material is suitable (in
case of reused) or from approved Borrow pit.
• Material shall be selected in accordance to the requirement for individual location -
whether general fill, structural fill or lean fill.
• Filling shall be executed by spreading the material in layers with max. thickness of
200mm for structural fill and 250mm for others.
• Filling materials shall be with adequate moisture either by pre-watering (before
spreading) or after spreading.
• Generally Steel tendon or pneumatic rollers shall be used. For limited space small roller
or plate compactor shall be used.
• Rolling shall have sufficient number of passes to ensure that max dry density is achieved
for individual type of filling.
• It will be ensured that the consolidated top layer is dressed to the required slope/

5.6 Plain concrete

• Proper grade of concrete for PCC will be selected and ensured.
• Mix proportion shall be as per mix design.
• Transporting the concrete shall be by transit mixer of good condition.
• The place in which the concrete will be poured to be inspected (formworks, level &
location) and accepted prior to concrete pouring.
• PCC mixture shall be laid on the surface at required thickness.
• Compaction of the concrete shall be done by using sufficient number of mechanical
• Finishing will be carried out at required level.
• Surface shall be troweled using clean tools.
• Curing shall be done for sufficient period.
• Removing formwork shall be done after sufficient time of pouring to avoid damages
of the edges.

5.7 Reinforced Concrete

I. Cement:
1. Cement will be used of approved quality and that it is not older than 90 days.
2. Loose Cement will be stored in a completely waterproof & air tight cement silos
having sufficient storage capacity.
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3. Cement bags will be stored in a water proof container.

4. In case cement bags will required to be stored in open as a temporary requirement,
they will stacked on a dry elevated platform made of wooden planks or railway
sleepers resting on a brick or concrete blocks about 150 mm above the ground. The
number of bags must be just sufficient for day's consumption.
5. Entire stack will be covered by polythene sheet, with an adequate lapping. This
procedure will be adopted throughout (during wet and dry seasons).
II. Aggregates (Coarse aggregate and Fine aggregate):
1. Aggregates will be used after testing and approved by Q.C. labs.
2. Adequate quantity of aggregate will be stored before start of work.
3. Necessary correction for moisture of sand & aggregate will be done on day-to-day
III. Water:
1. Potable water for construction will be made available at site.


1. Batching will be done by automatic batching plant having concrete production of

sufficient capacity.
2. Batching of materials will be carried out by weight.
3. Batching of cement will be done by weight as per approved Design mix.
4. Exact measured quantity of water will be added to the batch as per w/c ratio.
5. Routine checks of weights as well as sensitivity of balance will be carried out.
6. Addition of admixture will be ensured as specified in the approved mix design.

1. Mixing will be done in a batching plant.
2. When mixer machine is used, checking for rpm of mixer, hardened material inside
the drum, number of blades, working of discharge chute and hopper, levelling,
rising, emptying and release of hopper will be done.

1. After batching and Mixing, Transportation of fresh concrete will be done by
Transit Mixture and placement of fresh concrete shall be done directly or by
concrete pump with boomplacer, if necessary.
2. In case of using Weight batcher, it will be kept as close as possible to the
placement site to reduce transportation.
3. Placing of the concrete in position will be done prior to the initial setting time.
4. Segregation and setting of concrete will be avoided.

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1. Fixing the position of construction joint if necessary will be carried out before
starting of placing concrete.
2. Sequence of concreting is te be identified well before placing the concrete.
3. Placement of concrete in its final position will be carried out before initial setting
4. Segregation of materials will be avoided by adopting minimum drop of 1.2.
5. Care will be taken while placing to avoid displacement of inserts, pockets, etc.
6. Laying of concrete in suitable layers (250-300mm) will be carried without any
break in continuity, maintaining the thickness of layers.
7. Proper walkways will be provided in advance.

1. Suitable type of vibrator i.e. Immersion, surface or form vibrators will be used for
2. Over-vibration and bleeding will be avoided.
3. Inserting of Immersion vibrator minimum 100mm away from the shuttering face
vertically to the full depth; no dragging, withdrawing vertically and slowly. Needle
should not touch the reinforcement.
4. Enough spare vibrators and needles will be kept at site.
5. Vibrators not to be used for pushing the poured concrete.
6. Vibrator rod to be used at interval of 10 times the diameter of the vibrator.

1. Finishing will be carried out after a little stiffening of concrete has occurred with
suitable tools.
2. In case of preceding concrete surface being old, chipping must be done with 10-
15mm depth and should be thoroughly cleaned using air or water jets before
placing the subsequent layer of concrete.

1. One or a combination of the following curing methods will be adopted depending
on site conditions, availability of curing materials, type of job, economics etc. :
a) Methods to prevent loss of water in concrete during the early stage of hydration
by ponding, water spraying or saturated wet coverings.
b) Methods to prevent loss of water in concrete by sealing the exposed surface i.e.
covering the exposed surface with sheets of plastic or other impervious materials,
applying membrane-forming compounds etc.
2. The curing period will be for minimum 7 days, or the time necessary to attain 70
percent of the specified compressive strength.
3. The uses of curing compounds in the event of water shortage and in the area having
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difficulty in access.


Cover blocks of various thicknesses will be kept ready as per the requirement of the
structural drawings well in advance. Proper mould and approved mortar mix for
casting will be used.

5.8 Formwork

• Rigid and closely fitted Formwork with sufficient strength to support wet concrete will be

• Proper cleaning of cantering plates, planks or plywood will be ensured.

• Suitable form release agent will be applied after proper cleaning of formwork, before
placing reinforcement.

• Proper check for line, level and plumb will be ensured before starting concreting activity.

• Shuttering will be checked in stage wise. i.e. as per the approved shuttering scheme

a) 1st - beam bottom - alignment and level and rigidity of staging to take the load.

b) 2nd - Beam sides.

c) 3rd - Slab shuttering and levels.

d) 4th - Fixing of side supports, bracing etc. for rigidity.

• Special care will be taken to check column caps supports at junction of beams.

• Pockets, inserts will be carefully placed and check before placing concrete. Fixing of
pockets and inserts should be rigid to avoid displacement during concreting.

• Extra supports at joints of wall plates beam bottom will be provided. Proper care will be
taken to prevent bleeding.

• Time period for removal of shuttering should be according to ACI 347.

• After de-shuttering all the materials will be properly cleaned and stacked for next

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5.9 Reinforcement
• It will be ensured that reinforcement bars are clean free from grease, oil, paint, rust,
dust or any other objectionable foreign material.
• It will be ensured that all the reinforcement rods are thoroughly cleaned before
fabrication, pitted and defective rods shall be marked, isolated then disposed from
• Straightening of bars will be done without damaging the configuration. Cutting,
bending should be as per Bar Bending Schedule (B.B.S.).
• It will be ensured that the vertical distance between the successive layers of bars in
beams or other members are maintained by providing mild steel spacers at required
• Reinforcement size, spacing, location, numbers, overlaps, welding joints, hooks, bent
ups, and ties will be according to drawings and bar bending schedule.
• Closer different size could be used and spacing could be changed with approval of
CONTRACTOR representative.
• Staggered overlaps, cold bending and anchorage will be ensured, wherever necessary.
• Sufficient nos. of bodies, chairs etc. will be provided to ensure the position of
reinforcement as per construction drawing; during placing and compaction of
concrete. Bracing bar could be fixed to prevent sway cases.
• Proper placement of cover blocks embedded inserts and cut outs if any will be
• Proper binding of reinforcement will be ensured.
• Rust and grease should be thoroughly removed before placement.
• It will be ensured that the lap joints of bars are staggered according to ACI 318

5.10 Masonry works (Blocks/Bricks)

5.7.1 Handling:

a) All blocks/Bricks shall be carefully unloaded by machine or by hand onto hard


b) They shall be stacked on pallets or other approved method.

c) The stacks shall be clear of standing water and are to be protected from splashing by
mud or contamination by other materials.

d) Different types of blocks/bricks shall be stacked separately to be clearly recognised.

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5.7.2 Scaffold:

a) Safe and adequate scaffolding and other equipment for mixing and handling of
mortar and block units shall be furnished erected and maintained as long as necessary
and remove when no longer required.

5.7.3 Mortar:

a) Standard proportion of mortar mix for the joint of blocks shall be: cement : sand =
1:3, or as directed, OPC cement shall be used in mortars.

b) Mixing mortar shall be by mechanical mixer or by hand on a clean level board.

c) Use mortar within one hour from mixing. In no case mortar shall be used after the
initial set has taken place. Reconstitution of mortar will not be permitted. The
addition of extra water to mortar following initial mixing shall not be permitted.

5.7.4 Laying:

a) Blocks shall be laid on a full bed of mortar with joints filled solid to a consistent thickness of
not more than 10mm.Walls shall be carried up uniformly with no part more than 1500mm
higher than any other. Work shall be plumbed and levelled at each course.

b) Joints, both vertical and horizontal, not staggered. Mortar shall be flushed with a
trowel tool.

c) All hollow block shall be laid cells vertical and with full mortar coverage on all top
and side faces, horizontally and vertically.

d) Faces of walls shall be kept clean and free from mortar droppings and splashes.

e) Blocks / Bricks shall be laid in true dimensions and plumb and straight. While laying
dimensions and squareness shall be according to detailed construction drawing.

f) In hot dry weather, absorbent blocks shall be wetted before laying. Blockwork shall
be protected from the effects of hot sunlight and drying winds until the mortar has
sufficiently matured.

g) No half blocks or bats shall be used except where necessary for bonding. Cutting of
blocks shall be kept to a minimum.

h) Unless specified otherwise on the drawings blockwork shall be built in stretcher

bond. Temporary ends of walls shall be formed by racking back.

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i) The blocks will be placed in the running Bond with head joints located at the centre
of the blockwork in alternative course below. Thus the blocks will be laid in
complete section up to a control joint or it will be left in stepped joints clean and
ready for fresh mortar when works continues.

j) Exposed blockwork shall be finished with an approved joint profile. Joints which are
not visible on the finished work shall be struck off as the work proceeds.

k) Where blockwork is to be plastered, joints are to be struck off and left rough to
provide a key.

l) Where necessary, all surfaces to receive a damp proof course shall be flushed up
with mortar to form an even surface. Damp proof courses shall be kept flush with the
outer surface of the wall and not set back to allow for pointing.

m) Openings in masonry for doors, windows, air conditioning units, ventilators and fans
etc, shall be properly marked out and built in as the work proceeds with approved
anchors. The fittings shall be propped and strutted where required.

n) All blockwork shall be true to line and level. On completion, the work shall be
cleaned down and mortar droppings and other marks removed. Stained, chipped or
any other defects of materials or workmanship shall be made good.

5.11 Plastering works

a) It will be ensured that type of plaster, number of coats, thickness required and cement mortar
proportion are as per specifications.
b) Before starting the work brick wall to be properly watered.
c) Roughening the R.C.C. surface to be dobe prior to plastering.
d) Suitable sand will be selected for different type of plasters.
e) Ensure that proper dry mixing of cement and sand is done on impervious platform.
f) Holes provided for scaffolding while executing brickwork will be plugged or double scaffolding
will be used.
g) Level marking will be done in advance. Supervise line, level and plumb from time to time
before plaster starts setting.
h) It will be ensured that all the necessary tools required for execution of work is available with
the mason.
i) It will be ensured that gaps around door and window frames be filled properly.
j) While executing final coat of sand faced plaster or aggregate plaster due care will be taken as to
where the joints are to be provided at the end of day's work.

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5.12 Various types of Paintings:

a) All paints, undercoats and primers shall be low solvent and submitted for approval.
b) Paints shall be transported, stored and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
and shall be compatible with the surface to be painted.
c) SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit details of the proposed colour schemes CONTRACTOR for
d) No painting shall take place externally on wet surfaces, whilst it is raining or is likely to rain or in
e) The plastered surface will be thoroughly cleaned with a brush to remove dust, dirt, grease, mortar
dropping and other foreign matter and sand.
f) New plaster surface will be allowed to dry before applying first coat.
g) All unnecessary nails, hooks etc. will be removed. Pitting in plaster will be made good with
plaster again.
h) .Any depression or plaster popping shall be filled and rubbed down flush. Similarly high spots
shall be rubbed down
i) A coat of paint will be applied over the patches. The surface shall be allowed to dry thoroughly
before the regular paint is applied. The surface affected by moulds, moss, fungi, algae lichens,
efflorescence etc. shall be treated.
j) A priming coat of of approved manufacture will be applied over the plaster surface in case of new
k) The primer will be applied with a brush or roller on the clean, dry and smooth surface. Horizontal
strokes will be given first and vertical strokes will be applied immediately afterwards. This entire
operation will constitute one coat.

5.13 Flooring works

5.10.1 Hardened and Sealed Concrete Floors

a) Prior to work, proposed level shall be marked on wall and floors.
b) If the area is large, it can be divided to zones which shall be concreted alternatively for
better control.
c) Concrete floor shall be steel trowel finished or power floated.
d) Concrete mixture shall be of approved by CONTRACTOR.
e) Completed surfaces shall cured for 7 days.

5.10.2 Tiles & skirting

a) Tiles sizes shall be as per drawing of individual area or as specified in the project
specification otherwise.
b) Great care shall be taken in transportation to avoid damaging the tiles. No defective tiles
shall be allowed.
c) The SUBCONTRACTOR shall supply a sample of the tiles and skirting of the actual
colour/type to be used to CONTRACTOR for approval.
d) Upon arrival, material shall be inspected to ensure compliance with approved samples.

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e) Before commencing the work, all personnel at site must be equipped with minimum and
suitable safety tools and equipment.
f) Clearance shall be obtained from MEP team before commencing the work. And all
concealed works get completed and tested before starting the tile work.
g) In wet areas, if water proofing is required, clearance must be obtained that water proofing
is complete and accepted.
h) The area to be tiled shall be brushed and all traces of grease, oil, loose particles etc. must
be removed.
i) To ensure rows of tiles are truly horizontal, a level line shall be established to position the
starting course.
j) Prior to laying tiles/skirting shall be submerged in the water to ensure of fully saturation.
k) Mortar shall be used within 2 hours of mixing. And shall not be used after initial set has
taken place.
l) Laying shall be by pressing the tiles onto bedding with twisting/sliding action to give
finished bed thickness the range. Tamping using rubber mallet can be used to obtain
required adhesion and level. For wet areas, laying with slope lines shall be formed
towards specified floor drain.
m) Tiles shall be neatly cut, grind rough on exposed edges around pipes & other
obstructions. And make provision for floor drain if any.
n) Tiles shall be laid with required spacing and spacers shall be used to align both ways
o) Excessive mortar shall be removed with damp cloth before material has set
p) Skirting shall be laid in such a way that all joints shall match joint of floor tiles.
q) Tiles shall be laid in such a way that cut pieces in minimum possible.
r) Tiles laying arrangement shall consider the shape of the area to be tiled, so both
squareness shall match to maximum possible.
s) It is very important to make sure that back surface of the tiles are fully supported by
mortar and no gap underneath is permitted. However, joint shall grouted with cement
mortar in such a way to ensure gap all gaps near the edges are filled.
t) Rub tiles with dry cloth when joints are hard.
u) The completed tile floor should be kept traffic avoided in the area for at least 24 hours. If
traffic is not avoidable, board walkaway shall be used for traffic to avoid potential
damage and to keep clean.
v) After curing the surface shall be washed and kept clean.

5.10.3 Raised Access Floor

a) Material shall be inspected upon receiving prior to commencing the work.
b) Following approved plan, setting out for raised floor pedestals (legs) prior to installation
to avoid overlapping of services.
c) Complete installation of serviced e.g. cable trunking, conduits before installing raised
floor pedestals.
d) Fixing the pedestals using anchor fasteners or any method recommended by the
e) Adjust pedestal height to the design level with consideration raised floor tiles thickness.

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f) Install raised floor tiles starting from one side to be the opposite side of the room door.
g) If lifting tiles is required, it is recommended to use panel lifter (vacuum lifter).
h) Tiles can be cut or drilled at site for wire opening & grommet fixing.

5.10.4 Vinyl surfacing

a) Material shall be inspected upon receiving prior to commencing the work.
b) Materials storage shall be stored according to manufacturer’s recommendation.
c) Examine the area to be fitted with vinyl tiles/sheet and ensures that it is clear of obstacles.
d) Examine the area to check the flatness whether any area need to be rectified or
e) Before commencing the work, all personnel at site must be equipped with minimum and
suitable safety tools and equipment.
f) Scrape and sweep clean the floor before any floor preparation takes place.
g) Apply adhesive to the floor following manufacturer’s recommendation.
h) Arrangement/direction of vinyl sheets/tiles shall follow approved drawing.
i) Fit and cut the Vinyl using a sharp knife.
j) Fixing shall start from one line for single area then it can be continued in one or more
k) Apply rolling to the vinyl to ensure good contact and any excess adhesive is push out.
Immediately spread excess adhesive on the floor or to be removed by dry cloth.

5.14 Structural Steel Works (erection)

a) Sufficient and suitable lifting tools and gears shall be in place before starting the work.
b) PTW shall be obtained especially for lifting works.
c) Sufficient number of qualified lifting personnel shall be ready at site before commencing
the work and equipped with minimum and suitable PPE.
d) Before lifting operation start, it is important to make sure sufficient tightening tools are in
e) Ensure all anchor bolts on which steel structure to be fixed are clean.
f) All top nuts and washers of all anchor bolts must be removed.
g) Bottom nuts and washers of all anchor bolts to be adjusted to required level.
h) The centrelines will be checked before erection.
i) If the structure comes in parts, it is important to make first piece fixed in correct position
with adequate verticality and firmly tightened with anchor bolts top nuts and washers and
firm sufficient bracing.
j) The above shall be repeated for subsequent similar and most bottom pieces.
k) After completing bottom parts, other connection members shall be cat welded / bolted.
l) Overall dimension of the whole structure shall be checked before final welding, so any
adjustment shall be considered if required.
m) If all dimensions are ensured, all welding to be completed and all bolts shall be firmly
n) Grouting of the base will be carried out after erection is complete and accepted by

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5.15 Road works

a) Road work shall start after all surveying is finalized and setting out is completed.
b) Excavation to form subgrade level (formation level) and compact the ground to achieve
95% of MDD when tested according to ASTM.
c) Construction of Sub-Base layer to the thickness specified in the construction drawing
with gradation specified in 00250600BASG10008, spreading in uniform layers with
motor grader on prepared surface, compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density 95% of Modified proctor test density.
d) Preliminary tests for the physical characteristics of the mixtures, to be carried out by the
SUBCONTRACTOR before the commencement of the works and submitted to the
CONTRACTOR for approval, shall be those specified in ASTM D1242, including in
particular, but not limited to, the following:
- particle-size analysis in accordance with ASTM C117 and ASTM C136,
- liquid limit and plasticity index in accordance with ASTM D4318,
- tests for the determination of modified maximum (optimum) dry unit weight and
modified optimum water content in accordance with ASTM D1557.
e) The thickness of the finished layer shall not exceed 200 mm.
f) Compaction shall be applied to the whole depth of the layer until obtaining required
minimum dry density (95% of MDD).
g) The operations shall be performed when the weather conditions (rain, snow, frost, etc.)
are not such as to damage the works. The thickness shall be as specified with a tolerance
of ± 5%.
h) Base material shall be constructed to the thickness and specifications stipulated in
construction drawing.
i) Preliminary tests shall be similar to sub-base layer (item d above).
j) Construction method shall be similar to sub-base layer (item e & f above).
k) Prior to lay Binder course, single coat of low viscosity bituminous primer coat over
granular surface shall be sprayed. Using self-propelled sprayer equipped with self-heating
arrangement, pump, compressor and spraying bars with nozzle shaving constant volume
or pressure system complete.
l) Following the application of prime material, the surface shall be allowed to cure for a
period of at least 24 hours.
m) Immediately before applying binder course, the existing surface (upon which the mixture
is to be placed) shall be thoroughly cleaned from all loose, dirt and other foreign
n) For Binder course, the mixture compositions specified in ASTM D3515 are a basis for the
study of the final job mix.
o) The SUBCONTRACTOR shall make trial tests on samples prepared with the various
components in order to define the job mix suitable for the traffic, the climatic conditions
and the density of the aggregates used.
p) These tests shall be carried out by official testing laboratories in accordance with the
standards set out in ASTM D3515 and shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR for
approval before the commencement of the works. The following information shall be

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provided in the documents including:

- particle size, maximum nominal dimension and density of the aggregates,
- mix formula (aggregates, filler if any, content, type and degree of penetration of the
bituminous binding material),
- mixing times to be adopted,
- Marshall stability and flow in accordance with ASTM D1559 showing the
temperature at which the test is performed.
q) The asphalt concrete binder course pavement shall be placed by mechanical paver in
accordance with the required finished thickness as stated in the approved drawing for
r) Binder course shall be compacted as soon as rolling can be effective without causing
undue displacement of the mixed material such as cracking or rippling.
s) Binder course shall be uniformly compacted by a smooth steel-wheeled roller or by a
multi-wheeled pneumatic roller.
t) Immediately following the initial rolling, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted.
u) Rolling shall begin at the low side and progress toward the high side overlapping each
preceding tack until the entire surface has been rolled. The rollers shall be in good
condition, capable of reversing without back lash and shall be operated by experience
roller-men and must be kept in continuous operation in such a manner that all parts of the
pavement shall receive substantially equal compression.
v) The roller shall not be permitted to stand on pavement which has not been fully
compacted. Necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent dropping of oil, grease, petrol
or other foreign matter on the pavement either when the rollers are operating or standing.
w) In-situ tests after shall be conducted after spreading the Binder Course, the
SUBCONTRACTOR shall take core samples having minimum diameters 150 mm. The
frequency of sampling is 1 sample every 1000 m2 performed, but not less than 2 samples
every working session.
x) From the samples taken, the following tests shall be carried:
- check of in-situ density of the mixture, determined in accordance with ASTM
D1188 or ASTM D2726, whichever is applicable,
- check of percentage voids after compaction, determined in accordance with ASTM,
- check of the thickness of the layer in accordance with ASTM D3549.
y) Providing and applying evenly tack coat on subsequent layer. Tack coat shall be of
cutback asphalt (in accordance with ASTM D2028), selected in accordance with ASTM
D2399, shall be spread on the lower layers at a rate of 0.35 litres/m2.
z) The tack coat shall be uniformly spread on the surface; the areas with insufficient
bituminous material shall be re-sprayed until reaching the require uniformity. The
surfaces of the structures adjacent to the sub-grade shall be adequately protected to avoid
spattering of bituminous material.
aa) Providing & laying Asphaltic Concrete Surface course of thickness specified in
construction drawing.
bb) The SUBCONTRACTOR shall carry out the following tests on the materials before
placing the bituminous mixture:

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- Particle size distribution check of the aggregates supplied to the site and of the
aggregates at the outlet of reclassification sieves (twice a week),
- Check of the mixture composition (particle size of aggregates and content of filler,
if any; content of bituminous binding material) by taking the mixture at the outlet
of the mixer or of the storage hopper (twice a week),
- Check the Marshall stability and flow, including determination of the specimen
density, as average values of 2 tests (once every working day).
cc) Work procedure and condition for applying, laying, spreading and compacting Binder
course shall be applicable with wearing course except for thickness which should be as
stated in approved construction drawing.
dd) The mixture shall be placed immediately after the tack coat.
ee) Compaction shall start before the bituminous mixture temperature drops below 107° C
and shall continue until reaching a minimum density of 98%.
ff) The mixture shall not be placed when the atmospheric temperature is below 5° C.
gg) In-situ tests after spreading shall be similar to Binder Course, except for the sampling
frequency, which is 1 sample every 500 m2 carried out, but not less than 2 samples every
working session.

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