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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Nutrition Short term goal: Independent: • Inflammation or After all the
“nakailang suka at imbalanced less After 1 hours of •Auscultate bowel irritation of the nursing
dumi na siya nung than body nursing sounds, noting intestine may be interventions the
myerkules ng requirements intervention the absence or accompanied by client’s mother
umaga kaya related to client was able to hyperactive intestinal was able to report
isinugod na namin insufficient fluids report that there is sounds. hyperactivity, that the client was
siya dito sa and electrolyte. reduction in diminished water maintaining her
hospital” frequency of absorption and normal weight and
verbalized by the Inference: stools. diarrhea. able to free from
mothers patient the illness.
Vomiting are not Long term goal:
Objective: diseases, but After 1 week of • Eliminate smells • Reduces gastric
T: 36.8 rather are nursing from the stimulation and
RR: 31 bpm symptoms of interventions the environment. vomiting
PR: 125 bpm many different client was able to response.
conditions, such maintain her body
• Hyperactive as infection weight and • Avoid foods that •Might increase
bowel sounds. ("stomach flu"), understand all the might cause or abdominal
food poisoning, precautionary exacerbate cramping.
• Pale conjunctiva and migraines. measures to abdominal
and mucus Nausea and prevent in getting cramping like
membrane. vomiting can the illness. caffeinated
sometimes be beverages,
• frequent watery symptoms of more chocolate, orange
stools serious diseases. juice.

Diarrhea is the • Measure • Provides

passage of loose abdominal girth. quantitative
and watery stools evidence of
(more than 3 changes in gastric
bowel movements or intestinal
per day) often distention.
associated with • Observe skin or • Hypovolemia,
gassiness, mucous fluid shifts and
bloating, and membrane nutritional deficits
abdominal pain. dryness, and contribute to poor
turgor. Note skin.
Ref. mosby’s peripheral edema.
•Assess abdomen •Indicates return
frequently for of normal bowel
return to softness, function and
appearance of ability to resume
normal bowel oral intake.
sounds, and
passage of flatus.

• Monitor protein, •Reflects organ
prealbumin or function and
albumin, glucose, nutritional status
nitrogen balance and needs.
as indicated.

• administration of • to be free from

medication as pain and will help
prescribe by the for the cure of the
physicians illness.

Reference :
Reference :
Fundamentals by
kozier and nanda nanda

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