Breaking News !: Reported Speech

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Reported Speech
Class Objectives

▪ Learning objective: to get familiarized with terminology

related to newspapers while reviewing Reported Speech.
▪ Communicative: to orally paraphrase news using Reported
▪ Strategies: paraphrasing.
Let’s talk!
▪ Where do you normally get your news from?
▪ What's your favorite media source to get news?
▪ What are the main newspapers in Colombia?
▪ Can you name some of the most popular newspapers
around the world?
Let’s take a look at an online newspaper!
▪ Can you identify different parts of it?
3 1 1. Header

2 2. Headlines
(Latest events)

3. Sections
4. Breaking News

6. Classifieds

7. Blogs and Columns

5. Sports Section
Newspapers from other countries
▪ Your teacher will assign you an English-speaking
country: USA – England – Australia – Canada
▪ Access
▪ Select a newspaper and identify different sections and
parts of it. Then, answer:
1. What are some latest events and headlines found in your
2. What is that news about?
3. What section does that news belong to?
Reporting news headlines
▪ Try to report these headlines using Reported Speech
Reported Speech Review: Say vs. Tell
• Used for reporting statements and • Used normally with a Personal Object (the
declarations made by individuals. receiver of the message).
• Used with “THAT” as a connector. • Does not need preposition “TO”.
• It is important to use the preposition “TO”
before mentioning the receiver of the
message (Object Pronoun).

Example: Example:
Kathy said to her husband that she loves Yasmin frequently tells her children about
him. (mentioning the Personal Object) their family history.
Reported Speech Review
Aspects to consider: #1 Tense Changes
“Colombian women are He said that Colombian women were
Simple Present Simple Past
beautiful.” beautiful.

She said that he had worked hard the

Simple Past “I worked hard yesterday.” Past Perfect
day before.

Will “It will refresh you too.” Would He said that it would refresh us too.

Must “The show must go on.” Had to She said that the show had to go on.

He said that people couldn’t buy

Can “You can’t buy happiness.” Could
She said that he should buy that
Should “He should buy that product.” Should
Reported Speech Review
Aspects to consider: #2 Personal Pronouns
When converting Direct Speech to Reported Speech, we change these elements according to the context.

Object Pronouns He told me that he was sick.
I ➙ Me They said to her that she was not admitted.
You ➙ You
We told him that she had been busy.
He ➙ Him
She said to them that she had been working all
She ➙ Her night long.
It ➙ It
You told us that she was working at nights.
We ➙ Us
They ➙ Them
Reported Speech Review
Aspects to consider: #3 Time & Place Words
When converting Direct Speech to Reported Speech, we change these elements according to the context.
Time Place
now ➙ then here ➙ there
today ➙ that day this ➙ that
this week ➙ that week these ➙ those
tomorrow ➙ the next day
Person A:
yesterday ➙ the day before We will meet here tomorrow, ok?
last week ➙ the week before
Person B:
They said that we would meet there the next day.

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