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CIS 5100 (Section 1) Homework Assignment #1

Fall 2020, Dr. Song

Xing Due on Friday,
Sep 21
Part 1:
Stephen D. Burd, Chapter 2:
Vocabulary Exercises:

Review Questions

1. What is a CPU? What are its primary components?

The CPU is the brain of a computer system. It fetches and executes instructions
in a stored program and controls the movement of data between computer
system components. The primary CPU components are the control unit,
arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and registers.

2. What are registers? What are their functions?

Registers are storage locations in the CPU used to hold instructions and data
temporarily that are needed immediately or frequently.

3. What is main memory? How does it differ from registers?

Main memory is a collection of storage locations, typically implemented with
random access memory (RAM), that holds instructions and some or all of the
data of currently running programs. Primary storage has more capacity than
registers but is slower to access.

4. What are the differences between primary and secondary storage?

Primary storage is more volatile, faster, and more expensive than secondary
storage. Because of its higher cost, its capacity is usually lower than in
secondary storage. These differences determine differences in use—chiefly,
primary storage supports ongoing CPU activity by storing instructions and
data of currently running programs.

5. What classes of computer systems are normally used for servers?

Any computer class can be used for a server. The class depends on the number
and type of resources and the number of simultaneous accesses to these

6. What characteristics differentiate application software from system software?
Application software is special purpose—written to address specific needs of
specific users. System software is general purpose—it provides support
functions for many types of application processing tasks. System software also
interacts directly with hardware, and application software does not.

Part 2:

1. An image file is 10MB in its size. How long does it take to download this file using a
20 Mbps channel?
We know 1 byte = 8 bits , 1MB = 2^20 B (over 1 million bytes), 1Mbps = 10^6 bps (1
million bps)
The formula to calculate downloading speed is:
File Size in Megabytes / (Download Speed in Megabits / 8) = Time In Seconds
(10*10^6*8)/(20*10^6) = 4 -> Time = 4 sec

2. You can use ipconfig /all utility to find your home computer’s physical (MAC) address
and IP address.
MAC address: 08-71-90-DD-19-04
IP address:

(1) Convert your computer’s physical address (or MAC address) to 48-bit binary.
48-Bit-Binary: 0000 1000-0111 0001-1001 0000-1101 1101-0001 1001-0000 0100

(2) Convert your computer’s IP address to 32-bit binary. Each decimal number
corresponds to a byte address.
32-Bit-Binary: 1100 0000-1010 1000-0000 0000-0110 1000

(3) How many usable IP addresses your home network has?

The subnet mask is:

28 = 256 – 2 unique identifiers= 254 available addresses.

3. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) is a common spread spectrum transmission

technique used in wireless communications. Before data transmission, a particular
sequence of 1s and 0s called barker code is added to the original data using bitwise
operation of XOR. If the 16- bit data to be sent is a Hex decimal value 5100 and the
barker code is 5100 in decimal, what is the transmitted data (i.e., the result of XOR) in
binary bits?

5100 Hexadecimal to Binary -> 0101 0001 0000 0000

5100 Decimal to Binary:

5100/2 = 2550, Remainder is 0

2550/2 = 1275, Remainder is 0
1275/2 = 637, Remainder is 1
637/2 = 318, Remainder is 1
318/2 = 159, Remainder is 0
159/2 = 79, Remainder is 1
79/2 = 39, Remainder is 1
39/2 = 19, Remainder is 1
19/2 = 9, Remainder is 1
9/2 = 4, Remainder is 1
4/2 = 2, Remainder is 0
2/2 = 1, Remainder is 0
1/2 = 0, Remainder is 1

So 5100 Decimal to Binary -> 0001 0011 1110 1100

0101 0001 0000 0000

0001 0011 1110 1100
XOR-> 0100 0010 1110 1100

4. A computer uses base-6 numbering system for computing. Convert the base-6 number
12345 to decimal.

(5*6^0)+(4*6^1)+(3*6^2)+(2*6^3)+(1*6^4) = 5+24+108+432+1296=1865

Decimal is 1865.

5. Using the powers of each digit in base 8, convert the decimal number 6026 to octal.

6026/8=753 -> Remainder=2

753/8=94 -> Remainder=1
94/8=11 -> Remainder=6
11/8=1 -> Remainder=3
1/8=0 -> Remainder=1

Octal is 13612.

6. There are two Hexadecimal numbers 510 and F1. The computer performs the
addition and multiplication of these two numbers. What are the results? Give the
computing details.

510 in Hexadecimal to Binary -> 0101 0001 0000

F1 in Hexadecimal to Binary -> 0000 1111 0001
Addition -> 0101 0001 0000
0000 1111 0001
0110 0000 0001 in Binary -> 601 in hexadecimal
+ F1

Multiplication -> 510

x F1
+ 4BF00 -> F*5 = (15*5) in decimal = 75, 75/16=4 , Remainder=11
which is B in Hexadecimal

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