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The Imperial Navy was one of the most

formidable militaries ever assembled, consisting

of millions of warships, fighters and transports,
manned by trillions of fleet crew. The mainstays
of its fleets - the Star Destroyer and Super Star
Destroyer capital ships and the TIE fighter series
of starfighters - became some of the most visible
symbols of Imperial rule to the galaxy's civilian

Table of Contents:
Imperial Fighter Pilots: . . . . . . . . . . .2
Imperial Shuttle Pilots: . . . . . . . . . . .4
Imperial Command: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Capital Ship Personnel: . . . . . . . . . . .6
Death Star Crew: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Navy Troopers: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Imperial Marines: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Imperial Navy Commandos: . . . . . . .16
SpecNav Troopers: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Imperial Fighter Pilots Reference: R&E p209

TIE pilots served in the Imperial Navy by Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot (Experienced)
piloting the various TIE series starfighters. Species: Human
At the height of the Galactic Empire, the Sex: Male
Imperial Navy had countless Academy graduates Dexterity: 3D+1
and clones at its disposal. Blaster 4D+2, Dodge 4D+2
Knowledge: 2D
Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot (Novice) Planetary Systems 3D+2
Species: Human Mechanical: 4D
Sex: Male Sensors 5D+2, Starfighter Piloting 7D, Starship
Dexterity: 3D+1 Gunnery 6D
Blaster 3D+2, Dodge 3D+2 Perception: 3D
Knowledge: 2D Command 4D+2, Search 5D
Planetary Systems 2D+1 Strength: 3D
Mechanical: 4D Stamina 4D
Sensors 4D+1, Starfighter Piloting 4D+2, Technical: 2D
Starship Gunnery 4D Computer program/repair 4D+1, Starfighter
Perception: 3D Repair 6D
Search 4D Move: 10
Strength: 3D Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet
Stamina 3D+2 (comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress
Technical: 2D flight suit w/life support equipment, one week
Computer program/repair 3D, Starfighter Repair emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival
3D Gear
Move: 10 Reference: Custom Build
Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet
(comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot (Veteran)
flight suit w/life support equipment, one week Species: Human
emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival Sex: Male
Gear Dexterity: 3D+1
Reference: Custom Build Blaster 5D+1, Dodge 5D+1
Knowledge: 2D
Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot (Standard) Planetary Systems 5D
Species: Human Mechanical: 4D
Sex: Male Sensors 6D+2, Starfighter Piloting 8D, Starship
Dexterity: 3D+1 Gunnery 7D
Blaster 4D+1, Dodge 4D+1 Perception: 3D
Knowledge: 2D Command 5D, Search 6D
Planetary Systems 3D Strength: 3D
Mechanical: 4D Stamina 4D+1
Sensors 4D+2, Starfighter Piloting 6D, Starship Technical: 2D
Gunnery 5D Computer program/repair 5D+1, First Aid 2D,
Perception: 3D Starfighter Repair 6D+1
Command 4D, Search 4D Move: 10
Strength: 3D Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet
Stamina 4D (comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress
Technical: 2D flight suit w/life support equipment, one week
Computer program/repair 3D+1, Starfighter emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival
Repair 5D Gear
Move: 10 Reference: Custom Build
Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet
(comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot (Elite)
flight suit w/life support equipment, one week Species: Human
emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival Sex: Male
Gear Dexterity: 3D+1
Blaster 6D, Dodge 6D Starship Gunnery 7D+1
Knowledge: 2D Perception: 3D
Planetary Systems 6D Command 5D+2, Search 6D
Mechanical: 4D Strength: 3D
Sensors 7D+2, Starfighter Piloting 8D+2, Stamina 4D+2
Starship Gunnery 7D+2 Technical: 2D
Perception: 3D Computer program/repair 5D+1, First Aid 2D,
Command 5D+1, Search 7D Starfighter Repair 6D+1
Strength: 3D Move: 10
Stamina 4D+2 Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet
Technical: 2D (comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress
Computer program/repair 6D, First Aid 4D, flight suit w/life support equipment, one week
Starfighter Repair 7D emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival
Move: 10 Gear
Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet
(comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot, Squadron Leader
flight suit w/life support equipment, one week (Elite)
emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival Species: Human
Gear Sex: Male
Reference: Custom Build Dexterity: 3D+1
Blaster 6D, Dodge 6D
Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot, Squadron Leader Knowledge: 2D
Species: Human Planetary Systems 6D, Tactics 5D
Sex: Male Mechanical: 4D
Dexterity: 3D+1 Sensors 7D+2, Starfighter Piloting 9D, Starship
Blaster 4D+2, Dodge 4D+2 Gunnery 8D
Knowledge: 2D Perception: 3D
Planetary Systems 3D+2, Tactics 2D+1 Command 6D+1, Search 7D
Mechanical: 4D Strength: 3D
Sensors 5D+1, Starfighter Piloting 7D+1, Stamina 5D
Starship Gunnery 6D+1 Technical: 2D
Perception: 3D Computer program/repair 6D, First Aid 4D,
Command 4D+2, Search 4D+2 Starfighter Repair 7D
Strength: 3D Move: 10
Stamina 4D+1 Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet
Technical: 2D (comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress
Computer program/repair 4D+1, Starfighter flight suit w/life support equipment, one week
Repair 6D emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival
Move: 10 Gear
Equipment: Nav Computer linkup Helmet Reference: Custom Build
(comlink, +1D to sensors.), High gravity stress
flight suit w/life support equipment, one week
emergency rations, Blaster Pistol (4D), Survival
Reference: Custom Build

Name: Imperial Fighter Pilot, Squadron Leader

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Dexterity: 3D+1
Blaster 5D+1, Dodge 5D+1
Knowledge: 2D
Planetary Systems 5D, Tactics 3D+2
Mechanical: 4D
Sensors 6D+2, Starfighter Piloting 8D+1,
Imperial Shuttle Pilots Perception: 3D
Command 4D+2, Search 5D+1
Name: Imperial Shuttle Pilot Strength: 3D
Species: Human Stamina 4D
Sex: Male Technical: 2D
Dexterity: 3D+1 Computer Programming/Repair 4D+2, Space
Blaster 4D+1, Dodge 4D+1 Transport Repair 6D+1
Knowledge: 2D Move: 10
Planetary Systems 3D Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Flight Suit,
Mechanical: 4D Comlink, Survival Gear
Astrogation 4D+1, Space Transports 5D, Reference: Custom Build
Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 4D+2
Perception: 3D Name: Imperial Shuttle Pilot (Elite)
Command 4D, Search 4D Species: Human
Strength: 3D Sex: Male
Stamina 4D Dexterity: 3D+1
Technical: 2D Blaster 5D+1, Dodge 5D+1
Computer Programming/Repair 3D+1, Space Knowledge: 2D
Transport Repair 5D Planetary Systems 6D
Move: 10 Mechanical: 4D
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Flight Suit, Astrogation 6D+2, Space Transports 8D,
Comlink, Survival Gear Starship Gunnery 7D, Starship Shields 6D+2
Reference: Supernova p19 Perception: 3D
Command 5D, Search 6D
Name: Imperial Shuttle Pilot (Experienced) Strength: 3D
Species: Human Stamina 4D
Sex: Male Technical: 2D
Dexterity: 3D+1 Computer Programming/Repair 5D+1, Space
Blaster 4D+2, Dodge 4D+2 Transport Repair 7D
Knowledge: 2D Move: 10
Planetary Systems 4D Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Flight Suit,
Mechanical: 4D Comlink, Survival Gear
Astrogation 5D+1, Space Transports 6D, Reference: Custom Build
Starship Gunnery 5D+2, Starship Shields 5D+1
Perception: 3D
Command 4D+1, Search 4D+2
Strength: 3D
Stamina 4D
Technical: 2D
Computer Programming/Repair 4D, Space
Transport Repair 5D+2
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Flight Suit,
Comlink, Survival Gear
Reference: Custom Build

Name: Imperial Shuttle Pilot (Veteran)

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Dexterity: 3D+1
Blaster 5D, Dodge 5D
Knowledge: 2D
Planetary Systems 5D
Mechanical: 4D
Astrogation 6D, Space Transports 7D, Starship
Gunnery 6D+1, Starship Shields 6D
Imperial Command Sex: Male
Dexterity: 2D+2
Candidates were accepted by Screening Officers Blaster 4D+2, Dodge 3D+2, Grenade 3D+2
at local recruitment centers. Naval recruits first Knowledge: 3D
attended the Imperial Academy to gain the basis Bureaucracy 4D
of their higher education and military discipline, Mechanical: 3D+2
and then continued their education at the Astrogation 4D+1, Space Transports 4D
Imperial Naval College, where Academy Perception: 3D+1
graduates received specific training on naval Command 5D+1
operations, combat, and command functions. Strength: 2D+1
Brawling 3D+1
Name: Imperial Colonel Technical: 3D
Species: Human Security 4D
Sex: Male Move: 10
Dexterity: 2D Equipment: Rank Cylinder Code Key, Comlink,
Blaster 3D, Melee Combat 3D, Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D)
Knowledge: 4D Reference: Death Star p91
Bureaucracy 5D, Languages 5D
Mechanical: 3D Name: Imperial Lieutenant
Astrogation 4D, Space Transports 4D Species: Human
Perception: 4D Sex: Male
Bargain 4D+1, Command 5D, Con 4D+1 Dexterity: 2D+2
Strength: 2D Blaster 4D+2, Dodge 4D
Stamina 3D Knowledge: 3D
Technical: 3D Bureaucracy 4D, Planetary Systems 3D+1
Computer Program/Repair 3D+1, Security 4D Mechanical: 3D+2
Move: 10 Space Transports 4D
Equipment: Rank Cylinder Code Key, Comlink, Perception: 3D+1
Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D) Bargain 5D+1, Command 4D+1, Sneak 4D
Reference: Death Star p90 Strength: 2D+1
Brawling 3D+2, Stamina 3D+1
Name: Imperial Major Technical: 3D
Species: Human Space Transports Repair 4D+1
Sex: Male Move: 10
Dexterity: 2D Equipment: Rank Cylinder Code Key, Comlink,
Blaster 3D+1, Melee Combat 3D+1 Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D)
Knowledge: 4D Reference: Death Star p91
Alien Species 4D+1, Bureaucracy 4D+1,
Planetary Systems 5D
Mechanical: 3D
Astrogation 4D+1, Space Transports 3D+2,
Starship Shields 4D
Perception: 4D
Bargain 4D+1, Command 4D+1
Strength: 2D
Brawling 3D, Stamina 3D
Technical: 3D
Computer Program/Repair 3D+1, Space
Transports Repair 3D+2, Security 4D
Move: 10
Equipment: Rank Cylinder Code Key, Comlink,
Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D)
Reference: Death Star p91

Name: Imperial Captain

Species: Human
Capital Ship Personnel Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Flight Suit,
Navigational Computer Linkup Helmet (Internal
The Imperial Navy crewmen were the heart of Comlink, +1D to sensors), survival Gear
the Imperial Navy. Millions of Imperial citizens Reference: Custom Build
were trained at academies on distant planets like
Raithal to be starship pilots, technicians, and Name: Capital Ship Pilot (Veteran)
specialists. As warrant officers, these men Species: Human
operated helms, repaired vessels, and supported Sex: Male
the operations of their superior officers. Dexterity: 2D+1
Blaster 3D+1, Dodge 3D+1
Name: Imperial Pilot Knowledge: 1D+1
Species: Human Planetary Systems 4D, Survival 2D+1
Sex: Male Mechanical: 3D
Dexterity: 2D+1 Astrogation 4D, Capital Ship Gunnery 4D,
Blaster 3D+1, Dodge 3D+1 Capital Ship Piloting 7D, Capital Ship Shields
Knowledge: 1D+1 4D, Communications 3D+2, Sensors 3D+2
Planetary Systems 2D+1, Survival 2D+1 Perception: 2D
Mechanical: 3D Hide 4D, Investigation 4D, Sneak 4D
Astrogation 4D, Capital Ship Gunnery 4D, Strength: 2D
Capital Ship Piloting 5D, Capital Ship Shields Climbing/Jumping 3D, Stamina 3D+1
4D, Communications 3D+1, Sensors 3D+1, Technical: 1D+1
Space Transports 4D Capital Ship Repair 5D, Capital Ship Weapons
Perception: 2D Repair 3D, Computer Program/Repair 3D+1
Hide 3D, Investigation 3D, Sneak 3D Move: 10
Strength: 2D Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Flight Suit,
Climbing/Jumping 3D, Stamina 3D+1 Navigational Computer Linkup Helmet (Internal
Technical: 1D+1 Comlink, +1D to sensors), survival Gear
Capital Ship Repair 3D+1, Capital Ship Reference: Custom Build
Weapons Repair 2D+1, Computer
Program/Repair 2D+1 Name: Astrogation Crewman
Move: 10 Species: Human
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Flight Suit, Sex: Male
Navigational Computer Linkup Helmet (Internal Dexterity: 2D
Comlink, +1D to sensors), survival Gear Blaster 3D
Reference: R&E p209 Knowledge: 2D
Planetary Systems 3D
Name: Capital Ship Pilot Mechanical: 2D
Species: Human Astrogation 4D, Repulsorlift Operation 3D
Sex: Male Perception: 2D
Dexterity: 2D+1 Strength: 2D
Blaster 3D+1, Dodge 3D+1 Climbing/Lifting 3D
Knowledge: 1D+1 Technical: 2D
Planetary Systems 2D+2, Survival 2D Computer Program/Repair 3D
Mechanical: 3D Move: 10
Astrogation 3D+2, Capital Ship Gunnery 3D+1, Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Chronomiter
Capital Ship Piloting 5D, Capital Ship Shields Comlink, Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D)
3D+1, Communications 3D+1, Sensors 3D+1 Reference: Custom Build
Perception: 2D
Hide 3D, Investigation 3D, Sneak 3D Name: Astrogation Crewman (Veteran)
Strength: 2D Species: Human
Climbing/Jumping 3D, Stamina 3D+1 Sex: Male
Technical: 1D+1 Dexterity: 2D
Capital Ship Repair 3D+2, Capital Ship Blaster 3D
Weapons Repair 2D+1, Computer Knowledge: 2D
Program/Repair 2D+1 Planetary Systems 5D
Move: 10 Mechanical: 2D
Astrogation 6D, Repulsorlift Operation 4D+1 Weapons 4D+2
Perception: 2D Knowledge: 1D+1
Strength: 2D Value 2D+1
Climbing/Lifting 3D Mechanical: 3D
Technical: 2D Capital Ship Gunnery 5D, Capital Ship Shields
Computer Program/Repair 4D 4D, Communications 4D, Sensors 4D, Starship
Move: 10 Gunnery 4D, Starship Shields 3D+2
Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Chronomiter Perception: 1D+1
Comlink, Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D) Bargain 2D+1, Con 2D+2
Reference: Custom Build Strength: 1D+1
Climbing/Jumping 2D+1, Lifting 3D+1, Stamina
Name: Communications Crewman 2D+1
Species: Human Technical: 2D+1
Sex: Male Capital Starship Weapon Repair 4D+1,
Dexterity: 2D Computer Program/Repair 3D+1, Starship
Blaster 3D Weapon Repair 4D+1
Knowledge: 2D Move: 10
Alien Species 3D, Languages 3D Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Computerized
Mechanical: 2D Gunnery Helmet (+1D to capital ship gunnery or
Communications 4D, Repulsorlift Operation 3D starship gunnery: Internal Comlink, +1D to
Perception: 2D sensors), Protective Armor (+2 physical and
Strength: 2D energy)
Climbing/Lifting 3D Reference: Imperial Sourcebook p43
Technical: 2D
Computer Program/Repair 3D Name: Imperial Gunner (Veteran)
Move: 10 Species: Human
Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Chronomiter Sex: Male
Comlink, Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D) Dexterity: 2D+2
Reference: Custom Build Blaster 4D+2, Blaster Artillery 6D, Dodge
4D+2, Thrown Weapons 4D+2, Vehicle
Name: Communications Crewman (Veteran) Weapons 6D
Species: Human Knowledge: 1D+1
Sex: Male Value 3D
Dexterity: 2D Mechanical: 3D
Blaster 3D Capital Ship Gunnery 7D, Capital Ship Shields
Knowledge: 2D 5D, Communications 4D+2, Sensors 4D+2,
Alien Species 4D+2, Languages 4D+2 Starship Gunnery 6D, Starship Shields 4D+2
Mechanical: 2D Perception: 1D+1
Communications 6D, Repulsorlift Operation Bargain 2D+2, Con 3d
4D+1 Strength: 1D+1
Perception: 2D Climbing/Jumping 2D+1, Lifting 3D+1, Stamina
Strength: 2D 2D+1
Climbing/Lifting 3D Technical: 2D+1
Technical: 2D Capital Starship Weapon Repair 5D+2,
Computer Program/Repair 4D Computer Program/Repair 5D, Starship Weapon
Move: 10 Repair 5D+2
Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Chronomiter Move: 10
Comlink, Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D) Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Computerized
Reference: Custom Build Gunnery Helmet (+1D to capital ship gunnery or
starship gunnery: Internal Comlink, +1D to
Name: Imperial Gunner sensors), Protective Armor (+2 physical and
Species: Human energy)
Sex: Male Reference: Custom Build
Dexterity: 2D+2
Blaster 3D+2, Blaster Artillery 4D+2, Dodge Name: Shield Operation Crewman
3D+2, Thrown Weapons 3D+2, Vehicle Species: Human
Sex: Male (STR+2D)
Dexterity: 2D Reference: Death Star p91
Blaster 3D
Knowledge: 2D Name: Sensor Operation Crewman (Veteran)
Mechanical: 2D Species: Human
Capital Ship Shields 4D, Repulsorlift Operation Sex: Male
3D Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 2D Melee Combat 4D+1, Melee Parry 4D+1
Con 3D Knowledge: 2D
Strength: 2D Alien Species 4D+2
Climbing/Lifting 3D Mechanical: 2D
Technical: 2D Sensors 6D
Computer Program/Repair 3D Perception: 2D
Move: 10 Search 6D
Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Chronomiter Strength: 2D
Comlink, Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D) Climbing/Lifting 3D
Reference: Death Star p91 Technical: 2D
Computer Program/Repair 4D, Security 4D+1
Name: Shield Operation Crewman (Veteran) Move: 10
Species: Human Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Comlink,
Sex: Male Datapad, Macrobinoculars, Force Pike
Dexterity: 2D (STR+2D)
Blaster 3D Reference: Custom Build
Knowledge: 2D
Mechanical: 2D Name: Imperial StarDestroyter Officer
Capital Ship Shields 6D, Repulsorlift Operation Species: Human
4D+1 Sex: Male
Perception: 2D Dexterity: 2D+2
Con 4D+2 Blaster 4D+2, Dodge 4D
Strength: 2D Knowledge: 3D
Climbing/Lifting 3D Bureaucracy 4D, Planetary Systems 3D+1,
Technical: 2D Tactics: Capital Ships 5D, Tactics: Fleets 4D
Computer Program/Repair 4D Mechanical: 3D+2
Move: 10 Capital Ship Piloting 4D
Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Chronomiter Perception: 3D+1
Comlink, Datapad, Blaster Pistol (4D) Bargain 5D+1, Command 4D+1
Reference: Custom Build Strength: 2D+1
Brawling 3D+2, Stamina 3D+1
Name: Sensor Operation Crewman Technical: 3D
Species: Human Capital Ship Repair 4D+1
Sex: Male Move: 10
Dexterity: 2D Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink,
Melee Combat 3D, Melee Parry 3D Reference: Galaxy Guide 3 p47
Knowledge: 2D
Alien Species 3D Name: Imperial StarDestroyter Officer (Veteran)
Mechanical: 2D Species: Human
Sensors 4D Sex: Male
Perception: 2D Dexterity: 2D+2
Search 4D Blaster 5D+1, Dodge 4D+2
Strength: 2D Knowledge: 3D
Climbing/Lifting 3D Bureaucracy 6D, Planetary Systems 4D+2,
Technical: 2D Tactics: Capital Ships 6D+1, Tactics: Fleets
Computer Program/Repair 3D, Security 3D 5D+1
Move: 10 Mechanical: 3D+2
Equipment: Computer Repair Kit, Comlink, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+1
Datapad, Macrobinoculars, Force Pike Perception: 3D+1
Bargain 6D, Command 6D+1
Strength: 2D+1
Brawling 4D+1, Stamina 3D+1
Technical: 3D
Capital Ship Repair 5D
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink,
Reference: Custom Build
Death Star Crew Sex: Male
Dexterity: 2D+2
The first Death Star, like its successor, was Blaster 3D+2, Blaster Artillery 4D+2, Vehicle
divided into two hemispheres, each subdivided Blasters 4D+2
into 12 bridge-controlled zones. At any given Knowledge: 1D+1
time, around 1.7 million Imperial personnel Mechanical: 3D
(excluding droids) were aboard the battlestation. Capital Ship Gunnery 5D, Capital Ship Shields
Name: Bridge Pit Crewman Perception: 1D+1
Species: Human Strength: 1D+1
Sex: Male Technical: 2D
Dexterity: 2D Capital Starship Weapon Repair 4D
Blaster 2D+1, Dodge 3D Move: 10
Knowledge: 2D Equipment: Navigation Computer Linkup
Alien Species 3D, Bureaucracy 3D, Languages Helmet (+2D fire control, capital ship weapons
3D, Planetary Systems 3D, Value 3D only.), Blaster Pistol (4D), Protective Armor
Mechanical: 2D (+1D physical, +2 energy.), Tool Kit.
Astrogation 3D, Battle Station Piloting: Death Reference: Death Star p92
Star 5D, Capital Ship Gunnery 3D, Capital Ship
Shields 3D Name: Death Star Gunner (Veteran)
Perception: 2D Species: Human
Strength: 2D Sex: Male
Stamina 3D Dexterity: 2D+2
Technical: 2D Blaster 5D, Blaster Artillery 6D, Vehicle
Capital Ship Repair 3D, Computer Blasters 6D
Program/Repair 3D, Security 3D Knowledge: 1D+1
Move: 10 Mechanical: 3D
Equipment: Comlink, Chronometer, Pocket Capital Ship Gunnery 7D, Capital Ship Shields
Computer 6D
Reference: Death Star p91 Perception: 1D+1
Strength: 1D+1
Name: Bridge Pit Crewman (Veteran) Technical: 2D
Species: Human Capital Starship Weapon Repair 5D
Sex: Male Move: 10
Dexterity: 2D Equipment: Navigation Computer Linkup
Blaster 3D+2, Dodge 4D+1 Helmet (+2D fire control, capital ship weapons
Knowledge: 2D only.), Blaster Pistol (4D), Protective Armor
Alien Species 5D, Bureaucracy 5D, Languages (+1D physical, +2 energy.), Tool Kit.
5D+1, Planetary Systems 5D, Value 4D Reference: Custom Build
Mechanical: 2D
Astrogation 5D, Battle Station Piloting: Death Name: Death Star Trooper
Star 7D, Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+1, Capital Species: Human
Ship Shields 5D Sex: Male
Perception: 2D Dexterity: 3D+1
Strength: 2D Blaster 4D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 5D+1, Blaster
Stamina 3D Artillery 4D+2, Dodge 4D+1, Grenade 4D+1,
Technical: 2D Vehicle Blasters 4D+2
Capital Ship Repair 4D, Computer Knowledge: 2D+1
Program/Repair 4D, Security 4D Streetwise 3D+1
Move: 10 Mechanical: 2D+2
Equipment: Comlink, Chronometer, Pocket Perception: 4D
Computer Command 5D, Search 5D+2
Reference: Custom Build Strength: 3D+2
Brawling 5D+2
Name: Death Star Gunner Technical: 2D
Species: Human Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle Mechanical: 2D+2
(5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet Perception: 4D
(+1D physical, +1 energy) Command 5D, Search 5D+2
Reference: Death Star p92 Strength: 3D+2
Brawling 5D+2
Name: Death Star Trooper (Veteran) Technical: 2D
Species: Human Demolition 3D
Sex: Male Move: 10
Dexterity: 3D+1 Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle
Blaster 5D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 6D+1, Blaster (5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet
Artillery 5D+2, Dodge 5D+1, Grenade 5D+1, (+1D physical, +1 energy)
Vehicle Blasters 5D+2 Reference: Death Star p92
Knowledge: 2D+1
Streetwise 4D Name: Death Star Trooper: Command Sector
Mechanical: 2D+2 (Veteran)
Perception: 4D Species: Human
Command 5D+1, Search 6D+1 Sex: Male
Strength: 3D+2 Dexterity: 3D+1
Brawling 6D Blaster 6D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 8D+1, Blaster
Technical: 2D Artillery 5D+2, Dodge 7D+1, Grenade 5D,
Move: 10 Vehicle Blasters 5D+2
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle Knowledge: 2D+1
(5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet Streetwise 4D
(+1D physical, +1 energy) Mechanical: 2D+2
Reference: Custom Build Perception: 4D
Command 5D+1, Search 6D+1
Name: Death Star Trooper (Elite) Strength: 3D+2
Species: Human Brawling 6D
Sex: Male Technical: 2D
Dexterity: 3D+1 Demolition 4D
Blaster 6D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 7D+1, Blaster Move: 10
Artillery 6D+2, Dodge 6D+1, Grenade 6D+1, Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle
Vehicle Blasters 6D+2 (5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet
Knowledge: 2D+1 (+1D physical, +1 energy)
Streetwise 4D+2 Reference: Custom Build
Mechanical: 2D+2
Perception: 4D Name: Death Star Trooper: Command Sector
Command 5D+2, Search 7D (Elite)
Strength: 3D+2 Species: Human
Brawling 6D+2 Sex: Male
Technical: 2D Dexterity: 3D+1
Move: 10 Blaster 7D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 9D, Blaster
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle Artillery 6D+2, Dodge 8D+1, Grenade 5D+2,
(5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet Vehicle Blasters 6D+2
(+1D physical, +1 energy) Knowledge: 2D+1
Reference: Custom Build Streetwise 4D+2
Mechanical: 2D+2
Name: Death Star Trooper: Command Sector Perception: 4D
Species: Human Command 5D+2, Search 7D
Sex: Male Strength: 3D+2
Dexterity: 3D+1 Brawling 6D+2
Blaster 5D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 7D+1, Blaster Technical: 2D
Artillery 4D+2, Dodge 6D+1, Grenade 4D+1, Demolition 4D+2
Vehicle Blasters 4D+2 Move: 10
Knowledge: 2D+1 Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle
Streetwise 3D+1 (5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet
(+1D physical, +1 energy) Perception: 4D
Reference: Custom Build Command 8D, Search 6D
Strength: 3D+2
Name: Death Star Trooper Squad Leader Brawling 6D+2
Species: Human Technical: 2D
Sex: Male Demolition 5D
Dexterity: 3D+1 Move: 10
Blaster 4D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 5D+1, Dodge Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle
4D+1, Grenade 4D+1 (5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet
Knowledge: 2D+1 (+1D physical, +1 energy), Utility Belt
Streetwise 3D+1 w/supplies
Mechanical: 2D+2 Reference: Custom Build
Perception: 4D
Command 6D, Search 4D+2 Name: Death Star Officer
Strength: 3D+2 Species: Human
Brawling 5D+2 Sex: Male
Technical: 2D Dexterity: 2D+2
Demolition 3D Blaster 4D+2, Dodge 3D+2
Move: 10 Knowledge: 3D
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle Bureaucracy 4D, Intimidation 4D, Tactics: Fleets
(5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet 5D
(+1D physical, +1 energy), Utility Belt Mechanical: 3D+2
w/supplies Perception: 3D+1
Reference: Death Star p92 Command 5D+1
Strength: 2D+1
Name: Death Star Squad Leader (Veteran) Brawling 3D+1
Species: Human Technical: 3D
Sex: Male Security 4D
Dexterity: 3D+1 Move: 10
Blaster 5D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 6D+1, Dodge Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Rank
5D+1, Grenade 5D+1 Command Cylinder
Knowledge: 2D+1 Reference: Trilogy Sourcebook SE p53
Streetwise 4D
Mechanical: 2D+2 Name: Death Star Officer (Veteran)
Perception: 4D Species: Human
Command 7D, Search 5D+1 Sex: Male
Strength: 3D+2 Dexterity: 2D+2
Brawling 6D Blaster 5D+2, Dodge 4D+2
Technical: 2D Knowledge: 3D
Demolition 4D Bureaucracy 6D, Intimidation 5D+1, Tactics:
Move: 10 Fleets 7D
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle Mechanical: 3D+2
(5D), Grenades (5D), Comlink, Blast Helmet Perception: 3D+1
(+1D physical, +1 energy), Utility Belt Command 7D+2
w/supplies Strength: 2D+1
Reference: Custom Build Brawling 4D+1
Technical: 3D
Name: Death Star Squad Leader (Elite) Security 5D+1
Species: Human Move: 10
Sex: Male Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Rank
Dexterity: 3D+1 Command Cylinder
Blaster 6D, Blaster: Blaster Pistol 7D+1, Dodge Reference: Custom Build
6D+1, Grenade 6D+1
Knowledge: 2D+1
Streetwise 4D+2
Mechanical: 2D+2
Naval Troopers
Name: Imperial Naval Trooper (Veteran)
Imperial Navy troopers were soldiers in the Species: Human
Galactic Empire who were assigned by the Sex: Male
Imperial Navy as part of Imperial Fleet Dexterity: 2D+1
Regiments to serve as guards and soldiers Blaster 5D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 6D+2,
onboard its many Star Destroyers and other Brawling Parry 5D+1, Dodge 5D+1, Grenade
installations, such as the Death Star. 4D+2, Melee Combat 5D+1, Melee Parry 5D+1,
Running 4D+1
Name: Imperial Naval Trooper Knowledge: 1D+1
Species: Human Intimidation 3D, Streetwise 3D
Sex: Male Mechanical: 1D+2
Dexterity: 2D+1 Repulsorlift Operation 4D+2, Capital Ship
Blaster 3D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 4D+2, Shields 4D
Brawling Parry 3D+1, Dodge 3D+1, Grenade Perception: 3D
3D+1, Melee Combat 3D+1, Melee Parry 3D+1, Command 4D+2, Search 5D+1
Running 3D+2 Strength: 2D+2
Knowledge: 1D+1 Brawling 6D. Stamina 4D+1
Intimidation 2D+1, Streetwise 2D+1 Technical: 1D
Mechanical: 1D+2 Security 4D
Repulsorlift Operation 2D+2, Capital Ship Move: 10
Shields 2D+2 Equipment: Blast Helmet (+1D physical, +1
Perception: 3D energy), Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink
Command 4D, Search 4D Reference: Custom Build
Strength: 2D+2
Brawling 4D+2. Stamina 3D+2 Name: Imperial Naval Trooper (Elite)
Technical: 1D Species: Human
Security 2D Sex: Male
Move: 10 Dexterity: 2D+1
Equipment: Blast Helmet (+1D physical, +1 Blaster 6D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 7D+2,
energy), Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink Brawling Parry 6D+1, Dodge 6D+1, Grenade
Reference: R&E p209 5D+1, Melee Combat 6D+1, Melee Parry 6D+1,
Running 4D+2
Name: Imperial Naval Trooper (Experienced) Knowledge: 1D+1
Species: Human Intimidation 3D+1, Streetwise 3D+1
Sex: Male Mechanical: 1D+2
Dexterity: 2D+1 Repulsorlift Operation 5D+2, Capital Ship
Blaster 4D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 5D+2, Shields 4D+2
Brawling Parry 4D+1, Dodge 4D+1, Grenade Perception: 3D
4D, Melee Combat 4D+1, Melee Parry 4D+1, Command 5D, Search 6D
Running 4D Strength: 2D+2
Knowledge: 1D+1 Brawling 6D+2. Stamina 4D+2
Intimidation 2D+2, Streetwise 2D+2 Technical: 1D
Mechanical: 1D+2 Security 5D
Repulsorlift Operation 3D+2, Capital Ship Move: 10
Shields 3D+1 Equipment: Blast Helmet (+1D physical, +1
Perception: 3D energy), Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink
Command 4D+1, Search 4D+2 Reference: Custom Build
Strength: 2D+2
Brawling 5D+1. Stamina 4D Name: Imperial Naval Trooper Squad Leader
Technical: 1D Species: Human
Security 3D Sex: Male
Move: 10 Dexterity: 2D+1
Equipment: Blast Helmet (+1D physical, +1 Blaster 4D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 5D+2,
energy), Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink Brawling Parry 4D+1, Dodge 4D+1, Grenade
Reference: Custom Build 4D, Melee Combat 4D+1, Melee Parry 4D+1,
Running 4D Perception: 3D
Knowledge: 1D+1 Command 7D+1, Search 6D
Intimidation 2D+2, Streetwise 2D+2 Strength: 2D+2
Mechanical: 1D+2 Brawling 6D+2. Stamina 4D+2
Repulsorlift Operation 3D+2, Capital Ship Technical: 1D
Shields 3D+1 Security 5D
Perception: 3D Move: 10
Command 5D+1, Search 4D+2 Equipment: Blast Helmet (+1D physical, +1
Strength: 2D+2 energy), Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink
Brawling 5D+2. Stamina 4D Reference: Custom Build
Technical: 1D
Security 3D
Move: 10
Equipment: Blast Helmet (+1D physical, +1
energy), Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink
Reference: Custom Build

Name: Imperial Naval Trooper Squad Leader

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Dexterity: 2D+1
Blaster 5D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 6D+2,
Brawling Parry 5D+1, Dodge 5D+1, Grenade
4D+2, Melee Combat 5D+1, Melee Parry 5D+1,
Running 4D+1
Knowledge: 1D+1
Intimidation 3D, Streetwise 3D
Mechanical: 1D+2
Repulsorlift Operation 4D+2, Capital Ship
Shields 4D
Perception: 3D
Command 6+2, Search 5D+1
Strength: 2D+2
Brawling 6D. Stamina 4D+1
Technical: 1D
Security 4D
Move: 10
Equipment: Blast Helmet (+1D physical, +1
energy), Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink
Reference: Custom Build

Name: Imperial Naval Trooper Squad Leader

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Dexterity: 2D+1
Blaster 6D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 7D+2,
Brawling Parry 6D+1, Dodge 6D+1, Grenade
5D+1, Melee Combat 6D+1, Melee Parry 6D+1,
Running 4D+2
Knowledge: 1D+1
Intimidation 3D+1, Streetwise 3D+1
Mechanical: 1D+2
Repulsorlift Operation 5D+2, Capital Ship
Shields 4D+2
Imperial Marines Species: Human
Sex: Male
The Imperial Marines were a specialized branch Dexterity: 3D
of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps that was Blaster 6D, Brawling Parry 6D, Dodge 6D,
active during the Galactic Civil War, presumably Missile Weapons 6D
formed from the clone marines that preceded Knowledge: 2D
them within the Grand Army of the Republic. Mechanical: 2D
They were Imperial shock troopers used by the Perception: 2D
Galactic Empire to defend capital ships such as Search 5D+2, Sneak 6D
Imperial-class Star Destroyers. They were also Strength: 2D
used to sabotage or capture Rebel capital ships Brawling 5D+1
after being ferried over to them during a space Technical: 2D
battle. Security 5D
Move: 10
Name: Imperial Marine Equipment: Imperial Marine Armor (+2D
Species: Human physical, +1D energy, -1D to Dexterity and
Sex: Male related skills), Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle
Dexterity: 3D (5D), MiniMag PTL Missile Launcher (5D)
Blaster 4D, Brawling Parry 4D, Dodge 4D Reference: Custom Build
Knowledge: 2D
Mechanical: 2D Name: Imperial Marine Squad Leader
Perception: 2D Species: Human
Search 3D, Sneak 3D Sex: Male
Strength: 2D Dexterity: 3D
Brawling 3D Blaster 5D, Brawling Parry 5D, Dodge 5D,
Technical: 2D Missile Weapons 5D
Security 2D+1 Knowledge: 2D
Move: 10 Mechanical: 2D
Equipment: Imperial Marine Armor (+2D Perception: 2D
physical, +1D energy, -1D to Dexterity and Command 3D, Search 4D, Sneak 4D+1
related skills), Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle Strength: 2D
(5D), MiniMag PTL Missile Launcher (5D) Brawling 3D
Reference: Custom Build Technical: 2D
Security 3D+2
Name: Imperial Marine (Experienced) Move: 10
Species: Human Equipment: Imperial Marine Armor (+2D
Sex: Male physical, +1D energy, -1D to Dexterity and
Dexterity: 3D related skills), Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle
Blaster 5D, Brawling Parry 5D, Dodge 5D, (5D), MiniMag PTL Missile Launcher (5D)
Missile Weapons 5D Reference: Custom Build
Knowledge: 2D
Mechanical: 2D Imperial Marine Armor:
Perception: 2D -Protection: +2D physical, +2D energy, -1D to
Search 4D, Sneak 4D+1 dexterity and related skills.
Strength: 2D -Helmet Comlink.
Brawling 4D -MFTAS: +2D to perception checks in low
Technical: 2D visibility situations, +2D to ranged weapon skill
Security 3D+2 uses against targets moving more than 10 per
Move: 10 round.
Equipment: Imperial Marine Armor (+2D -Climate Control Body Glove.
physical, +1D energy, -1D to Dexterity and
related skills), Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle
(5D), MiniMag PTL Missile Launcher (5D)
Reference: Custom Build

Name: Imperial Marine (Veteran)

Imperial Navy Commando Technical: 2D
Demolitions 5D, Security 6D
Navy commandos were lightly armored soldiers Move: 10
that were trained for patrol, guard and monitor Equipment: Imperial Navy Commando Armor
duty. They were typically stationed at key (+2D physical, +1D energy), Blaster Pistol (4D),
Imperial facilities where they provided accurate Blaster Rifle (5D), Grenade (5D)
covering fire for other units. Naval commandos Reference: Custom Build
wore roughly the same uniform as the
Stormtroopers, though elements of the design Name: Imperial Navy Commando (Veteran)
were similar to that of the Scout troopers: their Species: Human
black body suit partially revealed and little leg Sex: Male
armor shared the resemblance to the Scout Dexterity: 3D
troopers' own outfit. The Navy Commandos Blaster 8D, Brawling Parry 8D, Dodge 8D,
appeared to have temperature-controlled grenades 7D
chestplates similar to that of Snowtroopers on Knowledge: 2D
their backplates, making them among the Survival 5D
Empire's environmentally-specialized divisions Mechanical: 2D
of troopers. The helmets had wider visors than Perception: 2D
those of the Stormtrooper variant, similar to that Hide 7D+2, Search 7D+2, Sneak 8D
of the Scout trooper, with comlink antennas Strength: 2D
attached to the right side of the helmet. Brawling 7D+1
Technical: 2D
Name: Imperial Navy Commando Demolitions 6D, Security 7D
Species: Human Move: 10
Sex: Male Equipment: Imperial Navy Commando Armor
Dexterity: 3D (+2D physical, +1D energy), Blaster Pistol (4D),
Blaster 6D, Brawling Parry 6D, Dodge 6D, Blaster Rifle (5D), Grenade (5D)
grenades 5D+2 Reference: Custom Build
Knowledge: 2D
Survival 3D Imperial Navy Commando Armor:
Mechanical: 2D -Protection: +2D physical, +2D energy.
Perception: 2D -Helmet Comlink.
Hide 5D+2, Search 5D+2, Sneak 6D -MFTAS: +2D to perception checks in low
Strength: 2D visibility situations, +2D to ranged weapon skill
Brawling 5D+1 uses against targets moving more than 10 per
Technical: 2D round.
Demolitions 4D, Security 5D -Climate Control Body Glove.
Move: 10
Equipment: Imperial Navy Commando Armor
(+2D physical, +1D energy), Blaster Pistol (4D),
Blaster Rifle (5D), Grenade (5D)
Reference: Custom Build

Name: Imperial Navy Commando (Veteran)

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Dexterity: 3D
Blaster 7D, Brawling Parry 7D, Dodge 7D,
grenades 6D+1
Knowledge: 2D
Survival 4D
Mechanical: 2D
Perception: 2D
Hide 6D+2, Search 6D+2, Sneak 7D
Strength: 2D
Brawling 6D+1
Naval Special Forces Trooper can ignore the effects of blindness.
Instant Knockdown: If the trooper makes a
The Special Navy Force troopers were the elite successful Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll
forces of the Imperial Navy that were incredibly - and the attack is not dodged or parried - the
secret; both the Alliance to Restore the Republic target is immediately knocked to the ground.
and even the majority of the Imperial Navy didn't Multiple Strikes: The trooper can make a second
know of their existence. The group reportedly attack with no multiple action penalties if he
had only about 700 men in service. The makes a Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll.
successful project was a joint operation between The second attack inflicts 3D damage.
the Ubiqtorate of the Imperial Intelligence and Silent Strike: Providing the trooper can sneak up
the Imperial Navy to create mobile infantry that on an opponent, the trooper can instantly kill or
did not require the use of the Imperial Army. The render a target unconscious. A successful
navy's aim was to eliminate their dependency on Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll indicates
the army to establish beachheads on targeted that the target is neutralized.
planets, as the SpecNav Force troopers would be Zero-G Combat Training: +1D to dodge rolls in
the first on the battlefield and serve as an zero-g.
advance force. The Ubiqtorate aim was to have Move: 10
troopers with special training necessary to allow Equipment: Varies
them to be assigned on a wide variety of Reference: The Far Orbit Project p79
missions. These elite troopers were trained at
D8-Red Base base in the Ringali Nebula. They Name: SpecNav Trooper (Saboteur)
were typically organized into squads of ten. Species: Human
These troops were hazardous, in addition to be Sex: Male
deceptively quiet, crafty, and skilled. They were Dexterity: 3D
apparently trained in some form of hand-to-hand Blaster 6D+2, Brawling Parry 5D, Dodge 5D+2,
combat in addition to other weaponry, such as Grenade 5D, Melee Combat 5D+2, Melee Parry
Blasters and Grenades. 5D+2
Knowledge: 3D
Name: SpecNav Trooper Alien Species 4D, Planetary Systems 5D,
Species: Human Streetwise 7D, Survival 5D
Sex: Male Mechanical: 2D+2
Dexterity: 3D Astrogation 4D+2, Beast Riding 3D, Capital
Blaster 6D+2, Brawling Parry 5D, Dodge 5D+2, Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Piloting 4D+2,
Grenade 5D, Melee Combat 5D+2, Melee Parry Capital Ship Shields 4D+2, Hover Vehicle
5D+2 Operation 5D+1, Repulsorlift Operation 5D,
Knowledge: 3D Space Transports 5D, Starfighter Piloting 6D,
Alien Species 4D, Planetary Systems 5D, Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 5D
Streetwise 5D, Survival 5D Perception: 3D
Mechanical: 2D+2 Con 5D, Hide 4D, Search 6D, Sneak 6D+2
Astrogation 4D+2, Beast Riding 3D, Capital Strength: 3D+1
Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Piloting 4D+2, Brawling 5D+1, Brawling: Martial Arts 7D
Capital Ship Shields 4D+2, Hover Vehicle Technical: 3D
Operation 5D+1, Repulsorlift Operation 5D, Blaster Repair 4D, Computer Program/Repair
Space Transports 5D, Starfighter Piloting 6D, 8D, Demolitions 8D, First Aid 6D, Security 7D
Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 5D Special Abilities:
Perception: 3D Blindfighting: If the trooper makes a Very
Con 5D, Search 6D, Sneak 5D+2 Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll - and is
Strength: 3D+1 within striking distance of the target - the trooper
Brawling 5D+1, Brawling: Martial Arts 7D can ignore the effects of blindness.
Technical: 3D Instant Knockdown: If the trooper makes a
Blaster Repair 4D, Computer Program/Repair successful Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll
6D, Demolitions 6D, First Aid 6D, Security 5D - and the attack is not dodged or parried - the
Special Abilities: target is immediately knocked to the ground.
Blindfighting: If the trooper makes a Very Multiple Strikes: The trooper can make a second
Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll - and is attack with no multiple action penalties if he
within striking distance of the target - the trooper makes a Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll.
The second attack inflicts 3D damage. that the target is neutralized.
Silent Strike: Providing the trooper can sneak up Zero-G Combat Training: +1D to dodge rolls in
on an opponent, the trooper can instantly kill or zero-g.
render a target unconscious. A successful Move: 10
Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll indicates Equipment: Varies
that the target is neutralized. Reference: The Far Orbit Project p79
Zero-G Combat Training: +1D to dodge rolls in
zero-g. Name: SpecNav Trooper (Assault)
Move: 10 Species: Human
Equipment: Varies Sex: Male
Reference: The Far Orbit Project p79 Dexterity: 3D
Blaster 8D+2, Blaster Artillery 5D, Brawling
Name: SpecNav Trooper (Tech) Parry 7D, Dodge 5D+2, Grenade 7D, Melee
Species: Human Combat 7D+2, Melee Parry 7D+2, Vehicle
Sex: Male Blasters 5D
Dexterity: 3D Knowledge: 3D
Blaster 6D+2, Brawling Parry 5D, Dodge 5D+2, Alien Species 4D, Planetary Systems 5D,
Grenade 5D, Melee Combat 5D+2, Melee Parry Streetwise 5D, Survival 5D
5D+2 Mechanical: 2D+2
Knowledge: 3D Astrogation 4D+2, Beast Riding 3D, Capital
Alien Species 4D, Planetary Systems 5D, Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Piloting 4D+2,
Streetwise 5D, Survival 5D Capital Ship Shields 4D+2, Hover Vehicle
Mechanical: 2D+2 Operation 5D+1, Repulsorlift Operation 5D,
Astrogation 4D+2, Beast Riding 3D, Capital Space Transports 5D, Starfighter Piloting 6D,
Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Piloting 4D+2, Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 5D
Capital Ship Shields 4D+2, Hover Vehicle Perception: 3D
Operation 5D+1, Repulsorlift Operation 6D, Con 5D, Search 6D, Sneak 5D+2
Space Transports 5D, Starfighter Piloting 6D, Strength: 3D+1
Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 5D Brawling 5D+1, Brawling: Martial Arts 7D
Perception: 3D Technical: 3D
Con 5D, Search 6D, Sneak 5D+2 Blaster Repair 4D, Computer Program/Repair
Strength: 3D+1 6D, Demolitions 6D, First Aid 6D, Security 5D
Brawling 5D+1, Brawling: Martial Arts 7D Special Abilities:
Technical: 3D Blindfighting: If the trooper makes a Very
Armor Repair 4D, Blaster Repair 5D, Computer Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll - and is
Program/Repair 6D, Demolitions 6D, Droid within striking distance of the target - the trooper
Program 4D, Droid Repair 4D, First Aid 7D, can ignore the effects of blindness.
Security 5D, Space Transports Repair 4D, Instant Knockdown: If the trooper makes a
Starfighter Repair 4D, Walker Repair 4D successful Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll
Special Abilities: - and the attack is not dodged or parried - the
Blindfighting: If the trooper makes a Very target is immediately knocked to the ground.
Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll - and is Multiple Strikes: The trooper can make a second
within striking distance of the target - the trooper attack with no multiple action penalties if he
can ignore the effects of blindness. makes a Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll.
Instant Knockdown: If the trooper makes a The second attack inflicts 3D damage.
successful Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll Silent Strike: Providing the trooper can sneak up
- and the attack is not dodged or parried - the on an opponent, the trooper can instantly kill or
target is immediately knocked to the ground. render a target unconscious. A successful
Multiple Strikes: The trooper can make a second Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll indicates
attack with no multiple action penalties if he that the target is neutralized.
makes a Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll. Zero-G Combat Training: +1D to dodge rolls in
The second attack inflicts 3D damage. zero-g.
Silent Strike: Providing the trooper can sneak up Move: 10
on an opponent, the trooper can instantly kill or Equipment: Varies
render a target unconscious. A successful Reference: The Far Orbit Project p79
Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll indicates
Name: SpecNav Trooper (Covert)
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Dexterity: 3D
Blaster 6D+2, Brawling Parry 5D, Dodge 5D+2,
Grenade 5D, Melee Combat 5D+2, Melee Parry
Knowledge: 3D
Alien Species 4D, Command 4D, Planetary
Systems 5D, Streetwise 6D, Survival 5D
Mechanical: 2D+2
Astrogation 4D+2, Beast Riding 3D, Capital
Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Piloting 4D+2,
Capital Ship Shields 4D+2, Hover Vehicle
Operation 5D+1, Repulsorlift Operation 5D,
Space Transports 5D, Starfighter Piloting 6D,
Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 5D
Perception: 3D
Bargan 4D, Con 6D, Hide 4D, Search 7D, Sneak
Strength: 3D+1
Brawling 5D+1, Brawling: Martial Arts 7D
Technical: 3D
Blaster Repair 4D, Computer Program/Repair
7D, Demolitions 6D, First Aid 6D, Security 6D
Special Abilities:
Blindfighting: If the trooper makes a Very
Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll - and is
within striking distance of the target - the trooper
can ignore the effects of blindness.
Instant Knockdown: If the trooper makes a
successful Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll
- and the attack is not dodged or parried - the
target is immediately knocked to the ground.
Multiple Strikes: The trooper can make a second
attack with no multiple action penalties if he
makes a Moderate Brawling: Martial Arts roll.
The second attack inflicts 3D damage.
Silent Strike: Providing the trooper can sneak up
on an opponent, the trooper can instantly kill or
render a target unconscious. A successful
Difficult Brawling: Martial Arts roll indicates
that the target is neutralized.
Zero-G Combat Training: +1D to dodge rolls in
Move: 10
Equipment: Varies
Reference: The Far Orbit Project p79

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