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Participantes: Brian Aguirre- Alejandra Quintero-

Karen Carabali Y Katherine Henao

Grupo: I4AN

Prepositions of place 1
Look at ffie drawing and hll in the missing prepositions in the
sentences below Ohoose from the following (use each once only).

above behind below between in inside on opposite

to the left of to the right of under
in front of

The sofa is opposite the armchair.

2 The clock is on the mantelpiece.
The magazine below the table.
The painting is above the fireplace.
5 The bookcase is to the left of the fireplace.
The book is in front of the vase of flowers.
There are lots of books in the bookcase.
The coffee table is between the sofa and the armchair.
The cat is behind the armchair.
10 The goldfish is inside the goldfish bowl.
11 The record-player is to the right of the records.
12 The clock is under the painting.

Test • Unit Date:

Count and Noncount Nouns
Privacy Matters
Part I
1. Count Nouns and Noncount Nouns
A Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) for each
C 1. How much monies do you have in the bank?
C 2. Mia had some interesting experiences on her trip to Tokyo.
I 3. I need some advices.
I 4. You’re making a progress on your paper.
C 5. He used my credit card without my permission.

I 6. There are some money on the desk for you.

C 7. Satsuki has two bank accounts.

B Circle the correct word.

1. It is important to protect your personal information / informations.
2. Did you pick up your luggage at the airport?
3. There was a lot of traffic on the freeway this morning.
4. I need this software for my new computer.
5. The police had some evidence about the theft.
6. Get permission from the teacher before you leave class.
7. I’ll have two large coffees, please.
8. Experience is important for this job.
9. We need paper for the printer.
10. The thief stole all my photography equipment.
Grammar and Beyond TSR 2 © Cambridge University Press 2012
Test • Unit 7 T-1
2. Noncount Nouns: Determiners and Measurement Words
A Fill in the blank with the correct letter.
b 1. a pound of a. juice
c 2. a gallon of b. butter

h 3. a scoop of c. milk

g 4. a can of d. toothpaste

a 5. a glass of e. chocolate

d 6. A tube of f. paper

e 7. a bar of g. soup

f 8. a sheet of h. ice cream

B Circle the correct answer.

1. Joaquin bought two of flour.
a. glasses
b. pieces
c. pounds
2. We have eggs in the refrigerator. We’ll never eat all of them.
a. too much
b. enough
c. too many
3. The police don’t have information to find the thief.
a. an
b. enough
c. some
4. Would you like cream in your coffee?
a. a little
b. a few
c. little
5. There’s not coffee left. We need to buy some at the grocery store.
a. much
b. many
c. some

T-2 Test • Unit 7 Grammar and Beyond TSR 2 © Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable
C Circle the correct word or phrase.

People are worried that there is too much identity theft today. They think that
Many crimes take place on the Internet. Also, the police don’t have enough evidence to
(2) (3)
solve these crimes. So here is some advice to avoid identity theft.

• Don’t open any unsolicited e-mails.

• Don’t use your credit cards on unsecure websites.
• Don’t keep your passwords in your wallet.

Part II

A Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word.

1. Do we need any potatoes? (potato)
2. Have you read any good stories (story) lately?
3. I’m doing a lot of research (research) for the paper I’m writing.
4. I’ll have two glasses (glass) of milk, one for my son and one for myself.
5. I’m going to the store. Do we need any apples (apple)?

B Complete the conversation with the correct word or phrase from the box. There is one extra word.

a lot a pound ar ma
of of e ny
some any is mu

Example: We don’t have a lot of information about the robbery. A:

I’m going to the grocery store. What do we need?
B: Let’s see. We don’t have many eggs. There are only a few left. We
need some milk, too. There isn’t much left, just a cup or so.
A: is there enough flour? I’m going to bake a cake.

B: We have almost a pound of flour.

A: OK. Do we have any chocolate?
B: No, we don’t . . .

Grammar and Beyond TSR 2 © Cambridge University Press 2012

Test • Unit 7 T-3

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