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Posts on Kundalini

By Robert Bruce
From His Forums in Chronological Order

Posted: Tue Jul 18 21:05:22 WST 2000

Topic: Kundalini – Statements
Author: RB

G'day Forum Folks!

As kundalini seems of interest to many persons on this forum, I suggest a list of

carefully thought out questions be collected about this subject. Maybe someone
would like to collect and compile these: Matrix? I will then answer these questions
as best I can and post them to the forum. If enough of the right questions are posed,
we could end up with a really nice FAQ.

Before I begin, I'd like to say that I consider myself to be a very imperfect human
being. I do not crave attention, followers, whatever, and do not do the guru thing.
The reason I have so far written very little about kundalini and other serious
matters is because, today, saying one has raised his or her kundalini can sound very
egotistical. Its a bit like saying one can levitate or walk on water. Even now, I
hesitate over how much I should say and how I should say it.

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Oh well, be that as it may I'll jump in boots and all and, for starters, make a few
statements about Kundalini to get people thinking.

BTW, Everyone should feel free to debate my statements, re they are not set in
stone, but you will find my arguments and the evidence they are based on
compelling, in that they come from firsthand experience; which on this subject is
somewhat of a rarity today, to say the least.

But please be gentle with me when quoting the works of other authors, etc. I have
not read any serious books on kundalini (a page here and there over the years is
about all), although I am familiar with most (but not all) Eastern esoteric terms and
concepts. I have also never practiced any traditional, nor untraditional, form of

As some of you may not be aware, I raised my kundalini to its highest level (yes,
there are a few levels of kundalini, from simple kundalini spikes up the spine, to
raised kundalini with full medusa and Aummm effects) in 1987, and many times
since then. I did not follow any doctrine or method (not that anything useful was
even available, and not much has changed today). I worked it out for myself and
just did it; out of perceived necessity. I made just about every mistake in the book
(not that there is a book) and almost died when I succeeded. Long story....

Because of the above, I know something of Kundalini. Unfortunately, much of

what I know goes against partisan opinion. I have tried to discuss kundalini with
many so-called experts over the years, with little success. I have yet to find
someone who has actually raised their own kundalini. I do not doubt such people

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exist, but they seem few and far between, especially in the West. But why are they
so quiet and secretive?

None of the advice on raising kundalini I have so far seen given on this forum
seems helpful to anyone aspiring to this most difficult of bio-energy feats. For
example: tips like putting down a visualized energy root of any imagined size;
talking to your blood or giving your kundalini a pet name; or advising people on
how best to channel or guide kundalini energy; are in my opinion neither realistic,
helpful or productive. None of these things will show how kundalini can or should
be raised, nor how to handle it, nor reduce the risk involved, nor even show what it
feels like or what it might do to a person.

Kundalini is a the ultimate bio-energy phenomenon. It involves every aspect of the

energy body. But Kundalini cannot really be described as a type of energy, as
kundalini is neither energy or bioenergy, per se, but a bioenergy phenomenon, i.e.,
energy causes and/or produces and maintains this phenomenon. It is therefore
misleading to speak of kundalini as energy, or of kundalini energies, in the same
way as other energies which are produced by or channeled or used by the human
energy body. To do this is misleading in that it shifts the focus away from the
actual phenomenon.

I can best liken kundalini to a lightening bolt. Many energies: atmospheric,

planetary and solar, combine in mysterious ways to produce the lightening bolt
phenomenon. And while there are several known varieties of lightening, i.e., a
single bolt, branch lightening, forked lightening, sprites, etc, all involve some kind
of lightening bolt phenomena. Further to this, one cannot really describe aspects of
lightening bolt manifestations as being anything else than lightening. This is like

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saying static electricity is part of a lightening bolt we cannot see, or that a car
battery stores lightening bolt energy, etc.

Much like lightening, the kundalini phenomenon is 'released' and not raised per se.
One creates the bioenergy conditions which allow kundalini to manifest. Once it
manifests it is 'released'.

To say that kundalini, if it raises in the wrong way, can be directed around energy
blocks and etc is illogical. One can build and develop and eventually provide a
lightening rod that will attract a lightening bolt, but one cannot direct or
manipulate lightening while it is striking.

One could also liken kundalini to the human orgasm, in that in order to achieve
orgasm a person creates the physical and mental conditions, with various types of
stimulation, that encourages and eventually allows an orgasm to occur. And
pleasurable physical sensations caused by physical stimulation could not exactly be
called orgasm energy. In much the same way, the various aspects of energy
stimulation and flow that encourage and allow kundalini to rise cannot really be
called kundalini energies.

The classic description of Kundalini, as being The Serpent of Fire, is badly

misunderstood today, in the East and in the West; even by most experts and
authors. This is 'not' a symbolic or metaphorical description. This is an accurate
description of the physical sensation of Kundalini rising through the body, i.e., this
is what it actually feels like when it happens. Imagine a large snake, about as thick
as a man's wrist, forcing its way through the perineum (between the anus and
genitals) and forcing its way up through the hips and torso, forcing intestines and

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organs aside, uncoiling 3.5 turns clockwise up through the body, and then up
through the neck to just above the crown. This is an unusual sensation to say the
least, feeling your internal organs sloshing and being moved aside, etc. The first
few times this is done it is uncomfortable, but it is not really painful; just unusual.
Note that my description of this sensation excludes the burning sensation (of
variable intensity) that usually accompanies early kundalini raising, most
especially the first successful raising.

Once kundalini has been fully raised the first time, the crown and brow centres
seem to fuse, maybe permanently. Many other heavy duty bioenergy pathways are
also forged throughout the energy body. However, many of these only exist during
a kundalini raising session, when enough energy is present to allow these to exist.

The bright flash associated with raising kundalini is caused by the brow centre
strobing, and this is seen in the minds eye (See the index of Astral Dynamics for
details). This phenomenon, if manifesting on its own, does not mean kundalini is
about to raise, or that one has had a kundalini spike. However, during a kundalini
raising, this strobe effect is quite pronounced.

During a kundalini raising, it could be said that the entire energy body strobes as
one to produce the kundalini phenomenon, the serpent of fire.

The Kundalini phenomenon only exists for as long as energy flow through the
energy body allows it. Once energy resources are exhausted the raised kundalini
state disappears.

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Kundalini can be dangerous. But it can be raised with reasonable safety, if the
dynamics of the phenomenon are understood and reasonable training and
preparations are undertaken.

To give one some idea of the power of the kundalini phenomenon and how it
affects the physical body, most especially the first time it is raised, consider that
the initial kundalini phenomenon will send the physical body into full physical
shock, to the point where the bowels turn to water and let go. If one is not properly
prepared, this can be not only messy but life threatening.

To rush in and attempt a full kundalini raising would have fatal consequences for
the vast majority of people. And most of those who could survive the initial
phenomenon would lose their sanity soon after. This is not something to be
undertaken lightly. The onslaught of impressions and energies raised kundalini
causes, or rather releases, continues after the initial kundalini raising phenomenon.

Raised kundalini changes a person. If these changes cannot be coped with, i.e., if
the training has been poorly done or rushed, enormous problems will arise.
Madness and death await all who would rush in where angels fear to tread. It is
rightly said there is a fine line between madness and genius. This also applies to
kundalini, in that one who succeeds will forever walk the razors edge between
these two extremes.

I believe Kundalini to be the highest expression of human existence possible

within a mortal body.

It is also the most humbling experience imaginable.

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No offense intended to anyone, but I do not think the practice of Tantric sex will
cause or allow a full kundalini rising. At best this would cause a full body orgasm,
maybe even with some pseudo kundalini-like energy spikes, with powerful strobes
of energy flooding up through the genital centre to give something like a pseudo
kundalini raising, but with a different set of sensations. I have questioned many
people who practice Tantric sex and claim to have raised kundalini in full, but none
of them experienced anything even remotely resembling what raised kundalini
actually feels like. For example, none have been able to tell me why kundalini is
called the serpent of fire, or have mentioned what kundalini uncoiling actually
feels like, etc. And none of them have been 'changed' by their experience in the
way that kundalini changes one. For all that, I think a serious original study and
exploration of Tantric sex practices would yield a lot of information about the
structures and functions of the human energy body.

While Kundalini may indeed be the way to enlightenment and emancipation (of
this I have no doubts) it also brings with it a whole new set of problems and
responsibilities. This especially applies to those who would rush through the
necessary training, planning to raise kundalini only in order to experience the
phenomenon merely for the sake of it; but with plans to return to normal life

Before one begins training for kundalini, one should at the very least be able to
activate all chakras to a reasonably high level of activity, and be reasonably
competent at wake induced OBE (WIOBE). And it can be taken as read that an
aspirant must be able to maintain a highly-robust full-trance state, even while

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The actual technique for raising kundalini is very simple: almost everything
required is in Astral Dynamics. But transcending the primary circuit and activating
the master circuit (the kundalini circuit -- my term) requires training if one hopes
to succeed and survive the process reasonably intact.

In closing, I'd like to say that the risks and sacrifices involved with kundalini are
only equaled by the potential rewards: the moron might becomes a genius, the
hedonist might become a saint, the pupil might becomes a guru, and a man might
become a superman, when the razor's edge is walked and the sacred Aummmm
becomes them....

Well forum folks, I think that's just about enough to start the ball rolling... and I've
got some serious writing to do, just for a change:)

Take care, Robert Bruce

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Posted: Fri Jul 21 12:16:00 WST 2000
Topic: Kundalini -- Statements - further info
Author: RB

G'day Steve!

>I was very interested to read your forum post on kundalini. I must admit I found
your references to it in Astral Dynamics to be a bit of a cliff hanger; as it left me
wanting to know more. I gather you purposely left specific details out regarding
the master circuit etc to in part prevent the foolhardy from jumping into something
they were not prepared for????

Actually, we had to leave it out because for one it was out of theme with OBE, and
for two we were trying to keep the size of AD down. And on top of this, to fully
explain kundalini, from my hands on perspective, including giving all the advice
and explations and theory and training units and, of course, the actual technique for
raising kundalini, and then more big sections on how to handle the aftermath and
etc, would take a reasonable sized book on its own. I do plan to write this book
over the next few years, but need to do more research and etc first. I may, however,
post a 'Treatise on Kundalini' earlier than this.

>I recently read about a yoga technique called cross breathing (probably many
different names for it) which is supposed to be a training exercise for raising
kundalini and for OBE. The exercise was supposedly a long held secret until a
renegade yogi broke ranks and told the western world! (many years ago now).

Is this the one where you breathe in through one nostril and out through another?

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>Possibly being one of the foolhardy people I referred to above I have given the
exercise a few goes and have found there to be what I think is a great deal of
energy activity in my chest/abdomen area whilst doing it. At first I thought it was
just my lungs but now I'm not so sure. Having read your forum post on kundalini I
suddenly had a thought that I might be activating my master circuit???? I could
well be completely wrong or course????

I'd say you stimulated your primary. In a way, the kundalini circuit does not exist
until the entire primary centre strobes. And, trust me, you would know when this
happens; unmistakeable.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Sun Jul 23 16:59:59 WST 2000
Topic: Coupla ??'s from a FAQ'er -- some kundalini questions answered
Author: RB

G'day Donni!

Ow's the joeys behavin?

>OK Mate, here we go...

>I thought I'd post here to prevent a doubling up of questions, although if this
happened, then it truly would be a FAQ... :-)
>* WHY aim for a kundalini experience? What makes it so attractive?

Firstly, emancipation. Secondly, like a mountain, because it is there, and because it

boosts lifepath potential. Thirdly, it comes with abstract enlightenment; which in
time can become actual enlightenment. Creative ability is also greatly enhanced
and, in time, the mind begins working at a higher level than normal.
>* Why are there so many fallacies?

Human nature; go figure it eh....

>* If it is the 'ultimate' in human energy development, then why isn't it more
common? (Or is it just one of those undiscussed things)

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For one reason, information on this is generally hidden (occult knowledge) and as
most knowledge on kundalini is held by occult and yoga societies and etc, who
jealously guard their knowledge, little is ever released.

It is also an extremely difficult thing to do. I can think of nothing that compares
with it. Mind you, when I first did it I was using really old and ineffective
techniques, and did not really know what I was doing. I was following my instincts
and worked it out for myself.

I think the only real hope for humanity is for many more people to achieve this

>* Does the physical health of the body and/or personal intentions/integrity impact
upon energy work/kundalini experiences?

You need to be reasonably healthy, that's all. Bad intentions, or raising kundalini
for self gain and or to harm others, would bring with it self-annihilation. Like
attracts like, and at kundalini level, one would attract the highes of negative forces.

The will of one raising kundalini is the most important thing of all. This must be of

>* If one experiences whilst meditating, energy moving from the base chakra to
the brow, and it ain't kundalini, what is it then?

Primary centre energy" of the primary circuit - which can be breathtakingly strong.

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>I would assume the energy moves through the chakras anyway, so kundalini may
perhaps be a different form of energy/or the results of clearer chakra pathways? (I
hope that one is clear!)

As I said in my original statements, kundalini is not really energy per se, but an
energy phenomenon.

>Thanks mobs, am keen to see what ya come up with here Robert - the overall
FAQ will be interesting. And onya Micheal for doing this!

Hope this helps. Ask more if you will.

Btw, I am thoroughly enjoying the forum.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Mon Jul 24 19:38:55 WST 2000
Topic: Coupla ??'s from a FAQ'er -- some kundalini questions answered
Author: RB

Yo...Donni darling!

>How so does kundalini give one emanicpation? Is it the secret force the feminists
don't know about? shesheshe ;-))

Yes, it is a secret force. If one practices kundalini regularly, I believe the kundalini
state will solidify and become one, and the sacred Aummmm will free that one. By
freedom, I mean an incredible expansion of consciousness (enlightenment) and a
linking with the one (as expressed by the Aummmm) and freedom from the
illusion of life, and power over that illusion. And, according to tantric science and
other schools of thought dealing with kundalini, it also frees one from the
life/death/birth cycle, and from karma.

>>I think the only real hope for humanity is for many more people to achieve this
>Is the premise true, that the more poeple that achieve something, the energy
around it builds up, making it quicker for others to achieve? For example, I have
heard that meditation - what took years to accomplish, can be done in months now.

This may be true. To my way of thinking, raised kundalini, even at its lower levels,
greatly stimulates the intellect and creative ability. So, my thought is that the more
geniuses the world has the better its chances of survival in the long term, as a race

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with spiritual roots and motivations and etc. Unfortunately, if a lot of people
started doing it there would be losses. (one cannot account for those who would
rush in where angels fear to tread) So one has to consider what would be
acceptable losses, and how to minimize this.

This is why the truth about kundalini and the methods to do it have been kept so
secret for so long. The biggest reason, according to many yoga masters and
advanced students I have consulted with over the years, is that if anything is
released that causes some people harm, say more effective techniqeus, this would
cause a karmic backlash on those who released the information. But, to my way of
thinking, if one has done this, and is freed from karma, what is the problem.....

Myself, I've done it a couple of dozen times at most, but have only scratched the
surface really. I am still learning, still exploring, and I am starting to make sense of
it all. When I know enough, I'll write a book on it and share what I know. But what
knowledge I have now comes from personal experience; and its aptly said that an
ounce of experience is worth a ton of theory...

>>>* If one experiences whilst meditating, energy moving from the base chakra to
the brow, and it ain't kundalini, what is it then?
>>Primary centre energy" of the primary circuit - which can be breathtakingly
>So this is energy per se? What can I do about it? Go to meditate or practise NEW
and start bucking around - unless it's those Kangaroo genes!!!! It is also triggered
by movement (ie massage, certain high pitched sounds, or even getting my hair

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cut.) Can it be stopped so it is not distracting, or focused on so it flows smoothly?
Can I utilise this energy in any way?

Its definitely energy. And it may be related to kundalini. But my best guess is that
it is primary centre energy; which of course is what creates the kundalini
phenomenon. I really don't know enough to say more than this. As for controlling
it, regular gentle energy work would be the best way, as would living a spiritual
life: things you probably already do. Then again, if this energy is very strong and is
there a lot of the time, any energy work might be counterproductive and cause
problems. In this case, I would concentrate on trance meditation and spiritual
discipline, i.e., getting to 'know' yourself and learning how to better control
yourself, your mind and emotions. This latter would probably be the safest and best
course of action for you.

>OH - am scrutinising AD in the hope of getting the next editing job!!!!


Thanks for the offer mate. (Btw folks, Donni did the early editing for Astral
Dynamics; see acknowledgements page). I really have to use HRPC's editors these
days, for editing per se, but would be glad to send an early copy of the ms for your
sage input on content, when I send it off to HR for early content editing. I am
expecting a few haggles over content, and your input would be a great help. And
look on the bright side: you won't have to sit there for days changing affect to
effect and effect to affect .

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Wed Aug 16 12:31:55 WST 2000
Topic: oobe/Kundalini
Author: RB


The practice of NEW, plus OBE attempts, causes increased development of the
energy body. What you experience is related to kundalini, in that you experienced
a large surge of energy through your spine and your brow centre seems to have
started strobing.

As you were in a close to OBE state, it is likely this triggered this release of

A version of Kundalini can manifest, and even be deliberately raised, during the
vibrational state. This is much milder than a primary centre induced kundalini
raising, and very good for training and for conditioning the kundalini pathways.

The change you feels probably results from a significant energy blockage being

I suggest you hold all development exercises, including energy work and OBE
attempts, until you feel completely stable again. They you can proceed as normal.

Regular physical exercise, health diet and meditation will help if the aftermath
sensations you mention become uncomfortable.

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The whole top of the head above the hairline is covered with energy centres. The
feeling at the back of your head was probably caused by a larger than usual amount
and strength of energy flowing through your spine and into your head area.

All this should settle down if you heed my advice and do nothing.

Once it has settled down, it will be time to identify any changes that have occurred
and adapt to them.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Wed Sep 6 23:53:05 WST 2000
Topic: Kundalini, and all that jazz....
Author: RB

I would like to warn people about something, before they begin shelling out large
amounts of money to have people remotely activate their chakras, and or teach
them how to raise their kundalini. In my opinion, it is highly unlikely, if not
downright impossible, for any persons, regardless of their own levels of
development, to affect, open or activate another person's chakras from a distance
and change them in any benefical way, i.e., so they become more active. They may
be able to temporarily affect them in person, through a simple transfer of energy.
But this will have no long term effect, and is nothing anyone could not do for

Btw, I am quite familiar with the theory behind this, in that with energy, like
healing, there is no distance and so distance activation is possible. Good in theory,
and it sounds quite reasonable, but it falls down in practice.

I recently had a man in Brazil offer to open my chakras for me, from a distance, for
the bargain basement price of only $2,000.00 US. And, for a further payment of
$8,000.00, he would make further secret pranic activations of my chakras and
teach me how to raise my kundalini.

Needless to say, my reply to him is not exactly repeatable in public.

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The only safe and reliable way to raise kundalini is by following the traditional
path provided by Yoga. This means, in a nutshell, lots of hard work over many

There is no easy way to raise kundalini that does not also involve self destruction
and or madness somewhere in the equation.

Myself, I did indeed find a different way to raise kundalini, but it is not exactly
safe and reliable; nor is it easy. Luckily, I survived to tell the tale, whereas most
people would most assuredly not have survived intact. In fact, although it was
much faster than any traditional method, it was probably many times more difficult
in actual effort.

In time I will write a book on Kundalini, and will give a reasonably safe method,
more suitable for Western people. But while this will involve a structured training
program, starting with the NEW Energy Ways system, there will be no promise
that this can be done in any particular time, or even if it can be done at all. It is not
an easy thing to accomplish. Everyone is different and probably only one person in
a thousand are capable of this feat; without destroying themselves in the process,
that is.

Another point I would like to make here is that anyone who says they can teach
someone to raise their kundalini in one year or five, or any set time period, by
following a particular teaching method is mistaken, if not being deliberately

To support my advice here, I would like to ask a question.

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How many persons have genuinely raised their kundalini?

How many do you know or have heard of who have done this?

I have searched and communicated and reseached more than most people, for
many years, and have yet to meet another person who has actually raised kundalini.

However, I have encountered many, many people, including many teachers of

esoteric Yoga and Tantra, who 'claim' to have done this feat, but who upon
questioning have shown a distinct lack of what one would expect to be a hands-on
understanding of kundalini: what it is, what it does, and even what it actually feels
like when it is raised.

I have yet to meet someone else who has done this, but I live in hope. I would
dearly love to exchange notes and experiences and ideas with such a person.

For all that I do not doubt that many people exist who have done this. However, if
my understanding is correct, most people like this would be found leading simple
lives, maybe even in povery: not exactly the type of person one would expect to
meet on the internet.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Fri Sep 8 01:31:47 WST 2000
Topic: Kundalini, and all that jazz....
Author: RB

G'day Joseph!

What you experienced years ago was most probably what is commonly called a
kundalini spike, brought on by intense spiritual devotional exercises. There are
many things which can cause a kundalini manifestation, and they can be painful
and unsettling. Jung had one, caused by intense intellectual exercise; and this
changes his life. Did you know Jung wrote extensively on Chakras and Kundalini
and bioenergy? Heavy reading, but he developed the transpersonal theory (I think
this is what it is called) from this, or maybe rather because of this, i.e, from real
personal experience. This type of experience, while powerful and often life
changing, however, is not a kundalini raising. They are kundalini manifestations.

A Kundalini spike could be likened to a temporary short circuit in a high voltage

power supply, causing an arc of current to flash brightly to ground for a moment,
and this causes carbon tracking that changes how the unit operates from that
moment on.

Your K spike obviously experience made you empathic, i.e., turned you into an
empath, so you felt and sensed other people keenly on the emotional level, and
maybe even deeper. This is to be expected after an intense kundalini spike, and is
one of the real dangers of kundalini. This experience could even rightly be called a
kundalini awakening, but without an actual kundalini manifestation, i.e., without
the actual rising snake sensation taking place.

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If you had had the knowledge and training at the time, you may have been able to
continue after the kundalini spike and actually have raised your kundalini at that
time. My experience tells me this would have been possible for you, given your
circumstances then, i.e, intense spiritual devotion and discipline and etc.

But, if you had done this, the nervous breakdown you obviously suffered
immediately afterwards would have been far more severe, possibly crippling. I
think this highlights one of the greatest dangers of people raising kundalini before
they are actually ready to do so; fools rushing in, etc... You hear about the dangers
of kundalini all the time, but most teachers/people usually cite the old 'increased
sex drive/urge' thingy. This, increased sex urge, is the 'least' of your problems if
you break the laws of nature regarding kundalini raising. Mental instability and
nervous breakdown are probably the major dangers.

The old advice: find a competent teacher/guru is all well and good, but have you
ever tried to find someone like this in the Yellow Pages?

If this was a full kundalini spike, or an actual spontaneous kundalini raising (albeit
without the actual kundalini phenomenon) you would have no problems raising
kundalini now. It would still take some effort, but most of the dangers would be
past (you recovered and stabilized) and the kundalini pathway inside your energy
body would have been created, and it would still be there should you care to use it.
It would, however, still be a difficult proposition, and would still require a fair bit
of preparation and work on your part.

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To raise kundalini with reasonable safety, one needs to combine physical,
emotional, spiritual and intellectual development. Miss out one of these and the
process becomes fraught with danger. It is the intellect that holds it all together, in
case you are wondering about that bit. By physical development, I mean
purification. Yoga and all that jazz are not necessary. They are beneficial, and the
Yoga way towards kundalini requires great physical development, and this way is
much safer than any other.

On that note, I do not think Tantric Sex practices could lead to an acutal kundalini
raising. I have researched this area (but have not actually done it myself ) and
according to what I know of energy, the most that could be hoped for using the
genital centres thus would be a kind of extended whole body orgasm and primary
centre cum whole body adrenal energy rush through the whole body. This is,
basically, trying to raise kundalini through the genital centre. Such a release of
energy would be sexual in nature and would not allow for the actual kundalini
phenomenon to occur.

As i have said, I do plan to write a book on this soon, and will give reasonably safe
methods and procedures. However, after a lot of deep thinking on this, I think the
best I can hope for is 'reasonable' safety. Once this knowledge is given to the
public, I will have no control over how it is used. There will be many people who
will skim through the book until they get to the techniques, ignore all the warnings
and rush at them like a bull at a gate; thinking they are so special they can skip all
the boring old time wasting development stuff. Many of these people will die or go
made. I think I have to either accept this, acceptable losses, or do what everyone
else has done and keep what I know to myself.

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To counter the above, in my humble opinion, the more people who successfully
raise their kundalini's the better this sad old world will be. So, it would be true to
say that there is such a thing as 'acceptable' losses in this respect.

If you read the 'Kundalini Statements' in the archive section, it should be clear that
kundalini is a particular and very definite bio energy phenomena. Strong primary
energy phenomena can be likened to kundalini energy, often to explain its
intensity, while not actually being kundalini. This is understandable, but can be
misleading. This can be 'particularly' misleading and cause many problems for a
great many people if a teacher, particularly an author or expert on this subject,
misinterprets heavy energy phenomena for kundalini and writes on it thus. All
readers of such a work will then be misinformed, and other writers using such a
work as source material will further propagate such an error of observation.

In a nutshell, all I am trying to do by standing up and saying 'er, excuse me mister,

please don't take offense, but that's not really how you bake a chocolate cake', is to
help people get back on track with some basic bioenergy knowledge from a hands-
on perspective. There is too much hype and mystique about all this kind of thing
today, and way too many people making money, gathering followers, promoting
their own ego's and etc.

Anyway, for what its worth, that's my two pennies worth for today...

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Fri Sep 8 01:44:27 WST 2000
Topic: Kundalini, and all that jazz....
Author: RB

G'day Kristen!

What I am saying is that there is only one true kundalinin phenomenon, i.e., the
serpent of fire: meaning that energy raises in a snakelike way, uncoiling up through
the body. This is kundalini, pure and simple. There are many other types of
powerful bioenergy phenomena possible, but there is only one actual kundalini
manifestation possible to a bio-incarnated human. No matter how you look at it,
anything else is simply not kundalini.

No offense, but what I see today are a lot of people using the word kundalini to
explain many things that are not, or are not of, actual kundalini phenomena. This is
counterproductive to the search for truth and meaning and the spiritual
advancement of humankind in general.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Tue Sep 12 15:15:03 WST 2000
Topic: Kundalini, and all that jazz....
Author: RB

G'day Kristen!

My efforts and arguments posed are just my imperfect way of trying to demystify
reputedly mysterious subjects in as humane a ways as humanly possible, but
without compromising what I believe in or even paying lip service for partisan
icons and knowledge. The difference between myself and other authors and
teachers in this field is one of belief system and experience, in that I have a fairly
rigid belief system based entirely on personal experience. And I share what I share
and write what I write according to this; albeit progressively changeable aspect of

My comments on kundalini came from personal experience with the phenomena.

As I have said, I raised my kundalini to its highest level in 1987, and many times
since. It is not a thing to be done lightly, or rushed into without great thought. It
can be very dangerous if one is not properly prepared.

I know a fair bit about kundalini, from personal experience only, but do not
consider myself an expert on it. I plan to learn more when I have time to explore its
potentials. One of the biggest limitations I have encountered are a lack of other
genuine post-K people to discuss this phenomena with at the same experience-
based level.

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Everyone seems so sensitive about kundalini these days, and their particular ways
of perceiving and believing in what it is and how it manifests, etc. Disagree with
one tiny little thing concerning the newage partisan view of things and people
dump on you. This is understandable, however, if you take into account the nature
of belief systems. However, this level of nit picking is neither productive nor
increases the world's knowledge and understanding on these matters.

I am trying very hard to get back to basics, re what kundalini is and what it is not.
One has to start somewhere. Phenomena like kundalini need pulling apart and
examining objectively, and the knowledge sharing; not to be accepted and
worshipped blindly according to so and so's sacred book or whatever.

For example, today, some people consider their kundalini is risen after
experiencing a few kundalini spikes and/or various phenomena relating to
kundalini stirring, i.e., becoming active. This is incorrect. This is kundalini
awakening, i.e., the energy circuits necessary for kundalini to rise begin to be
constructed. This is caused by the base centre strobing, logically, in such a way
that it creates the potential and pathways for kundalini to rise. While this can be a
powerful phenomenon, it is not actually kundalin, according to any Eastern
definition I have read anyway.

In a nutshell:

There are a variety of pre-kundalini phenomena.

There is the kundalini phenomenon itself.

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There are a variety of post-kundalini phenomena.

All the above need exploring and defining so people will understand the kundalini
phenomena for what it is. This will promote a better understanding of the energy
body, on a personal as well as a general basis. This will provide guidelines and
known bioenergy status indicators that people will be able to rely on to tell them
where they have been, where they are at, and where they are heading.

If you or anyone out there can think of a more logical or reasonable way of doing
what I am doing, and plan to do in the future, regarding my proposed task of
exploring and defining kundalini phenomena, and sharing this with all in a book, I
am all ears.

As I have said before, I have spoken to dozens of people, including advanced

teachers and authors in this field, who have claimed to have raised their own
kundalini's to the highest level. A short, candid discussion is all it takes to discern
who is mistaken and who is not. (Keep in mind that these are the people writing
books on energy and kundalini today). However, I have yet to meet or converse
with a person who has actually raised their own kundalini. But these people
'perceive' themselves as of having raised their kundalini, i.e., no snakelike
phenomenon, no related kundalini phenomena; just big energy experiences on
average. This is not surprising, given the widespread misunderstanding and misuse
of the word kundalini today.

You might say, 'who do you think you are, coming along and setting yourelf up as
an expert, saying all these people are wrong, and then having the audacity to
reinvent the kundalini wheel?'

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Well, my name is Robert Bruce and I have it in me to do this. And my work speaks
for itself. I do not claim to be an expert on Kundalini, or on anything else for that
matter, but my research so far indicates I probably have a better chance of doing
this than anyone else I can think of.

It seems to me that way too many people these days describe their own personal
energy phenomena as being kundalini or kundalini related. Maybe saying that all
energy is really kundalini energy, makes their own personal experiences more
special and powerful and profound in description and in public opinion. I find a
certain sense of contemporary wowness surrounding this whole subject, and many
others besides it as well.

To me, the above is well in line with how things are heading today in the spiritual
community. For example, go back a hundred years and people were communing
with spirits. Later, it was spirit guides and helpers. Later still, this grew into spirit
masters and advanced spirits. Further still, its now demigods and angels, and even
archangels. What next? The next step up must surely be God Himself.

Please keep in mind here that I am not decrying anything, just adding my two
pence worth. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I have mine and you have yours.
These opinions do not have to agree. In fact, it makes for more valuable and
interesting discussions if we don't agree on everything.

While all of the above is just fine by me, to narrow the scale, think on this: the
widespread use of the term kundalini, for any manifestation of energy, would
logically necessitate the creation of another name for the actual kundalini raising

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phenomenon, to separate this most profound of all bioenergy events from any other
bioenergy events.

Kundalini is a particular phenomenon, involving a snakelike uncoiling through the

torso. A very noticeable and visceral sensation, kinda like a snake as thick as your
wrist entering near the anus and forcing its way up through the torso in a circular
fashion. Many other types of phenomenon manifest during and after the first
raising of kundalini, i.e., brow centre strobe, Medusa effect, Aummmm perception,
etc, etc, but kundalini is the primary phenomenon of the snakelike uncoiling. I'm
not too sure what the classic names are for the related phenomena, as I've never
heard or read of them being described before. Has anyone else?

As for promoting my books, present and future: guilty as charged. I openly

promote my books because I believe in them. When I write a book on Kundalini, it
will contain the very best I have to offer on the subject. I would hope it becomes
the definitive work on the subject, here in the West at least.

As for marketing and delving for future dollars, well, this comment I deem unfair
as this was neither intimated nor intended. I was merely answering unasked
questions to save people suggesting that I write a book on it.

Money means very little to me. I end up giving most of it away; or would if I had
any to give, that is. The work, what I do, means everything to me. It is my whole
life and reason for being. It is, essentially, who I am: I am what I do. Fame and
followers I would rather avoid. Left to my own devices I'd spend my days
meditating in a cave somewhere nice and quiet. I think my current bank balance is
hovering precariously around the $2.50 mark, but that's fine as all my bills are paid

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and I have plenty of food. My needs are always met. (please do not send me money
as I do not accept donations; as stated on my website).

I do not ask anyone to believe in me, nor to follow me, nor to set me upon a
pedestal. (A very uncomfortable place to me by all accounts).

But my work is another matter entirely. It is very special. It has a life of its own.
And it speaks for itself. It will not, however, make me a cup of coffee in the
morning, though I've tried till I am blue in the fact to teach it so......:)

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Wed Sep 13 09:53:43 WST 2000
Topic: Kundalini....Definitions
Author: RB

G'day Mawk!

Sorry, but I've never practiced yoga, so cannot really advise or even point the way.
A net search should yield fruit.

>I would like to share a quote from Charles Breaux's book "Journey into
Consciousness", as I think it will enhance what you have been saying with respect
to Kundalini:
>"When Kundalini is activated, its increased flow stirs unconscious contents,
which then can flood into awareness. To resist any of these occurrences can be
dangerous, as the power may become trapped or its circulation distorted in the
channels of the subtle bodies. Severe physical or psychological imbalances could
then occur.

This could be true; probably is.

But I think any potential damage/problems would depend upon the individual and
how well they prepared themselves. I'll know more on this when I begin my further
exploration of kundalini. To work in this area I need to spend several hours per day
in trance, for many days/weeks, to build up the energy and balance to really
explore. Raising kundalini is not difficult once you've done it, but doing something
with it is another kettle of fish entirely.

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Btw, I am working on a way to raise kundalini at a finer level of energy that is
much less violent, using the pre-OBE vibrational stage. This does work, I've done
it, and if I am right this will be a much safer way to raise kundalini, on a more
refined wavelength, so to speak, than primary energy. In a way, this would create
the serpent like pathway and all the connecting circuitry and allow them all to
develop, thus conditioning the necessary pathways prior to the main bioenergy

>To help prepare the yogi for these intense encounters with the unconscious, there
were different levels, or types, of yoga. Hatha Yoga strengthened and purified the
physical body. Bakti Yoga harmonized the emotional nature with devotion and
spiritual desires. Raja Yoga trained the mind and nourished it with philosophical
truths. These all led to Mahayoga, sometimes referred to as Siddhayoga, which was
concerned with awakening Kundalini. Many years of arduous training traditionally
took place with a teacher, who embodied the awakened power of Kundalini."

Agreed. However, all the above are Eastern discipline ways, out of the grasp of
many people in the West. And finding a competent teacher in this area is like
trying to find a needle in a haystack.

excited him was that I was there as well. He said he had the OBE at around 3.30
am on Saturday!!!! I must say that the similarity between our two meditation
experiences and now this has really got my grey matter ticking over.

A good example that you may be more OBE active than you think.

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>One final thought on Kundalini. Many of the problems stemming from the
discussion seem to be a result of the term Kundalini lacking a succinct definition. I
realise this may be a problem as it appears to be a complex phenomena but while
there is a "looseness" in the definition it will remain open to abuse. This is also the
same problem with psychic phenomena in general, when it is not put into a
structure or definition. I am not saying it would be easy but I am saying it would be
extremely worthwhile.
Astute comments that I fully agree with. As I mentioned in my other post,
kundalini does need breaking down and its different aspects or manifestations
defining clearly and logically.

As you said, this counterproductive looseness of terminology is widespread in the

Western world. For example, a channel today can be a psychic, a clairvoyant, a
trance medium, etc. A clairvoyant can be a psychic and vis versa. This is very
confusing to people new to these areas. They expect the people teaching them to
'know', but sadly they are often as much in the dark as the students.

I'm working on the problem....and all help is much appreciated.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Wed Sep 13 01:04:54 WST 2000
Topic: Re: Kundalini, and all that jazz....Revisited
Author: RB

G'day Robin!

>Can you give me a quick discription on what you did to raise your kundalini?
What it felt like emotionally when it was going on and what after effects you felt
from doing this?

Before kundalini energy can be released/raised the conduits between chakras need
to be prepared and strengthened to handle the much larger amount of energy.
Normal energy can be likened to battery power - and kundalini energy can be
likened to mains voltage. If the conduits/wires are not strengthened to handle the
greater power they will be damaged if kundalini energy is released.

Once kundalini energy is released from the base centre, it will tend to explode
upwards through your energy system. You will only have a second to control it
once its released, and this is advisable the first time you do it, as this will give the
energy pathways, etc, time to adjust....for next time. Try to stop the first huge spike
if you can. Then, take a short break while holding onto your trance state (just sit
and meditate gently for awhile) and then do it again. It'll be easier and slightly less
painful the next time.

It is necessary to cleanse your body prior to raising kundalini energy. You'll find
out why the hard way if you ignore this piece of advice. Your stomach and bowel
need to be purged and washed. This can be done through fasting and enema, or

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other ways. If these are not clear they will turn liquid through shock and empty the
moment kundalini is released through the base centre. Your body will most
probably go into full physical shock (normally will) the first few times kundalini is
released and raised - it is a major experience.

Once kundalini has been raised a few times, it becomes progressively easier to do
and there are less bodily shock sensations. It also becomes more and more

Ot its upward path, kundalini feels like a large snake has entered your anus and is
coiling in a clockwise spiral (tight coils) through your intestines, on its way to the
crown and beyond. You can feel your organs sloshing as if they are being forced
out of the way. Along the way it links all the primary energy centres together,
fusing new pathways and conduits between centres and changing the energy
structure of your energy body to accomodate the new type of energy. However,
these new pathways only exist while kundalini is raising. They disappear once the
phenomenon is over.

When kundalini reaches the crown you will develop abstract God consciousness -
connected to the all - where you know everything in the abstract, but not in
actuality. You will know when this happens as you will experience the sacred
Aummmm. This is quite loud and unmistakable for what it is. It will permeate your
being, inside and out.

When fully established, the crown and brow centres fuse into one unit, and it feels
like you have hundreds of little fat fleshy fingers growing from your brain, and

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these wave and move about in patterns, sensing and sending energy in the living
waters of energy we live in. This feels a bit like having a sea anenome instead
of a brain - as part of your brain, and no skull.

After your first few kundalini raisings, its best to take some time off and rest from
energy work - a few months or more - to let everything settle down. Once its been
done it can be done again with much less effort.

For the year after raising kundalini, one must keep a very tight leash on their brain.
Its easy to slip and go completely nuts.

Emotionally, you can become highly empathic and mentally unstable afterwards.
You will most definitely be changed forever. Some changes are good, some are not
so good. A range of dietary disorders and other such physical problems would be
fairly normal. You won't go mad if your mind is strong, just a bit on the crazy,
ebullient side, for a year or so. This can be overcome by taking a year off all
energy work and meditation and concentrating on the physical. The onslaught of
emotions and psychic impressions can be overwhelming if you do not have a
strong mind. Some training and sharpening of the intellect beforehand helps
control this.

Most of the mistakes I made can be avoided, and it will probably be easier for
other people if they heed my advice.

The method I used was, basically, the primary centre work given in Astral
Dynamics. Its very, very simple, but extremely difficult in practice. There is,
however, a bit of a trick to it. You need to water fast for three days prior, and have

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some experience with fasting so it does not wipe you out; the fasting that is. On the
third day, if you are experienced, you will get a big energy boost. This is the time
to do it.

Set aside at least six hours for a kundalini raising attempt. Make sure you will not
be disturbed. Take a ritual bath and cleanse yourself inside and out.

Once it happens, its a matter of hanging on for dear life and hoping it does not burn
you out in the process. Amazing special effects and bodily sensations are related to
all this when it happens. It can also be quite painful, with a burning sensation in the
base and up through the spine, and a feeling like a million volts are pouring
through you.

I would suggest that the minimum requirement before anyone even thinks about
raising their kundalini would be to develop wake induced OBE ability, plus good
trance and energy body control. On top of this, I would also suggest anyone
wanting to do this has the willpower to do a 14 day water fast (nothing but water
and vitamin pills). If you can do all this, you probably have a good chance at

That's it in a nutshell, but it would take a book to tell everything that happened and
all the advice I could give.

Note, once kundalini is raised, it only lasts for as long as your energy reserves can
support it. It will then disappear until the next time. A day's break at least is
necessary before trying again; a week is better.

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Many people think that once kundalini is raised its raised, kinda like losing your
virginity. But that's not it at all. Kundalini is the phenomenon itself, and it only
exists while it can be supported, then goes back into itself again. The more you do
it, the longer this state can be held for. To really make use of this and explore its
potentials, one would have to devote their life to serious meditation and energy
work on a daily basis.

All the above given problems and severe sensations like shock and etc can be
avoided by spending much more time on energy body development prior to the
actual event.

As I have said before, the easy way is to follow the instructions given by the Yoga
path for this. But the Yoga way, while being much safer, will also take decades of
hard work.

By the time I write the book on this, I plan to train a group of volunteers to this
level and use what I learn from this teaching to develop a better way of doing this.
My way is not really feasible for the majority of people. For starters its way too
risky. You'd have to be totally suicidal nuts to just jump in and try and do it the
way I did it. I survived by the skin of my teeth and a lot of good luck. I also have
an exceptionally strong mind and even stronger will, trained through many years of
self-discipline. I have not lived a perfect life by any means, and my bouts of self-
discipline and training have been sprinkled with times of weakness and even
outright stupidity. But I keep coming back to what I do and its very progressive,
having a cumulative effect.

Take care, Robert

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Posted: Wed Sep 13 01:16:16 WST 2000
Topic: Re: Kundalini, and all that jazz....Why?????
Author: RB

G'day Merre!

Kundalini is the ultimate bioenergy expression mankind is capable of. It changes

you dramatically. Apart from all the psychic abilities that start to grow and
manifest, you also achieve abstract enlightenment (Realization) at the time. This is
a bit like meeting God face to face. But keep in mind that it does not suddenly
make you into a holy genious or anything. Its an abstract experience that opens you
up to a vastly greater potential than you had in you before. In time, however, it all
starts to filter through, one bit at a time.

Kundalini also, reputedly, is the road to emancipation from the life death,
reincarnation cycle. I don't know about this, but maybe its possible.

However, it also brings on a whole new set of problems, re why it is always

traditionally advised that a competent guide by found before doing it.

Most people are better off leaving it alone, although it is definitely the ultimate
goal to aspire to.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Fri Sep 15 00:11:56 WST 2000
Topic: The Great Kundalini Debate
Author: RB

G'day K!

I'll answer this point by point...

>Once I used to feel that if anyone didn't do it MY way - they weren't doing
whatever it was the "best" way. I have spent years trying to demystify "spiritual"
things. I have taught "my" way - and been disappointed and even put out
sometimes when I discovered other people have their OWN way which they felt
superior to my way. I found myself living in a fortress protecting my ideas and my
way. It dawned on me slowly and at great threat to my self esteem and ego that
there are many "ways" of doing things and that there is never ONE way. There are
ways to suit everyone, every body type, every mind type.

RB. You misunderstand me. There are many ways to stimulate and raise energy,
and to do things like OBE, including raising kundalini. I have made this clear in all
my work to date, including posts on this forum, i.e., the Yoga way, etc. However,
regardless of the way used to achieve it, there is only one actual kundalini
phenomenon, i.e., the serpent of fire, the snakelike rising of kundalini through the

RB. It is therefore a mistake to call other energy manifestations that are not
kundalini, kundalini. This only serves to confuse.

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>As regarding the Kundilini of which I have my own personal experience and have
shared experiences with others (for there are many) I have found that the end result
is ALWAYS the same but the method of getting there is different for everyone.

RB. Agreed.

>Likening the raising of kundilini to a skill which is simply something you do now
and again when you feel like it disturbs me because this experience is the most
profound, MYSTICAL experience anyone can have, and having had it, are

RB. I most definitely agree on your description of how profound kundalini is and
how it alters ones life forever. However, kundalini remains a bioenergy event that
can be repeated, and in fact needs to be repeated to develop its potential. Just
raising your kundalini is only the first step. It needs to be developed. No beginner
can keep it alive for very long, keep the serpent phenomenon manifesting that is.
But like anything else, one gets better at it with practice.

RB. There are also different levels of kundalini energy: two I know of and have
experienced. 1. normal level kundalini, sparked by the base centre strobing. 2.
vibrational level kundalini, done with the energy of the vibrational state (pre OBE

RB. One point I would like to make here: I was an ordinary man before I raised my
kundalini to its full. This changed me dramatically. Now I am two people in one:
one side of me is ordinary, the other is quite extraordinary at times. This might

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sound a bit skitso, but its not. I just function on multiple levels of consciousness, as
needed, depending upon circumstances and what I am doing.

>So I want to highlight Robert's paragraph quoted below with wisdom gained from
others who know as much and more than I do.
>Re>>> "It seems to me that way too many people these days describe their own
personal energy phenomena as being kundilini or kundilini related. Maybe saying
that all energy is really kundilini energy, makes their own personal experiences
more special and powerful and profound in description and in public opinion. I
find a certain sense of contemporary wow ness surrounding this whole subject, and
many others besides it as well. "

RB. I stand by this statement, but appologize for the wowness comment if it
offended anyone.

>It is good to realise that the word "Kundilini" describes a symbolic coiled serpent
housed in the base of the spine of the invisible second body (original yogic
concept) whose "bite" is the venom that traps the soul into an addiction with the
illusion of the world.

RB. I disagree that whomever coined this term intended it to be a symbolic

description of the kundalini phenomenon. The serpent coiled in the base centre,
and the term 'serpent of fire' are extremely accurate descriptions of the actual
sensation of kundalini rising.

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RB. Anyone who has not experienced this awesomely powerful and unmistakeable
sensation, has not actually raised their kundalini fully, to its highest level; no
matter what they believe. Instead, they have awakened kundalini from dormancy
and had some very powerful kundalini related experiences, showing kundalini has
become active but has not actually risen.

>The serpent represents knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment. So when it can be

moved up through the energy centres, transforming them into many petalled
flowers, they become now "enlightened" by the wisdom of the serpent and the
knowledge within them can be utilised by the person. A person becoming thus
illuminated, even if the kundilini only opens a lower centre is having kundilini
rising in him/her. The energy of kundilini represents knowlege,wisdom,
enlightenment and as there are many grades of this, all people working with their
own spiritual development are raising kundilini. The symptoms of this process can
cause many physical problems Here is a list .......

RB. Although I have no data to go on but my own experiences, I admit it is

conceivable that some people could raise kundalini in such a way that it would
only go so far, say only to the navel or heart, and for some reason not go beyond
this. However, for such persons it would be more accurate to say something like: "I
have raised my kundalini to the heart centre" or similar.

RB. When it happened to me, it went all the way to the crown and beyond. Every
time since then it has done the same, becoming more controllable and profound
every time.

>Signs & Symptoms of Kundilini raising ( spiritual enlightenment )are:-

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>Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms.
>Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body
>Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations
>Intense heat or cold
>Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation, rest or
sleep):jerking, tremors, shaking;
>feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual
>Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns,
>Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue
>Intensified or diminished sexual desires***
>Headaches, pressures within the skull
>Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest
>Digestive system problems
>Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot and leg)
>Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck
>Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts;
>seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage,
>Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping),
>Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating
>Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness;
>spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences (if the individual's prior belief
system is too threatened by these, they can lead to bouts of psychosis or self-
>Ecstasy and intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and compassion

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>Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-of-body experiences;
>pastlife memories; astral travel;
> direct awareness of auras and chakras;
> contact with spirit guides through inner voices, dreams or visions;
>healing powers.

RB. All the above can also be caused by secondary and primary energy, with no
involvement of kundalini whatsoever. However, I have a couple of questions.

1. Why do you not mention the serpent uncoiling sensation? This is the feeling, as
of a live snake as thick as a mans wrist, raising through the base centre and forcing
its way upwards through the torso. Out of all sensations possibly related, this is the
most noticeable.

2. Why no mention of the Medusa effect (my term, as I've never seen or read or
heard it mentioned, anywhere)? This is the sensation of finger-like antennae
protruding from the brain, as I have described before.

3. Why no mention of the brow centre, and how it feels when it fuses with the
crown centre?

4. Why no mention of the Aummm sound/vibration?

5. Why no mention of the brilliant minds eye flash of light?

6. Why no mention of the abstract nature of the realization (enlightenment) that

always accompanies full kundalini raising?

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RB. Note: I fully agree with you, however, about how psychotic episodes will be
caused if the belief system is not prepared, open enough, robust enough, to handle
the onslaught of impressions.

>However THE kundilini experience is what has been warned about by the many
who have had it. The big "K" is when all knowledge, knowing, bliss, divinity,
enlightenment, wisdom and rapture is experienced in a huge chunk and it can
severely destabilise a person mentally and physically. Imagine having all the
symptoms above in one bash, coupled with all knowledge, knowing, bliss, divinity,
enlightenment, wisdom and rapture!!!

RB. The above is all too true, apart from the ommission of enlightenment being
heavy on the abstract side. While its happening to me I know 'everything'. But
afterwards, I know little more than I did before. However, some of it filters through
in time. This problem is caused, I believe, by the incompatibility of high level
experiences with what the physical brain is capable of storing as a recognizable
memory. The only way around this is to raise the base level of consciousness to
meet it; which is probably what masters like Budda and etc did. I make no claims
to such profound heights of consciousness in my base, waking state.

>If you are serious about your book on kundilini, define your idea of kundilini by
another name - any name - but the word "kundilini" implies "mystical" and I know
Robert's work is "de-mystifying".

RB. I disagree. Kundalini is the ultimate mystical experience. However, the

mystical side of my experiences I have not yet had the chance to write on or

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explain. They were deeply mystical and religious experiences involving direct
contact with the heiarchy.

RB. I also disagree with the need for a new name for this phenomenon. If I did
such a thing, I would be accused by many of needlessly creating my own
terminology just for the sake of it. While I agree the whole thing needs
demystifying and defining, and reliable yard sticks created, I'd rather not throw the
baby out with the bathwater.

>I have asked myself what we will have left when we have demystified the
mystical? Will we have humans having epileptic interludes (see last letter) every
time we are transported by divine joy? Will we replace "I love you" with the words
"My pheromones are interacting with yours". What will we have to surprise us
with the emotion of wonder?

RB. I totally disagree with your intimations here. There is no possible way to
demystify the kundalini phenomena. It is the ultimate bioenergy expression of
bioincarnated mankind. And everything that comes with it draws one closer and
closer to God and the higher reality.

RB. Thanks for the debate. Nice talking to you...

RB. Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Wed Sep 27 21:54:01 WST 2000
Topic: Beyond Kundalini lies??????
Author: RB


No, not per se. Kundalini itself is the basic phenomenon that heralds the creation,
or manifestation, of what I call the master circuit. There are levels of kundalini
beyond this, and higher levels of consciousness and phenomena associated with
these levels.

Realization and enlightenment are included in this, but it would be more correct
according to my experience with this type of phenomena to call this the realization
or enlightenment process. Again, this has many levels and is not really what people
think it is. Today it is generally believed that kundalini causes full enlightenment,
i.e., that once kundalini has been raised, boom!, one becomes fully enlightened and
gains Godlike supernatural powers. While this is partly true, it is way more
intricate than this. In truth it involves a progressive process that must be developed
over a long period of time; that is, if one wants to make any sense out of it.

The confusion discussing this likes in the way kundalini has always been used as a
blanket term for every aspect of the master circuit and energy manifestations and
phenomena that arise through this circuit.

I don't like disagreeing with people's beliefs in this matter, but personal experience
tells me otherwise and its better to do this than to allow misconceptions to spread

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and further pollute people's belief systems. This only serves to hinder spiritual

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: Thu Sep 28 14:20:21 WST 2000
Topic: Beyond Kundalini lies?????? - Question for Robert
Author: RB

G'day Aaron!

>I was just wondering what your experience with the master circuit has been.

If you check out the archives, you'll find several posts by me where I have given
many details of what you ask. I rarely speak of the first full kundalini experience I
had in 87, apart from discussing the actual kundalini phenomena that occurred. The
full experience is totally awesome, verging on mindblowing.

Anyway, thank you for your astute and supportive comments.

In answer to your question, yes, the heart does become the focal point
of the kundalini phenomenon, and it is this centre that generates and connects with
the Aummm sound. I believe in tantra they call this 'the unstricken sound' the
sound of creation as it happens. Anyway, the sound is real and the heart is its

As for the enlightenment process, I have already discussed this in earlier posts.
Like the kundalini phenomenon, it is a progressive thing that must be developed
and nurtured.

Must go work....

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Take care, Robert.

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Posted: 28 Jun 2002 14:22
Topic: Kundalini
Author: RB

G'day Folks!

In case you don't know, I raised my kundalini to its highest level (full serpent path
with full medusa effect), in 1987, and many times since. So, I know a bit about
kundalini through personal experience. I have only seen a couple of posts on this
topic in this thread that contain some kind of sense. This is no slight on the posters,
re there is widespread misunderstanding in the Western world concerning

I am currently writing a 'Treatise on Kundalini', and hope to have it ready in about

a week. This will help eliminate some misconceptions.

If anyone is game, and wants to receive emails and compile kundalini related
questions into a single post, Q's and A's, I will gladly reply to all your concerns.
(Someone give me an email to let me know if this happens, or email Adrian at
forum admin)

A few statements on kundalini.....

Kundalini is not a raise once and its done kind of thing.

Kundalini can raise in 5 well known ways, with its highest path being the serpent
of fire path.

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K's primary pathway involves the serpent of fire. This feels like a real physical
snake the size of a man's wrist is forcing its way up through your body (starting at
the perrineum), 3.5 coils through your body and then up through your neck and
head. This is a 'very' noticeable sensation. You will feel your organs and intestines
being moved (sloshing about) as this happens, as they are moved out of the way.

The internal kundalini sensations are caused by an internal manifestation (very

strong and solid), of ectoplasm.

But today, most of the literature I see on kundalini says that the 'serpent of fire' is a
symbolic thing, with various meanings given. This is bs, as its what k actually feels

Kundalini can be very painful and burning in the early stages. This gets easier to
handle and less painful each time you do it. This is possible only if you do not lose
your mind through poor preparation.

The moment kundalini rises, your body will experience full physical shock. Your
bowels will let go, re the need for cleansing practices like fasting and enemas to
avoid this.

Kundalini, fully raised, comes with abstract realization.

Kundalini, especially the first time, will often come with a deity or initiation
experience containing deities. This seems affected by the beliefs of the person
raising kundalini.

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Kundalini needs to be developed. It is energy dependent, just like the OBE or
Vision Screen states.

It is not, as said, a raise once and its done kinda thing. This is total bs.

If you cannot do a full wake induced real time OBE, with full reentry, it is highly
unlikely you will be able to induce a full kundalini rising. OBE is far, far easier. If
you disagree with this; dream on.........

When kundalini is fully raised a few times, and some development is in hand, the
full 'Aummmm' effect will be experienced, as will the 'Medusa Effect'.

My next major book, after MAP (Mastering Astral Projection, which is well
underway) will probably be 'Kundalini Dynamics'.

The secrecy surrounding kundalini today is an enigma. I know thousands of people

and, being an author, have respect and credibility. But, you know what, I have yet
to meet anyone who has actually 'raised' kundalini. I have been introduced to a
number of yoga masters who have claimed for many years to have raised kundalini
and be 'realized', but, you know what, they don't want to talk with me.

I have raised kundalini many times and yes, it does change you greatly. How do
you think I went from a dirt poor cripple with no education (I left school afer grade
8) to a famous author with such incredible insight???

Kundalini releases the genious with, and increases your potential dramatically.

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And, if you have good advise and survive the process, physically and mentally,
you 'will' be changed profoundly and all that jazz.

I worked out kundalini for myself, with no instruction. I should have died, but I did
not. Now, I walk with angels and think at levels even I do not understand.

God bless you all, Robert.

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Posted: 29 Jun 2002 06:44
Topic: Kundalini
Author: RB

G'day Patty!

Since so few people have raised kundalini and since it is a profound experience, do
you (or did you) grapple with the question "Who is the crazy one here?" Any
thoughts on what constitutes 'crazy?'

The definition of crazy is very subjective. For many years I have been considered
as a crazy mad scientist type person. But now I am just considered a little strange:)

more technical questions:

How long did it take for the fist-sized serpent to work it's way from the perineum
to your head?

The actual serpent phenomenon only takes about ten seconds or so to rise.

Were the 'results' of kundalini (genius, etc) an effect during the experience or did
they come about later?

The first time I did this my mind expanded, but I would not say I experienced
realization. The second time, about a week later, my mind was again expanded.
This expansion process continued until I experienced the full 'medusa' and
'Aummm' effects, where I then experienced full abstract realization.

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Abstract realization means exactly what it says. At such a time one knows
everything in the abstract, but cannot put it into words after the realized state
passes. After this, bits and pieces of knowledge will surface now and zen,
especially during trance meditation and when using the writing process. Basically,
one becomes very creative, intuitive and insightful.

Another side effect of raised kundalini was greatly enhanced empathy, intuition
and psychic abilities. At this level these are quite troublesome and disturbing. After
raising kundalini a dozen or so times, I took a year off from everything, to give my
mind and senses time to adapt. If I had not done so I would have gone mad.

Kundalini is a two-edged sword. While it greatly expands mind and abilities, it also
opens one to an onslaught of impressions that are very hard to live with. I was very
lucky to survive what I did, and would not recommend anyone copy me. A great
deal more training and preparation is advised.

I do not yet know the full extent of the realization process, but suspect it can be
developed into a profound state of knowing.

How long were you meditating beforehand, and were you seeking to raise
kundalini? how many attempts (or what time frame beforehand were you
attempting this) before the 1987 success?

From start to finish, it took me about a month. I started with an eleven day water
fast, then moved to one three-day water fast per week. I made a kundalini raising
attempt on the third day of each fast, when my energy levels peaked. The first

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time, I had been trance meditating and raising energy for about seven hours
without a break. Yes, I was intending to raise kundalini.

During the serpent of fire path, were you willing to have the process continue? Or
did you want it to stop but once initiated it couldn't?

I stopped the first major even, which was a massive kundalini spike up my spine.
After a few minutes, I did it again and released the serpent. Once released I could
not have stopped it if I had tried, it was way too powerful and just took control
over me.

Note that the first time was very shocking and painful. I think I died at this time
and had a NDE type of experience. Then I came back to earth and was physically
ok, but very shaken.

The next time I did it, about a week later, it was only a little painful and etc, but
still just as powerful, with no NDE or OBE or etc.

Each time I did it, the experienced grew less stressful and more profound.

On a separate note, are there any photos of you that I could use to 'check' against
one of my novice projections?

You will find a picture of me on my website, under 'About Robert Bruce'. But
please read the warning before viewing, re nudity offends some people.

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Note, I still raise kundalini occasionally, infrequently, but I gave up my high level
mystical and kundalini work several years ago, to devote my full time and energy
to writing. I also did not have the facilities to continue, and have had to limit
myself to trance meditation and OBE and etc. But I plan to get back into my more
serious work later this year, when I have the time and facilities, and will then
explore the kundalini phenomenon thoroughly.

By facilities, all I need is a soundproof air conditioned room where I will not be
disturbed for several hours at a time. Being a single father with children, cooking
and cleaning and and writing and etc, has not allowed me the simple luxury of this
seemingly fundamental facility. However, life is changing for me and I can now
forsee changes where I will have all I need to continue my work.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: 11 Jul 2002 06:39
Topic: Kundalini
Author: RB

G'day Folks!

Kundalini is a specific phenomenon, involving a snakelike movement of energy up

through the body, 3.5 turns clockwise and then out through the head. This is an
extremely physical, visceral sensation; often painful. Chakra stimulation and
activation and energy movement of any type can loosely be said to be kundalini
related. But I dislike this term as it is confusing to relate too many things to a
specific phenomenon. This is like saying that flashlights, car batteries, electric
lights, and all electrical devices, are all lightning related phenomena. This 'could'
be said to be a true statement, but you must admit that this would cause great
confusion if it were generally used.

At the time I first raised my kundalini, I had only read a couple of pages on
kundalini, from some old spiritualist book. But I've read a couple of books on this
recently. One I would recommend is called "Kundalini: psychosis or
transcendence". I forget the author's name, re the book is out on loan at the
moment. Its a very deep, informative book on the psychology of kundalini.

Where did I get my information...well, I worked most of it out for myself by doing
and experiencing it for myself, and then thinking deeply on it. Given the
widespread misinformation and confusion surrounding kundalini today, I think this
is probably the best way to come to grips with and make sense out of this

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Take care, Robert.

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Posted: 12 Jul 2002 05:07
Topic: Kundalini
Author: RB

G'day ralphm!

So if chakra energy is related, can kundalini rise through chakra stimulation or do

you have to try directly for kundalini?

Kundalini is raised by stimulating the chakras, particularly the base chakra. One
must stimulate all chakras, over and over, constantly returning to the base and
raising lots of energy up the legs to the base.

Chakras are like leaky electronic capacitors, one has to fill a chakra with energy
until it reaches critical mass and 'strobes'. It is this strobe, in the base centre, that
releases kundalini. Sounds easy, but it can take several hours of intense effort to
reach critical mass.

If the brow centre strobes, a brilliant minds eye flash of intense white light will be
seen. This is as if a powerful camera flash has gone off in one's minds eyes. It is
accompanied by a feeling of mild concussion over the whole facial area.

Did you read Gopi Krishna's book- I think it was the standard kundalini book back
in the eastern guru invasion?

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No, I have not read it yet. I've only read a couple of books on kundalini, and these
only recently. I've skimmed through a few over the years, but did not find anything
helpful. However, I plan to read as much as I can on kundalini over the next year
or so, as part of my preparation for my planned book. This will be mainly to see
what has been said so far, so I can give my opinion.

I skimmed through a book a few years ago by some author who's name escapes me
at the moment, that recommended people to give their kundalini a pet name, eg,
froggy, and to talk to it and coax it into life. I was quite shocked, as this is an
absolutely ridiculous thing to suggest.

Oh by the way- i vote for the astral navigation book next. Astral Dynamics is great
for techniques but i would love to read about your actual travels in the astral,
which would give us neophytes something to ponder.

I'll keep this in mind. I plan to do research for 'Astral Missions' at the same time as
I do the hands on research for 'Kundalini Dynamics'. Raised kundalini may allow
extremely powerful projections, probably will, but I have yet to try this out. If it
works, I can kill two birds with one stone.

I plan to journal my kundalini experiments, and will post them online. I hope to
begin this work around the end of this year.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: 02 Aug 2002 04:33
Topic: Kundalini
Author: RB

G'day foks!

Brad, could you please post a detailed description here of your kundalini

I noticed some people are saying that the serpent of fire involved with kundalini is
merely a symbol. I disagree with this because my experience proves to me that this
is the actual physical sensation that kundalini causes when it raises through its
primary pathway. I have done this many times, and it always comes with the basic
serpent-like internal sensation.

Raising kundalini, deliberately or spontaneously, is about the most awesome

experience anyone could have. If you live through it and manage to stay sane, one
would expect some form of guidance or direction from the powers above. But this
does not generally happen, and you are left alone to make your own way in life,
life or die, sane or insane. Kundalini changes you and opens you up to perceptions
and forces of the greater reality. But k needs to be developed and stabilized just
like any other ability. It is NOT a raise once and its done kind of thing, where you
suddenly become fully enlightened and have angels and spirit guidance at your
beck and call. Life is not like this, and those who believe otherwise have a lot to
learn and a long way to go.

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Raising kundalini opens you up to the greater reality and greatly increases your
potential. But you need to develop it and learn how to raise kundalini regularly so
it can be developed and stabilized and evolved. I suppose its a bit like learning how
to wake induce an OBE. After you succeed at your first wake induced exit, there is
still much to do and learn before one could say one has full OBE ability. One has
the potential for this, but not much else at that stage.

One of the biggest problems I see is that if a person raises kundalini but has not
done, or does not undertake, the inner work to purify his/her foundation belief
systems, even though they are open to the greater reality, they have self imposed
blinkers that prohibit further real spiritual development. This causes many internal
conflicts and can make life very difficult indeed until this is rectified.

For example, lets say Jack raises his kundalini once, but continues to hold to many
partisan beliefs that are flawed (See my website article 'The Catch Basket
Concept'). This sets up a conflict between his personal beliefs and the actual truth
of the greater reality. Because of this, Jack's spiritual progression is stopped cold,
and life becomes difficult because Jack is, basically, in denial. Jack wants the truth,
but refuses to see it, so stumbles blindly. This conflict can also open Jack to
negative energies and beings that thrive on lies and deceit and conflict.

My suggestion to anyone in this position is that they first work on their beliefs, and
purify and simplify them according to their own personal proof. This sounds easy
but its not. Keep everything you have experienced for yourself, but only in its most
basic form. For example, you may have seen or experienced a spirit, a deity, or an
angel, or even a demon or ghost. This proves to you that such beings exist, but it
does not prove anything else beyond this. You may have given or experienced

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spiritual healing, but this does not prove that their are spirit guides or etc hovering
nearby and assisting or enabling this. It just proves that spiritual healing is possible
and true. Assumption is the destroyer of truth.

By way of example: you mention a belief in reincarnation, but I doubt that you
have very much by way of personal proof to back this up. A little synchronicity,
plus a few feelings and fragments of memories, and dreams of same, and reading a
few suggestive stories of people remember past lives and providing a few details
that check out, really proves nothing. But the average seeker is swamped with
flaky information and stories, and the beliefs of others, reinforcing linear
reincarnation, and the belief that everyone has a say, a choice, as to how and when
they reincarnate. The consequence of this is that if one holds onto the popular
linear reincarnational theory, one blocks out fundamental aspects of the greater
reality, because it is generally non linear. (See my online article 'Reincarnation,
Not So Simple')

*Please note that I will not enter into a debate on reincarnation here.

Balance and truth are necessary to stabilize and develop kundalini in the long term.
The intellect, plus intuition and everything else need to be developed in a balanced
way. Balance breeds stability and power and progression. This is a universal truth.

Brad, you also mention that you feel abandoned by your spiritual protectors and
advisors. What if spirit guides and protectors are not given by default to everyone
at birth? Can you imagine the belief system conflict and misery that this could
cause if you held onto this belief too tightly, but it was not actually true? In my

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experience, contact with advanced spirit beings is extremely rare, and by large is
enigmatic in the extreme when it does occur.

Have you ever wondered why there are no realized Western masters who follow
and adhere to popular newage Western spiritual beliefs? Some people claim this,
but close examination reveals they have feet of clay and or are merely legends in
their own minds. But there seem to be a number of realized Eastern masters, who
generally adhere to very strict beliefs, disciplines and practices. Why is this so?

I think the main problem here is twofold: Eastern beliefs and practices do not
translate well. Also, the higher levels of these are pretty much kept secret and only
passed on by word of mouth, from master to student, as necessary. Added to this
we have the Western way of taking the interesting bits and pieces that make sense
to us, and grafting this onto our existing beliefs, eg, Christianity and etc. The end
result is a poor mish mash of conflicting beliefs and practices that does not contain
enough truth to promote the necessary balance that is needed for higher spiritual

In closing, if someone has raised kundali once, they can do it again with far less
effort and or discomfort. But this will still take much time, as the required state
takes quite a long time to get into. A minimum of a couple of hours full trance
meditation, plus energy work, is required for repeat development work. Note that
early k raising attempts usually require several hours of full trance work and E

Anway, I fear I have reached new heights in waffling......

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Take care, Robert.

ps, JohnY-- thanks for the reference help!

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Posted: 06 Aug 2002 06:34
Topic: Kundalini
Author: RB

G'day Tia!

1. What is the "Auum effect"?

2. And what exactly is the "full Medusa effect"? I get an impression of a very bad
hair day indeed!

When kundalini has been raised to its full a number of times, and the energy body
has settled down and adapted, the kundalini state begins to develop and deepen.
When fully raised in its more developed state, kundalini raises in the normal way,
with a visceral snakelike sensation, 3.5 coils up through the body. When it reaches
the head, it feels like the top of the head disappears and hundreds of soft, fat, fleshy
antennae sprout from the surface of the brain, each feeling about the size of a
finger. These move and form geometric patterns, depending on the subject of your
thoughts. If you change a thought, or think of a person, they change pattern and
point to where a living person is in real time, geographically. At this time, the brow
and crown centres seem to fuse, and the brow is felt as a hand sized fleshy flap
hanging down over the brow, connected to the crown structure. When all this
happens, the sacred Aummm is felt and heard, quite strongly and loudly, as
permeating all reality inside and out. This sounds/feels like the Aummm word
being vibrated in the back of a mature man's throat, deep and powerful.

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3. What are the "5 well known ways"? Is it possible to experience Kundalini
without the "serpent of fire"?

I have read that there are 5 pathways, in yoga, tantra and other esoteric texts, but
do not have the books to hand at present. The serpent of fire pathway is the
primary kundalini pathway. The lesser pathways are said to result from energy
blockages. I only raise kundalini in one way, so have no personal experience with
the lesser pathways.

4. I have read that Kundalini can rise as a result of personal trauma, or an NDE.
Would you say this was true?

I can't see kundalini resulting from personal trauma, but maybe death or near death
would cause a strong kundalini related surge.

5. With hindsight, what "preparation" could you have done to make your
experience easier?

I would have spent a lot more time preparing and purifying myself. I would also
have spent more time stimulating my intellect to promote more balance.

6. You say you "should have died" but did not. What happened to your body at this
time? Can you describe the experience, did your heart stop beating?

I think my heart stopped beating for a couple of minutes. I was ejected from my
body in a very powerful OBE, much like a NDE.

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7. And how long did it take for your body to recover from the Serpent of Fire

Physically, I recovered in a couple of hours, especially after a swim and some food
and exercise. Mentally I was also fine, apart from the onslaught of psychic
impressions and creative ideas.

8. Can you give an example of the side effects that you found difficult to deal

The pressure of the psychic and emotional impressions I sensed coming from all
around me. This also opened me up to very strong psychic attacks. Keep in mind
that the reason I raised kundalini was to find a way to stop the attacks on my home
and family. Kundalini made matters much worse, but I learned a lot in the process.

9. What psychic abilities developed as a result of your awakening?

All of them, some stronger and some weaker. Another big change kundalini brings
is heightened creativity and intellectual ability.

10. What are the benefits of raising Kundalini? What is it for?

Emancipation is always the primary reason, meaning one can escape the
incarnational process. Spiritual evolution and evolving to a higher stage of spiritual
existence is also high on the list.

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I think one of the biggest problem people encounter stems from the sheer lack of
knowedge about kundalini and what it is. Most people believe it is a raise once and
its done kind of thing, and a huge range of symptoms are said to indicate raised
kundalini. But I think that unless one experiences some primary kundalini raising
sensations, one is only experiencing kundalini related phenomena.

Most problems I have encountered, and heard about from others, can be overcome
by repeatedly raising and developing kundalini, and by using the new potential it
creates, eg, especially involving creative and intellectual pursuits. Kundalini, once
raised, needs to be used and exercised and developed. If not, a host of conflicts
arise, along with various levels of instability.

Note, I advise anyone who raises their kundalini deliberately, to repeat this a few
times, a week apart, and then take a year off all energy work and concentrate on
grounding yourself by focusing on your physical life. This is also a good time to
focus on stimulating and exercise the intellect, by learning and reading, or by doing
something creative, eg, artwork, playing musical instruments, writing, poetry, etc.
The creative and intellectual aspects need stimulating after kundalini has been

For those who experience a spontaneous kundalini rising, I suggest they take also
take a year off and do the above. After this, they should learn how to raise their
kundalini deliberately if they want to develop kundalini. If not, following a
creative path, music or art or etc, will ease most kundalini related problems.

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Dietary needs and alergies or sensitivity to certain foods is quite normal after
kundalini has been raised. A healthy diet, avoiding things you are sensitive to, is
the best way to deal with this.

Regular daily trance meditation is always adviced when kundalini has become
active or has been raised.

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: 13 Aug 2002 09:11
Topic: Kundalini
By: Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

First, I would like to make it clear that I am not intentionally wagging my finger at
anyone and saying they are wrong, or that I am right. I do not go against public
opinion just for the sake of it. I just answer to the best of my ability, as honestly as
I can, based on personal experience and deep thinking. I can do no more or less
than that.

Now I'll try to answer a couple of recent questions in this topic..

1. Tia: I too thought I could use kundalini energy to help others, and myself, but it
did not work out this way. And developing kundalini and learning how to use its
energy is not really feasible while one is possessed by an arch demon. Once
kundalini has been raised, the energy body and psychic abilities, and the mind, are
quite unstable and exposed to an onslaught of impressions. To use energy
effectively, one must have focus and balance. This is, basically, why it puts you in
a difficult situation rather than solving problems.

I did not develop the NEW system until a few years after I first raised my
kundalini. But NEW certainly makes the energy raising and chakra manipulation
much easier.

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Prior to early kundalini raising, massive kundalini spikes are felt coursing up
through the spine. This will happen the first few times its raised, getting
progressively easier each time. Then it stops happening and only the serpent
sensation is felt.

Kundalini related phenomena does not necessarily lead to a full kundalini raising.
A fair number of people experience this kind of phenomena, but actually raising
kundalini is far more rare. Taming and developing kundalini is even more rare,
almost unheard of apparently.

2. Brad: Thanks for the extra info. You definitely seem to have experienced some
kind of spontaneous kundalini raising, but I don't really know what this would have
done to your energy body. This was obviously triggered by LSD, so you obviously
have potential. But whether or not you can repeat this and or develop it would
depend on the time and effort you put into it.

Keep in mind that how you are on the inside, your thoughts and motivatons, are
also extremely important. Long term spiritual discipline helps a great deal to
prepare for kundalini.

3. Ralphm: After a full kundalini raising, it is necessary to thoroughly ground the

body and mind firmly in the physical. This is necessary if one hopes to handle the
onslaught of psychic impressions and ideas, and the surging of the energy body,
which becomes extremely sensitive. The minds eye, for example, fills with images
and the mind with impressions. This is not a comfortable way to live and it would
be easy to tip over the edge and become deluded, or insane.

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Certain types of music will stimulate the energy body and psychic senses, but this
will not trigger a kundalini rising, even after its been done once or twice.

Kundalini rising is vastly different from any other energy sensation or phenomena.
Its like comparing mains voltage with a flashlight battery. Most people I have
come across have difficulty conceiving of what kundalini is actually like, and
generally fall back on partisan opinion, that tends to greatly downgrade kundalini
into a fairly common phenomenon. Kundalini is not common at all. It is the
ultimate expression and evolution of the human energy body.

I heard one author (who shall be nameless) suggest to readers that they give their
kundalini a pet name and talk to it, to coax it into activity. This really made me curl
up laughing. The author obviously had no idea as to the true nature of kundalini.

4. Alpha: My theory that the internal sensations of kundalini would be very

difficult to prove either way. They are based on observaton and logic. I can think
of nothing else but a strong internal production of ectoplasm that could cause such
viseral sensations and internal physical movement. An autopsy would prove
nothing, as would opening me up during a kundalini raising session. Ectoplasm is
destroyed by light. And I am destroyed by the thought of someone taking a knife to
my stomach during such a profound moment:)

As for when one is ready to raise kundalini, well, I would expect some significant
advancement both spiritually and metaphysically, eg, the ability to have wake
induced OBE's would be a good indicator. OBE is much, much easier than
kundalini, so if one fails at 'wake inducing' OBE one is obviously not ready. Some

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level of visual clairvoyance, plus other psychic abilities such as healing and etc
would also be expected.

Note that kundalini has both a positive and negative side. If one succeeds at raising
kundalini before one is ready, the going would get really rough.

I do not think that doing normal energy work, NEW or primary levels, could not
trigger a full kundalini raising. A great deal of time and effort is necessary to do
this, so I don't think it could be done accidentally. However, any type or level of
energy work could trigger spontaneous kundalini related symptoms.
But I don't think a full kundalini rising would result from this, not with the full
serpent phenomenon and etc.

All the above, however, depends on how you conceive kundalini to be. I met a
woman recently, and kundalini was mentioned, and she said 'I've done that'. A little
questioning revealed that she had had a vision of a snake during a meditation, and
some itchy sensations up her legs. Because of this, she was convinced she had
done it and was now enlightened. Go figure it...

Take care, Robert.

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Posted: 16 Feb 2004 10:20
Topic: TO Mr Bruce: about Kundalini
By: Richard_kang (from private email w Robert Bruce)

hi guys,today Mr Robert just reply me and answer my question,now i share his

reply to everyone,hope this can help you also:(thanks Mr Robert again!)


The base center is the most important one to work on for kundalini.

Sex will not disempower you unless you believe it will. Sex is actually very
balancing, which will help you achiever higher altered states. Celibacy is
not a good idea unless the desire to be celibate comes from within. A person
may 'believe' they have to be celibate, but unless this urge comes from
within and is truly what that person wants, then it will unbalance them
through frustration.

The sex chakra can become involved in energy work, but this is not a
desirable thing as its way too distracting. Its best to work around this

Here's something I have handy to cut in on kundalini.

Take care, Robert.

6) What fundamental purpose does raising the Kundalini serve?

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>Good question(s). Keep in mind that my answers come from personal
experience and observations, not from books. I've read very little about

The activation of the kundalini circuit can be likened to how a larvae

converts into a butterfly. One does not grow pretty wings, but some fairly
dramatic changes occur. The successful raising of kundalini gives birth to
a whole new bio energy circuit. In a way, all primary chakras activate and
begin working together to generate the new circuit.

The major changes occur during a raised kundalini session, which can last
from ten to 30 minutes, or maybe even longer with more training. This is a
most profound state. I'll post something on this in a minute, to save me
typing it all out again.

But once kundalini has been raised once, the whole energy body begins to
reorganize itself. What exactly happens is difficult to ascertain but the
energy body seems to start growing and developing towards what will become a
new 'normal' state of being.

6a) Why would one want to do it and who (what type of person) would want to
do it?

Raising kundalini involves taking a big step in spiritual evolution. It is

possible that this could free one from the reincarnational mechanism of
life, and set one on a new path of evolution, the path of the masters. I

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think ascension to becoming a living master is possible through kundalini.

Also, one of the most noticeable things that happens is that during raised
kundalini state, ones higher self manifests very strongly through you. You
virtually become your higher self, but still retain your human personality.
Bathed in the sacred Aummm, ones connection to God is extremely noticeable
and real.

All psychic abilities begin to grow stronger after kundalini has been
raised. And they are fully active during raised kundalini state.

I suspect that once developed (fully medusa effect and beyond) the power of
creation may become normal. But I also suspect that some knowledge of magic
and words of power and creation would also be required. Then whatever is
imagined will appear in the physical. Basically, one transcends and gains
control over the physical environment.

So, yes, spiritual immortality is possible. Physical immortality may also be

possible, if the energy flow out of the body can be reversed, eg, so one
grows younger at will. These things all need exploring. And I plan to do
just this.

7) In relation to item 3), at what level of development is one ready to undertake the
exercises of Kundalini

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I am still pondering the question of this criteria. But a high level of development is
most certainly required.

One needs a strong and balanced mind, and a balanced personality and
emotions, and a reasonably heathy body. The demands of raising kundalini are
great. Full power real time OBE or high level projection are very easy in
comparison. So astral projection should, ideally, be mastered first. And
mastering astral projection in itself is a good indicator that one is ready
to raise kundalini. I think I just answered my own question.

However, some untrained people can OBE quite easily. So I'd say a
combination of at least a trained mind (through yoga or similar) and astral
projection ability would be a good starting point.

Age may play a factor, too. One may need to be at least 30 before this can be done.
But I need to experiment more to clarify this factor.

8 ) Are there various degrees of experience in Kundalini raising? I

understand some people have their crown chakras opened up for minutes or
hours after the experience, while others have them opened for many months at
a time. Does this mean one experience was more powerful than the other?

This depends on whether kundalini was actually raised, or whether we are

talking about strong chakra activation, or kundalini related phenomena being

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There are various ways kundalini can rise, but the end result is the full
snake like phenomenon, which I'll describe in another post.

Today, a great many energy body phenomena and kundalini related activity are
taken for actual raised kundalini. It can be very confusing. But there is
only one main event; the snake.

9) Is there a point to raising the Kundalini more than once? Are the
experiences different in what is learned/gained every time?

Once kundalini is raised it must be developed and raised many times before
it fully grows. I have not gone past the full medusa and Aumm stage, but I
plan to get back into training very soon. It gets easier to do every time
its done. In time, the fully raised state would replace normal meditation
and etc. This seems reasonable expectation.

Also, raising kundalini many times seems to help the enlightenment process,
which is a staggered affair; one step at a time.

10) What is gained by having the crown chakra opened during and after
Kundalini raising? What can one do with an opened crown chakra that they
normally can't do when it is closed, or less opened?

I'm not really sure about this as I've not experienced this. One also has to
define exactly what is meant by 'open'. Chakras are not like little doors
that can be opened and closed with some imagination and good intentions.

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They are always active, but there are levels of activation. So an open crown
could jsut be a more active than ususal crown. This would cause some psychic
abilities to manifest.

A lot of problems can surround overactivation of the crown center. An

overactive crown can drain one of energy, so energy cannot be accumulated.
It just gets sucked up through the crown. Possession and various mental
problems can also be linked with this problem.

11) What are some of the things people report that they experience during
the Kundalini raising? Are they all fairly similar in theme, or are the
experiences vastly different? (e.g. traveling through tubes of light?,
seeing past lives?)

Yes, the experiences are fairly similar. Kundalini spikes up through the
spine are the norm. A blinding flash of white light in the minds eye, a
powerful OBE or near death experience. Some kind of examination by masters
or deities. I've not experienced past lives but this may be possible in some
cases. Travelling through a tube of light may also happen in some cases.

The variety of experiences may be caused by differences in development and

in the energy body, and by the age of the incarnating spirit, eg, spiritual
maturity, etc.

12) In relation to item 6), what is the ULTIMATE goal of Kundalini raising,
assuming it is a process that requires multiple experiences to reach an
ultimate goal.

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I think the ultimate goal is to become a physically immortal master. But I
need to explore all this further.

I may have a way to safely train people using something new. This is
experimental but it may work. Kundalini can be raised in the pre OBE
vibrational state. I've done this and its quite easy. If one does not need
to raise kundalini fully first, it may be possible to train people to
cleanse and condition the kundalini snake pathway with a lower level of
energy than what normally occurs during the main event.


There is widespread misunderstanding about kundalini. Most seem to

think its a raise once and its done kind of thing. But this is not the case
at all. Kundalini is a discrete bioenergy phenomenon, much like a sneeze or
an orgasm. One could not say after a single orgasm that ones orgasm is now
raised and active. Neither could one say that after a single kundalini
raising, or related phenomena, that ones kundalini is now raised. Kundalini
must be raised many times and developed.

A single kundalini raised experience may last from 5 to 30 minutes. Longer

may be possible with higher development. The raised state is heavily energy
dependent, so when energy resources are reduced it just stops. But while it
is raised one becomes God, in a sense. Ones personality is still present,
but ones higher self rises very close to the surface indeed. And ones higher
self is about as close to God as one can get. So raised kundalini could be

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called a full higher self manifestation.

The psychic abilities this causes are the natural abilities of a spirit, and
of ones higher self. They are not created out of nothing, they are freed.

Kundalini does change one and one does experience enlightenment during its
peak. But this is abstract enlightenment, eg, one knows everything at the
time because one is experiencing a level of God consciousness. But after the
experience one reverts to normal consciousness and knowledge. However,
something is then changed and ones inspirational abilities, plus all psychic
abilities, are greatly enhanced.

Then begins the staggered realization process where higher knowledge is

gained one small step at a time. But this progressive gaining of knowledge
will only bear true fruit if one has a sound belief system, and if one
applies the empirical process, eg, first build a solid foundation and then
add to it one thing at a time. If this discipline is not applied one is
likely to float away with the faries.

There are three main ways that kundalini will rise. The first is
spontaneously, in response to mental and emotional and spiritual states of
being, eg, Carl Jung had a spontaneous kundalini rising. The second is
through yoga practice where the body and mind are developed to the point
where kundalini will rise naturally. The third is to manually raise
kundalini by manipulating the energy body with body awareness techniques.
Ideally, a combination of all three would provide the best and safest

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To do this, one must first understand the nature of primary energy centers,
chakras, and the base center. A fundamental aspect of the base center is
that it acts a lot like an electrical capacitor. It is also heavily shielded
and earthed, in a bioenergy sense. Another aspect of chakras is their
ability to 'strobe'. This is a natural high level function. Once a chakra's
energy peaks, reaches critical mass, it strobes and releases all its energy
in one moment. The natural path for this energy is upwards, and as it floods
upwards it creates new high voltage energy conduits, and flash activates the
chakras above one at a time. This last can happen in several ways, depending
on how prepared the energy body is, but there is only one raised kundalini
phenomenon, eg, the full internal snake phenomenon.

When kundalini rises, it feels like a physical snake as thick as a man's

wrist forces its way up through the perenium; between anus and genitals. It
forces its way in 3.5 clockwise spiral up through the body. Ones internal
organs will be felt sloshing and moving as they are pushed out of the way,
as kundalini raises through the body, neck and head to the crown.

The internal snake phenomenon is caused by an internal manifestation of

ectoplasm. This is the only reasonable explanation.

A brilliant minds eye flash of light (like a giant camera flash) will occur
at the beginning of a kundalini raising. This leaves a feeling of mild
concussion on the face, as if one had been slapped. This is because the
whole face contains the support structure for the brow chakra, and is thus
involved with the brow center strobe. Note that the brow center strobe can

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occur seperately from a kundalini event, eg, during the formation of the
vision screen of high function clairvoyance (what could be called a
Nostradamus level phenomena). Brow center strobes can also result from
various practices, including meditation and astral projection exercises. If
this happens, it indicates strong natural clairvoyance potential is present,
even if dormant and unrealized.

Normally the crown and brow will not fully activate during early kundalini
raising events. But once these activate it feels like ones skull vanishes
and from the surface of ones brain hundreds of fat, fleshy fingers, like
little snakes, are felt to appear. These feel as real as ones other fingers.
At this time, the brow fuses with the crown the one in the nose bridge, and
this new chakra structure is felt as a heavy, fleshy flap hanging down over
ones brow and bridge of nose. This feels as if ones skull (the entire area
above the hair line) has turned into a sea anenome.

These fingers (I think the eastern term is petals) respond instantly to

thought. If one things of any concept, the fingers form intricate geometric
patterns. I think this may be where mandallas come from. Note, if you read
the book 'Secret of the Golden Flower', in the commentary by Jung, he
explains that mandallas are resident in the human psyche in all races. I highly
recommend this book.

Another interesting phenomenon here is that if one thinks of a living

person, these fingers form a pattern, but some also point to 'where' this
person is in the real world.

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In order to raise kundalini, one must repeatedly raise a lot of energy to
the base center. Most of what is raised immediately leaks away, is earthed
away. But if this practice is continued, there comes a
point where the insulation is burned away and the base strobes. The first
symptom of this is a massive kundalini spike up through the spine. This can
be extremely painful, burning and electrical sensations. It is wise to stop
for a breather at this point, but without breaking relaxation discipline.

Note that if the body is not prepared by fasting and purging beforehand, the
bowels will turn to water and let go in response to full physical shock.
Now, if one begins raising energy again a minute or so later, another spike
will occur, just as strong but a bit less painful, and then the serpent will
be released. Ideally it will rise fairly rapidly and smoothly all the way to
the crown, in 3.5 clockwise coils.

I recommend 3 days fasting prior to an attempt, or other yoga purging practices can
be used to achieve the same internally cleansed state. I find my energy peaks on
the 3rd day. This helps as one needs every ounce of energy one can muster to raise

A type of near death experience will usually occur. I don't have enough data
to say for sure, but this is a reasonable observation. In my case, I was
evicted from my physical body (I think it died of shock) and, in brief, I
was examinied by three deities (or ascended masters). Two shook their heads
and retired, but the third came down and helped me. He showed me my errors
and how to rectify my problems through spiritual cleansing (not physical).

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When Kundalini has been more developed, eg, raised a dozen or so times (a week
apart for each event is wise), and the crown becomes fully active, one will also
experience the Aummmm. This is quite loud and if feels and sounds like the word
'Aummm' being said continually (one tone) by a man with a deep voice. This, I
think, may be the underlaying sound (or Word) of creation.

Warning: This subject must be approached with great care and respect. This is a
long term goal, a lifetimes work. Raising kundalini is a dangerous thing to do. And
the less prepared and developed a person is, the more dangerous it becomes.
Madness and or death can result, as can a variety of serious physical and mental
disorders, if one who is unprepared does this. As said, master wake induced OBE
first, as this is not only a more achievable goal, but it also helps prepare one for
higher levels of energy body activation and kundalini.

Take care, Robert

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