Current Online and Offline Marketing Strategy

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 Current Online and Offline Marketing Strategy:

Value Proposition:

“Madhuri Bags” creates value to customers by providing quality bags for all
men, women and kids in a very reasonable price. Best quality bags are imported
from China to fulfill the trendy needs of both men and women. This bag store
especially does both offline marketing through posters, banners as well as online
marketing through social media i.e. Facebook. One of the best and important
marketing strategy of Madhuri Bags is the “Word of Mouth”. Mostly customers
who go to purchase the bags from this store and are satisfied with the quality of
bags have been recommending their friends, relatives to purchase from here
which is indirectly creating a customer for Madhuri Bags. The loyal customers are
also identified who visits the store frequently and certain amount of discounts are
provided to them to make them feel special. Sometimes customers’ survey is
also done verbally to know about their preferences and to take feedback from
them. The effective suggestions taken from customers are implemented by the
store owner to make customers happy as well as for the sustainability of

 Current Business model:

Madhuri bags has the following business models which helps it to compete in
the market:
 Brick and Mortar model: As Madhuri Bags is one of the retail store which
is located in the busiest road of Biratnagar, so the store has brick and
mortar model giving the customers variety of options for how and what
they shop.

 Utility model: Madhuri Bags store follows different payment process. In

this 21st century, people usually don’t carry cash with them because of
various banking technology. So considering this, Madhuri Bags has made
different payment systems available to its customers i.e. cash, credit card
and online payment.
 Information Driven Marketing:
Information driven marketing is very crucial for any business as customers are
the assets for them. For both the process of marketing and sales, knowing
customers and their preferences on timely basis is must. However, Madhuri
Bags is lagging behind in keeping proper track of all the regular customers.
During the interview, Mr. Suresh Agrawal told that they take offline survey of
customers sometimes and also know about their regular loyal customers but
they don’t have particular schedule on timely basis for surveys.

 Company Online selling platform:

In this 21st century, digitalization has made the world better place for all of the
buyers and sellers. Madhuri Bags has its own Facebook page which has been
very active in recent days and uploads the picture of trendy bags now and then.
Yet, the page that they have created has not been able to capture large
number of customers. According to the Proprietor, many customers
communicate through telephone service for ordering and booking bags. So it
can be clearly seen that they are not being able to utilize the service of online
selling platform to the fullest. The main thing that the bag store should do to
make the most of it is to create its own website or also it can be available in
other social media platform such as Instagram, be more active frequently in
Facebook having the best customer service by doing two way communication.

Analysis of online marketing communication plan

Customers play huge role in any kind of business to succeed. So, it is very important to
fulfill the needs and demands of all customers to survive in this competitive

Internet marketing tools:-

 Facebook page: Madhuri Bags uses Facebook as their main
online marketing tool. The store has been communicating with its
customers through the reviews and comments given by
customers in Facebook page. As I have mentioned earlier that
the page has not been too much active in communicating with
customers but it has been posting pictures of all types of bags
available in store mentioning its quality. Sometimes various
festival offers and discounts are also provided to customers which
is updated through Facebook page. (ya neri facebook page

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