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Stephenson 1

Austin Stephenson

English I

September 25, 2019

The All American Girl

The other day, as I was walking through Mr. Archie Brubaker’s back yard, I passed by

his giant cactus named Senor Saguaro. “Hello Senor Saguaro, how’s it going? And by the way,

Cinnamon says hi too. Would you like to hear why I think I’m an amazing American?” I had

asked Senor Saguaro. As usual, no response from Senor Saguaro. However, I continue to tell him

my reasons anyway. “I am a great American citizen because I take pride in being free. To give

you an example of what I mean, last Friday night at the football game I decided to run and dance

across the football field during the halftime show. It was absolutely exhilarating and I felt so

free.” Still no response from Senor Saguaro, but I continued on with my conversation, “America

is such a wonderful place to call home, we can be free, wear ruffled gowns, and play our


Before Cinnamon, my adorable pet rat, and I had left the backyard, Cinnamon became so

chatty and was talking up a storm to Senor Saguaro, the big cactus, as to why I am such a great

friend to him. Cinnamon said “Stargirl is awesome. She doesn’t worry about what people think

of her. She wears what she likes, and she is such a loyal friend to me. After all, she carries me on

her shoulder when I’m not in her backpack. It’s funny ‘cause I get to see that boy, Leo, sneaking

around behind her. I keep telling Stargirl that this boy likes her, but she doesn’t believe me.” I

just rolled my eyes at Cinnamon as he continued to talk about Leo. “Anyway, it was funny when
Stephenson 1

she did put a card in the mailbox that only said the word Congratulations, with nothing else

written. That boy Leo looked so confused when he removed it from the mailbox.”

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