Star Wars Legion Lite (v1.1)

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Star Wars: Legion Lite

A Free Mod of Star Wars: Legion by Mbweha (Ben)

This mod exists so that players can enjoy playing a drastically simplified version of Star Wars: Legion.
The sections below outline how to accomplish this, as well as how to scale the difficulty up as desired.

Note that this is not meant to be a competitive version of the game. Changes have been made to the
units to maintain a reasonable level of balance for casual play only. This mod is about getting Star Wars
minis on the table and playing a game with them in under an hour.

Getting Started
To play Legion Lite, you will need the following:

● The dice, tools, and tokens that come with any Star Wars: Legion Core Set
● Your Legion miniatures
● The Legion Lite Unit Cards for the units you own
● A play area and some basic terrain

Building an Army
Units in Legion Lite cost either 1 or 2 points, and no
upgrade cards are used (other than the ones that are
printed on the Unit Cards themselves). The information
on the cards works the same way it does in the full
version of the game.

For example, when fielding a unit of Rebel Troopers with

the Z-6 Trooper equipped, the unit will have 5 regular
troopers, and the Z-6 trooper for a sixth mini. Every mini
in the unit has access to the “basic” attacks (Unarmed
and A-280 Blaster Rifle), but only the Z-6 mini has access
to the Z-6 attack. The unit rolls white dice on defense, has surge to block, is speed 2, and each mini in
the unit has 1 health.

There are no preset army building rules or requirements. Build your armies based on what seems fun to
play and how long you want the game to last. Depending on how quickly players play the game, assume
that each unit in each army represents between 5 and 10 minutes of gameplay. Two players of similar
skill or experience should spend the same number of points on their armies. If players are not of similar
skills or experience, the more experienced player should spend 1 fewer point on their army (or possibly
2 fewer points if playing with armies costing more than 6 points).
That being said, it is suggested that a player’s first game be three identical 1-point units (if possible).

Setting Up the Play Area & Terrain

Spread the terrain you plan to use out on a 3 foot by 3 foot
play area. Use only barricades (which grant heavy cover to
all the same units they do in the base game) and area
terrain (which grants light cover to all units). Do not use
line-of-sight blocking terrain until you’re sure players are
prepared to deal with the complexity of vertical movement
and minis within a single unit being a mixture eligible or
ineligible for damage.

Playing the Game

Deploy the armies within range 1 of opposite board edges,
assign them faceup order tokens, and set the round counter to 1. Flip a coin (or roll a red defense die,
looking for shields vs non-shields) to determine which player will take the first action in the odd-
numbered rounds and which player will take the first action in even-numbered rounds. Within each
round, players alternate activating units until they have no unactivated units remaining.

When a unit activates, it may perform up to two actions. There are only two actions in Legion Lite:
moving and attacking. While both actions can be move actions, there is a limit of one attack action per

Move Actions work as described in the full version of the game with one exception: do not treat any
terrain as Difficult. Note that for a trooper unit to move out of engagement, it still requires all actions.

Attack Actions work as described in the full version of the game with one exception: do not use any

When a unit is done with its actions, flip its order token facedown to show it has activated. When all
units have activated, advance the round counter, flip all order tokens faceup, and repeat (remembering
that players alternate going first in a round).

Ending the Game

The game is over when someone has no more remaining units (being tabled) or at the end of the 6th
round. The winner is whoever eliminated the most points in units. If there is a tie, then the game is a

Scaling the Complexity

The above rules provide the least complex experience of Legion available. To scale up the complexity,
simply begin adding in the missing elements from the full game. While you could introduce these
elements into Legion Lite in any order you choose, here is a suggestion of how you might do it:
● Height-specific area terrain
● Line-of-sight blocking terrain and vertical movement
● Aim and Dodge actions
● Simple objectives (e.g. Key Positions with only the center terrain piece, Breakthrough, etc)
● Skirmish deployments
● Clone token sharing
● Suppression (requires players without commanders to promote a unit at the start of the game
as well as the use of courage values)
● Standby actions
● Skirmish objectives and conditions

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