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ACTIVITY 3 Page 23
Work in pairs. Listen to a text entitled London at a Glance. Underline the prepositional
phrases and adjective clauses you find in the text.
London at a Glance
Capital of Britain
London is the political, economic and cultural capital of Britain. You can visit the Queen’s
official residence at Buckingham Palace and tour the Houses of Parliament, a historic home of
the UK government.
London is incredibly well-connected, with five international airports and the high-speed Euro
star rail link. More than 50 countries are within a three-hour flight time from London. There are
300 international destinations that have direct links to London.
London is a city located at the center of the world. Around 230 languages are spoken here and
you’ll find many different cultures and communities throughout the capital.
London’s history stretches back over thousands of years, and the city has four World Heritage
Sites: the Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, Maritime
Greenwich and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

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London’s world-class tourist attractions are renowned across the globe. Many of the most
famous attractions are free to visit, such as Tate Modern, the National Gallery and the Victoria,
and Albert Museum.
River Thames
The River Thames which runs through the heart of London stretches, from Richmond in the
west, through the central London borough of Westminster, to Greenwich in the east.
Outdoor Spaces
About one third of London is devoted to parks and open spaces. There are plenty of places to
relax on fine days. Make sure you visit The Royal Parks as well as Hampstead Heath in North
London. They offer amazing views over the city.
There are more than 6,000 restaurants in London so you’ll never be short of new places to eat.
London boasts 65 Michelin-starred restaurants and many celebrity chefs are based here. There
are plenty of good, cheaper options too.
According to the Globe Shopper City Index, London is Europe’s best shopping destination.
Whether you head to the West End, Westfield Stratford City or a quirky London market, there’s
a huge range of places where you can buy gifts, fashion and food.
Family Holidays
Want to bring your kids to London? They’ll have a great time. London is full of child-friendly
attractions, and many – including the Science Museum and Natural History Museum – are free to
Whether you want to stay in a well-known 5-star hotel, a cozy bed and breakfast or a cheap
backpackers’ hostel, London offers a wide range of quality accommodation. You can browse and
book accommodation in our Where to Stay section.
London’s fantastic transport system, with its Tube, red buses and black taxis, will enable you to
get around the city quickly and easily.

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London’s facilities for disabled visitors are constantly improving, with more accessible
attractions, restaurants, tours and transport. For more details visit our Accessible London pages
or the Disabled Go website.
ref=nav-dl (March 10th, 2016)

ACTIVITY 3 Page 41
Listen to a dialog with one of the students. Pay attention to the pronunciation and
intonation. Act the dialog with your friend.
Budi : Hi, Karin. Are you okay? You look so tired.
Karin : I could not sleep last night.
Budi : What happened?
Karin : I watched a documentary movie about funeral ceremony in Toraja.
Budi : And?
Karin : I saw a standing corpse. I felt like it’s really alive. When I finished watching the movie, I
went to the bathroom. Suddenly, I heard a crying sound coming from my bathroom. Terrified, I
run to my parents’ room.
Budi : Did you check your bathroom?
Karin : Of course not. I was too scared to check it.
Budi : Did you tell your parents about it?
Karin : Yes, I did, but none believed.

ACTIVITY 6 Page 44
Work in pairs. Your teacher will read out a text entitled Batara Kala. Listen to him/her.
Batara Kala
It is good to know some of the folktales our country has. This is one of legend that is commonly told in
Java. People in some villages in Java believe that an eclipse happens when the sun or the moon is
swallowed by Batara Kala, an evil giant. The story says that although Batara Kala is not one of the Gods
in heaven, he is very powerful.

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One day Batara Wisnu (the Protector God) distributed “Tirta Amerta Sari”, the drink of the Gods.
Anyone who drank it would never die. Batara Kala wanted to have some too, so he tried to cheat by
transforming himself as God. Batara Surya (The Sun God) and Batari Chandra (The Moon Goddess),
however, knew of the trick and told Batara Wisnu about it. When Batara Kala’s turn came to
receive the drink, Batara Wisnu shot him from a distance with his famous weapon, the cakra. It
cuts Batara Kala’s head off. Some of drink, however, spilled over Batara Kala’s head. This made
his head live forever.
Batara Kala was very angry with Batara Surya and Batari Chandra. He tried to eat them.
But the God and Goddess escaped. Batara Kala got angrier. Since then he has never stopped
chasing them. Batara Wisnu wanted to protect the God and the Goddess and ordered the people
on Earth to make a lot of noise when eclipse occurs. The noise would help Batara Surya and
Batari Chandra escape from Batara Kala’s throat.
Until this day, people beat objects like rice grinders when they see an eclipse. They stay
in their house and pregnant women are told to hide under their beds in order to avoid Batara
Kala’s anger.
t=clnk&gl=id (March 11th, 2016)

ACTIVITY 3 Page 58
Listen to a dialog. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Act the dialog out with your friend.
Ahmad : Hi, Don. What’s up? You seem confused.
Doni : I have a problem. Last week my mother asked me to accompany her to Palu to see total
solar eclipse this Wednesday, but I just realized that I have a plan to finish my group project.
What should I do?
Ahmad : Hmm... I would tell her the truth if I were you.
Doni : I did think the same, but the problem is I already made her a promise. I don’t want to
dissapoint her and see her sad.
Ahmad : That’s bad. If only you had not made the promise, it would be so much easier for you.
Doni : Do you have any idea?
Ahmad : Still, you have to tell her the truth. She will understand your position.

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ACTIVITY 5 Page 59
Work in pairs. Listen to and sing along the song entitled If I Had a Million Dollars. Share
to your partner what this song talks about.
Lagu If I Had a Million Dollars


ACTIVITY 3 Page 84
Listen to a text entitled Smartphone Pros & Cons. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
Smartphone Pros & Cons
Personal cell phones have come a long way since their introduction in the late 1980s. What was
once a simple communication device has evolved into a miniature computer, combining a video
game system, camera and phone into one convenient, pocket-sized piece of technology? As these
smartphones become more sophisticated and more prevalent, the pros and cons of their use
become more evident and widespread.
One of the major reasons for purchasing a smartphone is the convenience. Thanks to the
built-in Internet capabilities, you can check your bank balance, pay bills and access emails while
on the go and away from your computer. Keeping in touch with friends and family is easy with
the convenience of texting and the updating social networking accounts. Everything you need to
keep your day running smoothly is at your fingertips.
However smartphones will alert you to new emails, text messages or comments on your
various social networking sites and the tempt to check these latest updates can sometimes be too
strong a pull. Accidents and injuries can occur due to these distractions. Resist the urge to check
your smartphone the second it sounds, and when you do check, do so responsibly and only when
it’s safe.
Smartphones are always connected to the Internet, via a data network, mobile broadband
or Wi-Fi connection. This allows you to receive updates to your social networking sites, news
feeds or emails in real time, making communication instantaneous. You can stay on top of

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current events, keep business deals moving quickly or stay in touch with clients, family or
friends without slowing down.
Ironically, the very things that make a smartphone so convenient and useful are the same
things that can stop you in your tracks with a dead battery. The more apps and programs you
have on your phone, the more energy it needs to perform. The more you use your phone, the
quicker the battery dies. If you haven’t invested in a car charger or additional adapter for
charging while on-the-go, you may find come challenge.
Adapted From: (August
6th, 2014)

ACTIVITY 5 Page 115
Listen to the sentences.
1. Bill likes to stay up late at night. However, today he has to get up early in the morning.
2. Aline thinks that caffeine is bad for her. Nevertheless, she drinks coffee every morning.
3. I like living in the city. My parents, on the other hand, prefer the countryside.
4. They should try to exercise every day, even if they don’t feel like it.
5. Unless he get sick, he will be there next Sunday.
6. Ben was a foolish old man. In contrast, his son was thoughtful and hardworking.
7. They won't do it unless we pay them more.
8. Even if I had free time tomorrow, I wouldn’t want to go to the beach because it’s too cold
9. There are three empty rooms. However, we can't use any of them.
10. I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep.

ACTIVITY 4 Page 116

Listen to a text entitled The Advantages and Disadvantages of Driving a Motorbike Instead
of a Car.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Driving a Motorbike Instead of a Car
What are the advantages and disadvantages of driving a motorbike instead of a car?
PAG Student’s Book English Skills for the Future 3 182
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First of all, car and motorcycle are both forms of transportation serve the same function of
getting people from one place to another.
One advantage is that, motorcycles use less gas. For instance, you can go long-distance
with 30 liter. Moreover a motorcycle of emissions is much less than a car. Nevertheless,
motorcycles cost less. Motorcycle riders are safer; they don’t text on their phones while riding.
Lastly, you can like cars but you will waste your time for leave it park. Best of all, motorcycle
riding gets you out in the fresh air.
However, as usual for every plus there is a minus. One disadvantage is, if you got a
traffic accident 70% you would be die. For this reason, you’ll probably spend a lot more money
on specialized clothing and accessories. Bikes are not too good in the snow and ice of winter.
When it rains you tend to get wet. In fact, if you don’t have any specialized clothing and
accessories. The main disadvantage of driving a motorcycle is that you are not safe. What’s more
many drivers do not notice motorcycles.
In conclusion, it depends what are you want. This is one that I don’t agree with. There are
too many people that have ridden for many years and have never had an accident. Always keep
your mind on your riding. It doesn’t look like anything else. Motorcycling is one of the best
things there is in my opinion. Check it out and decide for yourself.
bayraktar (March 11th, 2016)

ACTIVITY 5 Page 118

Listen to a dialog between Jane and Alvin.
Jane : Good afternoon, Sir. I want to return these four books.
Alvin : But two of these were due on Monday. You’re late by three days. I’m afraid to fix it in
the data, unless you’ll have to pay the fine.
Jane : Sure, I know that. But, I was sick and have not been able to come to college these four
Alvin : Yes, it is. However, you should talk to the librarian. My duty is just to charge the fine if it
is due according to the rules.
Jane : Very well, I’ll see the librarian. Nevertheless, please issue me with these two books. Oh,
wait a minute. I want another book too. Let me go to the racks and find out that one also.
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Alvin : Okay, I’ll wait and lend you all the three together.

ACTIVITY 3 page 130

Listen to a text entitled Should Kids Have Their Own Cell Phones?
Should Kids Have Their Own Cell Phones?
There are two types of parents: those who give their young children their own cell phones, and
those who don’t. Each side has perfectly good reasons for its position. If you’re on the fence
about giving your child their own cell phone, check out the following pros and cons of letting
your kid have their own cell phone.
Here are some reasons why you should give your child a cell phone.
• Your child has a way to contact you quickly if something ever happens.
The main reason a lot of parents shell out money for a cell phone for their children is to keep
them safe. They can easily contact their parents if something happens. In this scary world where
children can’t really trust grown-ups, it’s sometimes important for a child to have his very own
phone where anyone is a phone call away.
• A cell phone keeps you in constant contact with your child.
This may seem too helicopter parentish, but it’s actually good for you to constantly keep tabs on
your kid. You can use GPS technology (and an app like FamilyMap) to have a better sense of
your child’s whereabouts. The younger your child is, the more useful this feature comes in.
• Your child won’t be bullied/considered an outcast at school for not owning a phone.
It’s sad that children nowadays get bullied for not “keeping up with the Jonses”, but it’s true.
Statistics show that almost 90% of teenagers own a cell phone. It’s easy to imagine a teen not
calling a friend because they’re afraid that the friend’s dad will answer the phone. Not having a
cell phone can make a child an outcast at school.
Those pros are great, aren’t they? Well, they might not be so great after you read the cons.
• Your child may develop entitlement issues.
If you buy your 8-year-old a brand new cell phone, she will feel entitled to a brand new car when
she turns 16, a swanky apartment when she enters college, and so on. There’s a way to prevent
your child from developing entitlement issues, and it’s to buy her a cheap, used, and/or basic
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cellphone and save the fancy ones for when she gets old enough to understand the value of a
dollar… or just don’t give her a cell phone until she’s older. Your choice.
• Owning a cell phone makes your child more prone to bullying.
As if being online wasn’t bad enough, now you have to worry about cell phones! A cell phone
gives your child another way to communicate with other kids. Bullying can occur via text
messaging (or prank calls). If your child’s not being bullied, don’t sigh just yet. He could be the
• Your child may not be responsible enough for a cell phone.
I once heard a story about a 15-year-old boy who received nude pictures of his 15-year-old
girlfriend via text message. He shared the pictures with all of his friends, and his girlfriend
eventually found out. She blew the whistle and he was accused of distributing child pornography.
own-cell-phone/ (March 12th, 2016)

ACTIVITY 5 Page 133

Listen to a dialog between Riz and Bill.
Riz : Hello, Bill. How are you?
Bill : I am good. Oh, no .... not that good.
Riz : Why? Can you tell me?
Bill : Oh, yes. I remember now. I am thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of
Riz : What are the advantages of science in your opinion?
Bill : Although there are many inventions of science which have benefitted human beings in
many ways, science has brought the whole world on the palm of a man.
Riz : Yes, the invention of radio and television has brought about a great change in our everyday
Bill : That’s true. Although the invention of computer and internet has given our life an extra
pace, it has also won time and space.
Riz : Yes, it has done a lot of wonders in all fields of information and technology.
Bill : But you must admit that all these have been possible for the invention of electricity.
Riz : Certainly! Electricity is undoubtedly the driving force of all modern civilization.
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Bill : Exactly! Anyway, do you think science has any disadvantage?
Riz : I do not think so. Although science has given many advantages for mankind, sometimes it
becomes a curse.
Bill : Thank you very much for such a nice discussion. See you again.
Riz : You’re welcome. Good bye.

ACTIVITY 3 Page 153
Work in pairs. Listen to your teacher. While listening look at the following pictures (a-f)
and match with the correct movie synopsis (1-6).
1. The awesome sequel of 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man. We have always known that the strongest
conflict faced by Spider-Man has been within him: the struggle between the day to day responsibilities of
Peter Parker and the extraordinary responsibilities of Spider-Man. But in The Amazing Spider-Man 2,
Peter Parker finds that his greatest struggle is about to begin.
Taken from: (August 1st, 2014)

2. This film is an all-new comedy adventure for the whole family. Mr. Peabody is the world’s smartest
person who turned to be a dog. When his “pet” boy Sherman uses his time traveling WABAC machine
without permission, events in history spiral out of control to disastrous and comical results. It’s up to this
most unexpected of father-son teams to somehow put things back on track before the space-time
continuum is irreparably destroyed.
Taken from: (August 1st, 2014)

3. The entire cast of the animated smash RIO returns in RIO 2, and they are joined by a new flock of top
actors and musical talents. Rich with grandeur, character, color and music, RIO 2 finds Jewel, Blu and
their three kids leaving their domesticated life in that magical city for a journey to the Amazon. They
encounter a menagerie of characters who are born to be wild, voiced by Oscar nominee: Andy Garcia,
Oscar/Emmy/Tony-winner: Rita Moreno, Grammy winner: Bruno Mars, and Tony winner: Kristin
Taken from: (August 1st, 2014)

4. When Chef Carl Casper (Jon Favreau) suddenly quits his job at a prominent Los Angeles restaurant
after refusing to compromise his creative integrity for its controlling owner (Dustin Hoffman), he is left to
figure out what’s next. Finding himself in Miami, he teams up with his ex-wife (Sofia Vergara), his friend
(John Leguizamo) and his son (Emjay Anthony) to launch a food truck. Taking to the road, Chef Carl
goes back to his roots to reignite his passion for the kitchen and zest for life and love.
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Taken from: (August 1st, 2014)

5. Hazel and Gus are two extraordinary teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the
conventional, and a love that sweeps them - and us - on an unforgettable journey. Their relationship is all
the more miraculous, given that they met and fell in love at a cancer support group.
Taken from: (August 1st, 2014)

6. A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors
of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived,
as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth’s dominant
Taken from:
(August 1st, 2014)
ACTIVITY 4 Page 186
Listen to the song below. Fill in the blanks to the song lyrics below with words you have
heard. Sing the song together with all your classmates.
Lagu Happy by Pharrell Williams
ACTIVITY 11 Page 195
Work in pairs. Browse the internet and find the song entitled Hello by Adele. Listen to the
Lagu Hello by Adele
ACTIVITY 12 Page 196
Listen to the song entitled If You Could See Me Now by The Script.
Lagu If You Could See Me Now by The Script

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