Mathematical Modeling of The Stirling Engine: Sciencedirect

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Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356

IX International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, ICCHMT2016


Wrona Jana, Prymon Marekb *
Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, Cracow 31-155, Poland
Thessla Green sp. z o.o., ul. Makuszyńskiego 4a , Cracow 31-752, Poland


The paper presents mathematical models which have been developed by the authors, and the results of which may be used to
design an experimental refrigeration unit operating in the Stirling cycle. The systems engineered and based on Stirling cycle may
be considered as an alternative to commonly employed internal combustion engines and Linde circulation cooling systems. The
article presents a time discretization model assuming the cylinders as adiabatic spaces. The model enables the size optimization
of all particular elements of the Stirling device such as: heat exchangers, the regenerator, the cylinders, piston motion and phase
displacement. The advantage of modelling is the calculation speed when compared to modelling based on full Navier-Stokes
system of equations (CFD) therefore enabling the dimensioning of the device. The results obtained using the simplified model
have been verified by the other modelling type – that is the full 3D CFD, in which the whole working space including the heat
exchangers and the regenerator has been modelled. Additionally, a dynamic MESH option has been applied in order to simulate
the movement of the pistons in the cylinders.

© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility
responsibility of the
of the organizing
organizing committee
committee of ICCHMT2016.
of ICCHMT2016

Keywords: Stirling engine; Stirling cooler; Stirling cycle numerical modelling; cogeneration; optimization of Stirling engine;

1. Introduction

The Stirling cycle was invented by a Scottish clergyman, Robert Stirling. He obtained a patent for the invention

* Corresponding author. Tel.048-12-628-2819.

E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICCHMT2016
350 Wrona Jan and Prymon Marek / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356

at the beginning of the 19th century in 1816 and two years later the first working version was used to pump out
water from a quarry. Despite its theoretical efficiency being equal to the efficiency of the Carnot cycle, the
development of Stirling engine was not as dynamic as the evolution and expansion of the steam engine or internal
combustion engine. The main obstacle in the design was the shortcomings in materials necessary to build the
working unit and a very complex thermodynamic description (difficult to depict at that time). The advancement in
material technology especially in the second half of the 20th century and the development in computer technology
employing numerical calculation methods are the reasons why technological barriers from more than 100 years ago
are now history.
Engineers and scientists are presently rediscovering the concept of the Stirling engine because it possesses many
positive attributes such as high theoretical efficiency, compact and relatively simple design, environmentally
inoffensive working medium. All of these make it ideal for contemporary conditions. An almost forgotten 200 year-
old idea has revived in our times and has the potential to stand up to currently used engines employing
thermodynamic cycle in wide variety of field technology from cooling systems, industrial engines and cogeneration
[3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 20].
Devices employing the Stirling cycle are still expensive to build simply because of limited production orders. In
case of Stirling engine specific working conditions (high temperature and high pressure) have a detrimental effect
on the price, especially the cost of the prototype unit. To offset the high cost, the designers try to lower it by
implementing new materials and search for optimum work parameters lowering the average pressure in the working
chamber. In case of cooling devices where there is no need for high work temperature the mass production cost can
be reduced significantly. Initiating production of coolers of any kind employing the Stirling cycle is justified as the
cooling medium widely used in contemporary cooling systems has a devastating effect on the natural environment
contributing to the ozone layer depletion and the greenhouse effect.


M total gas mass in the machine, kg

mC mass of gas in a warm cylinder, kg
mE mass of gas in a cold cylinder, kg
mHC mass of gas in a warm exchanger, kg
mHE mass of gas in a cold exchanger, kg
mR - mass of gas in a regenerator exchanger, kg
TC temperature in the warm cylinder, oC
THC temperature in the heat exchanger, oC
TR temperature in the regenerator, oC
THE temperature in the cold exchanger, oC
TE temperature in the cold cylinder, oC
cp specific heat at constant pressure, J/kgK
cv specific heat at constant volume, J/kgK
େ ൌ େ ሺ‫׎‬ሻ˜‘Ž—‡‘ˆŠ‘–…›Ž‹†‡”ǡ m3
୉ ൌ ୉ ሺ‫׎‬ሻ˜‘Ž—‡‘ˆ…‘Ž†…›Ž‹†‡”ǡ m3
ୌେ ൌ …‘•–˜‘Ž—‡‘ˆŠ‘–‡š…Šƒ‰‡”ǡm3
ୌ୉ ൌ …‘•–˜‘Ž—‡‘ˆ…‘Ž†‡š…Šƒ‰‡”, m3
ୖ ൌ …‘•–˜‘Ž—‡‘ˆ”‡‰‡‡”ƒ–‘”ǡm3
W work of thermal cycle, W
Q total amount of the heat (Fig. 2), W
p pressure, Pa
Φ actual instantaneous shaft angle position
ɀ coefficient of compressibility
Wrona Jan and Prymon Marek / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356 351

2. Mathematical models

A Stirling machine is a device employing thermodynamic cycle which, in theory, is described as a group of
thermodynamic processes consisting of two isotherms and two isochores. Theoretically, the efficiency of the
Stirling cycle is equal to the Carnot cycle.
Stirling cycle devices are divided into three groups: alpha, beta and gamma as their geometrical configurations
and design differ. Additional configuration represents the so-called thermoacoustic device with traveling wave [5,
11, 12, 15].
The best performers are alpha configured devices. It is the result of the least number of the irreversible processes
and the smallest clearance volume of all configurations. The disadvantage of this configuration is the necessity of
sealing both pistons and adaptation of the transfer drive with a phase shift. Illustration (Fig.1) depicts a diagram
configuration of the device type alpha.


upper heat lower heat

source source

cylinder regenerator cylinder

Fig.1. Diagram of Stirling device in the alpha-configuration

In the real Stirling device the gaseous working medium is enclosed in space consisting of the cylinders, heat
exchangers and the regenerator. During operation, the gas moves in the working space and is subject to
transformation of thermodynamic. The working medium, however, never fully vacates the elements of the device.
During the cycle the working medium remains in the working space. The dead space effect of the working spaces
on the device must be minimized. The simplest theoretical analyses of the cycle processes can be performed using
Schmidt's analysis [2, 7, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21].

2. 1. Simplified numerical adiabatic model (Fig.2)

The simplified Stirling device simulation method presented in this paper employs adiabatic analysis of the
cylinder spaces. This approach gives more realistic results than a simple isothermal Schmidt analysis. Therefore, it
can be used in the optimization procedure. This procedure requires multiple model calculations for decisive values
of variables in one iterative step. The adiabatic model is describes by equations (6 – 14). The adiabatic model needs
the initial conditions from which calculation starts. Thus, the first step is calculated using a simple isothermal
analysis described by equations (1 – 5).
It is assumed that thermodynamic process takes place in particular subsections of the device treated as separate
control volumes. One cycle of the device (one rotation of the shaft) is divided into elementary angles, where the
state of the gas is considered as established. As a result, states of the gas in individual components of the working
space are determined in any given, discrete instants of the Stirling cycle (assuming = 2Pi/frequency). In the
modelling, the irreversibility of the processes occurring in the exchangers is assumed. Gas flow resistance, the
regenerator and housing heat loss data must be considered.
352 Wrona Jan and Prymon Marek / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356

Fig.2. Diagram of the space discretization in the thermodynamic model


Mass balance
‫ ܯ‬ൌ ݉஼ ൅ ݉ு஼ ൅ ݉ோ ൅ ݉ுா ൅ ݉ா (1)

Equation of state for each gas volume

‫ ܯ‬ൌ ‫ܸ݌‬Ȁܴܶ (2)

Pressure in the working space as function of the momentary shaft position

௏಴ ሺఃሻ ௏ಹ೉಴ ௏ೃ ௏ಹ೉ಶ ௏ಶ ሺఃሻ ିଵ
P ሺߔሻ ൌ ൬‫ ܴܯ‬ቀ ൅ ൅ ൅ ൅ ቁ ൰ (3)
்಴ ்ಹ೉಴ ்ೃ ்ಹ೉ಶ ்ಶ

Average gas temperature of the regenerator calculated from the formula

ሺ்ಹ಴ ି்ಹಶ ሻ
ܶோ ൌ ೅ (4)
௟௡൬ ಹ಴ ൰

Work cycle calculations obtained by integration of the formulas

ܹ஼ ൌ ‫ܸ݀݌ ׯ‬஼ ሺ‫׎‬ሻ, ܹா ൌ ‫ܸ݀݌ ׯ‬ா ሺ‫׎‬ሻ, ܹ ൌ ܹ஼ ൅ ܹா (5)

First law of thermodynamic for any volume space can be presented by the following equations

݀ܳ ൅ ܿ௣ ܶ݀݉ ൌ ܹ݀ ൅ ܿ௩ ݀ሺ݉ܶሻ (6)

For the adiabatic cylinder

ܿ௣ ܶ݀݉ ൌ ܹ݀ ൅ ܿ௩ ݀ሺ݉ܶሻ (7)
Wrona Jan and Prymon Marek / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356 353

The law of conservation mass

݀݉௖ ൅ ݀݉ு஼ ൅ ݀݉ோ ൅ ݀݉ுா ൅ ݀݉ா ൌ Ͳ (8)

Equation of state
ܸ݀‫ ݌‬൅ ‫ ܸ݀݌‬ൌ ܴሺܶ݀݉ ൅ ݉݀ܶሻ (9)

For given moment of time T gas = const

ௗ௣ ௗ௏ ௗ௠ ௗ௣ ௗ௏ ଵ
൅ ൌ ՜ ݀݉ ൌ ݉ ቀ ൅ ቁ ՜ ݀݉ ൌ ሺ݀‫ ܸ݌‬൅ ܸ݀‫݌‬ሻ (10)
௣ ௏ ௠ ௣ ௏ ோ்

For individual sections of the device

ଵ ௗ௣௏ಶ ଵ ଵ ଵ
݀݉ா ൌ ሺ‫ܸ݀݌‬ா ൅ ); ݀݉ு஼ ൌ ݀‫ܸ݌‬ு஼ ; ݀݉ோ ൌ ݀‫ܸ݌‬ோ ; ݀݉ுா ൌ ݀‫ܸ݌‬ுா (11)
ோ்ಶ ఊ ோ்ಹ಴ ோ்ೃ ோ்ಹಶ

Where: ߛ ൌ

Substituting (11) and (8) after transformation obtain the differential equation for the pressure as a function of shaft

ௗ௏಴ ௗ௏ಶ ௏಴ ௏ಶ ௏ೃ ௏ಹ಴ ௏ಹಶ

݀‫ ݌‬ൌ െߛ‫ ݌‬ቀ ൅ ቁ( ൅ ൅ ߛሺ ൅ ൅ ሻሻିଵ (12)
்಴ ்ಶ ்಴ ்ಶ ்ೃ ்ಹ಴ ்ಹಶ

From equation (9) we obtain for cylinders

ௗ௣ ௗ௏಴ ௗ௠಴ ௗ௣ ௗ௏ಶ ௗ௠ಶ

݀ܶ஼ ൌ  ܶ஼ ቀ ൅ െ ቁ ǡ݀ܶா ൌ  ܶா ሺ ൅ െ ሻ (13)
௣ ௏಴ ௠಴ ௣ ௏ಶ ௠ಶ

Heat flux for individual exchangers: hot, cold and the regenerator

ௗ௣௏ಹ಴ ௖ೡ
݀ܳு஼ ൌ െ ܿ௣ ሺܶ஼ିு஼ ݀݉஼ିு஼ െ  ܶு஼ିோ ݀݉ு஼ିோ ሻ (14)

ௗ௣௏ಹಶ ௖ೡ
݀ܳுா ൌ െ ܿ௣ ሺܶாିுா ݀݉ாିுா െ ܶுாିோ ݀݉ுாିோ ሻ

ௗ௣௏ೃ ௖ೡ
݀ܳோ ൌ െ ܿ௣ ሺܶு஼ିோ ݀݉ு஼ିோ െ ܶோିுா ݀݉ோିுா ሻ

The solution obtained from the system of equations together with proper time steps of discretization allow for
the determination of the parameters of the device in any given conditions and the size of its elements (exchangers,
regenerator, cylinders' diameter, piston stroke, phase shift) [6, 19].

2.2. CFD model

The above formulated mathematical model does not allow for the analysis of the cylinder shape factor or the
driving gear factor (instantaneous piston speed), both factors influencing the device's performance. The model is
simple and computationally cheap but it gives non-realistic representation of the heat exchangers as the impact of
oscillating character of the gas motion on heat transfer is not included accurately.
354 Wrona Jan and Prymon Marek / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356

The results obtained and based on an adiabatic model are compared with the results obtained in the 3D CFD
model which allows to model the gas flow in real geometry of working space. The model uses a moving mesh
which allows for piston movement simulation in the cylinders.

CFD Model assumptions:

x Laminar flow - based on simplified model calculations specifying instantaneous Reynolds-number value,
x Using the symmetry of the device- modelling ½ of the working space,
x Applied half-structure hybrid mesh,
x Regenerator- porous deposit model programmed,
x Cylinder spaces modelled adopting “moving mesh”- piston movement simulation,
x Piston movement simulation in Ross-Yoke mechanism model, using numeric derivatives,
x Number elements of MESH – 650000.

3. Both models results comparison

Table 1 (Tab.1.) shows the thermal power comparison of the adiabatic and the CFD models.

Table 1. Comparison of thermal power equipment obtained from the CFD and the adiabatic model
Model CFD Adiabatic model
(W) (W)
Cooling power - upper source [W] - 368,7 -313,0
Cooling power - lower source (W) 220,2 215,9
Mechanical work – net (W) 218,5 214,8

The graph (Fig.3.) below portrays an instantaneous heat flux and the instantaneous temperature values in individual
sections of the device during the full work cycle [6, 19].
hot cylinder (adiabatic model), 2- hot cylinder CFD, 3- hot exchanger CFD, 4- cold cylinder (adiabatic model), 5-
cold cylinder CFD, 6- cold exchanger CFD, 7-gas boundary: hot exchanger/hot cylinder, 8- boundary gas: hot
exchanger/regenerator, 9- boundary gas: cold exchanger/cold cylinder, 10- boundary gas: cold

a) b)

Fig. 3. (a) Comparison of the instantaneous heat flux during the work cycle operation
(b) Comparison of the instantaneous temperature of each section of the working chamber during the cycle operation
Wrona Jan and Prymon Marek / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356 355

Compatibility of the adiabatic model with the full 3D CFD model is attained in global heat flux, gas velocity in
individual sections and both global and local pressures. The above comparison reveals phase shift in functional
instantaneous heat flux and some temperature value differences (identification of the inaccuracies is the subject of
the paper) [6, 19].

4. Model of the device

Based on the results obtained from both models, the prototype of a Stirling cycle cooling device has been
designed (Fig.4). During the designing process particular emphasis was put on the future possibility of modification
of the device by exchanging the subassemblies. It may be possible to modify the diameter of some subsections, the
length of the heat exchanger or the whole regenerator which itself contains an interchangeable head. Particularly
noteworthy is the kinematic pair piston-cylinder solution enabling dry friction work. A gas cycle in Stirling engines
is a closed one where no gas exchange occurs, therefore, the device must be kept hermetic.

Fig. 4. View of the Stirling cooler elements with the Ross-Yoke Fig. 5. The cross section of the oxide layer (magnification 300x) [18]
kinetic mechanism

The devices where the piston-cylinder kinematic pair demand an oil lubrication, contact between the gas and the
lubricant causes the translocation of the latter into the working space. It is the reason for which cylinder oil
lubrication is troublesome or outright impossible in the hermetic Stirling devices. The most critical problem is the
prospect of the lubricating oil entering the regenerator's ducts. To maintain high energy output of the regenerator,
the ducts must be of very small hydraulic radius and the oil-free pistons shall work in dry friction working
This kind of design forces the adaptation of entirely different materials used for cylinder bearing surface or
piston ring compared to traditionally built compressors [1, 9, 17, 18, 19]. It is suggested that the cylinder sleeves
must be built with aluminium based alloy and the piston rings with polytetrafluoroethylene composite. The tests
have shown that[1, 17, 18] tribological properties of such association promise preferable sliding cooperation as
compared to tarflen-graphite made rings where the cylinder bearing surface is made out of chrome plated steel alloy.
The oxide layer of the cylinder bearing surface has a tubular fibrous structure. The miniscule tubes are set
perpendicular to the cylinder wall (Fig.5), their pores filled with solid state like lubricant additionally decrease the
friction diminishing the abrasive wear of the oxide layer and the piston rings.

5. Conclusions

The paper presents numerical models developed by the authors that can be used to design devices performing the
Stirling cycle. The first one is a simplified numerical model with time discretization based on the ideal adiabatic
analysis. The results from this model have been compared with the results from the other model – that is the 3D
CFD model, in which the authors mapped the entire working space including the heat exchangers and the
regenerator. In CFD model the net deformation used allows for piston movement simulation in the cylinders.
The authors have achieved the compliance of adiabatic model with the full 3D CFD model based on the full
356 Wrona Jan and Prymon Marek / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 349 – 356

system of Navier-Stokes equations, regarding global heat flux and some temperature values differences, global and
local pressure. In the results a phase drift can be observed in momentary functions of heat flux and some differences
in temperature values can be noticed (the identification of the inaccuracies is the subject of the current work).
The results obtained from both models have confirmed that the polished simplified numerical model with
discretization of time, due to its very short calculation time, can find future applications in the design and
optimization of such devices. On the basis of the numerical models results an experimental Stirling cooler has been
designed. The research on the Stirling cooler are going to be used to verify the results obtained from numerical
models and innovative design solutions applied.


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