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Unit 7 Progress Test A

1 Read the text and choose the correct words.

Stolen paintings found − four men arrested

1 2
Five stolen paintings _____ by police here in Newcastle. They _____ in an old mechanic’s
shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and
Zurbarán, and they _____ from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.
‘The criminals were very good,’ Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. ‘They _____ before
the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating
New Year, the robbers climbed into a window, which _____ open for them by someone at the
museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals _____ .’
7 8
The paintings _____ to the museum yet. They _____ in a police station for a few days while
9 10
they _____ for fingerprints. Then they _____ to London.

1 A are found B were finding C have been found

2 A were being kept B were keeping C had kept

3 A had them taken B have been taken C were taken
4 A had museum uniforms made B make museum uniforms C making museum uniforms
5 A has left B is left C had been left

6 A were never caught B had never caught C never had caught

7 A aren’t returned B didn’t return C haven’t been returned
8 A are having held B are being held C are holding
9 A are being checked B were checked C have been checked
10 A will be returned B are returned C have them returned

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 7 Progress Test A

2 Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns, or the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 Here’s my painting for the art competition. When _______________________ (the winners / announce)?

2 Mum can’t drive me to school this week. We _______________________ (the car / repair) at the moment.
3 That dance performance was amazing! Did the dancers do all the choreography _______________________ ?
4 I don’t know if I can come to Graham’s party because I _______________________ (not / invite) by him yet.
5 The windows in this room are very dirty. It’s obvious that you _______________________ (not / them / clean)
very often.

6 Do you like this sculpture? I carved it _______________________ .

7 You can use the school hall to practise for your play. It _______________________ (not / use) at the moment.
8 No, I’m not going to make you a cup of coffee. Stop being lazy and make it _______________________ !
9 We didn’t build real Viking ships to make the film New Land. The director _______________________ (models / build)

10 Tenerife is a great place to go on holiday. I’m sure we’ll really enjoy _______________________ there.

Mark: ___ / 10

3 Match the quotes with the words below.

cartoon magic show musical painter parking meter piano recital tree trunk

1 The dog always runs after the cat, but she never catches him. It’s very funny. ________________
2 The musician played four pieces of classical music, and we sat quietly and listened. ________________
3 We can leave our car here for two hours if we buy a ticket from that machine. ________________
4 The songs were great, and the story was really good, too. ________________

5 You can’t climb up that. You’ll fall before you reach the first branches. ________________
6 The man put a bird into a box, but when he opened the box again it wasn’t there.
How did it disappear? ________________
7 I’ve been working on a new picture. What do you think of it? ________________

Mark: ___ / 7

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I can’t remember all of the song, but it’s got a good chorus / lyrics.

2 The composer Vaughan Williams got a lot of his ideas from centuries-old English rap / folk music.
3 Did you have your hair cut / cleaned in town yesterday?
4 All of the lines in the poem / novel are exactly six words long, and the harmony is beautiful.
5 I want to have my hair painted / dyed green, but my mum and dad hate the idea.
6 There are no words in a mime / opera, but you understand everything because the actors are amazing.

Mark: ___ / 6

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 7 Progress Test A

5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

apathetic branch era open-air patterned quick fix straight

1 Sylvia’s dress wasn’t ________________ or striped. It was just one colour.

2 The performance was in an ________________ theatre, so they cancelled it because of the rain.
3 Do you understand what the teacher said? I’m not sure I’ve got everything ________________ at all.
4 I haven’t really repaired your car because I’m not a mechanic. This is just a ________________ so you can drive to the
next town.

5 One day, scientists will cure all the world’s diseases, but it won’t happen in our ________________ .
6 When lightening hit the tree, it burned this ________________ completely.
7 Dad suggested going out for a walk, but everyone was really ________________ about it so we stayed at home.

Mark: ___ / 7

Use of English
6 Read the text and complete gaps 1–10. Circle the correct answer A, B or C.
James There’s a guided tour of Banksy’s street art in Bristol tomorrow. Do you want to come? I’m a big fan ___ his
Sophie Banksy doesn’t really ___ anything for me. There’s a new photography exhibition at the museum though.
James I absolutely ___ photography. Do you know what it is?
Sophie ___ afraid I can’t remember. But I think it’s wildlife photography.
5 6
James If I’m ___, I’m not really ___ nature photography. I prefer photographs of people and cities. Why don’t we
just go to the cinema instead? We could see the latest Star Wars movie.
Sophie Is there anything else on? I’ve never been that keen ___ Star Wars.
James I know what you mean. Science fiction is not really my ___ either.
Sophie I ___ say, there doesn’t seem to be much on that we both want to do. Have you got any other ideas?
James Well, I know you ___ swimming very much, so why don’t we go to the pool?
Sophie Great idea! Let’s spend the day there …

1 A for B of C in

2 A make B have C do
3 A like B love C mind
4 A I‘m B I‘m not CI
5 A blunt B honest C frank
6 A onto B in C into

7 A in B for C on
8 A thing B anything C something
9 A can B might C must
10 A keen B enjoy C stand

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 3 Unit 7 Progress Test A

7  7 Listen and match sentences A−F with speakers 1−5. There is one extra sentence.

A The speaker wants to give a group of people some information. 

B The speaker remembers events in the past. 
C The speaker advertises a big local event. 
D The speaker mentions their favourite type of art. 
E The speaker talks about why they like the work of a writer. 
F The speaker mentions an artist who produces many different kinds of works. 
Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 4 Unit 7 Progress Test A

8 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

This month in Art Around the World, Fiona Hitchens visits China
My first introduction to Chinese art was an early morning walk in Beihai Park in Beijing. There,
I saw elderly people writing on the pavement with paintbrushes which were a metre long! I
soon learned that they were doing water calligraphy − writing in water. The words have
meanings, but they are also art. The calligraphy quickly disappears, of course. But tomorrow,
the old people will be back.
Temporary art like this is very popular in China. Every winter, Harbin, in northern China, is
visited by sculptors and tourists from around the world. They come for the Harbin Ice Festival,
when the city has huge sculptures made out of ice. The sculptures are bigger than houses,
and they take weeks to make. Harbin’s freezing winter temperatures make it very difficult for
the artists to work outside. But the weather also means that the sculptures will be protected
until the spring.
A few days later in Tibet, western China, I watched artists make sand paintings. The pictures
are full of symbols, and they have important religious meanings for Tibetan people. They look
amazing, but the paintings are soon destroyed by the artists who make them. It is important
for Tibetan culture to make these paintings, then have them destroyed.
Of course, not all Chinese art is temporary − some of it has been around for a very long time!
Near the city of Xi’an, I visited the amazing terracotta warriors, or soldiers. In 200 BCE, 8,000
statues of soldiers were made by sculptors out of a material called terracotta. They are as big
as real people and they all have different faces. An important king had the statues produced to
protect his body after he died. They stayed under the ground with the dead king for over 2,000
years, until they were discovered by a farmer in 1974.
At the China Art Museum, in Shanghai, I saw wonderful 16th-century Chinese paintings of tall
mountains, trees and cliffs. The paintings were beautiful, but they didn’t look very realistic to
me at the time. ‘Mountains aren’t like that,’ I thought. But that was before the last stop on my
trip: the mountains of Zhangjiajie National Park.
These mountains were used by film director James Cameron in his sci-fi film Avatar because
they look like something from another planet. On my last weekend in China, I took a cable car
up into the mountains there. Trees grew on the sides of hundred-metre cliffs, and strange
towers of rock appeared out of the morning fog. It looked just like the pictures in the China Art
Museum. For a moment, I felt like I was inside a Chinese painting!

brush − you use this to paint

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 5 Unit 7 Progress Test A

1 What is true about the people in Beihai Park?
A They introduced themselves to the writer.

B Some of them were writing graffiti.

C Their art didn’t last very long.
D They use paint and big brushes.
2 What does the author say about the ice festival in Harbin?
A It’s only popular with local people.

B It’s easy to make sculptures out of ice.

C The sculptures don’t last long.
D The winter weather both helps and causes problems.
3 The author says that Tibetan sand paintings
A last a long time.

B are difficult to understand.

C are destroyed by vandals.
D have special meanings for local people.
4 What is true about the terracotta soldiers of Xi’an?
A They all look the same.

B Nobody saw them for a long time.

C Many people died making them.
D They are bigger than real people.
5 Which statement describes the author’s feelings about Chinese art?
A She was surprised that it was so old.

B She was impressed by different types of Chinese art.

C She didn’t think it was very realistic.
D She particularly liked old Chinese paintings.

Mark: ___ / 5

9 You’ve been asked to write a review of a book you didn’t like for your school website. Follow the
instructions below and write your review.
• Give the title and make sure you attract the reader’s attention.
• Describe the main events in the story and talk about the characters.
• Mention two reasons why you didn’t enjoy the book.
• Explain why you wouldn’t recommend this book.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 6 Unit 7 Progress Test A

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