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Baril, Maria Katelina Marsha D.

BS- Legal Management 3-1

Research 1


Effects of The Oplan Tokhang involves the The significance of the study Peace and order and illegal
Implementation of Anti-drug police visiting the houses of is that it will serve a future drugs are two non-economic
Campaign “Oplan Tokhang” individuals suspected to be reference in conducting problems that affect the
of the Philippine National involved in the illegal drug other researches. economy, particularly the
Police on The Peace and trade or as users, to The perceived results of this whole life of the Filipino
Order persuade them to stop their study would also provide people today. 95 out of the
activities and submit opportunity to the University 105 Barangays in Batangas
themselves to authority for of Batangas to take part in are affected with drugs, with
potential rehabilitation providing elucidation on the at least 500 drug pushers
(Peralta,2018). effects of the implementation and 600 drug users, which
of anti-drug campaign underscores the importance
“Oplan Tokhang” of the of ridding the city of the drug
Philippine National Police. menace. In Batangas City
there are more than 500
people affected by drugs.
Yet the numbers are still
decreasing because of the
effect of this campaign.
Now, with “Oplan Tokhang”,
Baril, Maria Katelina Marsha D.
BS- Legal Management 3-1
Research 1

a correlation between this

campaign and peace &
order must be evaluated to
gain enough knowledge
about this matter, where
everyone will be prepared
and can work independently
free of in fear.
Cyberlibel in the Philippines; According to Art. 355 of the The significance of the study With the proliferation of
A Study on the Current State Revised Penal Code, Libel is is to provide a better online platforms, the
of Online Defamation the unlawful or prohibited understanding and Department of Justice (DOJ)
acts of libel as defined in as awareness on to the has to deal with the
amended, committed limitations and safeguards increasing number of cyber-
through a computer system that the present generation libel cases being filed with
or any other similar means has, in dealing with cyber the agency, often with
which may be devised in the space. people familiar with each
future and punishes the other as opposing parties.
same set of acts defined
under the Revised Penal Records obtained by the
Code, but outlines its Businessmiror from the
commission, through a DOJ-Office of Cybercrime
Baril, Maria Katelina Marsha D.
BS- Legal Management 3-1
Research 1

computer system or any showed that there are a total

other similar means which of 127 cyber-libel cases filed
may be devised in the before the agency last year.
future. With this data, we see a
rapid increase of cyber-libel
case. it is the social
responsibility of every
individual to respect the right
of the people. We need to
strike the balance between
the freedom of expression
and the right of individuals.
So if someone think the
context would be harmful
and not true, they should not
be writing such thing even if
we may not be liable civilly
or criminally.
Bayanihan To Heal as One The Bayanihan to Heal as The importance of the study Now that the Bayanihan Act
Act (11469) One Act, also known as the is to show how different is enacted as a state
Bayanihan Act, and officially provisions of the Bayanihan legislation, the study will
Baril, Maria Katelina Marsha D.
BS- Legal Management 3-1
Research 1

designated as Republic Act Act may go against existing pose a closer look on the
No. 11469, is a law in the laws, even the Constitution. salient questionable
Philippines that was enacted This is to encourage further provisions of the law and
in March 2020 granting the discussions and how discussions ahve opned
President additional engagement for the up about the violations of the
authority to combat the betterment of the said law under the Bill of Rights
COVID-19 pandemic in the subject law. and deprivation of due
Philippines (Palag, 2020). process.

I considered several factors in choosing these topics that I captivated my interest. Aside from the fact that these are
all current issues and discussions that I am witnessing from different discourses;online and in actual setting, These topic
has an enough database and related studies, articles and journals.One topic that I have conceptualized and researched
about is the implication of Oplan Tokhang to peace and order which is a topic suggestion of one of our Seniors from our


Malonzo, P. (2019, July 15). "What you need to know about Oplan Tokhang". SunStar.

Estrada, A. C. (2008). Criminal law: Revised Penal Code. Rex Book Store.
Baril, Maria Katelina Marsha D.
BS- Legal Management 3-1
Research 1

Juan, J. R. S. (2018, March 18). Cyber-libel cases rising, as friends turn into foes via online platforms: Joel R. San Juan.

Bayanihan to Heal as One Act - Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2. - Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2.

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