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Da bei Zhou 大悲咒

觀世音菩薩發願偈·大悲咒 - 齊豫
南無大悲觀世音 願我速知一切法
南無大悲觀世音 願我早得智慧眼
南無大悲觀世音 願我速度一切眾
南無大悲觀世音 願我早得善方便
南無大悲觀世音 願我速乘般若船
南無大悲觀世音 願我早得越苦海
南無大悲觀世音 願我速得戒定道
南無大悲觀世音 願我早登涅盤山
南無大悲觀世音 願我速會無?舍
南無大悲觀世音 願我早同法性身
我若向刀山 刀山自摧折
我若向火湯 火湯自枯竭
我若向地獄 地獄自消滅
我若向餓鬼 餓鬼自飽滿
我若向修羅 噁心自調伏
我若向畜生 自得大智慧

南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶 南無阿唎耶 婆盧羯帝爍?囉耶 菩提薩埵婆耶 摩訶薩埵婆耶 摩訶迦盧尼迦耶

唵 薩皤囉罰曳 數怛那怛寫 南無悉吉埵伊蒙阿唎耶 婆盧吉帝室佛囉楞馱婆 南無那囉謹墀 醯唎摩訶
皤哆沙咩 薩婆阿他豆輸朋 阿逝孕 薩婆薩哆那摩婆薩多 那摩婆伽 摩罰特豆 怛侄他 唵 阿婆盧醯 盧
迦帝 迦羅帝 夷醯唎 摩訶菩提薩埵 薩婆薩婆 摩囉摩囉 摩醯摩醯唎馱孕 俱盧俱盧羯蒙 度盧度盧罰
闍耶帝 摩訶罰闍耶帝 陀囉陀囉 地唎尼 室佛囉耶 遮囉遮囉 麼麼罰摩囉 穆帝隸 伊醯伊醯 室那室那
阿囉佛囉舍利 罰娑罰 佛囉舍耶 呼盧呼盧摩囉 呼盧呼盧醯利 娑囉娑囉 悉唎悉唎 蘇嚧蘇嚧 菩提夜
菩提夜 菩馱夜菩馱夜 彌帝利夜 那囉謹墀 地利瑟尼那 婆夜摩那 娑婆訶 悉陀夜 娑婆訶 摩訶悉陀夜
娑婆訶 悉陀喻藝 室皤囉耶 娑婆訶 那囉謹墀 娑婆訶 摩囉那囉 娑婆訶 悉囉僧阿穆佉耶 娑婆訶 娑
婆摩訶阿悉陀夜 娑婆訶 者吉囉阿悉陀夜 娑婆訶 波陀摩羯悉陀夜 娑婆訶 那囉謹墀皤伽囉耶 娑婆訶
摩婆利勝羯囉夜 娑婆訶 南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶 南無阿利耶 婆嚧吉帝 爍皤囉耶 娑婆訶 唵 悉殿都
漫多囉 跋陀耶 娑婆訶
Translation in English (See caution about translations
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I quickly know all Dharmas;
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I soon obtain the Wisdom Eye;
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I quickly ferry all living beings (to the
shore of liberation);
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I soon obtain virtuous skillful means (to
enlighten various living beings);
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I quickly board the Prajna (wisdom) Boat;
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I soon transcend the ocean of suffering;
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I quickly achieve precepts, Samadhi and
the Way;
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I soon ascend the mountain of Nirvana;
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I quickly dwell in the house of non-action;
Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I soon unite with the Dharma-Nature Body.
If I go towards the mountain of knives, the mountain of knives of itself breaks up;
If I go towards the boiling oil, the boiling oil of itself dries up;
If I go towards the hells, the hells of themselves disappear;
If I go towards the hungry ghosts, the hungry ghosts of themselves become full.
If I go towards the demons, their evil thoughts of themselves are tamed.
If I go towards the animals, they themselves attain great wisdom.
Adoration to the Almighty One.
Adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara, bodhisattva, the Great Compassionate One.
I continually adore the One who Dispels all Fears,
O noble Avalokitesvara, to You adoration, O Nilakantha.
I shall clearly sing the ‘heart’ dharani for the sake of all beings, for it is pure and serves all
purposes for all beings, as it purifies the path of soul existence.
Therefore, Lord of Radiance, World-Transcending One.
Come, come, great bodhisattva, descend, descend. Bear in mind my heart-dharani.
Do, do the work in our souls.
Hold fast, oh Victor, oh Great Victorious One.
Hold on, hold on, oh Lord of the Dharani.
Move, move oh my immaculate image, come, come.
Destroy every poison.
Quick, bear in mind, quick, quick, descend, descend.
Enlightened being, O enlightened being, enlighten me, enlighten me. Oh merciful
My Lord, appear unto me. To You who sees our all, Namo. To the Great Lord, Namo. To
the Great Lord in Yoga, Namo. To my Lord, Namo. To the Varaha*, Namo.
Adoration to the Triple Gem. Adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, Namo.

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