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Penguin Readers Placement Test 6A

Introduction The tests have been devised to help begin a Reader at the level – for example, if a number
teachers to decide whether their students are ready to came close to passing with a score of 16 or 17/30. As an
enjoy the next level of Penguin Readers. There are six insurance policy if you decide to proceed, it would be
levels of test, corresponding to Levels 1–6 of the Readers, worthwhile seeing which items had caused difficulty, and
and two versions of test at each level, the B test provided revising them before beginning the Reader selected.
as follow-up for retesting in the event of the majority of a
class not obtaining the requisite score of 18/30 at the first
attempt. The tests have been thoroughly pretested with 1. We had the first snow of the winter .........................
students at the appropriate levels. They each contain 30 days ......................... .
structural and lexical items in multiple-choice format
selected from the structures and lexis introduced at the A) few … since
given level. The tests can be administered and corrected B) a few … since
very quickly to aid a prompt decision, following the
instructions given below. Within 30 minutes, including the C) few … ago
time that it takes for the students to do a test, teachers D) a few … ago
should have sufficient information to reach a decision.
Content of the tests Each test consists of 30 multiple-
choice items. There are three choices (A, B, C) at levels 1–
3, and four choices (A, B, C, D) at levels 4–6. Items testing
the same structure and/or lexis are not repeated within a He ......................... getting into trouble by refusing to
test but in almost every case, the Test B at a given level is be involved.
based on the same items as Test A to ensure an equal level
of difficulty. Items never appear, however, in the same A) resists
order. This minimises the possibility of students guessing
B) avoids
the correct answers from memory. The pass mark of 18/30
(or 60%) is valid for all levels. It is important to note that C) prevents
for the class as a whole to benefit from studying a Reader D) overcomes
at a given level, it is not necessary for everyone to obtain
this mark or even for the students’ average to be above
18, but only for the majority of students to score 18 or
more. It must be remembered that, as is appropriate in
tests devised to determine whether students are capable of I’m sorry. I ......................... you about the change in
following a text, these tests measure recognition of correct 3.
the dates but I forgot.
language, not the ability to produce it. Procedures for
conducting the tests Always use the A test in the first A) should have told
instance. The B test, as explained above, testing
knowledge of the same structures and lexis, is for use for B) must have told
retesting at a later date, in the event of the class proving C) ought to tell
to be not yet quite ready to attempt a Reader. Allow 20 D) would tell
minutes for students to complete the test. Ask them not to
leave questions unanswered or to spend too long on any
one question, which may prevent them from completing
the test in the time available. While it may be of interest to
you to calculate students’ marks individually or later on to
4. I knew she was married because she was
analyse the papers to see which structures or lexis have
......................... a wedding ring.
caused problems so you can bear these in mind for
remedial work before beginning a Reader, this is an
A) carrying
additional benefit to be derived from the tests, but does
not affect their main purpose. By calculating each B) bearing
student’s score out of 30, it should be possible within a few C) dressing
minutes to see whether more than half of the class have D) wearing
obtained the target score of 18 or more. In many cases, it
will be possible with a mask to see at a glance whether a
student has passed or failed. Unless this initial calculation
gives a marginal result, no further action is necessary at
this point. If the majority have passed, the class will be
able to follow the Reader satisfactorily. If the majority have 5. Your wife rang ......................... you that you’re
clearly failed, allow at least 20 hours of class tuition to pass meeting her after work.
before retesting with Test B to prevent the result being
falsified by students remembering answers if they were A) for reminding
explained after the first attempt. Only if the result remains B) to remind
doubtful – for example, if exactly half the class have C) for remembering
obtained a score of 18 or more – will it be necessary to
examine the marks in more detail. It is then a matter of D) to remember
common sense to decide whether the class are ready to

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Penguin Readers Placement Test 6A

11. She seems very keen on discipline but I wonder

......................... in class.

6. So far no one has ......................... for the job of chief A) what she is like
of police.
B) what is she like
A) appointed C) how she is
B) applied D) how is she
C) presented
D) appeared

12. That’s the third time this week that the machine has
been out of ......................... .

7. He wasn’t elected, ......................... the efforts of his A) work

B) order
A) despite C) practice
B) although D) force
C) nevertheless
D) however

13. She’s still very beautiful. I wish I ......................... her

when she was young.

8. ......................... when there is ice on the roads A) would have known

......................... very dangerous.
B) have known
A) Riding … is C) knew
B) The riding … is D) had known
C) Riding … it is
D) The riding … it is

14. By the time they change the law, the damage

......................... been done.

9. The method sounds old-fashioned but it works A) shall have

......................... well as ......................... .
B) will have
A) as … never C) had
B) as … ever D) must have
C) so ... never
D) so ... ever

15. I don’t want to stop in the forest but .........................

be a village quite near.

10. When you’ve been playing as long as I have, one A) there may
game is very like ......................... .
B) it may
A) other C) there can
B) each other D) there can
C) another
D) one other

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Penguin Readers Placement Test 6A

16. It’s a dangerous occupation. I don’t do it for the 21. If he’d worked as hard as we have, he
......................... of my health. ......................... tired.

A) cause A) has felt

B) desire B) had felt
C) reason C) feels
D) sake D) would feel

17. She ......................... the cloth and put it away in the 22. I can’t find my glasses. I ......................... them at the
drawer. office.

A) folded A) had to leave

B) bent B) could leave
C) twisted C) must have left
D) curved D) can have left

18. I ......................... expecting a storm like this 23. You’ve had a lot to drink so you .........................
......................... several days now. better let me drive.

A) am … for A) should
B) am … during B) would
C) have been … for C) had
D) have been … during D) ought

19. We’ve appealed for witnesses but ......................... 24. They aren’t going to raise taxes – at
has come forward. ......................... , that is what they promised.

A) none A) least
B) no-one B) last
C) anyone C) first
D) any one D) once

20. He ......................... to me for the mistake. 25. Come on! I don’t want ......................... the start of
the match.
A) excused
B) forgave A) that we miss
C) pardoned B) to miss
D) apologised C) that we lose
D) to lose

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Penguin Readers Placement Test 6A

26. My neighbours are a bit ......................... . They

believe in ghosts and magic

A) weird 29. They made a serious mistake and their opponents

took ......................... of it.
B) wicked
C) rare A) profit
D) decayed B) benefit
C) advantage
D) gain

27. If you don’t do what the boss tells you, you’ll be

......................... from the firm.

A) rejected 30. She ............................... at me and then went on

B) resigned
C) retired A) glanced
D) sacked B) viewed
C) regarded
D) responded

28. Those boys climbed up the ......................... tower last


A) church’s
B) churchs’
C) church
D) churches’

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Penguin Readers Placement Test 6A

Answer Key:

1: D 16: D
2: B 17: A
3: A 18: C
4: D 19: B
5: B 20: D
6: B 21: D
7: A 22: C
8: A 23: C
9: B 24: A
10: C 25: B
11: A 26: A
12: B 27: D
13: D 28: C
14: B 29: C
15: A 30: A

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