Leptospirosis WHO

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World Health Organization


World Health Organization


WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

World Health Organization.

Human leptospirosis : guidance for diagnosis, surveillance and control.

1.Leptospirosis - diagnosis 2.Leptospirosis - prevention and control 3.Leptospira - isolation and

purification 4.Serologic tests 5.Guidelines I.Title.

ISBN 92 4 154589 5 (NLM classification: WC 420)

© World Health Organization 2003

All rights reserved.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal
status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers
or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full

The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are
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distinguished by initial capital letters.

The World Health Organization does not warrant that the information contained in this publication is
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Printed in Malta

The World Health Organization (WHO) wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the technical support provided by the
WHO/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Collaborating Centre for Reference and
Research on Leptospirosis, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen/Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Biomedical Research,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

WHO would like to thank Dr T.J. Coleman, Director, Public Health Laboratory Service, Leptospira Reference Unit,
Hereford, UK, for his significant contribution to the content and editing of this document, and Mrs I.M. Struiksma,
KIT, for her extensive secretarial support.

WHO would also like to thank the Government of Italy for its financial contribution to this project.

PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... III

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... V

I. MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 1

II. CLINICAL FEATURES AND TREATMENT ....................................................................................................... 5

III. LABORATORY SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................ 9

IV. ANIMAL SOURCES OF INFECTION.............................................................................................................. 17

V. TYPING ................................................................................................................................................... 19

VI. TRANSMISSION AND EXPOSURE ............................................................................................................... 21

VII. PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION.............................................................................................................. 23

VIII. DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES, SURVEILLANCE AND OUTBREAK MANAGEMENT ................................................... 25


ANNEX 2 RISK FACTORS AND RISK GROUPS ................................................................................................ 33

ANNEX 3 CONTROL OF LEPTOSPIROSIS ....................................................................................................... 37

ANNEX 4 SURVEILLANCE............................................................................................................................. 43


ANNEX 6 MICROSCOPY AND STAINING ......................................................................................................... 51

ANNEX 7 PATHOGENIC VERSUS SAPROPHYTIC LEPTOSPIRES ....................................................................... 53

ANNEX 8 SEROTYPING AND PREPARATION OF RABBIT ANTISERUM ............................................................... 55

ANNEX 9 DNA-BASED CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 59

ANNEX 10 SEROLOGICAL TECHNIQUES (MAT AND ELISA)............................................................................ 63

ANNEX 11 SEROLOGICAL TECHNIQUES OTHER THAN MAT AND ELISA .......................................................... 77

ANNEX 12 ISOLATION AND CULTURE OF LEPTOSPIRES ................................................................................... 81

ANNEX 13 ISOLATION OF LEPTOSPIRES USING EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS ......................................................... 83


ANNEX 14 POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR)......................................................................................... 85


LEPTOSPIRA STRAINS................................................................................................................... 91

ANNEX 16 PREPARATION OF CULTURE MEDIA ............................................................................................... 95

ANNEX 17 SAFETY IN THE LABORATORY ...................................................................................................... 103

GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................. 105

LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ................................................................................................................................... 107


Why were these guidelines written?

Leptospirosis is a worldwide public health problem. In humid tropical and subtropical areas, where most developing
countries are found, it is a greater problem than in those with a temperate climate. The magnitude of the problem in
tropical and subtropical regions can be largely attributed to climatic and environmental conditions but also to the
great likelihood of contact with a Leptospira-contaminated environment caused by, for example, local agricultural
practices and poor housing and waste disposal, all of which give rise to many sources of infection. In countries with
temperate climates, in addition to locally acquired leptospirosis, the disease may also be acquired by travellers
abroad, and particularly by those visiting the tropics.

Leptospirosis is a potentially serious but treatable disease. Its symptoms may mimic those of a number of other
unrelated infections such as influenza, meningitis, hepatitis, dengue or viral haemorrhagic fevers. Some of these
infections, in particular dengue, may give rise to large epidemics, and cases of leptospirosis that occur during such
epidemics may be overlooked. For this reason, it is important to distinguish leptospirosis from dengue and viral
haemorrhagic fevers, etc. in patients acquiring infections in countries where these diseases are endemic. At present,
this is still difficult, but new developments may reduce the technical problems in the near future. It is necessary,
therefore, to increase awareness and knowledge of leptospirosis as a public health threat. The aim of these
guidelines is to assist in this process.

In many respects, leptospirosis may be viewed as an emerging disease, and this has led to an increased interest
and demand for information, notably in developing countries. New and less complicated diagnostic methods have
been developed in recent years, allowing leptospiral infection to be identified without the real need for recourse to
specialized reference laboratories.

For whom were they written?

The target group to which these guidelines are directed consists of health workers (clinicians, laboratory technicians,
microbiologists, public health workers, veterinarians and biologists with an interest in zoonoses, etc.) having no
specialized knowledge of leptospirosis but who wish to be generally informed about the microorganism concerned
and the disease that it may cause. This is not a handbook and avoids technical detail, but the interested reader can
find further information in the Annexes and the general bibliography.

Since technical support is least available in many of those countries where the clinical problems are greatest, the
emphasis is on relatively simple methods, even though some of them are not yet suited to routine practice.
Information on the availability of technical support is provided in the list of expert centres (Annex 1).

Leptospirosis is a health problem in both human and veterinary medicine, but these guidelines are concerned
essentially with human leptospirosis. The indispensable role of veterinarians in leptospirosis control is fully
appreciated, but the inclusion of information on veterinary leptospirosis would overload the general reader. The
guidelines take the form of questions and answers, many of the questions being based on those put before
reference centres over the years.

Future perspectives

Leptospirosis is easily overlooked and relatively little is known about it. Few studies are therefore carried out on it,
and this, in turn, results in the disease being overlooked. These guidelines aim to increase awareness of it. Better
diagnosis and surveillance programmes may break the vicious circle.


The guidelines will be updated at regular intervals. The reader is referred to the Secretary of the International
Leptospirosis Society (Annex 1) for further information on the Society and on leptospirosis.

The guidelines were drawn up by a joint team from the World Health Organization and the International
Leptospirosis Society.


Leptospirosis What is leptospirosis?
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic bacteria called leptospires,
that are transmitted directly or indirectly from animals to humans. It is therefore a
zoonosis. Human-to-human transmission occurs only very rarely.

Distribution Where does leptospirosis occur?

Leptospirosis occurs worldwide but is most common in tropical and subtropical areas
with high rainfall. The disease is found mainly wherever humans come into contact with
the urine of infected animals or a urine-polluted environment.

Incidence How often does leptospirosis occur worldwide?

The number of human cases worldwide is not known precisely. According to currently
available reports, incidences range from approximately 0.1–1 per 100 000 per year in
temperate climates to 10–100 per 100 000 in the humid tropics. During outbreaks and
in high-exposure risk groups, disease incidence may reach over 100 per 100000
(Annexes 2, 3 and 4).

Overlooked Why is there a lack of recognition of leptospirosis?

and Leptospirosis may present with a wide variety of clinical manifestations. These may
underreported range from a mild “flu”-like illness to a serious and sometimes fatal disease. It may also
mimic many other diseases, e.g. dengue fever and other viral haemorrhagic diseases.

Icterus (jaundice) is a relatively common symptom in leptospirosis but is also found in

many other diseases involving the liver such as the various forms of hepatitis. Other
symptoms (see Annex 5) are less common. They are, therefore, often not recognized
as a presenting feature of leptospirosis.

The diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory tests, but these are not always available,
especially in developing countries.

For these reasons, leptospirosis is overlooked and underreported in many areas of the

History What is the history of leptospirosis?

Adolf Weil described leptospirosis as a disease entity in 1886. His name is still attached
to a serious form of leptospirosis called Weil's disease, traditionally attributed to rat-
transmitted infection caused by the serovars (see Serovar, p.1) icterohaemorrhagiae
and copenhageni. At present, it is preferable to refer to all leptospiral infections as
leptospirosis regardless of clinical symptoms and signs (Annex 5).

It was not until the second decade of the 20th century that leptospires were recognized
by Inada and Ido in Japan and soon after, independently, in Germany by Uhlenhuth
and Fromme as the cause of the disease that had been originally described by Weil.



Pathogenic What are leptospires?
microorganisms Leptospires are bacteria which can be either pathogenic (i.e. having the potential to
cause disease in animals and humans) or saprophytic (i.e. free living and generally
considered not to cause disease).

Pathogenic leptospires are maintained in nature in the renal tubules of certain animals.

Saprophytic leptospires are found in many types of wet or humid environments ranging
from surface waters and moist soil to tap water. Saprophytic halophilic (salt-loving)
leptospires are found in seawater.

Morphology What is the morphology of leptospires?

Leptospires are corkscrew-shaped bacteria, which differ from other spirochaetes by the
presence of end hooks. They belong to the order Spirochaetales, family
Leptospiraceae, genus Leptospira. They are too thin to be visible under the ordinary
microscope. Dark-field microscopy (Annex 6) is most often used to observe leptospires.
All leptospires look alike with only minor differences so that morphology does not help
to differentiate between pathogenic and saprophytic leptospires or between the various
pathogenic leptospires.

Saprophytes What is the medical significance of saprophytic leptospires?

The saprophytes are supposed not to cause disease. They are occasionally found in
cultures from clinical materials, but the significance of their presence is uncertain. Their
main importance in medical microbiology is as contaminants in supposedly sterile or at
least saprophyte-free materials. Saprophytic leptospires may be found in cultures when
sterility was not maintained during the preparation of culture media, when non-sterile
ingredients were used for the preparation of culture media, or when clinical samples
were not collected aseptically.

Pathogens and How can pathogenic leptospires be distinguished from saprophytic

saprophytes leptospires?
Several tests, based on culture conditions and on antigenic and genetic properties, can
be used to differentiate between pathogenic and saprophytic leptospires (Annex 7).

Natural Do pathogenic leptospires always cause disease?

Maintenance hosts Certain vertebrate animal species have a commensal relationship with leptospires in
which they are the natural hosts for pathogenic leptospires that live in their kidneys.
Such leptospires do little or no detectable harm to these hosts but they maintain the
infection and are therefore known as natural maintenance hosts. If other animals that
are not natural maintenance hosts (including humans) are infected by the same
pathogenic leptospires, they often become ill. In addition, if a maintenance host for a
particular leptospire is infected with another serovar (see below), it may develop
symptoms and signs of leptospirosis.

Serovar Can pathogenic leptospires be distinguished from one another?

Yes. The basic systematic unit is the serovar, defined on the basis of antigenic
similarities and differences as revealed by the so-called cross-agglutination absorption
test (Annex 8). Each serovar has a characteristic antigenic make-up.


Number of serovars Are there many serovars?

Yes. Serovars having antigenic similarities are formed into serogroups, and over 200
pathogenic serovars divided into 25 serogroups have been described. Different strains
with small antigenic differences can sometimes be found within certain serovars.

Significance What is the practical significance of the serovar concept?

of serovar concept It is of epidemiological importance. A certain serovar may develop a commensal or
comparatively mild pathogenic relationship with a certain animal host species. For
instance, cattle are often associated with serovar hardjo, dogs with canicola and rats
with icterohaemorrhagiae and copenhageni.

The serovar concept has been widely accepted and has a practical basis (Annexes 8
and 9).

Leptospira spp. Are there other ways of classifying leptospires?

Yes, the species concept. Initially, two species were recognized, namely pathogenic
Leptospira interrogans and saprophytic Leptospira biflexa. Recently, several species of
Leptospira (Annex 9) have been differentiated on the basis of their DNA-relatedness.

Further research may reveal the existence of even more species than are currently

The two classification systems based on the serovar and species concepts are not
always in agreement and strains belonging to the same serovar may belong to different
Leptospira species.

Accidental What is an accidental or incidental host?

and incidental hosts A host that becomes infected by accident or incidentally with a serovar for which the
animal is not a natural maintenance host is called an accidental or incidental host.

The distinction between natural hosts and accidental or incidental hosts is not always
clearly defined as the interaction between pathogenic leptospires and animal host
species is dynamic and leptospires may adapt to new animal host species.

Leptospires What happens to the pathogenic leptospires after they have penetrated
in the body the human body?
After infection, leptospires appear in the blood and invade practically all tissues and
organs. They are subsequently cleared from the body by the host's immune response
to the infection. However, they may settle in the convoluted tubules of the kidneys and
be shed in the urine for a period of a few weeks to several months and occasionally
even longer. They are then cleared from the kidneys and other organs but may persist
in the eyes for much longer.

Antibody response What is the nature of the antibody response?

Humans react to an infection by leptospires by producing specific anti-Leptospira

Seroconversion may occur as early as 5–7 days after the onset of disease but
sometimes only after 10 days or longer (see Clinical samples, p.9 and Detection of
antibodies, p.10).

IgM class antibodies usually appear somewhat earlier than IgG class antibodies, and
generally remain detectable for months or even years but at low titre.


Antibody response Detection of IgG antibodies is more variable. They may sometimes not be detected at
all, or be detectable for only relatively short periods of time, but may sometimes persist
for several years.

The antibodies are directed against (Annex 8):

– common antigens (so-called genus-specific antigens) that are shared by all
leptospires, both pathogenic and saprophytic;
– serovar-specific and serogroup-specific antigens.

Patients with leptospirosis may produce antibodies that react with several serovars.
This phenomenon, called cross-reaction, is often observed in the initial phase of the

After the acute disease, cross-reactive antibodies gradually disappear as the immune
response "matures", usually in the course of weeks or months, while serogroup- and
serovar-specific antibodies often persist for years.

Thus the genus-specific antibodies usually remain detectable for months, the serovar-
specific antibodies for years.

Weak cross-reactions may also occur to other groups of microorganisms and will vary
with the serological method used.

Occasionally patients produce specific antibodies that react with broadly reactive
antigens only, and few or no serovar-specific antibodies are detected. Some other
patients may produce only serovar-specific antibodies.

Protective immunity Is the antibody response protective?

It is generally believed that serovar-specific antibodies are protective and that a patient
is immune to reinfection with the same serovar as long as the concentration (titre) of
specific antibodies is high enough. Antibodies provoked by an infection with a particular
serovar do not necessarily protect against infection with other serovars.



Clinical Which are the clinical manifestations of leptospirosis?
manifestations The clinical manifestations are highly variable (see Is it leptospirosis?, p.6 and
Annex 5).

Typically, the disease presents in four broad clinical categories:

(i) a mild, influenza-like illness;
(ii) Weil's syndrome characterized by jaundice, renal failure, haemorrhage and
myocarditis with arrhythmias;
(iii) meningitis/meningoencephalitis;
(iv) pulmonary haemorrhage with respiratory failure.

Clinical diagnosis is difficult because of the varied and non-specific presentation.

Confusion with other diseases, e.g. dengue and other haemorrhagic fevers, is
particularly common in the tropics (Annex 5). Presentations may overlap as infection

Morbidity What is the morbidity of leptospirosis?

This is not clear. Leptospirosis may be underdiagnosed because:
(a) the diagnosis is difficult to confirm;
(b) it may be confused with other diseases;
(c) the disease may be mild and not be investigated in the laboratory.

Clinical What are the laboratory findings in patients with leptospirosis?

Laboratory findings The study of specimens from hospitalized patients has shown various non-diagnostic
abnormalities including elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, thrombocytopaenia,
leucocytosis, hyperbilirubinaemia, elevated serum creatinine, elevated creatinine
kinase and elevated serum amylase.

Pathogenesis What causes the pathological phenomena in leptospirosis?

The clinical manifestations are caused by damage to the endothelial lining of small
blood vessels by mechanisms that are still poorly understood. All the internal organs
may be affected, which explains the wide range of clinical manifestations, e.g.
interstitial nephritis and tubular, glomerular and vascular kidney lesions lead to uraemia
and oliguria/anuria; vascular injury to hepatic capillaries, in the absence of
hepatocellular necrosis, causes jaundice; inflammation of the meninges causes
headache, neck stiffness, confusion, psychosis, delirium, etc.; thrombocytopaenia
(reduction in the number of blood platelets) may lead to bleeding.

Fatality rate What is the case-fatality rate due to leptospirosis?

Case-fatality rates in different parts of the world have been reported to range from <5%
to 30%. These figures are not very reliable as in many areas the occurrence of the
disease is not well documented. In addition, mild cases may not be diagnosed as

Major improvements in the prognosis of severe leptospirosis have been made in recent
decades, thanks to the use of haemodialysis as a means of supporting the reversible
renal failure that may occur in some cases and to aggressive supportive care.

Cause of death If a patient dies from leptospirosis, what is the cause of death?
Important causes of death include renal failure, cardiopulmonary failure, and
widespread haemorrhage. Liver failure is rare, despite the presence of jaundice.

Recovery If patients survive, do they fully recover from leptospirosis?

Most patients recover completely from leptospirosis. In some patients, however,
recovery may take months or even years. Late sequelae may occur.

Late sequelae What are the late sequelae in leptospirosis?

Late sequelae include chronic fatigue and other neuropsychiatric symptoms such as
headache, paresis, paralysis, mood swings and depression. In some cases, uveitis and
iridocyclitis may be a late presentation of leptospirosis. Ocular symptoms are probably
attributable to the persistence of leptospires in the eyes, where they are sheltered from
the patient's immune response.

Apart from eye involvement, the pathogenesis of alleged late or persistent symptoms is
unknown. The existence of persistent or chronic infections has not been confirmed and
"scars" caused during the acute disease have not been demonstrated.

Pregnancy What is the outcome of leptospirosis during pregnancy?

Leptospirosis during pregnancy may lead to fetal death, abortion, stillbirth or congenital
leptospirosis, but only a few such cases have been reported.

Virulence Why do some patients suffer severe leptospirosis and others a mild form
of the disease?
The virulence factors in leptospires are poorly understood. Some serovars generally
tend to cause mild disease and others severe disease. However, there are no serovar-
specific presentations of infection and any serovar may cause mild or severe disease in
different hosts. Patient factors such as old age and multiple underlying medical
problems are often associated with more severe clinical illness and increased mortality.
The infection dose may also have an influence on the course of leptospirosis.

Is it leptospirosis? When should clinicians consider the diagnosis of leptospirosis?

The diagnosis of leptospirosis should be considered in any patient presenting with an
abrupt onset of fever, chills, conjunctival suffusion, headache, myalgia and jaundice.

The diagnosis is more difficult when patients present with symptoms of cough,
dyspnoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, arthralgias and a skin rash.
Conjunctival suffusion and muscle tenderness, most notable in the calf and lumbar
areas, are the most distinguishing physical findings (See Hospital-based studies,
Annex 4, A4.2.1, p.43 and Annex 5).

Suspicion is further increased if there is a history of occupational or recreational

exposure to infected animals or to an environment potentially contaminated with animal
urine. Once the possibility of leptospirosis has been considered, appropriate diagnostic
tests and clinical management should be instituted.

Incubation period How long is the incubation period?

The incubation period is usually 5–14 days, with a range of 2–30 days.

Antibiotic treatment What is the optimal treatment for leptospirosis?

Treatment with effective antibiotics should be initiated as soon as the diagnosis of
leptospirosis is suspected and preferably before the fifth day after the onset of illness.

The benefit of antibiotics after the fifth day of the disease is controversial. However,
most clinicians treat with antibiotics regardless of the date of onset of the illness.


Antibiotic treatment Clinicians should never wait for the results of laboratory tests before starting treatment
with antibiotics because serological tests do not become positive until about a week
after the onset of illness, and cultures may not become positive for several weeks.

Antibiotics What are the best antibiotics for treating leptospirosis?

Severe cases of leptospirosis should be treated with high doses of intravenous
penicillin. Less severe cases can be treated with oral antibiotics such as amoxycillin,
ampicillin, doxycycline or erythromycin. Third-generation cephalosporins, such as
ceftriaxone and cefotaxime, and quinolone antibiotics also appear to be effective.
Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions may occur after penicillin treatment.

In vitro and animal experiments have demonstrated that leptospires are sensitive to a
wide range of antibiotics but there is, unfortunately, limited clinical experience with
many of the newer antibiotics.

Supportive treatment In severe cases, admission to a hospital is necessary. Aggressive supportive care with
and haemodialysis strict attention to fluid and electrolyte balance is essential. Peritoneal or haemodialysis
is indicated in renal failure. Excellent supportive care and dialysis have reduced the
mortality of this illness in recent years.

Disease in animals Do all animals infected with leptospires become sick?

No. Animals that are natural hosts to a particular serovar usually show no or
comparatively few ill effects after infection with that serovar.

However, they may develop illness after infection with another serovar. In the initial
stage of an infection, animals may show mild symptoms, such as malaise and a drop in
milk production in cows. Chronic infections may lead to reproductive problems, such as
abortion and low fertility in cattle or pigs. Mild leptospiral infection in domestic animals
may pass unnoticed. Occasionally, calves and piglets may suffer from an
icterohaemorrhagic syndrome with potentially fatal outcome.

As in humans, animals that are incidental hosts may become ill with severe disease.
Infections can be fatal. Dogs may suffer from a chronic disease leading to kidney
damage, but may also suffer from an acute Weil's-like disease syndrome after infection
with certain serovars.



Basic facilities What is needed to set up a basic diagnostic laboratory for leptospirosis?
The general requirements are essentially the same as for any diagnostic microbiology
laboratory in terms of equipment, technical staff and training, safe laboratory practice,
etc. Help and advice will be available from the expert sources listed in Annex 1.

Need for laboratory Why is laboratory support needed for leptospirosis?

Laboratory support is needed:
1. To confirm the diagnosis. Leptospirosis is difficult to distinguish from a number of
other diseases on clinical grounds. Laboratory methods help to confirm
leptospirosis where the disease is suspected on clinical grounds.
2. For epidemiological and public health reasons, namely to determine which serovar
caused the infection, the likely source of infection and the potential reservoir and its
location. This helps guide control strategies.

Diagnostic methods What methods are available for the diagnosis of leptospirosis in the
The disease is usually diagnosed in the laboratory by detecting antibodies,
(serodiagnosis, Annexes 10 and 11), by culturing the bacteria from blood, urine or
tissues (Annexes 12 and 13), or by demonstrating the presence of leptospires in
tissues using antibodies labelled with fluorescent markers. Other methods may be
available in some centres, e.g. the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and (immuno)
staining (Annexes 6, 13 and 14).

Clinical samples What clinical samples should be collected for examination?

This will depend on the phase of the infection. Leptospires usually circulate in the blood
of the patient for about 10 days after the onset of the disease. They also appear in
other body fluids, such as urine and cerebrospinal fluid, a few days after the onset of
disease and penetrate internal organs during this time. Detectable titres of antibodies
appear in the blood about 5–10 days after the onset of disease, but sometimes later,
especially if antibiotic treatment is instituted.

The samples that are useful and most commonly collected are therefore:
1. Blood with heparin (to prevent clotting) for culture (Annex 12) in the first 10 days.
Blood culture more than 10 days after disease onset is not worth while as
leptospires have mostly disappeared from the blood and antibodies will have
become detectable in the serum allowing serodiagnosis. Samples for culture
should be stored and transported at ambient temperatures, since low temperatures
are detrimental to pathogenic leptospires.
2. Clotted blood or serum for serology (Annexes 10 and 11). These should preferably
be collected twice at an interval of several days based on the date of onset of
disease and the probable time of seroconversion. The testing of paired sera is
necessary to detect a rise in titres between the two samples or seroconversion,
and thus to confirm the diagnosis of leptospirosis (see Significance of serology,
p.10). A negative serological result in the early phase of the disease does not
exclude leptospirosis.
3. Urine for culture (Annex 12). Leptospires die quickly in urine. The use of urine for
culture may be of value only when a clean sample can be obtained and inoculated
into an appropriate culture medium not more than 2 hours after voiding. Survival of
leptospires in acid urine may be increased by making it neutral.


Clinical samples 4. Postmortem samples (Annex 12). It is important to collect specimens from as
many organs as possible, including the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, aqueous humour,
lungs, kidney, liver, pancreas and heart, as well as heart blood, if possible, for
serology. The specimens collected will depend on the resources available and
cultural restrictions. Postmortem samples should be collected aseptically and as
soon as possible after death; they should also be inoculated into culture medium
as soon as possible. The samples should be stored and transported at +4 °C.
Preventing the autolysis of cells at 4 °C and a consequent decrease in pH will
compensate for the reduction in the viability of pathogenic leptospires at low
temperatures. Fresh or fixed tissues can also be examined for the presence of
leptospires using antibodies labelled with fluorescent markers. In addition, other
methods, e.g. silver staining, immunostaining and immunohistochemistry may be
helpful but are technically demanding and require considerable expertise to
interpret reliably (Annex 6).
5. Cerebrospinal fluid and dialysate for culture (Annex 12).

Serology is often What laboratory method is most frequently used to diagnose

used for diagnosis leptospirosis?
Current methods for the direct detection (Annexes 6, 12, 13 and 14) of leptospires are
either slow or of limited reliability so that serology is often the most appropriate
diagnostic method. Moreover, in practice, patients often seek medical care or are
admitted in hospitals when they have already been ill for a sufficiently long time to have
produced detectable antibodies.

Significance Is positive serology proof of a current infection?

of serology Not always. Detection of antibodies is by itself no proof of a current infection as some
antibodies may persist for long periods after an infection.

Generally, seroconversion (first sample, no detectable titre, second sample, positive,

i.e. above the cut-off point) or a four-fold or higher rise in titre (first sample, low titre,
second sample, much higher titre) in consecutive serum samples is considered to be
diagnostic proof of recent or current infection.

A high IgM titre, i.e. a titre several-fold above the cut-off point (see Cut-off point for the
MAT, p.12) in a single serum specimen as detected by ELISA or a similar test (see
ELISA/other (commercial) tests, p.13) is consistent with current or recent leptospirosis,
but it should be remembered that IgM class antibodies may remain detectable for
several months or even years.

Serological data are important in the diagnostic process but must always be considered
in conjunction with the clinical presentation and epidemiological data (a history of
possible exposure, presence of risk factors). Isolation of pathogenic leptospires is the
only direct and definitive proof of infection.

Detection How are antibodies detected?

of antibodies Antibodies (genus-specific, serovar-specific, serogroup-specific) react with antigens
(Annex 8). In serological tests, a patient's serum is brought into contact with antigen. In
some tests the antigen consists of live leptospires while in others extracts of leptospires
are used as antigens. The titre detected in blood will depend on the relative
concentrations and strength of the reactions between antibodies and antigens. The titre
can be measured by preparing dilutions of the serum and determining the highest
dilution in which that reaction can still be detected. The final dilution giving a detectable
reaction is termed the titre. The titre is also sometimes called "positive titre" or
"significant titre”, if it is above a certain level, namely the cut-off point (see Cut-off point


Detection for the MAT, p.12). The titre of antibodies gradually increases during the disease,
of antibodies peaks and then decreases after recovery. The interpretation of weak serological
reactions is not always clear as they may represent either the very early or late phase
of the immune response or non-specific reactions. In addition, low titres or a delayed
response may be observed in severe cases, in immunosuppressed patients and when
high doses of antibiotics were administered in the early phase of the disease.

Serological tests What methods are used for serodiagnosis?

The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) (Annex 10) is considered the "gold standard"
or cornerstone of serodiagnosis because of its unsurpassed diagnostic
(serovar/serogroup) specificity in comparison with other currently available tests.

A variety of other serological methods, including the enzyme-linked immunosorbent

assay (ELISA) (Annexes 10 and 11) have been developed, many of which are
relatively simple screening tests for leptospirosis.

MAT What is the microscopic agglutination test (MAT)?

The MAT is a test which determines agglutinating antibodies in the serum of a patient
by mixing it in various dilutions with live or killed, formolized leptospires. Antileptospiral
antibodies present in the serum cause leptospires to stick together to form clumps. This
clumping process is called agglutination and is observed using dark-field microscopy
(Annex 6). Agglutinating antibodies can be of both IgM and IgG classes.

MAT specificity How is the specificity of the MAT shown?

Patients usually produce agglutinating antibodies against the infecting serovar.
However, antibodies that cross-react with other serovars are also often found, and this
is particularly noticeable early in the course of the infection. In the first few weeks of the
disease, heterologous cross-reactions with other serovars may be even stronger than
the homologous reaction with the infective serovar. Occasionally, a heterologous
reaction can be positive while the homologous reaction is or remains negative, a
phenomenon called a paradoxical reaction. The titres of cross-reactive antibodies tend
to decrease relatively quickly, after months, while serogroup- and serovar-specific
antibodies may persist for a much longer time, often for years.

It has been found that:

(a) agglutinating antibodies often react only with a certain serovar or serogroup;
(b) many serovars may circulate and cause disease in a given area;
(c) the prevalence of different serovars may change as a result the of introduction of
new maintenance hosts, agricultural practices, etc;
(d) new serovars may be introduced.

For this reason panels of live leptospires belonging to different serovars must be
maintained in the laboratory to be used as antigens in the MAT. These panels should
include, as a minimum, all locally occurring serovars. If the panel is incomplete,
antibodies to the serovar that is missing from the panel may not be detected and
serodiagnosis may give inaccurate or false-negative results. If the locally circulating
serovars are not known or subject to change, the panel should consist of serovars
representing all serogroups.

MAT titres When is a MAT titre positive or significant?

The MAT cannot differentiate between agglutinating antibodies due to current, recent or
past infections. Ideally, as with other serological tests, two consecutive serum samples
should be examined to look for seroconversion or a four-fold or greater rise in titre.


MAT titres Often only a single serum sample is submitted, possibly from the early phase of the
disease. The significance of titres in single serum specimens is a matter of
considerable debate, and in different areas, different titres (cut-off points) may be
applied. Some consider a titre of 1:100 positive, whilst others accept 1:200, 1:400 or
1:800 as diagnostic of current or recent leptospirosis.

Cut-off point How should the cut-off point for the MAT in a particular area be
for the MAT determined?
In an area where leptospirosis is rare, a relatively low titre probably has diagnostic
value, but should still always be considered in conjunction with clinical and
epidemiological (exposure, risk group) factors.

In highly endemic areas, many individuals are likely to have persistent antibodies due
to past infection and a relatively low titre in a single serum sample may therefore be
difficult to interpret.

The cut-off point, and thus the clinical significance of a titre in a single specimen,
should be determined:
– against the background of the seroprevalence of persistent antibodies due to past
infections in the general population;
– in relation to the occurrence of other diseases producing antibodies that may
cause cross-reactions, such as legionellosis, hepatitis and autoimmune diseases.

The cut-off point is ideally based on a comparison of the serological results obtained on
culture-positive leptospirosis patients with the serological results from a group of
patients with other laboratory confirmed diseases. However, this approach is not
usually feasible, because it is difficult to collect a representative group of culture-
positive leptospirosis patients since efforts to culture leptospires from clinical samples
are not always successful (see Serology is often used for diagnosis, p.10, and
Culture, p.14).

MAT: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the MAT?

advantages The major advantage of the MAT is its high specificity.
disadvantages An important disadvantage is the need for facilities to culture and maintain panels of
live leptospires. Furthermore, the test is both technically demanding and time-
consuming, particularly when the panel is large. An obvious but definite shortcoming is
that antibodies may not be detectable when the causative strain is not represented in
the panel or only a low titre is found with a serovar that antigenically resembles the
absent causative serovar. The finding of no titre or a low titre in the MAT does not
exclude leptospirosis in these circumstances.

It is never possible to be sure that the panel is complete since new, unidentified
leptospires may cause disease. For this reason it is advisable to include a genus-
specific screening test such as an ELISA using a broadly reactive antigen (Annexes 10
and 22).

MAT standardization Can the MAT be standardized?

The MAT cannot be standardized because live leptospires are used as antigens. Since
test results may vary slightly from day to day, paired serum samples are best examined


MAT standardization A degree of standardization can be achieved by using formalin-preserved leptospires

as antigens, but this applies only when the same batch of antigen is used.
Unfortunately, preserved antigen denatures after only a few weeks.

Serovar-/ Does serology reveal the causative serovar in the individual patient?
serogroup-specific Patients usually produce agglutinating antibodies against the infecting serovar. In
agglutination patients with current or recent infection, cross-reactivity in the MAT may make it
impossible to identify the infecting serovar or its serogroup with any degree of certainty.
It may be useful to collect a serum sample some time (e.g. 1 month) after the onset of
the disease in the hope that, by that time, the residual antibodies will be sufficiently
specific to give an indication of the serogroup or, more rarely, the serovar.

ELISAs usually only detect antibodies reacting with a broadly reactive genus-specific
antigen and thus give no indication of the causative serovar or serogroup.

Seroepidemiology Does serology reveal the range of serovars that cause infection in a
population in a certain area?
The MAT may reveal the presumptive serogroup to which the causative serovar may
belong based on agglutination with different serovars in a panel representative of the
locally circulating serovars. Under the best conditions, it may reveal the serovar. Thus
seroepidemiological investigations of serum samples from the general population may
indicate circulating serogroups since residual antibodies from past infections tend to
react with serogroup-specific antigens.

ELISA / Other Which other serodiagnostic methods other than the MAT are often used?
(commercial) tests A variety of serodiagnostic methods (Annexes 10 and 11) exists. Some are
commercially available (Annex 5).

ELISAs are popular and several assays are available. They can be performed with
commercial kits or with antigen produced "in house". A broadly reactive so-called
genus-specific antigen is generally used to detect IgM, and sometimes also IgG
antibodies. The presence of IgM antibodies may indicate current or recent
leptospirosis, but it should be remembered that IgM-class antibodies may remain
detectable for several years. The cut-off point (positive titre) is best determined on the
basis of the same considerations as presented above for the MAT (see Cut-off point for
the MAT, p.12). Genus-specific tests tend to be positive earlier in the disease than the

ELISA: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ELISA in comparison
advantages with the MAT?
and Advantages:
disadvantages • ELISA can detect IgM-class antibody in the early phase of the disease so that
current or recent infection may be indicated. Where no antibody is detected or only
a low ELISA titre is found, a second serum sample should be examined for
seroconversion or a significant rise in titre.
• Only a single antigen is used, namely the genus-specific antigen, which is shared
by pathogenic and saprophytic leptospires alike.
• In contrast to the MAT, ELISA can be standardized.
• Culture of leptospires in the local laboratory to provide the antigen is not required if
a commercial source of kits is available.


ELISA: Disadvantages:
advantages • Some ELISA test systems are less specific than the MAT and weak cross-
and reactions due to the presence of other diseases may be observed. ELISA results
disadvantages should therefore be confirmed by the MAT. This may require testing a follow-up
sample if the initial sample was taken at an early stage in the infection when the
ELISA test may be positive, but the MAT negative.
• Since it is based on a genus-specific antigen, the ELISA test does not give an
indication of the infecting serovar.

Screening Is it possible to screen quickly for antibodies against leptospires?

A number of tests (Annex 11) such as the macroscopic slide agglutination test, the
Patoc-slide agglutination test, the microcapsule agglutination test, latex agglutination
tests, dipstick tests, and the indirect haemagglutination test are easy to perform and
give results relatively rapidly. Results of screening tests, whether positive or negative,
should be confirmed by other tests and preferably by the MAT.

Direct methods What are the direct methods of detecting leptospires?

Direct methods include culture, dark-field microscopy, inoculation of experimental
animals, (immuno)staining and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Annexes 6, 12,
13 and 14).

Culture How can leptospires be cultured in media?

Leptospires grow in a variety of culture media (Annex 16). Their growth is relatively
slow, with a doubling time of about 6–8 hours at best. Optimal temperatures for growth
are 28–30 °C. Some serovars are, however, more fastidious than others in terms of
their requirements in culture.

Culture samples How are leptospires from a patient cultured?

A blood sample is usually examined. This is inoculated in culture medium (Annex 12).
Cultures from other body fluids or from tissues can also be made. Usually 1–3 drops of
blood or other fluids are added to culture medium, but a small piece of minced tissue
can also be used.

Growth may occasionally be detectable after culture for about a week but often takes
longer. The culture medium should therefore be checked for growth of leptospires at
regular intervals for a period of up to 4 months. Dark-field microscopy (Annex 6) should
be used for this purpose.

Blood and other clinical samples should be collected for culture before antibiotics are
administered. Care should be taken to ensure that the culture medium used is free
from contaminating saprophytes or other bacteria. The equipment used for culture and
the containers for clinical samples should be sterile to avoid unwanted growth of
contaminating flora and especially saprophytic leptospires.

Can culture give Does culture contribute to a quick and early diagnosis?
a quick and early Unfortunately, leptospires grow slowly so that, by the time they can be identified in the
diagnosis? culture, the patient will already have antibodies detectable by serology. For this reason,
culture does not contribute to a rapid diagnosis in the early phase of the disease. It is
also a relatively insensitive diagnostic method. However, culture may be a useful
method of diagnosing leptospirosis in patients who die soon after the onset of
symptoms and before antibodies can be detected.


Uses of culture What are the uses of culture?

Isolation of pathogenic leptospires is proof of an infection. Also, isolated leptospires can
be typed to identify serovars. Typing of isolated leptospires is useful in the surveillance
of local pathogenic serovars, the recognition of new patterns of disease presentation,
assessing the effectiveness of intervention measures, etc.

Experimental How are experimental animals used to detect pathogenic leptospires?

animals Blood or other clinical material is injected into the animal’s abdominal cavity
(Annex 13), golden hamsters being used most often for this purpose. A specimen of
fluid from the abdominal cavity is collected with a sharp pipette at regular intervals and
examined by dark-field microscopy for the presence of leptospires. In addition, the
animal is observed for signs of disease.

This method now seems to be rarely used, probably because culturing in vitro yields
comparable results and avoids animal suffering.

Dark-field How is dark-field microscopy used?

microscopy Leptospires are observed as thin, coiled, rapidly moving microorganisms in fluids such
as culture medium, blood or urine using dark-field microscopy (Annex 6). Leptospires
can be concentrated in blood or urine by differential centrifugation.

Dark-field What are the advantages and disadvantages of dark-field microscopy?

microscopy: Advantage:
advantages • Dark-field microscopy is particularly useful for observing leptospires in culture,
and particularly when they are present in large numbers, and for observing
disadvantages agglutination in the MAT.

• Dark-field microscopy is technically demanding. Recognising leptospires is difficult,
particularly when only small numbers are present. Artefacts, such as fibrin threads
in blood, are easily mistaken for leptospires.
• False-positive misdiagnosis has frequently occurred. Dark-field microscopy is
therefore useful only to those with considerable experience in observing
leptospires. Both false-positive and false-negative diagnoses are too easily made.
The results of dark-field microscopy of clinical material should always be confirmed
by other tests.

Staining Can leptospires be stained?

Leptospires can be stained by a variety of staining methods (Annex 6) but not, or only
weakly, by conventional Gram staining. Silver staining may give satisfactory results.
Immunostaining methods, such as direct immunofluorescence, and variants, such as
immunoperoxidase staining, have been used. Staining methods can be useful for in
postmortem diagnosis on either "fixed" or "unfixed" tissues. However, all staining
methods suffer from the same shortcomings as dark-field microscopy, i.e. a high risk of
false-positive and false-negative diagnoses. Artefacts are easily confused with
leptospires, particularly when few are present.

PCR What is PCR for leptospirosis?

PCR (Annex 14) is a method of amplifying specific segments of leptospiral DNA, e.g. in
clinical samples such as blood, to detectable levels. Thus, the presence of leptospires
is confirmed by detecting and identifying specific segments of leptospiral DNA.


PCR: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the PCR?

advantages Advantage:
and • PCR can rapidly confirm the diagnosis in the early phase of the disease, when
disadvantages bacteria may be present and before antibody titres are at detectable levels.

• PCR requires special equipment and dedicated laboratory space, and also highly
skilled personnel.
• It may give false-positive results in the presence of minute amounts of extraneous
DNA that may contaminate working areas. It may also give false-negative results
because inhibitors are present in the clinical materials that are being examined.
The validity of PCR data depends essentially on the quality controls included in the
test. Although PCR technology is now widely used for the diagnosis of many
diseases, its general value for the rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis has not been
evaluated worldwide as it is not yet widely used, particularly in tropical and
subtropical countries.

Postmortem How can leptospirosis be diagnosed post mortem?

diagnosis In addition to serology and culture, leptospires can be demonstrated in tissues using
PCR or (immunohistochemical) staining, notably by direct immunofluorescence.



Infection sources Which animal species can transmit leptospires to humans?
A wide variety of animal species, primarily mammals, may serve as sources of human
infection (Annex 4).

The following are considered to be the most important in this context:

(1) small mammal species, notably feral and peridomestic rodents (rats, mice,
voles, etc.) and insectivores (shrews and hedgehogs);
(2) domestic animals (cattle, pigs, dogs, more rarely sheep, goats, horses and

Fur-bearing animals (silver foxes, mink and nutria) grown in captivity for fur production
are also potential sources of human leptospirosis. Reptiles and amphibians may also
carry leptospires.

Handling How is it possible to determine whether an animal is a carrier of

animal carriers leptospires?
An animal is definitely a carrier of leptospires only if they can be cultured from it,
particularly from the urine or the kidney. As animals may carry leptospires in their
kidneys and shed them with their urine, caution is always necessary in handling
animals and they should be considered potential sources of infection until proven

Infection reservoir How are leptospiral infections maintained under natural conditions?
Infections with leptospires are maintained within a population of natural maintenance
hosts by vertical and horizontal transmission. Such a population of a natural animal
host species forms the infection reservoir.

Natural host What is the role of the natural host in infection transmission?
The natural maintenance host ensures the continuous circulation of a particular
leptospiral serovar in a geographical area (natural focus) without the need for other,
incidental hosts to be involved. Natural maintenance hosts may carry a particular strain
of Leptospira in their kidneys and shed them with their urine for long periods, and
sometimes for the lifespan of the animal. Many Leptospira strains appear to be so well
adapted to their natural hosts that they produce infection without, as a rule, causing any
signs of illness in the animal.

Rodents have been recognized to be the most important and widely distributed
reservoirs of leptospiral infection. Some species of insectivores, carnivores and
ruminants may also provide reservoirs for a variety of serovars. In each specific area,
the risk of human infection will vary depending on the chance of direct or indirect
contact with the urine of one of the natural maintenance hosts of leptospires. In addition
to these long-term maintenance hosts, any infected animal can be a source of infection
to others of its own kind or to other species, including humans.

Natural maintenance Is there an association between certain Leptospira serovars and

hosts and serovars particular hosts?
Yes. Broadly speaking, each leptospiral serovar tends to be associated with a particular
species of natural maintenance host. For example, serovar copenhageni is associated
with rats, serovar canicola with dogs, serovar hardjo with cattle, etc. However, there are


Natural maintenance many exceptions to this rule, as one serovar may be carried by different hosts and one
hosts and serovars animal species may act as host to different serovars. In addition, a serovar may adapt
to a new host species, which may then become a natural reservoir for this infection.

"Dead end" hosts What is the role of accidental or incidental hosts in infection
Accidental or incidental hosts (see Accidental and incidental hosts, p.2) usually develop
overt disease and, if they survive, usually recover and clear the infecting leptospires
within a few weeks. Humans and other accidental hosts are a "dead end" for
leptospires as they do not form an infection reservoir. Human patients with leptospirosis
present little risk to other persons. Person-to-person transmission of leptospirosis has
been described but occurs only rarely (see Human-to-human transmission, p.21).

Domestic animals What is the role of domestic animals in infection transmission?

In all domestic animals, clinical manifestations of leptospirosis vary from acute to
subacute and chronic infection. Chronic infection is localized in the kidneys (sometimes
also in the genital tract) usually without detectable clinical evidence of illness. Animal
carriers may shed leptospires for months or years in their urine, sometimes in very
large numbers, contaminating moist soil, nesting or foraging areas, farmyard floors or
sources of drinking-water. The pollution of surface waters poses a risk of transmission
of infection to other animals and humans, and of waterborne outbreaks of infection in

Evidence How can leptospirosis be recognized in domestic animals?

of leptospirosis A diagnosis of acute leptospirosis should be suspected in cattle in cases of sudden
in domestic animals onset milk drop syndrome, icterus, haemoglobinuria (particularly in young animals),
meningitis, acute nephritis and abortion. A diagnosis of chronic leptospirosis should be
considered in pigs in cases of abortion, stillbirth and infertility, and in horses in cases of
periodic ophthalmia. The majority of leptospirosis cases in herd animals are either
asymptomatic or present as bizarre clinical entities. The diagnosis can therefore be
confirmed only if leptospires are cultured from the animal concerned, e.g. from the
urine or kidney, or by using serological or other laboratory tests, e.g. the MAT.
Asymptomatic leptospirosis in domestic animals may sometimes only be discovered
following human contact and infection, humans thus serving as sentinels.

Dogs and other What is the role of pet animals in human leptospiral infection?
pet animals Dogs can be infected with leptospires and transmit these to the environment or directly
to humans. Clinical manifestations of leptospirosis in dogs are variable, as in other
species of animals, and can range from a total lack of symptoms (renal carrier state),
which is most common, to severe icterohaemorrhagic disease with acute interstitial
nephritis. Unvaccinated puppies (aged up to 1 year) suffer from the most severe forms
of the disease, sometimes with fatal outcome.

Caution should be exercised in handling urine and other body fluids of dogs and other
companion animals, and they should be considered as potential sources of infection
until the contrary has been proven. Appropriate hygienic precautions should be taken
when nursing sick dogs and other animals (Annex 3).


Typing What is the purpose of typing leptospires?
From the point of view of clinical management, it is enough to know whether the patient
has leptospirosis or not. However, from the public health perspective typing may give
an indication of the sources of infection and reservoirs, and thus determine the choice
of methods for eventual prevention and control.

Reference strains How are serovars described?

There is a reference strain for each serovar. Collections of these reference strains are
maintained in reference and other specialized laboratories (Annex 1). In addition to
reference strains, collections of reference antisera are also maintained (Annex 8).

Serovar Should all leptospiral isolates be typed as serovars?

identification Ideally, all isolates should be typed to serovar level, because the serovar concept and
the classification of serovars in serogroups is widely accepted and used in
epidemiology. Determining the serovar status of an isolate will often be sufficiently
informative. Complementary typing by genetic methods may be needed to adequately
describe a strain.

Typing methods How can isolated leptospires be typed?

As explained earlier, the basic systematic unit for classification is the serovar
(see Serovar, p.1). This can be determined by means of the so-called cross-
agglutination absorption test using rabbit antisera (Annex 8). The test is complicated
and time-consuming and thus not suitable when results are needed quickly. The test is
used only in a few specialized laboratories.

A number of alternative methods of typing have been developed. For example, two
serological methods are based on the recognition of the antigenic characteristics of
leptospires using monoclonal antibodies or "factor sera" (Annex 8). Other methods are
based on the examination of differences in leptospiral DNA (Annex 9), and the results
are comparable to some extent with those of serovar typing.

Monoclonal How are monoclonal antibodies used in typing?

antibodies Mouse monoclonal antibodies have been prepared that agglutinate leptospires
(Annex 8). Serovars can be identified on the basis of characteristic agglutination
patterns. Preparing monoclonal antibodies is difficult and time-consuming, but using
them in the MAT for serotyping is easy and gives rapid results. Monoclonal antibodies
are available to type about half of the presently recognized and most common serovars
(Annex 5).

Factor sera How can "factor sera" be used in typing?

"Factor sera" are conventionally prepared rabbit sera that have a high specificity after
being absorbed with various leptospires (Annex 8). Panels of "factor sera" can be used
in a similar way as monoclonal antibodies to identify strains to serovar level quickly.
Preparing "factor sera" is time-consuming, and preparing batches does not always lead
to reproducible results.

DNA typing How can DNA be used in typing?

The DNA of each living organism is unique to that organism. Various methods
(Annex 9) of analysing DNA are available. DNA may be processed and fragments of
DNA or products obtained by processing may be separated on gels, giving patterns

DNA typing which are often characteristic for leptospiral strains. DNA-based methods often give
useful results but some are relatively complicated and require special skills and
specialized equipment.

Choice of a method What method of typing should be selected?

If isolates are sent to reference centres, there may be long delays in obtaining the
results. Moreover, transportation of isolates by mail or courier in accordance with
international regulations is expensive because of the precautions that have to be taken
to avoid leakage and the attendant risks of contamination of those handling the
specimens. It may therefore be preferable for typing to be carried out on the spot.

The choice will depend on the information that is required. Most investigators will
probably want to know which strains circulate in a certain area and what are the likely
infection sources and reservoirs. In many tropical areas, a number of different serovars
may circulate and some may probably not have been identified. One possibility might
be to use a method that allows rapid typing of the most common isolates. Uncommon
and unusual isolates might then be sent to a reference centre for typing. The choice of
method will depend on the technical facilities and expertise of the staff available and
some methods are clearly not suitable for use in a "routine" laboratory setting.

Whatever typing method is used, comparison with reference strains will be needed.
Local isolates may exhibit unique characteristics which differ from those of reference
strains. Observation of differences between reference strains and local isolates is
important, both from an epidemiological perspective and in defining the particular
features that will enable local strains to be identified. Since not all the currently
available typing methods always give satisfactory results, specialized laboratories and
expert centres may use a combination of serological and genetic methods to
characterize an isolate.



Transmission What is the mode of transmission of leptospirosis?
Human leptospiral infections result primarily from direct or indirect exposure to the urine
of infected animals. Other modes of transmission of infection, such as handling infected
animal tissues and ingestion of contaminated food and water, are also possible. The
infecting agent is transmitted from one animal carrier to another via direct or indirect
contact with urine or other body fluids that contain viable leptospires. There are also
other means of transmission of infection between farm animals, namely via congenital
or neonatal infection. Sexual transfer of leptospires, e.g. in the mating of rats, cattle,
pigs and dogs, has also been reported.

Entry of infection How do leptospires enter the body of humans and animals?
Leptospires can gain entry into humans through cuts and abrasions in the skin, through
intact mucous membranes (nose, mouth, eyes) and perhaps through waterlogged skin.
They may occasionally enter the human body via the inhalation of droplets of urine or
via drinking-water.

Human-to-human Can leptospires be transmitted from human to human?

transmission Yes, but rarely. They can be transmitted from human to human by sexual intercourse,
transplacentally from the mother to the fetus and via breast milk to a child. Urine from a
patient suffering from leptospirosis should be considered infectious. As leptospires can
be cultured from blood, this should be viewed as infectious for some time before the
onset of symptoms (see Blood transfusion, below)and during the first 7–10 days of

Blood transfusion Can leptospires be transmitted by blood transfusion?

It is not known precisely when leptospires appear in the blood after infection. It is
possible that, during the incubation period, before the infected person becomes ill,
leptospires may circulate in the blood and be transmitted via blood transfusion.
However, antibodies appear after a week or so after the onset of disease and usually
clear leptospires from the blood. After recovery, persisting, supposedly protective,
antibodies probably aid the clearance of leptospires from the blood and most tissues,
but in immunologically privileged sites, e.g. the eyes, leptospires may survive for long
periods. Perhaps, in the future, it will be possible for rapid methods such as PCR to be
used to check for leptospires in transfusion blood.

Infection risk Have all humans an equal chance of becoming infected with leptospires?
The risk of infection depends on exposure (Annex 2). In fact, some humans have a
high risk of exposure and risk groups can be defined on this basis. In some countries,
practically the whole population is at risk as a result of high exposure to contaminated
water in daily activities, e.g. rice farming.

Risk groups What are risk groups?

Risk groups are certain groups of humans in a population that are more likely to be
exposed as a result of either occupational or recreational activities. Since there are a
large number of potential sources of infection and many different opportunities for
transmission, risk groups may differ from one area to another (see Annex 2 for a list of
some possible risk factors).

However, in many tropical areas, the modes of transmission have not yet been fully
studied. When attempting to identify risk groups in the tropics it may be useful to pay

Risk groups special attention to clusters of cases. The epidemiology of leptospirosis is dynamic.
New risk groups may be formed as a result of changes in agricultural or social
practices, or in reservoir animal populations in an area.

Continuous surveillance and the establishment of a reporting system are strongly


The burden of the disease can be low in the population as a whole but very high in
certain subpopulations.

Endemic Is leptospirosis an endemic or an epidemic disease?

or epidemic Leptospirosis is endemic in many countries, perhaps in the whole world. It often has a
seasonal distribution, increasing with increased rainfall or higher temperature.
However, the disease can occur throughout the whole year. Epidemics may be
associated with changes in human behaviour, animal or sewage contamination of
water, changes in animal reservoir density, or follow natural disasters such as cyclones
and floods.



Prevention How can leptospirosis be prevented and controlled?
and control Because of the large number of serovars and infection sources and the wide
differences in transmission conditions, the control of leptospirosis is complicated and
will depend on the local conditions. Control can be achieved by controlling the reservoir
or reducing infection in animal reservoir populations such as dogs or livestock. Control
of wild animals may be difficult. Preventive measures must be based on a knowledge
of the groups at particular risk of infection and the local epidemiological factors
(Annexes 2 and 3).

Prevention and control should be targeted at : (a) the infection source; (b) the route of
transmission between the infection source and the human host; or (c) infection or
disease in the human host.

Control of How can the infection source be controlled?

infection source It is important to establish what animal species are the infection sources in a particular
area (Annexes 3 and 4). Control measures can then be targeted to the local reservoir
species of animals.

Such measures include:

– the reduction of certain animal reservoir populations, e.g. rats;
– the separation of animal reservoirs from human habitations by means of fences
and screens;
– the immunization of dogs and livestock;
– the removal of rubbish and keeping areas around human habitations clean;
– encouraging people not to leave food around, especially in recreational areas
where rats may be present.

Other examples are given in Annex 3.

Interruption of How can transmission be interrupted?

transmission It is important to be aware of the risk factors for human infection and, if possible, the
infection source. Risk of infection is minimized by avoiding contact with animal urine,
infected animals or an infected environment. Where appropriate, protective clothing
should be worn and wounds covered with waterproof dressings to reduce the chance of
infection if exposure is likely, e.g. occupational or recreational exposure (see Annex 3).

Human protection How can humans be protected?

Much depends on detailed knowledge of how, where and when humans may become
infected in a particular area. One possibility is to increase awareness of the disease
among the population, risk groups and health care providers, so that the disease can
be recognized and treated as soon as possible. Doxycycline has been reported to give
some protection against infection and disease. In certain countries, vaccines for
humans are available, but it should be remembered that they may only provoke
immune responses to the serovars included in the vaccine (see Human immunization,
below and Annex 3 for further and more detailed information).

Human How can humans be protected by immunization?

Immunization Immunization by means of vaccines seems to provide a certain degree of protection.
Vaccines are, in principle, suspensions of killed leptospires. Protection is largely
serovar-specific. In areas where many serovars are causing leptospirosis, a vaccine

Human must consist of different serovars matching those circulating locally. In some countries,
immunization e.g. China, where many serovars occur, vaccines consist of a mixture of a few of the
most prevalent. Protective antibodies are produced only against the serovars present in
the particular vaccine used.

Vaccines: What are the advantages and disadvantages of immunization?

advantages Information on human vaccines is limited, and they are available only in certain
and countries. Vaccines have been reported to give some degree of protection, and this is
disadvantages particularly important in areas where more serious forms of leptospirosis occur and
where access to medical services is limited or delay in receiving treatment is likely.
However, protection is of relatively short duration, and boosting at regular intervals is
necessary to maintain protective titres of antibodies. Vaccines may also produce side-
effects, such as pain at the injection site, and fever.

Animal Can animals be immunized?

immunization Animals can be immunized with vaccines consisting of suspensions of killed
leptospires. Protection is largely serovar-specific. Immunization may prevent disease
but does not always prevent the development of renal carriage (Annex 3).

Decontamination Can pathogenic leptospires in the environment be controlled?

Small areas, such as floors, can be cleaned and disinfected, but disinfecting large
natural areas such as lakes or rivers is not possible. Leptospires are sensitive to many
environmental influences. They are rapidly killed by disinfectants and desiccation.
However, leptospires shed in animal urine can survive in the environment for weeks to
months under suitable conditions, e.g. in moist soil or surface water with a neutral or
slightly alkaline pH.



Laboratory support If laboratory support is to be provided, what activities should be carried
Much depends on the local conditions (Annex 4), but the following should be
• Where health care is severely limited in terms of facilities and resources,
investigation of leptospirosis may be restricted to simple serological screening
• If laboratory facilities and financial resources permit, the development and/or
introduction of an IgM-ELISA or a similar test using broadly reactive antigen
(genus-specific) for the serodiagnosis of different forms of leptospirosis is advised.
Test kits may be purchased from various commercial sources (Annex 5) or
developed "in house".
• If resources are available and there is national support for setting up a
reference/referral laboratory, the MAT should also be added to the diagnostic
repertoire. A genus-specific test (e.g. ELISA) in combination with the MAT usually
enables infection to be confirmed and the infecting serogroup to be determined by
the MAT, although only rarely will it be possible to determine the serovar.
• In addition to offering serological confirmation and diagnosis, the culture of
leptospires could also be carried out since facilities for this purpose will be needed
to maintain strains for use in the MAT.

A validated PCR may be used in well-equipped laboratories with experienced staff.

Community How can diagnostic services in the community be provided?

diagnostic services For diagnostic services, three or four levels of diagnostic capability are envisaged, as
First level. This is the most peripheral level of health care. Simple screening methods
for anti-Leptospira antibodies should be available.

Second level. Moderately complicated serological methods and perhaps cultures can
be handled and the observations made at the first level can be checked.

Third level. This can handle all the complicated diagnostic methods, check the findings
at the second level and perform quality control. For public health purposes, provisional
typing of isolated leptospires can also be carried out.

Fourth level. This is the level of national or international reference laboratories or other
expert centres that maintain culture collections, perform typing and check the quality of
performance in other laboratories.

Laboratories that can perform epidemiological studies, e.g. on infection sources and
modes of transmission, are particularly valuable in surveillance and in the introduction
and evaluation of control measures.


Public health impact If there is no reliable notification system, how can public health
authorities suspecting that leptospirosis occurs, investigate the
occurrence of the disease and its impact on human health?
There are several possibilities (Annex 4) which are discussed below.
Clinical samples, especially serum, can be collected from hospital patients suffering
from a disease that fits the clinical description of leptospirosis. These samples should
be examined in a laboratory offering leptospiral testing. In this way, information will be
obtained on the occurrence of severe leptospirosis. Mild cases may be missed,
however, since they are unlikely to be admitted to hospitals. Physicians should
therefore be invited to submit clinical samples from patients in the community
suspected of having leptospirosis, and these samples should be examined in a
competent laboratory. The samples should include paired serum samples (e.g. drawn
≥ 14 days apart; of course, the interval between successive samples can be reduced if
quick results are desired) and whole blood (heparinized) for culture.

Blood samples can also be collected from known risk groups and examined for
leptospiral antibodies. The members of such risk groups should be questioned about
illness in the past that might have been leptospirosis.

Random blood samples should be examined to determine the seroprevalence.

Random blood samples can also be taken from the general healthy population and
tested for antibodies. However, such sampling would be expected to be the least useful
of the methods previously mentioned. Thus, in a study in Hawaii in a high incidence
area, samples were taken from several hundred blood donors but very few detectable
titres were found; the overall prevalence was approximately 0.5%. Serological
assessment of hospitalized or ambulatory patients with febrile illnesses would be much
more likely to provide clues to the incidence of unrecognized leptospirosis, while taking
blood samples from persons belonging to known high-risk groups will be helpful in
assessing or confirming endemic levels of infection. Such seroprevalence studies may
reflect exposure but not necessarily overt disease.

Identifying Can animal sources of leptospires in the environment be identified?

animal reservoirs Animal sources can be identified by serological testing and by culture of tissues and/or

Serological testing can provide rapid results, but may give only limited information on
infection rates and circulating serovars. Animals may carry leptospires without having
detectable antibodies.

Cultures are subject to contamination and require a prolonged incubation period of up

to 6 months. However, culture can provide definitive identification of the infecting
serovar. Different animal species are affected differently by the disease. Rodents
usually do not show signs of illness, but once infected, shed the organisms in their
urine for their lifetime. The disease has different clinical patterns in dogs, cattle and
swine, which are considered the primary domestic animal reservoirs that may transmit
the disease to humans, although horses and other animals may be clinically affected.
Animal surveys are helpful in determining the primary reservoirs in a community, the
extent of infection in the species, and the possible geographical variations in infection
rates by species.

Most screening tests for leptospirosis have not been thoroughly evaluated in animals
and some, e.g. ELISA tests, require conjugates developed from the animal species
being tested, although the latex agglutination and indirect haemagglutination tests
developed for human testing may be used. The preferred test is the MAT, if available,


Identifying which may also provide some indication of the serogroups/serovars causing infection.
animal reservoirs However, serological sampling is inappropriate in rodents because it underestimates
infection since many infected animals do not show an antibody response. Maximizing
the sensitivity of diagnosis in rodents requires both kidney culture and MAT serology.

Culturing of kidney tissues from euthanized animals is the most reliable method of
detecting infection in animals. However, the kidney samples (0.5 cm x 0.5 cm) must be
aseptically extracted from the animal, macerated or cut into small sections with sterile
instruments, and inoculated into culture media containing 5-fluorouracil or appropriate
antibiotics that suppress the growth of bacterial contaminants while leaving leptospires
unaffected (Annex 12).

Rodent surveys require live-trapped animals, while those of swine and cattle may be
conducted at abattoirs after the animals are killed and the abdominal cavity opened
during evisceration.

Culture of urine from live domestic animals may be undertaken, although it is difficult
and samples easily become contaminated. The animal may be given a diuretic to
increase urine production. The genitals can be washed with a disinfectant solution
(chlorhexidene), and should then be wiped with a clean, dry cloth. A midstream urine
sample will prevent mixing, and should be collected in a sterile container. The sample
should be processed within 2 hours, centrifuged, and the pellet inoculated into culture
media that suppress the growth of bacterial contaminants as described above for tissue
samples (see also Annex 12).

Checking Can the environment be checked for pathogenic leptospires?

the environment Samples of water and soil can be cultured and checked for growth of pathogenic
for leptospires leptospires. However, such tests may take several weeks or even months to complete
and the results are therefore retrospective and apply only to the time and place at
which the samples were obtained. PCR can be attempted, but the same disadvantages
apply as outlined in PCR: advantages and disadvantages, p.16. Experimental animals
have also been used as sentinels.

The sensitivity of environmental sampling is poor. It is important to be aware that

saprophytic leptospires can live in the environments, where pathogenic leptospires can
be shed by animals, and thus can interfere with the detection of pathogenic leptospires
(Annex 7).

Likelihood Can pathogenic leptospires be detected by examining environmental

of leptospiral samples for pathogenic leptospires?
contamination Proof of the occurrence of pathogenic leptospires by culture and typing is, in principle,
epidemiologically relevant. However, it may take weeks to months to obtain results as
leptospires grow slowly. Negative results do not exclude the presence of pathogenic
leptospires as they may be present in the environment but unevenly distributed. They
may therefore not be present in the small sample examined. In addition, the
environment may have been free of pathogenic leptospires when the sample was taken
but may have been contaminated soon afterwards by an infected animal.

Safety of the Is it possible to state that surface water is safe for swimming, bathing or
environment other recreational purposes?
If it is possible that infected animals are present and have access to surface waters, it
is logical to assume that the environment will be regularly contaminated with
pathogenic leptospires and that there is a risk of infection. It is therefore impossible to
state categorically that surface water is safe because it is not possible to collect and

Safety of the examine a water sample that is representative of a large body of water. Finding
environment pathogenic leptospires in the water by culture, or perhaps by PCR or another suitable
method, is proof of their occurrence in the water at the time and place of sampling and
confirms that there is a risk of infection. However, failure to find them does not
necessarily mean that they are absent.

Whether the presence of pathogenic leptospires results in infection or not will depend
on a number of factors such as the concentration of leptospires, the duration of
exposure, the possibility that leptospires can penetrate the human body, etc.

If contamination of surface waters with pathogenic leptospires is suspected, a possible

way of assessing the likelihood of contamination is to check the area around the water
body for the presence of animals that may act as infection sources. This advice applies
to all situations where transmission is suspected.

Advice on risks What advice can be given to a person who asks if there is a risk of
(travellers, tourists, infection with leptospires?
professional or Individuals, particularly those belonging to a known risk group (Annex 2) should be
recreational made aware of the potential risk of leptospirosis associated with environments in which
risk groups, etc.) animals are present. The individual may then take the precautionary and preventive
measures as outlined in Annex 3. During a period of high exposure risk, a doctor may
consider prescribing doxycycline prophylaxis, balancing the risk of unwanted side-
effects against that of acquiring leptospirosis. When occupational, recreational or social
circumstances put people at risk, those concerned should be made aware of the
symptoms of leptospirosis and, if an illness compatible with leptospirosis develops,
should seek medical help without delay and inform the health care provider about the

Endemic How can control measures in an endemic area be planned?

Leptospirosis In many health departments, one person or a small group of people will be responsible
for the surveillance and control of leptospirosis together with other diseases. When
leptospirosis is a major problem in an area, it is helpful to form an ad hoc committee to
assist in developing control measures in the community. Such a committee, usually
headed by a public health professional, may include individuals representing various
disciplines that are relevant to the problem. These will include specialists in public
health disease surveillance, public health laboratory staff, rodent-control experts,
representatives from the local college or university (public health epidemiologists,
specialists in infectious diseases, preventive medicine, environmental health and
safety, and veterinarians), practising physicians, beef and dairy cattle farmers, pig
farmers, officials responsible for local parks and recreation, fisheries and wildlife, and
agriculture, and military officers concerned with preventive medicine. Together, a
committee can be more effective in planning and implementing effective control and
prevention measures in the community and in identifying resources that may increase
the scope of community education. Specific examples are provided in Annexes 3
and 4.

Outbreak of What measures should be taken if there is an outbreak of a disease with

a disease manifestations compatible with leptospirosis?
resembling Leptospirosis is easily confused with other febrile illnesses. Weather conditions leading
leptospirosis to flooding may increase the risk of leptospirosis and other diseases. An early response
to outbreaks of unexpected febrile illness should include rapid screening tests for


Outbreak of In contrast to most viral infections, an effective and specific treatment is available for
a disease leptospirosis. Therefore, where possible, attempts to diagnose leptospirosis should be
resembling encouraged so that prompt treatment with suitable antibiotics and other supportive
leptospirosis measures can be provided.

This requires the collection of clinical samples for laboratory testing. For outbreaks in
remote areas, local use of screening tests to detect antibody can be helpful. However,
the limitations of such tests must be recognized and, in particular, the fact that
antibodies are not detectable until at least 5–6 days after the onset of symptoms of

To detect animal reservoirs, domestic and wild animals should be investigated for
infection with leptospires by serology and culture. The findings should be matched with
findings in leptospirosis patients.

When an outbreak of leptospirosis is suspected or identified by diagnostic tests,

appropriate information should be provided to those at risk. This may include press
releases (providing information on the identification of the disease, the importance of
seeking appropriate medical attention for those who develop illness, and ways that
exposure may be limited or prevented), and posting of warning signs if the outbreak is
confined to a few sources (e.g. lakes). More specific advice is provided in Annexes 3
and 4.


I. Collaborating Centres

WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, Leptospirosis Reference Laboratory,
Queensland Health Scientific Services, 39 Kessels Road, Coopers Plains, QLD 4108, Australia
Dr L.D. Smythe, Tel: +61 7 3274 9064; Fax: +61 7 3274 9175; E-mail: [email protected]

FAO/WHO Collaborating Centre for the Epidemiology of Leptospirosis, Laboratoire des Leptospires, Institut Pasteur,
28 rue du Docteur Roux, F-75724 Paris cedex 15, France
Dr G. Baranton, Tel: +33 1 4568 8337; Fax: +33 1 4061 3001; E-mail: [email protected]

WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for the Epidemiology of Leptospirosis, Israel Institute of Biological Research,
P.O. Box 19, Ness-Ziona 70450, Israel
Dr A. Barnea, Tel: +972 8 938 1656; Fax: +972 8 940 1404

WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen /
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), KIT Biomedical Research, Meibergdreef 39, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr R.A. Hartskeerl, Tel: +31 20 566 5438 / 40; Fax: +31 20 697 1841; E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.kit.nl

WHO Collaborating Centre on the Epidemiology of Leptospirosis, Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology
and Microbiology, Gamaleya Street 18, 123098 Moscow, Russian Federation
Dr J.V. Ananyina, Tel: +7 095 193 3001; Fax: +7 095 193 6183; E-mail: [email protected]

FAO/WHO Collaborating Centre for the Epidemiology of Leptospirosis, Institute of Epidemiology, Medical Faculty of
the Comenius University, Spitalska 24, 81372 Bratislava, Slovakia
Professor P. Bakoss, Tel: +421 2 5935 7488; Fax: +421 2 5935 7506; E-mail: [email protected]

WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, Leptospira Reference Unit, Public
Health Laboratory, County Hospital, GB-Hereford HR1 2ER, United Kingdom
Dr T.J. Coleman, Tel: +44 1432 277 707; Fax: +44 1432 351 396; E-mail: [email protected]

WHO Collaborating Centre for Leptospirosis, Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch, Division of Bacterial and
Mycotic Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service, Department of Health and
Human Services, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
Dr P.N. Levett, Tel: +1 404 639 2743; Fax: +1 404 639 4421; E-mail: [email protected]

II. Reference Centres

Leptospira Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Lower Collymore Rock, Enmore 2, St. Michael, Barbados
Dr C. Edwards, Tel: +1 246 427 5586; Fax: +1 246 429 6738; E-mail: [email protected]

National Reference Centre for Diagnosis and Research on Leptospirosis, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ,
Avenida Brasil 4365, 21045-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Dr M.M. Pereira, Tel: +55 21 270 6565; Fax: +55 21 280 0754; E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.fiocruz.br or http://labcentres.ioc.fiocruz.br


Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, P.O. Box 5, ChangPing,
Beijing 102206, People’s Republic of China
Professor Jiang XiuGao, Tel: +86 10 6978 9319; Fax: +86 10 6978 0233; E-mail: [email protected]

Ministry of Health, National Institute for Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, Temple of Heaven,
Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Dr Qin JinCai, Tel: +86 10 670 1775-404/352

Leptospira Laboratory, Consiliar Laboratory, Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary
Medicine, Diedersdorfer Weg 1, D - 12277 Berlin, Germany
Dr A. Schönberg, Tel: +49 1888 412 2056; Fax: +49 1888 412 2000; E-mail: [email protected]
Web site : www.bgvv.de

National Leptospirosis Reference Centre, Regional Medical Research Centre, Indian Council of Medical Research,
Post Bag No. 13, Port Blair 744101, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Professor S.C. Sehgal, Tel: +91 3192 51158 / 51043; Fax: +91 3192 51163 / 33660; E-mail: [email protected]

National Centre for Leptospirosis, Laboratorio di Batteriologia e Micologia Medica, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale
Regina Elena 299, I-00161 Rome, Italy
Dr L. Ciceroni, Tel: +39 06 4990 2741; Fax: +39 06 4990 2934 / 4938 7112; E-mail: [email protected]

Spirochete Laboratory, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Via Fleming 22,
I-34127 Trieste, Italy
Professor M. Cinco, Tel: +39 040 676 7178; Fax: +39 040 56 822; E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://dfp.univ.trieste.it/spirolab/

Leptospira Laboratory, Institut Pasteur of New Caledonia, 9-11 Paul Doumer Street, PO Box 61, 98845 Noumea
cedex, New Caledonia
Dr P. Perolat, Tel: +687 270 280; Fax: +687 273 390; E-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]

National Leptospirosis Reference Center, US Department of Agriculture / ARS, National Animal Disease Center,
Zoonotic Diseases Research Unit, P.O. Box 70, Ames, IOWA 50010, USA
Dr R.L. Zuerner, Tel: +1 515 663 7392; Fax: +1 515 663 7458; E-mail: [email protected]

State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Epidemiology Branch, Zoonoses Section, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu HI
96801, USA
Dr D.M. Sasaki, Tel: +1 808 586 4586; Fax: +1 808 586 4595; E-mail: [email protected]

III. International Leptospirosis Society (ILS)

International Leptospirosis Society (ILS), c/o KIT (Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen / Royal Tropical Institute), KIT
Biomedical Research, Meibergdreef 39, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr L.D. Smythe, President; Dr R.A. Hartskeerl, Secretary; Dr P.N. Levett, Adjunct Secretary
Tel: +31 20 566 5438; Fax: +31 20 697 1841; E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.med.monash.edu.au/microbiology/staff/adler/ilspage.htm


Exposure depends on chance contacts between humans and infected animals or a contaminated environment. The
names for some forms of leptospirosis (e.g. rice field fever, cane cutter's disease, swineherd's disease, dairy farm
fever, mud fever) reflect transmission conditions. The degree and nature of exposure often depend on occupational
and/or recreational and social activities, as shown in the following examples.

• Cattle farmers may be exposed when handling cattle, notably during milking, or when touching dead, aborted
fetuses and other procreational products, e.g. amniotic fluid or placenta, or if they come into contact with
infectious droplets when cows urinate.
• Pig farmers may be exposed when tending pigs.
• Vegetable farmers and gardeners may be directly or indirectly exposed to infected rodents or their urine.
• Farmers may be exposed to water contaminated by the urine of rodents or other animals when irrigating fields.
• Rice farmers, particularly when barefooted, may be exposed to water contaminated by rodents or buffaloes, e.g.
when ploughing.
• Veterinarians and pet keepers may be exposed to infected animals that are ill or have died from leptospirosis or
which may be symptomless carriers/shedders (this also applies to cattle and pig farmers).
• Abattoir workers and butchers may be exposed when slaughtering infected animals and handling infected
carcasses and organs, e.g. kidneys.
• Those involved in food preparation may be exposed to rat-contaminated surroundings when hygienic measures
are unsatisfactory.
• Sewer workers may be exposed to sewage contaminated by rat urine.
• Sugar cane workers may be exposed when cutting sugar cane that is contaminated by urine of rodents living in
the cane fields.
• Miners may be exposed to water contaminated with rat urine in mines.
• People may be exposed when herding cattle.
• People living in close contact with domestic animals may be exposed if these animals are infected.
• Inland fishermen and fish/prawn farmers may be exposed, particularly if the environment and surface waters
are contaminated.
• Soldiers, hunters and hikers may be exposed when wading through contaminated surface waters or swamps,
walking on or through contaminated soil, mud or wet vegetation, or by contact with animals.
• Children may be exposed when playing in yards (in rain puddles or mud) contaminated by animals, such as
dogs, pigs, and rats.
• Those participating in leisure and recreational activities (swimming, sailing, canoeing, rafting, caving,
canyoneering, fishing, etc.) or involved in accidents (car accidents, boat accidents) may come into contact with
contaminated surface waters, especially with prolonged (head under water) submersion. This also applies to
travellers participating in jungle adventure trips or outdoor sports activities.
• Entire villages may be exposed when the drinking-water source is inadequately treated.
• Laboratory staff involved in the diagnosis of and research on leptospirosis and other zoonotic research, and
especially field workers are at risk of exposure (see Annex 17).

Although leptospirosis is often considered to be a rural disease, people living in cities may also be exposed, notably
to rats. The risk of such exposure will depend on the living conditions and the level of hygiene both in the house and
its immediate environment, and on the general hygienic and sanitary conditions in different areas of a city. The
number of males with leptospirosis is often higher than that of females. This may reflect occupational exposure in
male dominated activities. For the same reason, young and middle-aged men may have a higher prevalence of
leptospirosis than boys and old men.

Outbreaks of leptospirosis have been reported following natural disasters such as flooding and hurricanes.

P. Bovet, C. Yersin, F. Merien, C.E. Davis, P. Perolat (1999). Factors associated with clinical leptospirosis:
a population-based case-control study in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean). International Journal of Epidemiology,

B. Cacciapuoti, L. Ciceroni, C. Maffei, F. Di Stanislao, P. Strusi, L. Calegari, R. Lupidi, G. Scalise, G. Cagnoni,

G. Renga (1987). A waterborne outbreak of leptospirosis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 126(3):535-545.

E.R. Campagnolo, M.C. Warwick, Jr H.L. Marx, R.P. Cowart, Jr H.D. Donnell, M.D. Bajani, S.L. Bragg, J.E. Estaban,
D.P. Alt, J.W. Tappero, C.A. Bolin, D.A. Ashford (2000). Analysis of the 1998 outbreak of leptospirosis in Missouri in
humans exposed to infected swine. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 216(5):676-682.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1995). Outbreak of acute febrile illness and pulmonary hemorrhage-
Nicaragua, 1995. Journal of the American Medical Association, 274(21):1668.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1998). Update: Leptospirosis and unexplained acute febrile illness
among athletes participating in triathlons-Illinois and Wisconsin, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 47:673-676.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2001). Update: Outbreak of acute febrile illness among athletes
participating in Eco-Challenge-Sabah 2000 - Borneo, Malaysia, 2000. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,

A. Corwin, A. Ryan, W. Bloys, R. Thomas, B. Deniega, D. Watts (1990). A waterborne outbreak of leptospirosis
among United States military personnel in Okinawa, Japan. International Journal of Epidemiology, 19(3):743-748.

R. van Crevel, P. Speelman, C. Gravekamp, W.J. Terpstra (1994). Leptospirosis in travelers. Clinical Infectious
Diseases, 19:132-134.

C.O.R. Everard, G.A. Ferdinand, L.V. Butcher, J.D. Everard (1989). Leptospirosis in piggery workers on Trinidad.
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 92:253-258.

C.O.R. Everard, S. Bennett, C.N. Edwards, G.D. Nicholson, T.A. Hassell, D.G. Carrington, J.D. Everard (1992).
An investigation of some risk factors for severe leptospirosis on Barbados. Journal of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene, 95:13-22.

A.R. Katz, S.J. Manea, D.M. Sasaki (1991). Leptospirosis on Kauai: Investigation of a common source waterborne
outbreak. American Journal of Public Health, 81(10):1310-1312.

Ko AI, M.G. Reis, C.M.R. Dourado, W.D. Johnson, L.S. Riley (1999). Urban epidemic of severe leptospirosis in
Brazil. Lancet, 354:820-825.

Leptospirosis in India-Report of the investigation of a post-cyclone outbreak in Orissa, November 1999 (2000).
Weekly Epidemiological Record, 75(27):217-223.

C.G. Mackintosh, L.M. Schollum, R.E. Harris, D.K. Blackmore, A.F. Willis, N.R. Cook, J.C.J. Stoke (1980).
Epidemiology of leptospirosis in dairy farm workers in the Manawatu. Part I: A cross-sectional serological survey and
associated occupational factors. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 28:245-250.

M.V. Murhekar, P. Vijayachari, S. Sharma, S.C. Sehgal (1998). Risk factors in the transmission of leptospirosis
infection. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 107:218-223.

N.F. Onyemelukwe (1993). A serological survey for leptospirosis in the Enugu area of eastern Nigeria among people
at occupational risk. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 96:301-304.


E.J. Sanders, J.G Rigua-Perez, H.L. Smits, C.C. Deseda, V.A. Vorndam, T. Aye, R.A. Spiegel, R.S. Weyant,
S.I. Bragg (1999). Increase in leptospirosis in dengue-negative patients after a hurricane in Puerto Rico in 1996.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 61:399-404.

D.M. Sasaki, L. Pang, H.P. Minette, C.K. Wakida, W.J. Fujimoto, S.J. Manea, R. Kunioka, C.R. Middleton (1993).
Active surveillance and risk factors for leptospirosis in Hawaii. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,

S.C. Sehgal, P. Vijayachari, M.V. Murhekar, A.P. Sugunan, S. Sharma, S.S. Singh (1999). Leptospiral infection
among primitive tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Epidemiology and Infection, 122:423-428.

S.C. Sehgal, A.P. Sugunan (2000). Leptospirosis in Andamans-Epidemiological considerations. Leptospirosis in

Western Pacific and South East Asia. In: Proceedings of the Regional Seminar - Workshop on Leptospirosis. Manila,
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific. (unpublished document; available in electronic form from: WHO
Western Pacific Regional Office, e-mail: [email protected] ):45-56.

R.D. Shaw (1992). Kayaking as a risk factor for leptospirosis. Missourri Medicine, 89:354-357.


Control can take place in the form of interventions:
– at the source of infection (reservoir host/carrier/shedder);
– at the transmission route;
– at the level of the human host.

It should be remembered that:

• Many serovars and many reservoir hosts, each with their own special ecological niche, may occur in a given
• There are many ways in which humans can become infected, depending on the infection source and the
prevailing environmental conditions (see Annex 2).

In view of the foregoing, no general rules for the control of leptospirosis can be laid down and, for each situation,
specific solutions must be found. Examples of intervention measures are given below.

The eradication of leptospirosis in feral animals is not possible, but in small, defined populations (dogs, certified
cattle herds, etc.) control measures can be highly effective.


A3.2.1 Animal sources of infection
Leptospires live and multiply in the kidneys of a carrier (generally mammalian) or maintenance animal host. They are
excreted in the urine, and animals that excrete leptospires are called shedders.

A particular Leptospira strain will generally have a preference for a certain animal host with which there is a largely
commensal relationship: the host does not suffer or suffers only comparatively mildly from the infection. Infected
animals transfer leptospires to their offspring either in utero or during the neonatal period. These offspring then
transfer the infection to their own offspring, and so on. In this way, a chain of infection is maintained by the
maintenance host. By maintaining the infection, such maintenance hosts form the reservoir of infection.

Humans or animals that are not maintenance hosts may become infected incidentally. They are called "incidental" or
"accidental" hosts. Such hosts often develop disease.

The distinction between natural or maintenance and incidental/accidental hosts is not always clear cut, particularly in
domestic animals that are kept in crowded conditions that favour transmission.

Exceptions and transitional states may also occur, as follows:

• Leptospires may adapt to a new host that may eventually become a natural maintenance host when the
infection establishes itself in a population of animals of the same species, thus forming an infection reservoir.
• An animal may be temporarily carrying and shedding leptospires without being a natural maintenance host if the
infection does not establish itself in a population of animals of the same species.
• The infection may run a chronic course in the maintenance host with or without serious sequelae.


A3.2.2 Detection of infection sources

Exposure histories together with occupation and recreational pursuits may help to identify the infection source. If a
probable infection source or sources have been identified, the suspected animals should be examined to determine
whether they are carriers of leptospires and are shedding the organisms in their urine. Small animals can be trapped
and identified, and after euthanasia, blood, urine and tissues (kidneys) can be aseptically removed for examination.
Specimens from peridomestic animals can be collected on farms for leptospirosis examination (possibly in
collaborative projects on other health problems in animals) or in slaughter-houses. Urine from large domestic
animals can be collected after administration of a diuretic or by catheter. Blood obtained from animals should be
examined by serology, and kidney tissue and urine by culture. Isolates from animals should be typed and compared
with those from humans.

It is essential to be aware of the limitations of the methods used. Serology is of limited value as animals may be
carriers without evidence of antibody production and the detection of antibodies does not imply carrier status.
Culture is of limited value, as fastidious leptospires may fail to grow, and some animals may only shed organisms

A3.2.3 Possible interventions

These include the following:
• Infected animals (cattle/pigs/dogs) can be isolated and if necessary slaughtered or killed.
• Infected animals can be treated with antibiotics to control leptospiral shedding.
• Rodents (rats, mice) can be poisoned.
• Rodents and other feral animals can be trapped.
• Rodents and other feral sources of infection can be denied access to the human living environment by erecting
fences, screens and rodent-proof buildings and stables.
• Rodents (rats, mice) can be denied access to food and drinking-water, by building rodent-proof warehouses and
other food/harvest depots, water reservoirs, stables, yards and pens, and by moving all spilled and waste food
out of reach of pests.
• Rodents and other feral animals can be deterred from living in areas of human habitation by keeping the
surroundings scrupulously clean, removing rubble and litter, cutting down tall grass and shrubs, and installing
adequate sanitation, and in particular waste disposal with good sewers and toilets, and by providing clean water.
• Vaccines can be used for the immunization of pets and farm animals: e.g. those used for dogs may contain as
immunogens the serovars icterohaemorrhagiae and canicola; for cattle: hardjo and pomona; for pigs: pomona,
tarassovi and bratislava.
• Excreta from domestic animals should be disposed of in such a way as to avoid contamination.


Transmission can be prevented by:
• Wearing protective clothing (boots, gloves, spectacles, aprons, masks).
• Covering skin lesions with waterproof dressings.
• Washing or showering after exposure to urine splashes or contaminated soil or water.
• Washing and cleaning wounds.
• Developing an awareness of potential risks and methods of preventing or minimizing exposure, e.g. by avoiding
or preventing urine splashes and aerosols, avoiding touching ill or dead animals, fetuses, placentas, organs
(kidneys, bladders) with bare hands, and, unless wearing gloves, avoiding assisting animals giving birth.
• Wearing gloves when handling the urine of dogs and other animals, washing hands afterwards, and being
aware that it is possible to be infected while nursing sick dogs or other animals.
• Strictly maintaining hygienic measures during care or handling all animals and avoiding contact with urine or
other body fluids.
• Where feasible, disinfecting contaminated areas (scrubbing floors in stables, butcheries, abattoirs, etc.).
• Providing clean drinking-water.
• Preventing access to, or giving adequate warning of water bodies known or suspected to be contaminated
(pools, ponds, rivers).

• Mechanizing risk activities such as harvesting rice or cutting cane.

• Introducing good herd management (avoiding communal pastures, buying certified leptospire-free stock).
• Laying down and introducing standard safety procedures in laboratories (Annex 17).


These may take the forms discussed below.

A3.4.1 Raising awareness

This is an important approach in both the general population and risk groups. People need to understand the
disease and, if possible, how to avoid risks, but also that timely medical help should be sought if leptospirosis is
suspected after exposure. Doctors and veterinarians should consider leptospirosis as part of the differential
diagnosis in appropriate cases and provide treatment in an appropriate and timely fashion, while the public health
and general authorities should introduce preventive measures.

A3.4.2 Antibiotic prophylaxis

A full prophylactic course of treatment is required if exposure is known to have occurred, e.g. as a result of a
laboratory accident or other high-risk exposure. Doxycycline is reported to give some degree of protection to
exposed individuals from non-endemic areas. However, even if it does not always prevent infection, it can reduce
the severity of the disease and thus mortality and morbidity.

A3.4.3 Immunization
In countries where vaccines are available, immunization can be considered when there is a significant public health
problem. Vaccines give protection only against the serovar, or at best the serogroup, present in the vaccine
components so that vaccines combining several antigens may be needed. Protection is short-lived and boosting is
needed. Vaccines may produce side-effects and are available only in certain countries.

A3.4.4 Educational methods

Physician education and updates
Information on the symptoms of leptospirosis, risk factors, diagnostic testing and therapeutic strategies should be
regularly disseminated to licensed physicians and health care providers. Direct mailings, articles in the health
department/public health agency's newsletter/report, articles in the local medical journal(s), grand round
presentations at hospitals and ambulatory care facilities or, best of all, a combination of all these can be used for this
purpose. Maintaining a high level of suspicion in the minds of clinicians will greatly enhance case identification. The
successful impact of an active physician education programme can be readily seen by comparing the percentage of
correct initial clinical impressions of physicians in Hawaii (62%) (Katz et al., 2001) with those of physicians in the
USA in general (27%) (Martone & Kaufmann, 1979) when confronted with an eventually confirmed case of

Community education
Widespread community education can greatly assist in the identification of risk factors, the prevention of illness, and
reducing the duration of illness and its severity through the early recognition of suspicious symptoms and self-
referral for evaluation and treatment. Various methods can be used, as discussed below.

• Brochures can be produced inexpensively and made widely available and distributed to clinics, health
departments, agriculture departments, the military, etc. They should describe the disease, how it is recognized
clinically, how it is treated and methods of preventing exposure. The brochure should be written in the
languages most frequently used in the community. Contact telephone numbers should also be given for those
who want more information.


• If politically acceptable, brightly coloured warning signs can be used to attract people's attention. Such signs
may list one or two primary risk factors, together with a contact department and telephone number for more
information. These may be placed at sites where there is a known risk of exposure, as well as at locations
where people at risk will be likely to see them.

• If resources permit, a descriptive videotape can be produced by the health department or by an ad hoc
committee, describing the disease and how it is recognized, treated and prevented. Videotapes should be
distributed in district health offices, libraries and schools, and be available for free public loan at videotape
rental stores. Information on their availability should be widely publicized.

• Display boards with tables, graphs, and photographs of the disease, together with information on its
recognition, risk factors, treatment and prevention, are inexpensive to make and may be very helpful in
promoting better understanding in health fairs, hospitals, clinics, schools and libraries.

• The ad hoc committee should consider having tee-shirts produced with a suitable message on the reverse.
They can be worn during any educational activity and given to anyone who wants one and is willing to pay the
cost of production.

• Educational signs can be developed by the ad hoc committee to be placed in buses to increase awareness of
the disease and the methods for its prevention. A contact telephone number should be given on the sign to
enable interested people to obtain more detailed information.

Dissemination of outbreak control information

When an outbreak occurs (e.g. after a hurricane or flooding), both physicians and the general public need to be
rapidly informed of the situation and of the ways in which the disease may be prevented.

Through press releases and mailings, physicians should be provided with information to help them to recognize a
febrile illness possibly due to leptospirosis, and on suitable treatments for the disease.

Again through press releases and radio and television announcements, and possibly also by putting up signs if the
outbreak is confined to a specific location, information should be provided to the general public on the clinical signs
of leptospirosis, on the risk of exposure, and on the importance of seeing a physician as soon as possible because
the disease responds to antibiotics. Information should also be given on methods of prevention, e.g. warning people
not to drink or submerse themselves in water that may be contaminated, and not to wash clothes in potentially
contaminated water if any skin lesions are present.

People should also be informed of the risks to animals of a large-scale outbreak, e.g. one resulting from flooding
associated with a hurricane. Signs and symptoms seen in animals should be publicized as well as the vaccines that,
if available, can be administered to animals concurrently with an antibiotic (e.g. penicillin) to minimize the risk that
they will develop infections.

B. Babudieri (1957). Schutzimpfung gegen Leptospirosen. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie I Abteiling Originale,

Chen Ting-Zuo (1986). Development and present status of leptospiral vaccine and technology of production of the
vaccine in China. Annales Immunologiae Hungaricae, 26:125-151.

L. Ciceroni, E. Stepan, A. Pinto, P. Pizzocaro, G. Dettori, L. Franzin, R. Lupidi, S. Mansueto, A. Manera, A. Ioli,
L. Marcuccion, R. Grillo, S. Ciarrochi, M. Cinco (2000). Epidemiological trend of human leptospirosis in Italy between
1994 and 1996. European Journal of Epidemiology, 16:79-86.


J.C. Frantz, L.E. Hanson, A.L. Brown (1989). Effect of vaccination with a bacterin containing Leptospira interrogans
serovar bratislava on the breeding performance of swine herds. American Journal of Veterinary Research,

A.R. Katz, V.E. Ansdell, P.V. Effler, C.R. Middleton, D.M. Sasaki (2001). Assessment of the clinical presentation and
treatment of 353 cases of laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis in Hawaii, 1974-1998. Clinical Infectious Diseases,

Leptospirosis in India-Report of the investigation of a post-cyclone outbreak in Orissa, November 1999 (2000).
Weekly Epidemiological Record, 75(27):217-223.

W.J. Martone, A.F. Kaufmann (1979). From the Centers for Disease Control: Leptospirosis in the United States,
1974 - 1978. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 140:1020-1022.

A. Perrocheau, P. Perolat (1997). Epidemiology of leptospirosis in New Caledonia (South Pacific): a one-year study.
European Journal of Epidemiology, 13(2):161-167.

D.M. Sasaki, L. Pang, H.P. Minette, C.K. Wakida, W.J. Fujimoto, S.J. Manea, R. Kunioka, C.R. Middleton (1993).
Active surveillance and risk factors for leptospirosis in Hawaii. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,

S.C. Sehgal, A.P. Suganan, M.V. Murhekar, S. Sharma, P. Vijayachari (2000). Randomized controlled trial of
doxycycline prophylaxis against leptospirosis in an endemic area. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents,

M.M. Shimizu (1984). Environmental and biological determinants for the prevalence of leptospirosis among wild
small mammal hosts, Island of Hawaii. International Journal of Zoonoses, 11:173-188.

E.T. Takafuji, J.W. Kirkpatrick, R.N. Miller, J.J. Karwacki, P.W. Kelley, M.R. Gray, K.M. McNeill, H.L. Timboe,
R.E. Kane, J.L. Sanchez (1984). An efficacy trial of doxycycline chemoprophylaxis against leptospirosis. New
England Journal of Medicine, 310:497-500.

J. Tappero, D.A. Ashford, B.A. Perkins (2000). Leptospirosis. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles
and practices of infectious diseases, 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Churchill Livingstone: 2495-2500.

M. Torten, E. Shenberg, C.B. Gerichter, P. Neuman, M.A. Klingberg (1973). A new leptospiral vaccine for use in
man. II. Clinical and serological evaluation of a field trial with volunteers. Journal of Infectious Diseases,

World Health Organization (1986). Report of the WHO Consultation on the Development of National Programmes
for the Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis, Sapporo, Japan, July 15 - 16, 1984. Geneva (unpublished document
WHO/CDS/VPH/86.62: available from: Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response, World
Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland).

World Health Organization (1993). Report of Discussions of the WHO Working Group on Leptospirosis Vaccine
Development and Vaccinology, Nagoya, Japan, March 26 - 27, 1993. Geneva (unpublished document VPH/93.122;
available from: Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response, World Health Organization, 1211
Geneva 27, Switzerland).


In view of the complexity and variability of the epidemiology of leptospirosis in its different manifestations, reliable
baseline data as revealed by surveillance are needed before it is even possible to consider starting a control
programme (Annex 3).

Leptospirosis occurs worldwide but reliable data on its incidence and prevalence in different areas are scarce. It is
probably overlooked and underreported in many parts of the world.


A4.2.1 Hospital-based studies

The diagnosis should be confirmed by laboratory tests as the clinical manifestations of leptospirosis are often
untypical. Leptospirosis should be suspected in patients presenting with symptoms such as fever, severe headache,
prostration, aching muscles or conjunctival suffusion, or patients presenting with signs of aseptic meningitis, adult
respiratory distress syndrome with pulmonary haemorrhage, kidney failure or jaundice. Data should be collected on
the age, sex, occupation and exposure history (place, date, conditions of animal contact or contact with
contaminated environment) of the patient.

Laboratory methods should include reliable serology and culture which, even if it does not contribute to early
diagnosis, confirms it when leptospires are isolated. Isolation followed by typing is essential for surveillance as it
provides information about the leptospires circulating in a certain area. In addition, typing data can be compared with
the clinical manifestations of the disease in the area concerned. Serology is also important but, because of cross-
reactions, the information obtained is of limited value in terms of causative serovars. Mild cases may not be admitted
to hospital, so hospital-based studies may result in a bias towards severity in assessing the public health importance
of leptospirosis.

Very severe cases may also be missed as patients may die at an early stage of the disease before the diagnosis
can be established. Especially in these cases, culture, PCR and immunohistochemistry may be useful methods of
demonstrating the leptospiral etiology in postmortem samples.

A4.2.2 Serosurveillance
The detection of persisting antibodies by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) may give an indication of the
prevalence of leptospirosis in an area. Serosurveillance provides data on leptospirosis as an infection rather than as
a disease, and thus as a public health problem, since seropositivity may also be found in very mild cases. It is best
carried out with the MAT using a panel of antigens that is representative of the locally circulating leptospires. If the
local strains are not fully known, a broad panel with representative strains of all currently known serogroups should
be used. Persisting antibodies from a past infection are usually serogroup-specific. Titres to serovars used as
antigens and their frequency of distribution may give information on the prevalence of these serovars or on
antigenically similar serovars belonging to the same serogroup.

ELISA tests provide information only on recent or current cases and no information on the circulating serovars
because they use a broadly reactive so-called genus-specific antigen to check for IgM antibodies.


A4.2.3 Risk groups

Studies may also be performed on selected groups (rice farmers, meat workers, etc.) in a population that is likely to
be exposed to leptospires. While the incidence rate for the whole of the population in an area may be low, it may be
very high in a selected risk group. Preventive methods may be focused on a risk group.

A4.2.4 Cohort studies

Cohort studies in which the same risk group in the population is re-examined after an interval may, through
seroconversion, provide information on the incidence of infection. Questionnaires on signs and symptoms that
occurred during the interval may give an indication of the incidence and presentation of leptospirosis as a disease.

A4.2.5 Blood banks

Screening blood donors for anti-Leptospira antibodies may give an indication of the prevalence of leptospirosis.

A4.2.6 Surveillance forms

Forms should be developed for keeping records of people with possible leptospirosis. Such forms may be used to
document both endemic and outbreak-related illness. The forms should contain the following information which will
help to characterize the behaviour of the disease in the community, and identify categories of people and areas at
high risk:
• Personal identifiers: name, address, town, state, age, sex, ethnicity and occupation.
• Clinical features: name of physician, date of onset, initial clinical impression, incubation period, hospitalization
and duration of hospitalization, duration of illness, death, and a list of the clinical signs and symptoms that may
be observed with the disease.
• Diagnostic test results: name(s) of the test(s), dates on which samples were taken and the results of the tests.
• Exposure history (in the 4 weeks before the onset of illness), including contact with possible contaminated water
or mud, exposures to fresh water, date(s) and location(s) of exposure, exposure to animals, list of animals
concerned and whether they were ill or died, presence of skin wounds during the 4 weeks before infection, and
source(s) of drinking-water.
• Economic impact: days of work missed as a result of illness.


Active surveillance is helpful in determining the incidence of leptospirosis in a community. Physicians should be
asked to obtain whole blood and serum for culture and serology from consenting patients presenting with clinical
symptoms that meet a case definition established by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO, the
Ministry of Public Health or the national government. Questionnaires should be administered designed to
characterize the clinical illness and exposure history. Follow-up serum should be requested, e.g. 2–3 weeks after the
first sample is taken for serological confirmation or earlier, since seroconversion may occur as early as 5–7 days
after the onset of the disease. Such active surveillance may provide valuable information on the "normal" incidence
of leptospirosis in a community and may identify serovars present in the area. Networks of public health laboratories
may enable samples to be transported to a central laboratory.

Together with active surveillance, a concurrent case-control study to evaluate risk factors may identify previously
unknown risks of exposure to leptospirosis. In addition to the information collected above and appropriate diagnostic
samples, a second questionnaire covering all the relevant risk factors should be administered. The controls for this
study may be those surveyed and found not to have the disease. Possible risk factors (during the 4 weeks before
the onset of illness) include exposure to various animals and their urine, exposure to fresh water or mud, and
specific activities involved in the exposures, e.g. swimming, feeding pigs and cleaning pig pens, the presence of skin
wounds, drinking surface or catchment water, and walking barefoot.


The completed questionnaires may be statistically analysed using a free computer software program such as
EpiInfo 6.04 or its latest version EpiInfo 2000, available on the Internet through the web site of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.1


Surveillance of feral and domestic animals may be necessary to complement surveillance among humans in looking
for infection sources.

R.J. Chappel, R.W. Prime, B.D. Millar, L.J. Mead, R.T.M. Jones, B. Adler (1992). Comparison of diagnostic
procedures for porcine leptospirosis. Veterinary Microbiology, 30:151-163.

L. Ciceroni, E. Stepan, A. Pinto, P. Pizzocaro, G. Dettori, L. Franzin, R. Lupidi, S. Mansueto, A. Manera, A. Ioli,
L. Marcuccio, R. Grillo, S. Ciarrocchi, M. Cinco (2000). Epidemiological trend of human leptospirosis in Italy between
1994 and 1996. European Journal of Epidemiology, 16:79-86.

M. Collares-Pereira (1991). Bovine leptospirosis in cattle in Portugal: bacteriological and serological findings.
Veterinary Record, 128:549-550.

J.D. Everard, C.O.R. Everard (1993). Leptospirosis in the Caribbean. Reviews in Medical Microbiology, 4:114-122.

C.O.R. Everard, P.I. Cazabon, D.W. Dreesen, C.R. Sulzer (1979). Leptospirosis in dogs and cats on the Island of
Trinidad: West Indies. International Journal of Zoonoses, 6:33-40.

C.O.R. Everard, C.N. Edwards, J.D. Everard, D.G. Carrington (1995). A twelve-year study of leptospirosis on
Barbados. European Journal of Epidemiology, 11:311-320.

C.O.R. Everard, G.M. Fraser-Chanpong, R. Hayes, L.J. Bhagwandin, L.V. Butcher (1982). A survey of leptospirosis
in febrile patients mainly from hospitals and clinics in Trinidad. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, 76:487-492.

C.O.R. Everard, R.J. Hayes, C.N. Edwards (1989). Leptospiral infection in school-children from Trinidad and
Barbados. Epidemiology and Infection, 103:143-156.

C.O.R. Everard, G.H. Maude, R.J. Hayes (1990). Leptospiral infection: a household serosurvey in urban and rural
communities in Barbados and Trinidad. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 84:255-266.

N.P. Farrington, C.R. Sulzer (1982). Canine Leptospirosis in Puerto Rico. International Journal of Zoonoses,

A.R. Katz, V.E. Ansdell, P.V. Effler, C.R. Middleton, D.M. Sasaki (2001). Assessment of the clinical presentation and
treatment of 353 cases of laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis in Hawaii, 1974-1998. Clinical Infectious Diseases,

Leptospirosis in India: Report of the investigation of a post-cyclone outbreak in Orissa, November 1999 (2000).
Weekly Epidemiological Record, 75:217-223.

D.A. Miller, M.A. Wilson, G.W. Beran (1991). Survey to estimate prevalence of Leptospira interrogans infection in
mature cattle in the United States. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 52:1761-1765.

1 http://www.cdc.gov

D.A. Miller, M.A. Wilson, G.W. Beran (1991). Relationships between prevalence of Leptospira interrogans in cattle,
and regional, climatic, and seasonal factors. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 52:1766-1768.

H.P. Minette (1983). Leptospirosis in poikilothermic vertebrates - A review. International Journal of Zoonoses,

A. Perrocheau, P. Perolat (1997). Epidemiology of leptospirosis in New Caledonia (South Pacific): a one-year study.
European Journal of Epidemiology, 13:161-167.

D.M. Sasaki, L. Pang, H.P. Minette, C.K. Wakida, W.J. Fujimoto, S.J. Manea, R. Kunioka, C.R. Middleton (1993).
Active surveillance and risk factors for leptospirosis in Hawaii. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,

S.C. Sehgal, M.V. Murhekar, A.P. Sugunan (1994). A serosurvey for leptospirosis in North Andamans. Indian
Journal of Medical Microbiology, 12(4):289-291.

K.D. Taylor, L.H. Turner, J.D. Everard (1991). Leptospires in Rattus spp. on Barbados. Journal of Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene, 94:102-103.

L.D. van Til, I.R. Dohoo (1991). A serological survey of leptospirosis in Prince Edward Island swine herds and its
association with infertility. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 55:352-355.

C.C. Weekes, C.O.R. Everard, P.N. Levett (1997). Seroepidemiology of canine leptospirosis on the island of
Barbados. Veterinary Microbiology, 57:2315-2322.

C. Yersin, P. Bovet, F. Merien, T. Wong, J. Panowsky, P. Perolat (1998). Human leptospirosis in the Seychelles
(Indian Ocean): A population-based study. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 59:933-940.


Leptospirosis in humans may show a wide variety of symptoms and signs including:
– fever;
– severe headache;
– myalgias;
– conjunctival suffusion;
– jaundice;
– general malaise;
– stiff neck;
– chills;
– abdominal pain;
– joint pain;
– anorexia;
– nausea;
– vomiting;
– diarrhoea;
– oliguria/anuria;
– haemorrhages;
– skin rash;
– photophobia;
– cough;
– cardiac arrhythmia;
– hypotension;
– mental confusion;
– psychosis;
– delirium.

No presentation of leptospirosis is diagnostic and clinical suspicion must be confirmed by laboratory tests. Textbooks
should be consulted for detailed descriptions of the clinical picture.

The following diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of leptospirosis:

– influenza;
– dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever;
– hantavirus infection, including hantavirus pulmonary syndrome or other respiratory distress syndromes;
– yellow fever and other viral haemorrhagic fevers;
– rickettsiosis;
– borreliosis;
– brucellosis;
– malaria;
– pyelonephritis;
– aseptic meningitis;
– chemical poisoning;
– food poisoning;
– typhoid fever and other enteric fevers;
– viral hepatitis;
– pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO);
– primary HIV seroconversion;

– legionnaire's disease;
– toxoplasmosis;
– infectious mononucleosis;
– pharyngitis.

A.D. Alexander, A.S. Benenson, R.J. Byrne, R.S. Díaz-Rivera, L.B. Evans, W.S. Gochenour, H.E. Hall,
J.A. Hightower, H. Jeffries, J. De Jesús, E. Martínez, M. Paniagua, J.A. Pons, F. Ramos-Morales, R. Rodríguez-
Molina, K.Y. Swisher, T.E. Woodward, R.H. Yager (1963). Leptospirosis in Puerto Rico. Zoonoses Research,

V.M. Arean (1962). The pathologic anatomy and pathogenesis of fatal human leptospirosis (Weil's disease).
American Journal of Pathology, 40:393-423.

S.J. Berman, C.C. Tsai, K. Holmes, J.W. Fresh, R.H. Watten (1973). Sporadic anicteric leptospirosis in South
Vietnam: a study of 150 patients. Annals of Internal Medicine, 79:167-73.

B. Brethes, P.L. Puech, A. Fraisse, P. Dubois, J. Domenech, P. Bourdin, J.P. Moreau, P. Capdevielle, D. Dessouter,
M. Lambert (1988). Leptospirosis and environment. Study of 2 major foci in New Caledonia. Revue d'Epidémiologie
et de Santé Publique, 26(6):436-442.

K.M. Chu, R. Rathinam, P. Namperumalsamy, D. Dean (1998). Identification of Leptospira species in the
pathogenesis of uveitis and determination of clinical ocular characteristics in South India. Journal of Infectious
Diseases, 177:1314-1321.

T. De Brito, C.F. Morais, P.H. Yasuda (1987). Cardiovascular involvement in human and experimental leptospirosis:
pathologic findings and immunohistochemical detection of leptospiral antigen. Annals of Tropical Medicine and
Parasitology, 81(3):207-214.

C.N. Edwards, G.D. Nicholson, C.O.R. Everard (1982). Thrombocytopenia in leptospirosis. American Journal of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 31(4):827-829.

C.N. Edwards, G.D. Nicholson, T.A. Hassell, C.O.R. Everard, J. Callender (1986). Thrombocytopenia in
leptospirosis: the absence of evidence for disseminated intravascular coagulation. American Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, 35:352-354.

C.N. Edwards, G.D. Nicholson, T.A. Hassell, C.O. Everard, J. Callender (1990). Leptospirosis in Barbados: a clinical
study. West Indian Medical Journal, 39:27-34.

S. Faine (1998). Leptospirosis. In: Hausler W.J. Jr, Sussman M., eds. Topley and Wilson's microbiology and
microbial infections, 9th ed. London, Arnold: Vol. 3: 849-869.

R.W. Farr (1995). Leptospirosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 21:1-8.

R.D. Feigin, D.C. Anderson (1975). Human Leptospirosis. CRC Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences,

J.G. Im, K.M. Yeon, M.C. Han, C.W. Kim, W.R. Webb, J.S. Lee, Y.C. Han, W.H. Chang, J.G. Chi (1989).
Leptospirosis of the lung: radiographic findings in 58 patients. American Journal of Roentgenology, 152:955-959.

W.D. Johnson, I.C. Silva, H. Rocha (1975). Serum creatinine phosphokinase in leptospirosis. Journal of the
American Medical Association, 233:981-982.


A.R. Katz, V.E. Ansdell, P.V. Effler, C.R. Middleton, D.M. Sasaki (2001). Assessment of the clinical presentation and
treatment of 353 cases of laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis in Hawaii, 1974 - 1998. Clinical Infectious Diseases,

M. Kuriakose, C.K. Eapen, E. Punnoose, G. Koshi (1990). Leptospirosis-clinical spectrum and correlation with
7 simple laboratory tests for early diagnosis in the Third World. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, 84:419-421.

K.N. Lai, I. Aarons, A.J. Woodroffe, A.R. Clarkson (1982). Renal lesions in leptospirosis. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Medicine, 12:276-279.

C.R. Middleton, V.E. Ansdell, D.M. Sasaki (2001). Of mice and mongooses. A history of leptospirosis research in
Hawaii. Hawaii Medical Journal, 60:174,179-181,184-186.

A.C. Nicodemo, G. Del Negro, V. Amato Neto (1990). Thrombocytopenia and leptospirosis. Revista do Instituto de
Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo, 32(4):252-259.

K.M. O'Neil, L.S. Rickman, A.A. Lazarus (1991). Pulmonary manifestations of leptospirosis. Review of Infectious
Diseases, 13:705-709.

M. Parsons (1965). Electrocardiographic changes in leptospirosis. British Medical Journal, 2:201-203.

A. Perrocheau, P. Perolat (1997). Epidemiology of leptospirosis in New Caledonia (South Pacific): a one-year study.
European Journal of Epidemiology, 13(2):161-167.

S.C. Sehgal, M.V. Murhekar, A.P. Sugunan (1995). Outbreak of leptospirosis with pulmonary involvement in North
Andaman. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 102:9-12.

Y. Shaked, O. Spilberg, D. Samra, Y. Samra (1993). Leptospirosis in pregnancy and its effect on the fetus: case
report and review. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 17:241-243.

S.S. Singh, P. Vijayachari, A. Sinha, A.P. Sugunan, M.A. Rasheed, S.C. Sehgal (1999). Clinico-epidemiological
study of severe cases of leptospirosis in Andamans. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 109:94-99.

S. Soie, K. Hironaga, A. Koshiro, H. Konishi, Z. Yoshii (1983). In vitro susceptibilities of five Leptospira strains to
antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 24(6):905-908.

J. Tappero, D.A. Ashford, B.A. Perkins (2000). Leptospirosis . In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles
and practices of infectious diseases, 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Churchill Livingstone:2495-2500.

R.T. Trevejo, J.G. Rigau-Pèrez, D.A. Ashford, E.M. McClure, C. Jarquin-Gonzalez, J.J. Amador, J.O. De los Reyes,
A. Gonzalez, S.R. Zaki, W.J. Shieh, R.G. McLean, R.S. Nasci, R.S. Weyant, C.A. Bolin, S.L. Bragg, B.A. Perkins,
R.A. Spiegel (1998). Epidemic leptospirosis associated with pulmonary hemorrhage-Nicaragua, 1995. Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 178:1457-1463.

G. Watt, L.P. Padre, M.L. Tuazon, C. Calubaquib, E. Santiago, C.P. Ranoa, L.W. Laughlin (1988). Placebo-
controlled trial of intravenous penicillin for severe and late leptospirosis. Lancet, 1(8583):433-435.

C. Yersin, P. Bovet, F. Mérien, T. Wong, J. Panowsky, P. Perolat (1988). Human leptospirosis in the Seychelles
(Indian Ocean): a population based study. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 59(6):933-940.

S.R. Zaki, R.A. Spiegel (1998). Leptospirosis. In: Nelson A.M., Horsburgh C.R. Jr, eds. Part IV, Factors contributing
to emergence of infectious diseases. Pathology of emerging infections 2, 1st ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press:

Z.R. Zaki, W.J. Shieh (1996). Leptospirosis associated with outbreak of acute febrile illness and pulmonary
haemorrhage, Nicaragua, 1995. Lancet, 347:535-536.



Leptospires are too thin and take up conventional stains too poorly to be observed under the ordinary light
microscope. In dark-field microscopy, oblique light is thrown on to leptospires on a microscope slide by the use of a
special condenser, while central light is interrupted (Figure A6.1) (Culling, 1963; Romeis, 1968). Leptospires stand
out as silvery threads against a dark background. It is essential that a dark-field microscope of good quality is used.

Figure A6.1 Principle of dark-field microscopy: only light reflected upwards and "hitting" the microorganism will enter
the objective.


Although this technique is described in textbooks as a useful method of demonstrating leptospires in fluids, it has
sometimes proved to be of doubtful value even in the hands of very experienced staff.

Serum protein and fibrin strands and other cell debris in blood resemble leptospires, while the concentration of
organisms in the urine of humans and animals is frequently too low to be detectable by this method. Care and great
experience are therefore necessary to avoid mistaking artefacts for leptospires.

Leptospires may be concentrated by differential centrifugation but the percentage of positive observations remains
low (Wolff, 1954).

Direct microscopy of blood is not recommended as a routine procedure.

Leptospires can also be visualized by electronmicroscopy (Morton & Anderson, 1943).


These include:
• Silver staining (Murray & Fielding, 1936; Gangadhar & Rajasekhar, 1998).
• Direct immunofluorescence staining using rabbit (Sheldon, 1953) or fluorescein-labelled mouse monoclonal
antibodies (Stevens et al., 1985, Zaki & Shieh, 1996).
• Immunoperoxidase staining (Tripathy & Hanson, 1974).
• In situ hybridization using DNA probes (Terpstra et al., 1987).

C.F.A. Culling (1963). Handbook of histopathological techniques (including museum technique), 2nd ed., London,

N.L. Gangadhar, M. Rajasekhar (1998). A modified silver impregnation staining for leptospires. Indian Veterinary
Journal, 75:349-351.

H.E. Morton, T.F. Anderson (1943). Morphology of Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae and L.canicola as revealed by
electron microscope. Journal of Bacteriology, 45:143-146.

R.E. Murray, J.W. Fielding (1936). Notes on the silver impregnation of Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae. Medical
Journal of Australia, 1:610-611.

B. Romeis (1968). Mikroskopische technik. München-Wien, R. Oldenbourg Verlag.

W.H. Sheldon (1953). Leptospiral antigen demonstrated by the fluorescent antibody technic in human muscle
lesions of Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine,

A.E. Stevens, S.A. Headlam, D.G. Pritchard, C.J. Thorns, J.A. Morris (1985). Monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis of
infection with Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo by immunofluorescence. Veterinary Record, 116:593-594.

W.J. Terpstra, G.J. Schoone, G.S. Ligthart, J. Schegget ter (1987). Detection of Leptospira interrogans in clinical
specimens by in situ hybridization using biotin-labelled DNA probes. Journal of General Microbiology, 133:911-914.

D.N. Tripathy, L.E. Hanson (1974). Immunoperoxidase staining of leptospires. Applied Microbiology, 27:268-269.

J.W. Wolff (1954). The laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas.

S.R. Zaki, W.J. Shieh (1996). Leptospirosis associated with outbreak of acute febrile illness and pulmonary
haemorrhage, Nicaragua, 1995. Lancet, 347:535-536.


The methods commonly used to differentiate between saprophytic and pathogenic leptospires are:
– growth in the presence of 8-azaguanine (225 mg / l) (Johnson & Rogers, 1964);
– growth at 13 °C (Johnson & Harris, 1967);
– conversion to spherical forms in 1M NaCl (Johnson & Faine, 1984).

Growth at 13 °C in the presence of 8-azaguanine and conversion to spherical forms in 1M NaCl suggests that
leptospires are saprophytes. The ELISA test, in which only antigens of pathogenic leptospires react to monoclonal
antibody F9-4 (Cinco, 1990), can also be used.

Some PCR-based techniques have been developed which will distinguish between pathogenic and saprophytic
Leptospira occurring in water (Murgia et al., 1997). The ability to distinguish between pathogenic and saprophytic
leptospires in the environment can be of value for epidemiological and public health purposes.

M. Cinco (1990). Evaluation of monoclonal antibody F9-4 as immunological probe for Leptospira interrogans.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 28:2154-2155.

R.C. Johnson, S. Faine (1984). Order I. Spirochaetalis: Family II. "Leptospiraceae" Hovind-Hougen 1979.
In: Krieg NR, Holt JG, eds. Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology, 1st ed. Baltimore, MD, Williams & Wilkins,
Vol.1, 245: 62.

R.C. Johnson, V.G. Harris (1967). Antileptospiral activity of serum. II. Leptospiral virulence factor. Journal of
Bacteriology, 93:513-519.

R.C. Johnson, P. Rogers (1964). Differentiation of pathogenic and saprophytic leptospires with 8-azaguanine.
Journal of Bacteriology, 88:1618-1623.

R. Murgia, N. Riquelme, G. Baranton, M. Cinco (1997). Oligonucleotides specific for pathogenic and saprophytic
leptospira occurring in water. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 148:27-34.



Antigen–antibody reactions, as in the MAT, are used to identify strains. The antigenic structure of leptospires is
complex. The basic systematic unit is the serovar, which is represented by a reference strain (Kmety & Dikken,

Serogroups consist of serovars which cross-agglutinate to moderate or high titres (Dikken & Kmety, 1978).
Serogroups cannot be defined accurately and have no official taxonomic status but serve the practical purpose of
grouping strains on the basis of their antigenic similarity.

Serogrouping is necessary because of the more than 200 leptospiral reference strains which, for practical reasons,
cannot be used or assessed individually in serotyping experiments. As there is no exact definition of a serogroup
and as the distinctions between them are often blurred, some serovars have been moved in the past from one
serogroup to another.

The original definition of a serovar formulated by Wolff & Broom (1954), and a WHO Expert Group (World Health
Organization, 1967) was intended not only for taxonomic purposes but was also a practical way of differentiating
between leptospires on the basis of host–parasite relationships. Under the present definition, two strains are
considered to belong to different serovars if, after cross-absorption with adequate amounts of heterologous antigen,
more than 10 % of the homologous titre regularly remains in at least one of the two antisera in repeated tests
(International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, 1987). If an unknown serovar is different from all known
serovars (as represented by reference strains) according to the criterion given in the definition above, it is deemed to
be a new serovar. If no homologous titre or less than 10% persists, the unknown strain belongs to the serovar
concerned. Thus an unknown strain may either belong to a known serovar represented by a reference strain, or be a
new serovar and become the reference strain for this new serovar. The "10% limit" criterion is critical. This rule
allows a 0–10% margin of difference for strains belonging to the same serovar (Faine, 1982).

The conventional method of serotyping unknown strains involves the two procedures described below.

A8.1.1 Serogroup determination

An antigen suspension of the unknown strain is used in titrations using the MAT with a range of rabbit antisera
representing all recognized serogroups to determine the serogroup status of the unknown strain. It also allows for
the investigation of the relationship between the unknown strain and other reference strains within the same
serogroup. An unknown serovar may be agglutinated by one or more antisera.

A8.1.2 Cross-agglutination-absorption test

The second procedure is much more complicated and involves comparing cross-agglutination-absorption reactions
using the MAT of the unknown strain and its antiserum with reference strains and their antisera that were positive in
tests for serogroup determination (Babudieri, 1971; Kmety et al., 1970). The test is performed according to standard
methods described by the Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira (International Committee on Systematic
Bacteriology, 1984).



The cross-agglutination-absorption test is laborious and time-consuming, which restricts its use for the identification
of strains mainly to specialized laboratories. For this reason, reference laboratories have made a considerable
research effort to find a rapid serotyping method for Leptospira strains. This can now be achieved by factor analysis
using rabbit antisera (Kmety 1967; Dikken & Kmety, 1978) and identification of isolates using mouse monoclonal
antibodies (Collares-Pereira et al., 2000; Sehgal et al., 2000; Terpstra et al., 1985, 1987).


The official definition does not precisely characterize each serovar, but rather defines the degree of serological
difference necessary for a strain to represent a new serovar. Kmety's factor analysis (Kmety, 1967) involves a more
detailed study of the antigenic structure of each serovar which is characterized by its own particular combination, or
mosaic, of major and minor antigenic factors. Factor sera are prepared by absorbing a rabbit antiserum with one or
more different antigen suspensions until they react only with one serovar, a subgroup or serogroup.

Factor analysis is a highly refined method of studying degrees of antigenic similarity between strains (Kmety, 1967)
and allows the rapid, provisional determination of the serovar status of the strain in question (Dikken & Kmety,

The preparation of factor sera is laborious and reproducibility may be limited due to batch-to-batch variation.
However, factor sera are useful for rapid presumptive typing.


Characterization using monoclonal antibodies (MCAs) is related to conventional typing and is based on the
recognition of characteristic antigen patterns of serovars by panels of MCAs. In contrast with the cross-agglutination-
absorption test, large numbers of strains can be typed in a short time with MCAs.

MCAs react in the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) with a single antigenic characteristic (epitope). Epitopes may
be specific for a certain serovar or be shared by various serovars. On the basis of combinations, or mosaics, of
epitopes characteristic of certain serovars, panels of MCAs have been composed that allow the identification of
leptospires to serovar level and sometimes to subserovar level. Differences in agglutination profiles obtained with a
panel of MCAs may be indicative of new serovars. Even differences between strains belonging to the same serovar
may be observed (Collares Pereira et al., 2000; Sehgal et al., 2000; Terpstra et al., 1985).

MCAs allow non-specialized laboratories to type leptospires rapidly and easily when equipped with panels of MCAs
relevant to the locally circulating strains.

About half of the currently recognized and most common serovars can be typed with monoclonal antibodies
(Annex 15).

Monoclonal antibodies also allow a rapid check on the identity of leptospiral strains that are used as antigens in the
MAT for serodiagnosis. Mislabelled strains can be re-typed and identified accurately and more easily than with the
use of conventional rabbit antisera.

The composition of panels of MCAs is partly subjective as many monoclonal antibodies are prepared during
standard preparation procedures but only a few are selected for practical use. This poses a limitation on their

The specificity of MCAs is limited, among other factors, by the antigenic structure of the immunizing strain and the
immunological repertoire of the mouse (Terpstra, 1991).



In brief, rabbits weighing preferably 3–4 kg are injected intravenously at weekly intervals with live or formalin-treated
leptospires. The Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira has standardized the procedure (International
Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, 1984). The leptospires should be grown to a density of 2 x 108 per ml. The
weekly injected doses are respectively 1, 2, 4, 6 and 6 ml. One week after the last injection the MAT titre should be
at least 1:12 800. If not, another injection of 6 ml can be given and the titre determined 1 week later. The rabbit is
bled by cardiac puncture 2 weeks after the last injection. Two rabbits are used. Their sera can be pooled when the
titres are satisfactory.

B. Babudieri (1971). Proposed standardization of the agglutination-adsorption test for Leptospira. Bulletin of the
World Health Organization, 44:795-810.

M. Collares-Pereira, H. Korver, B.V. Cao Thi, M. Santos-Reis, E. Bellenger, G. Baranton, W.J. Terpstra (2000).
Analysis of Leptospira isolates from mainland Portugal and the Azores islands. FEMS Microbiology Letters,

H. Dikken, E. Kmety (1978). Serological typing methods of leptospires. In: Bergan T., Norris J.R. eds. Methods in
microbiology. New York, Academic Press, Vol. 11:260-295.

S. Faine (1982). Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO Offset
Publication No.67).

International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira (1984). Minutes
of the meeting, 6 to 10 August, 1982, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. International Journal of Systematic
Bacteriology, 34:258-259.

International Committee of Systematic Bacteriology, Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira (1987). Minutes
of the Meeting, 5 and 6 September, 1986, Manchester, England. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology,

E. Kmety (1967). Faktorenanalyse von Leptospiren der Icterohaemorrhagiae und einiger verwandter Serogruppen.
Bratislava, Slovak Academy of Sciences:124.

E. Kmety, H. Dikken (1993). Classification of the species Leptospira interrogans and history of its serovars.
Groningen, University Press:104.

E. Kmety, M.M. Galton, C.R. Sulzer (1970). Further standardization of the agglutinin absorption test in the serology
of leptospirosis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 42:733-738.

S.C. Sehgal, P. Vijayachari, L.D. Smythe, M. Norris, M. Symonds, M. Dohnt, H. Korver, H. van de Kemp,
R.A. Hartskeerl, W.J. Terpstra (2000). Lai-like Leptospira from the Andaman islands. Indian Journal of Medical
Research, 112:135-139.

W.J. Terpstra (1991). Typing of Leptospira from the perspective of a reference laboratory. Acta Leidensia, 60:79-87.

W.J. Terpstra, H. Korver, J. van Leeuwen, P.R. Klatser, A.H.J. Kolk (1985). The classification of Sejroe group
serovars of Leptospira interrogans with monoclonal antibodies. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und
Hygiene (International Journal of Microbiology and Hygiene), A259:498-506.


W.J. Terpstra, H. Korver, G.J. Schoone, J. van Leeuwen, C.E. Schönemann, S. de Jonge-Aglibut, A.H.J. Kolk
(1987). Comparative classification of Leptospira serovars of the Pomona group by monoclonal antibodies and
restriction endonuclease analysis. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene (International Journal of
Microbiology and Hygiene), A266:412-421.

World Health Organization (1967). Current problems in leptospirosis research. Report of a WHO Expert Group.
Geneva (WHO Technical Report Series, No.380):8.

J.W. Wolff, B.R. Broom (1954). The genus Leptospira noguchi, 1917: problems of classification and a suggested
system based on antigenic analysis. Documenta de Medicina Geographica et Tropica, 6:78-95.


Leptospires belong to the genus Leptospira , family Leptospiraceae, order Spirochaetales. Leptospira consist of a
group of pathogenic leptospires, L.interrogans sensu lato and non-pathogenic leptospires, L.biflexa sensu lato.
Current species determination is based on DNA homology. The pathogenic species currently recognized
(see Table A9.1) include L.interrogans sensu stricto while the non-pathogenic species include L.biflexa sensu stricto.

A variety of methods of genetic analysis have become available in the last few years. However, the genetic
classification differs from the serological classification. DNA sequences of genes are attractive targets for
phylogenetic studies. The sequence of the rrs gene, coding for 16S rRNA, is most commonly used and accepted for
studying genetic relationships (Perolat et al., 1998).

A classification system based on genetic traits should ideally allow subspecies characterization. Typing methods
should be simple to perform and give reliable results if they are to meet the needs of clinical and epidemiological

Various methods are described here. For the practical protocols, the references given at the end of this Annex
should be consulted.


The use of quantitative DNA–DNA hybridization to measure DNA-relatedness among leptospiral strains is the
reference method of allocating strains to species. At present about 300 strains have been classified on the basis of
DNA homology studies (Brenner et al., 1999; Faine et al., 1999; Ramadass et al., 1990,1992; Yasuda et al., 1987).

Species based on genetic analyses are listed together with the serogroups most commonly present in these species
in Table A9.1.

Table A9.1 Species and the serogroups most commonly present in them (Brenner et al. 1999).
Species Major serogroups present
L.alexanderi (genomospecies 2) Hebdomadis, Manhao
L.borgpetersenii Ballum, Javanica, Sejroe, Tarassovi
L.interrogans sensu stricto Australis, Autumnalis, Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona, Pyrogenes,
L.kirschneri Autumnalis, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae
L.noguchi Australis, Icterohaemorrhagiae
L.santarosai Hebdomadis, Mini, Pyrogenes, Sejroe, Tarassovi
L.weilii Celledoni, Javanica, Tarassovi

L.fainei a Hurstbridge
L.inadai a Lyme, Manhao
L.meyeri a Javanica, Mini, Sejroe

L.biflexa sensu stricto b Andamana

L.wolbachi b Codice, Semaranga


Species Major serogroups present

Turneria parva b (formerly L.parva) Turneri
Leptonema illini b “Leptonema”
Genomospecies 1 a Saprophytic serogroup Ranarum
Genomospecies 3 b Saprophytic tentative serogroup Holland
Genomospecies 4 Icterohaemorrhagiae
Genomospecies 5 b Saprophytic serogroup Ranarum

a Pathogenic status not clear.

b Saprophytes/other genera.

DNA homology methods have the disadvantage that they are too complicated to be suitable for routine performance.
However, a number of DNA fingerprinting techniques (see below) have been developed that are simpler to
undertake; most of them, in addition, are also capable of discrimination to the subspecies level.


In this approach (which also includes a number of techniques such as restriction enzyme analysis (REA) and
pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE, see below)), restriction enzymes are used to cut leptospiral DNA into
fragments (called restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs)) which may be characteristic at strain level.
These fragments are then separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, forming characteristic banding patterns (Ellis
et al., 1991). Relationships between bacterial strains can then be established by comparing the patterns of unknown
strains with those of known (reference) strains. High degrees of resolution are possible with RFLP, often surpassing
those of serological methods, and may reveal small differences between leptospiral strains.


In pulsed-field agarose gel electrophoresis (PFGE), restriction enzymes, such as NotI, are used to differentiate
between Leptospira spp. and often also between strains. Such enzymes cut the DNA into large fragments which are
electrophoretically separated in agarose gels to give characteristic patterns. This method offers the advantage of
simple interpretation, since only large, and thus fewer, bands are present (Hermann et al., 1992).


RFLP may be combined with a subsequent Southern blotting procedure in which specific probes are used.

For example, in ribotyping, restriction enzyme fragments are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, then blotted
on to a membrane and subsequently hybridized with labelled 16S- and/or 23S rRNA probes, giving fingerprints
which are simpler and easier to interpret (Perolat et al., 1993). Since commercially available reagents are used in
this method, it can be applied in diagnostic laboratories and does not require the maintenance of all reference strains
and corresponding rabbit immune sera. Ribotyping also provides information about genomic relationships, based on
the similarity of common fragments found in leptospiral strains.

Further information can be obtained on an Internet web site.2

2 http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/Leptospira/Leptospira.html


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) provides a novel basis for typing leptospires. The following methods can be
1. Use of primers deduced from species- or strain-specific sequences (Gravekamp et al., 1993; Murgia et al.,
2. Determination of sequences of PCR products (Gravekamp et al., 1993).
3. Application of RFLP techniques to PCR products (Perolat et al., 1994; Woodward & Redstone, 1993).
4. Use of primers on sequences that have strain characteristic positions on the genome, e.g. insertion elements,
such as IS1500, and hence generate strain-characteristic patterns on agarose gels (Zuerner et al., 1995;
Zuerner & Bolin, 1997).
5. Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis (Wu et al., 1996).
6. Arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR), random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), or low stringency PCR
(LS-PCR) (Brown & Levett, 1997; de Caballero et al., 1994; Perolat et al., 1994).

Methods 1 to 5 have the advantage that, at least in theory, they can be applied to clinical samples without the need
for isolation by culture.

These techniques, like RFLP-based techniques, require the isolation of leptospires. A further disadvantage is that
the profiles generated depend on the quality of the DNA isolate. The technique is thus difficult to standardize.

D.J. Brenner, A.F. Kaufmann, K.R. Sulzer, A.G. Steigerwalt, F.C. Rogers, R.S. Weyant (1999). Further
determination of DNA relatedness between serogroups and serovars in the family Leptospiraceae with a proposal
for Leptospira alexanderi sp. nov. and four new Leptospira genomospecies. International Journal of Systematic
Bacteriology, 49:839-858.

P.D. Brown, P.N. Levett (1997). Differentiation of Leptospira species and serovars by PCR-restriction endonuclease
analysis, arbitrarily primed PCR and low-stringency PCR. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 46:173-181.

O.L.S.D. De Caballero, E. Dias Neto, M.C. Koury, A.J. Romanha, A.J.G. Simpson (1994). Low-stringency PCR with
diagnostically useful primers for identification of Leptospira serovars. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 32:1369-1372.

W.A. Ellis, J.M. Montgomery, A.B. Thiermann (1991). Restriction endonuclease analysis as a taxonomic tool in the
study of pig isolates belonging to the Australis serogroup of Leptospira interrogans. Journal of Clinical Microbiology,

S. Faine, B. Adler, C. Bolin, P. Perolat (1999). Leptospira and leptospirosis, 2nd ed. MediSci, Melbourne, Australia.

C. Gravekamp, H. van de Kemp, M. Franzen, D. Carrington, G.L. Schoone, G.J.J.M. van Eys, C.O.R. Everard,
R.A. Hartskeerl, W.J. Terpstra (1993). Detection of seven species of pathogenic leptospires by PCR using two sets
of primers. Journal of General Microbiology, 139:1691-1700.

J.L. Herrmann, E. Bellenger, P. Perolat, G. Baranton, I. Saint Girons (1992). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of NotI
digests of leptospiral DNA: a new rapid method of serovar identification. Journal of Clinical Microbiology,

R. Murgia, N. Riquelme, G. Baranton, M. Cinco (1997). Oligonucleatides specific for pathogenic and saprophytic
leptospira occurring in water. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 148:27-34.

P. Perolat, I. Lecuyer, D. Postic, G. Baranton (1993). Diversity of ribosomal DNA fingerprints of Leptospira serovars
provides a database for subtyping and species assignation. Research in Microbiology, 144:5-15.


P. Perolat, F. Merien, W.A. Ellis, G. Baranton (1994). Characterization of Leptospira isolates from serovar hardjo by
ribotyping, arbitrarily primed PCR, and mapped restriction site polymorphisms. Journal of Clinical Microbiology,

P. Perolat, R.J. Chappel, B. Adler, G. Baranton, D.M. Bulach, M.L. Billinghurst, M. Letocart, F. Merien, M.S. Serrano
(1998). Leptospira fainei sp. nov. isolated from pigs in Australia. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology,

P. Ramadass, B.D. Jarvis, R.J. Corner, M. Cinco, R.B. Marshall (1990). DNA-relatedness among strains of
Leptospira biflexa. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 40:231-235.

P. Ramadass, B.D. Jarvis, R.J. Corner, D. Penny, R.B. Marshall (1992). Genetic characterization of pathogenic
Leptospira species by DNA hybridization. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 42:215-219.

M.J. Woodward, J.S. Redstone (1993). Differentiation of Leptospira serovars by the polymerase chain reaction and
restriction fragment length polymorphism. Veterinary Record, 132:325-326.

Wu W., Bao L., Wu Q., Li S., Huang W., Wan B., Zhang M., Xiong Q., Fang Z. (1996). 16S rRNA gene PCR-SSCP
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Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 27:17-20.

P.H. Yasuda, A.G. Steigerwalt, K.P. Sulzer, A.F. Kaufmann, F. Rogers, D.J. Brenner (1987). Deoxyribonucleaic
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R.L. Zuerner, D. Alt, C.A. Bolin (1995). IS1533-based PCR assay for identification of Leptospira interrogans sensu
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R.L. Zuerner, C.A. Bolin (1997). Differentiation of Leptospira interrogans by IS1500 hybridization and PCR assays.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 35:2612-2617.



A number of serological techniques are used in the diagnosis of leptospirosis, each having its own sensitivity and
specificity (Postic et al., 2000). It is often necessary to use a number of techniques, either together or successively,
to make a reliable diagnosis. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the microscopic agglutination
test (MAT) are the laboratory methods generally used. However, the MAT, developed by Martin & Pettit (1918),
remains the reference method and is described in detail below.

The interpretation of serological data always relies on the examination of biological specimens sequentially, i.e. of
two samples collected within a minimum time period of several days after the onset of symptoms, e.g. 8–10 days. A
third serum sample may be required to confirm both the clinical diagnosis and the infecting serogroup.


The MAT is based on the old agglutination-lysis test developed by Martin & Pettit (1918) and modified later (Borg-
Petersen & Fagroeus, 1949; Carbrey, 1960; Cole et al., 1973; Postic et al., 2000; Schüffner & Mochtar, 1926; Watt
et al., 1988; Wolff, 1954). The notion of lysis was later abandoned as a misinterpretation. The MAT remains the
reference test and is used to detect antibodies and determine their titre. It may give an indication of the serogroup to
which the infective serovar belongs but only rarely identifies it. Both IgM- and IgG-class antibodies are detected by
the MAT. It cannot be standardized as live antigens are often used and various factors, such as the age and density
of the antigen culture, can influence the agglutination titre (Borg-Petersen & Fagroeus, 1949; Carbrey, 1960).

A10.2.1 Principle
The method is simple and consists of mixing the test serum with a culture of leptospires and then evaluating the
degree of agglutination using a dark-field microscope (See Figure A10.1). According to the Taxonomic
Subcommittee on Leptospira, the end-point is defined as that dilution of serum which shows 50% agglutination,
leaving 50% free cells when compared with a control culture diluted 1:2 in phosphate-buffered saline (International
Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, 1984).

A10.2.2 Materials and reagents

Plastic microtitre plates with 96 flat-bottomed wells are used. No particular type of plate is specified if the results are
to be read following the transfer of the contents of a small drop with a metal loop on to a glass slide. However, if the
plate is to be observed directly under an inverted dark-field microscope, a plastic microtitre plate with good optical
qualities is necessary.

The following are required:

• Physiologically buffered water, pH 7.6. This consists of 0.85% NaCl solution (1840 ml) and Sörensen buffer
(see below) (160 ml).
• Sörensen buffer. This contains Na2HPO4, 12 H2O (8.33 g) and KH2PO4 (1.09 g) made up with water to a final
volume of 1 litre. It is autoclaved at 110 °C for 20 min and stored at 4 °C.
• Leptospira strains. A battery of strains is chosen. This may consist of representatives of all the principal
serogroups or may be based on: (i) the known frequency of certain serovars in the locality concerned and (ii) the
probability that they are present, as shown by the epidemiological data already obtained.


A list of recommended serovars to be included in a battery of reference antigens, used to identify an infection by an
unknown serovar by means of the MAT, is shown in Table A10.1

Table A10.1 Recommended serovars

Serogroup Serovar Strain
Australis australis Ballico
Autumnalis autumnalis Akiyami A
Ballum castellonis Castellòn 3
Bataviae bataviae Swart
Canicola canicola Hond Utrecht IV
Cynopteri cynopteri 3522 C
Grippotyphosa grippotyphosa Moskva V
Hebdomadis hebdomadis Hebdomadis
Icterohaemorrhagiae icterohaemorrhagiae RGA
copenhageni M20
Javanica javanica Veldrat batavia 46
Panama panama CZ 214
Pomona pomona Pomona
Pyrogenes pyrogenes Salinem
Sejroe hardjo Hardjoprajitno
sejroe M 84
wolffi 3705
Tarassovi tarassovi Perepeletsin
Semaranga patoc Patoc 1

Locally isolated strains, which often increase the sensitivity of the test compared with reference strains, can also be
included in the battery of antigens. However, the range of serovars should not be limited to local strains in case the
infection is due to a rare serovar or perhaps to a strain that is currently unknown in the region concerned. For this
reason too, a saprophytic strain is included (L. biflexa strain Patoc I) which cross-reacts with human antibodies
generated by a number of pathogenic serovars. It may also be necessary to add other serovars representing
serogroups not included in the battery.

The use of a well-characterized strain is essential in performing the reference test correctly. Control tests, in which
strain activity is determined in relation to specific reference antisera or monoclonal antibodies, must be carried out
regularly to verify that no mislabelling of strains or antigen mixing has occurred.

The MAT is performed as described below.

• The strains are subcultured in EMJH medium (see Annex 16, A16.4, pp.96–98) every week. The culture
between the fourth and tenth day of growth at 30 °C should be used. To restrict bacterial growth, it is advisable
to store cultures at room temperature in the dark once the culture has grown to a density of 2–4 x 108
leptospires/ml. After 10 days, it is best to store the cultures at 15 °C. Cell viability (density and motility) and the
absence of contamination are verified using a dark-field microscope.

• Before use, the strains are generally diluted 1:2 using physiologically buffered water to obtain a density of
1–2 x 108 leptospires/ml. The cell density of each strain should be individually verified.

• Views vary as to whether it is preferable to use live or killed antigen in the MAT. It has been reported that killed
antigens (2% formaldehyde final concentration) were more sensitive but less specific than live antigen
preparations (Turner, 1968; Sulzer & Jones, 1978; Palmer et al., 1987). Killed antigens have the advantage of
being safer to handle and can be stored for a few weeks before significant loss of activity occurs (see MAT
standardization, p.12).


A10.2.3 Method and interpretation

This consists of two stages in succession, namely: (1) screening to determine the responsible serogroup(s); and
(2) the quantitative MAT to determine the serum titre for every test antigen. "Milky" sera containing fat droplets
should not be used.

The procedure is as follows:
• Inactivate the complement by heating the serum at 56 °C for 30 min.
• Dilute the sera 1/25 in saline.
• Aliquot 50 µl of physiologically buffered water in the first row of wells in a microtitre plate. The number of wells
will be the same as the number of antigens. This row is the "antigen control" (see Figure A10.2).
• Each of the remaining rows corresponds to a particular serum. Aliquot 50 µl of diluted serum, previously treated
to remove complement, to each well. As before the number of wells will be the same as the number of antigens.
Repeat for each of the sera.
• Each column corresponds to an antigen. Aliquot 50 µl of diluted antigen in the appropriate wells, including the
"antigen control". Repeat for each of the test antigens. The final dilution of the sera is therefore 1/50.
• Cover the microtitre plates and incubate at room temperature in the dark for 2 hours or overnight at 4 °C.
• Using a dropper, transfer an aliquot from each well on to a slide, column by column.The reading of each slide is
determined in relation to the agglutination of the corresponding control antigen.
• Every serum which gives an agglutination of at least 50% of the leptospires (as compared with the control
antigen) is considered positive.

Antigen 1 Antigen 2 Antigen 3 Antigen n

(Ag1) (Ag2) (Ag3) (Ag n)
Antigen Control buffer buffer buffer Buffer
+ Ag1 + Ag2 + Ag3 + Ag n
Serum 1 serum 1 serum 1 serum 1 serum 1
+ Ag1 + Ag2 + Ag3 + Ag n
Serum 2 serum 2 serum 2 serum 2 serum 2
+ Ag1 +Ag2 + Ag3 + Ag n
Serum 3 serum 3 serum 3 serum 3 serum 3
+ Ag1 + Ag2 + Ag3 + Ag n
Serum 4 serum 4 serum 4 serum 4 serum 4
+ Ag1 + Ag2 + Ag3 + Ag n
Serum x serum x serum x serum x serum x
+ Ag1 + Ag2 + Ag3 + Ag n

Figure A10.2 Diagram of a microtitre plate as used in screening to determine the responsible serogroup(s).

Agglutinated leptospires form clumps which are more or less dense and in which the movements of the free ends of
the bacteria are visible. When the agglutination is complete the field appears empty of free leptospires.

In practice, however, it is easier to evaluate the number of free leptospires in relation to the control, as follows :
– if the proportion of free leptospires is between 50% and 100%, the reaction is negative;
– if the proportion of free leptospires is less than 50% then the reaction is positive.


Quantitative MAT
A quantitative MAT is then carried out making two-fold serial dilutions of the serum to determine the antibody titre for
each of the positive antigens (see Figure A10.3)

Control Dilution Dilution Dilution Dilution Dilution

antigen 1/50 1/100 1/200 1/400 1/n
Serum 1 Buffer + Ag1 Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 etc. Ag1
1/25+Ag1 1/50+Ag1 1/100+Ag1 1/200+Ag1
Serum 1 Buffer + Ag2 Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 etc. Ag2
1/25+Ag2 1/50+Ag2 1/100+Ag2 1/200+Ag2
Serum 1 Buffer + Ag3 Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 etc. Ag3
1/25+Ag3 1/50+Ag3 1/100+Ag3 1/200+Ag3
Serum 1 Buffer + Ag x Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 Serum 1 etc. Ag x
1/25+Ag x 1/50+Ag x 1/100+Ag x 1/200+Ag x
Serum 2 Buffer + Ag1 Serum 2 Serum 2 Serum 2 Serum 2 etc. Ag1
1/25+Ag1 1/50+Ag1 1/100+Ag1 1/200+Ag1
Serum 2 Buffer + Ag2 Serum 2 Serum 2 Serum 2 Serum 2 etc. Ag2
1/25+Ag2 1/50+Ag2 1/100+Ag2 1/200+Ag2
Serum 2 Buffer + Ag y Serum 2 Serum 2 Serum 2 Serum 2 etc. Ag y
1/25+Ag y 1/50+Ag y 1/100+Ag y 1/200+Ag y

Figure A10.3 Diagram of a microtitre plate as used to determine the serum titre for every test antigen.

The MAT is usually positive 10–12 days after the appearance of the first clinical symptoms and signs but
seroconversion may sometimes occur as early as 5–7 days after the onset of the disease. The antibody response
may be delayed if antibiotic therapy was given before the test.

The positive threshold of the reaction is fixed at 1/100 by many laboratories. However, the antibody titre should be
interpreted in the light of:
– the date of sampling in relation to the first clinical signs;
– the evolution of antibody titres between two or three successive samples;
– the causative serogroup;
– the treatment given.

Co-agglutinins (cross-reactions) are frequently present in the sera of patients with leptospirosis (Borg-Petersen,
1949; Kmety, 1957). Antibodies which cause cross-reactions are often the first to appear but they disappear rapidly.
Homologous antibodies, although they appear slightly later, persist much longer, thus allowing the presumptive
identification of the serogroup responsible for the infection and also the detection of traces indicating previous


A10.3.1. Principles of the technique

This is a serological test that is commonly used in various forms depending on the type of antigen and the reagents
used during the course of the test (Adler et al., 1980; Postic et al., 2000; Terpstra et al., 1980; Terpstra et al., 1985;
Watt et al., 1988; Zochowski et al., 1987).

Only an outline of the general principles will therefore be given here. The test will only detect genus-specific
antibodies and is not suitable for serogroup/serovar identification. The antibodies in the test sera are placed in
contact with an antigen which is fixed on a solid support, namely a microtitre plate. Following an incubation period
and numerous washes to eliminate excess antibody, an anti-species antibody (to which the test serum belongs)

conjugated to an enzyme, is added. The enzyme activity is then determined by adding a specific chromogenic
substrate. The intensity of the colour reaction, which is related to the quantity of degraded substrate, is proportional
to the amount of antibody present in the test serum (within a certain concentration range according to the
Beer-Lambert rules).

A10.3.2 Materials and reagents

The following are required:
• Microplates or strips for ELISA test. Only ELISA-specific 96-flat-well plastic microplates or 8–12 flat-well-racks
should be used. Any other type may result in heterogenous and non-reproducible fixation of the antigen or
significant variations between wells. It is advisable to test every new batch of plates because the quality of the
plastic can vary. At present, ELISA microtitre plates M 129 A (Dynatech) and Immulon A give the best results.
• Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). This is made up as follows: NaCl (80 g), Na2HPO4, 12 H2O (11.33 g),
KH2PO4 (2 g) and distilled water to a final volume of 1 litre. It should be autoclaved at 120 °C for 20 min and
diluted 1/10 before use.
• PBS-milk solution. This is prepared by adding 5% (w/v) of skimmed milk powder to PBS-wash buffer.
Merthiolate, at a final concentration of 0.2%, can also be added to avoid contamination (1 ml of a 20% stock
solution in 1 litre of PBS-milk solution). However, it is best to prepare a fresh solution of PBS-milk just before
• Conjugate. A number of manufacturers supply anti-human IgM antibodies coupled to peroxidase. They are
diluted 1/500 or otherwise according to the result of a block titration in PBS-milk buffer before use.
• Substrate components. The enzyme activity is revealed by using a specific substrate in an appropriate buffer.
A frequently used substrate is 2,2’-bis azine (3-ethylbenzyl-thiazoline 6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) in the form of an
ammonium salt (Sigma, Boehringer). A stock solution is prepared by dissolving 0.219 g in 10 ml of distilled H2O.
N.B. This substrate is highly carcinogenic and must be handled with care. The substrate buffer consists of
sodium acetate (13.6 g), NaH2PO4 (6.9 g) and water to a final volume of 1 litre. It should be autoclaved at
100 °C for 20 min. Dilute H2O2 solution (which should be prepared before use) is made by diluting 200 µl of
30% H2O2 in 7 ml of distilled H2O.

A10.3.3 Methodology
Antigen preparation
• Use a 7-day culture of L. biflexa serovar patoc at a density of 108–109 leptospires per ml as determined by dark-
field microscopy. Add formaldehyde at a final concentration of 0.2% and leave on the bench for 3–4 hours.
• Place in a water bath at 100 °C for 30 min.
• Adjust the pH to 9.6.
• Centrifuge at 10 000 g for 30 min.
• Keep the supernatant which is the antigen source.

Coating the plates

• Aliquot 150 µl of antigen into each well.
• Keep at 37 °C for 3–5 days until evaporation is completed.

These plates can then be stored in the dark at room temperature in a dry, air-tight box or a sealed plastic container.
The antigen remains stable for about 1 year under these conditions.

Saturating non-specific sites

• Wash the plates three times with PBS-milk just before use.
• Leave the wells in contact with the PBS-milk either overnight at 4 °C or for 1 hour at 37 °C.
• Empty the wells by inversion and dry by tapping the plates on filter paper.


Distributing the test sera

Each patient’s serum is tested in duplicate at a dilution of 1/400 in PBS-milk. For every series of patient samples to
be tested :
• 8 wells are reserved for the dilution range of the positive pool, from1/400 to 1/51200.
• 2 wells are reserved for the “threshold” control serum.
• 1 well is reserved for the antigen control.
• 1 well is reserved for the conjugate control.
• Incubate the plates at 37 °C for 1 hour.

Addition of the conjugate

• Empty the wells and wash three times with PBS-milk.
• Perform a block titration to determine the optimal dilution of the conjugate.
• Aliquot 150 µl of diluted conjugate in each well.
• Incubate at 37 °C for 1 hour.

Chromogenic detection
• Empty the wells and wash three times with 1x PBS.
• Prepare the substrate just before use:
– 1 ml of stock ABTS solution;
– 20 ml of substrate buffer;
– 200 µl of dilute H2O2 solution.
• Aliquot 150 µl of substrate into each well.
• Shake and incubate at room temperature for 10 min (check visually for a colour change). The reaction is
stopped by the addition of 50 µl of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) per well.

Measure the optical density (OD) at 405 nm with a spectrophotometer equipped with a microtitre plate platform.
A green colour in the well indicates that antibodies are present in the serum sample.

Deduce the data, expressed as an antibody titre for each patient, from a curve obtained with the OD values of a
dilution range of a pool of positive sera. Determine the positive threshold titre using a distinct threshold serum diluted
to 1/400 and plot the corresponding OD on the standard curve.

A10.3.4 Results and limitations of the test

The test is extremely sensitive so that it is essential that all the materials used are carefully cleaned. It is best if the
glassware is reserved exclusively for this purpose only.

Time of response
The ELISA test gives a positive response in the diagnostic evaluation of leptospirosis a little earlier than the MAT
because it is more sensitive to IgM antibodies. A response 6–8 days following the appearance of the first clinical
signs is generally observed. On the other hand, the test may become negative more quickly than the MAT, although
low levels of specific IgM may persist. A potential advantage of the ELISA test is that it may help to differentiate
between current leptospirosis and previous leptospirosis since antibodies from past infection or immunization may
not be detectable. However, if a total human anti-Ig or IgG conjugate is used instead, the positivity of the test may be
extended, allowing the detection of residual antibodies in recovered or immunized patients. The level of positivity
observed with a total anti-Ig conjugate is then always equal to or higher than the maximum observed with anti-IgG or
anti-IgM antibodies.


Sensitivity and specificity

The ELISA is a very sensitive and specific test for the biological diagnosis of leptospirosis. It is of particular value as
a serological screening test because of its relative simplicity in comparison with the MAT. ELISA tests can also be
used in epidemiological studies to determine the seroincidence/seroprevalence of leptospirosis.

However, the test is not infallible and may be negative, e.g. in a large percentage of infections caused by serogroup
Grippotyphosa and, to a lesser extent, in the detection of serogroup Australis infections. If a variety of strains from
different serogroups as antigens are used instead of an antigen derived from the Patoc I saprophytic strain, the
sensitivity of the test is increased. However, the test then also becomes more cumbersome while still not permitting
a diagnosis to serogroup level.

Commercial ELISA kits are available from a number of manufacturers (see Annex 15).


Caution is necessary in the interpretation of serological data. A number of factors must be taken into consideration,
including the technique employed, the serogroup involved, the chronological order of the samples taken during the
illness and the antibiotic treatment given. Genus-specific tests tend to be positive earlier in the course of the disease
than the MAT (Turner, 1968).

Two, or even three, serum samples, taken at intervals of about 10 days, must be compared to allow serological
interpretation of the results (see below). It may be possible to reduce the interval when it is necessary to confirm as
soon as possible that the cause of an outbreak or case of illness is leptospirosis.

For this reason, a completed epidemiological and clinical form (see Appendix A10.1, below) must be sent with every
request for a serological examination. This form should provide information on the date the illness began as well as
on any antibiotic treatment given, etc. If antibiotics are given from the beginning of the illness, the immune and
antibody response may be delayed and the order in which the tests become positive may be altered or the tests, and
in particular the ELISA, may even be negative.

Although the ELISA can generally demonstrate the presence of leptospiral antibodies in specimens 24–48 hours
before it can be detected by the MAT, it may also become negative earlier. The MAT might thus be more appropriate
for use in detecting previous infections.

According to the Pasteur Institute in Paris, if a titre of 1/100 is obtained in the MAT test with one or a number of
antigens, the threshold positive titre has been reached (see MAT titres, p.11). However, this does not allow the
conclusion that leptospirosis has been satisfactorily confirmed because this may be a residual titre indicating
previous exposure. As mentioned above, examination of a second serum sample about 10 days later is necessary
to demonstrate a rising antibody titre. This must be greater than or equal to at least two dilutions (one dilution
difference is not significant) to confirm a case of recent or current leptospirosis. In addition, seroconversion can
occur between two consecutive samples. If there is a high titre of antibody only against the antigen Patoc I, this
suggests either that the infection is due to a strain whose serogroup is not represented in the antigen control group
used, or that it is due to a non-specific reaction.


APPENDIX A10.1 Example of a form requesting leptospirosis diagnosis

LEPTOSPIRA REFERENCE UNIT Public Health Laboratory, County Hospital, HEREFORD HR1 2ER
Telephone: 01432 277707; Fax: 01432 351396
The following information is required to aid the diagnosis and epidemiology of leptospirosis. Please complete ALL sections:
SURNAME _______________________ FORENAME(S) ______________________ SEX M / F AGE _______ (yrs)

DOB __ / __ / __ POSTCODE _____________

Clinical details Occupation Water contact Animal contact

o Flu-like illness o Farmer - arable o Water sport o Farm livestock
o Headache o - livestock o - swimming o - cattle
o Myalgia o Farm worker - arable o - rowing o - sheep
o Pyrexia o - livestock o - windsurfing o Dogs
o Lethargy o Outdoor - manual o - canoeing o Rats
o Malaise o - with animals o - white water canoe o Mice
o Vomiting o Fish - farmer o - surfing o Other animals (specify in
o Diarrhoea o - worker o Fishing additional info. box)
o Conjunctivitis o - filleter o River o No known contact
o Abnormal LFTs o Abattoir - worker o Canal
o Jaundice o - butcher o Lake
o Hepatic failure o Indoor - manual o Pond
o Renal failure o - office o Ditch
o Meningitis o - domestic o Sewage
o No symptoms o No known contact Type of contact
o Water worker - sewage o Occupational
o Died o - plumber o Other (specify)
o Medical screen o Recreational (specify in
o Veterinarian additional info. box)
o Other (specify) o Medical o Wound / abrasion
o Military o Immersion
o Teacher o Bite
o Student o Other (specify)
o Housewife
o Retired
o Unemployed
o Other (specify)
Recent travel abroad Leisure activities
o Yes o No Please specify below
If YES, please give details (when / where)
in additional info. box

Date of onset of symptoms : ____________________ Additional information:

Date of antibiotic treatment: ____________________
Antibiotic treatment: __________________________
Specimen type: Date collected: Reference No.
____________ ____________ ___________
____________ ____________ ___________
____________ ____________ ___________

Requesting laboratories test: o CFT o ELISA LRU use only

o Other (specify): ________________________ Results: __________________________ IgM ELISA
Previous samples sent: o Yes o No Date: _____________ MAT
If Yes, LRU number and date of sample: ____________________ Infecting serogroup
Primary source laboratory if not the requesting laboratory:___________________________
___________________________________________________________________ Epidemiology Serology
Requesting laboratory: _______________________________________________________ Requested
Address: __________________________________________________________________ Completed
Contact Doctor: _________________________ Date: __ / __ / __ Lab no:


APPENDIX A10.1 Example of a form requesting leptospirosis diagnosis (Contd.)


Two tests are offered by the LRU for the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis. An 'in-house' enzyme linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is used to screen sera with confirmation of positive results by the standard reference
method – the microscopic agglutination test (MAT).

Leptospiral ELISA
The 'in-house' ELISA for detecting leptospiral IgM antibodies, uses an antigen derived from Leptospira interrogans
serovar hardjo, with a horseradish peroxidase and ABTs enzyme / substrate system.

A patient's serum may be positive 5 days after onset of symptoms but not usually before this period. In cases where
antibiotic treatment has been initiated this period my be increased.

An IgM titre of 1:80 to 1:160 is considered suggestive of leptospiral infection and further samples will be required to
confirm a diagnosis in conjunction with the MAT.

Microscopic agglutination test (MAT)

The MAT is a micro-agglutination test carried out using 19 antigen pools. Leptospira may be pathogenic
L. interrogans or non-pathogenic L. biflexa, and over 200 different serovars of pathogenic leptospires are known.
These are assigned to serogroups on the basis of their antigenic homology. Serovars from each serogroup are
pooled and used as antigens for the MAT so that each serum is reacted with as many different leptospiral serovars
as possible.

The MAT may be positive from about the 10th day after onset of symptoms and initially a serum may react with
many of the antigenic serogroups. Eventually, over a period – which may be several months – antibodies to one
serogroup will predominate which will indicate the probable identity of the infecting serogroup.

To enable the LRU to identify an infection to serogroup level, it may be necessary to request several sera from the
patient over a prolonged period.

Why do we need this information?

This information is vital to our work monitoring the indigenous Leptospiral serogroups of the UK, to recognize any
emerging serovars or non-indigenous imports and take appropriate action.

We hope this brief explanation of the serology of leptospirosis will help your patients when we ask yet again for a
further serum sample and a completed epidemiology form. Your cooperation in providing samples and completing
epidemiology forms is appreciated.

Samples required to confirm a diagnosis of leptospirosis

1. Serology
– Serum: minimum volume 250 µl.
2. For isolation of leptospires (where appropriate):
– CSF.
– Aerobic blood cultures taken within the first 5 days after onset of symptoms and sent direct to the LRU.
3. Fixed or unfixed PM tissue for immunofluorescence.
At present urine is not a suitable sample for the isolation of leptospires.

For any other enquiries regarding the diagnosis of leptospirosis, please contact the staff of the LRU on
01432 277707.


Figure A10.1 Examples of agglutination of reference strain M20 (serovar copenhageni) with its homologous
rabbit antiserum in successive dilutions starting at 1:20 observed under a dark-field microscope at 200x.
The titre is 1:5120.


Figure A10.1 Examples of agglutination of reference strain M20 (serovar copenhageni) with its homologous
rabbit antiserum in successive dilutions starting at 1:20 observed under a dark-field microscope at 200x.
The titre is 1:5120.


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C. Borg-Petersen (1949). Experience of leptospirosis in Denmark. From: Discussion of leptospirosis. Proceedings of

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C. Borg-Petersen, A. Fagroeus (1949). The influence of the antigen density and other factors on the serum titer in
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E.A. Carbrey (1960). The relative importance of variable factors in the agglutination-lysis test. Annual Proceedings of
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International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira. Minutes of the
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E. Kmety (1957). Betrachtungen zum Problem der paradoxen Reaktion und deren Bedeutung in der Serodiagnostik
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L. Martin, A. Pettit (1918). Sero-diagnostic de la spirochaetose icterohaemorrhagique. Bulletin et Mémoires de la

Société Médicale des Hôpitaux de Paris, 42:672-675.

M.F. Palmer, S.A. Waitkins, S.W. Wanyangu (1987). A comparison of live and formalised leptospiral microscopic
agglutination test. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene (International Journal of Microbiology and
Hygiene), A265:151-159.

D. Postic, F. Merien, P. Perolat, G. Baranton (2000). Diagnostic biologique leptospirose - borréliose de

Lyme/Biological diagnosis leptospirosis - Lyme borreliosis, 2nd ed. Paris, Collection des Laboratoires de Référence
et d'Expertise. Institut Pasteur à Paris, 177-186.

W. Schüffner, A. Mochtar (1926). Experiments on the differential characters of Leptospira-strains with introductory
remarks on the process of agglutination and lysis. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam,

C.R. Sulzer, W.L. Jones (1978). Leptospirosis: methods in laboratory diagnosis. Atlanta, GA, U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service (DHEW Publication No. (CDC) 78-8275).

W.J. Terpstra, G.S. Ligthart, G.J. Schoone (1980). Serodiagnosis of human leptospirosis by enzyme-linked-
immunosorbent-assay (ELISA). Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infectionskrankheiten. I. Abteilung
Originale, A247:400-405.

W.J. Terpstra, G.S. Ligthart, G.J. Schoone (1985). ELISA for the detection of specific IgM and IgG in human
leptospirosis. Journal of General Microbiology, 131:377-385.

L. Turner (1968). Leptospirosis II. Serology. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,


G. Watt, L.M. Alquiza, L.P. Padre, M.L. Tuazon, L.W. Laughlin (1988). The rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis:
a prospective comparison of the dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the genus-specific microscopic
agglutination test at different stages of illness. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 157:840-842.

J.W. Wolff (1954). The laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas.

W.J. Zochowski, S.A. Waitkins, M.F. Palmer (1987). The use of ELISA in the diagnosis of human leptospirosis.
Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 43:330-339.


Test Commercially availablea
Complement-fixation test (CFT) Antigens
Counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) −
Dipstick tests:
– LEPTO Dip-S-Tick +
– LeptoTek Lateral Flow +
Dried latex agglutination test (LeptoTek Dri-Dot) +
Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) +
Indirect haemagglutination test (IHA) +
Latex agglutination test (LA) −
Macroscopic slide agglutination test (SAT) Antigens
Microcapsule agglutination test +
Patoc-slide agglutination test (PSAT) +
Sensitized erythrocyte lysis test (SEL) −

a See Annex 15.


Complement-fixation test (CFT)

M. Nicolescu, L. Brosai (1972). The estimation of the results obtained by the complement fixation test performed
with the Patoc antigen in the diagnosis of human leptospirosis. Archives Roumaines de Pathologie Expérimentale et
de Microbiologie, 31:209-216.

A.A. Pinto, C.A. Santa Rosa, T. Sadatsune, G.C. Fleury (1974). Comparative study between complement fixation
and microscopic agglutination tests for leptospiral diagnosis. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo,
Brasil, 16:28-31.

J.H. Schubert, L.B. Carrington, E. Conner, L.V. Holdeman (1956). Whole Leptospira suspensions as antigens in the
complement-fixation test for leptospirosis. American Journal of Hygiene, 63:254-260.

N. Sturdza, M. Elian, G. Tulpan (1960). Diagnosis of human leptospirosis by the complement-fixation test with a
single antigen. Archives Roumaines de Pathologie Expérimentale, 19:571-582.

W.J. Terpstra, G.J. Schoone, G.S. Ligthart (1979). Counterimmunoelectrophoresis in the diagnosis of human
leptospirosis. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene I Abteilung Originale, A244:285-290.

Dipstick tests:
– LEPTO Dip-S-Tick
P.H. Levett, S.I. Branch, C.U. Whittington, C.N. Edwards, H. Paxton (2001). Two methods for rapid serological
diagnosis of acute leptospirosis. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 8:349-351.


– LeptoTek Lateral Flow

C.K. Eapen, S. Sugathan, M. Kuriakose, T. Abdoel, H.L. Smits (2002). Evaluation of the clinical utility of a rapid
blood test for human leptospirosis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 42:221-225.

H.L. Smits, Y.V. Ananyina, A. Chereshsky, L. Dancel, R.F.M. Lai A Fat, H.D. Chee, P.N. Levett, T. Masuzawa,
Y. Yanagihara, M.A. Muthusethupathi, E.J. Sanders, D.M. Sasaki, H. Domen, C. Yersin, Tin Aye, S.L. Bragg,
G.C. Gussenhoven, M.G.A. Goris, W.J. Terpstra, R.A. Hartskeerl (1999). International multicenter evaluation of the
clinical utility of a dipstick assay for the detection of Leptospira-specific immunoglobulin M antibodies in human
serum specimens. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 37:2904-2909.

H.L. Smits, C.K. Eapen, S. Sugathan, M. Kuriakose, M. Hussein Gasem, C. Yersin, D.M. Sasaki, B. Pujianto,
M. Vestering, T.H. Abdoel, G.C. Gussenhoven (2001). Lateral-flow assay for rapid serodiagnosis of human
leptospirosis. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 8:166-169.

H.L. Smits, R.A. Hartskeerl, W.J. Terpstra (2000). International multi-centre evaluation of a dipstick assay for human
leptospirosis. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 5:124-128.

Dried latex agglutination test

H.L. Smits, M.A.W.G. van der Hoorn, M.G.A. Goris, G.C. Gussenhoven, C. Yersin, D.M. Sasaki, W.J. Terpstra,
R.A. Hartskeerl (2000). Simple latex agglutination assay for rapid serodiagnosis of human leptospirosis. Journal of
Clinical Microbiology, 38:1272-1275.

H.L. Smits, H.D. Chee, C.K. Eapen, M. Kuriakose, S. Sugathan, M. Hussein Gasem, C. Yersin, D.M. Sasaki,
R.F.M. Lai A Fat, R.A. Hartskeerl, B. Liesdek, T.H. Abdoel, M.G.A. Goris, G.C. Gussenhoven (2001). Latex based,
rapid and easy assay for human leptospirosis in a single test format. Tropical Medicine and International Health,

Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT)

M. Torten, E. Shenberg, J. Van der Hoeden (1966). The use of immunofluorescence in the diagnosis of human
leptospirosis by a genus-specific antigen. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 116:537-543.

S. Udomsakdi, U. Potha (1972). The diagnosis of leptospirosis by fluorescent antibody technique using saprophytic
leptospira as a genus-specific antigen. Journal of the Medical Associaion of Thailand, 55:101-104.

Indirect haemagglutination test (IHA)

P.V. Effler, H.Y. Domen, S.L. Bragg, Aye Tin, D.M. Sasaki (2000). Evaluation of the indirect hemagglutination assay
for diagnosis of acute leptospirosis in Hawaii. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 38:1081-1084.

S. Imamura, H. Matsui, Y. Ashizawa (1972). Studies on indirect hemagglutination test for leptospirosis. Japanese
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 42:563-568.

S. Imamura, H. Matsui, M. Kasao, Y. Ashizawa (1977). Use of freeze-dried sensitized erythrocytes in indirect
hemagglutination test for serodiagnosis of leptospirosis. Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine, 47:441-444.

P.N. Levett, C.U. Whittington (1998). Evaluation of the indirect hemagglutination assay for diagnosis of acute
leptospirosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 36:11-14.

C.R. Sulzer, W.L. Jones (1973). Evaluation of a hemagglutination test for human leptospirosis. Applied Microbiology,

Latex agglutination test (LA)

A.E. Kelen, N.A. Labzoffsky (1960). Studies on latex agglutination test for leptospirosis. Canadian Journal of
Microbiology, 6:463-473.


T.F. Muraschi (1959). A simple screening test for the detection of leptospirosis in human beings and animals.
American Journal of Public Health, 49:1074-1078.

J. Vosta (1962). Die Diagnostik der Leptospirosis mit Hilfe des Latex-Agglutinations-Tests mit dem Antigen aus der
L. biflexa. Mikrobiologie und Epidemiologie, 7:515-570.

Macroscopic slide agglutination test (SAT)

M.M. Galton, D.K. Powers, D. Hall, R.G. Cornell (1958). A rapid macroscopic-slide screening test for the
serodiagnosis of leptospirosis. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 19:505-512.

J.W. Wolff, H.J. Bohlander (1967). Screening tests in human serum samples with Leptospira biflexa antigens
incorporated in Galton's macroscopic slide test. Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 19:63-69.

Microcapsule agglutination test

Y. Arimitsu, E. Kmety, Y. Ananyina, G. Baranton, I.R. Ferguson, L. Smythe, W.J. Terpstra (1994). Evaluation of the
one-point microcapsule agglutination test for diagnosis of leptospirosis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization,

S.C. Sehgal, P. Vijayachari, V. Subramaniam (1997). Evaluation of Leptospira Micro Capsular Agglutination Test
(MCAT) for sero-diagnosis of leptospirosis. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 106:504-507.

Patoc-slide agglutination test (PSAT)

M. Mailloux, J. Mazzonelli, G.T. Dorta de Mazzonelli (1974). Thermoresistant antigen in leptospires. Possibility of a
macroscopic diagnosis of leptospirosis with a single antigen. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und
Hygiene I Abteilung Originale, A229:238-241.

J. Mazzonelli, G. Dorta de Mazzonelli, M. Mailloux (1974). Possibilité de diagnostique sérologique macroscopique

des leptospires à l'aide d'un antigène unique. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses, 4-5:253-254.

J. Mazzonelli, G. Dorta de Mazzonelli, M. Mailloux (1974). Antigène thermorésistant chez les leptospires. Annales
de Microbiologie, 125A:125-126.

J. Mazzonelli, G. Dorta de Mazzonelli, M. Mailloux (1975). Recherches sur les antigènes de leptospires.
Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie, 26:35-42.

Sensitized erythrocyte lysis test (SEL)

C.D. Cox (1955). Hemolysis of sheep erythrocytes sensitised with leptospiral extracts. Proceedings of the Society for
Experimental Biology and Medicine, 90:610-615.

C.D. Cox (1957) Standardization and stabilization of an extract from Leptospira biflexa and its use in the hemolytic
test for leptospirosis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 101:203-209.

C.D. Cox, A.D. Alexander, L.C. Murphy (1957). Evaluation of the hemolytic test in the serodiagnosis of human
leptospirosis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 101:210-218.

C.D. Cox, R.C. Stover, R.W. Treick (1958). Serological studies on hemolytic antigen from Leptospira. Proceedings
of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 98:265-269.

D.E. McComb, D.J.W. Smith, D.L. Coffin, R.A. MacCready, R. Shihman Chang (1957). The use of erythrocyte
sensitizing substance in the diagnosis of leptospirosis. I. The sensitized erythrocyte agglutination test. American
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 6:90-100.

C.F. Sharp (1958). Laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis with the sensitised-erythrocyte lysis test. Journal of
Pathology and Bacteriology, 26:349-356.

R. Shihman Chang, D.J.W. Smith, D.E. McComb, C.F. Sharp, J.I. Tonge (1957). The use of erythrocyte sensitizing
substance in the diagnosis of leptospiroses. II. The sensitized erythrocyte lysis test. American Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, 6:101-107.

D.S.K. Tan (1969). Sensitized-erythrocyte-lysis (SEL) test as an epidemiological tool for human leptospirosis
serological surveys. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 40:899-902.


The isolation of leptospires depends on the choice of the material and the stage of the disease. During the
leptospiraemic phase (from day 1 till about day 10 after the onset of illness) the most suitable material is blood.
Information on suitable culture media is given in Annex 16.


Blood should be cultured in the first 10 days of the illness and before antibiotics are given. Venous blood is collected
by means of an aseptic technique and ideally inoculated at the bedside into blood culture bottles containing culture
medium for Leptospira. Small inocula consisting of a few drops of blood are inoculated into several tubes, each
containing 5 ml of a suitable medium. Large inocula will inhibit the growth of leptospires.

Cultures should be incubated at 30 °C and checked regularly for a period of 4–6 months.


Leptospires may be observed by dark-field microscopy (see Annex 6) and isolated by culture by inoculating 0.5 ml
cerebrospinal fluid into 5 ml semi-solid culture medium during the first weeks of illness.


During the leptospiruria phase characterized by increasing concentrations of antibodies (after about 1 week from
onset) the urine and the renal cortex post mortem (see below) are the most suitable inocula for the isolation of
leptospires from humans. Wild and domestic animals in the carrier state may shed leptospires intermittently for many
years or even a lifetime, during which time leptospires may be isolated from their urine and kidney tissue
(see below).

Fresh midstream urine is collected and inoculated immediately. One drop of undiluted urine is inoculated into the first
tube containing 5 ml of culture medium. Alternatively, urine samples may be centrifuged and the pellet resuspended
in medium (30 min at 1600 g or 1 min at 10 000 g), after which 10-fold serial dilutions are made immediately in 1 or 2
additional tubes. Culture is carried out as for blood.

Since urine is acid and decreases the viability of leptospires, it should be inoculated into medium within 2 hours after
voiding. Viability was reported to be increased in urine samples neutralized with sodium bicarbonate and by using
phosphate-buffered bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution (Ellinghausen, 1973).

Media containing 5-fluorouracil or appropriate antibiotics that suppress the growth of bacterial contaminants and
leave leptospires unaffected (see Annex 16) may be beneficial in reducing the contamination of urine cultures.


In fatal cases of human and animal leptospirosis, the organisms may be cultured from minced postmortem
specimens of various tissues. Leptospires may also be successfully isolated from aborted animal fetuses. A piece of
tissue is placed in a sterile syringe without a needle and squeezed (by exerting pressure on the plunger) through the

opening at the end of the syringe into a tube containing culture medium. Alternatively, a part of the liver or kidney
specimen is placed in a mortar, together with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.2, or medium, and minced, and
the resulting suspension is inoculated into culture media.

The procedure as follows:

1. Cut a piece of tissue (0.5 x 0.5 cm) into small pieces in a Petri dish under sterile conditions.
2. Mince the finely cut pieces of tissue in 1 ml standard EMJH culture medium (see pp. 96-98).
3. Add 0.5 ml of the mixture of minced tissue and culture medium to a tube containing 5 ml of EMJH medium
enriched with 1% rabbit serum and 1% fetal calf serum (FCS) plus 5 fluorouracil (5 FU), and a further 0.5 ml to a
tube containing 5 ml of standard EMJH plus 5 FU.
4. Mix the contents and transfer 0.5 ml with a sterile pipette to another tube containing 5 ml enriched EMJH
medium plus 5 FU and standard EMJH medium plus 5 FU.
5. Mix the contents and repeat step 4 so that two dilutions in three tubes of enriched EMJH medium plus 5 FU and
in standard EMJH medium plus 5 FU are obtained.
6. Incubate these six tubes at 30 °C and check for growth for up to 4–6 months once a week for the first two
weeks and thereafter once every two weeks.

The isolation of leptospires depends on the number of viable organisms present at the time of inoculation of the
culture medium. Postmortem changes can rapidly reduce the number of viable organisms. This reduction in the
number of viable organisms is also temperature-dependent. Leptospires may survive at 4 °C for some time but are
rapidly killed in tissues held at 20 °C and even more rapidly at 30–40 °C due to autolysis of cells and a consequent
decline in the pH. The tissues should not be frozen as this will also markedly reduce the viability of any leptospires

H.C. Ellinghausen (1973). Growth temperatures, virulence, survival, and nutrition of leptospires. Journal of Medical
Microbiology, 6:487-497.

B. Babudieri (1961). Laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 24:45-58.

W.A. Ellis, T.W.A. Little, eds (1986). The present state of leptospirosis diagnosis and control. Dordrecht, Boston,
Lancaster, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

S. Faine, B. Adler, C. Bolin, P. Perolat (1999). Leptospira and leptospirosis. 2nd ed. Melbourne MediSci,

P.H. Levett (2001). Leptospirosis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 14:296-326.

J.W. Wolff (1954). The laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas.


Indirect isolation of leptospires involves the inoculation of laboratory animals with blood or urine. Success varies
according to the animals' susceptibility and depends on the leptospiral serovar and its relative pathogenicity. The
animals used are young guinea pigs (150–175 g) and golden hamsters (4–6 weeks old).

The inoculation (0.5–1.0 ml) is performed intraperitoneally.

Peritoneal fluid is withdrawn from the third day after inoculation. The wall of a lower quadrant of the abdomen is
punctured with a capillary pipette. Peritoneal fluid then rises by capillary action in the pipette and a drop is
discharged on to a slide, and examined under a cover slip with the dark-field microscope (see Annex 6). When
leptospires are observed, a heart puncture can be performed under anaesthesia to collect blood for culture.

If the inoculated animals die, it is possible to obtain a sample of liver and renal tissue for culture in various media
(see Annex 12).

J.W. Wolff (1954). The laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas.


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to detect leptospiral DNA in clinical samples. Primers (short DNA
sequences that are specific for leptospires), in combination with heat-stable DNA polymerase in the presence of
nucleotides and subjected to temperature cycles, amplify a stretch of leptospiral DNA. PCR can be applied to blood,
urine, cerebrospinal fluid and tissue samples (ante or post mortem).

The amplified DNA can be relatively easily detected in gels. In addition, subsequent or concomitant hybridization
with labelled probes makes various highly specific methods of detection (fluorography, chromatography,
autoradiography on solutions or on blots) possible during or after PCR.

PCR should preferably be combined with a hybridization step and/or performed with a nested primer set to ensure
high specificity. With the current availability of advanced and rapid thermocyclers (Woo et al., 1997, 1998) and
"ready-to-go" nucleic acid extraction kits, PCR is a rapid possible method of early diagnosis of leptospirosis.

To date, many PCR methods have been described (Gravekamp et al., 1993; Hookey, 1992; Merien et al., 1992;
Wagenaar et al., 1994; Woodward et al., 1991; Zuerner et al., 1995; Zuerner & Bolin, 1997). As a major target, the
rrs gene encoding 16S rRNA has been used (Hookey, 1992; Merien et al., 1992; Wagenaar et al., 1994). Other
targets include the secY and flaB genes for the combined primer set of G1/G2 and B64I/B64II, respectively
(Gravekamp et al., 1993; Zuerner et al., 2000).

The protocols for PCR with the primer sets G1/G2 and B64I /B64II and for extraction of DNA from urine and blood
samples are given below. A detailed protocol of another PCR amplifying part of the rrs gene using a single primer
set can be found in Postic et al. (2000).

Both the PCRs based on the rrs sequence and the combined secY and flaB target sequences have been clinically
evaluated by Merien et al. (1995) and Brown et al. (1995), respectively.

Protocols for other PCRs are given in the references. Agarose gel electrophoresis, Southern blotting, hybridization
and labelling procedures are described in standard laboratory manuals or in the instructions of various


These are the procedures described by Boom et al. (1990, 1991).

A14.1.1 Solutions
The following are required and are prepared as described below.

L2-buffer 0.1 M, Tris-HCl pH 6.4:

• Dissolve 12.1 g Tris in 800 ml distilled water.
• Add 8.1 ml 12N HCl.
• Adjust to 1 litre with distilled water.

L2-wash buffer:
• Dissolve 120 g guanidine thiocyanate (GuSCN) in 100 ml L2-buffer, by gently shaking in a 60 ºC water bath.


L6-Lysis buffer:
• Dissolve 120 g GuSCN in 100 ml L2-buffer. After the GuSCN has dissolved, add 22 ml 0.2 M EDTA, pH 8.0,
and 2.6 g of Triton X-100.

0.2 M EDTA, pH 8.0:

• Dissolve 37.2 g EDTA and 4.4 g NaOH in distilled water in a total volume of 500 ml of distilled water.

• Suspend 10 g kieselguhr-DC in 50 ml distilled water.
• Add 0.5 ml 12N HCl.
• Mix well, dispense and autoclave.
• Store at room temperature in a dark place.
Diatoms may be replaced by silica gel.

Guanidine thiocyanate: Fluka Biochemica cat.nr. 50990.

Kieselguhr-DG: Riedel-de Haen cat.nr. 31689.

A14.1.2. DNA extraction from urine samples

The procedure is as follows:
1. Collect 10 ml of urine in a 15 ml container, add 10 µl formalin (final concentration 0.1%) and store the sample at
4 ºC before use.
2. Centrifuge the 10 ml of urine for 30 min at 1600 g.
3. Discard the supernatant.
4. Add 9 ml of L6 lysis buffer and 40 µl of diatoms or silica gel to the pellet.
5. Incubate by shaking for 10 min at room temperature.
6. Centrifuge for 5 min at 1600 g.
7. Discard supernatant by suction.
8. Add 1 ml of L2 wash buffer and transfer the suspension to a clean 1.5-ml tube.
9. Wash the pellet twice with 1 ml L2 wash buffer (1 min at 10 000 g).
10. Wash the pellet twice with 1 ml ethanol (1 min at 10 000 g).
11. Wash the pellet once with 1 ml acetone (1 ml at 10 000 g).
12. Dry the pellet for 10 min at 56 ºC.
13. Elute the DNA with 125 µl proteinase K solution (200 ng/ml) for 10 min at 56 ºC.
14. Boil the eluted DNA solution for 10 min at 100 ºC (see below).
15. Centrifuge for 2 min at 10 000 g.
16. Collect 100 µl supernatant with a pipette and use 10–30 µl for the PCR reaction.

The proteinase K treatment (steps 13 and 14) is not essential and may be omitted. The DNA should then be eluted
with 125 µl distilled water.

A14.1.3 DNA extraction from serum or plasma samples

Several methods have been described but the following procedure has been found to be reliable:
• Dilute 0.1 ml sample with 0.9 ml L6 buffer. The sample is processed in an Eppendorf tube.
• The 1-ml sample diluted with 9 ml L6 buffer is initially processed in a 15-ml screw-capped tube. After addition of
1 ml L2 buffer (step 8), the sample is transferred to a 1.5-ml Eppendorf tube. Do not use more than 1 ml in this
protocol, which consists of the following steps:
1. Mix one volume of sample and 9 volumes of L6 lysis buffer in a 1.5-ml Eppendorf tube or a 15-ml container
(screw-capped tube).
2. Add 40 µl suspension of diatoms or silica gel.
3. Incubate by shaking for 10 min at room temperature.
4. Centrifuge for 5 min at 1600 g (15-ml tubes) or 1 min at 10 000 g (Eppendorf tubes).


5. Remove and discard supernatant by suction.

6. Add 1 ml of L2 wash buffer and transfer the suspension to a clean 1.5-ml tube if the starting volume was
more than 1 ml.
7. Wash the pellet twice with 1 ml L2 wash buffer (1 min at 10 000 g).
8. Wash the pellet twice with 1 ml ethanol 70% (1 min at 10 000 g).
9. Wash the pellet once with 1 ml acetone (1 min at 10 000 g).
10. Dry the pellet for 10 min at 56 ºC.
11. Elute the DNA in 125 µl proteinase K solution for at least 10 min at 56 ºC.
12. Boil the eluted DNA solution for 10 min at 100 ºC.
13. Centrifuge for 2 min at 10 000 g.
14. Collect 100 µl supernatant with a pipette and use 10–30 µl for the PCR reaction.

The proteinase K treatment (steps 11 and 12) is not essential and may be omitted. The DNA should then be eluted
with 125 µl distilled water by incubation at 56 °C for 10 min and step 13 then follows.


This is the procedure described by Gravekamp et al. (1993) and Bal et al. (1994), with some modifications.

A14.2.1 Solutions
1. GeneAmp 10 x PCR buffer II (100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 500 mM KCl) (Applied Biosystems).
2. 25 mM MgCl2 solution (Applied Biosystems).

A14.2.2 Primers and size of PCR products

Size of product: 285 bp.
Size of product: 563 bp.

A14.2.3 Polymerase chain reaction

The PCR mix for one reaction (50 µl) is as follows:
• 0.5 µl primer forward, 100 µM (100 pmol/µl).
• 0.5 µl primer reverse, 100 µM (100 pmol/µl).
• 0.5 µl dNTP-mix containing 25 mM of each of the deoxynucleotides dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP (Amersham
• 0.125 µl of the deoxynucleotide dUTP 100 mM (Amersham Pharmacia).
• 5.0 µl 10 x PCR buffer (GeneAmp 10 x PCR buffer II).
• 6 µl 25 mM MgCl2 solution.
• 0.2 µl AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (5 U/µl).
• 0.5 µl uracil glycosylase (1 U/µl).
• Add 10–30 µl sample to the PCR mix.
• Add distilled water to give a final volume of 50 µl .
• Add two drops of mineral oil with a plastic disposable 1-ml pipette.

The final buffer concentration is 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 50 mM KCl, 3 mM MgCl2 . Uracil N-glycosylase (UNG) is
recommended of diagnostic PCR and where there is obvious contamination of reaction mixtures with amplicons. If
no UNG is used, it should be replaced by distilled water.


If more than one sample is to be processed, the amounts of the ingredients should be multiplied by the number of
samples and aliquots transferred to in clean PCR tubes.

The optimal conditions, and especially the concentrations of MgCl2, should be determined, particularly when
changing batches and/or suppliers of reagents and enzymes.

The PCR programme is as follows:

• 10 min at 36 °C for UNG digestion followed by 5 min at 94°C to subsequently inactivate UNG and to separate
the DNA strands. This is followed by 35 cycles consisting of 1 min at 94 °C (DNA denaturation), 1 min at 55 °C
(primer annealing), and 2 min at 72 °C (primer extension by the heat-stable DNA polymerase). Soak at 72 °C.
• The sensitivity and specificity of the PCR can be increased by performing a subsequent hybridization of the
PCR products with suitable probes (Bal et al., 1994).

B.A. Bal, C. Gravekamp, R.A. Hartskeerl, J. de Meza-Brewster, H. Korver, W.J. Terpstra (1994). Detection of
leptospires in urine by PCR for early diagnosis of leptospirosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 32:1894-1898.

R. Boom, C.J.A. Sol, M.M.M. Salimans, C.L. Jansen, P.M.E. Wertheim-van Dillen, J. van der Noordaa (1990). Rapid
and simple method for purification of nucleic acids. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 28:495-503.

R. Boom, C.J.A. Sol, R. Heijtink, P.M.E. Wertheim-van Dillen, J. van der Noordaa (1991). Rapid purification of
hepatitis B virus DNA from serum. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 29:1804-1811.

P.D. Brown, C. Gravekamp, D.G. Carrington, H. van de Kemp, R.A. Hartskeerl, C.N. Edwards, C.O.R. Everard,
W.J. Terpstra, P.N. Levett (1995). Evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction for early diagnosis of leptospirosis.
Journal of Medical Microbiology, 43:110-114.

C. Gravekamp, H. van de Kemp, M. Franzen, D. Carrington, G.L. Schoone, G.J.J.M. van Eys, C.O.R. Everard,
R.A. Hartskeerl, W.J. Terpstra (1993). Detection of seven species of pathogenic leptospires by PCR using two sets
of primers. Journal of General Microbiology, 139:1691-1700.

J.V. Hookey (1992). Detection of leptospiraceae by amplification of 16S ribosomal DNA. FEMS Microbiology Letters,

F. Merien, P. Amouriaux, P. Perolat, G. Baranton, I. Saint Girons (1992). Polymerase chain reaction for the detection
of Leptospira spp. in clinical samples. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 30:2219-2224.

F. Merien, G. Baranton, P. Perolat (1995). Comparison of polymerase chain reaction with microagglutination test
and culture for diagnosis of leptospirosis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 172:281-285.

D. Postic, F. Merien, P. Perolat, G. Baranton (2000). Diagnostic biologique leptospirose - borréliose de Lyme/
Biological diagnosis leptospirosis - Lyme borreliosis, 2nd ed. Paris, Collection des Laboratoires de Référence et
d'Expertise. Institut Pasteur à Paris.

J.A. Wagenaar, R.P.A.M. Segers, B.A.M. van der Zeijst (1994). Rapid and specific detection of pathogenic
Leptospira species by amplification of ribosomal sequences. Molecular Biotechnology, 1994;2:1-14.

T.H. Woo, B.K. Patel, L.D. Smythe, M.L. Symonds, M.A. Norris, M.F. Dohnt (1997). Identification of pathogenic
Leptospira genospecies by continuous monitoring of fluorogenic hybridisation probes during rapid-cycle PCR.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 35:3140-3146.

T.H. Woo, B.K. Patel, L.D. Smythe, M.L. Symonds, M.A. Norris, M.F. Dohnt (1998). Identification of pathogenic
Leptospira by TaqMan probe in a LightCycler. Annals of Biochemistry, 256:132-134.

M.J. Woodward, G.J. Sullivan, J.C. Palmer, J.C. Wooley, J.S. Redstone (1991). Development of a PCR test specific
for Leptospira hardjo genotype bovis. Veterinary Record, 128:282-283.

R.L. Zuerner, D. Alt, C.A. Bolin (1995). IS1533-based PCR assay for identification of Leptospira interrogans sensu
lato serovars. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 33:3284-3289.

R.L. Zuerner, C.A. Bolin (1997). Differentiation of Leptospira interrogans by IS1500 hybridisation and PCR assays.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 35:2612-2617.

R.L. Zuerner, R.A. Hartskeerl, H. van de Kemp, A.E. Bal (2000). Characterization of the Leptospira interrogans
S10-spe-a operon. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 18:303-308.


No reply was received from a number of the companies/institutes mentioned below to a questionnaire sent to obtain
confirmation of this information, but we have reason to believe that they manufacture and/or distribute materials in
their regions. Commercial tests are shown in Table A15.1 and culture media, sera, monoclonal antibodies (MCAs)
and Leptospira strains in Table A15.2.

Table A15.1 Commercial tests

Country Manufacturer Commercial tests
Australia PanBio Limited Leptospira IgM ELISA test
116 Lutwyche Road Windsor (cat.no. LPM-200)
Windsor, Q 4030, Brisbane, Australia
Tel: +61 7 3357 1177
Fax: +61 7 3357 1222
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.panbio.com.au/

Belgium Sanofi-BioRad TR Slide agglutination test

Begoniastraat 5, 9810 Nazareth, Belgium
Tel: +32 9 385 6554
Fax: +32 9 385 5511

Brazil BioManguinhos-Fiocruz 1. Simple macroagglutination slide test-

Avenida Brasil 4365 leptospirosis-BioManguinhos
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 2. EIA-IgM-leptospirosis-BioManguinhos
Fax: +55 21 2260 4727
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.fiocruz.br

France BioMérieux 1. LeptoTek Lateral Flow

Chemin de L'Orme 2. LeptoTek Dri-Dot
F-69280 Marcy l'Etoile, France
Tel: +33 4 7887 2000
Fax: +33 4 7887 2090
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.biomerieux.com

Germany Bios GmbH Labordiagnostik 1. The Biolisa kit (leptospirosis IgG and IgM)
Reisheimerstrasse 52, D-82166 Gräfeling 2. Biosave Leptospira latex assay
Postfach 1640, D-82158 Gräfelfing/ 3. Biognost leptospirosis IgG and IgM (IFA)
München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 8988 9541 / 8988 950
Fax: +49 89 8988 9540 / 8988 95
E-mail: [email protected]


Country Manufacturer Commercial tests

Germany Institut Virion • Serion GmbH 1. Complement-fixation tests (CFT)
Serion Immundiagnostica GmbH – Leptospira, group specific (biflexa) antigen
Konradstrasse 1, 97072 Würzburg, – Leptospira, group specific (biflexa) control
Germany serum positive
Tel: +49 931 309 860 – Leptospira canicola antigen
Fax: + 49 931 52 650 – Leptospira grippotyphosa antigen
E-mail: [email protected] – Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae antigen
Web site: http://www.virion-serion.de – Leptospira pomona antigen
– Leptospira sejroe antigen
– Leptospira control serum positive
– Leptospira control serum negative
2. ELISA classic Testkits
– SERION ELISA classic Leptospira IgG Testkit
– SERION ELISA classic Leptospira IgM Testkit

Japan Japan Lyophilization Laboratory LEPTOSPIRA-MC for detection of Leptospira

Koishikawa IS Building, 4-2-6- Kohinata, antibodies (qualitative five tests)
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0006, Japan
Tel: +81 3 5800 5303
Fax: +81 3 5802 6730
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Mr. Takeru Hashimoto,
Manager, International Department

Russian Federation WHO Collaborating Centre on the Leptospirosis BASA slide agglutination kit
Epidemiology of Leptospirosis
Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and
Microbiology, Gamaleya Street 18,
123098 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: +7 095 193 3001
Fax: +7 095 193 6183
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Dr J.V. Ananyina

USA Focus Technologies Indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA),

10703 Progress Way Product code: IH 100
Cypress, CA 90630, USA
Fax: +1 714 220 1683

USA PanBio InDx 1. Leptospirosis IgM Dip-S-Tick

1756 Sulphur Spring Road – 10 Test pack cat. no. 5065M-02-10
Baltimore MD 21227, USA – 50 Test pack cat. no. 5065M-01-50
Tel: +1 410 737 8500 2. Leptospira Ig ELISA Test
Fax: +1 410 536 1212 – Cat no. 5065-03-96
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.indxdi.com


Table A15.2 Culture media, sera, monoclonal antibodies (MCAs) and. Leptospira strains
Country Manufacturer Culture media, sera, MCAs and strains
Belgium Sanofi-BioRad Culture media
Begoniastraat 5, 9810 Nazareth, Belgium
Tel: +32 9 385 6554
Fax: +32 9 385 5511

India National Leptospirosis Reference Centre Culture media, Leptospira strains and rabbit
Regional Medical Research Centre antisera
Indian Council of Medical Research
Post Bag No. 13
Port Blair 744101
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Tel: +91 3192 51158 / 51043
Fax: +91 3192 51163 / 33660
E-mail: [email protected]

The Netherlands KIT Biomedical Research 1. EMJH medium – enrichment as well as

Meibergdreef 39 complete medium can be obtained at cost
1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands price
Tel: +31 20 566 5431 2. Rabbit antisera at cost price
Fax: +31 20 697 1841 3. Monoclonal antibodies of different anti-
E-mail: [email protected] Leptospira specificities at cost price
Web site: http://www.kit.nl 4. Leptospira strains, transport costs must be
paid for by recipient
Russian Federation WHO Collaborating Centre on the Leptospira reference strains
Epidemiology of Leptospirosis
Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and
Microbiology, Gamaleya Street 18,
123098 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: +7 095 193 3001
Fax: +7 095 193 6183
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Dr J.V. Ananyina

Slovakia FAO/WHO Collaborating Centre for the Korthof's medium and Leptospira reference strains
Epidemiology of Leptospirosis
Institute of Epidemiology
Medical Faculty of the Komensky
University, Spitalska 24
81372 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel: +421 7 59 357 489 / 496 / 491
Fax: +421 7 59 357 506
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.fmed.uniba.sk

USA Becton-Dickinson Biosciences / Difco EMJH and enrichment media

7 Lofton Circle
Sparks, MD 21152-0999, USA
Tel: +1 800 638 8663
Tel: +1 800 675 0908 (Customer service)
Web site:http://www.bd.com/microbiology

Country Manufacturer Culture media, sera, MCAs, strains

USA Intergen Company 1. Bovuminar Microbiological Media (PLM-5)
2 Manhattanville Road Cat.no. 3412
The Centre at Purchase 2. Bovuminar Microbiological 30% (Leptalb-7)
Purchase, NY 10577, USA Cat.no. 3410
Tel: +1 914 694 1700 3. Bovuminar Microbiological Grade pH7
E-mail: [email protected] Cat.no. 3265
Web site: http://www.intergenco.com 4. Bovuminar Cohn Fraction V pH7 Powder
Cat.no. 3225



The nutritional requirements of leptospires are unique but undemanding. Vitamin B1 and B12 and long-chain fatty
acids are the only organic compounds known to be essential nutrients. Fatty acids (>C 15) are a source of both
energy and carbon and are required as a source of cellular lipids since leptospires cannot synthesize fatty acids de
novo. Owing to their inherent toxicity, free fatty acids must be presented to the leptospires as a complex with
albumin. Carbohydrates are not a suitable source of energy or carbon. Although amino acids are utilized to a limited
extent, they cannot satisfy the nitrogen requirements of these organisms.

The non-essential nutrient, pyruvate, enhances the initiation of growth of the fastidious leptospires. In contrast to
most other bacteria, leptospires do not use external sources of pyrimidine bases for incorporation into their DNA or
RNA. Because of this, they are resistant to the antibacterial acitivity of the pyrimidine analogue, 5-fluorouracil. This
compound is therefore used in selective media for the isolation of leptospires from contaminated sources.


A wide variety of media have been described for the cultivation of leptospires. These can be divided into five groups:
1. Traditional media containing approximately 8–10% rabbit serum (Stuart, Korthof, Fletcher, Vervoort, Schüffner).
Rabbit serum contains the highest concentration of bound vitamin B12, which is essential for the multiplication
of leptospires. The titre of Leptospira agglutinins in rabbit serum is usually low compared with that found in other
animals but sera should be checked for the presence of antibodies. Schüffner and Korthof media have the
disadvantage that they contain phosphate which may precipitate. This is undesirable in the microscopic
agglutination test (MAT).
2. The Tween 80/bovine serum albumin (BSA) medium of Ellinghausen & McCullough (1965a, 1965b, 1967) and
its modification by Johnson & Harris (EMJH). The BSA component of the medium is the most expensive
3. Low-protein or protein-free media, often used for the preparation of vaccines (Shenberg, 1967; Bey & Johnson,
4. Enriched media. To increase the growth of more fastidious leptospires such as serovar hardjo, media can be
enriched by adding serum (e.g. 1–4% fetal calf serum (FCS) and rabbit serum) or other ingredients such as
lactalbumin hydrolysate, superoxide dismutase and pyruvate (Ellis, 1986). EMJH medium is often enriched by
adding 1% rabbit serum and 1% FCS.
5. Selective media with 5-fluorouracil (and/or other antimicrobials such as neomycin, nalidixic acid, actidione,
sulfadiazol, rifampicin, amphotericin B). These additives may suppress the growth of contaminating bacteria in
non-sterile clinical samples, while leaving leptospires unaffected but they may also cause some reduction in the
growth of leptospires. This is particularly true of sulfadiazol.


Liquid media can be made semi-solid or solid by the addition of agar.


A16.3.1 Liquid form

Liquid media are essential for the isolation of leptospires and for growing cultures to be used as antigen preparations
in agglutination tests. Agar particles, present in the semi-solid media, interfere with the interpretation of these tests.

Growth of leptospires in liquid media is indicated mainly by turbidity but sometimes by a granular appearance on the
bottom of the tubes in which they are growing, both of which can be seen with the naked eye, but this should be
confirmed by microscopic observation.

A16.3.2 Semi-solid form

Semi-solid media contain 0.1–0.5 % agar (w/v). Such media are preferred for isolating the various strains and for
medium-term maintenance (up to several years). Growth is readily initiated in these media and is usually easily
visualized as one or more rings of dense growth, several millimetres below the surface of the medium. Absence of
rings does not, however, necessarily mean the absence of leptospires. Semi-solid media in screw-capped tubes are
generally used for the maintenance of stock cultures, which are stored at room temperature and preferably
transferred into fresh media every 3 months.

A16.3.3 Solid form

Solid media contain 0.8–1.3 % agar (w/v).and are dispensed in tubes or plates. The lower the concentration of agar,
the greater the tendency for leptospires to swarm across the plate and through the medium; the higher the
concentration, the smaller the colonies. Growth occurs below the surface. Plates must be sealed to create a moist
chamber and thus prevent dehydration. This method can be used for isolating strains from contaminated natural
materials or contaminated cultures, or for cloning leptospires from mixed Leptospira cultures. Colonies in 1% agar
grow under the surface and become visible within 7–14 days for most serovars. The morphology of the colony of a
motile strain changes with time.

Subsurface colonial morphology has not proved to be a useful characteristic for differentiating between the various
strains of Leptospira.



This medium is prepared by mixing one volume of albumin fatty acid supplement (AFAS) and nine volumes of basal

It is essential to use sterile (autoclaved) distilled water for the AFAS, because it can be sterilized only by filtration
and Leptospira, including contaminating saprophytes, can pass through the filter.

A16.4.1 Requirements
Sterile glassware: 5-litre flasks (x5); 3-litre flask (x1); 2-litre measuring cylinder (x1); 1-litre measuring cylinder (x1);
Pasteur pipettes.

Chemical reagents: Na2HPO4, e.g. Merck 1.06586.0500; KH2PO4, e.g. Merck 1.04873.1000; NaCl, e.g. Merck
1.06404.1000; NH4Cl, e.g. Merck 1.01145.0500; Vitamine B1 (thiamine), e.g. Merck 1.08181.0025; Glycerol, e.g.
Merck 1.04093.1000; Bovine serum albumin fraction V, e.g. Sigma A 9647; CaCl2.2H2O, e.g. Merck 1.02382.0500;
MgCl2.6H2O, e.g. Merck 1.05833.0250; FeSO4.7H2O, e.g. Merck 1.03965.0100; CuSO4.5H2O, e.g. Merck
1.02790.0250; ZnSO4.7H2O, e.g. Merck 1.08883.0100; Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin), e.g. Merck 5.24950.0010;
Tween 80, e.g. Merck 8.22187.0500; Sodium-pyruvate, e.g. Merck 1.06619.0050.

Stock solutions: These are shown in Tables A16.1 and A16.2. The quantities given are for 20 litres of EMJH


Table A16.1 Albumin fatty acid supplement stock solutions

Reagents (g Amount per 100 ml sterile water) Volume Storage temperature
CaCl2.2H2O + 1.0 (each) 30 ml -20 °C
ZnSO4.7H2O 0.4 20 ml -20 °C
CuSO4.5H2O 0.3 2 ml +4 °C
Vitamin B 12 0.02 20 ml -20 °C
Tween 80 10.0 250 ml -20 °C
Glycerol 10.0 20 ml -20 °C

Table A16.2 Basal medium stock solutions

Reagents (g Amount per 100 ml sterile water) Volume Storage temperature
NH4Cl 25.0 20 ml -20 °C
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.5 20 ml -20 °C

A16.4.2 Method
Albumin fatty acid supplement (2 litres)
This is prepared as follows:
• Dissolve 200 g of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in 1200 ml sterile glass-distilled water by gently stirring on a
magnetic stirrer (avoid foaming). It can take several hours to dissolve the albumin, depending on the batch of
• Take all necessary stock solutions out of the freezer.
• Add 30 ml calcium chloride/magnesium chloride stock solution; 20 ml zinc sulfate stock solution; 2 ml copper
sulfate stock solution; 1 g ferrous sulfate; 0.8 g sodium pyruvate; 20 ml vitamin B 12 stock solution; 20 ml
glycerol stock solution; 250 ml Tween 80 stock solution.
• Add sterile distilled water up to 2 litres.
• Adjust pH to 7.4–7.6 with 1N NaOH using narrow range pH paper or a pH meter (be careful to rinse the pH
electrode with sterile (autoclaved) distilled water only so as to avoid possible contamination with aquatic
saprophytic leptospires).

Basal medium (20 litres)

The method of preparation is the following:
• Dissolve in 2 litres glass-distilled water (use a 5-litre flask) 20 g Na2HPO4; 6 g KH2PO4; 20 g NaCl.
• Add 20 ml ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) stock solution and 20 ml vitamin B1 (thiamine) stock solution.
• Add glass-distilled water to a total volume of 4 litres.
• Transfer 1 litre into each of four 5-litre flasks.
• Add 4 litres of glass-distilled water to each of the four flasks.
• Adjust pH to 7.4 with 1N NaOH as above.
• Autoclave for 30 min at 121 °C.

Complete medium: This consists of 18 litres of basal medium and 2 litres of albumin fatty acid supplement (AFAS),
giving a total of 20 litres.

A Millipore or Seitz filter (0.22 µm) is used. For example, a Millipore filter holder type 316, diameter 142 mm, can be
used in combination with a 20-litre dispensing pressure vessel.


Place a 0.22 µm type GSWP 14200 Millipore filter (glossy side of the filter up) followed by a gauze type AP 3212400
and a 0.45 µm type HAWP 14200 filter (Millipore) on the support screen. Two glass-fibre prefilters are then placed
on top of this filter. All filters are wetted with distilled water, and the filter system is sterilized/autoclaved. The final
choice of filters will depend on the medium and the quantity to be filtered.

Enrichment: Add (rabbit) serum and/or fetal calf serum aseptically to the EMJH medium to a final concentration of
1 - 4% (v/v).

Selective medium: Add 5-fluorouracil aseptically to the EMJH medium to a final concentration of 0.01–0.04%.

Quality control
This is carried out as follows:
• Check for the absence of saprophytic leptospires and other contaminants. The medium is left for 1 week at
30 °C, 1 week at 37 °C and 2 weeks at room temperature. When the medium becomes turbid, check
microscopically and if contamination is found, discard.
• Positive control: inoculate an aliquot of medium at 1:10 v/v with a Leptospira culture and incubate and check for
growth after 1 week.
• If rabbit serum and/or fetal calf serum are added for enrichment, these should be checked with the MAT for the
presence of antibodies against leptospires. The MAT should be negative.


This is a semi-solid medium suitable for culturing Leptospira and for maintaining viability for a long period without
subculturing. It is prepared by adding rabbit serum to Fletcher's base medium.

A16.5.1 Requirements
Chemical reagents: The following are required: Na2HPO4, e.g. Merck 1.06586.0500; KH2PO4, e.g. Merck
1.04873.1000; NaCl, e.g. Merck 1.06404.1000; Bacto Peptone, e.g. Difco 0118; Bacto Beef Extract, e.g. Difco 0126;
Agar Noble, e.g. Difco 0142.

Stock solution: Two stock solutions are required, namely: (1) phosphate solution A: dissolve 11.876 g Na2HPO4 in
1 litre distilled water; and (2) phosphate solution B: dissolve 9.078 g KH2PO4 in 1 litre distilled water. Both buffer
solutions are autoclaved for 30 min at 121 °C and can be stored at 4 °C for several months.

Rabbit serum: This should be checked with the MAT for the presence of antibodies against leptospires. The MAT
should be negative.

A16.5.2 Method
Fletcher's base medium
This is prepared as follows:
• Dissolve the following reagents in 820 ml distilled water: 0.3 g Bacto Peptone; 0.5 g NaCl; 0.2 g Bacto Beef
Extract; 1.5 gram Agar Noble.
• Add 80.8 ml stock phosphate solution A and 19.2 ml stock phosphate solution B.
• Mix thoroughly.
• Adjust to pH 7.6 - 8.0 using 1N NaOH.
• Autoclave.
• After autoclaving, but before the medium has cooled down, shake the bottle vigorously. This is necessary to
prevent the agar from settling to the bottom of the flask.
• Store at 4 °C or aliquot in tubes when still at 50 °C.


Preparation of the final medium

The procedure is as follows:
• Collect rabbit serum preferably with a few red blood cells present. Alternatively, commercial rabbit serum
without lysed blood cells can be used.
• Inactivate the serum for 30 min at 56 °C in a waterbath.
• When the Fletcher's base medium has been stored at 4 °C, heat it to 50 °C.
• Add 80 ml of the rabbit serum to 920 ml medium.
• Dispense the Fletcher's medium in 4–5-ml volumes in tubes.
• Store the medium at 4 °C until use.

Quality control: Inoculate an aliquot of Fletcher's medium with a Leptospira culture and check for growth after
1 week of incubation at 30 °C.


This is a liquid medium suitable for the culture of Leptospira. Its formulation is a modification of the original Korthof
medium. It is prepared by adding rabbit serum to Korthof-Babudieri basal medium, and it is used at the National
Centre for Leptospirosis in Rome to maintain Leptospira strains in its collection. The formulation requires Proteose
Peptone No. 3 - Difco (in place of Peptone Witte) and vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) (in place of vitamin B1) but does not
require CaCl2.

It is essential to use sterile (autoclaved) distilled water, because the final preparation can only be filtered
and Leptospira, including contaminant saprophytes, can pass through the filter.

A16.6.1 Requirements
The following are required:
Equipment: 3-litre flasks (x2); 250 ml flask (x1); 1-litre measuring cylinder (x1); 100-ml measuring cylinder (x1);
Funnel (x1); 5-ml pipettes; 1-ml pipettes; Tubes; Millipore filters (0.22 µm); Filter papers (Whatman No.1, or
equivalent); Analytical balance; Centrifuge; Incubator (30 °C); Water bath; pH meter.

The pH electrode must be rinsed with sterile (autoclaved) distilled water to avoid possible contamination with
saprophytic leptospires.

Reagents: Proteose Peptone No. 3, Difco; NaCl; NaHCO3; KCl; KH2PO4; Na2HPO4.2H20; Vitamin B3
(nicotinamide); Rabbit serum; Lysed blood cells; Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

A16.6.2 Method
Korthof basal medium
This is prepared as follows:
• Dissolve the following components in 900 ml sterile distilled water (use a 3 litre flask):
– 0.80 g Proteose Peptone No. 3 (Difco); 1.40 g NaCl; 0.02 g NaHCO3; 0.04 g KCl;
– 0.18 g KH2PO4; 0.96 g Na2HPO4.2H20; 0.001 g Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide).
• Mix the above and add sterile distilled water up to 1 litre.
• Autoclave for 20 min at 121 °C.
• Cool overnight at room temperature.
• Pass through filter paper (Whatman No. 1, or equivalent).
• Check for the pH (the final pH of the medium should be in the range 7.2–7.4).
• Autoclave for 30 min at 116 °C.


Rabbit serum
• Collect rabbit serum (commercial rabbit serum can be used). Because of variation from one animal to another,
the use of pooled rabbit serum (obtained from animals on an antibiotic-free diet) is recommended.
• Check with the MAT for the presence of antibodies against leptospires. The MAT should be negative.
• Inactivate the serum for 120 min at 56 °C in a water bath.
• Centrifuge at high speed (22 000 g for 30 min) to remove cellular debris.
• Filter-sterilize through a 0.22 µm Millipore filter.
• Dispense the rabbit serum in 30 ml volumes in tubes; store at –70 °C until use.

Lysed blood cells

• Collect 5 ml of rabbit blood (from a seronegative animal on an antibiotic-free diet) in a 250-ml flask containing
glass beads.
• Mix by gently shaking for 10–15 min to remove fibrin.
• Add 10 ml of sterile distilled water, mix and leave at 4 °C overnight.
• Centrifuge at high speed (22 000 g for 30 min) to remove cellular debris.
• Filter-sterilize the supernatant through a 0.22 µm Millipore filter.
• Dispense the supernatant in 2 ml volumes in tubes and store at –70 °C until use.

Vitamin B12
• Dissolve 100 mg vitamin B12 in 10 ml sterile distilled water pH 4.5 (use sterile distilled water and adjust its pH to
4.5 with 1N HCl).
• Filter-sterilize through a 0.22 µm Millipore filter.

Preparation of the final medium

• Add the following to the Korthof basal medium: 60 ml sterile, heat-inactivated rabbit serum; 2 ml sterile, heat-
inactivated lysed blood cells; 0.1 ml sterile vitamin B12 stock solution.
• Filter-sterilize through a 0.22 µm Millipore filter.
• Dispense the Korthof medium in 4–5 ml volumes in tubes.
• Tyndalize three times for 60 min at 56 °C.
• Store the medium at 4 °C until use.

Quality control
• Check for the absence of saprophytes. The medium is left for 1 week at 30 °C, 1 week at 37 °C and 2 weeks at
room temperature. When the medium shows turbidity, check microscopically and, if contamination is found,
• Positive control: inoculate and incubate (30 °C) an aliquot of the Korthof medium 1:10 with a Leptospira culture
and check for growth after one week.

R.F. Bey, Johnson Research co-ordinator (1978). Protein-free and low-protein media for the cultivation of
Leptospira. Infection and Immunity, 19:562-259.

H.C. Ellinghausen, W.G. McCullough (1965a). Nutrition of Leptospira pomona and growth of 13 other serotypes:
A serum-free medium employing oleic albumin complex. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 26:39-44.

H.C. Ellinghausen, W.G. McCullough (1965b). Nutrition of Leptospira pomona and growth of 13 other serotypes:
Fractionation of oleic albumin complex and a medium of bovine albumin and polysorbate 80. American Journal of
Veterinary Research, 26:45-51.

H.C. Ellinghausen, W.G. McCullough (1967). Albumin fatty acid broth for Leptospira, modified by Johnson and
Harris. Journal of Bacteriology, 94:27-31.


W.A. Ellis, T.W.A. Little, eds. (1986). The present state of leptospirosis diagnosis and control. Dordrecht, Boston,
Lancaster, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

E. Shenberg (1967). Growth of pathogenic Leptospira in chemically defined media. Journal of Bacteriology,

B. Babudieri (1952). Leptospirosi. In: Trattato di malattie infettive. Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane,

B. Babudieri (1971). Proposed standardization of the agglutination-adsorption test for Leptospira. Bulletin of the
World Health Organization, 44:795-810.

H.C. Ellinghausen (1960). Some observations on cultural and biochemical characteristics of Leptospira pomona.
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 106:237-244.

S. Faine (1982). Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO Offset
Publication No. 67).

S. Faine, B. Adler, C. Bolin, P. Perolat (1999). Leptospira and leptospirosis. 2nd ed . Melbourne, MedSci.

G. Korthof (1932). Experimentelles Schlammfieber beim Menschen. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde
und Infectionskrankheiten. I. Abteilung Originale, 125: 429-434.

P.H. Levett (2001). Leptospirosis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 14:296-326.

J.L. Staneck, R.C. Henneberry, C.D. Cox (1973). Growth requirements of pathogenic leptospires. Infection and
Immunity, 7:886-897.

A.B. Thiermann (1981). Use of solid medium for isolation of leptospires of the Hebdomadis serogroup from bovine
milk and urine. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 42:2143-2145.

L.H. Turner (1970). Leptospirosis III. Maintenance, isolation and demonstration of leptospires. Transactions of the
Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 64:623-646.

W.P. Vaneseltine, S.A. Staples (1961). Nutritional requirements of leptospirae. I. Studies on oleic acid as a growth
factor for a strain of Leptospira pomona. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 108:262-269.

J.W. Wolff (1954). The laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas.

J. Wood, R.C. Johnson, K. Palin (1981). Surface colonies of Leptospira interrogans. Journal of Clinical Microbiology,


Standard microbiological laboratory safety procedures are required when working with leptospires. These are
susceptible to drying, to acid, to phenolic or detergent disinfectants and antiseptics, and to heat. Spills and splashes
on laboratory floors and benches and animal house floors should be disinfected. Laboratory accidents pose the main
danger to laboratory staff, and especially those involving skin penetration and cuts, together with splashes into the
eye from ill-fitting syringe needles used in animal inoculations. Mouth pipetting of cultures of leptospires and serum
is strictly prohibited. All glassware must be safe (i.e. without sharp edges) before washing. Slides and pipettes
should be disinfected and discarded. Plastic disposables should be used, if possible. Laboratory staff handling
specimens of human blood or serum for culture or serology are also exposed to a risk of other infections (viral
hepatitis, HIV, etc.), which may be serious or even fatal. Gloves should be worn when handling serum samples.

If an accident occurs in which staff are infected or believed to be at risk of infection with pathogenic leptospires,
prophylactic antibiotic treatment is advised. Where fresh isolates and virulent strains are handled, all staff should be
required to report febrile illness.

Measures should be taken to prevent contact between bare hands and other skin or clothing with serum or blood
from spills or leaking containers.

Heating serum samples (30 min at 56 °C) will kill many, but not all, infectious agents.

Laboratory staff should have a baseline serum sample frozen for testing if a laboratory accident occurs. A blood
sample should also be collected immediately after a laboratory accident or suspected exposure to infection.

All staff should be immunized against hepatitis B. Immunization against leptospirosis should be considered,
depending on the degree of exposure to infected animals and the availability of a suitable vaccine. Other vaccines
against zoonoses, such as rabies, should also be administered whenever necessary.


There is a wealth of literature on leptospirosis. Some general literature on leptospirosis is suggested. There are
many references and bibliographies in the Annexes to special subjects but the lists are not exhaustive.

W.A. Ellis, T.W.A. Little, eds (1986). The present state of leptospirosis diagnosis and control. Dordrecht, Boston,
Lancaster, Martinus Nijhoff.

J.D. Everard, C.O.R. Everard (1993). Leptospirosis in the Caribbean. Reviews in Medical Microbiology, 4:114-122.

S. Faine (1982). Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO Offset
Publication No. 67).

S. Faine, B. Adler, C. Bolin, P. Perolat (1999). Leptospira and leptospirosis. 2nd ed. Melbourne, MediSci.

Leptospirosis worldwide (1999). Weekly Epidemiological Record, 74(29):237-242.

P.N. Levett (2001). Leptospirosis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 14:296-326.

Manual of standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines. 3rd ed (1996). Paris, Office International des Epizooties:

D. Postic, F. Merien, P. Perolat, G. Baranton (2000). Diagnostic biologique leptospirose – borréliose de Lyme
[Biological diagnosis leptospirosis – Lyme borreliosis]. 2nd ed. Paris, Institut Pasteur, Collection des Laboratoires de
Référence et d'Expertise.

A. Schönberg, F. Müller, A. Weber, E. Fingscheidt, S. Brem, H. Seeliger, E. Schaal (1984). Diagnostik bei
Leptospirosen. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene I Abteilung (International Journal of
Microbiology and Hygiene), A258:480-491.

S.C. Sehgal (2000). Leptospirosis on the horizon. National Medical Journal of India, 13(5):228-230.

World Health Organization (1986). Report of the WHO Consultation on the Development of National Programmes
for the Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis, Sapporo, Japan, July 15–16, 1984. Geneva (unpublished document
WHO/CDS/VPH/86.62: available from: Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response, World
Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland).

World Health Organization (1993). Report of Discussions of the WHO Working Group on Leptospirosis Vaccine
Development and Vaccinology, Nagoya, Japan, March 26–27, 1993. Geneva (unpublished document VPH/93.122;
available from: Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response, World Health Organization, 1211
Geneva 27, Switzerland).


Principal Author
Dr W.J. Terpstra, WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, Royal Tropical
Institute (KIT), Biomedical Research, Meibergdreef 39, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Professor B. Adler, Bacterial Pathogenesis Research Group, Department of Microbiology, Monash University,
Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia

Dr J. Ananyina, Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology - RAMS, Gamaleya Street 18,
123098, Moscow, The Russian Federation

Professor G. André-Fontaine, Unité Bactériologie Médicale et Moléculaire des Leptospires, Ecole Nationale
Vétérinaire de Nantes, B.P. 40706, F-44307 Nantes cedex 03, France

Dr V. Ansdell, Kaiser Medical Center, 3288 Moanalua Road, Honolulu, HI 96819, USA

Dr D.A. Ashford, Chief Zoonoses Unit, Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch, DBMD, CDC, MS-C09, 1600
Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA

Professor P. Bakoss, Medical Faculty Comenius University, Faculty of Epidemiology, Spitalska 24, 811 08
Bratislava, Slovakia

Dr G. Baranton, Institut Pasteur, Unité de Bactériologie Moléculaire et Médicale, 28 rue du Dr Roux, F-75724 Paris
cedex 15, France

Dr A. Barnea, Department of Epidemiology, Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR), P.O. Box 19, Ness Ziona
70450, Israel

Dr C.A. Bolin, Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, A3A Veterinary Medical Center,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

Dr L. Ciceroni, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Laboratorio di Batteriologia e Micologia Medica, Centro Nazionale per le
Leptospirosi (National Centre for Leptospirosis), Viale Regina Elena 299, I-00161 Rome, Italy

Dr M. Cinco, Dipartimento Scienze Biomediche, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Via Fleming 22, I-34127 Trieste,

Dr T.J. Coleman, Director, Public Health Laboratory Service, Leptospira Reference Unit, County Hospital,
GB-Hereford HR1 2ER, United Kingdom

Dr M. Collares Pereira, Unidade de Leptospirose e Borreliose de Lyme, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Rua da Junqueira 96, P-1349-008 Lisboa, Portugal

Dr C. Edwards, Gastro-enterologist, Department of Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, St-Michael, Barbados

Professor W.A. Ellis, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Northern Ireland, Veterinary Sciences
Division, Stoney Road, Stormont, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT4 3SD, United Kingdom

Professor S.B. Feresu, University of Zimbabwe, Department of Biological Sciences, Mount Pleasant,
P.O. Box mp 167, Harare, Zimbabwe


Dr Takao Fujikura, 15-10, 7-Chome, Tokiwa, Urawa-City, Saitama 336, Japan

Dr L. Gonzalez-Salas, National Reference Center for Virology and Leptospirosis, National Institute for Investigation
in Nutrition and Health, Inciensa, Ministry of Health, Apartado 4-2250 Tres Rios, Costa Rica

Dr R.A. Hartskeerl, Head WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, Royal
Tropical Institute (KIT),Biomedical Research, Meibergdreef 39, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mr H. Korver, WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, Royal Tropical
Institute (KIT), Biomedical Research, Meibergdreef 39, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Professor P.N. Levett, WHO Collaborating Center on Leptospirosis, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
National Center for Infectious Diseases, 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta GA 30333, USA

Dr T. Masuzawa, Department of Microbiology, University of Shizuoka, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

52-1 Yada, Shizuoka-Ken 422-8526, Japan

Professor M.A. Muthusethupathi, Department of Nephrology, Madras Medical College of Tamilnadu, Government
General Hospital, 14 First Street, North Gopalapuram, Chennai 600086 Tamilnadu, India

Dr M.M. Pereira, Senior Researcher, Head of the Bacteriology Department, National Reference Center for
Leptospirosis, Department of Bacteriology, Foundation Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Avenida
Brasil 4365, CEP 21045-900 - Manguinhos Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dr P. Perolat, Director, Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle Calédonie, Leptospira Laboratory, B.P. 61, 9-11 Paul Doumer
Street, 98845 Noumea cedex, New Caledonia

Dr I. Saint-Girons, Vice-President for Scientific Assessment, Vice-President for Teaching, Institut Pasteur, 25 rue du
Dr Roux, F-75724 Paris cedex 15, France

Dr D.M. Sasaki, Zoonoses Section, State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Epidemiology Branch, P.O. Box 3378,
Honolulu HI 96801, USA

Dr A. Schönberg, Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin, Diedersdorfer Weg

1, Postfach 480447, D-12277 Berlin, Germany

Professor S.C. Sehgal, National Leptospirosis Reference Center, Regional Medical Research Centre, Indian Council
of Medical Research, P.O. Bag No 13, Port Blair 744101, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India

The late Professor Manhua Shi, Department of Leptospirosis, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Chinese
Academy of Preventive Medicine, P.O. Box 5, Changping, Beijing 102206, China

Dr H.L. Smits, Molecular Biologist, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Biomedical Research, Meibergdreef 39, NL-1105
AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr S.P. Smits, WHO/FAO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, Royal Tropical
Institute (KIT), Biomedical Research, Meibergdreef 39, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr L.D. Smythe, Supervising Scientist, WHO/FAO/OIE Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on
Leptospirosis, Western Pacific Region, Queensland Health Scientific Services, 39 Kessels Road, Coopers Plains,
Queensland 4108, Australia

The late Dr R.A. Spiegel, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH/CVP), Bill and Melinda Gates
Children's Vaccine Program, 4 Nickerson Street, Seattle, WA 98109-1699, USA


Professor Xiugao Jiang, Head of Department of Leptospirosis, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Chinese
Academy of Preventive Medicine, P.O. Box 5, Changping, Beijing 102206, China

Professor Yasutake Yanagihara, Emeritus Professor of University of Shizuoka 7-18-15 Sena, Shizuoka-Shi 420-
0911, Japan

Dr R.L. Zuerner, Lead Scientist, Spirochete Diseases, National Leptospirosis Reference Center, U.S. Department of
Agriculture / ARS, National Animal Disease Center, Zoonotic Diseases Research Unit, P.O. Box 70, Ames, IA
50010, USA

Dr P. Braam, Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response, World Health Organization, 1211
Geneva 27, Switzerland

Dr O. Cosivi, (Secretary to the Group), Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response, World
Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland

ISBN 92 4 154589 5

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