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Free 6-Week Hitting Program

What You’ll Need

(Click each picture for purchasing link)
Driveline hitting plyos are ideal for any training program because they
provide immediate feedback on how flush the ball was hit. Hitting
plyos help to improve quality of contact, develop barrel precision, and
Hitting Plyos establish optimal attack angle.
1. Vibrating Massage Ball
2. Driveline Pull-Apart Resistance Band
3. Baseball Bat (Preferably Axe-Bat Speed Trainers)
Additional Equipment 4. Lacrosse Ball
(Click on each picture for video of exercise)
The warm-up is an integral part any training session. A well
designed warm-up improves movement quality and helps to
Warm-Up prevent injury.

Roll Out Cat & Cow

Half Kneeling T-Spine

Deep Squat Hold Rotation w/Side Bend
Band Balance Series
The Drills
(Click on each picture to view video)
1. Commonly referred to as flips
2. Feeder stands approximately 12-15 feet from home plate
Underhand Toss 3. Toss the plyo underhand and into the strike zone

Open Regular

Closed Doing It Well

1. Hitter hits a line drive
2. Plyo keeps its shape throughout ball flight
3. Solid contact is made from all three stances

Common Mistakes
1. The hitter will cut or slice through the plyo, mak-
ing the plyo lose its shape and spin off the barrel
with minimal distance carried
1. Feeder throws over the top, simulating a pitcher’s arm action
2. Feeder stands approximately 12-15 feet from home plate
Overhand Toss 3. Throws the plyo firm with decent velocity

Open Regular

Closed Doing It Well

1. Hitter hits a line drive, and the plyo keeps its
shape as it travels through the air.
2. Hitter squares up pitches in multiple areas of
the strike zone

Common Mistakes
Hitter struggles with increased velocity and
mishits the plyo, causing it to lose shape and
spin off the barrel
Feeder mixes speed and heights of the incoming pitch in an attempt to throw off
the hitter’s timing, forcing him to get into an athletic position that’s capable of
Adjustability Toss hitting multiple speeds in different areas of the strike zone.

Open Regular

Closed Doing It Well

1. Hitter is able to hit multiple pitches on a line
and in the air.
2. Plyo will keep its shape after being struck

Common Mistakes
1. Hitter will whiff, or cut/slice through the plyo
causing the plyo to lose its shape and spin off
the barrel
2. Hitter has trouble reacting to different pitches
1. Hold the bat with your top hand, resting the handle on your back
2. Taking three steps, throw the plyo up in front of you into a good hit-
Self-Fungo ting area, and hit the plyo as hard as you can into the air

Doing It Well
1. Hitter hits a line drive up the middle, and the
plyo keeps it shape as it flies through the air
2. Immediate feedback helps the hitter develop
proper bat path, adjustability, and optimal point
of contact
Common Mistakes
1. Hitter jams himself with an inaccurate feed
2. Hitter has trouble making consistent hard con-
tact to the middle of the field
(Click on each picture to view video)
Similar to the warm-up, recovery rejuvenates the body from training and
prepares the athlete for future training sessions. If you want to see ben-
efits from high-output training of any kind (lifting, throwing, hitting, etc.)
Recovery proper recovery is a must!

Straight Arm Banded Turns Split Stance Banded Row

Deep Squat Hold Roll Out Again Band Balance Series

Downloadable Programs
(Click on each picture to download programs)
Complete Program and Contact Tracking Sheet

Detailed Drill Explanations and Useful Information

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