Lolth'S Web: A Menzoberranzan Card Game

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LoLth’s Web

A Menzoberranzan Card Game

Be the first to reach the center of Lolth’s Web in this card game for 2 – 8 players.

Lolth’s Web is one of three casino games played at Tymora’s Folly in Menzoberranzan. Tymora’s
Folly’s games and NPCs are described in Devious Designs - Menzoberranzan Excursion Act 2.

by Aaron Harrell
Designer: Aaron Harrell

Art Provided by: Aaron Harrell (Lolth’s Web Logo, House Freth Spider), DM’s Guild Creator Resources
(Sornen Auvryndar)

When I wrote Devious Designs, I knew I wanted the heroes to first meet Sornen Auvryndar, the patron
of his house, in a casino. His penchant for deception and willingness to make risky plays are highlighted
in this environment, and a high-stakes, spider-themed card game provides an appropriate backdrop for
the proposition he makes to the party.

Lolth’s Web was created to be played during the conversation in which Sornen offers the heroes the
opportunity to play both sides in the conflict between the drow houses Freth and Auvryndar. It is a
game that involves a mix of strategy, luck, and posturing – most appropriate for the scheming politics of
the drow. I hope you enjoy it!

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Waterdeep: Dungeon of the
Mad Mage, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters from these materials
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utilized with permission in this product under the Community Content Agreement of the Dungeon Master’s Guild. All other material in this work is ©2019 by Aaron Harrell and published under
the Community Content Agreement of the Dungeon Master’s Guild.

2|Devious Designs
Lolth’s Web betting as used in Escalating Obsession). This
pattern repeats until a player reaches the
Before your read further – prefer a video center of Lolth’s Web.
tutorial? Check out the video embedded in this
product’s description. It can also be found here: Placing Bets at Tymora’s Folly
At Tymora’s Folly, the ante to play Lolth’s Web
is 100 gp. Bets can be for any amount (No
Lolth’s Web is played with a standard 52-card
deck of playing cards. If you have more than five Note that a player cannot be forced to lose just
players, you may want to shuffle together two because he or she cannot afford to make a call.
identical decks of cards. In such a case, that player is “all in” and
The object of the game is to connect four cards continues playing, making no more bets. That
(referred to as a “strand”) to a card at the player can win from each opponent no more
center of the table (this card represents the than the amount he or she has wagered.
center of Lolth’s Web). The first player to do so
is the winner. Cards are played from the area in Chaos Variant: Normally, the first player opens
front of the player in a chain toward the center all rounds of a hand of play. Instead, roll
of the table. A player may place cards only in his randomly before each round of play to
or her own strand, and cards may not be determine which player leads off.
rearranged after being placed. In order for cards No Warning Variant: Normally, a player may
to form a legal strand, adjacent cards match in draw two cards or play two cards in a round of
some way (either the value of the card or the play. Instead, a player may draw two cards or
suit). The fourth and final card must match both play four cards in a round of play.
that player’s third card and the center card.
Completing the strand wins the game. Lolth’s Web is a “high roller”
For example, if the center of Lolth’s Web is a game played in an elevated
four of clubs, a player could play two of section at the back of
diamonds → jack of diamonds → jack of hearts Tymora’s Folly, a casino
→ four of hearts. Notice that the fourth and owned by the drow House
final card (four of hearts) had to match the face Baenre in Menzoberranzan.
or suit of the both the third card (jack of hearts)
The chaos variant of Lolth’s Web is the game of
and the center of Lolth’s Web (four of clubs).
choice of Sornen Auvryndar, the patron of his
Play and betting proceed as follows: house and the former champion of House
Freth’s gladiatorial games. With a broad smile,
All players ante in equally. The first player is
Sornen waves newcomers over to his table and
determined randomly. This player will lead each
round of play until the hand is concluded. invites them to play a hand of Lolth’s Web.

A single card is placed face up in the middle of For more information about Tymora’s Folly, its
the table, representing the center of Lolth’s games, and the drow who frequent the
web), and each player is dealt a hand of four establishment, check out Devious Design -
cards. Menzoberranzan Excursion Act 2 at
Play proceeds, starting with the first player and
proceeding clockwise. Each player must either
draw two cards or play two cards. After each
player has had a turn, a round of poker-style
betting takes place (this is the same style of
Devious Designs|3

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