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LESSON 1: If you think there’s a population problem, you’re right —

But it’s not the one you’ve been led to believe. We’re not over-
populated, we’re mis-populated.
The real problem is... a critical shortage of young people!
And the best solution is larger families!

Read what the experts say:

• DRUCKER (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) (noted

management expert): "The birthrate collapse has tremendous
political and social implications that we cannot even guess at
today… Of all developments, it is the most spectacular, the most
unexpected and one that has no precedent whatsoever."
• EBERSTADT (June 19, 1890–November 11, 1969) (former
Rockefeller Foundation researcher): "Nearly half the planet's
populace [have] sub-replacement fertility levels." This has led to
problems such as "how to finance old-age retirement for a rapidly
aging citizenry and questions for East Asia related to a looming
bride shortage."
• FAZIO (governor of the Bank of Italy): "It is urgent that the number
of births increase… in 20-30 years time the deficit of births will have
repercussions on economic and social development." Antonio
Fazio joined the Bank of Italy in 1960, aged 24, and became
governor in 1993
Fazio attends mass every day and has been on a
pilgrimmage to Lourdes. He is an authority on the works of
Saint Thomas Aquinas, the 13th Century religious
philosopher. Fazio was the best paid central bank boss in
the G7, earning $743,000 a year in 2003. Despite helping to
take Italy into the euro, Fazio was seen as a eurosceptic.

LESSON 2: Far from being overcrowded, the earth is plenty big

enough for all of us and a whole lot more. In fact, all 6.8 billion of us
could fit nicely into the province of Alberta, Canada.
Earth to population control fanatics: There’s plenty of open land down
Just do the math: In October, 1999 the world population reached six
billion people. If all those people lived in Alberta, Canada, the
population density of Alberta would be 23,503 people per square
mile (6,000,000,000 people/255,285 square miles). This is the same
population density that New York City currently has. And the rest
of the world would all be empty!
People say that India is overcrowded, but do the math again: India,
with a population of one billion people, currently has a population
density of 788 people per square mile. This is less than the current
population density of the state of New Jersey (986).
Even if the world's population doubled 12 billion or tripled 18 billion,
we would need very little of the earth's surface for living.

LESSON 3: Many population-elimination advocates claim that we

cannot produce enough food to feed a growing population. Yet,
we currently feed all six billion people using only 4% of our grain
production capacity. If we used 33% of our capacity, we could
feed 50 billion people. Read what the experts say:
• We produce enough food for every person to have 3,800 calories a
day, at least one third more than what the average person needs.
— Population, Food, and Nutrition, Bender and Smith, 1997
• Virtually all food shortages in African countries are due to “civil
—UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) news release,
August 9, 1999
• Global food production will continue to increase faster than
—The World Food Outlook, 1997
Food for thought for prophets of famine: There’s already enough to
feed us all!

LESSON 4: Population-elimination apologists cast dire predictions of

imminent water shortages, unless population growth is curbed. But,
as usual, they’re all wet. Two-thirds of the earth’s surface is
covered with water and current desalination technology is
capable of taming our teeming oceans into potable pools of pure
tap water. Read what the experts say:
• The real story of the drought of 1999 is the phenomenal level of
distortion that has been heaped upon it. We do not have a worldwide
water shortage.
—World Climate Report
• In areas where fresh water is costly to recover, desalination plants
currently pour out two billion gallons a day worldwide. One plant in
the city of Cape Coral, Florida delivers 15 million gallons a day.
—Technology Review
• One reason for desalination’s increasing popularity is the steady
decline in the amount of fuel it requires, which is the main cost of the
process. Modern techniques generate 100 units of water for every
unit of energy consumed. Four decades ago, rudimentary distillation
took 25 units of energy to produce a unit of drinking water.
—Technology Review

LESSON 5: Nothing reveals the dark side of the population

elimination movement like the demonstrably racist outcomes of their
policies and practices. Results only the Ku Klux Klan could love.
Don't believe it? Look below — the facts are all there in black and
brown. Look at Africa... South America... India... Harlem… and
discover population control's true colors! Read what the experts say:
• Population controllers will go to great lengths to reduce the
numbers of children born to people of color.
—Excessive Force: Power, Politics & Population Control
Information Project for Africa, 1995
• Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to
have an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely.
—Alan Guttmacher Institute
• Over 57% of population control money is spent on reducing births of
Africans and Latinos.
—International Planned Parenthood Federation 1996–1997 Annual

LESSON 6: The theory behind population control relies on the theory

of thought control: Create so may obstacles to the truth, that
most people will prefer to believe "the Big Lie."
1. The claim that two-thirds of the population is malnourished
was originally made by the United Nations in 1950. It was proved to
be false then, and continues to be false today1.
2. According to United Nations data, over 80% of the world
population is literate2. Therefore the claim that “two-thirds of the
world is uneducated” is ridiculous.
3. Children are taught skills in school. According to UN statistics, over
70% of children in India and over 95% of children in China attend
primary and secondary schools3. Common sense says that if the
kids don't have the right skills, the answer if to change the
school program, not to have fewer children.
The Ultimate Resource 2, Julian L. Simon, 1996, p. 93–94.
Associated Press news story, 10/11/99.
World Statistics Pocketbook, United Nations.

LESSON 7: Proponents of population elimination often use dire

predictions of global energy shortages to justify their draconian
measures. But after decades and decades of false prophecies, there
is no energy crisis in sight. It's only our willingness to tackle tough
problems that is running on empty. Read what the ‘experts’ have
predicted in the past:
• In 1885 and again in 1891, the U.S. Geological Survey said
there was "little or no chance for oil" being found in California,
Kansas or Texas1.
• In 1951, the Department of Interior's Oil and Gas Division said
oil reserves would last only 13 years2.
• Paul Ehrlich, 1975: "What will we do when the pumps run
Despite these dire predictions, oil is in abundant supply and oil
prices have generally been falling. All other forms of energy are
also in abundance!
U.S. Geological Survey (1885 and 1891), as documented in The
Ultimate Resource 2, Julian L. Simon, 1996.
Congressional hearings on the Energy Independence Act of 1975,
as documented in The Ultimate Resource 2, Julian L. Simon, 1996.
The End of Influence, Paul and Anne Ehrlich, 1975.

LESSON 8: Planned Parenthood plays down its aggressive

abortion programs, preferring to describe such programs in
deceptive terms, like "reproductive health," or "family planning."
Every dollar given to Planned Parenthood is a dollar that, directly or
indirectly, supports abortion.
Life begins at conception1... and ends at Planned Parenthood. Just
follow the money:
1. On October 13, 1999, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
gave a grant of $1.7 million to the International Planned
Parenthood Federation (IPPF).2

2. One member of IPPF is Planned Parenthood Federation of

America (PPFA), which commits 165,167 surgical abortions a
year and is the largest abortion provider in the United States.3

3. The new boss of the Gates Foundation's 'global health

program' is Dr. Gordon Perkin, who is a former member of the
board of directors of PPFA.2 Seems the fox is now in charge of
the chicken coop!

4. By supporting the IPPF, the Bill and Melinda Gates

Foundation supports attacks on children in the womb.
Conception is the joining of sperm and egg.
Gates Foundation web site.
PPFA 1997–1998 annual report.

LESSON 9: Population elimination theory can be seductive. Its

simplicity and seeming rationality are so appealing, it can lure even
the most intelligent into its web of lies.
In 1996, Bill Gates clearly knew the truth. But now it's just a fading
memory. Read what the optimistic Bill Gates said in 1996:1
"Julian Simon [population growth advocate] is right and Paul Ehrlich
[population doomsayer] is wrong."
"I think the world is progressing."
"Resources are becoming more abundant."
"I'd rather go into a grocery store today than to a king's banquet a
hundred years ago."

Now look what he's doing just three years later:

• Gave $545,000 to the German Foundation for World Population
(Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevolkerung) to help bring about "a humane
decline in world population growth."2
• Believes that "two-thirds of the world's population is malnourished
and uneducated."3 (But see Lessons #3 & # 6 above.)
• Provided funding to Population Communications International,
whose pessimistic video Jam Packed uses a grocery store as a
symbol of 'American decadence'.4
Forbes magazine, 12/2/96.
Gates Foundation and German Foundation web site.
September 13, 1999 letter from Gates Foundation to American Life
Gates Foundation web site, and viewing Jam Packed.

LESSON 10: Population-elimination advocates are expert at applying

politically correct peer pressure. Even high-profile leaders are
afraid to be ridiculed and left out of the "in" crowd. It's easier to
conform to popular opinion than it is to form your own. But just
because all the billionaires on the block are doing it, doesn't make it
right. Here's what two of the "big bad boys" say and do:
Ted Turner: "If I could do things over, I would never have had five
children."1 (Turner did not indicate which of his kids he would have
eliminated. They must wonder.) "Everybody should have one child,
like China has. People who abhor the China one-child policy are
'dumb-dumbs'."1 (Turner has already given $1 billion to population
elimination.) "What we need to have for 100 years is a [worldwide]
one-child policy."3
Warren Buffett: (The primary funder of International Projects
Assistance Services, which manufactures a hand-held suction pump
used in developing countries to initiate abortion.)2 "Buffett money has
enabled dozens of Planned Parenthood clinics to add abortion…
services."2 "The Buffett Foundation has helped finance research
on the abortion pill, RU-486."3
Reuters, September 11, 1998.
Business Week, October 25, 1999.
Soul Magazine, January, 1999.

LESSON 11: Thanks to a generally sympathetic media industry, the

population-elimination movement controls the language of the
debate. That's why news reports so often refer to abortion,
sterilization and birth control as "reproductive rights." It's also why
you almost never hear about the true price women are paying for
their "reproductive rights."
Here’s the view of ‘reproductive rights’ you never see:
• Women who take the birth control pill are as much as 88% more
likely to develop BREAST CANCER than those who don't take the
• Women on the birth control pill are more likely to get AIDS from
an infected partner.2
• Women have filed numerous lawsuits because of health
problems due to Norplant™.3
• Women using Norplant™ have suffered numerous health
problems including BLINDNESS.4
• Women using mifepristone (RU-486) have suffered numerous
health problems including DEATH.5
• A newlywed woman was PARALYZED by the effects of the birth
control pill.6
• Teenagers have DIED from taking birth control pills.7
American Journal of Epidemiology, January 1, 1996
Dr. F. Plummer, Third Annual AIDS Conference, 1987
Associated Press, July 29, 1995
The Human Laboratory, BBC TV, November 5, 1995
The Quick and the Dead, George Grant, 1991, pp.48–49
Daily Mail, May 22, 1999
Evening Post, May 29, 1999, p.7

LESSON 12: The population-elimination elite shrewdly portray

conditions in developing countries so that wealthy potential
supporters become convinced that the most charitable thing to
do for these poor people is make sure they don't give birth to
even more poor people. But frankly, it's time we heard from
someone in a better position to judge what poor people really need.

LESSON 13: The population-elimination elite will stop at almost

nothing to rid the world of people they consider undesirable.
They employ measures so hideous that most decent people prefer
to disbelieve the evidence when confronted with it. So — will you be
brave enough to take a shot of truth? Or have you already been
inoculated against it?
Tetanus vaccines deliberately designed to abort third-world babies.
Do tetanus vaccines really kill babies? Only if the vaccine is
intentionally altered. Has that ever happened? YES.
The fact that tetanus vaccines were used to kill babies in the
Philippines was documented by the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC) in 1995 1 and verified by the Philippine Department of Health
and the Philippine Medical Association.2 (Note: This BBC program
has never been aired on United States television.)
How is the vaccine altered? A chemical called Human Chorionic
Gonadotrophin (HCG), a hormone essential for maintaining
pregnancy, is intentionally put in the tetanus vaccines and given
to women of child-bearing age. Dr. Reynaldo J. Echavez of the
Philippine Medical Association stated that the presence of the HCG in
the tetanus shot would cause the women to develop HCG antibodies,
which will then cause spontaneous abortion if the women become
Did it actually kill babies? Indeed, many Filipino women, including Dr.
Vilma Gonzaga, suffered miscarriages as a direct result of the
intentionally altered tetanus vaccine.
Is this an isolated incident? NO!
The BBC report said, "There are several research programmes
around the world testing the contraceptive vaccine linked to tetanus,
which creates an immune response."
How is this related to the Gates Foundation gift? According to
published reports, the tetanus program funded by the Gates
Foundation shares two important elements with the Philippines attack
on babies:
1) it is focused on providing tetanus vaccines only to women of
child-bearing age; and
2) the vaccine is reportedly being provided by the World Health
Organization (they also provided the Philippines vaccine3).
The Human Laboratory, BBC-TV, November 5, 1995
"Experts confirm contaminated anti-tetanus vaccines," News release
from the Office of Senator Francisco S. Tatad, September 4, 1996
"Anti-pregnancy element found in tetanus vaccines," HLI Reports,
November 1996; "Canadian laboratories, international aid agencies
implicated in vaccine scandal," HLI Reports, December 1996

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