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April, 12, 2020

Theokrit Version
Rulebook p.3

Errata p.132

Arcane Compendium p.148

BH p.170

DE p.191

DH p.212

DL p.230

EOS p.257

HE p.278

ID p.301

KoE p.320

OK p.340

OnG p.360

SA p.387

SE p.410

UD p.432

VC p.454

VS p.481

WDG p.501

Asklanders p.528

Makhar p.546
2nd Edition, version 2.0
December 21, 2018
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1 Introduction
1.A What is The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles?
The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles, often simply called The 9th Age or T9A, is a community-made miniatures wargame in
which two grand armies clash in an epic battle for power or survival. Each army can be composed of simple foot
soldiers, skilled archers, armour-clad knights, powerful wizards, legendary heroes, epic monsters, and huge dragons.
The game is usually played on a 72″ by 48″ battlefield and uses six-sided dice to resolve different actions such as
charging into battle, letting arrows loose, or casting spells.
All relevant rules, as well as feedback and suggestions, can be found and given here:

All changes can be found in the change log:

• Keywords and titles main terms are indicated by using capitalisation, as in “Round of Combat”, unless they are
too common, like “model” or “unit”.
• Bold font is used to highlight essential words and Model Rules given by another Model Rule. It is used in Army
Books to highlight Model Rules that are defined in the unit entry.
• Italic font is used for spell names, background text, or repetitive text.
• Grey-coloured text is used for figure and table captions, item restrictions, and repetitive text.
• (Brackets) are used for clarifications and explanations of the actual rules, and for defining parameters of some
Model Rules.

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Edited with LATEX.

1.B Scale of the Game

Playing tabletop wargames is often an exercise in abstract thought, especially when it comes to mass battle games
like The 9th Age. As such there is no prescribed scale while playing The 9th Age; a single miniature could represent a
single, a dozen, or even a hundred warriors. We believe the timescale of the game to be even more arbitrary than
the scale of the game: The action of moving in the Movement Phase could take several minutes of real time, while
casting spells in the Magic Phase or shooting a weapon in the Shooting Phase could be near instantaneous events.
Likewise the actions of two units clashing in the Melee Phase could represent only a few heartbeats in real time,
while a Duel between two mighty individuals could be a drawn combat lasting several minutes or more. Hence, no
quantitative value can be assigned to a game turn or turn sub-phase.

2 General Principles
2.A Turns
The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a turn based game. A standard game lasts for 6 Game Turns, each divided into two
Player Turns. At the beginning of the game, one player has the first Player Turn, in which they use their units to
perform various actions, such as moving, casting spells, or Charging, while their opponent gets to react. After this,
the other player has their first Player Turn. When this comes to an end, Game Turn 1 is complete. In Game Turn 2,
the first player now has their second Player Turn, and so on, until both players have completed 6 Player Turns. This
marks the end of the game.

2.A.a Player Turn

Each Player Turn is divided into five phases, performed in the following order:

1 Charge Phase
2 Movement Phase
3 Magic Phase
4 Shooting Phase
5 Melee Phase

2.A.b Active and Reactive Player

The Active Player is the player whose Player Turn it currently is.
The Reactive Player is the player whose Player Turn it currently is not.

2.A.c Simultaneous Effects

Whenever two or more effects occur at the same time, resolve effects controlled by the Active Player first. If there is
a choice involved (such as abilities that may or may not be activated), the Active Player must declare the use of their
abilities before the Reactive Player. Each player is free to decide in which order they resolve their own simultaneous
abilities. Once both players have declared the use and order of their abilities, resolve their effects, starting with
those of the Active Player.
• During the Pre-Game Sequence, consider the player that chose their Deployment Zone to be the Active Player.
• During the Deployment Phase, consider the player that finished deploying first to be the Active Player.
For example, if both players have abilities that may be activated at the beginning of the Magic Phase, the player
whose Magic Phase it is must choose first whether or not they are using their abilities and in which order. Then the
Reactive Player may choose to use their abilities or not. After that, the effects of the abilities from both sides are
resolved, starting with the Active Player’s abilities.

2.A.d The terms Friendly and Enemy

The rules often refer to a friendly or enemy Player Turn, friendly or enemy models, friendly or enemy units, etc. In
this context, the term “enemy” refers to your opponent’s Player Turns, models, units, etc., while “friendly” refers to

2.B Dice
2.B.a Rolling Dice
In The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles, dice are often used to determine random outcomes. The most commonly used type
is the six-sided dice, referred to as a D6, with a range from 1 to 6. The effects of a dice roll are often dependent on
whether the rolled value is equal to or higher than a set value (such as a dice roll that is successful if the dice rolls ‘3’
or higher). This is often referred to as a 3+ (or 2+, 4+, 6+, etc.).
Multiple Dice: Sometimes you need to roll more than one of these dice at the same time. This is represented by a
number before the type of dice rolled, such as 3D6, which means to roll 3 six-sided dice and add the results together.
Modified Dice Rolls: On other occasions, a dice roll may be modified by adding or subtracting a number, such as
D6+1. In such cases, simply add the relevant number to, or subtract it from, the result of the roll.
Natural Roll: A natural roll on a D6 refers to the value of the dice, before any modifiers are applied.
Rerolling Dice: Lastly, some effects in the game call for rerolling certain dice, such as “failed to-wound rolls”, or
“Aegis Save results of ‘1’”. When you encounter such situations, reroll the relevant dice. Dice can only be rerolled
once. The second result is final, no matter the cause, source, or result, and the initial result is ignored for all rules
purposes, unless specifically stated otherwise. Note that rerolling a dice is not considered a modifier.

2.B.a.1 Rolling a D3
The game sometimes requires the roll of a D3. This is performed by rolling a D6 and then halving the result, rounding
up, so that the result can only be 1, 2, or 3. If the game requires a natural ‘1’ or a natural ‘6’ when rolling a D3, it
always refers to the value of the D6 before halving.

2.B.a.2 Maximised Roll and Minimised Roll

For dice rolls subject to Maximised Roll, roll one additional D6 and discard the lowest D6 rolled. For dice rolls subject
to Minimised Roll, roll one additional D6 and discard the highest D6 rolled. These rules are cumulative (e.g. for a
roll affected by two instances of Maximised Roll, you roll two additional D6 and discard the two lowest D6 rolled).
The results of the discarded D6 are ignored for all intents and purposes.

2.B.b The Direction Dice and Random Directions

The Direction Dice is a special six-sided dice with all sides marked with an arrow. Certain rules may ask the player to
determine a random direction. In such cases, roll the Direction Dice and then use the direction in which the arrow

Representing the Direction Dice with a Standard D6

Alternatively the Direction Dice can be represented by rolling a standard six-sided dice and using the side with a
single dot (i.e. the ‘1’) to represent the direction of an arrow as depicted in figure . If rolling a result of ‘1’ or ‘6’ (‘1’
and ‘6’ are on opposite faces on a standard dice), use the central dot in the ‘5’ to represent the direction of the arrow

Figure 1: Representing the Direction Dice with a standard D6.

3 Models and Units
3.A Models
Models in The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles represent epic warriors, ferocious monsters, and lethal spell casters. Every
miniature that stands on the same base is considered the same model (e.g. a dragon and its rider or a cannon and its
crewmen are considered a single model).
The scale of miniatures most commonly used for The 9th Age ranges from 1:70 to 1:50 when compared to real-life
sized equivalents for human-sized creatures. Many units are commonly represented by miniatures with a scale in
the range of 25 mm to 32 mm (a common form of measuring human miniature size is measuring the model’s height
to the eyes). Players are welcome to interpret the scale as they like, as the distances used in the rules do not seem
realistic if the scale of 1:1 compared to the actual size of the miniatures is used for the game.
The 9th Age does not officially support any particular product line, and you are welcome to play with whatever scale
and miniatures you and your opponent have agreed upon. However, it is very important to make sure you mount
your models (regardless of scale or size) on the correct base size for the unit entry.
Just as we can imagine that the combatants in the game are actually smaller than the miniatures that represent them,
we can also imagine that a single miniature does not have to represent a single warrior. We could imagine a unit of
10 elite elven warriors representing exactly 10 elves or some other group size like 20, 50, or 100. At the same time a
unit of 10 Goblin Raiders could just represent 10 goblins, but is more likely to represent some larger group of 100,
200, or 500.
Characters and monsters are meant to represent exceptional individuals and especially potent creatures that are
worth entire regiments on their own. It may be easier to come to terms with a miniature of a character representing
not just the character itself but also their bodyguards and assorted staff that might follow such a hero into battle.

3.A.a Bases
All models are placed on a rectangular or round base. Base sizes are given as two measurements in millimetres:
front-width × side-length (e.g. most horse riders’ bases are 25×50 mm). In some rare cases models have round
bases. In these cases, only a single measurement is given: the diameter of the base (e.g. a common War Machine
base is a round 60 mm base). For all rules purposes, only the base of a model is relevant and determines the model’s
location on the battlefield, while the miniature itself is not taken into consideration.

3.A.b Multipart Models

Models with more than one Offensive Profile are called Multipart Models (see “ ”, page ).
Each part of such a model has its own Offensive Profile and is referred to as a model part. For example, a cavalry
model has two parts (the rider and its mount), while a normal foot soldier has a single part.
Sometimes a model has multiple identical parts. In this case, the name of the model part in the unit profile is followed
by a number in brackets. For example, a chariot might have three charioteers, which would be noted as “Charioteer
Whenever a rule, ability, spell, and so on affects a model, all parts of the model are affected, unless the rule specifically
states it only affects a specific model part. When attacking or shooting, each part of a Multipart Model uses its own
Characteristics and weapons.

3.A.c Model Facings

A model has 4 Facings: Front, Rear, and two Flanks. The Facings are the edges of the model’s base. Models on round
bases only have a single Facing, which is considered to be their Front Facing.

3.A.d Model Arcs
A model has 4 Arcs: Front, Rear, Left Flank, and Right Flank. Each Arc is determined by extending a straight line
from the corners of the model’s base, in a 135° angle from the model’s Facings. Any object at least touching the line
that separates two Arcs (even if only in a single point) is considered to be inside those Arcs. For rules purposes,
models on round bases have a single 360° Arc all around, which is considered to be their Front Arc.

3.B Units
All models are part of a unit. A unit is either a group of models deployed in a formation consisting of ranks (along
the width of the unit) and files (along the length of the unit) or a single model operating on its own.
When forming a unit, all models in the unit must be perfectly aligned in base contact with each other and face the
same direction. Models in a unit that are not in the first rank must be positioned so that another model is directly in
front of them. All ranks must always have the same width, except the rear rank which can be shorter than the other
ranks; this is called an incomplete rear rank. Note that it’s perfectly fine for the rear rank to have gaps in it, as long
as the models are aligned with those of the other ranks. Following these rules, you are free to field your units in
whatever formation, as few or as many files wide as you wish, but this may affect rules that interact with the unit
(see “ ” and “ ” for examples).
Whenever a rule, ability, spell, and so on affects a unit, all models in the unit are affected.

3.B.a Rank-and-File
Normal models in a unit are called Rank-and-File models (R&F). All models except Characters are R&F models.

3.B.b Full Ranks

The Height of a unit determines how many models are needed in a rank in order to form a Full Rank (see “
”, page ). Units of Standard Height need 5 models, Large units need 3 models, and Gigantic units
need 1 model.

3.B.c Close Formation & Line Formation

Units are normally considered to be in Close Formation. Units in ranks of 8 or more models are instead considered
to be in Line Formation. Units in Line Formation gain the Attack Attribute, but cannot add any
Rank Bonus to their Combat Score (see “ ”, page for details on the formations’ in-game effects).

3.B.d Health Pools

All Health Points of a unit are part of one or more Health Pools. The Health Points of all non- R&F models
of a unit form a separate Health Pool, while the Champion and each joined to the unit each have their own
Health Pool (see “ ”, page and “ ”, page ).

3.B.e Unit Boundary

A Unit Boundary is an imaginary rectangle around the outer edges of the unit. The Unit Boundary of units composed
of models on round bases is identical to the area occupied by their bases (this means that their Unit Boundaries are
not a rectangle but a circle). A unit usually cannot be inside another Unit Boundary, unless the units are overlapping
(see figure and “ ”, page ).

3.B.f Centre of Unit

A unit’s Centre is the centre of its Unit Boundary (see figure ).

3.B.g Unit Facings

A unit has 4 Facings: Front, Rear, and two Flanks. The Facings are the edges of the Unit Boundary (see figure ).
Units on round bases have a single Facing, which is considered to be their Front Facing.

3.B.h Unit Arcs
A unit has 4 Arcs: Front, Rear, Left Flank, and Right Flank. Each Arc is determined by extending a straight line
from the corners of the Unit Boundary, in a 135° angle from the unit’s Facings (see figure ). Any object at least
touching the line that separates two Arcs (even if only in a single point) is considered to be inside those Arcs. For
rules purposes, units on round bases have a single 360° Arc all around, which is considered to be their Front Arc.
Many rules require the players to determine which Arc of a unit another object is Located in. Note that for rules
purposes there is a difference between “being inside an Arc” as described above and “being Located in an Arc” (see
figure ):
• Models/units on rectangular bases are Located in the Arc which the centre of their Front Facing is in.
• Models/units on round bases are Located in the Arc which the centre of their base is in.
• Any other object is Located in the Arc which its centre is in.
If an object is Located exactly in two Arcs of a unit, it is considered to be Located in the unit’s Flank Arc.

a) 90°
b) c)

Front Arc 135° Front Facing

Left Right Left

Centre of Unit
Right A
Flank Flank Flank Flank
Arc Arc Facing Facing

Rear Arc
Rear Facing B

Figure 2: Unit Arcs, Unit Facings, and Unit Boundaries.

a) This unit has 3 ranks and 6 files. The base on the side is a Character with a Mismatching Base that has joined the
unit (see “ ”, page ). The rear rank is incomplete and only contains 3 models.

The Front, Flank, and Rear Arcs are defined by drawing lines from the corners of the Unit Boundary in a 135° angle
from the unit’s Facings.

b) The Unit Boundary is the area drawn around the outer edges of the unit (grey area). The Centre of the unit is the
centre of the Unit Boundary (red x).

c) A Unit Boundary cannot be inside another Unit Boundary, not even with parts that aren’t occupied by any models.

Figure 3: Units inside and Located in another
unit’s Arc.

Unit B is both inside unit A’s Flank and Rear Arc.

A It is Located in unit A’s Flank Arc (since this is
where the centre of its round base is).
Unit C is inside unit A’s Front Arc. It is also Lo-
cated in unit A’s Front Arc.
D Unit D is both inside unit A’s Front Arc and Flank
Arc. It is Located in unit A’s Flank Arc (since this
is where the centre of its Front Facing is).

3.C Interactions between Objects
There are many ways models, units, and other objects in the game interact with one another (see figure ).

a) b) c) d)

Figure 4: Interaction between objects.

a) Contact in a line b) Contact in a single point c) Partially inside d) Fully inside

3.C.a Base Contact between Units and Models

Two or more units are in base contact with each other if their Unit Boundaries are touching one another (including
corner to corner contact).
Two or more models on rectangular bases are in base contact with each other if their bases are touching one another
(including corner to corner contact).

3.C.a.1 Base Contact between Models across Gaps

Incomplete ranks or Characters with may cause gaps between opposing models whose units are
in base contact. Two opposing models are considered to be in base contact with each other across such gaps if you
can draw a straight line from one model to the other, including corner to corner, that is perpendicular to the opposite
A model is considered to not be in base contact across a gap if its entire Facing opposite the enemy model is in
contact with a friendly model.
See figure for an example of how to determine if opposing models are considered to be in base contact across gaps.

Figure 5: Base contact between models across gaps.

A B C D E The unit at the bottom has Charged the unit on top in the Rear Facing. Due
to the Charged unit’s incomplete rear rank, some models are in base contact
across gaps.

a) This line connects 1 with A and B. B’s entire Rear Facing is however in
a) F b) G c) contact with F, so 1 is in base contact across a gap only with A (it still is in
“normal” base contact with F).

5 b) This line connects C with 2 and 3. C is in base contact with both 2 and 3.
1 2 3 4 6
c) This line connects E with 5 and 6. E is in base contact with both 5 and 6.

3.C.b Contact between Objects
Two objects, like bases, Unit Boundaries, Terrain Features, and so on, are considered to be in contact (see figure ):
• If they touch one another:
a) Along a line (e.g. two rectangular bases contacting each other along their front)
b) At a single point (e.g. corner to corner contact between units)
• If one object is inside another. An object is considered to be inside another if it is:
c) Partially inside the other object
d) Fully inside the other object

3.C.c Overlapping Objects

Two objects are considered to be overlapping if they or their Unit Boundaries are at least partially on top of one
another, without the two objects being in contact (e.g. a unit with Flying Movement and a Terrain Feature). This
includes the edges of both objects.

3.C.d Interactions with Round Bases

Units are considered in base contact with a model on a round base if their Unit Boundaries are in contact.
Models are considered to be in base contact with a model on a round base if all of the following conditions are met:
• Their units are in base contact.
• The Unit Boundary of the model on a round base is directly in front of them.
• There aren’t any models in between them.
See figure for an example.

A Figure 6: Base contact between models and a model on round base.

The models with a bold frame in unit B are considered to be in base contact with
the model A on the round base, since this round base is directly in front of them.

4 Battlefield Logistics
4.A Measuring Distances
The unit of measurement for all distances and ranges in The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles, is the inch (″). An inch
corresponds to 2.54 cm.
When using 28 mm scale miniatures, 1″ in the game would be roughly equal to 1.5 meters in real life. An average
human-like creature in the game has an Advance Rate of 4″ and a March Rate of 8″, which means that in a single
Movement Phase it would move only 6 metres (12 if marching). Likewise a ranged weapon like a Longbow has an
effective range of 30″ in the game which would equal roughly 45 metres, which is 5 times shorter than the average
historic effective range of the weapon of around 250 metres.
For example, players could use the historic range of the Longbow to determine what kind of distance 1″ represents in
a game. In that case 1″ would be slightly more than 8 metres and much closer to representing the distances assumed
when writing the rules for this game.
We do not wish to tell players how to imagine their fights or how many individuals each miniature should represent,
but we believe that an easy equation of 1″ being roughly equal to 10 metres is a good representation of the size of
the game. An average game will be played on a 72×48″ table and thus represents a real-life area of 720×480 m or
roughly 50 football pitches. In medieval times (the closest thing we have to our fantasy world) this would represent
an average sized battlefield where two forces with soldiers numbering from a few hundred to several thousand
would meet.
To determine the distance between two points on the Battlefield (or two units, or any other elements), you always
measure from the closest points, even if the line of measuring goes through any kind of intervening or obstructing
The rules often refer to things being within a certain distance. Measure the distance between the closest points. If
this distance is less than or equal to the given range, they are considered to be within range. This means that a model
is always within range of itself, and that the entire model or unit does not need to be within range, only a fraction of
When measuring distances to and from a unit, measure to and from its Unit Boundary.
Players are allowed to measure any distance at any time.

4.B Line of Sight

A model can draw Line of Sight to its target (a point, a model, or a Unit Boundary) if you can extend a straight line
from its Front Facing directly to its target, without the line:
• Leaving the model’s Front Arc
• Being interrupted by Opaque Terrain
• Being interrupted by the base of a model that has an equal or bigger Height than both the model and its
target (see “ ”, page , for more details; Model Rules such as or can affect
For the purpose of drawing Line of Sight to or from a point on the Battlefield, that point is considered to be of
Standard Height.
When drawing Line of Sight from several models inside a unit, this is done independently for each model. Line of
Sight cannot be drawn to targets outside the unit’s Front Arc, and models never block Line of Sight to other models
within the same unit. A unit is considered to have Line of Sight to a target if one or more models in the unit have Line
of Sight. A model is considered to have Line of Sight to a unit if it can draw Line of Sight to any part of the unit’s Unit
See figure for an illustration of how to draw Line of Sight from a model.

Figure 7: Drawing Line of Sight.

The area within which the single model

B C unit D can draw Line of Sight is marked

in yellow.
• Unit B is within Line of Sight.
• Unit A is within Line of Sight as unit D
can draw Line of Sight to the Unit Bound-
A ary of unit A, even though that part of
A’s Unit Boundary is not occupied by any
45° 45° models.
• Unit C is not within Line of Sight as
the Impassable Terrain Feature counts
D as Opaque Terrain and therefore blocks
Line of Sight from unit D to unit C.

4.C Unit Spacing

Under normal circumstances, all units must be separated from Impassable Terrain and from both friendly and enemy
units by more than 1″ (remember that distances between units are measured to and from their Unit Boundaries).
Certain types of movement allow a unit to come within 1″ of other units or Impassable Terrain. The most common
types of movement are:
• During an Advance Move, a March Move, or a Swift Reform, units may come up to 0.5″ of these elements but
must be more than 1″ away at the end of the move (see figure ).
• During a Failed Charge Move or a Charge Move, units are allowed to come within 0.5″ of these elements,
including base contact (they may however only move into base contact with an enemy unit that was the target
of the Charge).
Once these units have moved within 1″ of these elements, they are allowed to remain there as long as they stay
within 1″. As soon as they move farther away, the usual restrictions regarding Unit Spacing apply again.
See figure for an example.

Figure 8: Unit Spacing.

During an Advance or March Move, unit A may be moved

closer than 1″ to the Unit Boundary of unit B. Unit A may
B however not come within 0.5″ of unit B. Since unit A started
the move more than 1″ away from unit B, it must be more
than 1″ away from B’s Unit Boundary at the end of its Advance
or March Move.

1″ 0.5″

5 Characteristics
5.A Characteristic Profiles
Each unit entry contains the following Characteristic Profiles: Global Characteristics, Defensive Characteristics, and
Offensive Characteristics.

5.A.a Global Characteristics

Each model has three Global Characteristics:

Adv Advance Rate The distance the model can Advance Move in inches.
Mar March Rate The distance the model can March Move in inches.
Dis Discipline The model’s ability to stand and fight.

5.A.b Defensive Characteristics

Each model has four Defensive Characteristics:

HP Health Points When the model loses this many Health Points, it is removed as a casualty.
Def Defensive Skill How well the model avoids being hit in melee.
Res Resilience How easily the model withstands blows.
Arm Armour The innate Armour of the model.

5.A.c Offensive Characteristics

If a model consists of more than one model part, each model part has its own set of Offensive Characteristics. Each
model part has five Offensive Characteristics:

Agi Agility Model parts with a higher Agility strike first in melee.
Att Attack Value The number of times the model part can strike in a Round of Combat.
Off Offensive Skill How good the model part is at scoring hits in melee.
Str Strength How easily the model can wound enemy models.
AP Armour Penetration How well the model can penetrate the Armour of enemy models.

5.B Characteristic Values
Usually each Characteristic is rated with a value between 0 and 10. A higher value of a given Characteristic indicates
that a model is more accomplished in that Characteristic. These values are used for various game mechanics like
moving units and attacking with models, which will be explained in later chapters.

5.B.a Random Characteristics

Some model parts have random values for one or more Characteristics (e.g. Attack Value D6+1). Roll for the value
each time just before it is needed. In the case of Defensive and Offensive Characteristics, the rolled value is used for
all simultaneous attacks (such as Shooting Attacks from a single unit or Melee Attacks at the same Initiative Step).
When several models in the same unit have a random value for a Characteristic, roll separately for each model.
A random value for Advance Rate means that the model has the Random Movement Universal Rule (see “
”, page ).

5.B.b Special Cases of Characteristic Values

Sometimes Characteristic values in the Defensive or Global Characteristic Profile of mounts may contain a “C” instead
of a value. In this case, “C” refers to the value in the Character’s profile, which is used instead.
Sometimes a value is written as “C + X”. In this case, use the Character’s value, increased by X (see “
”, page ).
In other cases, a model part may not have any values for certain Characteristics (e.g. the chassis of a chariot). These
cannot be modified in any way.

5.C Characteristic Tests

To perform a Characteristic Test, roll a D6. If the result is less than or equal to the value of the tested Characteristic,
the test is passed. Otherwise the test is failed. A test always fails on the result of ‘6’.
When a model with more than one value for a Characteristic takes a Characteristic Test, take a single test for the
Multipart Model, using the highest value available. For instance, if a Sylvan Elf Character with Strength 4 riding an
Elven Horse with Strength 3 has to take a Strength test, the Multipart Model uses Strength 4 for this test.
When a unit as a whole takes a Characteristic Test, the highest value is used.

5.C.a Discipline Tests

Discipline Tests are a special type of Characteristic Test and follow their own rules. To perform a Discipline Test,
roll 2D6 and compare the result with the model’s Discipline Characteristic. If the result is less than or equal to the
Discipline value, the test is passed. Otherwise, the test is failed.
When a unit as a whole takes a Discipline Test, the owner chooses a single model in the unit to take the test for
the whole unit. If there are different Discipline values in the unit, the owner chooses which model to use. This
often occurs when Characters are joined to units. If the model passes the Discipline Test, every model in the unit is
considered to have passed the test. If the model fails the Discipline Test, every model in the unit is considered to
have failed the Discipline Test.
Many different game mechanics call for a Discipline Test, such as performing a Panic Test or a Break Test. All these
mechanics are Discipline Tests, regardless of any additional rules and modifications described in the relevant rules

6 Modifiers
The values of Characteristics, dice rolls, or other values can be the target of modifiers from numerous sources, like
spells, weapons, and armour. They can be set to a certain value, and they can be subject to addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.

6.A Values Set to a Fixed Number

When a value or a roll is set to a certain value, replace the modified value or the required roll with that value. For
example, if an attack is subject to the effect “The attack has its Armour Penetration set to 10”, you replace the attack’s
Armour Penetration value with 10.
A Characteristic may be set to the value of another model’s Characteristic. In this case, the value of the other model’s
Characteristic is taken after applying any modifiers which the other model is subject to. Modifiers that affect the
recipient model will then be applied to this value (following the rules in below). For example, if
a model has the rule “The Discipline of all units within 12″ may be set to the Discipline value of the model”, all units
affected by this modifier may ignore their own Discipline and use the model’s Discipline instead.

6.B Multiplication and Division

Sometimes values or rolls can be modified by multiplication or division. In case of the latter, round fractions up.
For example, if a model attacks an enemy model that is subject to the rule “All attacks made against this model are
performed at half Strength”, the Strength of its attacks is divided by 2, rounding fractions up.

6.C Addition and Subtraction

Sometimes values or rolls are modified by addition or subtraction. For example, if a model is subject to the rule “The
wearer gains +1 Armour and suffers −2 Offensive Skill”, you add 1 to its Armour and subtract 2 from its Offensive

6.D Priority of Modifiers
If any value or roll is affected by more than one modifier, these modifiers are applied in a strict order, following table
below. First apply modifiers listed with priority step 1, then apply modifiers with priority step 2 to the result, and
so on (whenever you see the terms set/always/never used in bold in such a modifier, this indicates its priority).
When several modifiers within a group are to be applied to a value (e.g. a Characteristic value), apply them in the
order that results in the lowest value.
When several modifiers within a group are to be applied to a dice roll (e.g. for Saves, to-hit rolls, to-wound
rolls), apply them in the order that results in the lowest success chance of the roll.

Priority Step Modifier

Values set to a certain number and values set to another model’s value. If the other
model’s Characteristic is modified, apply these modifiers before setting the Characteristic.
2 Multiplication and division. Round fractions up.
3 Addition and subtraction.
Rolls always or never succeeding or failing on certain results, and Characteristics always
or never set to a certain value or range of values.

Table 1: Priority of Modifiers.

For example, if a model is affected by (A) “The model’s attacks gain +1 to hit” and (B) “Attacks made with this weapon
are set to hit on 4+”, first apply modifier (B), since modifiers using the “set” mechanic are applied in priority step 1,
and then apply the +1 modifier, as modifiers using addition are applied in priority step 3. The final result would be
the model’s attacks hitting on 3+.

After all modifications via multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction, unless specifically stated otherwise:
• Agility and Attack Value cannot be modified to lower than 1.
• The value of all other Characteristics cannot be modified to lower than 0.
• Armour cannot be modified to exceed a maximum of 6.
• Agility and Discipline cannot be modified to exceed a maximum of 10.

7 Attacks
Units in opposing armies fight each other using melee weapons, ranged weapons, spells, and other unique attacks.
This chapter will explain how attacks are performed in general and how you determine if they are successful in
inflicting damage on their targets.

7.A Classification of Attacks

All sources of damage are defined as attacks, which are then divided into Melee and Ranged Attacks (see figure ).

7.A.a Melee Attacks

All attacks made at units in base contact with the attacker’s unit in the Melee Phase are Melee Attacks.
The most common type of Melee Attacks are Close Combat Attacks. Model parts perform a number of Close Combat
Attacks equal to their Attack Value (see “ ”, page ).
Special Attacks are considered to be Melee Attacks that are not Close Combat Attacks (see “ ”, page

7.A.b Ranged Attacks

All attacks that are not Melee Attacks are Ranged Attacks.
All Ranged Attacks made with a Shooting Weapon in the Shooting Phase or as a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction are
Shooting Attacks.
Other Ranged Attacks include, amongst others, Damage spells, ranged Special Attacks, hits from , and hits
from failed .


Melee Attacks Ranged Attacks

Close Combat Special Attacks Shooting

Attacks Attacks

Figure 9: Classification of attacks.

7.A.c Strength and Armour Penetration of Attacks

Attacks have a Strength and an Armour Penetration value, unless specifically stated otherwise:
• Close Combat Attacks use the Strength and Armour Penetration of the model part making the attack, possibly
modified by their Close Combat Weapon, Model Rules, spells, Characteristic modifiers, and other effects.
• Shooting Attacks use the Strength and Armour Penetration in the profile of the Shooting Weapon they are
made with.
• Other types of attacks (such as spells and Special Attacks) follow the general rules for their type and the
individual rules specified in their description.

7.B Attack Sequence
Whenever an attack is performed, use the following sequence:

1 Attacker allocates attacks if applicable.

2 Determine number of hits.
3 Attacker distributes hits if applicable.
4 Attacker rolls to wound; if successful, proceed.
5 Defender makes Armour Save rolls; if failed, proceed.
6 Defender makes Special Save rolls; if failed, proceed.
7 Defender removes Health Points and/or casualties.
8 Defender takes if necessary.
Complete each step for all the attacks that are happening simultaneously (such as all Shooting Attacks from a single
unit or all Close Combat Attacks at a given Initiative Step) before moving on to the next step.

7.C Allocating Close Combat Attacks

Close Combat Attacks are directed against enemy models in base contact. This is referred to as allocating attacks,
and will be explained in the chapter (see “ ”, page ).

7.D Determining the Number of Hits

Close Combat Attacks and most Shooting Attacks need to roll to hit (see “ ”, page and “ ”, page ),
while Special Attacks and certain spells may hit automatically, inflicting a fixed or random number of hits.

7.E Distributing Hits

All attacks that target a unit as a whole will under normal circumstances hit the unit’s R&F . These
include most Ranged Attacks and most Melee Attacks that are not Close Combat Attacks. How hits are distributed
may change when Characters are joined to units, as described in “ ”, page .
Close Combat Attacks are not distributed, but are allocated before to-hit rolls are made, as mentioned above. Do not
redistribute the hits from Close Combat Attacks at this stage.
In cases where not all models of a Health Pool have the same relevant Characteristics or rules (such as different
Resilience values or different saves), use the value or rules of the largest fraction of the Health Pool’s models, and
apply them to all rolls (to-hit, to-wound, saves). In case of a tie, the attacker chooses which fraction to use.

7.F To-Wound Rolls
If an attack has a Strength value, it must wound the target to have a chance to harm it. To make a to-wound roll, roll a
D6 for each hit. The difference between the Strength of the attack and the Resilience Characteristic of the defender
determines the needed roll to wound the target (see table below).
A natural roll of ‘6’ will always succeed and a natural roll of ‘1’ will always fail. The player whose attack inflicted the
hit makes a to-wound roll for each attack that hit the target. A successful to-wound roll causes a wound; proceed to
Armour Saves and Armour Modifiers.
If the attack does not have a Strength value, follow the rules given for that particular attack.

Strength minus Resilience Needed roll to wound

2 or more 2+
1 3+
0 4+
−1 5+
−2 or less 6+

Table 2: To-Wound Table.

7.G Armour Saves

If one or more wounds are inflicted, the player whose unit is being wounded now has a chance to save the wound(s)
if the wounded models have any Armour. To make an Armour Save roll, roll a D6 for each wound. The following
formula determines the needed roll to disregard the wound:
7 − (Armour of the defender) + (Armour Penetration of the attack)
A natural roll of ‘1’ will always fail.
If the Armour Save is passed the wound is disregarded.
See table below for the different possible results of the formula.

Armour minus AP Needed roll to disregard the wound

0 or less No save possible
1 6+
2 5+
3 4+
4 3+
5 or 6 2+

Table 3: Armour Save Rolls.

7.H Special Saves
The attacked model now has a final chance to disregard a wound that was not saved by its Armour Save, provided
it has a Special Save. There are different types of Special Saves, like and , both detailed in
“ ”, page .
To make a Special Save roll, roll a D6 for each wound that was not saved by the model’s Armour Save.
• If X is given as a dice roll (e.g. Aegis (4+)), X is the roll needed to successfully disregard the wound.
• If X is given as a modifier and with a maximum value (e.g. Fortitude (+1, max 3+)), the model gains this
as a modifier to all its Special Save rolls of the same type, which cannot be increased to rolls better than
the maximum value given in brackets. If the model doesn’t have that type of Special Save, it instead gains a
corresponding Special Save ((7 − X)+) (e.g. a model with Aegis (+2, max 4+) will gain Aegis (5+)).
If a model has more than one Special Save, choose which one to use before rolling. Only a single Special Save can be
used against each wound.

7.I Losing Health Points

For each unsaved wound, the attacked model immediately loses a Health Point, which may lead to models being
removed as casualties. See “ ”, page for further details.
Figure summarises the steps from an attack to a potential casualty.

To-hit To-wound Armour

Attack Hit Wound
roll roll Save

Special Unsaved Apply Health Point Casualty

Save wound Multiple Wounds loss

Figure 10: Flowchart of the steps from an attack to a potential casualty.

8 Setting up a Game
8.A Building an Army
The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles includes a series of Army Books which contain the unique rules for Characters and
troops, and the descriptions of the different armies. All unit entries within an Army Book are divided into different
Army Categories, which may be limited to represent a minimum or maximum percentage of the .
The first step in building an army is writing down a selection of units, options, and their Point Costs on a document
called the Army List. An army is subject to certain rules and restrictions which this chapter will describe in further

8.A.a Point Costs

Every unit, weapon, upgrade, Special Item, etc. costs a certain amount of points. The 9th Age uses Point Costs to
balance units and options so two players can enjoy a game that tests their skills. This allows for quick pickup games
between friends or helps design scenarios where you need to know how powerful certain things are. A unit’s Point
Cost is the total of its starting Point Cost and the Point Costs of all its upgrades. An army’s Point Cost is the total of all
its units’ Point Costs.

8.B Army List Structure

Each army is divided into several Army Categories, restricting the selection of units in a way that enables players
to enjoy a balanced and fair gaming experience. At the same time, they still ensure that armies used in the game
can employ a wide variety of styles. This could represent a single Character and its hunting party or large armies
numbering in their thousands clashing for the fate of the world.
All armies in The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles are subject to the basic composition rules detailed in this section.

8.B.a Army Points

Before building an army, you will want to decide with your opponent on the size of the battle, referred to as Army
Points. The combined Point Costs of every unit in your army, as described in “ ”, page , must not exceed
the Army Points. An army may fall below the limit by up to 40 points.

8.B.b Army Categories

An Army List is divided into Army Categories, and every unit on the Army List belongs to one or more Army Categories.
These are marked by icons in the unit entries in the Army Book. The number of points a player can spend on each of
these Army Categories is defined in each Army Book.
The Army Categories are divided into three groupings: the commanders and the outstanding individuals (Characters),
the backbone of the force (Core and Special), and the thematic unique additions (Army-Specific). All armies must
have units from the Characters and Core Army Categories in their Army List.

8.B.b.1 Characters
• This Army Category always has a maximum amount of points that can be spent on it, usually 40% of the Army
• Each army must contain at least one Character that is eligible to be the army’s General (see “ ”, page
• Unless specifically stated otherwise, entries that belong to this Army Category follow the rules for Characters
given in “ ”, page .

Characters represent the leaders and exceptional individuals who, through their particular sets
of skills, influence the course of battle using either brute force, tactical acumen, spell casting
ability, or engineering knowledge. It is they who muster the army, and your force will always
include at least one representative of this Army Category to serve as your army General.

8.B.b.2 Core
• This Army Category always has a minimum amount of points that must be spent on it, usually 25% of the Army
The Core represents the most readily available warriors a faction has access to and will form
the bulk of combatants under the command of the Characters in the force. No matter where or
why the faction fights, the Core are those units that will always be present in some combination
as part of the fighting force. They are also those warriors that a society can provide for battle in
the greatest numbers. While armies can overwhelmingly be formed out of the Core units, it is
rarely the case as each commander seeks to deploy a force that contains as many of their finest
or more specialised warriors as possible, depending on the resources available to them.

8.B.b.3 Special
• This Army Category has no maximum or minimum limit. You are free to spend any amount of points on units
in this Army Category, so long as the requirements of the army composition are met.

The Special Army Category represents more specialised warriors. A faction can call upon large
numbers of these warriors and they can often be the most numerous segment of the entire
fighting force. However, their numbers are still limited, and though some of these units can form
an entire battle line there just isn’t enough of them to form armies on their own.

8.B.b.4 Army-Specific
• This Army Category has a maximum amount of points that can be spent on it; the limit is defined within
individual Army Books.
• All armies have one or more Army-Specific Categories.
The Army-Specific Categories are introduced to provide additional limitations in the process
of army building. These limitations are designed to be reflective of the nature of the faction in
question, and with the goal of ensuring greater balance of the game. There are three types of
Army-Specific Categories: one type is simply an additional grouping of units connected with
a certain theme. These are given a thematic name reflective of the army they are part of or
the function they perform (e.g. Orcs and Goblins – Death from Above). The second type of
Army-Specific Categories provides limitations linked with a certain function a unit from another
Army Category performs within the army (e.g. Beast Herds – Ambushers). And the third type of
Army-Specific Categories is a mix of the above.

8.B.b.5 Units Belonging to more than one Army Category
Some units can be included in more than one Army Category, which is represented by more than one icon in their
entry. In these cases, simply count the unit’s Point Cost towards the limits of all its Army Categories, but only once
towards the army Point Cost.

8.B.b.6 Adding Army Categories

Choosing certain options can make a unit count towards another Army Category in addition to its original Army
Category. For example, giving a unit Shooting Weapons might make it also count towards the Ranged Support Army
Category. This is marked by a small icon of the additional Army Category, displayed underneath the original Army
Category icon(s), together with the conditions for counting in this additional Army Category.

8.B.b.7 Splitting Point Cost between Army Categories

In some rare cases a unit’s Point Cost can be split between different Army Categories, where the Point Cost for some
particular option is additionally counted towards a different Army Category than the unit. This is marked in the unit
entry by a split icon, with the two halves representing the two Army Categories the unit counts towards.
For example, a 250 pts Elf Character, counted towards the Characters Army Category, decides to ride a 500 pts
Dragon, which is an option marked to count additionally towards Beasts and Monsters. In this case, the player must
count the entire unit’s Point Cost (250 + 500 = 750 pts) towards Characters, and the Dragon’s Point Cost (500 pts)
towards Beasts and Monsters.

8.B.c Duplication Limits and Restrictions

Certain units and options are limited in number in the army.

8.B.c.1 0–X Items per Army

Some items in the Army Books are marked with 0–X items per Army (e.g. 0–2 Units per Army, 0–2 Models per Army,
0–2 Mounts per Army). Such items can be included from zero to X times in the same army. The maximum limit (X) is
halved for Warbands and doubled for Grand Armies, rounding fractions up (see below).

8.B.c.2 One of a Kind

Items (units, upgrades, equipment, etc.) marked as One of a Kind may only be taken once per army. This is not
changed for Warbands or Grand Armies.

8.B.c.3 Minimum Army Size

Every army must contain a minimum of 4 units. Characters do not count towards this minimum. All units with the
Universal Rule together count as a single unit for this purpose.

8.B.c.4 The General

A single Character in the army must be named the General. At least one Character must be included in the army that
is eligible to fulfill this role. Who is the General must be noted on the Army List.
The General gains the Universal Rule.

8.C Warbands and Grand Armies
The rules for army composition are modified depending on the size of an army. An army that is unusually small or
unusually large is subject to the following rules.
Warbands Grand Armies
Armies of 3000 points or less are called Warbands. The Armies of 8000 points or more are called Grand Armies.
Minimum Army Size is decreased to 3 units.
All “0–X Items per Army” limits are halved, rounding All “0–X Items per Army” limits are doubled.
fractions up.
The usual board size is 36″ wide and 48″ deep. Adapt the board size to the size of the game.

8.D How to Read Unit Entries

Every unit in the game has a certain set of Characteristics and possibly optional or mandatory upgrades, and, as
explained above, every unit is part of an Army Category. In addition, the models in that unit may be equipped with
particular weapons and armour, and they may have one or more Model Rules, as you will learn in later chapters of
this Rulebook (see “ ”, page ).
Every unit is represented by its unit entry in its Army Book, and these unit entries contain all the information
pertaining to that unit, including the data above as well as further information like Model Type and Height, base size,
restrictions regarding the number of models or certain equipment, and so on.
This section will explain how the most common information in unit entries is presented in the Army Books of T9A.

8.D.a Common Unit Entries

Unit entries usually consist of a header, the unit profile, and options, as illustrated in figure .

Tin Men Height
Type Infantry
120 pts + 10 pts/extra model 15–50 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 Scoring, Strider (Forest)

Unit Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Profile 1 4 4 2 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 3 0 3 Tin Man’s Heart, Halberd

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Ambush (0–25 Models/Unit, 0–2 Units/Army) 20 Champion 20
One choice only: Musician 20
Shield 1/model Standard Bearer 20
Options Paired Weapons 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Throwing Weapons (5+) 2/model
Model Rules
Tin Man’s Heart: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The model must reroll failed to-hit rolls against every enemy models with Fear.

Figure 11: Common unit entry.

8.D.a.1 Header
The header of a unit entry usually contains all the general information on the unit (see figure ).

1 – Unit name 3 – Unit size 5 – Scoring 7 – Model specifications

Tin Men Height Standard

Type Infantry
120 pts + 10 pts/extra model 15–50 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm

2 – Army Category 4 – Unit cost 6 – Unit cap

Figure 12: Header of a common unit entry.

1 – Unit name
This is the name of the unit that will be used e.g. when choosing the unit to perform an action like Charging, or when
targeting the unit with a spell or a Shooting Attack.

2 – Army Category
Every unit is part of an Army Category, like Characters, Core, or Special, which is important e.g. for building an army
or for certain Model Rules. Each Army Category is represented by an icon that corresponds to the respective Army
Category as shown in each Army Book’s section on Army Organisation.
Note that some units may belong to more than one Army Category (see “ ”, page ). In this case the
icons of all these Army Categories will be depicted.

3 – Unit size
The unit size tells you the minimum and the maximum size of the unit when building an army. The minimum unit
size corresponds to the number of models that the unit must contain at least. And accordingly, the maximum unit
size represents the number of models that the unit can consist of at the most.
In the example in figure , a unit of Tin Men must consist of at least 15 models when building the army, while you
can add up to 35 models, attaining the unit’s maximum size of 50 models.

4 – Unit cost
The unit cost tells you how many points you have to pay for adding the unit to your army in its minimum size, and
how many points each additional model will cost. For some units in the game, an additional model will cost the same
amount of points as a model that is part of the unit’s minimum size, while for others additional models may be more
or less expensive than the initial models.
In the example in figure , a unit of Tin Men consisting of the minimum size of 15 models will cost 120 points, while
each additional Tin Man model will cost 10 points. So for instance a unit of 25 Tin Men will cost a total of 220 points
(120 points for the first 15 models and 100 pts for the 10 additional models).

5 – Scoring
Some units have a certain Model Rule called Scoring, which is relevant for winning Secondary Objectives during the
game (see “ ”, page and “ ”, page ). Units with this Model Rule will be marked with a
pennant icon.

6 – Unit cap
Certain units can only be selected a limited number of times in an army. In this case you will find a “0–X Units/Army”
cap in the unit entry. In the example, an army may contain up to two units Tin Men, regardless of their size, equipment,

7 – Model specifications
Every model in the game has a specific Height, Type, and base size, which are relevant for a wide variety of game
mechanics and Model Rules.

8.D.a.2 Unit Profile
The unit profile contains the models’ Characteristic Profiles and Model Rules, including their mundane equipment
(see figure ).

8 – Characteristic Profiles 9 – Model Rules

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 Scoring, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 2 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 3 0 3 Tin Man’s Heart, Halberd

Figure 13: Unit profile of a common unit entry.

8 – Characteristic Profiles
The Characteristic Profiles of each unit entry contain the values of all of a unit’s Global, Defensive, and Offensive
Characteristics. Note that the values displayed here represent the models’ unmodified Characteristic values, excluding
any modifiers e.g. from Model Rules and equipment:
• For instance, in case of Armour, the Characteristic value displayed here represents the models’ innate armour
(granted e.g. from scales or a tough hide). Any armour from Armour Equipment, like Light Armour in the
example above, will have to be added on top of the Armour value displayed in the Defensive Profile. In
this example, the models will have an Armour of 3 (2 from the models’ innate armour and 1 from their Light
Armour), which will give them a 4+ Armour Save against attacks without any Armour Penetration (see “
”, page ).
• The profile also displays the models’ unmodified Strength and Armour Penetration. Any Strength and Armour
Penetration modifiers, e.g. from weapons, will have to be added on top. In our example, the models’ Close
Combat Attacks will have a Strength value of 4 and an Armour Penetration value of 1, due to the innate Strength
of 3 and the +1 Strength and Armour Penetration modifiers from the Halberds the models are equipped with.

9 – Model Rules
In this part of the unit entry, the unit’s Model Rules are displayed:
• The Global Model Rules comprise the unit’s Universal Rules (in alphabetical order).
• The Defensive Model Rules comprise the unit’s Personal Protections and Armour Equipment. In case a unit
has more than one Model Rule from these categories, Personal Protections will be listed first (in alphabetical
order), followed by the unit’s Armour Equipment (in alphabetical order).
• The Offensive Model Rules comprise the unit’s Attack Attributes, Special Attacks, and weapons. In case a unit
has more than one Model Rule from these categories, Attack Attributes and Special Attacks will be listed first
(in alphabetical order), followed by the unit’s weapons (in alphabetical order).
In some unit entries, you will notice certain Model Rules in bold, like Tin Man’s Heart in the example above. Bold
font is used here to highlight army-specific Model Rules that are defined in the unit entry.

8.D.a.3 Options
In this part of the unit profile illustrated in figure , you will find all the optional and mandatory upgrades that can
be bought for a unit when building the army.
10 – Command Group Options
Options pts Command Group Options pts

12 – Restricted Ambush (0–25 Models/Unit, 0–2 Units/Army) 20 Champion 20

One choice only: Musician 20
options Shield 1/model Standard Bearer 20
Paired Weapons 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit
11 – Unrestricted Throwing Weapons (5+) 2/model
Model Rules
13 – Model Rules Tin Man’s Heart: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The model must reroll failed to-hit rolls against every enemy models with Fear.

Figure 14: Options in a common unit entry.

10 – Command Group options

Certain units have one or more Command Group Options in their unit entry, which allow them to upgrade one model
of the unit to a Champion, another model to a Musician, and another model to a Standard Bearer. This means that a
single R&F model cannot be upgraded to be a Musician and a Standard Bearer at the same time. In addition, each
unit can only upgrade models to a single Champion, a single Musician, and a single Standard Bearer.
Note that upgrading the unit with a Champion/Musician/Standard Bearer does not grant you extra models for the
unit as you upgrade models that are already part of the unit.
Some Command Group models have additional options for upgrades, for instance the Standard Bearer in the example
above can purchase a Banner Enchantment. These options are listed indented underneath the corresponding
Command Group model. In order to have access to such an additional upgrade, you must first upgrade a model to
the corresponding Command Group model, and only then you can buy the upgrade for that model.

11 – Unrestricted options
Many units have options to upgrade their models with weapons, armour, certain Model Rules, etc. In some cases, the
Point Cost per unit is indicated, regardless of the number of models, while in others, like in the example above, the
unit entry gives the Point Cost per model.
Note that if you choose to buy such an upgrade, you must always upgrade all models of the unit accordingly.

12 – Restricted options
Certain options may come with restrictions. These may for instance be associated with an altered maximum number
of models per unit (in the example above 25 instead of 50), or with a restriction regarding the number of units with
the upgrade an army may contain (up to 2 units in the example above). Another possible restriction is an upper limit
on the total number of models with a given upgrade per army. In this case, the sum of all models of all units with that
upgrade in the army may not exceed that upper limit.
Other options cannot be combined with one another. These are listed indented underneath “One choice only” in
the unit entry. In the example above, the models in the unit may be upgraded either with Shields or with Paired
Weapons, they may however not gain Shields and Paired Weapons.
In case there are several groups of these “One choice only” upgrades for a unit, the unit may be given up to one choice
of each group.

13 – Model Rules
In case a unit profile contains any unit-specific Model Rules, these rules will be explained in this part of the unit

8.D.b Complex Unit Entries

In addition to the elements detailed above, certain units may have additional distinctive features that will be explained
based on the Character unit entry in figure .

Wicked Witch a b
Type Infantry
140 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Hydrophobe, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 3 0 5
Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Adept 75 Special Items up to 100
Wizard Master 225 d If Wizard Master up to 200
Red Rubber Boots 5
c Mount Options pts
Cosmology Druidism Witchcraft e Witches’ Broom 30
Winged Monkey Chariot 200
Model Rules
Hydrophobe: Universal Rule.
If the model touches a Water Terrain Feature, it is immediately removed as a casualty.
f Optional Model Rules
Red Rubber Boots: Universal Rule.
The model loses the Hydrophobe Model Rule and gains Strider (Water Terrain).

Figure 15: Character unit entry.

a) Certain units, like Characters, consist only of a single model. These units are labelled as “single model” units. They
follow the same rules as units consisting of multiple models, but there may be certain differences, like Characters
being able to join other units.
b) Just like regular units, Characters may have a unit cap. This cap applies to all Characters of this type, regardless of
their upgrades, equipment, and mounts. In this example, this means that you can only have up to 3 Wicked Witches
in your army, e.g. one of them on foot and two on Witches’ Brooms.
c) Models that can cast spells are referred to as Wizards. Wizards come in 3 different types: Wizard Apprentice,
Adept, and Master. The Model Rules tell you which Wizard type the model has by default (in this example, the Wicked
Witch is a Wizard Apprentice), while the Magic Options show you which types the model can be upgraded to. In case
you upgrade your Wizard, the upgrade replaces the default Wizard type. In addition, you will also find in this section
the Paths that the Wizard has to choose a single one from. The Wizard will select its spells from this chosen Path
(see “ ”, page ).
d) Certain models, like most Characters, have access to Weapon Enchantments, Armour Enchantments, Artefacts, etc.
These upgrades are referred to as Special Items (see “ ”, page and The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles –
Arcane Compendium). If a model can buy Special Items, you will find this information in the unit entry’s options,
together with the maximum amount of points a model can spend on them.
e) Characters are usually on foot by default. Most of them can however be given a mount. The Mount Options will tell
you which mounts are available for a Character and how many points you have to pay for them. Note that a Character
may always only take a single mount.
f) As explained above, unit entries will contain unit-specific Model Rules. In addition, you will sometimes also find
Optional Model Rules. In order to gain these Model Rules, you must buy the corresponding upgrade for the model.

8.D.c Unit Entries with Multipart Models
The examples above show entries of units with models consisting of a single model part, but there are also many
Multipart Models in the game (see “ ”, page ). The unit entry of a Character Mount, the Winged
Monkey Chariot from the example in figure , will be used to explain the particularities of this type of unit entry.

Height Large
Winged Monkey Chariot a Type Construct
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 2″ C b Fly (9″, 9″), Light Troops, Swiftstride

Fly 9″ 9″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 4 C+1 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 4 3 0 5 Light Lance

c Winged Monkey (2) 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed, Hatred
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

Figure 16: Unit entry of a Multipart Model.

a) Like for any other unit entry, there may be restrictions on the number of Character Mounts that can be part of an
army. In the example above, the army may only contain up to a single Character, regardless of the type, on a Winged
Monkey Chariot. This restriction only applies to Character mounts, so if an Army Book contains the Character mount
additionally as a unit in another Army Category, you are allowed to take this unit in addition to the Character mount
in your army.
b) In case of a Multipart Model Character, many of a model’s Characteristic values will be determined by the mount’s
Characteristics, unless they are marked with “C” or “C+X” in the mount’s profile (see “
”, page ), which refers to the value in the Character’s profile. In this example, the mount does not have a
proper Discipline Value, but the Multipart Model uses the Character’s Discipline, which is 8.
c) Models consisting of a single model part have one Global, Defensive, and Offensive Profile each. Multipart Models
also have one Global and Defensive Profile each, which apply to the entire Multipart Model. However, they do have a
separate Offensive Profile for each identical model part. The mount above has 5 model parts: 2 Crew members and 2
Winged Monkey’s (as indicated by the “2” in brackets) and a Chassis, which all have their own Offensive Profile.

8.E Hidden and Open Lists
Rules are written and balanced based on the principle of openness, and we encourage players to share their full
Army Lists with their opponents at the start of the game. This Army List should include all units, unit options, Special
Items, special abilities, Point Costs, and so on. The only things that are not open to your opponent are things that are
explicitly stated as hidden or secret.

8.E.a Optional Rules for Hidden Lists

Some players may prefer to use so-called hidden lists, and for those players we have included the hidden list
rules. Please note that the game is not balanced with these rules in mind. In this format, most of your Army
List will be open, meaning that your opponent should know what your army consists of before the game starts.
However, some parts of your army are secret or “hidden”. Both players should provide their opponent with the
open part of their army before the game begins, referred to as a mundane Army List.
The following elements are included in the hidden part of your army:
• Special Items that are picked from the List of Common Special Items given in The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles
– Arcane Compendium
• Special Items that are specific to Army Books, as well as any option that follows the rules for Special Items
such as Daemonic Items and Dwarven Runic Items
Anything not on this list belongs to the mundane Army List.
If an army has two or more units or models that are identical regarding their open part but have hidden
differences, the player must be able to tell the units apart in the hidden list. For example if a player fields two
units identical in every way except that one has an enchanted banner and the other doesn’t, the Army List may
specify that the unit with the enchanted banner has a red banner while the unit with a blue banner possesses
no such Special Item.

8.E.a.1 Revealing Special Items

Special Items (or similar) must be revealed the first time they are used. A Special Item is considered as being
used when it affects or could affect the game in any way. For example:
• It affects a dice roll (even if the actual result of the dice has no effect).
• It alters an attack (such as an enchanted weapon, or any Special Item with a rule that affects an attack).
• It alters a saving roll (reveal the Special Item before making the saving roll). Note that a Special Item
that affects the saving roll the same way as the non-Enchanted counterpart would does not need to be
A Special Item that increases movement only counts as being used if the unit moves farther than it could without
it or when Charging (declare that you have the Special Item before rolling the Charge Range but after Charge
Reactions are resolved).
When revealing Dwarven Runic Items, only reveal the Rune that is being used, not the entire combined item.

9 Pre-Game Sequence
When setting up a game of The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles, players need to go through the following steps, referred to
as the Pre-Game Sequence:

1 Decide on the size of the game

2 Share your Army List with your opponent
3 Build the Battlefield
4 Determine the Deployment Type
5 Determine the Secondary Objective
6 Determine the Deployment Zones
7 Select Spells
8 Declare Special Deployment
9 Deployment Phase

9.A Size of the Game

In The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles, two armies opposing each other on the Battlefield must have roughly the same
Point Cost. This is to ensure that the battle will be decided through clever strategies and tactics rather than unfair
differences in army size.
The first step to setting up a game is to agree on the Army Points (see “ ”, page ), which will determine
the size of the game. The size of the game is typically between 1500 and 3000 points for small engagements, between
3000 and 8000 points for serious battles, and beyond 8000 points for mighty clashes between epic armies. For an
optimal gaming experience, we recommend playing at 4500 points.

9.B Sharing Army Lists

After deciding on the size of the game, the next step is for both players to swap Army Lists and share all relevant
information about the upcoming game.
Alternatively, players may agree to keep certain aspects about their armies secret, which they will progressively
reveal during the course of the game. For more information please see “ ”, page .

9.C Building the Battlefield
The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is intended to be played on a board that is 72″ wide and 48″ deep. For smaller battles
involving Warbands, we recommend playing on a board that is 36″ wide and 48″ deep (half the standard board),
while for bigger games involving Grand Armies we recommend that the players increase the size of the board as they
see fit in order to accommodate the larger armies.
While some battles may take place on a completely open board, a Battlefield typically has Terrain Features placed
upon it (see “ ”, page ). These pieces of Terrain could represent exactly what they are, but they could also
be representations of far greater things for the purpose of the game. So a copse of trees could represent a forest, a
stream could actually be a wide river, a single house could denote a hamlet, and a tower could represent a keep. The
players can freely agree on the size, type, and number of Terrain Features to be placed, as well as their positions. If
an agreement cannot be reached, the game provides the following default rules for setting up a randomly generated
1 Divide the board into 24×24″ sections (18×24″ if the board is 36×48″).
Place the following Terrain Features in the centre of three different randomly selected sections:
• One Impassable Terrain
2 • One Hill
• One Forest
3 Move each Terrain Feature 2D6″ in a random direction.
Add 2D3 additional Terrain Features in the centre of different randomly selected sections (1D3
4 if the board is 36×48″, 3D3 or more for boards larger than 72×48″). Roll 2D6 and consult the
table below to determine the type of each additional Terrain Feature.
5 Move each additional Terrain Feature 2D6″ in a random direction.

2–4 5 6 7 8 9–10 11–12

Hill Water Terrain Field Forest Ruins Impassable Terrain Wall

• Terrain Features cannot be moved to be closer than 6″ from each other. You may move them as little as possible
from their rolled position in order to meet this criterion. If it is not possible to place the Terrain Feature more
than 6″ away from any other Terrain then discard the problematic piece.
• Recommended Terrain Feature sizes are between 6×8″ and 6×10″, except for Walls, which are 1×8″, and
Impassable Terrain, which is between 6×6″ and 6×8″.

9.D Deployment Types

If no outside source tells you what Deployment Type to use (e.g. tournament organiser, campaign rules, etc.), players
may agree on a Deployment Type. Otherwise randomise by rolling a D6 and consulting the list below.
Certain Deployment Types refer to the Centre Line. This is the line drawn through the centre of the board and
parallel to the long Board Edges, dividing the board into halves.

1: Frontline Clash >12″

Deployment Zones are areas more than 12″ away from the Centre Line. >12″

2: Dawn Assault

The player choosing the Deployment Zone also chooses a short Board Edge >1/4
and the other player gets the opposite short Board Edge. Deployment Zones (>18″)
are areas more than 12″ away from the Centre Line and more than 1/4 of the >12″
board’s length from the opponent’s short Board Edge (18″ on a 72″ board).
When declaring Special Deployment, players may choose to keep up to two >1/4
of their units as reinforcement. These units follow the rules for ing (>18″)
units, except that they must be placed touching the owner’s short Board Edge
when they arrive.

3: Counterthrust

Deployment Zones are areas more than 8″ away from the Centre Line. Units
must be deployed more than 20″ away from enemy units. During their first 3 >8″ >20″
deployment turns, each player must deploy a single unit, and cannot deploy >8″
any Characters.
Units using Special Deployment, such as , ignore these restrictions and
follow their Special Deployment rules.

4: Encircle
>1/4 Attacker >1/4
The player choosing the Deployment Zone decides if they want to be the (>18″) (>18″)
attacker or the defender. The attacker must deploy more than 9″ from the >9″ >15″ >9″
Centre Line if entirely within a quarter of the board’s length from either short
Board Edge (18″ on a 72″ board), and more than 15″ from the Centre Line >9″
>15″ >15″
elsewhere. The defender does the opposite: more than 15″ away from the
Centre Line if within a quarter of the board’s length from the short Board Edge, Defender
and more than 9″ away from the Centre Line elsewhere.

5: Refused Flank

The board is divided into halves by a diagonal line across the board. Whoever
gets to choose the Deployment Zone decides which diagonal to use. Deploy- >9″
ment Zones are areas more than 9″ away from this line. >9″

6: Marching Columns

Deployment Zones are areas more than 12″ away from the Centre Line.
Each player must choose a short Board Edge when deploying their first unit.
Each unit this player deploys afterwards must be deployed with its Centre
farther away from the chosen short Board Edge than the Centre of the last
unit this player deployed (measure from the closest point on the short Board
Edge). , , , and units ignore
these rules.
During their first 3 deployment turns, each player must deploy a single unit,
and cannot deploy any Characters, , or . 12″
Instead of deploying a unit, a player may choose to make all their undeployed
units Delayed that are not using Special Deployment. Delayed units follow the 12″
rules for Ambushing units with the following exceptions: 3 1
• In each Player Turn, after rolling for all units, the Reactive 5

Player chooses the order in which all Delayed units that passed the 3+
roll enter the Battlefield.
• In the chosen order, each unit must be placed one after the other with
the centre of its rear rank as close as possible to the centre of the long
Board Edge in their owner’s Deployment Zone, before any non-Delayed
Ambushers are placed on the Battlefield.
• After all arriving units have been placed, they can be moved as described
in the rules for Ambush (see page ).

9.E Secondary Objectives
Once the Deployment Type is established, determine the Secondary Objective. If no outside source tells you which
one to use (e.g. tournament organiser, campaign rule, etc.), players may agree on a Secondary Objective. Otherwise,
randomise by rolling a D6 and consulting the list below. See “ ”, page for more details on how
capturing an objective affects who is the winner.

1: Hold the Ground

Secure and hold the centre of Battlefield.
Mark the centre of the board.
At the end of each Game Turn after the first, the player with the most within 6″ of the centre of the
board gains a counter. At the end of the game, the player with the most such counters wins this Secondary Objective.

2: Breakthrough
Invade the enemy territory.
The player with the most inside their opponent’s Deployment Zone at the end of the game, up to a
maximum of 3, wins this Secondary Objective.

3: Spoils of War
Gather precious loot.
Place 3 markers along the line dividing the board into halves (the dashed line in the figures describing Deployment
Types). One marker is placed with its centre on a point on this line that is as close as possible to the centre of the
board while still being more than 1″ away from Impassable Terrain. The other two markers are placed with their
centres on points on this line that are on either side of the central marker, as close to the centre of the board as
possible but at least a third of the length of the long Board Edge (24″ on a standard board) away from it, and more
than 1″ away from Impassable Terrain.
At the start of each of your Player Turns, each of your Scoring units that is not carrying a marker may pick up a single
marker whose centre they are in contact with. Remove the marker from the Battlefield: the unit is now carrying
the marker. Units carrying a marker with less than 3 cannot perform March Moves. If a unit carrying a
marker is destroyed or loses , the opponent must immediately place the marker carried by this unit with its
centre on a point within 3″ of it. Ignore for this purpose. This point cannot be within 1″ of
Impassable Terrain, but it can be inside a unit.
At the end of the game, the player with the most units carrying markers wins this Secondary Objective.

4: King of the Hill

Desecrate your opponent’s holy ground while protecting yours.
After Spell Selection (at the end of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence), both players choose a Terrain Feature that
isn’t Impassable Terrain and that is not fully inside their Deployment Zone, starting with the player that chose their
Deployment Zone (note that both players may choose the same Terrain Feature).
A player captures their opponent’s chosen Terrain Feature if any of the player’s are inside that Terrain
Feature at the end of the game. If a player captures their opponent’s chosen Terrain Feature while not allowing their
own to be captured, they win this Secondary Objective.

5: Capture the Flags

Valuable targets must be annihilated.
After Spell Selection (at the end of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence), mark all on both players’ Army
Lists. If either player has less than 3 marked units, their opponent must mark enough units from this player’s Army
List so that there are exactly 3 marked units in the army, starting with the player that chose their Deployment Zone.
The player that has the lowest number of their marked units removed as casualties at the end of the game wins this
Secondary Objective.

6: Secure Target
Critical resources must not fall into enemy hands.
Directly after determining Deployment Zones, both players place one marker on the Battlefield, starting with the
player that chose their Deployment Zone. Each player must place the marker with its centre on a point that is more
than 12″ away from their Deployment Zone and a third of the long Board Edge length (24″ on a standard board)
from the point marked by the other marker.
At the end of the game, the player controlling the most markers wins this Secondary Objective. A marker is controlled
by the player with the most Scoring Units within 6″ of the centre of the marker. If a unit is within 6″ of the centres of
both markers, it only counts as within 6″ of the centre of the marker which is closest to its Centre (randomise if both
markers’ centres are equally close).

9.F Deployment Zones

After the Secondary Objective is determined, both players roll a D6. The player that rolls higher chooses their
Deployment Zone and follows the Deployment Type specific instructions if applicable. In case of a tie, roll again.

9.G Spell Selection

Starting with the player that chose their Deployment Zone, each player must now select spells for their Wizards, one
at a time. All Magic Paths can be found in The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles – Arcane Compendium. Hereditary Spells can
be found in the corresponding Army Books.

9.G.a Wizard Apprentice

• Knows 1 spell
• Can select between the Learned Spell 1 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army

9.G.b Wizard Adept

• Knows 2 different spells
• Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, and 4 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army

9.G.c Wizard Master

• Knows 4 different spells
• Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army

9.H Declaring Special Deployment

Starting with the player that chose their Deployment Zone, each player must nominate which units with Special
Deployment options (such as or ) will use their Special Deployment, or if they will deploy using the
normal rules.

10 Deployment Phase
10.A Deployment Phase Sequence

1 Determine who deploys first

2 Take turns deploying units
3 Declare intent to go first or second
4 Deploy remaining units
5 Deploy units (starting with the player who finished deploying first)
6 Move units (starting with the player who finished deploying last)
7 Other rules and abilities
8 Roll for first turn

10.B Determine Who Deploys First

The player who did not choose the Deployment Zone decides which player deploys first.

10.C Deploy Units

The players then take turns deploying their units fully inside their own Deployment Zone. On each of their deployment
turns, a player can deploy any number of units, but must deploy at least one unit. All Characters count as a single
unit during the Deployment Phase and must all be deployed during the same deployment turn.

10.D Declare Intent to Go First or Second

Once a player has deployed all of their units (excluding units that are deployed with alternative rules, such as
or units), that player must announce whether they will play first or second should they win the
Roll for First Turn.

10.E Deploy Remaining Units

The other player must now deploy the rest of their units. The number of units deployed in this step is called the
Undeployed Units Number and will be used in the Roll for First Turn. As before, all remaining count as
one unit when deployed.

10.E.a Undeployable Units

In the unlikely event that a unit cannot be deployed during the Deployment Phase for whatever reason (e.g. if there is
not enough space in the player’s Deployment Zone), the unit counts as destroyed, unless specifically stated otherwise.

10.F Deploy Scouting Units

Both players deploy their units that have been nominated to use their Scout rules during “
”, page , starting with the player who first completed their normal deployment (see “ ”, page ).

10.G Move Vanguarding Units
Both players move their units with Vanguard (see “ ”, page ), starting with the player who finished
deploying last.

10.H Other Rules And Abilities

Put into effect all rules and abilities described as taking place right before the battle.

10.I Roll For First Turn

Both players must now roll a D6. The player that finished deploying first adds the Undeployed Units Number to their
dice roll.
• If the player who finished deploying first scores a higher result, they play first or second, whichever they
previously declared.
• If the score is a tie or the player who finished deploying second scores a higher result, that player can now
choose which player has the first turn.

11 Charge Phase
The Charge Phase is when the Active Player has the chance to move their units into combat with enemy units.
Declaring a Charge and then performing a successful Charge Move is usually the only way to engage an enemy unit in

11.A Charge Phase Sequence

The Charge Phase is divided into the following steps:

1 Start of the Charge Phase (and start of the Player Turn)

2 The Active Player chooses a unit and declares a Charge
3 The Reactive Player declares and resolves their Charge Reaction
4 Repeat steps 2–3 of this sequence until all units that wish to declare a Charge have done so
The Active Player chooses a unit that declared a Charge, then rolls for Charge Range, and moves
the unit
6 Repeat step 5 of this sequence until all units that declared a Charge have moved
7 End of the Charge Phase
See figures and , page and , for the illustration of a Charge Phase with several units Charging enemy units
and those enemy units declaring and performing their Charge Reactions.

11.B Declaring Charges

Select one of your units that is not already Charging, Engaged in Combat, Fleeing, or contains any Shaken models
and declare which enemy unit it will Charge. Each time the Active Player declares a Charge, the Reactive Player must
declare the Charged unit’s Charge Reaction. In order to be able to declare a Charge:
• At least one model in the Charging unit’s first rank must be able to draw Line of Sight to the Charged unit’s
Unit Boundary.
• The Charged unit must be within the Charging unit’s maximum potential Charge Range (which usually is the
Charging unit’s Advance Rate + 12″).
• There must be enough room to move the Charging unit into base contact with the Charged unit.
When determining if there is enough room for the Charging unit:
• Take into account already declared Charges (including align moves of Charging and Charged units)
• Do not take into account any potential Flee Charge Reactions (including mandatory ones)
• Do not take into account any potential casualties inflicted to the Charging unit (e.g. by Stand and Shoot Charge
Reactions or failed Dangerous Terrain Tests)
• Do not take into account any potential Combat Reforms due to
The unit declaring a Charge is now considered Charging until it has:
• Finished its First Round of Combat after making a Charge Move
• Successfully Charged a Fleeing unit
• Performed a
• Failed a Panic Test before completing the Charge Move
• Been subject to the rules for

11.C Charge Reactions
Before declaring a Charge Reaction, determine in which Facing the unit will be Charged. This is determined by the
unit’s Arc which the Charging unit is (see figure ).

a) b)

Figure 17: Front or Flank?

a) The Charging unit is Located in the enemy’s Front
Arc (since this is where the centre of its Front Facing
b) The Charging unit must contact the Charged unit’s
Front Facing.

A unit must declare and then resolve its Charge Reaction immediately after a Charge is declared against it and the
Facing in which it will be Charged is determined, before any further Charges are declared. There are three different
Charge Reactions: “Hold”, “Stand and Shoot”, and “Flee”.

11.C.a Hold
A Hold Charge Reaction means that the unit does nothing.
Units Engaged in Combat can only choose to declare the Hold Charge Reaction.

11.C.b Stand and Shoot

A Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction means that the Charged unit immediately performs a Shooting Attack as if in
the Shooting Phase, even if the enemy is beyond the attack’s maximum range. In this case, the Charging unit is
considered to be at Long Range for the Shooting Attack. Remember to apply any modifiers like Long Range and
Stand and Shoot. After this, follow the rules for Hold Charge Reactions.
A Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction can only be taken if all of the following conditions are met:
• The Charged unit can perform Shooting Attacks.
• The Charging unit is Located in the Charged unit’s Front Arc.
• The Charging unit is farther away than its Advance Rate; use the lowest value among the Charging models if it
has more than one.
Units can only choose to declare a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction once per Player Turn (even if they are Charged
more than once).

11.C.c Flee
A Flee Charge Reaction means that the Charged unit starts Fleeing. It is immediately Pivoted to face directly away
from the Charging enemy (along a line drawn from the Centre of the Charging unit through the Centre of the Charged
unit) and performs a Flee Move (see “ ”, page ). After a unit completes this Flee Move, any unit that
declared a Charge against this unit may immediately attempt to Redirect the Charge.
If the Fleeing unit’s Front Facing comes into contact with any unit that declared a Charge against it in this phase
(regardless whether the enemy unit Redirected its Charge), the Fleeing unit is removed as a casualty.
Units already Fleeing when Charged can only choose to declare a Flee Charge Reaction.

11.D Redirecting a Charge
After a unit declares a Flee Charge Reaction, the Charging unit may attempt to Redirect the Charge by rolling a
Discipline Test. If failed, the unit will try to complete the Charge against the unit that Fled. If passed, the unit may
immediately declare a new Charge against another viable target unit, which may choose their Charge Reaction as
normal. If more than one unit declared a Charge against the Fleeing unit, each may attempt to Redirect the Charge in
any order chosen by the Active Player. If a unit Redirects a Charge and the second target also Flees, the Charging unit
may opt to Charge either target, but must declare which before rolling the Charge Range.
Units can only attempt to Redirect a Charge once per Player Turn.

11.E Move Chargers

After all Charges have been declared and all Charge Reactions have been declared and completed, Chargers will
attempt to move into combat. Choose a unit that has declared a Charge in this phase, roll its Charge Range, and then
perform the Charge Move. Repeat these steps with all units that have declared a Charge in this phase.

11.E.a Charge Range

A unit’s Charge Range is normally 2D6″ plus the unit’s Advance Rate, using the lowest Advance Rate among the unit’s
• If the Charge Range is equal to or higher than the distance between the Charger and the Charged unit, and if
there is enough space to complete the Charge, the Charge is successful and the Charger performs a Charge
• If the Charge Range is less than the distance between the Charger and the Charged unit, or if there is not
enough space to complete the Charge (see “ ”, page ), the Charge has failed and the Charger
performs a Failed Charge Move.

11.E.b Charge Move

A Charge Move is resolved as follows:
• The unit can move forwards an unlimited distance.
• A single can be performed during the move (remember a Wheel may not exceed 90°).
• The Front Facing of the Charging unit must contact the Charged unit in the Arc determined when declaring the
Charge Reaction.
• The Charging unit is allowed to come within 0.5″ of other units and Impassable Terrain as per the Unit Spacing
rule. It can only move into base contact with an enemy unit that it declared a Charge against (remember that it
is allowed to come into base contact with friendly units and Impassable Terrain).

11.E.c Aligning Units

After the Charger manages to move into base contact with the Charged unit, the units must now be aligned towards
each other. An align move is performed as follows:

The Active Player rotates the Charging unit around the point where it contacted the enemy (see
1 figure ), so that the Charging unit’s Front Facing and the Charged unit’s Facing in which it was
contacted are parallel.
If this will not align the two units properly, for example due to interfering Terrain or other units,
2 players may rotate the Charged unit instead if this will achieve proper contact between them, or
do a combination of the two, rotating the enemy unit as little as possible.
The Charged unit must only be moved if it is the only way to align the units. Units can never be moved if they are
already Engaged in Combat. These moves are considered part of the Charge Move, so they may bring the units within
0.5″ of other units and Impassable Terrain as per the Unit Spacing rule. A unit that is forced to make an align move
when it is Charged never has to take Dangerous Terrain Tests due to this move.

11.E.d Maximising Contact
Charge Moves must be made so the following conditions are satisfied as best as possible, in decreasing priority order.
• 1st priority: Make contact with no enemy units other than the one that was Charged. If it will be unavoidable
to make contact with more than one enemy unit, make contact with as few enemy units as possible. Follow the
rules for Multiple Charges.
• 2nd priority: Maximise the total number of Charging units that make contact (note that this is only applicable
when multiple units Charge the same unit).
• 3rd priority: Avoid rotating the Charged unit (see “ ”, page ). If it is unavoidable, rotate the unit
as little as possible. Remember that units Engaged in Combat cannot be rotated.
• 4th priority: Maximise the number of models (on both sides) in base contact with at least one enemy model
(including models fighting across gaps).
See figure for an example.
If it is unavoidable to break one or more of the above conditions, you must avoid breaking the higher priority order
conditions, even if this means the total number of conditions you break is higher. As long as all above conditions are
satisfied as best is possible, Charging units are free to move as they please (following the rules for Moving Chargers).

a) b1) b2)

! B


Figure 18: Maximising contact.

a) Unit B Charges an enemy unit. Follow the priority given by Maximising Contact when moving the Charger.
1. Not Charging multiple enemy units
2. Maximising the number of units Engaged in Combat
3. Not rotating the enemy unit
4. Maximising the number of models in contact with one or more enemy models

b1) OK.
1. Not applicable
2. Not applicable
3. The Charged unit is not rotated
4. The number of models is maximised without breaking priority 2. A total of 11 (5 vs 6) models is in base contact
with one or more enemy models

b2) Not OK.

1. Not applicable
2. Not applicable
3. The Charged unit is rotated. The Charge is illegal
4. The number of models is maximised. A total of 12 (5 vs 7) models is in base contact with one or more enemy
models, which is more than b1). This is irrelevant though since the Charge is illegal due to the Charged unit being

11.E.e Multiple Charges
If it will be unavoidable for a Charging unit to contact more than one enemy unit during the Charge Move, the rules
for Multiple Charges are applied when declaring Charges:
• First declare a Charge against a single initial target as normal.
• If the initial target of the Charge declares a Charge Reaction other than Flee, the Charging unit must, after the
initial target has declared and resolved its Charge Reaction, successively declare secondary Charges against all
enemy units it cannot avoid contacting, in an order chosen by the Active Player.
• The targets of secondary Charges declare and perform Charge Reactions as normal.
• If the initial target of the Charge Flees or is destroyed before the Charging unit is moved, ignore all secondary
Charges and treat the Charge as a normal Charge against the initial target only.
• If a target of a secondary Charge Flees, the Charging unit is not allowed to redirect the Charge, unless the initial
target also Flees.
• If a Multiple Charge no longer is unavoidable after all Charges have been declared and after all Charge Reactions
have been performed, ignore all secondary Charges and treat the Charge as a normal Charge against the initial
target only.
Note that if contacting more than one enemy unit becomes unavoidable only after all Charges have been declared
and all Charge Reactions have been performed, the rules for Multiple Charges do not apply and the Charging unit
performs a Failed Charge Move.
See figure for examples in which the rules for Multiple Charges apply.

11.E.f Combined Charges

When more than one unit has declared a Charge against the same enemy unit, Chargers are moved in a slightly
different order:
1 Roll Charge Range for each unit Charging that same unit before moving any of them.
Check which units would be able to reach their target (sufficiently high Charge Range rolls, no
other units blocking the Charge Move, etc.).
Perform the Charge Moves of all Charging units (including those failing their Charge) in the
order that best satisfies the priority order of the Maximising Contact rule.
See figure for an example.

11.E.g Engaged in Combat

As soon as a unit completes a Charge, it is Engaged in Combat: units are considered Engaged in Combat (or short
Engaged) as long as one or more models in the unit are in base contact and aligned with an enemy unit. In addition,
if a unit is Engaged at the start of a Round of Combat, it counts as Engaged until the start of step 7 of the Round of
Combat Sequence (before calculating Combat Score and taking Break Tests, even if it loses base contact with all
enemy units before then).
If a unit is Engaged in Combat, all models in the unit are also considered to be Engaged in Combat. Units that are
Engaged in Combat cannot move unless specifically stated otherwise (such as during or when

11.E.h Charging a Fleeing Unit

When Charging a Fleeing unit, follow the rules for Charge Moves, except that the Charging unit can move into contact
with any Facing of the Charged unit. Do not align or maximise base contact. Once the Charger makes contact with
the Fleeing unit, the Fleeing unit is removed as a casualty. Once the Fleeing unit has been removed, the Charging unit
can take a Discipline Test. If the test it passed, the unit may perform a manoeuvre.
A unit that has Charged a Fleeing unit is until the end of the Player Turn.

a) a)



b) b)




Figure 19: Multiple Charges.

a) When Charging unit D in the Front Facing, unit A cannot avoid contacting unit C, so the rules for Multiple Charges
apply. Unit A declares a Charge against D as its initial target and a secondary Charge against C. Both Charged units
have to Hold as they are already Engaged in Combat.

b) Units B, C, and D are aligned and in base contact with one another (this situation may arise if all 3 units had
previously Charged and destroyed an enemy unit). Unit A cannot avoid contacting more than one enemy unit when
charging unit C, so the rules for Multiple Charges apply. As per the rules for Maximising Contact as few enemy units
as possible must be contacted (1st priority), so A must declare a secondary Charge against either unit B or unit D. In
case neither unit C nor the target of the secondary Charge Flee as a Charge Reaction, A moves into contact with both
units, maximising the number of models in base contact according to the 4th priority (position 1 in case unit B was
Charged, position 2 in case unit D was Charged).

A Charge!


ar Figure 20: Combined Charges.

Ch ge


a) Multiple units declaring a Charge against a single
unit. Follow the priority given by Maximising Contact.
E F 1. Not Charging multiple enemy units
D 2. Maximising the number of Charging units in the
3. Not rotating the Charged unit
B 4. Maximising the number of models in contact with
one or more enemy models
b1) OK
F E 1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged (unit A’s
Front Facing is only wide enough for 3 of the 4 Charging
units in the Front Arc)
3. Not applicable
4. Maximised without breaking priority 2. A total
of 12 (4 vs 8) models is in contact with one or more
D enemy models. Notice that the flanking unit is only in
contact with one enemy model. This is allowed because
b2) other models it could contact are already in contact
B with enemy models
b2) Not OK
E 1. Not applicable
C 2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged
3. Not applicable
4. Not maximised. A total of 10 (4 vs 6) models is in
contact with one or more enemy models

b3) Not OK
1. Not applicable
b3) 2. Not maximised. Only 3 Charging units are Engaged.
B The Charge is illegal
A 3. Not applicable
4. Maximised. A total of 13 (4 vs 9) models is in
E contact with one or more enemy models, which is more
C than all the above. This is irrelevant though since the
Charge is illegal due to the number of units not being

b4) Not OK
1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged
D 3. Not applicable
4. Not maximised. A total of 10 (4 vs 6) models is in
b4) contact with one or more enemy models. The Charge
is illegal


11.E.i Impossible Charge
Sometimes units block each other from reaching combat when moving the Chargers (or there is not enough space to
fit all Chargers). When this happens, the units that can no longer make it into combat must make a Failed Charge

11.E.j Failed Charge

When a unit does not roll a sufficient Charge Range, or is otherwise unable to complete the Charge, it performs a
Failed Charge Move, comprising an initial Wheel followed by a straight forward move, as follows:

1 The move distance of a Failed Charge Move is equal to the highest D6 of the Charge Range roll.
Wheel the unit until it is facing directly towards the Centre of its intended target or if it was
2 destroyed, towards the final position of the Centre of the unit, or until it cannot Wheel anymore
due to obstructions (whichever comes first).
3 Move the unit straight forward the remaining move distance.
A Failed Charge Move may bring the unit within 0.5″ of other units and Impassable Terrain as per the Unit Spacing
Models in a unit that performs a Failed Charge Move are Shaken until the end of the Player Turn. Units that have
completed a Failed Charge Move are no longer considered Charging.

11.E.k Blocked Path

To prevent abusive situations where a unit cannot Charge an enemy unit well within Charge Range and Line of Sight
due to a convoluted positioning of enemy units, potentially in conjunction with Impassable Terrain, the following
rules are applied.
If, after declaring a Charge, a unit is unable to complete the Charge solely due to unengaged enemy units that it could
not Charge (normally), or due to the combination of at least 2 unengaged enemy units and one or more Impassable
Terrain Features, it can make a special Charge Move as described below.
Move the unit straight forward up to its Charge Range. If this brings the Charging unit into base contact with the
enemy unit against which the Charge was declared, that unit is Charged. Instead of Aligning Units as normal, the
enemy unit performs a Combat Reform to bring the units into alignment with each other (see “ ”,
page ). Combat Reform so that:
• The Charged Facing determined when declaring the Charge Reaction is aligned with the Charging unit.
• The Charging unit is Engaged in its Front Facing.
• The Charged unit does not change its number of ranks or files.
• The number of models (on both sides) in base contact with an enemy is maximised.
If it is not possible to align the units without changing the number of ranks or files, you may change the number of
ranks and files and do not have to maximise models in base contact. If the enemy unit is unable to perform a Combat
Reform to align the units, the Blocked Path Charge Move cannot be performed.
Figure illustrates Blocked Path situations.

a1) a2) a3)


b1) b2) b3)



Figure 21: Examples of Charges where Blocked Path is applicable.

a1) Unit B Charges unit A, but the units cannot be aligned towards each other, solely due to the enemy unit C.
a2) Unit B performs a Blocked Path move: it moves forwards until it contacts unit A.
a3) Unit A then performs a Combat Reform to align the units.
b1) Unit F Charges unit E, but the units cannot be aligned towards each other due to the enemy unit D and the
Impassable Terrain.
b2) Unit F performs a Blocked Path move: it moves forwards until it contacts unit E.
b3) Unit E then performs a Combat Reform to align the units.

a) Figure 22: Example of a Charge Phase in-
volving multiple units.

1 2
D a) 1. Unit A declares a Charge against unit
A E.
Hold! F
2. Unit E declares and resolves a Hold
E 3 Charge Reaction.
3. Unit C declares a Charge against unit G.
B Stand and Shoot!
Ch arg
4. Unit G declares and resolves a Stand and
Shoot Charge Reaction, inflicting 1 casualty
G against unit C.
b) b) 1. Unit B declares a Charge against unit
2. Unit E declares and resolves a Flee
E D Charge Reaction, rolling 5″ for the Flee Dis-
A Flee tance. The Flee Move would make unit E
F Panic Test 3 end its move inside unit F’s Unit Boundary,
so the Flee Distance is extended for unit E
rge! Passed
Cha Flee Distance C to get clear of unit F.
B Cha
rge 3. Unit F takes a Panic Test for the friendly
2 unit E Fleeing through its Unit Boundary
G and passes the test.

c) c) 1. Since unit E performed a Flee Charge

1 Reaction, unit A may attempt to Redirect
Redirect the Charge. The unit however fails the Dis-
E D cipline Test, so it must try to complete the
A Failed
Charge against unit E.
2. Unit B also attempts to Redirect the
rge! Charge and passes the Discipline Test. Unit
Hold! C B now declares a Charge against unit F.
B 3 rge
4 Cha 3. Unit F declares and performs a Hold
Redirect Charge Reaction.
2 G
d) 1. Unit D declares a Charge against the
d) Fleeing unit E. Note that this Charge is le-
Flee! gal although at this point unit D could not
E Flee complete this Charge as unit C would block
e Charge!
D the Charge Move, because already declared
A Charges are taken into account when deter-
F Flee Distance
2 mining if there is enough room for a Charg-
rge ing unit to complete the Charge.
C 2. Since unit E is already Fleeing, it must
B Cha
declare and perform another Flee Charge
Reaction, rolling 3″ for the Flee Distance.
G As before, the Flee Distance is extended un-
til unit E gets clear of unit F. Unit F does
e) Redirect not take a Panic Test for a friendly unit Flee-
2 1 ing through its Unit Boundary as it already
Stand and Shoot! Passed
E passed a Panic Test during this phase.
A Charge! e) 1. Unit D attempts to Redirect the Charge
F and passes the Discipline Test. Unit D de-
clares a Charge against unit F.
Cha 3
C Panic Test
2. Unit F declares and performs a Stand and
B rge Shoot Charge Reaction, inflicting 2 casual-
Passed ties against unit D.
G 3. Unit D takes and passes a Panic Test for
losing 25% or more Health Points.


A Charge

G C Charge Range roll

b) Charge Range roll
Figure 23: Example of a Charge Phase involving
multiple units – part 2.

After all Charges have been declared and all D

A Charge
Charge Reactions have been declared and per- F
formed, the Active Player moves all the units rge
that declared Charges this turn, by rolling a
unit’s Charge Range and then moving the unit, B
in an order chosen by the Active Player.
a) Unit C rolls a sufficiently high Charge Range
to reach unit G. Unit C performs a Charge Move
against unit G. c) Discipline Test

b) Unit A rolls a sufficiently high Charge Range
to reach the Fleeing unit E. Unit A performs a
Charge Move against unit E. Since unit E was
A Charge

Fleeing, it is removed as a casualty as soon as F

the Charging unit moves into contact (without rge
aligning or maximising base contact).
c) Unit A performs and passes a Discipline Test
in order to perform a Post-Combat Pivot after G C
successfully Charging a Fleeing unit.

d) Since units B and D both Charge the same d) Charge Range roll
enemy unit, both units roll their Charge Range
before any of the units that are part of the Com-
bined Charge is moved. Unit B rolls a sufficiently
high Charge Range, while unit D fails the Charge D
A Charge
Range roll. F
e) Unit B performs a Charge Move against unit rge
F, following the rules for “ ”,
page . Unit D performs a Failed Charge Move
towards unit F. Charge Range roll




12 Movement Phase
In the Movement Phase you have the chance to move your units on the Battlefield.

12.A Movement Phase Sequence

The Movement Phase is divided into the following steps:

1 Start of the Movement Phase

2 Rally Fleeing units and perform any Flee Moves
Moving Units: Select one of your units, take a March Test if necessary, select a type of move
(Advance, March, Reform), then move the unit
4 Repeat step 3, each time choosing a new unit that has not yet moved in the Movement Phase
5 End of the Movement Phase

12.B Rallying Fleeing Units

In an order chosen by the Active Player, each friendly unit that was Fleeing at the start of the Player Turn must take a
Discipline Test, called a Rally Test:
• If the test is passed, the unit is no longer considered Fleeing and must immediately perform a ; models
in the unit are until the end of the Player Turn.
• If the test is failed, the unit immediately performs a Flee Move (straight forward).
Note that if the unit is Decimated (see “ ”, page ), the Rally Test will be taken at half Discipline, rounding
fractions up.

12.C Flee Moves

A Flee Move is performed as follows:

1 Roll the Flee Distance, which is normally 2D6″.

2 Move the Fleeing unit this distance straight forward.
• If the Flee Move takes the Fleeing unit into contact with the Board Edge, remove the unit as a casualty as soon
as it touches the Board Edge (possibly causing to nearby units).
• If this move would make the Fleeing unit end its move within 1″ of another unit’s Unit Boundary or Impassable
Terrain, extend the Flee Distance by the minimum distance required for the unit to get clear of all such
• If this move would make the Fleeing unit end its move inside another unit’s Unit Boundary or inside Impassable
Terrain, extend the Flee Distance by the minimum distance required for the unit to get clear of all such
• If Fleeing models move through the Unit Boundary of an enemy unit or Impassable Terrain, they must take a
Dangerous Terrain (3) Test (see “ ”, page ).
• If Fleeing models move through a friendly unit’s Unit Boundary, that unit must take a .
Note that Flee Moves are often preceded by a Pivot. This Pivot follows the same rules as the Flee Move.

12.D Moving Units
Choose one of your units to move that is not Charging, Engaged in Combat, Fleeing, or contains any models.
Then perform a March Test if necessary and choose what type of move this unit will perform, and move the unit. The
different types of move are Advance Move, March Move, and Reform. In order to affect a unit’s movement, effects
(like Universal Rules or movement modifiers) need to be present at the start of the unit’s movement.
Repeat this process, each time choosing a new unit that has not yet moved in the Movement Phase. Once all units
that can move (and want to) have done so, the Movement Phase ends.

12.D.a March Test

Just before moving a unit, if it is within 8″ of any non-Fleeing enemy units, the unit must take a Discipline Test, called
March Test:
• If the test is passed, the unit may proceed as normal.
• If the test is failed, the unit cannot perform a March Move during this Movement Phase (it can perform any
other type of move as normal, or choose not to move at all).

12.D.b Advance Move

When performing an Advance Move, a unit can move forwards, backwards, or sideways, but it cannot move in more
than one of these directions during an Advance Move:
• Forwards: The unit moves forwards a distance up to its Advance Rate. During a forward Advance Move, a unit
may perform any number of Wheels.
• Backwards: The unit moves backwards a distance up to half its Advance Rate (this is not considered a
Characteristic modifier). For example, a unit with Advance Rate 5″ could move backwards 2.5″.
• Sideways: The unit moves to either side a distance up to half its Advance Rate (this is not considered a
Characteristic modifier).
When performing an Advance Move, no model can end its movement with its centre farther away than its Advance
Rate from its starting position. If a model in the unit performed any action during the movement (such as a
), the distance moved is measured from the model’s starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it
performed that action and then to its final position.

12.D.c March Move

When performing a March Move:
• A unit can only move forwards, up to its March Rate.
• A unit may perform any number of Wheels.
• No model can end its movement with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position. If a
model in the unit performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved
is measured from the model’s starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action
and then to its final position.
A unit that has Marched cannot shoot in the following Shooting Phase.

12.D.d Reform
When performing a Reform:

1 Mark the Centre of the unit.

Remove the unit from the Battlefield, and then place it back on the Battlefield in any legal
2 formation and facing any direction (following the Unit Spacing rule), with its Centre in the same
place as before.
After the Reform, no model can end up with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position. A
unit that has Reformed cannot shoot in the following Shooting Phase.

12.D.e Moving Single Model Units
Units consisting of a single model follow the rules for Moving Units stated above. In addition, they can perform any
number of Pivots during Advance Moves and March Moves.

12.E Pivots and Wheels

When performing a Pivot:

1 Mark the Centre of the unit.

Remove the unit from the Battlefield, and then place it back on the Battlefield facing any direction
with its Centre in the same place as before (following the Unit Spacing rule).
When performing a Wheel, rotate the unit forwards up to 90°, around either of its front corners. The distance moved
by the unit is equal to the distance the outer front corner of the outermost model in the first rank has moved from its
starting to its ending position (not the actual distance it moved along the arc of a circle), see figure . All models in
the unit are considered to have moved this distance.

a) b) c)
5″ ∼17″

2″ 4″ 4″
A 6″
C 4″

3″ 1.5″

Figure 24: Examples of Wheels.

a) The unit has March Rate 12″. It March Moves forwards 3″, Wheels 6″ (measured from the outer corner from its
starting to its ending position), and then March Moves forwards another 2″. The unit has moved 3 + 6 + 2 = 11″.

b) The unit has March Rate 10″. It March Moves forwards 3″ and then performs a 5″ Wheel. Even though the outer
corner has only moved 8″, there are models in the unit that end their movement farther away than their March Rate
from their starting position, making this move illegal (see “ ”, page ).

c) The unit has March Rate 16″. It March Moves forwards 2″, then performs 2 Wheels (4″ each), making it almost
face the opposite direction. The unit then moves forwards 4″ and finishes the move with a small 1.5″ Wheel. The
total distance covered by the unit is 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1.5 = 15.5″.
Even though some models in the unit are temporarily farther from their starting position than their March Rate, this
is a legal move, since at the end of the move, all models are within their March Rate of their starting position.

13 Magic Phase
The Magic Phase is when your Wizards will attempt to cast spells, and your opponent can attempt to dispel them.

13.A Magic Phase Sequence

The Magic Phase is divided into the following steps:

1 Start of the Magic Phase

2 Draw a Flux Card
3 Siphon the Veil
4 Cast a spell with one of your models (see “ ”, page )
5 Repeat step 4 for each spell the Active Player wishes to cast
6 End of the Magic Phase

13.B Wizards
Models that can cast non-Bound Spells are referred to as Wizards. There are 3 types of Wizards (see “ ”,
page and “ ”, page for details on the differences between them):
• Wizard Apprentices
• Wizard Adepts ( )
• Wizard Masters ( and a +1 Casting Modifier)
Each of your Wizards has to choose an available Path of Magic to select spells from; the chosen Path of Magic has to
be written down on your Army List.

13.C Magic Dice

In the Magic Phase, spells are cast and dispelled using a pool of dice called the Magic Dice. The number of Magic Dice
each player receives in each Magic Phase is determined by which Flux Cards are drawn (see Flux Cards below) and
what decisions are made during Siphon the Veil (see “ ”, page ).

13.D Flux Cards

Each player has a deck consisting of the 8 Flux Cards given in figure . During step 2 of the Magic Phase, the Reactive
Player randomly draws one of the Flux Cards from the Active Player’s deck. This card determines how many starting
Magic Dice both players receive in this Magic Phase, and how many Veil Tokens the Active Player receives. Once a
Flux Card has been drawn, it is discarded from the deck. The remaining Flux Cards in the decks are open information
to both players.
Instead of using Flux Cards, you may use dice to randomise which Flux Card to use. Mark which cards have already
been used and roll again whenever you get an already used card. Here is an example of how to randomise using two
D6: roll the first dice until its result, called X, is within 1–4. Then roll the second D6. If this D6 rolls 4+, add 4 to X.
This will result in a value between 1 and 8.

Flux Card 1 Flux Card 2 Flux Card 3 Flux Card 4
4 Magic Dice 5 Magic Dice 5 Magic Dice 5 Magic Dice
(both players) (both players) (both players) (both players)

3 Veil Tokens 2 Veil Tokens 5 Veil Tokens 7 Veil Tokens

(Active Player) (Active Player) (Active Player) (Active Player)
All Miscasts this phase gain
a +1 Miscast Modifier

Flux Card 5 Flux Card 6 Flux Card 7 Flux Card 8

5 Magic Dice 6 Magic Dice 6 Magic Dice 7 Magic Dice
(both players) (both players) (both players) (both players)

9 Veil Tokens 5 Veil Tokens 7 Veil Tokens 7 Veil Tokens

(Active Player) (Active Player) (Active Player) (Active Player)
All Miscasts this phase
suffer a −1 Miscast Modifier

Figure 25: Flux Cards.

13.E Siphon the Veil

The Active Player creates a new pool of Veil Tokens that will last until their next Siphon the Veil phase.
• Add the number of Veil Tokens left in their previous Veil Token pool
• Add the number of Veil Tokens given by the Flux Card drawn this Player Turn
• Add Veil Tokens from other sources, such as Channel (see “ ”, page )
Up to 12 Veil Tokens can now be removed from the pool to be converted into Magic Dice by the Active Player. For
each full 3 Veil Tokens that were removed, the Active Player adds a single Magic Dice to their Magic Dice pool. Up to
4 Magic Dice may be added to the Active Player’s pool this way.

13.F Veil Token Limits

At the end of Siphon the Veil, the Active Player must discard Veil Tokens from their Veil Token pool until it contains
no more than 3 tokens. The remaining Veil Tokens are saved to be added to the Veil Token pool in the Active Player’s
next Magic Phase.
Some armies can generate Veil Tokens outside Siphon the Veil. This cannot increase the Veil Token pool beyond 6
Veil Tokens.

13.G Spells
Spells are cast during the Magic Phase. Most spells belong to a specific Path of Magic.

13.G.a Spell Properties
All spells are defined by the following 6 properties (see figure ):

1 – Spell Spells are classified into the different categories Learned Spells, Attribute Spells, and Heredi-
Classification tary Spells by letters or numbers.
2 – Spell Use the spell name to state which spell you intend to cast.
3 – Casting The Casting Value is the minimum value you need to reach to succeed a Casting Attempt.
Value Spells may have different Casting Values available (see “ ”, page ).
4 – Type The spell type describes how the spell’s targets have to be chosen.
5 – Duration The duration of a spell determines how long the effects of the spell are applied.
The effect of a spell defines what happens to the target of the spell when the spell is success-
6 – Effect fully cast. Spell effects are never affected by Special Items, Model Rules, other spell effects,
or similar abilities affecting the Caster, unless specifically stated otherwise.
1 – Spell Classification 4 – Type 6 – Effect

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

1 Water Jet
Damage The target suffers D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Pene-
4+ 36″ Hex Instant tration 0, and Magical Attacks.

2 – Spell Name 3 – Casting Value 5 – Duration

Figure 26: Spell Properties in The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles – Arcane Compendium.

13.G.b Spell Classification

All spells are part of one or more of the following categories:

13.G.b.1 Learned Spells

All spells labelled with a number are Learned Spells, which are the main spells of a Path. They are usually numbered
from 1 to 6, which is relevant for the rules.
Each player may only attempt to cast each Learned Spell once per Magic Phase, even if it is known by different
Wizards (unless the spell is Replicable, see below).

13.G.b.2 Hereditary Spells

Most Army Books contain a Hereditary Spell, which is labelled “H” instead of a number. Hereditary Spells follow all
the rules for Learned Spells.

13.G.b.3 Attribute Spells

Attribute Spells are labelled “A”. All Wizards that know at least one spell from a Path of Magic automatically know
the Attribute Spell from that Path if there is any.
Path Attribute Spells are special spells that cannot be cast independently. Instead, the Caster may cast the Attribute
Spell automatically each time it successfully casts a non-Attribute Spell from the corresponding Path. This means
that an Attribute Spell can be cast more than once by the same Caster, and also by different Casters during a Magic
Phase. Attribute Spells cannot be dispelled.

13.G.b.4 Replicable Spells

Some Learned Spells are Replicable Spells and are labelled “rep”. The player may attempt to cast Replicable Spells
multiple times in the same Magic Phase, but each Wizard may only make a single attempt.

13.G.b.5 Bound Spells
Some spells are classified as Bound Spells, which follow different rules than the above (see “ ”, page ).

13.G.c Spell Types

The spell type describes which targets can be chosen for the spell. Unless specifically stated otherwise, a spell
may only have a single target and the target must be a single unit. If a spell has more than one type, apply all the
restrictions of each type.
For example, if a spell has the types Direct, Hex, and Range 12″, the target must be in the Caster’s Front Arc, be an
enemy unit, and be within 12″ of the Caster.

Augment The spell may only target friendly units (or friendly models inside units if Focused).
Aura This spell has an area of effect. Its effects are applied to all possible targets, according to the
rest of the spell types, within X″ of the Caster. For example, a spell with Augment, Aura, and
Range 12″ targets all friendly units within 12″ of the Caster.
Caster The spell targets only the model casting the spell (unless Focused, all model parts are af-
Caster’s Unit The spell targets only the Caster’s unit.
Damage The spell may only target units and/or models not currently Engaged in Combat.
Direct The spell may only target units and/or models in the Caster’s Front Arc.
Focused The spell may only target single models (including a Character inside a unit). If the target
is a Multipart Model (such as a chariot with riders and pulling beasts, or a knight and its
mount), only one model part may be targeted.
Ground The spell doesn’t target units or models. Instead, the target is a point on the Battlefield.
Hex The spell may only target enemy units (or enemy models inside units if Focused).
Missile The spell may only target units and/or models within the Caster’s Line of Sight. It cannot be
cast if the Caster (or its unit) is Engaged in Combat.
Range X″ The spell has a maximum casting range. Only targets within X″ can be chosen. This casting
range is always indicated in the corresponding column in the spell’s profile (see figure ).
Note that any effects that alter a spell’s range do not affect any other distance specifications
that may be part of the spell’s effect.
Universal The spell may target both friendly and enemy units (or models inside units if Focused).

13.G.d Spell Duration

The spell duration specifies how long the effects of the spell are applied. A spell duration can either be Instant, One
Turn, or Permanent as described below:

13.G.d.1 Instant
The effect of the spell has no lasting duration: effects are applied when the spell is cast. Afterwards the spell ends

13.G.d.2 One Turn

The effect of the spell lasts until the start of the Caster’s next Magic Phase. If an affected unit is divided into several
units (the most common example being a Character leaving its unit), each of the units formed this way keeps being
affected by the spell effects. Characters that join a unit affected by One Turn spells are not affected by these spells,
and likewise, units joined by Characters affected by One Turn spells are not affected either.

13.G.d.3 Permanent
The effect of the spell lasts until the end of the game or until a designated ending condition is met (as detailed in the
spell effect). The spell can only be removed by the method described in the spell. If an affected unit is divided into
several units, follow the same restrictions as for One Turn spells.

13.H Spell Casting Sequence
Each of the Active Player’s non-Fleeing models with one or more spells may now attempt to cast each of its spells
up to one time per Magic Phase. The model is referred to as the Caster. In each Magic Phase one Casting Attempt
may be made for each spell, even if this spell is known by different Wizards. Remember that Bound Spells, Attribute
Spells, and Replicable Spells ignore this restriction.
Each casting of a spell is resolved as follows:

A Casting Attempt. If failed, skip steps B–F

B Dispelling Attempt. If successful, skip steps C–F
C In case of , skip steps D–E and go directly to step F
D Resolve the spell effect
E If applicable, choose target(s) for the Attribute Spell and resolve its effect
F If applicable, apply the Miscast effect

13.H.a Casting Attempt

Each Casting Attempt is resolved as follows:

The Active Player declares which Wizard is casting which spell and how many Magic Dice will
1 be used. If applicable, they also declare which version of the spell is used and what its targets
are. Between 1 and 5 dice from the Active Player’s Magic Dice pool must be used.
The Active Player rolls the chosen number of Magic Dice from the Magic Dice pool and adds
2 the results of the rolled dice and any Casting Modifiers together (see “
”, page ). This total is referred to as the total casting roll.
The Casting Attempt is passed if the total casting roll is equal to or greater than the spell’s
Casting Value. The Casting Attempt fails if the total casting roll is less than the spell’s Casting
Value. Note that the Casting Attempt may Fizzle if 2 or more dice were used (see “ ”, page

13.H.a.1 Boosted Spells

Some spells have two Casting Values, with the greater Casting Value being referred to as the Boosted version of the
spell. Boosted versions may have their type (range, target restrictions) and/or duration modified (e.g. giving the
spell a longer range), and/or the effects of the spell changed. Declare if you are trying to cast the Boosted version
before rolling any dice. If no declaration is made, the basic version for the chosen target is assumed to be used.

13.H.b Dispelling Attempt

Whenever the Active Player passes a Casting Attempt, the Reactive Player may attempt to dispel the Casting Attempt:

The Reactive Player declares how many Magic Dice will be used from their pool. The Reactive
1 Player must use at least 1 dice for a Dispelling Attempt. Note that there is no maximum number
of Magic Dice allowed to be used for a Dispelling Attempt.
The Reactive Player rolls the chosen number of dice and adds the results of the rolled dice and
2 any Dispelling Modifiers together (see “ ”, page ), to get the
total dispelling roll.
The Dispelling Attempt is successful if the total dispelling roll is equal to or greater than the
total casting roll. If so, the spell is dispelled and the spell is not cast. The Dispelling Attempt
fails if the total dispelling roll is less than the total casting roll. If so, the spell is successfully cast.
Note that the Dispelling Attempt may Fizzle if 2 or more dice were used (see “ ”, page ).

13.H.c Resolve the Spell

If the spell was not dispelled, it is successfully cast. Apply the spell effects. Afterwards (if applicable), choose a target
for the Path Attribute Spell and immediately apply its effects (Attribute Spells cannot be dispelled).

13.H.d Additional Rules Affecting Casting and Dispelling Attempts
13.H.d.1 Casting and Dispelling Modifiers
There are many potential sources for modifiers to the roll (the most common modifier for casting rolls is the +1 to
cast modifier for being a Wizard Master). Add these modifiers to the casting or dispelling rolls. After all modifiers
are applied, total Casting and Dispelling Modifiers may not exceed +2 and −2.

13.H.d.2 Fizzle
When a Casting Attempt or Dispelling Attempt is failed for which 2 dice or more were used, any Magic Dice that
rolled a natural ‘1’ are returned to the Magic Dice pool they were taken from. Note that this does not apply to passed
Casting Attempts that are then dispelled.

13.I Miscasts
When a player rolls their casting roll and three or more Magic Dice roll the same value, the Casting Attempt results in
a Miscast (regardless of whether the Casting Attempt is passed or not). If the Casting Attempt is successful and not
dispelled, apply the effects of the Miscast, as determined by the value on the Magic Dice as shown in table .
If 3 Magic Dice were used for the casting roll, apply a −1 Miscast Modifier (see “ ”
If 5 Magic Dice were used for the casting roll, apply a +1 Miscast Modifier.

13.I.a Miscast Modifiers and Miscast Table

A +X or −X Miscast Modifier means that X is added to or deducted from the value of the dice yielding the Miscast. For
example, a 222 Miscast with a +1 Miscast Modifier makes a 222 counts as a 333 Miscast.

Three of a kind: Miscast Effects

Apply the effects of 222 and higher after resolving the effects of the spell and any Attribute
000 or lower No effect.
111 Broken Concentration
The Casting Attempt fails (apply Fizzle as normal).
222 Witchfire
The Caster’s unit suffers 1D6 hits with Armour Penetration 2, Magical Attacks, and a Strength
equal to the number of Magic Dice that were used for the casting roll.
333 Magical Inferno
The Caster’s unit suffers 2D6 hits with Armour Penetration 2, Magical Attacks, and a Strength
equal to the number of Magic Dice that were used for the casting roll.
444 Amnesia
The Caster cannot cast the Miscast spell anymore this game.
555 Backlash
The Caster suffers 2 hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.
666 Implosion
The Caster suffers 4 hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.
777 or higher Breach in the Veil
The Caster’s model is removed as a casualty (no saves of any kind allowed).

Table 4: Miscast Table.

13.J Bound Spells
Bound Spells can also be cast by models that are not Wizards, but possessing a Bound Spell does not make a model a
Wizard. A Bound Spell is a spell that is usually contained in a magical artefact of some sort. Bound Spells cannot
be used to cast Boosted versions of the spell they contain. A Bound Spell containing a spell from a Path with an
Attribute also automatically contains the Path Attribute Spell.

13.J.a Power Level

All Bound Spells have two Power Levels, given as values in brackets (usually Power Level (4/8)). The first value is
the Bound Spell’s primary Power Level. This is used when the Bound Spell is cast with 2 Magic Dice. The second
value is the Bound Spell’s secondary Power Level, and is used when the Bound Spell is cast with 3 Magic Dice.

13.J.b Casting a Bound Spell

Casting a Bound Spell ignores the normal Casting Attempt rules, and instead follows a different procedure. Each of
the Active Player’s non-Fleeing models with Bound Spells may attempt to cast each of its Bound Spells up to one
time per Magic Phase. This model is referred to as the Caster. Bound Spells can be cast even if the same spell has
already been cast earlier in the same Magic Phase. Casting a Bound Spell does not prevent the casting of the same
spell later in the same Magic Phase, even as non-Bound Spell.

13.J.b.1 Bound Spell Casting Attempt

The Active Player declares which model will cast which Bound Spell, and whether they will use
1 2 or 3 Magic Dice. If applicable, the Active Player also declares the targets of the spell. The spell
is always cast with the basic version as Bound Spells cannot be Boosted.
The Active Player removes the chosen number of Magic Dice (2 or 3) from their Magic Dice pool
(do not roll them).
3 The Casting Attempt is always passed.
Note that Bound Spells that contain a spell from a Path with an Attribute automatically also contain the Path Attribute
Spell, and that unless specifically stated otherwise Casting Modifiers are not applied to the casting roll of a Bound

13.J.b.2 Bound Spell Dispelling Attempt

Dispelling a Bound Spell works exactly like dispelling a Learned Spell. If 2 Magic Dice were removed the casting
roll is equal to the Bound Spell’s primary Power Level. If 3 Magic Dice were removed the casting roll is equal to the
Bound Spell’s secondary Power Level.

13.K Magical Effects

13.K.a Magical Move
Some spells or abilities enable a unit to perform a Magical Move. The move is performed as if in step 3 of the
Movement Phase Sequence (Moving Units), which means that it follows the same rules and restrictions as if this was
a new Moving Units sub-phase (e.g. Fleeing units, units, units with , or units Engaged in
Combat cannot move). Actions that a unit could normally do in the Moving Units sub-phase can be made (such as
Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units, and so on).
A Magical Move always has a limited movement range (e.g. “the target may perform a 12″ Magical Move”): the
target’s Advance Rate and March Rate are always equal to this value for the duration of the move. A unit can only
perform a single Magical Move per Magic Phase.

13.K.b Recover Health Points
Some spells or abilities can recover Health Points lost earlier in the battle. The amount of Health Points recovered is
noted in the ability (Recover X Health Points). Recovering Health Points can never bring back models that have been
removed as casualties, and cannot increase a model’s Health Points above its starting value.
A Character inside a Combined Unit never recovers Health Points from abilities that allow a unit to recover Health
Points. A Character can only recover Health Points when it is the only target of an ability or spell.
Any excess Recovered Health Points are lost.

13.K.c Raise Health Points

Raise Health Points uses the rules for Recover Health Points with the exception that Raise Health Points can bring
back models that have been removed as casualties. Bringing back models is subject to the following rules and
• First, recover all lost Health Points on models in the unit (except for Characters), then bring back models in the
following order: first Champions, then other R&F models (including Musicians and Standard Bearers). Each
Raised model must be recovered to its full amount of Health Points before another model can be Raised. This
cannot Raise a unit’s number of models above its starting number. Any excess Raised Health Points are lost.
• Raised models without Front Rank must be placed in the rear rank if incomplete, or in a new rear rank if the
current rear rank is complete. In units with one rank (including single model units), a Raised model can either
be placed in the first rank or you can declare the first rank complete and create a new rank. Any models that
cannot be placed in legal positions are lost.
• Any used One use only effects, or destroyed equipment (Special Items or mundane equipment) are not regained.
• Raised models are subject to the same ongoing effects as their unit, and count as Charging if their unit Charged.

13.K.d Summoned Units

Summoned units are units created during the game. All models in a newly Summoned unit must be deployed within
the range of the ability. If the unit is summoned as a result of a Ground type spell, at least one of the Summoned
models must be placed on the targeted point and all models must be within the spell’s range. Summoned models
must be placed at least 1″ away from other units and from Impassable Terrain. If the whole unit cannot be deployed,
then no models can be deployed. Once Summoned, the newly created unit operates as a normal unit on the Caster’s
side. Summoned units do not award Victory Points to the opponent when they are destroyed.

14 Shooting Phase
In the Shooting Phase, models with Shooting Attacks get a chance to use them.

14.A Shooting Phase Sequence

The Shooting Phase is divided into the following steps.

1 Start of the Shooting Phase

2 Select one of your units and perform a Shooting Attack
Repeat step 2 with a different unit that has not performed a Shooting Attack during this phase
4 When all units that can (and want to) shoot have done so, the Shooting Phase ends

14.A.a Shooting With a Unit

Some units have Shooting Weapons or Model Rules that allow them to perform Shooting Attacks. Apply the following
rules for shooting with a unit:

1. Choose a shooting unit

Each unit that can perform a Shooting Attack can do so once per Shooting Phase, with the following conditions and
• Fleeing units, units, units that are Engaged in Combat or were Engaged in Combat at any point during
the Player Turn, and units that have Marched or Reformed this Player Turn cannot perform Shooting Attacks.
• All models in the same unit must shoot at the same target, and only models in the first and second rank
may shoot.
• If models in the unit have more than one type of Shooting Attack, declare which one is used. All R&F models
except Champions must use the same type. Champions and Characters are free to use other types of Shooting
Attacks (still maximum one attack per model, and directed at the same target as the unit).
• In case of Multipart Models, each model part can make a Shooting Attack in the same phase.

2. Choose a target
Nominate an enemy unit within the shooting unit’s Line of Sight as target. Units Engaged in Combat cannot be chosen
as targets.

3. Choose models to shoot with

Now determine which models from the shooting unit will shoot at the target unit:
• Check the Line of Sight for each shooting model. Remember that Line of Sight is always drawn from the model’s
Front Facing. Models that do not have Line of Sight to at least one model in the target unit cannot shoot.
• Measure the range to the target unit for each individual shooting model. This is measured from the actual
position of each shooting model to the closest point of the target’s Unit Boundary (even if this particular point
is not within Line of Sight). Models that are further away from their target than the range of their weapon
cannot shoot (unless performing a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction).
• If the Shooting Attack has a minimum range, the model can only shoot if the target is at least partially outside
the minimum range.
• Any model part in the unit is free to choose not to shoot.

4. Shoot!
Once you have established which models will shoot, these models shoot as many times as indicated in their weapon’s
profile. For each shot, roll to hit with each model, as described below, and then follow the Attack Sequence rules
(page ) after determining the number of hits.

14.B Aim
A Shooting Weapon’s Aim tells you what the model needs to roll on a D6 to successfully hit its target. This roll is
called a to-hit roll. A weapon’s Aim is written in brackets after the weapon’s name. Each unit has its own Aim for
a given Shooting Weapon available to it. For example, an elven archer might have a Longbow (3+) while a human
peasant only has a Longbow (4+). The elf would hit its target if it rolls 3 or higher on a D6, while the human would
need to roll 4 or higher.

14.C To-Hit Modifiers

Shooting Attacks may suffer one or more to-hit modifiers to their to-hit rolls. If so, simply modify the dice roll for the
shot with the given modifiers. The most common to-hit modifiers are explained below and summarised in table . If
one or more hits are scored, follow the procedure described under “ ”, page . A natural roll of ‘1’ is always a

Long Range −1 Stand and Shoot −1

(if ) 0 Soft Cover −1
Moving and Shooting −1 Hard Cover −2
(if ) 0 −X
(if ) −2
(if both) −1

Table 5: Summary of To-Hit Modifiers.

14.C.a Long Range (−1 to hit)

If the distance from the shooting model to the target is more than half the weapon’s range, the shooting model suffers
a −1 to-hit modifier. Remember that you measure range for each shooting model individually.
For rules purposes, any model not shooting at Long Range is considered to be at Short Range.

14.C.b Moving and Shooting (−1 to hit)

A model that has moved during this Player Turn suffers a −1 to-hit modifier.

14.C.c Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction (−1 to hit)

Shooting Attacks made as part of a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction suffer a −1 to-hit modifier.

14.C.d Cover
Cover is determined individually for each shooting model. There are two types of Cover: Soft Cover and Hard Cover.
The most common reason for applying Cover is the target being obscured by Terrain or other models, or the target
being inside a Terrain Feature.

Determine if the target benefits from Cover as follows:

Determine which Arc of the target the shooting model is Located in. The corresponding Facing
is referred to as Target Facing.
2 Choose any point on the shooting model’s Front Facing.
For targets on rectangular bases:
• From the chosen point, check how large the fraction of the Target Facing is that is behind
obstructions (see figures and ).
• If half or more of the Target Facing is obscured, the target benefits from Cover.
For targets on round bases:
• From the chosen point, check whether the nearest point on the Target Facing, referred to
as Target Point, is behind obstructions.
• If this point is obscured, the target benefits from Cover.
Note that:
• This is not Line of Sight. Check what is behind obstructions even outside of the shooting model’s Front Arc.
• Models always ignore their own unit and the Terrain Feature they are inside for Cover purposes (e.g. a model
shooting from a Forest doesn’t suffer a Soft Cover modifier for shooting through or at a target inside that

14.C.d.1 Target Benefiting from Soft Cover (−1 to hit)

A model shooting at a target that benefits from Soft Cover suffers a −1 to-hit modifier. Soft Cover applies if more than
half of the Target Facing or the Target Point is obscured by either:
• Covering Terrain that contributes to Soft Cover
• Models that do not block Line of Sight, except if the target and/or the shooting model is of Gigantic Height
(see “ ”, page ), and the obscuring model is of Standard Height (in which case no cover is
applied) (remember that and affect what blocks Line of Sight)
For examples, see figure for Cover inside Terrain, and figure for Cover behind intervening models.

a) b)


Figure 27: Example of Soft Cover inside a Terrain Feature.

a) The left model in unit A is Located in unit B’s Flank Arc, so unit B’s Flank Facing is the Target Facing. More than
half of the Target Facing is obscured inside the Forest, so unit B benefits from Soft Cover against the left model.

b) The right model in unit A is Located in unit B’s Front Arc, so unit B’s Front Facing is the Target Facing. Less than
half of the Target Facing is obscured inside the Forest, so unit B does not benefit from Soft Cover against the right

14.C.d.2 Target Benefiting from Hard Cover (−2 to hit)
A model shooting at a target that benefits from Hard Cover suffers a −2 to-hit modifier. Hard Cover applies if more
than half of the Target Facing or the Target Point is obscured by either:
• Covering Terrain that contributes to Hard Cover
• Models that do block Line of Sight (remember that and affect what blocks Line of Sight)
See figure for an example of Hard Cover.

a) b) c)
More than half Less than half
Not within of the Target of the Target
Line of Sight Facing is Facing is
obscured obscured

    Within Line of Sight

Within Line of Sight

Figure 28: Example of Hard Cover.

a) The model cannot shoot (as its Line of Sight is blocked).

b) The model can shoot (as the enemy is within Line of Sight). Hard Cover is applied since more than half of the
Target Facing is obscured by a Terrain Feature that contributes to Hard Cover.

c) The model can shoot (enemy within Line of Sight). No Cover is applied since half or less of the Target Facing is
obscured by a Terrain Feature that contributes to Hard Cover.

14.C.d.3 Target Benefiting from Soft and Hard Cover

If a target benefits from both Soft and Hard Cover, only apply the Hard Cover modifier.
If parts of the Target Facing are obscured by obstructions that contribute to Soft and Hard Cover, but not enough to
grant either Soft Cover or Hard Cover, apply only the Soft Cover modifier if more than half of the Target Facing is
obscured. For example, if 30% of the Target Facing is obscured by Terrain contributing to Soft Cover, and another
30% by Terrain contributing to Hard Cover, then apply the Soft Cover modifier, as 60% of the Target Facing is
obscured in total (see figure ).

Less than half of the Figure 29: Example of Soft and Hard Cover.
Target Facing is in Soft  
Less than half of the Target Facing is obscured by
Height: Large
Height: Standard obstructions contributing either to Soft or Hard
C Cover. However, more than half is obscured by
the combination of both. In this case, the target
More than half of
the total Target counts as benefiting from Soft Cover.
Facing is in Cover

Less than half of the Target Facing is in Hard Cover 

Height: Large

14.D Hopeless Shots
When to-hit modifiers make the needed roll to hit with a Shooting Attack 7+, apply the following procedure:

1 Roll to hit. Rolls of ‘6’ are considered successful.

For each successful roll, roll to hit again: on a roll of 4+, this second to-hit roll is successful, and
the shot hits.
3 Proceed as described under “ ”, page .
If there are enough modifiers to make the needed roll to hit 8 or more, the shot cannot hit.
For example, a model with Bow (4+) shoots at a target benefiting from Hard Cover (−2 to hit), and is Moving and
Shooting (−1). This would require the shooter to roll 7+ on a D6, which means that this shot follows the Hopeless
Shots rule. If a ‘6’ is rolled, roll to-hit again. If the shooter manages to roll 4+ on the second attempt, the shot hits.

Soft Cover (−1 to hit)

Standard Standard Large Large Standard Large

Standard Large Gigantic Large Large Gigantic Gigantic Large Gigantic

No Cover

Standard Standard Gigantic Large Standard Gigantic Gigantic Standard Gigantic

Figure 30: Soft Cover from intervening models.

This diagram shows all possible Height combinations between shooting, target, and intervening models that result in
Soft Cover or No Cover. The intervening model is assumed to be placed in such a way that it is sufficiently obscuring
the target from the shooter. All other Height combinations yield either Hard Cover or no Line of Sight, depending on
whether the target is completely obscured by the intervening model or not.

15 Melee Phase
In the Melee Phase, both players’ units Engaged in Combat must attack.

15.A Melee Phase Sequence

Each Melee Phase is divided into the following steps:

1 Start of the Melee Phase

2 Apply any instances of
3 The Active Player chooses a combat that has not already been fought during this Melee Phase
4 Fight a Round of Combat (see “ ”, page )
5 Repeat steps 2–4
Once all units that were Engaged in Combat at the start of the phase have fought, the Melee
Phase ends
Complete all actions in the Round of Combat Sequence for each unit Engaged in the chosen combat before resolving
the next combat.

15.B Combat
A combat is defined as a group of opposing units that are all connected through base contact. Normally, this would
be two units pitted against one another, but it could also be several units against a single enemy unit or a long chain
of units from both sides.

15.B.a First Round of Combat

Certain rules only apply to the First Round of Combat. A unit’s First Round of Combat is:
• The Round of Combat after it successfully Charged an enemy unit
• The Round of Combat after it was successfully Charged by an enemy unit if previously unengaged

15.C No Longer Engaged

Sometimes a unit that was previously Engaged in Combat had all of its opponents removed since the end of the
previous Melee Phase. Such units follow the rules described in “ ”, page . If the unit has not moved
since the enemy units were removed (e.g. with a Magical Move), it may perform a Post-Combat Pivot or a Post-Combat
Reform, or an Overrun if it just Charged.

15.D Round of Combat Sequence
Each Round of Combat is divided into the following steps:

1 Start of the Round of Combat

2 Choose a weapon (see “ ”, page )
3 (see “ ”, page )
4 (see “ ”, page )
5 Determine the Initiative Order
Roll Melee Attacks, starting with the first Initiative Step:
1. Allocate attacks
6 2. Roll to hit, to wound, saves, and remove casualties
3. Repeat 1. and 2. for the next Initative Step
7 Calculate which side wins the Round of Combat. Losers roll Break Tests
8 Roll for units within 6″ of friendly Broken units
9 Decide to Restrain or to Pursue
10 Roll Flee Distances
11 Roll Pursuit Distances
12 Move Fleeing units
13 Move Pursuing units
14 and
16 End of the Round of Combat. Proceed to the next combat

15.D.a Initiative Order

Melee Attacks are performed in Rounds of Combat during the Melee Phase. All Melee Attacks have a specific Agility
value that corresponds to the Agility of their model part, unless specifically stated otherwise (such as or
Each Round of Combat is fought in a strict striking order, referred to as Initiative Order. The Initiative Order in a
combat is determined immediately before any attacks are made. Take into account all modifiers that affect the Agility
of attacks that may be performed in this Round of Combat. Once the Initiative Order has been determined for a
Round of Combat, it cannot be changed by effects that alter the Agility of attacks during that Round of Combat. The
order starts at Initiative Step 10 with all attacks with Agility 10, and is resolved downwards to Initiative Step 0 with
all attacks with Agility 0.
At each Initiative Step, all attacks from this step that meet the necessary requirements (see ,
below) strike simultaneously.

15.D.b Charging Momentum

Charging models gain +1 Agility.

15.D.c Which Models can Attack

Models in base contact with an enemy attack during their Initiative Step (remember that models are considered to
be in base contact across gaps: see “ ”, page ). Models from both sides
attack in each player’s Melee Phase.

15.D.c.1 Supporting Attacks
Models in the second rank and not in base contact with any enemy models can perform Close Combat Attacks across
models in the first rank directly in front of them. These Close Combat Attacks are called Supporting Attacks. A model
part that performs Supporting Attacks always has a maximum Attack Value of X, where X is defined by the Height of
the model (see “ ”, page ).

Figure 31: Which models can attack?

Models colour-coded with a darker shade can all strike. Models with
A a bold frame count as being in base contact with an enemy; note that

B models are considered to be in base contact across gaps. Models

colour-coded with a lighter shade cannot make Supporting Attacks.

Unit C is in Line Formation and thus both the second and third rank
can make Supporting Attacks. Unit B is not Engaged in its Front
C Facing; its models cannot make Supporting Attacks to their Flank or
Rear; they could only strike across the first rank.

15.D.d Allocating Attacks

At each Initiative Step, before any attacks are rolled, Close Combat Attacks must first be allocated towards enemy
models. If a model is in base contact with more than one enemy model, it can choose which model to attack. Attacks
can be allocated towards models with different Health Pools, i.e. R&F models, Champions, and Characters (see
“ ”, page ). The number of Close Combat Attacks a model can make is equal to its Attack Value, which can be
modified by equipment, Attack Attributes, spells, etc. If a model has an Attack Value above 1, it can allocate its Close
Combat Attacks towards different enemy models in base contact. If a model is making Supporting Attacks, it can
allocate its attacks as if it was in the first rank of the unit (in the same file). Allocate all attacks at each Initiative Step
before making any to-hit rolls.

15.D.d.1 Swirling Melee

R&F models Engaged in Combat may be in positions in the unit where, based on the general rules for allocating
attacks, they can either:
• allocate attacks (including Supporting Attacks) only towards enemy Characters or Champions
• not allocate any attacks at all due to enemy models fighting a Duel
Such models may elect to allocate their Close Combat Attacks towards R&F models of the same unit instead. Note
that Swirling Melee cannot be used by Characters.
Figure illustrates how attacks can be allocated in a complex case.

Figure 32: Example for allocating attacks.

The Champion of unit B (Ch) and Character 𝐶2 are locked in

a Duel (indicated by the chess pattern). This means that they

can only allocate attacks towards each other. The magenta
and green models can allocate attacks towards the R&F
models of the other unit. The models with a bold frame
𝐶1 𝐶2 Ch can allocate attacks towards Characters/Champions. The
models in fainter colours with dashed frames cannot attack
Ch 𝐶3
at all. Character 𝐶1 cannot attack because the only model it

B is in base contact with is a Champion that is locked in a Duel.

If 𝐶1 was a R&F model, it could allocate attacks towards the
magenta R&F models.

15.D.e Rolling to Hit
Roll a D6 for each Close Combat Attack, referred to as to-hit rolls. The needed roll to hit the target is determined by
the difference between the Offensive Skill of the attacking model part and the Defensive Skill of the model the attack
was allocated towards. See table below.
To-hit modifiers can alter this to-hit roll. Close Combat to-hit rolls that are modified to hit on better than 2+ always
fail on a natural roll of ‘1’, while they are always successful on a natural roll of ‘6’ even if they are modified beyond 6+.
Example: a model has Offensive Skill 3, Attack Value 2, and is equipped with Paired Weapons, which gives it a total
of 3 attacks. The model may allocate two attacks towards a model with Defensive Skill 2, which hit on 3+, and one
towards a model with Defensive Skill 8, which hits on 5+.
Once you have determined the number of hits, follow the Attack Sequence rules (page ).

Offensive Skill minus Defensive Skill Needed roll to hit

4 or more 2+
1 to 3 3+
0 to −3 4+
−4 to −7 5+
−8 or less 6+

Table 6: Close Combat to-Hit Table.

15.D.f Losing Base Contact

Removing casualties may cause units to lose base contact with their foe. When this happens, units are nudged back
into combat using the following procedure:
1. The unit that is going to lose base contact while not suffering casualties is moved the minimum amount needed
to keep the units in base contact.
2. If this will not bring the units back into contact, move the unit suffering casualties the minimum amount
needed to keep the units in base contact.
A nudged unit can only be moved in a straight line forwards, backwards, to either side, or a combination of two
of these directions (first one, then the other). Units that are in base contact with other enemy units can never be
nudged in this way. Nudged units cannot move through the Unit Boundary of other units or Impassable Terrain.
They also cannot move into base contact with enemy units that they were not in base contact with before the nudge
move, but they are allowed to move within 1″ of the Unit Boundary of other units Engaged in the same Combat.
Nudge moves cannot be used to change the Facing in which any unit is fighting (which means that if the unit was
Engaged in the Flank before the nudge move, this must still be true after the nudge move). If several units lose base
contact at the same time, move them in the order that allows the maximum number of units to stay in combat. If this
number is equal, the Active Player decides the order.
If nudging either unit does not manage to bring the units back into contact with each other, the unit Drops out of
Combat. Any units that are no longer Engaged in Combat follow the rules given under “ ”, page .

15.E Duels
15.E.a Issuing a Duel
Characters and Champions Engaged in Combat may issue a Duel at step 4 of the Round of Combat Sequence (see
“ ”, page ). The Active Player may nominate one of their Characters or Champions and
issue a Duel, provided that there is at least one enemy Champion or Character able to accept it (this enemy model’s
unit must be in base contact with the unit of the model that issued the Duel, and there must not be any ongoing Duel
in this combat; see below).
If the Duel was refused, or if no Duel was issued, the Reactive Player may nominate one of their Characters or
Champions that did not refuse the Active Player’s Duel and issue a Duel.

15.E.b Accepting or Refusing a Duel
If a Duel was issued, the opponent may now choose one of their own Characters or Champions Engaged in the same
Combat to accept the Duel and fight the Character or Champion that issued the Duel. The model that accepts the
Duel must be in a unit that is in base contact with the unit of the model that issued the Duel.
If a Duel isn’t accepted it is said to be refused. The player issuing the Duel now nominates one of their opponent’s
Characters that could have accepted the Duel, if there is any (note that Champions cannot be nominated).
The chosen model:
• Has its Discipline set to 0, and it loses (if it has it)
• Cannot perform any Melee Attacks
• Loses (if it has it)
• In case of a , doesn’t add +1 to its side’s Combat Score
The effects end:
• At the end of the Player Turn in which the combat ends
• When the chosen Character accepts or issues a Duel
• At the end of the Player Turn if there no longer is an enemy model Engaged in the same Combat that could
accept a Duel

15.E.c Fighting a Duel

If the Duel was accepted, the model that issued the Duel and the model that accepted the Duel will fight the Duel
based on the following rules:
• The two models count as being in base contact with each other (even if their bases are not physically touching
each other) and must allocate all their Close Combat Attacks towards each other.
• Melee Attacks made towards a unit as a whole (such as , , ,
) can only be distributed onto the opposing duellist. Melee Attacks made at specific models (such as all
models in base contact) are unaffected and work as normal.
• No other model can allocate attacks towards either of these models, and attacks/hits from Melee Attacks can
never be distributed onto a model that is fighting a Duel.
• If one of the models is removed as a casualty in the Melee Phase before the other model had a chance to make
all its Melee Attacks (this is a common situation with Characters that have attacks with more than one Agility
value, such as a rider and its mount, or a model with Stomp Attacks), any of the attacks not yet carried out can
and must be directed at the removed model, as if it was still Engaged and in base contact, in order to get an
Overkill bonus. Note that the gap from the removed model is filled immediately during the Initiative Step in
which the model is removed, according to the rules for “ ”, page .
• If one of the models is removed as a casualty, Breaks, or if the combat ends for any reason (including being
divided through Splitting Combat), the Duel ends at the end of the phase. If neither model is removed as a
casualty and both their units are still Engaged with one another at the beginning of the next Round of Combat,
the Duel continues. No other Duel can be issued in the same combat before the Duel ends.

15.E.d Overkill
During a Duel, any excess Health Point losses caused count towards the , up to a maximum of +3.

15.F Winning a Round of Combat
15.F.a Combat Score
Once all Initiative Steps have passed (i.e. all models have had a chance to attack), the winner of this Round of Combat
is determined by calculating each side’s Combat Score. Simply add up all Combat Score bonuses. The side with
the higher Combat Score wins the Round of Combat and the side with the lower Combat Score loses the Round of
Combat. If there is a tie, both sides are treated as winners. The different Combat Score bonuses are described below
and summarised in table .

15.F.a.1 Lost Health Points on enemy units: +1 for each Health Point
Each player adds up the number of Health Points lost from their opponent’s units (Engaged in the same Combat)
during this Round of Combat. This includes enemies that were Engaged in the Combat but Dropped out of Combat
or were completely wiped out during this Round of Combat.

15.F.a.2 Overkill: +1 for each Health Point (maximum +3)

In a Duel, excess Health Points lost by the enemy model after it was removed as a casualty are counted towards the
Combat Score. A maximum of +3 can be added to your Combat Score due to Overkill. Note that excess Health Point
losses are only counted when fighting a Duel. In all other situations, excess Health Point losses count for nothing.

15.F.a.3 Charge: +1
Each side with one or more Charging models receives +1 to their Combat Score.

15.F.a.4 Rank Bonus: +1 for each Full Rank after the first (maximum +3)
Each side adds +1 to their Combat Score for each after the first in a single unit, up to a maximum of +3.
Only count this for a single unit per side (use the unit that gives the highest Rank Bonus). Units in
cannot add Rank Bonus to their Combat Score.

15.F.a.5 Standards: +1 for each Standard and Battle Standard Bearer

Each side adds +1 to their Combat Score for each Standard Bearer and Battle Standard Bearer Engaged in Combat at
the end of the Round of Combat.

15.F.a.6 Flank Bonus: +1 or +2

Each side adds +1 to their Combat Score if they have one or more units fighting an enemy in the enemy’s Flank. If at
least one of these units (that are fighting an enemy in its Flank) has one or more Full Ranks, add +2 instead.

15.F.a.7 Rear Bonus: +2 or +3

Each side adds +2 to their Combat Score if they have one or more units fighting an enemy in the enemy’s Rear. If at
least one of these units (that are fighting an enemy in its Rear) has one or more Full Ranks, add +3 instead.

15.F.a.8 Combat Score Summary

Health Points Lost by Enemy Units +1 for each Health Point

Overkill +1 for each Health Point (maximum +3)
Charge +1
Rank Bonus +1 for each Full Rank after the first (maximum +3)
Standard +1 for each Standard and Battle Standard Bearer
Flank Bonus +1 or +2
Rear Bonus +2 or +3

Table 7: Combat Score Summary.

15.G Break Test
Each unit on the side that lost the Round of Combat must take a Break Test. The order is chosen by the losing player.
A Break Test is a Discipline Test with a negative modifier equal to the Combat Score difference (i.e. if the Combat
Score was 6 to 3, the units on the losing side take Break Tests with a −3 modifier).
If the test is passed, the unit remains Engaged in the Combat. If the test is failed, the unit Breaks and Flees. Remember
that units within 6” of a friendly unit that Breaks must take a Panic Test (see ).

15.G.a Steadfast
Any units that have more Full Ranks than each of the enemy units Engaged in the same Combat are considered
Steadfast. Steadfast units ignore Discipline modifiers from the Combat Score difference when rolling Break Tests
(and tests to ).

15.G.b Disrupted Ranks

A unit cannot use the Steadfast rule if it is Engaged in Combat in its Flank or Rear with an enemy unit with at least 2
Full Ranks.

15.G.c No More Foes

Sometimes a unit destroys all enemy units in base contact and finds itself no longer Engaged in Combat (so it cannot
provide Combat Score bonuses such as Standards or Flank). These units always count as winning the combat, and
can either make an (if they were Charging), a , or a .
When this happens in multiple combats, the Combat Score resulting from lost Health Points by the unit and its
enemies counts, but all other Combat Score bonuses are ignored. Note that the unit itself doesn’t take a Break Test
since it always counts as if on the winning side.

15.G.d Splitting Combat

If due to removing casualties, two or more disconnected subgroups of opposing units are created (see figure ),
resolve the Combat normally (accounting for every unit that took part in this Round of Combat), checking any
remaining base contact for the purpose of Rear and Flank Bonuses. In the next Melee Phase, each subgroup will be
treated as a separate combat.

a) b)



Figure 33: Splitting combat.

a) Unit A suffers casualties, which results in unit D no longer being in base contact. Neither unit A nor unit D can be
nudged back into base contact since they are in base contact with other enemies (see “ ”, page
). Calculate Combat Score in this case as one single combat (only unit C grants a Flank Bonus).

b) In the next Player Turn, this situation will count as two separate combats.

15.H Pursuits and Overruns
Before moving Broken units, each unit that is in base contact with the Broken unit(s) may declare a Pursuit of a
single Broken unit (each Pursuing unit may choose any eligible enemy unit to Pursue). Determine the direction of
the Flee Move as follows:
• If the Broken unit is in contact with a single enemy unit, its Flee Move will be directed away from that unit.
• If the Broken unit is in contact with more than one enemy unit, the owner of the enemy units must declare
which of those units the Flee Move will be directed away from.
To be able to Pursue a Broken enemy, the unit cannot be Engaged with any non-Broken enemy units and must be in
base contact with the Broken unit. Units can elect not to Pursue, but must then pass a Discipline Test to succeed in
restraining themselves, referred to as Restrain Pursuit Test; if the test is failed, the unit must Pursue anyway. If the
test is passed, the unit may do either a or a .

15.H.1 Overrun
A unit that fought its First Round of Combat after Charging can choose to make a special Pursuit Move called Overrun
(instead of a Post-Combat Pivot or Post-Combat Reform), if all enemy units in base contact were wiped out (including
units removed from play as a result of or something similar). Overruns follow the rules for moving Pursuing
units, except that step 1. Pivot is ignored (i.e. Overruns are straight forward) and that no Restrain Pursuit Test is
required. Check which Arc the Overrunning unit is Located in for each enemy unit that may be Charged later in this
process. If the Overrun Move will lead to a Charge, it will be in the Facing determined at this point.

15.H.a Roll for Flee and Pursuit Distances

Each Broken unit now rolls 2D6 to determine its Flee Distance, and each unit that has declared a Pursuit now rolls
2D6 to determine its Pursuit Distance. If any Pursuing unit rolls a Pursuit Distance equal or higher than the Flee
Distance of the unit it is Pursuing, the Fleeing unit is immediately destroyed. Remove that unit as a casualty (with no
saves of any kind allowed). If several units are Fleeing from the same combat, the units move in the same order as
their Flee Distance was rolled (the owner chooses in which order they roll the Flee Distance). The Active Player
chooses which player will roll for their Pursuing units first. Each player chooses the order in which they roll the
Pursuit Distances of their own Pursuing units.

15.H.b Flee Distance and Fleeing Units

Each Broken unit that was not captured and destroyed will now Flee directly away from the previously determined
enemy unit. Pivot the Fleeing unit so that its Rear Facing is parallel with the Facing it was Engaged in (of the enemy
unit the Flee Move is directed away from), and then move the Fleeing unit straight forward a number of inches equal
to the Flee Distance rolled earlier. Use the rules for with the exception that units that are Engaged in the
same Combat do not cause Dangerous Terrain Tests. If the direction of the Flee Move cannot be determined, e.g.
because the enemy units that won the Round of Combat were removed as casualties, the Broken unit Flees directly
away from the closest enemy unit instead (Centre of Unit to Centre of Unit).

15.H.c Pursuit Distance and Pursuing Units

Each Pursuing unit now performs a Pursuit Move, which is divided into three consecutive steps.
Impassable Terrain, enemy units that Fled from the combat involving the Pursuing unit, and friendly units that were
not part of that combat are considered to be obstructions for the Pursuit Move. Models cannot move into or through
obstructions during Pursuit Moves. All friendly units that were part of the same combat are treated as Open Terrain
for steps 1 and 2 of the Pursuit Move.
Before moving any unit, check:
• Which Pursuing unit would Charge an enemy unit (see 2.2 Enemy Unit below). Ignore other Pursuing units
potentially rendering the Charge impossible.
• Which Arc the Pursuing unit is Located in for each enemy unit that may be Charged later in this process. If the
Pursuit Move will lead to a Charge, it will be in the Facing determined at this point.
The Charging units will be moved first, in the order that best satisfies the priority order of “ ”,
page (see figure ). Afterwards the remaining Pursuing units will be moved, in an order chosen by the owner.

1. Pivot
The Pursuing unit Pivots so that it is facing the same direction as the Pursued unit, or if destroyed, the direction the
Pursued unit would have had, had it not been destroyed. Ignore the rule during this Pivot.
After the Pivot, one of the four situations below will arise. If more than one is applicable, apply the uppermost one.
1. If the Front Facing of the Pursuing unit would overlap the Board Edge, the unit Pursues off the Board (see
“ ”, page ).
2. If the Front Facing of the Pursuing unit would overlap the Unit Boundary of an enemy unit that did not Flee
from the same combat, it declares a Charge against that unit. If there is more than one possible target, the
Pivoting unit chooses which to Charge. The Charged unit may not perform any Charge Reactions (not even if
already Fleeing). Remove the Pursuing unit from the Battlefield and then place it back on the Battlefield with its
Front Facing in base contact with its target, in the Facing determined before the Pivot, maximising the number
of Engaged models as normal but keeping the Centre of the unit as close as possible to its starting position
while doing so. If there is not enough room to place the Pursuing unit, treat the enemy unit as obstruction
3. If the Front Facing of the Pursuing unit would overlap an obstruction, the unit instead Pivots so that it faces as
close as possible towards the direction of the the Pursued unit, while following the Unit Spacing rule (normally
this means stopping 1″ away from the obstacle), and then moves no farther (i.e. ignore steps 2 and 3).
4. If the Front Facing of the Pursuing unit touches neither of the above, proceed to step 2. Note that only the
Front Facing needs to be clear: Unit Boundaries, Impassable Terrain, or the Board Edge overlapping other
parts of the unit are ignored during steps 1–3.

2. Forward Ahead
Without moving the Pursuing unit, check what the first obstacle (Board Edge, enemy Unit Boundary, or obstruction)
within the rectangle directly ahead of the unit formed by its Front Facing and the rolled Pursuit Distance would be.
The Unit Spacing rule is ignored when doing this check and for all movement during Forward Ahead. If more than
one is applicable, apply the uppermost one.

2.1. Board Edge

If the first obstacle would be the Board Edge, move the unit straight forward until it touches the Board Edge and
then follow the rules for .

2.2. Enemy Unit

If the first obstacle would be the Unit Boundary of an enemy unit that did not Flee from the same combat, the
Pursuing unit declares a Charge against that unit, using its Pursuit Distance roll as its Charge Range. If there is more
than one possible target, the Pursuing unit chooses which to Charge. The Charged unit may not perform any Charge
Reactions (not even if already Fleeing). The Pursuing unit immediately performs a Charge Move (following all the
normal rules) towards the previously determined Facing.
If the Pursuing unit joins a combat that has already been fought or was created during this Melee Phase, it will be
resolved in the next Melee Phase (with the Charging unit still counting as Charging). If the Pursuing unit joins a
combat that wasn’t created during this Melee Phase and that hasn’t been fought yet, the unit will have a chance to
fight and Pursue again this phase.
If the Charge is not possible to complete, the unit does not perform a Failed Charge Move but treats the enemy unit
as obstruction and proceeds to 2.3 instead.

2.3. Obstruction or No Obstacle

If the first obstacle, if any, would not be an enemy Unit Boundary or the Board Edge, the Pursuing unit now moves its
Pursuit Distance straight forward. If this brings the Front Facing of the unit into base contact with an obstruction,
the unit stops.

3. Legal Position?
At the end of the Pursuit Move, check if the unit is in a legal position. It cannot be in base contact with a unit it didn’t
declare a Charge against, and it must follow the rule, which includes friendly units that were part of the
same combat. If the unit is not in a legal position, backtrack the move to the unit’s last legal position where it follows
the Unit Spacing rule.
Figure shows a simple example of a Pursuit Move, figure illustrates a case where two units are Pursuing into
an enemy unit, and figure introduces more complex cases.

a) b)
Figure 34: Simple example of a Pursuit.
6″ a) Unit A Breaks from Combat. It Pivots to face away
from unit B, and then moves the Flee Distance for-

B b) Unit B Pursues. It does not need to Pivot as it is al-

ready facing the same direction as unit A, and moves
the Pursuit Distance forwards.

Pursuit Distance
a) Unit A

Figure 35: Example of two units Pursuing into the
same enemy unit.
Flee Distance
Unit D E a) Unit D loses the combat, Breaks, and Flees 7″.
B D The owner of the winning units chooses to roll for
unit A’s Pursuit Distance first. 6″ is not enough to
catch the Fleeing unit. Unit B’s Pursuit Distance is
7″, so it is equal or higher than unit D’s Flee Dis-
Pursuit Distance Pursuit Distance tance: the Fleeing unit is immediately destroyed.
Unit B Unit C Unit C’s Pursuit Distance is 5″.
b) 6″

E b) When checking which units will Charge an en-

emy unit during their Pursuit, before moving any
Pursuing unit, it turns out that both unit A and
B unit B will Charge unit E, so both units declare a
Charge against unit E. Unit C will not Charge any
7″ enemy units.



c) Now units A and B perform their Pursuit Moves

B first. During this move, they can move through one
another as they treat each other as Open Terrain.
Otherwise they move using the normal rules for
Moving Chargers (one Wheel allowed, Maximising
1 Contact). In order to maximise the number of mod-
A E els and units in base contact, unit A aligns its Front
Facing with unit E’s, while unit B moves into cor-
ner to corner contact with unit E. Afterwards unit
C Pivots and moves its Pursuit Distance straight

2 C

a) 1″
B Figure 36: Examples of Pursuits.
The Front Facing of the Pursuing
unit touches a friendly Unit
Boundary. a) Unit C is in unit A’s Flank. Unit A wins com-
bat, unit C Breaks and Flees, unit A Pursues. Pivot-
A ing unit A would make its Front Facing overlap a
friendly unit, unit B. The Pivot is instead made as
C close as possible to the intended direction and the
Pursuit Move ends.

D b) Unit C is in unit A’s Flank. Unit A wins combat,
unit C Breaks and Flees, unit A Pursues. Pivoting
The Front Facing of the Pursuing unit A would make its Front Facing overlap an en-
A unit touches an enemy Unit
emy unit, unit D. Unit A is removed from the Battle-
field and then placed back on the Battlefield with its
Front Facing in base contact with the Charged unit
D’s Front Facing, maximising contact while keep-
C ing the Centre of the unit as close as possible to its
starting position.


The first obstacle would be an E
enemy unit.

c) Unit G Breaks and Flees from unit E. No obstacles

are encountered during the Pivot. The first obsta-
cle unit E would encounter during its move ahead
is unit F. Unit E must now perform a Charge Move
against unit F, Maximising Contact as usual.


The first obstacle would be an

d) obstruction.
d) Unit G Breaks and Flees from unit E. No obstacles
are encountered during the Pivot. The first obstacle
unit E would encounter during its move ahead is
E Impassable Terrain. Unit E is moved into contact
with the Impassable Terrain. However, this position
1″ G breaks the Unit Spacing rule. Unit E’s Pursuit move
is backtracked to its last legal position.


15.H.d Pursuing off the Board
When a unit Pursues off the Board, it will leave the Battlefield and will return during the owner’s next Movement
Phase, using the rules for arriving (see “ ”, page ), with the following exceptions:
• It automatically arrives.
• It must be placed with its rear rank centred on a point at which it contacted the Board Edge, or as close as
• It must arrive in the same formation as it left.
• It does not count as destroyed at the end of the game, nor does it lose .

15.H.e Post-Combat Pivot and Post-Combat Reform

After Pursuing and Fleeing units have been moved, the other units that were Engaged in the same Combat but are now
unengaged may now perform one of the manoeuvres below (in an order determined by the rules for “
”, page ).

15.H.e.1 Post-Combat Pivot

The unit Pivots around its Centre and/or may reorganise models with the rule (they must still be in legal

15.H.e.2 Post-Combat Reform

The unit performs a Reform manoeuvre. If it does, the unit doesn’t count as for claiming Secondary Objectives
until the start of the following Player Turn and may not declare any Charges in the following Player Turn.

15.I Combat Reforms
Each unit still Engaged in Combat after all Fleeing and Pursuing units have moved, and after Post-Combat Pivots and
Post-Combat Reforms have been performed, now performs a Combat Reform.
• Units on the losing side of the combat must pass a Discipline Test in order to do so. Apply the same modifiers
as for the previous (i.e. apply the Combat Score difference, unless the unit is or ).
• Units Engaged in more than one Facing can never perform any Combat Reforms.
• After all Discipline tests have been taken, the Active Player decides which player performs their Combat
Reforms first. After this player has completed all Combat Reforms with their units (one at a time, in any order),
the opponent Combat Reforms their units.
• Each player may choose not to Combat Reform one or more of their units.
When performing a Combat Reform, remove a unit from the Battlefield and place it back, following these restrictions:
• The unit must be placed in a legal formation (following the rule, etc.).
– The unit is allowed to come within 0.5″ of units Engaged in the same Combat, but it cannot move into
base contact with enemy units that it was not in base contact with before the Combat Reform.
• The unit must be placed in base contact with all the enemy units it was in base contact before the Combat
Reform, and in the same Facing of the enemy unit(s).
• All models in the unit must be placed with their centre within their March Rate from their position before the
Combat Reform.
• Characters that were in base contact with an enemy must still be after the Combat Reform.
– This applies to both enemy and friendly Characters.
– A Character may end up in base contact with different enemy models than it was before the Combat
• After each Combat Reform, at least as many models of the Combat Reforming unit must be in base contact
with enemy models as there were before.
– These don’t have to be the same models.
Furthermore, after a player has completed all their Combat Reforms, all enemy models that were in base contact
with opposing models before the Combat Reform must still be in base contact after the Combat Reform, but they
may be Engaged with different models or units.
See figure for an example of Combat Reforms.

a) b) c)

𝐶1 𝐶1 𝐶1
𝐶2 𝐶2 𝐶2

Figure 37: Combat Reforms.

a) At the end of a Round of Combat, the Combined Unit A is Engaged with unit B and the Combined Unit C. All units
perform Combat Reforms, starting with unit A.

b) After Unit A’s Combat Reform, the unit has added a file to the left, and the Character joined to the unit has moved
to the left.

c) During Unit B’s Combat Reform, the unit shifts as far as possible to the right and the two models that are not in
base contact with enemy models are moved to the second rank. Unit C does not change its position, however the
Character joined to the unit moves into a position where it is in base contact only with a single enemy model.

16 Casualties
Models suffering unsaved wounds lose Health Points.

16.A Losing Health Points

16.A.a R&F Models
R&F models except Champions in the same unit share a common Health Pool. If the attack was allocated towards or
distributed onto a R&F model, the combined R&F Health Pool loses 1 Health Point for each unsaved wound. If the
R&F models have 1 Health Point each, remove one R&F model for each Health Point lost.
If the R&F models have more than 1 Health Point each, remove whole R&F models whenever possible. Keep track of
Health Points lost from the Health Pool that are not enough to remove an entire model. These lost Health Points are
taken into account for future attacks. For example, a unit of 10 Trolls (3 Health Points each) loses 7 Health Points.
Remove two whole models (6 Health Points), leaving 1 lost Health Point which is kept track of. Later, this unit loses
2 Health Points, which is enough to remove a single Troll since 1 Health Point was lost from the previous attack.
If all non-Champion R&F models in a unit are wiped out, any excess lost Health Points are allotted to the Champion
(even if it is fighting a Duel). If there is no Champion, the excess Health Point losses are ignored.
If a unit consists of R&F models with different Types and/or Heights, all R&F models with the same Type and Height
have their own separate Health Pool.

16.A.b Champions
Even though Champions are R&F models, each Champion has its own Health Pool, and follows the rules for Characters
below. If enough Health Points are lost by R&F models in order to wipe out the entire unit, any remaining lost Health
Points are allotted to the Champion (even if it is fighting a Duel).

16.A.c Characters
If the attack was allocated towards or distributed onto a Character, the attacked model loses 1 Health Point for each
unsaved wound. If the model reaches 0 Health Points, it is removed as a casualty. Keep track of models that have lost
Health Points, but not enough to reach 0 Health Points (placing “Health Point markers” next to such models works
fine). These lost Health Points will be taken into account for future attacks. If the model is removed as a casualty, any
excess Health Point losses are ignored.

16.A.d Excess Health Point Losses

Whenever more Health Point losses are inflicted than there are Health Points in a Health Pool, these excess Health
Point losses are ignored.
When caused by simultaneous attacks from models from two or more Health Pools and/or units, it may be necessary
to determine which models caused the excess Health Point losses. In this case, the owner of the models that inflicted
the Health Point losses gets to decide.

16.A.e Losing the Last Health Point

Certain effects are triggered by models being removed as a casualty, while others are set off by models losing their
last Health Point or reaching 0 Health Points. Note that losing the last Health Point does not apply to situations in
which a model is directly removed as a casualty, without actually losing any Health Points, like Fleeing off the board
or being destroyed after Breaking from Combat.

16.B Removing Casualties
Whenever the rules tell you to remove models as casualties, remove the models from the Battlefield following the
rules below. Models that have been removed as casualties no longer affect the game in any way, but they may award
Victory Points to the opponent (see “ ”, page ).

16.B.a Removing R&F Models

If the unit is in multiple ranks, R&F casualties are removed from the rear rank by the owner, in any order they choose.
If the unit is in a single rank, remove models as equally as possible from both sides of the unit. Note that this only
applies to each batch of simultaneous attacks.
If a Champion or Character is in a position that would normally be removed as a casualty, remove the next eligible
R&F model and slide the Champion and/or Character model(s) into the now empty spot.

16.B.b Removing R&F Models from Units Engaged in Combat

The removal of casualties from Engaged units follows the general rules for Removing R&F models above. In addition,
if the unit is in a single rank, remove casualties from either side of the unit, so that the following conditions are
satisfied as best as possible for each batch of simultaneous casualties, in decreasing priority order:
• 1st priority: As few units as possible Drop out of Combat (see “ ”, page )
• 2nd priority: As few units as possible lose base contact without Dropping out of Combat
• 3rd priority: The number of models in base contact is maximised after nudging all units
• 4th priority: Casualties are removed as equally as possible from both sides of the unit
If it is unavoidable to break one or more of the above conditions, you must avoid breaking the higher priority order
conditions, even if this means the total number of conditions you break is higher. As long as all above conditions are
satisfied as best as possible, the owner is free to remove casualties as they please. See figure for examples.

16.B.c Removing Champions and Characters

When Champions and Characters are removed as casualties they are removed from their positions within the unit.
Other models are then moved to fill empty spots, following the same guidelines as for casualty removal above.
When removing casualties from unengaged units with a single rank, Champions and Characters follow the rules for
Matching Bases (see “ ”, page ).

Figure 38: Removing R&F models from units En-
gaged in Combat.

This figure shows how models are removed as

casualties from a unit that is Engaged with one
or more enemy units according to Removing R&F
Models from Units Engaged in Combat. In all ex-
a) amples, 3 models are removed as casualties from
A A the green Combined Unit containing a Character
in its first rank.

a) One of these casualties is the model in the sec-

ond rank, and the other two have to be removed
b) from both sides of the first rank according to the
A A 4th priority. Since there is a Character on the right
side of the unit, the R&F model to its left is re-
moved instead, and the Character is slid into the
removed model’s spot.
c) b) In order to maximise the number of models in
A A base contact (3rd priority), the model in the sec-
ond rank and the two rightmost R&F models from
C C the first rank are removed as casualties. The Char-
B B acter is slid into the spot of a removed R&F model.

d) c) In order not to have unit B lose base contact by

removing casualties (2nd priority), the model in

A C A C the second rank and the two rightmost R&F mod-

els from the first rank are removed as casualties.
The Character is slid into the spot of a removed
R&F model.
d) In order not to cause any units to Drop out of
e) Combat (1st priority), the model in the second rank
and the two leftmost R&F models from the first

rank are removed as casualties. Unit B loses con-
tact but is nudged back into combat (see “
”, page ).

B B e) In order to cause as few units as possible to

Drop out of Combat (1st priority), the model in
E E the second rank and the two rightmost R&F mod-
els from the first rank are removed as casualties.
The Character is slid into the spot of a removed
R&F model. Unit D loses contact and cannot be
nudged back into combat, so that it Drops out of
Combat (see “ ”, page ).

17 Psychology
17.A Panic Test
A Panic Test is a Discipline Test that a unit has to take immediately after any of the following situations arise:
• A friendly unit is destroyed within 6″ of the unit (including Fleeing off the board).
• A friendly unit Breaks from Combat within 6″ of the unit.
• A friendly unit Flees through the unit’s Unit Boundary.
• In a single phase, the unit suffers Health Point losses equal to or greater than 25% of the number of Health
Points that it had at the start of the phase. This does not apply to single model units that started the game as a
single model (i.e. with a starting number of 1 model on the Army List).
Unless specifically stated otherwise, units that fail a Panic Test immediately Flee directly away from the closest
enemy unit (Centre of Unit to Centre of Unit). If several enemy units are equally close, randomise which one the unit
will Flee away from. If there are no enemy units on the Battlefield, randomise the direction. If the Panic Test was
caused by any of the cases listed below, the unit Flees directly away from the enemy unit that caused the Panic Test
(Centre of Unit to Centre of Unit).
• A spell cast by an enemy model
• A Model Rule on an enemy model (such as )
• Losing 25% or more Health Points, and the final wounds causing the Health Point losses to reach or go above
25% were due to an attack by an enemy unit
If several units have to take a Panic Test at the same time, take all Panic Tests before performing any Flee Moves
caused by failed Panic Tests.
Units do not take Panic Tests if they are Engaged in Combat, if they are already Fleeing, or if they already passed a
Panic Test during this phase.

17.B Shaken
Under certain circumstances, models may become Shaken. The most common situations are:
• Charging a Fleeing unit (page )
• Failing a Charge (page )
• Rallying a Fleeing Unit (page )
• Failing a Fear Test (see “ ”, page )
• War Machines failing a Panic Test (see “ ”, page )
• War Machines suffering a Jammed Misfire Effect (page )

A Shaken model cannot perform any of the following actions:

• Declare Charges
• Pursuit

• Advance Move
• March Move
• Reform (it can Combat Reform and Post-Combat Reform)

• Shooting Attack

17.C Fleeing
A unit is considered Fleeing from the moment:
• It fails a Break Test (after potential rerolls)
• It fails a Panic Test (after potential rerolls)
• Its Flee Distance is rolled
As soon as a unit passes its Rally Test, it is no longer considered Fleeing.
When a unit is Fleeing, it cannot perform any voluntary actions (a voluntary action is an action that a unit would
have the option to not perform). This includes (but is not limited to):
• Declare Charges
• Charge Reactions other than Flee
• Move in any way other than a Flee Move
• Shoot

• Cast spells or activate One use only Special Items which need to be activated voluntarily
Models cannot receive or from a Fleeing model.

17.D Decimated
A unit is considered Decimated if the sum of the Health Points of its models, including Characters that are part of the
unit, is 25% or less of its starting Health Points (the number taken from the Army List, regardless of any Characters
in the unit). Decimated units must take their Rally Test at half their Discipline, rounding fractions up (this is not
considered a Characteristic modifier).
For example, if a unit with Discipline 8 started the game with 40 models with 1 Health Point each, is reduced to 9
models and Flees, it takes Rally Tests at Discipline 4. However, if a Character with Discipline 8 and 2 Health Points is
part of the unit, the Combined Unit would instead take its Rally Test at Discipline 8.

18 Victory Conditions
At the end of the game, players determine the winner of the battle. For this purpose, calculate each player’s Victory
Points, check if any player scored the Secondary Objective, and distribute the Battle Points accordingly as described
below. Of course players may agree to use a different method to determine the winner, e.g. by creating custom
scenarios that set specific goals for each player to claim victory.

18.A Scoring Victory Points

At the end of each game, each player is awarded a number of Victory Points (VP) according to the rules below.

Destroyed Units For each enemy unit that has been removed as a casualty, you gain a number of VP equal
to its Point Cost.
Fleeing Units For each enemy unit that is Fleeing at the end of the game, you gain a number of VP equal
to half its Point Cost, rounding fractions up.
Shattered Units For each enemy unit that is at 25% or less of its starting Health Points (of the number
taken from the Army List) at the end of the game, you gain a number of VP equal to half
its Point Cost, rounding fractions up. Characters are counted separately from the units
they have joined. Note that if an enemy unit is both Fleeing and Shattered, you gain a
number of VP equal to the unit’s total Point Cost.
Defeated If the enemy General was removed as a casualty, you gain 200 VP.
Defeated Battle If the enemy Battle Standard Bearer was removed as a casualty, you gain 200 VP.
Standard Bearer

18.B Scoring Secondary Objectives

The Secondary Objective selected at the start of the game can grant extra Battle Points (see “ ”,
page , and table below).

18.C Who is the Winner?

Once all Victory Points are added together, a total of 20 Battle Points are divided between the players, depending
on the Victory Point Difference. Calculate the Victory Point Difference and use table below to convert the Victory
Points into Battle Points. The winner of the Secondary Objective gains 3 additional Battle Points while the loser of
the Secondary Objective loses 3 Battle Points. In case there is no winner, the Secondary Objective ends in a draw and
no additional Battle Points are awarded to either player.

18.C.a Optional Simplified Rules for Determining the Winner

Winning the Secondary Objective awards the winner a number of Victory Points equal to 20% of the Army
Points. Once all Victory Points are added together, compare the two results.
• If the Victory Point Difference is less than 10% of the Army Points, the result is a Draw.
• If the Victory Point Difference is at least 10% and up to 50% of the Army Points, the result is a Win for
the player who scored higher.
• If the Victory Point Difference is more than 50% of the Army Points, the result is a Massacre for the player
who scored higher.

Victory Point Difference Battle Points
Percentage of (if playing with
Winner Loser
Army Points 4500 Army Points)

0–5% 0–225 10 10
>5–10% 226–450 11 9
>10–20% 451–900 12 8
>20–30% 901–1350 13 7
>30–40% 1351–1800 14 6
>40–50% 1801–2250 15 5
>50–70% 2251–3150 16 4
>70% >3150 17 3

Winning Secondary Objective +3 −3

Table 8: Victory Point Difference and Battle Points.

19 Model Classification
19.A Classification of Models
All models have a Height and a Type, defined in their unit entry.

19.A.a Height
Models come in three Heights, which are connected to the following rules:

Standard Large Gigantic

Model Rules None

Full Ranks
Minimum number of models required to 5 3 1
form Full Ranks

Supporting Attacks
1 3 5
Maximum number of Supporting Attacks

Dangerous Terrain
Number of D6 rolled when performing 1 2 3
Dangerous Terrain Tests

19.A.b Type
Models come in four Types, which are associated with the following rules:

Infantry Beast Cavalry Construct

Cannot use

19.A.c Models on Foot and Mounted Models

Certain spells and rules affect models on foot and mounted models differently.
Models that don’t include any model parts with are considered to be on foot.
Models with at least one model part with Harnessed are considered to be mounted.

19.B Character Mounts
Many Characters can select mounts from the mount section of their Army Book. When a Character, referred to as the
rider, selects a mount, apply the following rules:

19.B.1 Height, Type, and Base

Always use the Height, Type, and base of the mount.

19.B.2 Offensive Characteristics

Rider and mount use their own respective Offensive Characteristics.

19.B.3 Global and Defensive Characteristics

The Multipart Model has a single set of Global Characteristics and a single set of Defensive Characteristics. Always use
the values in the mount’s profile, except when that value is “C”. In this case, “C” refers to the value in the Character’s
profile which is used instead. Sometimes, a value is written as “C + X”. In this case, use the Character’s value, increased
by X.
For example, if a Character (Armour 0) rides a horse (Armour C + 2), wears Heavy Armour (+2 Armour), and carries
a Shield (+1 Armour), the Multipart Model has an Armour equal to: 0 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 5.

19.B.4 Model Rules

Model Rules connected to specific model parts (such as Attack Attributes, Special Attacks, and weapons) are only
applied to this model part. Other Model Rules (such as Universal Rules, Character, Armour, and Personal Protections)
are applied to the Multipart Model as normal.
Remember that models with (all models of Gigantic Height) ignore Armour and Personal Protections
from the rider.

19.C Classification of Units

Some rules call for a unit’s Height or Type, e.g. for determining how many models are required for Full Ranks. In
case a unit contains a mix of different Heights the unit’s Height is the same as that of the largest fraction of its models.
Likewise, a unit’s Type is the same as that of the largest fraction of its models. In case of a tie, the opponent chooses
which fraction to use.

20 Terrain
20.A Terrain Types
20.A.a Dangerous Terrain (X)
A model must take a Dangerous Terrain Test if it is in contact with a Terrain Feature that counts as Dangerous Terrain
at any point during its March, Charge, Failed Charge, Flee, Pursuit, or Overrun Move. Take a Dangerous Terrain Test
by rolling a number of D6 depending on the model’s Height and Model Rules:

Standard Large Gigantic Chariot

Number of D6 rolled 1 2 3 +1

For each dice that rolled equal to or below X (where X is the value stated in brackets), the model suffers a hit with
Armour Penetration 10 that wounds automatically.
Note that:
• Dangerous Terrain Tests are taken as soon as the model is in contact with the relevant Terrain. If it does not
matter exactly when a model is removed as a casualty, take all Dangerous Terrain Tests for a unit at the same
• Hits suffered from Dangerous Terrain Tests are distributed onto the model’s Health Pool.
• A model never takes more than one Dangerous Terrain Test for the same Terrain Feature during a single move,
but it might have to take several Dangerous Terrain Tests caused by different Terrain Features or abilities.

20.A.b Opaque Terrain

Line of Sight cannot be drawn through Opaque Terrain, but can be drawn into it. Models always ignore any Terrain
they are inside for drawing Line of Sight.

20.A.c Covering Terrain

Like models, Terrain Features may contribute to Cover when obscuring a fraction of the Target Facing or the Target
Point from the enemy’s Line of Sight (see “ ”, page , and remember that Cover modifiers only apply if more
than half of the Target Facing or the Target Point is obscured by Cover).
For the purpose of counting as Cover, Terrain Features may distinguish:
• Targets obscured behind the Terrain Feature. These units must have more than half of their Target Facing or
their Target Point off the Terrain Feature, and the part of the Terrain Feature obscuring Line of Sight must be
between the shooting model and its target.
• Targets obscured inside the Terrain Feature. These units must have more than half of their Target Facing or
their Target Point inside the Terrain Feature.
• Targets obscured behind and/or inside the Terrain Feature: there is no need to determine where more than
half of these units’ Target Facing or their Target Point lies (as long as it is obscured).
Models always ignore any Terrain they are inside for drawing Line of Sight.

20.B Terrain Features
A Terrain Feature is a topographical area on the Battlefield that may be a mixture of Dangerous, Impassable, Opaque,
or Covering Terrain and may possess its own set of rules.

20.B.a Open Terrain

Open Terrain normally doesn’t have any effect on Line of Sight, Cover modifiers, or movement. All parts of the board
that are not covered by any other kind of Terrain are considered to be Open Terrain.

20.B.b Fields
Fields can be represented in the game for example by meadows or agricultural fields.

Types Fields are for units inside them.

Cover Fields contribute to , except for models with .

20.B.c Forests
Forests can be represented in the game for example by jungles, brushwoods, or coniferous forests.

Types Forests are for units inside and/or behind them, and
for Cavalry, Constructs, and units making a .
Cover Forests contribute to .
Broken Units with more than half of their models with the centre of their base inside a Forest can
Ranks never be , unless specifically stated otherwise.
Guerilla Units consisting entirely of Infantry models with are if more than
Warfare half of their models are inside a Forest with the centre of their bases, unless any model in
the unit has and/or .

20.B.d Hills
Hills can be represented in the game for example by elevated plateaus or burial mounds.

Types Hills are .

Hills are for units behind them.
Cover Hills contribute to for targets behind but partially on them.
Hills contribute to for targets behind and entirely off them.
Elevated Models with the centre of their base on a Hill are considered to be Elevated. Ignore all
Position intervening non-Elevated models if you are:
• drawing Line of Sight to or from Elevated models.
• determining Cover when shooting with:
– Elevated models.
– non-Elevated models at units which have more than half of their models Elevated.

Charging A unit initiating a Charge Move with more than half of its models with the centre of their
Downhill base on a Hill towards an enemy with more than half of its models with the centre of their
base off a Hill must reroll failed Charge Range rolls.

20.B.e Impassable Terrain
Impassable Terrain can be represented in the game for example by monoliths, massive boulders, or buildings.

Types Impassable Terrain is .

Cover Impassable Terrain contributes to for units behind it.
Mission Models cannot move into or through Impassable Terrain.

20.B.f Ruins
Ruins can be represented in the game for example by rubble or abandoned farmsteads.

Types Ruins are for units inside them, for Cavalry and
Constructs, and for any other unit. Units with automatically
pass Dangerous Terrain Tests caused by Ruins.
Cover Ruins contribute to , except for models with .

20.B.g Walls
Walls can be represented in the game for example by wooden barricades, stone walls, or hedges.

Types Walls are for models behind them while Defending the Wall (see below)
and for Constructs.
Cover Walls contribute to , except for models with .
Defending a In order to Defend a Wall, more than half of a unit’s Front Facing must be in contact with it.
Fortified Units Defending a Wall gain against Close Combat Attacks from Charging enemies
Position in their Front Facing.

20.B.h Water Terrain

Water Terrain can be represented in the game for example by ponds, swamps, or rivers.

Types Water Terrain is for Standard Height models on foot.

Broken Units with more than half of their models with the centre of their base inside Water Terrain
Ranks can never be , unless specifically stated otherwise.
Doused All Melee Attacks against or by models in units with more than half of their models with the
Flames centre of their base inside Water Terrain are no longer (if they were before).

20.C Board Edge

The Board Edge represents the boundaries of the game. A unit is allowed to temporarily and partially move off the
board (during any move) with by the following restrictions:
• The unit’s Front Facing must remain entirely on the board at all times, except during .
• The unit must finish its move with its Unit Boundary entirely on the board.

21 Model Rules
Model Rules are rules that are applied to individual models or model parts, as described in their unit entry. They are
divided into the following categories: Universal Rules, Character, Personal Protections, Armour Equipment, Weapons,
Attack Attributes, and Special Attacks.

Duplicated Model Rules

Sometimes a model or model part may have the same Model Rule more than once, for example when a model gains a
Model Rule during the game that it already had before. In this case, the effects of the duplicated Model Rule do not
stack and do not offer any additional benefit, unless specifically stated otherwise.
If the duplicated Model Rule has different values in brackets (X), use the highest value.
If X is the result of a dice roll, you may instead choose which version to use (before rolling any dice).

If X is not a value, the Model Rules are not considered to be duplicates of the same Model Rule and both rules are
applied (e.g. Hatred (against Infantry) and Hatred (against Cavalry) are considered two different Model Rules, so
both effects are applied).

21.A Universal Rules

If at least one model part has a Universal Rule, the entire Multipart Model is affected by it.
For example, in case of a Character with the Universal Rule on a Character mount without this Universal Rule,
all model parts of the Multipart Model (Character and mount) benefit from Strider.

21.A.a List of Universal Rules

21.A.a.1 Ambush
Units with Ambush may be deployed using Special Deployment rules. All units that will be deployed using the
Ambush rule must be declared at step 8 of the (after Spell Selection), starting with the player
that chose their Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without the Ambushing units. Starting with
your Player Turn 2, immediately after step 2 of the (after moving units with
), roll a dice for each of your Ambushing units. After rolling for all Ambushing units, all units that rolled 3+
enter the Battlefield from any Board Edge. Place the arriving units with their Rear Facing in contact and aligned with
the Board Edge. Ambushers are subject to the following rules and restrictions:
• Ambushing models can neither March Move during the Movement Phase in which they arrive, nor can they
voluntarily end that Movement Phase farther away from the Board Edge that they arrived from than their
March Rate.
• Ambushing models count as having moved during the turn they arrive on the Battlefield.
• If an Ambushing unit has not entered the Battlefield before the end of the game (e.g. due to failing all its 3+
rolls), the unit counts as destroyed.
• An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses .
• An Ambushing Character may Ambush within an Ambushing unit that it is allowed to join (declare this when
declaring which units are Ambushing). Roll only one dice for the Combined Unit.
• Until arriving on the Battlefield, Ambushing units cannot perform any actions at all, and all their Special Items,
rules, and abilities don’t work while off the board.

21.A.a.2 Battle Standard Bearer – One of a Kind

An army may only include a single Battle Standard Bearer. The model gains and .
If the model has the option to buy Special Items, it is allowed to buy up to two Banner Enchantments.

21.A.a.3 Bodyguard (X)

While a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains .
When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or
Character types.

21.A.a.4 Channel (X)

During step 3 of the , each of the Active Player’s models with Channel may add X Veil Tokens
to its owner’s Veil Token pool. This Universal Rule is cumulative, adding the X of each instance of Channel to the
model’s total Channel value (e.g. a model with Channel (1) and Channel (2) is treated like a model with Channel (3)).

21.A.a.5 Chariot
The model must roll an additional D6 when taking . A model with Chariot can only be part
of a unit consisting entirely of models with Chariot, unless specifically stated otherwise.

21.A.a.6 Commanding Presence
All have the Commanding Presence Universal Rule. The Discipline of all units within 12″ of a friendly
non-Fleeing model with Commanding Presence may be set to the Discipline value of that model (this ability follows
the normal rules for “ ”, page , meaning that effects modifying the Discipline of the
model with Commanding Presence are applied before setting the recipient model’s Discipline to that value; this
value may then be further modified).

21.A.a.7 Engineer (X+)

Once per Shooting Phase, an unengaged Engineer may select a single within 6″ that has not fired yet to
gain the following effects:
• Set the Aim of one of the War Machine’s Artillery Weapons to the value given in brackets (X+).
• You may reroll the roll on the .
• You may reroll the dice (all of them or none) for determining the number of hits of a Artillery

21.A.a.8 Fear
Units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear suffer −1 Discipline. At the start of each Round
of Combat, such units must take a , called a Fear Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit are
and Close Combat Attacks made by models in the unit suffer −1 to hit, while Close Combat Attacks allocated
towards models in the unit gain +1 to hit. These effects apply until the end of the Round of Combat. Models that have
Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear.

21.A.a.9 Fearless
If more than half of a unit’s models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes and cannot declare a Flee
Charge Reaction, unless already Fleeing. Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of .

21.A.a.10 Feigned Flight

Units consisting entirely of models with Feigned Flight do not become if they voluntarily choose Flee as
Charge Reaction and pass their in their next Player Turn. The after Rallying in this case does not
prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting, but the unit still counts as having moved. This rule does not apply
if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or Flees involuntarily (e.g. as the result of a failed , or
if it was already Fleeing when being Charged).

21.A.a.11 Fly (X, Y)

Units composed entirely of models with Fly may use Flying Movement during , ,
, and . When a unit uses Flying Movement, substitute its models’ Advance Rate with the
first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). A unit using Flying
Movement ignores all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement. Note that:
• It must follow the rule at the end of the move.
• It is affected by the Terrain Features from which it takes off and in which it lands.
• All modifiers to ground movement values also apply to a model’s Fly values, unless specifically stated otherwise.
• When declaring a Charge with a unit with Fly, you must declare if the unit will not use Flying Movement for the
Charge Move.
• A Failed Charge Move of a unit with Fly must use the type of movement (ground or Flying) that was chosen
when the Charge was declared. If the unit would end its Failed Charge Move inside another unit’s Unit Boundary
or inside Impassable Terrain, backtrack the move to the unit’s last legal position where it follows the

21.A.a.12 Frenzy
At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your units with at least one model with Frenzy that could declare a Charge
against an enemy unit within the unit’s Advance Rate +7″ must take a , called a Frenzy Test. If the test
is failed, the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible.
Frenzy Tests and Restrain Pursuit Tests taken by units with at least one model with Frenzy are subject to
If there are different Advance Rates available in the unit, the Advance Rate used for the Frenzy Test and for the
Charge Range is determined as follows:
• If a model has more than one Advance Rate (e.g. due to ), the model must use the Advance Rate that has the
highest chance of completing the Charge.
• If a unit contains models with different Advance Rates, the unit must use the highest Advance Rate that all
models in the unit can use (which will usually be the lowest Advance Rate in the unit).
For example, a model with Advance Rate 2″ and Fly (8″, 16″) must use the Advance Rate from Fly. And if a Character
in a Combined Unit has Advance Rate 4″ while the R&F models have 6″, the Combined Unit must use Advance Rate 4″.
Note that when a unit is forced to declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to Charge the enemy
unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.

21.A.a.13 Front Rank

Front Rank specifies where in a unit the model may be placed and how the model moves inside its unit.
A model with Front Rank must always be placed as far forwards as possible in its unit. This normally means that it
must be placed in the first rank unless specifically stated otherwise.
When making an Advance Move, March Move, or Reform with a unit that includes models with Front Rank, these
models can be reorganised into a new position (still as far forwards as possible) as part of the move. This counts
towards the distance moved by the unit (measure the distance from the starting position to the ending position of
the centre of the model with Front Rank to determine how far it has moved).
A model with Front Rank can either have a Matching Base or a Mismatching Base.

Matching Bases
In Combined Units containing Characters and R&F models, a Character is considered to have a Matching Base if:
• The model has the same base size as the R&F models.
• The model’s base is the same size as a multiple of the R&F models’ bases (such as a 40×40 mm base in a 20×20
mm unit).
For Combined Units consisting entirely of Characters, Matching Bases are determined differently as these units do
not contain any R&F models. The R&F base size for the purposes of Matching Bases must:
• Correspond to the base size of at least one of the Characters
• Result in as few Characters as possible having Mismatching Bases; the owner chooses in case of a tie
For example, in a unit consisting of a 25×25 mm Character and two 25×50 mm Characters, that base size is 25×25
mm, as it does not result in any Mismatching Bases in the unit.
If the first rank is occupied by models with Front Rank, a model with Matching Base is placed in the second rank
instead. If this rank is also occupied by models with Front Rank, it is placed in the third rank, and so on. Matching
Bases are subject to the following rules and restrictions:
• If the model has a larger base than the R&F models, it is considered to be in all ranks its base occupies for the
purposes of calculating . For calculating the number of models in the unit’s ranks (e.g. for Full Ranks,
, ), the large base counts as the number of models it replaces.
• If a model with a Matching Base has a longer base than the R&F models in the unit, the unit is allowed to have
more than one incomplete rank if all incomplete ranks after the first consist entirely of models with such bases
(for instance the rear parts of long bases such as War Platforms are allowed to form several incomplete ranks).
• A model cannot join a unit that has more than one rank if its base is wider than the unit it wishes to join, nor
can a unit into a formation that is narrower than any model joined to the unit.

If a model with Front Rank moves inside or leaves a unit that has more than one rank, or if it is removed from such a
unit as a casualty, the gap the model leaves must be filled with models without Front Rank. If there aren’t any models
without Front Rank available, move models with Front Rank instead. After filling a gap, sometimes models with
Front Rank must be redistributed in order for all such models to be as far forwards as possible. When this happens,
move as few models as possible in order to have all models with Front Rank as far forwards as possible.
If a model with Front Rank moves inside or leaves a unit that has a single rank, or if it is removed from such a unit as a
casualty, gaps may be created in the unit. If this leads to an illegal formation (there can only be gaps in an incomplete
rear rank; see “ ”, page ), slide as few models as possible to fill the now empty spot. In case of a draw, i.e. if the
model was positioned in the middle of the rank, the owner decides which half of the remaining models to slide.

Mismatching Bases
Anything that is not a Matching Base is a Mismatching Base (such as a 50×75 mm base inside a 25×50 mm unit).
A model with Mismatching Base is always placed in base contact to the side of the unit, aligned with its front. Only
two Mismatching Bases can be joined to a single unit (one at each side). These models are considered to be only in
the first rank, but are ignored when counting the number of models in each rank in order to establish the number of
and whether or not a unit is in . They form a file of one model each.
During Advance Moves, March Moves, or Reforms, models with Mismatching Bases can only be moved to the other
side of the unit as part of the move.
Figure shows how models with Front Rank can be placed in a complex case.

a) b)

Figure 39: Illustration of the Front Rank rule.

Yellow models have Front Rank, green models do not.

a) A Character on a Mismatching Base is placed next to the unit. Characters on Matching Bases are placed inside the
unit, as far forwards as possible. This unit is considered to have 3 Full Ranks.

b) When a model with Front Rank joins the unit, the small model with Front Rank in the second rank must be moved
to the side in order to have all models with Front Rank as far forwards as possible.

21.A.a.14 Ghost Step

The model may choose to treat all Terrain Features as for movement purposes, but must follow the
rule upon the completion of its moves. It can never end its move inside Impassable Terrain. If this
would be the case, backtrack the move to the unit’s last legal position (unless Fleeing, in which case the normal rules
for “ ”, page apply).
In addition, the model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain.

21.A.a.15 Insignificant
Units consisting entirely of Insignificant models only cause on friendly units in which half the models or
more are Insignificant. Units with Insignificant R&F models can only be joined by Insignificant Characters.

21.A.a.16 Light Troops
A unit composed entirely of models with Light Troops applies the following rules for Advance Moves and March
• The unit may perform any number of , at any time during the move, and in any order. This does not
prevent models with Light Troops from shooting this Player Turn.
• The unit can move backwards and sideways as if moving forwards (i.e. up to its Advance/March Rate), but
cannot leave the board with any part of its Unit Boundary.
• The unit cannot perform any Wheels.
In addition:
• Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops gain .
• Units with more than half of their models with Light Troops always count as having 0 .
• Infantry Characters gain Light Troops while joined to Infantry units of the same Height with Light Troops.

21.A.a.17 Magic Resistance (X)

Learned Spells and Bound Spells targeting at least one enemy unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance
suffer a −X modifier to their casting roll (where X is given in brackets). This is an exception to the Casting and
Dispelling Modifier rule. If there are different X values that could be used, use the highest value.

21.A.a.18 Massive Bulk

If the model is mounted by a Character, ignore the rider’s Armour Equipment (including Armour Enchantments) and
Personal Protections, unless specifically stated otherwise (such as Armour Enchantments that affect the bearer’s

21.A.a.19 Not a Leader

The model cannot be the .

21.A.a.20 Protean Magic

During , the Wizard must select its spells from the 1 of each Path it has access to, as well
as the of its army. This rule overrides the Spell Selection rules for Wizard , , and

21.A.a.21 Rally Around the Flag

All units within 12″ of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Rally Around the Flag may reroll failed .

21.A.a.22 Random Movement (X)

At the end of step 2 of the (after Rallying Fleeing Units), a non-Fleeing unit with Random
Movement must move using the rules for , with the following exceptions, which only apply in the
Movement Phase, unless specifically stated otherwise:
• It always moves the distance stated in brackets (X), which is also used for Flee Distance and Pursuit Distance
(including ).
• It can choose which direction to Pivot in before rolling the Pursuit Distance.
• It cannot move off the Board Edge.
• It does not take unless Charging.
There are several restrictions connected with Random Movement:
• The unit cannot move normally in the Movement Phase (Advance, March, Reform) and cannot declare Charges
in the Charge Phase. Whenever it requires a March Rate (e.g. when ), use the potential
maximum value of X as its March Rate.
• The unit cannot perform .

• The unit loses and can never gain it (but X can be affected by Maximised/Minimised Roll from other
• Characters with Random Movement cannot join units, and units with Random Movement cannot be joined by
Characters. Note that Characters that are part of a Combined Unit when the unit gains Random Movement will
gain Random Movement too as they are already part of that unit.
• If the unit has several instances of Random Movement, use the one with the lowest average (the owner chooses
in case of a tie).

21.A.a.23 Scoring
Units with at least one model with Scoring are considered to be Scoring Units, which are used for winning Secondary
Objectives (see “ ”, page ). Every army needs Scoring Units to be able to complete Secondary
Objectives, which is why units with Scoring are marked in the Army Books with a special pennant icon:

debug debug
Scoring can be lost during the game:
• A unit that is Fleeing loses Scoring for as long as it is Fleeing.
• An unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring for the rest of the game.
• A unit that has performed a loses Scoring until the start of the following Player Turn.
• A model loses Scoring until the end of Game Turn 1.

21.A.a.24 Scout
Units with Scout may be deployed using Special Deployment rules. All units that will be deployed using the Scout
rule must be declared at step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), starting with the player that chose
their Deployment Zone. Scout deployment is conducted on Step 5 of the Deployment Phase (Deploy Scouting Units).
If both players have Scouting units, alternate unit placement (one unit at a time), starting with the player who first
completed their normal deployment. Scouting units have three deployment options:
• Fully inside your Deployment Zone, using the normal deployment rules
• Anywhere on the Battlefield at least 18″ away from enemy units
• Anywhere on the Battlefield fully inside a Field, Forest, Ruins, or Water Terrain Feature and at least 12″ away
from enemy units
Scouting units that aren’t placed fully inside their Deployment Zone may not declare Charges in the first Player Turn
of the first Game Turn (there are no Scout Charge restrictions after the first Player Turn).

21.A.a.25 Skirmisher
The model can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (models with Skirmisher are not limited to shooting from
first and second rank).
Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base
contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance (roughly half an inch) between them.
This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Height as the models in the unit.
Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore
have a Front, two Flank, and a Rear Facing, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation
never block Line of Sight (remember that this also affects Cover as they can never contribute to Hard Cover).
Units in skirmish formation can only be joined by Characters that have both the same Type and the same Height as
the unit. Unless a Character has the exact same base size as all R&F models in the unit, it is considered Mismatched
for the purpose of placement within the unit. The unit ceases to be in skirmish formation when all R&F models
with Skirmisher are removed as a casualty: immediately contract their skirmish formation into a normal formation,
without moving the centre of the first rank. Nudge any unit as normal to maintain base contact if possible.
See figure for an illustration of this rule.

a) b)

12.5 mm 12.5 mm 𝐶2

12.5 mm 𝐶1 𝐶1

Figure 40: Skirmish formation.

a) An example of a unit in skirmish formation with a joined Mismatching Character.

b) The same unit Engaged in Combat. Models with bold frame can attack a Character (either 𝐶1 or 𝐶2 ).
Models with dashed frame cannot attack at all.

21.A.a.26 Stand Behind

The model can be placed anywhere inside its unit (it doesn’t have to be placed as far forwards as possible, even if it
has ). It cannot be placed farther forwards inside a unit than any model with Front Rank but without
Stand Behind. Ignore Stand Behind for models with Mismatching Bases.

21.A.a.27 Strider
The model automatically passes Tests caused by Terrain. If more than half of a unit’s models have
Strider, the unit never loses due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated
in brackets. In this case, Strider only applies when interacting with this type of Terrain.

21.A.a.28 Stubborn
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores Discipline modifiers from the Combat Score difference when
taking or Discipline Tests.

21.A.a.29 Supernal
All attacks made by the model become , including Special Attacks and . In addition,
the model gains , with the following exception: when a unit consisting entirely of models with Supernal
loses a combat, it must take a ( or units ignore Discipline modifiers from the Combat
Score difference as normal):
• If the Break Test is passed, ignore all Health Points that would be lost due to Unstable.
• If the Break Test is failed, follow the rules for Unstable as normal.

21.A.a.30 Swift Reform

During the Movement Phase, a unit containing one or more models with Swift Reform may execute a Swift Reform
instead of a . The unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions:
• The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase (but will still suffer the to-hit modifier for
moving and shooting).
• The unit can perform an after the Reform. For the purpose of no model being able to end its
movement with its centre farther away than its Advance Rate from its starting position, measure this distance
after the Reform.
• No model can end its movement (after an Advance Move) with its centre farther away than its March Rate
from its starting position before the Reform.

21.A.a.31 Swiftstride
If a unit is composed entirely of models with Swiftstride, its rolls for Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance,
and Overrun Distance are subject to .

21.A.a.32 Tall
drawn to or from a model with Tall is not blocked by models of the same Height (as the model with
Tall), unless the intervening model also has Tall. Remember that this also affects (if a model blocks Line of
Sight it contributes to Hard Cover, otherwise only to Soft Cover).

21.A.a.33 Terror
The model is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror declares a Charge,
its target must immediately take a before declaring its Charge Reaction. If the test is failed, the target of
the Charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction if able to do so.

21.A.a.34 Towering Presence

The model gains and can never be joined or join a unit (unless it is a ). A model with Towering
Presence increases its and ranges by 6″.

21.A.a.35 Unbreakable
The model’s unit automatically passes all . Models with Unbreakable can only join or be joined by models
with Unbreakable.

21.A.a.36 Undead
The model gains . Models with Undead cannot perform March Moves, unless their unit starts the March
Move within the range of a friendly model’s . The only Charge Reaction a unit with one or
more models with Undead can perform is Hold.
When units consisting entirely of models with Undead lose Health Points due to , the number of lost Health
Points can be reduced in certain situations. Apply the modifiers in the following order:
1. If the unit contains at least one model with , halve the number of lost Health Points, rounding fractions
2. If the unit is , ignore any excess Health Point losses above 12.
3. If the unit receives , reduce the number of lost Health Points by the unit’s current Rank
Bonus. Units without any Rank Bonus reduce the number of lost Health Points by 1 instead.
4. Apply all other modifiers (from Special Items, Model Rules, spells, etc.) afterwards.

21.A.a.37 Unstable
Models with Unstable can only join or be joined by models with Unstable. A unit with one or more models with
Unstable does not take a when losing a Round of Combat, but instead it loses one Health Point for each
point of Combat Score difference by which it lost the Round of Combat (with no saves of any kind allowed).
The Health Point losses are allotted in the following order:
1. R&F models, excluding Champions
2. Champion
3. Characters, allotted by the owner of the unit as evenly as possible

21.A.a.38 Vanguard (X)

After Deployment (including units), models with Vanguard may perform a 12″ move. This move is performed
as a combination of and/or , as in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions
that normally apply to the unit (e.g. , joining units, leaving units, and so on). The 12″ distance is used
instead of the unit’s Advance Rate and March Rate. In case a figure is stated in brackets, this distance is X″ instead.

This move cannot be used to move within 12″ of enemy units. This is decreased to 6″ for enemy units that have
either Scouted or Vanguarded.
If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished
deploying last (note that this is an exception to the rules for Simultaneous Effects). A Combined Unit counts as a single
unit for this purpose even if parts of the unit perform separate Vanguard moves (like two Characters Vanguarding
out of a Combined Unit). Any game effects that would affect the Combined Unit (such as Banner Enchantments)
remain in effect for all parts of the Combined Unit until all parts of the Combined Unit have finished their Vanguard
move (even if a Character leaves the unit). Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more
Vanguarding units.
Units that have moved this way lose Scoring until the end of Game Turn 1 and may not declare Charges in the first
Player Turn (if their side has the first turn).

21.A.a.39 War Machine

The model cannot Pursue (which does not prevent it from being affected by Random Movement), declare Charges, or
declare Flee Charge Reactions. Characters can never join units with War Machine, and Characters with War Machine
cannot join units.
When a War Machine fails a , instead of Fleeing it is until the end of the next Player Turn. War
Machines that fail a are automatically destroyed. War Machines on round bases and units Engaged in
Combat with them cannot make .
When a unit Charges a War Machine on a round base, it can move into base contact by having its Front Facing contact
any point of the War Machine’s base (it must still maximise the number of models in base contact, see “
”, page and figure , page ). No is allowed.
When a unit Breaks from Combat and Flees away from a War Machine on a round base, always Pivot the Fleeing unit
180°, so that it’s Rear Facing is in contact with the War Machine’s base. Otherwise follow the normal rules for units
Breaking from Combat and Fleeing.

21.A.a.40 War Platform

Unless selected as a mount for a Character, a model with War Platform gains with the following exceptions:
• It does not count towards the Characters Army Category (for Army List creation).
• It does not count as Character when Deploying Units (it may still be deployed inside units).
• It cannot , , or .
• It can perform .
• It does not count as Character regarding and , unless the War Platform is specifically
mentioned in the Bodyguard rule.
The model can join units even if it has , and having does not prevent it from joining units
without Chariot. Additionally, it does not prevent Characters without Chariot from joining a unit containing a model
with War Platform and Chariot. When joined to a unit, it must always be placed in the centre of the first rank, possibly
pushing back other models with , and must keep its position in the centre of the first rank at all times (as
long as it is joined to the unit). If two positions are equally central (e.g. in a unit with an even number of models in
the first rank and a replacing an uneven number of models per rank), the War Platform can be placed
in either of these positions. If the War Platform cannot be placed in the centre of the the first rank, the model cannot
join the unit. A War Platform with Mismatching Base can never join a unit, and only a single War Platform can be in
the same unit unless specifically stated otherwise.

21.A.a.41 Wizard Apprentice

The Wizard selects its spells as described in “ ”, page .

21.A.a.42 Wizard Adept

The Wizard gains and selects its spells as described in “ ”, page .

21.A.a.43 Wizard Master
The Wizard gains and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in “
”, page .

21.A.a.44 Wizard Conclave

The Champion of a unit with Wizard Conclave is a and gains +1 Health Point in addition to the
normal Attack Value increase associated with being a . This Champion may select up to two spells from
predetermined spells given in the unit entry. This overrides the rules for Wizard Adepts.

21.B Character
Character is a special type of Universal Rule. Unless specifically stated otherwise, any model bought as part of the
Characters Army Category of an Army Book has the Character Universal Rule. A model with this rule is referred to as
a Character.
All Characters gain the Universal Rule.

21.B.a Lone Characters

Characters can operate as a unit consisting of just a single model. In this case, follow the normal rules for units.

21.B.b Characters Joined to Units

Characters can operate as part of other units, by joining them. This can be done either by deploying the Character in
the unit or by moving into contact with the unit during the Movement Phase while performing an Advance Move or a
March Move. Units that are Engaged in Combat or Fleeing cannot be joined.
Characters can join other Characters to form a unit consisting only of Characters.
Units that are formed by Characters joining R&F models or other Characters are referred to as Combined Units.
When a Character joins a unit, it must move into a legal position during its Advance or March Move (see “ ”,
page ). A Character can choose any legal position it can reach with its move, moving through the unit it joins,
possibly displacing other models (including models with Front Rank). Move displaced models as little as possible in
order to keep all models in legal positions. If the Character does not have a sufficient movement range to reach a
legal position, it cannot join the unit.
When a Character joins a unit with just a single rank, the owner can choose to either displace a model to the second
rank, or to expand the unit’s width and place the displaced model at either side of the first rank.
When a unit is joined by a Character, the unit cannot move any farther in the same Movement Phase. For determining
which model counts as having moved or Marched (e.g. for purposes of shooting), the Character and the unit are
treated individually during the Player Turn in which the Character joined the unit. For example, if the unit hasn’t
moved and the Character has Marched in order to join the unit, the Character counts as having Marched, while the
rest of the unit counts as not having moved at all.
Once joined to a unit, the Character is considered as part of the unit for all rules purposes.

21.B.c R&F Models in a Combined Unit Wiped out

If a Combined Unit has all its R&F models removed as casualties, leaving one or more Characters behind, the remaining
Characters will stay a Combined Unit, which is considered to be the same unit for ongoing effects (such as
spells) and (the unit has not been destroyed; the Characters in this Combined Unit may have to take a Panic
Test if they have suffered 25% or more casualties). They are treated as a new unit for (i.e. Characters that
were part of Fleeing Combined Units at 25% or less of their starting number of Health Points take Rally Tests on
their normal Discipline).

21.B.d Leaving a Combined Unit
A Character can leave a Combined Unit in the Charge Phase and in the Movement Phase if it is able to move (i.e. if it
isn’t Engaged in Combat, hasn’t already moved, isn’t Fleeing, etc.). In both cases, any game effects that would affect
the Combined Unit (such as Banner Enchantments) remain in effect for all parts of the Combined Unit until the end
of the phase (even if a Character leaves the unit), unless specifically stated otherwise (e.g. One Turn spells). The
Character ignores models from the Combined Unit for movement purposes and may make a Flying Movement (if it
has ). Characters leaving a unit do not affect whether or not this unit counts as having moved (e.g. for purposes of

21.B.d.1 Charging out of a Unit

Declare a Charge with a Character in a Combined Unit (during the Charge Phase as normal) and apply the following
• Use the Character’s model for determining Line of Sight and distance to the enemy unit.
• As soon as the Character declares a Charge, it is considered a separate unit (i.e. it uses its own Advance Rate,
all hits from Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions will hit the Character, in case of a Flee Charge Reaction the
enemy unit Flees away from the Character, etc.).
• Ignore the unit the Character was part of when determining Line of Sight and cover for Stand and Shoot Charge
• The unit itself (including other Characters in the unit) cannot declare Charges in the same Player Turn.
• If the Charge is successful, move the Character out of the unit by Charging as normal.
• If the Charge is not successful, the Character makes a out of the unit. If the Failed Charge
Move is too short to place the Character outside 1″ of the Combined Unit, the Character is no longer considered
a separate unit and remains in the Combined Unit. All the models in the Combined Unit are until the
end of the Player Turn.

21.B.d.2 Advance/March Moving out of a Combined Unit

A Character counts as part of the unit until it has physically left it. If a Character does not have enough movement to
be placed at least 1″ away from the unit, it cannot leave the unit. A Character cannot leave a unit and rejoin it in
the same phase. If one or more Characters want to leave a Combined Unit during the Movement Phase, apply the
following rules:
• Choose the Combined Unit and take a single March Test if necessary as per “ ”, page . The test
applies to both Characters and R&F models in the unit, i.e. if the test is failed, none of the models may perform
a March Move during this Movement Phase.
• Characters leaving the unit and the remainder of the Combined Unit can perform different types of move (see
“ ”, page ).
• Move any Character that can and wishes to leave the unit, then move the remainder of the unit if applicable.
• Once all elements of the chosen Combined Unit that can and wish to have moved, proceed with the next unit.

21.B.e Distributing Hits onto Combined Units

When a non-Close Combat Attack hits a Combined Unit, there are two possibilities for distributing hits:
Characters are of the same Type Characters are of a different Type
–and– same Height –or– different Height
–and– there are 5 or more R&F models in the unit –or– there are 4 or less R&F models in the unit
All hits are distributed onto the R&F , Char- The player making the attack distributes hits onto the
acters cannot suffer any hits. R&F and Characters. All simultaneous hits
must be distributed as equally as possible, meaning
that no model can take a second hit until all models
have taken a single hit, and so on.
If a unit of 5 or more R&F models contains several Characters of both the same and different Type or Height,
Characters with the same Type and Height as the R&F models are ignored for the hit distributions. Note that hits are
never distributed onto Champions.

21.B.f Make Way
At step 3 of the , any Character placed in the first rank and not in base contact with an
enemy model may move into contact with an enemy model. This enemy model must be in base contact with the
Character’s unit, and it must be attacking the Character’s unit in its Front Facing. To perform a Make Way move,
the Character switches position with another model (or models) in its unit; these models cannot be Characters.
Characters with Mismatching Bases can never perform a Make Way move.

21.C Command Group

Certain units feature the option of upgrading regular models to a Champion, Musician, or Standard Bearer. If so, the
model gains the corresponding Model Rule. These models are referred to as a unit’s Command Group.

21.C.a Champion
A Champion gains , First Amongst Equals, and Ordering the Charge.

21.C.a.1 First Amongst Equals

A Champion gains +1 Attack Value. If it is a Multipart Model, the Attack Value modifier only affects a single model
part, which must be a model part without or .

21.C.a.2 Ordering the Charge

When a unit with a Champion rolls for its Charge Range, it always counts as rolling at least a ‘4’. If the Charge is still
failed, ignore this rule and use the rolled dice to determine the Failed Charge Move following the normal rules.
For example, a Charging unit with an Advance Rate of 7″ containing a Champion declares a Charge against an enemy
unit that is 11″ away. In case of a Charge Range roll of 2, the Charge will still be successful since the Charge Range
roll is considered to be 4, resulting in a Charge Range of 11″.

21.C.a.3 Other Rules Associated with Champions

• Hits from attacks that follow the rules for Distributing Hits are never distributed onto Champions (see page
• When removing non-Champion R&F models as casualties and a Champion is in a position that would normally
be removed as a casualty, remove the next eligible R&F model and slide the Champion into the empty spot (see
“ ”, page ).
• When Raising Health Points, a Champion is the first model that is brought back if it was previously removed as
a casualty (see “ ”, page ).
• Champions may choose to use a different Shooting Weapon than the other R&F models in their unit (see
“ ”, page ).
• Champions may issue and accept Duels. If a Duel is not accepted, a Champion cannot be chosen as the model
that suffers the penalties for refusing a Duel (see “ ”, page ).

21.C.b Musician
A Musician gains and March to the Beat.

21.C.b.1 March to the Beat

A unit within 8″ of one or more enemy units that contain a model with March to the Beat suffers −1 Discipline when
taking March Tests. Units with at least one model with March to the Beat ignore this modifier.

21.C.c Standard Bearer

A Standard Bearer gains Combat Bonus. Certain Standard Bearers may have the option to be upgraded with Banner
Enchantments (see “ ”, page ).

21.C.c.1 Combat Bonus
A side with Standard Bearers adds +1 to its Combat Score for each Standard Bearer.

21.C.d Placing and Moving Command Group Models

Musicians and Standard Bearers can be placed anywhere inside their units.
When making an Advance Move, March Move, or Reform with a unit that includes a Musician and/or a Standard
Bearer, these models can be reorganised into a new position as part of the move. This counts towards the distance
moved by the unit (measure the distance from the starting position to the ending position of the centre of the
Command Group model to determine how far it moved).
Note that Champions are placed and moved inside their units according to the rules in as normal.

21.C.e Removing Command Group Casualties

If a Musician or Standard Bearer is to be removed as a casualty, replace the closest non-Command Group R&F model
from the same Health Pool (if there is any) with the Musician or Standard Bearer. The owner chooses if several R&F
models are equally close. It is assumed that another soldier picked up their tool and responsibility. Champions are
however not replaceable and have their own Health Pool, which can be specifically targeted in certain situations (e.g.
by allocating Close Combat Attacks, attacks that target individual models such as attacks from spells, or
attacks that target all models in a unit). When a Champion is removed as a casualty, a non-Champion R&F model is
moved to fill the empty spot. If enough Health Points are lost from a unit’s Health Pool to remove all non-Champion
R&F models as casualties, any remaining Health Point losses are allotted to the Champion, even if it is fighting a Duel.

21.D Personal Protections

If at least one model part has a Personal Protection, the entire Multipart Model follows the rules of the Personal
Protection, unless the model’s mount is of Gigantic Height (and therefore has the Universal Rule). In
this case, only the mount’s Personal Protections are applied.
For example, if a Character with Distracting mounts a horse (Standard Height), the Multipart Model is affected
by Distracting. If the Character instead mounts a dragon (Gigantic Height), the Multipart Model is not affected by

21.D.a Conditional Application

Personal Protections may only work against certain attacks, which are then stated in brackets after “against”. There
may already be some piece of information relative to the rule specified between brackets, as in Aegis (4+). In this
case, the conditions for the rule to work are written in the same brackets, after a comma. This can e.g. be certain
kinds of attacks or attacks with a given Attack Attribute, like Aegis (4+, against Melee Attacks) or Aegis (2+, against
Flaming Attacks).

21.D.b List of Personal Protections

21.D.b.1 Aegis (X)
Aegis is a . A model must reroll successful Aegis Saves against .

21.D.b.2 Cannot be Stomped

For the purposes of from enemy models, a model with Cannot be Stomped is never considered to be
of Standard Height.

21.D.b.3 Distracting
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a −1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier
cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.

21.D.b.4 Flammable
must reroll failed to-wound rolls against a model with Flammable.

21.D.b.5 Fortitude (X)
Fortitude is a . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with that rolled a natural ‘6’
to wound, or against .

21.D.b.6 Hard Target (X)

Shooting Attacks targeting a unit that has more than half of its models with Hard Target (X) suffer a −X to-hit modifier.
This rule is cumulative.

21.D.b.7 Parry
Parry can only be used against from the Front Facing. The model gains one of the following
effects, whichever would result in a higher Defensive Skill:
• The model gains +1 Defensive Skill.
• The model’s Defensive Skill is always set to the Offensive Skill of the attacker.

21.E Armour Equipment

There are 2 different types of Armour Equipment. A model can only ever be equipped with one piece of armour
of each type, i.e. an optional Suit of Armour replaces a model’s default Suit of Armour if applicable. The types of
armour below are also referred to as mundane armour:

21.E.a Suits of Armour

• Light Armour: +1 Armour.
• Heavy Armour: +2 Armour.
• Plate Armour: +3 Armour.

21.E.b Shields
• Shield: +1 Armour.
weapons prevent the simultaneous use of a Shield against Melee Attacks (see “ ”, page ).

21.F Weapons
Weapons are divided into three categories: Close Combat Weapons, Shooting Weapons, and Artillery Weapons. The
weapons listed in the following pages are also referred to as mundane weapons.

21.F.a Close Combat Weapons

Close Combat Weapons are used in close combat and can confer various benefits and drawbacks to the model’s Close
Combat Attacks. The rules for a Close Combat Weapon are only applied when using the weapon in question (i.e. they
don’t apply to , such as Stomp Attacks, or when using a different weapon). Mundane Close Combat
Weapons are listed in table .

21.F.a.1 Choosing a Close Combat Weapon

If a model has more than one Close Combat Weapon, it must choose which one to use in the First Round of Combat,
at step 2 of the . It must then continue to use the same weapon for the duration of that
combat. All R&F models in a unit must always choose the same Close Combat Weapon, unless they are forced to use
enchanted weapons.

Weapon Rules
Great Weapon . Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Pene-
tration, and strike at 0 (regardless of the wielder’s Agility).
Halberd . Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Pene-
Hand Weapon All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model
has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the
Hand Weapon, unless specifically stated otherwise. Models on foot wielding a Hand
Weapon alongside a Shield gain .
Lance Attacks made with a Lance and allocated towards models in the wielders’ Front Facing
gain . Infantry cannot
use Lances.
Light Lance Attacks made with a Light Lance and allocated towards models in the wielders’ Front
Facing gain . Infantry
cannot use Light Lances.
Paired Weapons . The wielder gains +1 Attack Value and +1 Offensive Skill when using
Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons ignore (while Paired
Weapons are often modelled as two Hand Weapons, they are considered a separate
weapon category for rules purposes).
Spear Attacks made with a Spear gain and +1 Armour Penetration.
Attacks made with a Spear gain +2 Agility and an additional +1 Armour Penetration
in the First Round of Combat provided the attacking model’s unit is not Charging and
is not Engaged either in its Flank or Rear Facing. Only Infantry can use Spears.

Table 9: Mundane Close Combat Weapons.

21.F.b Shooting Weapons

Shooting Weapons are used for making Shooting Attacks. Each model part can normally only use one Shooting
Weapon per phase even if it is equipped with more than one, and all non-Champion R&F models in a unit must use
the same Shooting Weapon. Each Shooting Weapon has a maximum range, a number of shots fired, a Strength, and
an Armour Penetration value, and can have one or more . Attack Attributes listed for a Shooting
Weapon only apply to the Shooting Attacks made with that weapon. Mundane Shooting Weapons are listed in table

Weapon Range Shots Strength Armour Penetration Attack Attributes

Bow 24″ 1 3 0
Crossbow 30″ 1 4 1
Handgun 24″ 1 4 2
Longbow 30″ 1 3 0
Pistol 12″ 1 4 2
Throwing Weapons 8″ 2 as user as user ,

Table 10: Mundane Shooting Weapons.

21.F.c Artillery Weapons
Artillery Weapons are a special kind of Shooting Weapon. These weapons are often installed on , but
can on other occasions be carried by or Gigantic Beasts, or contained within .
Artillery Weapons are Shooting Weapons that always have the Attack Attribute, and they may have specific
profiles for range, shots, Strength, Armour Penetration, and other Attack Attributes, which you will find in their
description. Some Artillery Weapons may have further rules as detailed below.

21.F.c.1 Cannon
Cannon attacks ignore to-hit modifiers from Soft Cover and Hard Cover. They gain a +1 to-hit modifier when targeting
units consisting entirely of models of Gigantic Height that do not benefit from Cover. On a natural to-hit roll of ‘1’
a Cannon Misfires: roll on the (table , page ) and apply the corresponding result (a to-hit roll
resulting in a Misfire cannot be rerolled).

21.F.c.2 Catapult (X×Y)

Catapult attacks ignore to-hit modifiers from Soft Cover and Hard Cover. Resolve Catapult attacks as follows:
• On a natural to-hit roll of ‘1’, it Misfires: roll on the (table , page ) and apply the correspond-
ing result (a to-hit roll resulting in a Misfire cannot be rerolled).
• On a successful to-hit roll, the attack gains . Resolve the attack with the Strength and Armour
Penetration stated in the Catapult’s description.
• On any other to-hit result, roll to hit with a new Catapult attack, referred to as Partial Hit, and ignore any
Misfire. If it hits, this attack gains , but you reduce both X and Y by 1. If either value reaches
0, no hits are inflicted. All hits are at half Strength and half Armour Penetration, rounding fractions up. In
addition, the attack loses all benefits from the Strength, Armour Penetration, and/or Attack Attributes written
in square brackets (if any; see ). If it misses, no further attack can be generated this way.

21.F.c.3 Flamethrower
Flamethrowers do not roll to hit. Instead, roll a D6 (this is not considered a to-hit roll). On a natural roll of ‘1’, it
Misfires: roll on the (table , page ) with a −1 modifier and apply the corresponding result. On
any other natural result the attack is successful. Determine which Arc of the target the attacker is Located in:
• If the attacker is Located in the Front or the Rear Arc, the attack causes D6 hits, +D3 hits for each rank after the
first up to a maximum of +4D3.
• If the attacker is Located in either Flank Arc, the attack causes D6 hits, +D3 hits for each file after the first up to
a maximum of +4D3.
The total number of hits cannot exceed the number of models in the unit.
Some Flamethrowers have a higher Strength, Armour Penetration, and/or additional Attack Attributes stated in
curly brackets (such as Strength 4 {5}, Armour Penetration 1 {2}, { }). If so, use the Strength,
Armour Penetration, and Attack Attributes in curly brackets when shooting at a target within Short Range.

21.F.c.4 Volley Gun

The number of shots fired by a Volley Gun is a random number. When rolling for the number of shots for a Volley
Gun attack, if a single natural ‘6’ is rolled (after any reroll), this attack suffers a −1 to-hit modifier; instead, if two or
more natural ‘6’ are rolled, the attack fails and the Volley Gun Misfires: roll on the (table , page )
and apply the corresponding result.

21.F.d The Misfire Table
A to-hit roll resulting in a Misfire cannot be rerolled. When an Artillery Weapon Misfires, roll a D6 and consult table
below (a result of ‘0’ or less may happen when there is a negative modifier to the roll, as for ).

Result Misfire Effect

0 All models within D6″ of the Misfiring model suffer a hit with Strength 5 and
(or less) Armour Penetration 2. The shooting model is then destroyed and removed as a
The model cannot shoot with the weapon for the rest of the game.
3–4 The Artillery Weapon may not shoot in the owner’s next Player Turn. If the model
is a , the model is until the end of the owner’s next Player
Turn instead.
The shooting model loses a Health Point with no saves of any kind allowed.

Table 11: Misfire Table.

21.G Attack Attributes

Attack Attributes can be given to a model part, to a weapon, to a spell, or to a . Remember that an
Attack Attribute that is given to a unit is automatically given to every model in that unit (see “ ”, page ), and if it
is given to a model, it is automatically given to all model parts of that model (see “ ”, page ).
Attack Attributes given to a weapon, spell, or Special Attack are always applied to the attacks made with that weapon,
spell, or Special Attack. They are however not applied to any other attacks made by the corresponding model part.
Example: A Character on a Chariot has a a Weapon Enchantment that makes the attacks made with its Hand Weapon
Divine Attacks and Magical Attacks. This means that only the Close Combat Attacks made with the enchanted weapon
become Divine Attacks and Magical Attacks, while all other attacks made by the model (e.g. and Close
Combat Attacks from the horses pulling the Chariot) are not affected.
Attack Attributes are divided into the following sub-categories that define what attacks they affect when given to a
model part. Note that these sub-categories are irrelevant for Attack Attributes given to a weapon, spell, or an attack,
including Special Attacks (so an Attack Attribute with the Close Combat keyword can be given e.g. to a Shooting

Close Combat
A model part with an Attack Attribute with this keyword applies the rules of the Attack Attribute to all its Close
Combat Attacks.

A model part with an Attack Attribute with this keyword applies the rules of the Attack Attribute to all its Shooting
Attacks that are not .
Example: A unit is the target of a spell that makes the unit’s attacks Divine Attacks and Flaming Attacks. Divine
Attacks has the keyword Close Combat, while Flaming Attacks has the keywords Close Combat and Shooting. This
means that the Close Combat Attacks of all model parts of that unit are now both Divine Attacks and Flaming Attacks,
while the Shooting Attacks of all model parts of the unit are only Flaming Attacks. Any Special Attacks (including
Special Attacks that are Shooting Attacks) or spells from the unit are not affected.

21.G.a Conditional Application
Attack Attributes may only work against certain enemies, which are then stated in brackets after “against”. There
may already be some piece of information relative to the rule specified between brackets, as in .
In this case the conditions for the rule to work are written in the same brackets, after a comma. This can e.g. be all
models from a given Army Book, with a given Model Rule, of a given Height, or of a given Type.
If the Attack Attribute is effective against more than one type of enemy, they are separated by commas. If no comma
but instead “and” is used, this means that the rule works only against enemies that fulfil all criteria. For example,
Multiple Wounds (2, against Large and Beasts, Gigantic) means that Multiple Wounds can be used against models
that are both Large and Beasts, as well as against models that are Gigantic, regardless of the models’ Type.
Attack Attributes with Conditional Application can only be applied when the affected attacks are either allocated
towards or distributed onto a Health Pool where all models fulfil the requirements.

21.G.b List of Attack Attributes

21.G.b.1 Accurate – Shooting
The attack doesn’t suffer the −1 to-hit modifier for shooting at .

21.G.b.2 Area Attack (X×Y)

When the attack hits, determine the position of the attacker’s base:
• In case of a Ranged Attack, determine which Arc of the target the attacker’s base is Located in.
• In case of a Melee Attack, determine which Facing of the target the attacker is Engaged in.
Front or Rear: Choose up to Y different ranks of the target.
Flank: Choose up to Y different files of the target.
For each rank/file selected this way, the unit suffers X hits, to a maximum equal to the number of models in this
rank/file. A single Area Attack can never cause more hits than there are models in the unit.
Some Area Attacks have a higher Strength, Armour Penetration, and/or additional Attack Attributes stated in square
brackets (e.g. Strength 3 [7], Armour Penetration 0 [4], [ ]). If so, a single hit from this attack,
chosen by the attacker (following the normal rules for ), uses the Strength, Armour Penetration,
and Attack Attributes in brackets. The bracketed values and Attack Attributes are not applied to any other hits.
Figure illustrates examples of different Area Attacks.

Area Attack (3×3) Area Attack (1×4)

3 + 3 + 3 = 9 Hits 3 + 2 = 5 Hits 1 + 1 = 2 Hits

1 Hit 3 + 3 = 6 Hits 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 Hits

Figure 41: Examples of Area Attacks.

Units A to D are hit by an Area Attack (3×3) from an attacker Located in their Front Arc.

In unit A, there are 3 ranks with more than 3 models. Number of hits: 3 + 3 + 3 = 9.

In unit B, the first rank has more than 3 models, but the second rank only has two models. There is no third rank.
Number of hits: 3 + 2 = 5.

Since unit C is a single model, there will always only be a single rank with a single model. Number of hits: 1.

In unit D, the first and second rank have 3 models. There is no third rank. Number of hits: 3 + 3 = 6.

Unit E is hit by an Area Attack (1×4) from an attacker Located in its Front Arc. The first and second rank have more
than 1 model. There is no third or fourth rank. Number of hits: 1 + 1 = 2.

Unit F is hit by an Area Attack (1×4) from an attacker Located in its Flank Arc. There are more than 4 files with 1 or
more models. Number of hits: 1 + 1 +1 +1 = 4.

21.G.b.3 Battle Focus – Close Combat
If the attack hits with a natural to-hit roll of ‘6’, the attack causes one additional hit (i.e. usually two hits instead of
In order for Shooting Attacks using Hopeless Shots to cause one additional hit, the first to-hit roll must be a natural
‘6’ and the second to-hit roll must be successful in order to hit the target.

21.G.b.4 Crush Attack – Close Combat

At the end of step 4 of the (just after issuing and accepting Duels), the model part may
declare that it will use its Crush Attack this Round of Combat. It performs a single Close Combat Attack at
0, with Strength 10, Armour Penetration 10 (regardless of the user’s Agility, Strength, and Armour Penetration),
and . The following restrictions apply to Crush Attacks:
• They cannot be made as .
• They never benefit from any weapons or other Attack Attributes the model part may have.
• The model part cannot make any other Close Combat Attacks during this Round of Combat (including other
Crush Attacks, but can still use its Special Attacks such as Stomp Attacks or Impact Hits).

21.G.b.5 Devastating Charge (X)

A Charging model part with Devastating Charge, or using a weapon with Devastating Charge, gains the Model Rules
and Characteristic modifiers stated in brackets.
For example, a model part with Devastating Charge (+1 Strength, ) gains +1 Strength and Poison
Attacks when it is Charging.
Remember that Special Attacks cannot be affected by Attack Attributes, so the Model Rules and Characteristic
modifiers gained from Devastating Charge are not applied to Special Attacks, like and ,
unless specifically stated otherwise.
This rule is cumulative: a model part with several instances of Devastating Charge applies all Attack Attributes and
Characteristic modifiers from all of them when Charging.

21.G.b.6 Divine Attacks – Close Combat

Successful Saves taken against the attack must be rerolled.

21.G.b.7 Fight in Extra Rank – Close Combat

Model parts with Fight in Extra Rank, or using a weapon with Fight in Extra Rank, can make
from an additional rank (normally, this means that models with Fight in Extra Rank will be able to make Supporting
Attacks from the third rank). This rule is cumulative, allowing an additional rank to make Supporting Attacks for
each instance of Fight in Extra Rank.

21.G.b.8 Flaming Attacks – Close Combat, Shooting

The attack ignores Saves and must reroll failed to-wound rolls against models with .

21.G.b.9 Harnessed – Close Combat

Model parts with Harnessed cannot make and cannot use weapons. Shooting Weapons carried
by model parts with Harnessed can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not have
Harnessed or ). A model with at least one model part with Harnessed is considered to be mounted.

21.G.b.10 Hatred – Close Combat

During the First Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.

21.G.b.11 Inanimate – Close Combat
Model parts with Inanimate cannot make Close Combat Attacks and cannot use Shooting Weapons. Shooting Weapons
carried by model parts with Inanimate can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not
have or Inanimate).

21.G.b.12 Lethal Strike – Close Combat

An attack with Lethal Strike that wounds with a natural to-wound roll of ‘6’ has its Armour Penetration set to 10 and
ignores Saves.

21.G.b.13 Lightning Reflexes – Close Combat

A Close Combat Attack with Lightning Reflexes gains a +1 to-hit modifier. Model parts with this Attack Attribute
wielding Great Weapons do not gain this +1 to-hit modifier, but strike with the Great Weapon at the
corresponding to their Agility instead of always striking at Initiative Step 0.

21.G.b.14 Magical Attacks – Close Combat, Shooting

The Attack Attribute doesn’t confer any additional effects. However, the Attack Attribute interacts with other rules,
such as (X, against Magical Attacks).

21.G.b.15 March and Shoot – Shooting

March Moving in the same Player Turn does not prevent the attack from being performed, unless the attack is also
subject to Move or Fire.

21.G.b.16 Move or Fire – Shooting

The attack may not be used if the attacking model has made an , , ,
, or during the current Player Turn. Note that the normal limitations still apply (e.g. no shooting after a

21.G.b.17 Multiple Wounds (X) – Close Combat

Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g.
Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds. The amount
of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target
(excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle).
For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a ‘5’ for the multiplier, the
number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously
in battle.
If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model
with is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.

21.G.b.18 Poison Attacks – Close Combat, Shooting

If the attack hits with a natural to-hit roll of ‘6’, it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed.
Shooting Attacks using automatically wound only if the first to-hit roll is a natural ‘6’. Note that the
second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target.
If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with or ), only a single hit,
chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.

21.G.b.19 Quick to Fire – Shooting

The attack doesn’t suffer the −1 to-hit modifier for Moving and Shooting.

21.G.b.20 Reload! – Shooting

The attack cannot be used for a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction.

21.G.b.21 Toxic Attacks – Close Combat
The attack has its Strength always set to 3 and its Armour Penetration always set to 10.

21.G.b.22 Two-Handed
A model using a weapon with Two-Handed cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.

21.G.b.23 Unwieldy – Shooting

The attack suffers an additional −1 to-hit modifier for Moving and Shooting (for a total of −2). When combined with
, the attack can only ignore the normal −1 to-hit modifier for Moving and Shooting, not the additional −1
to-hit modifier from Unwieldy.

21.G.b.24 Volley Fire – Shooting

If at least one model in a unit can draw Line of Sight to the target, then all model parts using Volley Fire in the same
unit ignore all intervening models of their own Height or smaller for Line of Sight and Cover purposes.
In addition, unless making a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction, models in a unit in that has not moved
during this Player Turn may shoot from one additional rank (usually this means that they can shoot from the first
three ranks).

21.G.b.25 Weapon Master – Close Combat

At the beginning of each Round of Combat, model parts with Weapon Master may choose which weapon they fight
with. This includes selecting to use a Hand Weapon even if they have other weapons. If armed with a weapon with a
Weapon Enchantment, the model part must still use it.

21.H Special Attacks

A model part with Special Attacks can make a special type of attack specified by the corresponding rules. Attacks
made using Special Attacks cannot be affected by weapons or , unless specifically stated otherwise.

21.H.a List of Special Attacks

21.H.a.1 Breath Attack (X)
A model part with Breath Attack can use it only once during the game. If a model has more than one Breath Attack, it
can only use one Breath Attack in a single phase. It can be used either as a Shooting Attack or as a Special Attack
when Engaged in Combat.
• As a Shooting Attack with March and Shoot: choose a target using the for Shooting Attacks (it
can be used for a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction). The attack has a range of 6″. A model part with both a
Breath Attack and a Shooting Weapon can use both in the same Shooting Phase, however only against the same
• As a Special Attack when Engaged in Combat: the attack is made at the model part’s Agility. Declare that you
are using the Breath Attack at the start of the Initiative Step (before rolling to hit), and choose a unit in base
contact as a target.
No matter if it is used as a Shooting or Melee Attack, the target of the Breath Attack suffers 2D6 hits. The Strength,
Armour Penetration, and Attack Attributes (if any) of these hits are given within brackets, such as in Breath Attack
(Str 4, AP 1, ). If several models in the same unit have this Special Attack, roll for the number of hits
separately for each model.

21.H.a.2 Grind Attacks (X)
A model part with Grind Attacks resolves these attacks at its Agility. It must choose an enemy unit in base contact
with it. The chosen enemy unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are
resolved with the model part’s Strength and Armour Penetration.
If a model has both Grind Attacks and , it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat
(the owner may choose which). If several model parts in a unit have Grind Attacks and if X is a random number (e.g.
Grind Attacks (2D3)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.

21.H.a.3 Impact Hits (X)

At 10, a Charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with
the attacking model’s Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These
hits are resolved with the attacking model part’s Strength and Armour Penetration.
If a model has both and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat
(the owner may choose which). In case of Multipart Models, only model parts that also have or
can use Impact Hits. If several models in a unit have Impact Hits, and if X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)),
roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.

21.H.a.4 Stomp Attacks (X)

At 0, a model part with Stomp Attacks must choose an enemy model of Standard Height in base contact
with it. The chosen model’s unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits can only
be distributed onto models of Standard Height (ignore models of a different Height when distributing hits). They are
resolved with the model part’s Strength and Armour Penetration.
In case of Multipart Models, only model parts that also have can use Stomp Attacks. If several models in
a unit have this Special Attack, and if X is a random number (e.g. Stomp Attacks (D6)), roll for the number of hits
separately for each model part.

21.H.a.5 Sweeping Attack

This attack may be used by units containing models with Sweeping Attack. When the unit or
, you may nominate a single unengaged enemy unit that the unit with Sweeping Attack moved through or
over during this move (meaning their Unit Boundaries were overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes
the Sweeping Attack against the nominated enemy unit, which is resolved when the March or Advance Move is
completed. Follow the description in the unit entry. These attacks hit automatically and count as ranged Special
Attacks. Each Sweeping Attack can only be performed once per Player Turn.

22 Special Items
When building their armies, players have the option to individually upgrade the mundane equipment of certain
models, usually Characters and Standard Bearers, by buying Special Items for these models. Some Special Items are
shared by most armies of T9A (they can be found in The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles – Arcane Compendium), while
army-specific Special Items can be found in the corresponding Army Books.
All Special Items are One of a Kind unless specifically stated otherwise.

22.A Special Item Categories

All Special Items belong to one of the following categories:
• Weapon Enchantments
• Armour Enchantments
• Banner Enchantments
• Artefacts
Each category of Special Items is subject to the rules below.

22.A.a Weapon Enchantments

Weapon Enchantments are upgrades to weapons. The upgraded mundane weapon is referred to as enchanted
weapon and follows all rules for both the original weapon and the Weapon Enchantment. The following rules apply
to Weapon Enchantments and enchanted weapons:
• A model may only have a single Weapon Enchantment.
• If a model has more than one weapon, it must be noted on the Army List which weapon has been enchanted
(remember that all models are equipped with a Hand Weapon).
• Each Weapon Enchantment applies to a specific weapon (e.g. a Great Weapon) or a category of weapons (e.g.
Close Combat Weapons). Note that Shooting Weapons that count as a Close Combat Weapon in close combat
(such as a Brace of Pistols from the Empire of Sonnstahl Army Book) cannot normally be Enchanted with a
Close Combat Weapon enchantment.
• A model armed with an enchanted weapon (including a Hand Weapon) must use it.

22.A.b Armour Enchantments

Armour Enchantments are upgrades to Armour Equipment. The upgraded mundane armour is referred to as
enchanted armour and follows all rules for both the original Armour Equipment and the Armour Enchantment. The
following rules apply to Armour Enchantments and enchanted armour:
• Each piece of armour a model is carrying may be enchanted with a single Armour Enchantment.
• If the wearer has more than one piece of armour that could be enchanted, it must be noted on the Army List
which one has been enchanted. If a model has no Armour Equipment, it cannot take Armour Enchantments.
• Each Armour Enchantment applies to a specific piece of armour (e.g. Heavy Armour) or a category of armour
(e.g. Suits of Armour).

22.A.c Banner Enchantments

Banner Enchantments are upgrades to and . The upgraded banner is
referred to as enchanted banner. Each banner may normally only have a single Banner Enchantment, except for
Battle Standard Bearers, who may take up to two Banner Enchantments.

22.A.d Artefacts
A model may have up to two Artefacts.

22.B Properties of Special Items

22.B.a Dominant
A model may only have a single Dominant Special Item.

22.B.b Who is Affected

Special Items may affect different targets:
• The wielder, wearer, or bearer: these terms mean the same thing for rules purposes and refer to the model
part the Special Item was bought for (and don’t affect its mount).
• Models, the wearer’s model, or the bearer’s model: these terms refer to all model parts of the models, including
their mounts (note that these terms override the Massive Bulk rules).
• Units, the wearer’s unit, or the bearer’s unit: this type of Special Item affects all model parts in the target unit
or in the same unit as the wearer/bearer of the Special Item (including mounts and the wearer/bearer itself).

22.B.c One Use Only

These effects can only be used once per game.

23 Summaries
This chapter is designed as a summary of the Rulebook that you can print out separately and keep at the table when
playing, providing easy access to overviews and summaries of the most important rules. However, it does not replace
the Rulebook. In situations where the summaries are unclear, please refer to the corresponding Rulebook chapters –
the Rulebook always overrules the summaries.

Summaries v2.0
Turn Priority of Modifiers
A standard game lasts for 6 Game Turns, each divided Priority
into two Player Turns. Each Player Turn is divided into Step
five phases, performed in the following order: Values set to a certain number and values set to another model’s value. If the
1 other model’s Characteristic is modified, apply these modifiers before setting the
1 Charge Phase
2 Movement Phase
2 Multiplication and division. Round fractions up.
3 Magic Phase
3 Addition and subtraction.
4 Shooting Phase
Rolls always or never succeeding or failing on certain results, and Characteristics
5 Melee Phase 4
always or never set to a certain value or range of values.

When several modifiers within a group are to be applied to a value or dice roll, apply them in the order
that results in the lowest value or success chance of the dice roll.

Model Type and Height – related Model Rules

Infantry Beast Cavalry Construct Standard Large Gigantic

Cannot be Fear
Cannot use
Stomped Massive Bulk
None Swiftstride Stomp Attacks
Swiftstride Model Rules None Stomp Attacks (1) Stomp Attacks (D6)
Tall Terror
Towering Presence
Full Ranks 5 3 1
Pre-Game Supporting
1 3 5
Pre-Game Sequence Deployment Types
1 Decide on the size of the game 1 – Frontline Clash 2 – Dawn Assault 3 – Counterthrust
Share your Army List with your >1/4
3 Build the Battlefield >12″ >12″ >8″ >20″
4 Determine the Deployment Type >8″
>12″ >12″
5 Determine the Secondary Objective >1/4
6 Determine the Deployment Zones (>18″)
7 Select Spells
Declare Special Deployment 4 – Encircle 5 – Refused Flank 6 – Marching Columns
(Ambush, Scout)
>1/4 Attacker >1/4
9 Deployment Phase
(>18″) (>18″)
>15″ 12″
Deployment Phase Sequence >9″ >9″
>9″ 12″
1 Determine who deploys first >15″ >15″ >9″
2 Take turns deploying units >9″ 3 1
Defender 5 2
3 Declare intent to go first or second 4

4 Deploy remaining units

The player who chooses the Deployment Zone also chooses the short Board Edges for 2, who is the attacker for 4,
Deploy Scouting units (starting with and the diagonal for 5.
5 the player who finished deploying
first) 2 – Dawn Assault: Players may choose up to two units as Ambushers coming from their short Board Edge.
Move Vanguarding units (starting 3 – Counterthrust: Players must only deploy a single non-Character unit during their first 3 turns. Units must be
6 with the player who finished deploy- deployed at least 20″ away from enemies.
ing last)
7 Other rules and abilities 6 – Marching Columns: Players must only deploy a single non-Character unit during their first 3 turns. Each unit
must be closer to the short Board Edge chosen by the owner than the previous friendly units (War Machines, War
8 Roll for first turn
Platforms, Characters, and Scouts ignore this). Possibility to make units Delayed.

Secondary Objectives
1 – Hold the Ground 2 – Breakthrough 3 – Spoils of War
Have more Scoring Units than your opponent within Be the player with the most Scoring Units inside Three markers on the Centre Line that can be picked
6″ of the centre of the board at the end of a Game their opponent’s Deployment Zone at the end of the up by Scoring Units by being in contact with them
Turn (other than the first) to gain a counter. game (up to 3). at the beginning of their Player Turn. At the end of
the game, be the player with the most units carrying
4 – King of the Hill 5 – Capture the Flags 6 – Secure Target
After Spell Selection, each player chooses a non- Destroy more Scoring Units than your opponent. Both players place a marker more than 12″ from
Impassable Terrain Feature not entirely in their De- Each player must have at least 3 Scoring Units; else, their Deployment Zones and 24″ away from the
ployment Zone. At the end of the game, have Scoring the opponent marks non-Scoring Units to destroy. other marker. Control a marker by having more Scor-
Units inside your opponent’s Terrain Feature. ing Units within 6″ of it. Be the player controlling
most markers at the end of the game.
The player who chooses the Deployment Zone also starts choosing or placing in 4, 5, and 6.
Summaries v2.0
Charge Phase
Charge Phase Sequence Maximising Contact
1 Start of the Charge Phase (and start of the Player Turn) Charge Moves must be made so the following conditions are satisfied as best as possible,
in decreasing priority order.
2 The Active Player chooses a unit and declares a Charge
The Reactive Player declares and resolves their Charge • 1st priority: Make contact with no enemy units other than the one that was Charged.
3 If it will be unavoidable to make contact with more than one enemy unit, make
Repeat steps 2–3 of this sequence until all units that wish contact with as few enemy units as possible. Follow the rules for Multiple Charges.
to declare a Charge have done so • 2nd priority: Maximise the total number of Charging units that make contact (note
The Active Player chooses a unit that declared a Charge, that this is only applicable when multiple units Charge the same unit).
then rolls for Charge Range, and moves the unit
• 3rd priority: Avoid rotating the Charged unit. If it is unavoidable, rotate the unit
Repeat step 5 of this sequence until all units that declared
6 as little as possible. Remember that units Engaged in Combat cannot be rotated.
a Charge have moved
7 End of the Charge Phase • 4th priority: Maximise the number of models (on both sides) in base contact with
at least one enemy model (including models fighting across gaps).

Movement Phase
Movement Phase Sequence Chances to Pass a Charge Range Roll
1 Start of the Movement Phase Probabilities (in percentage) to pass a Charge Range roll depending on the remaining
distance (i.e. the total distance minus the Advance Rate Characteristic):
2 Rally Fleeing units and perform any Flee Moves
Select one of your units and a type of move (Advance, March, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Reform), then move the unit Charge 100 97 92 83 72 58 42 28 17 8 3
Repeat step 3, each time choosing a new unit that has not yet Charge +
4 100 99 98 95 89 81 68 52 36 20 7
moved in the Movement Phase Swiftstride
5 End of the Movement Phase Charge +
100 99 99 97 92 83 66 48 31 16 5
Charge +
Swiftstride 100 99 99 99 99 96 90 77 59 36 14
+ reroll

Dangerous Terrain Tests
Dangerous Terrain (DT) Test during March, Charge, Failed Charge, Flee, Pursuit, or Overrun Moves. 1 hit with Armour Penetration 10 that wounds automatically
for each failed roll.
Standard Large Gigantic Chariot
Number of D6 rolled 1 2 3 +1

Infantry Beast Cavalry Construct Notes

Forests DT (1) DT (1) DT (1) for Flying Movement
Ruins DT (1)* DT (1)* DT (2)* DT (2)* *Unless Skirmisher
Water Terrain DT (1)* DT (1)* *Standard Height and on foot only
Walls DT (2)

Other Terrain Rules

Cover and Line of Sight rules described in Shooting Phase.

Rules (not including Cover and Line of Sight)

Fields None
Forests No Steadfast
Infantry with Light Troops are Stubborn (unless Towering Presence or Fly)
Hills Reroll failed Charge Range rolls when Charging from a Hill
Impassable Terrain Models cannot move into or through
Ruins None
Walls Units with Front Facing in contact gain Distracting against Charging enemies
Water Terrain No Steadfast
Lose Flaming Attacks when attacking from or into it with Melee Attacks
Summaries v2.0
Magic Phase
Magic Phase Sequence Spell Casting Sequence
1 Start of the Magic Phase A Casting Attempt. If failed, skip steps B–F
2 Draw a Flux Card B Dispelling Attempt. If successful, skip steps C–F
3 Siphon the Veil In case of Broken Concentration, skip steps D–E and go directly to
4 Cast a spell with one of your models (see “Spell Casting Sequence”) step F
5 Repeat step 4 for each spell the Active Player wishes to cast D Resolve the spell effect
6 End of the Magic Phase If applicable, choose target(s) for the Attribute Spell and resolve its
F If applicable, apply the Miscast effect

Casting Attempt
The Active Player declares which Wizard is casting which spell and how many Magic Dice will be used. If applicable, they also declare which version of
the spell is used and what its targets are. Between 1 and 5 dice from the Active Player’s Magic Dice pool must be used.
The Active Player rolls the chosen number of Magic Dice from the Magic Dice pool and adds the results of the rolled dice and any Casting Modifiers
together. This total is referred to as the total casting roll.
The Casting Attempt is passed if the total casting roll is equal to or greater than the spell’s Casting Value. The Casting Attempt fails if the total casting
roll is less than the spell’s Casting Value. Note that the Casting Attempt may Fizzle if 2 or more dice were used (see “Fizzle”).

Dispelling Attempt
The Reactive Player declares how many Magic Dice will be used from their pool. The Reactive Player must use at least 1 dice for a Dispelling Attempt.
Note that there is no maximum number of Magic Dice allowed to be used for a Dispelling Attempt.
The Reactive Player rolls the chosen number of dice and adds the results of the rolled dice and any Dispelling Modifiers together, to get the total dispelling
The Dispelling Attempt is successful if the total dispelling roll is equal to or greater than the total casting roll. If so, the spell is dispelled and the spell
3 is not cast. The Dispelling Attempt fails if the total dispelling roll is less than the total casting roll. If so, the spell is successfully cast. Note that the
Dispelling Attempt may Fizzle if 2 or more dice were used (see “Fizzle”).

Bound Spell Casting Attempt

The Active Player declares which model will cast which Bound Spell, and whether they will use 2 or 3 Magic Dice. If applicable, the Active Player also
declares the targets of the spell. The spell is always cast with the basic version as Bound Spells cannot be Boosted.
2 The Active Player removes the chosen number of Magic Dice (2 or 3) from their Magic Dice pool (do not roll them).
3 The Casting Attempt is always passed.

Fizzle Flux Cards

When a Casting Attempt or Dispelling Attempt is failed for which 2 dice or more Flux Card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
were used, any Magic Dice that rolled a natural ‘1’ are returned to the Magic
Magic Dice 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7
Dice pool they were taken from. Note that this does not apply to passed Casting
Attempts that are then dispelled. Veil Tokens 3 2 5 7 9 5 7 7
Miscast Modifiers +1 -1


Three of a kind: Miscast Effects (after resolving the spell and Attribute effects, unless 111)
000 or lower No effect.
111 Broken Concentration
The Casting Attempt fails (apply Fizzle as normal).
222 Witchfire
The Caster’s unit suffers 1D6 hits with Armour Penetration 2, Magical Attacks, and a Strength equal to the number of
Magic Dice that were used for the casting roll.
333 Magical Inferno
The Caster’s unit suffers 2D6 hits with Armour Penetration 2, Magical Attacks, and a Strength equal to the number of
Magic Dice that were used for the casting roll.
444 Amnesia
The Caster cannot cast the Miscast spell anymore this game.
555 Backlash
The Caster suffers 2 hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.
666 Implosion
The Caster suffers 4 hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.
777 or higher Breach in the Veil
The Caster’s model is removed as a casualty (no saves of any kind allowed).
Summaries v2.0
Shooting Phase
Shooting Phase Sequence Selection of Shooting Rules
1 Start of the Shooting Phase Each unit can only shoot once per phase. All models in the same unit must
shoot at the same target. Only models in the first and second rank may shoot.
2 Select one of your units and perform a Shooting Attack
All R&F models except Champions must use the same type of Shooting Attack.
Repeat step 2 with a different unit that has not performed a Shooting In case of Multipart Models, each model part can make a Shooting Attack in the
Attack during this phase yet same phase.
When all units that can (and want to) shoot have done so, the Shoot-
4 Hopeless Shots: In order to hit on 7+, hit on 6+ and then roll 4+.
ing Phase ends

To-Hit Modifiers Misfire Table for Artillery Weapons

Long Range −1 Stand and Shoot −1 Result Misfire Effect

(if Accurate) 0 Soft Cover −1 Explosion!
0 All models within D6″ of the Misfiring model suffer a hit
Moving and Shooting −1 Hard Cover −2
(or less) with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 2. The shooting
(if Quick to Fire) 0 Hard Target (X) −X
model is then destroyed and removed as a casualty.
(if Unwieldy) −2
(if both) −1
1–2 The model cannot shoot with the weapon for the rest of the
Line of Sight and Cover Jammed
3–4 The Artillery Weapon may not shoot in the owner’s next
Determine Line of Sight, range, and Cover for each shooting model. A model
Player Turn. If the model is a War Machine, the model is
is considered to have Line of Sight to a unit if it can draw Line of Sight (in the
Shaken until the end of the owner’s next Player Turn instead.
unit’s Front Arc) to any part of the other unit’s Unit Boundary.
Choose a point on the shooting model’s Front Facing. From the chosen point, 5+ The shooting model loses a Health Point with no saves of
check how large the fraction of the Target Facing is that is behind obstructions. any kind allowed.
If half or more of the Target Facing is obscured, the target benefits from Cover.
Models always ignore their own unit and the Terrain Feature they are inside
for Cover purposes.
Soft Cover (−1 to hit)

Standard Standard Large Large Standard Large

Standard Large Gigantic Large Large Gigantic Gigantic Large Gigantic

No Cover

Standard Standard Gigantic Large Standard Gigantic Gigantic Standard Gigantic

All other Height combinations yield either Hard Cover or no Line of Sight, depending on whether the target is completely obscured by the intervening model or not.

Line of Sight Cover

Fields Covering (inside) Soft Cover for non-Towering Presence
Forests Covering (inside or behind) Soft Cover
Opaque Terrain Soft Cover if partially on
Covering (behind) Hard Cover if entirely off
Impassable Terrain Opaque Terrain Hard Cover
Ruins Covering (inside) Hard Cover for non-Towering Presence
Walls Covering (behind and Defending) Hard Cover for non-Towering Presence
Summaries v2.0
Melee Phase
Melee Phase Sequence Round of Combat Sequence
1 Start of the Melee Phase 1 Start of the Round of Combat
2 Apply any No Longer Engaged 2 Choose a weapon
The Active Player chooses a combat that has not already been fought 3 Make Way
during this Melee Phase 4 Issue and accept Duels
4 Fight a Round of Combat 5 Determine the Initiative Order
5 Repeat steps 2–4 Roll Melee Attacks, starting with the first Initiative Step:
Once all units that were Engaged in Combat at the start of the phase 1. Allocate attacks
have fought, the Melee Phase ends 6 2. Roll to hit, to wound, saves, and remove casualties
3. Repeat 1. and 2. for the next Initative Step
Combat Score Summary Calculate which side wins the Round of Combat. Losers roll Break
Health Points Lost by 8 Roll Panic Tests for units within 6″ of friendly Broken units
+1 for each Health Point
Enemy Units
9 Decide to Restrain or to Pursue
Overkill +1 for each Health Point (maximum +3)
10 Roll Flee Distances
Charge +1
11 Roll Pursuit Distances
+1 for each Full Rank after the first
Rank Bonus 12 Move Fleeing units
(maximum +3)
13 Move Pursuing units
+1 for each Standard and Battle Standard
Standard 14 Post-Combat Pivots and Post-Combat Reforms
Flank Bonus +1 or +2 15 Combat Reforms
Rear Bonus +2 or +3 16 End of the Round of Combat. Proceed to the next combat

Battle Points Scoring Victory Points

Victory Point Difference Battle Points Enemy unit VP provided

Percentage of (if playing with Removed as a casualty 100% of point cost
Winner Loser
Army Points 4500 Army Points) Fleeing 50% of point cost
0–5% 0–225 10 10 Shattered 50% of point cost
>5–10% 226–450 11 9 Shattered and Fleeing 100% of point cost
>10–20% 451–900 12 8 General or BSB removed as
100% of point cost plus 200 VP each
>20–30% 901–1350 13 7 casualties
>30–40% 1351–1800 14 6
Shattered: Units at 25% or less of their starting number of Health Points at
>40–50% 1801–2250 15 5 the end of the game. Characters are counted separately from the units they
>50–70% 2251–3150 16 4 have joined.
>70% >3150 17 3
Winning Secondary Objective +3 −3

Attack Sequence To-Wound Table
1 Attacker allocates attacks if applicable. Strength minus Resilience Needed roll to wound
2 Determine number of hits. 2 or more 2+
3 Attacker distributes hits if applicable. 1 3+
4 Attacker rolls to wound; if successful, proceed. 0 4+
5 Defender makes Armour Save rolls; if failed, proceed. −1 5+
6 Defender makes Special Save rolls; if failed, proceed. −2 or less 6+
7 Defender removes Health Points or casualties.
8 Defender takes Panic Tests if necessary.
Armour Saves
Close Combat To-Hit Table
Armour minus AP Needed roll to disregard the wound
Offensive Skill minus Defensive Skill Needed roll to hit 0 or less No save possible
4 or more 2+ 1 6+
1 to 3 3+ 2 5+
0 to −3 4+ 3 4+
−4 to −7 5+ 4 3+
−8 or less 6+ 5 or 6 2+
Summaries v2.0
Panic Test Triggers Fleeing
• A friendly unit is destroyed within 6″ of the unit (including Fleeing off When a unit is Fleeing, it cannot perform any voluntary actions (a voluntary
the board). action is an action that a unit would have the option to not perform). This
includes (but is not limited to):
• A friendly unit Breaks from Combat within 6″ of the unit.
• Declare Charges
• A friendly unit Flees through the unit’s Unit Boundary.
• Charge Reactions other than Flee
• In a single phase, the unit suffers Health Point losses equal to or greater
than 25% of the number of Health Points that it had at the start of the • Move in any way other than a Flee Move
phase. This does not apply to single model units that started the game
as a single model (i.e. with a starting number of 1 model on the Army • Shoot
List). • Channel
Units that fail a Panic Test Flee directly away from the closest enemy unit, or • Cast spells or activate One use only Special Items which need to be
from the enemy unit which caused the Panic Test (Centre to Centre). Units do activated voluntarily
not take Panic Tests if they are Engaged in Combat, if they are already Fleeing,
or if they already passed a Panic Test during this phase. Models cannot receive Commanding Presence or Rally Around the Flag from a
Fleeing model.

A Shaken model cannot perform any of the following actions:
Units at 25% or less of their starting Health Points (the number taken from
• Declare Charges the Army List), including joined Characters, are referred to as Decimated. Deci-
• Pursuit mated units must take their Rally Test at half their Discipline, rounding fractions
• Overrun
• Advance Move
• March Move
• Reform (it can Combat Reform and Post-Combat Reform)
• Random Movement
• Shooting Attack

Chances to Pass a Discipline Test
Probabilities (in percentage) to pass a Discipline Test depending on the Discipline value of the unit (after modifiers) and the available rules:

Discipline 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2D6 3 8 17 28 42 58 72 83 92
2D6 + reroll 5 16 31 48 66 83 92 97 99
2D6 + Minimised 7 20 36 52 68 81 89 95 98
2D6 + Minimised + reroll 14 36 59 77 90 96 99 99 99
2D6 + Maximised 1 2 5 11 19 32 48 64 80
2D6 + Maximised + reroll 1 4 10 20 35 54 73 87 96

Chances to Successfully Cast a Spell

Probabilities (in percentage) to successfully cast a spell depending on the Casting Value of the spell (after any modifiers to the casting roll) and on the number of
Magic Dice:

Casting Value 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ 18+ Miscast
1D6 67 50 33 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2D6 97 92 83 72 58 42 28 17 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3D6 99 99 98 95 91 84 74 63 50 38 26 16 10 5 2 1 3
4D6 98 98 98 98 98 97 94 90 84 76 66 56 44 34 24 16 10
5D6 100 100 100 99 99 99 99 98 97 94 90 85 78 70 60 50 21
24 Alphabetical Index

A Breath Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counterthrust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Broken Concentration . . . . . . . . . Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Accepting a Duel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broken Ranks . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Covering Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accurate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Building an Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crossbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Active Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building the Battlefield . . . . . . . . Crush Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advance Move . . . . . , , ,
Advance Rate (Adv) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , C D
Agility (Agi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

D3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cannot be Stomped . . . . . . . . . . . D6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aligning Units . . . . . . . . . . . . , Capture the Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Damage (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . .
Allocating Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caster (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . Dangerous Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ambush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caster’s Unit (Spell Type) . . . . . . Dawn Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arcs (Unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casting Attempt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decimated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Area Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casting Bound Spells . . . . . . . . . . Declaring Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Armour (Arm) . . . , , , Casting Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Declaring Intent to Go First . . . .
Armour Enchantments . . . . . . . Casting Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Declaring Special Deployment
Armour Penetration (AP) Casting Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... ,
...................... , , Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defending a Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Armour Saves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catapult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defensive Characteristics . . . . . .
Army Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defensive Skill (Def) . . . . . . . ,
Army Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Centre of Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deploying Remaining Units . . . .
Army Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champions . . . , , , , Deploying Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Artefacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Deployment Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Artillery Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . Character Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deployment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attack Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Characteristic Profiles . . . . . . . . . Deployment Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attack Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Characteristic Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . Determining Number of Hits . . .
Attack Value (Att) . . . . . . . . . . , Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Devastating Charge . . . . . . . . . . .
Characters . . . . . . . . . . . , , Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attribute Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charge Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Augment (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . Direct (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Charge Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direction Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aura (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charge Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discipline (Dis) . . . . . . . . , ,
Charge Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dispelling Bound Spells . . . . . . . .
B Charging a Fleeing Unit . . . . . . . . Dispelling Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . .
Charging Downhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dispelling Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Banner Enchantments . . . . . . . . Charging Momentum . . . . . . . . . . Disrupted Ranks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Base Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chariot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distracting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clipped Wings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distributing Hits . . . . . . . . . ,
Battle Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Close Combat (Attack Attribute)
Divine Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Battle Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................
Dominant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Battle Standard Bearer . , , Close Combat Attacks . . . . . . . . . .
Doused Flames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bearer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Close Combat Weapons . . . . . . .
Duels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
Beast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Close Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Duplicated Model Rules . . . . . . . .
Being Inside an Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Duplication Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blocked Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combat Bonus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Board Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combat Reforms . . . . . . . , ,
Bodyguard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combat Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E
Boosted Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combined Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . d

Bound Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Combined Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elevated Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Command Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enchantments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Break Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Commanding Presence . . . . . , Encircle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Breakthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Engaged in Combat Handgun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magical Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.............. , , , , Hard Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magical Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Make Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excess HP Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harnessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March and Shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hatred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March Move . . . . . . . , , ,
Health Points (HP) . . . . . . . . . , March Rate (Mar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F Health Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , March Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heavy Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Facings (Unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March to the Beat . . . . . . . . . . . .

Failed Charge . . . . . . . . . . , , Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marching Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hereditary Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Massive Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fearless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hex (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matching Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feigned Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hidden Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximised Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximising Contact . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fight in Extra Rank . . . . . . . . . . . Hold (Charge Reaction) . . . . . . . . Measuring Distances . . . . . . . . . . .
Fighting a Duel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hold the Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melee Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
First Amongst Equals . . . . . . . . . Hopeless Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melee Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
First Round of Combat . . . . . . . . . Minimised Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
First Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minimum Army Size . . . . . . . . . . .
Fizzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscast Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Flamethrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impact Hits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscast Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Flaming Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impassable Terrain . . . . . . . . , Miscasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flammable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impossible Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . Misfire Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flank (Unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inanimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mismatching Bases . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flank Bonus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missile (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flee Charge Reaction . . . . . . , Initiative Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission Impassible . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flee Moves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initiative Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fleeing Units . . . . . . , , , Insignificant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Classification . . . . . . . . . . .
Flux Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Facings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Issuing a Duel . . . . . . . . . . . . , Model Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flying Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Focused (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . . Model Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
K Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Forests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Formations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . King of the Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fortified Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mounted Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fortitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frenzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Move or Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Friendly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d
Movement Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Front (Unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moving and Shooting . . . . . . . . . .
Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Front Rank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Moving Chargers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Learned Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frontline Clash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moving Fleeing Units . . . . . . ,
Lethal Strike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Full Ranks . . . . . . , , , , Moving Pursuing Units . . . . . . . . .
Light Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moving Single Model Units . . . . .
Light Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moving Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G Light Troops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lightning Reflexes . . . . . . . . . . . . Multipart Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Game Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Line Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiple Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gaps in Units . . . . . . . . . . . , , Line of Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiple Wounds . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Located in an Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Musicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ghost Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lone Characters . . . . . . . . . . ,
Gigantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N
Global Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . Longbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d

Grand Armies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Losing Base Contact . . . . . . . . . . . Natural Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Great Weapon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Losing Health Points . . . . . . . , No Longer Engaged . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grind Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Losing the Last Health Point . . . . No More Foes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ground (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . . Not a Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guerilla Warfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
d O
H Magic Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d

Magic Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offensive Characteristics . . . . . . .
Halberd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magic Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offensive Skill (Off) . . . . . . . . ,
Hand Weapon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magical Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One of a Kind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

One Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refusing a Duel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stomp Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
One Use Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strength (Str) . . . . . . . . . , ,
Opaque Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing as a casualty . . . . . . . . Strider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Open Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . Stubborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Open Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replicable Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suits of Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ordering the Charge . . . . . . . . . . Rerolling Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overkill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resilience (Res) . . . . . . . . . . . , Summoned Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overruns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resolving Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supernal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Restrain Pursuit Test . . . . . . . . . . Supporting Attacks . . . , ,
Rider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweeping Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P Rolling Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swift Reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Round Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Paired Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swiftstride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Panic Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Round of Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swirling Melee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Round of Combat Sequence . . . .
Paths of Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Permanent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T
Personal Protections . . . . . . . . . S Tall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d
Target Facing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pivots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Plate Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scoring Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Terrain Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Player Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Secondary Objectives . . . . . . , Terrain Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Poison Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Secure Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Post-Combat Pivot . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Set to a Fixed Number . . . . . . . . . Throwing Weapons . . . . . . . . . . .
Post-Combat Reform . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting up a Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . To-Hit Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Power Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shaken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To-Hit Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pre-Game Sequence . . . . . . . . . . .
Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To-Hit Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Priority of Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . .
Shooting (Attack Attribute) . . . To-Wound Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Protean Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shooting Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To-Wound Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shooting Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Towering Presence . . . . . . . . . . .
Pursuing off the Board . . . . . . . . .
Shooting To-Hit Modifiers . . . . . . Toxic Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pursuit Moves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shooting Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pursuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Short Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two-Handed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Q Simultaneous Effects . . . . . . . . . . . .
d Single Model Units . . . . . . . . . . ,
Quick to Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U
Siphon the Veil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Skirmisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unbreakable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

R Soft Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undeployable Units . . . . . . . . . . . .
R&F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Raise Health Points . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rally Around the Flag . . . . . . , Special Deployment Unit Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rally Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ , , , , Unit Facings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rallying Fleeing Units . . . . . . . . . . Special Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Random Characteristics . . . . . . . . Special Saves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Random Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spell Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Universal (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . .
Random Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . Spell Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . Universal Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Range X″ (Spell Type) . . . . . . . . . . Spell Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unstable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ranged Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spell Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unwieldy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rank Bonus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spell Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rank-and-File (R&F) . . . . . . . . . . . . Spell Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ranks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spell Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
Reactive Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d

Rear (Unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Splitting Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanguard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rear Bonus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spoils of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veil Token Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rear Rank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stand and Shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veil Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recover Health Points . . . . . . . . . Stand Behind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victory Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Redirecting a Charge . . . . . . . . . . . Standard (Height) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victory Points (VP) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Bearers . . . . . . . . . , Volley Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refused Flank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steadfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volley Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
War Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
War Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warbands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Water Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weapon Enchantments . . . . . . .
Weapon Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wearer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wielder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Winning a Round of Combat . . . .
Winning the Game . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wizard Adept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wizard Apprentice . . . . . . . . . . .
Wizard Conclave . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wizard Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wizards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2​nd​ Edition, version 7 - April 04, 2020

How to Use this Document 2

Rulebook 2
Army Books 10
Daemon Legions 10
Dwarven Holds 10
Highborn Elves 10
Vampire Counts 11
Warriors of the Dark Gods 11
Supplements 11
Åsklanders 11
Cosmetic Patches 12
Designer Notes 13

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at ​
​ lue​ and listed at the end of this document or at t​
Recent changes are in b

Copyright Creative Commons license:​

How to Use this Document
While we always strive to provide books of the highest quality, inadvertent mistakes and unforeseen consequences
in rules interaction tend to find their way into the documents. This errata document was created to fix the most
glaring issues.

Sometimes these fixes will also affect rules in the summaries of the Rulebook and/or the Arcane Compendium.
Additional edits for the summaries will not be listed separately in this document. Instead, the corresponding entries
will be marked with “*”.

We included a list of fixes that usually do not affect gameplay in a separate chapter, referred to as Cosmetic Patches.

At the end of the document, we provide short explanations for each erratum in the Designer Notes.

2.A.c Simultaneous Effects​ (page 5)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
• During the Deployment Phase, consider the player ​that finished deploying ​who completed their normal
deployment ​first to be the Active Player.

3.B.e Unit Boundary​ (page 8)

Add the following text:
For the purpose of drawing Line of Sight to a Unit Boundary and determining if its unit benefits from Cover, the
Height of the Unit Boundary corresponds to its unit's Height (see 19.C Classification of Units; Model Rules such as
Towering Presence, Tall or Skirmisher can affect this).

3.C.a Base Contact between Units and Models​ (page 10)

Add the following text:
A ​model ​is in base contact with a ​unit ​if it is in base contact with at least one model of that unit.

3.C.a.1 Base Contact between Models across Gaps​ (page 10)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Two opposing models are considered to be in base contact with each other across such gaps if you can draw a
straight line
● from one model to the other, including corner to corner
● that is perpendicular to ​the opposite ​both models'​ Facings
● that is perpendicular to both units' Engaged Facings
A model is considered to not be in base contact across a gap if its entire Facing ​that is ​opposite the enemy model
is in contact with a friendly model.

4.B Line of Sight​ (page 12)*

Add the bold text:
Line of Sight cannot be drawn to targets outside the unit’s Front Arc, and models never block Line of Sight to ​or
from ​other models within the same unit. (...) A model is considered to have Line of Sight to a unit if it can draw
Line of Sight ​to any model inside that unit or ​to any part of the unit’s Unit Boundary.

Rulebook 2 Army Books

5.B.a Random Characteristics​ (page 15)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
When several model​s ​parts ​in the same unit have a random value for a Characteristic, roll separately for each
model ​part​.

6.D Priority of Modifiers​ (page 17)

Add the bold text:
• Agility and Attack Value cannot be modified to lower than 1​, unless they were lower than 1 before

7.A Classification of Attacks​ (page 18)

Add the bold text:
All sources of damage are defined as attacks, which are then divided into Melee and Ranged Attacks (see figure 9).
For attacks caused by an action or rule of a model or unit, that model or unit is considered to be the
attacker, and its owner the player that makes the attack.

7.B Attack Sequence​ (page 19)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
6 Defender makes Special Save rolls; if failed, proceed.
7 Defender suffers unsaved wounds.
7​ ​8​ Defender ​removes ​loses ​Health Points​ and/or casualties​.
9 Defender removes casualties.
8​ ​10​ Defender takes Panic Tests if necessary.

9.E Secondary Objectives ​(page 35)*

Add the bold text:
6: Secure Target
Each player must place the marker with its centre on a point that is more than 12” away from their Deployment
Zone and ​at least ​a third of the long Board Edge length (24” on a standard board) from the point marked by the
other marker.

10.A Deployment Phase Sequence ​(page 37)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
5 Deploy Scouting units (starting with the player who ​finished deploying ​completed their normal deployment
6 Move Vanguarding units (starting with the player who ​finished deploying ​completed their normal
deployment​ last)

10.D Declare Intent to Go First or Second ​(page 37)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Once ​a ​the first ​player has deployed all of their units (excluding units that are deployed with alternative rules,
such as Ambushing or Scouting units), that player must announce whether they will play first or second should
they win the Roll for First Turn.

Rulebook 3 Army Books

10.G Move Vanguarding Units ​(page 38)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Both players move their units with Vanguard (see “Vanguard (X)”, page 100), starting with the player who
finished deploying ​completed their normal deployment​ last.

10.I Roll For First Turn ​(page 38)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Both players must now roll a D6. The player ​that finished deploying ​who completed their normal deployment
first adds the Undeployed Units Number to their dice roll.
• If the player who ​finished deploying ​completed their normal deployment first scores a higher result, they play
first or second, whichever they previously declared.
• If the score is a tie or the player who ​finished deploying second ​completed their normal deployment last
scores a higher result, that player can now choose which player has the first turn.

11.B Declaring Charges​ (page 39)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
• At least one model in the Charging unit’s first rank must be able to draw Line of Sight to the Charged unit​’s Unit
• There must be enough room to move the Charging unit into base contact with the Charged unit ​and to align the

11.E.f Combined Charges​ (page 43)

Add the bold text:
3 Perform the Charge Moves of all Charging units (including those failing their Charge) in the order that best
satisfies the priority order of the Maximising Contact rule. ​The Charged unit may only be rotated if this is
required to enable the first Charging unit to complete its Charge.

11.E.i Impossible Charge​ (page 46)

Add the bold text:
Sometimes a unit can no longer complete its Charge Move due to casualties suffered during the Charge
Move. When this happens, backtrack the move to the unit's position before the Charge Move, and perform
a Failed Charge Move with the unit.

11.E.k Blocked Path​ (page 46)

Add the bold text:
If, after declaring a Charge ​in the Charge Phase​, a unit is unable to complete the Charge solely due to unengaged
enemy units that it could not Charge (normally), or due to the combination of at least 2 unengaged enemy units
and one or more Impassable Terrain Features, it can make a special Charge Move as described below. (...)
If it is not possible to align the units without changing the number of ranks or files, you may change the number of
ranks and files and do not have to maximise models in base contact. ​If this does not enable the Charged unit to
align, it must be aligned with a Facing other than the Charged Facing. If the enemy unit is unable to perform a
Combat Reform to align the units, the Blocked Path Charge Move cannot be performed.

Rulebook 4 Army Books

13.G.a Spell Properties​ (page 55)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
6 – Effect
Spell effects are never affected by ​any effects affecting the Caster, including Special Items, Model Rules, other
spell effects, or similar abilities​ affecting the Caster​, unless specifically stated otherwise.

13.H.a Casting Attempt​ (page 57)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
The Active Player declares which Wizard is casting which spell​, ​and ​how many Magic Dice will be used​, and what
its targets are​. If applicable, they also declare which version of the spell is used and what its targets are​. Between
1 and 5 dice from the Active Player’s Magic Dice pool must be used.

13.K.c Raise Health Points​ (page 60)

Add the following text:
• A Raised model with Front Rank must be placed as far forwards as possible in its unit displacing a R&F model.
The displaced R&F model is then placed following the rules for Raised models without Front Rank. If the displaced
model could not be placed in a legal position, the model with Front Rank cannot be Raised.

14.A.a Shooting With a Unit​ (page 61)

Add the bold text:
• In case of Multipart Models, each model part can make a Shooting Attack in the same phase ​and is not limited to
using the same type of Shooting Attack as the other model parts​.

15.D.c.1 Supporting Attacks​ (page 68)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
A model part that performs Supporting Attacks ​always ​has a maximum Attack Value of X, where X is defined by the
Height of the model​, unless specifically stated otherwise​ (see “Model Classification”, page 87).

15.D.d.1 Swirling Melee​ (page 68)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Such models may elect to allocate their Close Combat Attacks towards ​non-Champion R&F models of the same
unit instead​, exactly as if these R&F models were in the position of the enemy Character or Champion​.

15.E.c Fighting a Duel​ (page 70)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
• The two models count as being in base contact with each other (even if their bases are not physically touching
each other)​, in the Facings that their units are Engaged in with each other.
• The two models​ ​and ​must allocate all their Close Combat Attacks towards each other.

Rulebook 5 Army Books

15.H.c Pursuit Distance and Pursuing Units​ (page 74)
Add the bold text:
1. Pivot
If there is not enough room to place the Pursuing unit, ​or if the Pursuing unit performed a Post-Combat
Reform in the previous Player Turn,​ treat the enemy unit as obstruction instead.

2.2. Enemy Unit

If the first obstacle would be the Unit Boundary of an enemy unit that did not Flee from the same combat, the
Pursuing unit declares a Charge against that unit, using its Pursuit Distance roll as its Charge Range. ​If the
Pursuing Unit performed a Post-Combat Reform in the previous Player Turn, it treats the enemy unit as
obstruction instead.

16.B Removing Casualties​ (page 81)

Add the following text:
16.B.d Removing Lasting Effects
Whenever a model that applies any effects to other elements in the game is removed as a casualty, these effects
end immediately, unless specifically stated otherwise (this also applies to effects with a specified duration like
activated effects with One use only).

17.A Panic Test​ (page 83)

Add the bold text:
• In a single phase, the unit suffers Health Point losses equal to or greater than 25% of the number of Health
Points that it had at the start of the phase. This does not apply to single model units that started the game as a
single model (i.e. with a starting number of 1 model on the Army List). ​Ignore Health Point losses suffered
while Engaged in Combat.

20.A.a Dangerous Terrain (X)​ (page 89)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Note that:
• Dangerous Terrain Tests are taken as soon as the model is in contact with the relevant Terrain. If it does not
matter exactly when a model is removed as a casualty, take all Dangerous Terrain Tests for a unit at the same time.
• Immediately before one or more models in a unit take a Dangerous Terrain Test (e.g. when the first
model in a unit moves into contact with a Terrain Feature that counts as Dangerous Terrain), extrapolate
the unit's move to determine which models will have to take Dangerous Terrain Tests. This may require
the owner to declare how they intend to move the unit. If so, the unit will have to move as announced or as
close to that as possible, i.e. it must face the announced direction and the centre of its Front Facing must
be as close to the position where it would be if the unit had not suffered any casualties, after taking the
Dangerous Terrain Tests. The owner may then choose to continue moving the unit, however no model in
the unit that did not take a Dangerous Terrain Test for the Terrain Feature may move into contact with
that Terrain Feature during the rest of the unit's move.
• Take all Dangerous Terrain Tests caused by a single source at the same time.
• Hits suffered from Dangerous Terrain Tests are distributed onto the model’s Health Pool.
• A model never takes more than one Dangerous Terrain Test for the same Terrain Feature during a single move,
but it might have to take several Dangerous Terrain Tests caused by different Terrain Features or abilities.
• Use the position of the unit when taking the Dangerous Terrain Tests for all rules purposes (e.g. for
determining the range of Commanding Presence and Rally around the Flag, for determining the direction
of the Flee Move if the unit fails a Panic Test, for causing Panic Tests in friendly units if the unit is removed
as a casualty, etc.).

Rulebook 6 Army Books

20.B.b Fields ​(page 90)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Fields contribute to Soft Cover, except for ​models ​Unit Boundaries ​with Towering Presence.

20.B.f Ruins ​(page 91)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Ruins contribute to Hard Cover, except for ​models ​Unit Boundaries ​with Towering Presence.

20.B.g Walls ​(page 91)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Walls contribute to Hard Cover, except for ​models ​Unit Boundaries ​with Towering Presence.

21.A.a.10 Feigned Flight​ (page 94)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
If a u​nit​s consisting entirely of models with Feigned Flight ​do not become Shaken if they ​voluntarily choose​s Flee
as Charge Reaction and passe​s its ​their ​Rally Test in ​its ​their ​next Player Turn​, it does not become Shaken​. (...)
This rule does not apply if ​a ​the ​unit ​fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or ​Flees involuntarily (...).

21.A.a.12 Frenzy ​(page 95)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your ​non-Fleeing ​units with at least one model with Frenzy that ​could
declare a Charge against ​is unengaged, does not contain any Shaken models, and has ​an enemy unit ​inside its
Front Arc ​within the unit’s Advance Rate +7” must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed,
the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible.

21.A.a.13 Front Rank​ (page 95)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
A model with Front Rank must always be placed as far forwards as possible in its unit. This normally means that it
must be placed in the first rank unless specifically stated otherwise.
Models with and models without Front Rank must be placed inside their units so that the following
conditions are satisfied as best as possible, in decreasing priority order:
• 1​st priority: The Front Facings of models without Front Rank must be placed as far backwards as
• 2​nd​ priority: The Front Facings of models with Front Rank must be placed as far forwards as possible.
• If the model has a larger base than the R&F models, it is considered to be in all ranks its base occupies for the
purposes of calculating Full Ranks. For calculating the number of models in the unit’s ranks (e.g. for Full Ranks,
Line Formation, Area Attack), the large base counts as the number of models it ​replaces ​displaces, or would
displace if there aren’t enough models​.

21.A.a.16 Light Troops ​(page 97)

Add the bold text:
• Infantry Characters gain Light Troops while joined to Infantry units of the same Height with Light Troops​, and
lose this instance of Light Troops when leaving that unit​.

Rulebook 7 Army Books

21.A.a.17 Magic Resistance (X)​ (page 97)
Add the bold text:
Learned Spells and Bound Spells targeting at least one enemy unit​, including a model or model part inside a
unit, with one or more models with Magic Resistance suffer a -X modifier to their casting roll (where X is given in

21.A.a.22 Random Movement (X)​ (page 97)

Add the following text to the first dotted list:
• If it performed a Post-Combat Reform in the previous Player Turn, it treats all enemy units as Impassable

21.A.a.26 Stand Behind​ (page 99)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
The model can be placed anywhere inside its unit (it​s Front Facing doesn’t have to be placed as far forwards as
possible ​and it can be placed farther backwards than that of models without Front Rank​, even if ​it ​the
model has Front Rank). It​s Front Facing cannot be placed farther forwards inside a unit than ​that of any model
with Front Rank but without Stand Behind. Ignore Stand Behind for models with Mismatching Bases.

21.A.a.32 Tall​ (page 100)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Line of Sight drawn to or from a model ​or Unit Boundary ​with Tall is not blocked by models of the same Height
(as the model or Unit Boundary with Tall), unless the intervening model also has Tall. Remember that this also
affects Cover (if a model blocks Line of Sight it contributes to Hard Cover, otherwise only to Soft Cover).
The Unit Boundary of units with ​more than ​half ​of ​their models or more with Tall is considered to be Tall
for the purpose of drawing Line of Sight to the Unit Boundary and determining if its unit benefits from

21.A.a.34 Towering Presence​ (page 100)

Add the following text:
The Unit Boundary of units with half their models or more with Towering Presence is considered to have
Towering Presence for the purpose of drawing Line of Sight to the Unit Boundary and determining if its unit
benefits from Cover.

21.A.a.38 Vanguard (X)​ (page 100)

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player ​that
finished deploying ​who completed their normal deployment​ last.

21.B.e Distributing Hits onto Combined Units​ (page 103)

Add the bold text:
The player making the attack distributes hits onto the R&F Health Pool and Characters. ​In case of attacks that
are not made by either player, the owner of the affected unit distributes the hits. All simultaneous hits must
be distributed as equally as possible, meaning that no model can take a second hit until all models have taken a
single hit, and so on.

Rulebook 8 Army Books

21.F.a Close Combat Weapons​ (page 106)
Remove the crossed out text:
Close Combat Weapons are used in close combat and can confer various benefits and drawbacks to the ​bearer
while using the weapon ​model’s Close Combat Attacks​. The rules for a Close Combat Weapon are only applied
when using the weapon in question (​ i.e. they don’t apply to Special Attacks, such as Stomp Attacks, or when using
a different weapon)​. Mundane Close Combat Weapons are listed in table 9.

21.G.b.15 March and Shoot – Shooting​ (page 113)

Add the bold text:
March Moving in the same Player Turn ​while affected by this Attack Attribute does not prevent the attack from
being performed, unless the attack is also subject to Move or Fire.

22.B.c One Use Only​ (page 117)

Move the subsection to:
22.B.c ​2.A.e One Use Only

Rulebook 9 Army Books

Army Books
Daemon Legions
Broodmother ​(page 4)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
At the end of each Round of Combat during which the model’s unit was Engaged in Combat, and during which ​the
model​s with Broodmother ​<and R&F models in ​its ​their ​unit> caused at least three Health Point losses against
enemy units with Close Combat Attacks, the unit Raises D3 Health Points.

Grasping Proboscis ​(page 4)

Add the bold text:
At the end of each Round of Combat during which the model’s unit was Engaged in Combat, and ​during which ​the
model​s with Grasping Proboscis ​<and R&F models in ​its ​their ​unit> caused at least three Health Point losses
against enemy units with Melee Attacks, the owner gains D3 Veil Tokens to their Veil Token pool.

Dwarven Holds
Yer comin’ with me! ​(page 3)
Add the bold text:
In addition, when a model with this Attack Attribute is removed as a casualty during the Melee Phase due to a​n
enemy Melee Attack​, (...)

Highborn Elves
Queen’s Companion​ (page 4)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
The model’s unit gains Quick to Fire. ​When shooting with a Longbow without Weapon Enchantment, the weapon
gains Shots 3. ​In addition, the model’s unit gains Quick to Fire.

Cover Volley​ (page 14)

Add the bold text:
When an enemy unit declares a Charge against a​nother ​unit ​containing one or models ​with Martial Discipline, a
single friendly unit containing one or more models with Cover Volley may immediately perform a Stand and Shoot
Charge Reaction with the following conditions and restrictions: (...)
• Only models with Cover Volley may shoot​, and they may only shoot once per Charge Phase​.

Frost Phoenix​ and ​Fire Phoenix​ (page 20)

Add the bold text:
The ​Phoenix ​model ​part ​gains (...).

Rulebook 10 Army Books

Vampire Counts
Vampiric​ (page 3)
Add the bold text:
• Character – If at least one attack with Vampiric made by the Character caused an unsaved wound ​against enemy
units​, the Character can make a single Vampiric roll. If successful, the Character Recovers a single Health Point.
• R&F model – If at least one attack with Vampiric made by a R&F model in the unit caused an unsaved wound
against enemy units​, the unit can make a single Vampiric roll. If successful, the unit Raises a single Health Point.

Warriors of the Dark Gods

Tribal Warspear​ (page 23)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Attacks with a Tribal Warspear gain +1 Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence). Charging
enemy units in base contact with the wielder suffer −1 Agility. The wielder ​follows the rules for ​gains ​War
Platform​s ​and Not a Leader ​with the following exception: it can only join ​Infantry units that include at least one
R&F Barbarian​s​ ​Infantry​ model.

Tribal Warspear​ (page 13)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
Attacks with a Tribal Warspear gain +1 Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence). Charging
enemy units in base contact with the wielder suffer −1 Agility. The wielder ​follows the rules for ​gains ​War
Platform​s ​and Not a Leader with the following exception: it can only join ​Infantry units that include at least one
R&F Barbarian​s​ ​Infantry​ model.

Rulebook 11 Army Books

Cosmetic Patches
8.D.a.1 Header​ (page 26)
Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
In the example, an army may contain up to ​two ​four ​units Tin Men, regardless of their size, equipment, etc.

9.C Building the Battlefield ​(page 33)*

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
For smaller battles involving Warbands, we recommend playing on a board that is 36” wide and 48” deep (half the
standard board)​, while for​. In this case, all references to the "short Board Edge" below refer to the 48" edge,
and the "long Board Edge" refers to the 36" edge. ​For bigger games involving Grand Armies we recommend
that the players increase the size of the board as they see fit in order to accommodate the larger armies.

9.D Deployment Types ​(page 34)*

Replace the two instances of 12” in the figure of 6: Marching Columns with ​>​12”.

11.E.b Charge Move ​(page 41)

Add the following text:
• Align units (see “Aligning Units” below).

21.A.a.16 Light Troops ​(page 97)

Add the bold text:
• The unit can move backwards and sideways as if moving forwards (i.e. up to its Advance/March Rate​, and a unit
can combine backwards, sideways, and forwards movement​), but cannot leave the board with any part of its
Unit Boundary.

23 Summaries - Secondary Objectives

Add the bold text and remove the crossed out text:
3 – Counterthrust: Players must only deploy a single non-Character unit during their first 3 turns. Units must be
deployed ​at least ​more than​ 20” away from enemies.
6 – Marching Columns: Players must only deploy a single non-Character unit during their first 3 turns. Each unit
must be ​closer to ​farther from the short Board Edge chosen by the owner than the previous friendly units (War
Machines, War Platforms, Characters, and Scouts ignore this). Possibility to make units Delayed.

Saurian Ancients
Sharp Horns​ (pages 11 and 20)
Add the bold text:
The model part may reroll the roll for the number of its Impact Hits. ​If so, all dice must be rerolled.

Undying Dynasties
Pharaoh ​(page 6), ​Nomarch ​(page 7), ​Tomb Harbinger ​(page 8), ​Tomb Architect ​(page 9), ​QRS ​(page 20)
Move "Flammable" from the units' Global to their Defensive Characteristic Profiles.

Rulebook 12 Army Books

Designer Notes
2.A.c Simultaneous Effects​ (BRB, page 5)
This erratum specifies that the rules refer to normal deployment, excluding Special Deployment (e.g. Scouting units).

3.B.e Unit Boundary​ (BRB, page 8)

The Height of Unit Boundaries was not defined, making determining Cover impossible for units with models mixed
Heights. Remember that Cover is determined by how much of the Facing (which is part of the Unit Boundary) is
obscured. The reference to Towering Presence was added due to the new erratum for that Model Rule.

3.C.a Base Contact between Units and Models​ (BRB, page 10)
The rules were not clear if a model not in physical base contact with an enemy unit but Fighting a Duel (which makes
the model count as being in base contact with the enemy model in the Duel) counts as being in base contact with the
enemy unit.

3.C.a.1 Base Contact between Models across Gaps​ (BRB, page 10)
Clarification that “opposite Facings” refer to the models’ Facings corresponding to the Facings which their units are
Engaged in.

4.B Line of Sight​ (BRB, page 12)

The rules did not unambiguously clarify that Line of Sight is not blocked by models in the same unit as the model that
is drawing Line of Sight. In addition, this erratum prevents Large/Gigantic models to hide inside units of Standard
models. Even if Line of Sight cannot be drawn to the Unit Boundary (due to Height definition of Unit Boundaries, see
erratum to 3.B.e above), drawing Line of Sight to any model is sufficient.

5.B.a Random Characteristics​ (BRB, page 15)

Multipart Models with several model parts with a Random Characteristic were not covered by the original rules.

6.D Priority of Modifiers​ (BRB, page 17)

This erratum was necessary because otherwise for models with Attack Value/Agility 0 in their unit profile, e.g.
modifying their Attack Value by +1 and -1 at the same time would have resulted in Attack Value 1.

7.A Classification of Attacks​ (BRB, page 18)

For certain attacks it was unclear who the attacker is, which is relevant for determining the player who distributes
the hits.

7.B Attack Sequence​ (BRB, page 19)

The rules did not specify at which point exactly inflicted wounds count as “unsaved”, which is however necessary for
the interaction of effects that are triggered by a unit suffering unsaved wounds.

9.E Secondary Objectives ​(BRB, page 35)

Clarification of ambiguous wording.

10.A Deployment Phase Sequence ​(BRB, page 37)

This erratum specifies that the rules refer to normal deployment, excluding Special Deployment (e.g. Scouting units).

10.D Declare Intent to Go First or Second ​(BRB, page 37)

Clarification that only the player that finishes deploying first has to declare if they want to play first or second.

10.G Move Vanguarding Units ​(BRB, page 38)

This erratum specifies that the rules refer to normal deployment, excluding Special Deployment (e.g. Scouting units).

10.I Roll For First Turn ​(BRB, page 38)

This erratum specifies that the rules refer to normal deployment, excluding Special Deployment (e.g. Scouting units).

Rulebook 13 Army Books

11.B Declaring Charges​ (BRB, page 39)
The first part is a consequence of the errata to 3.B.2 and 4.B, see above. The second part clarifies units need to be
able to align towards each other in order for a Charge to be possible to declare.

11.E.f Combined Charges​ (BRB, page 43)

The previous rules could be abused to force an enemy unit to align in order to make a previously impossible Charge

11.E.i Impossible Charge​ (BRB, page 46)

This situation was not covered by the rules.

11.E.k Blocked Path​ (BRB, page 46)

The erratum specifies that Blocked Path does not apply to Charges during Overruns and Pursuits. In addition, b​efore
the erratum, it was possible to create situations with single model units in which an enemy unit could neither declare
any Charges nor use Blocked Path due to a single model unit being positioned in a way that prevented it from
aligning its Charged Facing with the Charging unit.

13.G.a Spell Properties​ (BRB, page 55)

This erratum clarifies that only effects affecting the Caster do not apply to the spell effects, while effects affecting the
target do.

13.H.a Casting Attempt​ (BRB, page 57)

Clarification that a spell must have a legal target in order for a player to cast that spell.

13.K.c Raise Health Points​ (BRB, page 60)

This erratum specifies how Raised Champions are placed inside units, clarifying that they cannot displace Characters.

14.A.a Shooting With a Unit​ (BRB, page 61)

Clarification of ambiguous wording, allowing different model parts on a Multipart Model to use different Shooting

15.D.c.1 Supporting Attacks​ (BRB, page 68)

The keyword “always” prevented the modification of the number of Supporting Attacks via addition modifiers.

15.D.d.1 Swirling Melee​ (BRB, page 68)

The rules did not define in which Facings the model using the Swirling Melee rules and the enemy R&F models were
considered to be Engaged in (which is relevant for other rules like Parry).

15.E.c Fighting a Duel​ (BRB, page 70)

For models fighting a Duel that are not in physical base contact with any enemy models, the rules did not specify
which Facing these models count as Engaged in.

15.H.c Pursuit Distance and Pursuing Units​ (BRB, page 74)

The rules were clear that a unit that performed a Post-Combat Reform in the previous Player Turn could not perform
a Charge during a Pursuit Move, but the erratum was needed to specify how to treat the enemy unit instead.

16.B Removing Casualties​ (BRB, page 81)

This erratum specifies that all effects tied to a model, including activated One use only effects, end as soon as their
source is removed as a casualty, unless specifically stated otherwise (e.g. spells).

17.A Panic Test​ (BRB, page 83)

If a unit suffered 25% or more Health Point losses while Engaged in Combat, it did not have to take a Panic Test if it
lost 25% or more Health Points due to failed Dangerous Terrain Tests. If it lost less than 25% of its Health Points
while Engaged, these Heath Point losses contributed to the percentage of Heath Point losses from failed Dangerous
Terrain Tests when determining if 25% or more were lost during a single phase.

Rulebook 14 Army Books

20.A.a Dangerous Terrain (X)​ (BRB, page 89)
Before this erratum, when taking Dangerous Terrain Tests, rolling for each model one after another could lead to
fewer models taking tests than models moving through the Dangerous Terrain (imagine a unit with 2 ranks with 5
models each: you could take the first 5 tests for the first rank, fail 2 tests, remove 2 casualties from the second rank,
so that when the second rank touches the Dangerous Terrain, you only needed to take 3 more tests, totalling up to 8
instead of 10 tests). In most cases, the new mechanic is equivalent with moving a unit as normal, marking the point
where it enters the Dangerous Terrain Feature, and then rolling for the Dangerous Terrain Tests at the end of the
move, potentially backtracking it to the marked position if the unit needs to take a Panic Test or similar.
The erratum also clarifies what “as close as possible” means, and that the player does not necessarily have to
announce the end position of the unit’s move, but the position where the unit will end up after moving into or
through the Terrain Feature that will cause the Dangerous Terrain Tests, and that the unit can continue its move

20.B.b/f/g Fields/Ruins/Walls​ (BRB, pages 90 and 91)

This erratum specifies that Cover is determined based on the Unit Boundary of a unit having Towering Presence or

21.A.a.10 Feigned Flight​ (BRB, page 94)

This erratum removes the ambiguity of the original wording, which could be misinterpreted as units with Feigned
Flight automatically passing their Rally Test in the next Player Turn (​ we updated the wording in order to make the
erratum more easily comprehensible)​.

21.A.a.12 Frenzy ​(BRB, page 95)

The previous wording was ambiguous as to whether a unit with Frenzy had to take a Frenzy Test if there was e.g. a
friendly unit in front of it, blocking it from declaring a Charge, but which could enable a Charge of the unit with
Frenzy by declaring a Charge itself. This erratum clarifies that the unit has to take a Frenzy Test in situations like

21.A.a.13 Front Rank​ (BRB, page 95)

The rules were ambiguous as to what exactly was meant with a model being placed “as far forwards as possible”.
Clarification of ambiguous wording.

21.A.a.16 Light Troops ​(BRB, page 97)

The erratum clarifies when exactly Character lose Light Troops when leaving a unit.

21.A.a.17 Magic Resistance (X)​ (BRB, page 97)

Clarification that Magic Resistance also works if not the entire unit is targeted by a spell but also if only a single
model/model part is.

21.A.a.22 Random Movement (X)​ (BRB, page 97)

Clarification that units with Random Movement cannot Charge enemy units in the Player Turn after having
performed a Post-Combat Reform.
This erratum was removed as these rules are to be applied also to Pursuit Moves in general, for which new errata
were introduced, making this entry obsolete.

21.A.a.26 Stand Behind​ (BRB, page 99)

The rules were adjusted to work with the Front Rank erratum above.

21.A.a.32 Tall​ (BRB, page 100)

Additional information for drawing Line of Sight to Unit Boundaries, see the errata for 3.B.e and 4.B above.
Tall was streamlined with Towering Presence.

Rulebook 15 Army Books

21.A.a.34 Towering Presence​ (BRB, page 100)
The rules did not cover how Towering Presence affects the Unit Boundary of Combined Units containing models with
Towering Presence.

21.A.a.38 Vanguard (X)​ (BRB, page 100)

This erratum specifies that the rules refer to normal deployment, excluding Special Deployment (e.g. Scouting units).

21.B.e Distributing Hits onto Combined Units​ (BRB, page 103)

For certain attacks it was unclear who the attacker is, which made it impossible to determine the player who
distributes the hits (see erratum for 7.A above)

21.F.a Close Combat Weapons​ (BRB, page 106)

The erratum prevents issues with effects from Close Combat Weapons that are intended to be applied to certain
Special Attacks (e.g. Breath Attacks) and a​ lso outside of close combat (e.g. Armour bonuses or effects allowing the
use of the weapon as a Shooting Weapon).

21.G.b.15 March and Shoot – Shooting​ (BRB, page 113)

A unit that performed a March Move in the Movement Phase and is the target of Raven's Wing in the Magic Phase,
gaining Light Troops and thus March and Shoot, is not supposed to be able to fire its Shooting Weapons in the
Shooting Phase.

22.B.c One Use Only​ (BRB, page 117)

One use only was only defined for Special Items, however the rules is used throughout the Army Books also for
effects other than Special Items. In order for the definition of One use only to also apply to those effects, it was moved
to the General Principles chapter.

Daemon Legions, Broodmother ​and ​Grasping Proboscis ​(page 4)

The previous wording did not work for units with the Manifestations as options.

Dwarven Holds, Yer comin’ with me! ​(page 3)

The erratum specifies that the additional Close Combat Attacks are only triggered by enemy attacks, and not by
friendly attacks (e.g. caused by the DL Manifestation Mirrored Scales).

Highborn Elves, Queen’s Companion​ (page 4)

The erratum specifies that only the bearer’s Longbow gains Shots 3, while the bearer’s entire unit gains Quick to Fire.

Highborn Elves, Cover Volley​ (page 14)

The erratum clarifies that Cover Volley only works when another friendly unit is Charged, and that each unit can only
use it once per phase.

Highborn Elves, Frost Phoenix​ and ​Fire Phoenix​ (page 20)

The additional model part from Warden’s Bond is not supposed to gain Grind Attacks and Magical Attacks (from

Vampire Covenant, Vampiric​ (page 3)

The erratum specifies that wounds made against friendly units (e.g. caused by the DL Manifestation Mirrored Scales)
do not trigger Vampiric.

Warriors of the Dark Gods ​and ​Åsklanders, Tribal Warspear​ (page 23 resp. 13)
The Giant is not supposed to be able to become the General. While at it, we streamined the wording (“gains” instead
of “follows the rules for”) and simplified the restriction.

Rulebook 16 Army Books

Arcane Compendium
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

How to Use this Document
This document describes the different Paths of Magic and Special Items available for The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles and
as such is to be used in conjunction with the main Rulebook. For convenience, we repeated the main rules related to
spells and Special Items from the Rulebook in the corresponding sections below, along with the information needed
to read the Paths.

Paths of Magic
Spells are cast during the Magic Phase. Most spells belong to a specific Path of Magic.

Spell Properties
All spells are defined by the following 6 properties (see the figure below):

1 – Spell Spells are classified into the different categories Learned Spells, Attribute Spells, and Heredi-
Classification tary Spells by letters or numbers.
2 – Spell Use the spell name to state which spell you intend to cast.
3 – Casting The Casting Value is the minimum value you need to reach to succeed a Casting Attempt.
Value Spells may have different Casting Values available (see “Boosted Spells”).
4 – Type The spell type describes how the spell’s targets have to be chosen.
5 – Duration The duration of a spell determines how long the effects of the spell are applied.
6 – Effect The effect of a spell defines what happens to the target of the spell when the spell is success-
fully cast. Spell effects are never affected by Special Items, Model Rules, other spell effects,
or similar abilities affecting the Caster, unless specifically stated otherwise.

1 – Spell Classification 4 – Type 6 – Effect

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

1 Water Jet
Damage The target suffers D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Pene-
4+ 36″ Hex Instant tration 0, and Magical Attacks.

2 – Spell Name 3 – Casting Value 5 – Duration

Spell Properties as presented in this document.

Boosted Spells
Some spells have two Casting Values, with the greater Casting Value being referred to as the Boosted version of the
spell. Boosted versions may have their type (range, target restrictions) modified, and/or the effects of the spell
changed. Declare if you are trying to cast the Boosted version before rolling any dice. If no declaration is made, the
basic version for the chosen target is assumed to be used.
The differences between the spell versions are signified by using the following colour coding: ⟨non-Boosted version⟩,
{Boosted version}, and, in some rare cases, ⟨⟨amplified version⟩⟩.

Spell Classification
All spells are part of one or more of the following categories:

Learned Spells
All spells labelled with a number are Learned Spells, which are the main spells of a Path. They are usually numbered
from 1 to 6, which is relevant for the Spell Selection rules.
Each player may only attempt to cast each Learned Spell once per Magic Phase, even if it is known by different
Wizards (unless the spell is Replicable, see below).

Hereditary Spells
Most Army Books contain a Hereditary Spell, which is labelled “H” instead of a number. Hereditary Spells follow all
the rules for Learned Spells.

Attribute Spells
Attribute Spells are labelled “A”. All Wizards that know at least one spell from a Path of Magic automatically know
the Attribute Spell from that Path if there is any.
Path Attribute Spells are special spells that cannot be cast independently. Instead, the Caster may cast the Attribute
Spell automatically each time it successfully casts a non-Attribute Spell from the corresponding Path. This means
that an Attribute Spell can be cast more than once by the same Caster, and also by different Casters during a Magic
Phase. Attribute Spells cannot be dispelled.

Replicable Spells
Some Learned Spells are Replicable Spells and are labelled “rep”. The player may attempt to cast Replicable Spells
multiple times in the same Magic Phase, but each Wizard may only make a single attempt.

Bound Spells
Some spells are classified as Bound Spells, which follow different rules than the above (see the main Rulebook).

Spell Selection
• Wizard Apprentices know 1 spell selected between 1 and H.
• Wizard Adepts know 2 different spells selected from 1, 2, 3, 4, and H.
• Wizard Masters know 4 different spells selected from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and H.

Spell Types
The spell type describes which targets can be chosen for the spell. Unless specifically stated otherwise, a spell
may only have a single target and the target must be a single unit. If a spell has more than one type, apply all the
restrictions of each type.
For example, if a spell has the types Direct, Hex, and Range 12″, the target must be in the Caster’s Front Arc, be an
enemy unit, and be within 12″ of the Caster.

Augment The spell may only target friendly units (or friendly models inside units if Focused).
Aura This spell has an area of effect. Its effects are applied to all possible targets, according to the
rest of the spell types, within X″ of the Caster. For example, a spell with Augment, Aura, and
Range 12″ targets all friendly units within 12″ of the Caster.
Caster The spell targets only the model casting the spell (unless Focused, all model parts are af-
Caster’s Unit The spell targets only the Caster’s unit.
Damage The spell may only target units and/or models not currently Engaged in Combat.
Direct The spell may only target units and/or models in the Caster’s Front Arc.
Focused The spell may only target single models (including a Character inside a unit). If the target
is a Multipart Model (such as a chariot with riders and pulling beasts, or a knight and its
mount), only one model part may be targeted.
Ground The spell doesn’t target units or models. Instead, the target is a point on the Battlefield.
Hex The spell may only target enemy units (or enemy models inside units if Focused).
Missile The spell may only target units and/or models within the Caster’s Line of Sight. It cannot be
cast if the Caster (or its unit) is Engaged in Combat.
Range X″ The spell has a maximum casting range. Only targets within X″ can be chosen. This casting
range is always indicated in the corresponding column in the spell’s profile. Note that any
effects that alter a spell’s range do not affect any other distance specifications that may be
part of the spell’s effect.
Universal The spell may target both friendly and enemy units (or models inside units if Focused).

Spell Duration
The spell duration specifies how long the effects of the spell are applied. A spell duration can either be Instant, One
Turn, or Permanent as described below:

The effect of the spell has no lasting duration: effects are applied when the spell is cast. Afterwards the spell ends

One Turn
The effect of the spell lasts until the start of the Caster’s next Magic Phase. If an affected unit is divided into several
units (the most common example being a Character leaving its unit), each of the units formed this way keeps being
affected by the spell effects. Characters that join a unit affected by One Turn spells are not affected by these spells,
and likewise, units joined by Characters affected by One Turn spells are not affected either.

The effect of the spell lasts until the end of the game or until a designated ending condition (as detailed in the spell
effect) is met. The spell can only be removed by the method described in the spell. If an affected unit is divided into
several units, follow the same restrictions as for One Turn spells.

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

A Alchemical Fire The target gains Flammable against Melee Attacks.

18″ Hex One Turn

The target suffers D3+1 hits with Flaming Attacks, Magical

1 Quicksilver Lash Attacks, and Armour Penetration 10. These hits always
wound on a roll equal to or greater than “7 minus the tar-
7+ 24″ Hex Instant
get’s Armour”. An unmodified ‘6’ always wounds and an
unmodified ‘1’ always fails to wound.

2 Word of Iron
⟨5+⟩ The target gains ⟨+1⟩ {+2} Armour.
24″ Augment One Turn

3 Glory of Gold The target gains +1 Armour Penetration, Flaming Attacks,

8+ 18″ Augment One Turn and Magical Attacks.

4 Molten Copper The target suffers D3+3 hits with Strength X, Armour Pen-
etration 4, Flaming Attacks, and Magical Attacks, where X
7+ 24″ Hex Instant
is equal to the target’s Armour.

5 Corruption of Tin The target suffers −1 Armour.

8+ 36″ Hex Permanent

6 Silver Spike
The target suffers 1 hit with Strength 3 [6], Armour Pen-
⟨6+⟩ ⟨18″⟩ etration 10, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3), and
Hex Instant
{9+} {36″} Area Attack (1×5).

Cosmos Cosmology Chaos

Duality: All Cosmology spells are divided into two versions, representing opposing aspects: Cosmos and Chaos.
When casting Cosmology spells, always declare which version of the spell you are using. Whenever the Caster
successfully casts a non-Bound Cosmology spell, the next Cosmology spell it attempts to cast has its Casting Value
reduced by 1, provided this spell is a Cosmology spell of the opposing aspect.

Type Duration Casting Value Range

1 Altered Sight 5+ 24″

The target gains +1 Offensive Skill and +1 Defensive Skill, and has its
weapons’ Aim improved by 1.
One Turn
The target suffers −1 Offensive Skill and −1 Defensive Skill, and has its
weapons’ Aim worsened by 1.

2 Truth of Time 5+ 24″

Rolls for Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance, and Overrun Dis-
Augment tance of units with at least one model affected by the spell are subject to
two instances of Maximised Roll.
One Turn
Rolls for Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance, and Overrun Dis-
Hex tance of units with at least one model affected by the spell are subject to
two instances of Minimised Roll.

3 Ice and Fire 7+ 24″

The target suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 0, and
Magical Attacks. Successful Special Saves against wounds caused by this
Damage spell must be rerolled.
Hex Instant
Missile The target suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 0, and
Magical Attacks. Successful Armour Saves against wounds caused by this
spell must be rerolled.

4 Perception of Strength 8+ 24″

Augment The target gains +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
One Turn
Hex The target suffers −1 Strength and −1 Armour Penetration.

5 Unity in Divergence 10+ 24″

Augment One Turn All models in the target unit gain Aegis (5+).
Each model in the target unit suffers a hit with Strength 3, Armour Pen-
Direct Instant
etration 0, and Magical Attacks.

6 Touch the Heart 7+ 24″

The target Recovers 1 Health Point.
Hex The target suffers 1 hit that wounds automatically with Armour Penetra-
Focused tion 10 and Magical Attacks.

The Conclave: Spells from Divination gain +3″ range up to a maximum of +9″ for each additional friendly Wizard
within 12″ of the Caster.
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

Discipline Tests of units with all models affected by the

A Guiding Light spell are subject to Minimised Roll.
12″ Augment One Turn A unit cannot be affected by this spell more than once per
Magic Phase.

1 Know Thine Enemy The target gains +2 Offensive Skill, +2 Defensive Skill, and
⟨7+⟩ ⟨18″⟩
Augment One Turn +2 Agility.
{12+} {6″ Aura}

2 Fate’s Judgement The target suffers ⟨D3⟩ {D6} hits that wound automati-
Damage cally with Armour Penetration 0 and Magical Attacks, with
18″ Hex Instant no Special Saves allowed (note that Armour Saves are al-
Missile lowed).

3 Scrying
⟨7+⟩ ⟨18″⟩ The target gains Distracting and Hard Target (1).
Augment One Turn
{12+} {6″ Aura}

4 The Stars Align The target gains Divine Attacks. In addition, it must reroll
⟨8+⟩ ⟨18″⟩ failed to-hit rolls with Close Combat ⟨and Shooting⟩ At-
Augment One Turn
{12+} {6″ Aura} tacks.

5 Unerring Strike
The target suffers 2D6 {with Maximised Roll} hits that
⟨9+⟩ wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 1, Divine Attacks,
18″ Hex Instant
{12+} and Magical Attacks.

When calculating Combat Score, a side with units contain-

ing at least one model affected by the spell suffers −X to its
Combat Score (for each affected unit and instance of the
6 Portent of Doom spell), where X is equal to the number of Characters in the
9+ 18″ Hex Permanent unit, increased by 1 if the unit contains any R&F models.
A Character leaving a unit that was the target of the spell
no longer is affected by the spell, unless the Character was
a single model unit that was the initial target of the spell.

Nature’s Call: All Wizards that know at least one non-Bound Druidism spell know the Learned Spell The Oaken
Throne in addition to their other spells.
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

A Fountain of Youth The target or its unit ⟨Recovers⟩ ⟨⟨Raises⟩⟩ 1 Health Point.
Augment No single model can Recover (or Raise) more than 1 Health
12″ Instant
Focused Point per phase from this spell.

If the Caster is affected by The Oaken Throne, certain spells

are cast with an amplified version. Use any text marked
with ⟨⟨ ⟩⟩ and ignore any ⟨red text⟩. Successfully casting
0 The Oaken Throne The Oaken Throne does not trigger the Attribute Spell. This
spell ends if the Caster attempts to cast The Oaken Throne
4+ Caster Permanent
again, or if the opponent removes one dice from their Magic
Dice pool at the end of step 3 of any Magic Phase sequence
(after Siphon the Veil).

1 Healing Waters The range of this spell can be measured from the Caster or
⟨7+⟩ from any Water Terrain Feature on the board.
12″ Augment One Turn The target gains Fortitude ⟨(5+)⟩ ⟨⟨(4+)⟩⟩.

2 Master of Earth The range of this spell can be measured from the Caster or
Direct from any Impassable Terrain Feature on the board.
⟨6+⟩ The target suffers D6 hits with Strength ⟨4⟩ ⟨⟨5⟩⟩, Armour
18″ Damage Instant
⟨⟨5+⟩⟩ Penetration ⟨1⟩ ⟨⟨2⟩⟩, and Magical Attacks.

The range of this spell can be measured from the Caster or

3 Entwining Roots from any Forest Terrain Feature on the board.
⟨6+⟩ The target suffers ⟨−1⟩ ⟨⟨−2⟩⟩ Offensive Skill, ⟨−1⟩ ⟨⟨−2⟩⟩
12″ Hex One Turn
⟨⟨5+⟩⟩ Defensive Skill, and ⟨−1⟩ ⟨⟨−2⟩⟩ to hit with Shooting Attacks.
This spell has different effects depending on the target:
Standard Infantry/Beast1 : Raise ⟨4⟩ ⟨⟨6⟩⟩ Health Points.
Towering Presence2 : Raise ⟨1⟩ ⟨⟨1⟩⟩ Health Point.
4 Summer Growth Anything else3 : Raise ⟨2⟩ ⟨⟨3⟩⟩ Health Points.
⟨11+⟩ 1
More than half of the models in the unit are both Standard
24″ Augment Instant
⟨⟨10+⟩⟩ Height and either Type Infantry or Beast.
More than half of the models in the unit have Towering
Use this if neither of the above applies.

5 Stone Skin The range of this spell can be measured from the Caster or
⟨10+⟩ from any Hill Terrain Feature on the board.
12″ Augment One Turn The target gains ⟨+2⟩ ⟨⟨+3⟩⟩ Resilience.

Place a Forest Terrain Feature underneath the target (this

can be substituted by placing a marker or the spell card
6 Spirits of the Wood next to the unit). This Forest always extends to the edges
⟨7+⟩ ⟨Augment⟩ of the target’s Unit Boundary (even if the unit moves or
12″ One Turn
⟨⟨6+⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Universal⟩⟩ changes formation). ⟨⟨If the target is a friendly unit, it
gains Strider (Forest).⟩⟩

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

If your Veil Token pool contains less than 3 Veil Tokens,

A Evocation of Souls you gain one Veil Token. No more than 1 Veil Token can be
gained from this spell each Phase.

1 Spectral Blades The target must reroll failed to-wound rolls with its Melee
⟨6+⟩ Attacks {and gains Lethal Strike}.
18″ Augment One Turn

The target suffers −1 Resilience. In addition, a unit with at

2 Whispers of the Veil least one model affected by one or more instances of the
8+ 24″ Hex One Turn
spell suffers −1 Discipline.

3 Hasten the Hour Choose ⟨1⟩ {up to 3 different} models in the target unit
Damage (which may be Characters or Champions). Each of them
⟨7+⟩ ⟨24″⟩
Direct Instant suffers 1 hit that wounds automatically with Armour Pen-
{10+} {18″}
Hex etration 10 and Magical Attacks.

4 Ancestral Aid
The target must reroll failed to-hit rolls with its Close Com-
⟨6+⟩ ⟨12″⟩
Augment One Turn bat Attacks.
{7+} {18″}

5 Touch of the Reaper

Damage The target suffers D3 hits with Strength 10, Armour Pen-
Direct etration 10, and Magical Attacks. When rolling to wound
24″ Hex Instant with this attack, use the target’s Discipline instead of the
{Focused} target’s Resilience.

6 Danse Macabre
The target may perform an ⟨8″⟩ {6″} Magical Move and
⟨5+⟩ ⟨12″⟩
Augment Instant gains Ghost Step during this move.
{10+} {9″ Aura}

The Sacrifice: When casting a non-Bound Spell from this Path, immediately after the casting roll, but before any
Dispelling Attempt, the Active Player may choose the Caster’s unit or another friendly unengaged unit within 24″.
A unit may only be chosen once per phase. The chosen unit suffers X hits that wound automatically with Armour
Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks, and with no saves of any kind allowed, where X is determined by the Discipline
value of the largest fraction of models in the unit, ignoring all Discipline modifiers. In case of a tie, use the lower
• 0 to 4: 3 hits
• 5 to 7: 2 hits
• 8 to 10: 1 hit
Any Health Point loss from The Sacrifice that would remove the last model of the chosen unit as a casualty is discarded.
These Health Point losses never cause Panic Tests.
If at least one Health Point loss was caused, the spell is cast with the ⟨⟨amplified⟩⟩ version. In that case, use any text
marked with ⟨⟨ ⟩⟩.
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

1 Pentagram of Pain The target suffers D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Pene-
⟨Damage⟩ tration 1, and Magical Attacks.
⟨5+⟩ ⟨24″⟩ ⟨Direct⟩ {The Caster’s unit is unaffected.}
Instant ⟨⟨If one or more unsaved wounds are caused with this
{6+} {12″ Aura} ⟨Hex⟩
{Universal} spell, the Caster Recovers 1 Health Point.⟩⟩

The target ⟨⟨and all models in its unit when the spell is
2 Hand of Glory cast⟩⟩ gain Aegis (6+) and Aegis (+1, max 3+).
⟨6+⟩ ⟨Caster⟩ {Augment} {This spell may only target Characters, Champions,
One Turn
{8+} {12″} {Focused} and single model units.}

The target suffers −1 Offensive Skill and −1 Defensive Skill.

3 The Rot Within ⟨⟨The Caster gains +1 Offensive Skill and +1 Defensive
6+ 18″ Hex Permanent Skill.⟩⟩
The target gains Breath Attack (Magical Attacks, Toxic At-
4 Breath of Corruption {This spell may only target Characters, Champions,
⟨5+⟩ ⟨Caster⟩ Focused and single model units.}
One Turn
{8+} {12″} {Augment} ⟨⟨If the Breath Attack is used as a Shooting Attack, its
range is increased to 18″.⟩⟩
The target suffers 1 hit with Strength 10, Armour Penetra-
5 Marked for Doom tion 10, Magical Attacks, and Multiple Wounds (D3).
Damage ⟨⟨If the target is within 12″ of the Caster, choose a sin-
9+ 24″ Direct Instant gle Character or Champion joined to the target unit.
Hex That model suffers the hit.⟩⟩

6 The Grave Calls The target suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 5, Armour
Damage Penetration 2, and Magical Attacks. ⟨⟨The hits gain +1
11+ 12″ Direct Instant Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.⟩⟩

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

A Blaze
Damage The target suffers D3 hits with Strength 4, Armour Pene-
24″ Hex Instant tration 0, Flaming Attacks, and Magical Attacks.

1 Fireball
Damage The target suffers D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Pene-
4+ 36″ Hex Instant tration 0, Flaming Attacks, and Magical Attacks.

2 Cascading Fire
The target suffers ⟨D6⟩ {2D6} hits with Strength 4, Ar-
⟨5+⟩ ⟨24″⟩
Hex Instant mour Penetration 0, Flaming Attacks, and Magical Attacks.
{8+} {12″}

3 Flaming Swords The target gains Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks. In
⟨8+⟩ ⟨18″⟩ addition, the target’s Melee and Shooting Attacks gain a +1
Augment One Turn
{11+} {6″ Aura} to-wound modifier.

4 Pyroclastic Flow
Damage The target suffers ⟨2D6⟩ {3D6} hits with Strength 4, Ar-
⟨7+⟩ ⟨24″⟩
Hex Instant mour Penetration 0, Flaming Attacks, and Magical Attacks.
{10+} {12″}

5 Scorching Salvo The target suffers D3+1 hits with Strength 4, Armour Pen-
8+ 24″ Aura Instant etration 0, Flaming Attacks, and Magical Attacks.

6 Enveloping Embers
Each model in the target unit suffers 1 hit with Strength
3, Armour Penetration 0, Flaming Attacks, and Magical
10+ 24″ Direct Instant

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

A Scarification Melee Attacks against the target can never wound on bet-
Caster One Turn ter than 5+.

1 Awaken the Beast The target gains ⟨+1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration⟩
⟨6+⟩ {+1 Resilience}.
18″ Augment One Turn

Immediately after successfully casting this spell, the target

2 Swarm of Insects suffers 5D6 hits with Strength 1, Armour Penetration 0,
Damage and Magical Attacks. If one or more unsaved wounds are
⟨5+⟩ ⟨24″⟩
Hex Permanent caused, the target suffers −1 to hit with its Shooting Attacks.
{8+} {48″}
Missile This spell immediately ends when the target performs an
Advance, March, Charge, Failed Charge, or Pursuit Move.

3 Savage Fury
⟨5+⟩ ⟨9″⟩ The target gains Battle Focus, Fearless, and Frenzy.
Universal One Turn
{8+} {18″}

All units within ⟨6″⟩ {12″} of the target when the spell
4 Chilling Howl is cast suffer a −1 to-wound modifier on their ⟨Shoot-
36″ Hex One Turn ing⟩ {Ranged} Attacks {including effects of spells cast
while affected by Chilling Howl}.

5 Totemic Summon Summon a Totemic Beast (profile below). It must be placed

⟨10+⟩ within ⟨1″⟩ {10″} of the Board Edge.
96″ Ground Instant

6 Break the Spirit The target suffers a −1 to-hit modifier and treats all Terrain
⟨8+⟩ ⟨18″⟩
Hex One Turn (including Open Terrain) as Dangerous Terrain (2).
{11+} {36″}

Totemic Beast Height
Type Beast
single model Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6″ - 7 Fearless, Random Movement (3D6″)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Totemic Beast 4 3 5 2 3 Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 0)

Judgement on High: When casting non-Bound Spells from this Path, all Magic Dice that result in ‘1’ must be rerolled.
Dice causing a Miscast cannot be rerolled. If a Caster Miscasts when casting a spell from this Path, add a +1 Miscast
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

1 Hand of Heaven
Damage The target suffers ⟨D6⟩ {D6+1} hits with Strength ⟨D6⟩
24″ Hex Instant {D6+1}, Armour Penetration ⟨2⟩ {3}, and Magical Attacks.

⟨Immediately after successfully casting this spell, roll a

2 Smite the Unbeliever D6.⟩ {Choose which effect to apply when casting the
24″ Hex One Turn • ⟨If 1–3 is rolled,⟩ the target suffers −1 Resilience.
• ⟨If 4–6 is rolled,⟩ the target suffers −1 Strength and
−1 Armour Penetration.
3 Speaking in Tongues Units with at least one model affected by the spell cannot
⟨8+⟩ benefit from ⟨Commanding Presence⟩ {Rally Around the
18″ Hex One Turn Flag}.

The target gains Breath Attack (Strength D3+2, Armour

Penetration 1, Magical Attacks).
4 Cleansing Fire (Roll the D3 immediately after successfully casting this
⟨5+⟩ ⟨Caster⟩ Focused spell.)
One Turn
{8+} {24″} {Augment} {This spell may only target Characters, Champions,
and single model units.}

Place a counter on the target point. At the end of each sub-

sequent Magic Phase roll a D6; if 1–3 is rolled, add another
counter on the same point. If 4–6 is rolled, each unit within
5 Wrath of God (2D6+X)″, where X is equal to the number of counters, suf-
12+ 96″ Ground Permanent fers 2D6 hits with Strength 5, Armour Penetration 2, and
Magical Attacks. If a unit fails a Panic Test forced by the
spell, it Flees directly away from the marked point. The
spell then ends, remove all counters.

6 Trial of Faith The Caster rolls D3+1 and the target rolls D3. If the Caster’s
roll is higher, the target suffers a number of hits equal
⟨7+⟩ ⟨24″⟩ to the difference between their respective rolls. These
Hex Instant
{10+} {18″} hits wound automatically with Armour Penetration 10 and
Magical Attacks.

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1″

Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.
If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers −1″
A Evil Eye Advance Rate and −2″ March Rate, to a minimum of 3″ and
24″ Universal One Turn
6″ respectively.
A unit cannot be affected by this spell more than twice in
the same Magic Phase.

The target may perform an ⟨8″⟩ {12″} Magical Move and

gains Fly and Light Troops until the end of the Player Turn.
1 Raven’s Wing Nominate a single model part affected by the spell. This
⟨7+⟩ model part may perform a Sweeping Attack during the
24″ Augment Instant
{9+} move (possibly in addition to other Sweeping Attacks).
This Sweeping Attack causes D6 hits with Strength 4, Ar-
mour Penetration 1, and Magical Attacks.

2 Deceptive Glamour The target suffers ⟨−1⟩ {−2} Offensive Skill, ⟨−1⟩ {−2} De-
24″ Hex One Turn fensive Skill, and ⟨−1⟩ {−2} Agility.

3 Twisted Effigy The target cannot use Shooting Attacks {and suffers a −2
36″ Hex One Turn modifier to its casting rolls}.

Melee Attacks made by {and distributed towards} R&F

models in the target unit are set to wound on a 4+, and
4 The Wheel Turns Close Combat Attacks made by {and allocated against}
⟨8+⟩ R&F models in the target unit additionally are set to hit on
24″ Hex One Turn
{10+} a 4+, regardless of Offensive Skill, Defensive Skill, Strength,
and Resilience. Apply this effect before other to-hit and
to-wound modifiers.
5 Will-o’-the-Wisp
⟨8+⟩ The target gains Random Movement (⟨2D6⟩ {3D6}″).
18″ Universal One Turn

6 Bewitching Glare
Melee {and Shooting} Attacks against the target gain
24″ Hex One Turn Battle Focus.

Special Items
When building their armies, players have the option to individually upgrade the mundane equipment of certain
models, usually Characters and Standard Bearers, by buying Special Items for these models. Some Special Items are
shared by most armies of T9A (see the list of Common Special Items below), while army-specific Special Items can
be found in the corresponding Army Books.
All Special Items are One of a Kind unless specifically stated otherwise.

Special Item Categories

All Special Items belong to one of the following categories:
• Weapon Enchantments
• Armour Enchantments
• Banner Enchantments
• Artefacts
Each category of Special Items is subject to the rules below.

Weapon Enchantments
Weapon Enchantments are upgrades to weapons. The upgraded mundane weapon is referred to as enchanted
weapon and follows all rules for both the original weapon and the Weapon Enchantment. The following rules apply
to Weapon Enchantments and enchanted weapons:
• A model may only have a single Weapon Enchantment.
• If a model has more than one weapon, it must be noted on the Army List which weapon has been enchanted
(remember that all models are equipped with a Hand Weapon).
• Each Weapon Enchantment applies to a specific weapon (e.g. a Great Weapon) or a category of weapons (e.g.
Close Combat Weapons). Note that Shooting Weapons that count as a Close Combat Weapon in close combat
(such as a Brace of Pistols from the Empire of Sonnstahl Army Book) cannot normally be Enchanted with a
Close Combat Weapon enchantment.
• A model armed with an enchanted weapon (including a Hand Weapon) must use it.

Armour Enchantments
Armour Enchantments are upgrades to Armour Equipment. The upgraded mundane armour is referred to as
enchanted armour and follows the rules for both the original Armour Equipment and the Armour Enchantment. The
following rules apply to Armour Enchantments and enchanted armour:
• Each piece of armour a model is carrying may be enchanted with a single Armour Enchantment.
• If the wearer has more than one piece of armour that could be enchanted, it must be noted on the Army List
which one has been enchanted. If a model has no Armour Equipment, it cannot take Armour Enchantments.
• Each Armour Enchantment applies to a specific piece of armour (e.g. Heavy Armour) or a category of armour
(e.g. Suits of Armour).

Banner Enchantments
Banner Enchantments are upgrades to Standard Bearers and Battle Standard Bearers. The upgraded banner is
referred to as enchanted banner. Each banner may normally only have a single Banner Enchantment, except for
Battle Standard Bearers, who may take up to two Banner Enchantments.

A model may have up to two Artefacts.

Properties of Special Items
A model may only have a single Dominant Special Item.

Who is Affected
Special Items may affect different targets:
• The wielder, wearer, or bearer: these terms mean the same thing for rules purposes and refer to the model
part the Special Item was bought for (and don’t affect its mount).
• Models, the wearer’s model, or the bearer’s model: these terms refer to all model parts of the models, including
their mounts (note that these terms override the Massive Bulk rules).
• Units, the wearer’s unit, or the bearer’s unit: this type of Special Item affects all model parts in the target unit
or in the same unit as the wearer/bearer of the Special Item (including mounts and the wearer/bearer itself).

One Use Only

These effects can only be used once per game.

List of Common Special Items

The Special Items listed below are considered Common Special Items and are available to all models and units
who have the option to buy Special Items from the corresponding category. They are often bought in addition to
army-specific Special Items.

Weapon Enchantments

Blessed Inscriptions 65 pts Touch of Greatness 50 pts

Enchantment: Close Combat Weapon. Enchantment: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this enchanted weapon become Attacks made with this enchanted weapon gain +1
Divine Attacks and Magical Attacks, and failed to- Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and become Magi-
wound rolls must be rerolled. cal Attacks.
Strength modifiers from this weapon (combining
Hero’s Heart 60 pts both mundane and Weapon Enchantment modifiers)
Enchantment: Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons. cannot exceed +2 (but can exceed +2 through modi-
The wielder of this enchanted weapon gains +1 At- fiers from other sources, such as spells).
tack Value while using it. Attacks made with this
enchanted weapon become Magical Attacks and al- Shield Breaker 35 pts
ways have at least Strength 5 and at least Armour Enchantment: Close Combat Weapon.
Penetration 3. Attacks made with this enchanted weapon gain +6
Armour Penetration, become Magical Attacks, and
King Slayer 50 pts can never wound on to-wound rolls better than 3+.
Enchantment: Close Combat Weapon.
The wielder of this enchanted weapon gains +X Supernatural Dexterity 25 pts
Strength, +X Armour Penetration, +X Attack Value, Enchantment: Close Combat Weapon.
and Magical Attacks while using it, where X is equal The wielder of this enchanted weapon gains +2 Of-
to the number of enemy Characters in base contact fensive Skill and +2 Agility while using it, and attacks
with the wielder’s unit. This bonus is calculated at made with it become Magical Attacks.
the Initiative Step when the attacks are made.
Cleansing Light 20 pts
Titanic Might 50 pts Enchantment: Close Combat Weapon.
Enchantment: Close Combat Weapon. At the start of each Round of Combat, the wielder
Attacks made with this enchanted weapon gain +3 may choose to have attacks made with this enchanted
Strength and become Magical Attacks. weapon become Flaming Attacks and Magical At-

Armour Enchantments

Death Cheater 100 pts Basalt Infusion 35 pts

Enchantment: Suit of Armour. Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Fortitude (4+). The wearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (3+, against
Flaming Attacks). The wearer automatically fails all
Destiny’s Call 70 pts Fortitude Saves.
Standard Height models only.
Enchantment: Suit of Armour. Ghostly Guard 35 pts
The wearer gains Aegis (4+) and its Armour is set Enchantment: Heavy Armour and Plate Armour.
to 3 and cannot be improved beyond this. The wearer gains +2 Armour against non-Magical
Dusk Forged 55 pts
Enchantment: Shield. Alchemist’s Alloy 15 pts
The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
Saves while using this Shield. If it does, it automati- The wearer gains +1 Armour and suffers −2 Offensive
cally fails all Special Saves. Skill.

Essence of Mithril 50 pts Willow’s Ward 15 pts

Standard Height models only. Models on foot only.
Enchantment: Suit of Armour. Enchantment: Shield.
The wearer’s Armour is set to 5 and cannot be im- While using this Shield, the bearer cannot use Parry,
proved beyond this. gains +1 Armour, and Impact Hits distributed onto
the bearer suffer −2 Armour Penetration.

Banner Enchantments

Banner of Speed 50 pts Banner of Discipline 30 pts

0–3 per Army. 0–3 per Army.
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. If the
Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate. Battle Standard Bearer or the General is part of the
bearer’s unit, it automatically passes Panic Tests in-
Rending Banner 50 pts stead.
0–3 per Army.
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round Legion Standard 20 pts
of Combat. Close Combat Attacks from R&F models 0–3 per Army.
in the bearer’s unit gain +1 Armour Penetration until A unit with one Legion Standard increases the maxi-
the bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. A mum of its Rank Bonus by +1 (normally this means
model can only be affected by a single Rending Ban- the unit can add up to 4 Full Ranks to its Combat
ner at the same time. Score). A unit with two or more Legion Standards
increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +2 in-
Banner of the Relentless Company 40 pts stead.
0–3 per Army.
One use only. May be activated during the owner’s Aether Icon 10 pts
Movement Phase. All Infantry models in the bearer’s 0–3 per Army.
unit always have March Rate 15″, until the end of the The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). If the unit
Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless contains other instances of Magic Resistance, it in-
Company may be activated during the same phase. creases those Magic Resistance values by 1 instead.

Stalker’s Standard 40 pts

0–3 per Army.
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.

Flaming Standard 35 pts

0–3 per Army.
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round
of Combat or before shooting with the bearer’s unit.
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks. If activated
when Engaged in Combat, the effect lasts until the
bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. If ac-
tivated before shooting with the bearer’s unit, the
effect lasts until the end of the phase.


Book of Arcane Mastery 75 pts Crystal Ball 35 pts

Dominant. Wizard Apprentices and Adepts only. After Spell Selection (at the end of step 7 of the Pre-
The bearer’s first Casting Attempt in each Magic Game Sequence), mark a single enemy model on the
Phase gains a +2 Casting Modifier. When using a sin- opponent’s Army List. All Dispelling Attempts of
gle Magic Dice for this Casting Attempt, a natural roll spells cast by that model gain a +1 Dispelling Modifier,
of ‘1’ or ‘2’ on the Magic Dice is always a failed Casting provided the bearer is on the Battlefield.
Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.
Lightning Vambraces 35 pts
Crown of Autocracy 65 pts The bearer can cast a Bound Spell, Power Level (4/8):
The bearer gains +1 Discipline. If taken by the Gen- Type: Hex, Missile, Damage. Range 24″. Duration: In-
eral, the opponent is awarded an additional +200 stant. The target suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 3,
Victory Points if the bearer is removed as a casualty. Armour Penetration 0, and Magical Attacks.

Binding Scroll 55 pts Rod of Battle 35 pts

0–2 per Army. The bearer can cast a Bound Spell, Power Level (4/8):
One use only. May be activated after Siphon the Veil Type: Augment. Range 12″. Duration: One Turn.
(at the end of step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence). The target gains +1 to hit with its Close Combat At-
When activated, pick an enemy model and select one tacks.
of its Attribute, Bound, or Learned Spells. The se-
lected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the Dragon Staff 30 pts
spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding The bearer gains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 0, Flaming
Scroll may be activated during the same phase. Attacks).

Crown of the Wizard King 50 pts Ranger’s Boots 30 pts

Cannot be taken by Wizards. Standard Height models on foot only.
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from The bearer gains Strider and, unless using Flying
all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Ap- Movement, +2″ Advance Rate up to a maximum of
prentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select 10″, and +4″ March Rate up to a maximum of 20″.
the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any en-
chantments that are restricted to Wizards (or any Obsidian Rock 25 pts
types of Wizards). The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).

Magical Heirloom 50 pts Dragonfire Gem 20 pts

Dominant. Wizards only. The bearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming At-
The bearer always knows the Hereditary Spell in ad- tacks). The bearer automatically fails all Fortitude
dition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Saves.
Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Potion of Swiftness 20 pts
Talisman of Shielding 50 pts One use only. May be activated at the start of any
The bearer gains Aegis (5+). phase or Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player
Turn, the bearer gains +3 Agility.
Talisman of the Void 50 pts
The bearer gains Channel (1). Lucky Charm 10 pts
One use only. May be activated when the bearer’s
Essence of a Free Mind 40 pts model fails an Armour Save. This failed Armour Save
Dominant. Wizards only. may be rerolled.
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army
List instead of one (from the ones normally available Potion of Strength 10 pts
to it). During Spell Selection, choose which one of the Cannot be taken by models with Towering Presence.
two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select from the One use only. May be activated at the start of any
Learned Spells 5 and 6 of its chosen Path. phase or Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player
Turn the bearer gains Crush Attack.
Sceptre of Power 40 pts
One use only. A Wizard with this Artefact may add
a single Magic Dice from its Magic Dice pool to one
of its casting rolls or dispelling rolls, after seeing the
casting or dispelling roll (note that casting rolls can-
not exceed the limit of max 5 Magic Dice).

Magic Phase Summaries v2020
Magic Phase Summary
Magic Phase Sequence Spell Casting Sequence
1 Start of the Magic Phase A Casting Attempt. If failed, skip steps B–F
2 Draw a Flux Card B Dispelling Attempt. If successful, skip steps C–F
3 Siphon the Veil In case of Broken Concentration, skip steps D–E and go directly to
4 Cast a spell with one of your models (see “Spell Casting Sequence”) step F
5 Repeat step 4 for each spell the Active Player wishes to cast D Resolve the spell effect
6 End of the Magic Phase If applicable, choose target(s) for the Attribute Spell and resolve its
F If applicable, apply the Miscast effect

Casting Attempt
The Active Player declares which Wizard is casting which spell and how many Magic Dice will be used. If applicable, they also declare which version of
the spell is used and what its targets are. Between 1 and 5 dice from the Active Player’s Magic Dice pool must be used.
The Active Player rolls the chosen number of Magic Dice from the Magic Dice pool and adds the results of the rolled dice and any Casting Modifiers
together (see “Casting and Dispelling Modifiers”). This total is referred to as the total casting roll.
The Casting Attempt is passed if the total casting roll is equal to or greater than the spell’s Casting Value. The Casting Attempt fails if the total casting
roll is less than the spell’s Casting Value. Note that the Casting Attempt may Fizzle if 2 or more dice were used (see “Fizzle”).

Dispelling Attempt
The Reactive Player declares how many Magic Dice will be used from their pool. The Reactive Player must use at least 1 dice for a Dispelling Attempt.
Note that there is no maximum number of Magic Dice allowed to be used for a Dispelling Attempt.
The Reactive Player rolls the chosen number of dice and adds the results of the rolled dice and any Dispelling Modifiers together (see “Casting and
Dispelling Modifiers”), to get the total dispelling roll.
The Dispelling Attempt is successful if the total dispelling roll is equal to or greater than the total casting roll. If so, the spell is dispelled and the spell
3 is not cast. The Dispelling Attempt fails if the total dispelling roll is less than the total casting roll. If so, the spell is successfully cast. Note that the
Dispelling Attempt may Fizzle if 2 or more dice were used (see “Fizzle”).

Bound Spell Casting Attempt

The Active Player declares which model will cast which Bound Spell, and whether they will use 2 or 3 Magic Dice. If applicable, the Active Player also
declares the targets of the spell. The spell is always cast with the basic version as Bound Spells cannot be Boosted.
2 The Active Player removes the chosen number of Magic Dice (2 or 3) from their Magic Dice pool (do not roll them).
3 The Casting Attempt is always passed.

Fizzle Flux Cards

When a Casting Attempt or Dispelling Attempt is failed for which 2 dice or more Flux Card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
were used, any Magic Dice that rolled a natural ‘1’ are returned to the Magic
Magic Dice 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7
Dice pool they were taken from. Note that this does not apply to passed Casting
Attempts that are then dispelled. Veil Tokens 3 2 5 7 9 5 7 7
Miscast Modifiers +1 -1


Three of a kind: Miscast Effects (after resolving the spell and Attribute effects, unless 111)
000 or lower No additional effects.
111 Broken Concentration
The Casting Attempt fails (apply Fizzle as normal).
222 Witchfire
The Caster’s unit suffers 1D6 hits with Armour Penetration 2, Magical Attacks, and a Strength equal to the number of
Magic Dice that were used for the casting roll.
333 Magical Inferno
The Caster’s unit suffers 2D6 hits with Armour Penetration 2, Magical Attacks, and a Strength equal to the number of
Magic Dice that were used for the casting roll.
444 Amnesia
The Caster cannot cast the Miscast spell anymore this game.
555 Backlash
The Caster suffers 2 hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.
666 Implosion
The Caster suffers 4 hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.
777 or higher Breach in the Veil
The Caster’s model is removed as a casualty (no saves of any kind allowed).
Magic Phase Summaries v2020
TYPES A: Augment – Da: Damage – Di: Direct – F: Focused – G: Ground – H: Hex – M: Missile – U: Universal.
RANGE A: Aura. DURATION Inst: Instant – OneT: One Turn – Perm: Permanent.
A Alchemical Fire 18″ H OneT Flammable against Melee Attacks
1 Quicksilver Lash 7+ 24″ Da, H, M Inst D3+1 hits with Flaming, Magical, AP 10, always wound on “7 − target’s Arm”+

2 Word of Iron 5+/9+ 24″ A OneT ⟨+1⟩ {+2} Armour

3 Glory of Gold 8+ 18″ A OneT +1 AP, Flaming, Magical
4 Molten Copper 7+ 24″ Da, H, M Inst D3+3 hits Str as target’s Arm, AP 4, Flaming, Magical
5 Corruption of Tin 8+ 36″ H Perm −1 Armour
6 Silver Spike 6+/9+ 18″/36″ Da, H, M Inst 1 hit Str 3 [6], AP 10, Magical, MW (D3), Area Attack (1×5)
Duality Two versions: Cosmos (first) and Chaos (second). If spell successful, next Cosmo spell, if opposite version, gets CV −1
1 Altered Sight 5+ 24″ A/H OneT +1/−1 Off and Def, Aim improved/worsened by 1
2 Truth of Time 5+ 24″ A/H OneT Charge, Flee, Pursuit, Overrun: 2 times Maximised/Minimised Roll

3 Ice and Fire 7+ 24″ Da, H, M Inst 2D6 hits Str 4, AP 0, Magical, reroll successful Special/Armour Saves
4 Perception of Strength 8+ 24″ A/H OneT +1/−1 Str and AP
A OneT All models in the unit: Aegis (5+)
5 Unity in Divergence 10+ 24″
Da, Di, H Inst Each model in the unit: 1 hit Str 3, AP 0, Magical
A, F Recovers 1 HP
6 Touch the Heart 7+ 24″ Inst
Da, H, F, M 1 hit that wounds automatically, AP 10, Magical
The Conclave Divination Spells: +3″ (up to +9″) range for each add. friendly Wizard within 12″ of the Caster
A Guiding Light 12″ A OneT Discipline Tests: Minimised Roll (only one instance per Magic Phase)
1 Know Thine Enemy 7+/12+ 18″/6″A A OneT +2 Off, +2 Def, +2 Agi

2 Fate’s Judgement 5+/9+ 18″ Da, H, M Inst ⟨D3⟩ {D6} hits that wound automatically, AP 0, Magical, no Special Saves allowed
3 Scrying 7+/12+ 18″/6″A A OneT Distracting and Hard Target (1)
4 The Stars Align 8+/12+ 18″/6″A A OneT Divine, must reroll failed to-hit rolls with Close Combat ⟨and Shooting⟩ Attacks
5 Unerring Strike 9+/12+ 18″ Da, H, M Inst 2D6 {with Maximised Roll} hits that wound on 4+, AP 1, Divine, Magical
6 Portent of Doom 9+ 18″ H Perm −X Combat Score with X = number of Characters in + 1 if at least a R&F
Nature’s Call Wizards that know at least one non-Bound Druidism spell know the 0 spell in addition to their other spells
A Fountain of Youth 12″ A, F Inst ⟨Recovers⟩ ⟨⟨Raises⟩⟩ 1 HP (max. 1 HP per model and per phase)
0 The Oaken Throne 4+ Caster rep Perm Use ⟨⟨ ⟩⟩ and ignore ⟨ ⟩. No attribute. Remove a dice after Siphon the Veil to dispel

1 Healing Waters 7+/6+ 12″ A OneT Fortitude (⟨5+⟩ ⟨⟨4+⟩⟩). Can cast from Water Terrain
2 Master of Earth 6+/5+ 18″ Da, Di, H Inst D6 hits Str ⟨4⟩ ⟨⟨5⟩⟩, AP ⟨1⟩ ⟨⟨2⟩⟩, Magical. Can cast from Impassable Terrain
3 Entwining Roots 6+/5+ 12″ H OneT ⟨−1⟩ ⟨⟨−2⟩⟩ Off, ⟨−1⟩ ⟨⟨−2⟩⟩ Def, ⟨−1⟩ ⟨⟨−2⟩⟩ to hit with Shooting. Can cast from Forest
4 Summer Growth 11+/10+ 24″ A Inst Raise ⟨4⟩ ⟨⟨6⟩⟩ HP if Standard Inf/Beast, 1 HP if Towering, ⟨2⟩ ⟨⟨3⟩⟩ HP else
5 Stone Skin 10+/9+ 12″ A OneT ⟨+2⟩ ⟨⟨+3⟩⟩ Res. Can cast from Hill
6 Spirits of the Wood 7+/6+ 12″ A, ⟨⟨U⟩⟩ OneT Forest on the target’s Unit Boundary. ⟨⟨Strider (Forest)⟩⟩
A Evocation of Souls Inst Gain 1 Veil Token if you have less than 3 in pool (max. 1 per phase)
1 Spectral Blades 6+/9+ 18″ A OneT Reroll failed to-wound with Melee Attacks {and gain Lethal Strike}

2 Whispers of the Veil 8+ 24″ H OneT −1 Res and −1 Dis (for one or more instance)
3 Hasten the Hour 7+/10+ 24″/18″ Da, Di, H Inst ⟨1⟩ {up to 3} models in target unit:1 hit that wounds automatically, AP 10, Magical
4 Ancestral Aid 6+/7+ 12″/18″ A OneT Reroll failed to-hit with Close Combat Attacks
Da, Di, H,
5 Touch of the Reaper 7+/9+ 24″ Inst D3 hits Str 10, AP 10, Magical, wound against Discipline
{F, M}
6 Danse Macabre 5+/10+ 12″/9″A A Inst ⟨8″⟩ {6″} Magical Move with Ghost Step
The Sacrifice Sacrifice X HP in a unit within 24″ to get ⟨⟨ ⟩⟩ (before Dispelling Attempt). X = 3/2/1 if Dis without modifiers = 0–4/5–7/8–10
⟨Da, Di, D6 hits Str 4, AP 1, Magical. {Caster’s unit unaffected.} ⟨⟨Caster Recovers 1 HP if
1 Pentagram of Pain 5+/6+ 24″/12″A Inst
H⟩, {U} unsaved wounds caused⟩⟩

2 Hand of Glory 6+/8+ Cast./12″ F, {A} OneT Target: {1 model unit/Char./Champ.} ⟨⟨all models⟩⟩. Aegis (6+) and (+1, max. 3+)
3 The Rot Within 6+ 18″ H Perm −1 Off and Def. ⟨⟨Caster +1 Off and Def⟩⟩
4 Breath of Corruption 5+/8+ Cast./12″ F, {A} OneT Breath Attack (Magical, Toxic) ⟨⟨18″ range⟩⟩. {Target: 1 model unit/Char./Chp.}
1 hit Str 10, AP 10, Magical, MW (D3). ⟨⟨Within 12″: choose a Char./Champ. in
5 Marked for Doom 9+ 24″ Da, Di, H Inst
unit: he suffers the hit⟩⟩
6 The Grave Calls 11+ 12″ Da, Di, H Inst 2D6 hits Str 5 ⟨⟨+1⟩⟩, AP 2 ⟨⟨+1⟩⟩, Magical
A Blaze 24″ Da, H, M Inst D3 hits Str 4, AP 0, Flaming, Magical
1 Fireball 4+ 36″ Da, H, M Inst D6 hits Str 4, AP 0, Flaming, Magical

2 Cascading Fire 5+/8+ 24″/12″ H Inst D6/2D6 hits Str 4, AP 0, Flaming, Magical
3 Flaming Swords 8+/11+ 18″/6″A A OneT Gains Flaming and Magical. Melee and Shooting Attacks: +1 to-wound modifier
4 Pyroclastic Flow 7+/10+ 24″/12″ Da, H, M Inst 2D6/3D6 hits Str 4, AP 0, Flaming, Magical
5 Scorching Salvo 8+ 24″A Da, H Inst D3+1 hits Str 4, AP 0, Flaming, Magical
6 Enveloping Embers 10+ 24″ Da, Di, H Inst Each model: 1 hit Str 3, AP 0, Flaming, Magical
A Scarification Caster OneT Can never be wounded on better than 5+ by Melee Attacks
1 Awaken the Beast 6+/7+ 18″ A OneT Gains ⟨+1 Str and AP⟩ {+1 Res}

2 Swarm of Insects 5+/8+ 24″/48″ Da, H, M Perm 5D6 hits Str 1, AP 0, Magical. If unsaved wounds, −1 to hit with Shooting until move
3 Savage Fury 5+/8+ 9″/18″ U OneT Gains Battle Focus, Fearless, and Frenzy
4 Chilling Howl 6+/10+ 36″ H OneT Units within ⟨6″⟩ {12″} when spell cast: −1 to wound with ⟨Shooting⟩ {Ranged}
5 Totemic Summon 10+/12+ 96″ G Inst Summon a Totemic Beast within ⟨1″⟩ {10″} of the Board Edge
6 Break the Spirit 8+/11+ 18″/36″ H OneT −1 to-hit modifier, treats all Terrain (including Open) as DT (2)
Judgement on High Casting non-Bound Thaumaturgy spells: reroll Magic Dice resulting in ‘1’ (unless causing Miscast), +1 Miscast modifier
1 Hand of Heaven 5+/8+ 24″ Da, H, M Inst ⟨D6⟩ {D6+1} hits Str ⟨D6⟩ {D6+1}, AP ⟨2⟩ {3}, Magical

2 Smite the Unbeliever 6+/9+ 24″ H OneT ⟨Randomise⟩ {Choose} −1 Res OR −1 Str and AP
3 Speaking in Tongues 8+/8+ 18″ H OneT Cannot benefit from ⟨Commanding Presence⟩ {Rally Around the Flag}
4 Cleansing Fire 5+/8+ Cast./24″ F, {A} OneT Breath Attack (Str D3+2, AP 1, Magical). {Target: 1 model unit/Char./Champ.}
Place a counter. End of each subsequent Magic Phase: 1–3 add counter, 4–6 all units
5 Wrath of God 12+ 96″ G Perm
within (2D6+X)″: 2D6 hits Str 5, AP 2, Magical. X = number of counters
Da, Di, H, Caster rolls D3+1, target rolls D3. If Caster rolls higher, difference = number of hits
6 Trial of Faith 7+/10+ 24″/18″ Inst
{F, M} that wound automatically with AP 10, Magical
A Evil Eye 24″ U OneT Friend: +1 Adv, +2 Mar. Enemy: −1 Adv, −2 Mar (min. 3/6). Two max. per unit
⟨8″⟩ {12″} Magical Move with Fly and Light Troops.
1 Raven’s Wing 7+/9+ 24″ A Inst
Sweeping Attack: D6 hits Str 4, AP 1, Magical

2 Deceptive Glamour 4+/6+ 24″ H OneT ⟨−1⟩ {−2} Off, Def, and Agi
3 Twisted Effigy 5+/7+ 36″ H OneT Target cannot use Shooting Attacks {and −2 to its casting rolls}
Melee Attacks from {and against} R&F in target are set to wound on 4+, CC Attacks
4 The Wheel Turns 8+/10+ 24″ H OneT
from {and against} R&F in target are set to hit on 4+ (before any modifiers)
5 Will-o’-the-Wisp 8+/8+ 18″ U OneT Target gains Random Movement (⟨2D6⟩ {3D6}″)
6 Bewitching Glare 6+/9+ 24″ H OneT Melee {and Shooting} Attacks against the target gain Battle Focus

Hereditary Spells

Echoes of the Dark For- The target gains Fear, Fearless, and Terror. Enemy units in base contact with the
BH 5+/9+ 18″/36″ A OneT
est target suffer −1 Dis
Target suffers 1 hit Str 2 [5], AP 2, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (2)]. Hits
DL Spear of Infinity 4+ 24″ Da, H, M Inst
gain +1 Str for each previous non-Attribute Spell successfully cast
Failed to-wound rolls with ⟨Melee Attacks⟩ {Ranged Attacks} against the target
DE Crippling Fatigue 8+/12+ 18″ H OneT
must be rerolled
EoS Liberal Magics Learned Spell #1 from a Path available other than the chosen one
Gain one Veil Token. When a friendly unit within 18″ of the Caster would lose a Health
Point, you may discard a Veil Token instead (before Special Saves): the loss is ignored.
HE Favour of Meladis 10+ Caster F OneT Attack with Multiple Wounds inflict one less wound. For Standard Infantry, 2 HP
losses are ignored per token (if they are simultaneous). Max. 2 per phase. Max. 1 per
Character and Gigantic model per phase
Target gains Flammable. At the end of a phase, if target has suffered at least one hit
ID Haze of Magnesia 5+ 24″ H Perm
with Flaming while affected, additional D3+1 hits Str 4, AP 0, Flaming and spell ends
Target rerolls to-hit and to-wound rolls of ‘1’ with Melee Attacks and Armour Save
KoE Breath of the Lady 9+/11+ 18″/36″ A OneT
rolls of ‘1’
All Melee Attacks against the target suffer −1 to wound. {In addition, all Shamans
OK Children of Umi 7+/10+ 18″ A OneT
in the target unit gain +1 Res}
OnG Bring the Pain 8+ 18″ H OneT Failed to-hit rolls with CC Attacks against the target must be rerolled
SA Spark of Creation 6+/9+ 30″/18″ Da, H, M Inst Target suffers D6 hits Str ⟨5⟩ {6}, AP ⟨2⟩ {3}, Magical
Place a Forest underneath the target. This Forest always extends to the edges of the
SE Forest Embrace 4+/7+ 18″ A OneT target’s Unit Boundary. {Enemy units in base contact with the target must reroll
natural to-hit rolls of ‘6’}
VS The Awakened Swarm 7+/10+ 12″/24″ Da, Di, H Inst Target suffers 2D6 hits Str 4, AP 2, Magical
Attribute Spell cast when a non-Attribute non-Bound Spell of type Augment is suc-
cessfully cast and augmented. Same target as trigger spell. Target Raises the Res
Death is only the Begin-
UD Special A Inst value of the R&F models of the unit in HP. Or a Character in the unit Recovers its Res
value in HP. No more than 2 HP per phase for Characters and models with Towering
Either the R&F part of target Raises its Rea value in HP, either one Character within
4+/8+ 18″/6″A
VC Arise! A Inst target Recovers its Rea value in HP. Models with Towering Presence cannot Recover
11+ 12″A
more than 2 HP per phase
Target suffers ⟨2D3⟩ {2D6} hits Str 6, AP 0, Magical. *Can target enemy in base
WDG Hellfire 6+/10+ 18″ Da*, Di, H Inst
contact with Caster’s Front Facing

DH Battle Runes
Battle Runes are Bound Spells with Power Level (5/8). If taken by a Runic Smith they have Range 12″, and if taken by an Anvil of Power they have Range 36″.

The effects of all other spells with duration One Turn affecting the target immediately
Rune of Revocation 5/8 12″/36″ U OneT come to an end. In addition, the next successfully cast enemy spell which targets the
unit, including Aura and Attribute Spells, is auto. dispelled

Rune of Reckoning 5/8 12″/36″ A OneT Target must reroll failed to-hit rolls with its CC Attacks
Rune of Oaths 5/8 12″/36″ A OneT Target must reroll failed to-wound rolls with its Melee Attacks
Rune of Resolve 5/8 12″/36″ A Inst Target may perform a 6″ Magical Move
Rune of Gleaming 5/8 12″/36″ A OneT Target gains Distracting and Hard Target (1)
Rune of Resilience 5/8 12″/36″ A OneT All to-wound rolls against the target suffer a −1 modifier
Beast Herds
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 25, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
The unit may gain one of two different sets of effects depending on whether it shows up Sober or Drunk on the
Battlefield. At step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), the player must choose whether a Drunkard
unit is Sober or Drunk. Drunk Characters cannot join units containing any Sober models and vice versa (models
without Drunkard are considered neither Drunk nor Sober).
Sober Drunk
The model gains Light Troops and Vanguard. The model gains Devastating Charge (+1 Str,
A unit that has been Sober once loses Scoring +1 AP) and Fearless. Drunk units cannot Am-
for the rest of the game. If playing Capture the bush.
Flags, Scoring is not lost.

Hunting Call
If the army includes a model with Hunting Call, the owner may:
• Choose to roll for Ambush for units with one or more models with Pack Tactics starting from the owner’s
Player Turn 1 (but still at the end of step 2 of the Movement Phase Sequence), unless the owner has the first
Player Turn.
• Reroll Ambush rolls of 1–2 for units with one or more models with Pack Tactics.
Hunting Call is in effect even if the bearer is Ambushing and has not arrived on the Battlefield yet.

Looted Booze
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Player Turn. All models with Drunkard in the bearer’s unit change
from Sober to Drunk.

Pack Tactics
Units fully composed of models with Pack Tactics gain Swiftstride for the Charge Range roll if they are Located in
the Charged unit’s Flank or Rear Facing when rolling their Charge Range in the Charge Phase.

Attack Attributes
Primal Instinct – Close Combat
At the start of each Round of Combat, each unit with one or more model parts with this Attack Attribute must take a
Discipline Test. If the test is passed, all model parts with Primal Instinct in the unit must reroll failed to-hit rolls
during this Round of Combat.

Beast Axe – Close Combat Weapon
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0. The
wielder gains +2 Defensive Skill unless wielding another weapon.
This weapon cannot be enchanted with Weapon Enchantments from the List of Common Special Items.

Totems are upgrades that certain Beast Herds Characters and Champions may take. Each Totem contains one or
more Totem Bound Spells with Power Level (4/8) and Duration: One Turn.

List of Totems

A unit with all models affected by the spell gains +3 Agility and adds
Black Wing Totem
D3+1″ to its Charge Range.

The target gains +1 Attack Value, and its Close Combat Attacks gain
Blooded Horn Totem
+2 Armour Penetration.

A unit with all models affected by the spell gains Hard Target (1)
Clouded Eye Totem
and Magic Resistance (3).

Gnarled Hide Totem The target gains +1 Armour and Distracting.

An army cannot attempt to cast the same Totem Bound Spells more than twice during the same Magic Phase,
regardless of which model attempts to cast it. Only one Totem Bound Spell can affect a unit at a time (the one most
recently successfully cast).
Champions and Characters bear different kinds of Totems:
Totem Bearers Greater Totem Bearers
Totems borne by Champions contain a single Greater Totems borne by Characters contain
Bound Spell chosen from the list above, which all four Bound Spells from the list above and
must be noted on the Army List, and have the have the Types: Augment and Range 18″.
Type: Caster’s Unit.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Echoes of the Dark Forest The target gains Fear, Fearless, and Terror. Enemy units
⟨5+⟩ ⟨18″⟩
Augment One Turn in base contact with the target suffer −1 Discipline.
{9+} {36″}

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Armour Enchantments
Hawthorne Curse 60 pts Aaghor’s Affliction 100 pts
Models without Ambush only. Enchantment: Light Armour.
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. The wearer gains +1 Resilience and Fortitude (4+),
Attacks made with this weapon gain Devastating but automatically fails all of its Armour Saves.
Charge (+2 Str, +2 AP) and become Magical At-
tacks. The weapon can be used as a Shooting Trickster’s Cunning 60 pts
Weapon (3+) with the following profile: Range 18″, Enchantment: Light Armour.
Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), Reload!, Successful to-wound rolls against the wearer’s model
[Multiple Wounds (D3)]. This Shooting Attack must be rerolled.
never suffers negative to-hit modifiers.
Wild Form 35 pts
Ancestral Carvings 50 pts Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
0–3 per Army. Soothsayers only. At the start of the Melee Phase, the bearer may choose
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. to gain either of the following:
Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength • +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and −1 Re-
and +2 Armour Penetration, and become Magical silience
Attacks. The wielder gains +2 Attack Value and Dis- • −1 Strength, −1 Armour Penetration, and +1 Re-
tracting while using this weapon. silience
The effects last until the end of the Melee Phase.
Fatal Folly 35 pts
Enchantment: Beast Axe. Obscuring Fog 20 pts
Attacks made with this weapon become Magical At- Enchantment: Shield.
tacks. For each Close Combat Attack against the While using this Shield, enemy units in base contact
wielder’s model that rolls a natural to-hit roll of ‘1’, with the bearer suffer −1 Agility. The bearer’s unit
the wielder must perform a Close Combat Attack at does not benefit from +1 Agility from Charging Mo-
the same Initiative Step (this overrides the normal mentum.
restriction that Beast Axe attacks always strike at Ini-
tiative Step 0). This must be allocated towards the
model (or Health Pool) that rolled the ‘1’ to hit. Banner Enchantments
Banner of the Wild Herd 60 pts
Twin Hungers 30 pts
0–3 per Army.
Enchantment: Paired Weapons.
One use only. A single Banner of the Wild Herd per
Attacks made with this weapon gain Lethal Strike
unit may be activated at the start of each Round of
and become Magical Attacks. Whenever the wielder
Combat. For the duration of this Round of Combat,
rolls a natural ‘6’ to wound with a Close Combat At-
all Mongrels and Wildhorns in the bearer’s unit gain
tack, and this attack causes an unsaved wound, the
+1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
bearer Recovers 1 Health Point at the end of the Ini-
tiative Step. No more than 1 Health Point may be
recovered per phase in this manner.

Dark Rain 80 pts
One use only. This Artefact is automatically activated
at the start of the first Game Turn (if the bearer is
not on the Battlefield at this time, the item cannot be
used). Its effects last until the end of the Game Turn.
If the owner has the second Player Turn, all Shooting
Attacks suffer −2 to hit during the opponent’s Shoot-
ing Phase. If the owner has the first Player Turn,
instead all Shooting Attacks suffer −1 to hit during
the opponent’s Shooting Phase.

Seed of the Dark Forest 65 pts

One use only. Right before the battle (during step 7 of
the Deployment Phase Sequence), the bearer must
place a single Forest Terrain Feature that must be
no larger than 10″ in length and 6″ in width on the
Battlefield, not in contact with any other Terrain Fea-
ture except Open Terrain, more than 1″ away from
all enemy units, and with its centre within 12″ of the
bearer. All friendly models inside this Forest Terrain
Feature gain a +1 modifier to their casting rolls for
Augment, Hex, and Universal spells, and add (+1/+1)
to the Power Level of Totem Bound Spells they cast.

Pillager Icon 55 pts

All friendly units within 12″ of the bearer comprised
entirely of Razortusks or single model Chariots, ex-
cluding Characters, gain Vanguard.

Eye of Dominance 50 pts

Close Combat Attacks from Beast, Cavalry, and Con-
struct models will always hit the bearer only on a
roll of 6+. If the attacking model is a multipart model,
only model parts with Harnessed are affected.

Inscribing Burin 30 pts

While the bearer has the centre of its base inside a
Forest Terrain Feature, all friendly units with more
than half of their models with the centre of their
bases inside any Forest Terrain Feature on the Bat-
tlefield gain Magic Resistance (2).

Crown of Horns 25 pts

The bearer’s unit and all units within range of its
Commanding Presence (if applicable) automatically
pass Discipline Tests taken due to Primal Instinct.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Terrors of the Wild Ambush Predators*

Max. 40% Min. 20% No limit Max. 40% Max. 60%
*Units with Ambush

Characters (Max. 40%)

Beast Lord Height
Type Infantry
190 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Pack Tactics, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Beast Lord 4 6 5 2 5 Primal Instinct

Options pts Mount Options pts
Hunting Call (General only) 25 Raiding Chariot 115
Special Items up to 200 Razortusk Chariot 165
Shield 5
Heavy Armour 15
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
One choice only:
Great Weapon 10
Lance 10
Paired Weapons 10
Beast Axe 35

Beast Chieftain Height
Type Infantry
115 pts single model Base 25×25 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Pack Tactics, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Beast Chieftain 3 5 4 1 4 Primal Instinct

Options pts Mount Options pts
Ambush (on foot only) 5 Raiding Chariot 100
Hunting Call (General only) 15
Battle Standard Bearer 50
Greater Totem Bearer 85
Special Items up to 100
Shield 5
Heavy Armour 10
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
One choice only:
Great Weapon 5
Lance 5
Paired Weapons 5
Beast Axe 20

Soothsayer Height
Type Infantry
160 pts single model Base 25×25 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Blood Offering, Pack Tactics, Strider (Forest), Wizard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Soothsayer 1 4 3 0 3 Primal Instinct

Model Rules Options pts
Blood Offering: Universal Rule. Ambush (on foot only) 5
A unit that includes at least one Character with Blood Special Items up to 100
Offering may reroll failed Panic Tests at the cost of in- If Wizard Master up to 200
flicting one wound with no saves of any kind allowed Light Armour 5
to a Character with Blood Offering in the unit. Paired Weapons 5
Magic Options pts Mount Options pts
Wizard Adept 75 Raiding Chariot 20
Wizard Master 225

Druidism Evocation Shamanism


Centaur Chieftain Height
Type Cavalry
205 pts single model Base 25×50 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Drunkard, Looted Booze, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Centaur Chieftain 4 5 5 2 4 Primal Instinct

Options pts Options pts
Ambush 20 Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
Battle Standard Bearer 50 One choice only:
Greater Totem Bearer 85 Paired Weapons 10
Special Items up to 100 Great Weapon 20
Shield 5 Lance 20
Heavy Armour 10 Beast Axe 25

Minotaur Warlord Height
Type Infantry
490 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 9 Fearless, Frenzy, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Minotaur Warlord 5 6 6 3 5 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (D3), Primal Instinct

Options pts Options pts
Special Items up to 200 One choice only:
Heavy Armour 10 Great Weapon 10
Shield 10 Beast Axe 30
Paired Weapons 30

Minotaur Chieftain Height
Type Infantry
220 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Fearless, Frenzy, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Minotaur Chieftain 4 5 5 2 4 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (D3), Primal Instinct

Options pts Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer 50 One choice only:
Greater Totem Bearer 85 Paired Weapons 10
Special Items up to 100 Beast Axe 20
Heavy Armour 10 Great Weapon 20
Shield 10

Character Mounts
Height Large
Raiding Chariot Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 7″ C Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wildhorn Crew 1 4 3 0 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance

War Hog (2) 1 3 4 1 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

Height Large
Razortusk Chariot Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 7″ C Hunting Horn, Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wildhorn Crew 1 4 3 0 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance

Razortusk 4 3 5 2 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Model Rules
Hunting Horn: Universal Rule.
All friendly units within 6″ of one or more models with Hunting Horn gain +1″ to their Charge Range rolls.

Core (Min. 20%)
Wildhorn Herd Height
Type Infantry
150 pts + 8 pts/extra model 15–50 models Base 25×25 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 Pack Tactics, Scoring, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wildhorn 1 4 3 0 3 Primal Instinct

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Ambush (0–25 Models/Unit, 0–2 Units/Army) 20 Champion 20
Must choose (one choice only): Totem Bearer 15
Shield free Musician 20
Paired Weapons 2/model Standard Bearer 20
Throwing Weapons (5+) 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Paired Weapons and
Throwing Weapons (5+) 4/model

Mongrel Herd Height
Type Infantry
145 pts + 7 pts/extra model 20–50 models Base 20×20 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 6 Pack Tactics, Scoring, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Shield
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mongrel 1 3 3 0 3 Primal Instinct

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Ambush (0–30 Models/Unit, 0–2 Units/Army) 20 Champion 20
Spear 1/model Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Mongrel Raiders Height
Type Infantry
95 pts + 6 pts/extra model 10–20 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 6 Light Troops, Pack Tactics, Skirmisher, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mongrel Raider 1 3 3 0 3 Primal Instinct, Bow (4+)

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Ambush and Scout 20 Champion 20
Musician 20

Special (No limit)
Feral Hounds Height
Type Beast
80 pts + 8 pts/extra model 5–20 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.
The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 5 Ambush, Insignificant, Strider (Forest), Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Feral Hound 1 4 3 0 3

Longhorn Herd Height
Type Infantry
150 pts + 21 pts/extra model 10–40 models Base 25×25 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Bodyguard (Beast Lord, Beast Chieftain), Pack Tactics,

Scoring, Strider (Forest)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Longhorn 1 4 4 1 3 Primal Instinct

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Ambush (0–20 Models/Unit, Champion 20
0–2 Units/Army) 1/model Totem Bearer 20
Must choose (one choice only): Musician 20
Great Weapon free Standard Bearer 20
Halberd free Banner Enchantment no limit

Minotaurs Height
Type Infantry
230 pts + 80 pts/extra model 3–10 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 7 Fearless, Frenzy, Scoring, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Minotaur 3 4 5 2 3 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (1), Primal Instinct

Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Shield 10/model Totem Bearer 20
Great Weapon 8/model Musician 20
Paired Weapons 10/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Centaurs Height
Type Cavalry
170 pts + 22 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

The unit also counts towards Ambush Predators when taking Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 7 Drunkard, Scoring, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Centaur 2 4 4 1 3 Primal Instinct

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Ambush (0–8 Models/Unit) 2/model Champion 20
Throwing Weapons (5+) 4/model Totem Bearer 15
One choice only: Musician 20
Great Weapon 2/model Standard Bearer 20
Paired Weapons 5/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Lance 8/model

Raiding Chariots Height
Type Construct
110 pts + 105 pts/extra model 1–3 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

Units of 3 models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 7″ 8 Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 4 2 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wildhorn Crew 1 4 3 0 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance

Longhorn Crew 1 4 4 1 3 Primal Instinct, Great Weapon
War Hog (2) 1 3 4 1 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

Razortusk Herd Height
Type Beast
105 pts + 60 pts/extra model 1–10 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 6 Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Razortusk 4 3 5 2 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)

Razortusk Chariot Height
Type Construct
230 pts single model 0–4 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 7″ 8 Hunting Horn, Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 5 1 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wildhorn Crew 1 4 3 0 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance

Longhorn Crew 1 4 4 1 3 Primal Instinct, Great Weapon
Razortusk 4 3 5 2 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Model Rules
Hunting Horn: Universal Rule.
All friendly units within 6″ of one or more models with Hunting Horn gain +1″ to their Charge Range rolls.

Briar Beast Height
Type Beast
110 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6″ - 10 Fear, Fearless, Random Movement (3D6″), Sleeper, Stri-

der (Forest), Unbreakable
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Briar Beast D6+1 3 4 1 2

Model Rules
Sleeper: Universal Rule.
The model follows the rules for Ambush with the following exceptions:
• Immediatly after step 2 of the owner’s Movement Phase Sequence (including the owner’s Player Turn 1),
the owner may decide for each of their Briar Beasts if they will enter the Battlefield or not (no dice rolls
are required).
• When the model enters the Battlefield, it must be placed completely within any Forest Terrain Feature
instead of having its Rear Facing touch the Board Edge. If the model cannot be placed, it cannot enter the
Battlefield this turn.

Gargoyles Height
Type Infantry
140 pts + 12 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 5″ 10″ 7 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Skirmisher, Strider (Forest),
Fly 9″ 18″ Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Gargoyle 2 4 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Primal Instinct

Options pts
Scout 10

Terrors of the Wild (Max. 40%)
Cyclops Height
Type Infantry
340 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Fearless, Magic Resistance (3), Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 2 5 0 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Cyclops 5 2 6 3 3 Divine Attacks, Hurl Attack (4+)

Model Rules
Hurl Attack: Artillery Weapon.
Catapult (4×4). Range 6–36″, Shots 1, Str 3 [7], AP 0 [4], Divine Attacks, Magical Attacks, [Multiple
Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]. A Cyclops that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner’s Movement
Phase ignores the to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.

Gortach Height
Type Infantry
500 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 9 Fearless, Frenzy, Strider (Forest), Stubborn

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 6 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Gortach 6 4 6 3 3 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (D3), Lethal Strike, Primal In-
stinct, Strength from Flesh
Model Rules
Strength from Flesh: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever a Gortach inflicts an unsaved wound with Lethal Strike (rolling a natural ‘6’ to wound with a Close
Combat Attack with Lethal Strike), the attack gains Multiple Wounds (D3), and the Gortach Recovers 1 Health
Point at the end of the Initiative Step (unless the Gortach was removed as a casualty in this Initiative Step). No
more than 1 Health Point may be Recovered by each Gortach per phase in this manner.

Jabberwock Height
Type Beast
315 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 8″ 16″ 8 Aura of Madness, Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops,
Fly 8″ 16″ Strider (Forest)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Jabberwock 4 4 5 2 3 Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 2), Poison Attacks

Model Rules
Aura of Madness: Universal Rule.
Enemy units within 6″ of one or more models with Aura of Madness suffer −1 Discipline.

Beast Giant Height
Type Infantry
290 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Giant See, Giant Do

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Beast Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Model Rules Options pts
Giant See, Giant Do: Universal Rule. Big Brother 30
The model gains Drunkard and Strider (Forest). One choice only:
At the end of a friendly Movement Phase, if the model Uprooted Tree 5
is in contact with a Forest Terrain Feature it may lose Beer Barrel 30
its current weapon (if applicable) and gain Uprooted Giant Club 30
Rage: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains
+1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it
suffers −1 Attack Value.
Optional Model Rules
Beer Barrel: Shooting Weapon.
The bearer gains Looted Booze. Once per game, the weapon may be used as a Shooting Weapon with the
following profile:
Range 8″, Shots 1, Str 4, AP 0, Area Attack (3×3), Reload!, hits automatically. After being used as a Shooting
Weapon, the bearer loses Looted Booze.
Big Brother: Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of
hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.
Giant Club: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
Uprooted Tree: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon hit automatically and have their Strength set to 5 and their Armour Penetration
set to 0.

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Pack Tactics, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Beast Lord Att 4 Off 6 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 5 Primal Instinct
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Pack Tactics, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Beast Chieftain Att 3 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Primal Instinct
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Blood Offering, Pack Tactics, Strider (Forest), Wizard Appren-
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 0
Soothsayer Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Drunkard, Looted Booze, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Cavalry HP 3 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Centaur Chieftain Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Primal Instinct
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 9 Fearless, Frenzy, Strider (Forest)
Large, Infantry HP 5 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Minotaur Warlord Att 5 Off 6 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 5 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (D3), Primal Instinct
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Fearless, Frenzy, Strider (Forest)
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Minotaur Chieftain Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (D3), Primal Instinct

Character Mounts
Adv 7″ Mar 7″ Dis C Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res C Arm C+2
Wildhorn Crew Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance
War Hog (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 7″ Mar 7″ Dis C Hunting Horn, Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res C Arm C+1
Wildhorn Crew Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance
Razortusk Att 4 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Pack Tactics, Scoring, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0
Wildhorn Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 6 Pack Tactics, Scoring, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Shield
Mongrel Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 6 Light Troops, Pack Tactics, Skirmisher, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Mongrel Raider Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct, Bow (4+)

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 5 Ambush, Insignificant, Strider (Forest), Vanguard
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0
Feral Hound Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Bodyguard (Beast Lord, Beast Chieftain), Pack Tactics, Scoring,
Strider (Forest)
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Longhorn Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Primal Instinct
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 7 Fearless, Frenzy, Scoring, Strider (Forest)
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Minotaur Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (1), Primal Instinct

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 7 Drunkard, Scoring, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield
Centaur Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Primal Instinct
Adv 7″ Mar 7″ Dis 8 Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2 Light Armour
Wildhorn Crew Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance
Longhorn Crew Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Primal Instinct, Great Weapon
War Hog (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 6 Strider (Forest)
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 0
Razortusk Att 4 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)
Adv 7″ Mar 7″ Dis 8 Hunting Horn, Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 1 Heavy Armour
Wildhorn Crew Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Primal Instinct, Light Lance
Longhorn Crew Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Primal Instinct, Great Weapon
Razortusk Att 4 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 3D6″ Mar - Dis 10 Fear, Fearless, Random Movement (3D6″), Sleeper, Strider (For-
est), Unbreakable
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 0
Briar Beast Att D6+1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Skirmisher, Strider (Forest), Swift-
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Gargoyle Att 2 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Primal Instinct

Terrors of the Wild

Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fearless, Magic Resistance (3), Strider (Forest)
Gigantic, Infantry HP 6 Def 2 Res 5 Arm 0 Aegis (5+)
Cyclops Att 5 Off 2 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Divine Attacks, Hurl Attack (4+)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 9 Fearless, Frenzy, Strider (Forest), Stubborn
Gigantic, Infantry HP 6 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 0
Gortach Att 6 Off 4 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Battle Focus, Impact Hits (D3), Lethal Strike, Primal Instinct,
Strength from Flesh
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Aura of Madness, Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Strider
Gigantic, Beast HP 5 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 3
Jabberwock Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 2), Poison Attacks
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Giant See, Giant Do
Gigantic, Infantry HP 7 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 1
Beast Giant Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Rage

Artillery and Shooting Weapons

Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules

Area Attack (1×5)

Hawthorne Curse - 18″ 3 [6] 10 1
[Multiple Wounds (D3)]
No negative to-hit modifiers

Area Attack (3×3)

Beer Barrel (Beast Giant) - 8″ 4 0 1 Reload!
Hits automatically

Divine Attacks
Hurl Attack (Cyclops) Catapult (4×4) 6–36″ 3 [7] 0 [4] 1 Magical Attacks
[Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model

Hawthorne Curse 3+ Characters

Hurl Attack 4+ Cyclops

Bow 4+ Mongrel Raider

Throwing Weapons 4+ Beast Lord, Beast Chieftain, Centaur Chieftain

5+ Centaur, Wildhorn

List of Totems

A unit with all models affected by the spell gains +3 Agility and adds D3+1″ to its
Black Wing Totem
Charge Range.
The target gains +1 Attack Value, and its Close Combat Attacks gain +2 Armour Pene-
Blooded Horn Totem
A unit with all models affected by the spell gains Hard Target (1) and Magic Resis-
Clouded Eye Totem
tance (3).
Gnarled Hide Totem The target gains +1 Armour and Distracting.

Dread Elves
Army Book
2​nd​ Edition, version 2020 - December 26, 2019

Army Model Rules Characters

Cults Character Mounts
Hereditary Spell Core
Special Items
The Menagerie

The 9​th​ Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at ​
Recent changes listed at ​

Copyright Creative Commons license:​ ​

Army Model Rules
Attack Attributes
Killer Instinct​: Close Combat.
The attack must reroll natural to-wound rolls of ‘1’.

Death Trance​: Close Combat.

The attack gains +1 to wound during the First Round of Combat. Close Combat Attacks that benefit from Death
Trance from more than one source gain +1 to wound during all Rounds of Combat instead.

Universal Rules
Scent of Blood
The model gains Frenzy and Fearless while Engaged in Combat.

Fleet Commander
The model gains Kraken’s Hide. For each Character with Fleet Commander in the army, a single unit of Corsairs may
be upgraded with Vanguard.

Beast Master
Discipline Tests of all friendly Hydras and Krakens within 12" of one or more Characters with Beast Master are
subject to Minimised Roll.
At the start of each Melee Phase, choose one friendly Hydra, Kraken, or Manticore (the rider is not affected) within
12" of the Beast Master. This model part must reroll failed to-hit rolls with its Close Combat Attacks during this

Armour Equipment
Kraken’s Hide
If mounted, the wearer gains +1 Armour.
If on foot, the wearer gains +2 Armour.

Repeater Crossbow​: Shooting Weapon.
Range 24", Shots 2, Str 3, AP 1.

Repeater Handbow​: Shooting Weapon.

Range 12", Shots 2, Str 3, AP 0, Quick to Fire, March and Shoot.

Model Rules 2 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Cult General
If the General belongs to a Cult and the Army List does not include any models from any other Cult, then all Dread
Legionnaires, Repeater Auxiliaries, and Corsairs gain the same Cult rules as the army’s General.

Cult Rivalry​: Universal Rule.

A model can never belong to more than one Cult. Characters belonging to a Cult cannot join units which contain any
model from another Cult.

Cult of Nabh Cult of Yema

The model gains Cult Rivalry. The model gains Cult Rivalry, Strider, +1” Advance
The model part gains Hatred and loses Killer Instinct if Rate, and +2” March Rate (this also affects mounts).
it had it. The model part loses Killer Instinct if it had it.

Cult of Cadaron Cult of Olaron

The model gains Cult Rivalry. The model gains Cult Rivalry.
Shooting Attacks made by the model part gain +1 to hit Discipline Tests taken by Dread Princes with Cult of
when shooting at Short Range. A model part with Cult of Olaron and their units are subject to Minimised Roll.
Cadaron and a Shooting Weapon loses Killer Instinct if it All other models with Cult of Olaron gain +1 Discipline
had it. instead.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Crippling Fatigue
Failed to-wound rolls with ⟨​ Melee Attacks⟩ ​{Ranged Attacks}
18” Hex One Turn against the target must be rerolled.

Model Rules 3 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Wandering Familiar ​(70 pts) - Dominant.
Death’s Kiss​ (80 pts) - Models on foot only. At the start of each friendly Magic Phase, you may
Great Weapon enchantment. place a familiar counter with a 20×20 mm base
Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks within 6" of the bearer. This familiar acts and is
and gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and subject to the same restrictions as a model of
Multiple Wounds (2). Standard Height for the purpose of drawing Line of
Sight. It must be placed more than 1" away from
Transcendence​ (65 pts) other models and from Impassable Terrain. Once it is
Hand Weapon, Paired Weapons, Halberd, and Lance placed, the player must declare which Facing of the
enchantment. familiar is its Front Facing. Whenever the bearer
Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks casts a non-Bound Spell, it may choose to use the
and gain Lethal Strike. For every unsaved wound inflicted position of the familiar when drawing Line of Sight
with this weapon, the wielder gains +1 Strength and +1 and measuring Range, and the familiar's Front Arc for
Armour Penetration for the remainder of the game, to a Direct spells (it must use all of these or none at all).
maximum of +2 each. At the end of the Magic Phase, the familiar is
Moraec’s Reaping​ (65 pts)
Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons enchantment. Amulet of Spite ​(40 pts) - Wizards only.
The wielder ​always has at least Attack Value 4. Attacks In each friendly Magic Phase, before Siphon the Veil,
with this weapon become Magical Attacks, gain Death the owner gains an additional Magic Dice. In each of
Trance, and ​always ​have at least Strength 4 and at least the opponent’s Magic Phases, before Siphon the Veil,
Armour Penetration 3. For each unsaved wound inflicted the owner must discard a single Magic Dice.
with this weapon, the owner gains one Veil Token.
Elixir of Shadows​ (30 pts) - Assassins only.
Armour Enchantments
One use only. May be activated at the start of any
Terrifying Visage ​(35 pts) - Standard Height models
Round of Combat. Until the end of the phase, the
bearer gains Divine Attacks and must reroll failed
Shield enchantment.
to-wound rolls with its Close Combat Attacks. At the
The bearer gains Distracting while using this Shield.
end of the phase, the bearer loses 1 Health Point with
Seal of the Republic ​(40 pts) - Models on foot only. no saves of any kind allowed.
Heavy Armour enchantment.
For each unsaved wound inflicted by the wearer’s Close Banner Enchantments
Combat Attacks, the wearer gains +1 Armour for the Banner of Gar Daecos ​(75 pts) - Cannot be taken by
remainder of the game. units that count towards Core.
All friendly units Engaged in the same Combat as the
Artefacts bearer gain Death Trance.
Midnight Cloak (95 pts) - Cannot be taken by models
Banner of Blood ​(50 pts)
with Towering Presence.
Model parts without Harnessed in the bearer's unit
The ​wearer ​gains ​Devastating ​Charge ​(Multiple Wounds
gain Devastating Charge (+1 Att).
(D3)) and Aegis (3+, against Ranged Attacks).

Pendant of Disdain ​(70 pts) Academy Banner (60 pts) - Dread Legionnaires,
The bearer gains Aegis (4+, against Strength 5 or more). Repeater Auxiliaries, and Corsairs only.
0-3 Banners per Army.
Ring of Shadows ​(65 pts) R&F models in the bearer's unit gain +1 Armour
If the bearer's unit consists entirely of Standard Height Penetration in the First Round of Combat. Dread
models, Legionnaires, Repeater Auxiliaries, and Corsairs in
● all models in the unit gain Hard Target (1). units within 6" of one or more other units with
● Close Combat Attacks allocated towards models Academy Banner gain +1 Armour Penetration in the
in the bearer’s unit suffer -1 Offensive Skill. First Round of Combat.

Beastmaster's Lash ​(40 pts)

The roll for determining the number of hits from Stomp
Attacks of friendly Gigantic models within 12" of the
bearer is subject to Maximised Roll.
The roll for determining the number of hits from Stomp
Attacks of enemy Gigantic models within 12" of the
bearer is subject to Minimised Roll.

Model Rules 4 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Raiders Destroyers The Menagerie

Max 40% At least 25% No limit Max 30% Max 15% Max 30%

CHARACTERS​ (max 40%)

Height: Standard
Dread Prince ​235 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 10
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Prince 4 7 4 1 8 Lightning Reflexes, Killer Instinct

Alliance Options: pts Options: pts

May take (one choice only): May take Special Items up to 200
Cult of Cadaron 5 May take any of the following:
Cult of Nabh 20 Heavy Armour 15
Cult of Olaron 50 Shield 5
Cult of Yema 35 May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Beast Master 45 Repeater Crossbow (1+) 5
Fleet Commander 60 Repeater Handbow (1+) 5
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Halberd 10
Great Weapon 15
Lance 20
May take a mount (one choice only):
Elven Horse 60
Raptor 65
Raptor Chariot (not Fleet Commander) 110
Pegasus 120
Manticore* (not Fleet Commander) 180
Dragon* 410

*Manticores, Dragons, and their riders count towards Characters.

These mounts also count towards The Menagerie.

Model Rules 5 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Captain ​145 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 9

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 3 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Captain 3 6 4 1 7 Lightning Reflexes, Killer Instinct

Alliance Options: pts Options: pts

May take (one choice only): May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
Cult of Cadaron 5 May take Special Items up to 100
Cult of Nabh 10 May take any of the following:
Cult of Olaron 40 Heavy Armour 10
Cult of Yema 20 Shield 5
Beast Master 45 May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Fleet Commander 40 Repeater Crossbow (2+) 5
Repeater Handbow (2+) 5
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Halberd 5
Great Weapon 10
Lance 15
May take a mount (one choice only):
Elven Horse 45
Raptor 50
Pegasus 95
Raptor Chariot (not Fleet Commander) 120
Manticore* (not Fleet Commander) 180

*Manticores and their riders count towards Characters.

These mounts also count towards The Menagerie.

Model Rules 6 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Cult Priest ​120 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 3 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Cult Priest 2 5 4 1 5 Lightning Reflexes, Killer Instinct

Cult Legate: ​Universal Rule. Alliance Options: pts

Model parts with a Cult gain Killer Instinct as long as a Must​ take (one choice only):
Cult Priest on foot is joined to their unit. Cult of Cadaron free
Cult of Nabh 5
Cult of Olaron 40
Divine Altar Large, Construct Cult of Yema 20
60×100 mm
0-1 Mounts per Army
Options: pts
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
Fear, Towering
5” 10” C Presence, War May take Special Items up to 100
Platform, ​Divine May take a Shield 5
Blessings* May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Repeater Crossbow (4+) 5
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Aegis (4+)
Repeater Handbow (4+) 5
5 C 5 C+​2 May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Spear 5
Disciple (3) 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Halberd 5
Killer Instinct, Poison Great Weapon 5
Must ​take one of the following:
Avatar 4 5 5 2 5 Harnessed Cult Legate free
Divine Altar 465
Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact Hits

*see Divine Altar unit

Options: pts
Disciples may take a Close Combat Weapon (one
choice only):
Light Lance 10
Paired Weapons 15

Model Rules 7 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Oracle ​170 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 9 Irresistible Will​, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Oracle 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Magic Options: Options: pts

Must ​select spells from (choose one): May become (one choice only):
Wizard Adept 75
Wizard Master 225
Alchemy Witchcraft Divination Cosmology May take Light Armour 5
May take Special Items up to 100
If Wizard Master up to 200
If Cult of Yema, ​must ​instead select spells from
May take Cult of Yema 30
(choose one):
May take a mount (one choice only):
Elven Horse 20
Raptor 10
Occultism Witchcraft Divination Cosmology Pegasus 45
Manticore* (Wizard Master only) 85
Irresistible Will​: Universal Rule. Dragon* (Wizard Master only) 430
Dispelling rolls against non-Bound Spells cast by
the model suffer a -1 modifier.
*Manticores, Dragons, and their riders count towards Characters.
These mounts also count towards The Menagerie.

Model Rules 8 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Assassin ​150 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 9 Not a Leader, Scout, ​Professional Courtesy, Agent of the

Obsidian Thrones

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Assassin 3 7 4 2 9 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks

Professional Courtesy: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

Assassins cannot join units that contain May take Special Items up to 100
another Assassin. ​Assassins may perform May take Paired Weapons 15
Make Way moves even when they are in May become ​Master Poisoner see below
base contact with an enemy model.

Agent of the Obsidian Thrones: ​Universal

Assassins ignore Cult Rivalry for the
purpose of joining units, and are ignored
regarding Cult Rivalry by Characters joining
their unit.

May take one of the following:

Path of Bloody Murder ​(90 pts) Path of Silent Death​ (40 pts)*

The model gains Cult of Nabh, Distracting, and Aegis The model gains Cult of Cadaron and ​Assassin
(4+, against Melee Attacks). Throwing Weapons​ (1+).

Assassin Throwing Weapons: ​Shooting Weapon.

Range 12", Shots 3, Str as user, AP as user, Quick to

*An Assassin with Path of Silent Death also counts

towards Raiders.

Master Poisoner: ​Attack Attribute - Close Combat and Shooting.

An Assassin may buy a single Poison. A Poison cannot be used with attacks made with an enchanted weapon.

Poison Effect

Nightshade ​(30 pts) The attack ​always ​wounds on at least 3+.

Wolfsbane ​(45 pts) The attack has its Armour Penetration ​set ​to 10.

Bloodroot ​(50 pts) The attack gains +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and Multiple Wounds (2,
against Character).

Model Rules 9 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M


Elven Horse Standard, Cavalry Raptor Standard, Cavalry

25×50 mm 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 18” C 7” 14” C Scent of Blood

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+​2 C C 4 C+​2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed Raptor 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed

Options: pts
If Cult of Cadaron, Dread Princes and Captains ​must
gain Light Troops and -1 Armour 15 Raptor Chariot Large, Construct
50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Large, Cavalry 7” 7” C Swiftstride, Scent of

Pegasus Blood
40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Ground 7” 14” C Fly (8”, 16”), Light 4 C 5 C+​2

Fly 8” 16” Troops
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Crew (2) 1 5 4 1 6 Lance, Repeater
C C 4 C+​1 Crossbow (4+), Killer
Instinct, Lightning
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Reflexes

Pegasus 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed, Raptor (2) 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed

Devastating Charge
(+1 Str, +1 AP) Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact
Hits (D6+1)

0-1 Mounts per Army
This mount and its rider count
towards Characters. This mount also This mount and its rider count
Large, Cavalry
counts towards The Menagerie. towards Characters. This mount also
50×100 mm Gigantic, Beast
counts towards The Menagerie. 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Fear,​ ​Fly (8”, 16”), Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Ground 6” 12” C
Fly 8” 16” Light Troops,
Towering Presence, Ground 6” 12” C Fly (7”, 14”), Light
Scent of Blood Fly 7” 14” Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+​1 6 5 6 4

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Harnessed, Breath
Harnessed, Death Dragon 5 5 6 3 3
Manticore 4 5 5 2 5 Attack (Str 4, AP 1,
Trance Flaming Attacks)

Model Rules 10 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

CORE ​(at least 25%)
Height: Standard
Dread Legionnaires ​170 pts Type: Infantry
15 ​models, may add up to ​35 ​additional models for 12 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Legionnaire 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Options: pts
May take a Spear 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Corsairs ​155 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​25 ​additional models for 13 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour, Kraken’s Hide

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Corsair 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Options: pts
May take Paired Weapons 1 / model
May take a Repeater Handbow (4+)* 4 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment
*0-35 Models with Repeater Handbow (4+) per Army

For each Character with ​Fleet Commander​:

One unit of Corsairs may take Vanguard** 1 / model
**Fleet Commanders and Assassins joined to this unit gain

Model Rules 11 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Blades of Nabh ​190 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 17 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Fearless, Frenzy, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Blade of Nabh 2 4 3 0 6 Cult of Nabh, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks, Paired


Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Repeater Auxiliaries ​180 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 14 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

This unit counts both towards Core and Raiders.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Repeater Auxiliary 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Repeater Crossbow (4+)

Options: pts
If Cult of Cadaron, ​must ​pay 3 / model
May take a Shield 1 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 12 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Dark Raiders ​160 pts 0-4 Units per
Type: Cavalry
5 ​models, may add up to ​10​ ​additional models for 20 pts/model Army
Base: 25×50 mm

This unit counts both towards Core and Raiders.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 18” 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dark Raider 1 4 3 0 5 Cult of Cadaron, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance
Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Options: pts
May take a Repeater Crossbow (4+) 9 / model
May take a Shield 4 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Model Rules 13 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

RAIDERS ​(max 30%)
Height: Standard
Raven Cloaks ​170 pts 0-3 Units per Army
Type: Infantry
5​ models, may add up to ​5 ​additional models for ​32 pts/​model 0-20 Models per Army Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Hard Target (1), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Raven Cloak 1 5 3 0 5 Cult of Cadaron, Lightning Reflexes, Repeater Crossbow (3+)

Options: pts
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Great Weapon 2 / model
Paired Weapons 1 / model
May upgrade one model to a Champion 20

Model Rules 14 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

SPECIAL ​(no limit)
Height: Standard
Tower Guard ​190 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 23 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Bodyguard, Fearless, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 6 3 0 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tower Guard 2 6 3 1 6 Cult of Olaron, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Halberd

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment*
*If the General has Cult of Olaron, a single Tower Guard Standard Bearer in the
army may take two Banner Enchantments for a combined cost of up to 100 pts.

Height: Standard
Dread Knights ​235 pts Type: Cavalry
5 ​models, may add up to ​7 ​additional models for 43 pts/model 0-4 Units per
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 9 Scoring, Scent of Blood

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 2 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Knight 1 5 4 1 6 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Lance

Raptor 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 15 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Large
Raptor Chariot ​210 pts 0-4 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 7” 9 Swiftstride, Scent of Blood

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 2 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 5 4 1 6 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Lance, Repeater Crossbow

Raptor (2) 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact Hits (D6+1)

Height: Standard
Harpies ​135 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
5 ​models, may add up to ​10 ​additional models for 11 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 5” 10” 6 Fly (10”, 20”),​ ​Light Troops, Swiftstride, Insignificant,

Fly 10” 20” Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res AS

1 3 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Harpy 2 3 3 0 5

Model Rules 16 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Dread Judges ​210 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 23 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Cult of Nabh, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Judge 1 5 4 1 5 Executioner’s Blade​, Lightning Reflexes

Executioner’s Blade: ​Close Combat Weapon. Options: pts

Follows the rules for Great Weapons. In May upgrade one model to each of the following:
addition, attacks made with this weapon gain Champion 20
Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds (2, against Musician 20
Standard). Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Dancers of Yema ​200 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 22 ​pts/​model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Cult of Yema, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dancer of Yema 1 5 3 0 5 Gladiator Weapons​, Lightning Reflexes

Gladiator Weapons:​ Close Combat Weapon. Options: pts

The wielder gains Weapon Master, Aegis (4+, May gain ​Cultist Troupe free
against Melee Attacks), and counts as equipped May upgrade one model to each of the following:
with Shield, Hand Weapon, Paired Weapons, Champion 20
Spear, Great Weapon, and Halberd. Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment
Cultist Troupe:​ Universal Rule.
0-1 Units per Army and 0-15 Models per Unit.
The model loses Scoring and gains Skirmisher,
Light Troops, and Hard Target (1).

Model Rules 17 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Standard
Medusa ​125 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 8 Cult of Yema, Fearless, Fear, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Medusa 5 5 4 1 5 Petrifying Stare

Petrifying Stare:​ Universal Rule. Options: pts

The model can cast ​Deceptive Glamour from May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Witchcraft as a Bound Spell with Power Level Halberd 10
(4/8). Paired Weapons 5
In addition, friendly Standard Height units with at
least one Full Rank that are Engaged in the same
Combat as one or more Medusas count as having
an additional Full Rank for the purpose of
Steadfast and Disrupted.

Height: Standard
Dark Acolytes ​225 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Cavalry
5 ​models, may add up to ​5 ​additional models for 38 pts/model Army
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 18” 8 Light Troops, Wizard Conclave

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Aegis (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dark Acolyte 2 4 4 1 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Options: pts
Wizard Conclave May take Cult of Yema* 7 / model
Must ​select two spells from: May upgrade one model to a Champion 130
● Altered Sight ​- Cosmology
● Ice and Fire -​ Cosmology
● Crippling Fatigue -​ Hereditary Spell

*If the unit has taken ​Cult of Yema​, instead

select two spells from:
● Pentagram of Pain ​- Occultism
● Breath of Corruption ​- Occultism
● The Grave Calls​ - Occultism

Model Rules 18 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Height: Large
Divine Altar ​370 pts 0-1 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 60×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Divine Blessings​, Fear, Towering Presence, War Platform,

Not a Leader

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 1 Light Armour, Aegis (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Disciple (3) 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks

Avatar of the Gods 4 5 5 2 5 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact Hits (D6+1)

Options: pts
Disciples may take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice
Light Lance 5
Paired Weapons 10

Divine Blessings: ​Universal Rule.

All friendly units within 12" of a Divine Altar gain Aegis (6+). At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn, you may
choose to replace the Aegis with one of the following effects until the start of your next Player Turn:
- Rolls for Charge Range of all friendly units that are within 12" of the Divine Altar when rolling for Charge
Range are subject to Maximised Roll.
- All friendly units that are within 12" of the Divine Altar at the beginning of their Initiative Step gain Death
Models with Towering Presence other than the Divine Altar cannot benefit from Divine Blessings. A single unit can
only be affected by a single Divine Blessing from a single Divine Altar at any time. If under the influence of more than
one Blessing, only apply the most recently used one.

Model Rules 19 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

DESTROYERS​ (max 15%)
Height: Large
Hunting Chariot ​210 pts Type: Construct
single model Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 9” 8 Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 4 2 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 4 3 0 5 Light Lance, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Elven Horse (2) 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Harpoon Launcher​ (3+), Inanimate, Impact Hits (D6)

Harpoon Launcher: ​Shooting Weapon.

Range 18", Shots 1, Str 7, AP 3, Lethal Strike, Quick to Fire, Accurate, Reload!, Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings),

Harpooned​: Attack Attribute - Shooting.

A model with Towering Presence that has lost one or more Health Points due to an attack with this Attack Attribute
suffers -2” Advance Rate, -4” March Rate, and loses Fly until the end of the next Player Turn.

Height: Standard
Dread Reaper ​180 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 60 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 5” 8 War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 1 4 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 2 4 3 0 5 Elven Bolt Thrower​ (3+), Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes,

Move or Fire

Elven Bolt Thrower:

This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:

- As an ​Artillery Weapon: - As an ​Artillery Weapon​:

Range 48", Shots 1, Str 3[6], AP 10, [Multiple Range 48", Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2.
Wounds (D3)], Area Attack (1×5).

Model Rules 20 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

THE MENAGERIE​ (max 30%)

Height: Gigantic
Kraken ​390 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 8 Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 3 Distracting, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kraken 4 5 7 4 3 Multiple Wounds (D3), Poison Attacks

Height: Gigantic
Hydra ​450 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 8

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 3 Fortitude (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hydra 7 5 5 2 2 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks)

Model Rules 21 ​ h​ C​M ​Co​ ​R ​S​ ​D​ ​M

Dwarven Holds
Army Book
2​nd​ Edition, version 2020 - December 26, 2019

Army Model Rules Characters

Armoury Core
Runic Special Items Special
Clans' Thunder
Engines of War

The 9​th​ Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at ​
Recent changes listed at ​

Copyright Creative Commons license:​ ​

Army Specific Rules
Hewn out of Mountains
The Casting Values of all spells cast by enemy models are increased by +1 as long as at least one friendly model from
a Dwarven Holds army is on the Battlefield.

Ancient Grudge
Dwarven Holds armies have a number of Ancient Grudges which confer a bonus when attacking specific enemies.
The total number of Grudges held by a Dwarven Holds army is calculated in the following manner:
● One Grudge​ for a General with Ancestral Memory.
● One Grudge​ for each King in the army.
● Two Grudges ​for each War Throne in the army.

Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), you must choose a single unit from the
opponent's Army List for each Grudge in your army (this may also be a Character). The models of this unit are
considered 'marked'. All models in the Dwarven Holds army gain Hatred against marked models, and against models
joined to units with more than half of their models marked.

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. The effects last until the unit is no longer
Engaged in Combat. Apply the following effects:
● Enemy units cannot claim Combat Score bonuses for fighting the Flank or the Rear of the unit.
● The unit cannot be Disrupted.
● Shield Wall, Wall of Iron, and Parry can be used in any Facing.
● For the purpose of Supporting Attacks, all Facings are considered to be the Front Facing (i.e. a model can
perform Supporting Attacks also to the Flanks and Rear).
● The unit cannot Pursue (nor Overrun).

Rune of Resonance
Bound Spell, Power Level (5/8). Range 12", Type Augment, Duration Permanent.
Once per Magic Phase, a single unit with at least one model affected by the Rune of Resonance may be chosen as an
additional target of a Battle Rune that a friendly model is casting anywhere on the Battlefield (during step 1 of the
Casting Attempt), with the following restrictions:
● A unit cannot be chosen if it is already a target of the Battle Rune.
● All instances of the Rune of Resonance on a unit immediately end when a Battle Rune is successfully cast on
the unit.
● Characters that leave a Combined Unit are no longer affected by the Rune of Resonance.

Ancestral Memory
A General with Ancestral Memory affects the number of Grudges held by a Dwarven Holds army (see Ancient

The bigger they are…

When Charging a unit that contains at least one Large or Gigantic model, the model gains Swiftstride for the Charge
Range roll.

Model Rules 2 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Personal Protections
Shield Wall
When using a Shield, the model gains Aegis (6+, against Close Combat Attacks). This is improved to Aegis (5+, against
Close Combat Attacks) if the attacker is Charging. This Special Save can only be used against attacks from enemies
Engaged in the model's unit’s Front Facing.

Attack Attributes
Sturdy​: ​Close Combat.
The model gains ​Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) and does not suffer from negative to-hit modifiers from a
Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction.

Yer comin’ with me!​: Close Combat.

In order to use this Attack Attribute, the unit must be at least as wide as it is deep at the start of the Round of Combat.
Close Combat Attacks made by models with this Attack Attribute can ​never ​wound on worse than 4+. In addition,
when a model with this Attack Attribute is removed as a casualty during the Melee Phase due to a Melee Attack, it
must immediately, before removal, perform a single Close Combat Attack with the following rules and restrictions:
● The attack is ​always ​resolved with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 2.
● The owner must choose one of the following options:
(1) The attack is allocated towards the model that caused the casualty.
(2) The attack is allocated towards a R&F model in that model’s unit. The hit is distributed onto the
In either case, the model with Yer comin’ with me! is considered in base contact with the attacked model,
and the models count as Engaged in the same Facing as their units.
● This Attack Attribute cannot be used against casualties caused by Impact Hits.

Guild-Crafted Handgun​: ​Shooting Weapon.
Range 24”, Shots 1, Str 4, AP 2, Unwieldy, Accurate.

Wyrm-Slayer Rocket​: ​Shooting Weapon.

Range 24", Shots 1, Str 6, AP 3, Multiple Wounds (D3), Flaming Attacks, Reload!

Forge Repeater​: ​Shooting Weapon.

Range 18", Shots 4, Str 5, AP 2, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire.

Model Rules 3 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Battle Runes
Battle Runes are Bound Spells with Power Level (5/8). If taken by a Runic Smith they have Range 12”, and if taken by
an Anvil of Power they have Range 36”.

Rune of Revocation Rune of Reckoning Rune of Oaths

Type: Universal Type: Augment Type: Augment
Duration: One Turn Duration: One Turn Duration: One Turn
All other spells with duration One The target must reroll failed to-hit The target must reroll failed
Turn for which the target of the rolls with its Close Combat Attacks. to-wound rolls with its Melee
Rune of Revocation was the spells' Attacks.
target immediately come to an end
(note that if any of these spells had
more than one target, their effects
also end for these targets). In
addition, the next successfully cast
enemy spell which targets the unit,
including Aura spells and Attribute
Spells, is automatically dispelled
(this is an exception to the Spell
Casting Sequence and to the rule that
Attribute Spells cannot be dispelled).

Rune of Resolve Rune of Gleaming Rune of Resilience

Type: Augment Type: Augment Type: Augment
Duration: Instant Duration: One Turn Duration: One Turn
The target may perform a 6" Magical The target gains Distracting and All to-wound rolls against the target
Move. Hard Target (1). suffer a -1 modifier.

Model Rules 4 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Runic Special Items
Dwarven Holds armies cannot pick from the list of Common Special Items except Common Banner Enchantments,
but instead have Runic Special Items in the form of Runic Enchantmens and Artefacts, which follow the rules for
Special Items, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Runic Weapon Enchantments

Runic Weapon Enchantments follow the rules for Weapon Enchantments with the following differences:
● All Runic Weapon Enchantments are enchantments for Hand Weapons and Paired Weapons.
● Up to 3 Runic Weapon Enchantments can be applied to a single weapon.
● Each combination of Runic Weapon Enchantments is One of a Kind.
● Attacks made with a weapon engraved with one or more Runic Weapon Enchantments become Magical

Rune of Destruction ​(80 pts) Rune of Fury ​(30 pts)

0-1 per Army. For each Rune of Fury engraved on a weapon, the
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using it.
gain Multiple Wounds (D3).
Rune of Lightning ​(30 pts)
Rune of Smashing ​(55 pts) - Models on foot only. 0-3 per Army.
0-1 per Army. If the wielder scores at least one successful hit with a
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune weapon engraved with one or more Runes of Lightning
that are allocated towards a model with Resilience 5 or (consider each set of simultaneous attacks separately),
more have their Strength ​set to 10 and their Armour each enemy unit that was hit suffers an additional D3
Penetration ​set​ to 10. hits for each instance of this Rune. The hits are
considered Special Attacks and are resolved with
Rune of Penetration ​(45 pts) Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Magical Attacks.
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with one or
more Runes of Penetrating gain +3 Armour Penetration. Rune of Returning ​(15 pts)
A weapon engraved with this Rune can be used as a
Rune of Quickening ​(40 pts) Shooting Weapon with Aim 2+ and the following
For each Rune of Quickening engraved on a weapon, the profile:
wielder gains +3 Agility when using it. Range 8”, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Quick to Fire,
Accurate, Reload!.
Rune of Might​ (40 pts) Shooting Attacks with this weapon are affected by all
For each Rune of Might engraved on a weapon, attacks Runic Weapon Enchantments on the engraved weapon
made with it gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour (even if the effects are normally restricted to Close
Penetration. Combat Attacks).

Rune of Precision ​(40 pts) Rune of Fire ​(15 pts)

The wielder of a weapon engraved with this Rune gains At the start of any phase or Round of Combat, this Rune
Lightning Reflexes. may be activated. If so, attacks made with a weapon
engraved with this Rune become Flaming Attacks until
Rune of Craftsmanship ​(40 pts) the end of the phase.
0-1 per Army.
A weapon engraved with this Rune follows the rules for
Great Weapons (this does not prevent the weapon from
being engraved with additional Runes).

Model Rules 5 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Runic Armour Enchantments
Runic Armour Enchantments follow the rules for Armour Enchantments with the following differences:
● All Runic Armour Enchantments are Suit of Armour enchantments.
● Up to 3 Runic Armour Enchantments can be applied to a single Suit of Armour.
● Each combination of Runic Armour Enchantments is One of a Kind.
Rune of Resistance ​(50 pts) Rune of Retribution ​(30 pts)
0-1 per Army. Whenever the wearer of an armour engraved with one
Successful to-wound rolls against the model of the or more Runes of Retribution rolls a successful Shield
wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune must be Wall Aegis roll (including Shield Wall stacked with
rerolled. Rune of Shielding), the attacking model suffers a hit
with the Strength and Armour Penetration of the saved
Rune of Steel ​(55 pts) attack. This is considered a Special Attack.
The wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune must
reroll failed Armour Saves. Rune of the Forge ​(10 pts)
Rune of Iron ​(25 pts) The wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune gains
The wearer of an armour engraved with Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks).
● A single Rune of Iron gains +1 Armour.
● Two or more Runes of Iron gains +2 Armour.

Runic Artefacts
Runic Artefacts follow the rules for Artefacts with the following differences:
● A model may have up to 3 Runic Artefacts.
● Each combination of Runic Artefacts is One of a Kind.
Rune of Denial ​(90 pts) - Dominant. Rune of Readiness ​(35 pts)
0-1 per Army. One use only. May be activated at the end of the Charge
One use only. The player may choose to use this Rune Phase, directly after all Charge Moves have been
instead of performing a Dispelling Attempt. The spell is resolved. If the bearer’s unit was successfully Charged
automatically dispelled. during this phase, it may perform a Combat Reform
(following the normal rules for Combat Reforms).
Rune of Devouring ​(70 pts) - Runic Smiths only.
Dominant. Rune of Storms​ (35 pts)
0-1 per Army. 0-2 per Army.
One use only. The player may choose to use this Rune One use only. Effects last one Player Turn. May be
instead of performing a Dispelling Attempt. The spell is activated at the start of the opponent’s Player Turn.
cast as normal but the Caster may not cast it again for Choose a single enemy unit within 24” of the bearer.
the rest of the game. Spells dispelled by the Rune of The Advance Rate and March Rate of all models with
Revocation and Attribute Spells are not affected. Fly in that unit (both for Ground and Fly Movement) are
halved, rounding fractions up.
Rune of Dragon’s Breath ​(55 pts)
0-3 per Army. Rune of Shielding ​(30 pts)
The bearer gains Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming The bearer gains Aegis (+1, max. 4+). The Aegis from
Attacks, Magical Attacks). A single friendly Rune of this Rune ​only ​stacks with itself and/or Shield Wall.
Dragon’s Breath may be used per Round of Combat.
Rune of Mastery ​(25 pts)
Rune of Harnessing ​(50 pts) - Runic Smiths only. One use only. May be activated just before the bearer
Enemy models within 24” of the Runic Smith have their casts a Bound Spell. Add (+2/+2) to the Power Level of
Channel value (the value within brackets) reduced by 1, this Bound Spell for this Casting Attempt.
to a minimum of 0.
Rune of Mining ​(20 pts)
Rune of Courage ​(50 pts) After Determining Deployment Zones (at the end of
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round step 6 of the The Pre-Game Sequence), choose a Terrain
of Combat. For the duration of the phase, the bearer Feature on the Battlefield. As long the bearer is on the
gains Stubborn. Battlefield, all friendly models may treat this as Open
Terrain when making Advance Moves or March Moves,
Rune of Grounding ​(50 pts) - Runic Smiths only. but must still follow the Unit Spacing rule at the end of
0-1 per Army. their movement.
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Melee
Phase. All spells with duration One Turn that affect any Rune of Kinship ​(20 pts) - Cannot be taken by models
of the following units come to an end: on War Throne
● The bearer’s unit The bearer gains Scout and Ambush.
● Enemy units in base contact with the bearer

Model Rules 6 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Runic Banner Enchantments
Dwarven Holds armies may use Banner Enchantments from the list of Common Banner Enchantments as well as the
Runic Banner Enchantments listed below, so any Standard Bearer that may take a Runic Banner Enchantment may
take a Banner Enchantment instead. A Battle Standard Bearer may take up to two Banner Enchantments or up to two
Runic Banner Enchantments or a combination of a single Banner Enchantment and a single Runic Banner

Runic Standard of Shielding ​(75 pts) - Battle Standard Runic Standard of the Anvil ​(30 pts)
Bearer, Deep Watch, and King's Guard only. 0-3 per Army.
0-1 per Army. Friendly units Charging enemy units Engaged in
All friendly units within 6" of the bearer gain Aegis (5+, Combat with the bearer’s unit must reroll failed Charge
against Shooting Attacks). Range rolls.

Runic Standard of Swiftness​ (60 pts) Runic Standard of Wisdom ​(35 pts)
0-1 per Army. 0-1 per Army.
The bearer’s unit gains Vanguard. The bearer may select a single Battle Rune during Spell
Selection. This Battle Rune can be cast by the bearer
Runic Standard of Dismay ​(45 pts) and has range Caster’s Unit.
0-1 per Army.
Units Charging the bearer’s unit suffer -2" Advance Rate Runic Standard of the Hold ​(35 pts)
for their Charge Range roll. 0-3 per Army.
A unit with one or more Runic Standards of the Hold
Runic Standard of Steadiness ​(35 pts) counts as having an additional Full Rank for the
0-3 per Army purpose of Steadfast and Disrupted.
One use only. May be activated at the start of any
Movement Phase. The bearer’s unit gains Quick to Fire
until the end of the Player Turn.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Clans' Thunder Engines of War

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 35% Max. 20%

Model Rules 7 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

CHARACTERS​ (Max. 40%)
Height: Standard
King ​225 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

King 4 7 4 1 4 Sturdy

Options: pts
May take Runic Special Items up to 250
May take a Holdstone 30
May take Rune of Resonance 40
If General, may take Ancestral Memory 55
May take a Shield 15
May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Pistol (3+) 5
Guild-Crafted Handgun (3+) 10
Crossbow (3+) 5
May take a Great Weapon 10
May take a mount (one choice only):
Shield Bearers 105
War Throne 235

Height: Standard
Thane ​120 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 5 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Thane 3 6 4 1 3 Sturdy

Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
May take Runic Special Items up to 150
May take a Holdstone 30
May take Rune of Resonance 40
If General, may take Ancestral Memory 30
May take a Shield 10
May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Pistol (3+) 5
Guild-Crafted Handgun (3+) 10
Crossbow (3+) 5
May take a Great Weapon 5
May take Shield Bearers 85

Model Rules 8 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Height: Standard
Dragon Seeker ​205 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10 Not a Leader, Unbreakable, Fearless, Vanguard, Magic

Resistance (1), The bigger they are...
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0 Aegis (6+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dragon Seeker 5 7 5 2 5 Great Weapon, Sturdy, Weapon Master, Lethal Strike, Paired
Weapons, Yer comin’ with me!

Options: pts
May take Runic Weapon Enchantments up to 150
Monster Seeker: ​Attack Attribute - Close
May take (one choice only):
Monster Seeker 70
The model gains ​Multiple Wounds ​(2, against
Grim Resolve 75
Large, Gigantic).

Grim Resolve: ​Attack Attribute - Close

The model gains +1 Attack Value for each
enemy model in base contact with it (including
the model it is fighting a Duel with if

Height: Standard
Runic Smith ​155 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Channel (1), Magic Resistance (1), ​Rune Craft Mastery

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Runic Smith 2 5 4 1 3 Sturdy

Rune Craft Mastery: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

Close Combat Attacks from models in the same May take Runic Special Items up to 200
unit as one or more models with Rune Craft If General, may take Ancestral Memory 50
Mastery gain +1 Armour Penetration. May take Rune of Resonance 55
Each Runic Smith may select up to three different May take a Shield 10
Battle Runes during Spell Selection, provided it May take a Great Weapon 5
paid for them. May take up to 3 different Battle Runes 20 / Rune

Model Rules 9 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Height: Standard
Engineer ​125 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 20×20 mm
The unit counts both towards Characters and Engines of War.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Engineer (3+), ​Entrench

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 5 4 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Engineer 2 5 4 1 3 Sturdy

Entrench: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

Right before the battle (during step 7 of the May take Runic Special Items up to 100
Deployment Phase Sequence), the model may If General, may take Ancestral Memory 50
Entrench a single War Machine. The War May take Rune of Resonance 40
Machine counts as being in Hard Cover. The War May take a Shield 5
Machine loses this rule permanently if it May take a Great Weapon 5
performs an Advance or March Move or a May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Random Movement. Pistol (3+) 5
Crossbow (3+) 5
Guild-Crafted Handgun (3+) 5
Forge Repeater (4+) 20
Wyrm-Slayer Rocket (3+) 25

Height: Standard
Anvil of Power ​195 pts 0-1 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 60 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 3” 9 Channel (2), Unbreakable, Fearless, War Machine, Magic

Resistance (2), Not a Leader, ​Runic Anvil
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0 Plate Armour, Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Anvil Guards 3 5 4 1 2

Runic Anvil: ​Universal Rule.

Each Anvil of Power may select up to three different Battle Runes during Spell Selection.

Model Rules 10 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW


Shield Bearers Standard, Infantry War Throne Standard, Infantry

40×20 mm 40×60 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Tall, ​Majesty of High
3” 9” C Tall 3” 9” C Kings

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C C C+​2 6 C C C+​2

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Harnessed, Sturdy Harnessed, Sturdy,
Shield Bearers 2 5 4 1 2 War Throne 4 5 4 1 2 Hatred

Majesty of High Kings: ​Universal Rule.

The range of Commanding Presence of a General
mounted on a War Throne is ​set ​to 18".

CORE​ (Min. 25%)

Height: Standard
Clan Warriors ​130 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​30 ​additional models for 12 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Clan Warrior 1 4 3 0 2 Sturdy

Options: pts
A single unit of Clan Warriors or Greybeards
may take Vanguard* 2 / model
May take a Shield 2 / model
May take Throwing Weapons (5+) 2 / model
May take (one choice only):
Paired Weapons free
Spear & Shield 3 / model
Great Weapon 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Runic Banner Enchantment
*0-30 Models per Unit

Model Rules 11 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Height: Standard
Greybeards ​175 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 19 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Fearless, Scoring,​ Seen It All

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Greybeard 1 5 4 1 2 Sturdy

Seen It All: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

Friendly units within 6" of a non-Fleeing A single unit of Clan Warriors or Greybeards
Greybeard unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. may take Vanguard* 2 / model
May take a Shield 2 / model
May take Throwing Weapons (5+) 5 / model
May take a Great Weapon 3 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Runic Banner Enchantment
*0-20 Models per Unit

Clan Marksmen ​190 pts Height: Standard

10 ​models, may add up to ​15 ​additional models for Type: Infantry
0-4 Units per
18 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm
The unit counts both towards Core and Clans' Thunder.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Clan Marksman 1 4 3 0 2 Sturdy

Options: pts
Must ​take one of the following:
Crossbow (4+) free
Crossbow (4+) and Great Weapon 4 / model
Guild-Crafted Handgun (4+) 3 / model
May take a Shield 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Runic Banner Enchantment*
*units without Guild-Crafted Handgun only

Model Rules 12 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

SPECIAL ​(no limit)
Height: Standard
Deep Watch ​285 pts Type: Infantry
15 ​models, may add up to ​15 ​additional models for 25 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Bodyguard, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Plate Armour, Shield, ​Wall of Iron

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Deep Watch 1 5 4 1 2 Sturdy

Wall of Iron: ​Personal Protection. Options: pts

The model gains Aegis (5+, against Close Combat May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Attacks). This rule can only be used against Champion 20
attacks from enemies Engaged in the model's Musician 20
unit’s Front Facing. Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Runic Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
King’s Guard ​315 pts Type: Infantry
15 ​models, may add up to ​15 ​additional models for 24 pts/model 0-5 Units per
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Bodyguard (General, King), Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Plate Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

King’s Guard 2 5 4 1 2 Great Weapon, Sturdy

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Runic Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 13 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Height: Standard
Miners ​185 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​10 ​additional models for 13 pts/model
0-2 Units per Army Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Ambush, Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Miner 1 4 4 1 2 Sturdy

Options: pts
Must ​take at least one of the following:
Throwing Weapons (5+)* 4 / model
Pistol (4+)* 4 / model
Great Weapon 2 / model
Paired Weapons 2 / model
Shield 1 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
*Units with Throwing Weapons or Pistols also count towards Clans' Thunder.

Height: Standard
Rangers ​135 pts Type: Infantry
8 ​models, may add up to ​12 ​additional models for 15 pts/model
0-2 Units per Army Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring, Scout, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Ranger 1 4 3 0 2 Sturdy

Options: pts
May gain ​Crag Warden 2 / model
Crag Warden:​ Universal Rule.
May take a Shield 2 / model
0-15 Models per Unit.
May take any of the following Shooting Weapons:
The model loses Scoring and gains Skirmisher,
Throwing Weapons (4+)* 1 / model
Light Troops, and Hard Target (1).
Crossbow (3+)* 4 / model
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 2 / model
Great Weapon 3 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
*Units with Throwing Weapons or Crossbows also count towards Clans' Thunder.

Model Rules 14 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Height: Standard
Seekers ​105 pts 0-3 Units per Type: Infantry
5 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 21 pts/model Army Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10 Unbreakable, Fearless, The bigger they are...

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Aegis (6+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Seeker 1 4 4 1 2 Great Weapon, Paired Weapons, Sturdy, Weapon Master, Yer

comin’ with me!

Options: pts
May take Vanguard 3 / model
Brothers of Vengeance:​ Universal Rule.
May gain ​Brothers of Vengeance 2 / model
0-1 Units per Army and 0-15 Models per Unit.
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
The model gains Skirmisher, Light Troops, and
Champion 20
Hard Target (1).
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Height: Standard
Vengeance Seeker ​130 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10 Unbreakable, Fearless, The bigger they are…

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Aegis (6+), Distracting, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vengeance Seeker 3D3 5 4 1 2 Yer comin’ with me!, ​Whirling Chains of Doom
Whirling Chains of Doom:​ Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and ​always ​strike at Initiative Step 10
(regardless of the wielder’s Agility). A model with this weapon cannot be joined by Characters.

Model Rules 15 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Height: Large
Hold Guardians ​265 pts Type: Infantry
3 ​models, may add up to ​5 ​additional models for 105 pts/model 0-2 Units per
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 10 Scoring, Fearless, ​Runic Engravings

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 1 Plate Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hold Guardian 3 4 5 2 2 Magical Attacks

Runic Engravings: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

At step 8 of the Pre-​Game Sequence (after Spell May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Selection), each Hold Guardian unit must choose Champion 20
one of the following effects, which is applied for Musician 20
the duration of the game: Standard Bearer 20
● +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration - may take a Runic Banner Enchantment
● Vanguard
● +2 Agility

Height: Large
Grudge Buster ​335 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 1” 1” 9 Fly (8”, 8”), Swiftstride

Fly 8” 8”
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 5 4

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 2 4 4 1 2
Chassis 5 2 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D6+1), Grind Attacks (3D3), Forge
Repeater (4+)

Model Rules 16 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

CLANS' THUNDER ​(Max. 35%)
Height: Standard
Forge Wardens ​195 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​10 ​additional models for 19 pts/model 0-30 Models per
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks), Plate Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forge Warden 1 4 4 1 2 Sturdy, ​Forge Gun

Forge Gun: ​Shooting Weapon. Options: pts

Range 18”, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks, May upgrade one model to each of the following:
always​ hits on 2+. Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Runic Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
0-3 Units per
Steam Copters Army
Type: Construct
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 1” 2” 9 Fly (8”, 16”), Tall, Light Troops, Swiftstride

Fly 8” 16”
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 3 Cannot be Stomped
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Steam Copter 2 4 4 1 2 Forge Repeater (4+)

Form one of the following units:

Attack Copter​ (180 pts) Steam Bomber​ (215 pts)
1 model, may add 1 model for 150 pts single model
0-2 Units of Attack Copters per Army 0-2 Steam Bombers per Army

Shrapnel Grenades​: Special Attack.

Shrapnel Bombs: ​Special Attack.
Sweeping Attack which can be used once per game. The
Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers D6*2 hits with
enemy unit suffers D3 hits for each Steam Copter in the
Strength 3 and Armour Penetration 1. If a natural '6' is
unit. Hits are resolved with Strength 3 and Armour
rolled for the number of hits, after the attack has been
Penetration 0.
resolved, the Shrapnel Bombs cannot be used anymore
during this battle.

Model Rules 17 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

ENGINES OF WAR​ (Max. 20%)
Height: Standard
Field Artillery​ - Type: Construct
single model Base: 60 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 3” 9 Stubborn, War Machine, ​Engineering Rune

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 3 4 3 0 2 Move or Fire

Engineering Rune​: Universal Rule. Options: pts

Field Artillery adds +4 to any roll on the Misfire May take ​Flaming Shot 10
Flaming Shot: ​Attack Attribute - Shooting.
Hits caused by the Field Artillery’s Shooting
Attacks gain Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.

Must ​take one of the following Artillery Weapons:

Name Profile Optional Attack Attribute - Shooting

Dwarf​ ​Ballista​ ​(4+)​ ​(100​ ​pts) Artillery Weapon: Rune Crafted​ (40 pts)
0-4 per Army Range 48", Shots 1, Str 3[6], AP 10, Shots from a Dwarf Ballista gain Magical
[Multiple Wounds (D3)], Area Attack Attacks and Accurate.
(1×5). The model gains Scout with the following
exception: It must be deployed fully inside
the owner’s Deployment Zone.

Flame Cannon ​(145 pts) Flamethrower ​Artillery Weapon: Rune Crafted​ (15 pts)
0-2 per Army Range 24", Shots 1, Str 4{5}, AP 1{2}, The model’s Height is changed to Large.
{Multiple Wounds (D3)}, Flaming

Catapult (4+) ​(205 pts) Catapult (4×4) ​Artillery Weapon: Rune Crafted​ (95 pts)
0-2 per Army Range 12-60", Shots 1, Str 3[7], AP Hits caused by the Catapult gain +1
The model’s Height is 0[4], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Strength, +2 Armour Penetration, and
changed to Large. Wings)]. Magical Attacks.

Cannon (4+) ​(250 pts) Can be fired in two ways: Rune Crafted​ (15 pts)
0-2 per Army - As a ​Cannon ​Artillery Weapon: Hits caused by the Cannon gain +1
Range 60", Shots 1, Str 4[10], AP Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and
0[10], Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Magical Attacks.
Wounds (D3+1, Clipped Wings)].

- As a ​Volley Gun ​Artillery Weapon:

Range 12", Shots 2D6, Str 4, AP 4.

Organ Gun (4+) ​(265 pts) Volley Gun ​Artillery Weapon: Rune Crafted​ (70 pts)
0-2 per Army Range 30", Shots 2D6*2, Str 5, AP 3. Hits caused by the Organ Gun gain a +1
to-wound modifier and Magical Attacks.

Model Rules 18 ​ h​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​CT ​EoW

Daemon Legions
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – February 24, 2020

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Specific Rules
Unit profiles in this Army Book contain an additional Characteristic, which corresponds to the units’ Aegis Saves,
shortened Aeg. This Characteristic is treated as if the unit has the Personal Protection Aegis (X+) written on their
profile, where X is the Aeg Characteristic value. Not having an Aeg value does not prevent a unit from being the
target of an Aegis modifier.

Immortal Denizens
Casting rolls made by models in a Daemon Legions army with one or two dice gain a +1 Casting Modifier. For casting
rolls with a single Magic Dice, a natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ is always a failed Casting Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.
In addition, in a game involving at least one Daemon Legions Army, each player adds +2 Veil Tokens to their Veil
Token pool in the Magic Phase during Siphon the Veil when they are the Active Player.

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
Greater Dominion
At the start of each friendly Player Turn, you may choose one friendly unit within the Commanding Presence range
of the model with Greater Dominion. All R&F models in the chosen unit gain the Dominion rule in the Character’s
unit entry until the end of the next Player Turn.

Dark Fire – Shooting Weapon
Range 18″, Shots 2, Str 4, AP 0.
Armour Save rolls of ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, and ‘4’ are always considered failed when saving wounds caused by Dark Fire.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Spear of Infinity The target suffers 1 hit with Strength 2 [5], Armour Pene-
rep tration 2, Area Attack (1×5), and [Multiple Wounds (2)].
Damage The hits from Spear of Infinity gain +1 Strength for each
4+ 24″ Hex Instant other non-Attribute Spell successfully cast in this Magic
Missile Phase (including other instances of Spear of Infinity).

Daemonic Manifestations
Daemon Legions armies possess their own version of Special Items called Daemonic Manifestations. They follow the
rules for Special Items, with the exception that they are not One of a Kind and that models cannot be affected by
more than one instance of each Manifestation, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Guiding Manifestations
Some Daemonic Manifestations have an option to be taken as a Guiding version. Unless specifically stated otherwise,
the normal version of Manifestations is taken. When using the normal version, ignore all text ⟨with this colour-
coding⟩. Only Characters can take Guiding Manifestations. If the Guiding version is taken, this must be noted on
your Army List. Follow the rules stated ⟨with this colour-coding⟩ and ignore point costs written in the standard way.
Note that Guiding and non-Guiding Manifestations are considered to be the same Manifestation for the purpose of
Duplication Limits.

Cloven Hooves 35 pts

Manifestations of Father Unless the model already has Impact Hits (X), it gains
Chaos Impact Hits (D3+1). These Impact Hits are resolved
with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 2.
Iron Husk 110 pts
The model’s Resilience is set to 6.
Brimstone Secretions 25 ⟨35⟩ pts
Kaleidoscopic Flesh 45 ⟨65⟩ pts Attacks that are Divine Attacks made against the
⟨Dominant⟩. model ⟨and against R&F models in its unit⟩ lose this
The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains Attack Attribute.
Hard Target (1).
Centipede Legs 25 ⟨40⟩ pts
Mark of the Eternal Champion 45 pts ⟨Dominant⟩.
If the bearer is not a Wizard, it becomes a Wizard The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains +1″
Apprentice that does not select spells as normal but Advance Rate.
always knows Spear of Infinity (Hereditary Spell). If
the bearer is already a Wizard, it knows Spear of In-
Chitinous Scales 25 pts
finity in addition to its other spells and cannot select
The model gains +2 Armour, to a maximum of 3.
it during Spell Selection.
Dark Hide 25 pts
Mirrored Scales 45 ⟨70⟩ pts
The model gains Scout with the following exception:
it must be deployed fully inside the owner’s Deploy-
Each Close Combat Attack allocated towards the
ment Zone, and the owner must have deployed at
model ⟨and R&F models in its unit⟩ for which a natu-
least one unit normally.
ral ‘1’ is rolled to hit is distributed onto the attacking
model’s Health Pool.
Living Shield 25 ⟨50⟩ pts
Withering Vapour 45 pts
The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains
0–2 per Army.
The bearer gains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 2).
Unnatural Roots 25 pts
Hammer Hand 40 pts
A side with one or more models with Unnatural Roots
The model gains +1 Attack Value.
Engaged in Combat at the end of the Round of Combat
adds +1 to its Combat Score.
Sorcerous Antennae 40 pts
0–2 per Army.
Charged Tendrils 15 pts
At the start of Siphon the Veil in each of your Magic
At the end of Siphon the Veil, the owner is allowed to
Phases, choose a single model part in each unit with
store up to 6 Veil Tokens instead of the normal 3.
one or more instances of this Manifestation. The cho-
sen model part gains Channel (1) until the end of
the Magic Phase. Dextrous Tentacles 15 ⟨35⟩ pts
The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains +1

Manifestations of Envy Manifestations of Greed
Greenfire Eyes 40 pts Divining Snout 20 ⟨40⟩ pts
One use only. Must be activated when the model’s ⟨Dominant⟩.
unit fails its first Charge Range roll. The unit must When Charging a unit that contains one or more Spe-
reroll the Charge Range roll. cial Items, the model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩
gains +2″ Advance Rate for Charge Range rolls. The
Piercing Spike 25 ⟨60⟩ pts effects only apply in the Charge Phase and only if all
⟨Dominant⟩. models in the unit are affected by Divining Snout.
Close Combat Attacks made by the model ⟨and each
R&F model in its unit⟩ gain +1 Armour Penetration. Grasping Proboscis 20 ⟨25⟩ pts
Venom Sacs 25 ⟨80⟩ pts At the end of each Round of Combat during which the
⟨Dominant⟩. model’s unit was Engaged in Combat, and the model
The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains ⟨and R&F models in its unit⟩ caused at least three
Poison Attacks. If the model’s Close Combat Attacks Health Point losses against enemy units with Melee
⟨or those from R&F models in its unit⟩ already were Attacks, the owner gains D3 Veil Tokens to their Veil
Poison Attacks from another source than this Man- Token pool.
ifestation, the attack will automatically wound on
successful to-hit rolls of 5+ instead of 6+. Smothering Coils 20 ⟨50⟩ pts
The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains +1
Manifestations of Gluttony to-wound with Close Combat Attacks against models
with Scoring.
Broodmother 60 ⟨80⟩ pts
At the end of each Round of Combat during which
the model’s unit was Engaged in Combat, and during
Manifestations of Lust
which the model ⟨and R&F models in its unit⟩ caused Mesmerising Plumage 40 pts
at least three Health Point losses against enemy units Dominant.
with Close Combat Attacks, the unit Raises D3 Health Enemy units in base contact with one or more mod-
Points. els with this Manifestation suffer −1 Offensive Skill
and −1 Defensive Skill.
Digestive Vomit 45 ⟨60⟩ pts
⟨Dominant⟩. Roaming Hands 35 ⟨40⟩ pts
One use only. Must be activated the first time the ⟨Dominant⟩.
model’s unit performs a Post-Combat Pivot or a Post- While the unit is Engaged with an enemy unit’s Flank
Combat Reform. The model ⟨and each R&F model in or Rear Facing, the model ⟨and each R&F model in its
its unit⟩ gains +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetra- unit⟩ gains +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
tion until the end of the game.
Hot Blood 10 ⟨25⟩ pts
Unhinging Jaw 40 ⟨55⟩ pts ⟨Dominant⟩.
⟨Dominant⟩. The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains
Failed to-wound rolls from Close Combat Attacks Devastating Charge (+2 Agi).
against Large or Gigantic models made by the model
⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ must be rerolled.

Manifestations of Pride Manifestations of Wrath
Stiff Upper Lip 35 pts Whipcrack Tail 50 ⟨75⟩ pts
Discipline Tests taken by units with at least one ⟨Dominant⟩.
model with this Manifestation are subject to Min- The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains
imised Roll. Lightning Reflexes.

Bronze Backbone 30 ⟨70⟩ pts Red Haze 40 ⟨75⟩ pts

⟨Dominant⟩. ⟨Dominant⟩.
The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains The model’s Close Combat Attacks ⟨and those of R&F
Hatred. models in its unit⟩ gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour
Penetration, but each of its Close Combat Attacks
Horns of Hubris 25 ⟨35⟩ pts ⟨and those of R&F models in its unit⟩ with a natu-
⟨Dominant⟩. ral to-hit roll of ‘1’ is distributed onto the attacking
The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains model’s Health Pool.
Vanguard (6″).
Incendiary Ichor 10 ⟨30⟩ pts
Manifestations of Sloth The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩ gains
Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks). All Melee At-
Chilling Yawn 75 pts
tacks (including Special Attacks) and Shooting At-
tacks made by the model with Incendiary Ichor ⟨and
Enemy units in base contact with one or more models
each R&F model in its unit⟩ become Flaming At-
with this Manifestation suffer −2 Agility.
tacks. The model ⟨and each R&F model in its unit⟩
automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Aura of Despair 50 pts
Enemy units suffer −2″ Advance Rate to a minimum
of 1″ when rolling for Charge Range against units
with at least one model with this Manifestation in the
Charge Phase.

Segmented Shell 30 ⟨30⟩ pts

When the model ⟨or a R&F model in its unit⟩ suffers
a wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds (X),
reduce X by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Aves

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 35%

Characters (Max. 40%)

Harbinger of Father Chaos Height
Type Beast
160 pts single model 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm

A mount marked with [Av] and its rider count towards Characters and Aves.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Fearless, Light Troops, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

3 5 4 0 4+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Harbinger 3 5 5 2 5
Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Apprentice 40 Battle Standard Bearer 50
Wizard Adept 115 Manifestations of Father Chaos and those available to
the General up to 150
Dark Fire (3+) (on foot only) 15
Divination Evocation Thaumaturgy Witchcraft Mount Options pts
Pale Horse 70
Burning Wheel [Av] 80
Great Beast of Prophecy [Av when taking Fly] 100
Dark Pulpit 110

Kuulima’s Deceiver Height
Type Beast
345 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm

The unit also counts towards Aves if taking Fly.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Dominion of Envy, Fear, Fearless, Light Troops, Protean

Magic, Supernal, Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 6 5 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kuulima’s Deceiver 1 6 5 2 5 Know Thyself, Poison Attacks

Model Rules Magic Options pts
Dominion of Envy: Universal Rule. Wizard Adept 65
The model’s Close Combat Attacks allocated towards Wizard Master 190
models equipped with Close Combat Weapons other
than Hand Weapons (regardless if they are using
them or not) gain +2 Offensive Skill.
Divination Evocation Thaumaturgy Witchcraft
Know Thyself: Universal Rule.
Options pts
At the start of the Initiative Step in which the bearer’s
Close Combat Attacks will be performed, choose one If General, must take Greater Dominion 30
model part from each enemy model in base contact Fly (7″, 14″) 35
and add their Attack Value Characteristics, exclud- Manifestations of Father Chaos and Envy up to 150
ing any modifiers, to the Attack Value of Kuulima’s
Deceiver. At the end of each Round of Combat, the
bearer’s Attack Value is set to 1.

Maw of Akaan Height
Type Beast
555 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 150×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 9 Dominion of Gluttony, Fearless, Supernal, Wizard Ap-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

9 5 5 0 Aegis (5+, against Magical Attacks), Devour, Fortitude

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Maw of Akaan 6 5 6 2 3
Model Rules Magic Options pts
Devour: Personal Protection. Wizard Adept 75
For each Health Point loss the model causes with Wizard Master 225
Close Combat Attacks against enemy units, roll a D6
at the end of the Initiative Step. For each rolled 4+,
the model gains +1 Health Point.
Evocation Witchcraft
When the model has 18 Health Points, all units
within 9″ immediately suffer 2D6 hits with Toxic Options pts
Attacks, and the model is removed as a casualty. If General, must take Greater Dominion 65
Dominion of Gluttony: Universal Rule. Manifestations of Father Chaos and Gluttony up to 150
The model must reroll natural to-wound rolls of ‘1’ If General up to 175
with its Melee Attacks.

Miser of Sugulag Height
Type Beast
630 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 9 Dominion of Greed, Fearless, Supernal, Wizard Appren-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

6 6 7 0 5+ Half Off, Abyssal Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Miser of Sugulag 5 5 5 2 2
Model Rules Magic Options pts
Abyssal Armour: Armour Equipment. Wizard Adept 75
Follows the rules for Plate Armour. For each Veil Wizard Master 225
Token in the owner’s Veil Token pool, attacks against
the wearer suffer −1 Armour Penetration, up to a
maximum of −3.
Divination Evocation Thaumaturgy
Dominion of Greed: Universal Rule.
Options pts
The model gains +2 Defensive Skill while its unit is
in base contact with an enemy Scoring Unit. If General, must take Greater Dominion 35
Manifestations of Father Chaos and Greed up to 175
Half Off: Personal Protection. If General up to 200
If the model suffers a wound from an attack with
Multiple Wounds (X), reduce X by half, rounding frac-
tions up.

Courtesan of Cibaresh Height
Type Beast
550 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 9 Avert your Gaze, Dominion of Lust, Fearless, Supernal,

Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

6 7 5 0 5+ Distracting, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Courtesan of Cibaresh 6 7 5 4 7 Razor Tentacles

Model Rules Magic Options pts
Avert your Gaze: Universal Rule. Wizard Adept 75
Enemy units within 6″ of one or more models with Wizard Master 225
Avert Your Gaze suffer −2 Discipline when taking
Combat Reform tests.
Dominion of Lust: Universal Rule. Divination Witchcraft
The model gains Strider. When rolling their Charge
Options pts
Range in the Charge Phase, units consisting entirely
of models with Dominion of Lust must reroll failed If General, must take Greater Dominion 35
Charge Range rolls if they are Located in the Charged Manifestations of Father Chaos and Lust up to 150
unit’s Flank or Rear Facing. If General up to 175

Razor Tentacles: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.

If the attack is allocated towards an enemy R&F
model while the attacker is Engaged with the Flank
or Rear Facing of the target’s unit, the attack gains
Area Attack (1×5), and its Strength and Armour
Penetration are set to half the model’s [the model’s]
Strength, respectively Armour Penetration, round-
ing fractions up. This is done after applying other

Omen of Savar Height
Type Beast
490 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm

A mount marked with (Av) counts towards Aves. The mount and its rider also count towards Characters.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 18″ 9 Divine Right, Dominion of Pride, Fear, Fearless, Super-

nal, Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 7 5 0 6+ Aegis (4+, against Magical Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Omen of Savar D6+2 D6+5 6 3 6

Model Rules Magic Options pts
Divine Right: Universal Rule. Wizard Adept 75
The model cannot join units with other Characters Wizard Master 225
and other Characters cannot join its unit. The model
must issue a Duel whenever possible (this cannot
be prevented by issuing a Duel with another friendly
Divination Thaumaturgy
model first). This duel must (if possible) be ac-
cepted by a Character unless a Champion accepts Options pts
first. In addition, when fighting a Duel, the model If General, must take Greater Dominion 40
gains Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds (2). Manifestations of Father Chaos and Pride up to 150
Dominion of Pride: Universal Rule. If General and mounted up to 175
Units with more than half of their models with this Mount Options pts
rule may reroll failed Discipline Tests. Throne of Overwhelming Splendour (Av) 175

Sentinel of Nukuja Height
Type Beast
660 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

The unit also counts towards Aves when taking Strixian Spirit.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

2″ 4″ 9 Dominion of Sloth, Fear, Fearless, Omniscience, Super-

nal, Third Eye, Wizard Master
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

5 5 5 0 4+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sentinel of Nukuja 1 5 5 2 1 Crush Attack

Model Rules Magic Options pts
Dominion of Sloth: Universal Rule.
The model gains Aegis (+1, against Special At-
tacks). Divination Evocation Thaumaturgy Witchcraft
Omniscience: Universal Rule. Options pts
In the owner’s Magic Phase, if the model did not
If General, must take Greater Dominion 30
March Move or declare a Charge this Player Turn,
Manifestations of Father Chaos and Sloth up to 150
the cost of converting Veil Tokens into Magic Dice is
If General with Strixian Spirit up to 175
decreased to 2:1 during this Player Turn (1 Magic
Must choose (one choice only):
Dice per 2 Veil Tokens).
Dark Pulpit (Mount) free
Third Eye: Universal Rule. Strixian Spirit (0–1 Units/Army) 25
At the beginning of each friendly Charge Phase, draw Dark Fire (2+) 25
the Flux Card for that Player Turn instead of step 2
Optional Model Rules
of the Magic Phase Sequence.
Strixian Spirit: Universal Rule.
The model gains Fly (6″, 18″), Light Troops, +1 Re-
silience, +1 Health Point, and its Height is changed
to Gigantic.

Vanadra’s Scourge Height
Type Beast
710 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

The unit counts both towards Characters and Aves.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 8″ 16″ 9 Dominion of Wrath, Fearless, Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops,
Fly 7″ 14″ Supernal
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

7 4 6 0 5+ Aegis (4+, against Melee Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vanadra’s Scourge 5 7 7 4 0 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (Distracting), Rage

Model Rules Magic Options pts
Dominion of Wrath: Universal Rule. Wizard Apprentice 40
The model’s attacks ignore Parry. Wizard Adept 115
Rage: Universal Rule.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains
+1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it Evocation Thaumaturgy
suffers −1 Attack Value.
Options pts
If General, must take Greater Dominion 35
Manifestations of Father Chaos and Wrath up to 150
If General up to 175

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Dark Pulpit Type Beast
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ C Tall
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

5 C C 1 C Cannot be Stomped
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dark Pulpit 4 4 5 0 1 Harnessed

Height Standard
Pale Horse Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ C Elusive, Feigned Flight, Strider, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

C C C C C Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Pale Horse 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed

Model Rules
Elusive: Universal Rule.
Units composed entirely of models with Elusive may declare a Flee Charge Reaction despite being Fearless.

Height Standard
Burning Wheel Type Construct
Base 50×50 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters and Aves.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ C Fly (10″, 10″), Swiftstride, Tall, Vanguard

Fly 10″ 10″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 C C 1 C Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Burning Wheel 3 4 4 0 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Great Beast of Prophecy Type Cavalry
Base 50×75 mm

The mount and its rider also count towards Aves when taking Fly.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Fear
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

C C 5 2 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Beast 3 5 5 2 2 Harnessed

Options pts
Fly (7″, 14″) and Armour set to C 45

Height Large
Throne of Overwhelming Splendour Type Construct
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Aves.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 9″ 9″ C Fly (9″, 9″), Light Troops, Rising Star, Swiftstride, Tower-
Fly 9″ 9″ ing Presence
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

5 C C C 4+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Writhing Majesties 4 4 4 1 4 Harnessed

Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Model Rules
Rising Star: Universal Rule.
Each time attacks made by the model kill an enemy model in a Duel, the model gains a +1 Combat Score modifier
for the rest of the game.

Core (Min. 25%)
Imps Height
Type Beast
205 pts + 15 pts/extra model 10–25 models 0–40 Models/Army Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 6 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 2 3 0 5+ Aegis (3+, against Shooting Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Imp 1 2 2 0 3 Energy Bolts (4+)

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Energy Bolts: Shooting Weapon. Champion 20
Range 24″, Shots 1, Str 5, AP 0, Reload!, Volley Fire. Musician 20
Standard Bearer with (one choice only):
Options pts
Firestarter (Spear of Infinity
Manifestation (one choice only):
(Hereditary Spell)) 45
Firestarter (Hand of Heaven (Thaumaturgy)) 60

- 3/model
- 20 Optional Model Rules
- Firestarter (X): Universal Rule.
(Champion only) 25 The Standard Bearer can cast the spell stated in
- 50 brackets as a Bound Spell with Power Level (5/8).

Succubi Height
Type Beast
205 pts + 20 pts/extra model 10–25 models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 4 3 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Succubus 3 4 3 1 5 Talon Scythes

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Manifestation (one choice only): Champion 20
- 1/model Musician 20
- 2/model Standard Bearer 20
- 4/model
- 5/model
- 7/model
Model Rules
Talon Scythes: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with Talon Scythes ignore Parry and, if allocated towards Standard or Large Infantry, gain a +1
to-hit modifier.

Lemures Height
Type Beast
210 pts + 25 pts/extra model 10–25 models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 3 5 0 5+ Parry
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Lemure 1 3 3 0 2
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Manifestation (one choice only): Champion 20
- 1/model Musician 20
- 1/model Standard Bearer 20
- 2/model
- 2/model
- 3/model

Myrmidons Height
Type Beast
215 pts + 23 pts/extra model 10–30 models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 4 3 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Myrmidon 1 5 5 1 4 Devastating Charge (Battle Focus), Fight in Extra Rank

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Manifestation (one choice only): Champion 20
- 1/model Musician 20
- 2/model Standard Bearer 20
- 3/model
- 4/model
- 5/model

Special (No limit)
Eidolons Height
Type Beast
170 pts + 31 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–18 Models/Army Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Supernal, Wizard Con-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 2 4 0 5+ Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Eidolon 1 2 2 0 3 Dark Fire (3+)

Options pts Wizard Conclave
Scout (0–1 Units/Army) 5/model Must select 2 spells from:
Manifestation (one choice only): • Fate’s Judgement (Divination)
- 1/model • Hasten the Hour (Evocation)
- 5/model • Hand of Heaven (Thaumaturgy)
- 6/model • Spear of Infinity (Hereditary Spell)
- 30
Command Group Options pts
Champion 120

Hellhounds Height
Type Beast
170 pts + 20 pts/extra model 5–15 models Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 7 Fearless, Hellish Growl, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 3 4 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hellhound 3 5 3 0 4 Lethal Strike

Model Rules Options pts
Hellish Growl: Universal Rule. Manifestation (one choice only):
At the start of each Round of Combat, enemy units in - 1/model
base contact with one or more models with Hellish - 1/model
Growl must take a Discipline Test with a −1 modifier. - 1/model
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made by the - 2/model
model against units that fail this test must be - 2/model
rerolled. The effect lasts until the end of the Round - 2/model
of Combat.
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Threshing Engine Height
Type Construct
155 pts single model 0–5 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

The unit also counts towards Aves if taking Fly.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 10″ 7 Fearless, Supernal, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 4 4 0 5+ Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tiller (2) 2 4 3 3 3
Draft Beast (2) 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Chassis 4 3 Impact Hits (2D3), Inanimate
Options pts Optional Model Rules
One choice only: Horde Thresher: Universal Rule.
Fly (9″, 9″) and Light Troops (0–2 Units/Army) 25 Changes to the model’s profile:
Horde Thresher (0–3 Units/Army) 80 • Its base size is changed to 100×100 mm.
Legion Thresher (0–2 Units/Army) 145 • Its Health Points are set to 6.
Manifestation (one choice only): • It gains 1 additional Tiller.
- 15 • It gains 1 additional Draft Beast.
- 15 • It gains Colossal Stature.
- 25 • The Chassis gains Impact Hits (3D3).
- 40 Legion Thresher: Universal Rule.
- 45 Changes to the model’s profile:
Command Group Options pts • Its base size is changed to 100×150 mm.
Standard Bearer 20 • Its Health Points are set to 8.
• It gains 2 additional Tillers.
• It gains 2 additional Draft Beasts.
• It gains Colossal Stature.
• The Chassis gains Impact Hits (4D3).
Colossal Stature: Universal Rule.
The model counts as Gigantic for the purpose of de-
termining the number of Full Ranks.

Titanslayer Chariot Height
Type Construct
205 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 7″ 8 Fearless, Mountain Breaker, Supernal, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 4 5 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Myrmidon (2) 1 5 5 1 4 Devastating Charge (Battle Focus)

Chthonic Machinator 3 3 6 3 3 Harnessed
Chassis 7 2 Impact Hits (D3+1), Inanimate
Model Rules Options pts
Mountain Breaker: Universal Rule. Manifestation (one choice only):
The model gains +2″ Advance Rate when rolling for - 5
Charge Range against units that consist entirely of - 5
models with Towering Presence in the Charge Phase. - 5
In addition, the model’s Impact Hits gain Multiple - 10
Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence). - 20
Command Group Options pts
Standard Bearer 20

Mageblight Gremlins Height
Type Beast
175 pts + 33 pts/extra model 2–4 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 6 Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Supernal, Veil Stalker

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 3 3 0 5+ Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mageblight Gremlin 5 3 2 0 2 Poison Attacks, Spell Craving

Model Rules Options pts
Spell Craving: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Manifestation (one choice only):
The model can perform up to 3 Supporting Attacks. - 5/model
When determining Combat Score, a side with at least - 5/model
one model with Spell Craving Engaged in Combat - 10/model
adds +X to its side’s Combat Score, where X is the - 10/model
number of non-Bound non-Attribute Spells known - 15/model
by enemy Wizards in units in base contact with it
(note that multiple instances of the same spell count
as 1 each).
Veil Stalker: Universal Rule.
The model follows the rules for Ambush with the
following exceptions:
When the unit arrives, the owner may choose to
place it within 6″ of an enemy model with Channel
(instead of entering the Battlefield from the Board
Edge). If so, it cannot perform any Advance Moves
this Movement Phase (note that this does not pre-
vent the unit from performing a Reform).

Clawed Fiends Height
Type Beast
270 pts + 100 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 7 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

3 4 4 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Clawed Fiend 3 4 4 2 4 Smother

Model Rules Options pts
Smother: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Manifestation (one choice only):
If the attack is allocated towards a Large model, it - 4/model
gains +1 to hit and +1 to wound. - 8/model
- 12/model
- 15/model
- 17/model
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Hoarders Height
Type Beast
280 pts + 110 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Fear, Fearless, Scoring, Strider, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 5 5 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hoarder 3 3 4 0 2 Tightening Grasp

Model Rules Options pts
Tightening Grasp: Special Attack. Up to two Manifestations:
The model gains Grind Attacks (X), and can make - 3/model
Grind Attacks as Supporting Attacks, ignoring the - 5/model
maximum number of Supporting Attacks. When the - 5/model
model is not Engaged in Combat, X is set to 1. - 8/model
At the start of each Round of Combat other than the - 10/model
First Round of Combat, if the model is Engaged, X - 15/model
is increased by +1 (e.g. Grind Attacks (1) becomes
Command Group Options pts
Grind Attacks (2)).
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Sirens Height
Type Cavalry
195 pts + 25 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 9 Elusive, Fearless, Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Strider,

Supernal, Vanguard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 5 3 0 5+ Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Siren 2 5 4 1 4
Symbiotic Steed 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Model Rules Options pts
Elusive: Universal Rule. Manifestation (one choice only):
Units composed entirely of models with Elusive may - 1/model
declare a Flee Charge Reaction despite being Fear- - 1/model
less. - 5/model
- 6/model
- 9/model
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Blazing Glory Height
Type Beast
290 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm

The unit also counts towards Aves if taking Fly.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Falling Star, Fear, Fearless, Supernal, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

5 ⋆ 5 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Blazing Glory 5 ⋆ 5 5 5
Model Rules Options pts
Falling Star: Universal Rule. Fly (8″, 16″) and Light Troops 60
The model’s Offensive Skill and Defensive Skill are Manifestation (one choice only):
set to twice the model’s current number of Health - 10
Points. - 10
The model counts as a Character for the purpose of - 15
Duels. When the model fights a Duel during a Round - 20
of Combat, it gains Stubborn until the end of the - 35
Round of Combat.

Hope Harvester Height
Type Beast
285 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

Engine of Damnation is 0–1 Units/Army if the army includes any Gigantic Characters excluding Sentinel of Nukuja
with Strixian Spirit.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 Fear, Fearless, Not a Leader, Supernal, War Platform

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

5 4 5 3 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hope Harvester 4 4 6 3 1 Aether Battery (3+)

Model Rules Options pts
Aether Battery: Artillery Weapon. Engine of Damnation 120
Volley Gun. Range 18″, Shots 2D6×2, Str 4, AP 1. Manifestation (one choice only):
Before rolling for the number of shots, the owner - 30
may choose to discard 1–3 Veil Tokens from their Veil - 30
Token pool. If so, the number of shots is increased - 50
by +3 per discarded Veil Token. - 50
- 65
Optional Model Rules
Engine of Damnation: Universal Rule.
The model’s base size is changed to 150×100 mm and its Height is changed to Gigantic. Its Health Points are set
to 7, Resilience is set to 6, March Rate is set to 15″, and it loses War Platform.

Brazen Beasts Height
Type Cavalry
350 pts + 95 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Fear, Fearless, Scoring, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 3 4 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Daredevil 1 5 3 0 4 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+2 Att,+2 Str, +2 AP)

Beast 2 4 5 2 2 Battle Focus, Harnessed, Impact Hits (2)
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Manifestation (one choice only): Champion 20
- 1/model Musician 20
- 5/model Standard Bearer 20
- 8/model
- 12/model
- 24/model

Aves (Max. 35%)
Furies Height
Type Beast
165 pts + 10 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 4″ 8″ 5 Fearless, Fly (10″, 20″), Light Troops, Skirmisher, Super-

Fly 10″ 20″ nal
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

1 3 3 0 6+ Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Fury 1 3 4 1 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Str)

Options pts
Manifestation (one choice only):
- 1/model
- 1/model
- 1/model
- 2/model
- 5/model

Veil Serpents Height
Type Beast
245 pts + 50 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 7 Fearless, Fly (9″, 12″), Light Troops, Morphlings, Super-

Fly 9″ 12″ nal, Wizard Conclave
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

3 4 4 0 5+
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Veil Serpent 3 4 4 0 4
Model Rules Wizard Conclave
Morphlings: Universal Rule. Must select 2 spells from:
During Spell Selection, each unit of Veil Serpents • Smite the Unbeliever (Thaumaturgy)
must choose a Manifestation from the list below and • Deceptive Glamour (Witchcraft)
apply the effects during the game. • Twisted Effigy (Witchcraft)
• Writhing Nightmares
• Spear of Infinity (Hereditary Spell)
• -

Command Group Options pts

• -

Champion 130
Optional Manifestation
Writhing Nightmares: Manifestation.
Enemy units in base contact with one or more models with Writhing Nightmares suffer −1 Discipline.

Bloat Flies Height
Type Beast
300 pts + 100 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 8 Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 14″), Light Troops, Supernal

Fly 6″ 14″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aeg

4 2 4 0 Aegis (5+, against Magical Attacks), Fortitude (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Bloat Fly 2 5 6 3 3 Acid Blood

Model Rules Options pts
Acid Blood: Special Attack. Manifestation (one choice only):
For each Fortitude Save the model fails against Melee - 4/model
Attacks, the model that caused the wounding hit im- - 5/model
mediately suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks, before any - 6/model
casualties are removed, distributed onto the model’s - 6/model
Health Pool. - 18/model
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Fearless, Light Troops, Supernal
Standard, Beast HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg 4+
Harbinger Att 3 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 5
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Dominion of Envy, Fear, Fearless, Light Troops, Protean Magic,
Supernal, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Beast HP 4 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Kuulima’s Deceiver Att 1 Off 6 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 5 Know Thyself, Poison Attacks
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 9 Dominion of Gluttony, Fearless, Supernal, Wizard Apprentice
Gigantic, Beast HP 9 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg Aegis (5+, against Magical Attacks), Devour, Fortitude (5+)
Maw of Akaan Att 6 Off 5 Str 6 AP 2 Agi 3
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 9 Dominion of Greed, Fearless, Supernal, Wizard Apprentice
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 6 Res 7 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Half Off, Abyssal Armour
Miser of Sugulag Att 5 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 9 Avert your Gaze, Dominion of Lust, Fearless, Supernal, Wizard
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 7 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Distracting, Hard Target (1)
Courtesan of Cibaresh Att 6 Off 7 Str 5 AP 4 Agi 7 Razor Tentacles
Adv 6″ Mar 18″ Dis 9 Divine Right, Dominion of Pride, Fear, Fearless, Supernal,
Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Beast HP 4 Def 7 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 6+ Aegis (4+, against Magical Attacks)
Omen of Savar Att D6+2 Off D6+5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 6
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 9 Dominion of Sloth, Fear, Fearless, Omniscience, Supernal, Third
Eye, Wizard Master
Standard, Beast HP 5 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 4+
Sentinel of Nukuja Att 1 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 1 Crush Attack
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Dominion of Wrath, Fearless, Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops, Super-
Gigantic, Beast HP 7 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Aegis (4+, against Melee Attacks)
Vanadra’s Scourge Att 5 Off 7 Str 7 AP 4 Agi 0 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (Distracting), Rage

Character Mounts
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis C Tall
Standard, Beast HP 5 Def C Res C Arm 1 Aeg C Cannot be Stomped
Dark Pulpit Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 0 Agi 1 Harnessed
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis C Elusive, Feigned Flight, Strider, Vanguard
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C Aeg C Hard Target (1)
Pale Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis C Fly (10″, 10″), Swiftstride, Tall, Vanguard
Standard, Construct HP 4 Def C Res C Arm 1 Aeg C Hard Target (1)
Burning Wheel Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 5 Arm 2 Aeg C
Great Beast Att 3 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 9″ Mar 9″ Dis C Fly (9″, 9″), Light Troops, Rising Star, Swiftstride, Towering
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res C Arm C Aeg 4+
Writhing Majesties Att 4 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 6 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Aegis (3+, against Shooting Attacks)
Imp Att 1 Off 2 Str 2 AP 0 Agi 3 Energy Bolts (4+)

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Succubus Att 3 Off 4 Str 3 AP 1 Agi 5 Talon Scythes
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Parry
Lemure Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Myrmidon Att 1 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 4 Devastating Charge (Battle Focus), Fight in Extra Rank

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Supernal, Wizard Conclave
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Hard Target (1)
Eidolon Att 1 Off 2 Str 2 AP 0 Agi 3 Dark Fire (3+)
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 7 Fearless, Hellish Growl, Supernal
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Hellhound Att 3 Off 5 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Lethal Strike
Adv 10″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Fearless, Supernal, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Hard Target (1)
Tiller (2) Att 2 Off 4 Str 3 AP 3 Agi 3
Draft Beast (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 4 AP 3 Agi Impact Hits (2D3), Inanimate
Adv 7″ Mar 7″ Dis 8 Fearless, Mountain Breaker, Supernal, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Myrmidon (2) Att 1 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 4 Devastating Charge (Battle Focus)
Chthonic Machinator Att 3 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 7 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D3+1), Inanimate
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 6 Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Supernal, Veil Stalker
Standard, Beast HP 4 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Hard Target (1)
Mageblight Gremlin Att 5 Off 3 Str 2 AP 0 Agi 2 Poison Attacks, Spell Craving
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 7 Fearless, Scoring, Supernal
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Clawed Fiend Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 2 Agi 4 Smother
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Fear, Fearless, Scoring, Strider, Supernal
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Hoarder Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 2 Tightening Grasp
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 9 Elusive, Fearless, Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Strider, Supernal,
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Aeg 5+ Hard Target (1)
Siren Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Symbiotic Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Falling Star, Fear, Fearless, Supernal, Towering Presence
Large, Beast HP 5 Def ⋆ Res 5 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Blazing Glory Att 5 Off ⋆ Str 5 AP 5 Agi 5
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Fear, Fearless, Not a Leader, Supernal, War Platform
Large, Beast HP 5 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 3 Aeg 5+
Hope Harvester Att 4 Off 4 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 1 Aether Battery (3+)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fear, Fearless, Scoring, Supernal
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Daredevil Att 1 Off 5 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+2 Att,+2 Str, +2 AP)
Beast Att 2 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Battle Focus, Harnessed, Impact Hits (2)

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 5 Fearless, Fly (10″, 20″), Light Troops, Skirmisher, Supernal
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Aeg 6+ Hard Target (1)
Fury Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Str)

Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 7 Fearless, Fly (9″, 12″), Light Troops, Morphlings, Supernal,
Wizard Conclave
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg 5+
Veil Serpent Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 4
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 8 Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 14″), Light Troops, Supernal
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 0 Aeg Aegis (5+, against Magical Attacks), Fortitude (5+)
Bloat Fly Att 2 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Acid Blood

Artillery and Shooting Weapons

Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Armour Save rolls of ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’ of the
Dark Fire - 18″ 4 0 2
target always fail

Energy Bolts - 24″ 5 0 1 Reload!, Volley Fire

Discard 1–3 Veil Tokens: Shots
Aether Battery Volley Gun 18″ 4 1 2D6×2
+3/token discarded

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Aether Battery 3+ Hope Harvester
Dark Fire 2+ Sentinel of Nukuja
3+ Harbinger of Father Chaos, Eidolon
Energy Bolts 4+ Imp

Empire of Sonnstahl
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – January 3, 2020

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
The bearer’s unit gains Hatred. Model parts with Harnessed are not affected. The model can cast the following three
Bound Spells with Power Level (4/8), Type: Caster’s Unit and Augment, and Duration: One Turn.

Ullor’s Blessing Sunna’s Blessing Volund’s Blessing

The target gains Aegis (5+, against The target gains Flaming Attacks. The target’s failed to-wound rolls
Melee Attacks). All enemy units in base contact with with Melee Attacks must be rerolled.
one or more targets of this spell when
the spell is cast suffer D6 hits with
Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1,
Flaming Attacks, and Magical
A Character with Orders may give a single Order to a Parent or Support Unit within 8″. A General with Orders may
instead give a single Order to a friendly Parent or Support Unit within the range of its Commanding Presence. Orders
are given at the start of each friendly Player Turn, and their effects last until the end of the next Player Turn. A unit
cannot receive the same Order more than once during the same Player Turn. Only models of Standard Height are
affected. The available Orders are listed below:

Brace For Impact! The target gains Fight in Extra Rank.

On The Double! The target gains +1″ Advance Rate and +4″ March Rate.
Ready! Aim! Fire! The target gains Accurate.
Discipline Tests taken by the target are subject to Minimised
Roll. A unit that receives this Order and passes a Rally
Test doesn’t become Shaken, and the Reform that is made
Steady, Men!
after Rallying doesn’t prevent the unit from moving and/or
shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting

Parent Unit
A unit is considered a Parent Unit if at least half of its models have this Universal Rule. Parent Units treat all Support
Units as Insignificant.
Immediately after a Parent Unit passes a Charge Range roll against a non-Fleeing enemy unit in the Charge Phase,
before performing the Charge Move, any Support Units within 8″ of the Parent Unit may perform a Support Charge.
To do so, the Support Unit declares a Charge against the same enemy unit. Apply all of the usual rules for Charging
for this out-of-sequence Charge (such as Line of Sight, Front Arc, must roll for Charge Range, max. one Wheel, etc.),
with the exception that the enemy cannot choose a Charge Reaction other than Hold. For the purpose of Charge
Moves, treat this as any other case of Combined Charges. When calculating Combat Scores in the following Melee
Phase, combine the Rank Bonus of both the Parent Unit and up to one Support Unit that performed a successful
Support Charge (following all normal restrictions), up to a maximum of +6.

Support Unit
A unit is considered a Support Unit if at least half of its models have this Universal Rule. Support Units are treated as
Insignificant by Parent Units.
Support Units within 8″ of at least one Parent Unit gain Fight in Extra Rank and may use Shooting Attacks from the
third rank (in addition to the first and second). If the Support Unit has at least one Full Rank, it counts as having the
same number of Full Ranks as a Parent Unit within 8″ for the purpose of being Steadfast.
During the opponent’s Charge Phase, Support Units may perform one of the following actions:
1. Immediately after a Parent Unit within 8″ voluntarily chooses a Charge Reaction, the Support Unit may Stand
and Shoot as if the enemy had declared a Charge against them in their current position (apply the normal rules
for the Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction).
2. Immediately after all enemy units have completed their Charge Moves, Support Units within 8″ of any Parent
Unit that was successfully Charged in this phase may Counter Charge. To do so, choose one enemy unit that
successfully Charged the Parent Unit and declare a Charge with the Support Unit. Apply all the usual rules for
Charging for this out-of-sequence Charge (such as Line of Sight, Front Arc, must roll for Charge Range, max.
one Wheel, etc.). When calculating Combat Scores in the following Melee Phase, combine the Rank Bonus of
both the Parent Unit and up to one Support Unit that performed a successful Counter Charge (following all
normal restrictions), up to a maximum of +6.

Brace of Pistols – Shooting Weapon
Range 12″, Shots 2, Str 4, AP 2, Quick to Fire. Counts as Paired Weapons in close combat.

Long Rifle – Shooting Weapon

Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 5, AP 3, Multiple Wounds (2, against Standard), Unwieldy.

Repeater Gun – Shooting Weapon

Range 24″, Shots 3, Str 4, AP 2, Unwieldy.

Repeater Pistol – Shooting Weapon

Range 12″, Shots 3, Str 4, AP 2, Quick to Fire. If the model is also equipped with a Pistol or a Brace of Pistols, this
weapon gains Shots 4.

Cavalry Pick – Close Combat Weapon

Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Armour Penetration.

Hereditary Spell
Liberal Magics
During Spell Selection, if a Wizard from Empire of Sonnstahl either selects the Hereditary Spell or gains it by any
other means, it must instead choose a single Path from the ones available to it other than its own chosen Path. The
Wizard gains the Learned Spell 1 from that Path.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Banner Enchantments
The Light of Sonnstahl 150 pts Banner of Unity 40 pts
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. Parent Units only.
Attacks made with this weapon wound automatically, Whenever the bearer’s unit is targeted by an Order,
always have Armour Penetration 10, and become an additional Order can be given (for free) to a single
Magical Attacks. Support Unit within 8″ of the bearer’s unit.

Death Warrant 60 pts Household Standard 40 pts

Enchantment: Hand Weapon. If the General is part of the bearer’s unit, its Com-
Attacks made with this weapon gain Battle Focus manding Presence range is increased by 6″.
and become Magical Attacks. If a hit is scored with
it against an enemy unit, friendly models with Parent Marksman’s Pennant 10 pts
Unit or Support Unit gain Battle Focus with attacks The bearer’s unit does not suffer the −1 to-hit modi-
allocated towards the same enemy unit in the same fier for Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions.
phase in subsequent Initiative Steps.

Hammer of Witches 40 pts Artefacts

Enchantment: Hand Weapon.
Locket of Sunna 80 pts
The bearer’s Attack Value is set to 5 when using this
When fighting a Duel, choose a single model part with
weapon, and attacks made with it gain Battle Focus
neither Harnessed nor Inanimate that the bearer is
(against Channel) and become Magical Attacks.
fighting with. The bearer and the chosen model part
must swap their Characteristic values of Strength,
Armour Enchantments Armour Penetration, Resilience, Agility, and Attack
Value. This is done before applying other modifiers.
Imperial Seal 100 pts If the chosen model part does not have a Defensive
Models on foot only. Profile of its own, use the combined model’s Defen-
Enchantment: Plate Armour. sive Profile instead.
The wearer gains +3 Armour and +1 Discipline. The
wearer’s unit cannot voluntarily declare Flee as a Winter Cloak 70 pts
Charge Reaction. The bearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming At-
tacks), Aegis (5+), and Distracting. The bearer au-
Blacksteel 45 pts tomatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Enchantment: Plate Armour.
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Fear. If taken by Exemplar’s Flame 50 pts
a model on foot, the wearer gains an additional +1 Dominant. Wizards only.
Armour. Choose a single Parent Unit after Spell Selection (at
step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence). At the start of any
Witchfire Guard 35 pts friendly Melee Phase, if the bearer is within 18″ of
Enchantment: Shield. the chosen unit, the owner may choose to discard a
The bearer gains Aegis (4+, against Magical At- single Veil Token from their Veil Token pool to grant
tacks) while using this Shield. all R&F models in the chosen unit Lethal Strike and
Magical Attacks until the end of the phase.
Shield of Volund 20 pts
Cannot be taken by Gigantic models. Karadon’s Courser 40 pts
Enchantment: Shield. Knight Commanders mounted on Horse and Mar-
While using this Shield, attacks against the bearer’s shals mounted on Horse only.
model with Lethal Strike and/or Battle Focus lose One use only. May be activated at the start of any
these Attack Attributes. friendly Player Turn. For the duration of this Player
Turn, friendly units within 6″ of the bearer must
reroll failed Charge Range rolls.

Mantle of Ullor 25 pts

Enemy units within 6″ of the bearer do not gain +1
Agility for Charging Momentum.

Army Organisation

Imperial Imperial
Characters Core Special Sunna’s Fury
Auxiliaries Armoury
Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 30%
Max. 35% Max. 20%

Characters (Max. 40%)

Marshal Height
Type Infantry
160 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (SF) counts towards Sunna’s Fury. The mount and its rider also count towards Charac-
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 Orders
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Plate Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Marshal 3 5 4 1 5
Options pts Mount Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer free Horse 55
One choice only: Pegasus 55
Great Tactician (0–1 Units/Army) 65 Great Griffon* (SF) 140
Imperial Prince (General only) 160 Dragon (Imperial Prince only) (SF) 440
Special Items up to 200 *Cannot be taken by a Battle Standard Bearer.
If Battle Standard Bearer up to 100
Optional Model Rules
Shield 10
Great Tactician: Universal Rule.
Pistol (2+) 5
The model may give two Orders per turn instead of
One choice only:
Great Weapon 5
Halberd 5 Imperial Prince: Universal Rule.
Lance 5 The model part gains +1 Attack Value, is equipped
Paired Weapons 5 with a Hand Weapon enchanted with The Light of
Sonnstahl, and may only take up to 50 pts of Special

see mount
Knight Commander Height
Type Cavalry
180 pts single model Base see mount
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 First Knight
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 0 Plate Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight Commander 4 6 4 1 6
Model Rules Options pts
First Knight: Universal Rule. Special Items up to 200
When the model is joined to a unit of Knightly Or- Shield 5
ders, the unit gains Fearless, and if the model is the One choice only:
General, the R&F models in the unit also gain Parent Great Weapon 5
Unit. Halberd 5
Lance 10
Cavalry Pick 30
Mount Options pts
Must take a mount:
Horse free
Young Griffon 40

Wizard Height
Type Infantry
125 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (SF) counts towards Sunna’s Fury. The mount and its rider also count towards Charac-
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wizard 1 3 3 0 3
Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Adept 75 Special Items up to 100
Wizard Master 225 If Wizard Master up to 200
Light Armour 5
Mount Options pts
Alchemy Cosmology Divination Pyromancy Horse 10
Pegasus 30
Great Griffon (SF) 85
Arcane Engine 185

Prelate Height
Type Infantry
160 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (SF) counts towards Sunna’s Fury. The mount and its rider also count towards Charac-
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Blessings, Channel (1)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Prelate 2 5 4 1 4 Divine Attacks

Options pts Mount Options pts
Special Items up to 200 Horse 35
Shield 15 Altar of Battle (SF) 350
Plate Armour 25
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 5
Great Weapon 15

Artificer Height
Type Infantry
120 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Characters and Imperial Armoury.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Engineer (3+), Master Artificer

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 3 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Artificer 1 3 3 0 3
Model Rules Options pts
Master Artificer: Universal Rule. Special Items up to 50
The Master Artificer may give the Order Ready! One choice only:
Aim! Fire! to a Parent Unit or Support Unit it has Handgun (3+) 5
joined. Long Rifle (3+) 10
Repeater Gun (4+) 10
Repeater Pistol (4+) 10
Mount Options pts
Horse 15

Inquisitor Height
Type Infantry
115 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

If taking Silver Shots, the unit also counts towards Imperial Auxiliaries.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Fearless, Not a Leader

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Plate Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Inquisitor 2 5 4 1 4 Lethal Strike, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Options pts Mount Options pts
One choice only: Horse and Light Troops 75
Blessed Steel 60
Optional Model Rules
Silver Shots (0–1 Units/Army) 65
Blessed Steel: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Special Items up to 100
The model part gains +2 Agility. Close Combat At-
Shield 5
tacks made by the model part gain +1 Strength and
One choice only:
+1 Armour Penetration.
Crossbow (2+) 10
Brace of Pistols (3+) 15 Silver Shots: Attack Attribute – Shooting.
Repeater Pistol (3+) 25 The attack gains Lethal Strike, Multiple Wounds
One choice only: (D3), and must reroll failed to-wound rolls.
Paired Weapons 5
Great Weapon 10
Halberd 10

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Horse Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Horse 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed

Height Large
Pegasus Type Cavalry
Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 7″ 14″ C Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops

Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C 4 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Pegasus 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Young Griffon Type Cavalry
Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Fear
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Young Griffon 3 4 5 3 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Great Griffon Type Cavalry
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Sunna’s Fury.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 7″ 14″ C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Griffon 4 5 6 3 5 Harnessed

Height Gigantic
Dragon Type Beast
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Sunna’s Fury.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops

Fly 7″ 14″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dragon 5 5 6 3 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Height Large
Altar of Battle Type Construct
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Sunna’s Fury.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ C Holy Relic, Stubborn, Swiftstride, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 C 5 C Aegis (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Horse (2) 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed

Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Model Rules
Holy Relic: Universal.
Friendly units within 6″ of the bearer gain Hatred. Model parts with Harnessed are not affected. For Bound
Spells from Blessings cast by the rider, Type: Caster’s Unit is replaced with Type: 6″ Aura. The model can cast
Unerring Strike (Divination) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Height Large
Arcane Engine Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ C Channel (1), Swiftstride, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 C 5 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 3 3 0 3
Horse (2) 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Options pts
Must choose (one choice only):
Foresight free
Arcane Shield 15
Optional Model Rules
Arcane Shield: Universal Rule.
Friendly units within 6″ of the model gain Distracting. The model can cast Perception of Strength (Cosmology)
as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
Foresight: Universal Rule.
Friendly units within 6″ of the model gain Lightning Reflexes. The model can cast Ice and Fire (Cosmology) as
a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Core (Min. 25%)
Heavy Infantry Height
Type Infantry
145 pts + 9 pts/extra model 20–50 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Parent Unit*, Scoring, Support Unit†

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Heavy Infantry 1 3 3 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Halberd 1/model Musician 20
Spear 1/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit
*If starting size is 21 or more models.

If starting size is 20 models.

Light Infantry Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 13 pts/extra model 10–20 models Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Imperial Auxiliaries.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Scoring, Support Unit

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Light Infantry 1 3 3 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Must choose (one choice only): Champion 20
Crossbow (4+) free Replace Shooting Weapon with either:
Handgun (4+) free Repeater Gun (4+) 10
Long Rifle (3+) 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

State Militia Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 8 pts/extra model 10–25 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Imperial Auxiliaries.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 6 Light Troops, Reserves

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

State Militia 1 3 3 0 3 Bow (4+), Paired Weapons, Pistol (4+)

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Reserves: Universal Rule. Champion 20
The unit is treated as Insignificant by Parent and Musician 20
Support Units. Standard Bearer 20
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Irregulars (0–15 Models/Unit) 1/model Irregulars: Universal Rule.
The model gains Hard Target (1), and Skirmisher.

Electoral Cavalry Height
Type Cavalry
155 pts + 25 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 2 Plate Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight 1 3 3 0 3
Horse 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Knightly Orders (One of a Kind*) 8/model Champion 20
*Unless the army includes a Knight Commander. Musician 20
Shield 4/model Standard Bearer 20
One choice only: Banner Enchantment no limit
Cavalry Pick (Knightly Orders only) free Optional Model Rules
Great Weapon 2/model Knightly Orders: Universal Rule.
Lance 4/model The model gains +1 Defensive Skill, and the Knight
gains +1 Offensive Skill, +1 Strength, and +1 Armour
Penetration. Knightly Orders cannot take Great

Special (No limit)
Imperial Guard Height
Type Infantry
170 pts + 19 pts/extra model 15–40 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Bodyguard, Parent Unit, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Plate Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Imperial Guard 1 4 4 1 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Must choose (one choice only): Champion 20
Shield free Musician 20
Great Weapon 4/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Knights of the Sun Griffon Height
Type Cavalry
290 pts + 83 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Fear, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 1 Plate Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight 1 4 4 1 4
Young Griffon 3 4 5 3 4 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
The Knight must take (one choice only): Champion 20
Halberd free Musician 20
Lance 10/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Arcane Engine Height
Type Construct
280 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ 7 Channel (1), Swiftstride, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 3 3 0 3
Horse (2) 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Options pts
Must choose (one choice only):
Foresight free
Arcane Shield 15
Optional Model Rules
Arcane Shield: Universal Rule.
Friendly units within 6″ of the model gain Distracting. The model can cast Perception of Strength (Cosmology)
as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
Foresight: Universal Rule.
Friendly units within 6″ of the model gain Lightning Reflexes. The model can cast Ice and Fire (Cosmology) as
a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Imperial Auxiliaries (Max. 35%)
Imperial Rangers Height
Type Infantry
90 pts + 11 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Frontiersmen, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Imperial Ranger 1 3 3 0 3 Beast Hunters, Bow (4+)

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Beast Hunters: Attack Attribute – Shooting. Champion 20
When using a Bow, the Shooting Attack gains Lethal
Strike (against Beast) and Shots 2.
Frontiersmen: Universal Rule.
The model automatically passes Panic Tests caused
by Terror.

Reiters 0–3 Units/Army
Type Cavalry
150 pts + 23 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–20 Models/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 7 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Reiter 1 3 3 0 3 Fire on Impact!

Horse 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Model Rules Options pts
Fire on Impact!: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Heavy Armour 3/model
A Charging model part with Fire on Impact! using The Reiter must take (one choice only):
a Pistol, a Brace of Pistols, or a Repeater Pistol al- Light Lance and Shield free
ways strikes at Initiative Step 10, and the Strength Pistol (3+) free
of its Close Combat Attacks is set to 4 and their Ar- Brace of Pistols (4+) 5/model
mour Penetration is set to 2 (regardless of the user’s Repeater Gun (4+) 7/model
Agility, Strength, and Armour Penetration).
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20
Repeater Pistol (4+) 5
Musician 20

Imperial Armoury (Max. 20%)
Artillery Height
Type Construct
single model 0–4 Units/Army Base 60 mm round
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 4″ 7 War Machine
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 3 3 3 0 3 Move or Fire

Options pts
Must choose (one choice only):
Imperial Rocketeer (4+) (0–2 Units/Army) 160
Mortar (4+) (0–2 Units/Army) 190
Volley Gun (4+) (0–2 Units/Army) 190
Cannon (4+) (0–2 Units/Army) 245
Optional Model Rules
Cannon: Artillery Weapon.
This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:
• Cannon, Range 72″, Shots 1, Str 4 [10], AP 0 [10], Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped
• Volley Gun, Range 12″, Shots 2D6, Str 4, AP 4
Imperial Rocketeer: Artillery Weapon.
Catapult (1×1), Range 15–48″, Shots 3, Str 5, AP 3, Multiple Wounds (D3).
This weapon treats all results on the Misfire Table as Malfunction (each shot can cause a Misfire).
Mortar: Artillery Weapon.
Catapult (6×6), Range 12–48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 1 [4], [Multiple Wounds (D3)].
Volley Gun: Artillery Weapon.
Volley Gun, Range 24″, Shots 3D6×2, Str 5, AP 3.

Sunna’s Fury (Max. 30%)
Flagellants Height
Type Infantry
190 pts + 17 pts/extra model 15–30 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 6 Fanatical, Fearless, Frenzy, Unbreakable, Zealots

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 1 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Flagellant 1 3 3 0 3 Battle Focus, Great Weapon

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Fanatical: Universal Rule. Champion 20
When a model with Fanatical is killed by a Melee At-
tack during any Initiative Step of a Round of Combat
it is fighting, remove it as a casualty only at the end
of Initiative Step 0.
Zealots: Universal Rule.
Prelates may join the unit and gain Fearless and Un-
breakable while joined to the unit.

Steam Tank Height
Type Construct
475 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

The unit counts both towards Sunna’s Fury and Imperial Armoury.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4D3″ - 7 Fear, Fearless, Random Movement (4D3″), Steam Pow-

ered, Towering Presence, Unbreakable
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 6 6
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chassis 5 2 3 Breath Attack (Str 2, AP 3), Grind Attacks (3D3), Steam

Cannon (3+)
Steel Ram 7 4 Impact Hits (2D3), Inanimate
Model Rules
Steam Cannon: Artillery Weapon.
Cannon, Range 36″, Shots 1, Str 3 [7], AP 0 [6], Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)].
Steam Powered: Universal Rule.
The model may choose not to move despite having Random Movement, and its Pursuit and Overrun Distance
are always 0″.
Before moving in the Movement Phase, the model may choose to replace its Random Movement (4D3″) with
Random Movement (5D3″) until the end of the Movement Phase. If so, the Steam Cannon cannot be used
during this Player Turn.

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 Orders
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Plate Armour
Marshal Att 3 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 First Knight
see mount, Cavalry HP 3 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 0 Plate Armour
Knight Commander Att 4 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 6
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Wizard Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Blessings, Channel (1)
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Prelate Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Divine Attacks
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Engineer (3+), Master Artificer
Standard, Infantry HP 2 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Artificer Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Fearless, Not a Leader
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Plate Armour
Inquisitor Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Lethal Strike, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Character Mounts
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 4 Arm C+1
Pegasus Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Young Griffon Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 3 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Great Griffon Att 4 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 5 Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4
Dragon Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis C Holy Relic, Stubborn, Swiftstride, Towering Presence
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res 5 Arm C Aegis (4+)
Horse (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis C Channel (1), Swiftstride, Towering Presence
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res 5 Arm C+2
Crew (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Horse (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Parent Unit, Scoring, Support Unit
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield
Heavy Infantry Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Scoring, Support Unit
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Light Infantry Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 6 Light Troops, Reserves
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
State Militia Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Bow (4+), Paired Weapons, Pistol (4+)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 2 Plate Armour
Knight Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Bodyguard, Parent Unit, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Plate Armour
Imperial Guard Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fear, Scoring
Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 1 Plate Armour, Shield
Knight Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Young Griffon Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 3 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Channel (1), Swiftstride, Towering Presence
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 2
Crew (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Horse (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

Imperial Auxiliaries
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Frontiersmen, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Imperial Ranger Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Beast Hunters, Bow (4+)
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 7 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Vanguard
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Reiter Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Fire on Impact!
Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed

Imperial Armoury
Adv 4″ Mar 4″ Dis 7 War Machine
Standard, Construct HP 5 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0
Crew Att 3 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Move or Fire

Sunna’s Fury
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 6 Fanatical, Fearless, Frenzy, Unbreakable, Zealots
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0
Flagellant Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Battle Focus, Great Weapon
Adv 4D3″ Mar - Dis 7 Fear, Fearless, Random Movement (4D3″), Steam Powered, To-
wering Presence, Unbreakable
Large, Construct HP 7 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 6
Chassis Att - Off - Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 2, AP 3), Grind Attacks (3D3), Steam Cannon
Steel Ram Str 7 AP 4 Agi Impact Hits (2D3), Inanimate

Artillery and Shooting Weapons
Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Brace of Pistols - 12″ 4 2 2 Quick to Fire
Multiple Wounds (2, against Standard),
Long Rifle - 48″ 5 3 1
Repeater Gun - 24″ 4 2 3 Unwieldy
Quick to Fire, +1 Shots with Pistol or
Repeater Pistol - 12″ 4 2 3
Brace of Pistols
Area Attack (1×5)
Cannon (1) Cannon 72″ 4 [10] 0 [10] 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped
Cannon (2) Volley Gun 12″ 4 4 2D6 -
Mortar Catapult (6×6) 12–48″ 3 [6] 1 [4] 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3)]
Imperial Rocketeer Catapult (1×1) 15–48″ 5 3 3 [Multiple Wounds (D3)]
Area Attack (1×5)
Steam Cannon Cannon 36″ 3 [7] 0 [6] 1
[Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]
Volley Gun Volley Gun 24″ 5 3 3D6×2 -

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Bow 4+ Imperial Ranger, State Militia
Brace of Pistols 3+ Inquisitor
4+ Reiters
Crossbow 2+ Inquisitor
4+ Light Infantry
Handgun 3+ Artificer
4+ Light Infantry
Long Rifle 3+ Artificer, Light Infantry (Champion)
Pistol 2+ Marshal
3+ Reiters
4+ State Militia
Repeater Gun 4+ Artificer, Reiters, Light Infantry (Champion)
Repeater Pistol 3+ Inquisitor
4+ Artificer, Reiters (Champion)
Cannon (1) and (2) 4+ Artillery
Mortar 4+ Artillery
Imperial Rocketeer 4+ Artillery
Volley Gun 4+ Artillery
Steam Cannon 3+ Steam Tank d

Highborn Elves
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
Martial Discipline
If more than half of a unit’s models have Martial Discipline, their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll except
for Panic and Break Tests.

Master of Spellcrafting
The Wizard’s spells have their Casting Value reduced by 1. When performing a Casting Attempt with a single Magic
Dice, a natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ is always a failed Casting Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.

The model is immune to the effects of Fear. If more than half of a unit’s models have Valiant, the unit automatically
passes Panic Tests caused by Terror.

Attack Attributes
Fae Miasma – Close Combat, Shooting
This Attack Attribute can only be used with Longbows and Paired Weapons.
When a unit is hit by attacks with Fae Miasma, it must take a Resilience Test for each hit, using the Resilience that
the largest proportion of models in the unit has. Use the higher value in case of a tie. If one or more Resilience Tests
are failed, all models in the unit are affected by Fae Miasma until the start of the Active Player’s next Player Turn. A
model that is affected by one or more instances of Fae Miasma suffers a −1 to-hit modifier (both for Shooting Attacks
and Close Combat Attacks).

Moonlight Arrows – Shooting

This Attack Attribute can only be used with Bows or Longbows without Weapon Enchantments. The attacks become
Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks, and have their Strength set to 4 and their Armour Penetration set to 1.

Dragonforged Armour – Armour Equipment
Follows the rules for Heavy Armour (can be enchanted as if it was Heavy Armour). In addition, the wearer gains
Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks) and Aegis (6+), and automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.

Lion’s Fur – Armour Equipment

If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour, which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

Immediately after successfully casting the spell, add one

Veil Token to your Veil Token pool.
When a friendly unit within 18″ of the Caster suffers a
wound before Special Saves, you may discard a Veil To-
ken from your Veil Token pool instead and the wound is
H Favour of Meladys ignored. An attack with Multiple Wounds will inflict one
10+ Caster One Turn wound less than usual instead. For Standard Infantry, up
to 2 wounds are ignored per token provided they are suf-
fered simultaneously. A maximum of two Veil Tokens may
be discarded each phase for this purpose. Characters and
Gigantic models can only ignore a single wound this way
per phase.

Honours for High Princes and Commanders

Master of Canreig Tower 150 pts

The model gains Master of Spellcrafting, Protean Magic, Wizard Adept, and Sword Sworn (see
Special unit). The model has access to Alchemy, Cosmology, Druidism, Shamanism,
and Witchcraft. It knows 3 spells, and always knows The Oaken Throne in addition to these spells.
Fountain of Youth becomes the Attribute Spell for all non-Bound Learned Spells cast by the model
except The Oaken Throne, replacing the spells’ corresponding Attribute Spells where applicable.

The bearer’s Mount Options are replaced with Additional Options pts
On foot only High Prince must gain
2 additional Learned Spells 70

High Warden of the Flame 90 pts

The bearer gains Aegis (4+), Fearless, Flaming Attacks, Magic Resistance (1), and cannot be
equipped with a Shield.
The bearer’s Mount Options are replaced with
On foot only

Fleet Officer 50 pts
The bearer gains Cover Volley (see Core unit), Steady Aim, and +2 to-hit when using a Sky
Reaper. An army with one or more Fleet Officers may add +1 to the roll for choosing Deployment Zones.
Panic Tests of models with Martial Discipline within the model’s range of Commanding Presence or
Rally Around the Flag (if applicable) are subject to Minimised Roll.
The bearer’s Mount Options are replaced with pts A mount marked with (AA) counts towards An-
Giant Eagle 50 cient Allies. The mount and its rider also count
Griffon (AA) 185 towards Characters.
Sky Sloop (NO) 260 A mount marked with (NO) counts towards Naval
Ordnance. The mount and its rider also count
towards Characters.

Queen’s Cavalier 40 pts

The bearer gains Devastating Charge (+1 Att, Fear).
If the bearer’s model is Large or Gigantic:
The limit of Ancient Allies is increased to “Max. 25%”, Characters is increased to “Max. 50%”, and
all Characters in the army must be Large Cavalry or Gigantic Beasts. Dragons and Ancient Dragons
become 0–2 Mounts/Army. Sea Guard Reapers and Sky Sloops may not be taken in the army.
The bearer’s Mount Options are replaced with pts A mount marked with (AA) counts towards An-
Elven Horse 45 cient Allies. The mount and its rider also count
Young Dragon (AA) 250 towards Characters.
Dragon (AA) 420
Ancient Dragon (High Prince only) (AA) 600

Queen’s Companion 40 pts

0–2 Honours per Army.
The model’s unit gains Quick to Fire. When shooting with a Longbow without Weapon Enchantment,
the weapon gains Shots 3.
The bearer’s Mount Options are replaced with Additional Options pts
On foot only One choice only:
Moonlight Arrows 15
Fae Miasma, Scout, and may not join
units other than Grey Watchers 30

Royal Huntsman 40 pts

The model gains Lion’s Fur and the model’s unit gains Valiant. When using a Great Weapon, the
bearer gains Multiple Wounds (2, against Large and Beasts, Large and Cavalry, Gigantic).
The bearer’s Mount Options are replaced with pts
Lion Chariot 115

Honours for Mages

Asfad Scholar 95 pts

Wizard Masters only.
The range of Aura spells cast by the Wizard is increased by 3″, and the range of all other spells cast by
the Wizard is increased by 6″. Spells with the type Caster or Caster’s Unit and Bound Spells are not
affected. The Wizard can cast Drain Magic as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
Drain Magic: Range 18″, Type Universal, Duration Instant.
All spells with duration One Turn for which the target of Drain Magic was the spell’s target immediately
come to an end. Note that if any of these spells had more than one target, their effects also end for
these targets.

Order of the Fiery Heart 15 pts

The bearer’s model gains Flaming Attacks. The model must select spells from either Alchemy or
Pyromancy (instead of the Paths normally available to it), and ignores the Missile and Damage spell
types for Molten Copper (Alchemy) and all Pyromancy spells, but only when targeting units which are
Engaged in Combat with the model.
The first time in each Magic Phase that the bearer successfully casts a Learned Spell, its mount (if
there is any) gains +1″ Advance Rate, +2″ March Rate, and +2 Attack Value. The effects last until the
start of the owner’s next Magic Phase.

The bearer’s Mount Options are replaced with pts Additional Options pts
Young Dragon (AA) 300 Shield 5
Dragon (AA) (Wizard Master only) 480 Heavy Armour 15
A mount marked with (AA) counts towards An- Dragonforged Armour 30
cient Allies. The mount and its rider also count Paired Weapons 5
towards Characters.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Veil before converting Veil Tokens into Magic Dice, re-
move one Veil Token from the opponent’s Veil Token
Sliver of the Blazing Dawn 105 pts pool and add one Veil Token to your Veil Token pool.
Enchantment: Spear.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +2 Navigator’s Banner 75 pts
Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks. R&F models in the bearer’s unit gain Distracting in
Each successful to-hit roll with this weapon causes the First Round of Combat against attacks from ene-
two hits instead of one. mies Engaged in the bearer’s unit’s Front Facing.

Elu’s Heartwood 75 pts War Banner of Ryma 60 pts

Enchantment: Longbow. 0–2 per Army.
This weapon gains Shots 3, Str as user +1, AP as user R&F model parts without Harnessed in a unit with
+1, and Magical Attacks. one or more War Banners of Ryma gain Devastating
Charge (+1 Str). In addition, all Infantry models in
Nova Flare 75 pts the unit gain Devastating Charge (+1″ Adv).
Enchantment: Lance.
Attacks made with this weapon gain Devastating
Charge (+1 Att) and Lethal Strike, and become Di- Artefacts
vine Attacks and Magical Attacks.
Book of Meladys 100 pts
One use only. May be activated at the start of any
Round of Combat. The wielder counts as Charging
Once per Magic Phase, the bearer may reroll a sin-
for the purpose of Devastating Charge.
gle Magic Dice when making a casting roll, provided
the spell was not Miscast. When rerolling a natural
Armour Enchantments ‘1’, the rerolled Magic Dice benefits from Fizzle (if
the Casting Attempt fails) regardless of the rerolled
Gleaming Robe 75 pts value.
Standard Height Mages only.
Enchantment: Light Armour. Diadem of Protection 75 pts
The wearer gains Aegis (3+) and its Armour is set to The bearer gains Aegis (+2, max 4+).
1, which cannot be improved. If the wearer Miscasts
and rolls Magical Inferno or Witchfire, the number of Ring of the Pearl Throne 75 pts
hits is halved, rounding fractions up. Cannot be taken by Gigantic models.
After step 4 of the Round of Combat Sequence (af-
Protection of Dorac 60 pts ter issuing and accepting Duels), choose one of the
Models on foot only. following:
Enchantment: Heavy Armour. • A single Special Item on a Character or Cham-
The wearer gains +2 Armour and +2 Defensive Skill. pion in base contact with the bearer
• A single Special Item on a single model unit in
Star Metal Alloy 30 pts base contact with the bearer
Enchantment: Shield. • A Banner Enchantment carried by a Standard
The first time the bearer’s model suffers an unsaved Bearer in base contact with the bearer
wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds while The effects of this Special Item are ignored for as long
using this Shield, the number of wounds suffered is as its bearer remains in base contact with the bearer
halved, rounding fractions up. of the Ring of the Pearl Throne. Only a single Special
Item can be affected at any time. In case the model
Daemon’s Bane 10 pts has more than one instance of the chosen item, only
Enchantment: Suit of Armour. one instance is affected.
The wearer gains +2 Armour against Magical Attacks.
Amethyst Crystal 60 pts
Wizards only.
Banner Enchantments Dispelling rolls made by the bearer’s army gain a +1
Banner of Becalming 75 pts modifier.
Cannot be taken by units that count towards Core.
In the opponent’s Magic Phase, during Siphon the Glittering Lacquer 35 pts
Cavalry models only.
The bearer gains Hard Target (1).

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Queen’s Bows Naval Ordnance Ancient Allies

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 30% Max. 15% Max. 20%

Characters (Max. 40%)

High Prince Height
Type Infantry
240 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (AA) counts towards Ancient Allies. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 10 Martial Discipline

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

High Prince 4 7 4 1 8 Lightning Reflexes

Options pts Mount Options pts
A single Honour no limit Reaver Chariot 40
Special Items up to 200 Elven Horse 45
Shield 5 Giant Eagle 50
Heavy Armour 10 Griffon (AA) 185
Dragonforged Armour 25 Young Dragon (AA) 250
Longbow (0+) 5 Dragon (AA) 430
One choice only: Ancient Dragon (AA) 610
Light Lance 5 Great Weapon 10
Paired Weapons 5 Halberd 10
Spear 5 Lance 15

Commander Height
Type Infantry
135 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (AA) counts towards Ancient Allies. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Martial Discipline

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Commander 3 6 4 1 7 Lightning Reflexes

Options pts Mount Options pts
A single Honour no limit Elven Horse 30
Battle Standard Bearer 50 Reaver Chariot 30
Special Items up to 100 Giant Eagle 40
Shield 5 Griffon (AA) 180
Heavy Armour 10
Dragonforged Armour 20
Longbow (1+) 5
One choice only:
Light Lance 5 Great Weapon 10
Paired Weapons 5 Halberd 10
Spear 5 Lance 10

Mage Height
Type Infantry
225 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (AA) counts towards Ancient Allies. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Martial Discipline, Master of Spellcrafting, Wizard Adept

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mage 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes

Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Master 150 A single Honour no limit
Special Items up to 100
If Wizard Master up to 200
Light Armour 5
Cosmology Divination Pyromancy
Mount Options pts Mount Options pts
Elven Horse 10 Griffon (AA) (Wizard Master only) 70
Giant Eagle 15 Young Dragon (AA) (Wizard Master only) 130
Reaver Chariot 20 Dragon (AA) (Wizard Master only) 420

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Elven Horse Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Giant Eagle Type Cavalry
Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ C Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops

Fly 9″ 18″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C 4 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Giant Eagle 2 5 4 1 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Griffon Type Cavalry
Base 50×50 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Ancient Allies.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Griffon 4 5 5 3 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed,

Lightning Reflexes

Height Large
Young Dragon Type Cavalry
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Ancient Allies.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fear, Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Fly 7″ 14″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Young Dragon 4 5 5 2 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed,

Stomp Attacks (D3)

Height Gigantic
Dragon Type Beast
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Ancient Allies. Dragon and
Ancient Dragon share the same 0–X Mounts/Army limitation.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops

Fly 7″ 14″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dragon 5 5 6 3 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Height Gigantic
Ancient Dragon 0–1 Mounts/Army Type Beast
One of a Kind Base 100×150 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Ancient Allies. Dragon and
Ancient Dragon share the same 0–X Mounts/Army limitation.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fly (7″, 16″), Light Troops

Fly 7″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

8 6 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Ancient Dragon 6 6 7 4 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Height Large
Reaver Chariot Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 14″ C Light Troops, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 C 4 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance, Longbow (3+)

Elven Horse (2) 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

Height Large
Lion Chariot Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ C Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 4 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 1 5 4 1 5 Lightning Reflexes, Multiple Wounds (2, against Large

and Beasts, Large and Cavalry, Gigantic), Great Weapon
Lion (2) 2 5 5 2 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Height Large
Sky Sloop Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Naval Ordnance.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 2″ C Fly (9″, 9″), Light Troops, Swiftstride

Fly 9″ 9″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 4 C+1 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance

Hawk 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Sky Reaper (3+)
Model Rules
Sky Reaper: Artillery Weapon.
Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.

Core (Min. 25%)
Citizen Spears Height
Type Infantry
240 pts + 14 pts/extra model 20–50 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Citizen Spear 1 4 3 0 5 Fight in Extra Rank, Lightning Reflexes, Spear

Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Highborn Lancers Height
Type Cavalry
215 pts + 35 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 2 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Highborn Lancer 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Lance

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Citizen Archers Height
Type Infantry
165 pts + 16 pts/extra model 10–30 models Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Queen’s Bows.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Citizen Archer 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Longbow (3+)

Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Elein Reavers Height
Type Cavalry
180 pts + 19 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Queen’s Bows.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Elein Reaver 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Bow (3+) 1/model Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Sea Guard Height
Type Infantry
275 pts + 22 pts/extra model 15–30 models Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Queen’s Bows.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sea Guard 1 4 3 0 5 Cover Volley, Lightning Reflexes, Steady Aim, Bow (3+),
Model Rules
Cover Volley: Attack Attribute – Shooting.
When an enemy unit declares a Charge against a unit with Martial Discipline, a single friendly unit containing
one or more models with Cover Volley may immediately perform a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction with the
following conditions and restrictions:
• The distance between the Charger and the Charged unit must be greater than the Charger’s Advance Rate
(using the lowest value among the Charging models if there is more than one).
• The unit with Cover Volley is within 12″ of the Charged unit.
• Only models with Cover Volley may shoot.
• The unit must use Stand and Shoot before the Charged unit declares its Charge Reaction. If the Charge is
no longer possible after the unit’s Stand and Shoot (e.g. due to the Charging unit being destroyed or failing
a Panic Test), the Charged unit does not declare any Charge Reaction.
• The Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction is performed as if the enemy had declared the Charge against the
unit with Cover Volley in their current position (apply the normal rules for the Stand and Shoot Charge
Reaction, i.e. the Charging unit must be Located in the Front Arc of the unit with Cover Volley, the unit with
Cover Volley cannot be Shaken or Fleeing, etc.).
Steady Aim: Attack Attribute – Shooting.
The model can shoot from the third rank (in addition to the first and second) and it does not suffer to-hit
penalties for Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions.
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Special (No limit)
Sword Masters Height
Type Infantry
125 pts + 21 pts/extra model 5–30 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 6 3 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sword Master 2 6 3 0 6 Lightning Reflexes, Sword Sworn, Great Weapon

Model Rules
Sword Sworn: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The model part gains a +1 to-hit modifier when at-
tacking with a Great Weapon.
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Lion Guard Height
Type Infantry
215 pts + 28 pts/extra model 10–30 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Bodyguard (High Prince that is the General), Martial Dis-

cipline, Scoring, Strider (Forest), Valiant
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Heavy Armour, Lion’s Fur

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Lion Guard 1 5 4 1 5 Lightning Reflexes, Multiple Wounds (2, against Large

and Beasts, Large and Cavalry, Gigantic), Great Weapon
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Gain Baleig Highlanders and lose Scoring* 1/model Baleig Highlanders: Universal Rule.
*0–15 Models/Unit and 0–1 Units/Army The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops, and
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Flame Wardens Height
Type Infantry
320 pts + 27 pts/extra model 15–25 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Fearless, Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Aegis (4+), Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Flame Warden 1 5 3 0 6 Fight in Extra Rank, Lightning Reflexes, Halberd

Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Knights of Ryma Height
Type Cavalry
340 pts + 45 pts/extra model 5–12 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 9 Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 2 Dragonforged Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight of Ryma 1 5 4 1 6 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lightning Reflexes, Lance

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Reaver Chariots Height
Type Construct
110 pts + 95 pts/extra model 1–4 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 14″ 8 Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance, Longbow (3+)

Elven Horse (2) 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20

Lion Chariot Height
Type Construct
205 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ 8 Martial Discipline, Swiftstride, Valiant

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 4 2 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 5 4 1 5 Lightning Reflexes, Multiple Wounds (2, against Large

and Beasts, Large and Cavalry, Gigantic), Great Weapon
Lion (2) 2 5 5 2 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Giant Eagles Height
Type Beast
100 pts + 30 pts/extra model 1–5 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 8 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops

Fly 9″ 18″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Giant Eagle 2 5 4 1 4

Queen’s Bows (Max. 30%)
Queen’s Guard 0–3 Units/Army
Type Infantry
135 pts + 28 pts/extra model 5–20 models 0–20 Models/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Queen’s Guard 1 5 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Moonlight Arrows, Longbow (2+)

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Spear 1/model Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Grey Watchers Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 21 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Hard Target (1), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Grey Watcher 1 4 3 0 5 Accurate, Fae Miasma, Lightning Reflexes, Longbow (2+)

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Scout (0–1 Units/Army) 3/model Champion 20
Shield 1/model
Paired Weapons 2/model

Naval Ordnance (Max. 15%)
Sea Guard Reaper Height
Type Construct
180 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 60 mm round
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 5″ 8 Martial Discipline, War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 1 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 2 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Move or Fire, Elven Bolt Thrower

Model Rules
Elven Bolt Thrower: Artillery Weapon.
This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:
• Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)]
• Range 48″, Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2

Sky Sloop Height
Type Construct
250 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 2″ 8 Fly (9″, 9″), Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Swiftstride

Fly 9″ 9″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 4 1 Hard Target (1), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance

Hawk 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Sky Reaper (3+)
Model Rules
Sky Reaper: Artillery Weapon.
Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.

Ancient Allies (Max. 20%)
Phoenix Height
Type Beast
320 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 8 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Rebirth

Fly 9″ 18″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Phoenix 4 5 5 2 4
Model Rules
Rebirth: Universal Rule.
The first time a Phoenix loses its last Health Point, the owner must roll a D6. The roll is successful on a roll of
5+ (or 3+ if the model has Warden’s Bond):
• Remove the model as a casualty as usual, but place a marker on the centre of the model’s final position.
• In the next Player Turn, at the start of step 3 of the Movement Phase Sequence (after Rallying Fleeing units),
the Phoenix model is placed back on the Battlefield. The centre of the model must be placed within 3″ of
the marker and the model must be placed more than 1″ away from other units and Impassable Terrain,
facing any direction.
• If the model cannot be placed following these rules, it cannot return for the rest of the game.
• The returned model is the same model that left the game, including any and all ongoing effects (such as
spells affecting the model), with the exception that it always returns with only 1 Health Point left and
counts as Rallied in case it was Fleeing when it lost its last Health Point (and thus is Shaken until the end
of the Player Turn).
• The model does not grant Victory Point for being Destroyed if it still has Health Points left at the end of the
If the roll fails, follow the normal rules (i.e. the model is removed as a casualty).
Options pts Options pts
Must choose (one choice only): Warden’s Bond 60
Frost Phoenix free
Fire Phoenix 60
Optional Model Rules
Fire Phoenix: Universal Rule.
The model gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks), Flaming Attacks, and Grind Attacks (D6).
The model may perform a Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers D6 hits and an additional D3 hits for each
rank after the first.
The Grind Attacks and Sweeping Attacks are resolved with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Flaming
Frost Phoenix: Universal Rule.
The model gains Aegis (5+), Fearless, and Supernal. Enemy units in base contact with one or more Frost
Phoenixes suffer −2 Agility, −2 Offensive Skill, and −2 Defensive Skill.
Warden’s Bond: Universal Rule.
The model gains +1 Discipline, Martial Discipline, and passes its Rebirth roll on 3+ instead of 5+. The Phoenix
model part gains Harnessed. The model gains an additional model part:
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Model Rules

Warden 2 5 3 0 6 Lightning Reflexes, Halberd


Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 10 Martial Discipline
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 7 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
High Prince Att 4 Off 7 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 8 Lightning Reflexes
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Martial Discipline
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 6 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Commander Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 7 Lightning Reflexes
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Martial Discipline, Master of Spellcrafting, Wizard Adept
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0
Mage Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes

Character Mounts
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Elven Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis C Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 4 Arm C+1
Giant Eagle Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Griffon Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 3 Agi 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed, Lightning
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fear, Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C+1
Young Dragon Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed, Stomp
Attacks (D3)
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4
Dragon Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fly (7″, 16″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 8 Def 6 Res 6 Arm 4
Ancient Dragon Att 6 Off 6 Str 7 AP 4 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed
Adv 9″ Mar 14″ Dis C Light Troops, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 3 Def C Res 4 Arm C+2
Crew (2) Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance, Longbow (3+)
Elven Horse (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis C Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res 4 Arm C+2
Crew Att 1 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Multiple Wounds (2, against Large and
Beasts, Large and Cavalry, Gigantic), Great Weapon
Lion (2) Att 2 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 2″ Mar 2″ Dis C Fly (9″, 9″), Light Troops, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res 4 Arm C+1 Hard Target (1)
Crew (2) Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance
Hawk Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Sky Reaper (3+)

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield
Citizen Spear Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Fight in Extra Rank, Lightning Reflexes, Spear

Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 2 Heavy Armour, Shield
Highborn Lancer Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Lance
Elven Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Citizen Archer Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Longbow (3+)
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Vanguard
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Elein Reaver Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance
Elven Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield
Sea Guard Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Cover Volley, Lightning Reflexes, Steady Aim, Bow (3+), Spear

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 6 Res 3 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Sword Master Att 2 Off 6 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 6 Lightning Reflexes, Sword Sworn, Great Weapon
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Bodyguard (High Prince that is the General), Martial Discipline,
Scoring, Strider (Forest), Valiant
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Heavy Armour, Lion’s Fur
Lion Guard Att 1 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Multiple Wounds (2, against Large and
Beasts, Large and Cavalry, Gigantic), Great Weapon
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Fearless, Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Aegis (4+), Heavy Armour
Flame Warden Att 1 Off 5 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 6 Fight in Extra Rank, Lightning Reflexes, Halberd
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 9 Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 2 Dragonforged Armour, Shield
Knight of Ryma Att 1 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 6 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lightning Reflexes, Lance
Elven Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 9″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2
Crew (2) Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance, Longbow (3+)
Elven Horse (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, Swiftstride, Valiant
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 2 Heavy Armour
Crew (2) Att 1 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Multiple Wounds (2, against Large and
Beasts, Large and Cavalry, Gigantic), Great Weapon
Lion (2) Att 2 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 8 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0
Giant Eagle Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4

Queen’s Bows
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Queen’s Guard Att 1 Off 5 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Moonlight Arrows, Longbow (2+)
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Skirmisher
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1), Light Armour
Grey Watcher Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Accurate, Fae Miasma, Lightning Reflexes, Longbow (2+)

Naval Ordnance
Adv 5″ Mar 5″ Dis 8 Martial Discipline, War Machine
Standard, Construct HP 4 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Crew Att 2 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Move or Fire, Elven Bolt Thrower (3+)

Adv 2″ Mar 2″ Dis 8 Fly (9″, 9″), Light Troops, Martial Discipline, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 1 Hard Target (1), Light Armour
Crew (2) Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance
Hawk Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Sky Reaper (3+)

Ancient Allies
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 8 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Rebirth
Gigantic, Beast HP 5 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 3
Phoenix Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4

Artillery and Shooting Weapons

Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Flaming Attacks
Moonlight Arrows - - 4 1 -
Magical Attacks
User User
Elu’s Heartwood - 30″ 3 Magical Attacks
+1 +1
Area Attack (1×5)
Elven Bolt Thrower (1) - 48″ 3 [6] 10 1
[Multiple Wounds (D3)]
Elven Bolt Thrower (2) - 48″ 4 2 6 -
Sky Reaper (Sky Sloop) - 24″ 5 3 4 Quick to Fire

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Longbow / Elu’s Heartwood 0+ High Prince
1+ Commander
Longbow 2+ Queen’s Guard, Grey Watcher
3+ Reaver Chariot, Citizen Archer
Bow 3+ Sea Guard, Elein Reaver
Elven Bolt Thrower (1) and (2) 3+ Elven Bolt Thrower
Sky Reaper 1+ Fleet Officer
3+ Sky Sloop d

Infernal Dwarves
Army Book
2​nd​ Edition, version 2020 - December 26, 2019

Army Model Rules Characters

Armoury Character Mounts
Hereditary Spell Core
Special Items Special
Bound and Binders

The 9​th​ Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at ​
Recent changes listed at ​

Copyright Creative Commons license:​ ​

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
Chosen of Ashuruk
The model automatically passes all Fear Tests (but still suffers -1 Discipline from Fear) and considers all units
without Chosen of Ashuruk as Insignificant. Furthermore, model parts without Harnessed gain Battle Focus, which
cannot be used during the First Round of Combat. R&F models with Chosen of Ashuruk cannot be joined by
Characters without Chosen of Ashuruk.

Attack Attributes
Daemonic Infusion​: Close Combat and Shooting.
The model part gains Magical Attacks, and any Panic Tests it causes to enemy units through 25% casualties suffer -1

Opportunist​: ​Close Combat.

When fighting an enemy unit in the enemy’s Flank or Rear Facing while only being Engaged in the Front Facing, a
model part with this rule must reroll failed to-hit rolls.

Special Attacks
Volcanic Embrace
The model part gains Magical Attacks. All Melee Attacks (including Special Attacks) made by model parts with
Volcanic Embrace become Flaming Attacks. In addition, at Initiative Step 0, all enemy models in base contact with
one or more model parts with Volcanic Embrace suffer a hit with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 0, and Flaming
Attacks. Models with Volcanic Embrace automatically fail all Fortitude Saves.

Armour Equipment
Infernal Armour
Follows the rules for Plate Armour (may be enchanted as if it was Plate Armour).
The wearer gains Aegis (5+, against Flaming Attacks).

Infernal Weapon​:​ Close Combat Weapon.
Follows the rules for Hand Weapons. In addition, attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour
Penetration, and become Magical Attacks.
This weapon cannot be enchanted with Weapon Enchantments unless specifically stated otherwise.

Flintlock Axe​: ​Shooting Weapon.

Range 18”, Shots 1, Str 4, AP 2.
Attacks made with this weapon do not suffer negative to-hit modifiers from a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction.
Counts as a Close Combat Weapon with the Two-Handed Attack Attribute in close combat. Close Combat Attacks
made with it gain +1 Strength.

Blunderbuss​:​ Shooting Weapon.

Range 10”, Shots 1, Str 5, AP 0, Quick to Fire, March and Shoot.
Attacks with this weapon do not suffer negative to-hit modifiers from a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction.
When shooting with a unit that has more than half of its models equipped with a Blunderbuss and
● exactly 3 Full Ranks, each natural successful to-hit roll of '6' with a Blunderbuss causes two hits instead of
● 4 or more Full Ranks, each successful to-hit roll with a Blunderbuss causes two hits instead of one.

Model Rules 2 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Haze of Magnesia The target gains Flammable. At the end of a phase, if a unit containing
one or more models affected by Haze of Magnesia has suffered at least
one hit with Flaming Attacks the unit will suffer an additional D3+1
hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 0, and Flaming Attacks.
These hits are considered ranged Special Attacks. The spell then ends.
5+ 24” Hex Permanent
A Character leaving a unit affected by the spell no longer is affected by
the spell, unless the Character was a single model unit that was the
initial target of the spell.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Mask of the Furnace (65 pts) - Cannot be taken by
Onyx Core​ (125 pts) models with Towering Presence.
Hand Weapon enchantment. The bearer gains +1 Armour and Breath Attack (Toxic
Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks Attacks).
and gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration, and
Bullhorn of Nezibkesh​ (60 pts)
Multiple Wounds (D3, against Flammable).
The range of the bearer's Engineer Universal Rule (if it
Burning Steel ​(55 pts) has it) is extended to 12". When a War Machine is
Hand Weapon enchantment. selected by the bearer's Engineer Universal Rule, its
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value. Attacks made with Shooting Weapons gain +1 Armour Penetration for the
this weapon become Flaming Attacks and Magical duration of this phase.
Attacks, their Armour Penetration is ​set ​to 10, and they
Heat Haze​ (40 pts)
always ​wound on a roll equal to or greater than “7
The bearer gains Aegis (4+, against Shooting Attacks)
minus the target's Armour”. A natural '6' always wounds
and its unit gains Hard Target (1). The effects last until
and a natural '1' always fails to wound​.
the end of the Player Turn in which the bearer's unit
Armour Enchantments suffers the first Health Point loss.
Steel Skin ​(80 pts) - Cannot be taken by models with
Towering Presence. Besheluk’s Mechanism​ (45 pts) - Wizards only.
Suit of Armour enchantment. Dominant.
The wearer gains +3 Armour. Attacks against the The bearer can cast a Bound Spell with Power Level
wearer’s model with Lethal Strike and/or Poison Attacks (4/8), Range 24", Type Augment, Duration Instant.
lose these Attack Attributes. The target Raises a number of Health Points as given
below (units not on the list are unaffected by the spell):
Secrets of Mithril​ (60 pts) ● Disciples of Lugar: 4 Health Points.
Shield enchantment. ● Kadim Incarnates: 2 Health Points.
The bearer gains Aegis (4+, against Armour Penetration ● Kadim Titan: 1 Health Point.
3 or more) while using this Shield.
Gauntlets of Madzhab​ (25 pts)
Kadim Bindings ​(65 pts)
The bearer gains +1 Strength and +1 Armour
Shield enchantment.
Penetration. Each of its Close Combat Attacks with a
While using this Shield, the bearer gains Aegis (5+),
natural to-hit roll of '1' is distributed onto its own unit
Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks), and Volcanic
(the attacker distributes the hits). These attacks can
never be distributed onto the bearer itself, unless the
Artefacts bearer is mounted and not part of a Combined Unit.
Ring of Desiccation​ (70 pts) - Models on foot only.
Enemy units in base contact with the bearer gain Banner Enchantments
Flammable. Icon of the Inferno (115 pts) - Cannot be taken by units
that count towards Core.
Tablet of Ashuruk ​(70 pts) - Wizards only. When a non-Attribute non-Bound Spell is successfully
In the opponent's Magic Phase, during Siphon the Veil, cast by a friendly Wizard within 12" of the bearer (and
before converting Veil Tokens into Magic Dice, remove after the corresponding Path Attribute Spell has been
one Veil Token from the opponent’s Veil Token pool and resolved if applicable), the bearer may automatically
add one Veil Token to your Veil Token pool. cast the ​Blaze Attribute Spell from Pyromancy, which
Lugar's Dice​ (70 pts) cannot be dispelled. This does not make the model a
The bearer must reroll natural to-hit and to-wound rolls Wizard.
of '1' with its Close Combat Attacks. Unless mounted on a
Banner of Shamut ​(50 pts)
Gigantic mount, natural to-hit and to-wound rolls of '6'
0-3 per Army.
with Close Combat Attacks against the bearer’s model
A unit containing one or more Banners of Shamut gains
must be rerolled.
+1 Offensive Skill and adds +1 to its side’s Combat Score.

Model Rules 3 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Army Organisation

Bound and
Characters Core Special Hail of the Gods Barrage
Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 30% Max. 20%
Max. 35%

CHARACTERS ​(Max. 40%)

Height: Standard
Overlord ​255 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10 Chosen of Ashuruk, ​Fan the Flames

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0 Infernal Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Overlord 4 7 4 1 4

Fan the Flames: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

The Overlord and all model parts without May take Special Items up to 250
Harnessed in the same unit gain Hatred. May take a Shield 5
May take a Blunderbuss (3+) 10
May take a weapon (one choice only):
Flintlock Axe (3+) 5
Great Weapon 15
Infernal Weapon 25
May take a mount (one choice only):
Bull of Shamut* 195
Great Bull of Shamut* 410
*Bulls of Shamut, Great Bulls of Shamut, and their riders count towards Characters.
These mounts also count towards Bound and Binders.

Model Rules 4 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Standard
Vizier ​125 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 5 0 Infernal Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vizier 3 6 4 1 3

Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
May take Special Items up to 150
May take a Shield 5
May take a Blunderbuss (3+) 5
May take a weapon (one choice only):
Flintlock Axe (3+) 5
Great Weapon 5
Infernal Weapon 25
May take a Bull of Shamut* 220
*Bulls of Shamut and their riders count towards Characters.
These mounts also count towards Bound and Binders.

Height: Standard
Chosen of Lugar ​215 pts 0-1 per Army Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 12” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Frenzy, Unbreakable, Fearless, ​Lugar's


Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 5 0 Aegis (4+), Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen of Lugar 3 6 4 1 4 Paired Weapons, Battle Focus, Volcanic Embrace

Lugar's Court​: Universal Rule. Options: pts

The model can only join units of Disciples of May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
Lugar, and when joined to Disciples of Lugar, the May take Special Items up to 150
model gains Scoring. If the Secondary Objective is May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Capture the Flags, the model gains Scoring (no Great Weapon 15
matter if joined to a unit of Disciples of Lugar or Infernal Weapon 10

Model Rules 5 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Standard
Prophet Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 0 Infernal Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Prophet 2 4 4 1 2

Must ​choose one of the following:

Wizard ​(160 pts) Engineer ​(170 pts)*
Options: pts Model Rules:
Must ​become (one choice only): Engineer (3+)
Wizard Apprentice 40
Options: pts
Wizard Adept 115
Wizard Master 265 May become (one choice only):
Wizard Apprentice 40
Wizard Adept 115
Wizard Master 265
*Prophets count towards Characters as normal.
The Engineer upgrade (i.e. 170 pts) also counts towards Barrage.

Magic Options: Options: pts

If upgraded to a Wizard, ​must ​select spells from May take Special Items up to 100
(choose one): If Wizard Master up to 200
May take a Shield 10
May take a Blunderbuss (3+) 15
Alchemy Pyromancy Occultism May take a weapon (one choice only):
Flintlock Axe (3+) 10
Infernal Weapon 15
May take a mount (one choice only):
Bull of Shamut (Wizard Master only)** 175
Temple Lamassu** 250
**Bulls of Shamut, Temple Lamassus, and their riders count towards Characters.
These mounts also count towards Bound and Binders.

Model Rules 6 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Large
Taurukh Subjugator ​280 pts Type: Cavalry
single model Base: 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Strider (Ruins)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 1 Infernal Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Taurukh Subjugator 4 5 5 2 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Arm)

Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
May take Special Items up to 150
May take a Shield 10
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Great Weapon 15
Infernal Weapon 35

Height: Standard
Hobgoblin Chieftain ​70 pts 0-5 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 7 Not a Leader

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 4 4 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hobgoblin Chieftain 3 4 4 1 4 Opportunist

Backstabber Boss:​ Universal Rule. Options: pts

The model gains ​Backstabbers ​(see Hobgoblins). As May take Special Items up to 50
long as the General is on the Battlefield and not Fleeing, May take any of the following:
a model with Backstabber Boss may ​set ​its Discipline Shield 5
to the General’s Discipline value. Light Armour 5
Wolf Standard, Cavalry May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
25×50 mm
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Bow (3+) 5
Feigned Flight, Light
9” 18” C May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Troops, Vanguard
Paired Weapons 5
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Light Lance 5
C C C C+​1 Great Weapon 5
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
May take (one choice only):
Wolf 50
Wolf 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Backstabber Boss 20

Model Rules 7 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB


Bull of Shamut Temple Lamassu

0-2 Mounts per Army 0-1 Mounts per Army

This mount and its rider count This mount and its rider count
towards Characters. This mount also towards Characters. This mount also
Large, Cavalry Large, Cavalry
counts towards Bound and Binders. 50×50 mm
counts towards Bound and Binders. 50×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Fear, Fly (8”, 16”), Light
Ground 6” 12” C Fear, Fly (8”, 16”), Light Ground 6” 12” C Troops, Towering
Fly 8” 16” Troops, Towering Fly 8” 16” Presence, Magic
Presence Resistance (2), Wizard
Apprentice*, ​Aura of
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Unbinding
Aegis (2+, against Flaming
4 C 5 C Attacks) Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
4 C 5 C
Harnessed, Volcanic
Embrace, Impact Hits (1) Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Harnessed, Magical
Bull of 4 5 5 2 3
Shamut Attacks, Breath Attack (Str
Temple 2 3 5 2 2 4, AP 1, Magical Attacks)

Options: pts
May become Wizard Adept* 75
Great Bull of Shamut
0-1 Mounts per Army Magic Options:
Must​ select spells from:
This mount and its rider count
towards Characters. This mount also
Gigantic, Beast
counts towards Bound and Binders. 60×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6” 12” C Fly (7”, 14”), Light Troops Aura of Unbinding: ​Universal Rule.
Fly 7” 14”
Weapon Enchantments carried by models (friend and
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Aegis (5+), Aegis (2+, enemy) in base contact with a Lammasu cannot be used.
against Flaming A Character riding a Lamassu is unaffected.
6 5 6 2 Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Harnessed, Volcanic *Both the mount and the rider count as two separate
Embrace, Impact Hits (1), models for rules and effects that affect Wizards (like
Great Bull of 4 5 6 3 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1,
Shamut Flaming Attacks) Spell Selection, Casting Modifiers, Artefacts).

Model Rules 8 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

CORE ​(Min. 25%)
Height: Standard
Infernal Warriors ​180 pts Type: Infantry
15 ​models, may add up to ​25​ additional models for 11 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Infernal Warrior 1 4 3 0 2

Options: pts
May take a Shield 1 / model
May take a Great Weapon 3 / model
May take a Blunderbuss (3+)* 8 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

*0-30 Models per Unit; cannot take a Banner Enchantment.

Units with Blunderbuss also count towards Hail of the Gods.

Height: Standard
Citadel Guard ​180 pts Type: Infantry
10​ models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 18 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Infernal Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Citadel Guard 1 4 4 1 2

Options: pts
Must ​take at least one of the following:
Shield 1 / model
Flintlock​ ​Axe (3+)* 10 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment
*0-20 Models per Unit. Units with Flintlock Axes also count
towards Hail of the Gods.

Model Rules 9 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Standard
Hobgoblins ​120 pts Type: Infantry
20 ​models, may add up to ​30​ additional models for 6 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 6 Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hobgoblin 1 3 3 0 3 Opportunist

Options: pts
Must ​take at least one of the following:
Backstabbers: ​Universal Rule.
Bow (4+)* 2 / model
The model gains Poison Attacks and Paired
Shield free
Weapons. It loses its Armour and all weapons
Spear & Shield free
other than Paired Weapons and cannot be
Backstabbers 2 / model
equipped with any kind of Armour or weapons
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
other than Paired Weapons.
Champion 20
In addition, when rolling their Charge Range in
Musician 20
the Charge Phase, units fully composed of
Standard Bearer 20
models with Backstabbers gain +2" Advance
Rate if they are Located in the Charged unit's
*0-3 Units per Army and 0-60 Models per Army. Units with
Flank Facing and +4" Advance Rate if they are
Bows also count towards Hail of the Gods.
Located in the Charged unit's Rear Facing.

Model Rules 10 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Standard
Orc Slaves ​110 pts Type: Infantry
20 ​models, may add up to ​30​ additional models for 7 pts/model Base: 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 5 Insignificant, ​Slaves
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Orc Slave 1 3 3 0 2 Born to Fight

Options: pts
May take (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 1 / model
Shield 1 / model
May upgrade one model to a Musician 20

Slaves:​ Universal Rule.

At the end of a phase, if there are no friendly models with Chosen of Ashuruk or Opportunist on the Battlefield,
immediately remove all your Orc Slave models as casualties.

At the start of a friendly Player Turn, if there aren’t any friendly units with Chosen of Ashuruk or Opportunist
within 6” of an unengaged non-Fleeing Orc Slave unit, roll a D6:
1-2: The Orc Slave unit immediately Flees directly towards the nearest Board Edge.
3-4: The Orc Slave unit is Shaken until the end of the Player Turn.
5-6: No effect. The Orc Slave unit behaves normally.

Born to Fight: ​Attack Attribute - Close Combat.

The model part’s Close Combat Attacks gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration during a Round of Combat
● If it is the First Round of Combat.
● Or if the model part’s unit is Steadfast at the start of the Round of Combat.

Model Rules 11 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

SPECIAL ​(no limit)
Height: Standard
Immortals ​270​ ​pts Type: Infantry
15​ models, may add up to ​15 ​additional models for 27 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Bodyguard, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Infernal Armour, ​Blessing of Nezibkesh

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Immortal 1 5 4 1 2

Blessing of Nezibkesh: ​Personal Protection. Options: pts

The Strength of all Melee Attacks from Special Must ​take one of the following:
Attacks against models with Blessing of Great Weapon free
Nezibkesh is halved, rounding fractions up, and Infernal Weapon 4 / model
in addition the attacks suffer -2 Armour May take a Shield 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Taurukh ​150 pts Type: Cavalry
5​ models, may add up to ​10​ additional models for 22 pts/model 0-5 Units per
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Scoring, Strider (Ruins)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Infernal Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Taurukh 2 4 4 1 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Arm)

Options: pts
May take a Shield 2 / model
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons free
Great Weapon 3 / model
Infernal Weapon 5 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 12 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Large
Taurukh Anointed ​315 pts Type: Cavalry
3​ models, may add up to ​4 ​additional models for 100 pts/model 0-5 Units per
Base: 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Scoring, Strider (Ruins)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 0 Infernal Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Taurukh Anointed 3 4 5 2 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Arm)

Options: pts
May take a Shield 10 / model
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 3 / model
Great Weapon 7 / model
Infernal Weapon 18 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Hobgoblin Wolf Riders ​130 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Cavalry
5​ models, may add up to ​10​ additional models for for 11 pts/model Army
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 18” 6 Feigned Flight, Vanguard, Light Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 1 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hobgoblin Rider 1 3 3 0 3 Opportunist

Wolf 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed

Options: pts
May take any of the following:
Shield 1 / model
Bow (4+) 1 / model
Light Lance 1 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Model Rules 13 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

BARRAGE ​(Max. 20%)
Height: Standard
Infernal Artillery Type: Construct
single model Base: 75 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 3” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 3 4 3 0 2 Move or Fire

Crew ​must ​take one of the following Artillery Weapons:

Rocket Battery (4+)​ (270 pts) Volcano Cannon ​(145 pts)
0-2 per Army 0-2 per Army

Volley Gun Artillery Weapon: Flamethrower Artillery Weapon:

Range 48”, Shots 2D6, Str 7, AP 2. Range 24", Shots 1, Str 4 {5}, AP 1 {2},
{Multiple Wounds (D3)}, Flaming Attacks.
Options: pts If used by a Bound Daemon, ignore the -1 modifier on
May take ​Bound Daemon 120 the Misfire Table.

Options: pts
May take ​Bound Daemon 190

Height: Gigantic
Bound Daemon
Type: Infantry
This unit counts both towards Barrage and Bound and Binders.
Base: 100×150 mm

This is an upgrade for Infernal Artillery and Titan Mortars. Use the Height, Type, and base of the Bound Daemon. The
model loses its Crew and Ogre Slave Crew. Replace all Characteristics and Model Rules except the Artillery Weapon
with the following:
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 9 Unbreakable, Fearless, ​Daemonic Fury

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 6 3 Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Bound Daemon 5 4 5 2 2 Move or Fire, Daemonic Infusion

Daemonic Fury: ​Universal Rule.

At the start of each friendly Player Turn, the Bound Daemon must take a Discipline Test. If the test is failed the Bound
Daemon gains Random Movement (3D6”) until the end of the Player Turn. It cannot freely choose which direction to
rotate towards but must move directly towards the closest enemy unit in the Movement Phase (in case the initial
Pivot is impeded, the model Pivots as far as possible towards the closest enemy unit and then moves no further).

Model Rules 14 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Large
Titan Mortar ​285 pts Type: Construct
single model 0-2 Units per Base: 75 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 3” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, War Machine, ​Ogre Slave

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 1 4 0 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 3 4 3 0 2 Titan Mortar (4+), ​Move or Fire

Ogre Slave Crew 3 3 4 1 2

Ogre Slave: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

The model treats all rolls of Jammed (3-4) on the May take ​Bound Daemon 95
Misfire Table as Malfunction (5+).
Titan Mortar (4+): ​Catapult (4×4) Artillery Weapon:
Range 6-48", Shots 1, Str 4 [7], AP 1 [4], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)].
Any unit that loses one or more Health Points due to an attack from this weapon will count all Terrain (including
Open Terrain) as Dangerous Terrain (1) and must reroll all natural to-hit rolls of '6'. A War Machine within 8" of a
unit that is hit by this weapon must roll a D6 just before shooting; on a roll of 4+ it cannot shoot. These effects last
until the end of the next Player Turn.

Height: Standard
Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower​ 95 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 60 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 4” 6 War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 1 4 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 2 3 3 0 3 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower (4+)​, Move or Fire

Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower (4+): ​Artillery Weapon.

Range 48”, Shots 1, Str 3[6], AP 10, [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Area Attack (1×5).

Model Rules 15 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Standard
Gunnery Team 0-2 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 6” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, ​Steam Powered Chassis

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 1 4 0 Infernal Armour, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 2 4 3 0 2 Quick to Fire

Steam Powered Chassis: ​Universal Rule.

The model gains March and Shoot and cannot voluntarily choose Flee as a Charge Reaction.

Must ​take one of the following Artillery Weapons:

Gunnery Volley Gun (4+) Grenade Launcher (4+) Flamethrower
(145 pts) (135 pts) (130 pts)

Volley Gun Artillery Weapon. Volley Gun Artillery Weapon. This weapon has two modes of fire:
Range 24”, Shots D6, 2D6, or 3D6​, Range 18”, Shots D6+1​, ​Str 6, AP 2.
- Flamethrower Artillery Weapon.
Str 4, AP 2.
Range 12", Shots 1, Str 4{5},
AP 1{2}, {Multiple Wounds (D3)},
Flaming Attacks.

- Flamethrower Artillery Weapon.

Range 18", Shots 1, Str 0, AP 0. All
models in a unit hit by this weapon
gain Flammable. The effect lasts until
the end of the next Player Turn, or
until one or more models are wounded
(including rerolling to wound) by
Flaming Attacks (whichever comes

Model Rules 16 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Standard
Disciples of Lugar​ 130 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Infantry
5​ models, may add up to ​20​ additional models for 24 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 12” 9 Chosen of Ashuruk, Frenzy, Unbreakable, Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 0 Aegis (5+), Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Disciple of Lugar 1 4 4 1 3 Volcanic Embrace, Battle Focus

Options: pts
Must ​take one of the following:
Paired Weapons free
Great Weapon 3 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Gigantic
Kadim Titan ​560 pts 0-1 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 100×150 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8” 16” 8 Supernal, Frenzy, Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 4 6 2 Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks), Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kadim Titan 6 6 7 4 5 Volcanic Embrace, Battle Focus, ​Searing Rage

Searing Rage:​ Attack Attribute - Close Combat.
The model's Close Combat Attacks become Divine Attacks when allocated towards models with Aegis (2+, against
Flaming Attacks). Each time the model fails a Frenzy Test it gains +1 Attack Value for the rest of the game.

Model Rules 17 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Large
Kadim Incarnates ​320​ ​pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
3​ models, may add up to ​3​ additional models for 125 pts/model Army
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 4” 8” 8 Supernal, Fear, Fly (6”, 12”), Light Troops, Swiftstride, Frenzy,
Fly 6” 12” Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 2 Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks), Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kadim Incarnate 3 5 5 2 4 Volcanic Embrace, Battle Focus

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to a Champion 20

Height: Large
Infernal Engine 145 pts Type: Construct
single model 0-1 Units per
Base: 60×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 6” 9 Unbreakable, Fearless, Towering Presence​, Full Steam

Ahead!​, ​Ponderous

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 4 7 4

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 3 4 3 0 2
Chassis 6 3 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D6+1), Grind Attacks (D3)
Full Steam Ahead: ​Universal Rule.
At the end of step 2 of the Movement Phase Sequence (directly after Rallying Fleeing units), the Infernal Engine may
engage its boiler. If so, until the end of this Player Turn, the unit may not shoot and gains Random Movement (3D6”)
with the following exception: it cannot move into base contact with an enemy unit that was not within the Infernal
Engine’s Front Arc before the initial Pivot.

Ponderous: ​Universal Rule.

The Infernal Engine may not declare Charges, and its Pursuit and Overrun Distance is always 0".

Must ​take one of the following:

Shrapnel Guns* ​(315 pts) Steam Hammers ​(275 pts)
The Crew gains ​Shrapnel Guns (4+). The Chassis gains Grind Attacks (3D3).

Shrapnel Guns: ​Volley Gun Artillery Weapon.

Range 18”, Shots D6+2, Str 6, AP 3, Quick to Fire,
Multiple Wounds (D3), Daemonic Infusion.

*The Shrapnel Guns upgrade (i.e. 315 pts) also counts

towards Barrage.

Model Rules 18 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Height: Gigantic
Armoured Giant​ 290 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 8 Giant See, Giant Do

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Armoured Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Giant See, Giant Do: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

The model gains ​Chosen of Ashuruk​. May become Big Brother 35
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Rage: ​Attack Attribute - Close Combat. Giant Club 30
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it Slavemaster's Whip 25
gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Mining Pick 5
Health Point, it suffers -1 Attack Value.

Big Brother​:​ Universal Rule.

The model's Health Points are ​set ​to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm.
The roll for the number of hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.

Giant Club​: Close Combat Weapon.

Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.

Slavemaster's Whip​: ​Close Combat Weapon.

The wielder gains +2 Agility and Commanding Presence, which ​always ​has a range of 12”. However, only
Hobgoblins, Hobgoblin Wolf Riders, Orc Slaves, and Hobgoblin Chieftains may benefit from this instance
of Commanding Presence. Friendly Hobgoblins, Orc Slaves, and Hobgoblin Chieftains on foot in units
within 12" of the wielder gain +2” March Rate.

Mining Pick​: Close Combat Weapon.

The wielder gains Crush Attack. If the wielder has an Attack Value of 8 or higher at the start of its
Initiative Step, it can perform two Crush Attacks instead of one (provided it declared the use of its Crush
Attack at the end of step 4 of the Round of Combat Sequence as usual).
The Giant ignores Distracting granted to enemy units by Defending a Wall.

Model Rules 19 Ch​ ​M​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​B​a ​BB

Kingdom of Equitaine
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
A unit consisting entirely of models with this rule may reroll failed Charge Range rolls. The model gains Frenzy and
Fearless while Engaged in Combat.

A unit gains +2″ March Rate until the end of the Movement Phase if both the following conditions are met:

• More than half of its models with Type Infantry and/or Cavalry have Serf.

• The unit is under the effect of Commanding Presence from one or more models with Oath of Fealty at the start
of its March Move.

Personal Protections
The Blessing
The model gains Aegis (6+). Before rolling for the first turn (at the beginning of step 7 of the Deployment Phase
Sequence), decide if the Kingdom of Equitaine army Prays or not. If it does, friendly models with The Blessing gain an
additional Aegis (5+, against Strength 5 or more), and the army cannot gain any bonus to the Roll for First Turn.

Attack Attributes
Lance Formation – Close Combat
The model gains Fight in Extra Rank. If more than half of a unit’s models have Lance Formation, it only needs to be
3 models wide in order to form Full Ranks. In addition, the model gains Devastating Charge (Fight in Extra Rank)
if its unit is exactly 3 models wide.

Bastard Sword – Close Combat Weapon
Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0
(regardless of the wielder’s Agility). In the First Round of Combat, it may instead be used as a Spear if the wielder is
Infantry or as a Light Lance if the wielder is not Infantry. All R&F models in the unit must use the weapon in the
same way. A Bastard Sword can be enchanted as if it was a Great Weapon.

Oaths are a combination of several different types of Model Rules. Each part is defined in the Oath’s rules and follows
the rules for its type of Model Rule. Oaths are given to model parts. Any Attack Attributes are applied to that model
part only, while Universal Rules and Personal Protections are applied to the Multipart Model.

Grail Oath
0–1 Characters with Grail Oath per Army.
• Universal Rule.
The model gains Fearless.
• Personal Protection.
The model gains Aegis (5+). Characters with Grail Oath gain +1 Defensive Skill.
• Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The model part gains Magical Attacks. Characters with Grail Oath gain +1 Offensive Skill.

Oath of Fealty
• Universal Rule.
The model gains Commanding Presence with the following restrictions: It has a range of 6″ and can only
benefit units with more than half of their models with Serf.

Questing Oath
• Universal Rule.
The model is immune to the effects of Fear from enemy models. Models with Questing Oath gain +2″ Advance
Rate when rolling for Charge Range against enemy units with at least one model with Fear.
• Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The model part gains +1 to hit with Close Combat Attacks against models with Fear.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Breath of the Lady The target must reroll natural to-hit and to-wound rolls of
⟨9+⟩ ⟨18″⟩
Augment One Turn ‘1’ with its Melee Attacks, and must reroll natural Armour
{11+} {36″} Save rolls of ‘1’.

Might 90 pts Daring 50 pts
One of a Kind. One of a Kind.
When using a Lance, the bearer gains Devastating Charge Range rolls of the bearer’s unit and Charge
Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str, +1 AP). When Charging and Range rolls against enemy units in base contact with
using a Lance, every unsaved wound caused by the the bearer are subject to Maximised Roll.
bearer’s Close Combat Attacks, before applying Multi-
ple Wounds, generates another Close Combat Attack: Audacity 45 pts
One of a Kind.
• Allocate and resolve the new attacks before re- Attacks made by the bearer that are allocated to-
moving any casualties, in the same Initiative wards models of Large Height must reroll failed to-
Step as the attacks that generated them. hit rolls. Attacks made by the bearer that are allo-
• You cannot generate more attacks than there cated towards models with Towering Presence must
were Health Points in the Health Pool towards reroll failed to-hit and failed to-wound rolls.
which the initial attacks were allocated.
Humility 30 pts
• The new attacks do not generate any further 0–2 per Army.
attacks. The bearer’s Commanding Presence range is in-
creased to 12″, and it gains Insignificant and Rally
Renown 65 pts Around the Flag. However, only units with more
One of a Kind. than half of their models with Insignificant may ben-
The bearer gains Lethal Strike. Close Combat At- efit from this instance of Rally Around the Flag.
tacks made by the bearer that roll a natural ‘6’ to
wound gain Multiple Wounds (D3).

Piety 55 pts
One of a Kind.
The bearer and all R&F models in the bearer’s unit
gain Aegis (+1, max. 5+). The bearer may only join
Standard Height units.

Valour 55 pts
One of a Kind.
The bearer automatically issues a Duel whenever pos-
sible (this cannot be prevented by issuing a Duel with
another friendly model first), and this Duel must be
accepted whenever possible. When Fighting a Duel,
the bearer must reroll failed to-hit and to-wound

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Banner Enchantments
Divine Judgement 80 pts Banner of the Last Charge 100 pts
Cannot be taken by a model with Might. R&F Cavalry models in the bearer’s unit gain Im-
Enchantment: Lance. pact Hits (X), where X is equal to the number of Full
Attacks made with this weapon gain Devastating Ranks in the unit. These Impact Hits are resolved
Charge (Multiple Wounds (D3+1)) and become with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 1.
Magical Attacks.
Oriflamme 80 pts
Tristan’s Resolve 50 pts Cannot be taken by units that count towards Core.
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. The bearer gains Fear. Enemy units in base con-
When using this weapon, the wielder gains +1 tact with the bearer’s unit cannot benefit from Rally
Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, +1 Attack Value, Around the Flag.
and Magical Attacks. After a successful to-hit roll,
the attacker may discard one of the hits with this Banner of Roland 50 pts
weapon and choose an enchanted weapon carried The bearer’s unit gains Aegis (+1, max. 4+, against
by the model the attack was allocated towards. The Ranged Attacks). In addition, enemy units cannot
Weapon Enchantments of the chosen weapon are ig- choose Stand and Shoot as a Charge Reaction when
nored for the rest of the battle. reacting to Charges made by the bearer’s unit.

Wyrmwood Core 40 pts Banner of the Green Knight 35 pts

Enchantment: Lance. 0–2 per Army.
The wielder gains Breath Attack (Str 5, AP 0, Flam- One use only. May be activated during the owner’s
ing Attacks). Attacks made with this weapon be- Movement Phase. The bearer’s unit gains +2″ March
come Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks. Rate, Ghost Step, and loses Scoring. All friendly units
are treated as Impassable Terrain. The effects last
until the start of the next Player Turn.
Armour Enchantments
Crusader’s Salvation 100 pts
Enchantment: Heavy Armour.
The wearer gains +1 Armour and must reroll failed
Armour Saves.

Faith of Percival 65 pts

Dominant. Cannot be taken by models with Towering
Enchantment: Shield.
While using this Shield, the wearer gains Aegis (+1,
max. 4+). Attacks against the bearer that are Divine
Attacks lose this Attack Attribute while using this

Fortress of Faith 60 pts

Enchantment: Shield.
While using this Shield, the bearer must reroll all
natural to-hit and to-wound rolls of ‘1’ with its Close
Combat Attacks, and must reroll all natural Armour
Save rolls of ‘1’.

Uther’s Conviction 50 pts

Enchantment: Heavy Armour.
The bearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (+1, max. 4+,
against Armour Penetration 6 or more).

Storm Clarion 80 pts
One use only. May be activated at the start of any
Player Turn. Enemy units cannot make Flying Move-
ments during this Player Turn.

Black Knight’s Tabard 75 pts

One use only. Activate when the bearer reaches 0
(or fewer) Health Points. Ignore all Health Point
losses below 0 and do not remove the bearer as a
casualty. Instead, after resolving all simultaneous
attacks (such as all Shooting Attacks from the same
unit or all Melee Attacks at the same Initiative Step),
the bearer’s Health Points are set to 1, and it gains
Aegis (3+) until the end of the Player Turn.

Crystal of the Valiant Charge 25 pts

Dominant. Wizards only.
One use only. May be activated at the start of the op-
ponent’s Magic Phase. In this phase, during Siphon
the Veil, before converting Veil Tokens into Magic
Dice, remove 1 Veil Token from the Active Player’s
Veil Token pool for each friendly unit that is Engaged
in Combat within 18″ of the bearer. Add the Veil To-
kens removed this way to your Veil Token pool. This
cannot increase your Veil Token pool beyond 6 Veil
Tokens. Any excess Veil Tokens are discarded.

Wafers of Penitence 25 pts

Wizards only.
One use only. May be activated after rolling for a Dis-
pelling Attempt. Add +2 to the rolled result. This is
an exception to the Casting and Dispelling Modifiers

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Airborne Gallantry

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 40%

Characters (Max. 40%)

Damsel Height
Type Infantry
120 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

A mount marked with [AG] and its rider count towards Characters and Airborne Gallantry.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Beloved, Insignificant, Magic Resistance (1), Wizard Ap-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 3 0 The Blessing
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Damsel 1 3 3 0 3 Lance Formation

Model Rules Options pts
Beloved: Universal Rule. Special Items up to 100
When the model is joined to a unit with at least one If Wizard Master up to 200
Full Rank of models with Lance Formation, it gains
Mount Options pts
Stand Behind and cannot be chosen by the oppo-
Pegasus [AG] (Wizard Master only) 35
nent as the model that suffers the penalties for re-
Barded Warhorse 40
fusing a Duel.
Equitan Unicorn (Wizard Master only) 100
Magic Options pts
Wizard Adept 75
Wizard Master 225

Divination Druidism Shamanism


Duke Height
Type Infantry
155 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

A mount marked with [AG] and its rider count towards Characters and Airborne Gallantry.
A mount marked with (AG) counts towards Airborne Gallantry. The mount and its rider also
count towards Characters.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 0 The Blessing, Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Duke 4 6 4 1 6 Lance Formation, Oath of Fealty

Options pts Mount Options pts
A single Virtue no limit Barded Warhorse 65
Special Items up to 200 Pegasus [AG] 130
One choice only: Hippogriff (AG) 200
Grail Oath 45
Questing Oath and Bastard Sword 70
Shield 10
Paired Weapons 5
Great Weapon 10
Halberd 10
Lance 20

Paladin Height
Type Infantry
125 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

A mount marked with [AG] and its rider count towards Characters and Airborne Gallantry.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 The Blessing, Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Paladin 3 5 4 1 5 Lance Formation, Oath of Fealty

Options pts Mount Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer 50 Barded Warhorse 40
A single Virtue no limit Pegasus [AG] 95
Special Items up to 100
One choice only:
Grail Oath 20
Questing Oath and Bastard Sword 40
Shield 10
Great Weapon 5
Halberd 5
Paired Weapons 5
Lance 10

Castellan Height
Type Infantry
70 pts single model 0–5 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Insignificant, Lowborn, Serf

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Castellan 2 4 4 1 3
Model Rules Mount Options pts
Lowborn: Universal Rule. Horse 40
The model may only join units comprised entirely of Optional Model Rules
models with Insignificant. Bannerman: Universal Rule.
Options pts 0–2 Models/Army.
Must choose (one choice only): The Castellan gains Stand Behind and is a Standard
Bannerman free Bearer.
Master-at-Arms free Master-at-Arms: Universal Rule.
If Bannerman, Banner Enchantment up to 50 The Castellan gains +1 Attack Value and its unit gains
If Master-at-Arms, Weapon Enchantment up to 50 Weapon Master.
Heavy Armour (on foot only) free
Shield 5
One choice only:
Longbow (3+) 5
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
One choice only:
Halberd 5
Light Lance 5
Spear 5
Great Weapon 10

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Horse Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C Feigned Flight, Light Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Horse 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed

Height Standard
Barded Warhorse Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barded Warhorse 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed

Height Standard
Equitan Unicorn Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ C Forest Guide, Magic Resistance (2)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C 4 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Equitan Unicorn 2 5 4 1 5 Harnessed

Model Rules
Forest Guide: Universal Rule.
The model’s unit gains Magical Attacks and Strider (Forest).

Height Large
Pegasus Type Cavalry
Base 40×40 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters and Airborne Gallantry.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 7″ 14″ C Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops

Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C 4 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Pegasus 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Hippogriff Type Cavalry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×50 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Airborne Gallantry.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 7″ 14″ C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hippogriff 4 4 5 3 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Harnessed

Core (Min. 25%)
Knights Aspirant Height
Type Cavalry
225 pts + 33 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 7 Impetuous, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight Aspirant 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lance Formation, Lance

Warhorse 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Knights of the Realm Height
Type Cavalry
255 pts + 47 pts/extra model 6–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight of the Realm 1 4 4 1 3 Lance Formation, Oath of Fealty, Lance

Warhorse 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Peasant Levy Height
Type Infantry
170 pts + 7 pts/extra model 30–60 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 5 Insignificant, Scoring, Serf

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Peasant 1 2 3 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Halberd free Musician 20
Spear free Standard Bearer 20

Peasant Bowmen 0–4 Units/Army
Type Infantry
170 pts + 8 pts/extra model 15–30 models 0–100 Models/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 5 Bowmen’s Stakes, Insignificant, Scoring, Serf

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Peasant Bowman 1 2 3 0 3
Model Rules Options pts
Bowmen’s Stakes: Universal Rule. Must choose (one choice only):
When deploying the unit, you may place a Wall Ter- Longbow (4+) and Braziers free
rain Feature fully within 1″ of the unit’s Front Facing Crossbow (4+) 3/model
but not in contact with any other Terrain Feature Command Group Options pts
except Open Terrain. This Wall is up to 20 mm deep,
Champion 20
and its length cannot be wider than the unit, to a max-
Musician 20
imum of 12″. It follows the normal rules for Walls,
Standard Bearer 20
with the exception that it contributes to Soft Cover
instead of Hard Cover.
Braziers: Attack Attribute – Shooting.
Before shooting a Longbow, the model may choose
to gain Flaming Attacks for its Shooting Attack. The
effect lasts for the duration of the phase.

Special (No limit)
Knights of the Quest Height
Type Cavalry
260 pts + 50 pts/extra model 6–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight of the Quest 1 4 4 1 4 Lance Formation, Questing Oath, Bastard Sword

Warhorse 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Knights Forlorn Height
Type Infantry
175 pts + 24 pts/extra model 10–40 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Scoring, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Forlorn Hope, The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knights Forlorn 1 4 4 1 4 Questing Oath, Bastard Sword

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Forlorn Hope: Personal Protection. Champion 20
Enemy models do not count as Charging for the pur- Musician 20
pose of Devastating Charge when attacking models Standard Bearer 20
with Forlorn Hope. Banner Enchantment no limit

Knights of the Grail Height
Type Cavalry
205 pts + 85 pts/extra model 3–9 models 0–2 Units/Army* Base 25×50 mm

*0–1 Units/Army if the army includes at least one Scorpion or Trebuchet.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Pure of Heart, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Knight of the Grail 2 5 4 1 5 Divine Attacks, Grail Oath, Holy Might, Lance Formation,
Oath of Fealty, Lance
Warhorse 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Holy Might: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Champion 20
The model part can make up to 2 Supporting Attacks Musician 20
while its unit has at least one Full Rank. Standard Bearer 20
Pure of Heart: Universal Rule. Banner Enchantment no limit
Only Damsels and Characters with Grail Oath may
join the unit.

The Green Knight Height
Type Cavalry
360 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Eternal Champion, Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Supernal,

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 2 Thrice Blessed, Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

The Green Knight 5 6 4 1 6 Lambent Sword

Spectral Stallion 1 4 4 1 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Model Rules
Eternal Champion: Universal Rule.
The Green Knight cannot be deployed during the Deployment Phase. Once per game, at the start of any of your
Movement Phases, you may deploy The Green Knight within 6″ of a friendly Damsel. The Green Knight cannot
perform a March Move this Player Turn. If The Green Knight has not been deployed by the end of the game, it
counts as destroyed.
While The Green Knight is within 12″ of a friendly Damsel, it gains Stubborn and may issue and accept Duels as
if it was a Champion.
Lambent Sword: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration, and ignore Parry.
Thrice Blessed: Personal Protection.
The Green Knight gains The Blessing. If the army Prayed, The Green Knight gains Aegis (+1).

Yeoman Outriders Height
Type Cavalry
125 pts + 11 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 6 Feigned Flight, Insignificant, Light Troops, Serf, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Yeoman Outrider 1 3 3 0 3 Light Lance

Horse 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Light Armour 1/model Champion 20
Shield 1/model Musician 20
The Outrider must take (one choice only): Standard Bearer 20
Bow (4+) free
Throwing Weapons (5+) free

Brigands Height
Type Infantry
175 pts + 12 pts/extra model 10–15 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 5 Insignificant, Light Troops, Scout, Serf, Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Brigand 1 2 3 0 3 Quick to Fire, Longbow (3+)

Peasant Crusaders Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 8 pts/extra model 20–40 models Base 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Bodyguard (Sacred Reliquary), Impetuous, Insignificant,

Scoring, Serf
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Peasant Crusader 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Hatred

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Must choose (one choice only): Champion 20
Paired Weapons free Musician 20
Shield free Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Sacred Reliquary Height
Type Infantry
150 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 40×60 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Holy Fervor, Impetuous, Insignificant, Not a Leader, War

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 4 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sacred Reliquary 4 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Impact Hits (D3), Oath of
Model Rules
Holy Fervor: Universal Rule.
A unit joined by a Sacred Reliquary gains Fight in Extra Rank. If the Sacred Reliquary is in base contact with an
enemy model, the Sacred Reliquary and all friendly units that are Engaged in the same Combat gain +1 Armour.

Scorpion Height
Type Construct
115 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 75 mm round

Scorpion and Trebuchet share the same 0–2 Models/Army limitation.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

0″ 0″ 5 Insignificant, Serf, War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 1 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 4 2 3 0 3 Move or Fire, Scorpion (4+)

Model Rules
Scorpion: Artillery Weapon.
Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped Wings)].

Trebuchet Height
Type Construct
260 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 75 mm round

Scorpion and Trebuchet share the same 0–2 Models/Army limitation.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

0″ 0″ 5 Insignificant, Serf, War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 1 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 4 2 3 0 3 Move or Fire, Trebuchet (4+)

Model Rules
Trebuchet: Artillery Weapon.
Catapult (4×4). Range 12–60″, Shots 1, Str 4 [8], AP 2 [6], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)].

Airborne Gallantry (Max. 40%)
Pegasus Knights Height
Type Cavalry
325 pts + 95 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 8″ 16″ 8 Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops

Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 4 4 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Pegasus Knight 1 4 4 1 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Oath of Fealty, Lance

Young Pegasus 2 3 4 1 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Loose Formation 3/model Loose Formation: Universal Rule.
Vanguard 7/model The model gains Hard Target (1) and Skirmisher.
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Beloved, Insignificant, Magic Resistance (1), Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 The Blessing
Damsel Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Lance Formation
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 0 The Blessing, Heavy Armour
Duke Att 4 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 6 Lance Formation, Oath of Fealty
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 The Blessing, Heavy Armour
Paladin Att 3 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Lance Formation, Oath of Fealty
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Insignificant, Lowborn, Serf
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Castellan Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3

Character Mounts
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C Feigned Flight, Light Troops
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Barded Warhorse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis C Forest Guide, Magic Resistance (2)
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 4 Arm C+1
Equitan Unicorn Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 4 Arm C+2
Pegasus Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C+1
Hippogriff Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 3 Agi 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Harnessed

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 7 Impetuous, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield
Knight Aspirant Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lance Formation, Lance
Warhorse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield
Knight of the Realm Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lance Formation, Oath of Fealty, Lance
Warhorse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Scoring, Serf
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield
Peasant Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 5 Bowmen’s Stakes, Insignificant, Scoring, Serf
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0
Peasant Bowman Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield
Knight of the Quest Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Lance Formation, Questing Oath, Bastard Sword
Warhorse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Scoring, Strider (Forest)
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Forlorn Hope, The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield
Knights Forlorn Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Questing Oath, Bastard Sword
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Pure of Heart, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield
Knight of the Grail Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Divine Attacks, Grail Oath, Holy Might, Lance Formation, Oath
of Fealty, Lance
Warhorse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Eternal Champion, Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Supernal, Terror
Standard, Cavalry HP 3 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 2 Thrice Blessed, Heavy Armour, Shield
The Green Knight Att 5 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 6 Lambent Sword
Spectral Stallion Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 6 Feigned Flight, Insignificant, Light Troops, Serf, Vanguard
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 1
Yeoman Outrider Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Light Lance
Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Light Troops, Scout, Serf, Skirmisher
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Brigand Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Quick to Fire, Longbow (3+)
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Bodyguard (Sacred Reliquary), Impetuous, Insignificant,
Scoring, Serf
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Peasant Crusader Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Hatred
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Holy Fervor, Impetuous, Insignificant, Not a Leader, War Plat-
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour
Sacred Reliquary Att 4 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Impact Hits (D3), Oath of Fealty
Adv 0″ Mar 0″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Serf, War Machine
Standard, Construct HP 6 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0
Crew Att 4 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Move or Fire, Scorpion (4+)
Adv 0″ Mar 0″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Serf, War Machine
Large, Construct HP 6 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0
Crew Att 4 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Move or Fire, Trebuchet (4+)

Airborne Gallantry
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops
Large, Cavalry HP 2 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2 The Blessing, Heavy Armour, Shield
Pegasus Knight Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Oath of Fealty, Lance
Young Pegasus Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed

Artillery Weapons
Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Area Attack (1×5)
Scorpion - 48″ 3 [6] 10 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped
Trebuchet Catapult (4×4) 12–60″ 4 [8] 2 [6] 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Longbow 3+ Castellan, Brigands
4+ Peasant Bowmen
Bow 4+ Yeoman Outriders
Crossbow 4+ Peasant Bowmen
Throwing Weapons 4+ Castellan
5+ Yeoman Outriders
Scorpion / Trebuchet 4+ Scorpion / Trebuchet d

Ogre Khans
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
Scrapling Lookout
If a unit includes a Standard Bearer or a Battle Standard Bearer with Scrapling Lookout, there must be fewer than 3
R&F models before hits can be distributed onto Characters with the same Type and Height as the unit.

Personal Protections
Mountain Hide
When a model with Mountain Hide suffers a wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds (X), reduce X by half,
rounding fractions up.

Special Attacks
Sons of the Avalanche
The model part gains Impact Hits (1). If its unit has 2 or more Full Ranks, the model part gains Impact Hits (2). A
Character with Sons of the Avalanche instead gains Impact Hits (D3), or Impact Hits (D3+1) if its unit has 2 or
more Full Ranks. In addition, the model is immune to the effects of Fear from enemy models.

Brace of Ogre Pistols – Shooting Weapon
Range 24″, Shots 2, Str 4, AP 2, Quick to Fire. Counts as Paired Weapons in close combat.

Hunting Spear – Shooting Weapon

Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user +1, AP as user +1, Multiple Wounds (D3, against Gigantic), Quick to Fire.

Ogre Crossbow – Shooting Weapon

Range 30″, Shots 1, Str 2 [5], AP 1 [3], Area Attack (1×5).

Iron Fist – Close Combat Weapon

The wielder gains +1 Armour and +1 Attack Value unless using another weapon. If the wielder is on foot, it also
gains Parry. This weapon cannot be enchanted with Weapon Enchantments from the List of Common Special Items.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Children of Umi All Melee Attacks against the target suffer −1 to wound.
⟨7+⟩ {In addition, all Shamans in the target unit gain +1
⟨18″⟩ Augment One Turn
{10+} Resilience.}

Big Names
Big Names follow the general rules of Special Items concerning which model parts are affected. Each Character can
take a single Big Name. Big Names are each 0–1 per Army, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Trolleater 95 pts Rottenjaw 30 pts

Models on foot only. The bearer gains Poison Attacks, and all friendly Kin-
The bearer gains Fortitude (4+) and Multiple Eater units may reroll Ambush rolls of 1 and 2 while
Wounds (2, against Large and Infantry). the bearer is on the Battlefield. Unless the bearer
is Gigantic, all attacks against it with Poison Attacks
Hoardmaster 55 pts lose this Attack Attribute.
Great Khans and Khans only.
The bearer gains Weapon Master, Plate Armour, Wildheart 30 pts
Great Weapon, Halberd, Iron Fist, and Paired Mammoth Hunters only. One of a Kind.
Weapons. The bearer cannot take Weapon Enchant- The bearer loses Not a Leader and must be the Gen-
ments. eral. Its Special Item allowance is increased to 150
pts. Another Mammoth Hunter in the army may be
Gut Roarer 50 pts the Battle Standard Bearer for 50 pts; this Battle Stan-
Shamans only. dard Bearer gains Scrapling Lookout when joined
The bearer gains Channel (1) and Fear. to Yeti units. The Core limit is reduced to “Min. 20%”.
The army may not include any Great Khans, Khans,
Cult Leader 45 pts Bruisers, Mercenary Veterans, Bombardiers, or Thun-
General or Battle Standard Bearer only. der Cannons.
The range of the bearer’s Commanding Presence
or Rally Around the Flag is always 18″.

Firebrand 35 pts
If the bearer selects one or more spells from Py-
romancy, it gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming At-
tacks), Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 0, Flaming At-
tacks), Flaming Attacks, and always knows Fire-
ball (Pyromancy) in addition to its other spells. The
bearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.

Spinesplitter 35 pts
Models on foot only.
The bearer gains Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1
Str, +1 AP). The Strength and Armour Penetration
bonuses from Devastating Charge also affect Impact
Hits and Stomp Attacks.

Headhunter 30 pts
At the end of any Melee Phase in which attacks made
by the bearer have caused one or more enemy mod-
els to lose their last Health Point, roll a D6, unless the
bearer is Fleeing. On a roll of 3+ the bearer’s model
Recovers a single Health Point.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Armour Enchantments
Khagadai’s Legacy 100 pts Wrestler’s Belt 75 pts
Enchantment: Great Weapon. Models on foot only.
Attacks made with this weapon gain Multiple Enchantment: Light Armour.
Wounds (D3) and become Magical Attacks. The wearer gains +2 Armour and +1 Strength.

Heart-Ripper 50 pts Mammoth-Hide Cloak 50 pts

Enchantment: Iron Fist or Paired Weapons. Models on foot only.
Attacks made with this weapon gain Lethal Strike, Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
+1 Armour Penetration, become Magical Attacks, The wearer gains +1 Armour. Attacks against the
and can never hit on worse than 3+. wearer can never have a Strength above 5.

Viper’s Curse 40 pts Karkadan’s Resilience 40 pts

Enchantment: Brace of Ogre Pistols or Ogre Cross- Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
bow. The wearer gains +1 Resilience but automatically fails
Shots 4, Str 4, AP 2 (Range is dependent on which all Special Saves.
weapon is enchanted). This weapon also gains Mag-
ical Attacks and Poison Attacks (in case of Brace Yeti Furs 40 pts
of Ogre Pistols, both Attack Attributes also apply to Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
Close Combat Attacks made with it). An enchanted The wearer gains +1 Armour. Enemy units in base
Ogre Crossbow loses Area Attack (1×5). Shooting contact with the wearer suffer −1 Agility.
Attacks made with this weapon always hit on 4+.

Ritual Bloodletter 20 pts Banner Enchantments

Shamans only.
Banner of the Gyengget 75 pts
Enchantment: Hand Weapon, Iron Fist, or Paired
Cannot be taken by units that count towards Core.
In the First Round of Combat, natural to-hit, to-
The wielder gains +1 Offensive Skill and +1 Attack
wound, and Armour Save rolls of ‘1’ from all model
Value while using this weapon. Attacks made with it
parts in the bearer’s unit must be rerolled, including
become Magical Attacks. For each unsaved wound
Special Attacks.
inflicted with this weapon, the owner gains one Veil
Pennant of the Great Grass Sky 50 pts
The bearer’s unit gains Swiftstride.

Skull of Qenghet 10 pts

The bearer’s unit gains Fear and automatically
passes Panic Tests caused by Terror.

Lygur’s Tongue 70 pts
Enemy units in base contact with the bearer suffer
−1 Attack Value.

Aurochs Charm 35 pts

The bearer gains Mountain Hide.

Rampager’s Chain 25 pts

The bearer gains Stomp Attacks (D3+1), and all
models in the bearer’s unit must reroll failed to-
wound rolls with Stomp Attacks.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Powder Keg Chained Beasts

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 35% Max. 30%

Characters (Max. 40%)

Great Khan Height
Type Infantry
280 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 6 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Khan 5 6 5 2 4 Sons of the Avalanche

Options pts Options pts
A single Big Name no limit One choice only:
Special Items up to 200 Paired Weapons 5
Heavy Armour 10 Iron Fist 15
One choice only: Great Weapon 25
Ogre Crossbow (3+) 5
Brace of Ogre Pistols (4+) 10

Khan Height
Type Infantry
190 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Scrapling Lookout

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Khan 4 5 5 2 3 Sons of the Avalanche

Options pts Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer 50 One choice only:
A single Big Name no limit Paired Weapons 5
Special Items up to 100 Iron Fist 10
Heavy Armour 10 Great Weapon 25
One choice only:
Ogre Crossbow (3+) 5
Brace of Ogre Pistols (4+) 10

Shaman Height
Type Infantry
195 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shaman 3 4 4 1 2 Sons of the Avalanche

Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Adept 75 A single Big Name no limit
Wizard Master 225 Special Items up to 100
If Wizard Master up to 200
Light Armour 5
One choice only:
Pyromancy Shamanism Thaumaturgy
Paired Weapons 5
Iron Fist 10
Great Weapon 15

Mammoth Hunter Height
Type Infantry
220 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
A mount marked with (CB) counts towards Chained Beasts. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 9 Animal Master, Light Troops, Loner, Not a Leader, Swift-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mammoth Hunter 4 5 5 2 4 Sons of the Avalanche

Options pts Mount Options pts
A single Big Name no limit Tusker* 80
Special Items up to 100 Rock Aurochs* (CB) 320
Leader of the Pack 5 *The model loses Light Troops.
Must choose (one choice only):
Optional Model Rules
Hunting Spear (2+) free
Leader of the Pack: Universal Rule.
Ogre Crossbow (2+) free
The Mammoth Hunter’s base size is changed to
One choice only:
50×50 mm. As long the model is joined to a unit
Paired Weapons 5
of Sabretooth Tigers, the unit (including the Mam-
Lance 10
moth Hunter) gains Swift Reform and Vanguard,
Great Weapon 20
and the Mammoth Hunter counts as being a Standard
Iron Fist (on foot only) 20
Beast for the purposes of distributing hits, except for
If on foot (one choice only):
Stomp Attacks.
Scout 15
Vanguard 15
Model Rules
Animal Master: Universal Rule.
The model gains Commanding Presence, but only units of Sabretooth Tigers may benefit from it.
Loner: Universal Rule.
If on foot, the model can only join units of Yetis and Sabretooth Tigers; ignore the Insignificant rule for joining
units. If mounted, it cannot join any unit. A model with Loner cannot join a unit containing any other Characters,
and Characters cannot join a unit containing a model with Loner.

Character Mounts
Height Large
Tusker Type Cavalry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 14″ C Fear
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tusker 4 3 5 2 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)

Height Gigantic
Rock Aurochs Type Beast
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 100×150 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Chained Beasts.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Fearless, Frenzy

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 2 6 3 Mountain Hide
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rock Aurochs 5 3 6 3 2 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP),

Harnessed, Impact Hits (3D3), Living Avalanche
Model Rules
Living Avalanche: Attack Attribute.
The model’s Impact Hits gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.

Core (Min. 25%)
Tribesmen Height
Type Infantry
155 pts + 48 pts/extra model 3–13 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 7 Scoring, Scrapling Lookout

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tribesman 3 3 4 1 2 Sons of the Avalanche, Paired Weapons

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Iron Fist 10/model Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Bruisers Height
Type Infantry
185 pts + 76 pts/extra model 3–12 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Scoring, Scrapling Lookout

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Bruiser 3 3 4 1 2 Sons of the Avalanche, Great Weapon

Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Scraplings Height
Type Infantry
115 pts + 5 pts/extra model 20–60 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 6 Insignificant, Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Scrapling 1 2 3 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Must choose (one choice only): Scrapling Foreman (profile below) 25
Throwing Weapons (5+) free Musician 20
Shield 1/model Standard Bearer 20
Spear 1/model
Bow (4+) (0–100 Models/Army) 2/model

Scrapling Foreman Height
Type Infantry
The Scrapling Foreman is an option for Scrapling units. Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Back to Work!, Insignificant

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Scrapling Foreman 3 3 3 0 4 Throwing Weapons (4+)

Model Rules Options pts
Back to Work!: Universal Rule. One choice only:
The Scrapling Foreman is a Champion, except it does Great Weapon 5
not benefit from First Among Equals. It gains Rally Halberd 5
Around the Flag, but only Scraplings, Scrapling
Trappers, and Scratapults may benefit from it.

Special (No limit)
Sabretooth Tigers Height
Type Beast
80 pts + 24 pts/extra model 1–20 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 5 Insignificant
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 4 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sabretooth Tiger 3 4 4 1 4

Scrapling Trappers Height
Type Infantry
80 pts + 8 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 6 Insignificant, It’s a Trap!, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher,

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Scrapling Trapper 1 2 3 0 3 Throwing Weapons (5+)

Command Group Options pts
Champion 20
Model Rules
It’s a Trap!: Universal Rule.
Each unit of Scrapling Trappers may place a Trap Counter:
• Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), on a single Terrain Feature other
than Open Terrain that the unit was deployed in or was in contact with at any point during its Vanguard
• Once during each friendly Movement Phase, on a single Terrain Feature other than Open Terrain that the
unit was in contact with during an Advance Move, March Move, or a Reform in this phase
If an enemy unit performs an Advance Move, March Move, Reform, Pivot, Charge Move, Failed Charge Move,
Pursuit Move, or Flee Move inside or into contact with a Terrain Feature with one or more Trap Counters,
remove all Trap Counters in that particular Terrain Feature. Each model in the unit must take a Dangerous
Terrain (1) Test. These tests are not considered to be caused by the Terrain Feature; any Dangerous Terrain
Tests that would normally be caused by the Terrain Feature still need to be taken.

Yetis Height
Type Infantry
175 pts + 60 pts/extra model 2–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Fear, Light Troops, Swiftstride, Touch of Frost, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Yeti 3 3 5 2 3 Paired Weapons

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Touch of Frost: Universal Rule. Champion 20
Enemy units suffer −1 Agility for each unit of Yetis
in base contact with them.

Kin-Eater Height
Type Infantry
175 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 7 Ambush, Fear, Fearless, Unbreakable

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 5 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kin-Eater 4 3 5 2 3 Hatred

Tusker Cavalry Height
Type Cavalry
390 pts + 110 pts/extra model 3–5 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 14″ 8 Fear, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 5 2 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 3 3 4 1 2
Tusker 4 3 5 2 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Paired Weapons 5/model Musician 20
Great Weapon 15/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Mercenary Veterans Height
Type Infantry
240 pts + 95 pts/extra model 3–8* models Base 40×40 mm
*When equipped with Braces of Ogre Pistols, Mercenary Veterans also count towards Powder Keg and their
maximum unit size is reduced to 6 models.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Battle-Scarred, Scoring, Scrapling Lookout

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mercenary Veteran 4 4 5 2 3 Sons of the Avalanche

Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Great Weapon 5/model Musician 20
Paired Weapons 7/model Standard Bearer 20
Halberd 10/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Iron Fist 14/model
Brace of Ogre Pistols (4+)* 25/model
Model Rules
Battle-Scarred: Universal Rule.
Each unit of Mercenary Veterans may be given up to two of the upgrades listed below (the upgrades must be
written on the Army List). The models gain:
• Accurate • Plate Armour
• Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) • Poison Attacks
• Lethal Strike • Swiftstride
• Magic Resistance (2) • Vanguard
Each upgrade may only be taken by a single unit of Mercenary Veterans in your army.

Powder Keg (Max. 35%)
Thunder Cannon Height
Type Construct
320 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 6″ 7
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Bombardier Crew 3 3 4 1 2 Sons of the Avalanche

Scrapling Crew 1 2 3 0 3
Woolly Rhino 3 3 5 2 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Thunder Cannon (4+)
Model Rules
Thunder Cannon: Artillery Weapon.
This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:
• Cannon, Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 5 [10], AP 2 [10], Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped
• Volley Gun, Range 12″, Shots 2D6, Str 5, AP 4
A Thunder Cannon that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner’s Movement Phase ignores the
to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.

Scratapult Height
Type Construct
245 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 6″ 6 Insignificant, Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Scrapling Crew (7) 1 2 3 0 3

Woolly Rhino 3 3 5 2 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Scratapult (4+)
Model Rules
Scratapult: Artillery Weapon.
Catapult (5×5), Range 12–48″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 1, Lethal Strike.
A Scratapult that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner’s Movement Phase ignores the to-hit
modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.

Bombardiers Height
Type Infantry
185 pts + 80 pts/extra model 3–8 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 7 Scoring, Scrapling Lookout

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Bombardier 3 3 4 1 2 Hand Cannon (4+), Sons of the Avalanche

Model Rules
Hand Cannon: Shooting Weapon.
Range 24″, Shots D6, Str 4, AP 2, Quick to Fire.
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Chained Beasts (Max. 30%)
Rock Aurochs Height
Type Beast
490 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army* Base 100×150 mm

*0–1 Units/Army if it includes any Characters mounted on a Rock Aurochs.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Fearless, Frenzy

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 2 6 3 Mountain Hide
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 3 4 4 1 3
Rock Aurochs 5 3 6 3 2 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP),
Harnessed, Impact Hits (3D3), Living Avalanche
Model Rules Options pts
Living Avalanche: Attack Attribute. The Rider must take (one choice only):
The model’s Impact Hits gain +1 Strength and +1 Hunting Spear (3+) free
Armour Penetration. Ogre Crossbow (3+) free
Lance 10

Frost Mammoth Height
Type Beast
385 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 100×150 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Freezing Aura

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 6 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider (2) 3 4 4 1 3
Frost Mammoth 4 3 6 3 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)
Model Rules Options pts
Freezing Aura: Universal Rule. Each Rider must take (one choice only):
The model can cast Chilling Howl (Shamanism) as a Hunting Spear (3+) free
Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8). Enemy units Ogre Crossbow (3+) free
within 9″ of one or more Frost Mammoths suffer −3
Agility. The roll for Flee Distance of enemy units that
Break from Combat while in base contact with one
or more Frost Mammoths is subject to Minimised

Slave Giant Height
Type Infantry
265 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Giant See, Giant Do

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Slave Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Model Rules Options pts
Giant See, Giant Do: Universal Rule. Big Brother 30
The model gains Sons of the Avalanche and counts One choice only:
as a Character for the purpose of Sons of the Iron Fist 10
Avalanche. Giant Club 30
The model is a Musician. The range of the model’s Great Weapon 35
March to the Beat, and to enemy units that are re-
Optional Model Rules
quired to take a March Test due to the Slave Giant,
Big Brother: Universal Rule.
are both extended to 18″.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base
Rage: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. size is changed to 75×100 mm.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains The roll for the number of hits from its Stomp Attacks
+1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it is subject to Maximised Roll.
suffers −1 Attack Value.
Giant Club: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and
+1 Armour Penetration.

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 9
Large, Infantry HP 5 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Great Khan Att 5 Off 6 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Sons of the Avalanche
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Scrapling Lookout
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Khan Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Sons of the Avalanche
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Wizard Apprentice
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 0
Shaman Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Sons of the Avalanche
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 9 Animal Master, Light Troops, Loner, Not a Leader, Swiftstride
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 1 Light Armour
Mammoth Hunter Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Sons of the Avalanche

Character Mounts
Adv 8″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Tusker Att 4 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fearless, Frenzy
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 2 Res 6 Arm 3 Mountain Hide
Rock Aurochs Att 5 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed,
Impact Hits (3D3), Living Avalanche

Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 7 Scoring, Scrapling Lookout
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Tribesman Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Sons of the Avalanche, Paired Weapons
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Scoring, Scrapling Lookout
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Bruiser Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Sons of the Avalanche, Great Weapon
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 6 Insignificant, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0
Scrapling Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Back to Work!, Insignificant
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Scrapling Foreman Att 3 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Throwing Weapons (4+)

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 5 Insignificant
Standard, Beast HP 2 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0
Sabretooth Tiger Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 6 Insignificant, It’s a Trap!, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher, Van-
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Scrapling Trapper Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Throwing Weapons (5+)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fear, Light Troops, Swiftstride, Touch of Frost, Vanguard
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 2
Yeti Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Paired Weapons
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 7 Ambush, Fear, Fearless, Unbreakable
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 0 Fortitude (5+)
Kin-Eater Att 4 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Hatred

Adv 8″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fear, Scoring
Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 2 Heavy Armour
Rider Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2
Tusker Att 4 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Battle-Scarred, Scoring, Scrapling Lookout
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Mercenary Veteran Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Sons of the Avalanche

Powder Keg
Adv 6″ Mar 6″ Dis 7
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 3
Bombardier Crew Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Sons of the Avalanche
Scrapling Crew Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Woolly Rhino Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Thunder Cannon (4+)
Adv 6″ Mar 6″ Dis 6 Insignificant, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 3
Scrapling Crew (7) Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Woolly Rhino Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate, Scratapult (4+)
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 7 Scoring, Scrapling Lookout
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Bombardier Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Hand Cannon (4+), Sons of the Avalanche

Chained Beasts
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fearless, Frenzy
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 2 Res 6 Arm 3 Mountain Hide
Rider Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3
Rock Aurochs Att 5 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed,
Impact Hits (3D3), Living Avalanche
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Freezing Aura
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 3
Rider (2) Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3
Frost Mammoth Att 4 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Giant See, Giant Do
Gigantic, Infantry HP 7 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 1
Slave Giant Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Rage

Artillery and Shooting Weapons

Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Brace of Ogre Pistols - 24″ 4 2 2 Quick to Fire
User User Quick to Fire, Multiple Wounds (D3,
Hunting Spear - 12″ 1
+1 +1 against Gigantic)
Ogre Crossbow - 30″ 2 [5] 1 [3] 1 Area Attack (1×5)
Magical Attacks,
Viper’s Curse - User 4 2 4 Poison Attacks,
always hits on 4+
Area Attack (1×5)
Thunder Cannon (1) Cannon 48″ 5 [10] 2 [10] 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped
Thunder Cannon (2) Volley Gun 12″ 5 4 2D6 -
Scratapult Catapult (5×5) 12–48″ 3 1 1 Lethal Strike
Hand Cannon - 24″ 4 2 D6 Quick to Fire

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Hunting Spear 2+ Mammoth Hunter
3+ Rider (Rock Aurochs, Frost Mammoth)
Ogre Crossbow 2+ Mammoth Hunter
3+ Great Khan, Khan, Rider (Rock Aurochs, Frost Mammoth)
Brace of Ogre Pistols 4+ Great Khan, Khan, Mercenary Veteran
Viper’s Curse 4+ Characters
Hand Cannon 4+ Bombardier
Thunder Cannon (1) and (2) 4+ Thunder Cannon
Scratapult 4+ Scratapult
Bow 4+ Scrapling
Throwing Weapons 4+ Scrapling Foreman
5+ Scrapling, Scrapling Trapper d

Orcs and Goblins
Army Book
2​ Edition, version 2020 - December 26, 2019

Army Model Rules Orc Characters

Armoury Orc Mounts
Hereditary Spell Goblin Characters
Special Items Goblin Mounts
Death from Above
Big ‘n Nasty

The 9​th​ Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at ​
Recent changes listed at ​

No​ Goblins were harmed in the creation of this book.

Copyright Creative Commons license:​ ​

Army Specific Rules
War Cry!
Once per game, at the start of a Player Turn, an Orcs and Goblins army with its General on the Battlefield may utter a
War Cry!. All friendly units gain +1” Advance Rate, +2” March Rate, and Swiftstride until the end of the Player Turn.

Army Model Rules

Greenhide Races

Common Orc Iron Orc Feral Orc

The model part gains ​Born to Fight​. The model part gains ​Born to Fight The model part gains ​Born to Fight
and ​Weapon Master​. The model and ​Battle Focus​. The model gains
gains ​Fearless​. Fearless, Frenzy, ​and ​Aegis (6+)​.

Common Goblin Cave Goblin Forest Goblin

The model gains ​Insignificant​. The model gains ​Insignificant​. The model gains ​Insignificant​ and
Strider (Forest).

Universal Rules
Oi it bites!
Units with models with Oi it bites! cannot be joined by Characters.

At the start of each Round of Combat, each unit with one or more models with Nets must choose one enemy unit in
base contact and roll a D6. On 2+, the chosen unit is Netted. On a roll of ‘1’, the unit with Nets is Netted. Units Netted
one or more times suffer -1 Strength and -1 Armour Penetration until the end of the Round of Combat.

Model Rules 2 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Units with Shambolic models cannot be joined by Characters. When rolling the distance of a Random Movement
move with a Shambolic unit, if all the dice show the same result, the unit loses D3 Health Points (with no saves of any
kind allowed), and then moves in a random direction instead of the chosen direction. When units with Shambolic
touch the Board Edge, stop 1" away from Impassable Terrain, or come into contact with or move inside any Terrain
Feature other than Open Terrain or Hills, all models in the unit must take a Dangerous Terrain (2) Test.

Running Amok!!
When a unit with Running Amok!! moves using Random Movement, it must move in a random direction instead of
the chosen direction.

Ricochet (X)
Models with Ricochet cannot Charge enemy units and can move through all units (friend and foe) as if they were
Open Terrain. If its move is ended in contact with another unit, or within 1" of a unit that it has moved through, its
move distance is extended; keep moving the model in the same direction (still moving through other units) until it
can be placed 1" away from all other units. If, after an extended move, the model would end up within 1" of
Impassable Terrain or in contact with the Board Edge, immediately remove the model as a casualty.

If a unit's Unit Boundary is contacted by a Ricochet model’s initial move (i.e. excluding an extension of the move
distance needed to clear units), this unit suffers X hits, where X corresponds to the value given in brackets (after
completing the move). For this purpose, all units Engaged in the same Combat are treated as a single unit. The owner
of the model with Ricochet distributes the hits between all units Engaged in this Combat as evenly as possible (after
this follow the normal rules for distributing hits to models within each unit).

Enemy units cannot Charge models with Ricochet. Units (friend and foe) ignore models with Ricochet regarding the
Unit Spacing rule for all movement (including Ambush). In addition, they can move onto and through models with
Ricochet. However, if a unit moves into contact with a Ricochet model, it immediately (before completing the move)
suffers X+D6 hits, and the model with Ricochet is removed as a casualty. This is not triggered by moves that can
move through units normally (e.g. Flying Movement), unless the move is ended in contact (note that units can move
into contact with multiple Ricochet models simultaneously).

Hits are resolved with the Strength and Armour Penetration of the model with Ricochet.

a) The Ricochet model cannot be placed 1" behind

unit B, because unit A is too close. The model is thus
moved through both units following its original
direction. Only unit B suffers the Ricochet hits as
unit A is not within the initial Shambolic move.

b) After moving through units, the Ricochet model

comes into contact with Impassable Terrain and is
thus removed as a casualty. The Ricochet model
moves through at least one unit Engaged in the
Combat, inflicting 5 hits in total, which are
distributed evenly amongst all units in the combat.

Model Rules 3 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Attack Attributes
Born to Fight:​ ​Close Combat.
The model part’s Close Combat Attacks gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration during a Round of Combat
● If it is the First Round of Combat.
● Or if the model part’s unit is Steadfast at the start of the Round of Combat.

Venomous Fangs​: Close Combat.

Before rolling to hit, nominate one Close Combat Attack from a model part with Venomous Fangs. This attack gains
Multiple Wounds (D3+1). If the attack is turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Battle Focus), only a single hit,
chosen by the owner, gains the effect.

Special Attacks
Mammoth Stabber
If the unit is Charging and has at least one Full Rank, nominate a single R&F model in the unit at Initiative Step 10.
This model gains Impact Hits (D3). These Impact Hits are resolved with Strength 5, Armour Penetration 2, and
Multiple Wounds (D3+1, against Towering Presence).

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Bring the Pain Failed to-hit rolls with Close Combat Attacks against the target
must be rerolled.
8+ 18” Hex One Turn

Model Rules 4 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Special Items
Weapons Enchantments Green Tide ​(45 pts)
Omen of the Apocalypse ​(125 pts) 0-3 Banners per Army.
Hand Weapon enchantment. The bearer’s unit gains Fight in Extra Rank.
Roll a single D3 at the Initiative Step in which the
wielder is attacking. During this Initiative Step, the Artefacts
wielder gains a modifier equal to the result of the D3 Crown of the Cavern King (90 pts) - Cannot be taken
roll to its Attack Value, Strength, and Armour by models with Towering Presence.
Penetration when using this weapon. Attacks made All models in the bearer’s unit that have at least one
with this weapon become Magical Attacks. model part of the Greenhide Races Common Goblin,
Cave Goblin, or Forest Goblin gain Vanguard and
Maza's Zappin ​(55 pts) Feigned Flight.
Bow enchantment. If the bearer is a Common Goblin, Cave Goblin, or Forest
The wielder’s unit gains Quick to Fire. This Bow gains Goblin, the range of its Commanding Presence and Rally
Aim (2+), and its profile is changed to: Range 24", Shots Around the Flag (if available) is increased by 6".
3, Str as user, AP as user, Magical Attacks.
Skull Fetish ​(70 pts) - Wizards only.
Shady Shanking ​(50 pts) Dominant.
Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons enchantment. At the start of any friendly Magic Phase, add X Veil
Attacks made with this weapon gain Lightning Tokens to your pool, where X is the number of friendly
Reflexes, Lethal Strike, and become Magical Attacks. units Engaged in Combat minus the number of friendly
When fighting a Duel, failed to-wound rolls with Fleeing units. You cannot gain more than 3 Veil Tokens
attacks with this weapon must be rerolled. this way. These tokens are in addition to Veil Tokens
gained from other sources. The Skull Fetish can never
Armour Enchantments cause a loss of Veil Tokens.
Tuktek’s Guard ​(55 pts) - Standard and Large Height
models only. Troll Ale Flask​ (30 pts)
Suit of Armour enchantment. This Special Attack is made at the bearer’s Agility. In the
The wearer’s model gains +1 Resilience. In addition, corresponding Initiative Step, choose an enemy unit that
attacks made with Lethal Strike lose Lethal Strike when the bearer is able to attack with Close Combat Attacks.
attacking the wearer’s model. This unit suffers a hit with Strength 5 and Armour
Penetration 10.
Banner Enchantments
Mikinok’s Totem ​(95 pts) - Cannot be taken by units Pan of Protection Pinchin’​ (40 pts)
that count towards Core When successfully wounded, the bearer may ​choose to
At the start of each Round of Combat, choose one of the use the attacker's Armour value and/or its Special Save:
following: • Use the Armour value that the attacking model would
● a Special Item* carried by a Character or have against the attack that inflicted the wound
Champion in a single enemy unit in base contact (including Conditional Application, modifiers, etc.). If so,
with the bearer's unit. the bearer cannot use its own Armour (including any
● a Special Item* carried by a single model unit in modifiers), if available.
base contact with the bearer's unit. • Use the Special Save that the attacking model would
● a Banner Enchantment carried by a Standard have against the attack that inflicted the wound
Bearer in a single enemy unit in base contact with (including Conditional Application, modifiers, etc.). If so,
the bearer's unit. the bearer cannot use its own Special Save (including
The effects of this Special Item* are ignored during this any modifiers), if available.
Round of Combat. In addition, when the bearer’s unit is the target of a
*or, when fighting a Dwarven Holds army, a spell, the bearer gains the same Magic Resistance as the
combination of Special Items Caster of the spell.

Army​ ​Organisation

Characters Core Special Death from Above Big ’n Nasty

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 15% Max. 30%

Model Rules 5 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

CHARACTERS ​(Max. 40%)
Height: Standard
Orc Warlord Type: Infantry
single model Base: 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 9

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Common Orc Warlord 3 6 5 0 Heavy Armour

Feral Orc Warlord 3 5 5 0 Aegis (5+)
Iron Orc Warlord 3 7 5 0 Plate Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Common Orc Warlord 4 6 5 2 4

Feral Orc Warlord 4 6 5 2 4
Iron Orc Warlord 4 7 5 2 4

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Orc Warlord Feral Orc Warlord Iron Orc Warlord
(210 pts) (270 pts) (295 pts)
The model gains the Common Orc The model gains the Feral Orc The model gains the Iron Orc Greenhide
Greenhide Race and uses the Common Greenhide Race and uses the Feral Orc Race and uses the Iron Orc Defensive
Orc Defensive and Offensive Defensive and Offensive Characteristics. and Offensive Characteristics.

Options: pts Options : pts Options: pts

May take a Bow (4+) 5 May take a Bow (4+) 5 May take (one choice only):
May take (one choice only): May take Light Armour 5 War Boar 50
War Boar 40 May take (one choice only): Boar Chariot 110
Boar Chariot 75 War Boar 30 Wyvern* 190
Wyvern* 160 Wyvern* 190

Options: pts
May take Special Items up to 200
May take any of the following:
Shield 5
Paired Weapons 10
Great Weapon 20
Lance 20
*Wyverns and their riders count towards Characters. These mounts also count towards Big ‘n Nasty.

Model Rules 6 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Orc Chief Type: Infantry
single model Base: 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 8

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Common Orc Chief 3 5 5 0 Heavy Armour

Feral Orc Chief 3 4 5 0 Aegis (5+)
Iron Orc Chief 3 6 5 0 Plate Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Common Orc Chief 3 5 4 1 3

Feral Orc Chief 3 5 4 1 3
Iron Orc Chief 3 6 4 1 3

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Orc Chief Feral Orc Chief Iron Orc Chief
(115 pts) (145 pts) (165 pts)
The model gains the Common Orc The model gains the Feral Orc The model gains the Iron Orc Greenhide
Greenhide Race and uses the Common Greenhide Race and uses the Feral Orc Race and uses the Iron Orc Defensive
Orc Defensive and Offensive Defensive and Offensive Characteristics. and Offensive Characteristics.
Options: pts Options : pts Options: pts
May take a Bow (4+) 5 May take Light Armour 5 May take (one choice only):
May take (one choice only): May take a Bow (4+) 5 War Boar 40
War Boar 40 May take (one choice only): Wyvern* 175
Boar Chariot 80 War Boar 30
Wyvern* 160 Wyvern* 180

Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
May take Special Items up to 100
May take any of the following:
Shield 5
Paired Weapons 5
Great Weapon 10
Lance 10

*Wyverns and their riders count towards Characters. These mounts also count towards Big ‘n Nasty.

Model Rules 7 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Orc Shaman Type: Infantry
single model Base: 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 8 Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Common Orc 3 3 4 0 Light Armour

Feral Orc 3 2 4 0 Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Orc Shaman 2 3 4 1 2

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Orc Shaman Feral Orc Shaman
(165 pts) (180 pts)
The model gains the Common Orc Greenhide Race and uses The model gains the Feral Orc Greenhide Race and uses
the Common Orc Defensive Characteristics. the Feral Orc Defensive Characteristics.
Options: pts Options: pts
May take (one choice only): May take (one choice only):
War Boar 20 War Boar 20
Orc Boar Chariot 30 Wyvern (Wizard Master only)* 110
Wyvern (Wizard Master only)* 95

Magic Options: Options: pts

Must ​select spells from (choose one): May become (one choice only):
Wizard Adept 75
Wizard Master 225
Shamanism Thaumaturgy Pyromancy May take Special Items up to 100
If Wizard Master up to 200
May take Paired Weapons 5

*Wyverns and their riders count towards Characters. These mounts also count towards Big ‘n Nasty.

Model Rules 8 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN


War Boar Standard, Cavalry

25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules 0-2 Mounts per Army
7” 14” C
The mount and its rider count
Defensive HP Def Res Arm towards Characters. The mount also
Large, Cavalry
counts towards Big ‘n Nasty.
C C C C+​2 50×50 mm

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

War Boar 1 3 4 1 3 Harnessed, Devastating Ground 4” 8” C Fly (8”, 16”), Light

Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) Fly 8” 16” Troops, Fear,
Towering Presence

Orc Boar Chariot Large, Construct Defensive HP Def Res Arm

50×100 mm
4 C 5 C
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

7” 7” C Swiftstride Harnessed, Poison

Wyvern 3 5 6 3 3 Attacks, Venomous
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Fangs

4 C 5 C+​2 Options : pts

May become ​Bigwing 10
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

‘Eadbasher 1 4 4 1 2 Lance, Common Orc Bigwing:​ Universal Rule.

War Boar (2) 1 3 4 1 3 Harnessed​, ​Devastating The Wyvern gains Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP),
Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm.
Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact Hits

Model Rules 9 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Goblin King Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 8

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin King 4 5 4 1 5

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Goblin King Cave Goblin King Forest Goblin King
(120 pts) (120 pts) (150 pts)
The model gains the Common Goblin The model gains the Cave Goblin The model part gains the Forest Goblin
Greenhide Race. Greenhide Race. Greenhide Race and ​Poison Attacks​.
Options: pts Options: pts Options: pts
May take (one choice only): May take a Cave Gnasher 70 May take (one choice only):
​Wolf 35 ​Scuttler Spider 30
​Goblin Wolf Chariot 60 ​Huntsmen Spider 30
​Gargantula* 410

Options: pts
May take Special Items up to 200
May take any of the following:
Shield 5
Heavy Armour 10
May take a Bow (3+) 5
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Light Lance 5
Great Weapon 10
Lance 10

*Gargantulas and their riders count towards Characters. These mounts also count towards Big ‘n Nasty.

Model Rules 10 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Goblin Chief 0-6 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 7

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 4 4 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin Chief 3 4 4 1 4

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Goblin Chief Cave Goblin Chief Forest Goblin Chief
(75 pts) (75 pts) (85 pts)
The model gains the Common Goblin The model gains the Cave Goblin The model part gains the Forest Goblin
Greenhide Race. Greenhide Race. Greenhide Race and ​Poison Attacks​.
Options: pts Options: pts Options: pts
May take (one choice only): May take a Cave Gnasher 65 May take (one choice only):
​Wolf 50 ​Scuttler Spider 25
​Goblin Wolf Chariot 60 ​Huntsmen Spider 40

Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
May take Special Items up to 100
May take a Bow (3+) 5
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Light Lance 5
Great Weapon 10
Lance 10

Model Rules 11 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Goblin Witch Doctor Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 6 Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 2 3 0
(if Wizard Master) 3 2 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin Witch Doctor 1 2 3 0 3

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Goblin Witch Doctor Cave Goblin Witch Doctor Forest Goblin Witch Doctor
(120 pts) (150 pts) (120 pts)
The model gains the Common Goblin The model gains the Cave Goblin The model gains the Forest Goblin
Greenhide Race and ​Light Armour​. Greenhide Race and 2​ × Power Greenhide Race.
Options: pts Options: pts Options: pts
May take (one choice only): May take Light Armour 5 May take (one choice only):
​Wolf 20 ​ Scuttler Spider 20
​Goblin Wolf Chariot 35 ​ Gargantula* 480

Magic Options: Options: pts

Must ​select spells from (choose one): May become (one choice only):
Wizard Adept 75
Wizard Master 245
Witchcraft Thaumaturgy Pyromancy May take Special Items up to 100
If Wizard Master up to 200

Power ‘Shroom​: Universal Rule.

Each instance of Power ‘Shroom is One use
only. Declare usage just before the model
rolls to cast a non-Bound Spell. Any
Dispelling Attempt made against this
Casting Attempt suffers -D3 to the dispelling
roll. Roll this dice directly when using the
Power ‘Shroom. If a natural ‘1’ is rolled for
this D3, the model using the Power ‘Shroom
suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks. This is an
exception to the Casting and Dispelling
Modifier rule (i.e. it is allowed to modify the
dispelling roll by more than -2).

*Wizard Master only. Gargantulas and their riders count towards Characters.
These mounts also count towards Big ‘n Nasty.

Model Rules 12 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN


Wolf Standard, Cavalry Scuttler Spider Standard, Cavalry

25×50 mm 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Feigned Flight, Light Strider, Feigned
9” 18” C Troops, Vanguard 7” 14” C Flight, Light Troops,
Vanguard, Scout
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
C C C C+​1
C C C C+​1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Wolf 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Scuttler 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed, Poison
Spider Attacks
Goblin Wolf Chariot Large, Construct
50×100 mm
Huntsmen Spider Large, Cavalry
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules 50×50 mm

9” 9” C Light Troops, Swiftstride Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Defensive HP Def Res Arm 7” 14” C Strider

4 C 4 C+​1 Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

3 C 4 C+​2
Goblin (2) 1 2 3 0 2 Common Goblin, Light Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Lance, Bow (4+)
Huntsmen 3 3 4 1 4 Harnessed, Poison
Wolf (2) 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed Spider
Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact Hits

Cave Gnasher Large, Beast Gargantula

40×40 mm 0-1 Mounts per Army
0-3 Mounts per Army
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules The mount and its rider count
Fly (6”, 12”), Light towards Characters. The mount also
Gigantic, Beast
Ground 5” 10” C Troops, Fearless, Oi it counts towards Big ‘n Nasty. 100×150 mm
Fly 6” 12” bites!, ​Bouncers
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Fearless, Stubborn,
7” 14” C Strider
3 C C C+​1 Hard Target (1)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
8 4 6 3
Cave Gnasher 3 4 6 3 3 Harnessed,
Impact Hits (1) Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Bouncers:​ Universal Rule. Goblin (8) 1 2 3 0 2 Forest Goblin, Light

May only join units of Gnasher Dashers and other Lance, Bow (4+)
Characters on Cave Gnasher (ignore the restrictions in
Gargantula 8 4 5 2 4 Harnessed, Poison
Oi it bites!). Attacks, Venomous
Options: pts
If mounted by a Goblin Witch Doctor,
Must​ take​ ​Spider-Mother Shrine free

Spider-Mother Shrine: ​Universal Rule.

The model gains Aegis (5+, against Ranged
Attacks) and knows one additional Learned

Model Rules 13 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

CORE ​(Min. 25%)
Height: Standard
Orcs ​160 pts Type: Infantry
20 ​models, may add up to ​30 ​additional models for 10 pts/model Base: 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 7 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Common Orc 1 3 4 0 Light Armour

Feral Orc 1 2 4 0 Aegis (6+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Orc 1 3 3 0 2

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Orc ​(free) Feral Orc ​(3 pts/model)

The model gains the Common Orc Greenhide Race and The model gains the Feral Orc Greenhide Race and
uses the Common Orc Defensive Characteristics. uses the Feral Orc Defensive Characteristics.

Options: pts Options: pts

May take Heavy Armour and May take a Mammoth Stabber 20 / unit
Crossbow (4+)* 5 / model

*Only if not armed with Paired Weapons, Spear, and/or


Options: pts
May take any of the following:
Shield 1 / model
Bow (4+) 1 / model
Paired Weapons 1 / model
Spear 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 14 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Orc ‘Eadbashers ​210 pts Type: Infantry
15 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 17 pts/model 0-1 Units per
Base: 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 7 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Common Orc 1 4 4 0 Light Armour

Feral Orc 1 3 4 0 Aegis (6+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Orc ‘Eadbasher 1 4 4 1 2

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Orc ‘Eadbasher ​(free) Feral Orc ‘Eadbasher ​(5 pts/model)

The model gains the Common Orc Greenhide Race and The model gains the Feral Orc Greenhide Race and
uses the Common Orc Defensive Characteristics. uses the Feral Orc Defensive Characteristics.

Options: pts
May take a Mammoth Stabber 25 / unit

Options: pts
May take any of the following:
Shield 1 / model
Paired Weapons 2 / model
Spear 3 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 15 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Orc Boar Riders ​140 pts Type: Cavalry
5 ​models, may add up to ​10 ​additional models for 18 pts/model 0-4 Units per
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 7 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Common Orc 1 3 4 2 Light Armour

Feral Orc 1 2 4 2 Aegis (6+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Orc Boar Rider 1 3 3 0 2 Light Lance

War Boar 1 3 4 1 3 Harnessed, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Orc Boar Rider ​(free) Feral Orc Boar Rider ​(free)
The Orc Boar Rider gains the Common Orc Greenhide The Orc Boar Rider gains the Feral Orc Greenhide Race,
Race and uses the Common Orc Defensive Characteristics. Devastating Charge (+1 Att),​ and uses the Feral Orc
Defensive Characteristics.

Options: pts Options: pts

May take a Lance 4 / model May take Paired Weapons 3 / model

Options: pts
May take a Shield 4 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 16 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Goblins ​115 pts Type: Infantry
20 ​models, may add up to ​40 ​additional models for 6 pts/model Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Common Goblin 4” 8” 6 Scoring

Cave Goblin 4” 8” 5 Scoring
Forest Goblin 4” 8” 6 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Common Goblin 1 2 3 0 2
Cave Goblin 1 2 3 0 3
Forest Goblin 1 2 3 0 2

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Goblin ​(free) Cave Goblin ​(free) Forest Goblin ​(1 pt/model)
The model gains the Common Goblin The model gains the Cave Goblin The model gains the Forest Goblin Greenhide
Greenhide Race and ​Light Armour​, Greenhide Race and uses the Cave Race, uses the Forest Goblin Global and
and uses the Common Goblin Global Goblin Global and Offensive Offensive Characteristics, and its Close Combat
and Offensive Characteristics. Characteristics. Attacks become ​Poison Attacks​.
Options: pts Options: pts Options: pts
If armed with Bows, May take Nets 2 / model May​ ​take​ ​Throwing​ ​Weapons​ ​(5+) 1 / model
May take a Shield free May take ​Mad Gits​* 60 / git May take ​Creepers free
May take ​Shady Gits​* 15 / git
*0-8 Mad Gits per Army and 0-X Creepers:​ Universal Rule.
*0-X Shady Gits per Unit, where X Mad Gits per Unit, where X depends 0-20 Models per Unit.
depends on the starting size of the on the starting size of the unit: The model loses Scoring and gains
unit: ● 20-29: 0-1 Skirmisher, Light Troops, and Hard
● 20-29: 0-2 ● 30-44: 0-2 Target (1).
● 30 or more: 0-3 ● 45 or more: 0-3

Options: pts
May take (one choice only):
Shield free
Spear & Shield 1 / model
If Forest Goblin, instead 2 / model
Bow (4+)* 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

*0-3 Units per Army, 0-100 models per Army.

Model Rules 17 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Shady Git Height: Standard
Type: Infantry
(This model is part of a Goblin unit)
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 6 Sneaky!

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shady Git 2 4 3 0 3 Common Goblin, Paired Weapons, Lethal Strike

Sneaky!​: Universal Rule.

The model gains +3 Agility and Lightning Reflexes in the First Round of Combat. Shady Gits are deployed in the unit
that purchased them and are Champions, except they gain neither First Among Equals nor Order the Charge.

Mad Git Height: Standard

Type: Infantry
(This model is part of a Goblin unit)
Base: 25 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

2D6” - 5 Fearless, Random Movement (2D6”), Shambolic, Ricochet (D6),

Running Amok!!, ​Surprise!

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 0 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mad Git 0 5 3 3 Cave Goblin

Surprise!: ​Universal Rule.
A Mad Git is not deployed. Instead it is said to be concealed inside the unit that purchased it. It is a unit upgrade, and
as such is ignored when calculating Victory Points (its points are already included in the Goblin unit concealing it,
and Victory Points are awarded for destroying the unit concealing it). Until released and moved out of its unit, a Mad
Git cannot be harmed or otherwise affected, or affect the game in any way. When a Mad Git is removed as a casualty,
it does not cause Panic Tests. It still moves, acts, and is influenced by all rules independently like a normal unit (once
released) and does not count towards the model count of the unit concealing it.

Mad Gits can be released in two ways:

● Mad Gits may be released when their unit declares a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction with a Shooting
Weapon (the unit still shoots as normal). If the unit does not have any Shooting Weapons, it may declare a
Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction with Mad Gits. If so, all Mad Gits in the unit must be released.​
● At the start of the owner’s Shooting Phase, if a unit with one or more concealed Mad Gits is not Engaged in
Combat, not Fleeing, and is within 8" of an enemy unit, it ​must ​immediately release all its Mad Gits.
Resolve released Mad Gits one at a time. Place the released Mad Git just outside of base contact with the concealing
unit and choose a direction to move the Mad Git in (ignore the Mad Git’s Running Amok!!). This cannot be a direction
that can potentially bring the released Mad Git into contact with its concealing unit. When releasing the Mad Git,
move it using the Shambolic rules in the chosen direction. During this move, rolling the same result on all dice does
not cause the Mad Git to lose D3 Health Points or move in a random direction.

Model Rules 18 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

SPECIAL ​(no limit)
Height: Standard
Iron Orcs ​305 pts Type: Infantry
15 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 25 pts/model Base: 25×25 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 8 Scoring, Bodyguard (Iron Orc Warlord, Iron Orc Chief)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Plate Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Iron Orc 1 5 4 1 2 Iron Orc, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Large
Orc Boar Chariot ​145 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 7” 7 Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 5 2 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

´Eadbasher Crew (2) 1 4 4 1 2 Common Orc, Lance

War Boar (2) 1 3 4 1 3 Harnessed, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Model Rules 19 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Mounted ‘Eadbashers ​150 pts Type: Cavalry
5 ​models, may add up to ​10 ​additional models for 24 pts/model 0-4 Units per
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 8 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Common Orc 1 4 4 2 Heavy Armour

Feral Orc 1 3 4 2 Aegis (6+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Mounted ‘Eadbasher 1 4 4 1 2 Light Lance

War Boar 1 3 4 1 3 Harnessed, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Orc ‘Eadbasher ​(4 pts/model) Feral Orc ‘Eadbasher ​(free)

The Mounted ‘Eadbasher gains the Common Orc The Mounted ‘Eadbasher gains the Feral Orc Greenhide
Greenhide Race and uses the Common Orc Defensive Race, ​Devastating Charge (+1 Att),​ and uses the Feral
Characteristics. Orc Defensive Characteristics.

Options: pts Options: pts

May take a Lance 3 / model May take Paired Weapons 3 / model

Options: pts
May take a Shield 3 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 20 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Goblin Raiders ​115 pts Type: Cavalry
5 ​models, may add up to ​15 ​additional models for 10 pts/model 0-4 Units per Base: 25×50 mm
Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Common Goblin 9” 18” 6 Feigned Flight, Vanguard, Light Troops

Forest Goblin 7” 14” 6 Feigned Flight, Vanguard, Light Troops, Scout, Strider
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 1

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin Raider 1 2 3 0 2
Wolf 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Scuttler Spider 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed, Poison Attacks

Must ​become one of the following Greenhide Races:

Common Goblin Raider ​(2 pts/model) Forest Goblin Raider ​(free)

The Goblin Raider gains the Common Goblin Greenhide The Goblin Raider gains the Forest Goblin Greenhide
Race and ​Light Armour​, rides a ​Wolf​, and uses the Race, rides a ​Scuttler Spider,​ uses the Forest Goblin
Common Goblin Global Characteristics. Global Characteristics, and its Close Combat Attacks
become ​Poison Attacks​.

Options: pts
May take any of the following:
Shield 1 / model
Light Lance 1 / model
Bow (4+) 1 / model
Throwing Weapons (5+) (Forest Goblins only) 1 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Height: Large
Goblin Wolf Chariot ​125 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Construct
1 ​model, may add up to ​3 ​additional models for 95 pts/model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 9” 6 Light Troops, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 2 4 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin Crew (3) 1 2 3 0 2 Common Goblin, Light Lance, Bow (4+)

Wolf (2) 1 3 3 0 3 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Model Rules 21 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Gnasher Dashers ​150 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Cavalry
5 ​models, may add up to ​5 ​additional models for 21 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 5” 10” 5 Fearless, Fly (6”, 12”), Light Troops, Oi it bites!

Fly 6” 12”
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin Rider 1 2 3 0 3 Cave Goblin

Gnasher 2 4 5 2 4 Harnessed, ​Rows of Teeth

Rows of Teeth​: Special Attack.

Gnashers can make Supporting Attacks even though they have Harnessed. Their Goblin Riders cannot make
Supporting Attacks.
Gnasher Dashers gain Impact Hits with the following exception: instead of causing a number of hits per Charging
model, a Charging Gnasher Dasher unit of up to 5 models causes D3 hits to a single enemy unit in base contact with
the unit’s Front Facing, while a unit of 6 or more Gnasher Dashers inflicts 2D3 hits instead.

Height: Standard
Gnasher Herd ​130 pts 0-5 Units per
Type: Beast
10 ​models, may add up to ​30 ​additional models for 13 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Fearless, Insignificant, Oi it bites!

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Gnasher 2 4 5 2 4 They’re Everywhere!

They’re Everywhere!:​ Special Attack.

When a Gnasher Herd Breaks from Combat, it is removed as a casualty at the end of step 7 of the Round of Combat
Sequence (after taking Break Tests), and all units within 6’’ suffer 1 hit for every 5 Gnashers in the Gnasher Herd,
rounding fractions down. Hits are resolved with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 2.

Height: Large
Gnasher Wrecking Team ​135 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 60 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6” - 3 Fearless, Random Movement (3D6”), Shambolic,​ Look At ‘Em

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 0 4 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wrecking Team 0 6 4 3 Ricochet (2D6)

Look At ‘Em Go!: ​Universal Rule.

After contacting a unit for the first time, a Gnasher Wrecking Team gains Running Amok!! for the rest of the game.

Model Rules 22 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Large
Trolls ​165 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
3 ​models, may add up to ​7 ​additional models for 65 pts/model Army
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 4 Fear, Fearless, ​Stupid

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0 Fortitude (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Troll 3 3 5 2 1 Troll Belch

Must ​take one of the following Troll Types:

Cave Troll ​(13 pts/model) Bridge Troll​ (8 pts/model)
Common Troll ​(free) The model gains ​Magic Resistance (3), The model gains ​Distracting​ and
and its Armour is ​set ​to 3. Strider (Water Terrain)​.
Stupid:​ Universal Rule.
At the start of each friendly Player Turn, each unengaged non-Fleeing unit with one or more models with Stupid must
take a Discipline Test. If the test is failed, all models in the unit become Shaken until the end of the Player Turn, and
in the Movement Phase, directly after Rallying Fleeing units, the unit must move D6" directly forwards, stopping 1"
before Impassable Terrain or other units.

Troll Belch:​ Special Attack.

At the model part’s Initiative Step, the owner may choose an enemy unit that the model part is able to attack with
Close Combat Attacks. If so, this unit suffers a hit, which is resolved with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 10, and
the model part with Troll Belch may not perform any Close Combat Attacks.

Model Rules 23 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Grotlings ​90 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
3 ​models, may add up to ​3 ​additional models for 14 pts/model Army
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 4 Insignificant, Scout, Vanguard, Skirmisher, Light Troops,

Unstable, Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 2 2 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Grotling 5 2 2 0 2 Throwing Weapons (5+)

Height: Large
Scrap Wagon ​80 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6” - 4 Fearless, Random Movement (3D6”), Shambolic, Insignificant,

Unstable, Fearless, ​Pursuit Mode

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 2 4 1

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Grotling Crew 5 2 2 0 2 Throwing Weapons (5+)

Chassis 4 3 Harnessed, Impact Hits (2D6)

Pursuit Mode​: Universal Rule.

The roll for the distance moved with Random Movement in the Movement Phase is subject to Maximised Roll
(consider only the used 3 dice for the purpose of Shambolic).

Model Rules 24 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Standard
Skewerer ​90 pts 0-4 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 60 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 4” 6 War Machine
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin Crew 3 2 3 0 2 Common Goblin, ​Ballista (4+)​, Move or Fire

Ballista (4+): Artillery Weapon.
Range 48", Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Area Attack (1×5).

Height: Standard
Greenhide Catapults 0-3 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 75 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 4” 6 War Machine
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin Crew 3 2 3 0 2 Common Goblin, Move or Fire

Orc Overseer:​ Universal Rule. Options: pts

The Greenhide Catapult loses Insignificant, gains May take ​Orc Overseer 20
+1 Health Point, its Discipline is ​set ​to 7, and its
Height changed to Large. When the Greenhide
Catapult rolls on the Misfire Table, it may choose
to lose 1 Health Point in order to reroll the dice.

The model gains an additional model part:

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Model Rules

Orc Overseer 1 3 3 0 2 Common Orc

The Goblin Crew ​must​ take one of the following Artillery Weapons:
Splatterer (4+) ​(165 pts) Git Launcher (4+) ​(195 pts)
0-2 per Army
Catapult (4×4) Artillery Weapon. Catapult Artillery Weapon.
Range 12-60", Shots 1, Str 3 [7], AP 0 [4], Range 12-60", Shots 1, Str 5, AP 4.
[Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]. This weapon follows the rules for Catapult Artillery
Weapons with the following exceptions: if the weapon hits
(including with a Partial Hit), instead of causing a hit with
Area Attack, the unit causes D3+1 hits with the weapon’s
profile. In case of a Partial Hit, neither the number of hits
nor their Strength and Armour Penetration are reduced.

Model Rules 25 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

BIG ’N NASTY ​(Max. 30%)
0-2 Units per Army Height: Gigantic
Gargantula ​510 pts 0-1 Units per Army​ if it
Type: Beast
single model includes any Characters
Base: 100×150 mm
mounted on Gargantula

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 6 Fearless, Stubborn, Strider

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

8 4 6 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Goblin (8) 1 2 3 0 2 Forest Goblin, Light Lance, Bow (4+)

Gargantula 8 4 5 2 4 Harnessed, Venomous Fangs, Poison Attacks

Web Launcher: Catapult (4×4) Artillery Options: pts

Weapon​. Gargantula may take ​Web Launcher ​(4+)* 15
Range 6-36", Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0.
* 0-1 per Army
All models in a unit that is hit by one or more
Web Launchers are considered Stuck until the
end of the next Player Turn. Stuck models suffer
-D3* Agility. In addition, they treat Dangerous
Terrain (1) as Dangerous Terrain (2), and all
Terrain (including Open Terrain) that normally
would not be Dangerous Terrain for them as
Dangerous Terrain (1).
*Roll a single D3 directly when hitting with the
weapon and apply the result to all models in the

Height: Gigantic
Great Green Idol ​365 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 100×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 8 Fearless, ​Smash ‘Em Flat, ​Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 2 8 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Green Idol 3 2 6 3 2 Crush Attack, Impact Hits (D3)

Smash ‘Em Flat:​ Universal Rule. Options: pts

Natural to-wound rolls of ‘1’ with Melee Attacks May be the Battle Standard Bearer 90
from units within 6" of a friendly Great Green
Idol must be rerolled.
Break Tests taken by units within 6” of one or
more friendly Engaged Great Green Idols are
subject to Minimised Roll.

Model Rules 26 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Height: Gigantic
Giant​ 280 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 8 Giant See, Giant Do

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Giant See, Giant Do: ​Universal Rule. Options pts:

The model gains ​Born to Fight. May become ​Big Brother 30
May take (one choice only):
Rage: ​Attack Attribute - Close Combat. Giant Club 35
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it Nets 50
gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Wrecking Ball free
Health Point, it suffers -1 Attack Value.

Big Brother​: Universal Rule

The model's Health Points are ​set ​to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm.
The roll for the number of its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.

Giant Club​: Close Combat Weapon.

Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.

Wrecking Ball​: Close Combat Weapon.

The wielder gains ​Fearless​, ​Random Movement (3D6”)​, ​Shambolic​, and ​Grind Attacks (D6+X)​, where
X is equal to the Attack Value modifier the model gains from Rage. The wielder cannot perform any Close
Combat Attacks.

Model Rules 27 ​ C​ ​OM ​GC​ ​GM​ ​C​ ​S​ ​DA​ ​BN

Saurian Ancients
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
The model’s Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll.

Engine of the Ancients

0–1 Units/Army.
The model part gains Telepathic Link. All friendly units within 6″ of the Engine of the Ancients gain Aegis (5+,
against Ranged Attacks). At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn, you may choose to replace Aegis with one
of the following effects until the start of the next friendly Player Turn:
• Choose a Path of Magic. The Casting Values of spells from this Path cast by friendly Wizards are reduced by 1.
• During the owner’s Shooting Phase, choose an enemy unit that is not Engaged in Combat and within 9″ of
the Engine of the Ancients. That unit suffers D3 hits with Flaming Attacks and Armour Penetration 10 that
always wound on a roll equal to or greater than “7 minus the target’s Armour”. A natural ‘6’ always wounds
and a natural ‘1’ always fails to wound. This is considered a Special Attack.

Telepathic Link
A Cuatl Lord may cast spells of type Damage through a friendly model with Telepathic Link with the following
conditions and restrictions:
• The Cuatl Lord is considered to be the Caster.
• The model with Telepathic Link must be within 24″ of the Cuatl Lord.
• The spell must have type Damage.
• Line of Sight and Front Arc of the model with Telepathic Link are used.
• The spell’s range is reduced by half and is measured from the model with Telepathic Link.
• The Cuatl Lord may cast spells of type Missile even if it is Engaged in Combat, as long as the model with
Telepathic Link is not.
If the spell is Miscast, apply the following effects:
• The Cuatl Lord suffers the Miscast effect as normal.
• The model with Telepathic Link suffers a single hit with Armour Penetration 2 and a Strength equal to the
number of Magic Dice used.
If the Cuatl Lord casts a spell using Telepathic Link, the Attribute Spell gets cast through the model with Telepathic
Link as well, applying the same conditions and restrictions listed above. If not all of the conditions are met, the
Attribute Spell is not cast.

Attack Attributes
Born Predator – Close Combat
Natural to-hit rolls of ‘1’ of attacks with this Attack Attribute must be rerolled.

Blowpipe – Shooting Weapon
Range 12″, Shots 2, Str 2, AP 0, Poison Attacks, +1 to hit against units consisting entirely of models with Towering

Poisoned Javelin – Shooting Weapon
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire.

Giant Blowpipes – Artillery Weapon

Range 12″, Shots 8, Str 3, AP 0, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire, .

Great Bow – Artillery Weapon

Range 36″, Shots 1, Str 3 [5], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Quick to Fire.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Spark of Creation
Damage The target suffers D6 hits with Strength ⟨5⟩ {6}, Armour
⟨6+⟩ ⟨30″⟩
Hex Instant Penetration ⟨2⟩ {3}, and Magical Attacks.
{9+} {18″}

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Artefacts
Glory of the Dawn Age 90 pts Raptor Spirit 80 pts
Enchantment: Spear. Models on foot only.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, The bearer gains +4″ Advance Rate, +4″ March Rate,
Magical Attacks, and Multiple Wounds (2). and Swiftstride. This Artefact cannot be taken by a
model with Ranger’s Boots.
Wildfire Burst 70 pts
Enchantment: Bow. Ancient Plaque 75 pts
This weapon has Shots 4, Str 4, AP 1 and always hits Dominant.
on 3+. Attacks made with this weapon become Flam- Once per Magic Phase, the bearer may reroll a single
ing Attacks and Magical Attacks. A unit that is hit Magic Dice when making a casting roll, provided the
by one or more of these attacks loses Soft Cover until spell was not Miscast. This ability cannot be used for
the end of the Player Turn (if it had it). If the enemy Casting Attempts with only one Magic Dice.
unit was in Hard Cover, it is now considered to be in
Soft Cover until the end of the Player Turn. Sphere of Shielding 75 pts
Models on Palanquin and Skink Palanquin only.
The bearer gains Aegis (2+, against Ranged At-
Armour Enchantments tacks) and automatically fails all saves against Melee
Serrate Scales 60 pts Attacks.
Enchantment: Shield.
While using this Shield, the bearer gains Grind At- Spirit of the Stampede 70 pts
tacks (2) that are always resolved with Strength 5 The bearer’s mount gains Impact Hits (D6). If it al-
and Armour Penetration 2. ready had Impact Hits, increase the number of Impact
Hits by D6 instead.
Taurosaur’s Vigour 60 pts
Enchantment: Suit of Armour. Jade Staff 60 pts
The wearer gains +1 Armour and +1 Health Point. The bearer can cast Healing Waters (Druidism) as a
Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Banner Enchantments Starfall Shard 60 pts

The bearer’s model gains Aegis (2+, against Flam-
Totem of Mixoatl 70 pts
ing Attacks) and Hard Target (1), and automati-
Cannot be taken by units that count towards Core.
cally fails all Fortitude Saves.
The bearer’s unit gains Hard Target (1).
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round
of Combat. Until the end of the Round of Combat, Egg of the Quetzal 45 pts
enemy units in base contact with the bearer’s unit The bearer gains Breath Attack (Str D3+2, AP 1,
suffer −3 Offensive Skill. Magical Attacks).

Tree Frog Banner 35 pts Sun Tablet 40 pts

Close Combat Attacks from Skink* model parts in the The bearer always selects its spells from all Learned
bearer’s unit become Poison Attacks. Spells of its chosen Path and Spark of Creation
*The following model parts are considered Skinks: (Hereditary Spell). This overrides the Spell Selec-
Skink Captains, Skink Priests, Skink Braves, Skink tion rules connected for Wizard Apprentices, Adepts,
Hunters, Chameleons, Pteradon Sentries – Rider only, and Essence of a Free Mind. This Artefact cannot be
Rhamphodon Riders – Rider only, Taurosaur – Crew combined with Protean Potentate.
only, Stygiosaur – Skink Rider only, Thyroscutus –
Crew only. Obsidian Tesseract 25 pts
One use only. May be activated in the opponent’s
Magic Phase at the end of step 3 of the Magic Phase
Sequence (Siphon the Veil). When activated, remove
1 Magic Dice from the opponent’s Magic Dice pool.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Jungle Guerillas Thunder Lizards

Max. 40% Min. 20% No limit Max. 30% Max. 35%

Characters (Max. 40%)

Saurian Warlord Height
Type Infantry
260 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
A mount marked with (TL) counts towards Thunder Lizards. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Cold-Blooded
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 5 2 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warlord 5 6 5 2 4 Born Predator

Options pts Mount Options pts
Special Items up to 200 Raptor 120
Shield 5 Carnosaur (TL) 230
Heavy Armour (on foot only) 15 Alpha Carnosaur (TL) 520
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 10
Spear 10
Halberd 20
Lance 20
Great Weapon 30

Saurian Veteran Height
Type Infantry
170 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
A mount marked with (TL) counts towards Thunder Lizards. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Cold-Blooded
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 5 2 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Saurian Veteran 4 5 5 2 3 Born Predator

Options pts Mount Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer 50 Raptor 110
Special Items up to 100 Carnosaur (TL) 245
Shield 5
Heavy Armour (on foot only) 10
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 5
Spear 5
Halberd 10
Lance 10
Great Weapon 25

Caiman Ancient Height
Type Infantry
195 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 7 Cold-Blooded, Fear, Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 3 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Caiman Ancient 4 5 5 2 3 Born Predator

Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer 50
Special Items up to 100
Must choose (one choice only):
Halberd free
Great Weapon 10

Cuatl Lord Height
Type Infantry
445 pts single model Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Cold-Blooded, Palanquin, Tall, Wizard Master

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 2 4 0 Aegis (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Cuatl Lord 1 2 3 0 2
Model Rules Magic Options pts
Palanquin: Universal Rule.
When the model is in a unit with Bodyguard, it gains
Stand Behind. The model can be the General even Alchemy Divination Evocation Pyromancy
if it is also the Battle Standard Bearer, and it cannot
be chosen by the enemy as the model that suffers Options pts
the penalties for refusing a Duel. The model counts Battle Standard Bearer 100
as being mounted. Special Items up to 200
Cuatl Lord Disciplines up to 200
Optional Model Rules: Cuatl Lord Disciplines
Disciplines cannot be duplicated within an army.
Grasp of the Immortal 130 pts Breaker of Spells 70 pts
The model gains Channel (1) and a +1 Casting Modi- The owner of the model may reroll their first failed
fier. A natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ for Casting Attempts with Dispelling Attempt in each enemy Magic Phase.
a single Magic Dice is always a failed Casting Attempt,
regardless of any modifiers. Protean Potentate 65 pts
The model gains Protean Magic and access to
Master of Reality 130 pts Druidism, and knows all the Learned Spells it now
During Siphon the Veil, the owner must convert Veil has access to as well as its Hereditary Spell. This Dis-
Tokens into Magic Dice for a cost of 2:1 (instead of cipline cannot be combined with Ancient Knowledge
3:1). At the end of each friendly Siphon the Veil sub- or the Sun Tablet Artefact on the same model.
phase, all Veil Tokens that have not been converted
into Magic Dice are discarded. Symbiosis 50 pts
The model may cast spells of any type through models
Soulfire Weaver 120 pts with Telepathic Link. When casting spells through a
Every time the model successfully casts a spell from Telepathic Link, the range of spells of type Damage
Evocation, it can choose to discard one or more Veil without Aura is not reduced. Otherwise follow the
Tokens instead of casting the Attribute Spell. For each normal rules for Telepathic Link.
Veil Token discarded this way, choose one unengaged
enemy unit within 12″ of a target of the spell (no unit Trained from Birth 50 pts
can be chosen more than once per spell). Each chosen The model knows the Learned Spell 1 from its chosen
unit suffers a hit with Strength 4, Armour Penetration Path in addition to its other spells and cannot select
0, Area Attack (2×2), and Magical Attacks. it during Spell Selection.

Ancient Knowledge 85 pts

Models with Divination only.
Instead of selecting spells, the model knows all spells
from Divination. A single Learned Spell may be ex-
changed for the Hereditary Spell during Spell Selec-
tion. Ignore the rules for The Conclave and instead
apply the following: spells from Divination gain +3″
range, up to a maximum of +9″:
• For each friendly model part with Telepathic
Link within 12″ of the Caster
• For each additional friendly Wizard without Tele-
pathic Link within 12″ of the Caster d

Skink Captain Height
Type Infantry
75 pts single model 0–5 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm

A mount marked with [JG] and its rider count towards Characters and Jungle Guerillas.
A mount marked with (TL) counts towards Thunder Lizards. The mount and its rider also count
towards Characters.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 6 Cold-Blooded, Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Captain 3 4 4 1 6
Options pts Mount Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer 50 Alpha Rhamphodon [JG] 80
Special Items up to 100 Alpha Pteradon [JG] 85
Shield 5 Taurosaur (TL) 420
Must choose (one choice only):
Blowpipe (4+) free
Bow (3+) free
Poisoned Javelin (3+) free
One choice only:
Light Lance 5
Paired Weapons 5

Skink Priest Height
Type Infantry
115 pts single model 0–5 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (TL) counts towards Thunder Lizards. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 5 Cold-Blooded, Strider (Water Terrain), Telepathic Link,

Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 2 2 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Priest 1 2 3 0 4
Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Adept 75 Special Items up to 100
Light Armour 5
Mount Options pts
Druidism Shamanism Skink Palanquin 70
Taurosaur (TL) 410

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Raptor Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Raptor 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed

Height Large
Carnosaur Type Cavalry
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Thunder Lizards.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Fear, Fearless, Frenzy, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Carnosaur 4 3 6 3 2 Battle Focus, Born Predator, Harnessed, Multiple

Wounds (2, against Large)

Alpha Carnosaur Type Beast
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Thunder Lizards.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Apex Predator

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 4 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Alpha Carnosaur 5 4 7 4 3 Born Predator, Harnessed, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Model Rules
Apex Predator: Universal Rule.
When Charging a single model unit with Gigantic Height and/or Fly, the model gains +2″ to its Charge Range roll.

Height Standard
Skink Palanquin Type Infantry
Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ C Skink Palanquin, Tall

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 C 3 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Palanquin Harnessed

Model Rules Options pts
Skink Palanquin: Universal Rule. Change base size to 40×40 mm free
The model gains Stand Behind while it is joined to Plaque of the Snake God 30
a unit of Saurian Warriors or Skink Braves that does
Optional Model Rules
not contain any Caiman models. In addition to its
Plaque of the Snake God: Universal Rule.
other spells, the model knows the Learned Spell 1
All Skink* model parts in the same unit as the model
from its chosen Path and cannot select it during Spell
gain Hatred.
*The following model parts are considered Skinks: Skink Captains, Skink Priests, Skink Braves, Skink Hunters,
Chameleons, Pteradon Sentries – Rider only, Rhamphodon Riders – Rider only.

Height Large
Alpha Pteradon Type Cavalry
Base 40×40 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters and Jungle Guerillas.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ C Feigned Flight, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Strider (Forest),
Fly 9″ 18″ Vanguard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 C 3 C+1 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Alpha Pteradon 1 3 4 1 2 Harnessed, Release Rocks

Model Rules
Release Rocks: Special Attack.
Sweeping Attack which can be used once per game. The enemy unit suffers D3 hits with Strength 4 and Armour
Penetration 1 for each Pteradon in the unit.

Height Large
Alpha Rhamphodon Type Cavalry
Base 40×40 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters and Jungle Guerillas.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ C Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Frenzy, Light Troops, Strider (For-
Fly 8″ 16″ est), Vanguard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 C 3 C+1 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Alpha Rhamphodon 2 3 4 2 4 Battle Focus, Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Prey Scent

Model Rules
Prey Scent: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), if you have one or more units of
Rhamphodon Riders or Skink Captains on Alpha Rhamphodon in your army, you must choose 2 units from your
opponent’s Army List (this may also be Characters). The models of these units are considered “marked”.
Rhamphodon mounts gain +D3 Attack Value and must reroll failed to-hit rolls for attacks allocated either
towards marked models, or towards models joined to units with more than half of their models marked. The
additional attacks must be allocated towards models meeting either of those criteria.

Height Gigantic
Taurosaur Type Beast
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Thunder Lizards.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 10″ C Fearless
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Crew (5) 1 2 3 0 4 Poisoned Javelin (4+)

Taurosaur 4 3 6 3 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Harnessed, Impact Hits
(D6+1), Sharp Horns
Model Rules Options pts
Sharp Horns: Attack Attribute. The Taurosaur must take (one choice only):
The model part may reroll the roll for the number of Giant Blowpipes (3+) free
its Impact Hits. Great Bow (3+) free
Engine of the Ancients 100

Core (Min. 20%)
Saurian Warriors Height
Type Infantry
255 pts + 19 pts/extra model 15–35 models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Cold-Blooded, Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 2 Shield
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Saurian Warrior 2 3 4 1 2 Born Predator

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Spear 2/model Champion 20
Totem Animal (one choice only): Musician 20
Jaguar 1/model Standard Bearer 20
Piranha 1/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Crocodile 4/model
Serpent 4/model
Optional Model Rules
Totem Animal: Universal Rule.
Saurian Warriors may take one of the following Totem Animals. If a Saurian Warrior unit selects this option,
then all Saurian Warriors in the army must be upgraded with the same Totem Animal.
• Piranha: The model gains Fear.
• Jaguar: The model gains +1″ Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.
• Serpent: The model gains +1 Agility and Fight in Extra Rank.
• Crocodile: The model gains +1 Armour against Close Combat Attacks.

Skink Braves Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 7 pts/extra model 15–40 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
The unit also counts towards Jungle Guerillas when taking Poisoned Javelins. Caimans in such units do not
count towards Jungle Guerillas.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 5 Cold-Blooded, Scoring, Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 2 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Brave 1 2 3 0 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Caiman* (max. 1 for every 10 Skinks) 75/Caiman Champion 20
Must choose (one choice only): Musician 20
Shield free Standard Bearer 20
Bow (4+) (0–40 Models/Army) 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Shield and Poisoned Javelin (4+) 2/model

Height Large
*Caiman Type Infantry
Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 7 Cold-Blooded, Combined Strength, Scoring, Strider (Wa-

ter Terrain)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Caiman 3 3 5 2 2 Born Predator, Halberd

Model Rules
Combined Strength: Universal Rule.
Skink Braves may add Caimans to their unit. Caimans are R&F models of a different Model Classification (Large
Infantry). Follow the normal rules for determining if the Height of the unit is Standard or Large (see Model
Classification). Caimans follow the rules for Matching Bases (see Front Rank), except that they do not have to be
placed as far forwards as possible. Instead, they can be placed anywhere in the unit.
Skink Braves and Caimans in the same unit do not share a common Health Pool even though they are both R&F
models. Instead, they each have their own Health Pool (lost Health Points are never passed between them, and
any excess Health Points losses are ignored).
Distributing Hits: When distributing hits onto the unit (i.e. for attacks against the unit as a whole), first
distribute hits between R&F models and Characters. Then randomise all hits distributed onto R&F models. Roll
a D6 for each hit: 1–4 hits a Skink Brave, 5–6 hits a Caiman. If the Skink Braves lose enough Health Points in
order to wipe them out, any excess Health Point losses are alloted to the Champion.
Stomp Attacks: When distributing hits from Stomp Attacks, ignore all models in the unit that are not Standard
Infantry. Hits distributed onto Skink Braves are not randomised.
Allocating Attacks: Close Combat Attacks can be allocated as normal towards different Health Pools in base
contact: Skink Braves, Caimans, Champion, Character(s).
Swirling Melee: All enemies allocating attacks using Swirling Melee (i.e. attacking R&F models not in base
contact) may choose to do this either towards Skink Braves or towards Caimans. If this is used to attack Caimans,
the attacks suffer a −1 to-hit modifier.

Special (No limit)
Temple Guard Height
Type Infantry
350 pts + 32 pts/extra model 15–30 models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Bodyguard (General), Cold-Blooded, Fearless, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 2 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Temple Guard 2 4 4 1 2 Born Predator, Cobalt Club

Model Rules
Cobalt Club: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength.
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Raptor Riders Height
Type Cavalry
260 pts + 42 pts/extra model 5–12 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Cold-Blooded, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 4 Shield
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 2 4 4 1 2 Born Predator, Lance

Raptor 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Caimans Height
Type Infantry
205 pts + 75 pts/extra model 3–10 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 7 Cold-Blooded, Scoring, Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Caiman 3 3 5 2 2 Born Predator

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Must choose (one choice only): Champion 20
Halberd free Musician 20
Great Weapon 5/model Standard Bearer 20

Snake Swarms Height
Type Infantry
125 pts + 35 pts/extra model 2–4 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 Cold-Blooded, Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Un-

stable, Venomous Tide
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 2 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Snake Swarm 5 3 2 0 1 Poison Attacks

Model Rules Options pts
Venomous Tide: Universal Rule. Scout 7/model
All models in enemy units must take a Dangerous
Terrain (1) Test after successfully Charging a unit of
Snake Swarms.

Jungle Guerillas (Max. 30%)
Skink Hunters Height
Type Infantry
110 pts + 12 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 6 Cold-Blooded, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Strider (Water

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 2 1 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Hunter 1 2 3 0 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Vanguard 20 Champion 20
Must choose (one choice only):
Shield and Poisoned Javelin (3+) free
Blowpipe (4+) 2/model

Chameleons Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 18 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 6 Cold-Blooded, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher, Strider

(Water Terrain)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 2 1 Hard Target (2)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chameleon 1 2 3 0 4 Blowpipe (4+)

Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Pteradon Sentries Height
Type Cavalry
180 pts + 25 pts/extra model 3–5 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 5 Cold-Blooded, Feigned Flight, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops,

Fly 9″ 18″ Skirmisher, Strider (Forest), Vanguard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 2 3 2 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 1 2 3 0 4 Light Lance

Pteradon 1 3 4 1 2 Harnessed, Release Rocks
Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Release Rocks: Special Attack. Champion 20
Sweeping Attack which can be used once per game.
Optional Model Rules
The enemy unit suffers D3 hits with Strength 4 and
Fire Bola: Shooting Weapon.
Armour Penetration 1 for each Pteradon in the unit.
Range 8″, Shots 1, Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks,
Options pts Quick to Fire.
Shield 5/model
The Rider must take (one choice only):
Fire Bola (4+) free
Poisoned Javelin (4+) free

Rhamphodon Riders Height
Type Cavalry
225 pts + 60 pts/extra model 3–5 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 6 Cold-Blooded, Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Frenzy, Light Troops,

Fly 8″ 16″ Strider (Forest), Vanguard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 1 3 2 Hard Target (1), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 1 2 3 0 4 Light Lance, Poisoned Javelin (4+)

Rhamphodon 2 3 4 2 4 Battle Focus, Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Prey Scent
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 9/model Champion 20
Model Rules
Prey Scent: Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), if you have one or more units of
Rhamphodon Riders or Skink Captains on Alpha Rhamphodon in your army, you must choose 2 units from your
opponent’s Army List (this may also be Characters). The models of these units are considered “marked”.
Rhamphodon mounts gain +D3 Attack Value and must reroll failed to-hit rolls for attacks allocated either
towards marked models, or towards models joined to units with more than half of their models marked. The
additional attacks must be allocated towards models meeting either of those criteria.

Weapon Beasts Height
Type Beast
145 pts + 115 pts/extra model 1–2 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 6 Cold-Blooded, Light Troops, Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Weapon Beast 3 3 4 1 4
Options pts
Must choose (one choice only):
Spearback (0–2 Units/Army) free
Salamander (0–2 Units/Army) 25/model
Optional Model Rules
Salamander – Spout Flames: Artillery Weapon.
Flamethrower, Range 8″, Shots 1, Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks. If a Misfire is rolled, the Salamander always
counts as rolling the 5+ Malfunction result.
Spearback – Shoot Spikes (4+): Shooting Weapon.
Range 18″, Shots 2D6, Str 4, AP 2, Quick to Fire. This weapon may not be used if the model performed a March
Move in this Player Turn. Spearbacks must declare Stand and Shoot as a Charge Reaction if possible, but they
do not suffer the −1 to-hit modifier for it.

Thunder Lizards (Max. 35%)
Stygiosaur Height
Type Cavalry
300 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 6 Cold-Blooded, Fear, Terror, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 5 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Rider 1 2 3 0 4
Stygiosaur 4 4 5 2 2 Born Predator, Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks), Harnessed,
Poison Attacks, Stomp Attacks (D3)
Options pts
Mystic Traveller 120
Optional Model Rules
Mystic Traveller: Universal Rule.
The Skink Rider gains Telepathic Link and is a Wizard Adept that selects 2 spells from Awaken the Beast, Swarm
of Insects, Savage Fury (Shamanism), and Spark of Creation (Hereditary Spell) during Spell Selection. This rule
overrides the normal Spell Selection rules connected to being a Wizard Adept.

Thyroscutus Height
Type Cavalry
275 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 6 Cold-Blooded, Stubborn

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 5 6
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Crew (4) 1 2 3 0 4 Poisoned Javelin (4+)

Thyroscutus 3 2 4 1 1 Crush Attack, Harnessed
Options pts
Must choose (one choice only):
Altar of the Snake-God free
Sun Engine 15
Optional Model Rules
Altar of the Snake-God: Universal Rule.
The model gains an additional model part:
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Model Rules

Snakes 2D6 2 2 0 1 Poison Attacks

Sun Engine: Universal Rule.
The model gains Channel (1).

Taurosaur Height
Type Beast
455 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 10″ 7 Cold-Blooded, Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skink Crew (5) 1 2 3 0 4 Poisoned Javelin (4+)

Taurosaur 4 3 6 3 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Harnessed, Impact Hits
(D6+1), Sharp Horns
Model Rules Options pts
Sharp Horns: Attack Attribute. The Taurosaur must take (one choice only):
The model part may reroll the roll for the number of Giant Blowpipes (4+) free
its Impact Hits. Great Bow (4+) free
Engine of the Ancients 100

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Cold-Blooded
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 2 Light Armour
Warlord Att 5 Off 6 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Born Predator
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Cold-Blooded
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 2 Light Armour
Saurian Veteran Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Born Predator
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 7 Cold-Blooded, Fear, Strider (Water Terrain)
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 3 Light Armour
Caiman Ancient Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Born Predator
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Cold-Blooded, Palanquin, Tall, Wizard Master
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 0 Aegis (4+)
Cuatl Lord Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 6 Cold-Blooded, Strider (Water Terrain)
Standard, Infantry HP 2 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Skink Captain Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 6
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 5 Cold-Blooded, Strider (Water Terrain), Telepathic Link, Wizard
Standard, Infantry HP 2 Def 2 Res 2 Arm 1
Skink Priest Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4

Character Mounts
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Raptor Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear, Fearless, Frenzy, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Carnosaur Att 4 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Battle Focus, Born Predator, Harnessed, Multiple Wounds (2,
against Large)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Apex Predator
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 4
Alpha Carnosaur Att 5 Off 4 Str 7 AP 4 Agi 3 Born Predator, Harnessed, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Skink Palanquin, Tall
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def C Res 3 Arm C+1
Skink Palanquin Att - Off - Str - AP Agi - Harnessed
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis C Feigned Flight, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Strider (Forest), Van-
Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def C Res 3 Arm C+1 Hard Target (1)
Alpha Pteradon Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed, Release Rocks
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis C Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Frenzy, Light Troops, Strider (Forest),
Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def C Res 3 Arm C+1 Hard Target (1)
Alpha Rhamphodon Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 2 Agi 4 Battle Focus, Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Prey Scent
Adv 6″ Mar 10″ Dis C Fearless
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 4
Skink Crew (5) Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Poisoned Javelin (4+)
Taurosaur Att 4 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Harnessed, Impact Hits (D6+1),
Sharp Horns

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Cold-Blooded, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 2 Shield
Saurian Warrior Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Born Predator

Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 5 Cold-Blooded, Scoring, Strider (Water Terrain)
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 2 Arm 1
Skink Brave Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 7 Cold-Blooded, Combined Strength, Scoring, Strider (Water Ter-
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 3
Caiman Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Born Predator, Halberd

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Bodyguard (General), Cold-Blooded, Fearless, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2 Light Armour, Shield
Temple Guard Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Born Predator, Cobalt Club
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Cold-Blooded, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 4 Shield
Rider Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Born Predator, Lance
Raptor Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 7 Cold-Blooded, Scoring, Strider (Water Terrain)
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 3
Caiman Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Born Predator
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Cold-Blooded, Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Unstable,
Venomous Tide
Standard, Infantry HP 5 Def 3 Res 2 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Snake Swarm Att 5 Off 3 Str 2 AP 0 Agi 1 Poison Attacks

Jungle Guerillas
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 6 Cold-Blooded, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Strider (Water Terrain)
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 2 Arm 1 Hard Target (1)
Skink Hunter Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 6 Cold-Blooded, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher, Strider (Water
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 2 Arm 1 Hard Target (2)
Chameleon Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Blowpipe (4+)
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 5 Cold-Blooded, Feigned Flight, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops,
Skirmisher, Strider (Forest), Vanguard
Large, Cavalry HP 2 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 2 Hard Target (1)
Rider Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Light Lance
Pteradon Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed, Release Rocks
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 6 Cold-Blooded, Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Frenzy, Light Troops, Stri-
der (Forest), Vanguard
Large, Cavalry HP 2 Def 1 Res 3 Arm 2 Hard Target (1), Light Armour
Rider Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Light Lance, Poisoned Javelin (4+)
Rhamphodon Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 2 Agi 4 Battle Focus, Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Prey Scent
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 6 Cold-Blooded, Light Troops, Strider (Water Terrain)
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 3
Weapon Beast Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4

Thunder Lizards
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 6 Cold-Blooded, Fear, Terror, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 5 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 4
Skink Rider Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4
Stygiosaur Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Born Predator, Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks), Harnessed, Poison
Attacks, Stomp Attacks (D3)
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 6 Cold-Blooded, Stubborn
Large, Cavalry HP 5 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 6
Skink Crew (4) Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Poisoned Javelin (4+)
Thyroscutus Att 3 Off 2 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 1 Crush Attack, Harnessed

Adv 6″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Cold-Blooded, Fearless
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 4
Skink Crew (5) Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Poisoned Javelin (4+)
Taurosaur Att 4 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Harnessed, Impact Hits (D6+1),
Sharp Horns

Artillery and Shooting Weapons

Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Poison Attacks, +1 to hit against
Blowpipe - 12″ 2 0 2
Towering Presence
Poison Attacks,
Poisoned Javelin - 12″ User User 1
Quick to Fire
Poison Attacks,
Giant Blowpipes - 12″ 3 0 8
Quick to Fire
Area Attack (1×5),
Great Bow - 36″ 3 [5] 10 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3)],
Quick to Fire
Flaming Attacks,
Magical Attacks,
Wildfire Burst (Bow) - 24″ 4 1 4
Remove Soft Cover,
Always hits on 3+
Flaming Attacks,
Fire Bola - 8″ 4 1 1
Quick to Fire
Salamander – Spout Flames Flamethrower 8″ 4 1 1 Flaming Attacks
Quick to Fire,
No March and Shoot,
Spearback – Shoot Spikes - 18″ 4 2 2D6
Must Stand and Shoot (without -1

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Wildfire Burst (Bow) 3+ Characters
Bow 3+ Skink Captain
4+ Skink Brave
Blowpipe 3+ Skink Captain
4+ Skink Hunter, Chameleon
Giant Blowpipes 3+ Skink Captain (Taurosaur)
4+ Taurosaur
Great Bow 3+ Skink Captain (Taurosaur)
4+ Taurosaur
Fire Bola 4+ Pteradon Sentry
Poisoned Javelin 3+ Skink Captain, Skink Hunter
4+ Skink Braves, Pteradon Sentry, Rhamphodon Rider, Skink Crew
Shoot Spikes 4+ Weapon Beast (Spearback) d

Sylvan Elves
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Specific Rules
The Forest Follows
Right after determining who deploys first (after step 1 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), you must place a single
Forest Terrain Feature:
• Entirely within your half of the Battlefield
• Not in contact with any other Terrain Feature except Open Terrain
• More than 6″ away from the centre of the board when playing Hold the Ground, and more than 6″ away from
any marker used for the Secondary Objective.
If both players are fielding Sylvan Elves, the player that selected their Deployment Zone places their Forest first.
This Terrain Feature may not be larger than 27 cm in length and 19 cm in width. All Forests on the Battlefield are
considered Dangerous Terrain (1) for all units except those with Strider or Strider (Forest).

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
Emboldening Boughs
A unit with more than half of its models with Emboldening Boughs gains Stubborn while more than half of the unit’s
models are inside a Forest with the centre of their bases.

Forest Walker
The model gains Strider (Forest). If a unit comprised entirely of models with Forest Walker starts a Round of
Combat with more than half of its models with the centre of their bases inside a Forest, then all model parts without
Harnessed must reroll to-wound rolls of ‘1’ with their Close Combat Attacks for the duration of that Round of Combat.

Sylvan Spirit
The model gains Fearless and Magical Attacks. Models with Sylvan Spirit can only join or be joined by models with
Sylvan Spirit.

Tree Singing
Each model with Tree Singing may discard 1 Veil Token once per friendly Magic Phase, right after Siphon the Veil. If
so, choose a Forest Terrain Feature within 24″ of the model with Tree Singing that is not in contact with any unit.
Move this Forest in a straight line up to 6″. This movement stops just before moving into contact with any units or
any Terrain Features other than Open Terrain. Each Forest may only be moved with Tree Singing once per Magic

Attack Attributes
Master Archer – Shooting
When shooting with a Sylvan Longbow, all models with Master Archer in a unit may choose to gain either +2 Armour
Penetration or +2 to hit.

Elven Cloak – Armour Equipment
When combined with Light Armour, the wearer gains +1 Armour. Elven Cloaks cannot be enchanted.

Impaling Roots – Shooting Weapon
Range 12″, Shots D6+1, Str 4, AP 1, March and Shoot, Quick to Fire, ignores to-hit modifiers from Cover. If its target
is in contact with a Forest, the Strength is set to 5 and Armour Penetration to 2.

Sylvan Longbow – Shooting Weapon

0-55 Models with Sylvan Longbow per Army.
Follows the rules for Longbows. In addition, attacks made with a Sylvan Longbow gain Armour Penetration 1 and
Quick to Fire. Also, when shooting from Short Range, their Strength is set to 4.

Sylvan Blades – Close Combat Weapon

Follows the rules for Paired Weapons. In addition, attacks made with Sylvan Blades gain +1 Armour Penetration.

Sylvan Lance – Close Combat Weapon

Follows the rules for Light Lances. In addition, attacks made with a Sylvan Lance gain +1 Armour Penetration.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

Place a Forest Terrain Feature underneath the target (this

can be substituted by placing a marker next to the unit).
H Forest Embrace This Forest always extends to the edges of the target’s Unit
18″ Augment One Turn Boundary (even if the unit moves or changes formation).
{Enemy units in base contact with the target must
reroll natural to-hit rolls of ‘6’.}

Kindreds Aspects of Nature
Kindreds may be duplicated within an army. Each Aspect of Nature is One of a Kind.
Shapeshifter 90 pts Scarred Bark 75 pts
Models on foot only. All Dryads in the bearer’s unit gain Hatred.
The model’s Advance Rate is set to 6″ and its March
Rate is set to 18″. It gains +1 Attack Value, +1 Re- Toxic Spores 65 pts
silience, Fear, Hard Target (1), Swiftstride, and The bearer’s unit gains Lethal Strike.
Vanguard. The model may never join units or be
joined by other Characters. Entangling Vines 60 pts
In a Duel, opponents must reroll successful to-hit
Wild Hunter 90 pts rolls against the bearer.
Models mounted on Elven Horse or Great Elk only.
The bearer’s model gains +1 Attack Value, -2 De- Oaken Crown 20 pts
fensive Skill, Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 The bearer gains Swift Reform.
Att, Fear), Fearless, Frenzy, and Light Troops.

Pathfinder 55 pts
0–2 per Army. Models on foot only. Cannot be taken
by the Battle Standard Bearer.
The model gains Master Archer and Scout.
The Shots of a Sylvan Longbow wielded by the model
are set to 3. If wielded by a Forest Prince, its Shots
are set to 4 instead.

Blade Dancer 45 pts

Models on foot only.
The model gains Aegis (6+), Dances of Cenyrn (see
Blade Dancer unit), and Fearless. The bearer’s unit
gains Swiftstride. The model may only join or be
joined by other Blade Dancer Kindred Characters and
units of Blade Dancers. It cannot use any Shooting
Weapons nor benefit from Armour (neither mundane
nor enchanted).

Forest Guardian 35 pts

Models on foot only.
The model gains +1 Attack Value and +1 Armour.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Banner Enchantments
Lifeseed Feathers 80 pts Banner of Deception 60 pts
Enchantment: Sylvan Longbow. At the end of step 4 of the Deployment Phase Se-
Attacks made with this weapon become Magical At- quence (before deploying Scouts), the owner may
tacks. Instead of firing this Sylvan Longbow using remove the bearer’s unit from the Battlefield and
the standard rules for Sylvan Longbows and Long- deploy it again elsewhere (any Characters joined to
bows, the wielder may apply the following rules: the unit must remain in the unit; this does not affect
Range 30″, Shots always 1, Strength and Armour Pen- the number of Undeployed Units for calculating the
etration vary depending on the wielder’s distance to starting roll-off bonus).
the target:
• Str 4, AP 1 if within 10″ Predator Pennant 45 pts
• Str 5, AP 2 if more than 10″ and within 20″ The bearer’s unit gains Devastating Charge (Dis-
• Str 6, AP 3 if more than 20″ and within 30″, and tracting).
the attack gains Multiple Wounds (2)
Banner of Silent Mist 40 pts
Hunter’s Honour 75 pts 0–2 per Army.
Enchantment: Spear. The bearer’s unit gains Soft Cover. Enemy units
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 within 3″ of the bearer’s unit may not gain any benefit
Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks. from a Musician.
If the wielder causes at least one unsaved wound
with this weapon, the wielder and all R&F models in
the wielder’s unit gain Distracting until the end of
the Melee Phase.

Bough of Wyscan 50 pts

Enchantment: Sylvan Longbow.
Attacks made with this Sylvan Longbow gain +1 to
wound when shooting from Short Range, and become
Magical Attacks.

Spirit of the Whirlwind 40 pts

Enchantment: Sylvan Blades.
The bearer gains +1 Attack Value, and attacks made
with this weapon gain +1 Strength, Lethal Strike,
and become Magical Attacks.

Armour Enchantments
Shielding Bark 60 pts
Infantry models only.
Enchantment: Light Armour.
The wearer gains +1 Armour, Aegis (5+), Fearless,
Flammable, and Magical Attacks.

Curse of the Black Stag 40 pts

Enchantment: Light Armour.
The bearer gains Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1
Str, +1 Def).

Hail Shot 70 pts
Forest Princes and Chieftains only.
One use only. When this Artefact is used, it is a Shoot-
ing Weapon with the following profile:
Range 30″, Shots 3D6, Str 4, AP 1, Magical Attacks.
Aim is set to 2+. When fired from Short Range, it
gains +1 Armour Penetration. Master Archer cannot
be used in conjunction with Hail Shot.

Mist Walker’s Mirror 70 pts

Models on foot only.
One use only. If the bearer’s unit consists entirely of
Standard Height Infantry models, is unengaged, and
is fully inside a Forest Terrain Feature that doesn’t
contain any enemy models, the unit may teleport to
any other Forest Terrain Feature on the Battlefield.
This special movement is resolved at the end of the
owner’s Movement Phase. When teleporting, the unit
must be placed fully inside the target Forest. It may
appear in any legal formation but must follow the
Unit Spacing rule. The unit counts as having per-
formed a March Move.

Sacred Seeds 60 pts

Models on foot only.
One use only. The player may activate this Artefact
at the end of any friendly Movement Phase and place
a Forest Terrain Feature in contact with the bearer
and at least 1″ away from any enemy units and other
Terrain Features. The Forest must fit within a circle
with a diameter of 6″.

Horn of the Wild Hunt 50 pts

One use only. May be activated when a friendly unit
within 8″ fails a roll for Charge Range. The roll may
be rerolled.

Glyph of Amryl 35 pts

Cannot be taken by models with Sylvan Spirit.
The bearer gains Cannot be Stomped. When fight-
ing a Duel, the bearer gains +3 Defensive Skill.

Drums of Cenyrn 30 pts

Models on foot only.
One use only. May be activated when the bearer’s
unit declares a Charge. The target of the Charge
may only declare Hold as its Charge Reaction unless
it is already Fleeing. The enemy unit may still de-
clare Charge Reactions as normal if it is subsequently
Charged by other units.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Unseen Arrows

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 30%

Characters (Max. 40%)

Forest Prince Height
Type Infantry
215 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Forest Walker

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forest Prince 4 7 4 2 9 Accurate, Lightning Reflexes

Options pts Mount Options pts
A single Kindred no limit Elven Horse with Light Troops 35
Special Items up to 200 Eagle King 115
Light Armour 5 Great Elk 115
Shield 5 Dragon 440
Elven Cloak 10
Sylvan Longbow (0+) 5
One choice only:
Spear 5 Sylvan Blades 20
Great Weapon 15 Sylvan Lance 20
Lance 15

Chieftain Height
Type Infantry
140 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Forest Walker

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chieftain 3 6 4 1 7 Lightning Reflexes

Options pts Mount Options pts
Battle Standard Bearer 50 Elven Horse with Light Troops 45
A single Kindred no limit Great Elk 95
Special Items up to 100 Eagle King 115
Light Armour 5
Shield 5
Elven Cloak 10
Sylvan Longbow (1+) 5
One choice only:
Spear 5 Sylvan Blades 20
Great Weapon 10 Sylvan Lance 20
Lance 10

Druid Height
Type Infantry
140 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Forest Walker, Tree Singing, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Druid 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes

Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Adept 75 Special Items up to 100
Wizard Master 225 If Wizard Master up to 200
Sylvan Longbow (3+) 5
Sylvan Blades 5
Cosmology Druidism Shamanism Mount Options pts
Elven Horse 20
Eagle King 40
Sylvan Unicorn 60
Dragon (Wizard Master only) 400

Treefather Ancient Height
Type Infantry
460 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 75×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Forest Walker, Stubborn, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 4 6 4 Aegis (5+), Flammable

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Treefather Ancient 3 4 5 2 2 Crush Attack, Impaling Roots (4+)

Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Apprentice 40 A single Aspect of Nature no limit
Wizard Adept 115 A single Artefact* (Wizard only) no limit
Wizard Master 265 *Cannot take Dragonfire Gem

Divination Druidism

Avatar of Nature Height
Type Infantry
610 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 75×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Forest Walker, Stubborn, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 6 6 4 Aegis (5+), Flammable

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Avatar of Nature 6 6 7 4 3 Crush Attack, Impaling Roots (3+)

Options pts
A single Aspect of Nature no limit

Dryad Ancient Height
Type Infantry
105 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Forest Walker, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 0 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dryad Ancient 3 6 4 1 7 Hatred

Magic Options pts Options pts
Wizard Apprentice 40 A single Aspect of Nature no limit
Wizard Adept 115

Divination Druidism

Thicket Shepherd Height
Type Infantry
260 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 A Shepherd and its Flock, Emboldening Boughs, Forest

Walker, Sylvan Spirit
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 3 Aegis (5+), Flammable

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Thicket Shepherd 4 5 5 3 4
Model Rules Options pts
A Shepherd and its Flock: Universal Rule. Battle Standard Bearer 50
The model cannot join a unit that contains another A single Aspect of Nature no limit
model with this rule.

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Elven Horse Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Height Standard
Great Elk Type Cavalry
Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C 5 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Elk 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed

Sylvan Unicorn Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C 4 C+1 Aegis (+1, max. 4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sylvan Unicorn 2 5 4 1 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed, Magical


Height Large
Eagle King Type Cavalry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ C Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops

Fly 9″ 18″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 4 C+1 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Eagle King 3 5 5 1 4 Harnessed

Height Gigantic
Dragon Type Beast
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops

Fly 7″ 14″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dragon 5 5 6 3 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Core (Min. 25%)
Forest Guard Height
Type Infantry
170 pts + 14 pts/extra model 15–50 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Forest Walker, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forest Guard 1 5 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Must choose (one choice only): Champion 20
Elven Cloak and Sylvan Blades free Musician 20
Spear and Shield free Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Sylvan Archers Height
Type Infantry
255 pts + 23 pts/extra model 10–30 models Base 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Forest Walker, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sylvan Archer 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Sylvan Longbow (3+)

Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Heath Riders Height
Type Cavalry
180 pts + 29 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

A unit with Heath Hunters also counts towards Unseen Arrows.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 8 Forest Walker, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Heath Rider 1 4 3 0 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Lightning Reflexes,

Sylvan Lance
Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Must choose (one choice only): Heath Hunters: Universal Rule.
Shield free The model loses Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1
Heath Hunters (0–10 Models/Unit) 5/model AP) and Scoring, and gains Sylvan Longbow (3+),
Ambush (Heath Hunters only) 2/model Feigned Flight, Light Troops, and Vanguard.
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Dryads Height
Type Infantry
150 pts + 17 pts/extra model 8–26 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Forest Walker, Sylvan Spirit

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dryad 2 4 4 1 5
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Must choose (one choice only): Clearing Spirits: Universal Rule.
Scoring free The model gains Skirmisher, Light Troops, and Hard
Clearing Spirits 0–15 Models/Unit 3/model Target (1).
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Special (No limit)
Forest Rangers Height
Type Infantry
200 pts + 18 pts/extra model 10–30 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Fearless, Forest Walker, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Elven Cloak, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forest Ranger 2 5 3 1 5 Lightning Reflexes, Great Weapon

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Vanguard and +1″ Advance Rate 3/model Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Thicket Beasts Height
Type Infantry
365 pts + 115 pts/extra model 4–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Bodyguard (Thicket Shepherd), Emboldening Boughs,

Forest Walker, Scoring, Sylvan Spirit
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 3 Aegis (5+), Flammable

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Thicket Beast 3 4 5 2 3
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Forest Eagles Height
Type Beast
100 pts + 30 pts/extra model 1–5 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 8 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Strider (Forest)

Fly 9″ 18″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forest Eagle 2 5 4 1 4

Blade Dancers Height
Type Infantry
220 pts + 31 pts/extra model 7–15 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Dances of Cenyrn, Fearless, Forest Walker, Light Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 6 3 0 Aegis (6+), Hard Target (1), Magic Resistance (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Blade Dancer 1 5 4 1 6 Lightning Reflexes, Sylvan Blades

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Dances of Cenyrn: Universal Rule. Champion 20
At the start of each Round of Combat, units consist- Musician 20
ing entirely of models with this rule must choose Standard Bearer 20
one of the dances listed below and apply its effects Banner Enchantment no limit
until the end of the Round of Combat. The unit can-
not choose this dance again until after one of the
following has happened:
• The unit is no longer Engaged in Combat.
• The unit has chosen a different dance.

Fear, and enemy units in base contact with the model do not
Dance of Bedevilments
receive any Rank Bonus to their Combat Score.
Dance of Biting Wind +1 Armour Penetration and Lethal Strike.
Dance of the Parting Mists Aegis (3+), −1 Strength, and −1 Armour Penetration.
Dance of Whirling Blades +1 Attack Value.

Treefather Height
Type Infantry
435 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 75×50 mm

0–1 Units/Army if the Army List includes any Avatar of Nature, Dragon, or Treefather Ancient.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Forest Walker, Stubborn, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 6 4 Aegis (5+), Flammable

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Treefather 5 5 6 3 2 Crush Attack, Impaling Roots (3+)

Wild Huntsmen Height
Type Cavalry
290 pts + 40 pts/extra model 5–12 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 9 Fearless, Forest Walker, Frenzy, Light Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 1 Aegis (6+), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wild Huntsman 2 5 4 1 6 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lightning Re-
Elven Deer 1 3 4 1 4 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 5/model Champion 20
The Hunstman must take (one choice only): Musician 20
Sylvan Blades free Standard Bearer 20
Sylvan Lance free Banner Enchantment no limit

Kestrel Knights Height
Type Cavalry
305 pts + 72 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 9 Feigned Flight, Fly (9″, 18″), Forest Walker, Light Troops,
Fly 9″ 18″ Vanguard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 5 4 1 Hard Target (1), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kestrel Knight 1 5 4 1 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lightning Reflexes, Sylvan

Kestrel 2 5 4 2 4 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
The Knight must take (one choice only): Champion 20
Skirmisher and Sylvan Longbow (3+) free Musician 20
Shield 2 Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Unseen Arrows (Max. 30%)
Briar Maidens Height
Type Cavalry
195 pts + 30 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 9 Forest Walker, Light Troops, Wizard Conclave

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Aegis (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Briar Maiden 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks, Poisoned Thorn

Elven Deer 1 3 4 1 4 Harnessed
Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Poisoned Thorn: Shooting Weapon. Champion 100
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 1, Quick to Fire. Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Wizard Conclave
Banner Enchantment no limit
Must select 2 spells from:
• Truth of Time (Cosmology)
• Master of Earth (Druidism)
• Break the Spirit (Shamanism)
• Forest Embrace (Hereditary Spell)

Sylvan Sentinels Height
Type Infantry
155 pts + 38 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm

0–1 Units/Army if the Army List includes two or more units of Pathfinders.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Forest Walker, Light Troops, Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sylvan Sentinel 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks, Sylvan Longbow (3+)

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Scout (0–1 Units/Army) 3/model Champion 20
Sylvan Blades 1/model

Pathfinders Height
Type Infantry
200 pts + 49 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Forest Walker, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Pathfinder 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Master Archer, Sylvan Blades, Sylvan

Longbow (2+)
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Forest Walker
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 7 Res 3 Arm 0
Forest Prince Att 4 Off 7 Str 4 AP 2 Agi 9 Accurate, Lightning Reflexes
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Forest Walker
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 6 Res 3 Arm 0
Chieftain Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 7 Lightning Reflexes
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Tree Singing, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0
Druid Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Forest Walker, Stubborn, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing
Gigantic, Infantry HP 6 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 4 Aegis (5+), Flammable
Treefather Ancient Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Crush Attack, Impaling Roots (4+)
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Forest Walker, Stubborn, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing
Gigantic, Infantry HP 6 Def 6 Res 6 Arm 4 Aegis (5+), Flammable
Avatar of Nature Att 6 Off 6 Str 7 AP 4 Agi 3 Crush Attack, Impaling Roots (3+)
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Forest Walker, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 0 Aegis (5+)
Dryad Ancient Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 7 Hatred
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 A Shepherd and its Flock, Emboldening Boughs, Forest Walker,
Sylvan Spirit
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 3 Aegis (5+), Flammable
Thicket Shepherd Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 3 Agi 4

Character Mounts
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Elven Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 5 Arm C+1
Great Elk Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 4 Arm C+1 Aegis (+1, max. 4+)
Sylvan Unicorn Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis C Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 4 Arm C+1 Hard Target (1)
Eagle King Att 3 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4
Dragon Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Forest Guard Att 1 Off 5 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0
Sylvan Archer Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Sylvan Longbow (3+)
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Heath Rider Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP), Lightning Reflexes, Sylvan
Elven Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Sylvan Spirit
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Aegis (5+)
Dryad Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5

Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Fearless, Forest Walker, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Elven Cloak, Light Armour
Forest Ranger Att 2 Off 5 Str 3 AP 1 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Great Weapon
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Bodyguard (Thicket Shepherd), Emboldening Boughs, Forest
Walker, Scoring, Sylvan Spirit
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 3 Aegis (5+), Flammable
Thicket Beast Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 8 Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Strider (Forest)
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0
Forest Eagle Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Dances of Cenyrn, Fearless, Forest Walker, Light Troops
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 6 Res 3 Arm 0 Aegis (6+), Hard Target (1), Magic Resistance (1)
Blade Dancer Att 1 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 6 Lightning Reflexes, Sylvan Blades
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Stubborn, Sylvan Spirit, Tree Singing
Gigantic, Infantry HP 5 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4 Aegis (5+), Flammable
Treefather Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Crush Attack, Impaling Roots (3+)
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 9 Fearless, Forest Walker, Frenzy, Light Troops
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 1 Aegis (6+), Light Armour
Wild Huntsman Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 6 Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lightning Reflexes
Elven Deer Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 9 Feigned Flight, Fly (9″, 18″), Forest Walker, Light Troops, Van-
Large, Cavalry HP 2 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 1 Hard Target (1), Light Armour
Kestrel Knight Att 1 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Lightning Reflexes, Sylvan Lance
Kestrel Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 2 Agi 4 Harnessed

Unseen Arrows
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 9 Forest Walker, Light Troops, Wizard Conclave
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Aegis (4+)
Briar Maiden Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks, Poisoned Thorn (2+)
Elven Deer Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Light Troops, Skirmisher
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Sylvan Sentinel Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks, Sylvan Longbow (3+)
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Forest Walker, Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Pathfinder Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 5 Lightning Reflexes, Master Archer, Sylvan Blades, Sylvan Long-
bow (2+)

Shooting Weapons
Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
March and Shoot,
Quick to Fire,
Impaling Roots - 12″ 4 1 D6+1
Ignores Cover,
Str 5 AP 2 when target in Forest
Quick to Fire,
Sylvan Longbow - 30″ 3/4 1 1 Volley Fire,
Str 4 at Short Range
Magical Attacks,
Lifeseed Feathers - 30″ 4/5/6 1/2/3 1 At Range <10/20/30″,
Multiple Wounds (2) when >20″
Magical Attacks,
Bough of Wyscan - 30″ 3/4 1 1 Str 4 at Short Range,
+1 to wound at Short Range
Magical Attacks,
Hail Shot - 30″ 4 1 3D6
Aim set to 2+
Poison Attacks,
Poisoned Thorn - 12″ 3 1 1
Quick to Fire

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Hail Shot 2+ Characters
Sylvan Longbow 0+ Forest Prince
1+ Chieftain
2+ Pathfinders
3+ Druid, Sylvan Archers, Heath Riders, Kestrel Knights, Sylvan Sentinels
Impaling Roots 3+ Avatar of Nature, Treefather
4+ Treefather Ancient
Poisoned Thorn 2+ Briar Maidens d

Undying Dynasties
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Specific Rules
Some unit profiles contain the additional Characteristic Resurrected, shortened Rsr, which determines the number
of Health Points Raised with Death is Only the Beginning (Hereditary Attribute Spell).

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
Undead units consisting entirely of models with Autonomous may perform March Moves as normal even when
outside the range of friendly models’ Commanding Presence. The unit must still pass a Discipline Test in order to do
so if within 8″ of non-Fleeing enemy units.

Dust to Dust
At the end of any phase in which the Hierophant was removed as a casualty, every unit in the army with Dust to Dust
must pass a Discipline Test or lose a number of Health Points equal to the amount by which the test was failed, with
no saves of any kind allowed. These Health Point losses are allotted following the rules for Unstable. The number of
Health Points lost is reduced by 1 if the unit is within range of Rally Around the Flag.
At the end of the Player Turn in which the Hierophant was removed as a casualty, a new Hierophant may be selected.
In order to do so, nominate a friendly Wizard Character. This Character becomes the new Hierophant.
At the start of each friendly Player Turn after the army’s Hierophant has been removed as a casualty and no new
Hierophant has been selected, every unit with Dust to Dust must once again pass a Discipline Test or lose Health
Points as described above.

Ensouled Statue
The model gains Undead and Dust to Dust. If more than half of the models in a unit have Ensouled Statue, reduce
the number of Health Points lost by this unit due to Dust to Dust and Unstable by 1.

One of a Kind. An Undying Dynasties army must include a single model with this Universal Rule. When the Hierophant
casts Death is Only the Beginning as a non-Bound Spell, you may choose to set the spell range to 18″ (instead of the
spell’s normal target restrictions).

Underground Ambush

The model follows the rules for Ambush, with the following exception. Instead of entering the Battlefield from the
Board Edge:
1. Choose an arriving unit with Underground Ambush.
2. Place the unit anywhere on the Battlefield in a legal formation and following the Unit Spacing rule.
3. Roll a D6:
• If 5–6 is rolled, the unit arrives where it was initially placed.

• If 1–4 is rolled, move the unit (without changing the direction it is facing) 2D6″ in a randomly chosen
direction. If this would bring the unit within 1″ of other units, Impassable Terrain, or the Board Edge, the
unit stops 1″ short of them and each model in the Ambushing unit must take a Dangerous Terrain (1)
Test. The unit may then perform a Pivot (and must follow the Unit Spacing rule after the Pivot). None of
these manoeuvres prevent the unit from moving following the rules for Ambush afterwards.
4. Repeat steps 1–3 for all other arriving units with Underground Ambush.

Undying Will
Units with one or more models with Undying Will gain +2 Offensive Skill, +2 Defensive Skill, Lethal Strike, and
replace their Shooting Weapons’ Aim with (4+). Characters, Beasts, models with Ensouled Statue, and model parts
with Harnessed are not affected by Undying Will.

Aspen Bow – Shooting Weapon
Range 24″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Volley Fire.
This weapon always hits on a roll equal to or greater than its Aim.

Great Aspen Bow – Shooting Weapon

Range 36″, Shots 1, Str 5, AP 2, Volley Fire.
This weapon always hits on a roll equal to or greater than its Aim.

Special Attacks
Mummy’s Curse
When the model with Mummy’s Curse is removed as a casualty, the model which caused the final wound suffers 1 hit
with Strength 6 and Armour Penetration 10. This is treated as a Ranged Attack. If more than one model was part of
the action which brought the downfall of the model with Mummy’s Curse, randomise which of those models suffers
the hit.

Hereditary Spell
Undying Dynasties do not have a regular Hereditary Spell. Instead, all Death Cult Hierarchs know the Hereditary
Attribute Spell Death is Only the Beginning (in addition to Path Attributes). At step 1 of each Casting Attempt of a
non-Attribute non-Bound Spell of type Augment with a Death Cult Hierarch, the owner may declare that the Wizard
will cast an amplified version of the spell:
• The Casting Value of the amplified version is increased by 2.
• If the amplified version is successfully cast, Death is Only the Beginning is automatically cast (as an Attribute

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

The target Raises a number of Health Points equal to the

Resurrected value of the R&F models in the unit. If the tar-
get unit contains any Characters, you may instead choose
A Death is Only the Beginning a single Character in it. This Character Recovers a number
See below* Augment Instant of Health Points equal to its Resurrected value.
Characters and models with Towering Presence cannot
Recover more than 2 Health Points in each Magic Phase
from Death is Only the Beginning.
*The spell targets a single unit that was the target of the spell that triggered the Hereditary Attribute Spell.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Crown of the Pharaohs 90 pts
Pharaohs and Nomarchs only.
Godslayer 75 pts The bearer increases the range of its Commanding
Enchantment: Great Weapon. Presence by 6″. At the start of each of your Player
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using this Turns, the bearer may lose Undying Will until the
weapon. Attacks made with this weapon become Di- start of your next Player Turn and choose a friendly
vine Attacks and Magical Attacks, and gain Multi- unit within 12″. This unit gains Undying Will until
ple Wounds (2, against Aegis) (note that the latter the start of your next Player Turn.
also applies against models with Aegis Saves with
Conditional Application). Steeds of Nephet-Ra 60 pts
Models with at least one Skeletal Horse model part
Scourge of Kings 35 pts in the bearer’s unit gain Ghost Step and +4″ March
Enchantment: Hand Weapon or Paired Weapons. Rate.
When using this weapon, the wielder’s Attack Value
is set to 6. Attacks made with this weapon become Book of the Dead 50 pts
Magical Attacks and must reroll failed to-wound The bearer can cast Death is Only the Beginning as a
rolls when fighting a Duel. Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8) and the follow-
ing modification:
The spell’s range is changed to 12″ Aura.
Armour Enchantments
Jackal’s Blessing 100 pts Ankh of Naptesh 45 pts
Enchantment: Suit of Armour. The bearer gains Hierophant. R&F models in the
The wearer gains +2 Health Points and Forti- bearer’s unit gain Fortitude (6+).
tude (5+).
Blessed Wrappings 45 pts
Sun’s Embrace 40 pts The bearer gains +1 Health Point and loses Flamma-
Enchantment: Shield. ble if it had it (note that this does not prevent the
The bearer gains Distracting while using this Shield. model from gaining Flammable from other sources).

Death Mask of Teput 45 pts

Banner Enchantments Enemy units in base contact with the bearer suffer
Banner of the Entombed 45 pts −2 Offensive Skill.
0–2 per Army. Core and Battle Standard Bearer only.
If taken by a Character, the bearer gains Under- Sekhem Sceptre 45 pts
ground Ambush. If taken by a R&F model, the The bearer gains Autonomous and Stubborn.
bearer’s unit gains Underground Ambush and addi-
tional models cannot be added to the unit during Sandstorm Cloak 40 pts
Army List creation. Standard Height models using Models on foot only.
this banner to Ambush must arrive in a formation The bearer gains Fly (5″, 15″), Light Troops, and
containing exactly 5 models per rank (except for the Swiftstride, and can perform a Sweeping Attack that
last) and cannot make a Reform (or a Swift Reform) causes 2D6 hits with Strength 2 and Armour Pene-
during this Player Turn. tration 1.

A unit with Underground Ambush also counts Scroll of Desiccation 15 pts

towards Entombed. After determining Deployment Zones (at the end of
step 6 of the Pre-Game Sequence), choose a Field,
Forest, or Water Terrain Feature. This Terrain Fea-
Artefacts ture ceases to be the Terrain Feature it used to be and
Sacred Hourglass 120 pts loses all its rules. It is treated as Dangerous Terrain
Dominant. (1) for all enemy units.
The bearer may reroll failed Casting Attempts that
were rolled using 2 Magic Dice (by rerolling both
Magic Dice).

Monarchs of Undeath
These options represent alternative types of Undead forces that can be encountered in battle. A Pharaoh General can
choose to command one of the following forces instead of a standard force of Undying Dynasties.

Commander of the Terracotta Army

• The following models must be upgraded with +1 Resilience, −1 Agility, and Ensouled Statue:
– Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Cavalry, and Skeleton Scouts for +1 pt/model
– Skeletons for +2 pts/model
– Necropolis Guard for +6 pts/model, and may only add up to 15 additional models per unit
– Charnel Catapult for +10 pts/model
– R&F Skeleton Chariots and Caskets of Phatep for +15 pts/model. Skeleton Chariots may only add up to 3
additional models per unit
– Pharaohs, Nomarchs, Death Cult Hierarchs, Tomb Harbingers, and Tomb Architects for +15 pts/model,
and lose Flammable if they had it. Models on Ark of Ages or Sha Guardian do not gain +1 Resilience
• The Resurrected value of all models is set to 1.
• Non-Flying models in the army with Underground Ambush and/or Light Troops lose these Model Rules (and
cannot gain them in any way).
• Great Vultures, Scarab Swarms, and Tomb Reapers may not be taken in the army.
• R&F models with a Type other than Beast that gain Ensouled Statue can benefit from Undying Will (despite
having Ensouled Statue; models parts with Harnessed remain unaffected).

Lord of the Barrow Legion

• Skeletons and Skeleton Archers must take Heavy Armour for +1 pt/model. Skeletons may replace Spears and
Shields with Halberds for +1 pt/model.
• Skeleton Cavalry may take Lances for +1 pt/model and may gain +1 Armour and suffer −1″ Advance Rate and
−2″ March Rate for +5 pts/model.
• R&F Skeleton Chariots may replace Halberds with Lances for +5 pts/model.
• Necropolis Guard must be upgraded with Heavy Armour for +1 pt/model, and may only add up to 20 additional
models per unit.
• Scarab Swarms must be upgraded with Aegis (5+), Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Ghost Step,
Magical Attacks, and their Resurrected value is set to 1 for +28 pts/model. They may only add up to 2
additional models per unit, and there can only be max. 7 Scarab Swarm models per army.
• Models with Towering Presence and/or Large Cavalry may not be taken in the army.
• Models with Underground Ambush and/or Scout lose these Model Rules (and cannot gain them in any way).
• Non-Flying models with Heavy Armour lose Light Troops (and cannot gain it in any way).

Army Organisation

Ancient Mason’s
Characters Core Special Entombed*
Ordnance Menagerie
Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 30%
Max. 35% Max. 35%
*Units with Underground Ambush

Characters (Max. 40%)

Pharaoh Height
Type Infantry
250 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (MM) counts towards Mason’s Menagerie. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 1 Dust to Dust, Fear, Fearless, Flammable, Undead, Undying

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 6 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Pharaoh 4 6 5 2 3 Mummy’s Curse

Options pts Mount Options pts
Special Items up to 200 Skeletal Horse 10
Shield 5 Skeleton Chariot 95
Heavy Armour 15 Sha Guardian (MM) 350
Great Aspen Bow (4+) 15 Army Organisation Options
One choice only:
If a Pharaoh is the General, it may become Commander
Paired Weapons 10
of the Terracotta Army or Lord of the Barrow Legion
Halberd 15
(see , page ).
Great Weapon 20
Lance 20

Nomarch Height
Type Infantry
140 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (MM) counts towards Mason’s Menagerie. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 1 Dust to Dust, Fear, Fearless, Flammable, Undead, Undying

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Nomarch 2 4 4 1 3 Mummy’s Curse

Options pts Mount Options pts
Special Items up to 100 Skeletal Horse 10
Shield 5 Skeleton Chariot 70
Heavy Armour 10 Sha Guardian (MM) 335
Aspen Bow (4+) 5
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 5
Great Weapon 10
Halberd 10
Lance 10

Death Cult Hierarch Height
Type Infantry
130 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Undead, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Death Cult Hierarch 1 3 3 0 2

Magic Options pts Mount Options pts
Wizard Adept 75 Skeletal Horse 10
Wizard Master 225 Ark of Ages 130
Optional Model Rules
Soul Conduit: Universal Rule.
Cosmology Divination Evocation If the model is present on the Battlefield at the be-
Options pts
ginning of a friendly Magic Phase, you don’t draw a
Flux Card. Instead apply the following:
If Wizard Master:
Soul Conduit 20 5 Magic Dice
Hierophant 45 (both players)
Special Items up to 200 4+D3 Veil Tokens
Else: (Active Player)
Hierophant 15
Special Items up to 100
Light Armour 5

Casket of Phatep Height
Type Construct
225 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 75 mm round
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 4″ 8 2 Channel (1), Divine Light, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Not a

Leader, Phatep’s Curse, Undead, War Machine
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0 Aegis (5+), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Necropolis Guards 3 3 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks, Halberd

Model Rules
Divine Light: Universal Rule.
Enemy Wizards within 36″ of one or more Caskets of Phatep suffer a −1 modifier to their casting rolls. When a
Casket of Phatep is removed as a casualty, all units within 12″ suffer 3D3+3 hits with Strength 1 and Armour
Penetration 10.
Phatep’s Curse: Universal Rule.
Unless this model made an Advance Move or March Move during the current Player Turn, it can cast the following
Bound Spell with Power Level (6/6):
Type: Damage, Hex, Range 36″. Duration: Instant.
The target must take a Discipline Test rolling an additional D6. If failed, the target suffers a number of hits
equal to the amount by which the test was failed. Hits are resolved with Armour Penetration 10 and wound

Tomb Harbinger Height
Type Infantry
160 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Flammable, Royal Guard, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tomb Harbinger 3 4 4 1 3 Guardian’s Wrath, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Model Rules Options pts
Guardian’s Wrath: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Battle Standard Bearer 50
Model parts without Harnessed in the bearer’s unit Special Items up to 100
gain Battle Focus. Shield 5
Royal Guard: Universal Rule. Heavy Armour 10
The model counts as a R&F model for the purpose Aspen Bow (4+) 5
of Undying Will. If in the same unit as a Pharaoh or One choice only:
a Nomarch, unless another model does so first: Paired Weapons 5
• A Tomb Harbinger must issue a Duel. Great Weapon 10
• A Tomb Harbinger must accept a Duel. Halberd 10
Lance 10
Mount Options pts
Skeletal Horse 15
Amuut 55
Skeleton Chariot 70

Tomb Architect Height
Type Infantry
205 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Flammable, Master of Stone,

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tomb Architect 2 4 4 1 3
Model Rules Options pts
Master of Stone: Universal Rule. Special Items up to 100
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the De- One choice only:
ployment Phase Sequence), and at the start of each Paired Weapons 5
friendly Player Turn, choose a friendly unit consist- Lance 10
ing entirely of models with Ensouled Statue within Mount Options pts
18″ of the Tomb Architect. This unit gains Forti- Skeletal Horse 5
tude (5+) until the start of your next Player Turn Amuut 30
or until the Tomb Architect is removed as a casualty, Skeleton Chariot 30
whichever comes first.

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Skeletal Horse Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed

Height Large
Skeleton Chariot Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 10″ C Light Troops, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skeletal Horse (2) 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed

Chassis 4 1 Impact Hits (D3+3), Inanimate
Options pts
Two additional Skeletal Horses and base size increased
to 100×100 mm free

Height Large
Amuut Type Cavalry
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Ensouled Statue, Fear

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Amuut 3 3 5 2 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks

Height Large
Ark of Ages Type Construct
Base 60×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ C Sacred Ark, War Platform, Well of Souls

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 C 5 C+2 Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Guard (2) 1 3 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks, Aspen Bow
Bound Spirits 2 2 2 0 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Model Rules
Sacred Ark: Universal Rule.
Friendly Wizards add +6″ to the range of their non-Bound Spells for each Ark of Ages they are within 12″ of.
Spells of type Aura only gain +3″ range.
Well of Souls: Universal Rule.
One use only. May be activated at the start of any of your Magic Phases. Until the start of your next Player Turn,
whenever either player would draw a Flux Card, they draw the Well of Souls Flux Card instead (if either player
doesn’t draw a Flux Card, that player ignores this effect).

Well of 5 Magic Dice When making a casting roll with 3 or more Magic
Souls (both players) Dice, all doubles count as triples. Note that a
Caster can suffer multiple Miscast effects from a
(Flux 5 Veil Tokens single casting roll. However, no Miscast effect can
Card) (Active Player) be applied more than once.

Height Gigantic
Sha Guardian Type Beast
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Mason’s Menagerie.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ C Ensouled Statue

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 5 6 4 Eternal Guardian
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sha Guardian 4 4 5 2 3 Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Model Rules
Eternal Guardian: Personal Protection.
When the model suffers a wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds (X), reduce X by half, rounding fractions

Core (Min. 25%)
Skeletons Height
Type Infantry
150 pts + 7 pts/extra model 20–60 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 4 7 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skeleton 1 2 3 0 2
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Spear 1 Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Skeleton Archers Height
Type Infantry
115 pts + 10 pts/extra model 10–30 models Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Ancient Ordnance.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 4 6 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skeleton Archer 1 2 3 0 2 Aspen Bow (5+)

Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Skeleton Cavalry Height
Type Cavalry
170 pts + 12 pts/extra model 10–24 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

8″ 16″ 6 4 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 1 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 1 3 3 0 2 Light Lance

Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Skeleton Scouts Height
Type Cavalry
140 pts + 11 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Ancient Ordnance.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

8″ 16″ 6 4 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Scout, Undead, Van-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 1 3 3 0 2 Aspen Bow (5+)

Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Skeleton Chariots Height
Type Construct
290 pts + 75 pts/extra model 3–7 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

8″ 10″ 7 3 Bound in Death, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops,

Swiftstride, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 1 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Charioteer (2) 2 3 3 0 2 Aspen Bow (5+), Halberd

Skeletal Horse (2) 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed
Chassis 4 1 Chariot Host, Impact Hits (D3+1), Inanimate
Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Bound in Death: Universal Rule. Champion 20
R&F models in this unit must be fewer than 3 be- Musician 20
fore hits can be distributed onto Characters with the Standard Bearer 20
same Type and Height as this unit. Banner Enchantment no limit
Chariot Host: Special Attack. Optional Model Rules
If the model part’s unit has at least one Full Rank, Legion Charioteers: Universal Rule.
and there is a model in the rank directly behind it The model loses Light Troops and gains Scoring. Its
(in the same file), its Impact Hits cause an additional Charioteers gain Devastating Charge (+1 Str, Fight
hit (normally D3+2 instead of D3+1). in Extra Rank).
Options pts
Legion Charioteers 18/model

Special (No limit)
Necropolis Guard Height
Type Infantry
200 pts + 19 pts/extra model 15–40 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 3 Bodyguard, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Necropolis Guard 1 3 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks

Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 1/model Champion 20
One choice only: Musician 20
Halberd 2/model Standard Bearer 20
Paired Weapons 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit

Tomb Cataphracts Height
Type Cavalry
300 pts + 105 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

The unit also counts towards Entombed when taking Underground Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 3 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 2 4 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Halberd

Amuut 3 3 5 2 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Underground Ambush 17/model Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Shabtis Height
Type Infantry
210 pts + 80 pts/extra model 3–8 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 2 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shabti 3 4 5 2 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Paired Weapons 14/model Musician 20
Halberd 15/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Great Vultures Height
Type Beast
155 pts + 21 pts/extra model 3–9 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

Ground 2″ 4″ 4 3 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops,

Fly 9″ 18″ Skirmisher, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 3 4 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Vulture 3 3 4 1 3

Scarab Swarms Height
Type Beast
130 pts + 40 pts/extra model 2–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm

The unit also counts towards Entombed when taking Underground Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

5″ 10″ 7 5 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 2 0 Distracting, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Scarab Swarm 5 3 2 1 3 Chitinous Tide, Poison Attacks

Model Rules Options pts
Chitinous Tide: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Underground Ambush 20/model
The model can make a number of Supporting Attacks
equal to its Attack Value.

Ancient Ordnance (Max. 35%)
Shabti Archers Height
Type Infantry
200 pts + 90 pts/extra model 3–8 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 2 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shabti Archer 3 4 5 1 3 Great Aspen Bow (5+)

Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Sand Stalkers Height
Type Beast
250 pts + 65 pts/extra model 3–7 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

The unit also counts towards Entombed when taking Underground Ambush.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Light Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sand Stalker 2 3 4 1 3 Petrifying Gaze (3+), Halberd

Model Rules Options pts
Petrifying Gaze: Shooting Weapon. Underground Ambush 31/model
Range 12″, Shots D6+1, Str 2, AP 10, Quick to Fire.
Command Group Options pts
When rolling to wound with this attack, use the tar-
Champion 20
get’s Agility instead of the target’s Resilience. For
Multipart Models, use the highest Agility value.

Charnel Catapult Height
Type Construct
200 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 75 mm round
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

4″ 4″ 4 2 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Undead, War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 3 2 3 0 2 Move or Fire, Charnel Catapult (5+)

Model Rules
Charnel Catapult: Artillery Weapon.
This Artillery Weapon always hits on a roll equal to or greater than its Aim. It can be fired in two ways:
• Catapult (4×4), Range 12–60″, Shots 1, Str 3 [7], AP 0 [4], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]
• Catapult (6×6), Range 12–48″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks. For the purpose
of Panic Tests, a unit suffering one or more Health Point losses from this weapon is treated as having
suffered 25% Health Point losses. Panic Tests caused by this weapon are taken at −1 Discipline.

Entombed (Max. 30%)

Sand Scorpion Height
Type Beast
175 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Underground Ambush

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 5 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sand Scorpion 4 4 5 2 3 Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Mason’s Menagerie (Max. 35%)
Battle Sphinx Height
Type Beast
480 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

5″ 12″ 8 1 Ensouled Statue, Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 8 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider (4) 2 4 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Light Lance

Battle Sphinx 4 4 5 2 1 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed,
Poison Attacks

Dread Sphinx Height
Type Beast
450 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ 8 1 Autonomous, Ensouled Statue, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″),

Fly 6″ 12″ Light Troops
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 8 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Sphinx 5 5 5 1 0 Colossal Kopesh, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Model Rules
Colossal Kopesh: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with this weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration, and Multiple Wounds (D3, against To-
wering Presence).

Tomb Reapers Height
Type Infantry
330 pts + 210 pts/extra model 2–4 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ 10 2 Autonomous, Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″),
Fly 6″ 12″ Light Troops, Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tomb Reaper 4 5 5 2 4 Lethal Strike

Options pts
One choice only:
Halberd 15/model
Paired Weapons 15/model

Colossus Height
Type Infantry
410 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 1 Ensouled Statue, Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 6 3 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Colossus 6 4 6 3 2 Grind Attacks (D3)

Options pts Optional Model Rules
One choice only: Giant Aspen Bow: Artillery Weapon.
Great Weapon 15 Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack
Paired Weapons 15 (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)].
Giant Aspen Bow (5+) (0–1 Models/Army) 20 This Artillery Weapon always hits on a roll equal to
Scales of Destiny 25 or greater than its Aim.
Scales of Destiny: Close Combat Weapon.
The wielder suffers −1 Attack Value and −1 Armour
and can cast the following spells as Bound Spells
with Power Level (4/8):
• Fate’s Judgement (Divination)
• Ice and Fire (Cosmology)

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fear, Fearless, Flammable, Undead, Undying Will
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Pharaoh Att 4 Off 6 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Mummy’s Curse
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fear, Fearless, Flammable, Undead, Undying Will
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Nomarch Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Mummy’s Curse
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Undead, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Death Cult Hierarch Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2
Adv 4″ Mar 4″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Channel (1), Divine Light, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Not a Leader,
Phatep’s Curse, Undead, War Machine
Standard, Construct HP 5 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0 Aegis (5+), Light Armour
Necropolis Guards Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks, Halberd
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Flammable, Royal Guard, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour
Tomb Harbinger Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Guardian’s Wrath, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Flammable, Master of Stone, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Tomb Architect Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3

Character Mounts
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Skeletal Horse Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 10″ Dis C Light Troops, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Skeletal Horse (2) Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 4 AP 1 Agi Impact Hits (D3+3), Inanimate
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Ensouled Statue, Fear
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Amuut Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis C Sacred Ark, War Platform, Well of Souls
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res 5 Arm C+2 Aegis (5+)
Guard (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks, Aspen Bow (5+)
Bound Spirits Att 2 Off 2 Str 2 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Ensouled Statue
Gigantic, Beast HP 7 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4 Eternal Guardian
Sha Guardian Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 4 Rsr 7 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield
Skeleton Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 4 Rsr 6 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Skeleton Archer Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Aspen Bow (5+)
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 6 Rsr 4 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead, Vanguard
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour, Shield
Rider Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Light Lance
Skeletal Horse Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 6 Rsr 4 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Scout, Undead, Vanguard
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 1
Rider Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Aspen Bow (5+)
Skeletal Horse Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Rsr 3 Bound in Death, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Swiftstride,
Large, Construct HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 1 Heavy Armour
Charioteer (2) Att 2 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Aspen Bow (5+), Halberd
Skeletal Horse (2) Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 4 AP 1 Agi Chariot Host, Impact Hits (D3+1), Inanimate

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Rsr 3 Bodyguard, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Necropolis Guard Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring
Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 3 Light Armour
Rider Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Halberd
Amuut Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2 Light Armour
Shabti Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3
Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 4 Rsr 3 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Skirmisher,
Standard, Beast HP 2 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Great Vulture Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Rsr 5 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Undead
Standard, Beast HP 5 Def 3 Res 2 Arm 0 Distracting, Hard Target (1)
Scarab Swarm Att 5 Off 3 Str 2 AP 1 Agi 3 Chitinous Tide, Poison Attacks

Ancient Ordnance
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2 Light Armour
Shabti Archer Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 3 Great Aspen Bow (5+)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Light Troops
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 2
Sand Stalker Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Petrifying Gaze (3+), Halberd
Adv 4″ Mar 4″ Dis 4 Rsr 2 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Undead, War Machine
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0
Crew Att 3 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Move or Fire, Charnel Catapult (5+)

Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Underground Ambush
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 2
Sand Scorpion Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Mason’s Menagerie
Adv 5″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 1 Ensouled Statue, Fearless
Gigantic, Beast HP 5 Def 4 Res 8 Arm 3
Rider (4) Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Light Lance
Battle Sphinx Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 1 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed, Poison
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 1 Autonomous, Ensouled Statue, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light
Gigantic, Beast HP 5 Def 5 Res 8 Arm 3
Dread Sphinx Att 5 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 0 Colossal Kopesh, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 10 Rsr 2 Autonomous, Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light
Troops, Swiftstride
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 2
Tomb Reaper Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Lethal Strike
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 1 Ensouled Statue, Fearless
Gigantic, Infantry HP 5 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 3 Light Armour
Colossus Att 6 Off 4 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Grind Attacks (D3)

Artillery and Shooting Weapons

Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Quick to Fire
Petrifying Gaze - 12″ 2 10 D6+1
Wounds against Agility
Aspen Bow - 24″ 3 0 1 Volley Fire
Great Aspen Bow - 36″ 5 2 1 Volley Fire
Area Attack (1×5)
Giant Aspen Bow - 48″ 3 [6] 10 1
[Multiple Wounds (D3)]
Charnel Catapult (1) Catapult (4×4) 12–60″ 3 [7] 0 [4] 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]
Flaming Attacks
Magical Attacks
Charnel Catapult (2) Catapult (6×6) 12–48″ 3 0 1
Panic Test at 1 casualty and with −1

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Aspen Bow 4+* Characters
5+* Others
Great Aspen Bow 4+* Characters
5+* Shabti Archer
Giant Aspen Bow 5+* Colossus
Charnel Catapult (1) and (2) 5+* Charnel Catapult
Petrifying Gaze 3+ Sand Stalker
*These weapons always hit on a roll equal to or greater than their Aim.

Pharaoh, Nomarch, Death Cult Hierarch, Tomb Harbinger, Tomb Architect, Battle
Sphinx, Dread Sphinx, Colossus
Casket of Phatep, Tomb Cataphracts, Shabtis, Shabti Archers, Sand Stalkers, Charnel
Catapult, Sand Scorpion, Tomb Reapers
3 Skeleton Chariots, Necropolis Guard, Great Vultures
4 Skeleton Cavalry, Skeleton Scouts
5 Scarab Swarms
6 Skeleton Archers
7 Skeletons

Vampire Covenant
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Specific Rules
Master of Undeath
One Character in the Vampire Covenant army must be nominated to be the Master. At the start of the game, the
General is always the Master.

Some unit profiles contain the additional Characteristic Reanimated, shortened Rea, which determines the number
of Health Points Raised with Arise! (Hereditary Spell) and The Dead Arise (Bound Spell).

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
Ashes to Ashes
At the end of any phase in which the Master is removed as a casualty, every unit in the army with one or more models
with Ashes to Ashes must pass a Discipline Test or lose a number of Health Points equal to the amount by which
the test was failed, with no saves of any kind allowed. These Health Point losses are allotted following the rules for
Unstable, except that they can never be allotted to models that do not have Ashes to Ashes. The number of Health
Points lost is reduced by 1 if the unit is within range of Rally Around the Flag.
At the end of the Player Turn in which the Master was removed as a casualty, a new Master may be selected. In order
to do so, nominate a friendly Wizard Character that either has Vampiric or has chosen Evocation. This Character
becomes the new Master.
At the start of each friendly Player Turn after the army’s Master has been removed as a casualty and no new Master
has been selected, every unit with Ashes to Ashes must once again pass a Discipline Test or lose Health Points as
described above.

Undead units consisting entirely of models with Autonomous may perform March Moves as normal, even when
outside the range of Commanding Presence of any friendly models. The unit must still pass a Discipline Test in order
to do so if within 8″ of non-Fleeing enemy units.

Awaken (X)
The model can Raise Health Points above a unit’s starting size for the units stated within brackets. However, units
cannot be increased beyond twice their starting size or beyond the maximum unit size written in their unit entry. A
unit’s starting size is the size of the unit as written on the Army List or the size of the unit when it is Summoned.

Gates of the Netherworld

Whenever a model with Gates of the Netherworld successfully casts Arise!, after resolving the spell’s effect, choose a
friendly unit with a Reanimated value and within 12″ of the Caster. This unit, or a single Character inside the unit,
Raises 1 Health Point. No unit can be chosen more than twice per Magic Phase by Gates of the Netherworld.

Ghostly Form
The model gains Ghost Step and Magical Attacks. R&F models with Ghostly Formcan only be joined by Characters
with Ghostly Form.

Necromantic Aura
All friendly units within 6″ of one or more models with Necromantic Aura reduce the number of Health Point losses
caused by Ashes to Ashes and Unstable by 1.

The Dead Arise

0–1 per Army.
The model can cast The Dead Arise as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
The Dead Arise: Range 12″, Type Ground, Duration Instant.
Summon a unit listed in the Awaken (X) Universal Rule of the Caster (declare which before casting) with a number of
Health Points corresponding to the Reanimated value of the unit. All models must be placed within the spell’s range,
with at least one model touching the target point. All upgrades except Command Group Options are allowed. The
unit loses Scoring (if it had it).

Attack Attributes
Unholy Appetite – Close Combat
After a Round of Combat in which at least one attack with Unholy Appetite caused an unsaved wound, all attacks with
Unholy Appetite from models in the same unit must reroll failed to-hit rolls until the end of the next Player Turn.

Vampiric – Close Combat

At the end of each Melee Phase, check and resolve the following effects for all models with Vampiric:
• Character – If at least one attack with Vampiric made by the Character caused an unsaved wound, the Character
can make a single Vampiric roll. If successful, the Character Recovers a single Health Point.
• R&F model – If at least one attack with Vampiric made by a R&F model in the unit caused an unsaved wound,
the unit can make a single Vampiric roll. If successful, the unit Raises a single Health Point.
A Vampiric roll is successful if the D6 scores X+, where X is the number stated within brackets. Use only the best
value if a unit or Character has multiple parts with this Attack Attribute that each caused unsaved wounds. A roll of
‘1’ on a Vampiric roll is always a failure and a ‘6’ is always a success. Models with Towering Presence suffer a −2
modifier to their Vampiric rolls.

Special Attacks
A unit consisting entirely of models on foot with Reaper ignores all other units when moving in the Movement Phase,
but it must follow the Unit Spacing rule at the end of its move.
The unit can make a Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 5, Armour Penetration 10, and
Magical Attacks for each model with Reaper in the unit.

Hereditary Spell
This spell has a second Boosted version, which is shown using {{this colour-coding}}.

Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

When resolving the spell, choose one of the following ef-

fects for each target:
H Arise! • The R&F part of the target Raises a number of Health
rep Points equal to its Reanimated value.
⟨4+⟩ ⟨18″⟩ • Up to one Character within the target Recovers a
{8+} {6″ Aura} Augment Instant number of Health Points equal to its Reanimated
{{11+}} {{12″ Aura}} value.
Models with Towering Presence cannot Recover more than
2 Health Points from this spell in a single Magic Phase.

Vampiric Bloodlines
The Vampire Covenant army may choose to represent a single Vampiric Bloodline. In this case, all Vampire Counts
and Vampire Courtiers in such a Bloodline Army must take the upgrade that corresponds to that Bloodline. All rules
associated with a Vampire are only applied to the model part that takes the upgrade and do not apply to any mounts
unless specifically stated otherwise.

Ancient Blood Power

Bloodline Vampire Counts can take the Ancient Blood Power of their Bloodline instead of taking a Blood Power. All
Ancient Blood Powers are 0–1 per Army.

Blood Ties
Certain unit entries in this Army Book include the term Blood Ties, followed by the name of a Bloodline in brackets.
If the army includes at least one Vampire Count or Vampire Courtier matching the Bloodline written in brackets in a
unit entry, this unit gains access to the associated Blood Ties option.

Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline 45 pts

The Vampire gains +2 Offensive Skill, Plate Armour, Weapon Master, and can take any
number of Close Combat Weapons. Whenever possible, unless another model does so
• The Vampire must accept a Duel.
• The Vampire must issue a Duel.
Vampire Courtiers cannot be upgraded to Wizard Adepts. Vampire Counts cannot be
upgraded to Wizard Masters.
Blood Ties: Vampire Knights

The Vampire’s Path access is replaced with:

Ancient Blood Power: Crimson Rage 120 pts
Every unsaved wound caused by the Vampire’s Close Combat Attacks, before applying Multiple Wounds, generates
another Close Combat Attack:
• Allocate and resolve the new attacks before removing any casualties, in the same Initiative Step as the attacks
that generated them.
• You cannot generate more attacks than there were Health Points in the Health Pool towards which the initial
attacks were allocated.
• The new attacks do not generate any further attacks.

Von Karnstein Bloodline 30 pts

The Vampire must reroll failed Vampiric rolls, and the presence of one or more Von
Karnstein Vampires grants +1 to their side’s Combat Score in any combat which they are
Engaged in. Models in the same unit as a Von Karnstein Vampire gain Autonomous. If
applicable, the ranges of Commanding Presence and Rally Around the Flag of Von Karnstein
Vampires are increased by 6″.

Blood Ties: Dark Coach

The Vampire’s Path access is replaced with:

Evocation Occultism
Ancient Blood Power: Storm Caller 90 pts
All units within 12″ of the Vampire gain Hard Target (1).

Lamia Bloodline 50 pts
The Vampire gains Lightning Reflexes and suffers −1 Attack Value. Enemy units in base
contact with one or more Lamia Vampires suffer −1 Agility. If the Vampire is not equipped
with Heavy Armour and/or a Shield, it gains Distracting. Duels issued by the Vampire
must (if possible) be accepted by a Character unless a Champion accepts first. Enemy
model parts without Harnessed in a Duel with the Vampire suffer −1 Attack Value.

Blood Ties: Court of the Damned

The Vampire’s Path access is replaced with:

Evocation Witchcraft
Ancient Blood Power: Commandment 70 pts
The Defensive Skill and Offensive Skill of R&F models in a unit joined by the Vampire are set to 6.

Strigoi Bloodline 110 pts

The Vampire gains Fortitude (4+), Hatred, and +1 Health Point, cannot take a mount
except for a Shrieking Horror, and may not be equipped with any kind of armour. Vampire
Courtiers cannot be upgraded to Wizard Adepts. Vampire Counts cannot be upgraded to
Wizard Masters.

Blood Ties: Ghouls

The Vampire’s Path access is replaced with:

Ancient Blood Power: Ghoul Lord 80 pts
The Vampire, its mount, and all R&F models in its unit gain Poison Attacks. If the unit it joins already had Poison
Attacks, all R&F models in the unit wound automatically on a successful natural to-hit roll of 1 less than normal (i.e.
5+ instead of 6+).

Nosferatu Bloodline free

The Vampire suffers −1 Attack Value, −2 Offensive Skill, and may not be equipped with
Heavy Armour and/or a Shield. The Vampire gains Awaken (Skeletons, Zombies) and
Gates of the Netherworld. A Vampire Courtier must be upgraded to Wizard Apprentice,
Wizard Adept, or Wizard Master. A Vampire Count must be upgraded to Wizard Adept or
Wizard Master. The Vampire always knows the Hereditary Spell in addition to its other

Blood Ties: Wraiths and Spectral Hunters

The Vampire’s Path access is replaced with:

Cosmology Evocation Occultism
Ancient Blood Power: Blood Magic 60 pts
During Spell Selection, choose a Path (this may be a different Path than the one the model selects its spells from).
When the Vampire or a friendly Wizard within 12″ casts the Hereditary Spell or any spell from the chosen Path, the
Casting Value of the Spell is reduced by 2, and when rolling casting rolls with a single Magic Dice, a natural roll of
‘1’ or ‘2’ on the Magic Dice is always a failed Casting Attempt, regardless of any modifiers. When the Vampire or a
friendly Wizard within 12″ Miscasts, it suffers a +1 Miscast Modifier.

Blood Powers
Vampire Counts and Vampire Courtiers may purchase a unique upgrade called Blood Power. In an army without a
Bloodline, called an Independent Army, all Blood Powers are 0–1 per Army. However, in an army with a Bloodline,
called a Bloodline Army, only that Bloodline’s powers can be taken. These powers can be duplicated within the army
unless specifically stated otherwise.

Independent or Independent or Strigoi

Brotherhood of the Dragon
Bestial Bulk 65 pts
Eternal Duellist 80 pts 0–1 per Army. Models on foot only.
The Vampire must reroll natural to-hit and to-wound The Vampire gains +1 Resilience and cannot use any
rolls of ‘1’ with its Close Combat Attacks. Weapon Enchantments or Armour Equipment. The
Vampire’s Height is changed to Large and its base
Monster Hunter 45 pts size to 40×40 mm. As long as the Vampire is joined
The Vampire gains Multiple Wounds (2, against to a unit of Ghasts, the Vampire gains Scoring. If play-
Towering Presence). ing Capture the Flags, the Vampire gains Scoring (no
matter if joined to a unit of Ghasts or not).

Flying Horror 60 pts

Models on foot only.
The Vampire gains Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops,
Storm of Wings (see ), and Swiftstride.
Independent or Von Karnstein
Hour of the Wolf 50 pts
The Vampire’s unit gains Swiftstride. The Vampire
gains Awaken (Bat Swarms, Dire Wolves, Great
Bats, Zombies).
Independent or Nosferatu
Unbreakable Will 40 pts
At the beginning of each Round of Combat, select a Arcane Knowledge 80 pts
single friendly unit Engaged in the same Combat as Wizards only.
the Vampire (this can be the Vampire’s own unit). The Vampire knows the Hereditary Spell in addition
This unit gains Stubborn until the end of the Melee to its other spells. Spells cast by the Vampire gain
Phase. +6″ range. This effect is decreased to +3″ range for
Aura spells. Bound Spells and spells without range
are not affected.

Forbidden Path 20 pts

Wizard Adepts and Masters only.
A Wizard Master with this Blood Power becomes a
Independent or Lamia Wizard Adept using two different Paths it has access
to (it knows 2 spells from each Path). A Wizard Adept
Mask of Innocence 45 pts becomes a Wizard Apprentice using two different
Enemy units in base contact with one or more Vam- Paths it has access to (it knows 1 spell from each
pires with the Mask of Innocence suffer −1 Discipline. Path).
This Blood Power cannot be combined with Essence
Mesmerising Gaze 40 pts of a Free Mind.
The Vampire can cast Whispers of the Veil (Evocation)
as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Artefacts
Reaper’s Harvest 110 pts Hypnotic Pendant 100 pts
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. The bearer gains Distracting. All Standard Height
Attacks made with this weapon always have Strength R&F models in the bearer’s unit gain Parry.
10 and Armour Penetration 10 and become Di-
vine Attacks and Magical Attacks. When rolling to Eternity Gem 95 pts
wound with attacks made with this weapon, use the Vampire Counts and Courtiers on Monstrous Re-
enemy’s Discipline instead of its Resilience. venant or without Towering Presence only.
Attacks against the bearer’s model with Lethal Strike
True Thirst 55 pts and/or Multiple Wounds lose these Attack Attributes.
Vampire Counts and Courtiers only. One use only: Must be activated when the bearer’s
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. model suffers the first wound in the game after Ar-
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, mour Saves. The bearer’s model gains Aegis (2+)
+1 Armour Penetration, and Vampiric (3+), and be- against this wound.
come Magical Attacks. For each unsaved wound
caused by this weapon during a Melee Phase, Raise 1 Necromantic Staff 85 pts
Health Point of R&F models in the wielder’s unit at Dominant. Wizards only.
the end of the Melee Phase. The number of Raised The bearer gains Channel (1) and can cast the first
Health Points in each phase cannot exceed the fixed Boosted version (6″ Aura) of Arise! (Hereditary Spell)
component of the Reanimated value of the R&F mod- as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
els in the unit, disregarding any D3 or D6 parts (e.g.
you can Raise 4 Zombies in a single phase). Night’s Crown 55 pts
Standard Height models only.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards the bearer’s
Armour Enchantments model do not gain Strength modifiers of the +X type
Legend of the Black King 110 pts conferred by Close Combat Weapons. Close Combat
Enchantment: Heavy Armour and Plate Armour. Attacks can never wound the bearer’s model on bet-
The bearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (4+). ter than 4+.

Unholy Tome 50 pts

Banner Enchantments Dominant. Wizards only.
The bearer can cast Danse Macabre (Evocation) as a
Black Standard of Zagvozd 90 pts
Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
Barrow Guard and Barrow Knights only.
Close Combat Attacks made by R&F model parts with-
out Harnessed in the bearer’s unit gain +1 to hit. At Cursed Medallion 35 pts
the start of any Melee Phase, if the bearer’s unit is un- Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deploy-
engaged, you may choose a friendly Standard Height ment Phase Sequence), choose a Character, Cham-
Infantry or Barrow Knight unit within 6″ of the bearer. pion, or a single model unit on the opponent’s Army
Close Combat Attacks made by R&F model parts with- List. The bearer must reroll failed to-hit and to-
out Harnessed in that unit gain +1 to hit until the end wound rolls against the chosen model.
of the Melee Phase.

Army Organisation

Characters Core* Special The Suffering Swift Death

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 20% Max. 30%
*The Core Category is decreased to “Min. 20%” in an Independent Army.

Characters (Max. 40%)
Vampire Count Height
Type Infantry
330 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

A mount marked with (SD) counts towards Swift Death. The mount and its rider also count towards Characters.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

6″ 12″ 9 1 Autonomous, Awaken (Zombies), Fear, Fearless, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vampire Count 5 7 5 2 7 Vampiric (6+)

Magic Options pts Options pts
One choice only: If General, must take The Dead Arise 25
Wizard Apprentice free A single Blood Power* no limit
Wizard Adept 75 Special Items up to 200
Wizard Master 225 Shield 5
Light Armour 5
Heavy Armour 15
One choice only:
Evocation Occultism
Paired Weapons 10
Path access changes in a Bloodline Army. Great Weapon 20
Halberd 20
Lance 20
*Or an Ancient Blood Power in a Bloodline Army
Mount Options pts
Skeletal Steed 60
Monstrous Revenant (SD) 115
Spectral Steed 115
Court of the Damned 330
Zombie Dragon (SD) 345
Shrieking Horror (SD) (Strigoi only) 370
Colossal Zombie Dragon (SD) 445

Vampire Courtier Height
Type Infantry
160 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

A mount marked with (SD) counts towards Swift Death. The mount and its rider also count towards Characters.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 1 Autonomous, Awaken (Zombies), Fear, Fearless, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vampire Courtier 4 6 5 2 6 Vampiric (6+)

Magic Options pts Options pts
One choice only: If General, must take The Dead Arise 25
Wizard Apprentice 30 Battle Standard Bearer 50
Wizard Adept 105 A single Blood Power no limit
Wizard Master (Nosferatu only) 255 Special Items up to 100
Shield 5
Light Armour 5
Heavy Armour 10
Evocation Occultism One choice only:
Path access changes in a Bloodline Army. Great Weapon 10
Halberd 10
Lance 10
Paired Weapons 10
Mount Options pts
Skeletal Steed 65
Spectral Steed 110
Monstrous Revenant (SD) 115
Court of the Damned 330

Necromancer Height
Type Infantry
130 pts single model Base 20×20 mm

A mount marked with (SD) counts towards Swift Death. The mount and its rider also count towards Characters.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 1 Awaken (Skeletons, Zombies), Fearless, Gates of the

Netherworld, Undead, Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Necromancer 1 3 3 0 3
Magic Options pts Options pts
One choice only: If General, must take The Dead Arise 25
Wizard Adept 75 Special Items up to 100
Wizard Master 225 If Wizard Master up to 200
Light Armour 5
Mount Options pts
Alchemy Evocation Skeletal Steed 10
Monstrous Revenant (SD) (Wizard Master only) 75
Cadaver Wagon 300

Barrow King Height
Type Infantry
175 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Not a Leader, Undead, Unliving

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 0 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barrow King 3 5 4 1 4 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2,

against Standard)
Model Rules Options pts
Unliving Shield: Universal Rule. Battle Standard Bearer 50
Enemy models cannot allocate Close Combat Attacks Special Items up to 150
towards a Necromancer as long as they can allocate One choice only:
attacks towards a model with Unliving Shield in the Great Weapon 5
same unit as the Necromancer. This rule cannot be Halberd 5
used if there are also models with Vampiric in the Lance 5
same unit as the Necromancer. Paired Weapons 5
Mount Options pts
Skeletal Steed 65

Fell Wraith Height
Type Infantry
115 pts single model 0–3 Models/Army Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Characters and The Suffering. A mount marked with (SD) counts towards Swift
Death. Additionally, the mount and its rider count towards Characters and no longer towards The Suffering.
Fell Wraiths and Banshees share the same 0–3 Models/Army limitation.
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

6″ 12″ 5 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops,

Not a Leader, Terror, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 3 0 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Fell Wraith 3 4 3 10 2 Reaper

Options pts Mount Options pts
Weapon Enchantment up to 100 Skeletal Steed 35
Great Weapon 10 Monstrous Revenant and lose Aegis (3+, against non-
Magical Attacks) (SD) 145

Banshee Height
Type Infantry
155 pts single model 0–3 Models/Army Base 20×20 mm

The unit counts both towards Characters and The Suffering. Fell Wraiths and Banshees share the same 0–3 Mod-
els/Army limitation.
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

6″ 12″ 5 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops,

Not a Leader, Terror, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 3 0 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Banshee 1 3 3 0 3 Reaper, Wail of Woe

Model Rules
Wail of Woe: Special Attack.
A model with this Special Attack can use it as 1. a Shooting Attack, and as 2. a Special Attack when Engaged in
1. Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has Range 8″, March and Shoot,
and inflicts D6+2 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Magical Attacks.
2. The attack is made at the model part’s Agility. Declare that you are using Wail of Woe when allocating
attacks. If used, the model part cannot perform any Close Combat Attacks. Choose a single unit in base
contact as the target. The target unit suffers D3+1 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Magical

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Skeletal Steed Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C Ghost Step

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skeletal Steed 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks

Height Standard
Spectral Steed Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 8″ 16″ C Fly (8″, 16″), Ghost Step, Light Troops

Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Spectral Steed 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks

Height Large
Cadaver Wagon Type Construct
Base 60×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ C Necromantic Aura, No Rest for the Wicked, War Plat-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 4 C+2 Fortitude (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shambling Horde 8 1 3 0 1 Harnessed

Chassis 4 1 Impact Hits (1), Inanimate
Model Rules
No Rest for the Wicked: Universal Rule.
All R&F models in friendly units within 6″ gain Fortitude (6+). Ghasts in friendly units within 6″ gain Fortitude
(4+) instead. In addition, all R&F models in friendly units that count towards Core within 6″ of one or more
Cadaver Wagons gain Fortitude (+1, max. 5+) during their First Round of Combat.

Height Large
Court of the Damned Type Construct
Base 60×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ C Chill of the Grave, Fear, Ghost Step, Towering Presence,

War Platform
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Paramour (2) 2 5 5 2 6 Vampiric (6+)

Spectral Pallbearers 8 2 3 0 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Model Rules Blood Ties (Lamia) pts
Chill of the Grave: Universal Rule. Must take Aegis (4+) 95
Enemy units within 6″ of one or more models with
Chill of the Grave suffer −2 Agility and −2 Defensive

Height Gigantic
Shrieking Horror Type Beast
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 100×150 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Swift Death.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops

Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 4 6 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shrieking Horror 4 4 5 2 2 Chilling Shriek, Harnessed

Model Rules
Chilling Shriek: Special Attack.
A model with this Special Attack can use it as 1. a Shooting Attack, and as 2. a Special Attack when Engaged in
1. Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has Range 8″ and March and
2. The attack is made at the model part’s Agility. Declare that you are using Chilling Shriek when allocating
attacks. If used, the model part cannot perform any Close Combat Attacks. Choose a single unit in base
contact as the target.
Regardless of whether it is used as a Shooting or Melee Attack, the Chilling Shriek inflicts 1 hit for each Health
Point the model with Chilling Shriek currently has. These hits always have Strength 10, Armour Penetration
10, and Magical Attacks. When rolling to wound with this attack, use the enemy’s Discipline instead of its

Height Large
Monstrous Revenant Type Cavalry
Base 50×50 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Swift Death.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Monstrous Revenant 4 4 5 2 2 Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Great Monstrous Revenant 10 Great Monstrous Revenant: Universal Rule.
The Monstrous Revenant gains Devastating Charge
(+1 Str, +1 AP) and its base size is changed to
60×100 mm.

Height Gigantic
Zombie Dragon Type Beast
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Swift Death. Zombie Dragon and
Colossal Zombie Dragon share the same 0–1 Mounts/Army limitation.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops

Fly 7″ 14″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 4 6 3 Distracting, Fortitude (6+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Zombie Dragon 5 4 6 3 2 Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks), Harnessed

Height Gigantic
Colossal Zombie Dragon Type Beast
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 100×150 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Swift Death. Zombie Dragon and
Colossal Zombie Dragon share the same 0–1 Mounts/Army limitation.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops

Fly 7″ 14″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 4 Distracting, Fortitude (6+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Colossal ZD 5 5 6 3 2 Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks), Harnessed

Core (Min. 25%)
Zombies Height
Type Infantry
125 pts + 5 pts/extra model 20–80 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 2 2D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 1 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Zombie 1 1 3 0 1
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Musician 20 Standard Bearer 20

Skeletons Height
Type Infantry
150 pts + 10 pts/extra model 20–60 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 4 D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Skeleton 1 2 3 0 2
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Halberd 1/model Musician 20
Spear 1/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Ghouls Height
Type Infantry
125 pts + 17 pts/extra model 10–40 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 6 D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, First Raised, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Ghoul 2 3 3 0 4 Poison Attacks, Unholy Appetite

Model Rules Blood Ties (Strigoi) pts
First Raised: Universal Rule. Vanguard* (0–35 Models/Unit) 2/model
Ghoul Champions gain Swift Reform. *Strigoi Vampires joined to this unit gain Vanguard.
Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Bat Swarms Height
Type Beast
105 pts + 27 pts/extra model 2–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

Ground 1″ 2″ 3 D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light Troops,
Fly 6″ 12″ Skirmisher, Storm of Wings, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 2 0 Distracting, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Bat Swarm 4 3 2 0 3
Model Rules
Storm of Wings: Universal Rule.
Enemy units in base contact with one or more models with Storm of Wings suffer −1 Offensive Skill and −1
Defensive Skill.

Special (No limit)
Dire Wolves Height
Type Beast
80 pts + 12 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

9″ 18″ 3 D3+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Undead, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dire Wolf 1 3 3 0 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)

Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Great Bats Height
Type Beast
95 pts + 13 pts/extra model 2–9 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

Ground 1″ 2″ 5 D3+1 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops,
Fly 9″ 18″ Skirmisher, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 3 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Bat 2 3 3 0 3

Ghasts Height
Type Infantry
160 pts + 95 pts/extra model 3–10 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

6″ 12″ 5 D3+1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 5 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Ghast 3 3 4 1 2 Poison Attacks, Unholy Appetite

Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Barrow Guard Height
Type Infantry
165 pts + 22 pts/extra model 15–40 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 D3+4 Ashes to Ashes, Bodyguard (General, Barrow King),

Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barrow Guard 1 3 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2,

against Standard)
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Shield 2/model Musician 20
Halberd 3/model Standard Bearer 20
Great Weapon 5/model Banner Enchantment no limit

Barrow Knights Height
Type Cavalry
170 pts + 40 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

8″ 16″ 7 D3+2 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Ghost Step, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 2 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barrow Knight 1 3 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2,

against Standard), Lance
Skeletal Steed 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Cadaver Wagon Height
Type Construct
305 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 60×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 5 2 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Necromantic Aura, No Rest for

the Wicked, Not a Leader, Undead, War Platform
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 4 2 Fortitude (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Cadaver Master 1 3 3 0 3
Shambling Horde 8 1 3 0 1 Harnessed
Chassis 4 1 Impact Hits (1), Inanimate
Model Rules
No Rest for the Wicked: Universal Rule.
All R&F models in friendly units within 6″ gain Fortitude (6+). Ghasts in friendly units within 6″ gain Fortitude
(4+) instead. In addition, all R&F models in friendly units that count towards Core within 6″ of one or more
Cadaver Wagons gain Fortitude (+1, max. 5+) during their First Round of Combat.

Dark Coach Height
Type Construct
460 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

8″ 8″ 7 1 Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Swiftstride, Undead, Unholy

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 4 Aegis (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Coachman 2 3 3 10 2 Magical Attacks, Great Weapon

Vampire 4 6 5 2 6 Vampiric (3+)
Undead Mount (2) 1 3 4 1 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Model Rules Blood Ties (Von Karnstein) pts
Unholy Conduit: Universal Rule. Must take Stubborn 15
Friendly units within 6″ gain Autonomous. Optional Model Rules
Options pts Extended Chassis: Universal Rule.
Extended Chassis 10 The Dark Coach’s base size is changed to
50×150 mm, and its Undead Mounts’ Attack
Value is set to 2.

Court of the Damned Height
Type Construct
300 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 60×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 1 Chill of the Grave, Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Not a

Leader, Towering Presence, Undead, War Platform
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Paramour (3) 2 5 5 2 6 Vampiric (6+)

Spectral Pallbearers 8 2 3 0 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Model Rules Blood Ties (Lamia) pts
Chill of the Grave: Universal Rule. Must take Aegis (4+) 75
Enemy units within 6″ of one or more models with
Chill of the Grave suffer −2 Agility and −2 Defensive

Altar of Undeath Height
Type Construct
365 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

8″ 8″ 5 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Lash of Souls,

Swiftstride, Terror, Towering Presence, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 2 Fortitude (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dark Conductor 1 3 3 0 3 Aura of Undeath

Ghost Steeds 8 2 3 0 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Model Rules
Aura of Undeath: Special Attack.
During its Shooting Phase, the model part can make a Shooting Attack that targets all enemy units within 12″ of
the model (including those Engaged in Combat and outside Front Arc and/or Line of Sight). This attack can
be used even if the Altar is Engaged in Combat. The targets suffer D6 hits with a Strength equal to the current
Game Turn number and Armour Penetration 2.
Lash of Souls: Universal Rule.
The model can cast Pentagram of Pain (Occultism) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

The Suffering (Max. 20%)
Phantom Hosts 0–2 Units/Army
Type Infantry
160 pts + 75 pts/extra model 2–5 models 0–6 Models/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

6″ 12″ 4 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 3 0 Aegis (2+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Phantom Host 4 3 3 1 1

Wraiths Height
Type Infantry
185 pts + 45 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

6″ 12″ 5 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops,

Terror, Undead, Wizard Conclave
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wraith 2 3 3 10 2 Reaper, Great Weapon

Wizard Conclave Blood Ties (Nosferatu): Command Group Options pts
Must select 2 spells from: Champion 100
• Hasten the Hour (Evocation)
• Raven’s Wing (Witchcraft)
• Deceptive Glamour (Witchcraft)

Spectral Hunters Height
Type Cavalry
185 pts + 35 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

8″ 16″ 5 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops,

Terror, Undead, Wizard Conclave
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 1 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Spectral Hunter 2 3 3 10 2 Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Great Weapon

Ghost Steed 1 2 3 0 2 Flaming Attacks, Harnessed
Wizard Conclave Blood Ties (Nosferatu): Command Group Options pts
Must select 2 spells from: Champion 100
• Perception of Strength (Cosmology)
• Whispers of the Veil (Evocation)
• Raven’s Wing (Witchcraft)

Swift Death (Max. 30%)
Vampire Knights Height
Type Cavalry
250 pts + 88 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

7″ 14″ 7 1 Autonomous, Fear, Fearless, Scoring, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 5 4 2 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vampire Knight 2 5 5 2 5 Vampiric (6+), Lance

Undead Mount 1 3 4 1 2 Harnessed
Blood Ties (Brotherhood of the Dragon) pts Command Group Options pts
Must take Devastating Charge (+1 Att) on the Vampire Champion 20
Knight and Plate Armour on the model 24/model Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit

Vampire Spawn Height
Type Infantry
260 pts + 80 pts/extra model 3–8 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ 8 D3 Autonomous, Fear, Fearless, Fly (9″, 18″), Frenzy, Light
Fly 9″ 18″ Troops, Swiftstride, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vampire Spawn 3 4 5 2 4 Battle Focus, Vampiric (6+)

Command Group Options pts
Champion 20

Varkolak Height
Type Beast
345 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

8″ 16″ 7 1 Autonomous, Fear, Fearless, Undead, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 0 Fortitude (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Varkolak 5 5 6 3 4 Hatred, Vampiric (3+)

Winged Reapers Height
Type Infantry
290 pts + 180 pts/extra model 2–4 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ 10 D3 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light Troops,
Fly 6″ 12″ Necromantic Aura, Swiftstride, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Winged Reaper 4 5 5 2 4 Lethal Strike

Options pts
One choice only:
Halberd 15/model
Paired Weapons 15/model

Shrieking Horror Height
Type Beast
490 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army* Base 100×150 mm

*0–1 Units/Army if it includes any Gigantic Characters.

Global Adv Mar Dis Rea Model Rules

Ground 6″ 12″ 4 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops,
Fly 8″ 16″ Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 4 6 0 Fortitude (6+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shrieking Horror 4 4 5 2 2 Chilling Shriek, Harnessed

Model Rules
Chilling Shriek: Special Attack.
A model with this Special Attack can use it as 1. a Shooting Attack, and as 2. a Special Attack when Engaged in
1. Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has Range 8″ and March and
2. The attack is made at the model part’s Agility. Declare that you are using Chilling Shriek when allocating
attacks. If used, the model part cannot perform any Close Combat Attacks. Choose a single unit in base
contact as the target.
Regardless of whether it is used as a Shooting or Melee Attack, the Chilling Shriek inflicts 1 hit for each Health
Point the model with Chilling Shriek currently has. These hits always have Strength 10, Armour Penetration
10, and Magical Attacks. When rolling to wound with this attack, use the enemy’s Discipline instead of its

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 9 Rea 1 Autonomous, Awaken (Zombies), Fear, Fearless, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 7 Res 5 Arm 0
Vampire Count Att 5 Off 7 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 7 Vampiric (6+)
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rea 1 Autonomous, Awaken (Zombies), Fear, Fearless, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 0
Vampire Courtier Att 4 Off 6 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 6 Vampiric (6+)
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rea 1 Awaken (Skeletons, Zombies), Fearless, Gates of the Nether-
world, Undead, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Necromancer Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Not a Leader, Undead, Unliving Shield
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Heavy Armour, Shield
Barrow King Att 3 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2, against Stan-
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 5 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops, Not
a Leader, Terror, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)
Fell Wraith Att 3 Off 4 Str 3 AP 10 Agi 2 Reaper
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 5 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops, Not
a Leader, Terror, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)
Banshee Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Reaper, Wail of Woe

Character Mounts
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C Ghost Step
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Skeletal Steed Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C Fly (8″, 16″), Ghost Step, Light Troops
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Spectral Steed Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis C Necromantic Aura, No Rest for the Wicked, War Platform
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res 4 Arm C+2 Fortitude (4+)
Shambling Horde Att 8 Off 1 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 1 Harnessed
Chassis Str 4 AP 1 Agi Impact Hits (1), Inanimate
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis C Chill of the Grave, Fear, Ghost Step, Towering Presence, War
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 5 Res 5 Arm C
Paramour (2) Att 2 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 6 Vampiric (6+)
Spectral Pallbearers Att 8 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 0 Fortitude (5+)
Shrieking Horror Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Chilling Shriek, Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Monstrous Revenant Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 3 Distracting, Fortitude (6+)
Zombie Dragon Att 5 Off 4 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks), Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis C Fly (7″, 14″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4 Distracting, Fortitude (6+)
Colossal ZD Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks), Harnessed

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 2 Rea 2D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 1 Res 3 Arm 0
Zombie Att 1 Off 1 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 1
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 4 Rea D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield
Skeleton Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 6 Rea D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, First Raised, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0
Ghoul Att 2 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Poison Attacks, Unholy Appetite
Adv 1″ Mar 2″ Dis 3 Rea D6+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light Troops, Skirmisher,
Storm of Wings, Undead
Standard, Beast HP 4 Def 3 Res 2 Arm 0 Distracting, Hard Target (1)
Bat Swarm Att 4 Off 3 Str 2 AP 0 Agi 3

Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 3 Rea D3+4 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Undead, Vanguard
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Dire Wolf Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)
Adv 1″ Mar 2″ Dis 5 Rea D3+1 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Skirmisher,
Standard, Beast HP 2 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Great Bat Att 2 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 5 Rea D3+1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Undead
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 0 Fortitude (5+)
Ghast Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Poison Attacks, Unholy Appetite
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rea D3+4 Ashes to Ashes, Bodyguard (General, Barrow King), Fearless,
Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Barrow Guard Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2, against Stan-
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 7 Rea D3+2 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Ghost Step, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 2 Heavy Armour, Shield
Barrow Knight Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2, against Stan-
dard), Lance
Skeletal Steed Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 5 Rea 2 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Necromantic Aura, No Rest for the
Wicked, Not a Leader, Undead, War Platform
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 2 Fortitude (4+)
Cadaver Master Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Shambling Horde Att 8 Off 1 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 1 Harnessed
Chassis Str 4 AP 1 Agi Impact Hits (1), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rea 1 Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Swiftstride, Undead, Unholy Conduit
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 4 Aegis (4+)
Coachman Att 2 Off 3 Str 3 AP 10 Agi 2 Magical Attacks, Great Weapon
Vampire Att 4 Off 6 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 6 Vampiric (3+)
Undead Mount (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rea 1 Chill of the Grave, Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Not a Leader, To-
wering Presence, Undead, War Platform
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 2
Paramour (3) Att 2 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 6 Vampiric (6+)
Spectral Pallbearers Att 8 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis 5 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghost Step, Lash of Souls, Swift-
stride, Terror, Towering Presence, Undead
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 2 Fortitude (4+)
Dark Conductor Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Aura of Undeath
Ghost Steeds Att 8 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate

The Suffering
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 4 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Aegis (2+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)
Phantom Host Att 4 Off 3 Str 3 AP 1 Agi 1
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 5 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops,
Terror, Undead, Wizard Conclave
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)
Wraith Att 2 Off 3 Str 3 AP 10 Agi 2 Reaper, Great Weapon
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 5 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Ghostly Form, Light Troops,
Terror, Undead, Wizard Conclave
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 1 Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+)
Spectral Hunter Att 2 Off 3 Str 3 AP 10 Agi 2 Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Great Weapon
Ghost Steed Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Flaming Attacks, Harnessed

Swift Death
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 7 Rea 1 Autonomous, Fear, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Cavalry HP 2 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 2 Heavy Armour, Shield
Vampire Knight Att 2 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 5 Vampiric (6+), Lance
Undead Mount Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rea D3 Autonomous, Fear, Fearless, Fly (9″, 18″), Frenzy, Light Troops,
Swiftstride, Undead
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0
Vampire Spawn Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Battle Focus, Vampiric (6+)
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 7 Rea 1 Autonomous, Fear, Fearless, Undead, Vanguard
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 0 Fortitude (4+)
Varkolak Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 4 Hatred, Vampiric (3+)
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 10 Rea D3 Ashes to Ashes, Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light Troops,
Necromantic Aura, Swiftstride, Undead
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 2
Winged Reaper Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Lethal Strike
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 4 Rea 1 Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Undead
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 0 Fortitude (6+)
Shrieking Horror Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Chilling Shriek, Harnessed

Characters, Court of the Damned, Altar of Undeath, Dark Coach, models from The Suffering,
Shrieking Horror, Vampire Knights, Varkolak
2 Cadaver Wagon
D3 Winged Reapers, Vampire Spawn
D3+1 Ghasts, Great Bats
D3+2 Barrow Knights
D3+4 Dire Wolves, Barrow Guard
D6+4 Skeletons, Ghouls, Bat Swarms
2D6+4 Zombies

The Vermin Swarm
Army Book
2​nd​ Edition, version 2020 - December 26, 2019

Army Model Rules Characters

Hereditary Spell Core
Special Items Special
Tunnel Gunners
Built and Bred

The 9​th​ Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at ​
Recent changes listed at ​

Copyright Creative Commons license:​ ​

Army Model Rules
Universal Rules
Safety in Numbers
Non-Fleeing units consisting entirely of models with Safety in Numbers add their number of Full Ranks after the first
to their Discipline value, up to a maximum of +3 and ​never above 10. Safety in Numbers cannot be used to modify
the Discipline that is distributed by models with Commanding Presence (but the received Commanding Presence can
be modified by Safety in Numbers). Furthermore, units consisting entirely of models with Safety in Numbers gain +1”
to their Flee Distance rolls.

The model is allowed to use Shooting Attacks and ​The Awakened Swarm (Hereditary Spell) against enemy units that
are Engaged in Combat with friendly units, as long as all friendly units Engaged in the Combat are of Standard Height.​
All units Engaged in this Combat are ignored for Cover purposes (but not for drawing Line of Sight). When a model
with this rule targets an enemy unit Engaged in Combat with a Shooting Attack or with ​The Awakened Swarm​, roll to
hit as normal against the intended target. Each hit must then be randomised to see which unit is hit. Roll a D6 for
each hit. On 3+, the intended target is hit; otherwise a friendly unit Engaged in that Combat is hit. If there are several
friendly units involved in the combat, randomise which one is hit.

State of Trance (X)

The model’s unit gains ​Fearless​. The model must be deployed in, and can only join, a unit that includes at least one
model from one of the unit entries stated in brackets (X). The model can never voluntarily leave its unit.

Brood’s Courage (X)

A unit with more than half of its models with Brood's Courage (X) within 6” of a unit that includes at least one model
from one of the unit entries stated in brackets (X) may use the number of Full Ranks of this unit for the purpose of
calculating the Discipline modifier it gains from Safety in Numbers.

If the model is within 3" of a friendly non-Fleeing unit with at least one Rat-at-Arms or Vermin Guard model, it gains
Aegis (4+, against Ranged Attacks).

A Character with Honourless cannot be chosen by the enemy as the model that suffers the penalties for refusing a

Dark Shards
One use only. A model can use each of its Dark Shards once per game. Declare usage just before the model rolls to
cast a non-Bound Spell. Any Dispelling Attempt made against this Casting Attempt suffers -D3 to the dispelling roll.
Roll this dice as soon as the Dark Shard is used. If a natural ‘1’ is rolled for this D3, the model using the Dark Shard
suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks. This is an exception to the Casting and Dispelling Modifier rules (i.e. it is allowed to
modify the dispelling roll by more than -2).

Plague Flail​:​ Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with a Plague Flail gain +2 Strength and +2 Armour Penetration. Unless using another weapon, the
wielder of a Plague Flail suffers -1 Defensive Skill.
In addition, at Initiative Step 10 (regardless of the wielder’s Agility), the wielder must choose an enemy unit that it
could normally allocate Close Combat Attacks towards (including Supporting Attacks). The chosen enemy unit
suffers a hit with Toxic Attacks. This hit is considered to be a Special Attack.
This weapon cannot be enchanted with Weapon Enchantments from the List of Common Special Items.

Meat Grinder​: ​Close Combat Weapon.

When using this weapon, the wielder gains Impact Hits (2D6) and Grind Attacks (2D6). These Impact Hits and Grind
Attacks are resolved with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 2.

Model Rules 2 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Sling​: Shooting Weapon.
Range 18", Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Quick to Fire.

Gas Globes​: Shooting Weapon.

Range 8", Shots 1, AP 10, Quick to Fire, Accurate, Magical Attacks. Hits from this weapon ignore the target's
Resilience and are instead ​set​ to wound on 4+.

Ratlock Pistols​: Shooting Weapon.

Range 12", Shots 2, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire, Magical Attacks. Counts as Paired Weapons in close combat.

Jezail​: Shooting Weapon.

Range 36", Shots 1, Str 6, AP 4, Unwieldy, Magical Attacks, Accurate.
If rolling a natural ‘1’ to hit, the bearer suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks.

Rotary Gun​: Volley Gun Artillery Weapon. 0-3 Weapons per Army.
Range 18", Shots 2D6×2 or Shots 3D6×2 (the owner chooses which to use), Str 4, AP 1, Magical Attacks, Quick to Fire.

Globe Launcher​: Volley Gun Artillery Weapon. 0-3 Weapons per Army.
Range 18", Shots 2D6×2, Toxic Attacks, Magical Attacks, Volley Fire, Quick to Fire.
If a Standard Height model equipped with a Globe Launcher is within 3" of a unit with at least one Rat-at-Arms or
Vermin Guard model when shooting, it may draw Line of Sight to the target as if this unit was shooting instead of
itself (i.e. the unit cannot be Fleeing, Shaken, or Engaged). The target must still be within range and in the Front Arc
of the model shooting with the Globe Launcher.

Naphtha Launcher​: Volley Gun Artillery Weapon. 0-3 Weapons per Army.
Range 18", Shot​s 2D6, Str 5, AP 1, Multiple Wounds (D3), Flaming Attacks​, Magical Attacks​, Quick to Fire.
This weapon ignores to-hit modifiers from Cover and Hard Target (X).

Attack Attributes
Tail Weapon​: ​Close Combat.
When attacking with Paired Weapons, the model part gains +1 Attack Value.

Lightning Attack
At the end of a phase in which a unit that consists entirely of models with Fly has suffered one or more hits from
attacks with Lightning Attack, the unit suffers an additional D6 hits with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 1. These
hits are considered Special Attacks if the hits with Lightning Attack were suffered in the Melee Phase, and they are
considered ranged Special Attacks if the hits with Lightning Attack were suffered from Ranged Attacks.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H The Awakened Swarm

Hex The target suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 4,
⟨7+⟩ ⟨12”⟩
Direct Instant Armour Penetration 2, and Magical Attacks.
{10+} {24”}

Model Rules 3 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Second Awakening ​(55 pts)
Secrets of the Doom Blade (180 pts) - Standard When the bearer casts a spell of type Damage for which
Height Tyrants only. dice are used to determine the number of hits the spell
Hand Weapon enchantment. inflicts, you may choose to reroll those dice. If so, all
Attacks made with this weapon gain Multiple Wounds dice must be rerolled.
(D6), become Magical Attacks and Divine Attacks, and
their Strength and Armour Penetration are ​set to 10. At Crown of Succession ​(20 pts) - Cannot be taken by
the end of each friendly Player Turn, the wielder suffers models with Not a Leader.
1 hit with Toxic Attacks, which counts as a Melee When the army’s General is removed as a casualty, the
Attack. bearer gains Commanding Presence.

Swarm Master ​(30 pts) Focusing Stone​ (40 pts) - Wizards only.
Paired Weapons enchantment. Whenever a friendly unit within 24" of the bearer
The wielder ​always has Attack Value 3D6 when using inflicts one or more hits in a friendly Magic or Shooting
this weapon. Attacks made with this weapon ​always Phase, the owner may discard Veil Tokens from their
have Strength 3, ​always ​have Armour Penetration 1, Veil Token pool before rolling to wound. For every
and become Magical Attacks. discarded Veil Token, one of the hits gains +1 to wound.
If there are more hits than discarded Veil Tokens,
Darkstone Shot ​(30 pts) declare which hits gain the modifier before rolling any
Jezail or Ratlock Pistols enchantment. dice. Each hit can only be affected once.
The weapon gains +1 Shots. Shooting Attacks made
with this weapon that roll a natural '6' to wound gain Sceptre of Vermin Valour (35 pts) - Infantry models
Multiple Wounds (D3). only.
The bearer gains Stand Behind.
Armour Enchantments Scurrying Veil ​(30 pts) - Standard Height models only.
Putrid Protection​ (80 pts) The bearer gains Tiny (see Rat Swarms), and its March
Light Armour enchantment. Rate is ​set​ to 20”.
The wearer gains +2 Armour. For each successful
Armour Save made by the wearer against Melee Banner Enchantments
Attacks, the model that caused the wounding hit Lightning Rod (100 pts) - Battle Standard Bearer and
immediatly suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks, before any Vermin Guard only.
casualties are removed, distributed onto the model's One use only. May be activated at the start of the
Health Pool. This is considered a Special Attack. opponent’s Player Turn. During this Player Turn, all
Net of Deception​ (35 pts) friendly units gain Hard Target (1). No Flying
Shield enchantment. Movement may be performed.
While using this Shield, the wielder gains Distracting. At Aquila of Ruin​ (40 pts) - Rats-at-Arms only.
the end of step 2 of the Round of Combat Sequence If the bearer’s unit consists entirely of Infantry models,
(right after Choose Weapons), nominate one enemy it the maximum of its Rank Bonus is increased by +2,
model part in base contact with the user of the Shield. which cannot be increased by any other means (this
For the duration of this Round of Combat, the means the unit can add up to +5 for Full Ranks to its
nominated model part suffers -1 Attack Value. Combat Score).
Seal of House Underminer ​(15 pts) Banner of the Endless Swarm​ (50 pts)
Heavy Armour enchantment. 0-3 per Army.
The owner’s army gains a +1 modifier for the roll for If a unit with one or more Banners of the Endless
determining who chooses the Deployment Zone. Swarm has more Full Ranks than each of the enemy
Immediately after Deployment Zones are chosen, units Engaged in the same Combat, it gains Fight in
nominate a Terrain Feature with its centre in your half Extra Rank. If the unit has more than twice the number
of the Battlefield. Unless that Terrain Feature is of Full Ranks than each of the enemy units Engaged in
Impassable Terrain, it becomes Dangerous Terrain (2). the same Combat, it gains an additional instance of
Fight in Extra Rank. Check how many Full Ranks the
Artefacts units have and apply the effects at the start of each
Multifocal Eyepiece ​(35 pts) ​- ​Rakachit Machinists Initiative Step.
At the start of each friendly Shooting Phase, you may
choose a Weapon Team within 3" of the bearer. For the
duration of the phase, Shooting Attacks made by this
Weapon Team gain +1 to hit.

Model Rules 4 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Tunnel Gunners Built and Bred

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 30% Max. 30%

CHARACTERS ​(Max. 40%)

Height: Gigantic
Vermin Daemon ​850 pts 0-1 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 75×50 mm
The unit counts both towards Characters and Built and Bred.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8” 16” 9 Supernal, Fearless, Callous, Wizard Master, ​Schemer

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 8 6 2 Aegis (5+), Aegis (4+, against Magical Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vermin Daemon 5 8 6 10 9

Schemer​: Universal Rule.

Spells cast by the model gain +3" range. The model knows one additional spell, and selects its spells
from Divination and ​The Awakened Swarm ​(Hereditary Spell). If a Vermin Daemon is part of the army,
the Tunnel Gunners Category is reduced to “Max. 25%”.

Model Rules 5 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Tyrant ​145 pts Type: Infantry
single model
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 7 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Honourless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tyrant 4 6 4 1 7

Options: pts
May take Special Items up to 200
May take any of the following:
Shield 5
Heavy Armour 5
May take a weapon (one choice only):
Ratlock Pistols (3+) 10
Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon 20
Great Weapon 10
Halberd 10
May take a mount (one choice only):
Vermin Guard Litter 80
Vermin Hulk Bodyguard 95
Monstrous Rat 180

Height: Standard
Chief ​100 pts 0-4 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 6 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Honourless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chief 3 5 4 1 6

Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
Fetthis Broodmaster: ​Universal Rule. May take Special Items up to 100
The ​Chief’s Advance Rate is ​set to 7”, its May take any of the following:
March Rate is ​set ​to 14”, and it gains Shield 5
Swiftstride. Heavy Armour 5
May take a weapon (one choice only):
Ratlock Pistols (3+) 10
Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon 5
Great Weapon 5
Halberd 5
May take a mount (one choice only):
Vermin Hulk Bodyguard 75
Monstrous Rat 200
May be upgraded to Fetthis Broodmaster 20

Model Rules 6 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Magister ​200 pts Type: Infantry
single model
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 6 Safety in Numbers, Honourless, Wizard Adept, Callous

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Magister 1 3 3 0 4

Must ​select spells from (choose one): Options: pts

May become Wizard Master 150
May take 3 Dark Shards 35
May take Special Items up to 100
Witchcraft Thaumaturgy If Wizard Master up to 200
May take Light Armour 5
May take a Doom Bell (Wizard Master only) 360

Height: Standard
Rakachit Machinist ​155 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Honourless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 1 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rakachit Machinist 2 4 5 2 4 Magical Attacks, ​Mechanical Limbs

Mechanical Limbs: ​Special Attack. Options: pts

A Rakachit Machinist may use one of the May take Special Items up to 100
following attacks once per Player Turn. If used May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
as a Shooting Attack, the attack may be used in Gas Globes (3+) 5
addition to using a Shooting Weapon, provided Ratlock Pistols (3+) 20
both Shooting Attacks target the same unit. Jezail (3+) 20
● Lightning Coil​: Shooting Attack. Range
18”, Shots D6, Str 2, AP 3. This attack
hits automatically.
● Naphtha Thrower​: Breath Attack (Str
3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks). This Breath
Attack is not limited to being used only
once per game.

Model Rules 7 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Sicarra Assassin ​260 pts Type: Infantry
single model
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 7 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Not A Leader, Honourless,

Professional Courtesy

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 0 Aegis (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sicarra Assassin 3 6 4 4 8 Paired Weapons, Tail Weapon, Lightning Reflexes, Poison

Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3, against Character)*
*Affects only attacks made with Close Combat and Shooting Weapons that are not enchanted.

Professional Courtesy: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

Sicarra Assassins cannot join or be deployed in May take Special Items up to 100
units that contain another Sicarra Assassin. Must t​ ake one of the following:
Sicarra Assassins may perform Make Way moves Throwing Weapons (3+) free
even when they are in base contact with an Sling (2+) free
enemy model. May take any of the following:
Lethal Strike 15
Ambush, Scout, and ​Vanguard 30

Model Rules 8 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Plague Patriarch ​155 pts Type: Infantry
single model
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 6 Safety in Numbers, Honourless, Frenzy, Fearless, Callous,

Wizard Apprentice, ​Putrid Scholar

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Plague Patriarch 3 5 4 1 4 Hatred, Battle Focus

Must ​select spells from Occultism. Options: pts

May become Wizard Adept 75
May take 3 Dark Shards 30
May take Special Items up to 100
Putrid Scholar: ​Universal Rule. May take Light Armour 5
The model selects its spells from all Learned Spells May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
of its chosen Path and ​The Awakened Swarm Paired Weapons 5
(Hereditary Spell). This overrides the normal Spell Plague Flail 30
Selection rules connected to being a Wizard May take a Plague Pendulum 440
Apprentice or Adept.

Model Rules 9 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B


Vermin Guard Litter Standard, Infantry

40×40 mm
Plague Pendulum
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules 0-1 Mounts per Army
5” 10” C Herding the Swarm
The mount and its rider count
Defensive HP Def Res Arm towards Characters.
Large, Construct
The mount also counts towards Built
C C C C+2 60×100 mm
and Bred.
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Vermin Guard 4 4 4 1 5 Harnessed Frenzy, Fearless,

5” 10” C Stubborn, Towering
Herding the Swarm: ​Universal Rule. Presence,
The model’s range of Commanding Presence (if State of Trance (Plague
Brotherhood), War
available) is increased by 6". Platform, Fear

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Vermin Hulk Bodyguard Large, Infantry

40×40 mm 5 C 5 C+2 Aegis (4+)

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Battle Focus, Hatred,

6” 12” C Crew (4) 1 3 3 0 3 Paired Weapons
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Chassis 5 2 3 Inanimate, Grind Attacks
4 C 5 C+1 (D6+2), ​Pendulum

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ram 6 3 Harnessed, Impact Hits

Harnessed, Battle (D6+2)
Vermin Hulk 4 4 5 2 4 Focus
Pendulum: ​Attack Attribute - Close Combat.
The model part can only use its Grind Attacks against
enemy units Engaged in the model’s Front Facing.
Monstrous Rat

The mount and its rider count

towards Characters.
Large, Cavalry
The mount also counts towards Built
50×100 mm
and Bred.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Fear, Towering Presence,
7” 14” C Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C Fortitude (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Harnessed, Breath Attack

Monstrous 5 4 5 2 4 (Toxic Attacks)

Model Rules 10 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Large
Doom Bell 0-1 Mounts per
Type: Construct
Mount Army
Base: 60×100 mm
The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Built and Bred.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” C Towering Presence, Fear, Terror, War Platform, State of

Trance (Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard), Channel (2), ​Above the
Masses, Sounding The Bell
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 C 5 C+2 Aegis (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vermin Hulk 4 4 5 2 4 Battle Focus, Harnessed

Above the Masses​: Universal Rule.

When a Magister riding the Doom Bell chooses targets for spells with type Direct, it ignores the restriction of only
choosing targets in its Front Arc. When a Magister riding the Doom Bell chooses targets for spells with type Missile, it
can draw Line of Sight at 360​o from any point of the Doom Bell’s base, and may cast Missile spells even when
Engaged in Combat. All non-Bound Spells cast by the Magister gain +3” range.

Sounding The Bell​: Universal Rule.

Enemy units within 18” of one or more models with this Universal Rule suffer -1 Offensive Skill and -1 Defensive
Skill. At the start of each friendly Magic Phase, the owner may choose to roll a D6. On 2+, the Offensive and Defensive
Skill modifiers are increased to -2 each, until the start of the next friendly Magic Phase. If a '1' is rolled, the Doom Bell
loses Sounding The Bell until the end of the next friendly Movement Phase, and all units (friend and foe) with models
in base contact with the Doom Bell suffer D6 hits with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 2.

Model Rules 11 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

CORE ​(Min. 25%)
Height: Standard
Rats-at-Arms ​ 200 pts Type: Infantry
25 ​models, may add up to ​35 ​additional models for 6 pts/model
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10 5 Safety in Numbers, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rat-at-Arms 1 3 3 0 4

Options: pts
May take a Spear free
May upgrade one model​ ​to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Vermin Guard ​240 pts Type: Infantry
20 ​models, may add up to ​30 ​additional models for 11 pts/model
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vermin Guard 1 4 3 0 5 Halberd, Fight in Extra Rank

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 12 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Plague Brotherhood ​205 pts Type: Infantry
20 ​models, may add up to ​30 ​additional models for 10 pts/model
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Scoring, Frenzy, Fearless

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 4 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Plague Brother 1 3 3 0 3 Hatred, Battle Focus, Paired Weapons

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Slaves ​145 pts 0-4 Units per
Type: Infantry
30 ​models, may add up to ​30 ​additional models for 3 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 2 Safety in Numbers, Insignificant, ​Disposable

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Slave 1 2 3 0 4

Disposable: ​Universal Rule​. Options: pts

If the unit Breaks from Combat, it is immediately May upgrade one model to a Musician 20
removed as a casualty.
When checking if an enemy unit is Steadfast,
your Slave units count as having 0 Full Ranks,
unless the Slave unit is Engaged in the enemy
unit’s Flank or Rear Facing.
When shooting into a combat where the only
Engaged friendly models are Slaves:
● The Shooting Attack gains +2 to hit.
● When randomising to see which unit is hit,
the intended target is hit on 4+ (instead of

Model Rules 13 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Footpads ​120 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​20 ​additional models for 8 pts/model 0-4 Units per
Army Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 6 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Footpad 1 3 3 0 4 Sling (3+)

Options: pts
May take Vanguard* 30
May take Paired Weapons 1 / model
May upgrade one model​ ​to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment
*0-15 Models per Unit

Model Rules 14 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

SPECIAL ​(no limit)

Height: Standard
Giant Rats ​90 pts Type: Infantry
10 ​models, may add up to ​50 ​additional models for 6 pts/model 0-4 Units per Base: 20×20 mm
Units of 20 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 5 Safety in Numbers, Swiftstride, Swift Reform

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Giant Rat 1 3 3 0 4 Fight in Extra Rank

Height: Standard
Plague Disciples ​190 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
8​ models, may add up to ​7 ​additional models for 17 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Light Troops, Frenzy, Fearless, Brood’s

Courage (Plague Brotherhood)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 4 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Plague Disciple 1 3 3 0 4 Plague Flail, Hatred, Battle Focus

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to a Champion 20

Model Rules 15 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Large
Vermin Hulks ​310 pts Type: Infantry
4​ models, may add up to ​8​ additional models for 65 pts/model 0-3 Units per
Army Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 6 Safety in Numbers, Fearless, Scoring, Callous, Swift Reform

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 2 5 1

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Vermin Hulk 3 3 5 2 4 Battle Focus

Thunder Hulks Options: pts

The model gains Heavy Armour and its base size May be upgraded to ​Thunder Hulks 10 / model
is changed to 50×50 mm. May upgrade one model to a Champion 20

Options: pts
A Champion may take (one choice only):
Naphtha Launcher (4+) 100
Rotary Gun (4+) 100
Globe Launcher (4+) 100
Meat Grinder 100

Height: Standard
Rat Swarms ​90 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Beast
2​ models, may add up to ​8​ additional models for 28 pts/model Army
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 7 Insignificant, Skirmisher, Light Troops, Unstable, Fearless,


Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 2 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rat Swarm 5 3 2 0 4

Tiny: ​Universal Rule.

The model ignores friendly units when moving in the Charge and Movement Phase, but must follow the Unit Spacing
rule at the end of the move.

Model Rules 16 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Meat Grinder ​140 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Insignificant, Callous, War Platform, Not a

Leader, Brood’s Courage (Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard),
Tag-Along, ​One with the Swarm

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 3 3 3 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Meat Grinder 2 3 3 0 4 Meat Grinder

One with the Swarm: ​Universal Rule.

The model can only join units of Rats-at-Arms and loses Insignificant while joined to such units.

Height: Standard
Gutter Blades ​125 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
5​ models, may add up to ​5​ additional models for 20 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 7 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Skirmisher, Light Troops,


Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Gutter Blade 1 4 3 0 5 Paired Weapons, Poison Attacks

Options: pts
Must ​take one of the following:
Throwing Weapons (4+) free
Sling (3+) free
May take Scout and Ambush 5 / model
May upgrade one model to a Champion 20

Model Rules 17 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Standard
Weapon Team ​ 140 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
single model Army
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Insignificant, Brood’s Courage

(Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard), Tag-Along, ​Scorched Fur

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 3 3 0 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Weapon Team 2 3 3 0 4

Scorched Fur: ​Universal Rule. Options: pts

When the model rolls Breakdown on the Misfire Must ​take one of the following:
Table, it is removed as a casualty. Naphtha Launcher (4+) free
Rotary Gun (4+) free
Globe Launcher (4+) free

Height: Standard
Jezails ​115 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
3​ models, may add up to ​3​ additional models for 40 pts/model Army
Base: 25×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Callous

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 3 3 0 Pavise

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Jezail 2 3 3 0 4 Jezail (4+)

Pavise: ​Armour.
The model gains +3 Armour against Ranged Attacks.

Height: Standard
Grenadiers ​165 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
8​ models, may add up to ​7​ additional models for 17 pts/model Army
Base: 20×20 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 5 Safety in Numbers, Callous, Skirmisher, Light Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0 Heavy Armour, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Grenadier 1 3 3 0 4 Gas Globes (4+), Volley Fire

Model Rules 18 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Large
Verminous Artillery ​- 0-2 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 75 mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 5” 5 War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

[Catapult Crew] 3 3 3 0 3 Plague Catapult (4+)​, Hatred, Battle Focus, Move or Fire
[Cannon Crew] 3 3 3 0 4 Lightning Cannon (4+)​, Move or Fire

Must​ take one Artillery Weapon and gain the corresponding crew:
Plague Catapult ​(200 pts) Lightning Cannon ​(240 pts)
Use Catapult Crew. Use Cannon Crew.
The model gains Fearless. Cannon Artillery Weapon
Catapult (4×4) Artillery Weapon Range 48", Shots 1, Str 7, AP 10, Accurate, Magical
Range 12-48", Shots 1, Toxic Attacks, Magical Attacks. Attacks, Lightning Attack, Multiple Wounds (D3+1,
Clipped Wings).
Before rolling to hit, the Lightning Cannon may be
supercharged. If supercharged, the weapon’s Strength
is ​set to 10 and its range is ​set ​to 18" for the duration of
the phase. After the shot has been resolved, roll a D6.
On a roll of '1' or ‘2’, the Lightning Cannon cannot be
supercharged again until the end of game.

Model Rules 19 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Height: Large
Dreadmill ​340 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 50×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8” 8” 7 Safety in Numbers, Fearless, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 3

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dreadmill 5 2 4 Electric Discharge​,​ ​Grind Attacks (D3), Impact Hits (D3),

Electric Discharge​: Special Attack.
Model parts with this Special Attack can use it as 1. a Shooting Attack, and as 2. a Special Attack when Engaged in
1. Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The Shooting Attack has Range 18”, Shots 3,
Reload!, Accurate, Quick to Fire, and Aim (4+).
2. The Melee Attack is made at the model part's Initiative Step. Choose a single enemy unit in base contact and
roll three D6 (these rolls are not considered to-hit rolls). For each roll of 3+, the target suffers a hit from the
Electric Discharge.
Hits from the Electric Discharge are resolved with Strength 5, Armour Penetration 10, Multiple Wounds (D3),
Lightning Attack, and Magical Attacks.
Before using the Electric Discharge, the Dreadmill may be supercharged. If supercharged, the Strength of attacks
from the Electric Discharge is ​set to 6 and their range is ​set ​to 12” for the duration of the phase. After the Electric
Discharge has been resolved, roll a D6. On a roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’, the Dreadmill cannot be supercharged again until the end
of the game.

BUILT AND BRED ​(Max. 30%)

Height: Gigantic
Abomination ​330 pts 0-2 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 60×100 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6” - 8 Fearless, Stubborn, Random Movement (3D6”)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 5 0 Fortitude (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Abomination 3D6 3 6 3 4

Model Rules 20 ​ ​Ch​ ​Co​ ​S​ ​TG​ ​B&B

Warriors of the Dark Gods
Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Army Model Rules
Favours of the Dark Gods
A Character with a Favour cannot join a unit that contains any models with a different Favour.

Favour of Kuulima, Goddess of Envy Favour of Cibaresh, God of Lust

Attack Attribute – Close Combat Universal Rule

The model gains Swiftstride. In addition, a Charging The model gains Strider. In addition, units with more
model part with this Attack Attribute must reroll any than half of their models with this Favour are subject
natural to-hit rolls of ‘1’. Units with all of their mod- to the following rules:
els with this Favour must reroll any natural rolls of ‘1’
• They gain Feigned Flight.
when rolling for Charge Range.
• They may declare Flee as a Charge Reaction even
Favour of Akaan, God of Gluttony if they have Fearless.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat • Their Rally Test in their next Player Turn after
voluntarily declaring Flee as a Charge Reaction
The first time a model with this Favour successfully is subject to Minimised Roll. This does not apply
Charges a Fleeing unit, or is on the winning side of a if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player
combat and does not Pursue or Overrun, its Close Com- Turn or Flees involuntarily.
bat Attacks from model parts with this Favour gain +1
Strength (the effect lasts for the duration of the game).
Favour of Savar, God of Pride
Universal Rule
Favour of Sugulag, God of Greed
Universal Rule Discipline Tests taken by units with at least one model
with this Favour are subject to Minimised Roll.
The bearer gains Great Weapon, Halberd, Paired
Weapons, and Weapon Master. The Special Item al-
Favour of Nukuja, Goddess of Sloth
lowance of Characters with this Favour is increased by
Universal Rule
50 pts.
Models with this Favour gain +1 Resilience. If a model
with this Favour declares a Charge against an enemy
unit that is more than 10″* away or performs an Ad-
vance or March Move of more than 10″*, this effect is
lost until the start of the Melee Phase in the next Player
*These distances are decreased to 6″ if the model is

Favour of Vanadra, Goddess of Wrath

Attack Attribute – Close Combat

The model part gains Lightning Reflexes and +1

Agility. Close Combat Attacks allocated towards the
model gain +1 to hit. These effects are only applied in
the First Round of Combat.

Universal Rules
Battle Fever
Units with more than half of their models with Battle Fever must reroll failed Panic and Break Tests.

The model cannot make Stomp Attacks and, when in the second rank and not in base contact with any enemy models,
can make Grind Attacks across models in the first rank directly in front of it. When a model with Irredeemable is
killed by a Melee Attack, remove it as a casualty only at the end of Initiative Step 0. A unit with at least one model
with Irredeemable may never have more ranks than files.

Path of the Exiled

Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Exiled must reroll failed Break Tests. At the end of step 7
of a Round of Combat (after taking Break Tests), models with Path of the Exiled in a unit that failed a Break Test
simultaneously perform Close Combat Attacks (ignoring the rules for Initiative Order, but otherwise following the
normal rules such as Supporting Attacks and Allocating Attacks). Afterwards, they are removed as casualties. Models
with Path of the Exiled cannot join or be joined by models with Path of the Favoured.

Path of the Favoured

Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Favoured must reroll failed Break Tests. In addition,
model parts with Path of the Favoured upgraded to a Champion gain +1 Health Point to a maximum of 3, and their
Discipline is set to 9.

Trophy Rack
The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Discipline Tests unless Fleeing. Each time attacks made by the bearer’s model
kill an enemy model in a Duel, the bearer’s model gains a +1 Combat Score modifier for the rest of the game (this
also applies to attacks made outside the Melee Phase). In addition, the bearer’s model may take a single Banner
Enchantment (using the bearer’s Special Item allowance as normal).

Veil Walker
When a model with Veil Walker casts a non-Bound Spell, you may discard a single Veil Token when declaring the
target(s) of the spell and activate one of the following effects:
• Secret of Flesh: Failed to-wound rolls from this spell that occur during a Magic Phase must be rerolled.
• Secret of Separation: The spell’s range is increased by 6″. Aura spells only gain +3″ range. Spells with type
Caster are unaffected.
• Secret of Substance: Successful Armour Saves against wounds caused by this spell’s effect must be rerolled.

Personal Protections
Successful to-wound rolls of attacks that are Flaming Attacks made against the model must be rerolled. In addition,
the model considers all units consisting entirely of models without Unburnt as Insignificant.

Hell-Forged Armour – Armour Equipment
Follows the rules for Plate Armour (can be enchanted as if it was Plate Armour). The wearer’s model gains Aegis
(5+, against Toxic Attacks).

Spiked Shield – Armour Equipment

Models on foot only.
Follows the rules for Shields (can be enchanted as if it was a Shield). For each successful Armour Save roll of 4+
made by the bearer against a Melee Attack while using a Spiked Shield, the model that caused the wound immediately
suffers 1 hit with the bearer’s Strength and Armour Penetration, before any casualties are removed, distributed onto
the model’s Health Pool. This is considered a Special Attack.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Hellfire
Damage* The target suffers ⟨2D3⟩ {2D6} hits with Strength 6,
18″ Direct Instant Armour Penetration 0, and Magical Attacks.

*The spell can target units Engaged and in base contact with the Caster’s Front Facing.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Wasteland Torch 30 pts
The bearer’s unit gains Strider (Ruins). After deter-
Burning Portent 135 pts mining Deployment Zones (at the end of step 6 of
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. the Pre-Game Sequence), you may choose a single
Attacks made with this weapon become Flam- Field or Forest Terrain Feature that becomes Ruins.
ing Attacks and Magical Attacks, gain Multiple The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks in the First
Wounds (D3), and their Armour Penetration is set Round of Combat.
to 10.

Symbol of Slaughter 35 pts Artefacts

Enchantment: Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons. Ledger of Souls 75 pts
When using this weapon, the wielder gains +2 Attack Dominant.
Value, +2 Agility, and Magical Attacks. Close Combat Immediately before removing a friendly model with-
Attacks made against the wielder’s model gain +1 to out Insignificant in a unit within 9″ of the bearer’s
hit. model due to enemy attacks, you gain one Veil Token
for each Health Point that model had the first time it
Armour Enchantments entered the Battlefield.

Thrice-Forged 60 pts Immortal Gauntlets 45 pts

Enchantment: Suit of Armour. At the start of any Round of Combat, you may discard
The wearer gains +3 Armour. If the wearer’s model a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, choose
has Towering Presence, its Armour cannot be im- either Divine Attacks, Flaming Attacks, or Magical
proved beyond 5. Attacks. The bearer’s Close Combat Attacks gain the
chosen Attack Attribute. The chosen effect lasts until
Gladiator’s Spirit 35 pts the end of the phase.
Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Parry. Lord of the Damned 35 pts
Sorcerers, Doomlords, and Shrine Priests only.
Any unit with Irredeemable within 18″ of the bearer’s
Banner Enchantments model may reroll the distance it moves in the Move-
Zealots’ Banner 60 pts ment Phase with Random Movement.
0–3 per Army.
The maximum number of Supporting Attacks that Wyrd Stone 15 pts
models in the second rank of the bearer’s unit can One use only. Must be activated when the bearer’s
perform is increased by 1. model suffers the first hit in the game. This hit is
ignored. If the bearer is hit by several simultaneous
Icon of the Infinite 40 pts attacks, the bearer chooses which attack to ignore.
0–2 per Army. Cannot be taken by units that count
towards Core. Veilgate Orb 10 pts
The bearer of one or more Icons of the Infinite can At the end of Siphon the Veil, the army may keep up
cast Hellfire (Hereditary Spell) as a Bound Spell with to 6 Veil Tokens instead of the normal 3.
Power Level (4/8).

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Legendary Beasts

Max. 45% Min. 20% No limit Max. 35%

Characters (Max. 45%)

Exalted Herald Height
Type Infantry
820 pts single model Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9 Fear, Fearless, Manifestation, Supernal, Wizard Adept

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 8 5 3 Aegis (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Exalted Herald 6 9 5 2 8
Model Rules
Manifestation: Universal Rule.
During Spell Selection, each Exalted Herald must choose two different Manifestations from the list below and
apply the effects during the game. The model must select 3 spells out of the spells indicated for the chosen
Manifestations, Wrath of God (Thaumaturgy), and Hellfire (Hereditary Spell). This replaces the normal rules
for Spell Selection connected to being a Wizard Adept. In addition, Guiding Light (Divination) becomes the
Attribute Spell for all non-Bound Spells cast by the model.
Optional Model Rules
The Exalted Herald gains The Exalted Herald has access to

Hard Target (1). At the end of each

friendly Melee Phase, if the Exalted Herald
Abiding Spirit Smite the Unbeliever (Thaumaturgy)
has been on the winning side of a combat
in this phase, it Recovers 1 Health Point.

Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming At-

Brand of the Dragon tacks), Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, and Breath of Corruption (Occultism)

Stomp Attacks (D6), Stubborn, Tall,

Emissary of Chaos Pentagram of Pain (Occultism).
and Terror

Marked for Doom (Occultism) and

Sorcerer Immortal Veil Walker
The Grave Calls (Occultism)

+1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and

Unholy Avatar The Rot Within (Occultism)
Divine Attacks

Chosen Lord Height
Type Infantry
295 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
A mount marked with (LB) counts towards Legendary Beasts. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Fearless, Path of the Favoured

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen Lord 5 8 5 2 7
Options pts Mount Options pts
Trophy Rack 25 War Dais 80
Special Items up to 150 Karkadan 85
If General up to 200 Black Steed 100
A single Gift of the Dark Gods no limit Scythed Skywheel 100
Must choose (one choice only): Dark Chariot 130
Shield free Chimera (LB) 155
Spiked Shield 15 Wasteland Dragon (LB) (General only) 370
Must choose a single Favour:
Envy 45 Pride 30
Gluttony 15 Sloth 45
Greed 15 Wrath 20
Lust free
One choice only:
Lance 10
Paired Weapons 10
Great Weapon 20
Halberd 20
Optional Model Rules
Gifts of the Dark Gods. Each Gift is One of a Kind.
Daemonic Wings 80 pts Luck of the Dark Gods 60 pts
Models on foot only. The bearer’s model gains Aegis (+1, max. 4+).
The bearer gains Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, and
Swiftstride. Entropic Aura 50 pts
Standard and Large models only.
Idol of Spite 70 pts Weapon Enchantments and Armour Enchantments
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round carried by the bearer, models in the bearer’s unit,
of Combat. For the duration of that Round of Combat, and models in units that are in base contact with the
the bearer gains +1 Attack Value, +1 Strength, and +1 bearer are ignored.
Armour Penetration.

Dark Prelate 60 pts

The bearer can cast Spectral Blades (Evocation) and
Hand of Glory (Occultism) as Bound Spells with Power
Level (4/8) and type Caster’s Unit. Hand of Glory is
cast as the amplified version without performing The
Sacrifice. d

Doomlord Height
Type Infantry
360 pts single model Base 40×40 mm
A mount marked with (LB) counts towards Legendary Beasts. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 9 Fearless, Master of Destruction, Path of the Exiled

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 6 5 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Doomlord 5 7 5 2 5
Model Rules Options pts
Master of Destruction: The bearer can use a Shield Trophy Rack 25
or a Spiked Shield simultaneously with a Great Special Items up to 150
Weapon or a Halberd. If General up to 200
Must choose (one choice only):
Shield free
Spiked Shield 50
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 5
Halberd 25
Great Weapon 40
Mount Options pts
Wasteland Behemoth (LB) 225

Sorcerer Height
Type Infantry
145 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
A mount marked with (LB) counts towards Legendary Beasts. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sorcerer 2 4 3 0 3
Magic Options pts Mount Options pts
One choice only: Black Steed 50
Wizard Adept 75 War Dais 50
Wizard Master 225 Scythed Skywheel 65
Dark Chariot 70
Battleshrine 280
Wasteland Behemoth (LB) 340
Alchemy Evocation Occultism
Wasteland Dragon (LB) (General only) 400
Options pts
Special Items up to 150
If General up to 200
Veil Walker 100
Plate Armour 15
Paired Weapons 5

Barbarian Chief Height
Type Infantry
110 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
A mount marked with (LB) counts towards Legendary Beasts. The mount and its rider also count towards
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 Battle Fever
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barbarian Chief 3 5 5 1 5 Deeds not Words

Model Rules Mount Options pts
Deeds not Words: Attack Attribute. War Dais 55
The model part gains Battle Focus and Hatred Shadow Chaser 70
when joined to one or more R&F models with Battle Black Steed 85
Fever. Dark Chariot 120
Options pts Chimera (LB) 160
Trophy Rack 25 Wasteland Behemoth (LB) 365
Special Items up to 100
If General up to 150
Shield 5
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
One choice only:
Light Lance 5
Paired Weapons 5
Spear 5
Great Weapon 10

Feldrak Ancestor Height
Type Beast
650 pts single model Base 75×100 mm

The unit counts both towards Characters and Legendary Beasts.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9 Primal Legend

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

8 6 6 3 Unburnt, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Feldrak Ancestor 6 6 7 4 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Dying Embers, Flaming At-

tacks), Hatred (against Fly)
Model Rules Options pts
Dying Embers: Attack Attribute. One Weapon Enchantment,
After using the Breath Attack, the model loses a paying twice the listed Point Cost no limit
Health Point with no saves of any kind allowed. One choice only:
Primal Legend: Universal Rule. Great Weapon 10
The limit of Legendary Beasts is increased to “Max. Halberd 40
45%”. While the model is on the board, friendly units Paired Weapons 80
with Fly may not use Flying Movement.

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Black Steed Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 14″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Barbarian Chief must take Prized Stallion free Prized Stallion: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″.

Height Standard
Shadow Chaser Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Scythed Skywheel Type Construct
Base 50×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground C C C Fly (6″, 18″), Light Troops, Swiftstride, Tall

Fly 6″ 18″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C Cannot be Stomped, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Scythed Skywheel 3 0 3 Grind Attacks (D3+1), Harnessed

Height Standard
War Dais Type Infantry
Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

C C C Tall
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C C C+2 Cannot be Stomped

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

War Dais 4 5 4 1 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Dark Chariot Type Construct
0–3 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ C Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Steed (2) 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Height Large
Battleshrine Type Construct
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ C Channel (1), Fear, Keeper of the Beacon, Towering Pres-

ence, Trophy Rack, War Platform
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 C 5 C+1 Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wretched One (2) 4 0 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed

Model Rules
Keeper of the Beacon: Universal Rule.
After Spell Selection, the Wizard must replace one of its non-Hereditary Learned Spells with one of the following
• Whispers of the Veil (Evocation)
• The Grave Calls (Occultism)
• Wrath of God (Thaumaturgy) (only if Wizard Master)
• Hellfire (Hereditary Spell)

Height Large
Karkadan Type Cavalry
Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Fear
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Karkadan 2 3 5 2 2 Harnessed

Height Large
Chimera Type Cavalry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Legendary Beasts.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 20″ C Fear, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chimera 5 4 5 2 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Wings 40 Wings: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″ and it gains
Fly (8″, 16″) and Light Troops.

Height Gigantic
Wasteland Behemoth Type Beast
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 100×150 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Legendary Beasts.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wasteland Behemoth 6 3 6 3 3 Harnessed

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Additional Limbs 35 Additional Limbs: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 20″ and its Armour
is set to 3.

Height Gigantic
Wasteland Dragon Type Beast
Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Legendary Beasts.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 8″ 16″ C Fly (6″, 12″), Light Troops

Fly 6″ 12″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wasteland Dragon 5 5 6 3 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Core (Min. 20%)
Warriors Height
Type Infantry
215 pts + 24 pts/extra model 10–25* models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior 2 5 4 1 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Only units with a Champion may upgrade Warriors with Champion 30
a single Favour:* Musician 20
Envy 4/model Pride 3/model Standard Bearer 20
Gluttony 2/model Sloth 9/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Greed 7/model Wrath 8/model
Lust 2/model
*The max. unit size for a unit with a Favour is reduced
to 20 models.
One choice only:
Paired Weapons free
Great Weapon 5/model
Halberd 6/model

Fallen Height
Type Infantry
150 pts + 16 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–2 Units/Army* Base 25×25 mm

*0–6 Units/Army if a Doomlord is the General

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Fearless, Light Troops, Path of the Exiled

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 4 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Fallen 2 4 4 1 4 Paired Weapons

Barbarians Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 7 pts/extra model 15–40 models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barbarian 1 4 4 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 1/model Champion 20
Throwing Weapons (5+)* 2/model Musician 20
One choice only: Standard Bearer 20
Paired Weapons 1/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Great Weapon 3/model
Spear and Shield 3/model
*0–40 Models/Army

Special (No limit)
Barbarian Horsemen Height
Type Cavalry
130 pts + 18 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barbarian Horseman 1 4 4 0 3
Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 2/model Champion 20
One choice only: Musician 20
Great Weapon free Standard Bearer 20
Paired Weapons free Banner Enchantment no limit
Light Lance 2/model

Warhounds Height
Type Beast
95 pts + 8 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 5 Insignificant, Release the Hounds

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warhound 1 3 3 0 4
Model Rules
Release the Hounds: Universal Rule.
One use only. May be activated at the start of a friendly Player Turn (all models in a unit must activate this
rule at the same time). The model gains +6″ March Rate and Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str) during this
Player Turn.

Warrior Knights Height
Type Cavalry
255 pts + 40 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 14″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 2 Hell-Forged Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior Rider 2 5 4 1 4
Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Only units with a Champion may upgrade Warrior Rid- Champion 35
ers with a single Favour: Musician 20
Envy 4/model Pride 2/model Standard Bearer 20
Gluttony 4/model Sloth 7/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Greed 5/model Wrath 8/model
Lust 10/model
One choice only:
Great Weapon 1/model
Lance 7/model

Warrior Chariot Height
Type Construct
230 pts single model 0–4 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior Crew (2) 2 5 4 1 4 Halberd

Black Steed (2) 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Chosen Height
Type Infantry
265 pts + 60 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 6 4 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen 3 6 4 1 5 Master of Battle

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Master of Battle: Attack Attribute. Champion 30
The model’s maximum number of Supporting Musician 20
Attacks is set to 3. Standard Bearer 20
Options pts Banner Enchantment no limit
Must choose a single Favour:
Envy 8/model Pride free
Gluttony 3/model Sloth 11/model
Greed 10/model Wrath 18/model
Lust free
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 1/model
Great Weapon 4/model
Halberd 8/model

Chosen Knights Height
Type Cavalry
425 pts + 120 pts/extra model 3–5 models 0–12 Models/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen Rider 3 6 4 1 5 Halberd

Karkadan 2 3 5 2 2 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Chosen Riders must choose a single Favour: Champion 25
Envy 6/model Pride 3/model Musician 20
Gluttony free Sloth 12/model Standard Bearer 20
Greed 3/model Wrath free Banner Enchantment no limit
Lust 6/model

Chosen Chariot Height
Type Construct
330 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 7″ 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 6 5 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen Crew (2) 3 6 4 1 5 Halberd

Karkadan 2 3 5 2 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Options pts
Chosen Crew must choose a single Favour:
Envy 15 Pride 15
Gluttony 10 Sloth 60
Greed 10 Wrath free
Lust 15

Chimera Height
Type Beast
200 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

The model also counts towards Legendary Beasts when taking Wings.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 20″ 8 Fear, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chimera 5 4 5 2 4
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Wings (0–2 Units/Army) 30 Wings: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″ and it gains
Fly (8″, 16″) and Light Troops.

Wretched Ones Height
Type Infantry
80 pts + 80 pts/extra model 1–6 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6″ - 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Random Movement (3D6″), Un-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 2 4 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wretched One 4 0 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1)

Forsworn Height
Type Infantry
200 pts + 60 pts/extra model 3–9 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Bodyguard (Doomlord), Fearless, Path of the Exiled,

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forsworn 2 5 4 1 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Spiked Shield 15/model Champion 20
Damnation* 10/model Musician 20
One choice only: Standard Bearer 20
Paired Weapons 1/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Great Weapon 3/model
Halberd 3/model
*0–2 Units/Army and 0–6 Models/Unit
Optional Model Rules
Damnation: Universal Rule.
The unit cannot be joined by any Characters, and it may never have more ranks than files. When the unit fails a
Break Test, it does not perform the extra Close Combat Attacks from Path of the Exiled. Instead replace each
model of the unit with a Wretched One model after step 8 of the Round of Combat Sequence (after taking Panic
• The unit with Damnation is considered destroyed and its models are considered to be removed as casualties.
• Each Wretched One model is placed in the same position and facing the same direction as the replaced
model, even if the replaced model was in base contact with an enemy unit. In this case, the Wretched One
model is placed in base contact with the enemy unit too.
• The Wretched One models form a new unit.
• The Wretched One unit follows the rules for Summoned Units, except that it ignores the Unit Spacing rule
when placed on the Battlefield.
• The Wretched One unit cannot perform any Combat Reforms during that Round of Combat, however the
enemy units can do so as normal.
• Note that the following Round of Combat is not considered the First Round of Combat for the Wretched
One unit nor the enemy units it is Engaged with.

Feldraks Height
Type Beast
315 pts + 115 pts/extra model 3–6 models Base 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9 Fear, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 5 2 Unburnt, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Feldrak 3 4 5 2 3 Hatred (against Fly)

Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Great Weapon 10/model Musician 20
Halberd 10/model Standard Bearer 20
Paired Weapons 10/model Banner Enchantment no limit

Battleshrine Height
Type Construct
285 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Battle Fever, Beacon of the Dark Gods, Channel (1), Fear,
Not a Leader, Towering Presence, Trophy Rack, War Plat-
form, Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 5 4 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shrine Priest 1 4 3 0 3
Wretched One (2) 4 0 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed
Options pts
The Shrine Priest may take a single Banner Enchant-
ment* or Artefact* no limit
*from this Army Book only
Model Rules
Beacon of the Dark Gods: Universal Rule.
Instead of selecting spells as normal, the Wizard must select one of the following spells during Spell Selection:
• Whispers of the Veil (Evocation)
• The Grave Calls (Occultism)
• Hellfire (Hereditary Spell)

Flayers Height
Type Cavalry
145 pts + 16 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ 8 Battle Fever, Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Strider, Van-
guard (6″)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Flayer 1 4 4 0 4
Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Shield 2/model Skinning Lash: Special Attack.
Light Lance 2/model A unit with at least one model with Skinning Lash can
One choice only: make a Sweeping Attack against a single unengaged
Bow (4+) 1/model enemy unit when passing within 1″ (it does not need
Throwing Weapons (5+) 2/model to and cannot move through or over that unit). The
Skinning Lash (0–15 Models/Army) 4/model enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour
Penetration 0 for each model with Skinning Lash in
Command Group Options pts
the unit. A unit that loses one or more Health Points
Champion 20
due to one or more Skinning Lash Sweeping Attack
Musician 20
suffers −1 Discipline until the end of its next Player

Legendary Beasts (Max. 35%)
Hellmaw Height
Type Construct
280 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 100×150 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 5 Fearless, Gateway, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 2 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hellmaw 5 3 5 2 1
Options pts
One choice only:
One Ominous Gateway 100
Two Ominous Gateways 200
Model Rules
Gateway: Universal Rule.
At the end of each friendly Magic Phase, each Hellmaw may do one of the following:
• Open a Gateway: Mark a single point on the Battlefield with a Gateway Marker. This point must be within
Line of Sight and 24″ of the Hellmaw, and more than 6″ away from enemy units. There can never be more
than 4 friendly Gateway Markers on the Battlefield (including Ominous Gateways).
• Close a Gateway: Choose a friendly Gateway Marker with its centre within Line of Sight and 24″ of the
Hellmaw. All units within 6″ of the centre of the marker suffer D6 hits with Toxic Attacks and Magical
Attacks. Then remove the marker.
If all friendly Hellmaws have been removed as casualties, immediately close all friendly Gateways as
described above.
A friendly unit may choose to enter the Gateway if all the following conditions are met:
• The unit does not contain any Gigantic models.
• The unit is in contact with the centre of a friendly Gateway Marker.
• All models in the unit just performed an Advance or March Move and no other model has moved since.
Remove the unit from the Battlefield. The unit:
1. Is then placed back on the Battlefield within 3″ of the centre of any other friendly Gateway Marker. No
model can end up with its centre farther away than its March Rate from the centre of the chosen marker.
2. Must have the same formation, but may face any direction.
3. Must follow the Unit Spacing rule.
4. Suffers D6 + X hits with Toxic Attacks and Magical Attacks, distributed by the owner, where X is equal
to the number of ranks in the unit. Hits distributed onto models with Hell-Forged Armour or Supernal
automatically fail to wound.
5. Loses Scoring until its next Player Turn.
Only a single unit may exit the same Gateway Marker in each Player Turn.
Optional Model Rules
Ominous Gateway: Universal Rule.
0–2 per Army.
At the start of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence (Spell Selection), for each Ominous Gateway in your army, mark
a point on the Battlefield outside the opponent’s Deployment Zone with a Gateway Marker.

Forsaken One Height
Type Beast
380 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6″ - 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Random Movement (3D6″), Un-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 2 6 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forsaken One 6 2 1 Grind Attacks (D6+3)

Marauding Giant Height
Type Infantry
260 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Giant See, Giant Do

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Marauding Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Model Rules Options pts
Giant See, Giant Do: Universal Rule. Big Brother 35
The model gains Battle Fever. One choice only:
Rage: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Giant Club 30
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains Tribal Warspear 40
+1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it Monstrous Familiar 45
suffers −1 Attack Value.
Optional Model Rules
Big Brother: Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of
hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.
Giant Club: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Giant Club gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
Monstrous Familiar: Universal Rule.
The model gains Wizard Apprentice. Instead of selecting spells as normal, it must select one of the following
spells (during Spell Selection): Glory of Gold (Alchemy), Breath of Corruption (Occultism), or Hellfire (Hereditary
Tribal Warspear: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Tribal Warspear gain +1 Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence).
Charging enemy units in base contact with the wielder suffer −1 Agility. The wielder follows the rules for War
Platforms with the following exception: it can only join Infantry units that include at least one R&F Barbarian
Infantry model.

Feldrak Elder Height
Type Beast
415 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 3 Unburnt, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Feldrak Elder 5 5 6 3 3 Hatred (against Fly)

Options pts
One choice only:
Great Weapon 30 Paired Weapons 40
Halberd 40

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Fear, Fearless, Manifestation, Supernal, Wizard Adept
Large, Infantry HP 5 Def 8 Res 5 Arm 3 Aegis (4+)
Exalted Herald Att 6 Off 9 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 8
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Fearless, Path of the Favoured
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 7 Res 5 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Chosen Lord Att 5 Off 8 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 7
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 9 Fearless, Master of Destruction, Path of the Exiled
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Doomlord Att 5 Off 7 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 5
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Sorcerer Att 2 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 Battle Fever
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Barbarian Chief Att 3 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 5 Deeds not Words
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Primal Legend
Gigantic, Beast HP 8 Def 6 Res 6 Arm 3 Unburnt, Light Armour
Feldrak Ancestor Att 6 Off 6 Str 7 AP 4 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Dying Embers, Flaming Attacks),
Hatred (against Fly)

Character Mounts
Adv 8″ Mar 14″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv C Mar C Dis C Fly (6″, 18″), Light Troops, Swiftstride, Tall
Standard, Construct HP C Def C Res C Arm C Cannot be Stomped, Hard Target (1)
Scythed Skywheel Att - Off - Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Grind Attacks (D3+1), Harnessed
Adv C Mar C Dis C Tall
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def C Res C Arm C+2 Cannot be Stomped
War Dais Att 4 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis C Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C+2
Black Steed (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis C Channel (1), Fear, Keeper of the Beacon, Towering Presence,
Trophy Rack, War Platform
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res 5 Arm C+1 Aegis (5+)
Wretched One (2) Att - Off - Str 4 AP 0 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Karkadan Att 2 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 20″ Dis C Fear, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Chimera Att 5 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C
Gigantic, Beast HP 7 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 4
Wasteland Behemoth Att 6 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C Fly (6″, 12″), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4
Wasteland Dragon Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield
Warrior Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Fearless, Light Troops, Path of the Exiled
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Fallen Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Paired Weapons
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Barbarian Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Heavy Armour
Barbarian Horseman Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Release the Hounds
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Warhound Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4
Adv 8″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 2 Hell-Forged Armour, Shield
Warrior Rider Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Warrior Crew (2) Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Halberd
Black Steed (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 2 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield
Chosen Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Master of Battle
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Chosen Rider Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Halberd
Karkadan Att 2 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 7″ Dis 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Chosen Crew (2) Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Halberd
Karkadan Att 2 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 20″ Dis 8 Fear, Towering Presence
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 3
Chimera Att 5 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4
Adv 3D6″ Mar - Dis 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Random Movement (3D6″), Unbreak-
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 0 Fortitude (5+)
Wretched One Att - Off - Str 4 AP 0 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1)
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Bodyguard (Doomlord), Fearless, Path of the Exiled, Scoring
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Forsworn Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Fear, Scoring
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 2 Unburnt, Light Armour
Feldrak Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Hatred (against Fly)
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Beacon of the Dark Gods, Channel (1), Fear, Not a
Leader, Towering Presence, Trophy Rack, War Platform, Wizard
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 4 Aegis (5+)
Shrine Priest Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Wretched One (2) Att - Off - Str 4 AP 0 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed

Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Flayer Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 4
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed

Legendary Beasts
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 5 Fearless, Gateway, Supernal
Gigantic, Construct HP 5 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 2 Aegis (5+)
Hellmaw Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 1
Adv 3D6″ Mar - Dis 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Random Movement (3D6″), Unbreak-
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 2 Res 6 Arm 0 Fortitude (5+)
Forsaken One Att - Off - Str 6 AP 2 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+3)
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Giant See, Giant Do
Gigantic, Infantry HP 7 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 1
Marauding Giant Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Rage
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 3 Unburnt, Light Armour
Feldrak Elder Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Hatred (against Fly)

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Bow 4+ Flayer
Throwing Weapons 4+ Barbarian Chief
5+ Barbarian, Flayer

Favours of the Dark Gods

This is only a short summary. Refer to the corresponding chapters above for the complete rules.

Envy Model part gains Swiftstride and reroll to-hit rolls of ‘1’ when Charging. Reroll rolls of ‘1’ in
Attack Attribute – Close Combat Charge Range rolls for units consisting entirely of models with this Favour.
Gluttony Model part gains +1 Strength with Close Combat Attacks for the rest of the game the first time
Attack Attribute – Close Combat it successfully Charges a Fleeing unit, or wins a combat and doesn’t Pursue or Overrun.
Greed Bearer gains Great Weapon, Halberd, Paired Weapons, and Weapon Master. +50 pts Special
Universal Rule Item allowance.
Lust Model gains Strider. Units with majority of models with this Favour gain Feigned Flight, may
Universal Rule declare Flee even if Fearless, and then Rally with Minimised Roll the next turn.
Minimised Roll for Discipline Tests.
Universal Rule
Sloth Model gains +1 Resilience, unless it declares a 10+″ (6+″ for Gigantic) Charge or Advance/March
Universal Rule Moves for 10″ or more (6+″ for Gigantic) (lost for a Player Turn).
Wrath Model part gains Lightning Reflexes and +1 Agility. Enemies gain +1 to hit the model. Effects
Attack Attribute – Close Combat apply only in the First Round of Combat.

Warriors of the Dark Gods Supplement Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 26, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

This is an official The 9th Age product. It is a Supplement for Warriors of the Dark Gods. This product is not balanced
for tournament play.
Sagas and runestones are the most important forms of literature among the Åsklanders, for they are the source
of tradition, the whole of their myth, ethics, and political art. In such poems we can find evidence of the shifting
religious tradition and the progressive takeover of temples and tribes by gods coming from the Wasteland. Such
“contamination” has not changed the true nature of the Åsklanders, which is still connected at its roots to the
ancient culture they share with Sonnstahl. Far from being a nation, the land is a patchwork of tribes, each with its
own agenda. Some are friendly to our Empire, such as the Kingdom of Thrymland, others hostile, often changing
according to the relationships forged between their kings and jarls and our own nobility. The fragments we hereby
present were selected to provide a complete and characterful description of the very essence of Åskland and its
people, to paint a picture of the manifold cultures and creatures among our northern “cousins”.
—Grünberg Brothers, introduction to the collection of
the Literature of the Thrymland

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
Åsklander Battle Fever
Infantry models in units with at least 10 models gain either:
• Fight in Extra Rank if using a Close Combat Weapon with Two-Handed
• +1 Armour if using a Shield
This cannot be used while the model’s unit is engaged in its Flank or Rear Facing.

Åsklanders are fierce fighters; that reputation has spread far and wide. I’ve fought against them for decades, and
the descriptions of berserkers and wild warriors are well earned. Yet in all those warning tales, there is an aspect
which is often overlooked.
They know well how to fight in great numbers, and somehow they manage not to get in each other’s way. Each leaps
forward to strike terrible blows with huge axes, only to be replaced by another, and another. No elven formation of
grace and discipline, but effective nonetheless.
In defence they are even more concerted. Those round, studded shields interlock to form a solid wall against which
enemies crash in waves. I’ve seen many an elite soldier underestimate Åsklanders as mere savages – only to suffer
for their folly.
—Shepkin Tikhonovich – Volskayan Voivoda

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1 Ar-

H Frostbite mour. If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers
⟨5+⟩ −1 Armour. {This spell may target two units instead of
24″ Universal One Turn
{8+} one (declare the additional target before the Casting

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Armour Enchantments
Byargfylli 60 pts Gunagr’s Armour 45 pts
Enchantment: Spear. Standard Height models only.
Attacks made with this weapon become Divine At- Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
tacks and Magical Attacks, and gain Lethal Strike The bearer gains Fearless and can never be wound-
and Lightning Reflexes. ed on better than 4+.

Eyratöki 35 pts
Åsklander Chief only.
Banner Enchantments
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. Raven Banner 60 pts
The wielder gains Crush Attack, and can perform The bearer’s unit gains Battle Focus, Fearless, and
two Crush Attacks instead of one (provided it de- Frenzy.
clared the use of its Crush Attack at the end of step 4
of the Round of Combat Sequence as usual).
Symbol of Slaughter 35 pts
Norn’s Bones 60 pts
Enchantment: Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons.
Wizards only.
Attacks with this weapon become Magical Attacks.
The Wizard can select its spells from all the Learned
When using this weapon, the wielder gains +2 Attack
Spells of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell.
Value and +2 Agility. Close Combat Attacks made
This rule overrides the Spell Selection rules con-
against the wielder’s model gain +1 to hit.
nected to being a Wizard Apprentice or Adept.

Harp of Bragi 45 pts

The range of the bearer’s Commanding Presence or
Rally Around the Flag is always 18″.

So I am to be married. I feel equal parts dread and joy - and as usual I have been burying these emotions in reading.
My husband is to be Prince Olvir Hrogtharson, son of the King of Thrymland, the famous Hrogthar Alfhildr. I am to
share my bed with an Åsklander! I have consumed every book on the subject of that wild land - the stories have
only worsened the fragile state of my imagination. Åskland is a patchwork of tribes divided up by Kings, Jarls, and
Hersirs. Many are barbaric and unruly - often meddling in worship of the Dark Gods. Åsklanders are famous for
their raiding and trading vessels that can be found in ports as far as Avras and Aldan. For a long time they were
Sonnstahl’s enemies, but in our time the comparatively civilised nation of Thrymland has been supported by the
Emperor as part of a bulwark against the northern tribes. I suppose my status as a pawn in these negotiations
should bring me pride. I only hope that I can conquer this awful terror and do my duty to father and nation.
—Diary of Lady Annelie, daughter of the
Count of Breidmark

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Legendary Beasts

Max. 40% Min. 25% No limit Max. 30%

Characters (Max. 40%)
Åsklander Chief Height
Type Infantry
110 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
A mount marked with (LB) counts towards Legendary Beasts. The mount and its rider also count towards
To lead is the destiny of the jarls and hersirs. But leading should be tested: trials must be endured and challenges won,
for a chieftain should prove not only the strongest of the tribe, but the wisest also. Proud and dauntless, feared and
respected, such are the demands of leadership.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 Åsklander Battle Fever

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Åsklander Chief 3 5 5 1 5 Deeds not Words

Model Rules Mount Options pts
Deeds not Words: Attack Attribute. War Dais 55
The model part gains Battle Focus and Hatred Shadow Chaser 70
when joined to one or more R&F models with Åsk- Black Stallion 85
lander Battle Fever. Dark Chariot 120
Options pts Chimera (LB) 160
Battle Standard Bearer 50 Wasteland Behemoth (LB) 365
If General, Jarl 30 Optional Model Rules
Longship Raid (0–2 Models/Army) 40 Jarl: Universal.
Special Items up to 100 The Åsklander Chief gains +2 Attack Value and may
If General up to 150 take Special Items for an additional 50 pts.
Shield 5
Longship Raid: Universal.
Must choose (one choice only):
The model gains Ambush. During step 8 of the
Heavy Armour free
Pre-Game Sequence, nominate a unit of Åsklanders,
Shield and Berserker’s Bear Pelt* 50
Huskarls, or Berserkers that includes no more than
*Infantry only, see
30 models if Åsklanders and no more than 20 models
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
if Huskarls or Berserkers. This unit gains Ambush,
One choice only:
and the model with Longship Raid must either be de-
Light Lance 5
ployed or Ambush in this unit. Units using Longship
Paired Weapons 5
Raid do not roll for Ambush but automatically enter
Spear 5
the Battlefield in the second Player Turn. All units us-
Great Weapon 10
ing Longship Raid must arrive from the same Board
Edge. Otherwise follow the rules for Ambush.

Seidhkennar Height
Type Infantry
135 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
Seidhkennars are the voice of the gods, advisers of the jarls, guides to the berserkers. They are tellers of sagas, masters
of magic, and speakers with all the creatures of the North. No force would dare to raid without their blessing, nor a
king march to war: for the seers of Åskland know the spirit of the land.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Seidhkennar 1 3 3 0 3
Magic Options pts Options pts
One choice only: Special Items up to 150
Wizard Adept 75 Light Armour 5
Wizard Master 225 Paired Weapons 5
Mount Options pts
Dark Chariot 60
Shamanism Thaumaturgy Witchcraft

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Black Stallion Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Stallion 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Height Standard
Shadow Chaser Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Height Standard
War Dais Type Infantry
Base 50×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

C C C Tall
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C C C+2 Cannot be Stomped

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

War Dais 4 5 4 1 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Dark Chariot Type Construct
0–3 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ C Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Steed (2) 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Height Large
Chimera Type Cavalry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Legendary Beasts.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 20″ C Fear, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chimera 5 4 5 2 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Wings 40 Wings: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″ and it gains
Fly (8″, 16″) and Light Troops.

Height Gigantic
Wasteland Behemoth Type Beast
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 100×150 mm

The mount and its rider count towards Characters. The mount also counts towards Legendary Beasts.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wasteland Behemoth 6 3 6 3 3 Harnessed

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Additional Limbs 35 Additional Limbs: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 20″ and its Armour
is set to 3.

Core (Min. 25%)
Åsklanders Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 7 pts/extra model 15–50 models Base 25×25 mm

The Åsklander is a fighter to be feared: strengthened by harsh living and long hunts through the forest, each man and
maiden of our people is skilled with axe or bow and born to raiding.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Åsklander Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Åsklander 1 4 4 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 1/model Champion 20
Throwing Weapons (5+) Musician 20
(0–40 Models/Army) 2/model Standard Bearer 20
One choice only: Banner Enchantment no limit
Paired Weapons 1/model
Bow (4+) (0–60 Models/Army) 2/model
Great Weapon 3/model
Spear and Shield 3/model

Warhounds Height
Type Beast
95 pts + 8 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Hunting is our oldest and most indispensable tradition. The deepest bonds of man and beast are forged from the
cradle with our hunting packs. Our hounds are no foppish southern pups, but proud heirs of the great wolves of the
northern forest. Long generations of careful stewardship have created one of the smartest and most dangerous breeds
of warhounds ever seen.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 5 Insignificant, Release the Hounds

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warhound 1 3 3 0 4
Model Rules
Release the Hounds: Universal Rule.
One use only. May be activated at the start of a friendly Player Turn (all models in a unit must activate this
rule at the same time). The model gains +6″ March Rate and Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str) during this
Player Turn.

Special (No limit)
Huskarls Height
Type Infantry
180 pts + 16 pts/extra model 15–40 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm
No one can become a jarl without the support of the huskarls, and new jarls are often elected from their number, for
they are not only bodyguards but a warrior elite. Seasoned fighters, their wisdom and ruthlessness in matters of war
and raiding is rarely matched by younger warriors and chiefs.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Bodyguard (Åsklander Chief),

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Huskarl 1 4 4 1 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Throwing Weapons (4+) 4/model Champion 20
Must choose (one choice only): Musician 20
Shield free Standard Bearer 20
Great Weapon 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Spear and Shield 3/model

Berserkers Height
Type Infantry
155 pts + 16 pts/extra model 8–25 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm
Gnashing teeth, crazed howling, deranged biting of shields - a ferocious blur of axes, bleeding steel, and bear pelts:
these are the berserkers of Vigi. He asked of them to be the nightmare of the elven enemy, and they became as such.
They do not fear death, nor defeat, for their only purpose is killing elves.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Light Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 4 0 Berserker’s Bear Pelt, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Berserker 1 4 4 1 4
Model Rules Options pts
Berserker’s Bear Pelt: Armour Equipment. One choice only:
Follows the rules for Light Armour (can be en- Spear 2/model
chanted as if it was Light Armour). The bearer gains Paired Weapons 3/model
Swiftstride and Unstable. Great Weapon 4/model
In addition, at the start of any of your Player Turns,
Command Group Options pts
all models with Berserker’s Bear Pelt in a unit may
Champion 20
choose to lose their Shield and gain +1 Strength,
Musician 20
Battle Focus, Fearless, Frenzy, and Lightning Re-
flexes. The effects last for the remainder of the

Wargs Height
Type Beast
180 pts + 60 pts/extra model 2–6 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Wargs are not mere pet wolves, trained to attack on command. They are born of Ullr’s fury, impervious to the rigours
of a mountain winter, tougher and sometimes larger than a horse. A single warg can down a giant elk if it catches it
unaware, and a pack is a serious danger even to well-armed travellers. You are never free of the warg’s nose. It will
track you for days if it deems you a worthy prize. If you are fierce enough, you can steal the pups and harness this fury
yourself: but be sure to serve Ullr well, or you’ll be a meal for the beast soon enough.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9″ 18″ 6 Fear, Strider (Forest), Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 4 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warg 4 4 5 2 4

Warriors Height
Type Infantry
210 pts + 24 pts/extra model 10–12 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm

Åsklanders who have sworn to the Dark Gods often return to their homes to fulfil their path, for reasons that are
unclear even to seidhkennars. Nonetheless, they are always welcomed among the ranks of a raiding party, as their
prowess in battle is doubted by none.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior 2 5 4 1 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 30
Paired Weapons free Musician 20
Great Weapon 5/model Standard Bearer 20
Halberd 6/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Model Rules
Hell-Forged Armour: Armour Equipment.
Follows the rules for Plate Armour (can be enchanted as if it was Plate Armour). The wearer’s model gains
Aegis (5+, against Toxic Attacks).
Path of the Favoured: Universal Rule.
Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Favoured must reroll failed Break Tests. In addition,
model parts with Path of the Favoured upgraded to a Champion additionally gain +1 Health Point to a maximum
of 3, and their Discipline is set to 9.
Spiked Shield: Armour Equipment.
Models on foot only.
Follows the rules for Shields (can be enchanted as if it was a Shield). For each successful Armour Save roll of
4+ made by the bearer against a Melee Attack while using a Spiked Shield, the model that caused the wound
immediately suffers 1 hit with the bearer’s Strength and Armour Penetration, before any casualties are removed,
distributed onto the model’s Health Pool. This is considered a Special Attack.

Trolls Height
Type Infantry
180 pts + 70 pts/extra model 3–10 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Trolls are hardy creatures. So much so, that it is rumoured neither man nor nature can kill them. The beasts that
inhabit the frozen lands are no exception. As grotesque, greedy, and ill-tempered as their southern cousins, their tough,
icy hide emits a palpable aura of cold so fierce it has even been known to extinguish fire.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 4 Fear, Fearless, Stupid

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 4 0 Fortitude (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Troll 3 3 5 2 1 Troll Belch

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Ice Troll 12/model Ice Troll: Universal Rule.
The model’s Armour is set to 2. Flaming Attacks
must reroll successful to-wound rolls against the
Model Rules
Stupid: Universal Rule.
At the start of each friendly Player Turn, each unengaged non-Fleeing unit with one or more models with Stupid
must take a Discipline Test. If the test is failed, all models in the unit become Shaken until the end of the Player
Turn, and in the Movement Phase, directly after Rallying Fleeing units, the unit must move D6″ directly forwards,
stopping 1″ before Impassable Terrain or other units.
Troll Belch: Special Attack.
At the model part’s Initiative Step, the owner may choose an enemy unit Engaged in Combat that the model part
is able to attack with Close Combat Attacks. If so, this unit suffers a hit, which is resolved with Strength 5 and
Armour Penetration 10, and the model part with Troll Belch may not perform any Close Combat Attacks.

Åsklander Horsemen Height
Type Cavalry
130 pts + 18 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

A maximum of 2 units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Mounts are considered a privilege among the most important Åsklander families. They are generally given to the
youngest warriors, to prove themselves as scouts and vanguards of raiding forces, as there is limited space for horses
on a longboat.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Åsklander Horseman 1 4 4 0 3
Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 20
Great Weapon free Musician 20
Paired Weapons free Standard Bearer 20
Light Lance 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit

Åsklander Flayers Height
Type Cavalry
145 pts + 16 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Riding huge wolves, spiders, and all manner of breakneck beasts, the role of the flayer is reserved for the most
courageous and aggressive members of our tribes. Often hardened survivors without families, flayers are among
the most feared of those we dread to face. Their speed and brutality is like a vicious blizzard, scouring the flesh and
obliterating all hope.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ 8 Ambush, Åsklander Battle Fever, Feigned Flight, Light

Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Åsklander Flayer 1 4 4 0 4
Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Shield 2/model Skinning Lash: Special Attack.
Light Lance 2/model A unit with at least one model with Skinning Lash can
One choice only: make a Sweeping Attack against a single unengaged
Bow (4+) 1/model enemy unit when passing within 1″ (it does not need
Throwing Weapons (5+) 2/model to and cannot move through or over that unit). The
Skinning Lash (0–15 Models/Army) 4/model enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour
Penetration 0 for each model with Skinning Lash in
Command Group Options pts
the unit. A unit that loses one or more Health Points
Champion 20
due to the Skinning Lash Sweeping Attack suffers −1
Musician 20
Discipline until the end of its next Player Turn.

Legendary Beasts (Max. 30%)
Marauding Giant Height
Type Infantry
260 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Those few giants living near our settlements are accepted and looked after by most tribes. While they are generally
solitary and unpredictable beings, they usually learn how to behave on an expedition, and often develop strong bonds
with individual Åsklanders.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Giant See, Giant Do

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1 Shield
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Marauding Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Model Rules Options pts
Giant See, Giant Do: Universal Rule. Big Brother 35
The model gains Åsklander Battle Fever. One choice only:
Rage: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Giant Club 30
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains Tribal Warspear 40
+1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it Monstrous Familiar 45
suffers −1 Attack Value.
Optional Model Rules
Big Brother: Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of
hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.
Giant Club: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Giant Club gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
Monstrous Familiar: Universal Rule.
The model gains Wizard Apprentice. Instead of selecting spells as normal, it must select one of the following
spells (during Spell Selection): Cleansing Fire (Thaumaturgy), Raven’s Wing (Witchcraft), or Frostbite (Hereditary
Tribal Warspear: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Tribal Warspear gain +1 Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence).
Charging enemy units in base contact with the wielder suffer −1 Agility. The wielder follows the rules for War
Platforms with the following exception: it can only join Infantry units that include at least one R&F Åsklander
or Huskarl model.

Kraken Height
Type Beast
390 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
The most experienced raiding jarls and seidhkennars develop a deep connection with the seas, and have even proved
able to tame and master these legendary creatures, often luring them away from isolated forces of dread elves.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 3 Distracting, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kraken 4 5 7 4 3 Multiple Wounds (D3), Poison Attacks

Jötunn Height
Type Infantry
475 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 75×100 mm
Walk upon a mountainous road, and you may find yourself in the vicinity of one of the mightiest creatures to inhabit
the earth—a jötunn.
The first you will know is the drop in temperature; your skin will burn and your bones freeze, until you can barely
crawl. A mist of freezing air will rise around you. The next sign is the ground shuddering; the very mountain appears
to split, until blue-grey flesh resolves from blue-grey rock.
Last, eyes open. Vast eyes, with a red hue, taking moments to focus upon the tiny creatures before it.
If you are fortunate, you will be accompanied by a seidhkennar, who can fathom the landslide rumbling that passes for
language between them. If you are truly blessed, your guide can settle that mountain back to sleep, before the mighty
being decides to crush those who disturb its slumber.
Returning to cold stone’s embrace, it might be years before the jötunn rises again, but time seems to matter little to
their kind. I simply pray I am never the cause of their ire, or have reason to defend against them—castle walls can
only do so much!
—My Time in the North - Lionel Bethune,
Baron of Equitaine
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Freezing Mist, Stubborn

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 7 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Jötunn 3 3 7 3 1
Model Rules
Freezing Mist: Universal Rule.
Flaming Attacks must reroll successful to-wound rolls against the model.
All enemy units in base contact with one or more Jötunns suffer:
• −3 Agility
• −1 Armour
• −1 Armour Penetration

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 Åsklander Battle Fever
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0
Åsklander Chief Att 3 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 5 Deeds not Words
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0
Seidhkennar Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3

Character Mounts
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Black Stallion Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv C Mar C Dis C Tall
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def C Res C Arm C+2 Cannot be Stomped
War Dais Att 4 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis C Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C+2
Black Steed (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 20″ Dis C Fear, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Chimera Att 5 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C
Gigantic, Beast HP 7 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 4
Wasteland Behemoth Att 6 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Harnessed

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Åsklander Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Åsklander Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Release the Hounds
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Warhound Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4

Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Bodyguard (Åsklander Chief), Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 3 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Huskarl Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Light Troops
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Berserker’s Bear Pelt, Shield
Berserker Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Adv 9″ Mar 18″ Dis 6 Fear, Strider (Forest), Vanguard
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 1
Warg Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield
Warrior Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 4 Fear, Fearless, Stupid
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Fortitude (4+)
Troll Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 1 Troll Belch

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Åsklander Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Heavy Armour, Shield
Åsklander Horseman Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis 8 Ambush, Åsklander Battle Fever, Feigned Flight, Light Troops,
Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Åsklander Flayer Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 4
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed

Legendary Beasts
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Giant See, Giant Do
Gigantic, Infantry HP 7 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 1 Shield
Marauding Giant Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Rage
Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Strider (Water Terrain)
Gigantic, Beast HP 5 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 3 Distracting, Hard Target (1)
Kraken Att 4 Off 5 Str 7 AP 4 Agi 3 Multiple Wounds (D3), Poison Attacks
Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Freezing Mist, Stubborn
Gigantic, Infantry HP 7 Def 3 Res 7 Arm 3
Jötunn Att 3 Off 3 Str 7 AP 3 Agi 1

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Bow 4+ Åsklander, Åsklander Flayer
Throwing Weapons 4+ Åsklander Chief, Huskarl
5+ Åsklander, Åsklander Flayer

Warriors of the Dark Gods Supplement Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2020 – December 30, 2019

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at:
Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on How to Read Unit Entries.
All changes are listed on:

Copyright Creative Commons license:

This is an official The 9th Age product. It is a Supplement for Warriors of the Dark Gods. This product is not balanced
for tournament play.
The Makhar Steppe breeds tough inhabitants. Only through total commitment to our people can we Makhar
survive the inhospitable, endless plains and the ravaging creatures therein. Loyalty is expected and demanded of
all, weakness cannot be tolerated. Our allies are the beasts of the Steppes; horse, dog, mighty turul, and mammoth,
amongst others. Our code is one of war in the face of relentless struggle. From the depths of the mighty Steppe our
war hordes strike with elemental force. Our speed and ferocity are legendary. Not for us, the soft and easy life of
the settled people to our West. We are the children of the grass, the sky, and the wind, and we bring with us death.
My trusted kinsman, Munkács, will show you the might of our army; heed his words and mind yours, you are not
among friends here. Whilst I will honour the terms of the negotiations and refrain from spilling your blood, my
people may not show you such courtesies. Feast your eyes on our might and report back to your masters. Tell them
their demise is at hand should they refuse our demands.
—Gyula Gesimus’ greeting to the Empire’s diplomats
whilst at camp, three days march east of Volkskagrad

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
Makhar Battle Fever
Units with more than half of their models with Makhar Battle Fever must reroll any natural rolls of ‘1’ when rolling
for Charge Range. In addition, the model gains Devastating Charge (Fearless, Hard Target (1)).

Parting Shot
As a special Charge Reaction, a unit containing at least one model with this rule may declare a Parting Shot Charge
Reaction. All models with Parting Shot in the unit perform a Shoot Charge Reaction. Immediately after this, the unit
performs a Flee Charge Reaction. The roll for the Flee Distance of the Parting Shot Charge Reaction is subject to
Minimised Roll.
Enemy models shooting at a non-Gigantic unit with majority of models with Parting Shot always count as shooting
at Long Range.

Lamellar Barding – Personal Protection
The bearer’s model gains +1 Armour, up to a maximum of Armour 4, and −2″ March Rate.

Makhar Lance – Close Combat Weapon

Follows the rules for Lances. In addition, attacks made with a Makhar Lance gain Fight in Extra Rank and Two-

Recurve Bow – Shooting Weapon

Follows the rules for Bows. In addition, attacks made with a Recurve Bow gain Quick to Fire. Furthermore, when
shooting from Short Range, they gain +1 to hit and +1 Armour Penetration.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

Place a round Tornado Marker with a 3″ diameter with its

centre on the target point. The Tornado Marker must be
H Breath of the Steppe placed more than 1″ away from any unit. The marker is
⟨6+⟩ ⟨36″⟩
Ground One Turn considered Covering Terrain for units inside and/or be-
{8+} {18″} hind them that contributes to ⟨Soft⟩ {Hard} Cover.
The Tornado Marker is Dangerous Terrain (⟨2⟩ {3}), even
for models with Strider.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Banner Enchantments
Hawthorne Curse 70 pts Wasteland Torch 30 pts
Models without Ambush only. 0–2 per Army.
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. The bearer’s unit gains Strider (Ruins). After deter-
Attacks made with this weapon gain Devastating mining Deployment Zones (at the end of step 6 of
Charge (+2 Str, +2 AP) and become Magical At- the Pre-Game Sequence), you may choose a single
tacks. The weapon can be used as a Shooting Field or Forest Terrain Feature that becomes Ruins.
Weapon (3+) with the following profile: Range 18″, The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks in the First
Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), Reload!, Round of Combat.
[Multiple Wounds (D3)]. This Shooting Attack
never suffers negative to-hit modifiers.
Wildfire Burst 70 pts Spirit of the Herd 70 pts
Enchantment: Bow. Model parts without Harnessed in the bearer’s unit
This weapon has Shots 4, Str 4, AP 1 and always hits gain Devastating Charge (Lightning Reflexes).
on 3+. Attacks made with this weapon gain Flaming
Attacks and Magical Attacks. A unit that is hit by
Turul Radiant Headdress 50 pts
these attacks loses Soft Cover until the end of the
Standard Height only.
Player Turn (if it had it). If the enemy unit was in
The bearer gains Distracting and Terror.
Hard Cover, it is now considered to be in Soft Cover
until the end of the Player Turn.
Endless Plain 20 pts
After determining Deployment Zones (at the end of
Armour Enchantments step 6 of the Pre-Game Sequence), place a single Field
Terrain Feature that must be no larger than 10″ in
Mammoth-Hide Cloak 50 pts length and 6″ in width completely outside the oppo-
Standard Height only. nent’s Deployment Zone.
Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
The wearer gains +1 Armour. Attacks against the
wearer can never have a Strength above 5.

A swarthy warrior steps forward. His contempt for us is evident from the sneer which he barely attempts to hide.
Stopping unpleasantly close to me he leers in the most appalling manner. Cowering behind him is a beaten curr of
a man, his garb is reminiscent of that worn in Equitaine, evidently he is a captive of this Munkács. The stench from
him is palpable, even from this distance but a glint in his eye indicates that some of the arrogance of his people
“Greetings Munkács, warrior of the Great Gyula.” I release my practiced charm, but it has little effect.
“Follow me, pampered weaklings of the settled lands. Dung Boy, see to his belongings.” Munkács inclines his head
towards the wretch and then towards my baggage.
“Yes, master, I shall. Right away…”
With that, the contemptuous warrior spins nimbly on his heel, walking purposefully into the depths of the camp.
I follow behind him.
—Account of Marzell von Stirlingen, Imperial diplomat,
recounting the words of Munkács and his band in the
Imperial account of the war parties reported to be
massing beyond the Beacons.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Raining Death

Max. 35% Min. 35% No limit Max. 40%*
*All non-Character units with Bow, Recurve Bow, or Giant Recurve Bow count towards Raining Death.

Characters (Max. 35%)
Makhar Gyula Height
Type Infantry
110 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
Our Gyulas lead by example, gifted leaders, as skilled in war as they are in holding together the fractious elements
of our people. This is no easy task and many fall to the usurper’s blade or the enemy’s spear. Those that master this
enigmatic art are elevated almost to the status of gods. When their time on the Steppe is at an end we raise massive
earth mounds to house their treasures in this realm and the next. The weak are left in the grass for the wolves.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 Makhar Battle Fever

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Makhar Gyula 3 5 5 1 5 Deeds not Words

Model Rules Mount Options pts
Deeds not Words: Attack Attribute. War Dais 55
The model part gains Battle Focus and Hatred Shadow Chaser 70
when joined to one or more R&F models with Black Stallion 85
Makhar Battle Fever. Great Elk 95
Options pts Dark Chariot 120
Battle Standard Bearer 50 Chimera 160
Special Items up to 100 Wasteland Behemoth 365
If General up to 150 Optional Model Rules
Feigned Flight, Light Troops, and Vanguard (Standard Mare’s Shelter: Universal.
Cavalry only) (0–2 Models/Army) 25 The Makhar Gyula gains +1 Attack Value and may
One choice only: take Special Items for an additional 50 pts. The
Mare’s Shelter (General only) 35 model’s Commanding Presence range is increased
Stallion’s Tempest (General only) 35 by 6″.
Shield 5 Stallion’s Tempest: Universal.
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5 The Makhar Gyula gains +1 Attack Value and may
Recurve Bow (2+) and Parting Shot 10 take Special Items for an additional 50 pts. Model
One choice only: parts with Makhar Battle Fever and without Har-
Light Lance 5 nessed in a unit that contains Stallion’s Tempest gain
Makhar Lance 5 Battle Focus.
Paired Weapons 5
Spear 5
Great Weapon 10

Táltos Height
Type Infantry
130 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
There are some amongst us who see that which is beyond most Makhar. They perceive the living, beating heart of the
Steppe, feel the pulsing rhythms of the winds, and commune with the spirit of our land. Their way is no easy path, these
Táltos; they are as much part of our war horde as the horses or bows. We expect them to fight alongside us, to live and
die as we do, in the cauldron of battle. Their skills which bring the power of the Steppe crashing into our enemies has
turned many battles in our favour.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Makhar Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 3 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Táltos 1 2 3 0 3
Magic Options pts Options pts
One choice only: Special Items up to 100
Wizard Adept 75 If Wizard Master up to 200
Wizard Master 225 Vanguard* (Standard Height only) 25
*(0–2 Models/Army)
Mount Options pts
Pyromancy Shamanism Thaumaturgy Black Stallion 50
Dark Chariot 60
Great Elk 65
Wasteland Behemoth 340

Character Mounts
Height Large
Dark Chariot Type Construct
0–3 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ C Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Steed (2) 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Height Large
Chimera Type Cavalry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 20″ C Fear, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chimera 5 4 5 2 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Wings 40 Wings: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″ and it gains
Fly (8″, 16″) and Light Troops.

Height Gigantic
Wasteland Behemoth Type Beast
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 100×150 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wasteland Behemoth 6 3 6 3 3 Harnessed

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Additional Limbs 35 Additional Limbs: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 20″ and its Armour
is set to 3.

Height Standard
War Dais Type Infantry
Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

C C C Tall
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C C C+2 Cannot be Stomped

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

War Dais 4 5 4 1 4 Harnessed

Height Standard
Black Stallion Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Stallion 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Height Standard
Shadow Chaser Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Height Standard
Great Elk Type Cavalry
Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ C Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C 5 C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Great Elk 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed

Core (Min. 35%)
Steppe Wolfhounds Height
Type Beast
95 pts + 8 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
The Steppe harbours many fearsome beasts. As children we learn of these terrors - the stories told around the fire
create a healthy fear. The young are entrusted to guard the herds, and to aid them we keep dogs. These are no fireside
lapdogs familiar to the settled people, but bred over centuries as the fiercest and fastest of their kind.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 5 Insignificant, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Steppe Wolfhound 1 3 3 0 4

Makhar Lancers Height
Type Cavalry
184 pts + 18 pts/extra model 8–25 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

A unit with Recurve Bows also counts towards Raining Death.

We are the Gyula’s shock cavalry. We ride larger horses than most Makhar, Kadzoly warmbloods, specially bred in
the lands bordering Vetia. Wielding fearsome double-handed lances, we close with the enemy with terrifying speed,
devastating our foes with bone splintering force. Either skewered by lance or smashed lifeless by flailing hooves, the
role of the lancers is to decimate arrow-riddled units, sending them fleeing or to their graves.
—Elac — Makhar Lancer
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Makhar Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Makhar Lancer 1 4 4 0 3
Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Vanguard (0–35 Models/Army) 2/model Champion 20
Shield 2/model Musician 20
Lamellar Barding 4/model Standard Bearer 20
Recurve Bow (4+) (0–15 Models/Unit) 2/model Banner Enchantment no limit
One choice only:
Great Weapon free
Paired Weapons free
Light Lance 2/model
Makhar Lance 3/model

Tamyir Vassals Height
Type Infantry
135 pts + 7 pts/extra model 15–40 models 0–80 Models/Army Base 25×25 mm

A unit with Bows also counts towards Raining Death.

We were ready for their horsemen, knew they would be coming. Spent all day digging shallow pits and covering them
with mown grass to break their horses’ legs. Well, the peasants did, obviously I only supervised. But the horses never
came, just hordes of wild Tamyir Vassals on foot. We were overrun in a heartbeat.
—Baron Luis de Châtray, formerly an Equitan Questing
Knight, latterly a dung shoveller
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Makhar Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tamyir Vassal 1 4 4 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 1/model Champion 20
Bow (4+) 2/model Musician 20
Throwing Weapons (5+)* 2/model Standard Bearer 20
*0–40 Models/Army Banner Enchantment no limit
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 1/model
Great Weapon 3/model
Spear and Shield 3/model

Horse Archers Height
Type Cavalry
260 pts + 20 pts/extra model 8–20 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

The unit counts both towards Core and Raining Death.

Our warrior code is a way of life and it extends to our horses, the closest and oldest of our allies. Their loyalty is
complete and ancient, our families and their bloodlines intertwine far beyond the telling. We are as one. We live or die,
together. All Makhar can ride and are masters of the bow, our survival demands it and no man can match us. We ride
before we walk and shoot before we talk. With our bows a Makhar Horse Archer is to be feared, appearing without
warning and fading away as fast. The last sound many have heard is the flight of our arrows.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Makhar Battle Fever, Parting

Shot, Vanguard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Rider 1 4 4 0 3 Light Lance, Recurve Bow (3+)

Horse 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit

Special (No limit)
Makhar Flayers Height
Type Cavalry
175 pts + 22 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

A unit with Bows or Recurve Bows also counts towards Raining Death.

Among the Makhar, some follow a darker path. That of the Flayer. Where the herdsman is content with his horses and
sheep, the Flayer seeks more exotic and sometimes dangerous pastoral beasts. Chimeras, turuls, karkadans, and in
rare cases humans; the more dangerous the herd, the more prestigious in the eyes of a Flayer. To control these perilous
and unpredictable herds, Flayers mount the most spirited creatures: Shadow Chasers.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Makhar Battle Fever, Strider,
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Makhar Flayer 1 4 4 0 4 Beast Taker

Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Beast Taker: Universal. Champion 20
Close Combat Attacks and Shooting Attacks from Musician 20
Short Range made by the rider gain Lethal Strike Optional Model Rules
(against Beasts and Cavalry). Skinning Lash: Special Attack.
Options pts A unit with at least one model with Skinning Lash can
Shield 2/model make a Sweeping Attack against a single unengaged
Light Lance 2/model enemy unit when passing within 1″ (it does not need
One choice only: to and cannot move through or over that unit). The
Bow (4+) 1/model enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour
Throwing Weapons (5+) 2/model Penetration 0 for each model with Skinning Lash in
Skinning Lash (0–15 Models/Army) 4/model the unit. A unit that loses one or more Health Points
Recurve Bow (3+) and Parting Shot 7/model due to one or more Skinning Lash Sweeping Attacks
suffers −1 Discipline until the end of its next Player

Makhar Chariot Height
Type Construct
150 pts + 135 pts/extra model 1–3 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm

A unit with Recurve Bows also counts towards Raining Death.

You want to know what haunts my nightmares? Thirty years I was a Reiter. Seen, fought, and killed most anything
that walks, flies, or crawls. I’ve fought plenty of cavalry and infantry, easy kills for the repeaters, but that chariot was
the worst I faced… I’ll never forget it. Four warriors to deal with, two of them riding the horses… caused us a lot of
problems. Either too many bows, or too many of those damned heavy lances. Lost good men that day, Ullor bless them.
Now, hand me that bottle.
—Sgt JG Holtz, former Reiter, now guide to the Makhar
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 12″ 8 Light Troops, Makhar Battle Fever, Parting Shot, Swift-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 4 1 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew and Rider (4) 1 4 4 0 3

Horse (2) 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Chassis 4 1 Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Vanguard (6″) 30 Musician 20
Crew and Riders must both choose the same of either:
Heavy Armour and Makhar Lance free
Recurve Bow (3+) and Light Lance free

Warrior Knights Height
Type Cavalry
255 pts + 40 pts/extra model 5–7 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Makhar who have sworn themselves to the Dark Gods often return to their homes on the Steppe to fulfill their path for
reasons that are unclear to even the Táltos. Nonetheless, we welcome them, as their prowess in battle is undoubted.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 14″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 2 Hell-Forged Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior Knight 2 5 4 1 4
Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 35
Great Weapon 1/model Musician 20
Lance 7/model Standard Bearer 20
Banner Enchantment no limit
Model Rules
Hell-Forged Armour: Armour Equipment.
Follows the rules for Plate Armour (can be enchanted as if it was Plate Armour). The wearer’s model gains
Aegis (5+, against Toxic Attacks).
Path of the Favoured: Universal Rule.
Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Favoured must reroll failed Break Tests. In addition,
model parts with Path of the Favoured upgraded to a Champion additionally gain +1 Health Point to a maximum
of 3, and their Discipline is set to 9.

Turul Height
Type Beast
230 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
I am struggling to get the turul eggs you requested, Master. These creatures are smarter than eagles. When the mother
goes off to hunt and I see her wings disappear over the horizon, I begin my descent. Every time I am within metres of
her nest my spotter shouts down to me and I must abort the climb. It’s as though the damned turul can see me from
miles away! These beasts are fearsome, truly. With the hindquarters of a mountain lion and the claws, head, and
wings of a giant hawk I dare not get close to the nest when she is within sight. I would be ripped to shreds. Another
method must be found.
—Taken from a letter found in the Gyula’s Pavilion
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 8″ 16″ 8 Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Fly 8″ 16″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Turul 5 4 5 2 4
Options pts
Territorial Hunter 25
Optional Model Rules
Territorial Hunter: Universal Rule.
The model gains Ambush. In addition, when declaring if the model will Ambush (during step 8 of the Pre-Game
Sequence), you may declare that the model Ambushes from an Impassable Terrain Feature instead of the Board
Edge. If so, follow the rules for Ambush but replace all instances of “Board Edge” in the rules for Ambush with
“edge of any Impassable Terrain”.

Karkadan Herd Height
Type Beast
160 pts + 50 pts/extra model 3–12 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Our guide continues to find our ignorance amusing. Many months after we left Volskagrad, we camped the night in
a rocky river basin next to a watering hole fed by a small stream. Upon awakening with the morning sun I went to
stretch my legs and loose my bladder. Much to my surprise, I was confronted across the watering hole by a furry beast
with a gigantic nose-horn slurping greedily. In my excitement at being the first man of Zilas to experience the majesty
of a unicorn, I awoke the camp with my screams of delight. Once roused, our guide promptly dismissed my discovery
and informed me of the beast’s true nature. As if in agreement, the karkadan turned and released its bowels in my
direction, kicking its back legs to spread its steaming faeces. With a grunt it promptly rumbled off into the tundra to
join its herd.
—Excerpt from the diary and travels of Columbo
Vinaroni. Embassy of Zilas to the Great Khan — found in
the Gyula’s Pavilion
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 6 Fearless, Follow The Herd, Frenzy, Insignificant, Terror

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 2 4 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Karkadan 2 3 5 2 2 Impact Hits (D3), Stampede

Model Rules Options pts
Follow The Herd: Universal Rule. Karkadan Bulls (0–9 Models/Unit) 5/model
The unit can never benefits from Commanding Pres- Optional Model Rules
ence or Rally Around the Flag. The unit gains +1
Karkadan Bulls: Universal Rule.
Discipline for each Full Rank.
The model’s base size is changed to 50×75 mm and
Stampede: Attack Attribute. its Discipline is set to 7.
If the model’s unit has at least one Full Rank, the
model’s Impact Hits cause an additional D3 hits
for each model in the same file behind it (normally
2D3/3D3/etc. instead of D3).

Nomadic Giant Height
Type Infantry
260 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm

A unit with a Giant Recurve Bow also counts towards Raining Death.

Some Steppe people foster relations with the wandering giants of the grasslands. Although their lumbering gait is
dissimilar to our highly mobile warriors, they can be brutal in battle and in simple imitation of our archers some sport
mighty bows that launch gigantic arrows of death to smash apart our foes. A fine sight indeed.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Giant See, Giant Do

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Nomadic Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Model Rules Options pts
Giant See, Giant Do: Universal Rule. Big Brother 35
The model gains Makhar Battle Fever. One choice only:
Rage: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Giant Club 30
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains Giant Recurve Bow (4+) (0–2 Models/Army) 40
+1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it Tribal Warspear 40
suffers −1 Attack Value.
Optional Model Rules
Big Brother: Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of
hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.
Giant Club: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Giant Club gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
Giant Recurve Bow: Artillery Weapon.
Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Quick to Fire.
Tribal Warspear: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Tribal Warspear gain +1 Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence).
Charging enemy units in base contact with the wielder suffer −1 Agility. The wielder follows the rules for War
Platforms with the following exception: it can only join Infantry units that include at least one R&F Tamyir
Vassals model.

Raining Death (Max. 40%)
Steppe Mammoth Height
Type Beast
420 pts single model 0–1 Units/Army Base 100×150 mm
Entering the valley from over a high pass, the green sea of grass spread out before us like verdant silk slung carelessly
across a floor. The deep blue of the morning sky met the boundless green of the steppe. The only thing disturbing
the idyllic folds of the grasslands appeared to be large boulders clumped together haphazardly. On closer inspection
these boulders seemed to possess a heavy fur coat. When I remarked this to our guide he almost fell off his horse with
laughter. He informed us that these boulders were in fact humongous beasts and quite approachable when grazing.
However, if roused to anger, these “mamuts”, he divulged, are unstoppable behemoths of rage. They are herded and
ridden in the same way as horses and their milk is fermented as a highly prized delicacy along the Makhar tribes —
kumis, powerful liquor.
—Excerpt from the diary and travels of Columbo
Vinaroni. Embassy of Zilas to the Great Khan — found in
the Gyula’s Pavillion
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Makhar Battle Fever, Parting Shot

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 6 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (6) 1 4 4 0 3 Makhar Lance, Recurve Bow (3+)

Steppe Mammoth 4 3 6 3 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)
Options pts Optional Model Rules
One choice only: Fist of the Makhar: Artillery Weapon.
Fist of the Makhar (4+) free Catapult (4×4), Range 12–48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [7],
Rally Around the Flag* 50 AP 0 [4], [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Quick to Fire.
*This option can be chosen even if the army has a Battle
Standard Bearer.

Dung Boy I may be now, but not always. I used to be a warrior, a Questing Knight no less. Thirty years I served
The Lady at war. I’ve fought them all and journeyed far and wide to do so, smashing through their lines with
our lances. None could stand before us. But these Makhar, the only defeat I ever knew. We were on campaign in
Northern Taphria when we met the Steppe Horsemen. Our scouts brought tales of their skill in battle and so we
took appropriate countermeasures. But their horses never came, just hordes of Tamyir Vassals on foot. Apparently
the Makhar scouts had gotten closer than we thought and our ruse was diffused. Their screaming infantry quite
spooked the levies and no matter how hard I beat them they ran. Our lines were overrun in a trice. The Duke rallied
the Knights and charged, but their warriors just melted away before our lances and as our mounts tired we were
hit by all manner of Makhar monstrosities. Heavy cavalry wielding those horrific double handed lances, chariots
swarming with Makhar, giants carrying bolt throwers and all the time arrows raining down from the sky like
death. Then the mammoths joined the fray and I was, err, knocked unconscious. I came to as a prisoner and the
only survivor. It’s not much of a life shovelling dung, but it’s still a life eh?
I say, you don’t have any wine do you?
—Account of Marzell von Stirlingen of his meeting with
Baron Luis de Châtray

Quick Reference Sheet
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 Makhar Battle Fever
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Makhar Gyula Att 3 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 5 Deeds not Words
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Makhar Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Táltos Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3

Character Mounts
Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis C Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C+2
Black Steed (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 20″ Dis C Fear, Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Chimera Att 5 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C
Gigantic, Beast HP 7 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 4
Wasteland Behemoth Att 6 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv C Mar C Dis C Tall
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def C Res C Arm C+2 Cannot be Stomped
War Dais Att 4 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Black Stallion Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C Strider (Forest)
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res 5 Arm C+1
Great Elk Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed

Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Vanguard
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Steppe Wolfhound Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Makhar Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Heavy Armour
Makhar Lancer Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Makhar Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Tamyir Vassal Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Makhar Battle Fever, Parting Shot,
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Rider Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Light Lance, Recurve Bow (3+)
Horse Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed

Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Makhar Battle Fever, Strider, Van-
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Makhar Flayer Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 4 Beast Taker
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed

Adv 8″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Light Troops, Makhar Battle Fever, Parting Shot, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 1 Light Armour, Shield
Crew and Rider (4) Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3
Horse (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 4 AP 1 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate
Adv 8″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 2 Hell-Forged Armour, Shield
Warrior Knight Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Fear, Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, Towering Presence
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 3
Turul Att 5 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 6 Fearless, Follow The Herd, Frenzy, Insignificant, Terror
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 1
Karkadan Att 2 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Impact Hits (D3), Stampede
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Giant See, Giant Do
Gigantic, Infantry HP 7 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 1
Nomadic Giant Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Rage

Raining Death
Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Makhar Battle Fever, Parting Shot
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 3
Crew (6) Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Makhar Lance, Recurve Bow (3+)
Steppe Mammoth Att 4 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Harnessed, Impact Hits (D3)

Artillery and Shooting Weapons

Name Artillery Range Str AP Shots Rules
Quick to Fire, Volley Fire,
Recurve Bow - 24″ 3 0/1 1
+1 to hit and +1 AP from Short Range
Area Attack (1×5)
Hawthorne Curse - 18″ 3 [6] 10 1
[Multiple Wounds (D3)]
No negative to-hit modifiers
Flaming Attacks,
Magical Attacks,
Wildfire Burst (Bow) - 24″ 4 1 4
Remove Soft Cover,
Always hits on 3+
Area Attack (1×5),
Giant Recurve Bow 48″ 3 [6] 10 1 [Multiple Wounds (D3)],
Quick to Fire
[Multiple Wounds (D3)],
Fist of the Makhar Catapult (4×4) 12–48″ 3 [7] 0 [4] 1
Quick to Fire

Name Aim Shooting Model

Hawthorne Curse 3+ Characters
Wildfire Burst (Bow) 3+ Characters
Recurve Bow 2+ Makhar Gyula
3+ Horse Archer, Makhar Flayer, Makhar Chariot
4+ Makhar Lancer
Bow 4+ Tamyir Vassal, Makhar Flayer
Throwing Weapons 4+ Makhar Gyula
5+ Tamyir Vassal, Makhar Flayer
Giant Recurve Bow 4+ Nomadic Giant
Fist of the Makhar 4+ Steppe Mammoth d


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