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Nečije riječi možemo ponoviti na dva načina: ako ih ponavljamo tačno onako kako ih je neko rekao, onda
upotrebljavamo upravni govor (Direct Speech). Npr.
On mi je rekao: „Sastat ćemo se u 10 sati.“
Ako izvještavamo šta je neko rekao, onda se koristimo neupravnim govorom (Indirect Speech), npr: Rekao mi je
da ćemo se sastati u 10 sati.
U engleskom jeziku u neupravnom govoru vrijede pravila o slaganju vremena.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Present Simple I have a dog. Past Simple She said (that) she had a dog.
Present Continuous I am learning English. Past Continuous She said she was learning English.
Past Simple I bought a flat. Past Perfect She said she had bought a flat.
Present Perfect I have been to London. Past Perfect She said she had been to London.
Future Tense I will travel abroad. Futur in the Past She said she would travel abroad.

is → was
can → could
will → would
speak → spoke
spoke → had spoken
is speaking → was speaking
was speaking → had been speaking
am going to see → was going to see

Prilozi mjesta i vremena se mijenjaju u neupravnom govoru ako je uvodni glagol u preteritu:
today → that day
yesterday → the day before, the previous day
tomorow → the next day, the following day
ago → before
now → then
this → that
these → those
here → there

D: He works in a bank. D: We wentI didn't go to the out last night.
I: She said that he worked in a bank. I: She told me that they had gone the night before.
D: I had never been there before. D: You shuold go to bed early.
I: She said that she had never been there before. I: She told me that I should go to bed.
D: I didn't go to the party. D: She said: „I am in hurry.“
I: She told me that she hadn't gone to the party. I: She said (that) she was in a hurry.
D: They said: „We were arrived.“ D: I like chocolate.
I: They said (that) they had arrived. I: She said (that) she liked chocolate.
D: The porter said: „Smoking is forbidden in this room.“
I: The porter said that smoking was forbidden in that room.“

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