Unit Test 1A: Are Big Colour Do Does Far Hair Is Long Many Size

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5th edition


Unit test 1A Intermediate

1 Circle the question that matches the answer. 2 Complete the questions with the words from the box.
1 He’s in his forties. are ​big ​
colour ​do ​
does ​
far ​
hair ​is ​
a  Where is Mark?  b  How tall is Mark? long ​many ​size
c  How old is Mark?
2 It’s about 82 square metres. 1 ‘What’s her hair      like?’ ‘Long and curly.’
a  How big is your flat?  b  What’s your flat like? 2 ‘What shoes do you wear?’ ‘44.’
c  How far is the centre from your flat? 3 ‘How brothers have you got?’ ‘I haven’t got a
3 Quite casual – she doesn’t like formal clothes. brother.’
a  What does Ann wear? 4 ‘How is your school?’ ‘It’s got 700 students.’
b  What kind of clothes does Ann wear? 5 ‘What hair has he got?’ ‘Dark brown.’
c  What does Ann look like? 6 ‘How much it cost?’ ‘Twenty euros.’
4 He’s a bit like his father – sociable and good fun. 7 ‘How did you have to wait?’ ‘Half an hour.’
a  What’s Nick like?  b  What does Nick look like? 8 ‘What they do?’ ‘They’re both lawyers.’
c  What does Nick like doing? 9 ‘What this button for?’ ‘It turns on the
5 We’re fine, thanks. camera.’
a  What are you like?  b  Are you fine? 10 ‘What you like?’ ‘I’m quite easy-going.’
c  How are you? 11 ‘How is it to school?’ ‘A ten-minute walk.’
6 Grey-ish blue, just like me.
1 point for each correct answer 10
a  What does your mother look like?
b  What kind of clothes does your mother wear? 3 Write a question for each answer with the word like.
c  What colour eyes has your mother got?
1 What do you like doing?                   
7 I like playing tennis and football.
I enjoy playing golf.
a  What do you do?  b  What do you look like?
c  What do you like doing? 2
8 About two metres. Yes, I do. I think Italian food’s really delicious.
a  How much do you weigh?  b  How tall are you? 3
c  What’s your size? I’ll have a sandwich and some mineral water, please.
9 It’s in the centre of town. 4
a  Which part of town is your school in? I’m quite hard-working, and a bit impatient.
b  How far is your school from here? 5
c  What is your school like? I’m medium height, and I’m not very slim.
10 I’d like some brown bread, please. 6
a  Do you like brown bread? The food in Italy is really delicious.
b  What sort of bread would you like?
c  What’s this bread like? 2 points for each correct answer 10
11 Japan.
a  What is this car like?  b  Where is this car from?
c  What is this car made of?
1 point for each correct answer 10

1 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

5th edition

Unit test 1A Intermediate

4 Match the questions with the answers. There’s one 6 Circle the most suitable word.
answer you don’t need.
1 Dave’s a tight / close / deep friend of mine.
1 How tall is your brother? c             
2 Which floor is your flat on? 2 I really fancy Tom. He’s tall, dark, and pretty / nice /
3 How much does this machine weigh?
3 The house has a mature / creative / cloudy garden
4 How old is your grandfather?
with several large trees, many plants, and flowers.
5 How far is the city centre?
4 Marissa has her own style. She has no interest in
6 What size is your kitchen? the fresh / latest / stunning fashions.
a The second. 5 Being a teacher is a challenging / heavy / stunning
b About ten kilos, I think. job.
c He’s 1m 98. 6 Lisa’s really well-dressed / attractive / eccentric. Men
always fall in love with her.
d About half an hour by bus.
7 We moved to Wellington because it’s such a
e Four metres by three. mature / thrilling / cosmopolitan city.
f Size 38. 8 If you want to be healthy, eat a lot of spicy / fresh /
g He’s in his eighties. latest fruit and vegetables.
1 point for each correct answer 5 9 This cottage is situated in a good-looking / a cosy /
a charming old village.
5 Complete the adjectives with -ed or -ing. 10 Did you make this pizza yourself? It really tastes
1 I saw an interest ing      programme on TV. home-made / old-fashioned / memorable.
2 Last weekend wasn’t very relax  . I had to 11 Lots of people in close / crowded / tight rooms make
work a lot. me nervous.
3 I can’t sleep. I’m so excit about going to 1 point for each correct answer 10
4 She’s quite relax  . She doesn’t worry about 7 Complete the compound adjectives.
things. 1 My parents are really old     -fashioned. They want
5 My brother’s interest in space exploration. to meet every girl I go out with.
6 We’re feeling exhaust  . The flight was tiring. 2 Our neighbours have got really -behaved
7 Were you disappoint when you failed the children. They are so rude.
exam? 3 Is this car new? Or did you buy it -hand?
8 The film had amaz special effects. We really 4 Angela’s a -working employee. She should
enjoyed it. get a better salary.
9 The lesson was disappoint  . We didn’t learn 5 After just six months working abroad, I realised I
anything new. was -sick. I missed my family so much.
10 Are you surpris to see me here? 6 Her parents are quite -going. They don’t
11 I met a charm young man on the train. worry about what she does.
7 I don’t work -time. I only do four hours
1 point for each correct answer 10
a day.
8 Many middle- people own their own home.
Most young people can’t afford to buy a house.
9 Jamil sold his much- bike online. He had
used it almost every day for five years.
10 My sister bought me a brand- smartphone.
It’s got a really good camera.
11 These tables are well- using the best
materials. As a result, they are very strong, but also
1 point for each correct answer 10

2 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

5th edition

Unit test 1A Intermediate

8 Complete each sentence with an adjective from the 10 Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning, adding
box. There are three adjectives you don’t need. emphasis and starting with the words given.
generous ​sociable ​optimistic ​moody ​untidy ​
1 I love her sense of humour.
ambitious ​talkative ​lazy ​reserved What I love about her is her sense of humour .
2 I really miss my mum’s cooking.
1 Marcus is very sociable          . He enjoys meeting
new people and being in a group. One thing I really .
2 I like Marcus too, but he’s so that 3 My friend Anna is really funny.
it’s hard to have a proper conversation with him She’s .
around. 4 I adore the way she sings.
3 Amy’s quite  . We’ve worked together What I adore .
for years, but I don’t know much about her. 5 I hate the way he interrupts our teacher.
4 Have you noticed that Ellen can be a bit What I hate .
when she’s hungry? So don’t worry if
6 I enjoy talking to Ricardo.
she seems grumpy before lunch!
Ricardo, .
5 Do you think you’re an person? For
example, do you think people will resolve the 2 points for each correct answer 10
problem of climate change?
6 Sonja is very for her children. She 11 Correct the mistakes.
wants them to achieve the best exam grades and go 1 How many bedrooms is there?  are                 
to university. 2 For your sandwich, you would prefer cheese or egg? 
1 point for each correct answer 5
3 I look OK in styled clothes, but I find them
9 Circle the appropriate response. uncomfortable. 
1 My grandfather has been taken to hospital. 4 What do he like to do? 
He did what? / How awful. 5 Abi has waved hair. She hates it, but I think it’s
2 He says he wants a family while he’s still young. really attractive. 
Fair enough. / Bad luck. 6 How you are today? 
3 I’ve lost my winning lottery ticket. 7 The teacher was so exciting that she knocked over
her chair by mistake! 
You’re kidding! / Congratulations.
8 Who glasses are these? They’re not mine.
4 Nick asked me to marry him.
You did what? / How fantastic!
9 How many memory has your laptop got?
5 Right, I’m going to tell her how I feel.
Good for you. / Lovely! 10 There were some bad-behaved children on the
6 Do you think this dress suits me? flight. I saw them kicking the chairs in front of
Definitely. / Really? them. 
7 We’re organizing a party for Duncan’s birthday. 11 Noura can only study English partly-time because
Of course. / That’s great! she also works at the hospital. 
8 Oh, dear! I’ve broken my teacher’s pen. 1 point for each correct answer 10
You haven’t! / Fine.
9 Carly spent £300 on a handbag.
She did what? / Fair enough.
10 I’ve lost my keys again.
That’s too bad. / Absolutely.
11 I walked to work this morning instead of taking
the car.
Did you? / OK.
1 point for each correct answer 10

3 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

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