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11/3/2020 Husker Playbook: Outside Play

Outside Play(41/49 Outside)

Play call: 41/49 Outside

TV announcers often call the Nebraska

Outside play a "stretch play", which is NFL
terminology for such runs. If you have Husker
Video tapes overlain with Kent Pavelka's
radio calls, you'll hear him use the term
"stretch play" as well. In the huddle, Nebraska
calls these plays simply "outside," as in 41
Outside or 49 Outside.

The Outside play takes its name from the

Outside Zone Blocking Rules that the linemen
use on the play. On Outside plays the IB takes
a handoff toward the outside hip of the TE. As
with inside zone plays, he is always looking
for cutback lanes. The QB tries to get as deep
as possible for the handoff. The play stretches
the defense to the outside (hence the NFL
term) and opens creases for cutback.

Nebraska has run fewer Outside plays the last

two years since Ahman Green left for the
NFL. Green was great on the outside play, but
Lawrence Phillips is probably the best ever to
run the play at NU.

An Outside play is called to the 1 or 9 hole

but can break anywhere from the playside
sideline to the backside guard. If you have
videotape of the 96 Fiesta Bowl against
Florida (required viewing for every
Cornhusker fan), Phillips' 25-yard run on the
second play of the game is a textbook
example of the "41 Outside" play - he takes
the handoff from Frazier, heads toward the TE
on the right, blasts through a very thin cutback
seam that most college running backs
wouldn't be able to exploit, then turns on the
burners for the 25 yard gain.

Formations: 1/2
11/3/2020 Husker Playbook: Outside Play

NU can run Outside out of any formation with

an I-back. Because it can be run to either a
tight end or split end side, this is a play the
Huskers like to either/or in the huddle. The
quarterback then comes to the line and
examines the defense before calling the
direction the play will be run.

In a two-back set the FB is a lead blocker on

an Outside play, giving it an extra blocker and
the look of a sweep.

Companion plays:

41/49 Outside Wingback Reverse. Nebraska

has long run a wingback reverse off of the
Outside play. The I-back is given the ball and
then hands off to the wingback coming behind
him. The quarterback wheels after making the
first handoff and leads the play as a blocker.
This is the play where quarterbacks Tommie
Frazier (vs. Washington State 94) and Scott
Frost (vs. Texas A&M 97) made violent,
highlight-reel blocks to spring big plays. (The
number called in the huddle indicates the
direction the I-back will go. For instance, on a
41 Outside WB Reverse the IB will run
toward the 1-hole on the right, but the play
will go to the 9-hole on the left.)

Fake Reverse: When teams become very

aware of the reverse off of the Outside play,
NU will fake it. The I-back does a piece of
tricky ball handling by running with the ball
behind his back for several steps as the WB
passes as if to take the reverse. The behind-
the-back slight of hand is a NU signature play.

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