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QUARTER THREE – Module 1 & 2:
Lesson One – Brainstorming for Research Topics

Polytechnic College of Botolan · Botolan, Zambales

Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 1
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile number: 0949-155-1331

Here are some reminders as you use this module:
1. Use the module with care especially in turning each page.
2. Do not write anything on the module.
3. Read and comprehend the directions in every exercises.
4. Provide additional sheets for your answers if necessary.
5. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this material.

Brainstorming for Research Topics


This module will help the learners prepare a plan and focus on issues and ideas in their
respective field after an overview of research, the difference between the qualitative and
quantitative research, importance of research in daily life and learning an appropriate
research design for a class research agenda.


At the end of the lesson/module, students are expected to:

1. Review the concept of research.
2. Differentiate qualitative research from quantitative research.
3. Discuss the things and the criteria that may be considered before starting
the research activity
4. Plan a research agenda in preparation for possible issues or topics of a
research study.


With the help of your dictionary, give three (3) words appropriate to each letter and at the
same time related to RESEARCH. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

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R_______________ _________________ _______________
E_______________ _________________ _______________
S_______________ _________________ _______________
E_______________ _________________ _______________
A_______________ _________________ _______________
R_______________ _________________ _______________
C_______________ _________________ _______________
H_______________ _________________ _______________

The following terms will be encountered in the lesson:

Qualitative Research
 a type of scientific research which seeks to answer questions, by systematically
using predefined set of procedures to verify opinion, collect evidence, and produce
findings that are applicable beyond the immediate boundaries of the study.
Quantitative Research - to confirm hypotheses about phenomena.
 To plan and make decisions about something that is being built or created.
 To create the plans that show how something will be made.
 To plan and make something for a specific use or purpose the way something has
been made.
 The way the parts of something is formed and arranged for a particular use, effects
 A particular purpose or intention held in view by an individual or group).
Research Design enables the researcher to organize the components of his or her
research in an orderly and coherent manner.
 This will ensure that the research or study will effectively address the research
topic or problem. It is also a template for the collection, measurement, and analysis
of data.
Research Agenda
 best described as a format plan of action that summarizes specific issues and ideas
in a subset of any field of study.
 a guiding plan that helps to put together a system of study so that you can decide
what should be deferred until another time adaptable, and are likely to modify the
contents as their priorities shift.
 It takes into consideration your area of academic interest including the type of
research being undertaken and the different methods to be implemented in the

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Tasks: RESEARCH Challenges

A. Listed are words related to qualitative research. Write the appropriate
word in the given graphic organizer. Copy the graphic organizer and write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

Qualitative Research Focus Group Discussion

Methods Observational
Interviews Document Analysis

B. Listed are words related to quantitative research. Write the appropriate word in the
given graphic organizer. Copy the graphic organizer and write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

Qualitative Research Focus Group Discussion

Methods Observational
Interviews Document Analysis

Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 4


Below are the details about research.

 A careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something.
 An investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of
facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical
application of such new or revised theories or laws.
 The practice of collecting information about a particular subject.
You will further understand the importance of research in daily life with the given
additional information below. Research provides the best solution to some of the world
problems and also enhance the knowledge of the researchers. It can give explanations
to certain questions stated in the research problem. Through the explanations, it serves
as a tool for building knowledge and for facilitating new learning.
Research also introduces new ideas, helps the researchers identify problems and
appropriate solutions in new ways and provide new framework to guide thinking and
action. It informs action, proves a theory and contributes to develop knowledge in a field
or study. Therefore it understands various issues and increases public awareness.
The following shall help you recall some significant details relevant to your previous
understanding about the types of research namely: qualitative and quantitative
Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
Involves processes, feelings, and motives Aims to characterize trends and patterns
(the why’s and the how’s) and produce in-
depth and holistic data
Usually concerned with generating Usually starts with neither a theory nor
hypothesis from data rather than testing a hypothesis about the relationship between
hypothesis two or more variables
Uses either unstructured or Uses structured research instruments like
semistructured instruments questionnaires or schedules
Uses small sample sizes chosen Uses large sample sizes that are
purposely representatives of the population
Has high validity Has high output replicability
Used to gain greater understanding of Used to gain greater understanding of
individual differences in terms of feelings, group similarities
motives and experiences
Uses more flexible processes Uses structured processes
Methods include field research, case study Methods include census, survey,
and secondary analysis experiments and secondary analysis

After reading the details on the differences between qualitative and quantitative
research, as a researcher, you should be ready of the various topics or issues which you
Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 5
think are interesting and researchable in order for you to come up with the research
agenda. Apply your prior knowledge on the respective concerns of the types of
The following are the things that may be considered before starting the research
1. A problem that is most interesting to you.
2. Existing problems in the classroom/school/campus/university which one may want to
3. Existing needs of the community or society
4. Area of interest, specialization or event from related fields
5. Offshoots of friendly conversations
6. Observations, intuitions or a combination of both
7. The type of data you need
8. The participants and sources
9. The location and timescale of the research
10. Prevailing theories and philosophy
Some considerations in crafting a research design:
1. A good research design provides a plan of study that permits accurate assessment of
cause and effect relationships between independent and dependent variables.
2. It must be flexible, appropriate, efficient, and economical.
3. A design which minimizes bias and maximizes the reliability of the data collected and
analyzed is considered a good design.
4. Direct observation and creative- centric group discussion are best employed in
deciding on a final concept.
Criteria in Choosing a Research Topic:
1. It should be something new or different from what has already been written about.
2. It must be original.
3. It should be significant to the field of study or discipline.
4. It must necessarily arouse intellectual curiosity.
5. It should be of researcher’s interest and researcher must be with the topic.
6. It should be a modest one for a beginner to be carried out within a limited period of
7. It should be clear, not ambiguous.

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8. It should be specific, not general.
9. It should consider the training and personal qualifications of the researcher.
10. It should consider the availability of data involved in the study and the methods and
techniques to be employed in gathering them.
11. It should consider the availability of effective instruments for gathering the data and
their treatment.
12. It should consider the financial capacity of the researcher to support the project.
13. It should consider the time factor involved in the undertaking.
Suggested topics for a Research Study:
1. Animals and Animals Rights
2. Art and Art History
3. Computers and Computer Science
4. Economics and Business Studies
5. Education and Schools
6. English Literature
7. Environmental Studies and Global Warming
8. Families, Food and Nutrition
9. Health and Medicine
10. History
11. The Internet
12. Marketing and Communications
13. Politics
14. Religion and Beliefs
15. Sociology and Social Concerns
Here are some examples of possible basis of issues applicable for Academic and
TVL Tracks. These are useful in crafting a research agenda that will lead in the writing of
the title and research problem.
Issues: Academic Track Technical Vocational/Livelihood Track
 Students  Automotive Servicing & Computer Servicing
 Teachers System & Home Economics & Horticulture
 Schools  Knowledge on Tools & Exploration on
 Community Fertilizers & Bread & Pastry-Discoveries
 Government Habit/Vice/Addiction

Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 7

Read the given issues of concern for possible goal that will guide a research study:
1. Behavior of Grade 7 students in class.
2. Effects of students’ class performances.
3. Reasons of failures in the subject.
a. COVID-19 Pandemic implications in the community.
b. Attitudes of the Youth in the Community.
c. Constraints in this time of Pandemic.
Example Table for Academic Track Class
Topic/Issue Sub-topics Effects Solutions
Students  Cutting class  Academic  WATCH
 Academic Track monitoring
Track performance  Subject
performance  Failed grades teacher/class
Misbehavior adviser
inside/outside checking of
the school attendance
premises  Guidance

Topic/issue Causes Effects
Community Waste 1. Improper waste 1. Health problem 1. Clean & Green
Problem disposal 2. Widespread Project
2. Lack of waste disposal 2. Health & Sanitation
segregation 3. Dengue programs 3. Dengue
practices Situation Awareness Campaign
3. Inconsistent
implementati on of
community waste
program/ project

Example Table for Technical Vocational Livelihood Track-Home Economics Strand

Topic/Issue Sub-topics Perceptions Descriptions
Bitter gourd Various taste Acceptable taste Appearance
Cupcake Bitter taste Not acceptable Presentation
taste Color

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Example Table for Technical Vocational Livelihood Track- Computer System
Servicing Strand
Topic/Issue Sub-topics Perceptions Descriptions
Difficulties in TVL- TVL-CSS Theories in CSS Classroom
CSS Competencies to Practical Skills instruction
be developed Assessment Enhancement
NC II competencies Training

Example Table for Technical Vocational Livelihood Track- Automotive Servicing

Topic/Issue Sub-topics Perceptions Descriptions
Availability of Tools List of Tools in the Large Number of 50%-75% Passing
& Equipment Laboratory Enrollees Rate Cutting
TVL- Automotive List of Equipment in Area for Laboratory Classes,
the laboratory Work Absenteeism,
Dropout, Repeater

Example Table for Technical Vocational Livelihood Track- Horticulture Strand

Topic/Issue Sub-topics Perceptions Descriptions
Minimal Female Skills in Taking Level of Classroom
Enrollees in Horticulture Understanding of instruction
Horticulture TVL- Specific Work the Content Enhancement
Horticulture Demands Practical Skills Training

If you already identified the possible topic in the agenda of your research study you
may think of the identity of your research either a qualitative or a quantitative research
then decide on the methodology by not disregarding the importance of your research to
others, to the community, to the society or to the nation as well.
Observe the given example as a guide about the mentioned concerns in your
research agenda.
TOPIC Attitudes of the Youth in the Community
TYPES OF RESEARCH Qualitative Research
METHODOLOGY Use Phenomenological Approach; Interview and
Survey Questionnaire
IMPORTANCE Provide awareness and information among the youth
about the existing attitudes of the youth in their
respective community


TOPIC Level of Effectivity of TVL Offerings
Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 9
TYPES OF RESEARCH Quantitative Research
METHODOLOGY Use Correlation and Evaluative; Interview and Survey
IMPORTANCE Provide data as basis for the improvement and
enhancement of the TVL Offerings

Practice Task 1: Views of Importance

Write your own ideas on the importance of research in the box based on your knowledge
and experiences. Copy the graphic organizer and write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.

of Research
in Daily Life

Practice Task 2: Student’s Flight

Supply the corresponding problems related to the given graphic organizer. Copy the
graphic organizer and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.


Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 10

Practice Task 3: Commence an Agenda
Prepare a research agenda following the steps below. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Choose a topic according to your academic choice considering the criteria in the
research topic.
2. Determine the type as to qualitative or quantitative research.
3. Identify the methodology to be used in the preparation of the research agenda.
4. State two importance of your research agenda in the community or society.



Additional Tasks
Observe the following rubrics in performing Task 1
 Content of Details---------------------------------------------- 30
 Organization of Ideas----------------------------------------- 30
 Data Presentation---------------------------------------------- 20
 Completeness of Details------------------------------------- 20
Total------------------------------------------------------------- 100 points
Task 1: Be Part of the Issues
List down three (3) causes and effects of the given problems/issues. Copy the graphic
organizer and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.


EFFECTS 2. _________
1. ___________ 3. _________
2. ___________
3. ___________
Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 11


2. _________
3. _________
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________

Task 1: Me & My Community

Supply the needed information in the given topic/issue in the community. Copy
the table and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Topic/Issue: Sociology and Social Concern
Effects of Terrorism
What is Terrorism? What are the effects of terrorism in the community?

Task 2: Agenda on the Go

Given below is a sample table of a research agenda to formally start a research
study please write the information needed in each part. Copy the table and write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Areas of Interest Research Agenda
Possible Title of the Study
Problem to be studied or discussed
Possible respondents
Type of Research
Research Method/Design

Task 1: Extend and Expand

Choose from the following topics/issues as part of the Research Agenda to develop a
title and a statement of the problem. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 12
1. Relationship Between Nutrition and Family Health
2. Effects of Fast-Food Restaurants to Family Nutrition and Health
3. Benefits and Drawback of No Child Left Behind” Educational Policy
4. Effectivity of Social Media and Networking Sites as Instruments for Business
5. Use of Internet to Enhance or Undermine a Child’s Health Education and Social
Task 2: This is my Field
List down topics/issues related to your field of study (Academic Track, TVL Track, etc.).
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Example: Experiences of Depression among the Youth of Today

It is a structured inquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve
problems and creates new knowledge that is generally acceptable (Grinnell 1993)
Importance of Research
1. Research provides a scientific basis for any practice or methodology in any field
or discipline.
2. Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further productivity
in any field.
3. Research helps develop tools for assessing effectiveness of any practice and
4. Research provides solutions to problems concerning almost all issues
encountered in the different areas of work.
A Research Agenda is a plan of action that includes topic, title, problem,
respondents, type of research and research method or design.

Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 13


Direction: Use the fives Ws chart to organized the information you have
learned from this lesson.

Direction: Read and answer the following questions briefly.
1. Review and explain in your word the concept of research.
2. Differentiate qualitative research from quantitative research by using a data
information chart.

3. Discuss the things and the criteria that may be considered before starting the
research activity.
4. Plan a research agenda in preparation for possible issues or topics of a research
study by applying the lesson you study for this week.


 Chapter 3.1 Designing a Research Project related to Daily Life
 Design a research useful in daily life Lesson1 Retrieved from and 72
 Examples of Research Paper Topics in Different Study Areas March 2, 2019
Faltado III, Ruben E., Bombita, Medardo B., Boholano, Helen B., Pogoy, Angeline
Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 14
M. (2016). Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research For Senior High School
(Applied Subject).Metro Manila: LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.p. 3-4; 13-15; 16-18
 Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017). Practical
Research 1 for Senior High School. Quezon City:

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher

Reviewed by:

SHS Program Coordinator

Module 1& 2 ‖ Page 15

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