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3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1 | Talent
1.1 | Goals
1.1.1 | Setup Considerations: Organization Goals

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of organization goals. It explains:

Why to set them up.

How they fit into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What They Are

Organization goals are goals that apply to a supervisory organization and to all workers in it. In contrast, individual goals apply to
just 1 employee.

Business Benefits
Organization goals help to create alignment between organization level initiatives and individual goals, empowering workers by
tying their contributions to the bigger picture.

Use Cases
Workers and managers can:

Align their individual goals with organization goals.

Relate organization goals to individual goals.
Visualize how individual and organization goals are aligned using the Navigate Goal task (users must have security
access to this task).
Track overall progress against an organization goal with automatically calculated completion percentages.

Managers can align cascaded individual goals to an organization goal to create consistent alignment.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

How do you want managers to link their organization goals You can enable managers to link organization goals to just
to other organization goals in the organization hierarchy? the immediate parent organization, or you can enable
managers to link organization goals up through the whole
organization hierarchy. You can also prevent linking
organization goals by maintaining the default setting.

Do you want to align individual goals in performance You can align individual goals to organization goals and
reviews to organization goals? then pull the individual goals into performance reviews.

Do you want to control who can see organization goals? You can create private organization goals so that only
members of the supervisory organization hierarchy can see
them. You can also configure organization goals so they're
private by default.

Do you want to report on completion percentages of You can manually calculate the completion percentage of
organizational goals? an organization goal, or you can have Workday
automatically calculate the percentage (enabled using the
Maintain Goal Setup task). 1/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

How is individual goal weight factored into the calculated Workday doesn't include individual employee goal weight
completion percentage of organization goals? when calculating the organization goal completion
percentage and only the status is factored in. You can
configure the value of an individual goal's completion status
in the calculation of completion percentage of an
organization goal by mapping percentages using the
Maintain Goal Completion Statuses task.

Archive outdated organization goals to improve performance when running goal reports.

Create alignment by selecting an organization goal in the Supports field of the Add Goal to Employees task when cascading

Check organization goal progress on a quarterly basis.

Enable the Allow Supports Through Hierarchy check box on the Maintain Goal Setup task to avoid having to create an
organization goal for every level of your supervisory organization hierarchy.

Set the Allow Automatic Calculation of Percent Complete check box on the Maintain Goal Setup task to have Workday
automatically calculate organization goal progress based on employee goals supporting it.

Using the Configure Profile Group task, enable the Organization Goals worklet task in the Goal for Goal Profile group.

You can align an employee goal to only 1 organization goal at a time.
The Organization Goals worklet task only displays organization goals for 1 goal period at a time. To replace this task, you
can create a custom report using the Configure Profile Group task.
You can't hide the Supporting Initiatives field in an organization goal.
You can only sort organization goals in alphabetical order by supervisory organization. You can't sort them by organization
hierarchy. Example: sorting from the lowest supervisory organization to the highest supervisory organization in a
Private organization goals restrict who is able to align to that organization goal, not who can view the private organization
Workers with multiple jobs or positions can only align to organization goals of the primary position's supervisory

Tenant Setup
No impact.

Configure these domains in the Performance and Goals functional area.

Domain Considerations

Set Up: Goals Set up this domain to support all goals, including both
employee goals and organization goals.

Self-Service: Organization Goals Add workers to this domain so they can view organization

Worker Data: Organization Goals Use this domain to manage and view organization goals.
Administrators can restrict access using modify permissions
to specific roles.

Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker Eligibility Add contingent workers to this domain to enable them to
participate in goals and to link their goals to organization
goals. 2/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Business Processes
No impact.


Reports Considerations

View Organization Goals Use to view organization goals for 1 supervisory


View Goals Use the Organization Goals tab for this report to view all
organization goals that apply to a worker.

View Goal Alignment Use to view a list of all workers aligned to an organization

Workday provides these web services for organization goals (all secured to the Worker Data: Organization Goals domain):

Web Services Considerations

Get Organization Goals Retrieve active and archived organization goals from your

Put Organization Goal Upload active and archived organization goals to your

Connections and Touchpoints

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Organization Goals
Create or Edit Organization Goals
Workday 2020 Release 1 What's New Post: Organization Goal Alignment and Measureability

1.1.2 | Steps: Set Up Goals



Set Up: Goals domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.
Set Up: Tenant Setup - HCM domain in the System functional area.
Set Up: Talent domain in the Succession Planning functional area.
Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker Eligibility domain in the Performance and Goals functional area to enable
goals for contingent workers.


You can use these types of goals in Workday:

Type Description

Organization Goals Goals assigned to supervisory organizations.

Individual or Employee Goals Goals assigned to individual employees. 3/249
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Type Description

Cascaded Goals Same goal assigned to 2 or more employees.

Review Goals Goals that are part of employee reviews.

To rename labels throughout Talent, use the Maintain Custom Labels task.


1. Access the Maintain Goal Setup task. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Enable Goal Attributes Select the attributes to display in tasks, reports, and
business processes.

Configure Goals in Reviews Select Lock Goals Associated with In Progress Reviews
to prevent ad hoc editing of goals that are part of
reviews in progress.

Maintain Goal Units Click to create or change unit types to track goal targets
and actuals.

Maintain Goal Payout Bands Click to create goal payout bands for the Net Attainment
options when configuring the Goals section on the
Configure Employee Review Template task.

Configure Talent Tags Click to add the ability to link goals to competencies,
development items, or feedback using the Relates To

Maintain Goal Categories Click to create or change goal categories.

Categories simplify goal management and reporting.

You can assign categories to individual goals, cascaded
goals, and review goals.

Maintain Goal Periods Click to define date ranges to associate with

organization goals.

2. Set Up Organization Goal Default Options.

3. Set Up Goal Completion Statuses.
4. Configure goal templates.
See Steps: Configure Goal Templates.
5. Enable activity stream for the Goal and Organization Goal objects.
See Steps: Enable Activity Stream.

Next Steps

Access the View Goal Setup report to view details about the goal setup in your tenant.
Create or edit organization goals.
Create or edit employee goals.

Related Information 4/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Create or Edit Organization Goals
Create or Edit Employee Goals
Create Goal Payout Bands for Net Attainment
The Next Level: Establishing Clear Business Priorities

1.1.3 | Set Up Organization Goal Default Options


Security: Set Up: Goals domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can configure which options are available when users create or edit organization goals. You also can link organization goals
to other organization goals higher in the organization hierarchy.

Workday can calculate the completion percentage or an organization goal, or you can track the completion percentage manually.
When you configure Workday to calculate the completion percentage of organization goals automatically:

Individual goal statuses pending approval aren't counted in the calculation.

Individual goals without a status count as zero.


1. Access the Maintain Goal Setup task.

2. (Optional) Enable linking to organization goals higher up in the organization hierarchy.

Option Description

Link only to goals 1 level up in the hierarchy. Select the Supports check box only.

Link to goals up the entire hierarchy. Select these check boxes:

Allow Supports Through Hierarchy

3. (Optional) To set new organization goals to be automatically private when they're created, select the Default Organization
Goal to Private check box.
4. (Optional) Enable tracking the percentage completion of organization goals.

Option Description

Enable only manual entry of the percentage completion. Select the Enable Percent
Complete check box only.

Enable manual entry or have Workday calculate the percentage completion. Select these check boxes:
Enable Percent
Allow Automatic
Calculation of Percent


Workday displays the enabled organization goal options on the Manage Organization Goals task.

Next Steps

Create or edit organization goals.

Related Information 5/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Create or Edit Organization Goals
Workday 2020 Release 1 What's New Post: Organization Goal Alignment and Measureability

1.1.4 | Set Up Goal Completion Statuses


Security: Set Up: Goals domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can create statuses to evaluate how completely employees have met their goals. Each status determines what items are
eligible to move from 1 review to the next.

Workday recommends you map your goal statuses to percent complete values if you enable Workday to calculate the completion
percentage of organization goals.


1. Access the Maintain Goal Completion Statuses task.

2. Select a value in the Map to Workday Status field if you want to move content from 1 employee review to another.
This field is used with the Load Content from Previous Review field in the Goals section on the Configure Employee
Review Template task.

Next Steps

Access the Goal Completion Statuses report to view a list of all statuses.

Use the employee review document to associate a status with a goal.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews

1.1.5 | Steps: Configure Goal Templates


Security: Set Up: Goals domain in Performance and Goals functional area.


You can customize how Workday displays ad hoc goals by creating goal rules and configuring a goal template:

Goal rules define criteria for organizing goals, such as goal status, category, or due date.
The goal template filters goals into sections according to the goal rules.

Workday provides a default template that displays all goals in 1 section. You can:

Add sections.
Provide your own section names.
Associate a unique rule with each section.

If a goal meets more than 1 rule, it can be in multiple sections. Goals that don't match any of your rules display in the default
section. Workday hides the default section when empty, but the other sections are always visible.

The template applies to all employee goals and you can update your configuration at any time.

Changes you make to your goal template immediately impact employees. 6/249
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1. Access the Create Goal Template Rule task.

Create Rule Conditions to display goals in sections.
Example: If you want to organize goals by status, create a rule for each goal completion status in your tenant. You can
combine multiple conditions in 1 rule.
Note: Report fields for the Goal business object exclude values from in-progress employee reviews. These fields only
return values from completed employee reviews and in-progress or completed ad hoc goal events.
2. Access the Configure Goal Template task.
Set up the goal template to define each section on a separate row.
Example: Create sections named Not Started, In Progress, and Completed to match the goal status rules.


Workday displays goals in these reports:

My Goals and View Goals reports.

Individual Goals report on worker profiles.

Next Steps

Create goals for an individual employee.

To update or delete goal rules, use the Edit Goal Template Rule and Delete Goal Template Rule tasks.

Related Information

Create or Edit Condition Rules

1.1.6 | Steps: Manage Organization Goals


Security: Worker Data: Organization Goals domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can create goals for supervisory organizations and align them with other supervisory organization goals 1 or more levels up
in the hierarchy. You can then link employee goals to organization goals during the employee review process.

If you want to rename labels for goals, use the Maintain Custom Labels task.


1. Access the Maintain Goal Periods task to define date ranges to associate with organization goals.
Security: Set Up: Goals domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.
2. Create or Edit Organization Goals.
3. (Optional) Access the Copy Goal to Organization Goal task.
Copy a goal to an organization goal. You can copy any type of goal to an organization goal and change it to suit your
4. (Optional) Access the Copy Organization Goals task to copy a goal from 1 period to another.
Select the Private check box to restrict visibility of this goal to members of the organization chain.
5. Link an employee goal to an organization goal:
In the Individual Goals report on worker profiles.
With the Add Goal to Employees task.
In the Set Review Content, Self Evaluation, and Manager Evaluation phase during the employee review process.

Next Steps

View and track organization goals:

Select Talent > View Organization Goals as a related action on a supervisory organization.
Click Goals on organization profiles. If you enabled activity streams in the Edit Tenant Setup - System task, you can see
comments from other users when you view each goal. 7/249
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Workday also provides several standard reports to track goals. For a list, access Workday Standard Reports and select the Goals
and Reviews and Organization Goals categories.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews
Enable Archiving Goals
Create or Edit Custom Labels
Steps: Enable Activity Stream

1.1.7 | Create or Edit Organization Goals


Set up default organization goal options using the Maintain Goal Setup task.
Create goal periods with the Maintain Goal Periods task.

Security: Worker Data: Organization Goals domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Create and maintain goals for supervisory organizations. You can:

Link goals to goals that are 1 or more levels up in the organization hierarchy.
Associate them with supporting business initiatives and employee goals.


1. Access the Manage Organization Goals task.

2. Select an Organization and Goal Period.
3. Create a new goal or change an existing organization goal.
4. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Percent Complete Enter the completion percentage of the organization

goal manually.

Available if you select the Enable Percent Complete

check box on the Maintain Goal Setup task.

Supports Link this organization goal to goals that are 1 or more

levels up in the organization hierarchy. To delete a link
to another organization goal, clear this field.

Available if you select the Supports check box on the

Maintain Goal Setup task.

Supporting Initiatives Select initiatives that aren't already associated with an

organization goal.

Private Only members of the organization chain can see the

goal. Goals that have Supporting Initiatives can't be

Automatically selected if you selected the Default

Organization Goal to Private check box on the Maintain
Goal Setup task. 8/249
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Option Description

Calculated Enable Workday to calculate the completion percentage

of the organization goal.
Available if you select these check boxes on the
Maintain Goal Setup task:

Enable Percent Complete
Allow Automatic Calculation of Percent

Next Steps

Associate an employee goal with an organization goal.

Once you associate an organization goal with an individual goal, you can't delete an organization goal even if you delete
the individual goal or remove the association.

Use the View Goal Alignment task to view organization goal alignment with other goals in the same supervisory
organization hierarchy. You can also drill down to see who aligns with a specific goal.

Related Information

The Next Level: Establishing Clear Business Priorities

1.1.8 | Create or Edit Employee Goals


Configure the Manage Goals business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Create, edit, or delete individual goals for yourself or another employee on the desktop or these mobile apps:

Workday on Android.
Workday on iPad.
Workday on iPhone.

To distribute a goal to multiple employees, use the Add Goal to Employees task. You can delete individual and cascaded goals
when they are:

Not part of in-progress or completed employee reviews.

Marked as Editable when cascaded to employees.

You can update goals section by section. Managers receive a single review task in each section that includes only the goals that

To prevent ad hoc editing of goals that are part of in-progress reviews, select Lock Goals Associated with In Progress Reviews on
the Maintain Goal Setup task. Regardless of this setting, you can edit goals within employee reviews.

Goals that are in Needs revising state that you pull into a review will have the Needs revising status removed when the review is
completed, but the original approval will still display in the Inbox of the approver.


1. Access the appropriate task or report:

View Goals.
My Goals.
My Team's Goals.
2. Click Edit in the section you want to update.
You can add goals in any section, regardless of the section rule. Workday moves a goal to the appropriate section after
it's approved.
3. As you edit goals for these tasks, consider: 9/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Relates To Available if you configure at least 1 talent tag

(competency, development item, or feedback) for goals
on the Configure Talent Tags task.

Category Available if you:

Create goal categories.
Select the Category check box on the Maintain
Goal Setup task.

Description Available if you select the Description (goal) check box

on the Maintain Goal Setup task.

Supports Available if you:

Configure the Self-Service: Organization Goals
and Worker Data: Organization Goals domains.
Enable the Supports check box on the Maintain
Goal Setup task.

Link this individual goal to any public organization goal,

or to a private goal in your own supervisory

Weight Available if you select the Weight check box on the

Maintain Goal Setup task.

Status Available if you:

Set up goal completion statuses.
Select the Status check box on the Maintain
Goal Setup task.
Goal statuses determine which goals are eligible to
move from 1 employee review to the next.

Completed On Available when:

The status of a goal is Completed.
You select the Completion Date check box on
the Maintain Goal Setup task.

Target Available if you select the Targets check box on the

Maintain Goal Setup task.

Actual Available if you select the Actuals check box on the

Maintain Goal Setup task.

4. (Optional) To delete an approved goal, hover over it and click Remove.

After submission, deleted goals display in red strike-through font until approval, and then disappear.
To bring back a deleted goal before submitting your changes, hover over it and click Restore.


After you submit goals, workers can't edit them until the first change is approved, if an approval step is configured in the business

Related Information

Concept: Employee Goals in Employee Reviews
Set Up Goal Completion Statuses
Steps: Enable Activity Stream
The Next Level: Establishing Clear Business Priorities 10/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1.1.9 | Cascade Goal to Employees


Configure the Cascade Goals business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional area.
(Contingent workers only) Add workers to the Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker Eligibility domain in the
Performance and Goals functional area.


You can assign the same goal to a group of employees by cascading a goal. The cascaded goal for each employee is
independent of copies of the same cascaded goal for other employees. You can prevent editing so recipients can't change the
goal details.

You can cascade a goal to:

Employees and contingent workers.

Supervisory or custom organizations.
Talent pool.

You can cascade organization goals to individual employees. The Supports section uses the organization goal that is being
cascaded. You can edit the organization goal for that employee.

You can also create filtering rules on a talent pool, and cascade goals to that talent pool.

If you want to assign a single previously cascaded goal to additional employees, use the Add Additional Employees to Goal task.


1. (Optional) Determine if your event is large enough that you need to work with the Workday Production Readiness Team.
See Workday Community: Customer Events: Best Practices and Production Readiness for guidelines about opening up a
Production Readiness case.
2. Access the Add Goal to Employees task.
3. Use an Assign To list to select which employees will receive the goal:
Talent Pool.
4. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Goal Limit the title length for best display.

Category Available if you:

Create goal categories.
Select the Category check box on the Maintain
Goal Setup task.

Description Available if you select the Description (goals) check box

on the Maintain Goal Setup task.

Supports Available if you enable:

The Self-Service: Organization Goals and
Worker Data: Organization Goals domains.
The Supports attribute on the Maintain Goal
Setup task.

Link this individual goal to any public organization goal

or to a private goal in your own organization. 11/249
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Option Description

Minimum / Maximum Available if you select either of the Minimum or

Maximum check boxes on the Maintain Goal Setup

If you select a Track By option, Workday displays

editable fields for tracking goals. Example: If you select
Amount from the Track By field, Workday displays the
Minimum Amount and Maximum Amount fields.

Weight Available if you select the Weight check box on the

Maintain Goal Setup task.

Indicate the goal priority using any weighting scale.

Due Date Available if you select the Due Date check box on the
Maintain Goal Setup task.

Editable Enables recipients to change their assign goal details.

Regardless of this setting, you can change the Weight

and Status of goals in employee reviews.


If you create 2 goals in this task and assign them to 5 employees, Workday initiates 1 Cascade Goals business process. The
Cascade Goals business process in turn initiates 5 Manage Goals subprocesses. Each Manage Goals subprocess includes 2

Next Steps

You can select any combination of employees, talent pool, and organizations to receive a goal using the Add Additional
Employees to Goal task.
You can use the Correct related action to edit the instance of the Cascade Goals business process after saving your work.
You can rescind the business process and start over to change a cascaded goal that isn't marked as Editable.

Related Information

Concept: Best Practices for All Large-Scale Events
Create or Edit Employee Goals
Reference: Event-Specific Best Practices

1.1.10 | Add Additional Employees to Goal


Create a goal and cascade it to more than 1 employee.

Configure the Cascade Goals business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can redistribute a single, previously cascaded goal to another group of employees without changing the goal.

If you want to edit the goal first or assign more than 1 previously cascaded goal, use the Add Goal to Employees task instead.


1. Access the Add Additional Employees to Goal task.

2. Select any combination of employees, talent pool, and supervisory organizations to receive the goal. 12/249
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To view a list of employees who have already received the goal, click the Assigned To number.


Workday initiates a Cascade Goals business process that includes 1 Manage Goals business subprocess for each employee you
want the goal distributed to.

Related Information

Create or Edit Employee Goals

1.1.11 | Enable Archiving Goals


Configure the Manage Goals business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional area.
Understand how to set up goal template rules.


You can archive historical goals, minimizing clutter in the user interface and improving goal management.

You can:

Archive goals and restore previously archived goals for yourself and employees in your organization.
Archive individual goals using the Archive Goals task.
Archive organizational goals using the Archive Organizational Goals task.
Mass archive goals based on a goal template rule (administrators) using the Mass Archive Goals task.

Archiving a goal removes it from:

Employee review template configuration settings.

You can't archive or restore goals that are:

Awaiting approval.
Part of in-progress employee reviews.
Part of other in-progress events.


1. To enable workers self-service access to archive goals, add them to the Self-Service: Employee Goals domain in the
Performance and Goals functional area.
2. To enable workers to archive organization goals, add them to the Worker Data: Organization Goals domain in the
Performance and Goals functional area.
3. To enable administrators to mass archive goals, add them to the Set Up: Goals domain in the Performance and Goals
functional area.


Workers in the assigned domains can archive goals.

Next Steps

To mass archive goals, use the Mass Archive Goals task. See Mass Archive Goals.
To report on archived goals, create a custom report with the Archived Goals by Organization report data source.
Use the Configure Profile Group task to add the Archived Goals report to the Performance tab of the worker profile.

1.1.12 | Mass Archive Goals

Prerequisites 13/249
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Security: Set Up: Goals domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.

Configure the Manage Goals business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional area.
Understand how to set up goal template rules.


You can mass archive all goals meeting a template rule in 1 operation.

Note: You can't mass rescind a mass archive goals event and you can't mass restore goals.


1. Access the Mass Archive Goals task.

2. Select one of these options:
Run Now.
Run Once in the Future.
3. Select an Organization and optionally select whether to include subordinate organizations.
4. Select a Goal Template Rule.
5. To run the task in the future:
a. Define the Schedule priority.
b. Set the Start Date, Start Time, and Time Zone for when to launch the mass archive action.


Workday launches the process for mass archiving the goals. The task runs as a background process that automatically
completes the Manage Goals business process, skipping all other steps.

Next Steps

To view the status of the mass archive process, access the Process Monitor report.

Related Information

Steps: Configure Goal Templates

1.1.13 | FAQ: Employee Goals

How do the Cascade Goals and Manage Goals business processes work together?

Can the Manage Goals business process include different actions and notifications for different goal types?

How do I configure a review step for employees who receive cascaded goals?

Must the total weight of ad hoc goals equal 100?

How do the Cascade Goals and Manage Goals business processes work together?

The Cascade Goals business process automatically initiates 1 Manage Goals subprocess for each employee you assign the
goals to. Each employee can have a different definition of the Manage Goals business process, depending on their supervisory
organization. After initiation, the Manage Goals process runs all additional steps or notifications. If the process has no workflow
steps, then Manage Goals is automatically completed. If Manage Goals includes notifications, the employee receives the
notification at the specified workflow step.

Can the Manage Goals business process include different actions and notifications for different goal types?

Yes. You can create condition rules based on the Cascaded Goal and Contains only Editable Goals report fields to trigger
workflow steps for specific goal types. Example: Build a condition rule that sends notifications only for cascaded goals, or include
a review step only for cascaded goals that are editable.

How do I configure a review step for employees who receive cascaded goals?

Add a Review Goal action step to the Manage Goals business process and route the step to the Employee as Self security group.
On the Review Goal step, build a condition rule using the Cascaded Goal report field to evaluate whether goals are cascaded
before initiating the step. 14/249
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Must the total weight of ad hoc goals equal 100?

No. You can establish a weighting scale for ad hoc goals by creating validation rules on the Manage Goals and Cascade Goals
business processes.

Weights are locked on non-editable cascaded goals, except when the review template requires that total weighting equal 100.
When you pull goals into such a template, you can change the goal weighting. The My Goals and View Goals reports reflect the
updated weighting when the review is completed.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Goals in Employee Reviews
Create or Edit Employee Goals

1.2 | Development Items

1.2.1 | Manage Development Items


Enable these domain security policies:

Self-Service: Development Items
Self-Service: Delete Development Item
Worker Data: Development Items
Worker Data: Delete Development Item
Talent Review: Development Items
Set Up: Talent
Set Up: Skills and Experience
To configure the Relates To prompt for development items, access the Configure Talent Tags task.
To create categories for development items, access the Maintain Development Item Categories task.
To configure status names, access the Maintain Development Item Statuses task.
If you want to rename words throughout Talent, use the Maintain Custom Labels task.


Create development items to enhance career planning and professional development. You can associate development items with
job profiles, job interests, competencies, or work experiences to highlight their purpose.

You can add the Development Items section to the review template to include development items in talent and employee reviews.
Workday locks development items on the worker profile during a review and updates them when the review is complete.


1. Access development items for yourself or your team:

Reports: My Development Items or My Team's Development Items
Related action on a worker: Talent > View Development Items
Worker, talent, or goal profile: Career > Development Items
Worker profile: Performance > Development Items
Home landing page: Career > Development Items
2. As you create a development item, consider:

Option Description

Development Item Briefly describe the development item. This field is limited to 140 characters, but
you can expand the Additional Information field to a full page, rich text editor to
provide more details.

Status Select the current status of the development item. 15/249
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Option Description

Relates To Select a competency, job interest, job profile, or work experience that the
development item supports. You can select 1 value per category. The prompt
offers suggestions based on your current job profile, competencies, and work
experiences, plus any job profiles that match your job interests.

Category Select the categories that this development item supports. If you don't have any
development item categories defined, Workday hides this field.

Details Add a status note, view details about the last update, and see who created this
development item.


You can edit ad hoc development items at any time. Track changes to development items with these reports:

My Development Items Changed in Last Week (Include Delete and Not Applicable)
My Team's Development Items Changed in Last Week (Include Delete and Not Applicable)

When you include development items in talent reviews or employee reviews, Workday automatically pulls in-progress
development items into the review and locks them. You can't remove development items from the review after you pull them in.
After you complete the review, Workday updates the development items in profiles and reports.

Talent cards display in-progress development items in the lower-right corner after career interests.

Next Steps

(Optional) Set up alerts to notify employees and managers when someone changes their development items.
(Optional) Click the delete icon to delete a development item from:
Development Items.
Development Items on the worker profile.
My Development Items.

1.3 | Skills and Experience

1.3.1 | Skills and Experience Basics | Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience


Configure these business processes and security policies in the Talent Core functional area:

Manage Awards and Activities

Manage Certifications
Manage Competencies
Manage Education
Manage Job History
Manage Internal Projects
Manage Languages
Manage Publications
Manage Training
Manage Professional Affiliations
Manage Work Experience


Skills and experience are components of worker profiles. Before you can assign a skill or experience to a worker, set up these
components: 16/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Award and Activity Types.

Publication Types.
Work Experiences.
Training Types.
Job History Companies.


1. Create a set of recognized skills your organization wants to track.

See Steps: Maintain Skills.
2. Create a library of skill competencies to track.
See Steps: Set Up Competencies.
3. Create schools, degrees, and fields of study to track.
See Steps: Set Up Education.
4. Create certifications to track.
See Steps: Set Up Certifications.
5. Create a library of languages, ability types, and proficiency levels to track.
See Steps: Set Up Languages.
6. Define the different types of work experience and training types that you want to track.
See Concept: Work Experience and Training Types.
7. Create a library of professional affiliations to track.
See Steps: Set Up Professional Affiliations.
8. Create a list of companies to track.
See Steps: Set Up Job History Companies.

Related Information

Create or Edit Custom Labels
Steps: Manage Talent Reviews
Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews | Manage Skills and Experience


Set up the individual skills and experiences that you want to track.
Add skills and experience to worker profiles with the Configure Profile Group task.
Security: Set Up: System domain in the System functional area.


Manage a worker's skills and experience: 17/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Job History.
Internal Projects.
Professional Affiliations.
Work Experience.
Worker Projects.


1. Add skills and experience for a worker:

a. From the worker's related actions menu, select Talent > View Skills and Experience.
b. Add each type of skill or experience on a separate tab.
For certifications, competencies, professional affiliations, and schools, you can select values or create new ones if
You can also upload certification documents and view them in the Maintain Worker Documents report.
2. Compare a worker's competencies to the competencies associated with their job:
a. From the worker's skills and experience, select the Competencies tab.
b. Click Compare to Job.
This option is only available for workers assigned to jobs. 1 chart displays the competencies required for the job and the
other chart displays additional competencies.
3. View the history of a worker's competencies:
a. From the worker's Skills and Experience, click the Competencies tab.
b. Click the History link.

Next Steps

You can remove a worker's skills and experience unless they have pending actions.
You can't remove competencies from a worker.
Access the Business Process Security Policies for Functional Area report to give security groups permission to remove
skills and experience.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups
The Next Level: Finding Your Perfect Match - How to Identify and Track Talent for Your Employees | Concept: Crowdsourced Skills and Experience Management

Administrators maintain libraries of recognized skills and experience that users can search for and add to their profiles. You can
find recognized skills and experience on these reports:

Maintain Certifications
Maintain Job History Companies
Maintain Schools
Maintain Skills

If candidates and workers can't find certain skills and experience in your tenant, they can create crowdsourced versions to add on
their profile. Crowdsourced skills and experience enable users to expand their profiles, but variations of the same crowdsourced
skills and experience can create redundancies. Example: A worker creates Math as a crowdsourced skill, and a candidate
creates Arithmetic.

Workday stores crowdsourced skills and experience on these reports: 18/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Find Certifications
Find Job History Companies
Find Schools
Find Skill

To manage crowdsourced data, you can use these reports to merge crowdsourced skills and experience with recognized
versions. Workday updates profiles to use the recognized versions. | Concept: Competencies and Skills

Competencies and skills help you track the capabilities that users acquire from various sources such as education, certifications,
languages, and so on. Understanding these capabilities is important for you to support the growth of your organization. Since
competencies and skills provide different levels of configurability and insight, you should familiarize yourself with both features to
know how each can support your organization.

The competencies feature enables you to track capabilities with a high level of control. Competencies have characteristics such
as descriptions, categories, and proficiency rating scales. You can also configure different descriptions and behaviors based on
management level or compensation grade. This level of configuration helps you track specific capabilities such as company core
values or role requirements.

Competencies can have target ratings associated with a role, enabling users to measure an employee's capability over time.
Employees and managers can assess proficiency during performance and talent reviews, and managers can evaluate gaps
between the achieved proficiency rating and the target proficiency rating. You can assign competencies and proficiency target
ratings to:

Job families
Job profiles
Management levels

Key Features

Requires HR administrators to create a library of competencies. You can configure rating scales to measure the proficiency of
employees over time. Employees and managers can evaluate competencies based on proficiency during performance and talent

The skills feature provides a lightweight and flexible way to track capabilities. HR administrators are responsible for curating a list
of skills that users can search for and add to their profile. Skills don't have descriptions or rating scales, making it easier for
administrators to create a library of skills. Workers and candidates can also create crowdsourced skills on their profile if it doesn't
exist in your skills library.

Crowdsourced skills enable users to display more skills on their profile, but you can't use these skills as search facets.
Administrators also have to determine which crowdsourced skills to add or merge to the skills list. The benefit of crowdsourced
skills is the ability to capture emerging skills.

You can opt in to the machine-learning-powered Skills Cloud to reduce administrative work even further. Opting in enables users
to add skills from the Skills Cloud library, which has over 55,000 skills, increasing the skills selection and reducing the need for
create crowdsourced skills. The Skills Cloud enables administrators and managers to focus on tracking capabilities and finding
talent rather than maintaining a list of skills. The Skills Cloud Library requires no administrative maintenance and is available as a
free service through Innovation Services.

Key Features without Skills Cloud

Administrators maintain a simple list of skills that users can add to their profile.
Workers and candidates can create skills that they can't find.

Key Features with Skills Cloud 19/249
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Increases the number of skills that users can add to their profile.
Returns related skills based on a person's search.
You can enable a job that reduces the number of skills to maintain.
Prepares your tenant for upcoming machine learning solutions from Workday.

Related Information

Setup Considerations: Skills Cloud
Steps: Set Up Competencies
The Next Level: Skills vs Competencies, and Why Skills Cloud | Concept: Work Experience and Training Types

Work Experience
You can add different types of work experiences and associate levels with the experiences in:

Job profiles.
Talent reviews.
Worker profiles.

You can use the Maintain Work Experience task to create, edit, and delete work experiences. For each work experience, create
different experience Levels. Levels can track years of experience, level of proficiency, or other tiered measurement you want to
associate with the experience. You can optionally specify a Talent Card Sort Order to control the priority of the experience as it
displays on the talent card.

Training Types
Training types are available to add to worker and job profiles. Example:


Add Training to worker or job profiles using the Configure Profile Group task. You can add this section to the:

Overview, Career, or Performance profile group on worker profiles.

Qualifications profile group on job profiles.

Delete or Inactivate Work Experience or Training Types

Select the Inactive check box to remove a work experience, experience level, or training type from selection lists. Though
inactive, these items remain valid for employees who have already selected them.
Delete a work experience, experience level, or training type by removing its row from the setup table. You can only delete
items that aren't in use.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups
Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience
View and Print Talent Cards

1.3.2 | Skills | Steps: Maintain Skills


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area. 20/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


You can use the Maintain Skills report to manage and track skills that are important to your organization. This report lists all the
maintained skills in your tenant. Through this report, you can access tasks that enable you to:

Create and edit maintained skills that Workday adds to the report.
Delete maintained skills you no longer want to track.
Merge duplicate maintained skills.

Workers and candidates can create crowdsourced skills and add them to their profiles. You can use the Find Skill report to view
crowdsourced skills and delete them or merge them with a maintained skill.

Note: You can also import skills from a spreadsheet with the Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB).


1. Access the Maintain Skills report.

Option Description

Skill Item Category Groups related skills in categories.

Inactive Indicates if the skill is inactive.

Hide from Candidates Indicates if the skill is hidden from candidate searches
on external career sites.

If you enable the Skills Cloud, Workday no longer

displays maintained skills on external career site

In Use Indicates if the skill is in use as a qualification or on a

candidate or worker profile.

Duplicates Indicates if there are any known duplicates merged with

the maintained skill.

2. Click Add or Edit access the Create Maintained Skill task.

Add maintained skills to the skills table.
3. (Optional) Click Edit for a skill in the report to access the Edit Maintained Skill task.
Edit a maintained skill.
4. (Optional) Click Delete to access the Delete Skill task.
This task displays a usage count of the different areas that use the skill.
5. Click Find to access the Find Skill report.
Delete crowdsourced skills from worker profiles or merge them with a maintained skill.


All active maintained skills are available for workers to add on their profiles.
Candidates can add any active maintained skill that's visible to them on their profile.
Workday automatically converts instances of the merged skills to use the parent skill on the candidate and worker.


A worker enters MS Word as a skill on her profile. A candidate enters Word on his candidate profile. Using the Merge Skills task,
an administrator can convert them to the maintained version of the skill called Microsoft Word.

Related Information

The Next Level: Skills Touchpoints between Talent, Recruiting, and Learning | Steps: Maintain Skill Categories 21/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.


Create skill categories to organize and easily report on multiple skills. You can assign individual skills to multiple categories.

If you enabled Skills Cloud:

You can search for Skills Cloud skills to add to categories.

Workday displays suggested skills for your categories based on skills you select.

You can also organize skill categories into category groups.


1. Access the Maintain Skill Item Categories report.

Define the skill categories in your tenant.
2. Access the Maintain Skill Item Category Groups task.
Manage the category groups to organize your skill categories.

Next Steps

Access the Find Workers by Skill Category report to identify workers who have skills under skill categories. | Steps: Manage Skill Profiles


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.


Skill profiles provide an easy way to organize qualifications for jobs and career paths.


1. Access the Maintain Skill Profile Categories task.

Create categories to organize your skill profile templates.
Examples: Retail Sales, Implementation Projects, Corporate Marketing, and Corporate Finance.
2. Access the Create Skill Profile task.
Create a skill profile with the applicable qualifications. Create as many skill profiles as you need.
3. To make changes to a skill profile, access the Edit Skill Profile task.
4. To view detailed information about a skill profile, access the View Skill Profile report. | Set Up Critical Skills


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.


Skill criticalities enable you to group and classify skills that are critical in your workforce. You can create skill criticalities for certain
contexts, such as specific job profiles or supervisory organizations. You can then create custom reports to identify workers with
critical skills your workforce.

Skill criticalities can have maintained skills and Skills Cloud skills.


1. Access the Maintain Skill Criticalities report.

2. Click Add.
3. As you complete the Create Skill Criticality task, consider: 22/249
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Option Description

Context Type Select the context type for the criticality.

You can only assign 1 context type for a criticality.

Context Select the job families, job profiles, or organizations

where these skills are critical.

This prompt doesn't display for tenant-wide criticalities.


Critical skills can only be viewed through the Maintain Skill Criticalities report or in custom reports. You can view the skills of a skill
category from the related actions of a skill category.


You want to define a skill criticality for 2 job profiles in product development. You created 2 skill categories named Complex
Problem Solving and Technical that contain skills you want to mark as critical for the job profiles. You also want to add an
uncategorized Presentation skill to the criticality.

Field Value

Name Product Developers

Context Type Job Family

Context Associate Product Development

Product Development

Skill Categories Complex Problem Solving


Skills Presentation

Next Steps

Create a custom report to assess the critical skills in your tenant.

1.3.3 | Skills Cloud | Setup Considerations: Skills Cloud

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of Workday Skills Cloud. It explains:

Why to set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is
Skills Cloud is a machine-learning-powered remote collection of skills for workers and candidates to select from. You can use
Skills Cloud to build qualification requirements and talent data without the need for additional maintenance.

We support Skills Cloud skills in: 23/249
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Chinese (Simplified).
French (Canada).
French (France).
Spanish (Neutral).

Business Benefits
Skills Cloud makes it easier for you to:

Identify workers and candidates based on the skills they select.

Maintain skills data.

Skills Cloud also makes it easier for workers and candidates to search for relevant skills.

Use Cases
With the Skills Cloud, you can:

Convert crowdsourced and maintained skills to Skills Cloud skills.

Increase the number of skills for users to add to their profile without the need to maintain the Skills Cloud.
Report on users based on the Skills Cloud skills they select.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

Do proprietary skills go to the cloud? No. Workday ensures not to add proprietary skills from
customer tenants to the Skills Cloud.

If I opt in to contribute data from my Preview tenant, does There's only 1 Workday Graph that receives data from both
that data go to a Preview Workday Graph? Preview and Production tenants.

How does Skills Cloud impact web services? You can load Skills Cloud skills in web services by entering
reference IDs or an exact text match of a Skills Cloud skill.
If there's no exact match to your text entry and no reference
ID, Workday creates a:

Crowdsourced skill for workers.

Maintained skill for qualifications.

Web services that support the Skills Cloud will continue to

support crowdsourced and maintained skills. 24/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

What happens to existing skills in my tenant when I enable The background job only identifies crowdsourced and
Workday to convert duplicate skills to Skills Cloud skills? maintained skills as duplicates if they have an exact text
match to a Skills Cloud skill. The background job affects
skills used by:

Job applications.
Job profiles.
Job requisitions.
Position restrictions.
Project resource plans.
Recruiting agency candidates.
Skill profiles.

When the background job runs, Workday deletes duplicate

skills and replaces them with the corresponding Skills Cloud
skill. Duplicate skills and their merged skills no longer
display on the Maintain Skills report.

Workday converts translations of duplicate skills in

languages supported by Skills Cloud into Skills Cloud skills.
Workday doesn't convert tenanted translations of duplicate
skills in languages not supported by Skills Cloud, but we
continue to display the translated skill to users.

Example: When an English maintained skill that has a

Spanish tenanted translation converts to a Skills Cloud skill,
Workday removes this skill from the Maintain Skills report.
However, users with Spanish as their preferred language
continue to see that skill in Spanish, as previously

What report fields should I use when I enable the Skills You can use these report fields on the Worker business
Cloud? object to report on different skill types:

All Skills for Skills Cloud skills, crowdsourced skills,

and all maintained skills.
Internal Skills for all maintained skills.
Skills for Skills Cloud skills and all maintained skills.

Where does the Skills Cloud get its data? Skills Cloud gets its data from:

Early adopters.
Public data sets.
Purchased data sets.

What type of machine learning is the Skills Cloud? Workday applies word representation machine learning to
the Skills Cloud. 25/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

What is the difference between the HCM Machine Learning The HCM Machine Learning GA Features innovation
GA Features and the Workday Graph innovation services? service is a newer innovation service that supports machine
learning for a variety of HCM features. With this innovation
service, you can enable Skills Cloud without any data

The Workday Graph innovation service specifically gives

you access to Skills Cloud. With this innovation service, you
must opt in to at least 1 data category to enable Skills

You need to opt in to either 1 of these innovation services to

enable Skills Cloud, not both.

From the Indicate Primary Skill Search Results prompt on the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task, you can select:

Skills Cloud if you want users to select Skills Cloud skills more than maintained skills.
Tenant Skills if your tenant has a large library of maintained skills that you want prioritized in skill searches.

Note: You must subscribe to Innovation Services to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success Manager to request the
Innovation Services order form, or see Workday Innovation Services in the Workday Community for more information.
After you sign the Innovation Services order form, you can select either of these innovation services in the Innovation Services
Opt-In task:

HCM Machine Learning GA Features

Workday Graph

If you select the Workday Graph service, you must opt in to at least 1 data category for the HCM: Workday Graph service on the
Maintain Innovation Services Data Selection Opt-In task.

You can only upload and retrieve Skill Cloud skills in English using Workday Web Services.
You can't disable the Skills Cloud once you enable it.
You can't export or view a list of skills from the Skills Cloud library.
You can't configure what Skills Cloud skills users can view and select.

Tenant Setup
On the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task, you can select the Convert Duplicate Skills to Skills Cloud Skills check box.
When you select this check box, Workday flags every maintained skill and crowdsourced skill that's an exact textual match to a
Skills Cloud skill. Workday replaces flagged skills with the textual-equivalent Skills Cloud skill.

Configure these security domains in the Talent Core functional area:

Domains Considerations

Set Up: Skills and Experience Users can enable Skills Cloud and the background jobs to:

Convert duplicate skills.

Suggest skills to workers.

Person Data: Skills Users can view and enter Skills Cloud skills for other users.

Self-Service: Skills Users can select Skills Cloud skills in the Edit Skills task. 26/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Domains Considerations

Suggested Skills Users can report on skill suggestions of other workers.

Person Data: Skill Sources Users can view or select skill sources for other users.

Self-Service: Skill Sources Workers can edit skill sources on their profile.

In addition to the skill source domains, users must have access to these domains to view sources on the View Skill Sources
report and Edit Skill Sources task:

Domains Considerations

In the Talent Core functional area: Enables users to view or select public anytime feedback as
a skill source.
Self-Service: Anytime Feedback
Worker Data: Anytime Feedback

In the Talent Core functional area: Enables users to view or select certifications as a skill
Person Data: Certifications
Self-Service: Certifications

Gigs in the Talent Marketplace functional area Enables users to view or select completed gigs as a skill

In the Talent Core functional area: Enables users to view or select jobs from a worker's job
history as a skill source.
Person Data: Job History
Self-Service: Job History

In the Learning Core functional area: Enables users to view or select completed learning courses
as a skill source.
Person Data: Learning
Self-Service: Learning

Worker Data: Job Details in the Staffing functional area Enables users to view or select positions from a worker's
staffing history as a skill source.

Worker Data: Project in the Projects functional area Enables users to view or select completed projects as a skill

Business Processes
No impact.

Access the Innovation Service Data Details report to view which report fields you contribute for each Innovation Service data

You can filter by Skills Cloud skills in these reports:

Find Candidates
Find Mentor
Find Workers
Find Workers by Skills

These web services support Skills Cloud skills: 27/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Create Evergreen Requisition

Create Job Requisition
Create Position
Edit Evergreen Requisition
Edit Job Requisition
Edit Position Restrictions
Get Candidates
Get Manage Skills
Get Skill Profiles
Manage Skills
Put Candidate
Put Job Profile
Put Skill Profile
Submit Recruiting Agency Candidate

Connections and Touchpoints

Skills Cloud interacts with these other features in Workday:

Features Considerations

Qualifications You can select Skills Cloud skills as qualifications on:

Confidential job requisitions.

Evergreen requisitions.
Job profiles.
Job requisitions.
Position restrictions.

You can also select Skills Cloud skills when creating skill

Projects You can select Skills Cloud skills as requirements on:

Dynamic resource pools.

Project roles.
Resource plans.

Talent Marketplace The Opportunity Marketplace and Gigs applications require

you to enable Skills Cloud. Workday uses Skills Cloud to
recommend gig and job opportunities to workers.

Workday also provides skill suggestions to users accessing

Opportunity Marketplace for the first time.

Completed gigs are available as a skill source when a gig

host endorses a worker for a skill.

Workday Recruiting You can select Skills Cloud skills for:

Confidential prospects.
Job applications.
Recruiting agency candidates.

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information 28/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

2020R1 What’s New Post: Skills Cloud Translations
2020R1 What's New Post: Skill Suggestions and Verification
Workday Community: Innovation Services Descriptions and Exhibits
The Next Level: Preparing for Skills Cloud Deployment and Talent Optimization Live Webinars
The Next Level: Skills Cloud Enablement Mini-Series
The Next Level: Skills Cloud – What It Is and How to Implement It
The Next Level: Skills Touchpoints between Talent, Recruiting, and Learning
The Next Level: Skills vs Competencies, and Why Skills Cloud | Steps: Set Up Skills Cloud


Note: You must subscribe to Innovation Services to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success Manager to request the
Innovation Services order form, or see Workday Innovation Services in the Workday Community for more information.

Review setup considerations for Skills Cloud.


You can set up your tenant to access Skills Cloud, a library of customer-contributed worker skills that Workday shares across all
Skills Cloud-enabled customer tenants.

You can use Skills Cloud to:

Increase the number of selectable skills in your tenant.

Reduce the need to manage maintained skills.
Replace duplicate skills in your tenant with standardized Skills Cloud skills.

When a worker or recruiter adds or edits a skill in a Skills Cloud-enabled tenant, Workday:

Returns relevant skills from Skills Cloud, in addition to skills in your tenant.
Uses data from selections to improve future searches.

Note: Once you've enabled Skills Cloud, your tenant will continue to return Skills Cloud results even if you opt out of Innovation


1. Access the Innovation Services Opt-In task.

On the Available Services tab in the HCM category, select either of these services:
HCM Machine Learning GA Features
Workday Graph
If you opt in to the Workday Graph service, you must also opt in to at least 1 data category to enable Skills Cloud.
Security: Manage: Innovation Services domain in the Innovation Services functional area.
2. Access the Maintain Innovation Services Data Selection Opt-In task.
For the HCM: Workday Graph service, select the opt-in check boxes for the categories for which you want to contribute
Security: Manage: Innovation Services domain in the Innovation Services functional area.
3. Enable Skills Cloud.
Turn on Skills Cloud and configure additional features.
4. Edit Domain Security Policies.
If you enabled suggested skills for workers, configure these domains in the Talent Core functional area:

Domain Purpose

Suggested Skills Enables you to report on the skill suggestions of


Person Data: Skill Sources Enables users to view or edit the skill sources of other

Self-Service: Skill Sources Enables workers to verify skills by adding skill sources. 29/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

5. Configure the domains that secure skill source data.

See Reference: Skill Sources.
6. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.


If a user has access to skill sources, Workday directs them to the Edit Skill Sources task or View Skill Sources report when they
click a worker skill. Worker skills also display the number of sources they have.

Next Steps

Access the Innovation Services Summary report (secured to the Manage: Innovation Services and View: Innovation Services
domains) to view service opt-in status and last-modified information, and to access the service descriptions on Workday

Related Information

Workday 32 What's New Post: Candidate Searchable Skills
Workday Community: Innovation Services Descriptions and Exhibits
The Next Level: Skills Cloud – What It Is and How to Implement It
Reference: HCM Machine Learning GA Features Innovation Service | Enable Skills Cloud


Opt in to either the:

HCM Machine Learning GA Features service.
Workday Graph service and at least 1 data category for the service.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience in the Talent Core functional area.


When you enable the Skills Cloud, you can also turn on its additional features, such as duplicate skills conversion and suggested


1. Access the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task.

2. Select the Enable Workday Skills Cloud check box.
You can't disable the Skills Cloud once you enable it.
3. (Optional) As you complete the Skills section, consider:

Option Description

Indicate Primary Skill Search Results Select the type of skill you want prioritized when a user
searches for a skill.

If you don't make a selection, Workday automatically

prioritizes Skills Cloud skills.

Convert Duplicate Skills to Skills Cloud Skills Select this check box if you want Workday to convert
duplicate skills into Skills Cloud skills.
Workday runs a background job that:
Flags any crowdsourced or maintained skill as a
duplicate if it's an exact textual match with a
cloud skill.
Replaces duplicate skills every Tuesday and
removes them from the Maintain Skills report. 30/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Populate Suggested Skills for Workers Select this check box to enable:
Skill suggestions for workers.
Workers to add sources of evidence to their


Users can now select Skills Cloud skills on:

External career sites.

Job applications.
Job profiles.
Job requisitions.
Recruiting agency candidates.
Skill profiles.
Worker profiles.

If you selected the Populate Suggested Skills for Workers check box, workers can select Workday-generated skills in the
Suggested Skills section on the Edit Skills task.

Next Steps

Configure the security policies for skill suggestions and skill sources domains. | Concept: Skills Cloud

The Skills Cloud is a remote collection of over 55,000 skills for users to add. The number of skills might change as our algorithm
learns more about the relationship between skills and new skills over time. The Skills Cloud helps you maintain skills in your
tenant while also increasing the quality of skills data on talent profiles.

Once you opt in to the Skills Cloud, you can enable:

Workday to convert duplicate skills to Skills Cloud skills.

Workers to add suggested skills and skill sources on their profile.

Duplicate Skills Conversion

The duplicate skills conversion reduces the number of crowdsourced and maintained skills in your tenant. Select the Convert
Duplicate Skills to Skills Cloud Skills check box on the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task to enable the duplicate skills
background job.

The background job runs every Tuesday and identifies skills as duplicates if they're an exact textual match to a Skills Cloud skill.
Workday replaces duplicate skills with the Skills Cloud skill of the same name and removes them from the Maintain Skills and
Find Skill reports. If there's a merged skill on a duplicate skill, Workday removes the merged skill from the Maintain Skills report.

Although Workday doesn't convert tenanted translations of duplicate skills in unsupported languages, we continue to display the
translated skills to users.

Skills Verification
Workday can suggest skills to workers based on data from their worker profile, and you can enable workers to add sources of
evidence on a skill.

Skill Suggestions

Skill suggestions make it easier for workers to find relevant skills based on their experience. 31/249
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Select the Populate Suggested Skills for Workers check box on the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task to enable the
suggested skills background job. Workday runs the background job hourly every day and suggests Skills Cloud skills based on a

Completed learning courses
Completed projects
Job history
Position history
Public anytime feedback

Workday displays up to 10 skills in the Suggested Skills section on the Edit Skills task. The skill suggestions refresh and improve
each time a worker selects a skill.
Skill Sources
Workers can verify their skills by adding sources of evidence, such as their:

Completed gigs with a skill endorsement
Completed learning courses
Completed projects
Job history
Position history
Public anytime feedback

Once you enable skill suggestions, you can set up security for skill sources. In addition to the skill sources domains, users must
have access to the corresponding domains of each skill source. Users can click a skill to access either the Edit Skill Sources task
or View Skill Sources report, depending on their security access.

Workday automatically selects a skill source for a skill if a worker adds a suggested skill that Workday based on a skill source.

Related Information

The Next Level: Skills Cloud – What It Is and How to Implement It
The Next Level: Skills vs Competencies, and Why Skills Cloud
The Next Level: Skills Touchpoints between Talent, Recruiting, and Learning
Reference: Skill Sources | Concept: Skills Cloud Translations

Workday supports Skills Cloud in these languages to support your global workforce:

Chinese (Simplified)
French (Canada)
French (France)
Spanish (Neutral)

You can enable these languages in the Edit Tenant Setup - Global task. When a user sets their preferred language to one of
these languages, they can search for and select Skill Cloud skills in that language.

Workday automatically translates Skills Cloud skills to improve the visibility of skills across your tenant. If translations are
available for a Skills Cloud skill, Workday displays that skill in a user's preferred language. Example: Dennis, whose preferred
language is German, uses the Edit Skills task to search for skills in German and adds them to his profile. Betty, whose preferred
language is French (France), visits Dennis' profile and sees his skills in French.

Workday displays Skills Cloud skills in English when:

A translation isn't available for another language.

A user's preferred language isn’t supported for Skills Cloud.

Workday supports Skills Cloud translations in: 32/249
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Talent Marketplace

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills Cloud
2020R1 What's New Post: Skills Cloud Translations | Reference: Skill Sources

Skill sources in the Edit Skill Sources task and View Skill Sources report are only visible to users with access to the
corresponding domains. This table provides:

The domains for each type of skill source.

Information on how Workday suggests skills to workers.

Skill Source Domains Notes

Anytime Feedback In the Talent Core functional area: Workday suggests skills based on
public anytime feedback text.
Self-Service: Anytime
Worker Data: Anytime

Certifications In the Talent Core functional area: Workday suggests skills based on
certification information, such as the
Person Data: Certifications
name, issuer, and specialties.
Self-Service: Certifications

Gigs Gigs in the Talent Marketplace

Workday doesn't suggest skills
functional area
based on gig experience.

Gigs are only available as a

skill source when a gig host
endorses the worker for a skill.

Job History In the Talent Core functional area: Workday suggests skills based on the
job title of the job history entry.
Person Data: Job History
Self-Service: Job History

Learning Courses In the Learning Core functional area: Workday suggests skills based on the
tagged skills or recommended skills of
Person Data: Learning
a completed learning course.
Self-Service: Learning

Position History Worker Data: Job Details in the

You must opt in using the
Staffing functional area
Maintain Feature Opt-Ins
report to enable positions as a
skill source.
Workday suggests skills based
on a position's title or
description. 33/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Skill Source Domains Notes

Projects Worker Data: Project in the Projects Workday suggests skills based on
functional area completed project information, such
as the:

Project name and description.

Worker's project role name,
description, and skill

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills Cloud
Edit Domain Security Policies

1.3.4 | Competencies | Steps: Set Up Competencies


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.


Create a library of skill competencies and associate them with a:

Job family.
Management level.
Job profile.

You can:

Group related competencies into categories and related categories into classes.
Set up multiple proficiency rating scales to measure competencies.
Define behaviors associated with a competency by:
Management level.
Compensation grade.


1. Access the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task.

To associate competency behaviors to either management level or compensation grade, select Compensation Grade or
Management Level from the Proficiency Rating prompt.
2. (Optional) Access the Maintain Competency Classes task.
Create classes for grouping related competency categories.
3. (Optional) Access the Maintain Competency Categories task.
Create categories for grouping related competencies.
4. Access the Maintain Competency Precedence task.
(Optional) Set up competency precedences.
5. (Optional) Create Proficiency Rating Scales.
Define the values that measure an employee's performance or proficiency rating in a specific competency.
6. Create or Edit Competencies.
7. Assign expected competencies and proficiency ratings to job families or management levels.
See Concept: Job Family or Management Level Competencies.
8. (Optional) Edit Business Process Security Policies.
Enable managers and workers to hide and restore competencies on worker profiles. Specify the security groups for the
Archive and Restore Competencies initiating action on the Manage Competencies business process in the Talent Core
functional area.
9. Configure the Competencies report on any of these profile groups: 34/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Career for Worker Profile.

Overview for Worker Profile.
Performance for Worker Profile.
See Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience
Workday 32 What's New Post: Learning Integration with Competencies
The Next Level: Engaging Talent | Create Proficiency Rating Scales


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.


Measure the proficiency of employees in specific competencies by creating rating scales with values and behaviors.


1. Access the Create Proficiency Rating Scale task.

2. For each proficiency rating scale, specify:

Option Description

Rating You can use alphabetic or numeric values.

Exclude From Calculations To exclude items with this rating from calculations for
section ratings or overall ratings, select this check box.

Rating Value Enter a numeric value up to 2 decimal points. Workday

uses this value to calculate employee performance

Begin Range/End Range Enter a numeric value up to 2 decimal points.

Determines which rating value to use when calculating a
section summary or overall rating.

Example: If the rating is 3.25 and you don't have a 3.25

rating value, Workday finds the range for the value and
converts it. Beginning and ending ranges can't overlap
or have gaps.


Rating Rating Value Begin Range End Range Behavior

Limited 1 0 1.49 Limited or no use of

competency required
for the job. Might
have had limited
opportunity to apply
the competency. 35/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Rating Rating Value Begin Range End Range Behavior

Basic 2 1.5 2.49 Basic understanding

and sufficient
knowledge to do
routine tasks.
Understands and
can discuss
terminology and
concepts related to
the competency.

Proficient 3 2.5 3.49 Requires minimal

guidance or
supervision. Works
Capable of assisting
others in the
application of the

Advanced 4 3.5 4.49 Highly developed

understanding, and
application of the
competency. Has a

Expert 5 4.5 5 Recognized by

others as an expert
in the competency.
Has a strategic

Next Steps

To view details about the proficiency rating scale, access the View Proficiency Rating Scale report.
To change or inactivate an existing proficiency rating scale, access the Edit Proficiency Rating Scale task.
Note: You can't change a proficiency rating scale after associating it with a competency.
To define competencies, access the Configure Competency task.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience
Create Rating Scales | Create or Edit Competencies


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.
Enable competency description and behaviors for either management level or compensation grade using the Maintain
Skills and Experience Setup task.


You can create a library of skill competencies to associate with a: 36/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Job family.
Management level.
Job profile.

You can change or inactivate existing competencies and assign a proficiency rating scale to measure each competency.


1. Access the Configure Competency task.

2. Select an Effective Date.
The effective date applies to these attributes:
Proficiency scale.
Proficiency ratings.

If you make multiple changes to these attributes and start an employee review with the changed competency, Workday
applies only the first change. Changes you make to other attributes of a competency immediately impact the competency
throughout Workday. If you change the proficiency rating scale on a competency, talent cards display competency ratings
only after you evaluate the competency using the new scale.

3. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Category Workday displays the classes the competency belongs

to based on the categories you select.

Inactive Select when the competency isn't ready for use or to

discontinue use. Workday hides inactive competencies
on worker profiles.

Description Applies to All Levels

Select to apply behaviors to all levels in your

Leave blank to define behaviors by either the

Management level.
Compensation grade.

Proficiency Rating Scale To measure this competency, select or create the

proficiency rating scale.

Behaviors Apply to All Levels

Select to apply behaviors to all levels in your

Leave blank to define behaviors by either the

Management level.
Compensation grade.

Proficiency rating scale grid For each rating, view or change the behaviors that best
reflect the level for this competency.

4. (Optional) Click the Configure for Management Level or Configure for Compensation Grade button to create different
descriptions for the levels within the competency.
Workday displays the applicable button from your setting on the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task.

Next Steps

To use a competency in a talent matrix report, access the Set Up nBox Report task to map rating values to each box in the talent
matrix grid. 37/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can't delete competencies, but you can rescind or correct employee competencies with the Manage Competencies business

Related Information

Concept: Talent Matrix Reports
Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience
Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews | Concept: Job Family or Management Level Competencies

You can set expected competencies and competency ratings for all employees in a job family or management level as a single
action. Before you can work with Job Family or Management Level competencies:

Create proficiency rating scales.

Create competencies.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.

Use 1 of these tasks and select a Job Family or Management Level:

Maintain Competencies for Job Family

Maintain Competencies for Management Level

Select 1 or more competencies for this job family or management level. Managers and workers see these competencies in the
Competencies from Other Sources section on the Competencies tab of their job profiles.

Each worker inherits specific competencies and competency ratings from all job levels. If the same competency is assigned to a
worker at more than 1 job level, the competency rating set at the lower job level takes precedence:

Job Family - Applies to any lower level unless overridden.

Management Level - Overrides any competency rating for the same competency set at the job family level.
Job Profile - Overrides any competency rating for the same competency set at the job family or management level.
Position - Overrides any competency rating for the same competency set at the job family, management level, or job


Specify that all employees with a management level of Director must have a rating of 3 (Proficient) on the Negotiating Skills
competency. Then, edit the Director of Sales job profile to have a rating of 4 (Advanced) on the same competency. The job profile
setting overrides the setting at the management level.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews
Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience

1.3.5 | Certifications | Steps: Set Up Certifications


You can create certifications that workers and academic affiliates can add on their worker or academic affiliate profiles. You can
also access these certifications when you create or edit: 38/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Job profiles.
Job requisitions.
Position restrictions.

The combination of issuer name and certification must be unique.


1. Access the Maintain Certification Issuers task.

Create a list of organizations that issue certifications.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
2. (Optional) Access the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task.
Select the Enable Specialties for Certifications check box.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
3. (Optional) Create or Edit Specialties and Subspecialties.
4. (Optional) Hide or Require Optional Fields.
Configure specialty date fields on the Manage Certifications business process.
5. Access the Create Certification task.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
6. Set up security segments for the Certification document category and assign segment-based security groups to these
Worker Data: Add Worker Documents
Worker Data: Edit and Delete Worker Documents
See Steps: Control Access to Documents.
7. Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.
Configure the Certifications report on any of these profile groups:
Academic for Academic Affiliate Profile
Career for Worker Profile
Overview for Academic Affiliate Profile
Overview for Worker Profile


Users with security permission on the Manage Certifications business process can view certification attachments.

Next Steps

Access the Find Certifications report to merge crowdsourced certifications with recognized certifications.
Access the Maintain Certifications report to:
Delete unused certifications.
View recognized certifications.
To see worker certifications, access one of these reports:
Worker Certifications.
Worker Certifications with Specialties.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience
Workday 32 What's New Post: Recognized Certifications | Create or Edit Specialties and Subspecialties


Enable specialties for certifications on the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task.


Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.
Set Up: Appointment Specialties domain in the Academic Faculty functional area. 39/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


Use specialties and subspecialties to give context to the certification achievements of workers and academic affiliates. You can:

Track them on the worker or affiliate profile.

Include them in job requisitions, position restrictions, and job profiles.


1. Access 1 of these tasks:

Create Specialty.
Edit Specialty.
Create Subspecialty.
Edit Subspecialty.
2. Enter a Name and a Code.
The combination of name and code must be unique.
3. (Optional) To associate this specialty with only predefined certifications, select Restrict Specialty Usage.
Use the Create Certification task to create predefined certifications.


Associate 1 or more specialties to a certification on the Create Certification or Edit Certification task.
Workers and academic affiliates can select the associated specialties and subspecialties on the Add Certification task
when they add a certification achievement to their profile.
Search for workers with a specific specialty or subspecialty on the Find Workers report.

Next Steps

To see worker certifications with specialties and subspecialties, access the Worker Certifications with Specialties report.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience | Create Qualification Equivalence Rules


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.


Create qualification equivalence rules to define complex certification requirements for job profiles that can be satisfied by multiple
certifications. These rules help you track worker compliance with the certification requirements on their job profiles.


1. Access the Create Qualification Equivalence Rule task.

As you complete this task, consider:

Option Description

Description This description will be the name of the rule.

Category Select a category to make this rule easier to find.

You can create Qualification Equivalence Rule

categories using the Maintain Condition Rule
Categories task.

Copy Condition from Rule Select an existing rule to copy its existing condition.

2. In the Rule Conditions grid, build a qualification rule that identifies equivalent or additional certification requirements. 40/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


You want to create a rule for an Imaging Technologist job profile that requires the ODHC - Ohio Department of Health Certification
and any 1 of these certifications:

ARRT(CI) - Cardiac Intervent Radio Certification

ARRT(CT) - Computed Tomography Certification
ARRT(MR) - Magnetic Resonance Imagery Certification
ARRT(N) - Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification

1. In the Description field, enter a name such as Imaging Technologist Certification Rule.
2. In the Rule Conditions grid, enter these 2 rows:

And/Or ( Source External Field or Condition Rule Relational Operator Comparison Type Comparison Value )

And Unexpired Certification Achievements exact match with the Value specified in ODHC - Ohio
selection list this filter Department of
Health Certification

And Unexpired Certification Achievements any in the selection Value specified in ARRT(CI) - Cardiac
list this filter Intervent Radio



ARRT(N) - Nuclear

Next Steps

Assign the qualification equivalence rule to an active job profile.

Access the Maintain Qualification Equivalence Rules task to view or update your qualification equivalence rules.

Related Information

Workday 33 What's New Post: Qualification Equivalence Rules | Assign Qualification Equivalence Rules


Create a qualification equivalence rule.

Set Up: Job in the Jobs & Positions functional area.
Set Up: Skills and Experience in the Talent Core functional area.


Assign qualification equivalence rules to job profiles so that HR administrators and managers can easily keep track of worker
compliance with certification requirements.

You can assign a rule to multiple job profiles, but job profiles can only have 1 rule at a time. 41/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


Access the Assign Qualification Equivalence Rule task.

As you complete this task, consider:

Option Description

Qualification Equivalence Rule Select an active qualification equivalence rule to assign to a

job profile.

Already Assigned to: Workday displays this field if there are any job profiles
associated with the rule you select.

Job Profile Select 1 or more job profiles for the rule.

You can't select job profiles with a future effective date.


Workday assigns the rule to the job profiles in addition to any previous job profiles.
If a job profile that you select already has a rule, Workday replaces the existing rule with the new one.

Next Steps

Use the Maintain Qualification Equivalence Rules to manage and view any rule assignments
Use the Job Profile Qualification Equivalence Rule Compliance report to assess worker compliance with the rule on their
job profile.

1.3.6 | Job History | Steps: Set Up Job History


Set up the Manage Job History business process so that workers, academic affiliates, and students can add their previous or
current jobs on their talent profiles. If you want Workday to initiate job history changes during staffing events, you can configure
the Manage Job History (Sub Process) action step on these staffing business processes:

Add Additional Job

Change Job
Title Change


1. Edit Business Process Security Policies.

Set up security for the Manage Job History business process policy.
(Optional) Assign security groups to the Manage Job History (Sub Process) action step.
2. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
3. Edit Business Processes.
Set up the Manage Job History business process.
(Optional) Add the Manage Job History (Sub Process) action step after the completion step of any of these business
Add Additional Job
Change Job
Title Change
4. Create a library of companies for users to add on their job history.
See Steps: Set Up Job History Companies.
5. (Optional) Access the Edit Tenant Setup - HCM task.
On the Default Job History Company prompt in the Talent section, select a company that Workday populates during the
Manage Job History (Sub Process) step.
Security: Set Up: Tenant Setup - HCM domain in the System functional area. 42/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

6. Configure the Job History report on any of these profile groups:

Career for Worker Profile
Overview for Academic Affiliate Profile
Overview for Worker Profile
Performance for Worker Profile
Portfolio for Student
See Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.


If you configure Manage Job History (Sub Process) as a step of a staffing business process, Workday updates a worker's job
history to include the new job. During the subprocess, Workday populates these fields based on a worker's new job details and a
default job history company if you selected one:

Job Title
Start Date

Related Information

Reference: Edit Tenant Setup - HCM
2020R1 What's New Post: Manage Job History | Steps: Set Up Job History Companies


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.


Create a list of companies that workers can select from when they add their job history to their worker profile. You can associate a
company with 1 or more industries to track job history industries for workers.

Workers can also add new companies when they add their job history on the worker profile. Workday automatically adds these
companies and the companies imported from the Upload My Experience task to this list.


1. (Optional) Access the Maintain Job History Industries report.

Create and maintain a list of job industries to associate with job companies.
2. Access the Maintain Job History Companies report.
3. Click Add.
As you create companies, consider:

Option Description

Industry Select 1 or more industries to associate to this


Watching Select to watch this company for recruiting or other

purposes. You can then report on watched companies.

Duplicate of Select to:

Merge company with a duplicate.
Link all usages to the existing company.
Inactivate a company.

Next Steps

To view the list of industries in your tenant, access the View Job History Industries report. 43/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Related Information

Concept: Crowdsourced Skills and Experience Management
Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience

1.3.7 | Steps: Set Up Education


Configure the Manage Education business process and security policy in the Talent Core functional area.


You can create schools, degrees, and fields of study that workers or academic affiliates can use to complete or modify the
education records on their profiles.


1. Access the Maintain School Types task.

Define the types of educational institutions to group schools.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
2. Access the Create School task.
Create recognized schools to add on the Maintain Schools table.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
3. Access the Maintain Degrees task.
Define the degrees students can earn from educational institutions.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
4. Access the Maintain Fields of Study task.
You can define the:
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code.
Terminal degree by country.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
5. Set up security segments for the Education document category and assign segment-based security groups to these
Worker Data: Add Worker Documents
Worker Data: Edit and Delete Worker Documents
See Steps: Control Access to Documents.
6. Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.
Configure the Education report on any of these profile groups:
Academic for Academic Affiliate Profile
Career for Worker Profile
Overview for Worker Profile
Overview for Academic Affiliate Profile
Performance for Worker Profile
7. (Optional) Access the Edit Tenant Setup - Global task.
In the Use Date with Day Precision for Education section, select the countries that track academic attendance by calendar
date rather than by year. Workday doesn't convert yearly values to date values. When you select a country with existing
worker and academic affiliate records, Workday leaves the date of attendance fields blank.
Security: Set Up: Tenant Setup - Global domain in the System functional area.


A worker or academic affiliate can use the Add Education task to add the schools, degrees, and fields of study you created to
their academic record.

Users with security permission on the Manage Education business process can view education attachments.

Next Steps 44/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Access the Find Schools report to merge unrecognized schools with recognized schools.
Access the Maintain Schools report to:
Delete unused schools.
View recognized schools.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience
Steps: Set Up Professional Profiles
Reference: Edit Tenant Setup - Global

1.3.8 | Steps: Set Up Languages


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.


You can add language abilities to:

Job profiles.
Worker profiles.
Talent Reviews.

To measure the language abilities, create a library of:

Ability types.
Proficiency levels.


1. Access the Maintain Languages task.

Define languages.
2. Access the Maintain Language Ability Types task.
Define language ability types.
If you include languages in talent reviews, select 1 language ability type for the talent review template. Employees specify
their proficiency level for the selected ability type.
3. Access the Maintain Language Proficiency Levels task.
Create language proficiency levels.

Next Steps

To add language skills for workers:

From the worker's related actions menu, select Talent > View Skills and Experience > Languages.
From the worker's profile, select Languages in the Overview, Career, or Performance profile group.
From the worker's Talent Review, complete the Languages section if it is part of the review template.
To delete a language, ability type, or proficiency level:
Select the Inactive check box. Inactive languages remain valid for employees who selected them.
Remove the row from the setup table. You can only delete language options if they are not in use.

1.3.9 | Steps: Set Up Professional Affiliations


Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.


With professional affiliations, you can track external work experience details, such as board membership, volunteer work, and
visiting professorship, for workers, academic affiliates, and external committee members. 45/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

To track professional affiliations, create a library of:

Professional affiliation types.

Professional affiliation relationship types.
Professional affiliations.


1. Access the Maintain Professional Affiliation Types task.

a. Create a list of professional affiliation types, such as Foundation and Military.
b. (Optional) Select the Enable Workday Delivered Professional Affiliation Types (School/Company) check box to
display Workday delivered professional affiliation types in your tenant.
2. Access the Maintain Professional Affiliation Relationship Types task.
Create a list of professional affiliation relationship types, such as Board Member and Volunteer.
3. Access the Maintain Professional Affiliations task.
Create a list of professional affiliations, such as Salvation Army and YMCA.
4. Configure the Professional Affiliations report on any of these profile groups:
Academic for Academic Affiliate Profile
Career for Worker Profile
Overview for Academic Affiliate Profile
Overview for External Committee Member Profile
Overview for Worker Profile
Performance for Worker Profile
See Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.


You can select from predefined values when you add your professional affiliations on the worker, academic affiliate, or external
committee member profile using the Add Professional Affiliation or Edit Professional Affiliation task.

Next Steps

To view professional affiliation information, access these reports:

View Professional Affiliation Types.
View Professional Affiliation Relationship Types.
View Professional Affiliations.
Professional Affiliations for Organizations.
To inactivate a professional affiliation, type, or relationship type, select the Inactive check box. The professional affiliation,
type, or relationship type remains active for workers, academic affiliates, or external committee members who have
already selected them.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience

1.3.10 | Talent Statements | Steps: Set Up Talent Statements


Read Concept: Talent Statements.

Security: Security Configuration domain in the System functional area.


Set up talent statements so workers and academic affiliates can add personal, research, or talent-specific statements on their
Workday profiles.


1. Edit Domain Security Policies.

Configure the security policies for these domains in the Talent Core functional area: 46/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Self-Service: Talent Statements.

Person Data: Talent Statements.
(Optional) Talent Review: Talent Statements domain in the Succession functional area.
2. Access the Maintain Talent Statement Types task.
Define talent statement types for your tenant.
Select only the types that workers write about themselves to display on the card on the worker profile.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.
3. Set Up Segmented Security by Talent Statement Type.
4. Edit Business Processes.
Configure the Manage Talent Statements business process and security policy in the Talent Core functional area.
If you include an approval step, make sure that the approver has view-only access to the talent statement type on the
Access Talent Statement Type (Segmented) security domain. Example: a manager or dean.
5. Configure the Talent Statements report on the applicable profile group:
Career for Worker Profile
Overview for Academic Affiliate Profile
See Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.
6. (Optional) Add the My Team's Talent Statements report to the:
Home landing page.
My Dashboard dashboard.
See Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
7. (Optional) Embed Related Worklets in Business Processes.
Add the My Team's Talent Statements report as an embedded worklet on the Assess Potential business process.


The Statements card on the worker profile Summary enables workers to add, edit, or remove their personal talent
The Talent Statements section of the talent review enables workers to add their personal talent statements as part of their
talent reviews.
The Talent Statements report on the worker profile enables you to view talent statements others wrote about you.
The Talent Statements report on the academic affiliate profile enables you to manage talent statements you write for
yourself or view talent statements others wrote about you.
Managers can use the My Team's Talent Statements report to view talent statements for their direct reports. | Set Up Segmented Security by Talent Statement Type


Define talent statement types with the Maintain Talent Statement Types task.
Security: Security Configuration domain in the System functional area.


You can secure potentially sensitive statement content with segmented security. Configure it to restrict access of certain talent
statement types to members of designated security groups.

Example: You can configure security so only career coaches can see career coach statement types.

Note: Even if you don't secure talent statements by type, you must create a segment with all statement types.


1. Create a segment-based security group for a talent statement type.

a. Access the Create Security Group task.
b. For Type of Tenanted Security Group, select Segment-Based Security Group.
c. Enter a Name that reflects the statement type you're segmenting.
d. Select 1 or more groups from the Security Groups prompt.
These groups will have access to the talent statement types you select in the next step.
e. Select 1 or more talent statement types from the Access to Segments prompt.
2. Add the segmented security groups to the Access Talent Statement Type (Segmented) domain in the Talent Core
functional area.
a. Access the Access Talent Statement Type (Segmented) domain.
b. From the related actions menu of the domain, select Domain > View Security Policy. 47/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

c. From the related actions menu, select Domain Security Policy > Enable.
d. From the related actions menu, select Domain Security Policy > Edit Permissions.
e. Add the segmented security groups in the Report/Task Permissions section.
f. Select View or Modify.
3. Access the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes task to confirm changes.


On the Add Talent Statement task, you can only see the talent statement types for which you have Modify permission.


Statement Type Description Display on Worker Profile Card Security Groups for Segment Security

Workers write Yes Employee as All Employees (View

statements about Self (View and Only)
(Talent Statement their career Modify)
for Self) interests.

Managers write No Manager (View All Managers'

statements for and Modify) Managers (View
their direct Only)
(Talent Statement reports about
for Others) development

Related Information

Create Segment-Based Security Groups | Concept: Talent Statements

Talent statements are brief professional descriptions about a person on their Workday profile. You can write talent statements
about yourself or others. You can edit or remove the statements you write or statements that users in your security segment write
if that is the group secured to the type of talent statement. Example: As an HR partner, you can edit or delete talent statements
other HR partners write for any worker that you have security to view.

Workers and academic affiliates can use talent statements. You can use talent statements to support performance reviews,
development discussions, and career planning.


Workers and academic affiliates can add statements about their career interests or research interests.
Managers and deans can add statements about the performance or talent of their workers or affiliates.
Career coaches can add statements about professional development areas of workers they coach.

Talent Statement Types

You can set up the types of talent statements for your tenant based on your business requirements. Create distinct types for
statements about self and those statements written for others.


Personal (Self).
Research (Self).
Career Coaching (Others).
Performance (Others).

Talent Statements for Workers

You can add, edit, and view talent statements written about a worker in the Statements card on the worker profile summary. 48/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can view talent statements others write about you on the Talent Statements report on the Career profile group of the worker

Talent Statements for Academic Affiliates

You can add, edit, and view talent statements you write about yourself and others on the Talent Statements report on the
Overview profile group of the affiliate profile.

Talent Statement Security

In addition to domain security policy, you must set up segmented security by talent statement type to control access to talent

Related Information

Set Up Segmented Security by Talent Statement Type

1.4 | Career Interests

1.4.1 | Steps: Set Up Interests


Configure the Manage Interests business process in the Career and Development Planning functional area.
Security: Self Service: Interests and Worker Data: Interests domains in the Career and Development Planning functional


Enables employees to add career interests to their profiles, including:

Job interests.
Skill interests.
Travel preferences.
Relocation preferences.

When employee interests are part of talent reviews or employee reviews, business leaders can use the information for
organizational development and succession planning.

You can't update interests on the worker profile when an employee review or talent review is in progress. When the review is
complete, Workday displays the updated information on the worker profile.

You can add the Interests tab to the worker profile, see Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.


1. Set Up Career Interests.

2. Create a Public Job Catalog.
3. Set Up Travel Preferences.
4. Set Up Relocation Preferences.
5. Configure the Career profile group on worker profiles and the Talent profile group on talent pools.


You can view career interest information both when you compare workers and in the:

Career profile group on worker profiles.

Development worklet on the Home landing page.
Talent profile group on talent pools.
Talent area on worker preview cards.

You can also view them on:

Completed employee reviews.

Talent cards.
The View Succession Plan for Position report. 49/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Next Steps

(Optional) To enable workers to edit their career interests, configure the Interests report on the Career profile group of the worker

Related Information

Create or Edit Custom Labels
Steps: Manage Talent Reviews
Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews
FAQ: Opportunity Graph
Workday 31 What's New Post: Interests
The Next Level: Cultivating Career Mobility

1.4.2 | Steps: Set Up Opportunity Graph


Opportunity Graph is a graphical report for Employee as Self users to view historical job transitions from their current primary job


1. Create Job Profiles.

As you create and edit job profiles, consider:
Give job profiles a meaningful and appropriate name and description to display in Opportunity Graph.
Select the Public Job check box for as many job profiles as you can. Data in the Opportunity Graph only generates
from transitions to public job profiles.
Enter as many details on the job profile as you can, such as competencies, skills, and other qualifications.
2. Configure the Set Up: Opportunity Graph domain in the Career and Development Planning functional area.
3. Access the Opportunity Graph Job Profile Transitions report (secured to the Set Up: Opportunity Graph domain in the
Career and Development Planning functional area).
Use this report to preview all job profile transitions, public and not public, from a job profile before exposing the
Opportunity Graph to your employees. Administrators can use this report as they consider making some job profiles public
to expose more transitions to employees. The transitions exposed in the report update after the weekly background job.
4. Configure the Self Service: Opportunity Graph domain in the Career and Development Planning functional area.
Secure the employee as self-security group.
5. (Optional) Configure the Persons in Opportunity Graph Job Profile domain in the Career and Development Planning
functional area.
Provide access to see the All Employees in Role table, which returns all current workers, when viewing a specific job
6. (Optional) Configure the Worker Data: Opportunity Graph domain in the Career and Development Planning functional
This domain secures the Opportunity Graph for Others report, which enables self-service users to view job profile
movement for other workers.
7. (Optional) Configure the Learning Access domain in the Learning Core functional area.
The Learning Access domain secures the Popular for this Role section. This section displays learning content that
employees in the job profile transitions have completed or rated. The Popular for this Role section only displays when 5 or
more employees that your employees have access to view complete or rate learning content for a job profile on
Opportunity Graph.


Workday refreshes job profile transition data for Opportunity Graph every Tuesday night at 11 p.m. Pacific Time. The Opportunity
Graph job transition data is available after job completion following the initial configuration. If you set up Opportunity Graph after
Tuesday, then you won't see Opportunity Graph populated until the job is completed the following Tuesday. If you're testing
Opportunity Graph in Sandbox, Workday recommends that you perform the initial configuration after the most recent weekly
service update but before the job is executed on Tuesday night. 50/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1.4.3 | Create a Public Job Catalog


Security: Set Up: Job domain in Jobs and Positions functional area.


Set up a catalog of public jobs for employees to define their job interests. As a tool for individual development and career
planning, employees can also compare their qualifications to those required for specific jobs.


1. Access the Create Job Profile or Edit Job Profile task.

2. Select the Public Job check box.
3. Configure these domain security policies:

Domain Functional Area Notes

Public Job: View (parent) Jobs & Positions Provides access to the job profile name and summary.

(Optional) Public Job Jobs & Positions Secures the job qualifications for public jobs and is a
Qualifications: View child of the Public Job: View domain. Configure this
domain only if you want to restrict access to job
qualifications to different security groups.

Next Steps

To confirm the security changes, access the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes task.
View and select jobs from the public catalog:
Select Talent > Edit Job Interests from a worker's related actions menu.
On a worker profile, select Job Interests in the Career profile group and click Edit.
In talent reviews, complete the Jobs Interests section if it's part of the review template.
In employee reviews, complete the Career section if it's part of the review template.
Compare qualifications to job interests. On a worker or talent profile, click Compare Me to Jobs on the Job Interests tab in
the Career profile group.

Related Information

Create Job Profiles

1.4.4 | Set Up Career Interests


Set Up: Talent domain in Succession Planning functional area.

Worker Data: Career (parent) domain in Career and Development Planning functional area.
Worker Data: Career Interests domain in Career and Development Planning functional area.


You can use career interests as directional categories for career growth. Employees can select career interests to indicate their
interests in a specific category of growth, such as:

Develop in their current role.

Step into a new role.
Broaden their knowledge and experience.


1. Access the Maintain Career Preferences task.

2. Specify a Name, ID, and Description for each career preference you create.
The ID is for web services and integration purposes.
3. (Optional) To remove a preference from selection lists, select the Inactive check box. 51/249
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The preference remains valid for employees who have already selected it.


Name ID Description

Broaden BROADEN Ready for different responsibilities

with similar scope.

Expand Beyond Role EXPAND Ready to take on a larger

developmental role.

Develop At Level DEVELOP Likely to remain in current or similar

role, dive deeper.

Too New to Rate NEW Not enough information to rate.

Next Steps

Specify career preferences:

Select Talent > Edit Career Interests from a worker's related actions menu.
On a worker profile, click Edit on the Career Interests tab in the Career profile group.
In talent reviews, complete the Career Interests section if it's part of the review template.
In employee reviews, complete the Career section if it's part of the review template.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Interests

1.4.5 | Set Up Travel Preferences



Set Up: Talent domain in Succession Planning functional area.

Worker Data: Career (parent) domain in Career and Development Planning functional area.
Worker Data: Travel Preferences domain in Career and Development Planning functional area.


Define the amount of travel time that employees can select when they are willing to travel. These can be anything you determine,
such as:

Number of days or weeks.
Specific days of the week.


1. Access the Maintain Travel Amounts task.

2. Specify a Name, Amount, and ID for each travel amount you create.
The ID is for web services and integration purposes.
3. (Optional) To remove an option, select the Inactive check box.
The travel amount remains valid for employees who have already selected it.

Next Steps

Specify travel preferences:

Select Talent > Edit Travel Preferences from a worker's related actions menu.
On a worker profile, select Travel in the Career profile group and click Edit.
In talent reviews, complete the Travel section if it's part of the review template.
In employee reviews, complete the Career section if it's part of the review template. 52/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Interests

1.4.6 | Set Up Relocation Preferences



Set Up: Talent domain in Succession Planning functional area.

Worker Data: Career parent domain in Career and Development Planning functional area.
Worker Data: Relocation Preferences domain in Career and Development Planning functional area.


Define the areas that employees can select when they are willing to relocate. These can be anything you choose, such as:

Business sites.


1. Access the Maintain Relocation Areas task.

2. Specify a Name, ID, and Description for each relocation area.
The ID is for web services and integration purposes.
3. (Optional) To remove a relocation area, select the Inactive check box.
The relocation area remains valid for employees who have already selected it.

Next Steps

Specify relocation preferences:

Select Talent > Edit Relocation Preferences from a worker's related actions menu.
On a worker profile, select Relocation in the Career profile group and click Edit.
In talent reviews, complete the Relocation section if it's part of the review template.
In employee reviews, complete the Career section if it's part of the review template.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Interests

1.4.7 | Concept: Opportunity Graph

Opportunity Graph is a graphical report for Employee as Self users to view historical job transitions from their current primary job
profile. This report enables employees to explore potential career paths within your organization with learning content that's
completed or rated by employees in job profile transitions. Contingent workers can't view this report.

Opportunity Graph for Others is a graphical report (secured to the Worker Data: Opportunity Graph domain) that enables
employees to view historical job transitions for other workers to explore additional potential career paths. Managers can also use
the Opportunity Graph for Others report to view historical job transitions for their team members to use during employee reviews.

What's My Next Move is a multi-tier report that enables employees to explore the historical job transitions for their job profiles,
giving employees greater control over internal job movement and career planning. Employees can access the What's My Next
Move report to identify the possible job roles that others in the same job profile migrated to. Employees can access only public job
profiles and explore up to 12 job transitions per job profile. Each job profile card displays the next job transition from that job
profile, giving employees insights beyond their current job profile that they can use to plan their career trajectory.

Example: When a worker in the Quality Assurance job profile selects What's My Next Move, the report displays that 30% of the
workers in the Quality Assurance job profile moved to the Support Analyst job profile. If the worker selects the Support Analyst job
profile, the report displays that 70% of workers in the Support Analyst job profile moved to the Senior Support Analyst job profile. 53/249
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These reports provide benefits to employees when:

You create job profiles that include qualifications and job descriptions.
The reports include many job transitions for employees to explore.
The reports include many public job profiles, providing more transitions for employees to explore.

Note that both Opportunity Graph reports are based only on the job profile and aren't unique to a specific employee.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Opportunity Graph
The Next Level: Establishing a Talent Footprint

1.4.8 | Concept: Interests

Interests in Workday enable Employee as Self users to create and maintain information related to their career and job interests.
Using Interests, your employees can plan their career growth or job transitions within your organization.

Key Features
When you enable Interests in Workday, your employees can:

Quickly create, revise, and post their interests through the Talent and Performance dashboard or the Career Profile.
Plan their career trajectory by comparing their current role with other employees in your organization using the Compare
Jobs report.
Share career aspirations with managers to help plan the learning required to grow in their current roles or transition into
other roles.
Access the Opportunity Graph report to plan possible next moves for their career internally.

Business Benefits
Enable Interests in Workday to:

Gauge employees career aspirations based on insights from interests data.

Create strategies to enhance the on-job learning of your employees.
Provide managers access to the Interest reports of their employees from the Development dashboard.
Provide employees the avenue to explore career growth internally.

Interests Views
Workday provides these views to set up your employees' interests:

Consolidated Interests - offers Career (consists of Job Profiles, Skills Interests, Career Preferences, and Career
Interests), Travel, and Relocation sections under the new consolidated Interests report on the Career for Worker Profile
profile group.

Enable the Manage Interests business process (secured to the Self Service: Interests and Worker Data: Interests
domains) to set up the consolidated interests view in the worker profile.

Unconsolidated Interests - offers Career Interests, Job Interests (Job Profiles), Travel, and Relocation sections as
separate reports in the Career for Worker Profile profile group. Workday recommends replacing these reports with the
consolidated Interests report that simplifies the user experience for your employees.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Interests

1.4.9 | FAQ: Opportunity Graph 54/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Does Opportunity Graph use an algorithm or machine learning? How does it work?
Does Opportunity Graph track job change events, or job profile changes I make in Edit Position?
Does the Opportunity Graph include data from inactive job profiles?
Does Opportunity Graph offer predictions or career advice?
Is Opportunity Graph a formal career path tool?

Does Opportunity Graph use an algorithm or machine learning? How does it work?
No. Opportunity Graph doesn't use an algorithm or machine learning. Instead, it exposes historical job profile movement
transactions for every job profile in your Workday tenant. When you use Workday for job changes, the transitions display in
Opportunity Graph after the weekly service update. Over time, more data displays in Opportunity Graph as employees change job
profiles. There's no minimum time requirement for exposing transactional data.

Does Opportunity Graph track job change events, or job profile changes I make in Edit Position?
Yes, Opportunity Graph records job change edits as well as job profile edits to positions.

Does the Opportunity Graph include data from inactive job profiles?
Yes. Opportunity Graph uses data from public job profiles, including inactive ones. To remove inactive job profiles from
Opportunity Graph, access the Edit Job Profile task and clear the Public Job check box for each inactive profile.

Does Opportunity Graph offer predictions or career advice?

No, Opportunity Graph is only based on historical job profile transitions. It doesn't predict the likelihood of an employee moving
into a certain job profile, or recommend moves for specific employees based on a set of criteria.

Is Opportunity Graph a formal career path tool?

No, Opportunity Graph is a self-service exploration tool that employees can use to better understand the possible transitions from
their current job profile.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Interests

1.5 | Career Hub

1.5.1 | Setup Considerations: Career Hub

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of Career Hub. It explains:

Why set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is
Career Hub is a career development platform that enables employees to discover career development opportunities, plan career
steps, and explore relevant skills and jobs within your organization.

Business Benefits
Career Hub provides a personalized career experience, which:

Enables organizations to more efficiently upskill internal talent.

Improves talent mobility by providing personalized career development opportunities.
Increases employee engagement and retention by encouraging self-directed career and skill development within your

Use Cases
With Career Hub, your employees can: 55/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Define their current skills, career focus, skills development interests, and job interests.
Use the Suggestions for You section to build a career plan consisting of connections, mentors, and opportunities in the
areas they’re interested in developing.
Use the Plan section to initiate outreach to saved connections and mentors, and take specific actions that progress their
career development.
Use the Explore Skills section to discover skills that are:
Mentioned frequently in internal job posts.
Important for their current role and job interests.
Necessary to develop their skill interests.
Access gig, job, and learning suggestions within Career Hub, if you've configured Opportunity Marketplace.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

Which features and products should you configure to get Skills Cloud, Skills, and Interests (Skill Interests and Job
the most out of Career Hub? Interests) are prerequisites for Career Hub.

Workday also recommends configuring these products as a

part of your setup to access the full suite of career
development experiences available in Career Hub:

Anytime Feedback
Career Connections
Development Items
Opportunity Graph
Opportunity Marketplace
Workday Today

Career Hub provides timely career-related suggestions and

follow-ups through Workday Today cards. Contact your
Customer Success Manager for more information about
Workday Today.

What type of users are the best fit to use Career Hub? Career Hub is best suited for full-time employees with self-
service access, giving them the ability to manage their

Managers can’t access their employees’ Career Hub

information, but they have complete self-service access as
Career Hub users to further their own career development.

Career Hub doesn’t currently support contingent workers.

As you configure Career Hub, ensure that:

Your employees update their worker profile and skills data so that Career Hub generates accurate suggestions.
Job History, Certifications, Anytime Feedback, Project History, Learning Activity, and Position History are updated and
available to support Machine Learning (ML) analysis. This enhances Career Hub’s ML inference and skill suggestions.
Job Profiles are public and descriptive to make it easier for Career Hub users to express interest in the jobs associated
with these job profiles. Adding skills to job profiles can improve job suggestions during Career Hub profile set up.
Ensure that mentors make themselves available for mentoring and update their Mentor Skills on the Mentorship
Preferences task, to give employees access to a wider pool of available mentors in Career Hub.
Gig hosts enter the Skills Needed information when creating a gig so that employees looking for experiences to develop
their skills are more likely to see relevant suggestions in Career Hub.

Requirements 56/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Note: You must subscribe to Innovation Services to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success Manager to request the
Innovation Services order form, or see Workday Innovation Services in the Workday Community for more information.
After you sign the Innovation Services order form, ensure that you:

Enable the Innovation Services functional area.

Create Career Hub as a functional area from the Create Functional Area task.
Access the Available Services tab in the Innovation Services Opt-In task to select the HCM Machine Learning GA
Features and Workday Graph innovation services.
Access the Maintain Innovation Services Data Selection Opt-In task and opt in to providing data for the relevant
categories listed under HCM: HCM Machine Learning GA Features and HCM: Workday Graph.
Enable Workday Skills Cloud on the Maintain Skills and Experience task.

Career Hub is currently available only in English.
You must be a Career Hub customer and meet certain requirements to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success
Manager for information on Career Hub.

Tenant Setup
In the Talent section of the Edit Tenant Setup – HCM task, select:

The Gigs and Jobs options on the Enabled Opportunities within Opportunity Marketplace prompt.
The Enable Learning within the Opportunity Marketplace check box.

Consider the domains you want to enable as a part of your Career Hub setup.

See Reference: Career Hub Security.

Business Processes

Business Process Considerations

Manage Interests Set up to enable your workers to use Career Hub to specify
job profiles and skill interests they’re interested in during the
What roles are you interested in exploring profile set up.

Workday recommends that you set up an initiation step and

remove any approval steps so that your workers can view
and select job profiles during their Career Hub profile setup.

Manage Mentorship Set up to give your workers the ability to request

mentorships from their saved mentors in the Plan section.

For additional business process considerations, see Setup Considerations: Talent Marketplace.

No impact.

No impact.

Connections and Touchpoints

To enable the full Career Hub experience for your employees, configure these features:

Features Considerations 57/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Features Considerations

Mentorships Set up Mentorships so that Career Hub can suggest

mentors who can help your employees with the skills they’re
trying to develop. Career Hub only suggests, as possible
mentors, employees that opt into mentoring through the
Mentorship Preferences task.

Anytime Feedback Set up to give Career Hub users access to feedback

through the Quick Links section. Feedback is also available
through gig endorsements for employees.

Development Items Set up to give Career Hub users access to career planning
and professional development-related action items in the
Plan section.

Opportunity Graph Set up to give Career Hub users access to the Opportunity
Graph report that enables employees to explore potential
career paths within your organization with learning content
that's completed or rated by employees in job profile

People Experience Configure cards on the Workday Today Home page for
timely Career Hub nudges.

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

The Next Level: Career Hub Optimal Experience Series
2021R1 What’s New Post: Career Hub

1.5.2 | Steps: Set Up Career Hub


Note: You must subscribe to Innovation Services to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success Manager to request the
Innovation Services order form, or see Workday Innovation Services in the Workday Community for more information.

You must be a Career Hub customer and meet certain requirements to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success
Manager for information on Career Hub.

Read Setup Considerations: Career Hub.


Career Hub is a career development platform in Workday that can provide your employees personalized mentoring, connections,
skills, gigs, and job recommendations to advance their careers within your organization.


1. Enable these functional areas:

Career Hub
Innovation Services
See Steps: Enable Functional Areas and Security Policies.
2. Access the Innovation Services Opt-In task.
On the Available Services tab in the HCM category, select:
HCM Machine Learning GA Features
Workday Graph
Security: Manage: Innovation Services domain in the Innovation Services functional area.
3. Access the Maintain Innovation Services Data Selection Opt-In task. 58/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

a. Select HCM: HCM Machine Learning GA Features from the Innovation Services Valid for Maintain Data Opt-In
Opt into these categories in the ML for Career Hub section:
(Optional) Job Requisition Data
(Optional) Learning Data
(Optional) Talent Opportunity Marketplace Data
Talent Profile Data
Worker Profile Data
b. Select HCM: Workday Graph from the Innovation Services Valid for Maintain Data Opt-In prompt.
Opt into at least 1 of these categories:
Setup Data
Worker Profile Data
Candidate Profile Data
Security: Manage: Innovation Services domain in the Innovation Services functional area.
4. Access the Skills section on the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task.
Select Enable Workday Skills Cloud and enable:
Populate Suggested Skills for Workers
Include Tenanted Skills in Matching
(Optional) Convert Duplicate Skills to Skills Cloud Skills
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience in the Talent Core functional area.
5. Access the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report.
Select Domain Security Policy > Enable from the related actions menu of the domain security policy for:
The Self-Service: Career Hub domain in the Career Hub functional area.
The Opportunity Marketplace domain in the Talent Marketplace functional area.
The Self-Service: Interests domain in the Career and Development Planning functional area.
The Self-Service: Skills domain in the Career and Development Planning functional area.
Security: The Security Activation and Security Configuration domains in the System functional area.
6. Edit Domain Security Policies.
Determine the features you want to enable in Career Hub so that you can set up domain security policies.
See Reference: Career Hub Security.
7. Access the Business Process Security Policies for Functional Area report.
Select Business Process Policy > Edit from the related actions menu of these business processes:
Manage Interests
Manage Mentorship
Workday recommends that you set up initiation steps and remove any approval steps so that your workers can view and
select job profiles during their Career Hub profile setup, and have the ability to request mentorships.
8. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
9. In the Talent section of the Edit Tenant Setup – HCM task, select:
The Gigs and Jobs options on the Enabled Opportunities within Opportunity Marketplace prompt to enable
opportunities in Career Hub.
Enable Learning within the Opportunity Marketplace to provide learning suggestions as a part of match analysis
within Career Hub.
10. (Optional) Access the Configure People Experience Home Page Content task.
In the Required Cards section, select:
Get Started with Career Hub
Career Hub - Suggested Mentor
Security: Set Up: People Experience Configuration and People Experience Access in the People Experience functional
11. Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
Configure the Career Hub worklet.


Your workers can access Career Hub to set up their profile.

1.5.3 | Reference: Career Hub Security

You can access the Edit Domain Security Policies task to enable these domains as you set up Career Hub:

Functional Area Domain Self-service Access Consideration 59/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Functional Area Domain Self-service Access Consideration

Career Hub Self-Service: Career Hub View and Modify Configure to enable users
to set up their Career
Profile and have view and
modify access within the
Career Hub.

Career and Development Self-Service: Career View and Modify Configure to give users
Planning Connections self-service access to add
career connections in
Career Hub.

View and Modify Configure to enable users

to view and modify skill
Development Items
interests and job interests
information in Career Hub.
Self-Service: Skills

Talent Marketplace Opportunity Marketplace View and Modify Configure to enable

Opportunity Marketplace
within Career Hub.
Note: If you’re a Recruiting
customer and have internal
jobs posted, the
Opportunity Marketplace
domain provides access to
internal jobs for Career
Hub users.
You must also enable the
Jobs options as a part of
Edit Tenant Setup - HCM
task to view internal jobs in
Career Hub.

View and Modify Configure to enable

Gig Worker Data
administrators and gig
hosts to create and modify
Manage: Gigs
gigs, and for Career Hub
Manage Gigs: Host
users to access and
express interest in
recommended gigs.
Profile Group: Gigs
Self Service: Gigs
Setup: Gigs
Worker Data: Gigs

Talent Core Self-Service: Anytime View and Modify Configure to enable Career
Feedback Hub users to view

Self-Service: Mentoring View and Modify Configure to enable Career

Hub users to view and
modify career actions
relevant to connections,
skills, and mentoring. 60/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Functional Area Domain Self-service Access Consideration

View Configure to enable Career

Person Data:
Hub users to view
information about their
Person Data: Job
suggested connections and
Person Data: Skills
Worker Data:
Current Staffing

Staffing View Configure to enable Career

Worker Data:
Hub users to view
Current Job Profile
information about their
suggested connections and
Worker Data: Job
Family on Worker
Worker Data:
Business Title on
Worker Profile

People Experience View Configure to enable Career

People Experience
Hub users to view Workday
Today Career Hub cards.
Set Up: People

1.6 | Talent Marketplace

1.6.1 | Setup Considerations: Talent Marketplace

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of Talent Marketplace. It explains:

Why to set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is
Talent Marketplace consists of the Opportunity Marketplace and Gigs applications, which both connect your workforce with
opportunities based on your employees' skills, experience, and interests. With Talent Marketplace:

Users can create short-term work assignments called gigs.

Employees can access the Opportunity Marketplace to browse gigs and internal job postings.

Business Benefits
Talent Marketplace uses machine learning and the Skills Cloud to help you:

Find the right candidates for opportunities.

Optimize talent resources by matching workers with opportunities where they might have the most impact.

Opportunity Marketplace provides a curated list of opportunities for each employee. This increases employee engagement and
makes it easier for employees to find relevant opportunities. 61/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Use Cases
Organizations focused on career growth can use Talent Marketplace to give employees exposure to opportunities where they can
utilize their skills and develop their interests.

Employees can use the Opportunity Marketplace to strengthen their talent profile, make connections, and grow their careers
within an organization.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

Do you have a global workforce? The machine learning that Talent Marketplace uses for
recommendations currently supports these languages:

Chinese (Simplified)
French (Canada)
French (France)
Spanish (Neutral)

You can create intersection security groups to limit access

to locations or organizations that support these languages.

Will you be testing in implementation tenants? To ensure opportunity matching works in your
implementation tenant, access the Maintain Weekly
Machine Learning Activation for Implementation Tenant task
and select the check box for the HCM Machine Learning
GA Features service. This task enables Workday to refresh
matches every Monday.

You can also manually refresh matches once every 24

hours through the Run On-Demand Machine Learning
Activation for Implementation Tenant task.

Will you include jobs in the Opportunity Marketplace? To ensure that employees get the best possible matches
with job opportunities, ensure that your jobs have accurate:

Job titles
Job profile descriptions
Job profile summary
Skill qualifications

What if our employees don't have many skills on their Talent Marketplace uses the Skills Cloud to determine what
profile? skills an employee might have from their current role,
education, and job history. Workday takes this data into
account when:

Matching employees with opportunities.

Providing skill suggestions for employees that
access the Opportunity Marketplace for the first

When you implement Talent Marketplace for the first time, we recommend that you start with a small part of your
organization. Use the feedback and experience from this group to develop your Talent Marketplace program before
introducing it to the broader organization.
If you plan on only enabling gig opportunities for the Opportunity Marketplace, ensure that there's a highly curated list of
gigs available before giving employees access. 62/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Note: You must subscribe to Innovation Services to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success Manager to request the
Innovation Services order form, or see Workday Innovation Services in the Workday Community for more information.
Enable Skills Cloud on the Maintain Skills and Experience Setup task.

Workday only uses Skills Cloud skills when matching workers to opportunities.

Tenant Setup
You can use the Edit Tenant Setup - HCM task to enable:

Opportunities within the Opportunity Marketplace.

Suggested learning courses for workers viewing opportunities.

Configure these security domains in the Talent Marketplace functional area:

Domains Considerations

Gig Worker Data Enables users to view a gig candidate's availability, skills,
and skill interests.

Gigs Enables workers to:

View gigs and express or remove interest in them.

Display as a candidate when Workday matches
them with a gig.
Receive a notification when a gig host promotes a
gig to them.

Manage Gigs: Host Access Enables users to access the Gigs landing page, where they

Create gigs.
View all gigs that they manage.

Manage: Gigs Enables users to view and edit their gigs and gig members.
You can create and assign a:

Constrained role-based security group for gig hosts

to manage only the gigs that they create.
User-based security group for gig administrators to
manage all gigs across your tenant.

Opportunity Marketplace Enables employees to access the Opportunity Marketplace.

Self Service - Gigs Enables workers to view their gig history.

Setup: Gigs Enables users to create categories and types for gigs.

Worker Data: Gigs Enables users to view a worker's gig history.

To ensure that Talent Marketplace works properly across your tenant, configure these domains:

Domains Considerations

In the Talent Core functional area: Ensure that employees have View permission on these
domains so they can view feedback from a gig.
Self-Service: Anytime Feedback
Self-Service: Feedback 63/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Domains Considerations

Worker Data: Anytime Feedback in the Talent Core Grant Administrator, Manager, and Partner security groups
functional area View permission.

In the Staffing functional area: Ensure that employees have View permission on either of
these domains.
Self-Service: Current Staffing Information
Worker Data: Public Worker Reports

Internal Careers in the Recruiting functional area If you enable job opportunities, ensure that employees have
View permission so they can view internal job postings in
the Opportunity Marketplace.

Self-Service: Interests in the Career and Development Ensure that employees have Modify permission.
Planning functional area

Worker Data: Interests in the Career and Development Grant Administrator, Manager, and Partner security groups
Planning functional area View permission.

Self-Service: Skills in the Talent Core functional area Ensure that employees have Modify permission so they can
add suggested skills to their profiles.

Self-Service: Person in the Personal Data functional area Ensure that employees have Modify permission.

Person Data: Skills in the Talent Core functional area Grant Administrator, Manager, and Partner security groups
Modify permission.

Learning Access in the Learning Core functional area Ensure that employees have View permission if you enable
Workday to suggest learning courses for opportunities.

Business Processes

Business Processes Considerations

Add Gig Member Configure to enable users to add employees to a gig.

We recommend adding an approval step for employees.

Create Gig Configure to enable users to create gigs.

Ensure that users who can initiate this business process

have access to either the Manage: Gigs or Manage Gigs:
Host Access domains.

Workday automatically assigns the gig host role to the gig


Give Feedback Configure to enable gig hosts to provide feedback for

employees in a completed gig.

Manage Interests Configure for employees to edit their skill interests and
access Opportunity Marketplace properly.


Reports or Dashboards Considerations

Gigs Gig hosts can use this report to manage their gigs or create
another gig.

If a member of a user-based security group has access,

they can use this report to view all gigs. 64/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Reports or Dashboards Considerations

My Gig Events Gig hosts and administrators can use this report to view
information and business process events related to gigs.

No impact.

Connections and Touchpoints

Features Considerations

Anytime Feedback When gig hosts mark gigs as complete, they can give public
anytime feedback to each gig member.

Interests The Opportunity Marketplace recommends gigs that can

help employees develop their skill interests.

Recruiting You can enable the Opportunity Marketplace to include

internal job postings. Employees can browse jobs and
access job postings from the Opportunity Marketplace.

For the best matches, ensure that job profiles, positions,

and job requisitions have appropriate titles, descriptions,
and skill qualifications.

Learning You can enable Workday to recommend learning courses to

workers when they view their match analysis for
opportunities. Workday recommends learning courses
based on the skill requirements that the employee doesn't

Skills Cloud Talent Marketplace uses Skills Cloud to match employees

to opportunities.

Gigs hosts can provide skill endorsements for employees of

a completed gig. When a gig host endorses a skill, Workday
adds the skill to the employee's worker profile.

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Feedback
Steps: Set Up Internal Recruiting
Steps: Set Up Skills Cloud
2020R2 What's New Post: Talent Marketplace
The Next Level: Preparing for Talent Marketplace Deployment
The Next Level: Talent Marketplace Enablement Mini-Series
Reference: Edit Tenant Setup - HCM
Workday Community: Machine Learning for Talent Marketplace

1.6.2 | Steps: Set Up Talent Marketplace

Prerequisites 65/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Note: You must subscribe to Innovation Services to use this feature. Contact your Customer Success Manager to request the
Innovation Services order form, or see Workday Innovation Services in the Workday Community for more information.

Review setup considerations for Talent Marketplace.

Enable Skills Cloud.


With Talent Marketplace, you can:

Create short-term work assignments called gigs and quickly find the right talent within an organization for each gig.
Provide access to the Opportunity Marketplace, where workers can discover gig and job opportunities based on their
talent data.


1. Access the Maintain Functional Areas task.

Select the Enabled check box for these functional areas:
Innovation Services
Talent Marketplace
Security: Security Configuration domain in the System functional area.
2. Access the Innovation Services Opt-In task.
On the Available Services tab in the HCM category, select the HCM Machine Learning GA Features service.
Security: Manage: Innovation Services domain in the Innovation Services functional area.
3. Access the Maintain Innovation Services Data Selection Opt-In task.
Select HCM: HCM Machine Learning GA Features from the Innovation Services Valid for Maintain Data Opt-In prompt. As
you complete the ML for Talent Marketplace section, consider these categories:

Option Description

Talent Opportunity Marketplace Data Opt in to these categories if you want to enable gigs.

Worker Profile Data

Job Requisition Data Opt in to this category if you want to enable internal job
postings for the Opportunity Marketplace.

Learning Data Opt in to this category if you want to enable

recommended learning courses within opportunities.

Security: Manage: Innovation Services domain in the Innovation Services functional area.
4. Configure security for gigs and Opportunity Marketplace.
See Steps: Set Up Security for Talent Marketplace.
5. Set up gigs.
See Steps: Set Up Gigs.
6. Access the Edit Tenant Setup - HCM task.
In the Talent section:
a. Select which opportunities are available in Opportunity Marketplace from the Enabled Opportunities within
Opportunity Marketplace prompt.
b. (Optional) Select the Enable Learning within the Opportunity Marketplace check box for Workday to suggest
learning courses to employees viewing an opportunity.
Security: Set Up: Tenant Setup - HCM domain in the System functional area.
7. Configure the Gigs and Opportunity Marketplace dashboards as worklets on the Home page.
See Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
8. (Optional) Access the Edit Tenant Setup - Notifications task.
On the HCM tab in the Notification Delivery Settings section, configure notification settings for the Gigs and Marketplace
Opportunity Promotion notification types.
Security: Set Up: Tenant Setup - BP And Notifications domain in the System functional area.


Employees can access the Opportunity Marketplace to express interest in gigs or apply to internal job postings.

Related Information 66/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Steps: Set Up Skills Cloud
Reference: Edit Tenant Setup - HCM
Reference: HCM Machine Learning GA Features Innovation Service

1.6.3 | Steps: Set Up Security for Talent Marketplace


You can set up security to determine who can:

Set up gigs.
Create and manage gigs.
Access the Opportunity Marketplace.


1. Access the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report.

Select Domain Security Policy > Enable from the related actions menu of these domain security policies in the Talent
Marketplace functional area:
Gig Worker Data
Manage Gigs: Host Access
Manage: Gigs
Opportunity Marketplace
Self Service - Gigs
Setup: Gigs
Worker Data: Gigs
Security: Security Activation and Security Configuration domains in the System functional area.
2. Create User-Based Security Groups.
Create a user-based security group named Gig Administrator and assign users.
3. Set Up Assignable Roles.
a. Enter the name for the gig host role.
b. Select Gig Host in the Workday Role Column.
c. Select Gig in the Enabled for column.
d. Select the Self-Assign check box.
4. Create Role-Based Security Groups.
Create constrained and unconstrained role-based security groups for the role that you created.
When you create the constrained role-based security group, consider:

Option Description

Access Rights to Organizations Workday recommends you select Applies To Current

Organization and Unassigned Subordinates for this role.

Access Rights to Multiple Job Workers Workday recommends you select Role has access to
the positions they support for this role.

5. Edit Domain Security Policies.

Configure these domains in the Talent Marketplace functional area:

Domain Recommended Security Groups Permission

Gig Worker Data Gig Administrator View

Gig Host (Unconstrained)

Gigs All Employees Modify 67/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Domain Recommended Security Groups Permission

Manage Gigs: Host Access Gig Administrator Modify


Manage: Gigs Gig Administrator Modify

Gig Host

Opportunity Marketplace All Employees Modify

Self Service - Gigs Employee As Self Modify

Setup: Gigs Gig Administrator Modify

Worker Data: Gigs Gig Administrator View

Gig Host

6. Edit Business Process Security Policies.

Configure the security policies for these business processes:
Add Gig Member
Create Gig
7. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.

1.6.4 | Steps: Set Up Gigs


Configure the security policy for these business processes:

Add Gig Member

Create Gig


Set up the Gigs application so that users can create temporary work assignments that they can promote internally. Workday uses
machine learning to determine which employees have the best skills suitable for each gig.


1. Access the Create Business Process Definition (Default Definition) task.

Create and configure default definitions for these business processes in the Talent Marketplace functional area:
Add Gig Member
Create Gig
Security: Business Process Administration and Manage: Business Process Definitions domains in the System functional
2. (Optional) Create Custom Notifications.
You can configure a custom notification to let a manager know when a user they manage initiates the Create Gig business
3. Access the Maintain Gig Types task.
Create gig types for users to select when creating gigs. Employees can filter gigs by type in the Opportunity Marketplace.
Security: Setup: Gigs in the Talent Marketplace functional area.
4. Access the Maintain Gig Categories task.
Create gig categories for users to select when creating gigs. Employees can filter gigs by category in the Opportunity
Security: Setup: Gigs in the Talent Marketplace functional area.
5. Add the Gigs report to the Career for Worker Profile profile group.
This report displays a worker's gig history and gigs that they're interested in.
See Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.
6. Set up anytime feedback to enable gig hosts to provide feedback for gig members. 68/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

See Steps: Set Up Feedback.


Users can access the Gigs report to create and manage gigs. When a user creates a gig, Workday automatically assigns them as
the gig host.

Next Steps

Enable gig opportunities for the Opportunity Marketplace.

Related Information

Workday Community: Machine Learning for Talent Marketplace

1.7 | Career Profile

1.7.1 | Setup Considerations: Career Profile

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of Career Profile. It explains:

Why to set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is
Career Profile consolidates multiple tasks for managing talent data, enabling users to update their talent profile in a single page.
You can configure Career Profile to consolidate the tasks for:

Awards and activities

Job history
Work experience

Business Benefits
You can opt in to Career Profile to:

Make it easier for users to update their talent profile.

Reduce the number of stand-alone tasks that users need to access.
Streamline the process of managing talent data.

Use Cases
You can use Career Profile to consolidate tasks that don't require custom workflows or validations.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations 69/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

Do you have any business process definitions for any Workday doesn't use custom business processes for
Career Profile sections? Career Profile changes. For active sections, Workday
automatically saves any changes made in Career Profile
instead of acquiring approvals.

If you prefer using the stand-alone tasks or custom

business processes for a specific section, you can
inactivate a section through the Configure Career Profile

What happens to in-progress events when I opt in to Career Workday locks out any fields that have pending changes.
Profile or make a section active? Users can't make any changes to locked fields in Career
Profile until the business process is complete.

When you first opt in to Career Profile, we recommend you inactivate sections that correspond to business process definitions
that you want to keep using.

Opt in to Career Profile through the Maintain Feature Opt-Ins report.

Active Career Profile sections don't support:

Custom business process configurations, including approvals, help text, and validation rules.
Guided tours.

Users can't save their changes for later.

Career Profile is currently not available on mobile devices.

Tenant Setup
You can opt in or out of Career Profile at any time through the Maintain Feature Opt-Ins report. All sections are active the first
time you opt in.

The Configure Career Profile task enables you to decide which sections are available. Workday consolidates the add, edit, and
remove buttons for most active sections with an Edit button on profile cards and reports.


Domains Considerations

Set Up: System in the System functional area Administrators can opt in to Career Profile.

Set Up: Skills and Experience in the Talent Core functional Administrators can access the Configure Career Profile task
area to arrange the order of active sections or inactivate

Self-Service: Interests in the Career and Development Academic affiliates, students, and workers can make
Planning functional area. changes in the corresponding Career Profile section for
These domains in the Talent Core functional area: themselves.

Self-Service: Achievements
Self-Service: Certifications
Self-Service: Education
Self-Service: Job History
Self-Service: Skills
Self-Service: Work Experience 70/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Domains Considerations

Worker Data: Interests in the Career and Development Users with Modify permission can make changes in the
Planning functional area. corresponding Career Profile section for others.
These domains in the Talent Core functional area:

Person Data: Achievements

Person Data: Certifications
Person Data: Education
Person Data: Job History
Person Data: Skills
Worker Data: Work Experience

Business Processes
Workday automatically completes the initiating actions of these business processes if its corresponding section is active in Career

Manage Awards and Activities

Manage Certifications
Manage Education
Manage Interests
Manage Job History
Manage Work Experience

No impact.

No impact.

Connections and Touchpoints

Career Profile interacts with these other areas in Workday:

Feature Considerations

Academic Faculty Ensure that academic affiliates have access to the correct
domains when any of these sections are active:

Award and Activity

Job History

Students Ensure that students have access to the correct domains

when any of these sections are active:

Award and Activity

Job History

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

2020R1 What's New Post: Career Profile
Workday 33 What's New Post: Career Profile 71/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

The Next Level: Establishing a Talent Footprint

The Next Level: Finding Your Perfect Match - How to Identify and Track Talent for Your Employees

1.7.2 | Steps: Set Up Career Profile


Career Profile enables academic affiliates, workers, and students to manage different parts of their talent profile through a single
page. You can opt in and configure Career Profile to consolidate tasks for:

Awards and activities

Job history
Work experience


1. Access the Maintain Feature Opt-Ins report.

Opt in to the Career Profile.
Security: Set Up: System domain in the System functional area.
2. Access the Configure Career Profile task.
Configure which sections are available in Career Profile and organize the display order of active sections.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in the Talent Core functional area.
3. Edit Domain Security Policies.
Assign self-service security groups to the Self-Service: Interests domain in the Career and Development Planning
functional area and these domains in the Talent Core functional area:
Self-Service: Achievements
Self-Service: Certifications
Self-Service: Education
Self-Service: Job History
Self-Service: Skills
Self-Service: Work Experience
Assign security groups to the Worker Data: Interests domain in the Career and Development Planning functional area and
these domains in the Talent Core functional area:
Person Data: Achievements
Person Data: Certifications
Person Data: Education
Person Data: Skills
Worker Data: Skills and Experience
Worker Data: Work Experience
See Reference: Security for Career Profile Sections.
4. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.


For active Career Profile sections, Workday:

Consolidates any corresponding stand-alone add, edit, and remove tasks.

Consolidates any add, edit, or remove buttons into a single edit button that directs users to the section.
Doesn't use custom business process security policies and definitions.
Automatically saves changes made by users when they navigate to another section.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience
Steps: Set Up Interests
The Next Level: Cultivating Career Mobility
The Next Level: Establishing a Talent Footprint 72/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1.7.3 | Reference: Security for Career Profile Sections

Workday secures Career Profile to multiple security domains. When a section is active in Career Profile, users must have Modify
permissions on any of the corresponding domains to access that section. Active sections don't use business process security
policies or definitions.

For sections that you inactivate in the Configure Career Profile task, Workday continues to use any corresponding business
process policies, definitions, and stand-alone tasks.

There's no business process for skills, so the stand-alone Edit Skills task and Career Profile section share the same domain

Use this table to determine which policies to configure based on whether a section is active or not.

Section Business Process Domains

Award and Activity Manage Awards and Activities Person Data: Achievements

Self-Service: Achievements

Certifications Manage Certifications Person Data: Certifications

Self-Service: Certifications

Education Manage Education Person Data: Education

Self-Service: Education

Interests Manage Interests Self-Service: Interests

Worker Data: Interests

Job History Manage Job History Person Data: Job History

Self-Service: Job History

Skills Person Data: Skills

Self-Service: Skills

Work Experience Manage Work Experience Self-Service: Work Experience

Worker Data: Work Experience

1.8 | Talent Reviews

1.8.1 | Steps: Manage Talent Reviews


Talent reviews enable you to gather, evaluate, and report on employee talent information, such as:

Skills and experiences.

Performance and potential.
Career interests and mobility preferences.

You can create multiple talent review templates and customize them for different organizations or purposes. You can prepare for
a talent review by printing talent cards with a summary of talent information for each employee.

You can also complete talent reviews using the Workday on iPad and Workday on iPhone apps and seamlessly move between
your desktop and mobile device during the process.

Steps 73/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1. (Optional) Determine if your event is large enough that you need to work with the Workday Production Readiness team.
See Workday Community: Customer Events: Best Practices and Production Readiness for guidelines about opening a
Production Readiness case.
2. Set up the individual components that you plan to include in talent reviews:
Steps: Set Up Interests.
Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience.
3. Create Talent Review Rules.
4. Create Talent Review Templates.
5. Start Talent Reviews.
6. Add Logo to Talent Cards.
7. View and Print Talent Cards.

Related Information

Concept: Best Practices for All Large-Scale Events
Concept: Talent Reviews
Add Worklets to Business Processes
Create or Edit Custom Labels
Reference: Event-Specific Best Practices
The Next Level: Engaging Talent

1.8.2 | Create Talent Review Rules


Security: Set Up: Talent Review domain in Succession Planning functional area.


Define employee eligibility for talent reviews by creating condition rules that you associate with talent review templates. You can
assign the same rule to multiple templates, but each template can have only 1 rule.

Talent review rules evaluate whether employees match the criteria you specify, such as:

Job profile.
Talent pool membership.

To organize talent review rules, create categories with the Maintain Condition Rule Categories task.


1. Access the Create Talent Review Rule task.

2. (Optional) Select a rule Category.
3. (Optional) To copy an existing condition, select a rule from the Copy Condition from Rule prompt.
4. In the Rule Conditions grid, build a condition rule that identifies employees who are eligible for a particular talent review.


This condition rule identifies employees whose job profile is Outside Sales and whose location is in the United States:

And/Or ( Field Operator Comparison Type Comparison Value )

And ( Job Profiles in the Value specified in Outside Sales

selection list this filter

And Location in the Value specified in United States )

Address - selection list this filter
Country 74/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Next Steps

When you create the talent review template, select the rule in the Applies To field.
To modify a talent review rule, use the Edit Condition Rule task.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Talent Reviews

1.8.3 | Create Talent Review Templates


Security: Set Up: Talent Review and Talent Review domains in the Succession Planning functional area.


Set guidelines for a talent review by creating a template that defines:

Who the review is for.

What type of talent information to capture.
How to organize the information.
What employees and managers see when they complete the review.

To add sections to a talent review template, enable the Talent Review domain and the subdomain for each section. The
subdomains inherit the permissions from the parent domain, which you can override. Example: Talent Review and Talent Review:


1. Access the Create Talent Review Template task.

2. Click Configure Talent Review Template.
3. (Optional) Click Edit to specify the template audience and purpose:
a. Click the Applies To prompt to select a rule that identifies the target population for this template.
b. Enter a Company Statement that provides comments or a message for talent cards.
This statement only displays on talent cards that you print for talent reviews based on this template.
c. Click Save.
4. Click Configure Instructional Text to provide instructions for employees and managers or others who use this template.

Option Description

Welcome Page Instructions Enter instructions for employees and managers when
they begin the talent review, and add a Welcome Page
Title that distinguishes this review from other reviews.

Welcome Back Page Instructions Enter instructions for employees and managers when
they return to an in-progress talent review. You can also
specify a unique Welcome Back Page Title to remind
users that this review is in progress.

Summary Editor Page Instructions Enter instructions for employees and managers to
explain the summary editor page. You can also add a
Summary Page Title.

If you leave a field blank, then the corresponding section has no instructions on the template for that role. Workday
recommends that you provide a Welcome Page Title at a minimum and keep page titles concise for best display.
5. Click Configure Section Order to select and organize the template sections:
a. Specify a Section Group Title.
The title can be for a single section or a group of sections.
b. Select the Display as One Section check box if you want to combine multiple sections into a group.
With this option, the Guided Editor presents the section group as a single step, rather than as separate steps in
the wizard flow. This setting doesn't affect the Summary Editor.
c. Click the Section prompt to select the first section. 75/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

6. Configure each template section:

a. Click Configure.
b. Explain how to complete the section by providing Employee Instructions and Manager and Others Instructions.
These instructions are only for the Guided Editor.
c. (Competencies only) Select one or more Competencies for this template.
You can select any number of competencies, but talent cards display a maximum of 8 competencies.
In talent reviews, employees can only select the competencies configured on the template. They can't pull in
competencies from job profiles, management levels, or other sources.
d. (Languages only) Select the Language Ability Type for this template.
In talent reviews, employees select their proficiency level for this ability type. If you have only 1 active language
ability type, Workday automatically uses that type.
e. (Talent Summary only) Specify which summary fields to display on the template and whether others can view or
edit them.
If you don't select at least 1 summary field for display, the section is empty.
The Employee Talent Summary and Manager Summary fields are limited to 250 characters for optimal display on
talent cards. The Talent Summary Details field has no character limit and doesn't display on talent cards.
f. (Combined sections only) Click Configure in the Instructional Text column to provide Employee Instructions and
Manager and Others Instructions.


The Errors & Warnings section indicates whether the template is properly configured, including all section requirements and
instructional text. Instructional text is optional but recommended.

After you launch a talent review, Workday locks the template to prevent changes. The Status section indicates whether the
template is locked and in use, and displays how many talent reviews were initiated on the template. To see a list of in-progress
talent reviews, who initiated them, and the initiation date, click the Initiations number.

Next Steps

Launch the Talent Review process.

Modify or inactivate a talent review template with the Configure Talent Review Template report.

When a template is Inactive, you can no longer select the template from menu prompts. The template remains valid for in
progress or complete talent reviews.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Talent Reviews
The Next Level: The Talent Review Process

1.8.4 | Start Talent Reviews


Configure the Talent Review business process and security policy in the Succession Planning functional area.
In the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report, configure the security policy for each section on the talent
review template. To determine the appropriate permissions, consider each person's role in the talent review process.
Security: Talent Review domain in the Succession Planning functional area.


Launch a talent review for an individual, an organization, or a talent pool. Workday offers several choices to make the process
simple and flexible, including 2 options for data entry:

The Guided Editor is a wizard that takes you through individual steps, with an interactive navigation bar to move between
The Summary Editor gives you a single-page layout to enter all of your talent information.

Other options help you manage the process workflow. You can: 76/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Switch between editors at any time by clicking Guide Me or Go to Summary Editor.

View the most recent comment, the comment history, and the process history at the bottom of the Welcome Page.
Pause and resume the data entry process as needed.
Confirm and submit your talent information when data entry is complete.

A worker can have only 1 talent review in progress at a time. If you launch a talent review for an organization, any member who
already has a talent review in progress is ineligible for the second talent review. The process only starts for the eligible members
of the organization.


1. Access the appropriate task:

Start Talent Review for Organization
Start Talent Review for Worker
2. Specify who the review is for and select the template.
If the review is for a Supervisory Organization, you can optionally:
Include subordinate organizations.
Select a calibration program to start simultaneously with this talent review.
If the review is for a Talent Pool, you can only select static talent pools, not dynamic pools.
If your tenant has fewer than 10,000 workers, Workday displays the worker counts and lists the first 50 eligible
When you select a calibration program, Workday uses the rules and dates defined in the review template to
determine employee eligibility.
3. (Workers and Managers) Complete the Update Profile task:
Note: The Update Profile task name is generic to give you more control over the talent review terminology that workers
a. Click the item on the Actions tab of your Inbox.
b. Select either Go to Guided Editor or Go to Summary Editor.
c. Provide the applicable information in each section.
d. (Workers) Click Submit when you complete your information.
e. (Managers) Click Approve, Deny, Send Back, or Close.
If a manager sends back a review for an employee to complete, much of the skills and experiences information
that the manager entered is visible to the employee.


If you include a calibration program when you start a review, Workday includes the employee's potential assessment from
the talent review.
Managers can access the Talent Review Status Summary report to see key attributes of the talent review process for their
team. Managers can take immediate action on assigned tasks. They also can see each employee's current performance
rating and most recent potential assessment.

Next Steps

If necessary, you can cancel or rescind individual talent reviews. On a worker profile, click Talent Cards and either:

Cancel a talent review that has a status of In Progress.

Rescind a talent review that has a status of Successfully Completed.

Rescind is the only option to stop talent reviews for organizations and talent pools. Workday automatically starts the review
process for every eligible member, completing the launch task event. Access the Mass Rescind Business Processes task.

If a talent review stalls because its participants are unable to complete their assigned tasks, you can manually advance the
review. Access the Mass Advance Business Process task or from the related actions menu on the overall process, select
Business Process > Advance Manually. You must have permission on the Manual Advance action in the Talent Review business
process security policy.
Note: Workday assigns the Update My Talent Profile step to the administrator who advanced the review, not to the original
assignee if you send it back after it was manually advanced.

Related Information

Manually Advance a Business Process
Steps: Manage Talent Pools
Steps: Manage Talent Reviews
Cancel or Rescind Business Processes 77/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

FAQ: Talent Reviews

1.8.5 | Add Logo to Talent Cards


Security: Custom Report Creation domain in the System functional area.


Add your company logo to the Workday-delivered talent card layout. The logo must be in BMP, GIF, JPEG, or PNG format with a
recommended size of 120 x 55.

You can add a different logo for each type of talent card:

Current talent cards reflect all of a worker's talent data as of the current date.
Event-based talent cards reflect data from a specific Talent Review event.

Note: To add a company statement to event-based talent cards, define the statement on the talent review template.


1. Access the Configure Business Form Layout task.

2. Select 1 of the talent card layouts:
Talent Card for Profile
Talent Card for Review
3. Add a row to the Token Substitution table.
4. Select the logo image and upload it.


Workday includes the company logo at the top right of the printed talent cards.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Cards
Create Talent Review Templates

1.8.6 | View and Print Talent Cards


To display workers' job-related sections when they print their own talent cards, add these security groups to the Self-
Service: Current Staffing Information domain:
Employee as Self
Contingent Worker as Self
Use the Maintain Work Experiences task to specify the Talent Card Sort Order for work experiences.
Use the Maintain Degrees task to specify the Order to list degrees.
Verify that the Talent Cards report displays on worker profiles.
Self-Service: Talent Card and Worker Data: Talent Card domains in the Talent Core functional area.
Talent Review domain in the Succession Planning functional area.


View and print an individual talent card or a set of up to 250 talent cards. You can mass print:

Current talent cards for an organization or a talent pool.

Event-based talent cards for an in-progress or completed Talent Review event.

Workday generates talent cards in PDF format with a maximum size of 50 MB. 78/249
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You can add your logo to the delivered talent card layout.

To override the standard print layout, create a custom layout in Workday Studio and add it to your Workday tenant.


Print an individual talent card:

1. Access the employee's worker profile.
2. Click Talent Cards in the Overview, Career, or Performance profile group depending on your worker profile
3. Print the talent card.
Mass print current talent cards:

Option Description

For an organization 1. Access the Print Talent Cards for Organization

2. From the related action menu of the
organization, select Talent > Print Talent Cards.

For a talent pool 1. Access the Print Talent Cards for Talent Pool
2. From the related actions menu for the talent
pool, select Talent > Print Talent Cards.

From a talent review 1. Access the Print Talent Cards for Talent Review
2. Select the template and talent review event.

Next Steps

Use the Talent Card for Worker or Talent Card for Review task to print talent cards using a printing run. Workday names printing
runs after the worker and the date and time of the printing run creation.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Cards
Concept: Work Experience and Training Types
Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups

1.8.7 | Create Custom Talent Card Layouts


Complete the prerequisites for creating a business form layout.

Security: Custom Report Creation and Set Up: Tenant Setup - HCM domains in System functional area.


Create a custom print layout for talent cards. You can create separate layouts for current talent cards and event-based talent

Custom layouts aren't available when you print talent cards from your iPad or iPhone.


1. Copy each Workday-delivered layout to a custom report:

a. Access the Copy Standard Report to Custom Report task.
b. Select the Talent Card for Worker report to define the layout for current talent cards.
c. Rename the report and save it.
d. On the Share tab, share the report with users who can print talent cards. 79/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

e. Repeat these steps to copy and rename the Talent Card for Review report, which defines the layout for event-
based talent cards.
2. Save the report data and XML schema.
Select the reports that you created.
Specify any values as report parameters.
3. Download the standard layout rptdesign files at Workday Community: Report Design Files for Printable Employee
Reviews, Talent Reviews and Talent Cards.
Use the most current version of the rptdesign files or your printouts might fail.
4. In Workday Studio, customize the business form layouts to meet your needs.
5. Attach the business form layouts to your custom reports and designate them as the default layouts.
6. Apply the custom layouts to your Workday tenant:
a. Access the Edit Tenant Setup - HCM task.
b. From the Talent Card for Talent Review Layout Override prompt, select the print layout for event-based talent
c. From the Talent Card for Worker Layout Override prompt, select the print layout for current talent cards.


Workday applies the custom layouts to these print tasks:

Layout Tasks

Talent Card for Talent Review Layout Override Print Talent Cards for Talent Review

Print (for talent cards on worker profiles)

Talent Card for Worker Layout Override Print Talent Cards for Organization

Print Talent Card for Talent Pools

View (for talent cards on worker profiles)

Related Information

Concept: Creating Business Form Layouts
View and Print Talent Cards
Steps: Create a Business Form Layout
Prepare a Custom Report to Be Used with a Business Form Layout
Create a Business Form Layout in Workday Studio
Upload a Business Form Layout and Attach It to a Custom Report

1.8.8 | Concept: Talent Reviews

A talent review is a 2-part process that collects talent information from both employees and managers.

Employees describe their:

Job history.
Career interests.
Mobility preferences.

Managers describe their employees':

Achievable level.
Retention risk.
Loss impact.

Both employees and managers add: 80/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Awards and activities.

Current work experience.
Development items.
Free-form talent summary.

Talent review templates provide the framework for a talent review. You can create as many talent review templates as you need,
with any combination of sections. The template, together with the Talent Review business process and your security
configuration, determines what actions employees and managers take during a talent review. You can further customize talent
review templates by providing multiple instructions for employees and managers to explain the overall process and their role in
each section.

This table lists the available sections and who typically completes them:

Skills and Experience Career Interests Talent Job Data

Education Career
Job History Interests
Languages Job Interests

Manager Employee Potential

Awards and Development
Activities Items
Certifications Talent
Competencies Summary

View Only Internal Job Profile Talent and Job Details

History Performance Details

Rules identify the target population for a talent review. You assign a rule to a template during configuration. When you launch the
review, Workday sends an Inbox task to the employees who meet the eligibility criteria defined by the rule.

When a talent review is in progress, a comments toolbar is available at the bottom of the Welcome Page. To enable more
effective communication, the comment bar displays:

The last comment made.

The comment history.
The process history.
Related links.

After you complete a talent review, you can print talent cards to summarize each employee's talent information. Organization
leaders can use talent cards for succession planning and to predict workforce needs, identify capability gaps, cultivate leadership,
and reward top performers.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Cards
Steps: Manage Talent Reviews
Reference 81/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

The Next Level: Assessing Your Talent Using Goals, Performance Reviews, and Performance Calibration
The Next Level: Finding Your Perfect Match - How to Identify and Track Talent for Your Employees
The Next Level: The Talent Review Process

1.8.9 | Concept: Talent Cards

A talent card is a 1-page summary of a worker's key talent information. You can use talent cards as a tool for discussions on:

Succession plans.
Short-term and long-term business plans.
Retention of top talent.

Talent cards contain this information:

Personal and Job Data


Primary business title.

Supervisory organization.
Primary position.
Additional jobs.
International assignments.
Job tenure.
Length of service.

Skills and Experiences


Job profile history.

Internal projects.
Work experience.
Job history.
Awards and Activities.

Talent Summary

Assessments (potential, achievable level, retention risk, and loss impact).

Talent matrix placement.
Last performance rating.
Performance over time.
Employee and manager comments.
Succession plans.

Competencies and Career Interests


Competency charts (active and archived).

Travel and relocation preferences.
Career interests.
Development items.

Competency charts are based on a 5-point scale. If you have more than 5 competency rating values for a proficiency scale, they
map to this 5-point scale.

Talent card data is sorted by most recent completion date, with a few exceptions: 82/249
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Native language always comes first.

Work experiences are sorted according to the Talent Card Sort Order in the Maintain Work Experiences report.
Degrees are listed according to the Order in the Maintain Degrees task.

The standard talent card layout has 3 areas:

The header area displays the worker’s name, photo, personal and job data, and talent summary.
The left side displays the worker’s skills and experiences.
The right side displays the worker’s competencies, mobility preferences, career interests, and development items.

In addition, your company logo, an optional company statement, and the print date display across the top. You can print talent
cards, either individually or in groups. 2 versions are available:

Talent cards that reflect all of a worker's talent information as of the current date.
Talent cards that reflect a worker's talent information from a specific talent review.

Talent cards based on the current date contain only completed talent information, not in-progress additions or changes. Only
current talent cards are available to print from your iPad or iPhone.
Talent cards have an empty section if:

A worker has no data in that area.

The section wasn't part of the template from the Talent Review event (regardless of whether the relevant data exists in

Talent cards omit sections altogether if:

You don't enable the domains to which they belong.

The user printing the talent card can't access the data.

Example: The talent summary section displays different information for employees and managers, depending on security.
Typically, employees only see performance ratings and talent summary comments, while managers also see the employee's:

Achievable level.
Retention risk.
Talent matrix placement.

Optionally, you can replace the Workday-delivered print layout with a custom layout that you set at the tenant level.

Related Information

Add Logo to Talent Cards
Create Custom Talent Card Layouts
Create Talent Review Templates
View and Print Talent Cards
The Next Level: The Talent Review Process

1.8.10 | FAQ: Talent Reviews

Talent Review Templates
Talent Cards
Talent Reviews with Calibration

Can both employees and contingent workers participate in talent reviews?

Yes, both types of workers can take part in talent reviews. Create a talent review rule that specifies which workers to include in
the talent review. Associate the talent review rule with your talent review template. Include the Contingent Worker as Self security
group in your configuration of the Talent Review business process and domain.

The Career Interests, Job Interests, Relocation Preferences, and Travel Preferences sections aren't available to contingent
workers. Workday hides these sections even if you include them on your talent review template. 83/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Can I load historical talent reviews into Workday?

No, you can't load completed talent review events from another system. However, you can load historical talent data into Workday
(including skills, experiences, and assessments) using the Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB).

How does information flow between talent reviews and worker profiles?

Workday pulls completed skill and experience information from an employee's worker profile into the talent review when you
launch the review. After completing and approving the talent review, the profile displays updated information from the talent
review. If the worker removes a skill or experience during the talent review, Workday also removes that information from the

During talent reviews, Workday locks talent information in the talent review to prevent changes from other skills and experience
business processes. The Talent Review business process doesn't launch stand-alone skills and experience business processes.

How can I track talent reviews for my team?

Access the Talent Review Status Summary report to track the status of talent reviews and view completed ratings:

Talent Review Talent Profile

The most recent in-progress or completed talent review Is High Potential flag if the potential rating is set
for each worker on your team. as High Potential on the Maintain Potential task.
Click a Review button to complete reviews waiting for The potential rating from the most recently
your evaluation and approval. completed Assess Potential event for the
The performance rating from the most recently
completed performance review for the

Talent Review Templates

Can talent review templates have different security permissions?

No, the same security permissions apply to all talent review templates. To control view and edit access to individual sections,
grant different permissions on each of the Talent Review subdomains.

Can I provide separate instructions for administrators on talent review templates?

Yes, use the Managers and Others Instructions fields for anyone other than employees. To provide instructions for multiple
audiences, use the formatting toolbar to differentiate each set of instructions.

How do I configure competencies?

Use the Configure Competency task to set up competencies in your Workday tenant. Then add the Competencies section to the
talent review template and specify which competencies to include on the template. If you want to capture different competencies
for different groups of workers, create separate talent review templates for each group.

Example: Executives have Leadership and Strategic Vision as competencies, while sales teams have Negotiation and
Presentation Skills.

See Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience.

Why is the selection list empty for job interests?

Identify which job profiles to make public for browsing and selection. To set up a public job catalog:

1. In the Create Job Profile or Edit Job Profile task, select the Public Job check box to identify a public job.
2. In the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report, configure security for the Public Job: View and Public Job
Qualifications: View domains.

For detailed instructions, see Create a Public Job Catalog.

Does Workday deliver a list of schools for the Education section? 84/249
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Workday provides predefined school data that you can load into your tenant using the Enterprise Interface Builder. Alternatively,
you can use the Create School task to set up schools on your own. The Workday school data includes over 19,000 schools in
more than 180 countries.

During talent reviews, workers can also add schools using free-form text fields in the Education section. Schools added manually
are only available to the workers who add them.

Can I change the character limit on the Talent Summary fields?

No, those fields have a 250-character limit to optimize display on talent cards. Add the Talent Summary Details field to your
template so that you can capture additional information. The text in this field doesn't display on talent cards.

If my template has warnings about incomplete instructional text, can I still launch a talent review?

Yes, the warnings are just a reminder that instructions are missing and don't prevent you from starting a talent review. Resolve
any error messages listed at the top of a talent review template before you can launch a review.

Talent Cards
Can I change the layout of talent cards?

Yes, you can override the standard print layout with a custom layout that you create in Workday Studio. You can use 1 layout for
all talent cards, or create 1 for current talent cards and 1 for event-based talent cards. See Create Custom Talent Card Layouts.

If you keep the standard print layout, you do have control over the content of talent cards from talent review events. The talent
cards only include the sections of data that you configured on the talent review template.

Why are some talent card sections empty?

Sections on event-based talent cards are empty if workers don't have information in those areas. Current talent cards reflect a
worker's available talent information. In this case, sections are empty if you enable the security domains but the information isn't

In many cases, security permissions determine whether a section displays on a talent card at all. If you disable the security
domain or the person printing the talent card doesn't have permission to view it, that section doesn't display.

How do talent cards sort information?

Education is sorted by highest degree, based on the Order in the Maintain Degrees task. If a worker has 2 degrees with
the same sort order, the most recent degree displays first.
Native language precedes other languages.
Workday sorts work experiences based on the Talent Card Sort Order in the Maintain Work Experiences task.
Workday sorts competencies alphabetically with a maximum of 8.
On event-based talent cards, the talent review competency rating comes first, followed by the rating from the next highest
competency precedence. Current talent cards display ratings from the 2 highest competency precedences.

Why are some certifications missing from talent cards?

Talent cards exclude expired certifications. However, expired certifications are available in the talent review itself so that
employees can update or remove them.

Can I select specific performance reviews to include on talent cards?

No, talent cards always reflect the most recent performance review.

Can I see a preview of my talent card?

Yes, click the print button in the Summary Editor to view a talent card with the current talent review information.

How do I add the Talent Cards tab to worker profiles?

Add the Career content group to the worker profile, then add the Talent Cards report to that group. Worker profiles can also
display the Talent Cards report in the Overview or Performance content group. See Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.

Can everyone in the management level hierarchy access a worker's talent card?

No, only the worker's direct manager can access the talent card. Others in the management level hierarchy only view the worker's
talent card if you add the management chain to the talent card security policy. 85/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Can I print talent cards in other languages?

Yes, Workday prints data and labels on talent cards in the current user's language.

Can I turn off talent cards?

Yes, disable the security policy on these domains:

Self-Service: Talent Card

Worker Data: Talent Card

Note: Talent cards and talent reviews use the same security domains.

To remove current talent cards from worker profiles, use the Configure Profile Group task.

To turn off talent reviews and event-based talent cards, disable the security policy on the Talent Review domain.

To remove talent card print tasks from menus and search, use the Hide Workday Delivered Report task.

Talent Reviews with Calibration

Can I launch talent reviews with calibration?

Yes, you can launch talent reviews with calibration for an organization. When you select a calibration program on the Start Talent
Review for Organization task, Workday concurrently launches the calibration program and the talent review.

Is the calibration for the same group of workers as for the talent reviews?

Yes, Workday uses the employee eligibility rules and dates defined in the talent review template instead of the calibration
program rules.

How do I set up talent reviews with calibration?

If you have talent reviews and calibration set up for your organization, then talent reviews with calibration don't require any
additional configuration.

How does information flow between talent reviews and calibration?

After a talent review with calibration event completes, Workday pulls potential information from the talent review into the
calibration program. Configure the calibration program to use the Potential - Talent Review with Calibration report field as the
default value for potential. After calibration is complete, the employee's worker profile displays the updated potential assessment
from the calibration.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Talent Reviews

1.9 | Employee Reviews

1.9.1 | Common Employee Review Setup | Define Employee Review Types


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can create different types of employee reviews within the 4 categories of reviews in Workday. You can define as many review
types within a review category as you want.


1. Access the Maintain Review Types task.

2. Provide information for each review type: 86/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Review Type Workday displays this name in review templates and

when you roll out employee reviews.

Initiate on Individual Employee Enables managers, HR Partners, and other authorized

roles to start a review process of this type on a single
employee rather than an entire organization.

Allow Employee to Self-Initiate Enables employees to start their review on their own.
This option applies when the Review Category is
individual development plan or performance review.

Next Steps

Create employee review templates.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews
Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews | Create or Edit Review Questions


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in Performance and Goals functional area.


You can create categories to organize your employee review questions. Then create an inventory of questions that you can pull
into the Questions section in an employee review template.


1. Create review question categories.

a. Access the Maintain Feedback and Review Question Categories task.
b. Create categories in the grid.
2. Create review questions.
a. Access the Maintain Feedback and Review Questions task.
b. Enter each question in a new row.
c. Select 1 or more categories for each question.
d. (Optional) To view more details, drill down on Used in Templates.


You can group questions according to the employee review categories:

Development Plan
Disciplinary Action
Performance Improvement Plan
Performance Review

Next Steps

Add questions to an employee review template.

To see a complete list of categories, run the Feedback and Review Question Categories report.
To see a complete list of questions, run the Feedback and Review Questions report. 87/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide | Employee Review Templates | Create Employee Review Section Types


To include multiple sections of the same type in an employee review template, create tenanted section types based on these
delivered types:


You can configure the sections independently on the review template. When you carry over or consolidate content from 1 review
to another, Workday only pulls content between sections of the same type. Example: The Career Goals section in 1 review only
maps to the Career Goals section in another review.


1. Access the Maintain Employee Review Section Types task.

2. Define each section type in a new row:
a. Enter a Section Type Name.
b. From the Based on Section Type prompt, select the section type.
c. Expand Workday Delivered Section Types to view a list of all section types and which review templates use them.


Create different sections for Career Goals and Individual Goals based on the Goals section type. Add the sections to a review
template and select the carryover or consolidate option to move content from 1 review to another: Career Goals to Career Goals,
and Individual Goals to Individual Goals.

Next Steps

Add the tenanted section types to employee review templates.

For a list of tenanted section types, access the View Employee Review Section Types report.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews | Steps: Create Employee Review Templates


Define employee review types.

Create employee review section types.
Create rating scales.
Create employee review rules.
Create job profiles.
Set up the reviews you want to use in your templates.
Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can use the same elements in review templates for development plans, disciplinary actions, performance improvement plans,
and performance reviews. Templates define what employees and managers see on the review document and how to process the
information. Workday delivers these employee review template sections: 88/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Development Items
Supporting Documents

You can create up to 14 sections per template.


1. Access the Create Employee Review Template task.

2. Select the Review Type and specify the template Name.
The available review types are the types you defined on the Maintain Review Types task.
3. Add sections to the review template and click OK.

Changing the label in the Section Label Override field affects only this template and the employee reviews generated from
this template. Both online and printed review documents have the new labels.

4. Click Configure Employee Review Template.

5. Click Edit to configure the Template Details and Help Text for the template.
See Reference: Employee Review Template Details Fields.
6. (Optional) Configure the Accomplishments, Questions, and Responsibilities Sections.
7. (Optional) Configure the Competencies Section.
8. (Optional) Configure the Career Section.
9. (Optional) Configure the Feedback Section.
10. (Optional) Configure the Goals Section.
11. (Optional) Configure the Overall Section.

Next Steps

Start employee reviews based on this template.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews
Concept: Move Content from One Review to Another
Concept: Object Transporter
Workday 31 What's New Post: Require Employee Review Fields | Configure the Accomplishments, Questions, and Responsibilities Sections


Create the employee review template.

Create or edit review questions for the Questions section.
Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


1. Access the Configure Employee Review Template report and click Configure Sections.
2. Add the Accomplishments, Questions, or Responsibilities section and click Configure Section in the grid.
3. Select the Section Configuration options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Section Configuration Fields.

4. Select the Item Content options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Item Content Fields. 89/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

5. Add at least 1 question in the Questions section.

6. Select the Ratings and Comments options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Ratings and Comments Fields.

7. If you selected the Items Rated or Section Rated option, select the Weightings options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Weightings Fields.

Related Information

Create or Edit Review Questions
Create Rating Scales | Configure the Competencies Section


Create the employee review template.

Create the rating scale or the proficiency rating scale.
Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


1. Access the Configure Employee Review Template report and click Configure Sections.
2. Add the Competencies section and click Configure Section in the grid.
3. Select the Section Configuration options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Section Configuration Fields.

4. Select the Item Content options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Item Content Fields.

5. Add at least 1 competency.

6. Select the Ratings and Comments options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Ratings and Comments Fields.

Related Information

Create Rating Scales
Create Proficiency Rating Scales
Steps: Configure Additional Reviewers for Competencies | Configure the Career Section


Set up career interests, job interests, travel, and relocation preferences.

Create the employee review template.
Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


1. Access the Configure Employee Review Template report and click Configure Sections.
2. Add the Career section and click Configure Section in the grid.
3. Select the Section Configuration options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Section Configuration Fields.

4. Select the Section Selection options: 90/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Include Career Interest

Include Job Interest
Include Travel Preferences
Include Relocation Preferences

Related Information

Set Up Career Interests
Set Up Relocation Preferences
Set Up Travel Preferences | Configure the Feedback Section


Create feedback templates and assign them the Feedback for Review type to include them in performance reviews and
development plans.
Create the employee review template.
Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


1. Access the Configure Employee Review Template report and click Configure Sections.
2. Add the Feedback section and click Configure Section in the grid.
3. Select the Section Configuration options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Section Configuration Fields.

4. Select Feedback Types and Dates. As you complete this section, consider:

Option Description

Anytime Feedback Enables you to include nonprivate and nonconfidential

feedback on a worker given by others in the review
(Give Feedback).

Include Role Requested Feedback Enables you to include nonconfidential feedback on a

worker requested by another worker in the review (Get
Feedback on Worker).

Include Self Requested Feedback Enables you to include nonprivate feedback that
workers request on themselves in the review (Get
Feedback on Self).

Date Range Specifies whether to use the review period, enter a

dynamic start date, or enter specific dates.

Select at least 1 type of feedback to include in the employee review.

5. (Optional, for performance reviews and development plans only) Select the Default Template for Get Feedback from
Review to include questions from a feedback template in the employee review.
Workday populates this field with feedback templates assigned the Feedback for Review type in the Create Feedback
Template task. Workday doesn't use this field if you select only Anytime Feedback for the employee review.

Related Information

Steps: Configure Feedback Templates | Configure the Goals Section

Prerequisites 91/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Create the employee review template.

Create goal payout bands for net attainment.
Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


1. Access the Configure Employee Review Template report and click Configure Sections.
2. Add the Goals section and click Configure Section in the grid.
3. Select the Section Configuration options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Section Configuration Fields.

4. Select the Item Content options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Item Content Fields.

5. Select the Ratings and Comments options.

6. Select the Weightings options:
Items Weighted
Section Weight

See Reference: Employee Review Template Weightings Fields.

7. (Optional) Select the Net Attainment options. As you complete this section, consider:

Option Description

Goal Payout Band Specifies a Payout Band you configured on the Maintain
Goal Payout Band task.

Generate Net Attainment Specifies how to generate net attainment: Workday

calculates or manual entry.

You can generate net attainment in only 1 Goals section in an employee review template.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Goals in Employee Reviews
Create Rating Scales
Create Goal Payout Bands for Net Attainment | Configure the Overall Section


Create the employee review template.

Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


1. Access the Configure Employee Review Template report and click Configure Sections.
2. Add the Overall section and click Configure Section in the grid.
3. Select the Section Configuration options.

See Reference: Employee Review Template Section Configuration Fields.

4. (Optional) Select ratings options for the Overall section that apply to the overall review. As you complete this section,

Option Description 92/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Rating Configuration Selects from these ratings options:

Calculated Rating with No Overrides: Workday
calculates the overall rating. The employee or
manager can't override this value. Select this
option only if you configured 1 or more rated
sections other than the Overall section in your
Calculated Rating with Overrides: Workday
calculates the overall rating. The employee or
manager can override this value with a new
overall rating. Select this option only if you
configured 1 or more rated sections other than
the Overall section in your review.
Manual Entry: The employee or manager
specifies their own value in the Rating field
rather than selecting a value from a prompt. This
value can have up to 2 decimal places and must
fall between the specified rating scale. Select
this option if your review doesn't have 1 or more
rated sections, or you don't want Workday to
calculate the overall rating.
Prompt for Overall Rating: The employee or
manager selects a valid rating from the rating
scale. Select this option if your review doesn't
have 1 or more rated sections or you don't want
Workday to calculate the overall rating.

Require Ratings For Requires managers or employees to enter ratings in this

section. Not available when the Calculated Rating with
No Overrides or Manual Entry option is selected.

Rating Scale Uses the default rating scale you set on the Edit Tenant
Setup - HCM task. You can use a different rating scale
from the scale used in other sections.

Calculated Rating uses Section Rating Precision Calculates the overall rating using the Workday-
calculated section summary rating values and not the
mapped ratings from the rating scale.

When you select this check box, Workday recommends

that you also select the Display Section Rating check
box in other sections. You can select either this option
or the Calculated Rating uses Item Averaging option but
not both.

Calculated Rating uses Item Averaging Calculates the overall rating using an average rating of
all rated items in the employee review.

When you select this option, the Section Rated and

Section Weight fields aren't available in other sections.
You can select either this option or the Calculated
Rating uses Section Rating Precision option but not
both. If you select no option, Workday uses the weights
set at the item or section level.

Show Rating Description Displays the rating description below the rating.

Show Calculated Rating Displays the Workday overall calculated rating. 93/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Allow Employee Ratings Enables employee ratings by employees. Clear this

check box to exclude section ratings by employees in
employee reviews.

Related Information

Create Rating Scales
Example: Calculating the Overall Rating Using Mapped Section Ratings and Weightings
Example: Calculating the Overall Rating Using Calculated Section Ratings and Weightings
Example: Calculating the Overall Rating Using Item Averaging | Copy Employee Review Templates


Create 1 or more employee review templates.

Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Copy an existing employee review template to use as the starting point for another template.


1. Access the Copy Employee Review Template task.

2. Select the Employee Review Template to Copy.
3. In the Template Name for Copy field, enter the name of the new template.
4. Change the detailed information as necessary.

Next Steps

Create employee review rules.

Start employee reviews.

Related Information

Concept: Object Transporter
Concept: Track Employee Reviews | Reference: Employee Review Template Details Fields

Template Details

Option Description

Applies To Specifies a condition rule that targets this review template

to apply to a subset of employees. 94/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Period Start/End Date Specifies the start and end dates when all employees have
the same review period. These dates display on the initiate
review page and you can't change or delete them.

When you leave start and end dates blank on the template,
you must enter the dates when you launch the review. You
can use this option when you start a review for individual
employees and must specify the start and end dates at
initiation time.

These dates also determine which review Workday includes

in the Performance Review Status worklet.

The review doesn't automatically start or end on these

dates. To start a review, use the Start task that corresponds
to the type of review you're defining. The review process
doesn't end until the business process is complete.

Inactive Inactivates the template. You can't select an inactive review

template, but the template remains valid for in-progress

Layout Override Specifies a custom print layout created with Report

Designer in Workday Studio to override the standard layout
for employee reviews based on this template.

Default Editor Option Specifies the editor view that workers see when completing
employee reviews. You can enable the user to select the
default editor or specify whether the user starts the
employee review in Guided Editor or Summary Editor.

Specify Use Guided Experience to provide users a

redesigned editor with a navigation bar to switch between

Other Reviewer Options

Option Description

Enable Additional Reviewers for Competencies Section (Performance Reviews and Development Plans only)
Enables you to add additional reviewers in the
Competencies section.

Include the Get Additional Reviewers step in the Start

Performance Review or Start Development Plan business
process to enable additional reviewers. Also define the
types of Additional Reviewers on the Maintain Additional
Reviewer Types task.

Display Additional Reviewer Names Enables the additional reviewers' names to be visible to
both the employee and the manager. By default, additional
reviewer names are anonymous, even if you disable
anonymous feedback on the Maintain Feedback Setup task.

Display Additional Ratings to Employee Enables employees to see ratings assigned by additional

Display Additional Comments to Employee Enables employees to see comments provided by

additional reviewers. 95/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Enable Additional Manager Evaluations for All Sections (Performance reviews only) Enables comments from
additional managers in all sections of the employee review.

Display Additional Manager Comments Enables managers to see other managers' comments if you
enable additional manager evaluations.

Display Additional Manager Names Enables primary managers to see the additional managers'
names if you enable additional manager evaluations.

Help Text

Field Description

Set Content Workday displays these instructions during the Set Content

Evaluation Workday displays these instructions during the Complete

Self Evaluation and Complete Manager Evaluation steps.

Instructs employees and managers to acknowledge that

Employee Acknowledgment
they've viewed each other's comments as part of the

Manager Acknowledgment Provide Employee Review Comments and Provide

Manager Review Comments steps. This text is part of a
digital signature that includes:

An acknowledgment.
The person who completed the step.
A time stamp.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews | Reference: Employee Review Template Section Configuration Fields

Options Description

Override Label (All sections) Renames the section with the text you specify
in the Label field.

Section Comments (All sections except Overall) Adds a Comment field to this
section of the review document.

Require Section Comments For (All sections except Overall) Requires managers,
employees, or additional managers to enter comments in
this section. In the Competencies section, you can also
require additional reviewers to enter comments.

Use Comments (Overall) Adds a Comment field to the Overall section of the

Require Comments For (Overall) Requires, managers, employees, or additional

managers to enter comments in this section.

Additional Reviewers (Competencies) Selects from the additional reviewer types

created with the Maintain Additional Reviewer Types task. 96/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Options Description

Employee View Option (Accomplishments, Overall, Questions, Responsibilities,

Supporting Documents) Determines whether the employee
can view or modify this section. Specify 1 of these options:

View and Modify: Default behavior.

View: Applies to in progress or completed reviews.
View Only on Completed Review: The employee
can't view the section until the review is completed.
If you configure all review sections with this option,
Workday hides the entire review from the employee
until it's completed.
Hide: Always hide the section from the employee. If
you configure all sections in the review with this
option, Workday hides the entire review from the

The business process configuration for Disciplinary

Actions and Performance Improvement Plans
overrides what employees can view on a template. If
any review business process substeps involve the
employee (Examples: Set Content, Complete Self
Evaluation), Workday displays the review to
employees even if the template has hidden sections. | Reference: Employee Review Template Item Content Fields

Field Description

Load Content from Previous Review (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Defines the method to move content from
an employee review of the same type and within the same
review period to the next review period. Options are:

Carryover with Item Evaluation Content: Moves

content from the most recently completed review,
including ratings and comments as configured.
Consolidate: Consolidates and moves content from
all previous reviews that fall within the review period
start and end dates.

Allow Delete of Previous Content (Accomplishments, Goals, Responsibilities) Enables

employees or managers to delete content that's been
moved from a previous review. Available when you select
an option from the Load Content from Previous Review

Allow User to Add Existing Goals Manually (Goals) Enables the employee or manager to pull in
individual goals created outside of the review. If you've
included more than 1 Goals section, you can add an
individual employee goal to only 1 section. When you select
Load Relevant Goals, Workday automatically selects this
check box. 97/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Field Description

Load Relevant Goals (Goals) Adds all employee goals that aren't already in the
employee review to the review document. The automatic
pull-in occurs at the beginning of the set content and
evaluation phases. If you've included more than 1 Goals
section, you can add employee goals to only 1 section. You
can use this option on all Goals section types. You can:

Filter Relevant Goals by Category

Filter Relevant Goals by Rule

Populated from Position (Responsibilities) Adds responsibilities from the employee's

primary position and the primary position's job profile. When
you select this check box, you can also add new content at
the time of the review. Workday pulls the responsibilities
from the employee's primary position and the primary
position's job profile.

Pull from Position (Competencies) Adds competencies from the employee's

job profile and position to the review. You can also add
individual competencies that have been defined with the
Configure Competency task. | Reference: Employee Review Template Ratings and Comments Fields

Field Description

Items Rated (Accomplishments, Goals, Questions, Responsibilities)

Enables the employee or manager to enter a rating for each
item during the review process. When selected, enter a
beginning and ending range for the rating scale.

Require Item Ratings For (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Requires managers or employees to enter
a rating for each item in this section.

When you don't set up any conditions, you can require item
ratings for the manager for all supported sections.

When you select the Allow Employee Ratings check box for
the Goals section, you can require employees to rate Goal

When you select the Allow Employee Ratings check box

and select View and Modify from the Employee View Option
prompt, you can require employee item ratings for the
Accomplishments, Questions, and Responsibilities sections.

For the Competencies section, when you select the Use

Proficiency Scales or Use Rating Scale check box, you can
require item ratings for managers, employees, or additional

When you set no conditions, you can only require

item ratings for managers.
When you select the Allow Employee Ratings check
box, you can require item ratings for employees.
When you select the Enable Additional Reviewers
for Competencies Section template check box, you
can require item ratings for additional reviewers. 98/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Field Description

Use Proficiency Scales (Competencies) Enables the employee or manager to

evaluate competencies using a proficiency scale defined
with the Create Proficiency Rating Scale task.

Use Rating Scale (Competencies) Enables the employee or manager to rate

competencies using any tenanted rating scale defined with
the Create Rating Scale or Edit Rating Scale task.

Section Rated (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Enables the employee or manager to rate
the section. Options are:

Ratings With Overrides: Workday displays the

Section Rating field. If you selected Items Rated,
Workday calculates and displays the section rating.
You can change this value. If you didn't select Items
Rated, you can enter a rating value.
Ratings With No Overrides: Workday calculates the
rating and displays the value in the Section Rating
field. You can't change this value. Available only
when you select Items Rated.
Prompt for Rating: When selected, Workday
prompts the reviewer to give the employee a rating
for the section independent of the item ratings.

Not available when you select Calculated Rating uses Item

Averaging for the Overall section.

Proficiency Scale for Section Ratings (Competencies) Selects a proficiency scale for rating the
Competencies summary section.

Rating Scale (Accomplishments, Goals, Questions, Responsibilities)

Selects the rating scale for the section. You can set the
default rating scale on the Edit Tenant Setup - HCM task.
This rating scale doesn't need to match the rating scale
used in other sections.

Require Section Ratings For (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Requires managers or employees to enter
section ratings. This option isn't available if you select the
Ratings With No Overrides option from the Section Rated

When you set no condition rules, you can only require

section ratings for managers.

If the Allow Employee Ratings check box is selected, you

can require section ratings for employees for the
Competencies and Goals sections.

When you select the Allow Employee Ratings check box

and set the Employee View Option field to View and Modify,
you can require section ratings for employees for the
Accomplishments, Questions, and Responsibilities sections.

When you select the Enable Additional Reviewers for

Competencies Section template configuration check box,
you can require section ratings for additional reviewers for
the Competencies section. 99/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Field Description

Show Rating Description (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions)

Displays the description of the selected rating. Define rating
descriptions on the Create Rating Scale or Edit Rating
Scale task. Define competency rating descriptions on the
Create Proficiency Rating Scale or Edit Proficiency Rating
Scale task.

Allow Employee Ratings (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions)

Enables employee ratings for these sections. Clear this
check box to exclude item and section ratings by
employees in employee reviews.

Show Calculated Rating Value (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Displays the Workday-calculated summary
rating in the section summary area. Available when you
select Items Rated and a ratings value in the Section Rated

Show Mapped Calculated Section Rating (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Displays the Workday-calculated section
summary rating in the employee review document.
Available when Section Rated is selected. Workday
recommends this option when you select the Calculated
Rating uses Section Rating Precision check box in the
Overall section.

Item Comments (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Options include:

All Reviewers. Enables managers, employees, and

additional reviewers (if enabled) to enter comments
for each item.
Exclude Employee. Enables only managers and
additional reviewers (if enabled) to enter comments
for each item.
No Comments. Excludes comments for the items in
the section. 100/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Field Description

Require Item Comments For (Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions,

Responsibilities) Requires managers, employees, additional
managers, or additional reviewers to enter comments for
each item.

When you set the Item Comments prompt to All Reviewers

or Exclude Employee, you can require item comments for
the manager for all employee review template sections that
support this option.

When you set the Item Comments prompt to All Reviewers,

you can require item comments for the employee for the
Competencies and Goals template sections.

When you set the Item Comments prompt to All Reviewers

and the Employee View Option prompt is set to View and
Modify, you can require item comments for the
Accomplishments, Questions, and Responsibilities template

When you set the Item Comments prompt to All Reviewers

or Exclude Employee, and you select the Enable Additional
Manager Evaluations for All Sections check box for
template level configuration, you can require item
comments for additional managers for all the employee
review template sections that support this option.

When you set the Item Comments prompt to All Reviewers

or Exclude Employee and you select the Enable Additional
Reviewers for Competencies Section check box for
template level configuration, you can require item
comments for the Competencies template section. | Reference: Employee Review Template Weightings Fields

Field Description

Items Weighted (Accomplishments, Goals, Questions) Enables weighting of

individual items and identifies how to calculate the rating.
Options are:

Weighting Must Total 100. Weight is calculated by

dividing the assigned weight by 100.
Weighting with No Limits. Weight is calculated by
dividing the assigned weight by the sum of all

Section Weight (Accomplishments, Goals, Questions) Defines the weight to

assign to the section when calculating the overall rating.
Available when you select the Show Calculated Rating
check box in the Overall section. Not available when you
select the Calculated Rating uses Item Averaging check box
in the Overall section. Workday defines section weights at
the template level, not by the employee or manager. When
used with the Weighting with No Limits option, you can
specify the weight up to 12 integer places and 2 decimal
places. 101/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide | Create Rating Scales


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Create rating scales to measure:

Employee performance.
Level of proficiency.

You can use rating scales in these sections of employee reviews:


You can associate different rating scales with different sections in the same template. You can also use rating scales during the
review evaluation process.


1. Access the Create Rating Scale task.

2. Enter a unique Rating Scale Name.
3. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Rating Rating values can be alphabetic or numeric. Employees

and managers see this value when they complete a

Exclude From Calculations Select this check box to exclude items with this rating
from calculations for section ratings or overall ratings.

Rating Value Enter the value precisely to 2 decimal points. Workday

uses this value to calculate the performance rating of
the employee.

Begin/End Range Enter these values with 2 decimal places. If you use
ratings and have a section summary or an overall
section in employee reviews, these ranges determine
which rating value to use.

If you don't enter a specific rating value, Workday finds

the correct range and converts it to the corresponding
rating value. Beginning and ending ranges can't overlap
or have gaps.

Description If you select Show Rating Description on a review

template, the employee review document displays this

Next Steps 102/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

To change the rating scale, use the Edit Rating Scale task.

If the rating scale is used in a template, you can only update the Display Order, Rating, and Description. You can update
all fields for rating scales that aren't in use.

When you edit a rating scale, the changes apply to historical ratings for past employee reviews that use that rating scale.
If you don't want the edited rating scale to affect past reviews, create a new rating scale.

To see detailed information for a specific rating scale, run the View Rating Scale report.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews | Define Employee Review Rules


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in Performance and Goals functional area.


Create rules to target an employee review to:

A specific employee.
Group of employees.
Subset of employees in an organization.

The rule is associated with a specific employee review template.

The conditions of the rule define employee eligibility. You can base eligibility on characteristics of workers and positions, such as:

Job profiles.
Geographic location.
Years of service.

Example: You can create a rule that limits participation in a review to only hourly employees.


1. Access the Create Employee Review Rule task.

2. Enter a rule Description.
3. (Optional) Select a rule Category.
4. To copy an existing condition, select a rule from the Copy Condition from Rule prompt.
5. In the Rule Conditions grid, build a condition rule that identifies workers who are eligible for a particular employee review.
Employee review rules use Workday condition rules.

Next Steps

Run the All Condition Rules report to see all employee review rules.
Run the Employee Review Template Eligibility report to determine whether:
The rule selects the correct worker population for review. If the rule retrieves the wrong employees, or excludes
eligible employees, change the selection criteria.
Multiple templates of the same type target the same workers. You can change the rule to eliminate possible
double coverage.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans 103/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews

Create or Edit Condition Rules | Define Help Text for Employee Reviews


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews or Manage: Business Process Definitions domain in the Performance and Goals functional


You can provide help text for employee reviews in 3 places: at the template level, for a specific section, or for a specific field.

Template Help Text

Workday displays this help text when workers start or return to these steps of the employee review business process:

Set Content.
Complete Self Evaluation.
Complete Manager Evaluation.
Acknowledgment steps.

Section Help Text

Workday displays section help text at the top of each page in the Guided Editor and the Guided Experience.

Field Help Text

Workday displays field help text for individual fields on employee reviews. You can tailor your field help text for these employee
review business process steps:

Complete Additional Manager Evaluation

Complete Manager Evaluation
Complete Self Evaluation
Set Content

Employee reviews suppress help text defined on steps in the business process definition, since you have the flexibility to create
template-specific help text.


1. Access the Configure Employee Review Template report.

2. Click Edit to define template help text.
3. As you complete this task, consider:

Option Description

Set Content Employees and managers see these instructions during

the Set Content step. You can format the text and add
links to external information.

Evaluation Employees and managers see these instructions during

the Complete Self Evaluation and Complete Manager
Evaluation steps. You can format the text and add links
to external information.

Employee/ Manager Acknowledgment Explain how employees and managers can

acknowledge that they've viewed each other's
comments as part of the Provide Manager Review
Comments and Provide Employee Review Comments
steps. This text is part of a digital signature that
An acknowledgment.
The person who completed the step.
A time stamp. 104/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

4. Click Configure Section to define section help text.

You can enter section-specific instructions for the Set Content and Evaluation phases of the employee review.
5. (Optional) Set Up Guided Tours.
Configure field-level help text for your employee review sections and business process steps.

Related Information

Steps: Create Employee Review Templates | Change Labels on Employee Reviews


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can change the field labels that display in each section on the employee and manager review to meet your business needs.


1. Access the Maintain Employee Review Setup task.

2. Enter new labels on the Labels tab.


When you change the label in a section, that change affects all employee reviews that include this section, regardless of the
review type.

Related Information

Set Up Performance Worklets
Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews | Steps: Configure Additional Reviewers for Competencies


Create an employee review section template for Competencies.


When you create an employee review template, you select which Competencies sections to send for additional review, but not
specific competencies within each section. Additional reviewers can rate any or all of the listed competencies. Although Workday
uses weighting to calculate results, this information isn't visible to reviewers.

You can create as many groups of additional reviewers as you need, but can include a maximum of 3 groups per competency
section for review.


1. Using the Maintain Additional Reviewer Types task, enter these fields for each reviewer type:
Name and ID. The Name is shown as the reviewer type in the Get Additional Reviewers subprocess. The reviewer
type can represent the work relationship between the reviewer and the subject of the review. Examples are Team
Members, Project Lead, Peers, or Direct Report.
Description. This type guides the review participants in selecting group members.
2. (Optional) Mark the reviewer type Inactive so it's not available as an option in review templates. To see which review
templates use each additional reviewer type, click the Template Usage number. The order of the additional reviewer types
controls the order in which they’re displayed in the Get Additional Reviewers step of the business process. 105/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

3. Use the Configure Employee Review Template Section task to configure the review template as follows:
Select competencies for review when setting up the review template sections.
In the Other Reviewer Options section, select the Enable Additional Reviewers for Competencies Section check
box and specify anonymity options.
In the Competencies section, select the Additional Reviewers check box in the Section Configuration section. This
check box is available only if you selected Enable Additional Reviewers for Competencies Section in the Other
Reviewer Options section. The Additional Reviewers types are configured with the Maintain Additional Reviewer
Types task.
4. (Optional) Add the Get Additional Reviewers subprocess to a development plan or a performance review business
process. A common configuration is to launch it in parallel with the self-evaluation step.


Workers can add additional reviewers to Competencies sections in employee review templates.
Note: If an administrator enables the Talent Effect option in the leave type for an employee on a Leave of Absence, the employee
can't be selected as an additional reviewer in the Get Additional Reviewers subprocess.

Related Information

Concept: Get Additional Reviewers for Competencies
Example: Employee Initiates Get Additional Reviewers
Example: Manager Initiates Get Additional Reviewers | Create Goal Payout Bands for Net Attainment


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in Performance and Goals functional area.


You can create goal payout bands to use when you create employee review templates and start employee reviews.


1. Access the Maintain Goal Payout Bands task.

2. Select a Calculation Type to determine how Workday calculates net attainment:

Option Description

Dual Slope Uses the Minimum Payout Percent, Maximum Payout

Percent, and Target Payout Percent.

Single Slope Uses the Minimum Payout Percent and Maximum

Payout Percent.

Target Only Uses only Target Payout Percent.

The Minimum Payout Percent must be less than or equal to the Target Payout Percent, which must be less than or equal
to the Maximum Payout Percent.

Related Information

Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Configure the Goals Section
Create Bonus Plans | Maintain Employee Review Acknowledgement Statuses 106/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


When employees and managers complete an employee review, you can require them to acknowledge the review and are ready
to finalize the review content. The acknowledgement step includes a drop-down status that employees and managers select and
a comment field for entering comments. Use employee review acknowledgement statuses if you add the Provide Employee
Review Comments and Provide Manager Review Comments steps in the Complete Manager Evaluation for Performance Review
and Complete Manager Evaluation for Disciplinary Action business processes.

You can specify that an acknowledgement status only applies to employees or managers, or to specific review categories.


1. Access the Maintain Employee Review Acknowledgement Statuses task.

2. For each status, specify:
Description (for information purposes only)
Review Category

Select 1 or more employee review categories for the status.

Action Step

Select whether the status applies to the Provide Employee Review Comments or Provide Manager Review
Comments action step, or both.


To create an acknowledgement status that's only used by managers in conjunction with a Development Plan, you can create a
status called Acknowledge Development Plan with Comments for the Individual Development Plan review category and assign it
to the Provide Manager Comments action step. When the Provide Manager Review Comments step is run, Workday includes this
status for Development Plans and for managers only.

Next Steps

To inactivate a status, access the Maintain Employee Review Acknowledgement Statuses task and select the Inactive check box
for that status. When you inactivate a status, it's no longer available for in-process or new reviews. You can reactivate
acknowledgement statuses.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Development Plans
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews | Steps: Create Custom Employee Review Layouts


Set up business form layouts.


You can create a custom print layout to replace the standard employee review layout. You can also associate different print
layouts with specific review templates.


1. Access the Copy Standard Report to Custom Report task.

Copy the Employee Review Printout report to a custom report and share it with users who can print employee reviews. 107/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Security: Custom/Standard Report Copy domain in the Tenant Non-Configurable functional area.

2. Prepare a Custom Report to Be Used with a Business Form Layout.

Save the report data and XML schema for the custom report you created.

In Step 4, select an employee review with the template layout that you want to modify, specify the current date, and select
both the Show Manager Review Content and Show Employee Review Content check boxes.

3. Download the custom review layout.

The layout is a .rptdesign file. See Workday Community: Report Design Files and Configurations: Employee Review.
4. Create a Business Form Layout in Workday Studio.
5. Upload a Business Form Layout and Attach It to a Custom Report.
6. Access the Maintain Employee Review Setup task.
On the Print Template Overrides tab, apply the print layout to:
All employee reviews by selecting the custom report as the Default Tenant Override.
Specific review templates by adding rows on the Template Override grid.

Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area. | Concept: Employee Reviews

The main components of employee reviews in Workday are:

Review Categories and Types

Review Templates and Sections

Review Categories and Types

Workday enables you to conduct employee reviews in 4 categories. Each review category can have as many review types within
the category as your organization requires.
Note: Workday only generates employee reviews for the employee's primary job.

Review Category Review Type Examples

Individual Development Plan Career


Performance Review Ad Hoc Performance Review

Annual Focal Review

Mid-Year Review

Performance Improvement Plan Coaching

Presentation Skills

Disciplinary Action Attendance



Review Templates and Sections

Each review type can have different employee review templates that define the look and behavior of the review document.
Templates have:

General details that apply to the employee review as a whole.

Individual sections that comprise the employee review.
Instructions that guide employees and managers through the review phases and sections.

You can add these section types to review templates: 108/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Development Items
Supporting Documents

You can add multiple Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions, and Responsibilities sections to a template. To create
your own sections, use the Maintain Employee Review Section Types task. The maximum number of sections per template is 14.

You specify whether the employee can view or modify these sections:

Supporting Documents

You can hide a section from the employee permanently or until the review is complete.

Related Information

Set Up Performance Worklets
Embed Related Worklets in Business Processes | Concept: Employee Review Editors

Workday provides 3 editor options for employees to complete information in their employee reviews:

Guided Editor is a wizard that takes employees through sections 1 at a time.

Summary Editor has all sections on the same page.
Guided Experience is a wizard that enables employees to navigate between sections.

Guided Editor and Summary Editor

You can specify that users start in either Guided Editor or Summary Editor, or you can let them select the editor. Users can switch
editors at any time by clicking Guide Me or Summary. They can also pause data entry to complete later.

You can specify that the employee review uses Guided Experience as an alternative to Guided Editor. Unlike Guided Editor,
users can't switch between Guided Experience and Summary Editor.

Guided Experience
Guided Experience supports review templates with these template sections only:

Development Items
Supporting Documents

Guided Experience doesn't support the Get Additional Manager Evaluation business process step.

Note: If you create a template using Guided Experience but include unsupported sections, you won't be able to launch the review.
As a workaround, you can embed business analytics in the template to display relevant information for template sections that
Guided Experience doesn't support (Example: Feedback).

The Competencies section in templates using Guided Experience provides a grid format to users that's not supported in
templates using Guided Editor and Summary Editor. 109/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Workday doesn't support Guided Experience on the Workday mobile app.

Related Information

Reference: Embedded Analytics for HCM
Workday 33 What's New Post: Guided Experience for Employee Reviews | Concept: Get Additional Reviewers for Competencies

The Get Additional Reviewers business process enables you to establish a consistent and comprehensive approach for gathering
feedback from additional reviewers on a worker's competencies. You can set up employees and contingent workers to serve as
additional reviewers.

Set Up Business Processes for Additional Reviewers

You can include the Get Additional Reviewers business process as a subprocess on either of these business processes:

Start Performance Review

Start Development Plan

You can’t deploy Get Additional Reviewers as a stand-alone business process. Depending on configuration, when you initiate it
as a subprocess, either the employee or the manager selects reviewers and reviewer type. Reviewer types are configurable, but
typically represent relative roles such as peers and direct reports. The subprocess then contacts the additional reviewers, who
can enter comments based on the configuration of Item Comments in the employee review template.

To enable contingent workers to be available as additional reviewers for performance reviews or development plans, configure
either of these business process security policies:

Complete Additional Reviewer Evaluation for Performance Review

Complete Additional Reviewer Evaluation for Development Plans

View Additional Reviewer Results in the Manager Evaluation

The Complete Manager Evaluation step in the performance review or development plan business process:

Provides a description of the rated competency section.

Enables a rating assignment for each competency.

You can drill down to view additional reviewer comments.

Select Competencies for Review with Additional Reviewers

When you create an employee review template, you select which Competencies sections to send for additional reviews, but not
specific competencies within each section. Additional reviewers can rate any or all of the listed competencies. Although Workday
uses weighting to calculate results, this information isn't visible to reviewers.

You can create as many groups of additional reviewers as you need, but can include a maximum of 3 groups per competency
section for review.

Report on Average Additional Reviewer Ratings

You can create a custom report that returns average ratings by additional reviewer type in numeric form. You can create
calculated fields for the Review Component business object using the Average Rating by Additional Reviewer Type report field.

Related Information

Steps: Configure Additional Reviewers for Competencies | Example: Employee Initiates Get Additional Reviewers

This setup example enables an employee to initiate the Get Additional Reviewers business process as a subprocess for the Start
Performance Review (Default Definition) business process. The Get Additional Reviewers business process is used for the 110/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Competencies employee review section only.


Table 1. Start Performance Review (Default Definition)

Order If Type Specify Optional Group

A Initiation No

B Action Set Review Content No Employee as Self

C Action Complete Self No Employee as Self


C Employee Template Action Get Additional Yes Employee as Self

Enables Additional Reviewers

D Action Complete Manager No Manager

Evaluation | Example: Manager Initiates Get Additional Reviewers

This setup example enables a manager to initiate the Get Additional Reviewers for Performance Review (Default Definition)
business process. The Get Additional Reviewers business process is used for the Competencies employee review section only.


Table 1. Get Additional Reviewers for Performance Review (Default Definition)

Order Type Specify Optional Group

A Initiation No

B Action Review Get Additional Reviewers No Manager

D Action Complete Additional Evaluation for Performance Review No Employee as Self | Example: Set Up Average Additional Reviewer Ratings Report

This example enables an administrator to set up a report showing the average numeric ratings by additional reviewers for
employee reviews measuring competencies.


When you run a report for additional reviewer ratings for competencies, the report displays only the non-numeric rating (Example:
Exceeds Expectations) from each additional reviewer. Using the Average Rating by Additional Reviewer Type report field on the
Review Component business object, you can create a report that calculates the average rating for all additional reviewers into a
numeric value.


1. Access the Create Calculated Field task and create a calculated field on the Review Component business object.
Select the Lookup Field with Prompts function.
2. Define the calculation using the Average Rating by Additional Review Type source field.
In the Additional Reviewer Type source field, select 1 of the additional reviewer types configured in your tenant. Example:
select from these configured additional reviewer types:
Direct Reports
Other (for other reviewers)
3. Create additional calculated fields using the instructions in steps 1 and 2.
Example: if you created a calculated field for Peers in step 2, create a new calculated field for Direct Reports. 111/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can also create a calculated field and select all 3 values to calculate an average score of all the values.
4. Access the Create Custom Report task and create a report to display the results for the calculated fields.
a. Select the Advanced option in the Report Type field and the Employee Review option in the Data Source field.
b. In the Columns tab, add a column with the Content Review Competency business object and the Competency
Name in the field so the report will display the average ratings per competency.
c. Set up the report columns with the business object as Content Review Competency, with a different field for each
calculated source field.
d. Create the Column Heading Override labels to match the source fields:
Average Rating for Peers
Average Rating for Direct Reports
Average Rating for Other Reviewers
Average Rating for All Additional Reviewers
5. In the Prompts tab, select Review Templates for the Field column and Determine default value at runtime for the Default
Type column.
6. In the Output tab, select the Output Type as Table.
7. (Optional) Select the Worklet Options option if you want to access the report on a dashboard.
8. In the Share tab, select the Share with all authorized users check box.
9. Run the report for a given worker to display the average competency rating numbers by additional reviewers.

1.9.2 | Employee Review Process | Start Employee Reviews


Configure these business processes and security policies in the Performance and Goals functional area:

Start Development Plan

Start Disciplinary Action
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Performance Review


You can start development plans and performance reviews for an entire organization or an individual employee. Disciplinary
actions and performance improvement plans are only for individual employees.

Employees can start employee reviews if the Allow Employee to Self-Initiate check box is selected on the Maintain Review Types
task for a review type.

Employees can have only 1 employee review template with the same review type and period dates at a time. To start another
review for the employee, create a template with a different review type or change the dates for the existing template.

Only the employee's primary job is eligible for employee reviews.

You can add worklets to the business process steps to provide relevant analytic information for these tasks.

Sections may be hidden depending upon the section configuration.


1. Access the appropriate task:

Start Development Plan for Employee
Start Development Plan for Organization
Start My Development Plan
Start Disciplinary Action for Employee
Start Performance Improvement Plan for Employee
Start Performance Review for Employee
Start Performance Review for Organization
Start My Performance Review
You can schedule performance reviews and development plans to launch on a selected date and time (once or on a
recurring basis). Run the Scheduled Future Processes report to view all scheduled reviews.
2. Specify who the review is for, what template to use, and the review period:
a. Select the Employee or Organizations. 112/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

b. Select the Review Template.

c. Specify the Period Start Date and Period End Date.
If the review period is defined on the template, these dates are automatically populated.
d. (Optional) To start performance reviews with calibration, select the applicable calibration program from the
Calibration Program prompt.
The selected calibration program starts simultaneously. Workday uses the rules and dates defined in the review
template to determine employee eligibility.
Workday sends a notification to the person who is assigned to the next step in the business process.

When you hide all sections of a review from employees, Workday doesn't send business process notifications to
employees as long as employees aren't assigned to any step in the business process. However, if you assign the
Employee as Self security group to any step in the review business process, the employee receives a blank notification for
that step. To avoid sending out notifications to employees when you hide all sections, create a condition rule on the
business process using the Includes Editable Sections report field.

3. For the Set Content step, complete the sections that apply to your review document.
If error messages display when you click Save for Later, Workday still saves all your changes. You must correct the errors
before you can submit the review.

Section Description

Accomplishments Describe accomplishments. If Load Content from

Previous Review is selected on the template, previous
accomplishments display automatically. Descriptions are
visible to both employees and managers.

Career Select different types of job responsibilities that

represent career growth, describe career interests,
select jobs from the public job catalog, and specify
travel and relocation preferences. The available fields
depend on template settings.

Competencies Describe competencies. Items might already exist if

Load Content from Previous Review is selected. You
can't add new competencies if Pull from Position is
selected on the template.

Development Items When you start an employee review, Workday pulls

development items from the worker profile into the
review. You can't remove these development items from
the review. Select the Use Existing Development Item
check box to pull in development items that are added
to the worker profile after the review is launched. You
can individually select or remove these development

Goals Add a goal or select the Add Existing Goal check box to
load an existing goal. You can pull in existing goals only
if Allow User to Add Existing Goals Manually is selected
on the template. The Pull in Goal prompt lists goals that
aren't already part of the review.

Items might already exist if Load Content from Previous

Review is selected on the template.

Additional fields include the goal description, category (if

categories are defined), supported organization goals,
due date, status, and completion date.

Questions Questions are defined on the template. Items might

already exist if Load Content from Previous Review is
selected on the template. 113/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Section Description

Responsibilities Describe responsibilities. Items might already exist if

Load Content from Previous Review is selected on the
template. Descriptions are visible to both employees
and managers.

If Items Weighted is checked on the template, you can specify the Weighting of items in the Accomplishments,
Competencies, Goals, Questions, and Responsibilities sections.
You can't see the Feedback section in the Set Content step.
4. For the Evaluation steps, complete the sections that apply to your review document (as described in Step 3). Evaluate
items in the Accomplishments, Competencies, Goals, Questions, and Responsibilities sections. (See Step 6 for the
Overall evaluation.)
You can evaluate individual items or entire sections, depending on the template settings. If you carried over items from a
previous review, you can view and edit the previous comments and ratings (based on the template settings).

Option Description

Weighting Available if Items Weighted is selected on the template.

Rating Available if Items Rated is selected on the template. The

rating scale is defined using the Create Rating Scale or
Edit Rating Scale task.

Rating Description Available if Show Rating Description is selected on the


Level (Competencies) Available if Use Proficiency Scales is selected on the

template. The proficiency scale is defined using the
Create Proficiency Rating Scale task.

The effective date of the proficiency scale for a

competency in the review is the start of the review.
Changes you make to the proficiency scale after you
start the review don’t impact the competencies in the

Behavior (Competencies) Available if Show Rating Description is selected on the


Overall Rating Weight (Summary) Available if Section Weighted is selected on the


Calculated Rating (Summary) Available if Show Calculated Rating is selected on the


Rating (Summary) Available if Section Rated is selected on the template.

The rating scale is defined using the Create Rating
Scale or Edit Rating Scale task.

Rating Description (Summary) Available if Show Rating Description is selected on the


Comment (Summary) Available if Section Comments is selected on the


View (and comment on, if configured) the feedback received in the Feedback section. If the Start Development Plan or
Start Performance Review business process includes the Get Feedback from Review step, view this feedback in the
Feedback section. Drill down on Anytime Feedback and Requested Feedback for more details (available if configured on
the template).

In the Competencies section, drill down on Feedback for detailed competency-related feedback. 114/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

5. If the review has a Supporting Documents section, click Documents for Review to download and view documents
attached to the review template, or click Supporting Documents to browse for and upload additional documents.
Workday doesn't add these documents to the worker document file. You must have security to view the employee review
content before you can view documents uploaded or attached to a review.
6. If the review has an Overall section, specify overall ratings:

Option Description

Calibrated Review Rating Available if the performance review is started with a

calibration program.

I want to change the Rating Available if Calculated Rating with Overrides is selected
on the template.

Calculated Rating Available if Show Calculated Rating is selected on the


Default Rating Displays the overall rating value after the calculated
rating is mapped to the rating scale using the beginning
and ending ranges of the rating scale.

Rating Description Available if Show Rating Description is selected on the


Comment Available if Use Comments is selected on the template.


If you select a calibration program on the Start Performance Review for Organization task:
The manager's overall review rating is pulled into the calibration program.
The calibrated review displays in the performance review after you complete calibration.
Once an employee review is in progress, you can only change these items on the template:
General description.
General and section set content help text.
General and section evaluation help text.
Section labels.

Next Steps

Track review status and view results with Workday standard reports in the Goals and Reviews and Talent categories.
For performance reviews only:
Managers can access the My Team's Performance Reviews report to send back or pull forward an in-progress
Administrators can manually send back an in-progress or completed review from the related actions menu of the
performance review event.
Employees can access the My Competency Rating Assessment data visualization report to compare their
competency ratings in a specific review. The competency section on a review template must be configured with a
minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 competencies. Also, an administrator must configure a default scale for Default
Scale for Competency Assessment (3, 4, or 5 point scale) on the Edit Tenant Setup - HCM task.
For disciplinary actions and performance improvement plans only, HR partners or administrators can access the Update
Employee Review Dates task to:
Change the disciplinary action reason and the start and end dates for in-progress or completed disciplinary
Change the start and end dates for in-progress or completed performance improvement plans.

Related Information

Concept: Track Employee Reviews
Concept: Employee Reviews with Calibration
Add Worklets to Business Processes
Steps: Manage Development Plans
Steps: Manage Disciplinary Actions 115/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Steps: Manage Performance Improvement Plans

Steps: Manage Performance Reviews
Manage Scheduled Future Processes
Steps: Set Up Assess Potential
Create Goal Payout Bands for Net Attainment | Pause Employee Review After Set Review Content Step


If you set up an employee review business process to include both Set Review Content and evaluation steps, Workday starts
employee and manager evaluations as soon as the Set Review Content step completes.

You can pause the business process after the Set Review Content step and continue at a later date.


1. Select Business Process > Edit Definition from the related actions menu of one of these employee review business
Start Development Plan
Start Disciplinary Action
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Performance Review
2. Add a new To Do step after the Set Review Content step.


The person or security group assigned on the To Do step can manually launch the evaluation later in the review period. | Print Employee Reviews


Configure these applicable business processes and security policies in the Performance and Goals functional area:
Start Performance Review
Start Development Plan
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Disciplinary Action
Security: Worker Data: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Print an individual in-progress or completed employee review. Printing produces the employee version of the review unless you
hide all sections of the review. If you hide individual sections of the review from the employee, Workday hides them in the printed
version either unless you hide all sections. If you hide all sections, managers can print the review showing all sections and
employee can't print or view their reviews. You can:

Add the Employee Review Printout step to the Employee Review business process.
Print a review for an individual employee.
Mass print employee reviews for multiple organizations (including subordinate organizations).
Schedule performance review printing for an organization.

Steps 116/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Add the Employee Review Printout report step to one of these business processes or subprocesses:
Start Performance Review
Start Development Plan
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Disciplinary Action
To print an individual employee review, use 1 of these options:
From an employee's related actions menu, select Talent > View Employee Reviews, then click Create New PDF
next to a specific review.
Access the View Printable Employee Review report, select an employee review at the prompt, then click the print
To mass print employee reviews for multiple organizations:
1. Access the Print Employee Reviews for Organization task.
2. Select the Organizations and Review Template.
You can view the running background process in the Process Monitor report.
To schedule performance review printing for an organization:
1. Access the Schedule Print for Employee Reviews task.
2. Enter the applicable information to print all reviews in a review event initiation.
Note: You can access review PDFs printed through the Schedule Print for Employee Review task for 180 days if
you use the Workday-delivered layout. If you use a custom layout, the review PDFs expire based on the value
entered in Resulting Document Expiration Offset (in days) report field on the business form layout.
You can view the running background process in the Process Monitor report. Workday makes the PDFs available
to workers as a link on the View Printable Employee Review report.


You can access the most recently generated PDF (based on business process security policy) on employee review reports on
your worker profile.

Printed employee review reports aren't accessible on Workday on Android, Workday on iPad, and Workday on iPhone.

Related Information

Concept: Printed Employee Reviews
Steps: Manage Development Plans
Steps: Manage Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Manage Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Manage Performance Reviews | Concept: The Employee Review Process

The employee review process is flexible to meet the needs of your organization and the type of review you’re completing, but the
process typically includes these steps.

Start Review Process

The review process starts with one of these tasks, associated with a configurable business process:

Business Process Related Task

Start Development Plan Start Development Plan for Employee

Start Development Plan for Organization

Start My Development Plan

Start Performance Review Start Performance Review for Employee

Start Performance Review for Organization

Start My Performance Review 117/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Business Process Related Task

Start Performance Improvement Plan Start Performance Improvement Plan for Employee

Start Disciplinary Action Start Disciplinary Action for Employee

Set Content
This step enables the manager and employee to discuss the content comprising the employee review. Managers and employees
can add, edit, or delete:

Career preferences
Development items

You can't change questions during the review because they're defined on the template. You can enable weighting for all sections
except Career, Development Items, and Feedback.

Get Additional Reviewers

You can use Get Additional Reviewers to solicit and receive reviews on competencies. Add it to these business processes:

Start Performance Review.

Start Development Plan.

Employees or managers can initiate Get Additional Reviewers.

Get Feedback
Use this step to request feedback from 1 or more employees. You can add the Get Feedback from Review step to these business

Start Performance Review.

Start Development Plan.

To view the list of requests and feedback received during the review, configure the Feedback section in the employee review
template. Employees can't request feedback on themselves in a review.

Complete Employee Self-Evaluations and Manager Evaluations

Evaluations enable employees to complete their self-assessment and managers to assess their direct reports. They can:

Add new content.

View feedback.
Enter comments.
Link a goal to the goal of a supervisory organization.
Provide item ratings.
Specify an overall rating.

To manage reviews for employees who have multiple managers during a review period (such as during a promotion, transfer, or
manager organization change), configure the Manager for Majority of Event security group on all applicable steps in the review
business process. If the managers at the midpoint and end of the review period are the same, Workday routes the step to that
manager. If not, Workday routes the step to the manager at the start of the review period.

Example: Bob is Tanya's manager at the start of the quarterly review period. If Tanya transfers mid-quarter to Jack's organization,
Workday makes Jack the Manager for Majority of Event. If Tanya transfers after the midpoint of the quarter, Workday makes Bob
the Manager for Majority of Event.

View Review Details

The effective date for an employee review is the end date of the review. You can configure each review business process step to
control when employees see the review content: 118/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

If the Employee as Self security group has:

View All access, employees can see review content at any stage of the review process.
View Completed Only access, employees can see review content after the review end date.

You can also control whether and when employees can view these employee review template sections:

Supporting Documents

Note: The business process configuration for disciplinary actions and performance improvement plans overrides what employees
can view on a template. If any employee review business process substeps involve the employee (Examples: Set Content,
Complete Self Evaluation), Workday displays the review to employees even if the template has hidden sections.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Goals in Employee Reviews
Concept: Get Additional Reviewers for Competencies
Concept: Move Content from One Review to Another
Create Custom Business Processes
Reference: Workday-Delivered Security Groups | Concept: Printed Employee Reviews

You can print the employee version of in-progress, completed, canceled, and rescinded reviews. Workday provides a defined
print layout for employee reviews. You can also create your own custom print layout. The Workday-defined employee reviews

Key employee information.

The overall evaluation and acknowledgment.
Any other sections defined on the template in the order they display on the template.
Note: Workday doesn't include the Supporting Documents section in the employee review printout (PDF), even if you
enable section comments for the section. You can print the documents attached to the Supporting Documents section

The acknowledgment section displays the acknowledgment step in the review process.

Evaluation Content
The print document (PDF) contains content for self-evaluation and manager evaluation based on the current business process
step and business process security policy. You must have View All permission on these business processes to print all evaluation

Complete Manager Evaluation.

Complete Self Evaluation.

Managers can view the self-evaluation content in an employee review printout when:

They have view permission on the Complete Self Evaluation business process security policy.
Employees submit the self-evaluation.
The review is in progress or complete.

The printed review contains ratings and comments as configured in the employee review template that it uses.

Hidden Sections
When you configure the employee review template to hide 1 or more sections from the employee, those sections don't display on
the review printout.

Feedback 119/249
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To include the Feedback section in review printouts, include the Feedback section in the review template, plus:

Review Type Configuration Result

Performance Review and One of these options: Prints the feedback received from the
Development Plan review and section comments (if
Configure the Get Feedback
from Review step on the
applicable business process:
Start Performance
Start Development
Select Section Comments for
the Feedback section on the
Configure Employee Review
Template task.

Performance Improvement Plan and (Optional) Select Section Comments Prints the section comments (if
Disciplinary Action for the Feedback section on the selected).
Configure Employee Review Template

To exclude the Feedback section from employee review printouts, clear the Enable Feedback on Printout check box under
Template Details on the Configure Employee Review Template task. | Concept: Track Employee Reviews

If your review is for a single employee, you can track it from the employee's related actions menu: Talent > View Employee
Reviews. Workday provides standard reports for a supervisory organization, summarizing information at the organization, team,
or template level.

You can also write custom reports that include report fields such as Last Review - Overall Rating and Review - Last Completed.
To see the data returned by these fields, you must have 2 types of security permission:

Access to the Worker Data: Employee Reviews domain.

Access to the Start Performance Review and Complete Manager Evaluation business processes.

Report Used By

Average Performance Rating by Supervisory Organization A specific organization and its subordinates to view:

Average employee performance ratings for each of

the last 3 review periods.
Individual employee ratings for each review period.
Details about the calculation for each review period.
Individual employee reviews by selecting Talent >
View Employee Reviews from the related actions
menu of an employee. 120/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Report Used By

Employee Review Ratings One or more organizations and review templates to view

Total number of reviews in each rating category.

Example: The number of employees with a rating of

Unsatisfactory, Needs Improvement, or Meets

Average rating by review template and organization.

Use this report for review templates that track

Overall ratings.

Employee Reviews One or more organizations and review templates to view:

The overall status of In Progress reviews.

The person responsible for the next action or
response, such an approval, a comment, or an
Both In Progress and Complete evaluations for a
given review cycle and organization.

Employee Review Status Summary One or more review templates to view:

A list of employees in each status.

Individual employee reviews from the related actions
menu of the employee.
Note: This report supports dynamic reporting from
the total counts.

Employee Review Summary One or more organizations and review templates to view:

The number of reviews with Not Started, In

Progress, or Complete status.
Detailed information about individual employees in
each status.
Individual employee reviews by selecting Talent >
View Employee Reviews as a related action on the
name of an employee.

Employee Review Template Eligibility A specific organization and 1 or more review templates to:

View all employees included in a review.

Determine whether employees were targeted for
more than 1 review of the same type during the
same period.

This report only returns information on active workers.

My Team's Performance Reviews Managers to view:

All in-progress and completed performance reviews

for employees, including the review event, manager
and employee ratings, and period start and end
The current step of an in-progress review and send
it back or pull it forward between evaluation steps. 121/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Report Used By

Performance Ratings Distribution View a graphical representation of the performance review

ratings within a supervisory organization and subordinate

Related Information

Steps: Manage Development Plans
Steps: Manage Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Manage Performance Improvement Plans
Steps: Manage Performance Reviews | Concept: Move Content from One Review to Another

You can move these sections from 1 review to another:


Select 1 of these options on the review template:

Carryover with Item Evaluation Content (all section types)

Consolidate (accomplishment, goals, and responsibilities only)

You can’t move content from an in-progress review. You can continue to work on in-progress reviews (without moving content)
when the:

In-progress review doesn’t overlap with the new review period.

Review templates have different section types.

You can also add goals to an employee review by selecting these check boxes in the Goals sections of the review template:

Allow User to Add Existing Goals Manually.

Load Relevant Goals.

Content Carryover
Observe certain rules when carrying content over from 1 review to another:


The end date of the previous review must be earlier than the begin date of the new review.
If the review templates have different rating scales, adjust the previous ratings to the new review's rating scale.
Allow employees and managers to update their previous ratings and comments in the new review.


For applicable sections, move ratings and item comments as configured on the new review template.
Move content from a section in the most recently completed review (by review period end date) to the same section type
in the new review.


The status of the content you're moving must be:

Not Started (NS).
In Progress (IP).
Move the most current version of the content.
The goal can't be archived.

Competencies 122/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Carry over items and comments, but not ratings, if the review templates use different evaluation methods (one uses a
rating scale and the other uses proficiency scales).
Carry over only items defined on the new review template. Workday doesn't carry over competencies pulled from position.


Carry over only items defined on the new review template.


The employee or manager must make changes or comment in this section for items to carry over.

Consolidating Content
Many of the same rules apply to consolidating content:


The begin and end dates of the previous reviews must be equal to, or fall between, the begin and end dates of the new review.


For applicable sections, move ratings and item comments as configured on the new review template.
Move content from a section in all previous reviews to the same section type in the new review.


The status of the content you're moving must be:

Not Started (NS).
In Progress (IP).
Move the most current version of the content along with rating values and comments, as configured on the new review
The review templates must have the same rating scales for correct mapping of goal ratings between the reviews. If the
rating scales are different, Workday randomly assigns an initial rating to goals in the new review.

Related Information

Steps: Create Employee Review Templates | Concept: Route Review Steps for Workers with Additional Positions

For workers with multiple positions, you can route employee review business process steps to the worker's primary position
manager or to the worker's additional position manager. Example: When a worker is on an international assignment, you can
route business process steps to the worker's host country manager instead of the worker's home country manager.

You can configure routing modifiers for these steps when you edit the Start Performance Review business process definition:

Assess Potential
Complete Manager Evaluation
Complete Self Evaluation
Get Additional Manager Evaluation
Get Additional Reviewers
Get Feedback from Review

You can configure routing modifiers for these steps when you edit the Start Development Plan business process definition:

Complete Employee Plan

Complete Manager Plan
Get Additional Reviewers
Set Plan Content

You can configure routing modifiers for these steps when you edit the Start Disciplinary Action business process definition:

Complete Manager Evaluation

Complete Self Evaluation
Set Disciplinary Action Content 123/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can configure routing modifiers for these steps when you edit the Start Performance Improvement Plan business process

Complete Manager Plan

Set Plan Content

Workday recommends not to use routing modifiers if the additional position manager and the primary position manager are in the
same organization. In this scenario, Workday will route the step to both managers.

Related Information

Set Up Multiple Position Routing | Concept: Employee Goals in Employee Reviews

You have 2 options when creating employee goals:

Add them directly to an employee review. Goals created during the employee review process are always visible in the
employee review document.
Create goals outside of the review with the Add Goal to Employees task. You can add these goals to the employee review
in 1 of these ways:
Manually select and add these goals.
Set up Workday to add these goals automatically.

You can't add goals that are pending approval to reviews if Lock Goals Associated with In Progress Reviews is enabled in the
Maintain Goal Setup task.

On the Create Employee Review Template task, add a Goals section, and configure it in 1 of these ways:

Option When You Start the Review

Load Content from Previous Review.

Workday moves the most current version of the employee
Select from:
goal within the same section.
Carryover with Item Evaluation Content.
The current review template settings determine the previous
ratings and comments you see.

Allow User to Add Existing Goals Manually. You can add a goal or select a goal from the Pull in Goal
prompt during the Set Content and Evaluation steps.

You can't add goals associated with in-progress reviews to

the same worker.

Load Relevant Goals. Based on your selection, Workday automatically loads goals
into the review during the first occurrence of the Set
If you don't select a filter option, Workday loads all goals
Content and Evaluation steps.
except those with a completion status that maps to Not

(Optional) To filter relevant goals, select from:

Filter Relevant Goals by Category.

Filter Relevant Goals by Goal Rule.

On these options, Workday records all goal attributes but displays only the attributes you enable on the Maintain Goal Setup task:

Pull In Goal
Load Relevant Goals

Allow User to Add Existing Goals Manually 124/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

The selection list includes goals that are:

Added in all types of employee reviews and those added using the Add Goal to Employees task.
Not already in the review.
The most current version with any completion status.
Not archived.

Load Relevant Goals

When you load goals by category, Workday loads goals that are:

Created using the Add Goal to Employees task.

In the specified category.
Not already in this review or another review.
The most current version (excluding in-progress changes) with any completion status except Not Applicable.
Due during the employee review start and end dates. If a goal has no due date, Workday adds goals created between the
review start and end dates.
Completed between the start and end dates of the employee review.
Not archived.

When you load goals by rule, Workday loads goals that:

Satisfy the goal template rule.

Are active (not deleted or archived).
Aren't associated with another in-progress review.

A goal can only be in 1 section at a time. When you configure more than 1 Goals section to load goals by the same or
overlapping rule, Workday loads goals based on your configured section order.

When you use Carryover or Consolidate with Filter Relevant Goals by Goal Rule and Filter Relevant Goals by Category, Workday
loads goals first by the Carryover or Consolidate criteria, then adds goals that satisfy the goal template rule.

If you make changes to a goal in an employee review, and make changes outside of the review (ad hoc goal management),
Workday only displays the last set of changes that have been made or approved. Workday doesn't display pending changes,
such as goals awaiting approval.

You can view all goal changes in the:

History section of the View Goal report.

Worker History by Category report on worker profiles.

Related Information

Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Create or Edit Employee Goals

1.9.3 | Performance Reviews | Setup Considerations: Performance Reviews

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of performance reviews. It explains:

Why to set them up.

How they fit into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What They Are

You can use performance reviews to provide feedback on workers' performance to help improve worker effectiveness and
engagement. You can also use performance reviews to assist in coaching and driving development.

Business Benefits 125/249
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You can configure performance reviews to:

Track your workers' performance and drive their development.

Enable discussions with workers about their competencies, goals, and development items.
Connect performance reviews to compensation, making it easier to reward workers when your organization uses
performance-based compensation.

Use Cases
You can conduct performance reviews to run:

Periodically to coordinate with the compensation process in your organization and align with your goals.
On an ad hoc basis so workers can continue to develop outside of the scheduled review period.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

How often do you want to schedule periodic performance Determine the frequency of your performance reviews
reviews? based on who in your organization is participating and when
the review period takes place. Set up different employee
review templates for different review periods.

How do you want to organize performance review templates Set up your domains and employee review templates to
for specific worker groups? enable different requirements for specific worker groups.
Example: Special review templates for sales workers.

Who do you want to initiate performance reviews? Use the Maintain Review Types task to determine who can
start performance reviews. Example: You can configure the
task to enable workers to start their own performance
reviews, or enable only managers or HR partners to initiate
the reviews.

Are you moving content from a previous review to a review You can configure the Load Content from Previous Review
for a new period? prompt in your review templates to carry over or consolidate
content from previous reviews.

Are you using net attainment of goals to help determine Determine how to calculate the net attainment and include
compensation? the Goals section in the performance review template.

How do you want to rate the component parts of your You can assign ratings to individual items and sections on
performance reviews? employee review templates, or on performance reviews.
You can use Workday-provided rating scales or create your
own custom scales to align performance reviews with
Calibration, Compensation, or Succession.

Who needs to acknowledge and approve performance You can configure business process steps to support
reviews? approvals and acknowledgments. Acknowledgments only
apply to managers and employees. You have more flexibility
when setting up approvals so that other types of workers
can approve a performance review.

Do you want to include calibration in your performance Include the appropriate business process steps to support
reviews? calibration.

How can you include embedded analytics in performance You can configure embedded analytics on the Complete
reviews to provide more reporting about your workers? Manager Evaluation for Performance Review and the Get
Additional Reviewers for Performance Review business
processes to provide custom reports you enable as worklets
or use Workday preconfigured worklets. You can use these
reports to provide more context and information about your
workers' performance. 126/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

How can you conduct international reviews for workers with When workers have multiple positions in different countries,
multiple positions when the primary and secondary route steps to the home country manager or the host
managers are in different countries? country manager using business process routing modifiers.

What data do you want to gather with performance reviews You can configure templates to require workers to complete
and how do you want to measure it? specific fields. You can include summary sections or
comments. You can set up templates to weight items and
sections, or include item ratings and calculated ratings.

Do you want additional managers or reviewers to provide You can set up your business processes to support
feedback? additional manager evaluations. You can enable up to 2
additional managers to provide evaluation comments for
workers. You can include the Competencies section in a
template to enable additional reviewers (not supported in
other template sections).

Use care when setting the Period Start Date and Period End Date values for the Start Performance Review business
process. Don't schedule an employee review with dates that overlap an existing employee review of the same review
Select the Period Start Date and Period End Date values when you load content from a previous review and you configure
the template with the Carryover with Item Evaluation Content or Consolidate option. These dates determine which content
is eligible for the current review.

The Period End Date value also control's worker access to review data when you select the View Only On Completed
Review option in the Employee View Option prompt on the template. When you select this option, workers don't see their
review data until after the Period End Date and the process is complete

Don't set the start date to before a worker's hire date.

Copy the template before you launch the official review, because you can't edit review templates when reviews are in
progress or complete.
Test your employee review templates before launching the review. If you need to update a template during testing, cancel
the reviews first and edit the template.

When you include the Questions section on your review template, you must configure question categories and questions
for feedback and review.

Workday doesn't support parallel steps on performance reviews because it can lead to inconsistent results.

Tenant Setup
No impact.

Configure these domains in the Performance and Goals functional area:

Domains Considerations

Self-Service: Performance Reviews Provides workers self-service access to starting and

updating their own performance reviews.

Set Up: Employee Reviews Enables workers with the administrator role to configure all
parts of the employee review process.

Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker Eligibility Enables contingent workers to participate in employee
reviews, including performance reviews. 127/249
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Domains Considerations

Process: Employee Reviews Enables workers to start and view employee reviews.
Workday requires this domain for organization-level
performance reviews. Example: Administrators or support
roles such as HR Partner.

Set Up: Goals Enables workers to add goals when you include the Goals
section on the performance review.

Worker Data: Performance Reviews Provides access for roles who need to view another
worker's performance review. Example: Managers and
support roles such as HR Partner or HR Administrator.

Worker Data: Review Event Enables workers to complete performance reviews on

behalf of other workers and run the My Team's Performance
Reviews report.

Business Processes

Business Processes Considerations

Complete Additional Reviewer Evaluation for Performance You can enable contingent workers to serve as additional
Review reviewers for performance reviews when you include the
Competencies section on employee review templates.

Complete Additional Manager Evaluation for Performance You can configure steps that enable additional managers to
Review add, change, or delete comments on the performance

Complete Self Evaluation for Performance Review You can enable workers to evaluate themselves as part of a
performance review.

Get Additional Reviewers for Performance Review You can enable workers to add additional reviewers in
Competencies sections.

Set Review Content for Performance Review You can determine what actions workers and managers can
perform in the performance review process.

Start Performance Review Determine whether you want the performance review
process to be simple or complex. Examples: You can
include a Set Content step, or enable others to evaluate a
worker's competencies.


Reports or Dashboards Considerations

My Team's Additional Manager Evaluations report Enables you to report on worker evaluations by other
managers. Workday doesn't display the primary manager's
comments to additional managers.

My Team's Performance Reviews report Enables managers to view performance reviews for their
entire team in a single report.

Performance Review Status report Enables managers to view the statuses of their workers'
performance reviews. Managers can drill down on details
for individual workers.


Web Services Considerations 128/249
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Web Services Considerations

Get Employee Review Templates Imports employee review templates for performance

Get Employee Reviews Imports employee reviews for performance reviews.

Import Employee Reviews Loads in-progress and completed performance reviews.

Put Employee Review Templates Loads employee review templates for performance reviews.

Put Employee Reviews Loads performance reviews.

Put Review Type Adds, edits, and removes review types, including
performance reviews.

Start Performance Review Creates in-progress or completed performance reviews.

Update Employee Review Rating Loads overall ratings and overall manager comments for
performance reviews for both workers and contingent

Connections and Touchpoints

Performance reviews can touch the Compensation functional area in Workday.

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

Concept: Move Content from One Review to Another
Create Employee Review Section Types
Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Create Rating Scales
Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings | Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews


Configure these business processes and security policies in the Performance and Goals functional area:

Start Development Plan

Start Disciplinary Action
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Performance Review


Set up employee reviews to support performance evaluation and personal development. You can create different types of reviews
within the 4 categories of employee reviews in Workday.

To use custom labels throughout Talent, use the Maintain Custom Labels task.
Note: In review documents, custom labels don't override labels created with the Create Employee Review Template and Maintain
Employee Review Setup tasks.


1. (Optional) Determine if your event is large enough that you need to work with the Workday Production Readiness team.
See Workday Community: Customer Events: Best Practices and Production Readiness for guidelines about opening a
Production Readiness case.
2. Define Employee Review Types. 129/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

3. Set up the individual components that you plan to include in employee reviews:

Option Description

Career You can include:

Career interests.
Job interests.
Travel preferences.
Relocation preferences.

Steps: Set Up Interests

Competencies Add competencies and rate them in employee reviews.

Create Proficiency Rating Scales
Create or Edit Competencies

Development Items You can include ad hoc development items in employee


Manage Development Items

Feedback The self-evaluation and manager evaluation forms can

include feedback received during the employee review
process (performance reviews and development plans
only) and outside of it.

Steps: Set Up Feedback

Goals Add goals directly into employee reviews or create them

outside of the review process. You can also map your
statuses that define a worker's progress toward
completing a goal to the delivered Workday statuses.
Create or Edit Employee Goals
Set Up Goal Completion Statuses

Questions Include questions in employee reviews and create

categories to organize them into related groupings.

Create or Edit Review Questions

4. (Optional) Create Rating Scales.

5. Create review templates and define their content:
a. (Optional) Create Employee Review Section Types.
b. (Optional) Define Employee Review Rules.
c. Steps: Create Employee Review Templates.
d. (Optional) Copy Employee Review Templates.
e. (Optional) Change Labels on Employee Reviews.
6. Maintain Disciplinary Action Reasons and Categories.
7. (Optional) Maintain Employee Review Acknowledgement Statuses.
8. (Optional) Set Up Performance Worklets.
9. (Optional) Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
Set up the Team Performance dashboard to combine analytics and actions for managing teams and their performance
from a single place. You can use the default menu as a starting point.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews
Concept: Best Practices for All Large-Scale Events
Steps: Manage Performance Reviews
Create or Edit Custom Labels 130/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Reference: Feedback Business Processes
Reference: Event-Specific Best Practices | Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews for Contingent Workers


Complete the setup procedure for performance reviews.


Workday gives you the option to conduct performance reviews for contingent workers and enable them to participate in the review
process the same way as employees do. This option enables you to conduct performance reviews for a wider population of your


1. Add the security group with the contingent workers you want to include to Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility domain to make them eligible for performance reviews.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility domain.
2. Add the security group to the security domains that you use for performance reviews.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Self-Service: Performance Reviews domain.
3. Add the same security group to your performance review business process policy:
Initiating actions.
Action steps.
4. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
5. Edit the Start Performance Reviews business process to include the security group for contingent workers on all self-
service steps.


You can include contingent workers in your performance review events.

Next Steps

Contingent workers use the Start My Performance Review task to self-initiate a performance review. Managers use the Start
Performance Review for Employee task or the Start Performance Review for Organization task to start performance reviews for
contingent workers. | Steps: Manage Performance Reviews


Complete the setup procedure for employee reviews.


You can add and edit content, manage ratings and weightings, and track progress within the 4 employee review categories in

Performance Reviews
Development Plans
Disciplinary Actions
Performance Improvement Plans

In addition, Workday enables you to complete performance reviews and development plans using the Workday on iPad and
Workday on iPhone apps. Managers can also track review progress directly from the Team Profile on the iPad.

Steps 131/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1. Start Employee Reviews.

See Concept: Employee Reviews.
2. Pause Employee Review After Set Review Content Step.
3. Send back or pull forward performance reviews.
See Enable Sending Back or Pulling Forward Performance Reviews.
4. Manually Advance a Business Process.
5. Track the status of employee reviews with reports.
See Concept: Track Employee Reviews.
6. Print Employee Reviews.

Related Information

Concept: Get Additional Reviewers for Competencies
Concept: The Employee Review Process
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews
Steps: Purge Person Privacy Data | Enable Sending Back or Pulling Forward Performance Reviews


Security: Worker Data: Performance Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can use the My Team's Performance Reviews report to send back or pull forward performance reviews for your employees.
Users with access on the Manual Send Back action of the Start Performance Review business process security policy can
change the current step for in-progress reviews.

Send back and pull forward actions are only available for performance reviews and not the other employee review types.

You can only pull forward a performance review when the review is in progress and is on the Complete Self Evaluation initiation


1. Enable managers to send back and pull forward performance reviews:

a. Add managers to the Worker Data: Review Event domain.
b. To enable pulling a performance review forward, configure the Start Performance Review business process
workflow definition so that the Complete Self Evaluation initiation step immediately precedes the Complete
Manager Evaluation initiation step.
The Complete Self Evaluation business process definition must contain only the initiation step.
2. Enable administrators to perform manual send back by adding them to a security group specified in the Manual Send
Back action of the Start Performance Review business process security policy.


Managers can send a review back by clicking Send Back. The review either moves:

From the Complete Manager Evaluation initiation step to the Complete Self Evaluation step.
From between the Complete Manager Evaluation initiation and completion steps to the Complete Manager Evaluation
initiation step.

Managers can pull a review forward from the My Team's Performance Reviews report by clicking Complete On Behalf Of. The
review advances from the Complete Self Evaluation step to the Complete Manager Evaluation step.

Administrators can perform a manual send back from the related actions menu of the performance review event, by selecting
Business Process > Manual Send Back.

Next Steps

Workday saves all review content including comments, but removes any acknowledgments. When a participant in a review has
changed roles or organizations, Workday routes the action steps to the original participant, but sends approvals to the current 132/249
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Related Information

Manually Send Back a Business Process | Concept: Performance Review Management

You can use 2 methods to manage the workflow of performance reviews:

My Team's Performance Reviews

With this report, managers can view all in-progress and completed performance reviews for their employees and send back or
pull forward a performance review under specific conditions:

At the Complete Self Evaluation initiation step, you can pull a review forward to the Complete Manager Evaluation step if
it's the immediate next step.
At the Complete Manager Evaluation initiation step, you can send a review back to the Complete Self Evaluation step if
it's the immediately preceding step and the review is in progress.
After the Complete Manager Evaluation initiation step but before the completion step, you can send a review back to the
Complete Manager Evaluation initiation step. You must repeat the subsequent steps and the acknowledgment, but any
comments that you previously entered are saved.

Manual Send Back

Administrators or other roles secured to the Manual Send Back action in the Start Performance Review business process security
policy can:

Move an in-progress review from any step to any step.

Reopen a completed review and send it back to the Complete Manager Evaluation step. A manager then can use the My
Team's Performance Reviews report to take further action.
When you manually send back a completed review, Workday automatically skips:
The Get Additional Reviewers and Get Feedback from Review steps (if configured).
Steps that run concurrently with the Complete Manager Evaluation step. | Additional Manager Evaluations | Steps: Set Up Additional Manager Evaluations


Configure the Start Performance Reviews business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional area.


You can configure up to 2 additional managers to provide comments concurrently in a single employee review.


1. Enable Additional Manager Evaluations.

2. Enable comments for 1 or more sections in the employee review template.
You must have either section comments or item comments or both enabled for 1 or more sections.
See Steps: Create Employee Review Templates.
3. Configure the Get Additional Manager Evaluation business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals
functional area.
Add the Complete Additional Manager Evaluation action step to the Get Additional Manager Evaluation business process
and assign the Employee as Self group to it. For contingent workers, assign the Contingent Worker as Self group to the
action step of the business process.
See Edit Business Process Security Policies.
4. Add the Get Additional Manager Evaluation subprocess to the Start Performance Review business process.
Configure this subprocess to be before the Complete Manager Evaluation for Performance Review subprocess. 133/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

5. Add the Additional Manager Evaluations report to the My Team's Performance Reviews profile group.
See Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.


You can add additional managers to provide comments in an employee review.

Note: If an administrator enables the Talent Effect option in the leave type for an employee on a Leave of Absence, the employee
can't be selected as an additional manager in the Get Additional Manager Evaluation business process. | Enable Additional Manager Evaluations


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Enable additional manager evaluations in the review template as a part of setting up additional manager evaluations.


1. Access 1 of these tasks:

Create Employee Review Template to create a new template.
Configure Employee Review Template to edit an existing template.
2. Click Edit.
3. Select the Enable Additional Manager Evaluations for All Sections check box.
4. Select the desired check boxes:
Display Additional Manager Comments.

When selected, additional managers can see each others' comments after they submit them. Workday doesn't
display the primary manager's comments to additional managers.

Display Additional Manager Names.

When left cleared, Workday displays managers' comments under the name Anonymous.

Next Steps

Configure these business processes and their security policies:

Get Additional Manager Evaluation for Performance Reviews.

Complete Additional Manager Evaluation for Performance Reviews.

Related Information

Edit Business Process Security Policies | Manage Additional Manager Evaluations


Set up additional manager evaluations.

Use the Configure Profile Group task to add the Additional Manager Evaluations report to the My Team's Performance
Reviews profile group.
Security: Worker Data: Performance Reviews and Worker Data: Review Event domains in the Performance and Goals
functional area.


The Additional Manager Evaluations report displays all in-progress and completed additional manager evaluations for your
employees and enables you to pull forward and send back additional manager evaluations.

You can't pull forward or send back additional manager evaluations for completed performance reviews. Workday cancels
outstanding additional manager evaluations after the Start Performance Review business process completes. 134/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can add this report to the My Team's Performance Reviews profile group.


Access the Additional Manager Evaluations report.

To pull additional manager evaluations forward, click Complete On Behalf Of.
This completes the Complete Additional Manager Evaluation business process.
To send a review back, click Send Back.
This sends the review back to the initiation step of the Complete Additional Manager Evaluation business process.
To revise a completed additional manager evaluation, select Correct from the related actions menu of the Complete
Additional Manager Evaluation business process instance.
You must belong to a security group that is secured to the Correct action on the Complete Additional Manager Evaluation
business process security policy.

Related Information

Enable Sending Back or Pulling Forward Performance Reviews | Concept: Additional Manager Evaluations

You can make performance reviews more comprehensive by enabling up to 3 managers (the primary manager and up to 2
additional managers) to provide comments concurrently in a single review. You can set up both employees and contingent
workers as additional managers.

Note: This feature is separate from the Multiple Managers feature that enables you to assign multiple managers to a supervisory

Get Additional Manager Evaluation

The Get Additional Manager Evaluation for Performance Review business process provides a Reviewers prompt where you can
select a maximum of 2 reviewers to add comments in the manager evaluation. You can select any employee from the Reviewers

You can also select any contingent worker from the Reviewers prompt. Enable this by configuring the security group on the
initiating action of the Complete Additional Manager Evaluation for Performance Review business process policy.

Complete Additional Manager Evaluation

The Complete Additional Manager Evaluation for Performance Review business process is a subprocess of the Get Additional
Manager Evaluation for Performance Review business process. This subprocess enables additional managers to:

Add, change, and delete items in the review sections.

Enter, change, and delete comments for all items and sections enabled for comments.
View each other's names and submitted comments (when configured on the review template).

Complete Manager Evaluation

The current manager can see all additional manager comments on the Complete Manager Evaluation document once they’re

Additional Manager Evaluations Report

The Additional Manager Evaluations report enables you to manage the additional manager evaluation process. You can pull
forward and send back additional manager evaluations from this report.

You can use the Configure Profile Group task to add the Additional Manager Evaluations report to the My Team's Performance
Reviews profile group. | Set Up Performance Worklets

Prerequisites 135/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Create employee review templates for performance reviews.

Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in Performance and Goals functional area.


The Performance Review Status worklet displays the number of performance reviews that are:

In Progress
Not Launched

These numbers display when you specify which performance review templates to include. The Not Launched number only
includes workers who are eligible for performance reviews using the employee review templates you created.
When you access this worklet, Workday finds the performance review templates where the current date is:

After the template start date.

Before the template end date + 3 months.

Workday compares these templates to performance reviews for your direct reports. If a performance review status matches, it's
included in the count. If the current date is after the template end date + 3 months, Workday won't find any performance reviews
to display.


1. Access the Maintain Employee Review Setup task.

2. Click the Worklet tab. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Employee Review Templates used in Performance Worklets Select the Performance Review templates
you want to report in the worklet. Only
templates for the Review Type of
Performance Review are available.

To hide the Performance Review Status

numbers on the Team Performance
dashboard, clear this field.

You can include current fiscal year

performance review templates in this field to
report on recent performance reviews of
your workers.

Reporting Target Rating Scale Select the rating scale to use in reports
when the performance review template
doesn't include a default rating scale.
Workday normalizes any ratings to this

Review Templates Used in Performance Over Time Report Field Used in the Performance Over Time reports
or report fields. Select if you use
Performance Over Time as an axis for a
talent matrix report.

Workday also uses this field to identify the 3

most recent performance reviews for the
Review Rating report fields.

The Performance Over Time calculation

excludes ratings from templates that have
an Overall section in which the Rating
Configuration is set to Manual Entry. 136/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Rating Scale Used in Performance Over Time Report Field Select if you use Performance Over Time as
an axis for a talent matrix report.

Workday also uses this field to normalize

performance ratings for the Review Rating
report fields.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Matrix Reports
Concept: Landing Pages
Change Labels on Employee Reviews
Steps: Create Employee Review Templates | Reviews with Calibration | Steps: Set Up Reviews with Calibration


The Start Performance Review business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional
The Launch Calibration business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals or Succession
Planning functional areas.
Security: Set Up: Calibration domain in the Performance and Goals and Succession Planning functional areas.


Set up performance reviews with calibration to support calibrated performance ratings across your organization as part of your
performance review business process.


1. From the related actions menu of the Complete Manager Evaluation for Performance Review business process:
a. Select Business Process > Edit Definition.
b. (Optional) Add the Await Calibration Completion service step after the Initiation step to pause the business
process when the calibration program is launched and automatically resume the business process when the
calibration program is submitted.
Workday executes this service step only if the review includes calibration.
c. Add the Update Performance Review Ratings for Manager Evaluation action step directly after the Await
Calibration Completion service step and assign it to a manager group.
2. From the related actions menu of the Launch Calibration business process:
a. Select Business Process > Edit Definition.
b. Create a new To Do step before the shared participation step and Specify as Hold for Review.
This step halts calibration and ensures that manager evaluations are complete before calibration launches. See
Create and Maintain a To Do.
c. Assign the To Do step to a security group with access to all employees in the calibration program. Workday
recommends only adding Talent Administrators to this security group.
d. Verify that this security group can access the Rating – Most Recent report field, secured to the Worker business
3. Set up a calibration program with the default rating fields applicable to reviews with calibration.
a. Access the Create Calibration Program task.
Specify the program name, nBox report, and other applicable information.
b. Select the Calibration Default Values tab.
From the Default value to choose prompt, select Rating - Overall for Reviews with Calibration and Potential -
Performance Review with Calibration. 137/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

4. (Optional) If you want to include the Assess Potential step in calibration, select Potential - Performance Review with
Calibration as a default value in the calibration program.
a. From the related actions menu of the Start Performance Review business process, select Business Process > Edit
b. Add the Assess Potential action step before the Complete Manager Evaluation To Do step and assign it to a
manager security group.

Next Steps

Access the Start Performance Review for Organization task (secured to the Process: Employee Reviews domain in the
Performance and Goals functional area) to begin reviews with Calibration.

(Optional) Verify the Await Calibration Completion step of the business process by confirming that Workday hasn't generated any
inbox items for managers and that the step is in progress. Submit the entire calibration event, not just the manager portion.
Confirm that the business process has moved past the Await Calibration Completion step and onto the next step.

Related Information

Concept: The Employee Review Process
Set Up Calibration Programs
Edit Business Processes
2020R2 What’s New Post: Performance Review Calibration | Start Reviews with Calibration


Configure the Start Performance Reviews business process and security policy in the Performance and Goals functional
Set up performance reviews with calibration.
Security: Process: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


When you start performance reviews with calibration for an organization, calibration for the same population starts
simultaneously. Workday pulls in the overall review rating and the potential assessment into the calibration. Workday displays the
completed calibrated review rating in the manager evaluation.

If running Performance Reviews with Calibration, Workday recommends that you use the Facilitate Calibration task instead of
Mass Operations Management (MOM) to either:

Pull the calibration task forward.

Enable the highest-level manager to Complete on Behalf of.


1. (Optional) Determine if your event is large enough that you need to work with the Workday Production Readiness Team.
See Workday Community: Customer Events: Best Practices and Production Readiness for guidelines about opening up a
Production Readiness case.
2. Access the Start Performance Review for Organization task.
3. Select the applicable organization, template, and review period.
If the review period is defined in the template, Workday populates these dates automatically.
4. Select the applicable calibration program from the Calibration Program prompt.
Workday uses the rules and dates defined in the review template to determine employee eligibility.


The selected calibration program launches at the same time as the performance review event for the same group of employees.

Related Information

Concepts 138/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Concept: The Employee Review Process

Concept: Best Practices for All Large-Scale Events
Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings | Resume Reviews on Hold


Security: Process: Employee Reviews domain in Performance and Goals functional area.


During performance reviews with calibration, Workday places the Update Performance Review Ratings for Manager Evaluation
business process on hold if the calibration event isn't complete. When you resume the on-hold reviews, Workday displays the
calibrated review rating for these workers.

Administrators or other assigned roles can manually resume the on-hold reviews even if the calibration for all employees is still in

When you include the Await Calibration Completion step, the review automatically resumes when you submit the calibration


1. Access the Resume Employee Reviews On Hold task.

2. Select the Employee Review Organization Initiation from the prompt.
The background process to resume the reviews starts. You can drill down on Performance Reviews on Hold to see the
reviews that are on hold.

Next Steps

Run the Process Monitor report to check the status of the resumed employee reviews.

Related Information

Concept: The Employee Review Process
Concept: Workday Scheduled Processes | Concept: Employee Reviews with Calibration

Performance reviews are the only employee review type that integrates with calibration. Integrating calibration simplifies the
review process. You can:

Calibrate the same population as the one you're reviewing.

Pull the overall rating from a review into calibration.
Place the review process on hold until the calibration event is complete.
Note: Administrators can prevent delays in the process by resuming on-hold reviews before the calibration event is
View the calibrated rating in the manager evaluation of reviews.

Reviews with Calibration Process

When you start performance reviews with calibration for your organization, Workday simultaneously launches the calibration
program. The rules and dates defined in the review template determine employee eligibility. Rules defined for reviews supersede
rules that are defined for calibration. A To Do step on the Launch Calibration business process pauses calibration until the
manager evaluations are complete. Workday then pulls the overall review ratings and potential assessment (if configured) from
the review into the calibration.

Report fields specific to reviews with calibration determine the calibration default values for initial worker placement:

Rating - Overall for Reviews with Calibration.

Potential - Performance Review with Calibration. 139/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can now use the overall rating and potential assessment (if configured) from the review to compare, adjust, and plot worker
placements in the calibration nBox.

After calibration is complete, the Update Performance Review Ratings for Manager Evaluation step in the Complete Manager
Evaluation business process displays the calibrated review rating in the manager evaluation under Additional Details.

Entry conditions on this step:

Prevent it from running when you don't select a calibration program on the Start Performance Review for Organization
Place it on hold when the calibration event hasn't completed.
Prevent it from running when the worker is included in a different calibration event.

You can use these report fields:

Status for Calibration to create a validation rule on the Update Performance Review Ratings for Manager Evaluation
Calibrated Rating - Manager and Calibrated Rating to create an entry condition that skips the Update Performance
Review Ratings for Manager Evaluation step when the calibrated rating and overall rating are the same.

You can perform the same actions on the Update Performance Review Ratings for Manager Evaluation step as the Complete
Manager Evaluation step except Send Back.

Note: Workday doesn't include the calibrated review rating in performance review printouts.

Related Information

Concept: The Employee Review Process
Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings

1.9.4 | Development Plans | Steps: Set Up Development Plans


Configure these business processes and security policies in the Performance and Goals functional area:

Start Development Plan

Start Disciplinary Action
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Performance Review


Set up employee reviews to support performance evaluation and personal development. You can create different types of reviews
within the 4 categories of employee reviews in Workday.

To use custom labels throughout Talent, use the Maintain Custom Labels task.
Note: In review documents, custom labels don't override labels created with the Create Employee Review Template and Maintain
Employee Review Setup tasks.


1. Define Employee Review Types.

2. Set up the individual components that you plan to include in employee reviews:

Option Description 140/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Career You can include:

Career interests.
Job interests.
Travel preferences.
Relocation preferences.

Steps: Set Up Interests

Competencies Add competencies and rate them in employee reviews.

Create Proficiency Rating Scales
Create or Edit Competencies

Development Items You can include ad hoc development items in employee


Manage Development Items

Feedback The self-evaluation and manager evaluation forms can

include feedback received during the employee review
process (performance reviews and development plans
only) and outside of it.

Steps: Set Up Feedback

Goals Add goals directly into employee reviews or create them

outside of the review process. You can also map your
statuses that define a worker's progress toward
completing a goal to the delivered Workday statuses.
Create or Edit Employee Goals
Set Up Goal Completion Statuses

Questions Include questions in employee reviews and create

categories to organize them into related groupings.

Create or Edit Review Questions

3. (Optional) Create Rating Scales.

4. Create review templates and define their content:
a. (Optional) Create Employee Review Section Types.
b. (Optional) Define Employee Review Rules.
c. Steps: Create Employee Review Templates.
d. (Optional) Copy Employee Review Templates.
e. (Optional) Change Labels on Employee Reviews.
5. Maintain Disciplinary Action Reasons and Categories.
6. (Optional) Maintain Employee Review Acknowledgement Statuses.
7. (Optional) Set Up Performance Worklets.
8. (Optional) Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
Set up the Team Performance dashboard to combine analytics and actions for managing teams and their performance
from a single place. You can use the default menu as a starting point.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews
Create or Edit Custom Labels
Steps: Manage Development Plans
Reference 141/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Reference: Feedback Business Processes | Steps: Set Up Development Plans for Contingent Workers


Complete the setup procedure for development plans.


Workday gives you the option to create development plans for contingent workers enabling you to use development plans for a
wider population of your workers.


1. Add the security group with the contingent workers you want to include to Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility to make them eligible for development plans.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility domain.
2. Add the security group with the contingent workers you want to include in the development plan to the security domains
that you use for development plans.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Self-Service: Development Plan domain.
3. Add the same security group to your development plan business process policy:
Initiating actions.
Action steps.
4. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
5. Edit the Start Development Plan business process to include the security group for contingent workers on all self-service


You can create development plans for contingent workers.

Next Steps

Contingent workers use the Start My Development Plan task to self-initiate a development plan. Managers use the Start
Development Plan for Employee or Start Development Plan for Organization task to start development plans for contingent
workers. | Steps: Manage Development Plans


Complete the setup procedure for employee reviews.


You can add and edit content, manage ratings and weightings, and track progress within the 4 employee review categories in

Performance Reviews
Development Plans
Disciplinary Actions
Performance Improvement Plans

In addition, Workday enables you to complete performance reviews and development plans using the Workday on iPad and
Workday on iPhone apps. Managers can also track review progress directly from the Team Profile on the iPad.


1. Start Employee Reviews.

See Concept: Employee Reviews. 142/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

2. Pause Employee Review After Set Review Content Step.

3. Manually Advance a Business Process.
4. Track the status of employee reviews with reports.
See Concept: Track Employee Reviews.
5. Print Employee Reviews.

Related Information

Concept: Get Additional Reviewers for Competencies
Concept: The Employee Review Process
Steps: Purge Person Privacy Data

1.9.5 | Disciplinary Actions | Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions


Configure these business processes and security policies in the Performance and Goals functional area:

Start Development Plan

Start Disciplinary Action
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Performance Review


Set up employee reviews to support performance evaluation and personal development. You can create different types of reviews
within the 4 categories of employee reviews in Workday.

To use custom labels throughout Talent, use the Maintain Custom Labels task.
Note: In review documents, custom labels don't override labels created with the Create Employee Review Template and Maintain
Employee Review Setup tasks.


1. Define Employee Review Types.

2. Set up the individual components that you plan to include in employee reviews:

Option Description

Career You can include:

Career interests.
Job interests.
Travel preferences.
Relocation preferences.

Steps: Set Up Interests

Competencies Add competencies and rate them in employee reviews.

Create Proficiency Rating Scales
Create or Edit Competencies

Development Items You can include ad hoc development items in employee


Manage Development Items 143/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Feedback The self-evaluation and manager evaluation forms can

include feedback received during the employee review
process (performance reviews and development plans
only) and outside of it.

Steps: Set Up Feedback

Goals Add goals directly into employee reviews or create them

outside of the review process. You can also map your
statuses that define a worker's progress toward
completing a goal to the delivered Workday statuses.
Create or Edit Employee Goals
Set Up Goal Completion Statuses

Questions Include questions in employee reviews and create

categories to organize them into related groupings.

Create or Edit Review Questions

3. (Optional) Create Rating Scales.

4. Create review templates and define their content:
a. (Optional) Create Employee Review Section Types.
b. (Optional) Define Employee Review Rules.
c. Steps: Create Employee Review Templates.
d. (Optional) Copy Employee Review Templates.
e. (Optional) Change Labels on Employee Reviews.
5. Maintain Disciplinary Action Reasons and Categories.
6. (Optional) Maintain Employee Review Acknowledgement Statuses.
7. (Optional) Set Up Performance Worklets.
8. (Optional) Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
Set up the Team Performance dashboard to combine analytics and actions for managing teams and their performance
from a single place. You can use the default menu as a starting point.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews
Create or Edit Custom Labels
Steps: Manage Disciplinary Actions | Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions for Contingent Workers


Complete the setup procedure for disciplinary actions.


Workday gives you the option to conduct disciplinary actions for contingent workers enabling you to use disciplinary actions for a
wider population of your workers.


1. Add the security group with the contingent workers you want to include to Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility to make them eligible for disciplinary actions.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility domain. 144/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

2. Add the security group with the contingent workers you want to include in the performance improvement plan to the
security domains that you use for disciplinary actions.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Self-Service: Disciplinary Action domain.
3. Add the same security group to your disciplinary action business process policy:
Initiating actions.
Action steps.
4. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
5. Edit the Start Disciplinary Action business process to include the same security group on all self-service steps.
6. Edit the Complete Manager Evaluation for Disciplinary Action business process to include the security group for
contingent workers on all self-service steps.


You can conduct disciplinary actions for contingent workers.

Next Steps

Managers use the Start Disciplinary Action for Employee task to start a disciplinary action for a contingent worker. | Steps: Manage Disciplinary Actions


Complete the setup procedure for employee reviews.


You can add and edit content, manage ratings and weightings, and track progress within the 4 employee review categories in

Performance Reviews
Development Plans
Disciplinary Actions
Performance Improvement Plans

In addition, Workday enables you to complete performance reviews and development plans using the Workday on iPad and
Workday on iPhone apps. Managers can also track review progress directly from the Team Profile on the iPad.


1. Start Employee Reviews.

See Concept: Employee Reviews.
2. Pause Employee Review After Set Review Content Step.
3. Manually Advance a Business Process.
4. Track the status of employee reviews with reports.
See Concept: Track Employee Reviews.
5. Print Employee Reviews.

Related Information

Concept: The Employee Review Process
Steps: Purge Person Privacy Data
Example: Calculating Section Summary Ratings
Example: Calculating the Overall Rating Using Mapped Section Ratings and Weightings | Maintain Disciplinary Action Reasons and Categories

Prerequisites 145/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in Performance and Goals functional area.


Disciplinary categories and reasons provide a consistent list of disciplinary actions for managers to use. They're specific to a

Workday automatically includes a Disciplinary Action Information section in review templates. You don't need to configure it.


1. Access the Maintain Disciplinary Action Reasons and Categories task.

2. Select the Country or Country Region.
3. Reasons are organized by category. Create a new category for disciplinary actions or find the appropriate category for the
reason. Category Name and Reason Category Code are required.
4. Create a reason under the appropriate category. Reason and Reason Code are required.


Some examples of categories are:

Drugs and Alcohol

Some examples of reasons within the Attendance category are:

More Than 30 Minutes Late

Missed Entire Day
Less than 30 Minutes Late

Next Steps

Start a disciplinary action.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Disciplinary Actions
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions

1.9.6 | Performance Improvement Plans | Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans


Configure these business processes and security policies in the Performance and Goals functional area:

Start Development Plan

Start Disciplinary Action
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Performance Review


Set up employee reviews to support performance evaluation and personal development. You can create different types of reviews
within the 4 categories of employee reviews in Workday.

To use custom labels throughout Talent, use the Maintain Custom Labels task.
Note: In review documents, custom labels don't override labels created with the Create Employee Review Template and Maintain
Employee Review Setup tasks.


1. Define Employee Review Types.

2. Set up the individual components that you plan to include in employee reviews: 146/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Career You can include:

Career interests.
Job interests.
Travel preferences.
Relocation preferences.

Steps: Set Up Interests

Competencies Add competencies and rate them in employee reviews.

Create Proficiency Rating Scales
Create or Edit Competencies

Development Items You can include ad hoc development items in employee


Manage Development Items

Feedback The self-evaluation and manager evaluation forms can

include feedback received during the employee review
process (performance reviews and development plans
only) and outside of it.

Steps: Set Up Feedback

Goals Add goals directly into employee reviews or create them

outside of the review process. You can also map your
statuses that define a worker's progress toward
completing a goal to the delivered Workday statuses.
Create or Edit Employee Goals
Set Up Goal Completion Statuses

Questions Include questions in employee reviews and create

categories to organize them into related groupings.

Create or Edit Review Questions

3. (Optional) Create Rating Scales.

4. Create review templates and define their content:
a. (Optional) Create Employee Review Section Types.
b. (Optional) Define Employee Review Rules.
c. Steps: Create Employee Review Templates.
d. (Optional) Copy Employee Review Templates.
e. (Optional) Change Labels on Employee Reviews.
5. Maintain Disciplinary Action Reasons and Categories.
6. (Optional) Maintain Employee Review Acknowledgement Statuses.
7. (Optional) Set Up Performance Worklets.
8. (Optional) Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
Set up the Team Performance dashboard to combine analytics and actions for managing teams and their performance
from a single place. You can use the default menu as a starting point.

Related Information

Concept: Employee Reviews
Create or Edit Custom Labels
Steps: Manage Performance Improvement Plans 147/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide | Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans for Contingent Workers


Complete the setup procedure for performance improvement plans.


Workday gives you the option to complete performance improvement plans for contingent workers.


1. Add the security group with the contingent workers you want to include to Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility to make them eligible for performance improvement plans.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker
Eligibility domain.
2. Add the security group with the contingent workers you want to include in the performance improvement plan to the
security domains that you use for performance improvement plans.
Example: Add the Contingent Worker as Self: AMEA security group to the Self-Service: Performance Improvement Plan
3. Add the same security group to your performance improvement plans business process policy:
Initiating Actions.
Action steps.
4. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
5. Edit the Start Performance Improvement Plan business process to include the same security group on all relevant steps.


You can create performance improvement plans for contingent workers.

Next Steps

Managers use the Start Performance Improvement Plan for Employee task to start a performance improvement plan for
contingent workers. | Steps: Manage Performance Improvement Plans


Complete the setup procedure for employee reviews.


You can add and edit content, manage ratings and weightings, and track progress within the 4 employee review categories in

Performance Reviews
Development Plans
Disciplinary Actions
Performance Improvement Plans

In addition, Workday enables you to complete performance reviews and development plans using the Workday on iPad and
Workday on iPhone apps. Managers can also track review progress directly from the Team Profile on the iPad.


1. Start Employee Reviews.

See Concept: Employee Reviews.
2. Pause Employee Review After Set Review Content Step.
3. Manually Advance a Business Process.
4. Track the status of employee reviews with reports.
See Concept: Track Employee Reviews.
5. Print Employee Reviews.

Related Information 148/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Concept: The Employee Review Process
Steps: Purge Person Privacy Data

1.9.7 | Employee Review Ratings and Weightings | Concept: Ratings and Weightings

In Workday, you can assign a rating to either an individual item or the entire section for these sections:


You can also assign a rating to the entire employee review, which summarizes all the section ratings.

You can assign different rating scales to different sections in the same template. The Workday-calculated overall rating will
normalize the rating scales. Assigning a rating value of Not Applicable excludes these items from calculation.

You can also assign a weight to each individual item and section, specifying that total weight:

Must equal 100.

Has no restriction.

Workday uses these 2 values to generate a section summary rating and overall rating.

When you pull individual goals into a review, you can override the existing goal weights if the template requires the total goal
weight to equal 100. Workday updates the My Goals and View Goals reports to reflect the new weighting after the review is
Note: If you change the status of a weighted section to Not applicable when Weighting must total 100, adjust the weighting of all
weighted items to a total value equal to 100.

Related Information

Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Create Rating Scales
Create Proficiency Rating Scales | Example: Calculating Section Summary Ratings

This example shows how you calculate section summary ratings for goals.


The formula for calculating the section summary rating is:

((Sum of each (rate X associated weight)) / total weight

Example: You're using a 5 Point Rating Scale to evaluate goals that use goal rating and weighting:

Goal Rate Weight = 100 Weight = Unlimited

1 4.0 25 50

2 4.0 25 25

3 3.0 50 50

The calculation when using weighting equals 100 is: 149/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

((4 X 0.25) + (4 X 0.25) + (3 X 0.5)) = 3.5

The calculation when using weighting equals unlimited is:

((4 X 0.5) + (4 X 0.25) + (3 X 0.5)) / (0.5 + 0.25 + 0.5) = 3.6

Note: In these examples, if Goal 3 had a rating that was set up on the rate table with the Exclude From Calculations check box,
the calculation would be:

(4 + 4) / 2 = 4

To determine the Section Summary Rating, Workday maps the 3.5 or 3.6 values to a 4 - Exceeds Expectations rating on the 5
Point Rating Scale:

Rating Name Rating Value Begin Range End Range

1 - Does Not Meet 1 0 1.49


2 - Needs Improvement 2 1.5 2.49

3 - Meets Expectations 3 2.5 3.49

4 - Exceeds Expectations 4 3.5 4.49

5 - Company Maker 5 4.5 5

Related Information

Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Create Rating Scales | Example: Calculating the Overall Rating Using Mapped Section Ratings and Weightings

This example shows how to calculate the overall rating using mapped section ratings and weightings. To enable this option, don't
select the Calculated Rating uses Section Rating Precision check box in the Overall section on the employee review template.


The calculation for the Overall Rating is the same formula as the calculation for the Section Summary Rating:

((Sum of each (rate X associated weight)) / total weight

When you use different rating scales in your sections, Workday normalizes those section summary ratings to the rating scale
used by the Overall section. That formula is:

Normalized section rating = overall section's lowest rating scale value + ((section summary's rating - section summary's lowest
rating scale value) X (overall section's highest rating scale value - overall section's lowest rating scale value) / (section summary's
highest rating scale value - section summary's lowest rating scale value))

Example: You have 3 sections that use section weighting (Accomplishments, Goals, and Questions) and an Overall section. You
can use this data to calculate the Overall Rating:

Table 1. Rating Scales

Rating Scale Name Rating Name Rating Value Begin Range End Range

3 Point Scale 1 - Does Not Meet Expectations 1 0 1.49

2 - Meets Expectations 2 1.5 2.49

3 - Exceeds Expectations 3 2.5 3

5 Point Scale 1 - Does Not Meet Expectations 1 0 1.49

2 - Needs Improvement 2 1.5 2.49 150/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Rating Scale Name Rating Name Rating Value Begin Range End Range

3 - Meets Expectations 3 2.5 3.49

4 - Exceeds Expectations 4 3.5 4.49

5 - Company Maker 5 4.5 5

Table 2. Employee Review

Section Rating Scale Section Weight Mapped Rating

Accomplishments 5 Point Scale 40% 4

Goals 5 Point Scale 40% 3

Questions 3 Point Scale 20% 2

Overall 5 Point Scale not applicable Calculated

The normalized rating for each section is:

Section Calculation for Normalized Rating

Accomplishments 1 + ((4 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (5 - 1)) = 4

Goals 1 + ((3 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (5 - 1)) = 3

Questions 1 + ((2 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (3 - 1)) = 3

Workday can use the standard formula to calculate the Overall Rating:

(4 X 0.4) + (3 X 0.4) + (3 X 0.2) = 3.4

Next, Workday maps 3.4 to the corresponding rating on the 5 Point Scale:

3.4 maps to 3 - Meets Expectations. So the Overall Rating is 3 - Meets Expectations.

Related Information

Concept: Ratings and Weightings
Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Configure the Overall Section | Example: Calculating the Overall Rating Using Calculated Section Ratings and Weightings

This example shows how you calculate overall rating of a worker using calculated section ratings and weightings.


The calculation for the Overall Rating is:

((Sum of each (rate X associated weight)) / total weight

When you use different rating scales in the sections, Workday normalizes those section summary ratings to the rating scale used
by the Overall section.
Note: For this calculation method, Workday uses the calculated section summary rating and not the mapped rating.

The formula for that is:

Normalized section rating = overall section's lowest rating value + ((section summary's rating - section summary's lowest rating
value) X (overall section's highest rating value - overall section's lowest rating value) / (section summary's highest rating value -
section summary's lowest rating value)) 151/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Example: You have 3 sections that use section weighting (Accomplishments, Goals, and Questions) and an Overall section. We
can use this data to calculate the Overall Rating:

Table 1. Rating Scales

Rating Scale Name Rating Name Rating Value Begin Range End Range

3 Point Scale 1 - Does Not Meet Expectations 1 0 1.49

2 - Meets Expectations 2 1.5 2.49

3 - Exceeds Expectations 3 2.5 3

5 Point Scale 1 - Does Not Meet Expectations 1 0 1.49

2 - Needs Improvement 2 1.5 2.49

3 - Meets Expectations 3 2.5 3.49

4 - Exceeds Expectations 4 3.5 4.49

5 - Company Maker 5 4.5 5

Table 2. Employee Review

Section Rating Scale Section Weight Calculated Rating

Accomplishments 5 Point Scale 40% 3.9

Goals 5 Point Scale 40% 3

Questions 3 Point Scale 20% 2.5

Overall 5 Point Scale not applicable Calculated

The normalized rating for each section is:

Section Calculation for Normalized Rating

Accomplishments 1 + ((3.9 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (5 - 1)) = 3.9

Goals 1 + ((3 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (5 - 1)) = 3

Questions 1 + ((2.5 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (3 - 1)) = 4

Workday can use the standard formula to calculate the Overall Rating:

(3.9 X 0.4) + (3 X 0.4) + (4 X 0.2) = 3.56

Next, Workday maps 3.56 to the corresponding rating on the 5 Point Scale:

3.56 maps to 4 - Exceeds Expectations. So the Overall Rating is 4 - Exceeds Expectations.

To enable this option, select the Calculated Rating uses Section Rating Precision check box in the Overall section on the
employee review template.

Related Information

Steps: Create Employee Review Templates
Configure the Overall Section | Example: Calculating the Overall Rating Using Item Averaging

This example shows how to calculate the overall rating of a worker using item averaging. To enable this option, select the
Calculated Rating uses Item Averaging check box in the Overall section on the employee review template. 152/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


You can calculate an Overall Rating that is just a simple average of all individual items in an employee review, regardless of the
section from which they belong. The Overall Rating calculation is:

Sum of each individual rate / # of items

When you use different rating scales in the sections, Workday normalizes the ratings to the rating scale used by the Overall
section. The formula for that is:

Normalized section rating = overall section's lowest rating scale value + ((section summary's rating - section summary's lowest
rating scale value) X (overall section's highest rating scale value - overall section's lowest rating scale value) / (section summary's
highest rating scale value - section summary's lowest rating scale value))

Example: You have 3 sections: Accomplishments, Goals, and Questions. You can use this data to calculate the Overall Rating:

Table 1. Rating Scales

Rating Scale Name Rating Name Rating Value Begin Range End Range

3 Point Scale 1 - Does Not Meet Expectations 1 0 1.49

2 - Meets Expectations 2 1.5 2.49

3 - Exceeds Expectations 3 2.5 3

5 Point Scale 1 - Does Not Meet Expectations 1 0 1.49

2 - Needs Improvement 2 1.5 2.49

3 - Meets Expectations 3 2.5 3.49

4 - Exceeds Expectations 4 3.5 4.49

5 - Company Maker 5 4.5 5

Table 2. Employee Review

Section Rating Scale Item Rating

Accomplishments 5 Point Scale 4

Goals 5 Point Scale 3

Questions 3 Point Scale 2

Overall 5 Point Scale Calculated

The normalized rating for each section is:

Section Calculation for Normalized Rating

Accomplishments 1 + ((4 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (5 - 1)) = 4

Goals 1 + ((3 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (5 - 1)) = 3

Questions 1 + ((2 - 1) X (5 - 1) / (3 - 1)) = 3

Now Workday can use the formula to calculate the Overall Rating:

(4) + (3) + (3) / 3 = 3.333

3.333 maps to 3 - Meets Expectations on the 5 Point Scale used by the Overall section.

1.9.8 | FAQ: Employee Reviews

How does content carry over when multiple employee reviews have the same review period end date? 153/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can move content from a review section with the most recent period end date to the same section type in the new review.
When multiple reviews have the same period end date, content from the review with the most recent initiation date or completion
date timestamp carries over to the new review.

Can I configure the employee self-evaluation and manager evaluation in the same step of the employee review business
For best results, we recommend that you configure the Complete Self Evaluation and Complete Manager Evaluation
subprocesses as separate steps on these business processes:

Start Development Plan

Start Disciplinary Action
Start Performance Improvement Plan
Start Performance Review

Do employee review rules apply to supervisory organizations?

Workday applies employee review rules to employees, not organizations.

Example: Create an employee review rule called Rule for 2000 Executive Management that targets the 2000 Executive
Management supervisory organization. Apply this rule in the 2000 Executive Org Review template. Start a performance review for
the 4000 Human Resources organization using the Start Performance Review for Organization task. Select the 2000 Executive
Org Review template.

Workday doesn't generate a review event for employees in the 4000 Human Resources organization because it's using a
template that applies the Rule for 2000 Executive Management rule.

Can contingent workers participate in employee reviews?

Your organization can configure development items, disciplinary actions, performance improvement plans, and performance
reviews to include contingent workers. If you configure employee reviews to include contingent workers, you can use the same
tasks, reports, web services, and worklets for contingent workers as you do for employees. Contingent workers can use the Start
My Development Plan and Start My Performance Review to self-start these review types.

Related Information

Concept: Move Content from One Review to Another
Concept: The Employee Review Process
Steps: Set Up Development Plans for Contingent Workers
Steps: Set Up Disciplinary Actions for Contingent Workers
Steps: Set Up Performance Improvement Plans for Contingent Workers
Steps: Set Up Performance Reviews for Contingent Workers
Reference: Employee and Contingent Worker Differences

1.10 | Talent and Performance Calibration

1.10.1 | Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings


Configure the Competencies section in the employee review template if you want to use a rating scale, not a proficiency scale.


You can set up and manage calibration to compare and adjust employee talent and performance ratings. You can perform these
types of calibration:

Talent calibration places employees in a 2-rating matrix, for succession planning and employee development.
Performance calibration distributes employees across a rating scale based on a single rating value from performance


1. Access the Launch Calibration task. 154/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Workers can only be part of 1 calibration event at a time. If your tenant has fewer than 10,000 workers (active or
otherwise), you can see how many are eligible or ineligible for the calibration program in the selected organizations. You
can also include subordinate organizations below the top level you select and your calibration program.
2. (Managers) Access the Calibrate Team task in their Inbox.
Managers receive an individual Calibrate Team task in their Inbox for each organization they manage, unless an
organization is a subordinate of another. As they work with this task, they can:
Drag and drop workers into boxes.
Select search facets to filter workers.
Zoom in or out of boxes.
Collapse or expand the side panels.
Hover over target icons in boxes to view target percentages, if available.
Toggle between the nBox view and the list view.
View worker preview cards and access-related actions.
View and manage status of subordinate organizations that they can complete calibration on behalf of or send back
inbox events.
3. (Optional) Hide Calibration Workers.
4. Access the Facilitate Calibration report.
HR Partners can view in-progress calibration events and calibrate employees. They can also manually advance inbox
tasks or send them back in the calibration process.
Security: Facilitate Calibration domain in the Performance and Goals and Succession Planning functional areas.
5. Access the Manage Calibration report.
HR or Talent Administrators can adjust for organizational, worker, and role changes that occur after launching calibration,
and view the status of all Inbox tasks.
Security: Set Up: Calibration domain in the Performance and Goals and Succession Planning functional areas.
6. Access the Inbox item to submit the calibration.
The HR Administrator submits the final calibration from their Inbox, after all managers submit their Inbox items, or when
the event is manually advanced.

Next Steps

View the final calibration values for employees using the Worker Calibration History and My Team's Calibration History reports.

Create custom reports to analyze in-progress calibration data.

Related Information

Concept: Manage Calibration
Create or Edit Custom Labels
The Next Level: Performance and Talent Calibration - Tips and Tricks for Configuration and Managing Your Event
The Next Level: Engaging Talent
Example: Calibration nBox Placement

1.10.2 | Configure Custom Organizations for Calibration


Create assignable roles and security groups for the facilitator and the participants.


Custom organizations enable you to calibrate talent and performance ratings for a group of workers when there isn't a
supervisory organization that captures the desired employee structure.


1. Access the Maintain Organization Types report.

Create custom organizations with multiple levels for calibration using a custom hierarchy that: 155/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Is similar to a supervisory hierarchy where all organizations are of the same custom organization type.
Is similar to a cost center hierarchy where the organization hierarchy has a parent organization type that contains
no workers and a child organization type that contains workers.
2. As you create the custom organization, consider:

Option Description

Allows Hierarchy Select if you want to conduct

reorganizations and include them on the
Manage Calibration report after launching

Allow Reorganization Tasks (like Move Workers, Assign Workers) Select if you want to conduct worker
changes and include them on the Manage
Calibration report after launching

Show in Change Organization Assignments and Job Requisition Select if you want to be able to conduct
worker assignment changes and include
them in the Manage Calibration report
after launching calibration.

Position Assignment Unique Select to limit workers to 1 custom

organization in the hierarchy for
calibration. Select this value for custom
organization types that can contain

Rolls Up Organization Type (Optional) Enter the rollup organization

type if your custom organization hierarchy
contains 2 organization types.

You can't change these settings if there's an in-progress Calibration event on the custom organization type.

Next Steps

Create a Launch Calibration business process definition that uses this custom organization.

Related Information

Concept: Custom Organizations
Set Up Nonsupervisory Organizations
Workday 32 What's New Post: Worker Calibration Reporting
Workday 31 What's New Post: Worker Calibration Reporting

1.10.3 | Setup Considerations: Calibration nBox Reports

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of the nBox report feature in Calibration.
It explains:

Why to set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is 156/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Calibration enables managers to view, share, and adjust the talent and performance ratings of their workers using an nBox report.
The nBox report is a 2-dimensional grid that displays the placement of workers, based on predetermined ratings, which managers
can adjust during calibration.
When you create an nBox report, link it to a calibration program, and launch calibration, the nBox report enables you to update
the data available in that calibration program until your calibration event is complete.

You can also create talent matrix nBox reports to view post-calibration data as a snapshot for completed calibration events.

As a part of your nBox configuration, you can:

Share and delegate the calibration of your workers among managers and HR partners.
Map calibration values based on your nBox report to determine the report fields that Workday updates when calibration is

Business Benefits
When you use nBox reports in calibration, you can:

Calibrate your workers based on their talent or performance ratings.

Design and deploy performance reviews for your employees that best fit your organization's needs, including a calibration
process to ensure fair ratings for all workers across your organization.
Identify candidates for succession planning.
Perform talent or performance calibrations using real-time reports for informed decision-making.

Use Cases
When you configure nBox reporting in Calibration, you can:

Assess your workers performance and potential to determine their placement in organizational succession planning.
Perform talent or performance calibrations across your organizational hierarchy.
Share and delegate the assessment of your workers among managers and calibration facilitators.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

Can I import or copy nBox reports into a tenant for Don’t copy or import nBox reports into a tenant as this can
calibration? corrupt the report, making it unusable in calibration. Instead,
Workday recommends you create a new calibration
program and link it to an nBox report.

What can I configure in an nBox report? You can customize these aspects of the nBox report:

Custom row and column values in the nBox.

Rating values to calibrate.
Worker display options.
Fields for the list view.
Search facets to filter workers.
Tenant calibration values mapping on the nBox grid.
Box labels in the nBox grid.

Who can I add as shared participation users for calibration You can add users such as Talent Administrator, HR
so that they can assist a manager's calibration tasks? Partner, or Talent Partner to the user-based and role-based
security groups on the Facilitate Calibration domain security
policy so they can access the Facilitate Calibration task to
assist managers with their Calibrate Team inbox items.

What's the difference between talent and performance Talent reviews are forward-looking and take into account
reviews? the worker's potential, career trajectory, and placement in
succession planning. Performance reviews evaluate the
worker's past performance over a specific period of time. 157/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

What's the difference between an in-progress calibration Calibration events are treated as in-progress events until
nBox report and a post-calibration nBox report? they're complete. An in-progress calibration event uses an
nBox report as a dynamic report, which enables you to
update the report's contents. When a calibration event is
complete, you can use a talent matrix nBox report to view
the calibration results using the most recent data available
within a static report. You can use the Rating - Current
report field on the Talent Matrix Placement nBox report to
view most recent calibration data.

Design your nBox reports using the Workday delivered Talent Matrix reports available in your tenant.
Determine the drillable fields and detail data you would like to include in your nBox reports.
Determine the facets you'd like to configure onto your nBox reports. The facets you select impact the analysis you can
perform on calibration results. You can't include additional facets onto a completed calibration event.
Note: For large-scale calibration events, Workday recommends running routine performance tests on nBox report
definitions. Consider the performance impact of using calculated fields as you run performance tests.

Access the Set Up nBox Report task to create the nBox report definition and map calibration values onto the nBox report
you created. The calibration values you map onto the nBox setup determine the calibration results that Workday returns.
Set up a calibration program to include a calibration nBox report.

As you set up nBox reports, consider these limitations:

You can configure only 1 value to each axis of an nBox report.

You can't copy or import nBox reports into a tenant.

Tenant Setup
To disable calibration quick tips information for your tenant, select the Disable Calibration Quicktips check box in the Information
section on the Edit Tenant Setup - System task.

Set up these domains in the System functional area to enable you to create and configure custom report:

Custom Report Creation

Custom Report Administration

Business Processes
No impact.


Reporting Item Description

Calibration dashboard Configure this dashboard to give:

HR Administrators or Talent Administrators the

ability to access the calibration values of workers for
a completed calibration event.
Managers the ability to view and track the status of
their organization's in progress calibration events.

Indexed In Progress Worker Calibration Placements report Configure to access the calibrated values of a worker who
data source is part of an in progress calibration event. 158/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Reporting Item Description

Indexed In Progress Worker Calibration Events report data Set up this report data source to view updated calibration
source values within nBox reports in real time. All nBox reports use
this report data source to launch calibration events.

Connections and Touchpoints

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

Set Up Calibration nBox Reports
The Next Level: Overview of Talent and Performance Management in Workday

1.10.4 | Create Calibration nBox Reports



Custom Report Creation domain in the System functional area.

Worker Data: Calibration domain in the Performance and Goals and Succession Planning functional areas.


Create the framework for talent and performance calibration by customizing these features in a calibration nBox report:

Rating values to calibrate.

Worker display options.
Fields for the list view.
Search facets to filter workers.

Facet values are based on worker attributes when calibration launches.


1. Create or copy a calibration nBox report using the Indexed In Progress Worker Calibration Placement data source with 1
of these tasks:
Create Custom Report
Copy Custom Report
Copy Standard Report to Custom Report
Workday recommends using the Create Custom Report task when building your nBox reports. You can use the same
calibration nBox report for multiple calibration programs if you don't change the calibration values of the nBox report.
Note: Workday recommends against importing nBox reports for use in calibration.
2. On the Matrix tab, select the calibration values and calibration nBox report layout.
a. In the Row Grouping section, select a calibration field as a Group by Field.
For performance calibration, you must select Calibration: Default Performance Axis.
b. In the Column Grouping section, select another calibration field as a Group by Field.
For performance calibration, this field typically is Calibration: Overall Performance Rating.
c. In the nBox Display section, specify whether to display an Image only or Image and text for workers in the nBox
Workday displays a:
Generic image for workers who don't have photos.
Crowd icon when a box has too many workers to display individual images.
Each box displays up to 2,000 images.
3. On the Drill Down tab, configure the drill-down fields to display in the calibration list view.
Detail Data fields define the columns in the list view. These fields display additional information about workers. Your nBox
report must include the Worker field. Other useful fields include: 159/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Worker's Manager.
Time in Position.
Succession Plans.
4. On the Prompts tab, add:

Field Default Type Required

Calibration Node for nBox No default value Yes

5. On the Share tab, select 1 of these options to share the report with calibration participants:
Share with all authorized users provides access based on the security groups defined on the Worker Data:
Calibration domain.
Share with specific authorized groups and users limits access to selected Authorized Groups or Authorized Users.
The groups and users should match the security groups that have permission in the Shared Participation step on
the Launch Calibration business process.
6. On the Advanced tab, configure search facets for the calibration activity.
Facet Filters enable participants to navigate the target population and filter workers on criteria such as:
Supervisory organization.
Management chain.
Talent pool.


You can update the nBox report definition after launching calibration, so you can adjust it to improve performance as you conduct
calibration. To improve the performance of the Calibrate Team and Facilitate Calibration tasks:

Define your nBox report so it only includes fields in Detail Data and necessary facets for the calibration decision process.
Minimize the use of calculated fields in your nBox report definition.
Limit the number of organization levels in the Restrict Organization Level View prompt to the fewest levels you require.

Next Steps

Configure mappings and labels with the Set Up nBox Report task.
To modify the calibration nBox report definition, use the Edit Custom Report task.

Related Information

Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings
Workday 31 What's New Post: Worker Calibration Reporting

1.10.5 | Set Up Calibration nBox Reports


Create the Calibration nBox report.

Security: Custom Report Administration domain in the System functional area.


The calibration values you map onto an nBox report determine the report fields that Workday updates after calibration is
complete. You can:

Map tenanted calibration values to the nBox grid.

Define box labels.
Add help text to guide managers with employee placement during the calibration activity.

Example: 160/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

The Calibration: Potential value updates the Potential field.

The Calibration: Talent Based Performance Rating value updates the Talent Matrix Review Rating field.

Complete these steps for every nBox report you use for calibration.


1. Access the Set Up nBox Report task.

2. Select the calibration nBox report you want to configure.
Don't use nBox reports referenced in ongoing calibration events. Instead, Workday recommends that you create a new
calibration program and link it to a new nBox report with the updated calibration values.
3. In the Define the Rows and Define the Columns sections, add labels and map calibration values.

If an nBox report is used in a completed or in-progress calibration event, don’t change the values in the Define the Rows
and Define the Columns sections.

In the Source Value, map a single field value in your Workday tenant to each column and row in the grid. The source field
is the Group By Field that you selected for rows in the calibration nBox report definition. The Source Value represents the
final value that writes back to the worker after Calibration is completed.

4. (Optional) Click Continue and define box names and help text for the calibration nBox report.
Each row represents a box in the nBox grid with the row and column mappings shown. Each box is labeled with the Box
Name and displays the Help Text when you hover over the label.


Define the Rows

Field: Calibration: Overall Performance Rating

Row Axis Label: Performance

Row Label Source Values

Exceeds 4 - Exceeds Expectations

Meets 3 - Meets Expectations

Below 1 - Doesn't Meet Expectations

Define the Columns

Field: Calibration: Potential

Row Axis Label: Potential

Column Label Source Values

Low Placement Issue

Medium Correctly Placed

High High Potential

Define the Box Names 161/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Row Column Box Name

Performance: Exceeds Potential: Low Workers

Performance: Exceeds Potential: Medium Contributors

Performance: Exceeds Potential: High Stars

Performance: Meets Potential: Low Blockers

Performance: Meets Potential: Medium Transitionals

Performance: Meets Potential: High Emergers

Performance: Below Potential: Low Detractors

Performance: Below Potential: Medium Placeholders

Performance: Below Potential: High Latents

Next Steps

When you create the calibration program, select the configured calibration nBox report in the nBox field.

Related Information

Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings

1.10.6 | Define Calibration Program Rules


Security: Set Up: Calibration domain in the Performance and Goals or Succession Planning functional area.


Create condition rules to define worker eligibility for calibration programs. You can use the rule to restrict the worker population in
the calibration event. Calibration automatically excludes contingent workers and inactive organizations, and only includes
workers' primary positions. If a condition rule changes after calibration launches, the Manage Calibration task only includes
worker changes that meet the revised condition rule.

Calibration rules are similar to employee review and talent review rules. The rule evaluates whether employees match the criteria
you specify, such as hire date. You can also create categories to organize calibration rules with the Maintain Condition Rule
Categories task.

If your calibration program rules limit the workers that can participate in calibration, Workday evaluates these rules every time you
run the Manage Calibration report. If your program uses a rule with many conditions or calculated fields, this task might take time
to load.


1. Access the Create Calibration Program Rule task.

2. Enter a Description to distinguish the rule.
3. (Optional) Select a rule Category.
4. To copy an existing condition, select a rule from the Copy Condition from Rule prompt.
5. In the Rule Conditions grid, build a condition rule to identify employees eligible for a particular calibration program.

Next Steps

When you create the calibration program, select this rule in the Applies To field.
To modify the rule, use the Edit Calibration Program Rule task.

Related Information

Tasks 162/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings

Create or Edit Condition Rules

1.10.7 | Set Up Calibration Programs


Set up the calibration nBox report.

Security: Set Up: Calibration domain in Performance and Goals or Succession Planning functional area.


A calibration program defines each aspect of the calibration activity, including:

Target population rules.

Calibration nBox report.
Calibration value mappings that determine the default position of the worker on the calibration nBox report when you
launch calibration.
Any target box percentages.
Default calibration values.

You can create any number of calibration programs. You can also use the same program for multiple calibration events.


1. Access the Create Calibration Program task.

2. To label calibration tasks and events, enter a Program Name.
3. (Optional) Specify a Due Date to use to create query alerts that notify managers or other roles when the due date is near.
This date doesn't end the calibration event.
4. Select the nBox report.
5. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Applies To Select a rule that determines employee eligibility for the

calibration program.

You can create the options in this prompt using the

Create Calibration Program Rule task.

If you leave this field blank, the program includes all

eligible employees in the organization that you select at

Unplotted Help Text You can provide information about unplotted workers
not populated in the grid view.

Allow update of Assess Potential during Calibration This option adds up to 6 employee attributes to the
calibration list view:
Achievable Level.
Loss Impact.
Potential (if not used as an axis in the calibration
nBox report).
Retention Risk.
2 configurable Potential Assessment Value fields
you can set up using the Maintain Talent Matrix
Setup task. 163/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Restrict Organization Level View To restrict the number of workers displayed in the nBox
and list views of a calibration session, enter a value of 1
or 2. A value of:
1 displays the manager’s direct reports and
workers 1 level below.
2 displays the manager's direct reports and
workers 2 levels below.
Zero displays all workers in the organization.

A worker with a role at multiple levels of the

organization, such as an HR business partner, can see
1 or 2 levels below the lowest level. This worker can
also see all levels above the lowest level.

Autocomplete First Participant You can skip the first participant when calibration

6. (Optional) On the Calibration Value Mapping tab, map rating values to the source field defined in nBox setup to define
initial worker placement.
Leave this tab blank if you want to start the calibration activity with all workers unplotted.
7. (Optional) Click Target Percentages to recommend the percentage of the target population to place in each box.
You can set targets for all boxes or just a subset of boxes.
Workday converts the percentages into numbers when it renders the calibration nBox report, but doesn't enforce the
percentages. Workday also rounds down the target numbers to provide more conservative estimates.
8. (Optional) Click Calibration Default Values to select different rating fields as the basis for initial worker placement.
You can override the default values for:

Default Value Report Field Used if No Value Specified

Calibration: Overall Performance Rating. Rating- Current

Calibration: Talent Based Performance Rating. Talent Matrix Review Rating

Calibration: Potential. Potential

Calibration: Row Section Rating. n/a

Calibration: Column Section Rating. n/a

Select another field from the Default value to choose prompt.

If you select Calibration: Column Section Rating or Calibration: Row Section Rating on the calibration nBox report, you
must select:
Review Section Rating - Most Recent as the default value.
A Workday-delivered or tenanted section from the Employee Review Section Type prompt.
Note: Repeat Step 6 to map the new rating values to the calibration nBox report.


You want to calibrate ratings from completed performance reviews, but your organization uses different employee review
templates and rating scales to evaluate different groups of workers. To pinpoint which review template and rating scale is the
basis for initially plotting workers on the calibration nBox report, override the default value for the Calibration: Overall
Performance Rating field with Review Rating - Current Configured. This field finds the most recent review template and
normalizes performance ratings based on your settings in the Maintain Employee Review Setup task.

Next Steps

Launch the calibration program.

To view the number of launched sessions, access the View Calibration Program report.
To change or inactivate a calibration program, use the Edit Calibration Program task.
To copy a calibration program so you can reuse it for another calibration event, use the Copy Calibration Program task. 164/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Related Information

Concept: Calibration nBox Placement
Concept: Manage Calibration

1.10.8 | Steps: Set Up Calibration


Make sure there's an employee assigned to every role on all organizations participating in calibration, such as:

Managers as calibration participants.

HR Partners as calibration facilitators.
HR Administrators as calibration controllers.


You can set up calibration to enable managers, HR partners, and talent administrators to evaluate your workers' performance and
assess their growth potential within your organization. You can launch a calibration event by supervisory or custom organization.


1. (Optional) Determine if your calibration event is large enough that you need to work with the Workday Production
Readiness team.
See Workday Community: Best Practices for Large Customer Events for guidelines about opening a Production
Readiness case.
2. Set Up Assignable Roles.
Create assignable roles for:
Managers who use the Calibrate Team task in their Inbox to calibrate their team members.
HR Partners who use the Facilitate Team task to calibrate workers.
Talent Administrators who use the Manage Calibration task to oversee the entire calibration process and complete
the final calibration submission.
3. (Optional) Create Role-Based Security Groups.
As you complete this task, create:
A security group hierarchy that is similar to your company's management chain to calibrate using a custom
A role-based security group for managers so they can view employees in levels below their direct reports.
Role-based security groups for HR Partners and Talent Administrators.
4. (Optional) Configure Custom Organizations for Calibration.
5. Edit Business Process Security Policies for these business processes:

Business Process Recommendations

Launch Calibration Configure the initiating action on the Launch

Calibration business process to include security
groups that you intend to delegate any steps to.
Select the Security Group that you want to act
as the calibration facilitator in the View All action
under the Who Can Do Actions on Entire
Business Process section.
Add users in the HR Administrator role to these
security groups.

Worker Calibration Add security groups to actions in the Who Can

Do Actions on Entire Business Process section.
Select the Security Group for the Rescind
Add users in the HR Partner role to these
security groups.

6. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes. 165/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

7. From the related actions menu of the Launch Calibration business process, select Business Process > Edit Definition.
a. Add Shared Participation as the Type and Specify the Calibration Participation Details step. You can only have 1
shared participation step in your business process definition.
b. Select Configure Participation in the Calibration Participation Details step.
You can create custom Launch Calibration business process definitions for supervisory organizations and
assign specific groups such as HR Administrators and HR Partners. You can create separate business
process definitions for each organization type.
Select Supervisory or Custom from the Organization Type to Use prompt and specify 1 security group as
the participant in the Group prompt. Participants in these security groups receive inbox notifications for the
calibration events they manage.
The Group prompt displays the role-based security groups with permission on the Worker Data: Calibration
security domain.
c. (Optional) Add an approval step after the Launch Calibration initiation step to approve the process initiation before
starting calibration. Assign this step to someone with access to all employees in the calibration, such as an HR
8. Create Calibration nBox Reports.
9. Set Up Calibration nBox Reports.
10. (Optional) Define Calibration Program Rules.
11. Set Up Calibration Programs.
Select a calibration nBox report and configure the calibration program.
12. (Optional) Access the Maintain Calibration Flags task.
Define the Calibration Flags that display in the calibration list view in the Calibrate Team task in your Inbox.


Users in this security group receive the Calibrate Team tasks in their Inbox to calibrate workers in their organization when you
launch the calibration. Managers who manage multiple organizations receive:

1 instance of the Calibrate Team task, if the organizations have a hierarchical relationship where 1 is the parent and the
other is subordinate.
Individual instances of the Calibrate Team task, for the organizations that don't share the same parent organization.

Next Steps

Create Calibration nBox reports and configure them for calibration.

Related Information

Concept: Shared Participation Step
Concept: Calibration Facilitation
Concept: Best Practices for All Large-Scale Events
Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings
Steps: Configure Business Process Definitions
Reference: Event-Specific Best Practices
The Next Level: Performance and Talent Calibration - Tips and Tricks for Configuration and Managing Your Event
The Next Level: Talent: Calibration – Enhancements

1.10.9 | Hide Calibration Workers


Create the calibration nBox report with the required filter and prompt conditions.
Set up and launch the calibration program.
Security: Worker Data: Calibration domain in the Performance and Goals or Succession Planning functional area.


During calibration sessions, you can hide workers to prevent them from seeing their own or their peers' placement. This option
enables a senior manager or HR Partners to host calibration sessions that focus on lower levels of the organization hierarchy 166/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

while keeping direct reports out of view. Managers can then roll up the calibration session results for the entire organization to a
superior level.

When you remove workers from view, they remain hidden for the duration of the calibration session, even if you save and come
back later. The box counts exclude hidden workers.


1. Access the Calibrate Team task in your Inbox or the Facilitate Calibration task, depending on your role in calibration.
2. Select Actions > Hide Workers.
3. Select the Workers to remove from view and click Hide Workers.

Next Steps

Unhide the workers before submitting calibration.

Related Information

Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings
Create Calibration nBox Reports
The Next Level: Performance and Talent Calibration - Tips and Tricks for Configuration and Managing Your Event

1.10.10 | Concept: Calibration nBox Placement

Placing workers on the nBox report enables you to view, compare, and adjust employee talent and performance ratings. You can
see both your direct and indirect reports in the calibration nBox report. You can't plot your indirect reports until after their direct
manager plots them or the facilitator completes on behalf of the direct manager. Workday saves your work after every change,
displays a timestamp, and updates both the nBox and list views.

The set of employees you see in the calibration nBox report and list views depends on the configuration of the Restrict
Organization Level View field on the Create Calibration Program task. The larger the number of employees you can see, the
more time it takes to display the nBox report.

All managers in the hierarchy below you must complete their calibration tasks before you can submit yours. Workday doesn't
automatically send managers a notification to their Inbox when managers below them submit the Calibrate Team task in their
Inbox. Set up custom notifications in the Launch Calibration BP definition to notify the participants when calibration tasks actions
occur. Review worker placements directly in your calibration nBox report.

If you select the Allow Update of Assess Potential during Calibration check box on the Create Calibration Program task, use the
list view to update employee potential attributes. If you use potential as an axis in Calibration, you can't evaluate it as a
standalone field when you enable Assess Potential in Calibration.

If you select a calibration program for talent or performance reviews with calibration:

On the Start Performance Review for Organization task, Workday pulls in the manager's overall rating and potential
assessment (if configured) from the review into the calibration nBox report.
On the Start Talent Review for Organization task, Workday pulls in the potential assessment from the review into the
calibration nBox report.

Related Information

The Next Level: Performance and Talent Calibration - Tips and Tricks for Configuration and Managing Your Event
Example: Calibration nBox Placement

1.10.11 | Concept: Manage Calibration

Use the Manage Calibration report to account for changes in the organization hierarchy, workers, and role changes during the
calibration process. Run this report as often as needed to capture the changes as they occur. If a change occurs that you don't
want to account for in calibration, don't process the changes. You can submit calibration without processing the changes in the
Manage Calibration report. 167/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Organization and Worker Calibration

The Manage Calibration report displays the count of events in each calibration status and the changes made to the organization,
workers, and roles. Drill into the counts to view more details for each status. Click Process Organizations, Process Workers, or
Role Change to process the changes to reflect them in calibration. If you don't process the changes, calibration continues as if
they didn't occur.

Calibration supports these worker changes with effective dates that occur on or after the date the calibration launched:

Worker Changes Supported Organization Types

Hire an employee. Supervisory.

Terminate an employee. Supervisory and Custom.

Change an employee's job. Supervisory.

Move an employee to a different organization. Supervisory and Custom.

Assign employee to organization. Custom organizations where Show Change in Organization

Assignment is Yes on the Maintain Organization Types task.

Calibration supports these organization changes with effective dates that occur on or after the date the calibration launched:

Organization Changes Supported Organization Types

Assign superior organization. Supervisory and Custom where Allows Hierarchy is Yes on
the Maintain Organization Types task.

Create subordinate organization. Supervisory and Custom where Allows Hierarchy is Yes on
the Maintain Organization Types task.

Divide organization. Supervisory and Custom where Allows Hierarchy is Yes on

the Maintain Organization Types task.

Inactivate organization. Supervisory and Custom.

Activate organization. Supervisory and Custom where Allows Hierarchy is Yes on

the Maintain Organization Types task.

Assign included organization. Custom organizations that are container organizations

without workers.

Worker and organization changes that happen through events not listed, are ineligible for processing in the Manage Calibration
report. The Manage Calibration report doesn't account for rescinded worker or organization events after processing them.

When you process organization changes for a worker, Workday:

Updates the Calibrate Team task.

Creates, removes, or changes the task as required depending on whether the manager is already participating in

When you process worker changes in an organization, Workday:

Adds or removes workers from their managers Calibrate Team task as appropriate.
Unprocessed workers remain in their previous manager's nBox.

Reassign Calibration
If there's a role change with an effective date on or after launching calibration, you can reassign the Calibrate Team task to the
new manager. In the Manage Calibration report, click Reassign Tasks to change the employee roles for calibration in the
Reassign Tasks task. You can only reassign Inbox tasks to workers in the same security group that have a role on the
organizations. This ensures that they calibrate the same workers.

Ad hoc Calibration 168/249
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Workday recommends using the Process Workers button on the Manage Calibration report to add or remove workers ad hoc
from in-progress calibration events. You can also use the report to override Calibration Program rules and Employee Review
Template rules when adding or removing workers. To add workers ad hoc, they must be a part of the supervisory organization
that's included in the calibration hierarchy.

When you add a worker ad hoc to an in-progress calibration event launched with a performance or talent review, Workday
automatically creates a corresponding review for the worker. You can only add or remove workers who belong to the supervisory
organization included in the calibration event.

If you remove a worker ad hoc from a calibration event with an in-progress performance or talent review, you must cancel their

You can't ad hoc add terminated workers back into an in-progress calibration event.


Workers terminated after calibration launches continue to appear in the calibration event, enabling you to calibrate them.

Use the Manage Calibration report to remove terminated workers from appearing in all nBox reports.

Workday recommends running the Manage Calibration report frequently to prevent an accumulation of worker, organization, and
role changes. Don't process the changes if you don't want the change reflected in the calibration event. Example: if a new hire is
too new to calibrate.

Related Information

Workday 31 What's New Post: Worker Calibration Reporting
Workday 33 What's New Post: Manage Calibration
The Next Level: Performance and Talent Calibration - Tips and Tricks for Configuration and Managing Your Event
The Next Level: Talent: Calibration – Enhancements

1.10.12 | Concept: Calibration Facilitation

Managers receive Calibrate Team tasks in their Inbox and complete the calibration for their team members. HR Partners or other
users can assist managers with in-progress calibration events by using the Facilitate Calibration task to:

Plot employees in the nBox.

Save faceted searches within the nBox.
Complete calibration events on behalf of a manager.
Send back an Inbox item after pulling it forward.

Users can access the Facilitate Calibration task when they have:

View All permission on the Launch Calibration business process security policy.
View and Modify permission on the Facilitate Calibration security domain.

You can use role-based supervisory groups (unconstrained) and role-based custom security groups in this domain.
When you access the Facilitate Calibration task:

Only in-progress calibration events that contain at least 1 organization where you have a role display in the Calibration
Event prompt.
The organizations prompt displays the organizations you have a role on for the selected calibration event.
If the selected organization isn’t on the hierarchy's lowest level, you can calibrate workers in the selected organization and
its subordinates.
The facilitator sees the nBox view for the selected organizations and has the ability to move employees' calibration

Depending on the manager and hierarchy configuration, facilitators might see more organizations than they selected. If multiple
organizations have the same manager where an organization is subordinate to the other, the facilitator always sees the
employees for all organizations. This facilitator's nBox matches the manager's nBox. Create a facet to filter the workers on the
Example: To give Shelly, an HR Partner, facilitator access to her organization's calibration event, add her security group to:

The View All action of the Launch Calibration business process security policy.
The Facilitate Calibration security domain. 169/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Calibrate Team Members

Use the Facilitate Calibration task to calibrate workers for an in-progress calibration in the selected organization.

You can drag and drop workers into the nBox view to calibrate them the same way managers would from the Calibrate Team task
in their Inbox. You can hide selected workers in calibration to prevent them from seeing their placement or their peers' placement
during a calibration session.

Complete on Behalf of
Use the Facilitate Calibration task to pull forward individual calibration events for a subordinate organization 1 level below the
selected organization, including the organization itself and its subordinates. Optionally, you can complete on behalf of all
organizations, and their subordinate organizations, shown in the Calibration Status grid.

Select the organization and click Complete on Behalf Of to complete on behalf of an individual organization.

Select Complete on Behalf of All to complete all calibration events for the organizations listed, including subordinate

Pulling forward enables the facilitator to have full control over the calibration event and takes the Calibrate Team task out of the
manager's Inbox.

Send Back
You can use the Facilitate Calibration task to send calibration back to the supervisory organization 1 level below the current
organization after pulling it forward. Sending the organization back includes the selected organization itself. You can only send
back the selected calibration event, not including its subordinates. Facilitators can edit employee calibrations at any point before
the controller submits the final calibration, including after the manager submits calibration. You can't use the Facilitate Calibration
task to submit calibration. The controller must submit from their calibration Inbox item.

Related Information

The Next Level: Engaging Talent
Example: Calibration nBox Placement

1.10.13 | Concept: Calibration Results

Calibration is complete when the participants finish plotting employees in the nBox report for all of the organizations and the
controller submits calibration. Completion occurs when:

Workday writes the final calibration values to the workers and maps:
The Calibration: Potential value to the Potential report field.
The Calibration: Talent Based Performance Rating value to the Talent Matrix Review Rating report field.
The default report field specified in the calibration program.
If the calibration event launches with an employee review, Workday adds a value based on your calibration nBox report
configuration as the Calibrated Review Rating in the manager evaluation:
Calibration: Talent Based Performance Rating
Calibration: Overall Performance Rating

If you used these calibration fields, you must create calculated fields to retrieve the calibration values from the event:

Calibration: Overall Performance Rating

Calibration: Row Section Rating
Calibration: Column Section Rating

To view the final calibration values for employees, copy the Worker Calibration History and My Team's Calibration History reports
(secured to the Worker Data: Calibration domain) to custom reports. If you have multiple types of calibration events with different
axes values, each type requires its own custom version of these reports. Copy these reports to a custom report for each unique
type of calibration event. Complete the nBox setup for each custom report.

Related Information 170/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

The Next Level: Overview of Talent and Performance Management in Workday

1.10.14 | Concept: Calibration Dashboard

The Calibration dashboard enables managers to track in progress calibration events for their organizations. This dashboard is
secured to the Management Dashboard: Calibration domain in the System functional area. It provides these worklets:

In Progress Calibration Status: Displays the current status of each Calibrate Team event for an in progress Calibration
event. This report is intended for unconstrained roles, such as HR Administrator or Talent Administrator.
My Team's Calibration History: Displays historical calibration values for your current direct reports for a completed
Calibration event. This report is intended for managers.
Worker Calibration History: Displays historical calibration values for workers for a completed Calibration event. This report
is for unconstrained roles, such as HR Administrator or Talent Administrators.
Worker Calibration Placement Trend: Displays the entire history of calibrated values from completed Calibration events for
a specific worker.

The Dashboard Menu on the Calibration Dashboard also helps you to navigate quickly to relevant tasks, such as Facilitate
Calibration, Manage Calibration, and Calibration Distribution.

You can use the Maintain Dashboards task to configure the Calibration dashboard. Managers can display it on the Home landing
page for quick access.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages
The Next Level: Overview of Talent and Performance Management in Workday
The Next Level: Analyzing Talent with Dashboards, Reports, and Mobile Devices

1.10.15 | Example: Calibration nBox Placement

This example illustrates 1 way to calibrate employees in an nBox report.


Bill, a manager, calibrates the performance and potential ratings for his 2 employees, Maria and Robert. Their initial ratings are:

Maria: Performance = 4, Potential = Medium.

Robert: Performance = 2, Potential = Low.

The nBox view has a 3 x 3 grid with performance on the vertical axis and potential on the horizontal axis.


1. Glenn, the HR partner, creates the calibration program mapping performance ratings to rows (the vertical axis) as:
1-2 to the bottom row.
3 to the middle row.
4-5 to the top row.
2. The calibration program maps potential ratings to columns (the horizontal axis) as:
Low to the left column.
Medium to the middle column.
High to the right column.

This places Maria in the top center box and Robert in the bottom left box.

3. During calibration, Bill keeps Maria in the same box, but moves Robert to the bottom center box to indicate higher


Based on the mappings defined in the calibration nBox report, Maria's performance and potential ratings remain the same.
Robert's performance rating stays the same, but the potential rating changes to Medium after the controller submits calibration. 171/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1.10.16 | FAQ: Talent and Performance Calibration

What determines which workers display in the Calibrate Team task?

Can I launch multiple concurrent calibration events?
Are there any calibration events that don't support worker or organization changes?
Does calibration support reorganizations on the top-level organization?

What determines which workers display on the Calibrate Team task?

Workday displays workers on the Calibrate Team task based on the manager's contextual security. Facilitators can use the
Facilitate Calibration report to view processed workers who move to a new organization. Contextual security still applies if the
Manage Calibration report doesn't process the worker or organization move.

Can I launch multiple concurrent calibration events?

Yes, you can have multiple calibration events for supervisory or custom organizations in progress at a given time. However, you
can only calibrate workers in 1 calibration event at a time.

Are there any calibration events that don't support worker or organization changes?
You can't change worker or organization assignments in calibration events initiated as part of a performance review (after
launching the Start Performance Review business process).

Does calibration support reorganizations on the top-level organization?

No. Top-level organizations shouldn't experience any reorganizations during calibration.

1.11 | Feedback
1.11.1 | Setup Considerations: Anytime Feedback

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of anytime feedback. It explains:

Why to set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is
You can use Workday to enable anytime feedback for workers to give ad hoc unsolicited feedback to other workers independent
of scheduled review events, such as performance reviews.

Business Benefits
Encourages workers to provide feedback to colleagues outside of formal employee reviews, fostering communication and
Enables workers to provide feedback to other workers outside of constrained roles for greater transparency in your

Use Cases
Managers can encourage their workers to use anytime feedback to recognize other workers' accomplishments or provide
feedback for areas of improvement.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations 172/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

How does anytime feedback align with your company Anytime feedback is suitable for company cultures that
culture? foster openness and communication across roles and
hierarchy. If your company uses a more controlled and
structured approach, such as enabling only managers to
provide feedback, you might want to use only role-
requested feedback.

How can you control whether anytime feedback is private or You can enable feedback settings for privacy and
confidential? confidentiality so that givers of anytime feedback can share
the feedback with the feedback recipient or other workers.
You can also disable privacy and confidentiality settings to
prevent Workday from sharing anytime feedback.

How can you control whether givers of anytime feedback You can enable anonymous feedback, in which feedback
remain anonymous? givers can select whether to give anonymous feedback or to
display their name. You can also disable anonymous
feedback, to always display the names of feedback givers.

Can you pull anytime feedback into employee reviews? You can configure employee reviews to include anytime

Set up feedback notifications so that workers can inform other parties that they provided feedback.
Encourage your workers to use feedback badges to promote positive recognition of their peers.
To limit feedback reported over time, create custom reports that report worker anytime feedback for a specific period on
worker profiles. Example: create a custom report that displays only anytime feedback given in the past year.
When you configure anytime feedback options with intersection security groups, users in some groups might not be able
to give or view anytime feedback. We recommend consulting Workday Community resources when using anytime
feedback with intersection security.

No impact.

Workday doesn't support configuring feedback templates for anytime feedback. When users give anytime feedback, the
task provides a text field to enter feedback but you can't configure the business process to include questions or other help
You can't prevent workers from giving anytime feedback to multiple recipients at the business process level. Users with
administrative privileges can set up condition rules to prevent or discourage anytime feedback to multiple recipients.
Anytime feedback can be private, confidential, or anonymous when sent to a single recipient but not when sent to multiple
Workday doesn't include anytime feedback on the View Worker History report for an employee.
The Anytime Feedback worklet on the Talent and Performance dashboard might not display correctly in mobile

Tenant Setup
Use the Give Feedback notification type in the HCM section of the Edit Tenant Setup - Notifications task to enable users to notify
other workers when they provide feedback.

Configure these domains in the Talent Core functional area:

Domain Considerations

Self-Service: Feedback Enable workers to give and get feedback. 173/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Domain Considerations

Self-Service: Anytime Feedback Enable self-service access for workers to provide and view
anytime feedback.

Worker Data: Anytime Feedback Enable workers to view anytime feedback for another

Worker Data: Private Feedback Enable workers to view private anytime feedback that's not
visible to managers about another worker.

Worker Data: Confidential Feedback Enable workers to view confidential anytime feedback about
another worker.

Self-Service: Edit Feedback Add workers to this domain and the Edit Feedback initiating
action of the business process security policy so they can
edit anytime feedback within 1 hour of providing it.

Business Process
Configure the Give Feedback business process in the Talent Core functional area to enable workers to provide anytime feedback.


Reports or Dashboards Considerations

Feedback on My Team report Enables managers to view anytime feedback for their team

Feedback Received report Enables workers to view feedback received for all feedback
types, including anytime feedback. This report is also
available on the worker profile.

Talent and Performance dashboard Add the Anytime Feedback worklet so workers can view the
anytime feedback they gave and received.


Web Services Considerations

Give Feedback Enables you to import historical anytime feedback data from
another Workday tenant into Workday.

Put Feedback Badge Enables you to import, add, edit, and remove feedback

Connections and Touchpoints

Workday uses anytime feedback as a source for generating skills suggestions in Workday Skills Cloud.

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

Concept: Intersection Security Groups
Configure the Feedback Section
Setup Considerations: Skills Cloud 174/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1.11.2 | Setup Considerations: Requested Feedback

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of role-requested feedback and self-
requested feedback. It explains:

Why to set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is
Workday provides 2 types of requested feedback:

Role-requested feedback
Self-requested feedback

Role-requested feedback (Get Feedback on Worker) enables a worker to request feedback about another worker. Role-requested
feedback also enables feedback for employee reviews when you create a Feedback for Review template. Role-requested
feedback can be confidential but not private.

Self-requested feedback (Get Feedback on Self) enables a worker to request another worker to provide feedback about himself.
Self-requested feedback can be private but not confidential.

Business Benefits
Create specialized feedback templates for different purposes and events.
Gives workers the ability to solicit feedback. Workers can take the initiative and request feedback on their own and not
just wait for others to provide it.
Use feedback to foster workers' personal development. Example: encourage workers to ask others what are their
strengths and weaknesses and how they can improve.
Use feedback to foster workers' career development. Example: encourage workers to ask others what they're doing really
well and what they need to improve to move to the next level.

Use Cases
Workers can request feedback on themselves from other workers, and then include the feedback in performance reviews.
Managers can request feedback on their workers from other team members, or from other managers, to include in
performance reviews or in development plans.
Managers can request confidential feedback about their workers, to use in performance improvement plans and
disciplinary actions.
Administrators can create a specific feedback template for the end of a project, with specific questions tailored to gather
information from members of the project. You can enable workers to request feedback on themselves from project team
members, to solicit input on what skills or competencies they exhibited and what they contributed to the team.
Administrators can create a specific feedback template for development, where workers request feedback on themselves,
and you encourage the feedback provider to private feedback for candid and constructive input.
For scheduled performance review events, administrators can set up mass feedback events for large groups of workers to
request feedback on themselves, or managers to request feedback about their workers.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

Who should be able to initiate feedback on behalf of other You can set up your domains so that only certain
users? employees such as managers can request feedback on
behalf of others.

What groups of workers do you want to be able to view Determine which groups, such as HR partners or
confidential feedback or private feedback? managers, can view confidential or private feedback and set
up your domains accordingly.

Recommendations 175/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Delete Give Requested Feedback events using the mass operation management Cancel Feedback Requests job to limit
the size of your reports.
Use care when securing domains for feedback notifications to prevent feedback notifications from being incorrectly sent to
workers who shouldn't see the notifications.
When setting up custom feedback notifications for the Get Feedback on Worker and Get Feedback on Self business
processes, make sure to set up notifications for the Give Requested Feedback business process also.
Use business process help text to indicate to the worker providing requested feedback who can see the feedback. Provide
help text for both Get Feedback on Worker and Get Feedback on Self businesses processes as they're secured by
different domains. The feedback provider can receive different types of feedback requests for the same person (both Get
Feedback on Worker and Get Feedback on Self), and the help text can clarify who can view the feedback for each event.
If you change your confidential or privacy settings for your feedback business processes, update any business process
help text that states who can view the feedback.

No impact.

Workday doesn't provide a way to limit the number of feedback providers.

Worker doesn't provide an indicator to let workers providing requested feedback know if the feedback they're providing is
anonymous. This limitation applies to both role-requested feedback and self-requested feedback. We recommend setting up
business process help text with a condition rule to let feedback providers know whether their feedback is anonymous.

Workday doesn't support including feedback badges for role-requested and self-requested feedback. Workday supports feedback
badges for anytime feedback only.

In employee reviews, Workday doesn't support hiding feedback from workers and showing feedback to managers. Example: the
Questions section in employee review templates supports this option but the Feedback section doesn't. To work around this
employee review template limitation, set all feedback for the Get Feedback for Review event to be confidential.

Tenant Setup
Use the Maintain Feedback Setup task to configure your tenant settings for requested feedback, including options for controlling
confidential and private feedback.

Configure these domains in the Talent Core functional area.

Domain Considerations

Self-Service: Feedback Enable workers to give and get feedback.

Self-Service: Role Requested Feedback Enable workers to view feedback that was requested from
other workers.

Self-Service: Self Requested Feedback Enable workers to view feedback that they've requested on

Worker Data: Confidential Feedback (Role-requested feedback only) Enable workers to view
confidential feedback about another worker (Share with
others option for Get Feedback on Worker). Example: add
managers to this domain so they can view confidential
feedback about their workers.

Worker Data: Private Feedback (Self-requested feedback only) Enable workers to view
private feedback about themselves (Share with me option
for Get Feedback on Self).

Worker Data: Role Requested Feedback Enable workers (such as managers) to view feedback that's
been requested for a worker.

Worker Data: Self Requested Feedback Enable workers (such as managers) to view feedback that
other workers have requested about themselves. 176/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Business Processes
Configure these business processes in the Talent Core functional area.

Business Processes Considerations

Get Feedback on Self Set up steps for self-requested feedback.

Get Feedback on Worker Set up steps for role-requested feedback.

Give Requested Feedback To enable workers to provide requested feedback, set up

steps for this subprocess of the Get Feedback on Self and
Get Feedback on Worker business processes.

Although similarly named, the Give Feedback business

process only applies to anytime feedback.


Reports or Dashboards Considerations

Feedback on My Team Add this report to the Team Performance dashboard so

managers can see role-requested feedback given to
members of their team.

Feedback Received Use this report to view feedback received by a worker for all
feedback types. This report is also available on the worker


Web Services Considerations

Get Feedback and Review Question Categories Enables you to export question categories used for
feedback templates.

Get Feedback and Review Questions Enables you to export questions used in feedback

Put Feedback and Review Question Enables you to import questions used in feedback

Put Feedback and Review Question Category Enables you to import question categories used in feedback

Connections and Touchpoints

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

1.11.3 | Steps: Set Up Feedback


Workday has 3 types of feedback:

Anytime Feedback: Unsolicited feedback associated with the Give Feedback business process.
Feedback on Worker (role-requested feedback): Requested by another worker (typically a manager). Associated with the
Give Requested Feedback subprocess for the Get Feedback on Worker business process.
Feedback on Self (self-requested feedback): Requested by the worker. Associated with the Give Requested Feedback
subprocess for the Get Feedback on Self business process. 177/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can use feedback for:

Peer recognition.
Performance reviews.
Personal development.
Ongoing career conversations.


1. Set Up Feedback Security.

2. Set Up Feedback Business Processes
3. Set Up Options for Giving and Getting Feedback.
Access the Maintain Feedback Setup task to configure settings for confidential, private, and anonymous feedback.
4. (Optional) Set Up Feedback Notifications.
5. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
6. (Optional) Add a Get Feedback from Review step to the Start Performance Review or Start Development Plan business
process to request feedback as part of reviews. The Get Feedback from Review step behaves the same as the Get
Feedback on Worker business process.
7. (Optional) Steps: Set Up Workteams.
Set up workteams so that workers can select from the My Workteams option in the Workers prompt or the From Workers
prompt when giving or requesting feedback.
8. (Optional) Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.
Add these reports to the worker profile, or to the Performance or Feedback profile groups:
Feedback Given
Feedback on My Team
Feedback Received
Feedback Requested
View Feedback Received
9. (Optional) Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
Add the Get Feedback action to the My Team and Performance worklets.
10. Configure feedback templates used in role-requested and self-requested feedback.
See Steps: Configure Feedback Templates.
11. (Optional) Add and configure the Feedback section in your employee review templates.
See Steps: Create Employee Review Templates.
12. (Optional) Access the Configure Talent Tags task.
Configure Competency as a Relates To prompt option for feedback.

Relate feedback questions in requested feedback to a specific competency.

Security: Set Up: Talent domain in the Succession Planning functional area.

13. (Optional) Access the Maintain Feedback Badges task.

Create, edit, delete, and inactivate feedback badges in the Give Feedback business process. You can disable badges
with the Maintain Feedback Setup task.

Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Your workers can now:

Provide and receive feedback.

Request feedback for themselves or other workers.
View another worker's feedback.
Relate feedback to competencies and include this information in employee reviews.

Employees on a leave of absence can't provide or receive feedback if an administrator enables the Talent Effect option in the
leave type. In this case, a worker can't select the employee on leave of absence as a feedback provider or feedback recipient for
these tasks: 178/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Get Feedback on Self

Get Feedback on Worker
Ask Others for Feedback on Self
Ask Others for Feedback on Worker
Revise Get Feedback
Review Get Feedback on Self
Review Get Feedback on Worker

Related Information

The Next Level: Creating a Coaching Culture

1.11.4 | Set Up Feedback Security


Set up domains in the Talent Core functional area to control who can participate in different types of feedback.

Workday enables confidential feedback and private feedback by default. Add workers to the Worker Data: Confidential Feedback
domain and the Worker Data: Private Feedback domain to enable them to view confidential feedback or private feedback. Disable
confidential feedback and private feedback using the Maintain Feedback Setup task.


1. Set up security for the Self-Service: Feedback domain in the Talent Core functional area for all feedback types.
2. Set up security for these domains for anytime feedback.
Self-Service: Anytime Feedback
Worker Data: Anytime Feedback
Worker Data: Confidential Feedback
Worker Data: Private Feedback
(Optional) Self-Service: Edit Feedback
3. Set up security for these domains for role-requested feedback.
Self-Service: Role Requested Feedback
Worker Data: Role Requested Feedback
Worker Data: Confidential Feedback
4. Set up security for these domains for self-requested feedback.
Self-Service: Self Requested Feedback
Worker Data: Self Requested Feedback
Worker Data: Private Feedback

Next Steps

Set up feedback business processes.

Related Information

Edit Domain Security Policies
Reference: Feedback Security Domains

1.11.5 | Set Up Feedback Business Processes


Security: Self-Service Feedback


Configure feedback business processes and their security policies in the Talent Core functional area.

Steps 179/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1. Configure the Give Feedback business process for anytime feedback.

(Optional) Enable workers to edit feedback given to others within a 1-hour time frame from when they originally submitted
it. Configure the Give Feedback business process by adding the Employee as Self security group to the Self-Service: Edit
Feedback domain and Edit Feedback initiating action in the business process security policy.

If you have condition rules on the Give Feedback business process, set up similar condition rules for the Give Feedback
to Multiple Recipients business process.

2. Configure these business processes for role-requested feedback:

Get Feedback on Worker
Give Requested Feedback

You can enable contingent workers to provide feedback. Configure security groups on the initiating action of the policy for
the Give Requested Feedback business process.

3. Configure these business processes for self-requested feedback:

Get Feedback on Self
Give Requested Feedback

Next Steps

Set up options for giving and getting feedback.

Related Information

Edit Business Processes
Reference: Feedback Business Processes
Example: Condition Rule to Prevent Feedback to Multiple Recipients

1.11.6 | Set Up Options for Giving and Getting Feedback


Security: Self-Service: Feedback, Worker Data: Confidential Feedback and Worker Data: Private Feedback domains in the Talent
Core functional area.


Feedback settings enable you to control whether certain visibility options will be available for workers to select in the Give
Feedback, Get Feedback on Worker, and Get Feedback on Self tasks. Use the Maintain Feedback Setup task to control settings

Anonymous feedback.
Confidential feedback.
Private feedback.

You can also control settings for feedback badges and feedback templates.


1. Access the Maintain Feedback Setup task.

2. Set the Give Feedback options.

As you complete the Give Feedback section, consider:

Option Description 180/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Disable Anonymity Prevents the ability to give or request

anonymous feedback in these business
Get Feedback on Worker
Get Feedback on Self
Give Feedback
When you select this check box:
Future feedback submissions will
display the names of the feedback
Existing anonymous feedback doesn't
display the names of the feedback

Disable Decline Feedback Removes the option to decline feedback

requests sent through the Get Feedback on
Worker and Get Feedback on Self business

Disable Confidential Feedback Prevents the ability to give confidential

feedback in the Give Feedback business
process. When you select this check box:
Workers might be able to see feedback
about themselves on future feedback
Existing confidential feedback won't be
visible to the feedback recipient. It will
remain visible to users with access on
the Worker Data: Confidential Feedback
security domain.

Disable Private Feedback Prevents the ability to give private feedback in

the Give Feedback business process.

When you select this check box, existing private

feedback will remain visible to users with
access on the Worker Data: Private Feedback
security domain.

Disable Feedback Badges Hides the feedback badge prompt on the Give
Feedback task, even if you have badges
defined on the Maintain Feedback Badges task.

Enable Confidential Feedback for Give Requested Feedback When selected, feedback providers can decide
whether their feedback is confidential on their
Give Requested Feedback Inbox item as part of
the Get Feedback on Worker business process.
Once this option is selected, the Disable
Confidential Feedback option under the Get
Feedback section is automatically checked.

Enable Private Feedback for Give Requested Feedback When selected, feedback providers can decide
whether their feedback is private on their Give
Requested Feedback Inbox item as part of the
Get Feedback on Self business process. Once
this option is selected, the Disable Private
Feedback option under the Get Feedback
section is automatically checked.

3. Set the Get Feedback options. 181/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

As you complete the Get Feedback section, consider:

Option Description

Disable Confidential Feedback Prevents the ability to request confidential feedback in

the Get Feedback on Worker business process.
When you select this check box:
Workers can't request confidential feedback.
Workers might be able to view all future
feedback submissions about themselves.
Existing confidential feedback won't be visible to
the feedback recipient, but remains visible to
users with access to the Worker Data:
Confidential Feedback security domain.

Disable Private Feedback Prevents the ability to request private, peer-to-peer

feedback in the Get Feedback on Self business

When you select this check box, existing private

feedback will remain visible to users secured to the
Worker Data: Private Feedback security domain.

Default: Get Feedback on Worker is Confidential When you select this check box, the confidential option
under the Feedback Sharing section is automatically
selected. The feedback requestor can still select
another option.

Disable Expiration Date Prevents feedback requestors from entering an

expiration date on Get Feedback requests.

4. (Optional) Set default templates.

As you complete the Set Default Templates section, consider:

Option Description

Feedback on Self This template automatically populates the Feedback

Template prompt in the Get Feedback on Self task. The
feedback requestor still has the ability to select another
feedback template or create their own feedback

Feedback on Worker This template automatically populates the Feedback

Template prompt in the Get Feedback on Worker task.
The feedback requestor still has the ability to select
another feedback template or create their own feedback

Next Steps

Set up Feedback domain security policies.

Related Information

Concept: Confidential, Private, and Anonymous Feedback

1.11.7 | Set Up Feedback Notifications

Prerequisites 182/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Add workers to the Worker Data: Anytime Feedback domain.


When workers give anytime feedback, they can send notifications to other parties that they provided the feedback. When you
enable workers to send notifications, Workday displays the Workers to Notify prompt on the Give Feedback task for public,
nonanonymous feedback. Workers must be in the Worker Data: Anytime Feedback domain to be included in the Workers to
Notify prompt. When a worker gives feedback to multiple recipients and sends feedback notifications, the notified workers receive
separate notifications for each feedback recipient. If the feedback is private or anonymous, Workday doesn't display the Workers
to Notify prompt. Workday also doesn't display the prompt when you mute notifications.


1. Access the Edit Tenant Setup - Notifications task.

2. Set Up Mail Servers for Email Notifications.
3. Set Up Mobile Push Notifications.
4. Select HCM in the Notification Delivery Settings section to override the parent notification type delivery settings.
For the Give Feedback notification type, select Notification Routing Rule for Give Feedback Notification Category to
enable the Workers to Notify prompt on the Give Feedback task. Workday mutes email and push notifications for this
routing rule by default.
5. To unmute email and push notifications, select Related Actions > Notification Routing Rule > Edit for the Notification
Routing Rule for Give Feedback Notification Category routing rule.
a. Enable email notifications by selecting Email on the Channel prompt and Immediately on the Default Frequency
b. Enable mobile push notifications by selecting Mobile Push Notifications on the Channel prompt and Immediately
on the Default Frequency prompt.


Workers can notify other parties when giving public nonanonymous feedback to another worker.

1.11.8 | Steps: Configure Feedback Templates


Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in the Performance and Goals functional area.


Feedback templates enable you to get and give specific and consistent feedback on job performance through a set of questions
you create. You can create 3 types of feedback templates:

Feedback on Worker. Feedback templates of this type are available in the Feedback Template prompt in the Get
Feedback on Worker task.
Feedback on Self. Feedback templates of this type are available in the Feedback Template prompt in the Get Feedback
on Self task.
Feedback for Review. Feedback templates of this type are available in the Feedback Template prompt in the Get
Feedback task when Get Feedback on Review is configured as a step in a performance review or development plan.


1. Access the Maintain Feedback and Review Question Categories task.

Create categories to organize your feedback questions.
2. Access the Maintain Feedback and Review Questions task.
Create a library of questions that you can use in your feedback templates.
3. Access the Create Feedback Template task. A feedback template allows you to group questions you created previously.
You can:
Lock a template so users can't add, change, or delete questions in feedback requests.
Select a competency relating to a feedback question from the Relates To prompt. Feedback received on questions
related to a competency will display in the manager evaluation step for an employee review if that competency is
included in the Competency section.
4. (Optional) Access the Maintain Feedback Setup task.
Select Default Templates to automatically populate in feedback requests. 183/249
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Workday automatically populates these tasks with the questions defined in the default templates if configured in the Maintain
Feedback Setup task:

Get Feedback on Worker.

Get Feedback on Self.
Get Feedback from Review.

Next Steps

Use the:

Configure Feedback Template task to change a feedback template.

Copy Feedback Template task to copy an existing feedback template as the starting point for another template.

Related Information

The Next Level: Creating a Coaching Culture

1.11.9 | Steps: Set Up Mass Operation Feedback Events


Security: These domains in the System functional area:

Business Process Administration

Custom Report Creation


You can encourage continuous feedback by scheduling mass feedback events for multiple workers at once. You can configure
these mass feedback events:

Launch Get Feedback on Self: Mass launches the Get Feedback on Self business process to enable groups of workers to
request feedback on themselves.
Launch Get Feedback on Worker: Mass launches the Get Feedback on Worker business process to enable managers to
request feedback on workers from a target audience. Collecting feedback on managers from their direct reports, or on
employees from their mentors and connections can be useful.
Cancel Feedback Requests: Mass cancels incomplete or expired Give Requested Feedback events to remove them from
the inboxes of feedback providers.


1. (Mass Launch Get Feedback on Self or Launch Get Feedback on Worker events only) Edit Business Processes.
Update the Get Feedback on Self or Get Feedback on Worker business process definition and security policy for mass
launch and add:
The Employee as Self security group to the Get Feedback on Self - Mass Launch initiating action on the Get
Feedback on Self business process security policy.
A role-based security group, like Manager or HR Partner, to the Get Feedback on Worker - Mass Launch initiating
action on the Get Feedback on Worker business process security policy.
The Get Feedback on Self - Mass Launch initiating action to the Get Feedback on Self business process security
The Get Feedback on Worker - Mass Launch initiating action to the Get Feedback on Worker business process
security policy.
2. Create a Segment-Based Security Group for Mass Operations.
The Talent Administrator security group, or another unconstrained security group, from the Security Groups
The Launch Get Feedback on Self or Launch Get Feedback on Worker from the Access to Segments prompt.
3. Grant View and Modify permission to your segment-based security group on the Mass Operation Management domain in
the System functional area.
4. Create Custom Reports.
Create a custom report for your mass operation: 184/249
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Mass Launch Get Feedback on Self: The report displays the feedback requestors. The report must use the
Indexed All Workers report data source (RDS) and return fewer than 50,000 workers.
Mass Launch Get Feedback on Worker: The report displays the feedback recipients, or the people you're
requesting feedback about. When creating the custom report, select the Currently Active filter from the Field
prompt to ensure that Workday only requests feedback for active workers. The report must also use the Indexed
All Workers RDS and return fewer than 50,000 workers.
Mass Cancel Feedback Requests: The report displays Give Requested Feedback events to cancel. To cancel only
expired feedback requests, you can copy the Expired Feedback Requests report to a custom report. Configure
Give Requested Feedback Events RDS.
All Give Feedback Requested Events Secured for Processing Person data source filter.
Expiration Date report field.
Get Feedback Event report field.
5. Set Up Mass Operations.
As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Mass Operation Type Select the mass operation:

Launch Get Feedback on Self
Launch Get Feedback on Worker
Cancel Feedback Requests

Input Report Select your custom report.

Run Frequency If your run frequency isn't Run Now, you can configure
run frequency details on the Schedule tab. To
encourage continuous feedback, select a recurring

Feedback Template (Optional) Workday populates this field if you defined a

default feedback template in the Maintain Feedback
Setup task for the Get Feedback on Self or Get
Feedback on Worker business process.

Feedback Requestors (Get Feedback on Worker only) Select the users who
will receive the Get Feedback inbox items. Workday
displays available role-based security groups based on
the security policy for the Get Feedback on Worker -
Mass Launch action step in the default business
process definition.

Feedback Providers (Get Feedback on Worker only) Enter feedback

providers for Workday to populate the From Workers
prompt in the Get Feedback inbox item. The available
feedback providers are based on the feedback
recipients' relationships defined in Workday (mentors,
mentees, connections, or direct reports). If you don't
specify this field, then Workday leaves the From
Workers prompt blank.


Mass Launch Get Feedback on Self: Workers receive an Inbox item that they can use to request feedback from another
worker. The notification includes the feedback template if you selected one when you ran the mass operation.
Mass Launch Get Feedback on Worker: Feedback requestors, like managers, can open the Get Feedback on Worker
event from their Inbox. Once the feedback requestor submits the request, the feedback provider then receives an Inbox
item and completes the feedback request.
Mass Cancel Feedback Requests: Workday removes outdated or ignored feedback requests from the Inbox of feedback
providers. When there's only 1 Give Requested Feedback subprocess, Workday also cancels the parent business
process event. 185/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Workday notifies you if you include an inactive feedback template in a mass launch. The mass launch operation still launches
successfully, but feedback requestors must manually select an active template or create their own questions. This limitation only
applies for daily, weekly, or monthly run frequencies.

Note: If an administrator enables the Talent Effect option in the leave type for an employee on a Leave of Absence, Workday
doesn't include the employee in team reports for mass operation feedback events.

1.11.10 | Concept: Confidential, Private, and Anonymous Feedback

Workday enables you to configure visibility of feedback using domain security policies and the Maintain Feedback Setup task.
Confidential feedback and private feedback are mutually exclusive; feedback can be 1 or the other but not both. Guided product
tours allow interactive help when using new or recently changed features of Workday.

Confidential Feedback
Confidential feedback is feedback that a worker provides about another worker that is visible to everyone with access on the
Worker Data: Confidential Feedback domain, but not to the feedback recipient. Confidential feedback is typically used for career
development purposes. The ability to give or request confidential feedback is only available on the Give Feedback and Get
Feedback on Worker business processes.

To enable confidential feedback, add roles, such as managers and HR partners, to the Worker Data: Confidential Feedback
security domain in the Talent Core functional area.


You're an HR Administrator at Global Modern Services and want to use confidential feedback to drive workers' career
development. You clear the Disable Confidential Feedback check box in the Get Feedback section of the Maintain Feedback
Setup task. You then add the Manager security group to the Worker Data: Confidential Feedback security domain and the
business process security policy for Get Feedback on Worker. Managers at GMS can now request confidential feedback about
their direct reports using the Get Feedback on Worker task. Their direct reports won't be able to see confidential feedback on

Mike is an engineer at Global Modern Services. Mike's manager, Joe, wants to hear about Mike's performance on a recent project
Mike has been working on with a different manager. Joe doesn't want Mike to see the confidential feedback. Joe uses the Get
Feedback on Worker task to request feedback about Mike from Irene, the project manager. In the request, Joe specifies in the
Feedback Sharing section not to share Irene's feedback with Mike.

Private Feedback
Private feedback is feedback that is visible to the feedback recipient, the feedback provider, and any other users with access on
the Worker Data: Private Feedback domain. Private feedback is typically used for peer-to-peer feedback where the feedback
recipient's manager can't see the feedback given. The ability to give or request that private feedback is only available on the Give
Feedback and Get Feedback on Self business processes.

Add roles, such as HR Partners and HR Administrators, to the Worker Data: Private Feedback domain in the Talent Core
functional area to enable them to view private feedback. To ensure that managers can't see peer-to-peer feedback, don't add
managers to this domain.


You're an HR Administrator at Global Modern Services and want to use private feedback to drive workers' career development.
You clear the Disable Private Feedback check box in the Get Feedback section of the Maintain Feedback Setup task. You then
add the Employee as Self security group to the business process security policy for Get Feedback on Self. To encourage private,
peer-to-peer feedback, you don't secure the Manager security group to the Worker Data: Private Feedback security domain.
Employees at GMS can now request private feedback about themselves using the Get Feedback on Self task. Employees'
managers won't be able to see private feedback their direct reports request about themselves.

Mike is an engineer at Global Modern Services. After completing a project, Mike wants to request private feedback about himself
that his manager, Joe, can't see. Mike uses the Get Feedback on Self task to request feedback about himself from Sue, one of
his project teammates. In the request, Mike specifies the Share with me option in the Feedback Sharing section so that the
feedback is private and Joe can't see the feedback.

Anonymous Feedback 186/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

When you enable anonymous feedback, the feedback provider or requestor can select whether or not Workday displays the
feedback provider's name alongside their feedback. The ability to give or request anonymous feedback is available on the Get
Feedback on Worker, Get Feedback on Self, and Give Feedback business processes. Anonymous feedback can be private or
confidential, meaning feedback is only visible by certain users and the feedback provider's name is unknown.


You're an HR Administrator at Global Modern Services and want to use anonymous feedback to drive workers' career
development. You clear the Disable Anonymity check box in the Give Feedback section of the Maintain Feedback Setup task.
Employees at GMS can now give or request anonymous feedback through the Give Feedback, Get Feedback on Worker, and
Get Feedback on Self business processes. If an employee gives anonymous feedback, no one will know that he gave the
feedback. If an employee requests anonymous feedback on another worker or themselves, anyone who can see the feedback
can't see who provided it.

Mike is an engineer at Global Modern Services. After completing a project, Mike wants to give constructive-oriented feedback to
his teammate, Mary, but wants it to be anonymous. Mike uses the Give Feedback task to give anonymous feedback to Mary. In
the request, Mike clears the check box under the Show my name? section so that Anonymous displays on the feedback instead
of his name. Mike then selects the Share with Mary option under the Feedback Sharing section.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Feedback
Set Up Guided Tours

1.11.11 | Concept: Give Feedback to Multiple Recipients

Workers can give anytime feedback to more than 1 person in the same operation by selecting multiple recipients in the Give
Feedback task. When a worker selects multiple recipients for feedback, Workday launches the Give Feedback to Multiple
Recipients business process, which initiates a separate Give Feedback event for each recipient.

Note: Workers can give feedback to multiple recipients only when accessing the Give Feedback task through global search or
from the Anytime Feedback worklet on the Talent and Performance dashboard.

Feedback for multiple recipients can't be confidential, private, or anonymous. The Maintain Feedback Setup task settings for
these feedback types don't apply once a worker's action launches the Give Feedback to Multiple Recipients business process. If
a worker edits, corrects, or cancels the feedback for 1 of the recipients, the change applies to all recipients.

You can edit the Give Feedback to Multiple Recipients business process to add an approval step. The approval step must be
configured before the completion step. To enable feedback recipients or other users to approve the feedback, add an approval
step on the Give Feedback business process definition.

When you're purging feedback for active workers sent to multiple recipients, you can purge feedback for 1 of the recipients but
keep it for the others. Example: if Michelle gives feedback to John, Sally, and Miguel, you can purge the feedback for John but
keep that same feedback for Sally and Miguel.

Related Information

Example: Condition Rule to Prevent Feedback to Multiple Recipients

1.11.12 | Reference: Feedback Security Domains

Workday delivers these security domains in the Talent Core functional area so you can control what types of feedback workers
can give, receive, and view.

Security Domain Description

Self-Service: Feedback. Provides workers self-service access to their feedback. This

domain is the parent domain for all Self-Service feedback
domains. 187/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Security Domain Description

Self-Service: Anytime Feedback. Provides workers self-service access to view nonprivate,

and nonconfidential feedback given by others.

Self-Service: Edit Feedback. Provides workers self-service access to edit anytime

feedback given to others through the Give Feedback task
within a 1-hour timeframe.

Self-Service: Role Requested Feedback. Provides workers self-service access to view

nonconfidential feedback on themselves that was requested
from others using the Get Feedback on Worker business

Self-Service: Self Requested Feedback. Provides workers self-service access to view nonprivate
feedback that they requested on themselves using the Get
Feedback on Self business process.

Worker Data: Anytime Feedback. Provides access to view nonprivate and nonconfidential
feedback for another worker given as part of the Give
Feedback business process.

Worker Data: Confidential Feedback. Provides access to view confidential feedback about
another worker given as part of the Give Feedback or Get
Feedback on Worker business processes.

Worker Data: Private Feedback. Provides access to view private peer-to-peer feedback
about another worker given as part of the Give Feedback or
Get Feedback on Self business processes.

Worker Data: Role Requested Feedback. Provides access to view nonconfidential feedback about a
worker requested through the Get Feedback on Worker
business process.

Worker Data: Self Requested Feedback. Provides access to view nonprivate feedback about a
worker that was requested about themselves through the
Get Feedback on Self business process.

1.11.13 | Reference: Feedback Business Processes

Workday delivers these business processes in the Talent Core functional area so you can enable workers to receive and provide

Business Process Description

Enables workers to provide unsolicited, anytime feedback.

Give Feedback.

Enables a worker to provide non-anonymous, non-

Give Feedback to Multiple Recipients.
confidential and non-private feedback to multiple recipients.
Workday automatically enables this business process and
you can't opt out of it.

Enables workers to request feedback about themselves

Get Feedback on Self.
from another worker.

Enables workers (usually managers) to request feedback

Get Feedback on Worker.
on another worker (usually direct reports). 188/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Business Process Description

Enables workers to provide feedback in response to a

Give Requested Feedback.
request from another worker.

Give Requested Feedback is a subprocess of Get

Feedback on Worker and Get Feedback on Self and doesn't
run as a standalone process.

If you enable employees to decline feedback requests, you

can require a reason. Use the Decline Reason Missing
report field in a condition rule on the business process.

(Optional) You can enable workers to ask additional workers to participate in a previously submitted Get Feedback on Self or Get
Feedback on Worker request. Configure the Ask Others for Feedback initiating action on the business process security policies
for Get Feedback on Worker or Get Feedback on Self.

(Optional) You can enable workers to edit feedback given within a 1-hour time frame by configuring the Edit Feedback initiating
action on the Give Feedback business process security policy. This option isn't available for requested feedback.

1.11.14 | Reference: Feedback Reports

You can view feedback using these reports:

Report Feedback Type Searchable Related Action from a Worker Where It's Available

Feedback On Anytime No None Available as

My Team Feedback for the
Feedback on
Performance and
Talent worklets.
Feedback on Self
Available for the
Feedback for Worker
Profile profile group
in worker profiles.

Feedback Anytime No Talent > View Feedback Available for the

Received Feedback and
Feedback on
Performance groups
in worker profiles.
Feedback on Self

Feedback Feedback on Yes Talent > View Feedback by Available for the
Requested Worker Request Feedback and
Performance groups
Feedback on Self
in worker profiles.

View Feedback Anytime No Talent > View Feedback Given Available as

Given to Others to Others Feedback Given for
Feedback on
the Performance
group in worker
Feedback on Self profiles. 189/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Report Feedback Type Searchable Related Action from a Worker Where It's Available

View Feedback Anytime Yes Talent > View Feedback Available as View
Received Received Feedback Received
Feedback on
in the Performance
and Feedback for
Feedback on Self Worker Profile profile
groups in worker

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Feedback

1.11.15 | Example: Condition Rule to Prevent Feedback to Multiple Recipients

Workday automatically enables the Give Feedback for Multiple Recipients business process when a user accesses the Give
Feedback task and selects multiple recipients. You can't opt out of the Give Feedback to Multiple Recipients business process.
This example illustrates how to create a condition rule to prevent or discourage users from giving feedback to multiple recipients.
You must have administrative privileges to create this condition rule.


You want to prevent users from selecting multiple recipients when giving feedback. When users select more than 1 recipient, you
can set up a condition rule to issue a validation message and prevent them from submitting the task. Alternatively, you allow
users to select multiple feedback recipients, but you want to warn them that this feedback is publicly visible. You can set up a
condition rule to create a validation message to provide that warning.


1. Access the Give Feedback to Multiple Recipients business process definition.

2. In the Business Process Steps tab, click the magnifying glass for the Initiation step and select the Business Process >
Create Condition Rule related action.
3. Enter a description for the condition rule and set the Rule Conditions to And with a value of 1=0. Click OK.
4. Navigate back to the business process definition and click the magnifying glass for the Initiation step and select the
Business Process > Maintain Step Conditions related action. Click OK.
5. In the Validation Conditions grid, add a condition rule row and select Create Condition Rule in the Rule field.

To prevent users from giving feedback to multiple recipients, select the Critical option in the Severity field.

To enable users to give feedback to multiple recipients but display a validation message only, select the Warning
setting in the Severity field.

Click OK.

6. On the Create Condition Rule step:

a. Enter the condition rule description. Example: Feedback to Multiple workers isn't allowed.
b. In the Source External Field or Condition Rule field, enter 1=0 (the value created in step 3).
c. In the Relational Operator field, select equal to.
d. In the Comparison Type field, select Value specified in this filter.
e. In the Comparison Value field, select No.
7. (Optional) Create the validation message that's displayed when users initiate the Give Feedback task and select multiple
a. Navigate back to the business process definition and click the magnifying glass for the Initiation step and select
the Business Process > Maintain Step Conditions related action.
b. Select Validation > Configure Validation Message.
c. Select the Text option in the *Text/External Field and enter the validation text you want to display.


When users access the Give Feedback task and select multiple recipients, they receive a validation message and are prevented
from submitting the task. They click Cancel to return to the task and then select a single feedback recipient. If you created the 190/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

condition rule to issue only a validation message, the message displays in a pop-up window. Users can give feedback to multiple
recipients after viewing the message.

Note: The step and validation message preventing the feedback to multiple recipients will happen after the user submits the
feedback request. The user must return to the Give Feedback task and re-enter the feedback content.

1.12 | Check-Ins
1.12.1 | Setup Considerations: Check-Ins

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of check-ins. It explains:

Why to set them up.

How they fit into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation.

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What They Are

Check-ins enable workers to hold 1-on-1 continuous conversations with managers, peers, and mentors. Managers can use
check-ins and check-in topics for informal coaching and career conversations with their workers.

Business Benefits
In Workday, check-ins:

Are easy to set up and use because they don't require business process configuration.
Provide a supplement to more formal employee review and feedback events with less administrative overhead.
Enable you to encourage more frequent and personal communication in your organization.
Provide comprehensive supporting details for more thorough performance reviews.

Use Cases
Users can:

Create and schedule check-ins, and create individual check-in topics to share information and track discussions.
Associate check-in topics with multiple check-ins with a participant.
Create and edit check-ins and check-in topics on Workday and Workday on Android, iPad, and iPhone.
Attach documents to check-ins and check-in topics to supplement discussions.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

How do you enable workers to participate in check-ins? Workers secured to the Self-Service: Check-Ins domain can
create and view check-ins.

How can you integrate check-ins into performance reviews? You can create a custom report for check-ins and check-in
topics and embed it as a check-ins analytic worklet in
performance review business processes.

Create analytics to sort by check-in topic instead of by check-in date to analyze data by subject.
To more effectively track conversations, inform users to manually add name or date and time stamps in Shared Notes on
specific comments.

Set up domains to enable workers to participate in check-ins.

Limitations 191/249
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Workday doesn't support:

Adding customized help text to check-ins.

Sharing a topic with multiple participants.
Deleting a check-in by anyone other than the person who created it.
Recovering deleted content in a check-in or check-in topic.
Disabling Shared Notes.
Disabling the ability of workers to overwrite the other participant's content in Shared Notes.
Disabling My Notes for participants' private notes.
Mass archiving of check-ins or check-in topics.
Tracking user edits or deletions for check-ins or check-in topics. Workday doesn't support audit trails or a history of
changes for check-ins and check-in topics. Example: the creator of a check-in topic can delete it with no record of the

Administrators secured to the Auditor security group can perform audits of individual check-ins or check-in topics.

Tenant Setup
You can set up routing rules for check-ins notifications on the Edit Tenant Setup - Notifications task.

These domains in the Performance and Goals functional area:

Domains Considerations

Self-Service: Check-Ins Add workers to this domain so they can create and view
their own check-ins and check-in topics.

Worker Data: Check-Ins Add managers to this domain so they can manage check-
ins of other users in their organization.

Business Processes
No impact.


Reports Considerations

My Check-Ins Enables self-service access for workers to view their check-

ins and check-in topics.

View Check-Ins Enables managers to view check-ins and check-in topics for
selected participants. My Notes entered by participants are
private and not included in the report.

Check-Ins Enables managers to view a report of all check-ins for an


Check-In Topics Provides a report of all check-in topics for an organization.

Administrators can use the report to track check-in topics
for each worker.

You can use the Check-In report data source to create custom reports.

Workday provides these web services for check-ins:

Get Check-Ins
Put Check-Ins
Get Check-In Topics
Put Check-In Topics 192/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Connections and Touchpoints

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

1.12.2 | Steps: Set Up Check-Ins


Check-ins provide an informal method of 1-on-1 communication between workers to supplement formal employee review and
feedback events. You can use check-ins for communication between managers and workers that's less structured than formal
employee review or feedback processes. You don't need to configure any business processes to set up check-ins.

A check-in includes 2 participants: the user who creates the check-in and the user who receives the check-in. Workers can create
only 1 check-in for a given date for each participant. Check-in dates can be in the past or in the future, and participants can
change the date at any time. Workers can create multiple check-in topics for each check-in. Check-in topics can contain both
notes shared with other workers and notes workers keep for themselves (My Notes). Workers can add and remove attachments
to check-ins and to check-in topics.

You can set up check-ins so that workers secured to the Self-Service: Check-Ins domain can send and receive check-ins to other
workers secured to that domain, not just their managers.

Workers can create and edit check-in topics on the Workday mobile app.


1. Edit Domain Security Policies.

Set up check-ins for these domains in the Performance and Goals functional area:
Self-Service: Check-Ins
Worker Data: Check-Ins
2. (Optional) Set up push notifications and notification settings for check-ins and check-in topics.
a. Access the Edit Tenant Setup - Notifications task.
b. Set Up Mobile Push Notifications.
c. Select HCM in the Notification Delivery Settings section to override the parent notification type delivery settings.
Create a notification routing rule for check-ins to enable or disable the Notify Participants check box.
See Create Notification Routing Rules.
3. (Optional) Add the View Check-Ins report to the Team Performance Dashboard and the My Check-Ins report to the Talent
and Performance Dashboard.
See Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.


Workers can create, view, edit, delete, and archive check-ins and check-in topics.

You can customize the Check-Ins and Topics labels on the Maintain Custom Labels task.

Related Information

Reference: Edit Tenant Setup - Notifications
Workday 31 What's New Post: Check-Ins

1.13 | Succession
1.13.1 | Setup Considerations: Succession

You can use this topic to help make decisions when planning your configuration and use of succession. It explains:

Why to set it up.

How it fits into the rest of Workday.
Downstream impacts and cross-product interactions.
Security requirements and business process configurations.
Questions and limitations to consider before implementation. 193/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Refer to detailed task instructions for full configuration details.

What It Is
Succession is the process of identifying candidates who are ready to move into a position. You can track the preparedness of
internal and external candidates to take up a position using:

Succession plans.
Succession pools.

Business Benefits
Tracking succession candidates helps:

Reduce the days to fill vacancies for important roles.

Ensure that these roles are continuously occupied.

Developing internal candidates for succession contributes to employee engagement and advancement.

Use Cases
You can use succession plans to fill:

High-level leadership positions in the organization.

Positions requiring advanced knowledge of proprietary technology.
Positions requiring specialized skills, crucial for business success.

Succession pools track candidates that qualify for particular job profiles and are suitable for filling lower-level jobs such as first- or
second-level managers.

Questions to Consider

Questions Considerations

What's the difference between talent pools and succession Succession pools enable you to assess the readiness of
pools? internal candidates and consider external candidates for job
profiles. You can use talent pools more generally. Example:
to organize workers for development, tracking, and planning
purposes. You can configure talent pools to manually or
automatically populate workers based on certain
qualifications, whereas you must manually populate
succession pools. You can populate succession plans from
talent pools but not succession pools.

Who can you add to succession pools and plans? You can add internal and external candidates who have
potential to develop into the positions you're tracking. You
can create confidential prospects to add to succession
pools and plans.

Which roles should you prioritize for succession? To ensure a smooth succession, prioritize roles that are key
for business success such as the executive and leadership
levels. The further you go down the organization for
succession planning, you must track candidates for a
greater quantity of positions. 194/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Questions Considerations

Who is responsible for managing succession? You can assign roles to help manage succession, including:

Succession partners who perform succession

management tasks for assigned organizations and
approve business process events.
Succession pool managers who perform succession
management tasks for assigned succession pools.
This role doesn't have approval authority, which is
assigned to the creator of the succession pool.
Talent administrators who create and maintain all
talent setup data. This role has approval authority
for talent management business processes.

How do succession plans and pools differ for different

You can consider these differences when determining
staffing models?
whether to use succession plans, pools, or both in your

When a worker leaves a position in a job management

organization, the succession plan no longer persists with
that position, and you must populate another plan for that
position. In a position management organization, the
succession plan persists until the position closes,
regardless of whether or not a worker occupies the position.
However, when a succession plan separates from the
position in either staffing model, you can restore the
succession plan using the Move Succession Plan task.

Succession pools apply only to job profiles, which associate

well with the job profile staffing model. However, both
staffing models support succession pools.

What helps inform succession? You can use these measures of employee performance and
development to inform succession planning in your

Assess potential.
Performance review.
Talent review.

Assess potential as part of succession to provide additional insight into existing candidates and identify new candidates for

Enable nomination tracking so that managers can nominate employees to job profiles as part of potential assessment. Talent
administrators can view nominees by filtering workers using the Nominations facet filter on the Find Workers report, and decide to
add them to succession pools or plans.

To ensure an organization-wide approach to succession, create succession strategies and assign them to candidates.

Enable the critical job check box on job profiles and position restrictions. Critical roles inform succession-related reports, such as:

Critical Open Positions

Find Workers
Succession Plans for Critical Positions

Base succession planning on supervisory organizations and not on intersection, location, and other related security groups and

Requirements 195/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Define readiness values to make them available to select on succession plans. You can't add candidates on succession plans
unless you select a readiness value.

Succession plans and pools don’t autopopulate or suggest candidates based on skills related to the position. However, you can
configure dynamic talent pools to populate succession plans.

Tenant Setup
No impact.

Talent pool domains enable the same functionality as succession pools.

Domains Considerations

Indexed Data Source: Positions in the Jobs & Positions Grants access to the Find Positions Without Succession
functional area. Plans report.

Mass Operation Management in the System functional Enables you to conduct potential assessments for a large
area. number of supervisory organizations by mass launching the
Assess My Team's Potential.

Set Up: Recruiting in the Recruiting functional area. Enables you to define prospect categories for succession
pools, such as Succession Candidate. Categories enable
you to filter and search for external succession candidates.

Set Up: Succession in the Succession Planning functional Enables you to create values that define candidates’
area. readiness to move into a position. You can also enable
nomination tracking, identify external candidates, and
create succession strategies.

Set Up: Talent in the Succession Planning functional area. Enables you to create values that define candidate
attributes, such as:

Loss impact
Achievable levels

Talent Pool: Create in the Succession Planning functional Enables you to create succession pools.

Worker Data: Succession in the Succession Planning Enables administrators and partners to manage and view
functional area. succession plans for the positions they support.

Worker Data: Succession Plan-Any in the Succession

Enables managers to view the succession plans workers
Planning functional area.
are in, but not the details within the plans.

Business Processes

Business Processes Considerations

Manage Succession Plan Enables you to track succession plan candidates.

Remove Worker From Talent Enables you to automatically remove workers from
succession plans and succession pools upon termination.

Start Development Plan You can include potential assessment as a subprocess of

Start Development Plan. You can use the results of the
potential assessment to inform succession. 196/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Business Processes Considerations

Start Performance Review You can include potential assessment as a subprocess of

Start Performance Review. You can use the results of both
performance review and potential assessment to inform


Report Considerations

Find Workers You can directly compare up to 5 workers to assess

candidates for succession.

Succession Planning Summary You can view details of all succession plans for the

Succession Profile You can view and edit the worker succession plans and add
workers to other succession plans.

You can add these reports to your Talent dashboard to view analytics for succession:

Average # of Successors for Position

Retirement Eligibility by Critical Job
Top Talent on Succession Plans
Succession Plans at Risk

No impact.

Connections and Touch points

Workday offers a Touchpoints Kit with resources to help you understand configuration relationships in your tenant. Learn more
about the Workday Touchpoints Kit on Workday Community.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Succession Plans
Steps: Manage Succession Pools
Steps: Set Up Assess Potential
Reference: Succession Planning Reports
Preconfigured Content: HCM Delivered Configurations

1.13.2 | Steps: Set Up Succession


Succession helps identify candidates for critical positions in your organization. You can track a candidate's level of readiness to
move into a position and other attributes in succession plans and pools.


1. Access the Maintain Readiness task.

Create the codes that define candidates' readiness to move into a position identified for succession planning.

Security: Set Up: Succession domain in the Succession Planning functional area.

2. (Optional) Hide or Require Optional Fields.

Select the fields you want to remove from the tasks and reports in the Succession functional area.
3. (Optional) Access the Maintain Succession Plan Setup task.
Configure your succession plans. 197/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Security: Set Up: Succession domain in the Succession Planning functional area.
4. (Optional) Edit Business Processes.
Configure the Remove Worker From Talent business process to automatically remove terminated workers from
succession pools and plans.
5. (Optional) Edit Business Process Security Policies.
Configure the Remove Worker From Talent business process security policy.
6. (Optional) Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.

Related Information

The Next Level: Building and Retaining a Healthy Pipeline
The Next Level: How to Put the Plan in Succession Planning

1.13.3 | Steps: Set Up Assess Potential


Assessment values enable you to identify good candidates for succession. These values can include:

Achievable promotion level relative to current position.

Perceived risk of leaving the company.
Potential impact of loss.
Custom values.

You can assess employee potential independently or as part of:

Employee reviews.
Talent Reviews.

To assess potential during calibration, create a calibration program that enables you to update potential assessment during

To assess potential during employee reviews, include the Assess Potential subprocess in these business processes:

Start Performance Review.

Start Development Plan.

To access the Assess Potential task on mobile, configure the task as a:

Step on the Start Performance Review business process.

Section on the talent review template.


1. Access the Maintain Potential task.

Create the codes that define the potential to move into a position identified for succession planning.
Security: Set Up: Talent domain on Succession Planning functional area.
2. Access the Maintain Readiness task.
Create the codes that define candidates' readiness to move into a position identified for succession planning.
Security: Set Up: Succession domain in the Succession Planning functional area.
3. Access the Maintain Retention task.
Create codes that define employees' risk of leaving the company.
Security: Set Up: Talent domain in the Succession Planning functional area.
4. Access the Maintain Loss Impact task.
Create the codes that define the impact of losing an employee.
Security: Set Up: Talent domain in the Succession Planning functional area.
5. Access the Maintain Achievable Levels task.
Create the codes that define levels to advance to the position identified for succession.
Security: Set Up: Talent domain in the Succession Planning functional area.
6. (Optional) Access the Maintain Talent Matrix Setup task.
Enable the configurable Potential Assessment Value fields that you want to use, and enter labels for them.
7. (Optional) Access the Maintain Succession Plan Setup task. 198/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Enable nomination tracking to nominate employees to job profiles during potential assessment.
8. Edit Business Processes.
Configure these business processes:
Assess Potential
(Optional) Assess My Team's Potential
(Optional) Start Potential Assessment
The Start Potential Assessment business process enables you to start the performance review with a potential
9. Edit Business Process Security Policies.
Configure these business process security policies in the Career and Development Planning, Performance and Goals,
and Succession Planning functional areas:
Assess Potential
(Optional) Assess My Team's Potential
(Optional)Start Potential Assessment
10. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.

Next Steps

Access the Employee Potential report to review employee attributes.

Assess your team's potential. The Organizations prompt only displays the organizations you manage.

Related Information

The Next Level: Assessing Your Talent Using Goals, Performance Reviews, and Performance Calibration

1.13.4 | Steps: Set Up Mass Operations for Assess Potential


Security: Mass Operation Management domain in the System functional area.


You can use the Mass Operations Management framework to create, launch, and cancel assess potential events in mass,
enabling you to conduct assessments for a large number of supervisory organizations.

You can launch Assess My Team's Potential events, independent of performance reviews, in mass to the specific supervisory
organizations listed in a custom report.


1. Create a Segment-Based Security Group for Mass Operations.

As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Type of Tenanted Security Group Select Segment-Based Security Group.

Name Workday recommends naming the security group Mass

Assess My Team's Potential.

Security Groups Select these groups:

Business Process Administrator
HR Administrator
Talent Administrator

Access to Segments Select Assess My Team's Potential.

2. Edit Business Process Security Policies.

In the Who Can Do Action Steps in the Business Process section of the Assess My Team's Potential business process,
add Manager to the Security Group of the Assess My Team's Potential - Mass Launch action step.
3. Activate Pending Security Policy Changes. 199/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

4. From the related actions menu of the Assess My Team's Potential business process, select Business Process > Edit
Add a row in the Business Process Steps section.
As you complete the business process steps, consider:

Option Description

Order Specify the completion order of this step. Example: ab.

Type Select Action as the step type for the business process.

Specify Select Assess My Team's Potential - Mass Launch as

the allowed action for the business process.

Group Select Manager.

5. Create Custom Reports.

As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Report Type Select Simple as the report type.

Data Source Select Supervisory Organizations as the data source.

Optimized for Performance Clear this check box to include Supervisory

Organizations as the data source.

Columns Select Supervisory Organization as the report field.

(Optional) Filter Select Supervisory Organization as the report field.

(Optional) And/Or Select And.

(Optional) Operator Consider the operator option you want for your custom

To exclude specific supervisory organizations from

receiving mass assess potential events, select not in the
selection list as the operator option and enter the
supervisory organizations you want to exclude under
Comparison Value.

Mass Assess My Team's Potential supports only supervisory organizations.

6. Access the Mass Operation Management task.
As you complete this task, consider:

Option Description

Mass Operation Type Select Mass Assess My Team's Potential as the mass
operation type.

Input Report Select the custom report you created.

Run Frequency Select Run Now.

7. (Optional) Cancel or Rescind Business Processes.

Select any associated assess potential events that you want to cancel or rescind. You can only cancel in-progress events,
and rescind completed events in mass.


Workday launches Assess My Team's Potential events for the supervisory organizations listed in your custom report. You can
view the completion status of this event in your notifications. Managers receive Assess My Team's Potential events in their inbox. 200/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Next Steps

You can review the Data Not Processed report to identify unprocessed supervisory organizations.

Related Information

Reference: Filter Operators

1.13.5 | Steps: Set Up Succession Pool Security


Succession pools help track candidates for one or more job profiles. Workday delivers a Succession Pool Manager role to
manage succession pools. You can also create custom roles and configure the security for succession pool management.


1. Set Up Assignable Roles.

Select Succession Pool on the Enabled for prompt.
2. Create Role-Based Security Groups.
Create a constrained role-based security group for the role you created.
3. Edit Domain Security Policies.
Add the new security group to the security policies of these domains:
Talent Pool: Create
Talent Pool: Manage Membership
Talent Pool: View and Edit
(Optional) To enable managers to view succession plans outside their organizations, grant the Manager security group
view access to the Worker Data: Succession Plan - Any security domain.
4. Access the Configure Profile task.
Enable the groups for the Succession Pool profile.
Add the Overview for Succession Pool group to the Succession Pool profile.
Security: Set Up: System domain in the System functional area.
5. Access the Configure Profile Group task.
Enable reports for the Overview for Succession Pool profile group.
Add the Succession Pool Candidates report to the Overview for Succession Pool profile group.


You can now:

Assign workers to succession management roles.

Create succession pools for individual job profiles.

Next Steps

View succession related reports in succession pool profiles.

Related Information

The Next Level: Building and Retaining a Healthy Pipeline
The Next Level: How to Put the Plan in Succession Planning

1.13.6 | Steps: Manage Succession Plans


Configure the Manage Succession Plan business process and security policy in the Succession Planning functional area.


Succession plans help track candidates for critical positions. 201/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

A succession plan provides information about:

Employees who are candidates to fill a position.

Employee readiness to step into the position.
The candidate identified as the top successor to fill the position.


1. Access the Find Positions Without Succession Plan report.

Identify positions that don't have any succession plans.
Security: Indexed Data Source: Positions domain in the Jobs & Positions functional area.
2. Access the Create Succession Plan task.
Create Succession plans for positions that need them.
Security: Search: Find Succession Plans and Set Up: Succession in the Succession planning functional area.
3. Access one of these tasks:
Manage Succession Plan
Copy From Another Plan
Update the succession plan by manually adding candidates or copying candidates from 1 succession plan to another.
4. (Optional) Access the Move Succession Plan task.
Move candidates from 1 succession plan to another.
5. (Optional) Add external or confidential candidates to the succession plan.
See: Steps: Manage Succession Candidates.


You can now track candidates in succession plans.

Related Information

Workday 32 What's New Post: Move Succession Plan
Reference: Succession Planning Reports
FAQ: Succession Plans
The Next Level: Building and Retaining a Healthy Pipeline
The Next Level: Assessing Your Talent Using Goals, Performance Reviews, and Performance Calibration

1.13.7 | Steps: Manage Succession Pools


Create roles and configure the security for succession pool management.


Succession pools help track candidates for critical job profiles.

A succession pool provides information about:

Employees who are candidates for a job profile.

Employee readiness to step into the job.
The candidate identified as the top successor to fill the job.


1. Access the Create Succession Pool task.

Create succession pools for job profiles.
You're automatically assigned the Succession Pool Manager role for the created succession pool.
Security: these domains in the Succession Planning functional area:
Talent Pool: Create
Worker Data: Succession Plan - Any
2. Access the Find Workers Report.
Select workers and add them to succession pools.
Security: Search: Find Worker in the Talent Core functional area.
3. (Optional) Add external or confidential candidates to the succession pool.
See: Steps: Manage Succession Candidates. 202/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


You can now track candidates in succession pools.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Succession Pool Security

1.13.8 | Steps: Manage Succession Candidates


Create 1 or more succession pools or plans.


In addition to internal workers, you can add these types of candidates to succession pools and plans:

Internal confidential.
External confidential.


1. (Optional) Access the Maintain Prospect Types task.

Define a category of prospects for succession pools and plans.
Security: Set Up: Recruiting domain in the Recruiting functional area.
2. (Optional) Access the Succession Plan Setup task.
Enable external candidates for succession pools and plans.
3. Access 1 of these tasks:
Create Confidential Prospect to create internal or external confidential candidates.
Create Prospect to create external candidates.
Select Succession Candidate on the Type prompt to make candidates available for succession pools and plans.
Security: Create Confidential Prospects in the Recruiting functional area.
Security: Prospects in the Recruiting and Succession Planning functional areas.
4. (Optional) Access the View Succession Pool report.
Click the Edit Candidates button and add confidential or external candidates to the succession pool.
Security: Talent Pool: View and Edit in the Succession Planning functional area.
5. (Optional) Access the Manage Succession Plan task.
Add confidential or external candidates to the succession plan.
Security: Manage Succession Plan business process in the Succession Planning functional area.


You can now track external and confidential candidates in your succession pools and plans.

1.13.9 | Reference: Succession Planning Reports

Workday delivers reports that help you track and manage succession plans.

Report Description

Find Positions Without Succession Plans Finds positions that don't have a current succession plan
in place. Use this report to create succession plans for
selected positions. Administrators and human resource
partners should use this report.

Secure human resource partners and administrators to the

Search: Find Succession Plans domain. Secure talent
administrators to the Indexed Data Source: Positions
domain. 203/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Report Description

Find Succession Plans Find plans for organizations, positions, or both.

Administrators and human resource partners should use
this report.

Secure HR Partners to the Search: Find Succession Plans

domain to enable them to search for, inactivate, and delete
succession plans.

Secure administrators to both the Set Up: Succession and

Search: Find Succession Plans domains.

My Team's Succession Plans Details include the organization, position, and incumbent.

Navigate Succession Plan View the position hierarchy for an organization and who
currently fills each position. Drill down to see the workers
associated with the succession plan for a position. You
can access detailed information about:

The succession plans to which the worker belongs.

Current job information.
Skills and experience.
Job history.

Succession Planning Summary Succession plans by organization. Details include the

position, organization, candidates identified as successors
for the position, and information about the candidates.

Succession Plans for Critical Positions Critical positions in a selected organization and their
succession plans. You can also use this report to identify
critical positions without succession plans.

Succession Pool Membership Tracking Track changes to succession pool candidates, including:

Candidates added or removed.

The date.
Who made the change.

Succession Profile A list of succession plans and pools for a specific

employee. You can use this report to:

Edit a succession plan.

Add the employee to another succession plan.
Tag the employee into other succession pools.

View Succession Plan for Position A list of candidates and their readiness for a specific
succession plan.

View Succession Pool Details about current and potential succession candidates.
You can:

Add or remove candidates.

Indicate readiness.
Identify top candidates.
Add notes about each candidate.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Succession Plans 204/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

1.13.10 | FAQ: Succession Plans

How do I add a worker to a succession plan?

How do I delete a succession plan?
Why can't I see a succession plan?
Why are terminated workers showing on succession plans?
What happens to a succession plan during a transfer?
How do I create or edit external succession candidates?

How do I add a worker to a succession plan?

You can tag workers for membership in succession pools from worker preview cards or the Find Workers report. You can also
add workers to succession plans using the:

Manage Succession Plan task.

Succession Profile report.
View Succession Pool report.

How do I delete a succession plan?

You can't delete a succession plan if the plan has prior events associated with it. Inactivate a succession plan to prevent
employees and managers from using it. Select the Inactive check box in the:

Find Succession Plans report for positions.

Edit Succession Pool task.

Why can't I see a succession plan?

Access to a succession plan is based on security for the position associated with the succession plan. If you give managers
permission on the Worker Data: Succession Plans - Any domain, they can view the names of succession plans that their
employees are candidates on.

Access to succession pools requires that you have a role on the pool.

Why are terminated workers showing on succession plans?

Because succession plans often include external candidates, Workday doesn't automatically remove terminated workers from
succession plans. To remove a terminated worker, access the Manage Succession Plan task.

What happens to a succession plan during a transfer?

If you're transferring a worker to a new organization without changing their job or position, the succession plan stays with the job
or position.
If the transfer only moves the worker and not the job or position, then:

The job in a job management staffing model closes and the succession plan isn't active.
The position in a position management staffing model remains open and the succession plan is active.

How do I create or edit external succession candidates?

There are 3 ways to set up external succession candidates:

The Create Prospect task.

The Edit Prospect task.
The View Succession Pool report.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Succession Plans

1.14 | Mentors and Connections

1.14.1 | Steps: Set Up Mentorships

Prerequisites 205/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Configure these security policies in the Talent Core functional area:

Compare Mentors
Public Reporting Items
Self-Service: Mentoring
Set Up: Mentoring
Worker Data: Mentoring
Add the Employee as Self security group on the security policies for these domains.


Workday mentorships give structure to informal 1-on-1 relationships between workers. Employees and contingent workers can
act as mentors and mentees.


1. Configure the Manage Mentorship business process in the Talent Core functional area.
2. (Optional) Configure the Manage Mentorship business process security policy to enable employee self-service for
a. Access the business process security policy.
b. Add the Employee As Self security group to the Create Mentorship, Edit Mentorship with and Close Mentorship
with initiating actions.
c. Activate pending security policy changes.
3. Access the Maintain Connection Types task.
a. Create connection types for mentorships.
b. Select Inactive to hide a connection type until you're ready to use it. If you create only 1 type, Workday hides the
Mentor Type field on tasks.
c. (Optional) Select the Enable Mentor Availability Option check box to give workers the ability to opt out of being a
Select the Default Mentor Availability option to specify whether the Available for Mentoring field on the My
Mentorships report is set to Yes or No by default. Workers can mark themselves as unavailable for mentorships
without changing current mentorships from the My Mentorships task.
4. Access the Maintain Close Mentorship Reasons task.
Create reasons for ending mentorships.
5. (Optional) Access the Maintain Custom Labels to rename mentor, mentee, and mentorships throughout Talent.
6. (Optional) Edit Business Processes.
Add the Configure Questionnaire step to the Manage Mentorships business process to enable questionnaires for mentors
and mentees.
7. (Optional) Configure Questionnaires and Questions.
8. (Optional) Access the Configure Guided Tours task to set up guided tours for Mentorship Preferences.

Next Steps

Managers, HR Partners, administrators, employees, and contingent workers can assign a mentorship for a worker using
the Find Mentor report.
Employees and contingent workers can request a mentor on the Add a Mentor task.
Managers and administrators can assign a mentorship for a worker on the Add a Mentor for Worker task.
Managers can request feedback on a worker from the worker's mentors or mentees using the Get Feedback on Employee
(Optional) To purge mentorship preferences data, access the Purge Person Data task.

Related Information

Concept: Confidential, Private, and Anonymous Feedback
Workday 32 What's New Post: Mentorships
The Next Level: Cultivating Career Mobility

1.14.2 | Concept: Connections

Connections captures informal networking between workers in your organization. These connections provide insight into the
interpersonal relationships within your organization and help increase employee engagement. 206/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Connections are different from mentor-type connections because they are 1 way connections that don't require approval by the
worker who is selected as a connection. For example, if Ashlee chooses to add Caleb as a connection, Caleb doesn't have to
approve the connection and doesn't know about the connection unless Ashlee tells him. However, because Jessica is Caleb and
Ashlee's manager, she can view the connection between them and create custom reports on their connection data.

Enable these domains in the Talent Core functional area to start tracking connections in Workday:

Domain Description

Self-Service: Connections Provides workers with access to the Add Connections, My

Connections tasks and the Connections worklet on the
Talent and Performance dashboard.

Set Up: Connections Provides administrators with access to the Maintain

Connection Types task.

Worker Data: Connections Provides managers, HR partners, and administrators with

view access to workers' connection data.

1.15 | Talent Matrix Reports

1.15.1 | Steps: Set Up Talent Matrix Reports


Configure access to these security domains:

View: Talent Matrix
Worker Data: Talent Matrix Placement
Worker Data: Performance Reviews
Worker Data: Talent
Person Data: Competencies
Manage: Initiatives
(Optional) Rename terms throughout Talent using the Maintain Custom Labels task.


View and interact with worker-specific talent data in your organization with talent matrix reports. You can use the Workday-
delivered talent matrix reports or create custom reports using the Workday Report Writer.

A worker's talent matrix placement displays in:

Worker preview cards.
Talent cards.

To use talent matrix reports, configure security, talent rating options, and the underlying nBox report definitions.


1. Access the Maintain Talent Matrix Setup task.

Select a primary Talent Matrix Placement nBox Report. This report is on the Worker business object and is basis for
showing a worker's talent matrix placement in Workday. If you want all talent reviewers to use a single ratings scale,
select the Display Talent Matrix Review Rating check box and select the default rating scale.
Security: Set Up: Talent domain in Succession Planning functional area.
2. Access the Maintain Employee Review Setup task if you use Performance Over Time as an axis for the talent matrix
On the Worklet tab, specify the templates and rating scale to use for both Performance Over Time report types.
Security: Set Up: Employee Reviews domain in Talent Core functional area.
3. Access the Configure Competency task if you use the Workday-delivered Talent Matrix- Performance Over time by
Competency nBox report.
Select the Use for Talent Matrix check box to specify the competency to use with the report.
Security: Set Up: Skills and Experience domain in Talent Core functional area.
4. Access the Set Up nBox Report task.
Map rating values to each box in the talent matrix grid. 207/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Security: Custom Report Management domain in System functional area.

Next Steps

Run Talent Matrix reports.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Matrix Reports
Create or Edit Custom Labels
Set Up Performance Worklets
Create or Edit Competencies
Configure nBox Reports

1.15.2 | Steps: Enable Manual Talent Matrix Placement



The Custom Report Creation domain in the System functional area.

The Set Up: Talent domain in the Succession Planning functional area.


Managers can plot a worker's talent matrix placement with the Assess Potential task instead of having Workday determine the
placement based on the worker's performance rating and potential.

Alternatively, you can create calibration programs to manage talent matrix placement.

Note: Manual talent matrix placement doesn't update after calibration completes. It only updates after completion of the Assess
Potential business process.


1. Create a custom nBox report.

a. Access the Copy Standard Report to Custom Report task.
b. In the Standard Report Name prompt, select Talent Matrix - Performance by Potential.
c. Give the report a meaningful Name.
d. Click the Drill Down tab, add a row to the Drillable Fields grid, and select the Talent Matrix Review Rating field.
e. Click the Matrix tab. From the Group by Field prompt under Row Grouping select the Talent Matrix Review Rating
f. From the Group by Field prompt under Column Grouping, select the Potential field.
g. Click the Drill Down tab. Add 2 rows to the Columns grid under Detail Data and select the Potential and Talent
Matrix Review Rating fields.
2. Access the Set Up nBox Report task.
Map rating values to each box in the talent matrix grid.
3. Configure the selection list for the Talent Matrix Placement prompt:
a. Access the Maintain Talent Matrix Setup task.
b. Click the Talent Matrix Placement nBox Report prompt and select the report you created in Step 1.
c. Select the Enable Manual Talent Matrix Placement check box.
d. For each box in your talent matrix, add a row to the grid, define a Box Name and ID, select a Potential value and a
corresponding Review Rating, and optionally add a Description. For example:

Box Name ID Potential Review Rating

Critical Talent 1 High Potential 3- Outstanding


Rising Star 2 High Potential 2- Meets Expectations

Needs Coaching 3 High Potential 1- Needs Improvement 208/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Box Name ID Potential Review Rating

Emerging Talent 4 Medium Potential 3- Outstanding


Solid Contributor 5 Medium Potential 2- Meets Expectations

Questionable 6 Medium Potential 1- Needs Improvement

Expert 7 Low Potential 3- Outstanding


Specialist 8 Low Potential 2- Meets Expectations

Unsatisfactory 9 Low Potential 1- Needs Improvement

4. Access the Set Up nBox Report task to specify values for the Box Name fields you defined in Step 3d.
This makes the Talent Matrix Placement report field return the correct values.


(Managers) Access the Assess Potential task to select an employee's talent matrix placement. Talent matrix placement replaces
the employee's potential rating. The Talent Matrix Placement field replaces the Potential field and lists the Box Names from the
nBox configuration in Step 3. You can view the employee's talent matrix placement:

On the Employee Potential report.

On worker profiles in the Overview, Career, or Performance profile group.

Related Information

Steps: Create nBox Reports
Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings
Steps: Set Up Assess Potential

1.15.3 | Configure nBox Reports


Security: Custom Report Management domain in the System functional area.


Each talent matrix report is based on an nBox report definition that you configure to meet your needs. You can:

Map values for the rows and columns.

Define labels.
(Optional) Specify help text.


1. Access the Set Up nBox Report task.

2. Select the nBox Report that you want to configure.
3. Define the rows and columns of the nBox report.
You can't change the source fields for the rows and columns. However, you can edit both the Row Axis Label and the
Column Axis Label.
The Field for the rows in the Talent Matrix - Performance by Potential report is Rating - Current. However, you can edit the
Row Axis Label above the nBox Value Mapping for Vertical Axis (top to bottom) grid. You can map values for the rows of
the talent matrix report:
a. Because the talent matrix grid can range from a 2 x 2 grid up to a 5 x 5 grid, you must define and map a minimum
of 2 rows and columns.
b. Enter a Row Label and Column Label to display in the talent matrix report.
c. Specify a Source Value for each row and column. You must map every value defined in your Workday tenant for
the source field to a row or column in the nBox definition, even if the values aren't used. If you leave any source
field values unmapped, you won't be able to save the nBox report definition. 209/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

4. (Optional) Define a Box Name and Help Text for each box on the talent matrix.
Note: If you select the Enable Manual Talent Matrix Placement check box in the Maintain Talent Matrix Setup task, specify
values for the Box Name in this task. If you don’t, the Talent Matrix Placement report field displays empty values.

Each row in the Define the Box Names section corresponds to a box in the talent matrix report. The Row and Column
values are displayed to help you understand where the box displays in the matrix. You can enter a Box Name and Help
Text for each box on the matrix.

Next Steps

When you run a talent matrix report, you can:

View the nBox setup associated with the report. Select nBox > View nBox Setup from the related actions menu.
Edit the nBox report definition for the report. Select nBox > Set Up nBox Report from the related actions menu.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Matrix Reports
Steps: Set Up Talent Matrix Reports

1.15.4 | Run Talent Matrix Reports


Talent matrix reports are based on current ratings data in Workday and have many interactive qualities. While viewing a talent
matrix report, you can:

Apply filter criteria for instant results.

Drill down on several items in the report to see and interact with the underlying worker details.

You can't drag and drop workers from 1 box to another using Workday's delivered talent matrix reports. Placement in a particular
box depends on each worker's ratings data in Workday. However, you can:

Create a calibration program based on a talent matrix report.

Enable manual talent matrix placement with the Assess Potential task.


1. Access a Talent Matrix report and specify report criteria.

2. Click the numbers on the talent matrix to view matrix report details:
The number in each box on the matrix represents the total number of workers who meet the criteria for the box.
Click this number to view the list of workers who are summarized by the number. You can also tag workers for
membership in a talent pool from this list.
The Total number in the upper right corner represents the number of workers eligible for display on the talent
matrix. This is the total number of workers who belong to the organizations you selected for the talent matrix,
reduced by any faceted search criteria you've applied. Click this number to view the total list of eligible workers.
The number of workers Not Shown indicates how many workers are not displayed in the matrix, out of the total
number eligible to be shown. Workers might not be shown for various reasons. 2 common causes might be that
the worker lacks talent information or that you do not have the appropriate security to view all the worker talent
data available for the selected organizations. Click this number to view the list of workers excluded from the
Add the number of workers displayed in all of the boxes on the talent matrix to the number of workers Not Shown to get
the Total number.
3. Click an employee image or the crowd icon to view worker details.
Each box in the matrix displays up to 100 worker images who meet the criteria for the box, based on the nBox report
definition. The number of employees shown depends on your screen resolution. It might be impossible to show 100
workers on your particular display. Regardless, whenever the maximum number of worker images is reached for a
particular box, a crowd icon is displayed instead of the worker images. If no employees meet the criteria for inclusion in a
particular box, a zero displays and no images are shown.
4. Filter workers based on different facets.

Faceted search enables you to dynamically filter workers and view a subset of the workers. As you apply facets to your
talent matrix report, the Not Shown and Total numbers update automatically based on the current criteria. 210/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

The faceted search area to the left of the talent matrix enables you to dynamically filter workers. Selecting specific facet
values, like a specific job profile or a particular location, helps you narrow down the results so that you see only the subset
of workers you want to see in the talent matrix. Next to each facet value is a number that represents how many workers
meet the criteria associated with the facet value. As you apply facets to your talent matrix report, the Not Shown and Total
numbers are updated automatically based on the current criteria.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Matrix Reports
Add Members to Static Talent Pools
Steps: Calibrate Talent and Performance Ratings
Steps: Enable Manual Talent Matrix Placement

1.15.5 | Set Up Talent Matrix Placement Indicator



Set Up: Talent domain in the Succession Planning functional area.

Worker Data: Talent Matrix Placement domain in the Talent Core functional area.


You can create an analytic indicator to provide a visualization of talent matrix placement in custom reports. The analytic indicator
is based on the primary nBox report in your tenant. The visualization is only available for nBox reports that have a 3 x 3, 4 x 4, or
5 x 5 grid.


1. Access the View Talent Matrix Setup report.

Determine which talent matrix report is the primary nBox report for your tenant in the Talent Matrix Placement nBox
Report field.
2. Access the View nBox Setup report.
In the nBox Box Labels grid, make a note of the values in the Box Name and Help Text columns.
You can also export the data to Microsoft Excel.
3. Access the Create Analytic Indicator task.
a. At the Business Object prompt, select Worker.
b. At the Field prompt, select Talent Matrix Placement.
c. Create a Display Option Name, such as Talent Matrix Visualization.
d. For the Visualization Type, select the size of your primary nBox report, such as nBox - 3x3.
e. For the Default Visualization, select Empty Box.
f. (Optional) In the Default Help Text field, specify text to display when you hover over the visualization.
g. In the Display Conditions grid, add a row for each box in your nBox grid and specify:
Control Field = Talent Matrix Placement
Condition = equal to
Condition Value = the box label you found in Step 2
Visualization = the box position
Help Text = the help text you found in Step 2
4. Add the analytic indicator to the Talent Matrix Placement field in custom reports.
a. Access the Edit Custom Report task.
b. On the Columns tab, find the Talent Matrix Placement field, click the Options prompt, and select the visualization
you created in Step 3. The selection list identifies the visualization by its Display Option Name.


The display conditions for a 2 x 2 talent matrix might look similar to this table:

Condition Field Condition Condition Value Visualization Help Text 211/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Condition Field Condition Condition Value Visualization Help Text

Talent Matrix equal to Needs Coaching Row 1 Column 1 Consider

Placement reassignment

Talent Matrix equal to Solid Contributor Row 1 Column 2 Delivers what is

Placement required for current

Talent Matrix equal to Rising Star Row 2 Column 1 Highly valued,

Placement seasoned

Talent Matrix equal to Critical Talent Row 2 Column 2 Capable of senior

Placement management

Related Information

Concept: Analytic Indicators

1.15.6 | Concept: Talent Matrix Reports

Workday delivers 5 talent matrix reports that enable you to view and interact with worker-specific talent data in your organization:

Talent Matrix - Performance by Initiative Importance

Talent Matrix - Performance by Potential
Talent Matrix - Performance by Retention
Talent Matrix - Performance Over Time by Competency
Talent Matrix - Performance Over Time by Potential

Talent matrix reports use a special type of report definition called an nBox report. A matrix can be from 2 x 2 boxes up to 5 x 5
boxes in size, depending on the underlying report definition. Each box on the grid represents an employee rating.

The talent matrix grid helps you manage your workforce by providing:

A graphical depiction of the talent strength of the organization.

Decision support for managers, so that they create a high-performing and engaged workforce.
A consistent structure in which to calibrate and communicate the analysis of the overall talent pool.

Talent Matrix Benefits

The Workday talent matrix reports provide specific advantages:

You don't need to integrate or manually duplicate data to use a talent matrix.
The Workday configurable security governs access to talent matrix reports.
You can customize each talent matrix report type to the needs of your organization using the Set Up nBox Report task.
A worker's talent matrix placement also displays in:
Worker preview cards.
Talent cards.
Talent matrix reports are dynamic. You can apply filters while viewing the report to refine the results instantly.
To tag members of the box for talent pool membership, drill down on the number in any box.
You can print a formatted talent matrix report that duplicates the view of the talent matrix on your display, and adds:
Date/time stamp.

Custom nBox Talent Matrix Reports

You can create custom talent matrix reports using the Workday Report Writer. With a custom nBox report, you define the: 212/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Source fields and value mappings for each axis.

Runtime prompts.
Drillable fields.
Facet filters.

Note: From the related actions menu, copy a delivered talent matrix report and change the report to meet your needs.

Talent Matrix Security

The Talent Matrix security domains are:

Domain Functional Area Notes

View: Talent Matrix Talent Core To view talent matrix reports

Worker Data: Talent Matrix Placement Talent Core To view a worker's talent matrix on
their talent profile

Worker Data: Performance Reviews Performance and Goals To view the performance overall rating
in the Talent Matrix - Performance by
Potential and Talent Matrix -
Performance by Retention reports

Worker Data: Talent Talent Core To view:

Employee potential in the

Talent Matrix - Performance by
Potential report
Worker retention in the Talent
Matrix - Performance by
Retention report

Person Data: Competencies Talent Core To view competency in the Talent

Matrix - Performance Over Time by
Competency report

Manage: Initiatives Projects To view initiatives in the Talent Matrix -

Performance by Initiative Importance

Related Information

Configure nBox Reports
Run Talent Matrix Reports
Steps: Create nBox Reports

1.15.7 | Concept: Talent Matrix Worklets

For easier access to talent matrix information, you can deploy custom nBox reports as worklets and add them to:

The Home landing page.

Dashboards, such as the Talent Management Dashboard, Workforce Planning Dashboard, and custom dashboards.
Business processes, such as Talent Reviews, as embedded intelligence.

Except for faceted search, talent matrix worklets have the same characteristics as standard talent matrix reports.

You can optimize the appearance of a talent matrix worklet to accommodate its size constraints. In the Create Custom Report or
Edit Custom Report task, specify values in the Worklet Options section to control:

The maximum number of rows to display.

How the report behaves when maximized.
How often data refreshes.
Whether to display table borders and column. 213/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can also personalize talent matrix worklets. Example: Managers can view different segments of their organization from a
talent matrix worklet that defaults to the highest level of their organization hierarchy.

Related Information

Concept: Custom Worklets
Set Up Output Options for Custom Reports

1.16 | Talent Pools

1.16.1 | Steps: Manage Talent Pools


There are 2 different types of talent pools you can use to manage members:

Static: You manually select workers to add them to talent pool membership.
Dynamic: Workday determines pool membership based on the results of a saved search.


1. Create Talent Pools.

2. (Optional) Add Members to Static Talent Pools.
3. Select the pool to take action on a talent pool.
These actions apply to all talent pool members. To exclude members, remove them from the talent pool before completing
the action.

Related Action Security Policy Configuration Prerequisites

Talent > Add Talent Pool to Succession Plan Worker Data: Succession domain security policy.

Talent > Remove Talent Pool from Succession Plan Worker Data: Succession domain security policy.

Talent > Add Goal to Employees Cascade Goals business process and security policy.

Talent > Give Award and Activity Give Award and Activity business process and security

Talent > Start Potential Assessment Start Potential Assessment and the Assess Potential
business processes and security policies.

Talent > Start Development Plan Process: Organization Development Plans domain
security policy, and set up development plans.

Talent > Start Performance Review Process: Employee Reviews domain security policy, and
set up performance reviews.

Start Talent Review for Organization Launch Talent Reviews business process and security

4. View and print talent pools.

See Reference: Printed Talent Pools.
5. Access the Edit Talent Pool task to edit a talent pool.
6. (Optional) Access the Edit Tenant Setup - Notifications task to enable talent pool notifications.
Configure the Talent Pool: Communications domain in the Succession Planning functional area.

Related Information

Concept: Talent Pool Security
Create or Edit Custom Labels 214/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Workday 32 What's New Post: Ad Hoc Notifications for Talent Pools
The Next Level: Building and Retaining a Healthy Pipeline
Example: Give Administrators Access to Restricted Talent Pools

1.16.2 | Create Talent Pools


Use the Maintain Assignable Roles task to create a Talent Manager role, enable it for the Talent Pool organization type,
and select the Self-Assign check box for the role.
For dynamic talent pools, use the Find Workers report or a custom report to select and save workers for pool
For private talent pools, enable the security policy on the Private Talent Pool: Create and Private Talent Pool: Edit
domains in the Succession Planning functional area.
Security: Talent Pool: Create domain in the Succession Planning functional area and Talent Pool: View and Edit domain in
the Recruiting and Succession Planning functional area.


Create a talent pool and define whether its membership is static or dynamic. If you enable self-assignment, Workday
automatically assigns you a role on the talent pools you create. You can also enable users to create private talent pools that only
they and workers in their organization can see.

You can also use the Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) to create and populate new talent pools or edit the membership of existing
talent pools. Use the Create EIB task to generate a spreadsheet from the Put Talent Pool web service.


1. Access the Talent Pools report.

2. Click either Create Talent Pool or Create Private Talent Pool to create a new talent pool.
3. Enter a Description for the pool. The Talent Pools report displays the description along with the name.
For private talent pools, click Find Workers to begin adding members to the pool.
4. (Optional) Select the Restricted View check box to limit access to this talent pool.
5. Select the method for determining talent pool membership:
Add members based on manual selection to create a static talent pool whose members you manually update.
Static talent pools can have up to 5,000 members.
Add members based on saved search creates a dynamic talent pool whose members are the result of a saved
search on the Find Workers report. You can only use the Saved Report and Advanced Report within saved
searches when adding members to a dynamic talent pool. A dynamic talent pool can contain up to 50,000
Note: If you use a custom report to create saved searches for dynamic talent pools, Workday recommends that you
exclude the All Talent Pools and Talent Pools - Any report fields as they return workers on both static and dynamic talent
Workday displays the talent pool type in the Talent Pools task to make it easy to identify the type.
6. For a dynamic talent pool, select a Saved Search from the prompt.
To view a dynamic talent pool or take action on it, you must have access to all the facets on the associated saved search.
7. (Optional) Use the Assign Roles grid to assign additional roles to the talent pool. As the creator of the talent pool, you
automatically have access to the talent pool.
Don't remove yourself from the talent pool you create.

Next Steps

If you created a restricted talent pool, enable the security policy on the Talent Pool: Restricted View domain.
If you created a static or private talent pool, click Find Workers to begin adding members.
Use the Edit Talent Pool task to change or inactivate a talent pool.
You can't take actions or change membership on an inactive talent pool.

Related Information

Concept: Finding Workers 215/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Steps: Manage Talent Pools
Example: Give Administrators Access to Restricted Talent Pools

1.16.3 | Add Members to Static Talent Pools


Talent Pool: Manage Membership domain in Succession Planning or Recruiting functional area.
Search: Find Worker domain in Talent Core functional area.
Add the Add to Pool mass action in the report definition on custom search reports that use a data source whose primary
business object is:
Contingent Worker
External or Internal Candidate
Job Applications, Prospects and Referrals


You can add workers to static talent pools:

Directly from the Worker object.

Using the Add to Pool mass action on:
The Find Workers report.
A custom search report.
From a dynamic talent pool.

Static talent pools can have up to 5,000 members.

Note: You can also use the Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) to add or update talent pool members. Use the Create EIB task to
generate a spreadsheet from the Put Talent Pool web service.


Directly from the Worker Object

1. Click the tag icon:
In the upper right corner of the worker profile.
On the preview card that you access from a worker's related actions menu.
2. Select 1 or more talent pools from the prompt.
Using the Find Workers Report or a Custom Search Report
1. Access the Find Workers report or your custom search report.
The custom report must use a data source with a primary business object listed in the prerequisites.
Enable Add to Pool in the Mass Actions section on the Advanced tab of the report definition of the custom report.
2. Select the facets to filter workers.
3. Select individual or all workers from the results.
4. Click Add to Pool.
5. Select 1 or more talent pools from the prompt.
From a Dynamic Talent Pool
1. Access the View Talent Pool report.
2. Select a dynamic talent pool.
3. Click the Members tab.
4. Click the tag icon, and then select 1 or more static talent pools from the prompt.

Next Steps

To remove a member from a static talent pool, click Actions for the talent pool and select Edit Members, then select the members
you want to remove from the pool.

Related Information

Concepts 216/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Concept: Finding Workers

Steps: Manage Talent Pools
Steps: Set Up EIBs Using Templates from Web Service Operations

1.16.4 | Concept: Talent Pools

A talent pool enables you to create and act on a group of employees, without regard to organizational boundaries. You can
establish the criteria that determine the membership of a talent pool. Examples are:

Potential for inclusion in a special project.

Potential to contribute individually at a higher level than peers.
Particularly strong management potential.
Need to be placed on a development plan.
Education, certification, or experience that could be applied to a new business venture.
Specific training, work history, or skills that could make the workers valuable outside of their current supervisory

Unlike supervisory organizations, which define hierarchical structure, talent pools define a loose association of members that cut
across organizational lines. You can create as many as you need, for any purpose you want, and members can belong to multiple

You can create static or dynamic talent pools. You add members manually to static talent pools. Dynamic talent pools are based
on the results of saved searches on the Find Workers or similar custom reports.

When you take related actions on talent pools, the same action starts for all members in the pool at the same time. Workday
initiates and completes a set of individual business processes in parallel for each member of the talent pool. Based on how the
business process is configured, it may follow a different approval or management chain for each member in the pool.

The only exception occurs when you give a non-monetary award to a static talent pool. In this case, the business process runs as
a single process on the entire pool and completes automatically. You can tailor this business process. Example: Add an approval
step. Perform a mass cancel on this process.

Related Information

Steps: Manage Talent Pools
The Next Level: Building and Retaining a Healthy Pipeline

1.16.5 | Concept: Talent Pool Security

Talent pool information is only visible to those who have a role on the talent pool, regardless of their access to the workers or
workers' organizations. To control access to talent pool information, you can:

Create restricted talent pools.

Create private talent pools.
Use intersection security groups.

Talent Pool Domains

Talent Pools use these domains in the Succession Planning functional area to secure the Talent Pool tasks:

Talent Pool: Create

Determines who can create new talent pools.
Talent Pool: Restricted View
Determines who can work with restricted talent pools.
Private Talent Pool: Create
Determines who can create private talent pools.
Private Talent Pool: Edit
Determines who can edit private talent pools.

Talent Pools use these domains in the Recruiting and Succession Planning functional areas to secure the Talent Pool tasks: 217/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Talent Pool: View and Edit

Determines who can view and edit existing talent pools.
Talent Pool: Manage Membership
Determines who can add and remove members from static talent pools.

Talent Pools use the Worker Data: Succession Planning - Any domain on the Succession Planning functional area to determine
who can view talent pools in custom reports without edit access.

To create a view only role for talent pools, you must create a custom report secured to the Worker Data: Succession Planning -
Any domain.

Talent Pool Roles

Since workers assigned to talent pool roles have access to talent pool member information, use caution when assigning them. A
common set of roles involved in talent pools is Managers, Talent Pool Administrators, and HR Partners.



Steve is a manager with several talent pools.

Maria is a Talent Pool Administrator who can see all of Steve's talent pools including the members in the pools. She can
also see the information you've configured in the talent pool reports.
Jill is the HR Partner for Steve's organization. Although she also has modify permission on the Talent Pool: Create and
Talent Pool: View and Edit domains, she can't see Steve's talent pools because she doesn't have a role on the talent pool.
Maria gives Jill a talent pool role to enable her to access Steve's talent pools. Jill can see the other worker's data in the
talent pool, including workers outside her organization.
Jill creates a new talent pool for Steve's organization. Because she creates the talent pool, she's automatically given a
role on the talent pool.

Restricted Talent Pools

You can create a restricted talent pool to limit access to its member information. Only workers with a role on the talent pool
secured to the Talent Pool: Restricted View domain can see restricted talent pools:

In tasks and reports.

At the tag prompt.
On worker preview cards.

Restricted Talent Pools provide managers and other designated roles insight into talent pools for workers in their organizations.
This only enables them to access information about their own employees within the talent pool.

Private Talent Pools

Use the Create Private Talent Pool task to create private talent pools. You're the only person who can view private talent pools,
and they only display the workers in your supervisory organization. To work with private talent pools, you must have a role on the
private talent pool and security access to these domains in the Succession Planning functional area:

Private Talent Pool: Create

Private Talent Pool: Edit
Talent Pool: Restricted View

Intersection Security for Talent Pools

You can create an intersection security group to restrict access to talent pool member compensation details. This restricts
managers to viewing only compensation information for the workers they manage, but enables them to view other information for
the talent pool members they don't manage.

Intersection security for talent pools requires Managers and Talent Managers to have roles and constrained role-based security
groups. After you create the intersection security group for the 2 roles, replace the Manager security group on all compensation
domains with the new Manger and Talent Manager intersection group and place the Talent Manager security group on the Edit:
Talent Pool domain.

Related Information

Concept: Intersection Security Groups
Tasks 218/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Steps: Manage Talent Pools

1.16.6 | Example: Give Administrators Access to Restricted Talent Pools

This example illustrates 1 way to grant administrators full access to the members of a restricted talent pool, while limiting the
access of managers to only their employees within the talent pool.


Shelly is a security administrator at Global Modern Services (GMS), which has a restricted talent pool called Top Talent in its
Sales and Marketing organization. Managers with permission on the Talent Pool: Restricted View domain can access this talent
pool, but can only view their own employees in the talent pool.

Julie is the Talent Administrator for GMS and needs full access to all members of the Top Talent restricted talent pool to support
the succession planning activities at GMS. Because the Talent Pool: Restricted View domain is limited to constrained role-based
security groups and administrator roles have unconstrained access, Shelly can't add the Talent Administrator role to this domain.
Shelly creates a new constrained role-based security group to give Julie access to all Top Talent talent pool members.


Security: Talent Pool: Restricted View domain in the Succession Planning functional area.


1. Shelly creates a new role by:

a. Accessing the Maintain Assignable Roles task.
b. Creating a new role called Restricted Talent Pool Administrator and select Supervisory from the Enabled for
c. Selecting Security Administrator from the Assigned by Security Groups prompt.
2. Shelly assigns the role at the level of GMS Julie needs to access.
a. From the related actions menu of the Sales and Marketing organization, she selects Roles > Assign Roles.
b. Shelly keeps the current date as the effective date.
c. He assigns Julie to the Restricted Talent Pool Administrator role.
Note: For access to all workers, Shelly would assign the role at the level of Global Modern Services.
3. Shelly creates a new role-based security group (constrained) for the role.
a. He accesses the Create Security Group task.
b. He selects Role-Based Security Group (Constrained) for Type of Tenanted Security Group.
c. He enters Restricted Talent Pool Administrator for Name, and clicks OK.
d. In the Group Criteria section, Shelly selects Restricted Talent Pool Administrator from the Assignable Role prompt.
e. In the Access Rights to Organizations section, she selects Applies To Current Organization And All Subordinates.
f. In the Access Rights to Multiple Job Workers section, she selects Role has access to the positions they support.
4. Shelly gives Julie permission to view and modify all members of the talent pool.
a. From the related actions menu of the Talent Pool: Restricted View security domain, she selects Domain > Edit
Security Policy Permissions.
b. Shelly adds the Restricted Talent Pool Administrator security group to the Report/Task Permissions section and
selects Modify.
5. Shelly accesses the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes task to confirm changes.
6. From the related actions menu of the Top Talent talent pool, she selects Roles > Assign Roles and assigns Julie a Talent
Manager role.


Now that Julie can view all the members of the Top Talent restricted talent pool, she can view their skills and experience and
consider them for succession plans.

Related Information

Create Talent Pools
Create Role-Based Security Groups

1.16.7 | Reference: Printed Talent Pools 219/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can use these reports to:

View talent pools.

Track changes to membership.
Print talent pool information.

Note: To view or take a related action on a dynamic talent pool, you must have access to all the facets that make up the
associated saved search.

Report Description Security

Succession Plans for Talent Pool View any succession plans associated Worker Data: Succession
with a talent pool. domain in the Succession
Planning functional area.

Talent Pools View all talent pools that you own or can Talent Pool: View and Edit
access. By default, you own all talent domain in the Succession
pools you create. Planning functional area.

Talent Pool Membership Tracking Includes members that were added or Talent Pool: View and Edit
removed, the date, and who made the domain in the Succession
change. Planning functional area.

View Talent Pool View the membership of a specific talent Talent Pool: View and Edit
pool, along with the associated job, domain in the Succession
talent, compensation, and spend Planning functional area.
information for each member. Use the
Configure Profile Group task to configure
the reports that appear in each section of
this report.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups

1.17 | Talent Data Across Workday

1.17.1 | Steps: View Talent Across Organizations


You can set up access to talent-related information for all workers across all organizations. To set up access, you can use the
grade of your company or management level hierarchy.

Tiered security groups can't run:

nBox reports.
Calibration programs.
The Find Workers report.
Custom reports based on indexed data sources.


1. (Optional) Create a Compensation Grade Hierarchy.

2. (Optional) Create a management level hierarchy.
See Set Up Management Level Hierarchies.
3. Assign the grades or management levels to your workers.
4. Create Level-Based Security Groups.
Define the members of the compensation grade or management level-based security group:
Applies to All Levels grants membership to all grade or management levels in the hierarchy.
Applies to Levels grants membership to only the listed grade or management levels in the hierarchy.
5. Edit Domain Security Policies.
Add the security group to the appropriate talent domain policy. 220/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide


Members of the level-based security group can see information for workers across organizations that have a grade or
management hierarchy level below their own.

Related Information

Create Compensation Grades

1.17.2 | Steps: Set Up Talent Data Removal for Terminated Workers


Configure the Termination business process and security policy in the Staffing functional area.


You can configure your Termination business process to remove workers on the termination date or last day of work from:

Succession plans.
Succession pools.
Talent pools.

Note: If you rescind the termination, Workday doesn't return the employee to the succession plans, succession pools, and talent


1. Access the Remove Worker from Talent business process definition.

Configure one or more of these actions or service steps:
Remove Terminated Employee from Succession Plan.
Remove Terminated Employee from Succession Pool.
Remove Terminated Employee from Talent Pool.
2. (Optional) Create Custom Notifications for the steps.
Notifications for talent pools or succession pools must trigger On Exit and use one of these report fields as the Related
Succession Pools Affected by Remove Worker from Talent.
Static Talent Pools Affected by Remove Worker from Talent.
3. Access the Termination business process definition.
a. Add the Remove Worker from Talent action step after the completion step of the business process definition.
b. (Optional) From the related actions menu on the Remove Worker from Talent step, select Business Process >
Maintain Step Delay to execute this step on the last day worked.
4. (Optional) Access the Edit Succession Pool or Edit Talent Pool task.
a. Select a Succession Pool or static Talent Pool to exclude from the termination process.
b. Select the Exclude from Termination check box to prevent Workday from removing terminated workers from the
Security: Talent Pool: View and Edit domain on the Succession Planning functional area.

Related Information

Concept: Termination Impact
Steps: Manage Succession Plans
Steps: Manage Talent Pools

1.18 | Workforce Metrics

1.18.1 | Create Custom Metrics for HCM

Prerequisites 221/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Set up a fiscal schedule using the Create Fiscal Schedule task.

Create and configure metric sets by organization type using the Maintain Analytic Scorecard Profiles and Metric Sets task.
Security: Metric Management domain in the System functional area.


Create custom metrics for workforce scorecards to give executives and HR leaders insight into the health of their organizations.
You can create multiple custom metrics based on the delivered metric calculations. You can then add these metrics to scorecard
dashboards that tailor to meet the needs of different audiences. Examples:

Executive scorecard: Total Headcount, Span of Control, and Overall Turnover % metrics.
HR scorecard: Average Time to Fill, Average Time to Start, Employee Movement %, and Internal Fill % metrics.

The delivered metric calculations use information that exists in Workday, making them easier to set up than metrics based on
external data. You also have greater control over sensitive data because the metrics adhere to your existing security


1. Access the Create Custom Metric task.

2. Specify basic metric information:

Option Description

Metric Set Select the metric set to associate with the custom
metric. The metric set defines the organization type,
fiscal schedule, and other configurations.

Example: To analyze turnover by cost center hierarchy,

select the metric set for a cost center hierarchy.

Metric Enter a custom metric name.

Example: Turnover %: High Performer.

Workday Metric Calculation Name Select the Workday-defined metric calculation.

Example: WD Turnover %.

3. On the Edit Custom Metric page, configure the metric on these tabs:

Option Description

Metric Source In the Actual Amount field, select Workday Algorithm.

Optionally, specify whether to track target and

benchmark amounts.

Calculation Configuration Customize the metric calculation to meet your needs.

The available options vary by metric type. Not all
delivered metric calculations are configurable.

Example: To configure a Turnover %: High Performer

metric based on the WD Turnover % category, select
the nBox Placements that represent the highest
performance level in your tenant. 222/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Option Description

Thresholds Create thresholds and limits that determine the metric

status displayed on the scorecard.

Example: Select Percentage of target and Decreasing is

better for a custom metric based on WD Turnover %.
Set the Warning Lower Limit to 15% and the Bad Lower
Limit to 20%.

About This Metric Enter a description that helps scorecard users

understand how to interpret the metric. The description
displays when you hover over the metric value on the
scorecard. You can also provide links to standard or
custom reports as drill-to reports.

Recommended Actions Specify actions that business leaders can take when the
metric status is Bad, Warning, or Good. The
recommended actions display on all scorecards that
include the metric, whereas the comments added by
scorecard reviewers are specific to a particular
organization and time period.

Example: Suggest ways to reduce turnover or

encourage internal mobility.

Next Steps

Create composite reports to display the metrics on a scorecard dashboard.

Update the metrics for each scorecard period by following these steps:
Initialize and calculate metric values.
Optionally, review metrics and add explanatory comments for scorecard users.
Publish the metric values.

Related Information

Concept: Workday Scorecards
Steps: Create Custom Metrics and Scorecards
Reference: Metric Calculations for HCM

1.18.2 | Concept: Executive Workforce Scorecard

The Executive Workforce Scorecard is a configurable dashboard that gives executives insight into staffing and talent information
for their organizations. With the Executive Workforce Scorecard, you can:

Understand the composition and size of your workforce.

Assess how well you attract and retain high potential employees.
Monitor employee turnover.

Workday provides these scorecard components:

5 composite reports enabled as worklets for the dashboard.

Scorecard Sub-Report - Published report that provides the metric values and security for the dashboard reports.
Scorecard prompt set that specifies the metric set, organization type, and period for the subreport.
HCM metric set that defines the organizations, fiscal schedule, and published period for the scorecard metrics.
7 workforce metrics.

You can customize the dashboard with the worklets that you want to display using the Maintain Dashboards report. You can also
copy and edit the scorecard components to create custom scorecards for different business initiatives. 223/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

The Executive Workforce Scorecard displays these reports and metrics:

Report Layout Delivered Metric

Executive Workforce Scorecard - KPI card Contingent Worker %

Contingent Worker %
Metric Calculation: WD Contingent
Worker % (nonconfigurable)

Executive Workforce Scorecard - KPI card Critical Jobs %: High Potential

Critical Jobs %: High Potential
Metric Calculation: WD Critical Jobs
%: High Potential (nonconfigurable)

Executive Workforce Scorecard - KPI card Employee Count

Employee Count
Metric Calculation: WD Headcount


Include Employees
Include Worker on Termination
Performance Rating = All

Executive Workforce Scorecard - KPI card Leaders: Women %

Leaders: Women %
Metric Calculation: WD Women %


Is Leader

Executive Workforce Scorecard - KPI line High Potential Leader Turnover

Metric Calculation: WD Turnover %


Calendar Year to Date

Include Voluntary Terminations
Include Involuntary
Include Worker on Termination
Is Leader
Include High Potential
Performance Levels = All

Involuntary Turnover

Metric Calculation: WD Turnover %


Calendar Year to Date

Include Involuntary
Include Worker on Termination
Performance Levels = All 224/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Report Layout Delivered Metric

Voluntary Turnover

Metric Calculation: WD Turnover %


Calendar Year to Date

Include Voluntary Terminations
Include Worker on Termination
Performance Levels = All

You can set up the Executive Workforce Scorecard by:

Enabling scorecards in your Workday tenant.

Configuring access to the Management Dashboard: Executive Workforce Scorecard and Metrics Published domains in
the System functional area.
Activating and configuring the HCM metric set.
Initializing, calculating, reviewing, and publishing metric values for the Workday-delivered metrics in the HCM metric set.
Adding the Workday-delivered composite reports to the dashboard.

Related Information

Concept: Workday Scorecards
Steps: Create Custom Metrics and Scorecards
Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages

1.18.3 | Concept: Management Reporting Dashboard

The Management Reporting Dashboard (secured to the Management Dashboard: Management Reporting Dashboard domain in
the System functional area) is a configurable workspace that gives managers quick visual insight into their workforce operations
with a set of reports. Use the Maintain Dashboards task to configure the dashboard and select up to 6 reports to display on the

To use the scorecard metric reports, you must:

Enable scorecards in your Workday tenant.

Configure access to the Management Dashboard: Management Reporting Dashboard and Metrics Published domains in
the System functional area.
Activate and configure the HCM metric set.
Initialize, calculate, review, and publish metric values for the Workday-delivered metrics in the HCM metric set.

Once you configure it, managers can place this dashboard as a worklet on their Workday Home landing page.
Workday provides these reports for you to display on the dashboard as worklets:

Report Description Domain

Are we Paying for Performance? Displays the base pay range Worker Data: Headcount Reports
segments by performance rating for domain in the Staffing functional area.
workers in the selected organization.

Compensation History for Worker(s) Displays compensation changes for Reports: Manager domain in the
the selected workers. Staffing functional area.

Dashboards Displays links to launch other Worklet: Dashboard domain in the

dashboards. System functional area. 225/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Report Description Domain

Direct Reports Compensation Displays compensation summary for Reports: Manager domain in the
Summary all direct reports of the user. Staffing functional area.

Worker Data: Compensation for

Managers domain in the Core
Compensation functional area.

Expenses for My Organizations Displays the monthly expenses for Worker Data: Expense Report domain
your organizations. in the Expenses functional area.

Headcount and FTE by Month Displays headcount and FTE by Trended Worker Data domain in the
month. Staffing functional area.

Headcount by Years of Service Displays the headcount by years of Worker Data: Headcount Reports
service for the selected organization. domain in the Staffing functional area.

My Direct Reports Staffing History Displays the staffing changes for all of Reports: Manager domain in the
your direct reports. Staffing functional area.

New Hire Turnover Displays the turnover count by Worker Data: Active and Terminated
termination quarter and the service Workers domain in the Staffing
time completed by the workers at the functional area.
time of the termination.

Open Job Requisitions by Displays open job requisition details of Indexed Data Source: Job
Organization - Indexed the selected organization. Requisitions domain in the Pre-Hire
Process and Staffing functional areas.

Organizational Attrition Within Last 6 Displays attrition data within the last 6 Worker Data: Active and Terminated
Months months by termination quarter. Workers in the Staffing functional

Organizational Headcount by Location Displays the worker headcount per Worker Data: Headcount Reports in
by Management Level management level, per location. the Staffing functional area.

Organization Members (with Photo) Displays general roster information for Worker Data: Headcount Reports in
the selected organization. the Staffing functional area.

Outstanding Actions for My Direct Displays the outstanding business Reports: Manager domain in the
Reports process events for your direct reports. Staffing functional area.

Processes Awaiting Me Displays the first 50 business process Workday for Outlook domain in the
transactions awaiting your action. System functional area.

Scorecard Metric Trend Displays past and current values of a Metrics Published domain in the
metric over a specified number of System functional area.
scorecard periods.

Related Information

Concept: Workday Scorecards
Steps: Create Custom Metrics and Scorecards
Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages

1.18.4 | Reference: Metric Calculations for HCM

Workday provides a set of HCM metric calculations for workforce scorecards. All metric calculations use the organization
structure as of the end of the scorecard period. Unless noted in the metric description, HCM metrics exclude inactive
organizations. Employee and headcount calculations are based on these definitions: 226/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Employees = Active employees based on primary position as of the last day of the scorecard period.
Headcount = Active employees and contingent workers based on primary position as of the last day of the scorecard

The definitions include terminated workers on their last day of work, and exclude workers whose positions have Exclude from
Headcount checked.

Metric Calculations
WD Average Compa-Ratio
WD Average Time to Fill
WD Average Time to Start
WD Compensation
WD Competency Target %
WD Contingent Worker %
WD Critical Jobs %: High Potential
WD Critical Succession Plans %
WD Disabled %
WD Employee Movement %
WD Headcount
WD Hires
WD Internal Fill %
WD Organization Levels
WD Quality of Hire
WD Span of Control
WD Terminations
WD Time Off Utilization
WD Turnover %
WD Veteran % US
WD Women %

WD Average Compa-Ratio
This metric is the average compa-ratio for all active employees based on primary position as of the last day of the scorecard
period. Workday excludes employees with no compa-ratio from the metric. Workday calculates compa-ratios using the primary
compensation basis of each employee. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Average Compa Ratio to view the details
behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: Sum of Compa-Ratios / Number of Employees

Custom Metric Example: Average Compa-Ratio: High Potential

You can use this metric with these organization types:

Cost Center
Cost center hierarchy
Custom organization

This metric has these configuration options:

Job Profiles
Is High Potential
Performance Ratings

WD Average Time to Fill

Calculates average number of days from the Recruiting Start Date to requisition fill. It's based on the initiation date of the Hire or
Change Job business process. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Average Time to Fill to display the details behind
the metric calculation. Select one of these fields to populate the start date in order to run this report: 227/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Calendar Time Period.

Fiscal Time Period.
Scorecard Period.
Calendar Year to Date.

This metric only includes effective requisitions filled by Hire or Change Job events during the specified months before the
scorecard period end date. This metric only calculates for primary jobs. If inactive organizations remain in the hierarchy, this
metric includes data from when the organizations were active.

Calculation: (Sum [Time to Fill] for ([Eligible Hire Events] and [Eligible Change Job Events]) / Count ([Eligible Hire Events] and
[Eligible Change Job Events])

Custom Metric Examples: Average Time to Fill: Product Development, Average Time to Fill: Sales

Organization Type: Supervisory

Configuration Options:

Time Frame
Job Profiles
Employee Types

WD Average Time to Start

Calculates the average number of days from the Recruiting Start Date to the new employee start date. It's based on the effective
date of the Hire business process. This metric only calculates for primary jobs. If inactive organizations remain in the hierarchy,
this metric includes data from when the organizations were active. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Average Time
to Start to view the details behind the calculated metric. Select one of these fields to populate the start date in order to run this

Calendar Time Period.

Fiscal Time Period.
Scorecard Period.
Calendar Year to Date.

Calculation: (Sum [Time to Start] for [Eligible Hire Events]) / Count [Eligible Hire Events]

Custom Metric Examples: Average Time to Start: Product Development, Average Time to Start: Sales

Organization Type: Supervisory

Configuration Options:

Time Frame
Job Profiles
Employee Types

WD Compensation
Calculates the total compensation for all active employees based on primary position as of the last day of the Scorecard period.
Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost center hierarchy
Custom organization
Location hierarchy

Configuration Options: 228/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Base Pay
Country/Country Region
Is High Loss Impact Risk
Is High Potential
Is High Retention Risk
Is Leader - This configuration option includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles
designated as Is Leader.
Job Families
Management Levels
nBox Placements
Performance Ratings
Reporting Currency
Tenure Categories

WD Competency Target %
Calculates the percentage of employees who reach or exceed the target rating for the selected competency as of the end of the
scorecard period. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Competency Target % to view the details behind the calculated

Calculation: Count of Employees Who Have Reached or Exceeded the Target Rating for the Specified Competency / Count of
Employees with the Specified Competency

Custom Metric Examples: Competency Target %: High Retention Risk, Competency Target %: Marketing

Organization Type: Supervisory

Configuration Options:

Management Levels
Job Families
Job Profiles
Is High Loss Impact Risk
Is High Potential
Is High Retention Risk
Performance Ratings

WD Contingent Worker %
Calculates the percentage of all workers who are contingent workers, based on primary job, excluding inactive workers. You can
enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Contingent Worker % to view the details behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: Contingent Workers / (Contingent Workers + Employees)

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost center hierarchy

There are no configuration options for this metric.

WD Critical Jobs %: High Potential

Calculates the percentage of critical jobs filled by high potential employees, based on primary position. You can enable Scorecard
Metric Details - WD Critical Jobs %: High Potential to view the details behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: Count of Employees Flagged as High Potential in Jobs Flagged as Critical / All Active Jobs Flagged as Critical

Organization Types: 229/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Cost Center
Cost center hierarchy

There are no configuration options for this metric.

WD Critical Succession Plans %

Calculates the percentage of critical succession plans that have at least 1 candidate that is ready to hire. You can enable the
Scorecard Metric Details - WD Critical Succession Plan % to view the details behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: Count of Active Succession Plans for Critical Positions with 1 or More Candidates at the Specified Readiness Level /
Count of Active Succession Plans for Critical Positions

Custom Metric Example: Critical Succession Plan %: Ready Now

Organization Type: Supervisory

Configuration Option: Readiness Level

WD Disabled %
Calculates the percentage of disabled employees. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Disabled % to view the details
behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: (Count of Employees with Disability Report Field Not Empty or Self-Identification of Disability Status Report Field =
Yes) / Count of Employees

Custom Metric Examples: Disability %: Leaders, Disability %: US

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost center hierarchy

Configuration Options:

Job Classification - To count all employees, including employees without job classifications leave this option blank.
Employees with multiple job classifications only count 1 time.
Is Leader - This configuration option includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles
designated as Is Leader.
Country/Country Region

WD Employee Movement %
Calculates the percentage of employees with any movement. It's based on Change Job, or with a hire event in the past 12
months of the scorecard period end date. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Employee Movement % to display the
details behind the metric calculation. If inactive organizations remain in the hierarchy, this metric includes data from when the
organizations were active.

Calculation: Count of Employees with Movement / Count of Employees

Custom Metric Examples: Internal Movement %, Promotions %

Organization Type: Supervisory

Configuration Options:

Change Job Types

Include Employees Hired in Previous 12 Months
Include Hire Events

This metric calculates the number of full-time employees over a specific time period, excluding employees flagged as Excluded
from Headcount.

Calculation: Count of Full-Time Employees/Count of Employees 230/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost center hierarchy
Custom organization
Location Hierarchy

Configuration Options:

Contingent Worker Types

Country/Country Region
Employee Types
Include Active Employees on Leave
Include Contingent Workers
Include Worker on Termination Date
Is High Loss Impact Risk
Is High Potential
Is High Retention Risk
Is Leader
Job Families
Job Profiles
Management Levels
nBox Placement
Performance Ratings
Tenure Categories

WD Headcount
Calculates the active headcount based on primary position. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Headcount to display
the details behind the metric calculation.

Calculation: Count of Workers

Custom Metric Examples: Contingent Worker Headcount, Employee Headcount, Headcount: Leaders, Headcount: High
Performers and High Retention Risk, Headcount: Generation X

Note: You can also create dependent metrics using WD Headcount with the Simple Arithmetic metric calculation.
Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost center hierarchy
Custom organization
Location Hierarchy

Configuration Options: 231/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Contingent Worker Types

Country/Country Region - Country / Country Region and Location are independent of each other. You can select values
that don't correspond, such as Australia and Los Angeles.
Employee Types
Include Active Employees on Leave
Include Contingent Workers
Include Employees
Include Worker on Termination Date
Is Leader - Includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles designated as Is Leader.
Is High Loss Impact Risk
Is High Potential
Is High Retention Risk
Job Families
Job Profiles
Management Levels
Pay Rate Type
Performance Ratings
Tenure Categories

WD Hires
Calculates the number of hires within the specific time frame. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Hires to view the
details behind the calculated metric. Select one of these fields to populate the start date in order to run this report:

Calendar Time Period.

Fiscal Time Period.
Scorecard Period.
Calendar Year to Date.

If inactive organizations remain in the hierarchy, this metric includes data from when the organizations were active.

Calculation: Count of Hire Events

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost Center hierarchy

Configuration Options:

Employee Types
Is High Potential
Is Leader - Includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles designated as Is Leader.
Management Levels
Performance Ratings
Time Frame

WD Internal Fill %
Calculates the percentage of filled requisition openings filled by existing employees in the past 12 months. It ends with the month
end of the scorecard period end date. This metric only calculates for primary jobs. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD
Internal Fill % to view the details behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: Count [Eligible Change Job Events] / (Count [Eligible Hire Events] + Count [Eligible Change Job Events].

Organization Type: Supervisory

This metric has no configuration options.

WD Organization Levels 232/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Calculates the number of levels in the organization hierarchy, counted from the top of the hierarchy or from the scorecard
organization down. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Organization Levels to view the details behind the calculated

Calculation: Count of Organization Levels Starting at Top of Hierarchy or From Scorecard Organization

Organization Types:

Cost Center hierarchy


Configuration Options:

Count from scorecard organization

Count from top of organization hierarchy
Starting Organization = Level zero
Starting Organization = Level 1

WD Quality of Hire
Calculates the percentage of employees hired within a specified timeframe who meet the level of quality defined by the selected
talent and performance indicators. The metric is as of the scorecard period end date. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details -
WD Quality of Hire to view the details behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: Count of Employees with the Selected Quality Indicators Hired within the Specified Timeframe / Count of Employees
Hired within the Specified Timeframe

Custom Metric Examples: Quality of Hire: Employee Referrals, Quality of Hire: High Potential Leaders

Organization Type: Supervisory

Configuration Options:

Hire Timeframe
Hiring Sources
Is Leader - Includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles designated as Is Leader.
Is High Loss Impact Risk
Is High Potential
Is High Retention Risk
Job Profiles
Management Levels
Pay Rate Type
Performance Ratings

This option requires nBox Placements or Performance Ratings or the metric calculation includes all employees regardless
of performance.

WD Span of Control
Calculates the average number of employees and contingent workers to managers. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details -
WD Span of Control to display the details behind the metric calculation.

Calculation: Ending Worker Count / Number of Managers

Custom Metric Examples: Executive Span of Control, Span of Control: All Workers

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost Center hierarchy
Custom organization

Configuration Options:

Include Contingent Workers

Include Managers in Worker Count
Include Managers without Direct Reports in Manager Count
Include Leaders in Manager Count
Management Levels 233/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

WD Terminations
Calculates the number of terminations within the specific time frame. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Terminations
to view the details behind the metric calculation. If inactive organizations remain in the hierarchy, this metric includes data from
when the organizations were active.

Calculation: Count of Termination Events

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost Center hierarchy

Configuration Options:

Employee Types
Include Involuntary Terminations
Include Voluntary Terminations
Is High Potential
Is Leader - Includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles designated as Is Leader.
Management Levels
Performance Ratings
Time Frame
Voluntary Termination Reasons

WD Time Off Utilization

Calculates the percentage of employees who have taken at least the specified amount of approved time off within the scorecard
period. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Time Off Utilization to view the details behind the calculated metric.

Calculation: Count of Employees Who Have Taken Specified Amount of Time Off During Scorecard Period / Count of Employees

Custom Metric Example: Time Off Utilization: Personal Leave

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost Center hierarchy

Configuration Options:

Is High Loss Impact Risk

Is High Potential
Is High Retention Risk
Performance Ratings
Time Off Plan
Time Off Type

WD Turnover %
Calculates the percentage of active employees who left the company during the specified time frame. Based on primary position.
Excludes employees flagged as Excluded From Headcount. If inactive organizations remain in the hierarchy, this metric includes
data from when the organizations were active. You can enable Scorecard Metric Details - WD Turnover % or Scorecard Metric
Details - WD Turnover % (annualized) to display the details behind the metric calculation.

Calculation: Count of Terminations / (Starting Headcount + Ending Headcount / 2)

Custom Metric Examples: Annualized Turnover %, High Performer Turnover %, New Hire Turnover %, Voluntary Turnover %

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost Center hierarchy
Custom Organization
Location Hierarchy
Supervisory 234/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Configuration Options:

Annualize Turnover
County/Country Region - Country / Country Region and Location are independent of each other. You can select values
that don't correspond, such as Australia and Los Angeles.
Employee Types
Include Involuntary Terminations
Include Voluntary Terminations
Include Worker on Termination Date
Is High Loss Impact Risk
Is High Potential
Is High Retention Risk
Is Leader - Includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles designated as Is Leader.
Is Regrettable Termination
Job Families
Job Profiles
Management Levels
Pay Rate Type
Performance Ratings
Tenure Categories
Time Frame
Voluntary Termination Reasons

WD Veteran % US
Calculates the percentage of US employees who identified themselves as veterans.

Calculation: (Count of Employees with Any Position in US and Self-Identified as Veteran) / Count of Employees with Any Position
in US

Custom Metric Examples: Veteran %, Veteran Leaders %

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost Center hierarchy

Configuration Options:

Job Classifications - Leave blank to count all employees, including employees without job classifications. Employees with
multiple job classifications only count 1 time.
Is Leader - Includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles designated as Is Leader.

WD Women %
Calculates the percentage of employees who are female.

Calculation: Count of Female Employees / Count of Employees

Custom Metric Examples: Women %, Women Leaders %

Organization Types:

Cost Center
Cost Center hierarchy

Configuration Options:

Job Classifications - Leave blank to count all employees, including employees without job classifications. Employees with
multiple job classifications only count 1 time.
Is Leader -Includes workers whose primary or additional jobs are associated with roles designated as Is Leader. 235/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Related Information

Create Custom Metrics for HCM
Reference: Metric Calculations for Dependent Metrics

1.18.5 | Reference: Metric Calculation Time Periods

You can select a Calendar Time Period or Fiscal Time Period when you configure these HCM metric calculations:

WD Average Time to Fill

WD Average Time to Start

WD Turnover %

The time period determines what staffing events to include in the metric calculation. Workday calculates time periods based on
the scorecard period end date, as specified by the fiscal schedule configured on the metric set. Example: If the scorecard period
end date is December 31, current months start from December 31 and previous months start from November 30. If the scorecard
period ends before month end, current months start from month end.

These tables display the start and end dates for metric calculations based on different calendar and fiscal time periods. All
examples are for the monthly scorecard period of November 2016.

Calendar Time Periods

Calendar time periods can be current or previous quarters, months, weeks, or days. Weeks are counted from Monday to Sunday.

Calendar Time Period Start Date End Date

Current 12 Months 2015-12-01 2016-11-30

Current 36 Months 2013-12-01 2016-11-30

Current 6 months 2016-06-01 2016-11-30

Current Day 2016-11-30 2016-11-30

Current Month 2016-11-01 2016-11-30

Current Quarter 2016-10-01 2016-12-31

Current Week 2016-11-28 2016-12-04

Previous 24 Months 2014-11-01 2016-11-30

Previous 30 Days 2016-10-31 2016-11-29

Previous 3 Months 2016-08-01 2016-10-31

Previous 4 Quarters 2015-10-01 2016-09-30

Previous 7 Days 2016-11-23 2016-11-29

Previous Day 2016-11-29 2016-11-29

Previous Month 2016-10-01 2016-10-31

Previous Quarter 2016-07-01 2016-09-30

Previous Week 2016-11-21 2016-11-27

Fiscal Time Periods

Workday delivers the fiscal time period options listed in the table. If you create tenanted reporting time periods, you can also
select them from Fiscal Time Period prompt. 236/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

In these examples, the fiscal year is February 2016 to January 2017.

Fiscal Time Period Start Date End Date

Current Period 2016-11-01 2016-11-30

Current Period YTD 2016-02-01 2016-11-30

Last 12 Periods 2015-12-01 2016-11-30

Last 6 Periods 2016-06-01 2016-11-30

Last Year 2015-02-01 2016-01-31

Last Year - Current Period 2015-11-01 2015-11-30

Last Year - Current Period YTD 2015-02-01 2015-11-30

Last Year - Prior Period 2015-10-01 2015-10-31

Last Year - Prior Period YTD 2015-02-01 2015-10-31

Next 12 Periods 2016-12-01 2017-11-30

Next Period 2016-12-01 2016-12-31

Next Year - Current Period 2017-11-01 2017-11-30

Period + 101 2017-09-01 2017-09-30

Prior Period 2016-10-01 2016-10-31

Prior Period YTD 2016-02-01 2016-10-31

1 Options include Period + 1 through Period + 11 with similar behavior.

1.18.6 | Reference: Workforce Composition Dashboards

Secured to the Trended Worker Data domain in the Staffing functional area, workforce composition dashboards help with
understanding historical trends for workforce metrics. Composition dashboards help leaders, HR business partners, and
managers understand historical trends.

You can configure 5 dashboards that contain a total of 30 worklets built on the Trended Workers data source. The Trended
Workers data source is a prerequisite in order to turn on these dashboards in your tenant.

Required prompt settings for all dashboards:

Organization - Multi-Instance
Include Subordinate Organizations
Start Date

End Date - This value must be the last day of a historical month to populate values of the dashboards.

You can configure these 5 dashboards using the Maintain Dashboards task: 237/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Distribution Trends and Analysis Dashboard

Security: Management Dashboard: Distribution Trends and Analysis domain in the System functional area.

Worklet Name Domains Calculations

Global Footprint Worker Data: Current Staffing Ending Headcount


Growth Rate by Job Family Group Worker Data: Current Staffing Ending Headcount

Headcount and Average YOS by Ending Headcount

Person Data: Date of Birth
Age Range Average Length of Service
Worker Data: Current Staffing in Years including Partial

Information Year

Headcount by Management Level Worker Data: Current Stating Ending Headcount


Headcount Growth and Analysis Ending Headcount

Workforce Tenure - Yearly Trend Worker Data: Current Staffing Ending Headcount

Diversity Dashboard

Security: Management Dashboard: Diversity domain in the System functional area.

Worklet Name Domains Calculations

Employee Population Trend by Person Data: Gender Ending Headcount


Ethnicity / Management Level Ending Headcount

Person Data: Ethnicity
Person Data: Ethnicity

Male / Female Distribution Person Data: Gender Ending Headcount

Male / Female Workforce Majority Person Data: Gender Ending Headcount

by Country

Manager Composition by Ethnicity Ending Headcount

Person Data: Ethnicity
and Years of Experience % Managers

Worker Data: Compensation by Average compa-ratio

Organization Average Years in Position

Worker Data: Current Staffing


People Manager Proportions Person Data: Gender Ending Headcount

Headcount Movement Dashboard

Security: Management Dashboard: Headcount Movement domain in the System functional area.

Worklet Name Domains Calculations 238/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Worklet Name Domains Calculations

High Potential Transfers Worker Data: Talent Transfer In Count for

Supervisory Organization
Transfer Out Count - 1 for
Supervisory Organization

Hired by Age Group Person Data: Date of Birth Hire Count

Promotion Rate Promotion Rates =

Promotion Count / Ending

Voluntary Terminations by Voluntary Termination Count

Worker Data: Current Staffing
Management Level

Worker Data: Active and

Terminated Workers

Quarterly Turnover Rates Worker Data: Active and Voluntary Turnover Rates =
Terminated Workers Sum Voluntary Termination
Count / ((Ending headcount
of previous period + ending
Involuntary Turnover Rates
= Sum Involuntary
Termination Count /
((Ending headcount of
previous period + ending

Quarterly Turnover Rates by


Employee Movement Worker Data: Organizations Hire Count

Transfer in Count by
Supervisory Organization
Transfer Out Count by
Supervisory Organization
Termination Count
Ending Headcount

Employee Movement by

Performance and Potential Dashboard

Security: Management Dashboard: Performance and Potential domain in the System functional area.

Worklet Name Domains Calculations

Retention for High Potential Worker Data: Talent Ending Headcount


Avg. Compa-Ratio by Potential Average Compa-ratio

Worker Data: Talent

Worker Data: Compensation Pay

Range 239/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Worklet Name Domains Calculations

Avg. Compa-Ratio by Performance Average Compa-ratio

Worker Data: Performance
Over Time

Worker Data: Compensation Pay


Management Level by Potential Ending Headcount

Worker Data: Current Staffing

Worker Data: Talent

Performance by Hiring Source Ending Headcount

Worker Data: Current Staffing

Worker Data: Performance


Terminations by Performance Worker Data: Performance Terminations Count


Structure Dynamics Dashboard

Security: Management Dashboard: Structure Dynamics domain in the System functional area.

Worklet Name Domains Calculations

Worker Proportion Trends Worker Data: Current Staffing Manager Count

Information Employee Count = (Ending
Headcount - Manager

Manager Headcount by Worker Data: Current Staffing Ending Headcount

Management Level Information

Span of Control by Job Family Worker Data: Current Staffing Average Span of Control
Group Information (default displayed on charts)
= (Ending Headcount -
Manager Count) / Manager
Average Span of Control
(Headcount to Manager) =
Ending Headcount Manager

Span of Control by Range of Direct Worker Data: Current Staffing Manager Count
Reports Information

Span of Control by Year Worker Data: Current Staffing Average Span of Control
Information (default displayed on charts)
= (Ending Headcount -
Manager Count) / Manager
Average Span of Control
(Headcount to Manager) =
Ending Headcount /
Manager Count 240/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Worklet Name Domains Calculations

Span of Control - Manager Outliers Number of Direct Reports

Worker Data: Public Worker

Worker Dara: Current Staffing


Related Information

Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages
Set Up Worklets

1.18.7 | FAQ: HCM Metric Calculations

How do I align scorecard periods with my fiscal schedule in metric calculations with time periods?
What date determines the organization structure in metric calculations with time periods?
How does the WD Turnover % metric calculation count terminations that fall on the last day of the scorecard period?
How does the WD Turnover % metric calculation select performance ratings?
How do metric calculations for a cost center hierarchy count workers on subordinate nodes?
Why don't my metric values match my custom matrix report results?

How do I align scorecard periods with my fiscal schedule in metric calculations with time periods?
Select your fiscal schedule in the Edit Custom Metric Set task. Then, select your fiscal periods when you initialize and calculate
the metrics.
When you configure the WD Average Time to Fill, WD Average Time to Start, and WD Turnover % metric calculations:

Select a Fiscal Time Period if your fiscal year differs from the calendar year.
Select a Calendar Time Period if the fiscal year matches the calendar year.

You can also select a Scorecard Period or Calendar Year to Date option for the WD Turnover % metric calculation.

What date determines the organization structure in metric calculations with time periods?
Workday uses the Time Frame start and end dates to determine the organization structure for staffing events and headcount. You
specify the Time Frame on the Calculation Configuration tab of the Create Custom Metric task.

For WD Average Time to Fill and WD Average Time to Start, Workday counts hiring events in the organization structure
as of the Time Frame end date.
For WD Turnover %, Workday counts:
Starting headcount in the organization structure as of the Time Frame start date.
Ending headcount in the organization structure as of the Time Frame end date.
Termination events in the organization structure as of the Time Frame end date.

How does the WD Turnover % metric calculation count terminations that fall on the last day of the scorecard period?
If you select the Include Worker on Termination Date check box, terminated workers are counted as part of the ending headcount
in the organization on their last day of work. If you prefer to count them as terminations, leave this option unchecked.

If you check Include Worker on Termination Date, any terminations that are effective on the last day of the scorecard time frame
are counted as terminations in the next scorecard period.

How does the WD Turnover % metric calculation select performance ratings?

Performance ratings are based on individual employee evaluations. The WD Turnover % metric calculation uses the Current
Rating report field as the source of this information.

How do metric calculations for a cost center hierarchy count workers on subordinate nodes?
Cost center hierarchy nodes don't contain workers. The metric calculations only count workers in the cost centers that are part of
the subordinate nodes.

Why don't my metric values match my custom matrix report results? 241/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Calculated metric values might differ from custom matrix report results that you use as a benchmark source for your metrics.
Reports use the latest data from the data source when you run the report, while analytic metric values are a snapshot from the
time that you calculate the metrics. Analytic metric values don't include any data that has:

An effective date after the date of the snapshot.

An effective date before the date of the snapshot, but hasn't been processed at the time of the snapshot.

Scorecards also remove inactive organizations by default, while custom reports don’t. However, you can configure your report to
filter out inactive organizations.

1.19 | Talent Insight Apps

1.19.1 | Steps: Set Up the Retention Risk Insight Application


Minimum requirements include:

At least 18 months of historical data on voluntary termination, compensation, and employee talent and performance
transactions in Workday.
Each organization selected during configuration must have a minimum 250 current employees. Workday recommends
using larger organizations.


The Retention Risk Insight Application analyzes an organization and predicts which employees are most likely to leave. You can
use the predictive reports as worklets on the Retention Analysis dashboard.

Note: Retention risk analysis is restricted to only full-time employees. All workers included in retention risk analysis must have
FTE = 100 percent.


1. Edit Domain Security Policies.

a. Configure security for these domains in the Insight Apps functional area:
Retention Risk
Retention Risk Factors
b. Configure security for these domains in the System functional area:
Management Dashboard: Retention Analysis
Set Up: Tenant Setup - Insight Applications
c. Configure security for the Trended Worker Data domain in the Staffing functional area.
2. Configure Talent Insight Applications.
Configure the Retention Risk Insight Application to meet your business requirements. You can:
Enable analysis.
Select the supervisory organizations you want to include. Selected organizations must have at least 250 workers
and can't be a subordinate of another selected organization.
Filter employees out of the analysis. Example: European Union workers.
(Optional) Override the default report fields with your own calculated or custom fields.
3. Access the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes task to confirm changes.
4. Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages.
Set up the Retention Analysis dashboard. Add worklets as needed.


The Retention Risk Insight Application typically provides insight within 10 days after you enable it and then updates the
predictions monthly.

Next Steps

Access the Retention Analysis dashboard to gain insight into retention risk data for your organization.

1.19.2 | Configure Talent Insight Applications

Prerequisites 242/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Security: Set Up: Tenant Setup – Insight Applications domain in the System functional area.


Depending on the Insight App you’re using, you can analyze a variety of tracked data supporting predictive analytics. This data
can range from employee termination reasons to total amount due for an invoice. You can configure which data your Workday
Insight Applications use within your Workday tenant.


1. Access the Configure Insight Application task.

2. As you complete the task, consider:

Option Description

Enable Analysis The data you need to complete the analysis might not
be available when you configure an Insight Application.
We recommend that you enable the analysis after:
You complete the configuration process.
You're confident the data is available.

Exclude from Analysis Select a calculated field. The calculated field must use
the business object displayed in the Filter and a
true/false function.

Default Report Field Clear the Enabled check box to exclude tenant data
from your analysis. If the Default Report Field doesn't
contain the data you need, select an Override Report
Field that returns the data class you need.

Override Report Field The Override Report Field calculated field must use the
same effective-dated business object as the business
object of the Data.


Workday runs Insight Apps analysis on a specific schedule that depends on the type of data your app is tracking. For details
about when your Insight App results are available, see the documentation for your specific app.

Next Steps

Set up your Insight App.

Related Information

Steps: Set Up Dashboards and Landing Pages
The Next Level: Analyzing Talent with Dashboards, Reports, and Mobile Devices

1.19.3 | Concept: Retention Risk Insight Application

Note: We plan to retire these reports in a future update:

Employee Risk Levels (Do not use)

Top Factors Increasing Termination Risk (Do not use)

These reports identify:

Overall predicted retention risk levels for the organization.

The employees that carry the riskiest factors and what the factors are.

The Retention Risk Insight Application (secured to the Retention Risk and Retention Risk Factors domains in the Insight Apps
functional area and the Management Dashboard: Retention Analysis domain in the System functional area) identifies key talent
likely to leave based on attributes similar to workers that left the organization. 243/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

You can understand:

The number of people that have voluntarily and involuntarily left the organization over the past year.
Top termination reasons listed for the organization.
The location with the highest number of terminations.
Overall predicted retention risk levels for the organization.
The employees that carry the riskiest factors and what the factors are.
Most important factors contributing to employee's retention risk in the organization.

The Retention Risk Insight Application only uses data about a worker in your tenant (such as promotions, tenure, and job function
changes) to predict retention risk. It doesn't use any personally identifying information (PII) or demographic data, such as gender,
age, or ethnicity. The Talent > View Retention Recommendations related action displays up to 5 job profile recommendations for
career paths that can help retain individual workers.

The Retention Risk Insight Application relies on the available data in areas such as:

Voluntary termination transactions.

Compensation changes.
Job profile changes.
Management level hierarchy.

For a complete list of the types of factors the model is considering, run the All Retention Risk Factors task.

The relevance of your results can vary according to the details and structure of data available to Workday.

Retention Analysis Dashboard

The Retention Risk Insight Application comprises the Retention Analysis dashboard with these worklets:

Employee Risk Levels (Do not use)

Terminations by Tenure Category
Top Factors Increasing Termination Risk (Do not use)
Top Termination Reasons
Trending Terminations by Location
Trending Terminations by Organization

Workday refreshes the Retention Analysis dashboard weekly to display the updated retention risk results for your employees. You
can access the Retention Analysis dashboard and worklets on these mobile apps:

Workday on iPad.
Workday on iPhone.

Related Information

The Next Level: Analyzing Talent with Dashboards, Reports, and Mobile Devices

1.19.4 | Reference: Worklets on the Retention Analysis Dashboard

Note: We plan to retire these reports in a future update:

Employee Risk Levels (Do not use)

Top Factors Increasing Termination Risk (Do not use)

You can add these worklets to the Retention Analysis dashboard (secured to the Management Dashboard: Retention Analysis
domain in System functional area).

Worklet Description Security 244/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Worklet Description Security

Employee Risk Levels (Do not use) Displays a visualization of the number of employees that are Retention Risk
of High, Medium, and Low levels of risk to leave the selected domain in
organization. You can drill into each level to view information Insight Apps
about the employees in the risk level along with relevant functional
worker data. Click Employee Risk Factors to view a list of the area.
employees along with the top 5 factors contributing to their
retention risk.

Terminations by Tenure Category Displays the terminations for the selected organization and Trended
time period by these tenure categories: Worker Data
domain in the
Zero to 1 year.
2 to 5 years.
5 to 10 years.
10 to 15 years.
15 to 20 years.

You can drill into each termination count to see the worker in
the count.

Top Factors Increasing Termination Lists the top 5 factors that are most important to increasing Retention Risk
Risk (Do not use) the retention risk of employees in the selected organization. Factors
The worklet displays the number of employees in the selected domain in the
organization that have each factor. You can click the count to Insight Apps
view the employees with that factor. functional

Top Termination Reasons Displays a data visualization of the top reasons terminated Trended
employees gave for leaving the organization. Worker Data
domain in the

Trending Terminations by Location Displays a line graph that represents the trend of the Trended
terminations in the 5 biggest locations over time for the Worker Data
organization. domain in the

Trending Terminations by Displays the termination counts in the selected organizations Trended
Organization and time range. This worklet displays these termination types: Worker Data
domain in the
You can drill into each termination count to see the workers in
the count.

1.20 | Professional Profiles

1.20.1 | Steps: Set Up Professional Profiles


Security: Security Configuration domain in the System functional area.

Context 245/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Add the Professional Profile to the worker profile so that workers can share a record of their skills, work experience, and


1. Edit Domain Security Policies.

Provide access to the Professional Profile and each of its content areas:

Domain Functional Area Permissions

Person Data: Talent Statements Talent Core For Report/Task Permissions, set View to Yes.

Self-Service: Talent Statements

Person Data: Education Talent Core For Report/Task Permissions, set View to Yes.

Self-Service: Education

Person Data: Job History Talent Core For Report/Task Permissions, set View to Yes.

Self-Service: Job History

Self-Service: Anytime Talent Core For Report/Task Permissions, set View to Yes.

Worker Data: Anytime


Self-Service: Project Projects For Report/Task Permissions, set View to Yes.

Worker Data: Project

Self-Service: Internal Project Talent Core For Report/Task Permissions, set View to Yes.

Worker Data: Internal Project


Self-Service: Skills Talent Core For Report/Task Permissions, set View and Modify to
Person Data: Skills

2. (Optional) Enable workers to import data from their resumes to their Professional Profile.
See Steps: Set Up Upload My Experience.
3. Edit Business Processes.
Configure these business processes and their security policies in the Talent Core functional area:
Manage Talent Statements
Manage Education
Manage Job History
Manage Internal Projects
Manage Work Experience
Give Feedback
Skills aren't associated with business processes. Workers can add or update these items without approval.
Note: The Manage Education and Manage Job History business processes only apply to information that you add directly
to Workday, not information imported from resume upload. You can configure approvals and notifications on the
Professional Profile business process.
4. Set up talent statements so workers can add them to their Professional Profile. 246/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

See Steps: Set Up Talent Statements.

5. Enable workers to manage their education record on their Professional Profile.
See Steps: Set Up Education.
6. Set up a list of job history companies.
See Steps: Set Up Job History Companies.
7. Create a list of recognized skills.
See Steps: Maintain Skills.
8. Steps: Set Up Profiles and Profile Groups.
Add the Professional Profile report to the worker profile in the Overview, Career, or Job profile group.
9. Configure the Professional Profile cards you want to display on the worker profile summary.
You can configure these cards to display on the worker profile summary.

Card Name Description

Education Displays the worker's education history.

Feedback Displays direct public feedback received by the worker.

Internal Projects Displays the internal projects the worker contributed to.

Job Details Displays the worker's current job details.

Job History Displays the companies that the worker has worked for.

Skills Displays the skills the worker added to his or her profile.

Talent Statements Displays the talent statement for the worker.

Things in Common Displays on another worker's Professional Profile, showing

companies, schools, and skills that the workers have in common.

Upload My Experience Displays on a worker's own Professional Profile, enabling them to

upload job history and education information from a resume file.

See Steps: Set Up Profile Cards.


Workday displays the Professional Profile in the selected profile group of the worker profile and the Professional Profile cards on
the worker profile summary. Workers can add, change, or delete their own Professional Profile information and upload their
experience. Other workers can view the profile and provide feedback.

Related Information

Concept: Access to Worker Information
The Next Level: Finding Your Perfect Match - How to Identify and Track Talent for Your Employees

1.20.2 | Steps: Set Up Upload My Experience


Security: Security Configuration and either Business Process Administration or Manage: Business Process Definitions domains in
the System functional area.


Enable workers to upload their work experience and education information securely from their .pdf, .doc, .docx, .htm, or .txt
resume files to their profiles. Upload My Experience doesn't support image-based files.
Note: Worker data from resume files is secured as customer data without exposing it to Workday, Inc.


1. Set up profile cards to display experience on worker profiles. 247/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

See Steps: Set Up Profile Cards.

2. Edit Domain Security Policies.

Domains Permissions Description

Self-Service: Upload My Experience For Report/Task Permissions, Controls whether the Upload My
Self-Service: Upload My set View and Modify to Yes. Experience button displays on the
Experience - Education profile and enables workers to
For Integration Permissions,
Self-Service: Upload My perform the task.
set Get and Put to Yes.
Experience - Job History
The subdomain permissions enable
Functional Area: Talent Core or disable import of each subset of
data. You can specify permission for
the subdomain or allow it to inherit the
parent's permission. Consider adding
the same security groups as on the
Worker Data-related domains related
to the profile.

Note: Configure integration

permissions to enable workers to
import their data.

Worker Data: Upload My Experience For Report/Task Permissions, Enables review of the imported
Worker Data:Upload My set View to Yes. information as part of the Professional
Experience - Education Profile business process.
Worker Data: Upload My
The subdomain permissions enable
Experience- Job History
or disable import of each subset of
Functional Area: Talent Core data. You can specify permission for
the subdomain or allow it to inherit the
parent's permission.

Self-Service: Manage Authorized For Report/Task Permissions, Enables workers to manage

Applications set View and Modify to Yes. authorization to applications using the
Workday Account > Maintain
Functional Area: System For Integration Permissions,
Authorized Applications related
set Get and Put to Yes.

Manage Authorized Applications For Report/Task Permissions, Enables administrators to manage

set View and Modify to Yes. authorization to applications using the
Functional Area: System
Workday Account > Maintain
Authorized Applications related action
for the worker.

3. Create Custom Business Processes.

Customize the Professional Profile business process.
4. Edit Business Process Security Policies.
Edit the Professional Profile business process security policy:
Grant permissions to the Employee as Self group on these actions:
Import Professional Profile (Web Service)
Upload My Experience
Review Import Professional Profile
View All
If you included an approval step in the Professional Profile business process, grant permissions to the roles
assigned to this step. Assign these roles to the Review Import Professional Profile, View All, and Approve actions.


Workers can add or update education and work experience by clicking Upload My Experience in their Professional Profile.

If you configure the Professional Profile business process to include approvals, the review steps are routed to the assigned role
after each successful data import. 248/249
3/16/2021 Workday® Administrator Guide

Related Information

Reference 249/249

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