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Additional Resources and Suppliers

Now that you have had some formal training, I believe it is time to share some
additional suppliers with you.

Up until this point, I have really wanted you to take the initiative and search out
sourcing and resources of both materials and information. The process of doing your
own searching is an invaluable lesson, and I hope you haven’t been secretly hating me
too badly for not revealing these sources up front.

Giving you too much information up front could very easily stunt your growth. You
might not have tried certain companies to see if their materials are legit, or you may not
have read that article that you ran across while looking for something specific. You may
not have also written me to ask. Interacting with your teacher is a great opportunity to
get specific guidance for your specific needs—and to also make a friend. =)

Not sharing too much, too soon, also helps me to prevent you from feeling a little
overwhelmed. As I’m sure you’ve felt on occasion—looking up perfuming information
can be overwhelming. And finding out about an ingredient, or chancing across a recipe,
can immediately send us off trying to figure out how to pull all the materials together to
give something a try. And I’m sure you’ve also noticed how quickly this can drain your
bank account! Haha Holding off on giving you some of this information has been my
way of protecting you until you had a more rounded idea of what it takes to be a

I hope that your searching up to this point has been very fruitful, and I hope you will
forgive me for holding out! Now…I’d like to share a few resources with you.

If you happen to order from any of these folks, please do let them know that JK DeLapp
sent you their way!
In the US:

The Rising Phoenix Perfumery:

White Lotus Aromatics:
Eden Botanicals:
Liberty Natural:
African Aromatics:
The Perfumery:
The Essential Oil Company:
Prima Fleur:
Perfumer’s Apprentice:
**This company has Mixed Media…so make sure that what you’re looking at is the

For some rare Incence Materials: Mermade Magical Arts:

**Katlyn is a personal friend…tell her I said hello!

In France:

Floral Concepts:

Laboratoire Monique Remy:

In South East Asia:

Perfumer’s World (Bangkok):


My company, The Rising Phoenix Perfumery, ships internationally, and I am more than
willing to help get materials into your hands if you are having trouble acquiring them,
especially if you are in a distant corner of the globe.

Please contact me for assistance:

[email protected]

Animal Ingredients, Agarwood and Enfluerages

The Rising Phoenix Group (JK DeLapp’s company):

• Rare Enfluerages
• Agarwood
o Wide variety of regions, and incredibly rare vintage distillations
o Woods from a variety of regions for incense
o I also have access to many Vintage Distillations of Ouds/Agarwoods
• Ambergris
o Various grades, tinctures, and macerations
• Civet
• Hyraceum
• Deer Musk
• Castoreum
• *Vegetal Musks

**Please contact me directly to see what I have on hand at the moment

[email protected]
Amazing Articles and Recipes
Some fantastic Recipes and Perfume Formats:

African Plants: Scents, Tastes, and Medicine:

Aromatherapy Author and Educator, Robert Tisserand:

Perfume Blogs & Magazines

Basenotes: A phenomenal resource for researching just about any fragrance

Cafleurebon Perfume Blog:

Fragrantica: Perfumes and Colognes Magazine

Perfume & Flavor Magazine:

Now Smell This:

Bois de Jasmine: Perfume and Other Fragrant Pleasures

Perfume Shrine:

1000 Fragrances:

The Scented Salamander:
Yahoo Groups for Networking

I’d suggest hopping onto Yahoo Groups and searching for these two Groups. They are
a wonderful way for you to connect with boutique and hobbyist perfumers around the

Natural Perfumery
!For perfumers that use only Naturals

Perfume Making
!For perfumers that use Mixed Media (Naturals and Synthetics)…still lots to learn
from these folks. Even if you just sit and read…lots of tricks you can learn from
“chemist perfumers”. Plus…they’re incredibly nice people. =)

Be sure to join the Facebook Group on Facebook that I have created SPECIFICALLY
for students of the Aromatic Artistry Course.


Perfumed Jewelry



If you end up starting a small business, I’d suggest looking into joining the
Indie Beauty Network and also getting the insurance coverage available through them:

Getting Started Selling

Farmers Markets
Yoga Studios
Local Boutiques
Friends and Family!
Essential Oil Safety

The Bible on EO safety:

Robert Tisserand, Essential Oil Safety.

ISBN 0-443-05260-3

A comment from Robert Tisserand concerning EO’s and Pregnancy:

I do not like the idea that risk during the first trimester can be neatly separated from 2nd
/ 3rd. I think there will be a lot of surprises when Essential Oil Safety 2nd edition
comes out in September 2013, but for now let me just say that the risk of uterine
contractions/miscarriage from ANY essential oil is negligible, unless we are talking
about massive overdoses. Fetal damage is more of a risk generally, but again, if used in
sensible amounts (1-3% in face & body products) there's not much that can go wrong.
However, if you follow Multi-Level Marketing practices, and you are pregnant, you
may be putting your child's health at risk. Just sayin’...
Fragrances to Read About and Study
These are some perfume Houses that are commercial, but I personally Love. These are
great formulations to read about for ideas. Keep in mind that they all commercial
Houses employ synthetics, with varying levels of naturals. I specify below which houses
are Natural Perfumers, and will be free of synthetics.

Pay more attention to what the fragrance is about, and look into getting some samples
from online perfume emporiums.


Great descriptions found here at Lucky Scent:

Roja Parfums

Roja Dove was the first non-family member to represent Guerlain as their Global
Embassedor. He learned a LOT about classical perfumery, and his fragrances smell
very similar--if not even better--than many of the vintage classics that I have been
fortunate to smell.


A Natural Perfumer based in Italy. Incredibly nice man, as well—and I’m a fan of his
fragrances. Great stories and descriptions. Be sure to click on the English link at the
top so you can read his website.
Eva-Marie Lind

A Natural Perfumer based in Portland. Incredibly creative talent—and also quite a

nice woman.

You’d also love her Facebook Page: E.M. Arome

Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab

Most likely entirely synthetic, but their fantasy-inspired fragrances are a ton of fun to
read about, and a great source of inspiration.

Mandy Aftel

A Natural Perfumer based in Berkeley, CA, and original founder of the Natural
Perfumer’s Guild.

**She has many great fragrances, as well as selling various specialty materials for the
Natural Perfumer, including some Natural Isolates and rare Absolutes.

Anya McCoy

A Natural Perfumer based in Miami, FL, and the current President of the Natural
Perfumer’s Guild.
The Rising Phoenix Perfumery
This is my company that I started together with my brother, Kyle. I am a Natural
Perfumer who makes many Custom/Bespoke fragrances, as well as a multitude of other
natural perfumes. I also deal in rare materials, including Oud/Agarwood, Vintage
Distillations, Enfleurages, and the various traditional Animal Ingredients that have been
employed by Natural Perfumers since the Dawn of Time.

Please contact me to see what I have on hand, as the various fragrances that I make are
in constant flux, and I prefer to speak directly with my customers. =)

[email protected]

Perfume: The Alchemy of Scent. By Jean-Claude Ellena

Great review:


The Essence of Perfume. By Roja Dove

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