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Science 10

Learning Module
First Grading
Teacher: Analyn S. Autor
Contact Number: 09192427487

Name of Student: _____________________________________________________

Student’s Address: ____________________________________________________
Student’s Contact Number: _____________________________________________
Parent’s Contact Number_______________________________________________

Content Standards: The learner demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes,
earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges.
Performance Standards: The learners should be able to:
Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.
Suggest ways by which they can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanic eruptions.
Beneath us is a powerful force that shapes the very world we live in. the constant movement of continents and
oceans can be subtle and slow but it can also be violent and destructive, which can eventually have direct impact in our
There are seven major plates: North American Plate, South American plate, Pacific plate, African plate, Eurasian
plate, Australian-Indian plate, and Antarctic plate. There are also a number of smaller plates such as the Philippine plate
and several microplates.
Plate Tectonic Theory states that the surface crust of Earth is composed of large and small segment called
plates. This plates have the ability to move horizontally by gliding over the asthenosphere. As the plates collide with
each other at the plate boundaries subduction occurs, resulting to the occurrence of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes,
and mountain ranges.
Pangaea is a supercontinent that included all the landmasses of the earth before the Triassic period and that broke up
into Laurasia and Gondwana.
Tectonic Plate is the movement of the earth’s plate.
Two types of boundaries
Oceanic Plate is the earth’s crust in the ocean basins that is characterized by thin but dense lithosphere
Continental Plate this plate is thicker than the oceanic plate but less dense, composed of primarily of silica-alumina
material (granite).

Plate Boundaries are active regions between the tectonic plates.

Types of Plate Boundaries
 Divergent Plate Boundary (constructive plate margins) are areas where two plates are moving apart from each

 Convergent Plate Boundary (destructive plate margins) are areas where plates collide with each other, resulting
in the formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges to relieve the stress build up.

 Transform fault boundaries are areas where there is horizontal sliding between plates.
Activity 1.1

Answer the following questions:

What type of plate is Plate A? What about Plate B? Why do you say so?

1. Describe what happens to Plate A as it collides with Plate B? Why?

2. What do you think may happen to the leading edge of Plate A as it continues to move downward? Why?

3. What is formed on top of Plate B?

4. As the plates continue to grind against each other, what other geologic event could take place?
Activity 1.2
Based on the picture at the left, answer
the following:
1. What are the geologic
processes/events that will occur
because of this plate

2. What geologic features might

form at the surface of Plate A?

3. If the edge of Plate A suddenly

flicks upward, a large amount of
water may be displaced. What
could be formed at the surface
of the ocean?
Activities along the Plate Boundaries (Geologic Features)
Earthquakes are ground vibrations caused by the friction of moving plates.
Earthquakes occurs most frequently on narrow zones that are connected to form a continuous network
bounding regions that are seismically less active such as rift valleys, oceanic ridges, mountain belts, volcanic chains, and
deep ocean trenches.
Earthquakes are caused by the release of a massive amount of energy at Earth’s crust that allows seismic waves
to propagate along its surface. Earthquakes happen due to the tension put on the ground by the tectonic plates when
the latter gets jammed. As the strain develops, the rocks give way and fault lines are created.

Tsunamis is the displacement of large volumes of ocean water when submarine earthquake, volcanic eruption, or
landslide occurs.
Tsunamis is a Japanese word for “big wave in the port.” Tsunamis are generated when the ocean floor abruptly
deforms and vertically displaces the overlaying water. During an earthquake, seismic waves from earthquakes produce
powerful ocean waves that tend to be very deep with long distance between peaks.

Volcano are formed when the molten portion of the sub ducted plate rises up to the surface.
A volcanic eruption occurs when hot materials from the Earth’s interior are thrown out of a volcano. Lava, rocks,
dust, and gas compounds are some of these ejecta.
Some eruptions are terrible explosions that throw our huge amount of rock and volcanic ash and can kill many

Activity 1.3: Answer the following

What are plate boundaries?
What are the types of plate boundaries? Differentiate them by completing the following table.
Type of boundaries Relative Motion of the Plates Geologic Features

1. Describe the earth as a plane.


2. Explain the Plate Tectonic Theory.


Activity1.4 How a Tsunami Is Formed

Objective: Simulate how a tsunami is generated.

Materials: clear plastic box or basin
Rubber mallet or used book
1. Fill the clear plastic box or basin with half full water
2. Place the box/basin on the table
3. Using the rubber mallet/used book, strike the table top on the front edge.
4. Observe the water and measure the height of the waves that were formed.
5. Repeat the procedure several times. Strike the table on the front edge, then on the different sides.
6. Observe the water again and measure the height of the waves.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the connection of striking the table to tsunami?

2. What happens to the water as you strike the front edge and sides of the table?

3. What causes the formation of the tsunami?

Application: You are tasked to write an article about the danger of tsunami to people residing in coastal areas. How
would you explain when a tsunami usually starts and what can people dot to be sage when the tsunami approaches.
Category Description Perfect Score
Idea This paper is clear and focused it holds the reader’s attention. Relevant details and 5
quotes enrich the central theme.
Organization The organization enhance and showcase the central idea or theme. The order, 5
structure of information is convincing and moves the reader through the text.
Sentence Fluency The writing has an easy flow and rhythm. Sentences are well built with strong and 5
varied structure that invites expressive oral reading.
Conventions The writer demonstrates a good grasp of standard writing conventions(e.g., 5
spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar usage, paragraphing) and uses
conventions effectively to enhance readability
Presentation It is pleasing to the eye 5
Write your article here…

Performance Task:
The goal to launch a campaign that is focused on creating awareness and preparedness during geological events such as
earthquake, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.
In 2013, a total of 1,193 earthquakes with a magnitude ranging from 5-9.9 were recorded in the world history. The
quake in Bohol, which occurred on October 15 if the year, rank second place in terms of death toll. Some analysts state
that on factor that contributes to the number of fatalities during natural calamities is the lack of knowledge if disaster
preparedness among Filipinos.
Your task is to make a poster (use the blank sheet on next page) depicting the impacts of volcanic eruption in a province
or country of your choice. Using the space below, it is a must that you include the steps to be undertaken to ensure
preparedness during calamities such as earthquake, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.

How to be prepare during the calamities such as earthquake, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption?

Rubric for poster

Draw your poster here.

The Pangaea is a single giant land mass that was broken into several continents due to plate tectonics. Several
The following evidences were used by Wegener and other supporters of the Continental Drift Theory.
 Paleontological Evidence. There is striking of certain fossils found on the continents on both sides of the
Atlantic which is difficult to explain If the continents were not once connected as one.
 Evidence from Glaciation. Another evidence supporting the moving continents are the glacial till deposits in the
Southern Hemisphere. Considering the present positions of the continents, the till deposits indicate erratic
glacier motion, but when they were fitted together, like a jigsaw puzzle(see the picture above), continents
reveal a much more streamlined motion, of the glacier from Southern Africa and Northern Australia outward.
 Evidence from Structure and Rock Type. Along with the development of reliable world maps in the early 20 th
century, geographers noticed that the coastlines of several of the present-day continents would perfectly fit
together, particularly Africa and South America (see the picture above). They also noticed the presence of
various geologic features which sharply terminate at the coast of one continent and appear on the facing
continents across the Atlantic. Some good examples for this are the folded mountains of South Africa, which
appear to be a continuation of the range north of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
 Evidence from Paleoclimates. Paleoclimatology is the study of the extended climatic conditions of past geologic
ages. To prove the apparent shifting of climatic belts over time, Wegener reconstructed old climatic zones. He
used distribution of specific rock types to determine the distribution of climates in ancient times. For instance,
glacial till and striations indicate polar climate near the North and South Poles while sand dunes and coral reefs
represents desert and tropical climates, respectively. Moreover, scientists discovered great coal deposits in
Antarctica that could prove that fauna and flora have abundantly dominated the now iced part of the plane.

Internal Structure of Earth

Earth is composed of several layers: the crust, mantle, and core. Temperature gradually increases with depth in
our planet’s interior. Heat coming from the core produces a convection current, which the exhibits a Dynamo Effect that
produces Earth’s magnetic field.

Activity 1.5 Hard-boiled Earth

Materials: Hard boil egg, marker, plate, and knife
1. Hard boil a large-sized chicken egg.
2. Place the egg on top of a plate then tap it lightly in different places to produce cracks of various lengths and
3. Using the marker, color the entire egg, making sure that the cracks will become visible once stroked with the
4. Gently squeeze the egg until some parts of the shell finally breaks up.
5. Without removing the shell, cut the egg into half. Observe the different layers present inside the egg.
Think this over:
1. What do the egg, the pieces of shell, and the cracks in the shell represent?

2. Illustrate a cross-section of the egg when cut into half

3. Compare and contrast the cross-section of the egg with that of the layers of earth.

4. Aside from eggs, what other materials do you think can be used to represent the structures of Earth? List at least

Mechanism of Plate Tectonics

Mantle Convection Theory. This type of heat transfer is usually observed among fluid molecules (gas or liquid).
Fluid expand and become less dense when heated. In effect, the less-dense fluid rises away from the source. As it rises,
it pulls cool fluid down to replace it. As the “pulled” fluid becomes heated, it also rises and pulls down more cool fluid,
creating a cycle that stops only when the heat is evenly distributed throughout the fluid.

Sab Pull Theory. This theory states that the gravity and the plates themselves are the ones responsible for the plate
tectonics through subduction process. As the slab is pulled down into the mantle, it drags the rest of the plate along
with it, causing tectonic plate movement. A very dense slab will sink faster than the less-dense slab because of the
gravitation pull and will exert greater force on the plate attached to it.

Activity 1.6 Answer the following

1. What are the evidence that tectonic plates are constantly moving?

2. How would you explain the mechanism behind the movement of the plates?

3. Most of the interactions between tectonic plates occur along the plate boundaries. What are some of the
surface manifestation of these interactions and how do these interaction affect us?

At some point, you may find yourselves standing at a mountains’ peak. Appreciate
the scenery and the achievement, because not everybody immediately reaches the
summit. After the success, you may hit deserts with no water to drink. As your body
begins to dehydrate because of heat, your faith night erode that you begin to walk in
a slower pace. Should you reach this point in your life, do not give up. Never allow
erosional forces to challenge your faith. Continue your journey because it is
possible that an oasis exists amid the hot desert- a magnificent reward that you will
only experience if you have the courage to take more steps ahead no matter how
physically weak you were.

God has plans for all of us, and the path He has prepared is worthwhile. Enjoy the
landforms. They vary because God does not want us to live a monotonous

Thank you for choosing Matutum View Academy

Stay safe.

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