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Hilado et.

al vs CA and Benedicto, GR 164108 (2009)

Nature: Estate Proceeding
Facts: Roberto Benedicto died intestate on May 15, 2000. He was survived by his wife, Julita
Benedicto (administratrix) and only daughter, Francisca Benedicto Paulino. At the time of his
death, there were 2 pending civil cases against him involving the petitioners. Both cases were
pending in Branch 44 Bacolod RTC.
Julita filed with the RTC a petition for administration and this was granted, along with the petition
was the acknowledgment that the assets were P5M net of liabilities. In the inventory of
properties, were included the liabilities in the pending cases, P136m and P35m.
Petitioners filed a motion in the Manila RTC praying that they be furnished with copies of all
processes and orders pertaining to the intestate proceedings and alleging lapses on the part of
private respondent in her administration of the estate, and assailing the inventory that had been
submitted thus far as unverified, incomplete and inaccurate.. This was opposed by Julita,
disputing that petitioners had not personality to intervene in the intestate proceedings of her
The RTC denied the motion on the ground that petitioners were not interested parties within the
ROC to intervene. The CA dismissed, stating that the claims of petitioners against the decedent
were in fact contingent or expectant, as these were still pending litigation in separate
proceedings before other courts.
Petitioners sought three specific reliefs that were denied by the courts a quo. First, they prayed
that they be furnished "copies of all processes and orders issued" by the intestate court as well
as the pleadings filed by administratrix with the said court.
Second, they prayed that the intestate court set a deadline for the submission by administratrix
Benedicto to submit a verified and complete inventory of the estate, and upon submission
thereof, order the inheritance tax appraisers of the Bureau of Internal Revenue to assist in the
appraisal of the fair market value of the same.
Third, petitioners moved that the intestate court set a deadline for the submission by the
administrator of her verified annual account, and, upon submission thereof, set the date for her
examination under oath with respect thereto, with due notice to them and other parties
interested in the collation, preservation and disposition of the estate.
Issue: 1. WON Petitioners are intervenors under the Rules of Special Proceedings? (No, their
claims are merely contigent)
1.1 What are the nature of the claims of petitioners? (Civil claims based on Torts, it
cannot be filed against the estate)
2. WON Petitioners are interested persons in the estate proceedings. (Yes)
2.1 What are the extent of their participation? (They are not entitled to seek certain
reliefs and prayers from the court but they are entitled to view the records of the intestate
3. WON a person whose claim is contingent can motion the court to order an administrator to
perform their duties. (No, the remedy is to challenge the capacity of the administrator)
Ruling: 1. By the rule on intervention, Section 1 of Rule 19 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
requires that an intervenor "has a legal interest in the matter in litigation, or in the success of
either of the parties, or an interest against both, or is so situated as to be adversely affected by
a distribution or other disposition of property in the custody of the court x x x"
While the language of Section 1, Rule 19 does not literally preclude petitioners from intervening
in the intestate proceedings, case law has consistently held that the legal interest required
of an intervenor "must be actual and material, direct and immediate, and not simply
contingent and expectant.
The settlement of estates fall within the rules of special proceedings. Section 2, Rule 72
however provides that "[i]n the absence of special provisions, the rules provided for in ordinary
actions shall be, as far as practicable, applicable to special proceedings.”

Notwithstanding Section 2 of Rule 72, intervention as set forth under Rule 19 does not extend to
creditors of a decedent whose credit is based on a contingent claim. The definition of
"intervention" under Rule 19 simply does not accommodate contingent claims.

1.1 The claims against Benedicto were based on tort, civil actions for tort or do not fall within the
class of claims to be filed under the notice to creditors required under Rule 86. Had the claims
been based on contract, then they should have filed their claim, even if contingent, under the
aegis of the notice to creditors to be issued by the court immediately after granting letters of
administration and published by the administrator immediately after the issuance of such notice.

These actions, being as they are civil, survive the death of the decedent and may be
commenced against the administrator pursuant to Section 1, Rule 87. The merits of petitioners’
claims against Benedicto are to be settled in the civil cases where they were raised, and not in
the intestate proceedings. In the event the claims for damages of petitioners are granted, they
would have the right to enforce the judgment against the estate.

2. In the special proceeding for the settlement of the estate of a deceased person, persons not
heirs, intervening therein to protect their interests are allowed to do so to protect the same, but
not for a decision on their action.

Section 1, Rule 88, of the Rules of Court, expressly provides that "action to recover real or
personal property from the estate or to enforce a lien thereon, and actions to recover damages
for an injury to person or property, real or personal, may be commenced against the executor or

Petitioners’ interests in the estate may be inchoate interests, but they are viable interests
nonetheless. The Rules of Special Proceedings allows not just creditors, but also "any person
interested" or "persons interested in the estate" various specified capacities to protect their
respective interests in the estate.

The Rules on Special Proceedings do not provide a creditor or any person interested in the
estate, the right to participate in every aspect of the testate or intestate proceedings, but instead
provides for specific instances when such persons may accordingly act in those proceedings,
we deem that while there is no general right to intervene on the part of the petitioners, they may
be allowed to seek certain prayers or reliefs from the intestate court not explicitly provided for
under the Rules, if the prayer or relief sought is necessary to protect their interest in the estate,
and there is no other modality under the Rules by which such interests can be protected.

In Hilado v. Judge Reyes, Section 2 of Rule 135 came to fore, the provision stating that "the
records of every court of justice shall be public records and shall be available for the inspection
of any interested person x x x." The Court ruled that petitioners were "interested persons"
entitled to access the court records in the intestate proceedings.

The main purpose for accessing the records to—monitor prompt compliance with the Rules
governing the preservation and proper disposition of the assets of the estate for, as the plaintiffs
in the complaints for sum of money against Benedicto, et al., they have an interest over the
outcome of the settlement of his estate. They are in fact "interested persons" under Rule 135,
Sec. 2 of the Rules of Court x x x

2.1 Allowing creditors, contingent or otherwise, access to the records of the intestate
proceedings is an eminently preferable precedent than mandating the service of court
processes and pleadings upon them. There are nonetheless instances that the Rules on Special
Proceedings do require notice to any or all "interested parties".

(1) Sec. 10, Rule 85 in reference to the time and place of examining and allowing the account of
the executor or administrator;
(2) Sec. 7(b) of Rule 89 concerning the petition to authorize the executor or administrator to sell
personal estate, or to sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber real estates; and;
(3) Sec. 1, Rule 90 regarding the hearing for the application for an order for distribution of the
estate residue. After all, even the administratrix has acknowledged in her submitted inventory,
the existence of the pending cases filed by the petitioners.

3. There are reliefs available to compel an administrator to perform either duty, but a person
whose claim against the estate is still contingent is not the party entitled to do so.

Section 1 of Rule 83 requires the administrator to return to the court a true inventory and
appraisal of all the real and personal estate of the deceased within 3 months from appointment,
while Section 8 of Rule 85 requires the administrator to render an account of his administration
within 1 year from receipt of the letters testamentary or of administration.

Even if the administrator did delay in the performance of these duties in the context of
dissipating the assets of the estate, there are protections enforced and available under Rule 88
to protect the interests of those with contingent claims against the estate.

Concerning complaints against the general competence of the administrator, the proper remedy
is to seek the removal of the administrator in accordance with Section 2, Rule 82. While the
provision is silent as to who may seek with the court the removal of the administrator, we do not
doubt that a creditor, even a contingent one, would have the personality to seek such relief.
After all, the interest of the creditor in the estate relates to the preservation of sufficient assets to
answer for the debt, and the general competence or good faith of the administrator is necessary
to fulfill such purpose.

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