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Philippine Constitution Midterm Examination

1. The Republic of the Philippines is a Federal State.

2. The competence of administrative authorities who executes the law is
determined by the Constitutional Law.
3. The Political Law defines the relations of the State with the inhabitants
of its territory.
4. The Philippines renounces an aggressive war because of its membership in the
United Nations.
5. The legislative branch of the Philippines belongs to the Senate.
6. In a Democratic State, the individual enjoys certain right which cannot be modified or
taken away by the lawmaking body.
7. Tax is any civil obligation arising from a contract.
8. A penalty is not degrading even if it exposes a person to public humiliation.
9. The Philippines is a country where there is separation of the state and church.
10. Arrest of a person can only be made with the presence of a search warrant.
11. The Territory of the Philippines is only composed of the Philippine Archipelago only.
12. Policies are binding rules which must be observed in the conduct of the government.
13. Under the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine evidence obtained from illegal arrest,
or seizure is not admissible in the court of law.
14. The rights of a person under custodial investigation includes the right
to have his own lawyer preferably of his own choice.
15. The warrant of arrest is always essential before arresting a person in
a public and private place.


I. Choose the letter of the BEST ANSWER.

1. Which of the following is not a provision of Section 15 of the Philippine State Policies?
a. Free and accessible health care
b. Health consciousness for people
c. The use of marijuana for medical purposes
d. Affordable medicines
2. In the Civilian supremacy clause, who are the protector of people and the State?
a. Police and Military Officers
b. The President

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c. The people themselves
d. The entire Armed Forces Unit
3. Which State Policy grants the participation of women in the political activities of the country?
a. Section 10
b. Section 14
c. Section 21
d. Section 26
4. Which State Policy mandates the government to be transparent with its transactions without
demand from individual citizens?
a. Section 13
b. Section 16
c. Section 24
d. Section 28

5. The following are examples of Statutory rights except one:

a. The rights to receive minimum wage
b. The rights to adopt a child
c. The right to preliminary investigation
d. Freedom of speech
6. The following are inherent powers of the government except one:
a. Subject criminals to torture punishments
b. Take private property to public use with proper compensation
c. Promote public welfare by restraining the use of liberty and property
d. Demand proportionate share of tax from the members of the society
7. Which of the following is the introductory part of a constitution or statute that usually states the
reasons for and intent of the law?
a. Political Law
b. Preamble
c. Governance
d. Political Science
8. Which of the following describes the authority of a state to govern itself?
a. Freedom
b. Sovereignty
c. National Territory
d. Constitutional Rights
9. Which of the following set of crimes in the Philippines is not punishable of reclusion perpetua
or lifetime imprisonment?
a. Theft
b. Piracy and Mutiny

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c. Rape
d. Murder
10. These are rights which municipal law will enforce at the instance of private individuals for the
purpose of securing them the enjoyment of their means of happiness.
a. Natural Rights
b. Political Rights
c. Civil Rights
d. Social and Economic Rights




a. Natural Rights and Constitutional Rights

b. State Policies and Bill of Rights


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BEING ASKED. (40 points)

1. Mayor Toby Pen was arrested 46 days after the commission of the alleged rape, etc. against
Green Candy. He was arrested before warrants were issued. Was the arrest valid? Why?

2. The police had suspicions that Black Angel, member of the subversive New Proletarian Army,
was using the mail for propaganda purposes in gaining new adherents to its cause. The Chief
of Police of La Trinidad, ordered the Postmaster of the town to intercept and open all mail
addressed to and coming from Black Angel in the interest of the national security. Was the
order of the Chief of police valid?

3. GBC Broadcasting Co. was required by the MTRCB to submit to it for review the video tapes
for its programs. The MTRCB disapproved the tapes on the ground that they attacked the
Catholic religion. The GBC Broadcasting Co. contended that requiring it to submit videotapes
for review by the Board violated freedom of speech. Was there a violation of GBC’s freedom of
speech? Why?

4. Children who are members of a religious sect Jehovah’s witnesses have been expelled from
their respective public schools for refusing, on account of their religious beliefs, to take part in
the flag ceremony which includes singing the national anthem, saluting the Philippine flag and
reciting the patriotic pledge. The students and their parents assail the expulsion on the ground
that the school authorities have acted in violation of their right to free public education, freedom
of speech, and religious freedom and worship. Was there a violation of their religious freedom?

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5. Kris Juan Kris Juan contracted Hansen’s disease (leprosy) with open lesions. A law requires
that lepers be isolated upon petition of the City Health Officer. The wife of Kris Juan wrote a
letter to the City Health Officer to have her formerly philandering husband confined in some
isolated leprosarium. Kris Juan challenged the constitutionality of the law as violating his liberty
of abode. Was there a violation of his liberty of abode? Explain

6. Ten public school teachers of La Trinidad left their classrooms to join a strike, which lasted for
one month, to ask for teachers' benefits. DepEd charged them administratively. The teachers
contented that their strike was an exercise of their constitutional right to peaceful assembly and
to petition the government for redress of grievances. Are the teachers correct? Why?

7. A driver was caught violating traffic regulations and appears to be drunk. Can he be compelled
by the police to take a breathalyzer test as it violates his right against self-incrimination? Why

8. Melanie, a fraud contracted a Php150,00.00 loan from her friend for her wedding day. She
failed to pay her debt on the scheduled date of settlement. Can she be imprisoned for her non-
payment of her debt? Explain


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