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John Michaloudis is a Microsoft MVP and the Founder of and lives in Spain (Vitoria) with his wife and two
beautiful kids. He graduated from La Trobe University (Melbourne)
with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Major in Accounting) and
speaks English/Australian, Greek, Spanish & Excel! In 2001 he started
his career as an Accountant & Financial Controller in various big
corporates such as Avon Cosmetics & General Electric. In 2014 he
founded, where he passionately teaches
thousands of professionals how to use Excel to stand out from the
crowd via his blog tutorials, podcasts, webinars and flagship online
course – The MyExcelOnline Academy!

Bryan Hong is the Content Manager of He lives

in the Philippines and is married to his wonderful wife Esther. He has
a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and is a Microsoft Certified
Systems Engineer with over 10 years of IT and teaching experience.
He has a gift for taking complex Excel topics and making them simple
to understand, whether it be Formulas, Macros, Power Query, Power
BI, Pivot Tables or Charts!

101 EXCEL BOOK SERIES ................................................................................. 2
MYEXCELONLINE ACADEMY COURSE ........................................................ 3
EXCEL EXPERT CONSULTATIONS................................................................. 4
COPYRIGHT .......................................................................................................... 5
SPECIAL SALES..................................................................................................... 5
CONNECT WITH US ............................................................................................ 5
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 6
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... 7
HOW TO USE THIS E-BOOK.......................................................................... 12
EXCEL TIPS ......................................................................................................... 13
Why Excel? ..............................................................................................................14
Excel 2019 VS Office 365 ........................................................................................39
What Excel Version Do I Have?.................................................................................44
10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks ........................................................................49
3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users ....................................................................59
333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac .......................................................................65
AutoRecover in Excel...............................................................................................81
Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel ........................................................................84
Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel .....................................................................106
Excel Sheet Navigator............................................................................................109
Fill From 1 to 10,000 ............................................................................................111
Fill Handle Tips .....................................................................................................113
Insert a Watermark ................................................................................................119
Macros: How to Use Macros ..................................................................................124
Macros: Enabling VBA in Excel ...............................................................................132
Macros: Insert Button to Run a Macro ....................................................................134
Quick Access Toolbar ............................................................................................138
Status Bar Metrics .................................................................................................141

Synchronous Scrolling ...........................................................................................143

FORMATTING AND LAYOUT ..................................................................... 146

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel ...................................................................148
Add Custom Symbols With Numbers .....................................................................162
Clear a #REF! Error in Excel ...................................................................................175
Conditional Formatting: Adding to Pivot Tables.....................................................184
Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value .....................................................................188
Conditional Formatting: Data Bars, Color Scales & Icon Sets ..................................193
Conditional Formatting: Drop Down List ...............................................................197
Conditional Formatting: Pivot Table With Data Bars ...............................................202
Custom Date Formats in Excel...............................................................................206
Custom Number Formats in Excel .........................................................................209
Find Blank Cells In Excel With A Color ...................................................................212
Fill Justify Tool ......................................................................................................216
Format Cells: Special Numbers ..............................................................................218
Format Painter Multiple Cells.................................................................................221
Freeze Panes in Excel ............................................................................................224
Highlight All Excel Formula Cells ...........................................................................228
Lock Cells in Excel ................................................................................................231
Lock & Protect Formula Cells .................................................................................236
Make Negative Red Numbers In Excel ....................................................................239
Number Format - Thousands & Millions.................................................................241
Replace a Format with Another Format ..................................................................255
Split Name Using Text to Columns ........................................................................259
Text to Columns - Emails ......................................................................................262
Turn Text Dates To Excel Dates ............................................................................267
Turn Text To Values With Paste Special .................................................................270
Unhide Columns in Excel.......................................................................................274

FORMULA TIPS ............................................................................................... 276
Add Leading Zeros in Excel ...................................................................................277
Check Your Math with F9 ......................................................................................285
Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in Excel ................................................................289
Fill Down Formulas ...............................................................................................293
Find the Best Formula ...........................................................................................295
Remove Formulas in Excel .....................................................................................298
Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces .....................................................................300
Separate Formula into Rows ..................................................................................303
Show & Hide Formulas in Excel .............................................................................305
Vlookup in an Excel Table .....................................................................................307
XLOOKUP Function in Excel ...................................................................................310

TABLE AND PIVOT TABLE TIPS ................................................................ 330

Excel Tables: Autofill Formulas .............................................................................332
Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists ..............................................................334
Excel Tables: Drop Down List with Data Validation ................................................340
Excel Tables: Drop Down Menu .............................................................................342
Excel Tables: Dynamic Data List ............................................................................345
Excel Tables: Dynamic Data Validation List ............................................................349
Excel Tables: Extra Styles ......................................................................................353
Excel Tables: Filter & Search ..................................................................................356
Excel Tables: Filter Unique Records .......................................................................360
Excel Tables: Go to Blanks ....................................................................................363
Excel Tables: Headers Show in Columns ................................................................367
Excel Tables: How to Insert ...................................................................................369
Excel Tables: Remove Duplicates...........................................................................371
Excel Tables: Row Differences ...............................................................................373
Excel Tables: Slicers ..............................................................................................377
Excel Tables: Styles ...............................................................................................380
Excel Tables: Subtotal Feature ...............................................................................384
Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals........................................................388
Excel Tables: Total Row Calculations .....................................................................394

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot Tables ............................................397
Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships ...........................................................405
Pivot Tables: Distinct Count ..................................................................................411
Pivot Tables: Filter by Dates ..................................................................................415
Pivot Tables: Filter Top 5 Customers .....................................................................418
Pivot Tables: Icon Sets...........................................................................................421
Pivot Tables: Show Report Filter Pages ..................................................................428
Pivot Tables: Sorting a Pivot Table .........................................................................431

WORKING WITH DATA ................................................................................ 435

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips ..............................................................................437
Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar ................................................................462
Autosum an Array of Data in Excel ........................................................................473
Change & Convert UK Dates to US .........................................................................475
Charts: Change the Axis Units ...............................................................................479
Charts: Copying and Moving Charts ......................................................................482
Charts: Logarithmic Scale ......................................................................................484
Charts: Save Templates .........................................................................................488
Consolidate Tool in Excel ......................................................................................490
Convert Text to Speech .........................................................................................493
Copy The Cell Above In Excel ................................................................................498
Create a Named Range in Excel .............................................................................502
Excel Filter by Selection.........................................................................................506
Excel Paste Special: A Values Multiplier .................................................................510
Excel Paste Special: Add Values To a Range ...........................................................513
Find & Replace ......................................................................................................516
Find & Highlight Duplicates in Excel ......................................................................519
Find Errors with Go to Special Constants ...............................................................521
Flash Fill: How to Use In Excel ...............................................................................524
Flash Fill: Add Hyphens To Serial Numbers ............................................................528
Flash Fill: Convert Values to Dates ........................................................................531
Flash Fill: Extract Numbers ....................................................................................534
Flash Fill: Fix Incorrect Formatting ........................................................................537

Group Worksheets in Excel ....................................................................................540
How To Create A Custom List In Excel ...................................................................543
Hyperlinks: Buttons ...............................................................................................549
Hyperlinks: Fix Links to a Named Range ................................................................559
In-Cell Bar Charts with the REPT Function ..............................................................563
Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Sheets .............................................................565
Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks ......................................................571
Power Query: Unpivot Data....................................................................................583
Quick Reports With Excel Custom Views ................................................................586
Smart Lookup in Excel...........................................................................................590
Sparklines: Column ...............................................................................................592
Sparklines: Lines ...................................................................................................594
Sparklines: Win or Loss .........................................................................................596
Use Autocorrect to Input Complex Text ................................................................599
Use Goal Seek To Find Formula Result ...................................................................603
Use Goal Seek To Meet Your Profit Goal ................................................................606
Use Windings Symbols in Excel .............................................................................609
View Multiple Worksheets in Excel .........................................................................614

Go back to Getting Started Go to Table of Contents


Excel as a tool gets better everyday with new features being
released. That means many more tips to unearth and learn! Adding
these top Excel tips to your Excel toolbox will make you stand out
from your peers and help you accomplish more in a shorter time. It
will also turn you into an Excel guru, so watch out!

To get the most value out of this book, please download the
workbooks below and practice the 101 Excel Tips in this eBook.
Then follow our step by step guide.

Make mistakes! That is fine. You may not get it the first time around
(we certainly didn’t) but when you do, you will be a step closer to
Excel stardom!

Here is the download link that has all the workbooks covered in
this eBook. We are using Microsoft Office 365 for the majority of
this eBook as this has all the latest features.

The Table of Contents (pages 7-11) is interactive & will take you to
an Excel Tip within this eBook with a mouse click! You can also click
on the Header of each page to go back to the Table of Contents or
the start of each Excel Tip Section.Read on and enjoy what the
world of Excel has to offer.

Go back to Excel Tips Go to Table of Contents

Why Excel? ................................................................................. 14
Excel 2019 VS Office 365 ........................................................... 39
What Excel Version Do I Have? .................................................... 44
10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks ........................................... 49
3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users ....................................... 59
333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac ........................................... 65
AutoRecover in Excel .................................................................. 81
Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel ........................................... 84
Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel......................................... 106
Excel Sheet Navigator ............................................................... 109
Fill From 1 to 10,000 ............................................................... 111
Fill Handle Tips ........................................................................ 113
Insert a Watermark ................................................................... 119
Macros: How to Use Macros ...................................................... 124
Macros: Enabling VBA in Excel .................................................. 132
Macros: Insert Button to Run a Macro ....................................... 134
Quick Access Toolbar ............................................................... 138
Status Bar Metrics..................................................................... 141
Synchronous Scrolling .............................................................. 143

Go back to Excel Tips Go to Table of Contents

Why Excel?
Microsoft Excel is a very powerful software application which was
developed by Microsoft in 1985 and is used by over 800 million
users worldwide and more than 95% of users don’t know its full
capabilities and true power.

An Excel Spreadsheet is the go-to software to analyze, sort, or

create financial presentations with key business insights.

It is widely used by organizations for calculating, accounting,

preparing charts, budgeting, project management, and various
other tasks. The different uses of an Excel spreadsheet are in fact

Let us quickly go over the basics of using Excel.

Opening an Excel Spreadsheet

To open an Excel Spreadsheet, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Click on the Window icon on the left side of the Taskbar and
then scroll below to find “Excel”.

Why Excel? 14 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: You can either click on the “Blank Workbook” button to

open a blank Excel spreadsheet or select from the list of pre-
existing templates provided by Excel.

To open an existing Excel spreadsheet, click on the “Open Other

Workbooks” and select the Excel sheet you want to work on.

Why Excel? 15 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: An Excel spreadsheet is now opened and you are ready to

explore the wonderful world of Excel.

Understanding the Different Elements of an Excel

To explore the different ways on using Excel you should be familiar
with the different elements of Excel first.

Excel Workbook and Excel Worksheet are often used

interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. An Excel
Workbook is an Excel file with the extension ".xlsx" or ".xls" whereas
an Excel Worksheet is a single sheet inside the Workbook.
Worksheets appear as tabs along the bottom of the screen.

Why Excel? 16 EXCEL TIPS

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Now that you are clear about these two terms, let's move
forward and understand the layout of an Excel Spreadsheet. It
is a crucial step if you want to know how to use Excel

Why Excel? 17 EXCEL TIPS

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Excel Ribbon
The Excel Ribbon is located at the top of the Excel Spreadsheet and
just below the title bar or name of the worksheet. It comprises
various tabs including Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data,
etc. Each tab contains a specific set of commands.

We are using Microsoft 365 for the majority of this book.

By default, each Excel spreadsheet contains the following Tabs -

File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, and

• File Tab can be used to Open a new or existing file, Save,

Print, Share/Export/Publish a file, see your Account details,
give Feedback and customize Excel with its various Options

• Home Tab can be used to copy, cut, or paste cells, format data
with Fonts, Alignment, Number, Styles, Conditional Formatting,
Excel Tables, Cells, Sort & Filter, Find & Select and Analyze
Data with Ideas.

• Insert Tab can be used to insert Pivot Tables, Tables, Pictures,

Illustrations, Charts, Maps, Pivot Charts, Sparklines, Links, Text
Boxes, Word Art and Symbols.

• Page Layout Tab can be used to prepare the Excel

spreadsheet for printing and exporting data. You can change
the Theme, Marin, Orientation, Size, Print Area, and the

Why Excel? 18 EXCEL TIPS

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• Formula Tab in Excel can be used to insert a Function, define

Names, and has tools to audit Formulas.

• Data Tab can be used to Get Data from different sources,

Manage Queries, Sort & Filter, Remove Duplicates, Data
Validation, Convert Text to Columns, and perform Forecasting.

• Review Tab can be used to Insert Comments, Protect the

Workbook, Check Spelling, Track Changes, and perform

• View Tab can be used to change the view of the Excel Sheets
and make it easy to view the data. You can also Zoom In, Out
and Freeze Panes.

You should be familiar with these tabs so you can understand how
to use Excel efficiently. You can even customize these Tabs using
the following steps:

STEP 1: Right-click on the ribbon and click on “Customize the


Why Excel? 19 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: An Excel Options dialog box will open, click on the New

STEP 3: Select that newly created tab and click on Rename and give
it a name e.g. Custom and then press OK

Why Excel? 20 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 4: Now you can add the command(s) that you want to this
newly created Tab by simply clicking on a command from the
Popular Commands drop down and click on Add >> and then press

This will create a New Tab called "Custom" with a popular command

Under each Tab, there are various buttons grouped together. For
Example - Under the Home Tab, all font-related buttons are bundled
together under the Group name “Font”.

Why Excel? 21 EXCEL TIPS

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You can access other features related to that group by clicking on

the small arrow at the bottom right hand corner of each Group.
Once you click on that arrow, a dialog box will open up and you can
make further edits.

There is also a search bar available next to the tabs which was
introduced in Excel 2019 and Office 365. You can type the feature
that you are after and Excel will find it for you.

Why Excel? 22 EXCEL TIPS

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You can also collapse the ribbon to provide extra space in the
worksheet by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F1 or by right-
clicking anywhere on the ribbon and then clicking “Collapse the

This will collapse and hide the Ribbon! Press Ctrl + F1 to show the
ribbon again.

Why Excel? 23 EXCEL TIPS

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Formula Bar
Excel's Formula bar is the area just below the Excel Ribbon. It
contains two parts - on the left is the name box (it stores the cell
address) and on the right is the contents of the currently selected
cell. It is used to type values, text or an Excel formula or function.

You can hide or unhide the formula bar by checking/unchecking

“Formula Bar” under the View Tab.

You can also expand the formula bar if you have a large formula and
its contents are not entirely visible. Click on the small arrow at the
end of the formula bar and it will be expanded.

Why Excel? 24 EXCEL TIPS

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The expanded formula bar:

Working with Worksheets

At the bottom left hand corner of the worksheet, all the Excel
worksheets are shown. You can access an Excel sheet by simply
clicking on it.

To add more Excel sheets, click on the “+” sign next to a Sheet
which will add a new blank Excel Sheet.

You can reorder the Excel sheets in your workbook by dragging

them to a new location with your left mouse button.

You can also rename each Excel sheet by Right Clicking on a Sheet
Name > Click on Rename > Type the Name > Press Enter.

Why Excel? 25 EXCEL TIPS

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At the bottom right of the Excel spreadsheet, you can quickly zoom
the document by using the minus and plus symbols. To zoom to a
specific percentage, in the ribbon menu go to the View tab > Click
Zoom > Click on the specific percentage or type in your custom
% > Click OK.

There are different Excel workbook views available at the left of the
zoom control: Normal View, Page Break View, and Page Layout
View. You can select the view as per your choice.

Why Excel? 26 EXCEL TIPS

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Cell & Excel Spreadsheet Basics

Any information including text, number, or an Excel formula can be
inserted within a Cell. Letters are used to label Columns and
numbers are used to label Rows.

An intersection of a Row and Column is called a Cell. In the image

below, cell C4 is the intersection of Row 4 and Column C.

You can refer to a series of cells as a range by putting a colon

between the first and last cells within the range. For example, the
reference to the range starting from A1 to C10 will be A1:
C10. This is great when you are using an Excel formula.

You can also select a range of cells by left clicking on the mouse
and scrolling down/up/left/right.

Why Excel? 27 EXCEL TIPS

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Now that you are familiar with the different elements in an

Excel Spreadsheet, let's show you how to use Excel to enter
data and do some calculations!

Entering Data in an Excel Spreadsheet

Follow this step -by-step tutorial on how to use excel to enter data

STEP 1: Click the cell you want to enter data into. For Example, lets
enter some sales data, so click on A1

Why Excel? 28 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Type what you want to add, say, Date. You will see that the
same data will be visible on the Formula Bar as well.

STEP 3: Press Enter. This will store the written data on the selected
cell and move the selection to the next available cell, which is A2 in
this example

Why Excel? 29 EXCEL TIPS

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To make any changes in the cell, simply click on it and make the

You can copy (Ctrl + C), Cut (Ctrl + X) any data from one Excel
worksheet and paste it (Ctrl + V) to the same or another Excel

Basic Calculations in an Excel Spreadsheet

Now that you have understood how to use Excel to enter data, let’s
do some calculations on the data. Let's say you want to add two
numbers: 4 and 5 in the Excel spreadsheet.

Follow the steps below on how to use Excel to add two numbers:

Why Excel? 30 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: Start with the = sign to tell Excel that you are ready to enter
a calculation.

STEP 2: Type number 4.

STEP 3: Type the + symbol to add

Why Excel? 31 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 4: Type the number 5

STEP 5: Press Enter.

You will see the result 9 is displayed in the cell A1 and the formula
is still displayed in the formula bar.

Let’s try to use a cell reference to make calculations.

In the example below, you have Column A that contains the number
of products sold and Column B that contains the price per product
and you need to calculate the total amount in Column C.

Why Excel? 32 EXCEL TIPS

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To calculate the total amount, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select cell C2

STEP 2: Type = to start the formula

Why Excel? 33 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Select cell A2 with your mouse cursor or by using the left
arrow key to go left 2 cells.

STEP 4: Type the multiplication sign *

Why Excel? 34 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 5: Select cell B2 with your mouse or using the left keyboard

STEP 6: Press Enter and you will see the result

Why Excel? 35 EXCEL TIPS

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You can use various calculation operators, such as Arithmetic,

Comparison, Text Concatenation and Reference operators that will
be useful for you to have a clear and complete idea on how to use

Saving an Excel Spreadsheet

To save your work in Excel, click on the Save button on the Quick
Access Toolbar or press Ctrl + S.

If you are trying to save a file for the first time, then follow these

STEP 1: Press Ctrl + Shift +S or Click on the “Save As” button under
the File tab.

Why Excel? 36 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Click on “Browse” and choose the location on your desktop

where you want to save the file. You can also save it on the cloud
using OneDrive.

STEP 3: In the File name box, enter a name for your new Excel

Why Excel? 37 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 4: Click Save

Excel is a completely unexplored & exciting world for you right now
and you are going to learn so much along your journey.

My advice is to take baby steps, learn how to use one Excel feature,
apply it to your data, make mistakes and keep on practicing!

Follow through with the Excel Tips in this book and your Excel
confidence will skyrocket!

Now it’s time to explore the various Excel tips…

Why Excel? 38 EXCEL TIPS

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Excel 2019 VS Office 365

Ever wondered what is the difference between Excel 2019 and

Office 365? Look no further as we will give you a detailed
comparison on Excel 2019 VS Office 365!

We will be using Excel 2019 and Office 2019 interchangeably as

they pertain to the entire package.

First things first, what is the main difference between the two?

If you purchase Office 2019, this is a perpetual license wherein

you pay once and you own it forever.

Office 365 on the other hand is subscription-based, you either pay

a monthly fee or annual fee to keep on using it.

On paper, the own-it-forever sounds better right? But there is more

than meets the eye, keep on reading!

Excel 2019 VS Office 365 39 EXCEL TIPS

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Cost Comparison
Let us have a look first from a cost standpoint, here's a table that
compares the subscription based Office 365 versus the perpetual
Office 2019:

Office 365 has two offerings:

Office 365 Home allows you to have 6 users maximum just for
$99.99 a year

Office 365 Personal allows for 1 user for $69.99 a year

Which means if you have at least 2 users, then Office 365 Home
becomes a better deal instantly as compared to Office 365

For Office 2019, we are making the assumption that the software
has 3 years of ownership, before you upgrade your software to the
newer version. This allows us to compute to a cost of $50.00 a year.

And if you see the inclusions, there are more Office Applications
included in the Office 365 package. (e.g., Outlook, Publisher,
Access, OneDrive, Skype).

So from a cost perspective, Office 365 Home is the better deal,

assuming you have at least 2 users (up to a maximum of 6!).

Excel 2019 VS Office 365 40 EXCEL TIPS

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Value Comparison
From a feature’s perspective are they exactly the same?

Office 365 has one major advantage over Office 2019: Office 365
constantly gets updated with new features every couple of

Office 2019 and Office 365 right now are almost at par in terms of
features at the time of this writing. However, give it some time, and
Office 365 will be ahead in terms of the features race.

Another good thing, is the changes are gradual in Office 365 and
you get them right away. Compared to the perpetual Office 2019,
the changes are more drastic when you upgrade from one perpetual
Office version to another (e.g. Office 2016 to Office 2019).

Here is an example list of the updates that are new in both Excel
2019 and Office 365:

• Custom functions using JavaScript

• New functions such as IFS, SWITCH, TEXTJOIN, MAXIFS,


• Co-authoring for multiple users

• Assigning default behavior for Pivot Tables

• 3D Models

• Custom visuals such as bullet charts, speedometers and even

word clouds!

The list will grow longer for Office 365 each year but in Office 2019,
there will not be any new updates.

Excel 2019 VS Office 365 41 EXCEL TIPS

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Do I need to be online to use Microsoft Office 365?One common

misconception is that with Office 365 is you have to be connected to
the internet to use it.

It's not true! Office 365 is installed locally on your computer,

similar to how Office 2019 is installed. We suggest moving over to
the subscription model, as it keeps your Office applications up to
date and you will reap the benefits sooner too!

Imagine seeing a sparkling new feature, then only to discover that

your perpetual Office installation does not support it! Office 365
removes this issue outright, as you get it right away as included in
your subscription.

And remember, this does not only apply to Excel, but also to all
your Office applications as well! (e.g. Word, PowerPoint)

I hope this has been helpful for you in terms of comparing Office
365 and Office 2019. If you can get Office 365, I highly suggest
to go for it!

(Disclaimer: We do not make any money or are affiliated with

Office 365; we just want you to have the best solution at the
most affordable price!)

Excel 2019 VS Office 365 42 EXCEL TIPS

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What Excel Version Do You Have?

If you’re not sure what version you have, go to the File tab of any
Office application and select Account.

You will see your version under Product Information.

Excel 2019 VS Office 365 43 EXCEL TIPS

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What Excel Version Do I Have?

We know that Microsoft Excel has different features across different
versions and there are several Excel versions as the time of writing,
like Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019!

So whenever I use Microsoft Excel, I want to know right away which

Excel Version I am using. And boy, do I get confused to tell
what Excel Version I am using!

Not to worry, as I will show you a few cool ways where you can
determine the Excel Version right away!

P.S. If you want to upgrade to the latest & greatest version of

Microsoft Excel, you can by choosing these Office 365 Business Plans

Office 365
You can see search icon (magnifying glass) at the top.

What Excel Version Do I Have? 44 EXCEL TIPS

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Microsoft Excel 2019 and 2016

You can see "Tell me what you want to do" text at the top.

Microsoft Excel 2013

WHAT? Are you still using this version?

You can see that the Ribbon tabs are all in Capital Letters!

What Excel Version Do I Have? 45 EXCEL TIPS

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Microsoft Excel 2010

You can see the Rounded File Menu Button at the top left-hand

Microsoft Excel 2007

You can see the Rounded Microsoft Office Icon at the top left-hand

What Excel Version Do I Have? 46 EXCEL TIPS

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Microsoft Excel 2003

The giveaway here is it looks like Windows XP, and this means you
already need an upgrade!

Another Way To Find Your Excel Version...

You can check for the exact Excel version by going to:

Office 365: File > Account > About Excel

Microsoft Excel 2019: File > Account > About Excel

Microsoft Excel 2016: File > Account > About Excel

Microsoft Excel 2013: File > Account > About Excel

Microsoft Excel 2010: File > Help > About Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel 2007: Rounded Microsoft Office Icon > Excel

options > Resources > About button.

What Excel Version Do I Have? 47 EXCEL TIPS

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Microsoft Excel 2003: In the menu go to the Help tab and then
click on About Microsoft Excel (If you do not see this option in the
menu you are probably using Excel 2007 or higher!).

Here is what it looks like in Excel 2016:

What Excel Version Do I Have? 48 EXCEL TIPS

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10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks

There are a lot of times when the mouse beats the keyboard in
terms of efficiency in Excel.

Here are Top 10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks for Excel Power
Users like you!

You will have a fun time increasing your productivity with these

Exercise Workbook:


#1: Show or Hide the Excel Ribbon

There are times where we just want more space in our Excel Window
and it is very easy to hide the Ribbon.

Double click on the active tab in your Excel Ribbon to hide it.

Then you can double click again to show the Excel Ribbon.

10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks 49 EXCEL TIPS

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#2: Use Format Painter as Many Times as You

This is one very cool trick that saved me a lot of time! I wanted to
copy the formatting, and I had to click the Format Painter multiple

It was cumbersome! Turns out there's an option to lock in your

Format Painter, so that you can reuse it again and again!

Pick the cells you want to copy the format from.

Double-click the Format Painter button.

10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks 50 EXCEL TIPS

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You can now apply it again and again without pressing the Format
Painter button!

10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks 51 EXCEL TIPS

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#3: Rename Worksheets

Way before I found out about this tip, I had to rename worksheets
by right-clicking on the sheet name, click on the Rename option,
then type my name.

That's a lot of steps!

An easier way, is to simply double click on the sheet name and

you can rename it right away!

#4: Fill Formulas Down Vertically

Imagine you had a Table, and you are creating a new column based
on a formula's output.

You can apply the same formula to the rest of the column with just a

Pick the cell that contains your formula.

Double-click the lower right corner of the cell to copy the formula
to the rest of the column.

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You now have your formula applied to the whole column!

#5: Edit a Shape’s Text Quickly

If you have shapes, you can quickly edit shapes with just a double-

Double-click on your shape and you can edit the text of the shape

10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks 53 EXCEL TIPS

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#6: Auto Adjust Column Widths

There are a lot of times when I had data in a column but I could not
see all of my data because the columns were too cramped!

Instead of adjusting the columns manually, there is a great double-

click tip.

Double-click on the right edge of the column header you wish to

resize and it will resize the column automatically for you!

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#7: Moving Across Cells of Your Data

Whenever I had a large set of data, I had to painstakingly scroll up &
down, left to right, to move across the data...and boy, does it take a
long time to scroll to the end of the data!

Turns out, there is a trick to quickly move across your data through
double clicks!

Pick a cell you want to start on with.

Double click on the edge of where you want to go to.

For example, if we double click on the bottom edge of the cell, that
means we will go downwards to the end of the data.

We have been quickly transported to our end of the data, without

scrolling at all!

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#8: Access Chart Formatting Options Quickly

Whenever I had a chart and wanted to format it, I had to right-click
the chart to select the formatting options. Turns out it is easily
accessible through double clicking!

Double click on the border of your chart to access the formatting


The Format Panel is shown right away.

10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks 56 EXCEL TIPS

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#9: Show Pivot Table Data

Have you ever been given a Pivot Table, however you wanted to
investigate the source data behind it to gain a better understanding?

Double click will help you with this too!

Have your Pivot Table ready.

Pick a cell that you wanted to drill down on. In our example, Q1

Double click on that cell.

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Excel will open a new worksheet with the data relating to that

(This data is for show only and any changes made here will not be
reflected in the Pivot Table. You can press CTRL + Z to delete this
new Sheet).

#10: Close Workbook

You can also use the double click to close your Excel Workbook!

Go to the upper left corner of your Excel Application.

Double click on it and your Excel Workbook will close.

10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks 58 EXCEL TIPS

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3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power

There are a lot of hidden keyboard tricks to increase your efficiency
in Excel. I am surprised myself with these hidden gems!

Here are Top 3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Excel Power Users like

You will have a fun time increasing your productivity with these

Exercise Workbook:


POWER TRICK #1: Display the Format Cells Dialog

[CTRL + 1]

I used to have workbooks full of unformatted text and I want to

check how to format them quickly and see the list of possible

Thankfully, here's a quick tip that will speed up this process by

using a keyboard shortcut to display the Format Cells Dialog!

Let us use an existing workbook with unformatted phone numbers,

and let us fix the format of this!

3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users 59 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: To quickly change the formatting, select all the cells.

Press on your keyboard:

CTRL + 1

STEP 2: Select the Format that best applies to what you need. Go to
Special > Phone Number > English (United States)

Click OK.

3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users 60 EXCEL TIPS

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Your Phone Numbers are now formatted.

POWER TRICK #2: Changing Enter Key Behavior in

Excel [ENTER]

Data Entry in Excel is a tedious process if Excel does not play its
part. The great thing with Excel is it is very customizable. One of the

3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users 61 EXCEL TIPS

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common scenarios is when I want Excel to move in a different

direction when I press the ENTER key.

The normal behavior for the ENTER key is to move downwards.

However, in our scenario, I'm trying to list down the exam scores
for each student, so it would make sense every time I press the
ENTER key, we would move from left to right:

STEP 1: Go to File.

STEP 2: Go to Options.

3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users 62 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Go to Advanced > After pressing Enter, move selection >

Direction: Right.

This will change our ENTER direction from Up to Down, into Left to

STEP 4: Try it out! Enter a couple of scores and press ENTER. It will
now move to the right, now data entry just got a lot more fun!

POWER TRICK #3: Move Over Multiple Worksheets

There are a lot of times when I had workbooks with a lot of
worksheets inside. Whenever I had to check each sheet one by
one, it was a tedious process as I had no choice but to click the
sheets one by one!

3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users 63 EXCEL TIPS

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Thankfully, here's a quick tip that will speed up by using a

keyboard shortcut to move over multiple worksheets!

Let us use an existing workbook with multiple worksheets to

demonstrate this.

Our workbook has multiple sheets inside:

STEP 1: To move to the right, press on your keyboard CTRL + PAGE


STEP 2: To move to the left, press on your keyboard CTRL +


3 Excel Keyboard Tips for Power Users 64 EXCEL TIPS

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333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool which has many Excel keyboard
shortcuts to make you faster and more efficient. The left column
contains shortcuts for Windows, while the right column has Mac

Frequent Keyboard Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 65 EXCEL TIPS

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Inside the Ribbon Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 66 EXCEL TIPS

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Cell Navigation Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 67 EXCEL TIPS

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Formatting Cell Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 68 EXCEL TIPS

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333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 69 EXCEL TIPS

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Making Selection Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 70 EXCEL TIPS

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Ribbon Tab Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 71 EXCEL TIPS

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Working with Formula Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 72 EXCEL TIPS

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Power Pivot Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 73 EXCEL TIPS

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Function Key Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 74 EXCEL TIPS

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Drag and Drop Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 75 EXCEL TIPS

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Macros and VBA Shortcuts

Pivot Table Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 76 EXCEL TIPS

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Power BI Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 77 EXCEL TIPS

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333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 78 EXCEL TIPS

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Other Shortcuts

333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 79 EXCEL TIPS

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333 Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 80 EXCEL TIPS

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AutoRecover in Excel
AutoRecover in Excel is a lifesaver feature! Imagine if you have an
unsaved workbook, then you closed it by accident after working on
it for hours. As long as you have it opened for at least 10 minutes,
Excel is smart enough to keep a copy of this for you!

First things first, let us have a quick look at the AutoRecover

settings in Excel so that we can have a better understanding of how
it works.

STEP 1: Go to File > More > Options

STEP 2: Go to Save. This is where our crucial settings lie. You will
see the following:

• Saves every 10 minutes

• Your AutoRecover file location

So you know AutoRecover has your back if you have your unsaved
workbook opened for at least 10 minutes.

The next question is, how do we get our unsaved workbooks?

AutoRecover in Excel 81 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Close the window. Go to File > Open > Recover Unsaved

AutoRecover in Excel 82 EXCEL TIPS

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You now have your unsaved workbooks! Now you have to open
them one by one, until you find the workbook you are looking for.

STEP 4: Once you found the right one and opened it, click Save As
to save a copy.

AutoRecover in Excel 83 EXCEL TIPS

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Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel

Excel and PDF are the two most popular file types and you might
need to convert from one format to another time to time.

PDF files are a widely used format for electronic documents. They
are used when you need to save a file without modification so that it
can be easily shared and printed. By default, an Excel Workbook is
saved as a .xlsx file type.

But how do you save it as a PDF format? Read on to see how it’s
done both ways!

Exercise Workbook:


Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 84 EXCEL TIPS

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Convert Excel to PDF

PDFs can be easily shared and can be viewed on any platform
without a change in format. So, learning how to convert Excel to PDF
is extremely essential!

There are 5 different methods in which you can convert from Excel
to PDF:

#1: Using Save As Option

STEP 1: Select the Excel table that you want in the PDF Format.

STEP 2: Click on File Tab.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 85 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Select Save As > Browse.

STEP 4: In the Save As dialog box, select the location where you
want to save the PDF file.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 86 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 5: Under Save as type dropdown, select PDF.

STEP 6: Click in the Options button to customize the PDF file you
want to create.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 87 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 7: In the Options dialog box, Go to Publish what section and

click on Selection. Then, Click OK.

This will help you to publish only what you have selected on the
sheet. To publish the entire sheet, click on Active Sheet(s), and
to publish the workbook click on the Entire Workbook.

STEP 8: Click Save.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 88 EXCEL TIPS

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This will save your Excel Table in the PDF format.

#2: Using Export Option

The Export option in Excel will provide you with a quicker way to
save your file as PDF.

STEP 1: Go to the File Tab.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 89 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Click on Export > Create PDF/XPS Document > Create

PDF/XPS button.

STEP 3: In the Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box, click on Publish.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 90 EXCEL TIPS

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#3: Export using Quick Access Toolbar

If converting Excel to PDF is a regular task for you, you can add it to
the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). Follow the steps below to add the
Publish as PDF option to the QAT:

STEP 1: Right Click on the QAT to customize it.

STEP 2: In the Excel Options dialog box, select Quick Access

Toolbar > Publish as PDF or XPS > Add.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 91 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: This will add Publish as PDF under Customize Quick Access
Toolbar. Now, Click OK.

STEP 4: This will add Publish as PDF/XPS to the Quick Access


Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 92 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 5: Simply click on the icon, select the file location you want to
save it at and click on Publish.

#4: Email PDF using Quick Access Toolbar

If you want to attach an Excel file as PDF in an email, you can add it
to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

Follow the steps below to add email PDF inside the QAT:

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 93 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: Right Click on the QAT to customize it.

STEP 2: In the Excel Options dialog box, select Quick Access

Toolbar > E-mail as PDF Attachment > Add.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 94 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: This will add E-mail as PDF Attachment under Customize

Quick Access Toolbar. Now, Click OK.

STEP 4: Click on this newly created icon to send your Excel

workbook as a PDF attachment in an email.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 95 EXCEL TIPS

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And now you have your pdf inside a new email message.

#5: Using VBA Macro

You can also use VBA code to publish a range in Excel into PDF.
This VBA Macro will prompt you to provide the range you wish to
export and then select the location, to automatically export Excel to
Sub PrintSelectionToPDF()
'Declaration of Variables
Dim rng As Range
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim file As Variant

'Check first if a range has been selected

If Selection.Count = 1 Then
Set rng = Application.InputBox("Please select a range", "Get
Range", Type:=8)
Set rng = Selection
End If

'Create the filename with the path - the default filename is

strFile = "ExceltoPdf.pdf"
strFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strFile

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 96 EXCEL TIPS

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'We open a save prompt for the username to select the location
and filename
file = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=strFile,
FileFilter:="PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf", Title:="Select location
for the PDF file")

'Start the export process of the selected range

If file <> "False" Then
rng.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=file,
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True,
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
MsgBox "PDF file has been successfully created: " & strFile
MsgBox "Unable to create PDF file", vbOKOnly, "No File Selected"
End If
End Sub

Follow the steps below to use this code to Export selection to PDF:

STEP 1: Press Alt + F11 to open VBA Editor.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 97 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Right Click on the sheet name and then select Insert >

STEP 3: Copy-paste the VBA code from above into here.

STEP 4: Press Ctrl + S to save the file and then click No.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 98 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 5: In the Save as dialog box, choose Excel macro-enabled

workbook from the drop down list and click the Save button.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 99 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 6: Press Alt + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.

STEP 7: Select the Macro PrintSelectionToPDF that is located in All

Open Workbooks and click Run.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 100 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 8: In the dialog box, type the required range A1: F8.

STEP 9: Select the location and press Save.

This is how you can convert the range A1: F8 in excel to PDF.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 101 EXCEL TIPS

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Convert PDF to Excel

PDF does not allow users to make edits on the data, so it’s useful to
learn how to convert the data from PDF to Excel so you can make
edits inside Excel. If you have a table saved in PDF, you can easily
get that imported into Excel and work on it easily.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 102 EXCEL TIPS

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Import Data from PDF to Excel method using Excel

In most cases, you will be able to simply copy & paste the data and
format it to get the desired result. But if that is not working for you,
use the Import Data method in Excel.

Follow the steps to import data from PDF to Excel (Excel 365 only):

STEP 1: Go to Data Tab > Get Data > From File > From PDF.

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 103 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: In the Import Data dialog box, select the location of the
PDF file, and click on Import.

STEP 3: Select the table from the left panel and click on Load.

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This will convert the table from PDF to Excel!

Convert Excel to PDF & PDF to Excel 105 EXCEL TIPS

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Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel

Imagine you have a lot of shapes in your Excel file and the shapes
are all over the place!

You want to organize the shapes but it seems a pain to move them
one by one!

What would you do?

Thankfully, Excel allows you to distribute and align shapes!

This is our initial layout of shapes:

Exercise Workbook:


Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel 106 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: Hold the CTRL key and select all of the shapes you want to

STEP 2: Go to Format > Arrange > Align > Align Bottom

You can Align the shapes to the direction that you want (Left,
Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom)

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel 107 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Go to Format > Arrange > Align > Distribute Horizontally

You can Distribute the shapes either Horizontally or Vertically.

This will ensure the distance between the shapes are equally

Your shapes are now in good shape! (Pun intended)

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel 108 EXCEL TIPS

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Excel Sheet Navigator

A cool tip that most people may not know and one that is very
handy is the what I call the Sheet Navigator.

If you have lots of worksheets in your workbook and you quickly

want to navigate to the last worksheets, all you need to do is Right
Click in the bottom left-hand corner of your workbook where the
sheet arrows are located and this will bring up a list of all your

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Right-click on the sheet arrows

Excel Sheet Navigator 109 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Select the sheet that you want to navigate to. Click OK

You have now jumped to your selected sheet in an instant!

Excel Sheet Navigator 110 EXCEL TIPS

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Fill From 1 to 10,000

Ever tried filling down a column with incremental numbers from 1 to
10,000? There are multiple ways to achieve this using formulas, fill
handles and so forth.

That could involve a lot of steps. However, Excel has a hidden tip
that can do this for you quickly!

STEP 1: Type in your first number.

STEP 2: Go to Home > Editing > Fill > Series

Fill From 1 to 10,000 111 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Select Columns and set the Stop Value to 10000. This will
populate your column from 1 to 10,000.

And you have it now in a flash!

Fill From 1 to 10,000 112 EXCEL TIPS

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Fill Handle Tips

Excel knows to fill down/right when you are working with dates,
days, months, years and even quarters. That is very helpful and

When you fill any values, an Auto Fill Options box pops up which
you can click and select the different options available.

If you are filling dates, then you have the option to auto fill by
Weekdays, Months and Years. How cool is that!

Another trick is if you want to fill down an incremental number, say

from 1 to 2,3,4,5,6.....

To do this you need to enter the number 1 in a cell, hold down the
CTRL key and then fill down that cell which will increment the

Try these tricks for yourself by downloading and practicing below:

Exercise Workbook:


Fill Handle Tips 113 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: Drag down on the lower right corner to populate the


Now we have the dates in incremental order populated!

Click on the Auto Fill Options to try out different options. Select
Fill Weekdays and see how the weekdays get populated.

Fill Handle Tips 114 EXCEL TIPS

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Now select Fill Months and see every month getting populated.

Now select Fill Years and see every year getting populated.

Fill Handle Tips 115 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Drag down on the lower right corner on the second

column to populate the months.

Fill Handle Tips 116 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Drag down on the lower right corner on the third column
to populate the quarters.

STEP 4: Drag down on the lower right corner on the fourth

column to populate the quarters with years.

Fill Handle Tips 117 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 5: Hold the CTRL key and drag down on the lower right
corner on the last column to populate the number incrementally.

Fill Handle Tips 118 EXCEL TIPS

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Insert a Watermark
Ever wanted to insert watermark in Excel? You could show this to
mark that your workbook is in draft mode with the word DRAFT
behind it, or add your logo in the background so as to make your
workbook stand out in a professional way.

But Excel does not have this functionality ready for you, so what

I will show you how to insert watermark in Excel Workbooks with

this quick workaround!

Here is our starting workbook:

Exercise Workbook:


Insert a Watermark 119 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: Go to Insert > Text > Header & Footer

STEP 2: You will see that the header has been added. Go to Header
& Footer Tools > Design > Picture

STEP 3: Select Browse if you want to insert a picture that you

already have

Insert a Watermark 120 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 4: Select the image that you want to use as a watermark. Click

You can see &[Picture] displayed in your header. Click anywhere

outside the header for your image to display

Insert a Watermark 121 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 5: Let us make some tweaks to our watermark. Go to Header

& Footer Tools > Design > Format Picture

Go to Picture > Color and select Washout. You can make additional
changes. Click OK

Insert a Watermark 122 EXCEL TIPS

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Now you have your watermark ready!

Insert a Watermark 123 EXCEL TIPS

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Macros: How to Use Macros

If this is your first time using a Macro, read the introductory section
here so that you will be more comfortable with the various Macro

Here are a few of the most common Macro concepts:


We use variables a lot in our code. Variables are containers of your

data that is represented by a name you specify. In other words, they
are a great way to store and manipulate data.


Looping is one of the most crucial programming techniques. It

allows us to repetitively do something with just a few lines of code.

Code Comments:

Any line that is preceded by an apostrophe ‘ - turns into a green

line of code in the Visual Basic Editor window.

This line is ignored in the code and is used to “document” the code
so that it is easier for you/others to understand what the code does.

Macros: How to Use Macros 124 EXCEL TIPS

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Backup your files!

Before using any of the Macros in your Excel files, a best practice is
to back up the Excel file first. This is to provide a safety net if data
gets modified in a different way than you expect. You can safely test
the Macro this way with your current data and load the previous file
if unintended changes take place.

These are the common terms when using Macros:

• Code – this is the VBA text

Macros: How to Use Macros 125 EXCEL TIPS

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• Visual Basic Editor – this is the window where we write/paste

our VBA code in. You can get to this window by going to
Developer > Code > Visual Basic or shortcut ALT+F11

• Procedures – these are also called Macros and serve as the

containers of our code. Notice that there are no spaces in the
procedure name: AddDateInFooter()

• Modules – these are containers of the Procedures

Macros: How to Use Macros 126 EXCEL TIPS

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Project – this is a container of Modules. A single Excel workbook is

a project of VBA code

Here is a list of common keywords you will see in Macros. You can
always refer back to this list as you go through the examples in the
Keyword Definition
as Used when defining the data type of a variable
dim Used for declaring variables
Combined with the For keyword (e.g. “for each…”) to access the individual components in
each a collection
else Combined with the then keyword for alternate scenarios
end Used to end a procedure
exit Used to leave a procedure prior to the end statement
for Used to iterate one or more actions a specific number of times
function Defines a block of code that can return a value
if Used for specifying conditions
integer Used to define a number between -32,768 and 32,767
is Compares two object references
long Used to define a number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,486,647
next Used with the For keyword to create set of repetitive instructions
on error Used to capture and handle errors properly
resume Used with the On Error keyword to handle errors properly
string Used to define text variables
sub Defines a block of code that does not return a value
then Combined with the If keyword for alternate scenarios
to Used with the For keyword when repeating
with Used to perform multiple operations on a single object

Macros: How to Use Macros 127 EXCEL TIPS

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Running a Macro

Running a Macro is very straightforward:

Go to Developer > Code > Macros

Macros can be located in:

• This Workbook; or
• All Open Workbooks

Make sure your Macro name is selected from the list.

Click Run.

Then your code will execute from there.

Macros: How to Use Macros 128 EXCEL TIPS

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Using the Quick Access Toolbar to run a Macro

If you use a specific Macro frequently, then it is a good idea to add

it to the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel for easy access.

Go to Customize Quick Access Toolbar Dropdown > More


Macros: How to Use Macros 129 EXCEL TIPS

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Under the Choose commands from drop down, make sure to select

Pick your Macro and click Add.

Your Macro should now be added to the Toolbar. Click OK.

Macros: How to Use Macros 130 EXCEL TIPS

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Click on the Macro icon that is now located on the top or bottom of
your Ribbon and it will now run this Macro!

Macros: How to Use Macros 131 EXCEL TIPS

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Macros: Enabling VBA in Excel

Most Excel workbooks do not have the Developer tab activated.

This is needed in order to execute & create Macros. We can easily

enable it in a few steps! Make sure you have Excel open…

STEP 1: Right click anywhere on your Ribbon and select Customize

the Ribbon:

STEP 2: Make sure the Customize Ribbon is selected. Then select

the Developer option under Main Tabs. Click OK.

Macros: Enabling VBA in Excel 132 EXCEL TIPS

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After that you should be able to see the Developer tab enabled:


For a Macro to run, the Workbook’s file extension should be in a

.xlsm format – which is a Macro enabled format.

You can change this under:

File > Save As > Save As Type > Excel Macro-Enabled


Enabling All Macros

To ensure all Macros in this book will run without any issues, go to
File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro

Ensure Enable all macros is selected. Click OK.

Macros: Enabling VBA in Excel 133 EXCEL TIPS

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Macros: Insert Button to Run a


What does it do?

We can insert a button and configure it to run a specific Macro. It

makes things simpler and the user only needs to click this button
every time they want to execute the Macro.

We will be using the Autofit Columns Macro Workbook to

demonstrate how to create our own button.

The Macro will autofit all of the columns to fit to its contents.

You can use this technique to create buttons to run any Macro.

Final Result:

Exercise Workbook:


Macros: Insert Button to Run a Macro 134 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: Let us select a shape you prefer. Go to Insert >

Illustrations > Shapes > Rounded Rectangle:

Macros: Insert Button to Run a Macro 135 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Place the shape anywhere on the sheet that you want.

Double click on the shape to type the text: Autofit All Columns.

You can change the font, font size, and center the text as well.

STEP 3: Right click on your shape and select Assign Macro

Macros: Insert Button to Run a Macro 136 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 4: We have one Macro that is already created for you.

Select This Workbook from the dropdown, then select the

AutoFitAllColumns Macro. Click OK.

Let us try it out now! Click on your shape/button and see the magic
happen! All of your columns are now autofitted!

Macros: Insert Button to Run a Macro 137 EXCEL TIPS

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Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is located at the top left-hand
corner of the ribbon and has the most commonly used commands,
like the Save, Undo and Redo. The QAT is unique to each user’s
workbook settings.

Did you know that you can customize this to your needs? I will show
you how to do this below!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: You can move the QAT below or above the ribbon by
right clicking on the QAT and making the selection Show Quick
Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon.

Quick Access Toolbar 138 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: You can also add your favorite commands to the QAT by
right clicking on your favorite command in the ribbon and selecting
Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

For our example, let us right click on Bold and select Add to Quick
Access Toolbar.

This will now add the Bold command to our QAT.

Quick Access Toolbar 139 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: Finally, you can activate your QAT commands by pressing

the ALT key on your keyboard and then pressing the number (e.g.
1,2,3 etc.) that appears at the bottom of that command.

In our example, you can use ALT + 4 to activate the Bold command.

Quick Access Toolbar 140 EXCEL TIPS

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Status Bar Metrics

When you select a range of cells you can quickly see key metrics like
the Sum, Count, Minimum, Maximum and Average.

To activate this, you will need to Right Click on the Status Bar at the
bottom of your workbook and choose the metrics that you want to
show. Once selected, these options remain saved for all future

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Right click anywhere on the Status Bar to show the

customization menu

Status Bar Metrics 141 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 2: Tick the values that you want to be displayed in your Status

Now when you select and highlight numerical values, these auto-
computed metrics will now show up in your status bar!

Status Bar Metrics 142 EXCEL TIPS

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Synchronous Scrolling
When you have two workbooks or worksheets that you want to view
side by side to do a quick check, Excel has you covered!

Here is a quick scenario wherein we have similar data however it is

split across two tables inside a single workbook:

Exercise Workbook:


Synchronous Scrolling 143 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 1: Since we want to view 2 worksheets from the same

workbook, go to View > Window > New Window

STEP 2: Now we have 2 views on the same workbook. On the first

window, open Data, then select Data 2 on the second one.

Synchronous Scrolling 144 EXCEL TIPS

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STEP 3: In any one of the windows, go to View > Window > View
Side by Side

Now try scrolling up and down, you will see that the scrolling is
synchronous for both windows!

Synchronous Scrolling 145 EXCEL TIPS

Go to Table of Contents

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel ...................................... 148
Add Custom Symbols With Numbers......................................... 162
Clear a #REF! Error in Excel....................................................... 175
Conditional Formatting: Adding to Pivot Tables ........................ 184
Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value ......................................... 188
Conditional Formatting: Data Bars, Color Scales & Icon Sets...... 193
Conditional Formatting: Drop Down List ................................... 197
Conditional Formatting: Pivot Table With Data Bars .................. 202
Custom Date Formats in Excel .................................................. 206
Custom Number Formats in Excel............................................. 209
Find Blank Cells In Excel With A Color ....................................... 212
Fill Justify Tool ......................................................................... 216
Format Cells: Special Numbers ................................................. 218
Format Painter Multiple Cells .................................................... 221
Freeze Panes in Excel ............................................................... 224
Highlight All Excel Formula Cells .............................................. 228
Lock Cells in Excel.................................................................... 231
Lock & Protect Formula Cells .................................................... 236
Make Negative Red Numbers In Excel ....................................... 239
Number Format - Thousands & Millions .................................... 241
Replace a Format with Another Format ..................................... 255


Go to Table of Contents

Split Name Using Text to Columns ........................................... 259

Text to Columns - Emails.......................................................... 262
Turn Text Dates To Excel Dates................................................ 267
Turn Text To Values With Paste Special .................................... 270
Unhide Columns in Excel .......................................................... 274


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6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in


While working in an Excel Worksheet, you will come across scenarios

when you will have to merge cells or combine cells in Excel.
Knowing how to merge cells in Excel can be useful when you want to
create titles for your reports or combine various cells into one.

Excel has a number of approaches on how to merge cells in Excel

that spans across rows and/or columns.

Let’s take a look at how to merge cells in Excel.

We will go into detail about several approaches on how to merge

cells in Excel. Each one will produce a different result and layout.

Exercise Workbook:


6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 148 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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How to Use the Merge & Center button

A great way to customize the layout of your Excel worksheet is
to use the Merge & Center feature in Excel.

It is a great way to create a label that spans several columns. This

feature will retain the value in the upper-left cell but keep in mind
that all data in the other merged cells will be deleted.

In the example below, you can see that the text "SALES REPORT" is
located in a single cell in A1. Let us fix that!

STEP 1: Select the cells A1:F1 that you want to merge.

STEP 2: Go to Home > 'Alignment' group > Merge & Center button

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 149 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 3: The currently selected cells will be merged, and their

contents will be center aligned.

Notice that the reference for the 6 merged cells cell points at A1.

You can create headers/titles for your report that will make it much
easier to understand.

Other Merge & Center Options

When you click on the drop down arrow beside the Merge & Center
button in the Alignment group, you will see it contains a drop down
list with additional options and each one produces a different result:

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 150 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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• Merge Across − When a multi-row range is selected, this

command creates multiple merge cells in Excel — one for each

• Merge Cells − Merges the selected cells without applying the

Center attribute.

• Unmerge Cells −This unmerges the merged cells in Excel and

we explain in detail below.

Once you have learned how to merge cells in Excel, you should also
know how to unmerge them:

STEP 1: Select the cells that you want to unmerge.

STEP 2: Click the Merge & Center button or select the Unmerge
Cells option from the drop down menu.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 151 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Your data is now unmerged.

Even though this is a fairly simple process to know how to merge

cells in Excel, it is not highly recommended, and further below we
explain the alternatives to merge cells in Excel.

If any data was lost when the original cells were merged, they will
not be restored (unless your press CTRL + Z to undo the last action).

Here are a couple of shortfalls once cells have been merged:

• Excel Functions won’t work on merged cells

• Excel 'Sort' command will not work on ranges that contain the
merged cells.

• Single column can’t be selected if it contains any merged cells

• Excel Filters cannot be applied

• Dates cannot easily be copy-pasted elsewhere

Using Center Across Selection

To achieve the same result as Merge & Center without having the
above restrictions, use the Center Across Selection feature. This
would merge the cells across columns and still let you select each
cell individually.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 152 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 1: Select the cells A1:F1 that you want to merge.

STEP 2: Press Ctrl + 1 to bring up the Format Cells dialog box.

STEP 3: Under the Alignment Tab, in the Horizontal drop down

box, select “Center Across Selection”

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 153 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 4: Click OK.

The selected cells are now merged. You can see that even though
the data is merged across cell A1: F1, you can still select and refer
to each cell individually!

Using the CONCATENATE Function

If you use the above options to merge cells in Excel, it will keep the
text at the leftmost cell (A1 in this case) and remove the text from
all other cells.

If you don’t want to lose the text from the merged cells in Excel, use
the CONCATENATE Function (pre Excel 2019), the CONCAT
Function (Excel 2019 & Office 365) or the ampersand & operator.
The CONCATENATE function combines cells in Excel quickly.

There may be times when you are dumped with data in Excel and it
is not formatted quite the way you want. Say, you have the First
Name and Last Name in different columns and you want to merge
them in a single column containing First and Last Name.

Now, if you use Merge & Center or Merge Across Selection, it will
delete the text in the second column and only display the First
Name as a merged cell. But this is not what you were looking for.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 154 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Let me introduce you to the Concatenate Function and the

ampersand & operator that will merge cells in Excel! This feature
should definitely be bookmarked as it will come in handy when
cleaning, transforming and analyzing data in Excel.

The Concatenate Function will merge multiple cells into a single

cell and keep both values. You can merge or join more than two
cells together whether it contains text, numbers, or both.

In the SALES REPORT below, you have the First Name in Column A
and Last Name in Column B. For reporting and further analysis, you
need them to be combined into one column, so it's best to use the
Concatenate function or the "&" Operator for this.

Before I get into how to merge cells in Excel, let’s talk about exactly
what happens when you try to use Merge & Center here. If you
select cells A3 and B3 and then press the “Merge & Center” button,
you will see that you end up with an Excel merged cell with only the
upper-left cell’s value (First Name).

To merge cells in Excel without losing any data, you should use the
Concatenate Function in Excel. Follow the steps to know how to
combine cells in Excel:

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 155 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 1: Select Column C and press Ctrl + to add a new column.

Name this column as “Full Name”.

STEP 2: Select Cell C3 and type the formula: =CONCATENATE(A3,

B3). Press Enter

STEP 3: Copy cell C3 and paste it in remaining cells or drag the fill
handle to copy the formula to the other cells below.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 156 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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This will merge cells in Excel without losing the data! Below we
show you how to make this merged cell look better by adding a
space between the First & Last Names as well as a line break.

Adding a Space & Line Breaks while Merging Cells

In the FULL NAME column above, you can see that there is no space
or any character between the FIRST NAME and the LAST NAME. This
mashed-together value of the FULL NAME isn’t a typographical

To concatenate this information and include spaces, in the 2nd

CONCATENATE function argument, you need to type in double
quotation marks and put a space between these quotations (" ")

The edited formula will be =CONCATENATE(A3," ", B3).

You can replace the space with a dot, comma, or any other
character. Simply replace the space in this function with a character
and make sure to enclose the character or text in double quotation

With the Concatenate function you also have the option to amend
the combination later, whereas you don’t have any such option if
you use Merge & Center.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 157 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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You can also use the ampersand sign, &, to combine cells in
Excel. The & operator works just like the CONCATENATE function
where you can combine text, numbers, individual cells, etc. Both
CONCATENATE and & produce the same results.

The following examples show the same SALES REPORT but this time
I will use the & operator to merge cells in Excel.

The formula to be used is = A3&" "&B3

You can see that the result is the same and you can use either the
ampersand sign & or the CONCATENATE function, it just depends
on what you are more comfortable with.

You can also add line breaks while merging cells by using the
CHAR(10) function in Excel.

The CHAR(10) function is used to add a line break between FULL

NAME & SALES. You can use the formula: =CONCATENATE(B3,
CHAR(10), C3).

Also, make sure you select the “Wrap Text” option under the Home
Tab, otherwise the result will be displayed in the same line only.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 158 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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You can see that the FULL NAME is displayed on the first line and
the second line contains SALES, which is another cool way you can
create Excel merged cells.

Bonus Approach – Flash Fill

Lastly, there is a BONUS approach to merge cells in Excel with –
Flash Fill. It is probably the simplest way to combine cells in Excel
and is available in Excel 2013 or later.

Flash Fill is a special tool that analyses the pattern from the existing
cells and then automatically extracts the data to the pattern that you
set. We can combine the FIRST NAME and LAST NAME from the
previous example using Flash Fill.

STEP 1: You should establish a pattern by typing the FULL NAME in

cell C3. That will be “Michael Rose.” This gives Flash Fill an example.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 159 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 2: Highlight that value you just typed and press the keyboard
shortcut Ctrl + E or go to the ribbon menu and select: Data > Flash

STEP 3: Excel will sense the pattern you provided in C3, and will fill
in the empty cells below, merging the FIRST NAME with the LAST

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 160 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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If the Flash Fill does not seem to be working for your data, make
sure it is turned on.

To turn Flash Fill on, go to Tools > Options > Advanced > Editing
Options > check the "Automatically Flash Fill" box.

Excel's Flash Fill feature is a versatile tool that can be used to

merge, split, or clean data. You need to type the first entry for
Excel to infer the pattern and then Excel fills in the rest of the data
based on the pattern you provided.

Overall, the Merge & Center or Center Across Selection features in

Excel makes data more visually presentable and highly organized.
But it only keeps the contents of the top-left cell and deletes the

This loss of data is a big disadvantage when you merge cells in

Excel. To preserve your data in Excel, use the & operator, the
CONCATENATE function, or Flash Fill to merge cell contents into
one cell.

6 Simple Ways to Merge Cells in Excel 161 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Add Custom Symbols With Numbers

Excel has several built in features to create custom formatting to
your numbers. But if none of them meets your requirement, you will
have to create your own.

The key benefit of adding custom formatting is that it only controls

how the number is displayed without changing the underlying
value of that number.

A cool feature within Excel is the ability to format a cell's value by

pressing CTRL + 1 on any cell. This brings up the Format Cells
dialog box and under the Custom category, you can customize the
Type to whatever you like.

You can even create custom symbols in Excel using this


But before you understand how to add a symbol to a number in

Excel, you need to first know how to write a number format code.

Exercise Workbook:


Understanding the Number Format Code

You can change the format of a cell's value by either using various
formats available in Excel or creating a custom format using a
number format code.

A number format code is created using symbols that tells Excel how
you want to display the cell's value. When adding a custom format in
Excel, there are four formatting sections that you have to follow:

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 162 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Positive format; Negative format; Zero format; Text format.

Each of these sections is separated by a semicolon(;) and only the

first section is required to create a custom format.

Create Custom Symbols in Excel

Now that you have understood the structure of how to use a number
format code, let's use that knowledge and learn how to insert a
symbol in an Excel formula based on the cell's value.

Working with an example will make this concept clearer. So, let's get

Example #1:

In the table below, we have daily temperatures recorded

We want to add the symbol °C next to each temperature so it will

look something like this:

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 163 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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The following steps should be done to create custom symbols in


STEP 1: Select the "Temperature" column

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 164 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 2: Go to Home > Under Format Dropdown, Select More

Number Formats or press CTRL + 1

STEP 3: In the Format Cell dialog box, select Custom

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 165 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 4: In the Type section, type 0.00 °C and Click OK

This is how the edited table will look like.

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 166 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Example #2:

In Example #1, you have learned how to add symbols in Excel

irrespective of the cell's value. Now let's move forward and
understand how to add symbols based on the number stored in the

The symbols added would be based on the value stored in the cell.

In the table below, we have the status for different projects listed
below with 0 indicating Completed and -1 indicating Pending.

Now you want to create custom symbols in Excel wherein you want
to add these custom symbols:

✓ Completed; when status is 0

✕ Pending; when status is -1

The table with custom symbols should look like this:

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 167 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 1: Select the Status Column

STEP 2: Press Ctrl +1 to open the Format Cells dialog box

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 168 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 3: Select the Custom category and under Type enter this:

✓" Completed";✕" Pending"

This will change the format to ✓ Completed when cell value is 0 and
✕ Pending when cell value is -1.

You can also add colors to make the formatting more distinct. Under
Type enter this:

[Green]✓" Completed";[Red]✕" Pending"

Which will add a green color to the completed project and a red
color to pending projects.

This is how the table will look like this.

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 169 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Example #3:

We have monthly sales, benchmark sales and variance in this table:

We want the % Variance column in our data to have symbols ▲▼ to

show a negative and positive variance. So, you have the % variance
value customized as below:

Green in color with ▲ symbol; when variance % is positive

Red in color with ▼ symbol; when variance % is negative

The table should look something like this:

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 170 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Enter a Variance calculation in a column, select the column's

variance numbers and press CTRL + 1 to bring up the Format Cells
dialog box

STEP 2: Select the Custom category and under Type enter this:


Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 171 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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The first section of this code #,##0 is for a positive number, and
second code [Red]-#,##0 is for a negative number.

To show the positive number in green color and add a % sign, follow
Step 3.

STEP 3: Under the Type: area you will need to enter the text [green]
at the start of the positive value string and enter the % sign at the
end of the positive and negative value strings

STEP 4: Now select a blank cell and go to Insert > Symbol > Font:
Arial > Subset: Geometric Shapes and then Insert the Up-Pointing
Triangle and then Insert the Down-Pointing Triangle and press
Cancel to exit.

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 172 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 5: You will need to copy the triangles, select the variance
numbers, press CTRL + 1 and paste the triangles before each
positive and negative value string, then press OK

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 173 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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You now have your custom number formats with an upwards

triangle for any positive %s and a downwards triangle for any
negative %s

Add Custom Symbols With Numbers 174 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Clear a #REF! Error in Excel

Many times, you may have faced the problem that Excel is not
returning the desired value, instead is showing an error. The most
common one amongst these is a #REF! error in Excel.

A #REF error in Excel is shown when the cell reference provided in

a formula is not valid. It is important to know why this error occurs
and how to fix it.

What is a #REF! error in Excel?

What does #REF mean in Excel? #REF! error stands of reference.

This error is shown when the cell that is referenced in a formula is

no longer valid or does not exist.

So, #REF error in Excel occurs when the reference used is invalid. It
can happen due to one of the following reasons:

• Row, column or a sheet has been deleted.

• Formula contains an incorrect or invalid cell reference.

This means that Excel returns a #REF error when the formula refers
to a cell that isn’t valid.

Let's look at a few examples to see when this error occurs and how
to fix it!

Exercise Workbook:


Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 175 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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How to fix a #REF error in Excel?

Example #1:

In the table below, you will spot multiple #REF! errors within
formulas used in several cells.

This has happened because we deleted a range that contains an

explicit cell reference within the formula used.

To get rid of this error message we have to select the cell(s) with
this error, by using the Find & Replace dialog box and do the

Find What: #REF!

Replace With: (Leave this blank)

Press OK and it will clear the #REF error in Excel within the formula.

Let's look at the step-by-step tutorial below to understand how to

remove #REF in Excel.

Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 176 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: To check the cell containing the cell, simply click on the cell
and press F2.

Here, since you have used an explicit cell reference and it was
deleted, Excel is returning a #REF error.

STEP 2: Highlight the table containing the errors.

Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 177 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 3: Press Ctrl + H to open the Find & Replace dialog box.

STEP 4: Under Find What, input #REF! and leave Replace as blank.
This is done to replace all the #REF! errors with a blank.

STEP 5: Click on Replace All.

This is how your replaced data will look like:

Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 178 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Let's look at another example when this error occurs due to copy-
pasting the formula from other cells.

Example #2:

In the table below, we have sales data for different customers for 4
quarters and a sum formula used to calculate the total sales. The
formula used to calculate the total sales value is:

=SUM(B4, C4, D4, E4)

Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 179 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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If you try and delete Column E (Quarter 4), the sum formula will
change to =SUM(B4, C4, D4,#REF!) and return an error - #REF.

A simple fix to this problem is to use a range instead of an explicit

cell reference. Let's look at the step-by-step tutorial to learn how:

Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 180 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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STEP 1: Use formula =SUM(B4:E4) in cell F4 and copy-paste the

formula below to cells F5: F11.

STEP 2: Now delete the Column E to get the total sales for only 3

If you change the formula from =SUM(B4, C4, D4, E4) to =SUM(B4:
E4), you will no longer be vulnerable to #REF in Excel. This formula
recalculates the total sales value by removing the deleted cell.

Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 181 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Hence, it is advised to use a range (if applicable) when writing a

formula instead of an explicit cell reference.

Let's take a look at another example when the error occurred due to
VLOOKUP containing invalid cell reference.

Example #3:

In the table below we have quarterly and total sales for different
customers and using the VLOOKUP formula, we have tried to find
out the total sales for the customer name mentioned.

The formula used to find the total sales for customers mentioned in
cell H4 is


Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 182 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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If you look into the formula used in detail, you will see that the
value used to indicate the column index number is incorrect.

The arguments for a VLOOKUP function are:

• Lookup_value = The value you want to look up in the first

column of the table.

• Table_array = The table from which you need to retrieve the


• Col_index_num = The column number in the table array from

which matching value should be returned.

• Range_lookup = Value should be 1 if you want an

approximate match or 0 if you want an exact match of the
return value.

Excel is returning an error in this formula because the VLOOKUP is

looking to return a value from the 7th column but the reference
$A$4:$F$11 contains only 6 columns. We choose 6 because the
sales column is the sixth column in the range starting from the left.

To fix this error, use the formula =VLOOKUP(H4,$A$4:$F$11,6,0).

Clear a #REF! Error in Excel 183 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Conditional Formatting: Adding to

Pivot Tables
Adding some Conditional Formatting to a Pivot Table allows a user
to highlight key data in a split second.

See how easy it is to add some color to your analysis to make it

visually appealing.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: We want to create a rule that will highlight values greater

than 100,000

Select any cell inside the Pivot Table

Conditional Formatting: Adding to Pivot Tables

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule

STEP 3: Select the following settings:

Apply Rule To: The 3rd option

Select a Rule Type: Format only cells that contain

Format only cells with: Cell Value > Grater than > 100000

Conditional Formatting: Adding to Pivot Tables

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Then click on the Format button.

STEP 4: Select Fill and pick a color of your choice

Click OK twice

Conditional Formatting: Adding to Pivot Tables

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

The formatting rule is now applied to your entire Pivot Table!

Conditional Formatting: Adding to Pivot Tables

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value

A great way to highlight values within your data set, Excel Table or
Pivot Table is to use Conditional Formatting rules.

Formatting cells that contain a specific criterion, for

example, greater than X or less than X, is a good way to
visualize your results.

When your criteria references a cell, then you can make this
conditional format interactive. So as you manually change the
referenced cell’s value, the conditional format gets updated and you
can see the live results, as shown below.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select a cell in your Pivot Table.

Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value 188 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule

STEP 3: Set Apply Rule to the third option: All cells showing "Sum of
SALES" values for "MONTH" and "YEAR"

Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value 189 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Select a rule type: Format Only Cells That Contain

STEP 5: Edit the Rule Description. Go to Cell Value > Greater Than
> Select the cell F8

Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value 190 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 6: Select the cell format. Click Format and select the Fill tab
and choose a color (light red). Click OK.

Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value 191 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Try it out now! The highlight now happens dynamically when you
update the value.

Conditional Formatting: Cell’s Value 192 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Conditional Formatting: Data Bars,

Color Scales & Icon Sets
Conditional Formatting improved with the release of Excel 2010 and
the introduction of Data Bars, Color Scales & Icon Sets.

Data Bars: Includes graphic bars in a cell, proportional to the cell’s

value - Good for Financial Analysis.

Color Scales: Includes a background color, proportional to the cell’s

value - Good for Heat Maps.

Icon Sets: Shows icons in a cell. The icons depend on the cell’s
value - Good for Project Management reports.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the range that you want to apply the conditional
formatting on.

Conditional Formatting: Data Bars, Color Scales

193 & Icon Sets FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Home > Conditional Formatting

STEP 3: Select a Data Bar, Color Scale, or Icon Set and see what

Conditional Formatting: Data Bars, Color Scales

194 & Icon Sets FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Conditional Formatting: Data Bars, Color Scales

195 & Icon Sets FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: After your selection, you can edit the Conditional Format
selected by going to Home > Conditional Formatting > Manage
Rules > Edit Rule

Conditional Formatting: Data Bars, Color Scales

196 & Icon Sets FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Conditional Formatting: Drop Down

We are now going to take this concept one level further and apply
some conditional formatting to a drop down data validation list.

This is useful if you want to highlight when a job is completed,

check off items from a list or to evaluate risk in a project just like we
have done in the example below.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the range that you want to apply the conditional
formatting to.

Conditional Formatting: Drop Down List 197 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Home > Styles > Conditional Formatting > Manage


STEP 3: Select New Rule

STEP 4: Create the new rule for the “high” values:

Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format

Type in the Formula =$A4="high"

This formula will ensure only the column is absolute or fixed.

Conditional Formatting: Drop Down List 198 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Go to Format > Fill then select a color of your choosing. Click OK.

Repeat the steps 1 to 3 for the “medium” values.

Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format

Type in the Formula =$A4="medium"

Go to Format > Fill then select a different color of your choosing.

Click OK.

Conditional Formatting: Drop Down List 199 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Repeat the steps 1 to 3 for the “low” values.

Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format

Type in the Formula =$A4="low"

This formula will ensure only the column is absolute.

Go to Format > Fill then select a green color of your choosing. Click

This is how our new set of rules will look like:

Conditional Formatting: Drop Down List 200 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Now our table now has conditional formatting applied!

Conditional Formatting: Drop Down List 201 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Conditional Formatting: Pivot Table

With Data Bars
Data Bars are a cool Conditional Formatting feature in Excel and
they add a colored bar to your values.

The length of the data bar represents the value in the cell. A longer
bar represents a higher value.

You have a Gradient Fill or a Solid Fill to choose from as well as

different pre-determined colors.

If you select the More Rules option then you can select more colors
as well as many different values types to format.

Exercise Workbook:


Conditional Formatting: Pivot Table With Data

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select any value inside the Pivot Table. Go to Home >
Conditional Formatting > Data Bars > Gradient Fill

STEP 2: Go to Formatting Options Icon and select the second

option to apply the data bar formatting to the entire table.

Conditional Formatting: Pivot Table With Data

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Now you have data bars showing up for the entire pivot table.

STEP 3: Go to Formatting Options Icon and select the third option

which will apply the data bar formatting to the entire table while
excluding the Grand Totals.

Conditional Formatting: Pivot Table With Data

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

You get a better visual representation as the Grand Totals are now

Conditional Formatting: Pivot Table With Data

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Custom Date Formats in Excel

Custom date formats in Excel allow you to display only certain parts
of the date.

Say you had a date of 18/02/1979, you can use the Format Cells
dialog box to show only the number 18, the day that corresponds to
that date (Sunday), the month as a number in abbreviated form and
the year in two or four digits.

You can also mix and match to create a custom date formats or
even enter a custom text that would show something like:

Today is Sunday

You can download the following workbook which shows you the
different formats that you can use and see the tutorial below of how
this can be easily achieved.

Exercise Workbook:


Custom Date Formats in Excel 206 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: To see how the formatting works, pick any one on the table.
Then press CTRL + 1 to open the Format Cells Dialog.

STEP 2: Over here you can see the Custom Date Format used, in our
example, it's mmmm-yyyy and there is a sample of February-1979
at the top to show you how it looks like.

Try it out for the different formats!

Custom Date Formats in Excel 207 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Here is the list of codes that you can use:

m Displays the month as a number 18/02/1979 2
mm Displays the month as a number with 18/02/1979 02
leading zeros
mmm Displays the month in abbreviated 18/02/1979 Feb
mmmm Displays the month in full form 18/02/1979 February
mmmmm Displays the first letter of the month 18/02/1979 F
d Displays the day as a number 18/02/1979 18
dd Displays the day as a number with 01/02/1979 01
leading zeros
ddd Displays the day in abbreviated form 18/02/1979 Thu
dddd Displays the day in full form 18/02/1979 Thursday
yy Displays the last two digits of the 18/02/1979 79
yyyy Displays all the digits of the year 18/02/1979 1979
mmmm d, Displays the month, the date and the 18/02/1979 February 18,
yyyy year 1979
mmmm- Displays the month-year 18/02/1979 February-
yyyy 1979
"Today is" Displays a custom text for the Today 11/06/2015 Today is
dddd function Thursday
h Displays the hour as a number 9:55:13 9
hh Displays the hour as a number with 9:55:13 09
leading zeros
AM/PM Displays the hour indicating AM or 9:55:13 AM

Custom Date Formats in Excel 208 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Custom Number Formats in Excel

A custom number format in Excel can have up to four different
sections in the following order:

Positive format; Negative format; Zero format; Text format

You can specify different format codes for each section as long as
they are separated by a semicolon.

So you can display a positive number in black, a negative number in

red, a zero in green and any text in blue.

The following table displays the different custom codes that you can
enter in the Format Cells dialog box and how the values will
appear. You can download the Excel workbook below and press
CTRL+1 in each cell to see the custom format entered.
General General format display 123456 123456
# Displays significant digits 123.456 123
#.00% Displays percentage 0.6489 64.89%
$-+/(): Displays this character 1234567890 -$1234567890
“text” Displays the text in 1234567890 1234567890
between the quotations units
[Color n] Displays the color in the 1234567890 1234567890
Excel color palette (from 0
to 56)
[condition Custom condition e.g. [If it 0.01 1.00%
value] meets this condition] True
Format; False Format

Exercise Workbook:


Custom Number Formats in Excel 209 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Copy the custom number format

STEP 2: Press Ctrl+1 to open the Format Cells dialog. Or you can
right click on the cell and select Format Cells.

STEP 3: Choose Custom and paste the custom number format

from Step 1 in the Type area. Then press OK.

Custom Number Formats in Excel 210 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Change the cells to the following values and see the colors take

• 100

• -200

• 0

• Excel ROCKS!

Custom Number Formats in Excel 211 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Find Blank Cells In Excel With A

In Excel you can have a data set that comes from an external source
which isn't always formatted to your liking.

One of the most common things you may encounter are blank cells
in your Excel data which can hinder your analysis, especially if you
are using a Pivot Table to analyze the data.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Make sure your entire table is selected. We will select all the
blank cells or press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + *

STEP 2: Press Ctrl + G to open the Go To Window. Click Special.

Find Blank Cells In Excel With A Color 212 FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Select Blanks. Click OK.

Find Blank Cells In Excel With A Color 213 FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: The blank cells are now selected. Go to Home > Font > Fill
> Red color

Find Blank Cells In Excel With A Color 214 FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Try filtering the Customer column by selecting Filter by

Color > Red color

Our filtering has worked to show the blank cells which you can now
manually fill in.

Find Blank Cells In Excel With A Color 215 FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Fill Justify Tool

An interesting tool within Excel is the Fill Justify. It allows you to
select text from several rows and merge them in to one cell.

So if you have data that gets downloaded in to separate rows and

want to join them up in to one sentence, then the Excel’s Fill Justify
option is your savior.

Exercise Workbook:


This is our text:

STEP 1: Adjust your column width so all the text could fit in one cell

Fill Justify Tool 216 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Select the cells that you want to combine together. Go

to Home > Fill > Justify

With just that, everything is now combined into one single cell!

Fill Justify Tool 217 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Format Cells: Special Numbers

If you have a list of values that come from a database and want to
format them in Excel using a special number format like a Zip Code,
Social Security Number or Phone Number, then this is possible using
the Format Cells dialog box and choosing the "Special" number

See how easy this is achieved in just a few simple steps.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: To format the Zip Code, select the cell containing the value
and press CTRL + 1

Make sure that Locale has English (United States) selected.

Select Special > Zip Code + 4 then click OK.

Your Zip Code is now formatted!

Format Cells: Special Numbers 218 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: To format the Phone Number, select the cell containing the
value and press CTRL + 1

Select Special > Phone Number then click OK.

Your Phone Number is now formatted!

Format Cells: Special Numbers 219 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: To format the Social Security Number, select the cell

containing the value and press CTRL + 1

Select Special > Social Security Number then click OK.

Your Social Security Number is now formatted!

Format Cells: Special Numbers 220 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Format Painter Multiple Cells

The Format Painter copies formatting from one place and applies it
to another but this can also be extended to multiple cells.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Pick a cell that contains the formatting you want to copy

Go to Home > Clipboard > Format Painter and make sure to

double click on the format painter icon

STEP 2: These are the cells that we want to apply the same
formatting. Click on all of them

Format Painter Multiple Cells 221 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: The same formatting is applied with just a click. Now try
applying it to the entire YEAR Column by highlighting the entire

They now all have the same formatting!

Format Painter Multiple Cells 222 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Format Painter Multiple Cells 223 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Freeze Panes in Excel

Have you ever encountered a situation where you had heaps of data
with many rows and you needed to see the headers at all times?

Just like me, I am sure you have :)

There is a way in Excel that will allow us to freeze panes so that the
column headings are visible whilst we are scrolling down our data.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Go to View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row

This will freeze the Row 1 of your sheet:

Try scrolling down, the first row is always visible!

Freeze Panes in Excel 224 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: To be able to undo the freezing is very easy! Go to View >

Freeze Panes > Unfreeze Panes

You should now be able to scroll normally.

STEP 3: The next question is, what if it's not the first row that you
want to freeze? Say you want Rows 1 to 5 to be frozen?

Select the sixth row:

Go to View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes

Freeze Panes in Excel 225 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

All of the rows above Row 6 are now frozen!

STEP 4: You can also freeze the first column! Go to View > Freeze
Panes > Freeze First Column

This will freeze the Column 1 of your sheet:

Try moving to the right, the first column is always visible!

Freeze Panes in Excel 226 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: You can also freeze your view from a specific cell! For
example, let us try freezing from cell D4:

Select that cell. Go to View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes

This will freeze panes based on that specific cell. Try scrolling in
multiple directions. Cells A1 to C3 are now frozen!

Freeze Panes in Excel 227 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Highlight All Excel Formula Cells

Whenever you are auditing an Excel worksheet and need to know

where all the formulas are located, a great way is to highlight the
formula cells in a distinctive color. This is how it is done:

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select all the cells in your Excel worksheet by clicking on the
top left-hand corner of your worksheet.

Highlight All Excel Formula Cells 228 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Press the CTRL+G shortcut which will open up the Go To

dialog box and select the Special button.

STEP 3: Select the Formulas radio button and press OK.

Highlight All Excel Formula Cells 229 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: This will highlight all the formulas in your Excel worksheet
and you can use the Fill Color to color in the formula cells.

And now all your cells containing formulas are now highlighted!

Highlight All Excel Formula Cells 230 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Lock Cells in Excel

Have you encountered a scenario where you do not want to lock the
whole sheet, but just a couple of cells in your Excel worksheet?

Locking an entire sheet is straightforward, but locking separate

cells is a different story.

Let us say, we have this single cell that we want to lock in our Excel

Here is the game plan:

• All of the cells are locked by default, however locked cells have
no effect until you have protected the worksheet

• So we will unlock all of the cells

• Then select the single target cell and lock it

• After that, we will protect the worksheet and our target cell
will now be locked!

Exercise Workbook:


Lock Cells in Excel 231 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select all of the cells by clicking the upper left corner:

STEP 2: Right click any cell and select Format Cells:

Lock Cells in Excel 232 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Ensure Locked is unticked. This will unlock our entire

sheet. Click OK.

STEP 4: Right click on our target cell and select Format Cells:

Lock Cells in Excel 233 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: Ensure Locked is ticked this time. This will lock our target
cell. Click OK.

STEP 6: Now it is time to protect our Excel sheet and see the locking
in action!

Right-click on the Worksheet Name and select Protect Sheet (or go

to the ribbon menu and select Review > Protect Sheet)

Lock Cells in Excel 234 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 7: Type in a password and Click OK. In our example, I typed

in excel as the password.

STEP 8: Retype the password and Click OK.

STEP 9: If you try editing your target cell now, Excel will not allow
you to...And you are able to edit the other cells just fine!

Lock Cells in Excel 235 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Lock & Protect Formula Cells

If you have a workbook with lots of formulas and you want to
protect those formulas from being amended by other people who
share your workbook, then you can!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Press the Go To Special shortcut CTRL+G

STEP 2: Select the Constants box and press OK (this highlights all
the non-formula cells)

Lock & Protect Formula Cells 236 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Press CTRL+1 to bring up the Format Cells dialog box

STEP 4: Select the Protection tab and Un-check the Locked box

Lock & Protect Formula Cells 237 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: In the menu ribbon go to Review > Protect Sheet > then
enter your custom password (optional)

This will lock all the cells that are not constant, so this will be all of
the formula cells!

Lock & Protect Formula Cells 238 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Make Negative Red Numbers In

When you are working with lots of different numbers in Excel, you
sometimes want your numbers to stand out by showing them in a
negative red number enclosed in parenthesis.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the column that you want to apply the negative
number formatting. Press CTRL + 1 to open the Format Dialog.

STEP 2: Select Number as the category and select the formatting

that you want to display for negative numbers. You can change the
number of decimal places as well.

Click OK.

Make Negative Red Numbers In Excel 239 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Now your negative numbers are now formatted!

Make Negative Red Numbers In Excel 240 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Number Format - Thousands &

Many times, you might have large numbers in an Excel report and it
is hard to decipher and read the number at one glace.

The best way is to show the numbers in Thousands (K) or Millions


In Excel you can display a number 45,200,000 as 45.2 Million.

Exercise Workbook:


Custom Formatting
Before we move forward, it is important to know that certain
characters in custom formatting have specific meaning:

• 0 Display insignificant zeros

• # Display significant zeros

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 241 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

• , Thousand separator

• " " Add text within the quotes

You can create Excel custom number formats for Millions and
Thousands using either the placeholder zero or pound sign. Let's
look at both of them one-by-one.

With Placeholder Pound Sign #

#,##0, "ths"

#,##0,, "mills"

In the example below, we have sales data with the sales amount
mentioned in columns D & E.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 242 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select Column D in the data below.

STEP 2: Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 243 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: In the Format Cells dialog box, Under Number Tab select

STEP 4: Type #,##0, "ths" and Click OK.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 244 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: This is how the Column D after number formatting will look

STEP 6: Follow the same steps for Column E as well and type #,##0,,
"mills" under the custom section.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 245 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

The only difference between the two custom formats (Thousands &
Millions) is that you have to put 1 comma for Thousands and 2
commas for Millions.

Using Placeholder Zero 0 & Decimal Point

0.0, "K"

0.0,, "M"

Zero is used to display insignificant zeros when the number has

fewer digits than the format represented using zero.

For example, a custom format 0.00 will display the numbers:

5 as 5.00

8.5 as 8.50

10.99 as 10.99

Also, you can round off the number using a decimal point symbol.

To get this formatting done, follow the steps below:

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 246 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select Column D in the data below.

STEP 2: Right-Click and then Select Format Cells.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 247 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: In the Format Cells dialog box, Under Number Tab select

STEP 4: In the Type area enter this format:

0.0, "K"

Then click OK.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 248 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Follow the same process for formatting Numbers in Millions.

STEP 5: In the Type area enter this format:

0.0,, "M"

Then click OK.

Excel number format millions & thousands is now ready!

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 249 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

One thing to note is that this will just format the way the number
looks like on the Worksheet. The number stored in the cell remains
the same!

ROUND Function
You can use the ROUND function to change the formatting and also
change the number as well.

In this method, you have to do three things:

• Divide the number by 1000,000

• Round off the decimal places

• Use & sign to add text "M"

In this example, you have the sales amount mentioned in Column D.

Let's use the combination of division, round, and the & sign to get
the formatting done.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 250 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select cell E7.

STEP 2: Start with the division. Type


Number Format - Thousands & Millions 251 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Add Round Function to this.


STEP 4: Add Text to this formula using & sign.

=ROUND(D7/1000000,1)&" M".

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 252 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: Copy the formula down.

STEP 6: Copy the Column and the Press Alt + E + S to open the
Paste Special Box and select Values. Then click OK.

This will hard code the values and get rid of the formula!

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 253 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

The only difference between using Custom Format & Round

Function is that:

In Custom Format, only the formatting changes but the number

stored remains the same.

In Round Function, both the formatting and number changes.

Number Format - Thousands & Millions 254 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Replace a Format with Another

Imagine this, you have a table full of bold text. The bold text could
also be all over your worksheet in random cells.

Then you decide that the bold text does not suit your expected
design and prefer red colored text instead.

What would you do?

Changing all of the formatting one by one would be a big pain!

Thankfully, Excel allows you to replace formatting with another


This is our initial Table:

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Go to Home > Find & Select

Then select the Replace option.

Replace a Format with Another Format 255 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Select Options.

STEP 3: Select Format. We will set the format that we want to


Replace a Format with Another Format 256 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Make sure Bold is selected. Click OK.

STEP 4: Select the second Format. We will set the format that we
want to be the final formatting.

Replace a Format with Another Format 257 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Make sure the color Red is selected. Click OK.

STEP 5: Click Replace All and see the magic happen!

The formatting is now replaced with the color Red!

Replace a Format with Another Format 258 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

Split Name Using Text to Columns

There are times when you receive a data set of employee full names
in one column and you want to separate the full name into first
name and surname in separate columns.

One way is to use the Power Query method, which is great if you
have lots of data that gets added each day, week or month and
simply want to Refresh your Query to get the output needed each

If you want to quickly split a cell's full name into separate columns
on an ad-hoc basis, then the Text to Columns is the way to go.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Highlight your column's data that has the full names

STEP 2: Go to Data > Text to Columns

Split Name Using Text to Columns 259 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: In Step 1 of 3 you need to select the Delimited button and

press Next

STEP 4: In Step 2 of 3, you need to "check" the Tab and Space

boxes and press Next (since we are splitting the full name at each

Split Name Using Text to Columns 260 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: In Step 3 of 3 you need to press the Finish button

This will split the column into two columns, separating the first from
the second name. You can go ahead and change the column
headings to get the following result:

Split Name Using Text to Columns 261 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Text to Columns - Emails

If you have a data set with text consisting of names and email
addresses that are wrapped inside a parenthesis, like:

John ([email protected])

...then you can use the Text to Columns feature in Excel to take out
the email addresses and put them in a separate column.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Let us add a new column for us to place the Email addresses

Right-click on the Year Column header. Go to Insert > Table

Columns to the Left

Make sure to rename the new column header to Email.

Text to Columns - Emails 262 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Now we have a blank Email column. Select the values of

the Name & Email column.

STEP 3: Go to Data > Text to Columns

STEP 4: Click Next.

Text to Columns - Emails 263 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

We want to split the Name & Email value by the open parenthesis (

To do this select Other and enter the open parenthesis in the box:

Then click Next.

The preview of the conversion looks good. Click Finish.

Text to Columns - Emails 264 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Click OK.

STEP 5: Now we have the Email column populated. The last step is
to remove the ) at the end. Select the values of the Email column.

STEP 6: Let us do a replacement of the values. Press CTRL + H.

Place ) in the Find what and click Replace All. This will replace
the ) with a blank value, resulting in it getting completely removed.

Text to Columns - Emails 265 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Now we have our names and emails separated!

Text to Columns - Emails 266 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Turn Text Dates To Excel Dates

Whenever you import data from your company's server, ERP system
or any other source for that matter, the Dates usually come in a
TEXT format.

I will show you a cool trick where you can turn the TEXT Date to an
Excel Date that Excel can read and work with.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Let's confirm that the Dates are in TEXT format by including
the ISTEXT function.

A TRUE means that it is a TEXT format:

Turn Text Dates To Excel Dates 267 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Now that we know that our Dates are in TEXT format, we
can highlight the whole Dates column

STEP 3: Go to Data > Text to Columns > Finish

Turn Text Dates To Excel Dates 268 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

This will turn the TEXT Date into an Excel Date! How quick was that?

Turn Text Dates To Excel Dates 269 FORMAT & LAYOUT

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Turn Text To Values With Paste

Many times, you would have received data from your IT system
which is formatted wrong! Well a gazillion times if you work in a big

When you try and sum the values you get a count rather than a sum.
That is because Excel reads the data as text rather than a value.

Exercise Workbook:


You can press F2 in the cell to see why it is in text format.

An apostrophe ´ before the number converts values to text, as you

can see below:

Turn Text To Values With Paste Special 270 FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

You can also use the ISTEXT function to confirm a cell’s format:

Now you can easily convert the text into values by using the Paste
Special > Values > Multiply combination. Here is how...

STEP 1: Enter the number 1 in an empty cell

Turn Text To Values With Paste Special 271 FORMAT & LAYOUT
Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Copy that cell

STEP 3: Select the data range, Right Click and select Paste Special

Turn Text To Values With Paste Special 272 FORMAT & LAYOUT
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STEP 4: Select Values & Multiply and press OK

Your data will be transformed into values:

Turn Text To Values With Paste Special 273 FORMAT & LAYOUT
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Unhide Columns in Excel

We normally use "helper columns" to do calculations in our Excel
worksheet. These "helper columns" are for our own internal use and
we usually hide these columns so no one else can see them, like our

But once we are done with presenting our Excel worksheet to our
boss, we can unhide these Excel columns very easily!

For our example, Columns B and C are hidden:

Exercise Workbook:


Unhide Columns in Excel 274 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go back to Formatting and Layout Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select the columns that is both on the left and right of the
hidden columns.

For our example, since our hidden columns are B and C, then we
need to highlight columns A (left of B) and D (right of C).

Right-click and select Unhide:

STEP 2: Your hidden columns are now displayed!

Unhide Columns in Excel 275 FORMAT & LAYOUT

Go to Table of Contents

Add Leading Zeros in Excel ...................................................... 277
Check Your Math with F9.......................................................... 285
Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in Excel .................................... 289
Fill Down Formulas ................................................................... 293
Find the Best Formula............................................................... 295
Remove Formulas in Excel ........................................................ 298
Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces ........................................ 300
Separate Formula into Rows ..................................................... 303
Show & Hide Formulas in Excel ................................................. 305
Vlookup in an Excel Table ........................................................ 307
XLOOKUP Function in Excel ...................................................... 310


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Add Leading Zeros in Excel

Many times you may have faced a situation where you need to add a
leading zero in Excel.

This tutorial will help you do exactly that! Do you have a lot of
numbers with an uneven number of digits in your Excel list?

Do you want to make them uniform by adding leading zeros to


When adding zip codes, security numbers, or employee IDs in

Excel, you may have seen that Excel removes any leading zeros in
the cell. For example, if you type "007845" in Excel it will
immediately turn it into "7845".

This is because Excel automatically treats these values as

numbers and tosses the leading zeros out.

There are various ways to add a leading zero in Excel. Let's look at
those options one by one.

Make sure to download the exercise workbook to follow along and

learn how to add a leading zero in Excel.

Exercise Workbook:


Change format to Text

Since the reason why the zeros are tossed out is that Excel treats
these values as numbers. The best option to add a leading zero in
Excel would be to just change the format to the cell from "Number"
to "Text".

Add Leading Zeros in Excel 277 FORMULA TIPS

Go back to Formula Tips Go to Table of Contents

To change the cell format to text, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select the cell in which you want to add prefix "0".

STEP 2: Go to the Home tab > Number Group.

STEP 3: From the dropdown select "Text".

Add Leading Zeros in Excel 278 FORMULA TIPS

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Now when you add the zeros in front of the number, the zeros will
remain intact.

You might notice a small yellow triangle on that cell. It is simply

indicated that you have stored a number as a text format.

To remove that message, click on the triangle, and select "Ignore


Add Leading Zeros in Excel 279 FORMULA TIPS

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Add an apostrophe '

You can simply add an apostrophe ' in front of the number which
will convert it to text. So, you can type '000001 instead of just
000001. This way, the number will be shown as you want it to
without having to change the format.

You can see in the formula bar that an apostrophe is added as a

prefix to the number.

Use the TEXT formula

Even though the above options get the work done, it's a pain to add
zeros in front of them one by one!

Follow the steps below to understand how to add a leading zero

with one single formula!

Add Leading Zeros in Excel 280 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 1: We need to enter the TEXT function in a blank cell:


STEP 2: The TEXT arguments:


What is the value that you want to add a leading zero in Excel



How many leading zeros do you need?

If we want our number to be 6 digits long, then type in 6 zeros:


=TEXT(B9, "000000")

Add Leading Zeros in Excel 281 FORMULA TIPS

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Apply the same formula to the rest of the cells by dragging the
lower right corner downwards. Your leading zeros are now ready!

You should keep in mind that all of these methods add a leading
zero in Excel by actually converting the cell format to text.

These methods will add the zeros in front of the numbers but the
resulting value will be a text string, not a number.

You will not be able to use them to do any calculations or use them
in numeric formulas.

This brings us to the last method to add leading zeros in Excel -

Using a Custom Format.

Add Leading Zeros in Excel 282 FORMULA TIPS

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Using a Custom Format

You can add leading zeros in Excel by using a custom format. This
will only change the display and not the value of the cell. The value
in the cell will still be a number but the display will contain leading

Let's see how it can be done!

STEP 1: Select the column in which you want to add leading zeros

STEP 2: Press Ctrl +1 to open the Format Cells dialog box

Add Leading Zeros in Excel 283 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 3: Select Custom and fill the type with 000000. Click OK.

Leading zeros will be added to all the numbers. If you select a cell
containing these numbers and look at the formula bar, you will see
that the underlying value in the formula bar remains unchanged.

Now all 6 digits are displayed and the leading zeros will be added to
numbers containing less than 6 digits. Also, the value will still be a
number and will not be converted to a text string.

Add Leading Zeros in Excel 284 FORMULA TIPS

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Check Your Math with F9

If you are ever writing a big formula and it doesn’t give you the
result that you are after, you can use the F9 shortcut to check the
result of each part of your formula.

Our formula calculates the Average of Sales, let us check out if the
calculation came out as intended!

Exercise Workbook:


Check Your Math with F9 285 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 1: Edit the cell containing your formula by double clicking on it

or pressing the F2 shortcut

STEP 2: Let us highlight the first half of the formula.

Check Your Math with F9 286 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 3: Press F9. This will show the result of the SUM formula.

You can see that the total is 514,364. Now press CTRL+Z to revert
to the original Formula

STEP 4: Let us highlight the second half of the formula.

Check Your Math with F9 287 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 5: Press F9. This will show the result of the COUNT formula.

You can see that the count is 8. Now press CTRL+Z to revert to the
original Formula

You can use this technique to quickly check any part of a

complicated formula that needs auditing!

Check Your Math with F9 288 FORMULA TIPS

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Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in

This is one of the coolest tricks I have seen in Excel, as there are
countless times where I had a hard time understanding formulas.
Especially long and complex ones!

Excel provides the way to evaluate your formula, and break it down
step by step so that you can understand it!

Let us take the formulas I've created below in the IS THE VALUE IN
BETWEEN column. We will see how this formula is resolved in a
series of steps:

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: You can see our formula uses both the If formula and the
Median formula.

The goal of this formula is to evaluate if a value (VALUE TO BE

EVALUATED) is in between the range (START OF RANGE to VALUE

For example: Is 50 the median of the range 20; 60; 50?

=IF(C7=MEDIAN(A7:C7), "Yes", "No")

To start understanding our formula, highlight the formula, then go

to Formulas > Evaluate Formula:

Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in Excel 289 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 2: Our formula is now shown on screen, and the part that is
underlined is the one to be evaluated first. Click Evaluate.

STEP 3: C7 has been evaluated to 50. Click Evaluate.

Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in Excel 290 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 4: The median of the values from A7 to C7 (20, 60, 50) is

evaluated as 50. Click Evaluate.

STEP 5: Is 50 equal to 50?

Excel has evaluated it to TRUE. Click Evaluate.

Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in Excel 291 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 6: Since the If formula received a TRUE, Excel evaluated it as

a Yes. We have seen how the formula gave us the result in a few
easy steps!

Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in Excel 292 FORMULA TIPS

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Fill Down Formulas

If you have a formula that you want to copy down your table quickly,
you can do it the slow way by dragging down the bottom right-hand
corner of the cell, or the quick way, which is to double click the
bottom right-hand corner of the cell.

As long as there is data to the left-hand side of the formula that

you want to copy downwards, this trick will work!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Type in your Excel Formula

STEP 2: Double click on the lower right corner of the cell to apply
the same formula to the rest of the column

Fill Down Formulas 293 FORMULA TIPS

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The same Excel formula is applied to the entire column in a flash!

Fill Down Formulas 294 FORMULA TIPS

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Find the Best Formula

This is one of the coolest tricks I have seen in Excel, as there are
countless times where I had a hard time finding the right Excel
formula for my task!

The best part is with this trick, there is no need for you to memorize
Excel formulas.

Let us say we have this horizontal table that we want to search for

Here is our main target: How do we lookup and return the price of
a television?

Exercise Workbook:


Find the Best Formula 295 FORMULA TIPS

Go back to Formula Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Let us look for that perfect formula! Go to Formulas >

Insert Function

STEP 2: Let us type in lookup as that is what we want to do. Click

Go and we will see a couple of formulas.

You can also see a description of each formula and HLOOKUP is

perfect for the job! Select that and click OK.

Find the Best Formula 296 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 3: Now this is the fun part, Excel explains each argument to us
on how to properly utilize the formula. There is also a description
on each argument as you click through each one.

Let us now start filling up the values! Click OK afterwards.

You now have your correct formula with the right result!

Find the Best Formula 297 FORMULA TIPS

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Remove Formulas in Excel

There are times when I have an Excel worksheet full of formulas
and I want to hard code the results and remove the formulas

This is very easy to do in Excel!

Here is our sample worksheet which has the following formulas in

Column E:

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select all the cells that have formulas:

Remove Formulas in Excel 298 FORMULA TIPS

Go back to Formula Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Right click and select Copy:

STEP 3: Right click again and select Paste Values:

Now you will see that the values are only retained and the formulas
are now gone!

Remove Formulas in Excel 299 FORMULA TIPS

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Remove Leading and Trailing

Leading spaces (at the start of the text) and Trailing spaces (at the
end of the text) usually get in the way when we want to perform
operations in Excel.

Whether it be leading or trailing spaces, we have a couple of ways

how to clean them in Excel.

Exercise Workbook:


Let’s use the TRIM formula to remove leading & trailing spaces:

The spaces get removed with no issues:

Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces 300 FORMULA TIPS

Go back to Formula Tips Go to Table of Contents

However if we have non-breaking spaces, the TRIM formula will

not remove these spaces:

The leading space is still there!

What are non-breaking spaces you ask?

Sometimes data downloaded as text uses non-breaking spaces for

formatting purposes. It prevents an automatic line break in between
these spaces.

This is represented by CHAR(160):

This looks like a pain! How do we clean these? I explain how you can
do this below:

STEP 1: We will use the SUBSTITUTE Formula to remove the non-

breaking spaces depicted by CHAR(160)

The goal is to replace the non-breaking spaces with normal spaces.

=SUBSTITUTE(C9, CHAR(160), " ")

Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces 301 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 2: Now that we do not have the non-breaking spaces anymore,

let us nest the TRIM Formula:


Now all of your leading and trailing spaces are cleaned up!

Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces 302 FORMULA TIPS

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Separate Formula into Rows

When I have a complex or long formula, sometimes I wish there was
a way to make it more readable and easier on the eyes. And guess
what, there is a way in Excel!

Let us say we have a SWITCH Formula wherein we want to return the


• A rating of 1 is Bad

• A rating of 2 is Average

• A rating of 3 is Great

• Otherwise, show Unknown

This is our complete SWITCH Formula. We can do some formatting

magic to make it more readable!

Exercise Workbook:


Separate Formula into Rows 303 FORMULA TIPS

Go back to Formula Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Start editing your formula by double clicking on the cell that
has the formula.

We will use the ALT + ENTER keyboard shortcut to add new lines
to our formula, then you can add spaces as well to have indentation
inside your Excel formula.

Functionally speaking there is no additional functionality that you

have added in your Excel Formula but you have made it easier to
read and understand!

Here is the result:

Same formula, but you can quickly see with this new formatting on
which rating would end up to which description.

Separate Formula into Rows 304 FORMULA TIPS

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Show & Hide Formulas in Excel

When I have a sheet full of Excel formulas, sometimes I want to
quickly check how each formula looks like. This is great for
spreadsheet auditing.

Here is our sample worksheet with formulas:

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Press on your keyboard the following keys: Ctrl + `

The ` key is usually located on the upper left part of your keyboard.
This will show all your Excel formulas in your worksheet!

Press the Ctrl + ` combination again to hide the formulas.

Show & Hide Formulas in Excel 305 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 2: If you prefer to set this via Excel Options, another way is to
go to File > Options

STEP 3: Go to Advanced> Display Options for this Worksheet >

Show formulas in cells instead of their calculated fields

Ensure this is checked.

The formulas are all shown now too! You can uncheck it to hide the
formulas again.

Show & Hide Formulas in Excel 306 FORMULA TIPS

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Vlookup in an Excel Table

What does it do?

Searches for a value in the first column of a table array and returns a
value in the same row from another column (to the right) in the
table array.

Formula breakdown:

=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num,


What it means:

=VLOOKUP(this value, TableName, and get me value in this column,

Exact Match/FALSE/0])

Exercise Workbook:


Excel Tables are just amazing and should be used all the time,
whether you have 2 rows or 200,000 rows of data!

When you use a Vlookup formula to lookup in an Excel Table then

your formula becomes dynamic due to its structured referencing.

What that means is that as the Excel Table expands with more data
added to it, your Vlookup formula's 2nd argument (table_array)
does not need to be updated as it refers to the Excel Table as a
whole by referring to its name like Table1, Table2, Table3 etc.

In the example below our Excel Table name is Table2 and as we

add more rows of data to it, the Vlookup formula does not need to
be adjusted. How bloody cool is that?

Vlookup in an Excel Table 307 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 1: We need to convert the data into an Excel Table. Press Ctrl +
T then press OK.

STEP 2: Now let us create the formula to get the price of the Laptop.
Let us use the VLOOKUP formula:

=VLOOKUP(G15, Table1, 2, FALSE)

This will get the lookup value (Laptop in Cell G15), then search in
the first column of Table1.

Afterwards it will get the value in Column #2 which is the price. The
FALSE means is we want to get the exact match.

Vlookup in an Excel Table 308 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 3: Drag down the formula to copy it across the table. Notice
that the second row is looking for the price of Mouse. This does not
exist in our data table yet.

STEP 4: Now add and type in a new row in our table for the price of
the mouse.

The beauty with this is our VLOOKUP formula still works fine. Since
we are using the Table1, there is no need to update the range of
values that our VLOOKUP will use. It is now automatically included
and the price of the mouse is retrieved right away.

Vlookup in an Excel Table 309 FORMULA TIPS

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XLOOKUP Function in Excel

Ever wanted to lookup values in Excel? Which of the following

Excel function did you use:

The dynamic one - VLOOKUP? The horizontal one - HLOOKUP?

The complicated one - INDEX MATCH?

Even though the above Excel functions can get the job done, they
come with their own limitations. The solution to this is to use the
brand new Excel function introduced in Microsoft Office 365 -

If you are using any of the older versions of Excel (2010, 2013,
2016, 2019) you won't be able to use this function.

XLOOKUP is a versatile and outstanding replacement for the

above-mentioned Excel functions. It allows you to quickly lookup
values in a data set (just like VLOOKUP Excel) with additional
flexibility and advantages like:

• It can lookup data to the right or left of the lookup values.

• It looks for an exact match by default. You do not have to

enter an additional argument for it.

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 310 FORMULA TIPS

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• It allows you to provide a custom value or text if your search

result is not found.

• It can perform a partial match lookup using wildcards.

• It can search for values both horizontally and vertically.

• It can return a range instead of a single value which spills out

the results.

• It allows you to find the last occurrence in your data.

Excited? Read on to learn more about XLOOKUP!

Exercise Workbook:


XLOOKUP - An Introduction
What does it do?

Excel XLOOKUP can be used to search an array for a specific value

and returns the value in the same row from another array.

• It can search the value both horizontally and vertically,

• Perform an exact or approximate match,

• Use wildcards,

• Return a custom text when no result is found,

• Doesn't even have the restriction of the return array to be on

the right of the lookup array.

Isn't that AMAZING? It is a power-packed function with so many


XLOOKUP Function in Excel 311 FORMULA TIPS

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Formula breakdown:

=XLOOKUP (lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array,

[if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])


• lookup_value - the value you want to search;

• lookup_array - the range or array where you want to search the


• return_array - the range or array from which you want the


• [if_not_found] - the value you want to display if there are no

results found;

• [match_mode]

o 0 - Exact Match (if no result found, then error)

o 1 - Exact or next smaller (if no result found, then the next

smaller value will be displayed)

o 2 - Exact or next larger (if no result found, then the next

larger value will be displayed)

o 3 - Wildcards

• [search_mode]

o 1 - to search from first

o -1 - to search from last

o 2 - binary search ascending

o -2 - binary search descending

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 312 FORMULA TIPS

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How to use XLOOKUP in Excel?

In this example below, there are two tables:

o Stocklist containing the product's SKU, name, price, and cost.

o Orders Table with its quantity mentioned

You want to extract the price of the products from the stock list
table using XLOOKUP.

STEP 1: We need to enter the XLOOKUP function in a blank cell


XLOOKUP Function in Excel 313 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 2: Enter the first XLOOKUP argument - Lookup_value

(product's SKU that you are looking for)


STEP 3: Enter the second XLOOKUP argument - Lookup_array (the

array that contains all product SKUs)


Ensure that you press F4 so that you can lock the table range

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 314 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 4: Enter the third XLOOKUP argument - return_array (the

array that contains price)


As you will see, Excel has pulled the price of the SKU LP1411
from the stock list and provided the result ($185) in the cell.

Apply the same formula to the rest of the cells by dragging the
lower right corner downwards.

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 315 FORMULA TIPS

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What if you are trying to search for a product name that is not
available in the stock list table?

Excel will provide you with an error!

Instead of showing this error, you can add a custom text (say, No
Product Found) to display!

To do that, simply can add the fourth optional argument of

XLOOKUP function - [if_not_found]

=XLOOKUP(H10,$E$9:$E$12,$C$9:$C$12,"No Product Found")

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 316 FORMULA TIPS

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This was a basic example of how to use XLOOKUP in Excel. Let's

explore the advanced uses of this function in detail!

Approximate Match
In this example, Excel will look for the income entered in cell F14
and find the matching tax rate from column C.

Instead of looking for an exact match, it will now look for an

approximate match. If an exact match is not found it will look for
the next smaller or larger item based on the input provided.

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 317 FORMULA TIPS

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If the income is greater than or equal to $0, the tax rate will be
13%. Similarly, if the income is greater than or equal to $8,456, the
tax rate will be 18%, and so on.

So, let's use this function to determine the tax rate for the
income amount mentioned in cell F14.

=XLOOKUP (lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array,

[if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

Here, the three permanent arguments and one optional argument

[match_mode] will be used. You can ignore arguments -
[if_not_found] and [search_mode] for this example.

Follow the step-by-step tutorial below to perform an approximate

match using the XLOOKUP function:

STEP 1: Enter the first argument lookup_value - the income amount

mentioned in cell E5.


XLOOKUP Function in Excel 318 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 2: Enter the lookup_array - the range containing income

range (B5: B10).


STEP 3: Enter the return_array


STEP 4: Enter the 5th argument[match_mode]. The accepted values

for this argument are:

o 0 - Exact Match (if no result found, then error)

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 319 FORMULA TIPS

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o 1 - Exact or next smaller (if no result found, then the next

smaller value will be displayed)

o 2 - Exact or next larger (if no result found, then the next larger
value will be displayed)

o 3 - Wildcards

In this example, the value will be 1.


We will ignore the 4 th argument.

Below is the formula that should be used:


As you know this function will perform an exact match by default,

you need to use the optional argument of the function -
[match_mode]. So, if Excel fails to find an exact match, it will look
for the next larger income range mentioned in the table.

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 320 FORMULA TIPS

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One of the advantages of using this function over Excel VLOOKUP

for an approximate match is that you do not need to sort the data
in ascending order. Excel will do that on its own!

In the example below, you will see that the data is not arranged in
ascending order.

You can use the same formula in randomly arranged data and
Excel will provide you with the same (correct) result.

Horizontal Lookup
The syntax for performing a horizontal lookup using XLOOKUP is
the same as for vertical lookup.

You just need to provide Excel with the lookup and return an
array, the table's orientation is irrelevant to the XLOOKUP function.

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 321 FORMULA TIPS

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In this example, the product name is displayed on Row 5 and the

price is displayed on Row 6. You need to perform a horizontal
lookup to get your results.

STEP 1: Enter the lookup value - the product name mentioned in cell


STEP 2: Enter the lookup array - the array containing the product


XLOOKUP Function in Excel 322 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 3: Enter the return array - the array containing prices of the


It's that easy to do a horizontal lookup using the new XLOOKUP

function in Excel!

Return a Range instead of Value

Excel XLOOKUP has the ability to return multiple values instead of
just one for a correct match. It can be done without making any
change in the syntax, simply input the entire range in the function
instead of just a single column or row.

In this example, we want to retrieve all the details related to the

product name mentioned in cell G5.

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 323 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 1: Select the cell containing the lookup value.


STEP 2: Select the range containing the product list.


STEP 3: Select the entire range containing columns for SKU, price,
and cost.


XLOOKUP Function in Excel 324 FORMULA TIPS

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Excel will extract or "spill" all the values with the help of the
XLOOKUP formula!

Using Wildcards
Xlookup in Excel allows you to search for a partial match using
wildcards characters like: * ? ~

This can be done using Excel VLOOKUP as well. But the problem
arises when you are actually trying to search the wildcard character
itself in the data.

For XLOOKUP, you can use wildcards in the lookup_value argument

and specify that in the [match_mode] argument. Enter 2 as the
match_mode value to let Excel know that you are trying to do a
partial match.

The three wildcards in Excel are:

o Asterisk mark (*) represents any number of characters. For

example, Jo* could mean Joanne, John, Joe, etc.

o Question mark (?) represents one character. For example, Jo?n

could mean John, Joan, etc.

o Tilde (~) can be used when you want the asterisk or question
mark to not be a wildcard. Simply place a tilde just before * or

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 325 FORMULA TIPS

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In these examples below, you can use wildcard characters (* or ?) to

search for a partial match and return the corresponding email

Joa* will search for the first match starting with Joa and any number
of characters after that (Joan) and return the corresponding email
address ([email protected]).


Jo?n will search for the first match starting with Jo followed by one
character and then n (John) and return the corresponding email
address ([email protected]).


XLOOKUP Function in Excel 326 FORMULA TIPS

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Search from bottom to top

In this example, we will search the value from bottom to top
instead of the default direction (top to bottom). This can be
achieved by using the 6th argument of the function -

It is an amazing feature if you wish to find the last occurrence of

something in your data. Let's dive into this XLOOKUP example to
learn how.

In this example, you have sales data with the Sales date, Product
name and Price mentioned. You have to find out the latest price at
which a particular product was sold.

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 327 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 1: Enter the lookup value - the product name mentioned in cell


STEP 2: Enter the lookup array - the array containing the product


XLOOKUP Function in Excel 328 FORMULA TIPS

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STEP 3: Enter the return array - the array containing prices of the


STEP 4: Enter the 6th argument [search_mode]. It will be -1 for this

example as you want to search from bottom to top.


Excel will start the search from the bottom and the first match will
be produced as a result!

XLOOKUP Function in Excel 329 FORMULA TIPS

Go to Table of Contents


Excel Tables: Autofill Formulas ................................................. 332
Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists ................................. 334
Excel Tables: Drop Down List with Data Validation ................... 340
Excel Tables: Drop Down Menu ................................................ 342
Excel Tables: Dynamic Data List ............................................... 345
Excel Tables: Dynamic Data Validation List ............................... 349
Excel Tables: Extra Styles ......................................................... 353
Excel Tables: Filter & Search ..................................................... 356
Excel Tables: Filter Unique Records .......................................... 360
Excel Tables: Go to Blanks ........................................................ 363
Excel Tables: Headers Show in Columns ................................... 367
Excel Tables: How to Insert ...................................................... 369
Excel Tables: Remove Duplicates .............................................. 371
Excel Tables: Row Differences .................................................. 373
Excel Tables: Slicers ................................................................. 377
Excel Tables: Styles .................................................................. 380
Excel Tables: Subtotal Feature .................................................. 384
Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals ........................... 388
Excel Tables: Total Row Calculations ........................................ 394
Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot Tables ............... 397
Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships .............................. 405
Pivot Tables: Distinct Count ..................................................... 411


Go to Table of Contents

Pivot Tables: Filter by Dates ..................................................... 415

Pivot Tables: Filter Top 5 Customers ........................................ 418
Pivot Tables: Icon Sets .............................................................. 421
Pivot Tables: Show Report Filter Pages ...................................... 428
Pivot Tables: Sorting a Pivot Table ............................................ 431


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Excel Tables: Autofill Formulas

One of the advantages of using an Excel Table is the ability to
autofill a formula all the way down your data without having to copy
and paste.

When you write a formula anywhere in your Excel Table, it will

automatically fill down and up within that column.

As you add extra rows to your Excel Table, the formula fills in to
the extra rows added, so you do not need to copy and paste.

How efficient is that!

Exercise Workbook:


This is our starting data and has been converted into an Excel Table.
Our goal is to compute the percentage of costs in our sales
amount then put it in the blank column.

Excel Tables: Autofill Formulas 332 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 1: Type in this formula to get the percentage of costs in sales.

We are using IFERROR to account for blank values.


STEP 2: Pick on any random row and notice that the formula has
been applied to that as well. This is the power of using Excel Tables
and your formula has been applied to the entire column! No more
copy pasting!

Excel Tables: Autofill Formulas 333 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown

The INDIRECT function is really cool as it opens up a lot of
interesting combinations in Excel.

We will use the power of the INDIRECT function right now on

creating Dependent Dropdown Lists.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: We have our data ordered in the following columns:

Category, Meat, Beverage, Breakfast.

Notice that the Category column has the values Meat, Beverage
and Breakfast. You will see why in our example below.

Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists 334 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 2: We are going to assign Named Ranges for all four


The Name Box is on the far left of the Formula Bar.

Highlight the Category values, and type in the Name Box the name

STEP 3: Do the same for the other three columns:

Meat column values - Meat (Named Range)

Beverage column values - Beverage (Named Range)

Breakfast column values - Breakfast (Named Range)

Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists 335 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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After you created all these Named Ranges, click on the Name Box
dropdown and see our newly created Named Ranges:

STEP 4: Let us start creating the dropdown lists, select the cell you
want to place the first dropdown list.

Go to Data > Data Validation

Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists 336 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 5: Choose List in the Allow drop-down, and in the Source

area, type in =Category

The reason we are doing this is to use the Category Named Range
we defined in Step 2.

Click OK. Try out your drop-down list:

Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists 337 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 6: The moment you have been waiting for, it's time to use
our INDIRECT function!

Select the cell where you want to place the dependent drop-
down list.

Go to Data > Data Validation

STEP 7: Choose List in the Allow drop-down, and in the Source

area, type in =INDIRECT($H$10)

This will return the Named Range values from the drop-down list
selected in cell H10.

Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists 338 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Click OK. You will get this error initially, just click Yes to continue:

For example, if we pick Meat in the Category

List dropdown, INDIRECT will calculate this as the "Meat" Named
Range we defined earlier and return its values in the Content List

The Meat Named Range would represent the values: Beef,

Chicken, Pork:

Excel Tables: Dependent Dropdown Lists 339 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: Drop Down List with

Data Validation
One of the coolest features of Excel is to create a drop down list
with your data. It is one of the first things that I learned and use on
a daily basis.

You can create a drop down list to eliminate manual entry and re-
entry of data, as well as reduce data entry mistakes if you rely on
other users entering data.

Data Validation lists can also be used on a form or a template where

external users can choose from the drop down list to enter their

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Click on the cell that you want to enter your list in

Excel Tables: Drop Down List with Data Validation

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STEP 2: Go to the ribbon and choose Data > Data Validation > List

STEP 3: Click in the Source box and select the range that includes
your list of text/values and press OK

Excel Tables: Drop Down List with Data Validation

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Excel Tables: Drop Down Menu

Apart from creating a simple Drop Down Menu/List or Data
Validation List, you can expand this concept to include it in your
Excel Table or Database.

That way you don't have to do repetitive tasks like entering the
same customer over and over again or copying and pasting time and
time again.

See how easy it is to implement this in under 1 minute!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Have your list of values ready

Excel Tables: Drop Down Menu 342 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 2: Highlight the area that you want to place your drop down
list on

STEP 3: Go to Data > Data Validation

Select List and for the Source, select the list of values for your drop
down list. Click OK.

Excel Tables: Drop Down Menu 343 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 4: You can test it out now on your table! You can also update
the values in your source list and it gets reflected in your drop down

Excel Tables: Drop Down Menu 344 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: Dynamic Data List

Excel Tables have many great features to them and one of them is
their ability to create a dynamic drop down list.

A dynamic drop down list expands as the Excel Table

expands when new data gets added to it.

This is great when you want to have users select from a predefined
text or value list rather than having them manually enter data, which
can lead to mistakes.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Convert your list into an Excel Table by selecting the

range and pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + T

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data List 345 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 2: Select your values of your Table column

STEP 3: In the ribbon menu, go to Formulas > Define Name >

enter a custom name with no spaces (we will put this name in
step 5) and press OK

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data List 346 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 4: Click on the other Excel Table column that you want to
enter the dynamic list into and go to the ribbon and choose Data >
Data Validation > List

STEP 5: In the Source box enter the name you created in Step 3
and press OK or click in Source box, press F3 and select the
named range from there

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data List 347 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 6: If you want to add extra data into your Excel Table list,
hover with your mouse in the bottom right-hand corner and when
you see a double arrow, drag down.

STEP 7: Enter a new entry and this will automatically be updated in

your drop down list

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data List 348 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: Dynamic Data

Validation List
What’s a dynamic data validation drop down list in Excel, you say?

Well, as you add new data into your Excel Table, your drop down list
automatically gets updated.

That is a cool feature and it means that you do not need to update
your data validation source reference each time you update your
data with a new entry, saving you heaps of time in the long run.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Convert your data to an Excel Table by selecting its range

and pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + T

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data Validation List349 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 2: Select your Table’s column by hovering over the Excel Table
and left clicking when the arrow pointer shows

STEP 3: In the ribbon go to Formulas > Define Name > enter a

custom name with no spaces (we will put this name in step 5) and
press OK

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data Validation List350 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 4: Click in a cell and go to the ribbon and choose Data >
Data Validation > List

STEP 5: In the Source box enter the name you created in Step 3 and
press OK

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data Validation List351 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 6: If you want to add extra data into your Excel Table, hover
with your mouse in the bottom right-hand corner and when you see
a double arrow, drag down.

STEP 7: Enter a new entry and this will automatically be updated in

your drop down list.

Excel Tables: Dynamic Data Validation List352 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: Extra Styles

The Excel Table Styles give a user a choice of different styles
ranging from Light, Medium and Dark.

There are over 50 choices depending on your favorite style or

company standard but you are not only limited to those.

You have extra Table styles in the Page Layout tab in your Ribbon
menu. Click on that and select the Colors drop down and you can
choose from an array of combinations.

Go crazy with this to brighten up your dull data :)

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select anywhere in the table. Go to Table Tools > Design >
Table Styles

Excel Tables: Extra Styles 353 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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There are a lot of styles to choose from! Pick any that you prefer.

STEP 2: Now here is the magic trick, if you need more colors, there's

Go to Page Layout > Colors and there are even more combinations!

Excel Tables: Extra Styles 354 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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After picking one, here is the final result for the Excel Table Style!

Excel Tables: Extra Styles 355 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Filter & Search

The Search box within the Filter button is very powerful if you know
how to use it to your advantage.

For example, if you had a list of customers, the Search box allows
you to find specific customers by typing in a few letters only, allows
you to add a selection to your filtered list and even use wildcard
symbols - like the asterisk * to drill down to specific customers.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: We will do some basic filtering to set our table up

Click on the CUSTOMER column header and select 2 values to

display only

Excel Tables: Filter & Search 356 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Now we have these 2 values only being displayed:

STEP 2: Now click on the CUSTOMER column header and type "the"
in the search box

Once you tick Add current selection to filter, this will include the
Customers with the word "the" in the text

This will be included to your filter. Click OK

You have 3 additional customers added now:

Excel Tables: Filter & Search 357 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 3: Now click on the CUSTOMER column header and type w*

in the search box

The asterisk * is a wildcard character, this means this will search for
all text starting with w only

Once you tick Add current selection to filter, this will include the
Customers with the letter w in the beginning

This will be included to your filter. Click OK

You have the additional customers added now:

Excel Tables: Filter & Search 358 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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BONUS TIP: Here is an additional tip, you can also use the question
mark ? as a wildcard character, it represents one single character.
For example m?n could match both man and men.

Give it a try!

Excel Tables: Filter & Search 359 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: Filter Unique Records

The Advanced Filter in Excel allows you to filter unique records and
copy them to another location outside the data set. This is useful
when you want to use a filtered list for further analysis.

Let’s see how we can do this using the Advanced Filter.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: We want to create a list of unique values for the REGION


Go to Data > Sort & Filter > Advanced

Excel Tables: Filter Unique Records 360 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 2: Select the following:

• Copy to another location - this will create the unique list on

your chosen location

• List range - select the REGION column and include the column

• Copy to - place it in a cell where you want the unique list to be


• Unique records only - make sure this is ticked to create a

unique list

Click OK

You now have your list of unique values generated!

Excel Tables: Filter Unique Records 361 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: Filter Unique Records 362 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: Go to Blanks

The Go To Special tool within Excel is a must for any serious Excel
user as it has an array of useful spreadsheet formatting and clean
up tools.

One that I use all the time is the Go To Special > Blanks. This
allows you to delete multiple blank rows/columns within seconds. I
show you how below.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the entire table containing your data

Excel Tables: Go to Blanks 363 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 2: Press CTRL + G to open the Go To Dialog. Click Special

STEP 3: Select Blanks and click OK

Excel Tables: Go to Blanks 364 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 4: Now we have the blank rows selected

Right click on a blank row, and go to Delete > Table Rows

Excel Tables: Go to Blanks 365 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Now your blank rows are now deleted in a blink of an eye!

Excel Tables: Go to Blanks 366 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Headers Show in

Before Excel Tables were introduced in Excel 2007, there were
Excel Lists which had limited functionality.

For example, when you had a list of data with hundreds of rows and
you had to scroll all the way down to the bottom of your list, the
Headers row was not visible and you had to guess what some
columns related to.

When you have your data in an Excel Table and you have many
rows of data and need to scroll down to the bottom of your Excel
Table, the Header names stay visible in the Excel Columns.

Exercise Workbook:


Excel Tables: Headers Show in Columns 367 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 1: This is our Excel Table. Have a look of the Table Header
values then scroll all the way down.

STEP 2: Our column values still magically display on top for your
easy reference! This is the power of Excel Tables!

Excel Tables: Headers Show in Columns 368 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Excel Tables: How to Insert

Excel Tables are very powerful and have many advantages when
using them. You should start using them asap regardless of the
size of your data set, as their benefits are HUUUGE:

• Structured referencing;

• Many different built in Table Styles with color formatting;

• Use of a Total Row which uses built in functions to calculate

the contents of a particular column;

• Drop down lists that allows you to Sort & Filter;

• When you scroll down from the Table, its Headers replace the
Column Letters in the worksheet;

• Remove Duplicate Rows automatically;

• Summarize the Table with a Pivot Table;

• Supports calculated Columns so you can create dynamic

formulas outside the Table;

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select a cell in your table

Excel Tables: How to Insert 369 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 2: Let us insert our table! To do that press Ctrl + T or go

to Insert > Table:

STEP 3: Click OK.

Your cool table is now ready!

Excel Tables: How to Insert 370 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Remove Duplicates

When you have duplicates values within your Excel Table there is a
quick and easy way to remove those values.

The duplicate values could be all over your Excel Table and
sometimes it takes valuable time trying to locate those duplicates
and then deleting them.

Not to worry, Remove Duplicates to the rescue!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Click inside your Excel Table and select Table Tools >
Design > Remove Duplicates

Excel Tables: Remove Duplicates 371 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 2: This will bring up the Remove Duplicates dialog box. Select
only the Columns box that contains the duplicates that you want
to remove and press OK

Your duplicates are now removed from the CUSTOMER column!

Excel Tables: Remove Duplicates 372 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Row Differences

If you have two rows that you want to compare, for example, sale
amount versus amount paid, you can easily filter the differences
between these two columns by going in to the Find & Select > Go
To Special > Row Differences.

Once the cells have been identified, you can color them in and then
filter to see each transaction.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the rows that you want to compare

Excel Tables: Row Differences 373 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 2: Press Ctrl + G to open the Go To Dialog. Select Special

STEP 3: Select Row Differences and click OK.

Excel Tables: Row Differences 374 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 4: Color the selected cells

STEP 5: Now let's filter and leave these rows! Go to Home > Sort &
Filter > Filter

Excel Tables: Row Differences 375 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 6: Go to Paid Column Filter > Filter by Color > Red Color

Now you have your row differences!

Excel Tables: Row Differences 376 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Slicers

Slicers were introduced with Pivot Tables in Excel 2010 and they
allow us to select items to filter with beautiful interactive buttons.

You can see the power of Slicers and the different ways you can
format them in these posts.

In Excel 2013, Slicers were introduced in Excel Tables!

Exercise Workbook:


To insert a Slicer in an Excel Table you have to follow these short


STEP 1: Click inside the Excel Table

Excel Tables: Slicers 377 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 2: Select Table Tools > Design > Insert Slicer

STEP 3: Tick the Table Headers that you want to include in your
Slicer and press OK

Excel Tables: Slicers 378 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 4: You can update the look and feel by going to Slicer Tools >
Options > Slicer Styles

Click on the Slicer buttons and see how your Excel Table gets
filtered without needing to select the filter drop down.

Excel Tables: Slicers 379 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Styles

There are lots of different Excel Table Styles that you can choose
from to spice up your Excel Table. You can also customize your
own style if you don't like any of the default Excel styles.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: While selecting a cell in the table, go to Table Tools >

Design > Table Styles

Pick any style that you prefer

You now have your updated table.

Excel Tables: Styles 380 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 2: You can also create your own style! Go to Table Tools >
Design > Table Styles > New Table Style

Excel Tables: Styles 381 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 3: You can give the new table style a name. Click Format

STEP 4: Let us select Fill and pick a color. Click OK twice.

Excel Tables: Styles 382 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 5: Go to Table Tools > Design > Table Styles

Pick your newly created style

It is now reflected in your Excel Table!

Excel Tables: Styles 383 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Subtotal Feature

Excel’s Subtotal feature is a great way to automatically insert a
Sum/Count/Average/Max/Min subtotal to your data set with a
press of a button.

This feature is located under the Excel Data tools menu: Data >
Subtotal. To insert this feature, you need to follow these quick

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Highlight your data and go to Data > Subtotal

Excel Tables: Subtotal Feature 384 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 2: This will open up the Subtotal dialog box

STEP 3: At each change: Select which column you want to use to

separate the data. Make sure that the data in the selected column is
in ascending/descending order

Excel Tables: Subtotal Feature 385 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 4: Use function: Select which function you want to use for
your calculation. You can select from Sum, Count, Average,
Maximum, Minimum, Product, Count Numbers, StdDev,
StdDevp, Var, Varp

STEP 5: Add subtotal to: Select the column that you want to

Excel Tables: Subtotal Feature 386 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 6: Press OK and this will add extra lines to your data with the
chosen Subtotal

STEP 7: If you want to change the Subtotal (say from a Sum to an

Average) all you have to do is click in your data and go to Data >
Subtotal and it will bring up the Subtotal dialog box once
again. Under Use function select Average and press OK.

Excel Tables: Subtotal Feature 387 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Excel Tables: Summarize Data With

What does it do?

It returns a Subtotal in a list or database

Formula breakdown:

=SUBTOTAL(function_num, ref1)

What it means:

=SUBTOTAL(function number 1-11 includes manually-hidden rows &

101-111 excludes them, your list or range of data)

Exercise Workbook:


The Subtotal function can become dynamic when we combine it with

a drop down list.

This is a great trick and one that can be used when creating an Excel
Dashboard that summarizes key data metrics on one page.

Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: We need to list the Subtotal summary functions in our

Excel worksheet

STEP 2: In the ribbon select Developer > Insert > Form Controls >
Combo Box

STEP 3: With your mouse select the region where you want to
insert the Combo Box

Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Right Click on the Combo Box and select Format Control...

STEP 5: For the Input Range, you need to select the range with the
Subtotal summary names from STEP 1

Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 6: For the Cell Link, you need to select a cell where you
want to show the output and press OK

(The Cell Link increments by 1 depending on the order of the list

and the name chosen. We will use this value as our first argument
in the SUBTOTAL function)

STEP 7: Enter the Subtotal function and for the first argument
function_num we will reference the Cell Link from STEP 6

STEP 8: For the second argument, select the data range

Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

So you can see as you choose a summary name from the drop down
list, it gives us a value for the Cell Link which equals to the
function_num for that summary name!

Let us give it a try! Select MAX and you will get the maximum value:

Now let us try COUNT and you get the number of records:

Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Here are the values for the SUBTOTAL function_num:

Function Includes Ignores

hidden hidden
values values
COUNT 2 102
COUNTA 3 103
MAX 4 104
MIN 5 105
STDEV 7 107
STDEVP 8 108
SUM 9 109
VAR 10 110
VARP 11 111

Excel Tables: Summarize Data With Subtotals

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Excel Tables: Total Row

One of the most powerful features of an Excel Table is the use of
formulas to calculate its Column contents.

This will add a Totals Row at the bottom of your Table and by
clicking in any of the boxes, a list of formulas will appear! You can
use the default formulas like Average, Count, Count Numbers,
Max, Min, Sum plus you can click on More Functions which will
let you choose any of Excel’s many formulas.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select any cell in your table. Go to Table Tools > Design >
Table Style Options > Total Row

Excel Tables: Total Row Calculations 394 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: A new row has been added at the bottom of the data. Select
Count for the REGION column

STEP 3: Select Max for the ORDER DATE column

Excel Tables: Total Row Calculations 395 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 4: Select Sum for the SALES column

Now you have your updated values! They get updated automatically
as you add new rows and change values!

Excel Tables: Total Row Calculations 396 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to

Multiple Pivot Tables
When you insert an Excel Pivot Table Slicer it is only connected to
the Pivot Table that you are inserting it from.

What about if you had multiple Pivot Tables from the same data set
and wanted to control them using one Slicer, so when you press a
button all the Pivot Tables change?

Well this is possible with the Report Connections (Excel 2013,

2016, 2019 & Office 365) / PivotTable Connections (Excel 2010)
option within the Slicer.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Create 2 Pivot Tables by clicking in your data set and

selecting Insert > Pivot Table > New Worksheet/Existing

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Setup Pivot Table #1:

ROWS: Region

VALUES: Sum of Sales

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Setup Pivot Table #2:

ROWS: Customer

VALUES: Sum of Sales

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Click in Pivot Table #1 and insert a MONTH Slicer by

going to PivotTable Tools > Analyze/Options > Insert Slicer >
Month > OK

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Click in Pivot Table #2 and insert a YEAR Slicer by going

to PivotTable Tools > Analyze/Options > Insert Slicer > Year
> OK

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Right Click on Slicer #1 and go to Report

Connections(Excel 2013, 2016, 2019 & Office
365)/PivotTable Connections (Excel 2010) > "check" the
PivotTable2 box and press OK

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: Right Click on Slicer #2 and go to Report

Connections(Excel 2013, 2016, 2019 & Office
365)/PivotTable Connections (Excel 2010) > "check" the
PivotTable1 box and press OK

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Now as you select each Slicer's items, both Pivot Tables will change!

Pivot Tables: Connect Slicers to Multiple Pivot

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Pivot Tables: Data Model and

Ever had multiple related tables and wondered how to create a
report that connects them together in a single Pivot Table? We have
just the thing with Data Model and Relationships!

Below is our data that we will use. What we want to do is create a

report that shows the First Name of the student and the Number of
Classes that the student has taken.

The tricky part here is the First Name is in the Students Table (on
the right), while the number of classes are in the Classes Table (on
the left).

Both Tables have a StudentId column which we will use to create

our relationship.

Exercise Workbook:


Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships405 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select the Classes Table. Go to Insert > Pivot Table > New

Make sure to tick Add this data to the Data Model. Click OK.

Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships406 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 2: Select the Students Table. Go to Insert > Pivot Table >
New Worksheet

Make sure to tick Add this data to the Data Model. Click OK.

STEP 3: Click All in PivotTable Fields and you should see both
Tables there.

Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships407 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Now we need to link them together! Go to PivotTable Tools

> Analyze > Calculations > Relationships

Click New.

Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships408 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 5: There are 2 sides of a relationship when we want to link

them together.

The rule of thumb is the “Primary” Table should have no

duplicates. This is the Students Table as it does not have
duplicate Student Ids.

The “Foreign” Table is where you have many transactions with

duplicate values. This is the Classes Table as it has duplicate
Student Ids.

Set the following then Click OK:

Table - Classes

Column (foreign) - StudentId

Related Table - Students

Related Column (Primary) - StudentId

Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships409 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Click Close.

STEP 6: In the ROWS section put in

theStudents(FirstName) field. In the VALUES section put in the
Classes (ClassName) field.

With just that, you can see that Excel was able to show the results in
a merged fashion without the need to use the VLOOKUP formula!

Pivot Tables: Data Model and Relationships410 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Pivot Tables: Distinct Count

When Pivot Table features were updated in Excel 2013, one that had
been well overdue was the distinct or unique count.

Previously when we created a Pivot Table and dropped a Customers

field in the Row Labels and then again in the Values area, we got
the "Total number of transactions" for each customer.

But what about if we want to show the total unique customers?

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Click in your data source and go to Insert > Pivot Table

Pivot Tables: Distinct Count 411 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: The important step here is to check the Add this data to
the Data Model box and press OK

STEP 3: This will create a Pivot Table. Now drop the Customers
field in the Row and Values areas which will give you the "total
transactions" for each customer.

Pivot Tables: Distinct Count 412 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 4: To get a Distinct Count, you need to click on the Values

drop down for the Count of Customers and select the Value Field

STEP 5: Under Summarize Values By tab, select the last option,

Distinct Count and press OK

Pivot Tables: Distinct Count 413 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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You now have your distinct counts!

Pivot Tables: Distinct Count 414 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Pivot Tables: Filter by Dates

There are an array of different Date filters in a Pivot Table. You can
filter by a particular date range, for example: by this week, next
month, next quarter, next year, last year, year to date and
the list goes on and on. This is useful if you want to see what
invoices are due to be paid this month or what sales transactions
were included in a particular quarter.

Below I show you a few quick Pivot Table filter examples.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Go to Row Labels and select Date Filters > Between

Pivot Tables: Filter by Dates 415 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Place a date range. Click OK.

Your Pivot Table is now filtered by the dates!

Pivot Tables: Filter by Dates 416 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 3: Let us try another one. Go to Row Labels and select Date
Filters > Next Quarter

Your Pivot Table is now filtered by the next quarter!

(This tip only works if your Pivot Table’s dates and the today’s date
are within the same year)

Pivot Tables: Filter by Dates 417 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Pivot Tables: Filter Top 5 Customers

You can easily Filter your Pivot Table to show your Top X
customers. There are lots of different Value Filters to choose
from and one of my favorites is the Top 10 Filter.

Exercise Workbook:


Here is our Pivot Table:

Pivot Tables: Filter Top 5 Customers 418 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Go to Row Labels > Value Filters > Top 10

STEP 2: Set it to the Top 5 Items by Sum of SALES. Click OK.

Pivot Tables: Filter Top 5 Customers 419 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Your pivot table is now filtered!

Pivot Tables: Filter Top 5 Customers 420 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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Pivot Tables: Icon Sets

An Icon Set is a Conditional Formatting icon/graphic that you can
include in your cells or Pivot Tables.

The icon will depend on the cell’s value so you can highlight key
variances or trends. There are a few sets that you can include, like:

DIRECTIONAL (Change in values)

SHAPES (Milestones)

INDICATORS (Positive/Negative)

RATINGS (Scores)

I show you how easy it is to insert an Icon Set within a Pivot Table
that will show a "directional icon" depending on the change of the
monthly sales values.

Pivot Tables: Icon Sets 421 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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So when monthly sales increase from the previous month, a green

up arrow is shown and when monthly sales decrease, a red down
arrow is shown.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Place the SALES Field in the Values area, the MONTH Field
in the Rows area and the YEAR Field in the Columns area.

Pivot Tables: Icon Sets 422 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Place the SALES Field in the Values area a second time.
Click on the Sum of SALES2 field and select Value Field Settings

Go to Show Values as and from the from down select Difference

From. Select these parameters:

Base field: MONTH

Base item: (previous)

Pivot Tables: Icon Sets 423 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 3: Click in a variance cell. Go to Home > Styles > Conditional

Formatting > Icon Sets > The First Icon Set

Pivot Tables: Icon Sets 424 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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STEP 4: Make sure to select the third option. This excludes the
Subtotals and Grand Totals.

STEP 5: Go to Home > Styles > Conditional Formatting > Manage


Pivot Tables: Icon Sets 425 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Select Edit Rule.

Set the settings to the ones shown below. This will set the column to
show the arrow icons only - A green arrow for positive, an orange
for zero and a red arrow for negative.

Pivot Tables: Icon Sets 426 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Your icons are now ready in your Pivot Table!

Bonus Tip: Click on the cell with the title Sum of SALES2 and
manually change the name to Variance.

Pivot Tables: Icon Sets 427 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE

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Pivot Tables: Show Report Filter

When you are using an Excel Pivot Table you can show the items
within the Report Filter on separate sheets inside your workbook.

Say that you have created an awesome Pivot Table which shows total
sales and number of transactions per region.

You can drop in your Customer field in the Report Filter and
replicate the Pivot Table for each of your customers in a separate

See how you can do this below.

Exercise Workbook:


Here is our data:

Here is our Pivot Table:

Pivot Tables: Show Report Filter Pages 428 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Drop the Customer Field in the report filter.

Pivot Tables: Show Report Filter Pages 429 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 2: Go to Options > Options Drop Down > Show Report Filter

STEP 3: Press OK.

Each customer's pivot table will show in a unique sheet!

Pivot Tables: Show Report Filter Pages 430 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Pivot Tables: Sorting a Pivot Table

There are a few ways that you can Sort a Pivot Table. You can Sort
the Row/Column Labels as well as Values within a Pivot
Table. Below I show you three quick ways.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: You can sort by clicking a cell & dragging each row item
up or down

This is now the sorted result:

Pivot Tables: Sorting a Pivot Table 431 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: You can also sort by typing an existing cell value

In our example, we are typing Widget Corp, which is currently

located at the last row.

123 Warehousing gets pushed down, and Widget Corp moves to the
top row.

Pivot Tables: Sorting a Pivot Table 432 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
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STEP 3: You can also sort by right clicking.

Try it on any company name and select Sort > Sort A to Z

Our table will be sorted in alphabetical order based on the company


Pivot Tables: Sorting a Pivot Table 433 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go back to Table and Pivot Table Tips Go to Table of Contents

Try it also on the Grand Total column. Right click and select Sort >
Sort Smallest to Largest

Our table is now sorted in ascending order by the Grand Total


Pivot Tables: Sorting a Pivot Table 434 TABLE & PIVOT TABLE
Go to Table of Contents


11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips .................................................. 437
Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar.................................... 462
Autosum an Array of Data in Excel ........................................... 473
Change & Convert UK Dates to US ............................................ 475
Charts: Change the Axis Units .................................................. 479
Charts: Copying and Moving Charts.......................................... 482
Charts: Logarithmic Scale ......................................................... 484
Charts: Save Templates ............................................................ 488
Consolidate Tool in Excel ......................................................... 490
Convert Text to Speech ............................................................ 493
Copy The Cell Above In Excel ................................................... 498
Create a Named Range in Excel ................................................ 502
Excel Filter by Selection ............................................................ 506
Excel Paste Special: A Values Multiplier..................................... 510
Excel Paste Special: Add Values To a Range .............................. 513
Find & Replace ......................................................................... 516
Find & Highlight Duplicates in Excel ......................................... 519
Find Errors with Go to Special Constants .................................. 521
Flash Fill: How to Use In Excel .................................................. 524
Flash Fill: Add Hyphens To Serial Numbers ............................... 528
Flash Fill: Convert Values to Dates ............................................ 531
Flash Fill: Extract Numbers ....................................................... 534
Flash Fill: Fix Incorrect Formatting ............................................ 537


Go to Table of Contents

Group Worksheets in Excel ....................................................... 540

How To Create A Custom List In Excel ...................................... 543
Hyperlinks: Buttons .................................................................. 549
Hyperlinks: Fix Links to a Named Range ................................... 559
In-Cell Bar Charts with the REPT Function ................................. 563
Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Sheets ................................ 565
Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks ......................... 571
Power Query: Unpivot Data ....................................................... 583
Quick Reports With Excel Custom Views ................................... 586
Smart Lookup in Excel .............................................................. 590
Sparklines: Column .................................................................. 592
Sparklines: Lines ...................................................................... 594
Sparklines: Win or Loss ............................................................ 596
Use Autocorrect to Input Complex Text .................................... 599
Use Goal Seek To Find Formula Result ...................................... 603
Use Goal Seek To Meet Your Profit Goal .................................... 606
Use Windings Symbols in Excel ................................................. 609
View Multiple Worksheets in Excel ............................................ 614


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11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips

Data Entry Forms is an extremely useful feature if inputting data is

part of your daily work.

It can help you avoid the mistakes and make the data entry
process faster. It also helps you focus on one record at a time!

It is a convenient and faster way to input records in Excel by

displaying one row of information at a time without having to move
from one column to another.

Whenever I wanted to enter data in Excel, it would take me a very

long time to input these records one by one, but I discovered a
handy trick that can turn my Excel Table into a handy Excel Data
Entry Form!

Exercise Workbook:


11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 437 WORKING WITH DATA

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Create Form in Excel

Say goodbye to inputting entering data into this Table row by row
by row by row....

Follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Convert your Column names into a Table, go to Insert>


Make sure My table has headers is also checked.

STEP 2: Let us add the Form Creation functionality to understand

how to make a fillable form in Excel.

Go to File > Options

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 438 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 3: Go to Customize Ribbon.

Select Commands Not in the Ribbon and Form. This is the

functionality we need. Click New Tab.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 439 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 4: Under the New Tab, select New Group, and click Add.

This will add Forms to a New Tab in our Ribbon.

Notice that there is also a Rename button, you can use it to rename
the New Tab and New Group into something more descriptive, like

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 440 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 5: Select your Table, and on your new Form tab, select Form.

STEP 6: A new Form dialog box will pop up!

Input your data into each section.

Click New to save it. Repeat this process for all the records you
want to add.

Press Close to get out of this screen and see the data in your Excel

You can now use this new form to continually input data into your
Excel Table!

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 441 WORKING WITH DATA

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Add to Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

Now that you have learned how to create a form in Excel, let’s put
them on your QAT for easy access.

To add to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Click on the small arrow right next to QAT.

STEP 2: Click on More Commands from the dropdown list.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 442 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 3: In the Excel Options dialog box, select All Commands from
Choose commands from list.

STEP 4: Select Form from the list and then click on Add>>.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 443 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 5: Form is now available in the Customize Quick Access

Toolbar. Click OK.

Data Entry Form is now part of your Quick Access Toolbar.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 444 WORKING WITH DATA

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Access the Form anytime

To access the Excel Data Entry Form, click on any cell in the table
and click on the Form icon in Quick Access Toolbar.

If you try to access the form when you haven't selected a cell
within the data table, you will receive an error message like the
one shown below:

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 445 WORKING WITH DATA

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Browse through Records

To navigate through the existing records, simply use the Find
Previous and Find Next buttons available on the Data Entry Form.

You can also use the scroll bar to go through the records one after
the other.

This will save time when you have a data with multiple columns and

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 446 WORKING WITH DATA

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Edit Existing Record

Use the Find Previous and Find Next buttons to search for the
record you want to edit.

Once you find the desired record, simply make the necessary
changes and hit Enter in Excel.

The data table will be updated with the changes made.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 447 WORKING WITH DATA

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Search Criteria
Using Wildcards

If you wish to search all entries containing the word "east" in the
Region Column, you can do that by using the wildcard asterisk *.

STEP 1: In the Data Entry Form, click on the Criteria button

STEP 2: In the Region field, type *east (to search all regions
containing the word east)

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 448 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 3: Click Find Next to find the entries containing the word

The Data Entry Form will find the three entries for you in this

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 449 WORKING WITH DATA

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11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 450 WORKING WITH DATA

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Using greater or less than sign

If you want to search for people having a salary greater than or

equal to $75,000, you can do so by following the steps below:

STEP 1: In the Data Entry Form, click on the Criteria button

STEP 2: In the Salary field, type >=75000.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 451 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 3: Click Find Next to find all entries with a salary greater
than or equal to $75,000.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 452 WORKING WITH DATA

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Restore a Record
Suppose you have accidentally deleted the first name of a record.

And you don't remember what was written in that field! Don't

You can use the Restore button in the Excel Data Entry Form and
retrieve the data lost accidentally.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 453 WORKING WITH DATA

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The data will reappear in the respective field.

One thing you need to keep in mind is that the Restore button is
only useful if you haven't pressed Enter.

The moment you press the Enter button, the Restore button will
become inactive and you won't be able to revert back to the original

Data Validation in Forms

Even though you cannot directly add any data validation to the form,
any restriction created on the data table will still be in effect
within the Forms.

Let's see how!

Say, you add a list rule to the Region Column using Data Validation.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 454 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 1: Select the Region Column.

STEP 2: Go to Data Tab > Data Tools (Group) > Data Validation.

STEP 3: In the Data Validation dialog box, click on the Allow

dropdown and select List.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 455 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 4: In the Source field, type Northeast, Northwest, Southeast,

Southwest, and click OK.

Data Validation has now been inserted in the Region Column where
you are only allowed to enter values present in the list (Northeast,
Northwest, Southeast, Southwest).

STEP 5: Click on the Forms icon in QAT.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 456 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 6: Change the Region for Record 1 from Northeast to East

and Click OK.

Once you click OK, you will see an error message as below:

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 457 WORKING WITH DATA

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Delete a Record

STEP 1: Use the Scroll Bar to navigate to find the entry you want to

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 458 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 2: Click on the Delete button.

STEP 3: A confirmation message will appear on your screen, Click


The desired entry will be removed from the data table.

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 459 WORKING WITH DATA

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Close the Form

To close the dialog box for Data Forms, simply click on the Close
button (X) on the top-right corner of the box.

Keyboards Shortcuts for Data Entry Forms

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to work faster
when using Data Entry Forms:

• Press Tab to go to the next field in the Excel Forms.

• Press Enter to go to the next record in the Excel Forms.

• Hit the Esc button on your keyboard to close the Excel Form.

This concludes the top 11 things you should know about Excel
Data Entry Forms. It will not only make the process faster but also
a lot easier and fun!

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 460 WORKING WITH DATA

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Few things to keep in mind when using the Excel Data Entry Form

• You can add a maximum of 32 fields per record.

• You cannot print a data form record.

• Before you hit Enter, you can restore any changes made to the

So, give it a try! I am sure you are going to love it!

11 Excel Data Entry Form Tips 461 WORKING WITH DATA

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Add the Calculator to the Excel

You might have found using the Windows in-built Calculator in
Excel when you want to do some quick and basic calculations that
did not require formulas. Many of the times, the Calculator app and
Excel go hand-in-hand.

Did you know that instead of scrambling for the Calculator

Application, you can actually have a Calculator in Excel itself!

Excel has a lot of customizations and one handy tool is to include

the Calculator in the Excel toolbar.

You can literally place it on your Excel window, and it is very easy
and handy to open it whenever needed:

Adding Excel Calculator to the Quick Access Toolbar would save you
a lot of time and could prove to be extremely helpful.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 462 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is located at the top-left portion of the

Ribbon where you can access the commonly used functions and
commands of Excel.

By default, the only options available in QAT are Save, Undo, and
Redo. But it can be customized individually by Excel users. So, if you
are one who frequently uses Calculator App with Excel. Adding a
calculator to your QAT would be the perfect step!

How to Add Calculator to QAT

The steps for how to create a calculator in Excel are very
straightforward. They are outlined below:

STEP 1: Go to the top-left corner of the Excel Ribbon and click the
down arrow on the Excel Toolbar.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 463 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: From the drop down menu, select More Commands from
the list.

STEP 3: Select Commands Not in the Ribbon.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 464 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Scroll down and select Calculator. Click Add.

STEP 5: Click OK.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 465 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 6: Your Calculator icon is now ready.

How to Remove Calculator from QAT

Now that you know how to make a calculator in excel, you should
also learn how to remove it from the QAT. Follow the steps below to
do so:

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 466 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Go to the top-left corner of the Excel Ribbon and click the
down arrow on the Excel Toolbar.

STEP 2: From the drop down menu, select More Commands from
the list.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 467 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Under Customize Quick Access Toolbar, select Calculator

and click on Remove.

STEP 4: Click OK.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 468 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

This brings us back to the original QAT setup.

How to Use Calculator in Excel

This calculator tool is an extremely useful tool and does a lot more
than just addition and subtraction. There are 4 modes available to
use - Standard, Scientific, Programmer, and Date Calculation.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 469 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

• Standard - It is used for basic math calculations like add,

subtract, divide, multiple, finding square root, calculating
percentages, and working with fractions.

• Scientific - It is used for functions like log, modulus,

exponent, trigonometric calculations, sin, cos, tan, etc.

• Programmer - It is used to switch between different number

systems—binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal.

• Date Calculation - It is used to calculate the difference

between two specific dates.

Now, let's give it a try and learn how to use a Calculator in Excel.

Say, you have to input the difference between two dates - 12th April
2020 and 2nd June 2020 without using any Excel formulas.

STEP 1: Click on the calculator icon in QAT

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 470 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Click on the menu button at the top left and then select
Date Calculation.

STEP 3: Insert the two dates - 12th April 2020 and 2nd June 2020

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 471 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: The difference between the two dates will be displayed.

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar 472 WORKING WITH DATA
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Autosum an Array of Data in Excel

When you have an array of data in Excel with Totals at the bottom
and to the right of the data, you can quickly fill in the Totals with
the Autosum button.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Highlight your data including the "Totals" row and column;

STEP 2: Click the Autosum button (under the Home or Formulas

tabs) and this will fill in the Totals cells with the Sum formula.

Autosum an Array of Data in Excel 473 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Afterwards both your Total row and column are now populated!

Autosum an Array of Data in Excel 474 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Change & Convert UK Dates to US

Have you ever come across a scenario where your dates in Excel are
in the wrong format?

Say you type in 01/05/2018 which actually means January 5, 2018

in the US but it shows as May 1, 2018! It drives me nuts because
the entire spreadsheet of dates is interpreted incorrectly by Excel!

That happens because your computer's region settings are in UK

format and need to be changed to a US format.

Thankfully, there is an easy way to change your Windows region &

date settings so that the dates will be interpreted correctly
by Excel!

Here I show you how you can do this.

STEP 1: For Windows 10, go to your Search Bar and type Date &
Time Settings.

Change & Convert UK Dates to US 475 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Scroll to the very bottom, and select Change date and time

Change & Convert UK Dates to US 476 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 3: You can see the current Short date setting is Day-Month-

Change it to M/dd/yy which is the US Date Format.

Change & Convert UK Dates to US 477 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 4: Now go to Excel and type in 01/05/2018.

It is now correctly interpreted as January 5, 2018!

Bonus Tip: If you are still unable to make this work, you will need to
change your computer’s Region settings:

Settings > Region > Additional date, time & regional settings (top
right) > Change date, time or number formats > Format: English
(United States) > Apply

Change & Convert UK Dates to US 478 WORKING WITH DATA

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Charts: Change the Axis Units

Whenever you create a chart in Excel, it gives you the default vertical
Axis based on the values that are in your data set.

If you have large numbers in your data, like tens or hundreds of

millions of dollars, then the vertical axes will take up lots of real
estate space in your chart.

A great way to overcome this problem is to display the axis units in

"Thousands" or "Millions", thus making your chart much cleaner.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the vertical axis.

Charts: Change the Axis Units 479 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Right click and select Format Axis

STEP 3: Select Millions for the Display units and tick Show display
units label on chart

Charts: Change the Axis Units 480 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Your updated chart is now ready!

Charts: Change the Axis Units 481 WORKING WITH DATA

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Charts: Copying and Moving Charts

I am going to show your three quick ways to copy and move your
Excel charts. You will be surprised on these additional tricks with
Excel charts!

Exercise Workbook:


Click on the chart with your left mouse key and at the same time
hold down the CTRL key to copy it and move the chart to wherever
you want.

When you are done, let go of the mouse key to paste it.

Charts: Copying and Moving Charts 482 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents


Click on the chart with your left mouse key and at the same time
hold down the CTRL+SHIFT keys to copy and move the chart to
wherever you want (notice that it stays fixed in the same alignment
as the original chart!)

When you are done, let go of the mouse key to paste it.


Click on the chart with your left mouse key and at the same time
hold down the SHIFT key to move it to wherever you want.

When you are done, let go of the mouse key to place it.

Charts: Copying and Moving Charts 483 WORKING WITH DATA

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Charts: Logarithmic Scale

When you have a large numerical range of data and you want to plot
a graph, you will most probably end up with a skewed looking chart
like the one below:

You can use the logarithmic scale (log scale) in the Format Axis
dialogue box to scale your chart by a base of 10.

What this does is it multiplies the vertical axis units by 10, so it

starts at 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 etc. This
scales the chart to show a more even spread, like the image below:

Charts: Logarithmic Scale 484 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select your data and go to Insert > Column Chart

Charts: Logarithmic Scale 485 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Select the vertical axis of your chart

STEP 3: Right click and select Format Axis

Charts: Logarithmic Scale 486 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Check the Logarithmic scale and set it to a Base of 10

Your updated chart is now ready!

Charts: Logarithmic Scale 487 WORKING WITH DATA

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Charts: Save Templates

Saving a Chart template in Excel is an efficient way to reuse your
favorite or your company’s standard chart template.

So whenever you have new data and want to create a chart with your
(company’s) standard formatting, all you need is a couple of clicks
and you will have it seconds!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: First you need to customize a chart to your liking and then
Save it by right clicking on your chart and clicking Save As

Charts: Save Templates 488 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Name your template and click Save

STEP 3: The next time you create a chart all you have to do is click
on your data, select Insert > Recommended Charts > All Charts
and choose your custom template from the selection.

Charts: Save Templates 489 WORKING WITH DATA

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Consolidate Tool in Excel

The Consolidate tool in Excel is located in the Data menu and
combines values from multiple ranges into one new range.

You would use this feature when you have a single text column on
the left with duplicate values and sales on a separate column.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select a cell outside your data table.

Consolidate Tool in Excel 490 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Data > Consolidate

STEP 3: For the Reference, make sure to select the entire table.

Then ensure Use Labels in has both Top Row and Left Column

Press OK.

Consolidate Tool in Excel 491 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Your consolidated data table is now ready!

Consolidate Tool in Excel 492 WORKING WITH DATA

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Convert Text to Speech

Did you know that you can convert text to speech in Excel? Yes,
Excel has this cool functionality built in so that it can read aloud
your text in your Excel worksheet! This is proofreading version 2.0!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Right click anywhere on the Excel ribbon and select

Customize the Ribbon

Convert Text to Speech 493 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Select New Group and we'll create a new group inside our
Home Tab

Convert Text to Speech 494 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Click Rename and select any symbol you like and then
name your group: Text to Speech

Click OK.

Convert Text to Speech 495 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Change the dropdown to Commands Not in the Ribbon

and you will see all the Excel goodness that are not yet included in
your Excel Ribbon!

Scroll down to select the commands that start with Speak and
click Add to add them one by one

Convert Text to Speech 496 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: Now the commands are added inside the Text to

Speech group. Looking good!

Click OK

Now you can have fun with the text to speech commands! Try
highlighting the text that you want to listen to, then select Speak

Convert Text to Speech 497 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Copy The Cell Above In Excel

Sometimes we get data that is downloaded from an external source
and it is not formatted properly.

You may have cells with missing data and cases where you want to
copy the cell directly above to fill in your empty cell in Excel.

Exercise Workbook:


This can be achieved with the following steps:

STEP 1: Highlight your data set

Copy The Cell Above In Excel 498 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: In the ribbon menu select Home > Find & Select > Go to
Special or just press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+G

Click Special

STEP 3: Select the Blanks option and press OK

Copy The Cell Above In Excel 499 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

This highlights all your blank cells:

STEP 4: Then you need to press the = sign and reference the cell
directly above

Copy The Cell Above In Excel 500 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: Finally, and most importantly, you need to press

CTRL+ENTER so that the formula can be filled in to all the selected
blank cells.

Copy The Cell Above In Excel 501 WORKING WITH DATA

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Create a Named Range in Excel

Whenever I work with spreadsheets, there's no escaping the fact that
I have to work with a lot of ranges.

Some of these ranges I have to reuse time and time again to create
different calculations!

Good thing there are Named Ranges in Excel!

By using a Named Range, you can make your formulas much easier
to understand and maintain.

You can define a name for a cell range, function, constant, or


Let us work with the following table below. We want to populate the
Euro Amounts and the Sum of the USD columns:

Let us go over how to do this in the tutorial below:

Exercise Workbook:


Create a Named Range in Excel 502 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Let us create our first Named Range.

Highlight the USD Amounts and type in the Name Box a name:

Make sure that there are no spaces. Press Enter.

Let us do the same to our Euro Exchange Rate. Highlight the

exchange rate, and type in the Name Box a name: EuroRate

Press Enter.

STEP 2: Let us see our Named Ranges in action!

To calculate the Euro Amount column, type in: =A9 * EuroRate.

This will use our EuroRate Named Range!

Create a Named Range in Excel 503 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Drag your formula below to the rest of the column to get the
amounts calculated:

STEP 3: To calculate the sum of the Sum of USD column, type in:

This will use our Amounts Named Range!

And now you have your total!

Create a Named Range in Excel 504 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: If you want to check all the Named Ranges you created, go
to Formulas > Defined Names > Name Manager

You can edit your Named Ranges in here or delete them as well.

Create a Named Range in Excel 505 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Excel Filter by Selection

When you have an array of data in Excel you can quickly select an
item and press the AutoFilter button which will filter that selection
in your data.

You can then go over to another column within your data and select
another item, apply the same steps above and further filter your

This is a quick and easy way to drill down into your data.

Exercise Workbook:


This is our data table.

Excel Filter by Selection 506 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 1: For this trick to work you need to put the AutoFilter button
in the Quick Access Toolbar by going to File > More > Options >
Quick Access Toolbar

Excel Filter by Selection 507 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Then you need to go to Choose commands from > All

Commands > AutoFilter > Add > OK

You can now see the AutoFilter icon on top.

Excel Filter by Selection 508 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: You can then click anywhere in your data, click the
AutoFilter button in your Quick Access Toolbar and see the magic!

Let us say we want to filter the data by Region - North. Click on any
NORTH value.

Afterwards click on the AutoFilter icon.

Your table is now filtered by the NORTH REGION with a single


Excel Filter by Selection 509 WORKING WITH DATA

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Excel Paste Special: A Values

Paste Special has a few different Paste features and operations that
many users do not know about.

One of them is the Paste Special > Values > Multiply combination.

What that does is multiply a range of selected cells by a value, called

the multiplier. So if you want to increase all your values by 10%, you
can see how below:

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Enter the amount to multiply by (the multiplier) in an

empty cell, e.g. 1.10

Excel Paste Special: A Values Multiplier 510 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Copy that cell

STEP 3: Select the data range you want to multiply, Right Click
and select Paste Special

Excel Paste Special: A Values Multiplier 511 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Select Values & Multiply and press OK

Your values have now been multiplied by the multiplier!

Excel Paste Special: A Values Multiplier 512 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Excel Paste Special: Add Values To a

Paste Special has a few different Paste features and operations that
many users do not know about.

One of them is the Paste Special > Values > Add combination.

What that does is it adds a value to a range of selected cells. Let us

say that business is doing so well and we want to increase all of the
employee bonuses by $1000 in one go!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Enter the amount to add to in an empty cell. In our case,


Excel Paste Special: Add Values To a Range513 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Copy that cell

STEP 3: Select the data range you want to add to, Right Click and
select Paste Special

Excel Paste Special: Add Values To a Range514 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Select Values & Add and press OK

Your values have now been added by $1000!

Excel Paste Special: Add Values To a Range515 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Find & Replace

The Find & Replace feature or CTRL+H shortcut allows you to
amend your data in seconds. Imagine you had thousands of rows of
data that was downloaded from an external system with the wrong
date. A simple CTRL+H will save you heaps of time! See how below.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Let us try replacing the years 2015 with the year 2021.
Select all of the Order Dates

STEP 2: Go to Home > Find & Select > Replace

Find & Replace 516 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: We want to replace 2015 with 2021. Type that in, then click
Replace All

Click OK. Your values are now replaced

STEP 4: You can also use it to remove values. Let us say we want to
remove the NORTH Region

Select the values of the REGION Column. Go to Home > Find &
Select > Replace

Find & Replace 517 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Type in the values to find the NORTH text and replace it with a
blank. Click Replace All

The NORTH values are now removed!

Find & Replace 518 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Find & Highlight Duplicates in Excel

Normally when we have dirty data, we tend to get a lot of duplicates.
But in Excel it is very easy to spot the duplicates for your data

Here is our sample list of words, you can see it has a lot of

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select your list of words / data:

Find & Highlight Duplicates in Excel 519 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells

Rules > Duplicate Values

STEP 3: You can select the formatting that you want. For our
example, we selected Green Fill with Dark Green Text. Click OK.

You will now see the magic happen; all of the duplicate values are
now highlighted in your Excel worksheet!

Find & Highlight Duplicates in Excel 520 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Find Errors with Go to Special

Say you have a data set and want to make sure that each column
contains what it is supposed to.

For example, say we have a column which contains Dates and you
want to check that there are no cells which contain Text.

Exercise Workbook:


This is our source table, we want to get the order dates that are in
the text format.

Find Errors with Go to Special Constants 521 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Select the Order Date column values.

STEP 2: Press CTRL + G to open the Go To dialog. Select Special.

Find Errors with Go to Special Constants 522 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: We want to select the text values in the Order Date column.

To do that, select Constants and ensure that only Text is ticked

(Because our invalid values are in the text format).

Now Excel has highlighted the text values for you and you can make
the necessary changes!

Find Errors with Go to Special Constants 523 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Flash Fill: How to Use In Excel

Flash Fill in Excel was introduced in Excel 2013.

It is very handy as Excel predicts the rest of your inputs based on

the first entry that you have placed. Once its prediction is correct
and you confirm it, it will fill the rest of the rows literally in a flash!

The cool thing with Excel's Flash Fill is there is no need to

use formulas and removes manual repetitiveness, saving you heaps
of time in the process!

Exercise Workbook:


Flash Fill: How to Use In Excel 524 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents


If the Flash Fill does not work automatically, you need to activate in
from Excel's backend by going to:

File > Options > Advanced > Automatically Flash Fill

To demonstrate the power of Excel's Flash Fill, we will start off with
this table of data we need to populate:

Flash Fill: How to Use In Excel 525 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Type Homer as the first entry in the First Name

STEP 2: In the second entry, once you type the first letter I
for Ian, Excel will auto-suggest to Flash Fill the rest of the First

Just in case Flash Fill does not start automatically when you are
expecting for it to match your pattern, you can start it manually by
clicking Data > Flash Fill. Another alternative is to press Ctrl+E.

STEP 3: If the flash fill looks good, press Enter.

Flash Fill: How to Use In Excel 526 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Type Simpson as the first entry in the Last Name

STEP 5: In the second entry, once you type the first letter W
of Wright, Excel will auto-suggest to Flash Fill the rest of the
Last Names.

STEP 6: If the flash fill looks good, press Enter. Your data is now
complete without the use of a single formula!

Flash Fill: How to Use In Excel 527 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Flash Fill: Add Hyphens To Serial


Flash Fill allows you to combine, extract, move & transform data
that belongs in one column, into a new column.

One of the cool uses of Flash Fill is formatting numbers. In our

example below, we are going to add hyphens within our serial

Exercise Workbook:


To demonstrate the power of Excel's Flash Fill, we will start off with
this table of data we need to apply our formatting on:

Flash Fill: Add Hyphens To Serial Numbers528 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Type 123-45-6789 as the first entry in the Formatted SSN

column. We also want the rest of the SSNs to be formatted this

STEP 2: In the second entry, once you type the first

number 4 of 478923744, Excel will auto-suggest to Flash Fill the
rest of the Formatted SSN column.

Excel is smart enough to infer that you are trying to apply this

If the Flash Fill looks good, press Enter.

IMPORTANT: If Flash Fill doesn’t start automatically in your selected

cell when you type in data that matches a pattern, you will need to
start Flash Fill manually.

This is done by clicking on Data > Flash Fill or by pressing the

Flash Fill keyboard shortcut CTRL+E

Flash Fill: Add Hyphens To Serial Numbers529 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: What is very impressive is Excel was able to apply the same
formatting to the rest of the table without the use of a single

Flash Fill: Add Hyphens To Serial Numbers530 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Flash Fill: Convert Values to Dates

Flash Fill allows you to combine, extract, move & transform data
that belongs in one column, into a new column.

One of the cool uses of Flash Fill is to convert your values into
Excel dates automatically.

Exercise Workbook:


To demonstrate the power of Excel's Flash Fill, we will start off with
this table of data where we need to convert to dates:

Flash Fill: Convert Values to Dates 531 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Type 04-23-2016 as the first entry in the Date Format


STEP 2: We want the rest of the Text to be formatted this way, so in

the second entry, type 12-30-2015.

(It is recommended to even type in a 3rd entry when dealing with

dates, as there are many permutations and regional time formats!)

Notice that Excel did not auto-suggest to Flash Fill. There are times
that this happens.

Since Flash Fill did not start automatically when you are expecting
for it to match your pattern, you can start it manually by
highlighting the entire column you want it to fill.

Then click Data > Flash Fill or another alternative is to press Ctrl+E
keyboard shortcut!

Flash Fill: Convert Values to Dates 532 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: You now have your data auto-populated using Flash Fill.

What is very impressive is Excel was able to apply the same date
format pattern to the rest of the table without the use of a single

Flash Fill: Convert Values to Dates 533 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Flash Fill: Extract Numbers

One of the cool uses of Flash Fill is extracting the numbers from
your text automatically.

Exercise Workbook:


To demonstrate the power of Excel's Flash Fill, we will start off with
the following table of data:

Our mission is to extract the numbers from within the text

cells. We can use a VBA macro or complex formulas (which will take
time to figure out and implement) or simply use Flash Fill...

Flash Fill: Extract Numbers 534 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Type 803.45 as the first entry in the Extracted Number


STEP 2: In the second entry, once you type the first

number 4 of 47512, Excel will auto-suggest to Flash Fill the rest of
the numbers.

Excel is smart enough to infer that you are trying to extract the
numbers in the text.

If the Flash Fill looks good, press Enter.

IMPORTANT: If Flash Fill doesn’t start automatically in your selected

cell when you type in data that matches a pattern, you will need to
start Flash Fill manually.

This is done by clicking on Data > Flash Fill or by pressing the

Flash Fill keyboard shortcut CTRL+E

Flash Fill: Extract Numbers 535 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

What is very impressive is regardless of the location of the number -

Beginning, middle or the end, Excel was able to extract
this number without the use of a single formula or VBA!

Flash Fill: Extract Numbers 536 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Flash Fill: Fix Incorrect Formatting

Ever had the scenario where your data is formatted differently?

Example: First names starting with lower case, last names all in
upper case, middle initials in either cases...This drives me nuts!

Luckily, we have Flash Fill which can automatically convert the

entire data set into one consistent format.

Exercise Workbook:


To demonstrate the power of Excel's Flash Fill, we will start off with
this table of data where we need to fix the inconsistent formatting:

Flash Fill: Fix Incorrect Formatting 537 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Type Homer A Simpson as the first entry in the Full

Name column.

STEP 2: We want the rest of the Text to be formatted this way, so in

the second entry, type Ian B Wright.

Notice that Excel did not auto-suggest to Flash Fill. There are times
that this happens.

Since Flash Fill did not start automatically when you are expecting
for it to match your pattern, you can start it manually by
highlighting the entire column you want it to fill.

Then click Data > Flash Fill (Another alternative is to press

the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut).

Flash Fill: Fix Incorrect Formatting 538 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: You now have your data auto populated using Flash Fill.

What is very impressive is Excel was able to apply the same

format pattern to the rest of the table without the use of a single

Adios inconsistent formatting :)

Flash Fill: Fix Incorrect Formatting 539 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Group Worksheets in Excel

Ever had a time when you needed to modify data across multiple
worksheets? It is very easy to do this using the Group Worksheets
feature in Excel!

Let us say we have this same mistake on multiple worksheets - see

the Dvv typo in the screenshot below. We want to change this to

The same spelling mistake is also done for the other 2 worksheets
(2017 & 2018):

Group Worksheets in Excel 540 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Hold the CTRL button and select the worksheets with the
left mouse button that need editing.

For our example, we need to select the 2016, 2017, and 2018
worksheets while holding the CTRL button (this will turn each
selected sheet to a white color).

Group Worksheets in Excel 541 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Edit the cell in any one of the worksheets. Let us change
the Dvv to Dec and press ENTER.

This will change all of the worksheet values to reflect the same

STEP 3: To ungroup the worksheets, right click on the worksheet

tabs and select Ungroup Sheets (super important to do this when
you finish making your changes).

Group Worksheets in Excel 542 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

How To Create A Custom List In


A Custom List in Excel is very handy to fill a range of cells with your
own personal list. It could be a list of your team members at work,
countries, regions, phone numbers or customers.

The main goal of a custom list is to remove repetitive work and

manual errors in inputting.

Exercise Workbook:


To demonstrate the power of Excel's Custom Lists, we’ll explore

what’s currently in Excel's memory as a default list:

STEP 1: Type February in the first cell

STEP 2: From that first cell, click the lower right corner and drag
it to the next 5 cells to the right

How To Create A Custom List In Excel 543 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 3: Release and you will see it get auto-populated up to July

(The succeeding months after February)

At first, it might seem like magic on how Excel does this!

Let us go straight into the Options in Excel to view how it’s being
done, and how you can create your own Custom List:

STEP 4: Select the File tab

STEP 5: Click Options

How To Create A Custom List In Excel 544 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 6: Select the Advanced option

STEP 7: Scroll all the way down and under the General section, click
Edit Custom Lists

Here you can see the built-in default Excel lists of the calendar
months, and the days.

How To Create A Custom List In Excel 545 WORKING WITH DATA

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If you click on a Custom List, you will see under List entries that it
is greyed out and you cannot make any changes. This indicates that
it is a default Excel Custom List.

STEP 8: You can create & add your own Custom List under the List
entries section. Click on NEW LIST under the Custom Lists area and
then manually enter your list, entering one entry per line:

How To Create A Custom List In Excel 546 WORKING WITH DATA

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After typing the values, click Add.

In our screenshot below, we added the values of the Greek alphabet

(alpha, beta, gamma, and so on)

Click OK once done.

STEP 9: Click OK again

How To Create A Custom List In Excel 547 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 10: Now let's go back into our Excel workbook to see our new
Custom List in action. Type alpha on a cell

STEP 11: From that cell, click the lower right corner and drag it to
the next 5 cells to the right

STEP 12: Release and you will see it get auto-populated to zeta,
which is based on our Custom List created in Step 8

How To Create A Custom List In Excel 548 WORKING WITH DATA

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Hyperlinks: Buttons
Excel’s hyperlink capability is amazing but many people don't use it
as they don't know its full capabilities.

With a hyperlink you can link an object/text to open an existing file

on your desktop, go to a website, open up an email to a specific
contact or go to a cell within your workbook.

I will show you in the example below how you can create a hyperlink
in a shape and then click on the shape to go to a specific section
within your workbook without the need to scroll.

Exercise Workbook:


To have a better idea, this is how our workbook is setup, we have 3

main sections that we want the buttons to navigate to:


Hyperlinks: Buttons 549 WORKING WITH DATA

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Hyperlinks: Buttons 550 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 1: Go to Insert > Illustrations > Shapes > Any Rectangle


STEP 2: Create a rectangle and type SALES. Update the formatting

to make the text look bigger and centered.

STEP 3: While holding CTRL + SHIFT, drag your first button using
left-click to instantly duplicate it. Do it twice.

Hyperlinks: Buttons 551 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Go to Format > Shape Style and pick the formatting you
want. Do it for all buttons to differentiate them from one another.

Make sure to change the text of the other buttons to COSTS and

Hyperlinks: Buttons 552 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: We will now create the cell that our button will navigate to.

Select the blank cells beside the SALES table. Then select Home >
Merge & Center

Hyperlinks: Buttons 553 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 6: Copy the cell reference. For SALES this is cell A2.

STEP 7: Right click on the SALES Button and select Link.

Hyperlinks: Buttons 554 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 8: Make sure Place in This Document is selected then place

the cell reference A2. Press OK.

STEP 9: Do the same for COSTS. Select the blank cells beside the
COSTS table. Then select Home > Merge & Center. Copy the cell
reference. For COSTS this is cell A26.

Hyperlinks: Buttons 555 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 10: Right click on the COSTS Button and select Link. Make
sure Place in This Document is selected then place the cell
reference A26. Press OK.

STEP 11: Select the blank cells beside the PROFIT table. Then select
Home > Merge & Center. Copy the cell reference. For PROFIT this is
cell A48.

Hyperlinks: Buttons 556 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 12: Right click on the PROFIT Button and select Link.

Make sure Place in This Document is selected then place the cell
reference A48. Press OK.

STEP 13: Let's freeze in place the top row that contains our

Go to View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row

Hyperlinks: Buttons 557 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Now try clicking on the buttons and you will be impressed with the
instant navigation!

Hyperlinks: Buttons 558 WORKING WITH DATA

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Hyperlinks: Fix Links to a Named

Hyperlinks in Excel must be one of the funkiest features that I love
playing around with!

They allow you to create interactive buttons within Excel (without

the need to create a Macro) and you can make them take you to any
cell or range within your Excel worksheet.

One shortfall is that when you set a Hyperlink to go to a cell

reference, it will always reference the said cell, regardless of any
additions/deletions to your rows/columns.

For example, if you tell it to go to C10, it will always go to C10. Add

a new column in Column B, the hyperlink will still end up at C10.

Sometimes this is not the outcome we want to achieve.

I will show you a trick where you can fix the referenced cell/range
using a Named Range, so that it does not move as the worksheet

Exercise Workbook:


Hyperlinks: Fix Links to a Named Range 559 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 1: Highlight the range or select the cell that you want the
Hyperlink to refer to:

STEP 2: Go to the Name Box on the top left-hand corner of the

worksheet and enter a name (with no spaces):

Hyperlinks: Fix Links to a Named Range 560 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Insert a Shape and right click on the Shape and choose

This will open up the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Select the
Defined Name that you set up in Step 2 and press OK.

Hyperlinks: Fix Links to a Named Range 561 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Clicking on the Shape will highlight your referenced range.

You can add extra Columns/Rows in your worksheet and clicking on

your Hyperlink will follow your referenced range!

Hyperlinks: Fix Links to a Named Range 562 WORKING WITH DATA

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In-Cell Bar Charts with the REPT

When you are creating an Excel Dashboard and are limited by space
and do not want to insert a chart, you can easily create an in-cell bar
chart using the REPT (repeat) function.

The REPT function uses the vertical bar character | as the first
argument: text and references the value cell for the second
argument: number_times

So it enters the vertical bar character by the number of times of the

value cell, looking something like this:


Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Enter the REPT function in a column next to your values


STEP 2: Enter the vertical bar keyboard character in the first



In-Cell Bar Charts with the REPT Function 563 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Reference the value cell for the second argument

=REPT("|", B6)

STEP 4: Highlight the formula column and insert the Stencil font
from the Home menu and choose a font color

STEP 5: If your value cells are high, the bar will go out of your
screen. To fix this, you need to enter a divisor in the second
argument of your formula which will reduce the length

=REPT("|", B6/5)

In-Cell Bar Charts with the REPT Function 564 WORKING WITH DATA
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Power Query: Consolidate Multiple

Power Query (Get & Transform) is simply an awesome feature in

I get lots of queries asking me if there is a way to easily

combine Tables from multiple sheets in the same workbook
with Power Query

With Power Query, the answer is YES!

If you have multiple Excel worksheets that are in the same format
and their underlying differences are their values and dates (e.g.
January Sales List, February Sales List, March Sales-List, etc), then we
can easily use Power Query to consolidate multiple worksheets..

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Make sure that each worksheet’s data is in an Excel Table

by clicking in the data and pressing CTRL+T

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

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STEP 2: Click in each of the worksheets data that you want to

consolidate and select Power Query > From Table

STEP 3: This will open up the Query Editor and all you have to do
here is press Close & Load.

Make sure to do Step 2 & 3 for each worksheet you want to


Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

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STEP 4: Select Power Query > Append

STEP 5: Choose the Three or more tables option

STEP 6: Add the tables to append from the Available Tables (from
the left) to the Tables to Append (to the right) by selecting and
pressing the Add button.

You can also organize the order that you want your consolidated
table to appear by moving the Tables up or down

Press the OK button!

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

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STEP 7:This will open up the Query Editor once again. Choose
Close & Load.

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

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STEP 8: This will open up a brand new worksheet which will

consolidate all the worksheets into one big Table:

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

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STEP 9: From this consolidate worksheet you can Insert a Pivot

Table and do your analysis:

This is how you can combine tables and use Power Query
consolidate multiple worksheets feature.

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

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Power Query: Consolidate Multiple

One of the most sought after a query from the millions of Excel
users around the world is:

How do I consolidate multiple Excel workbooks into one?

There are a couple of ways you can do this, using VBA or complex
formulas but the learning curve is steep and out of reach for most
Excel users.

Luckily with Power Query (Get & Transform), this consolidation task
can be done in a couple of minutes! That's right, only a couple of

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Create a New Folder on your Desktop or any directory and

name it to whatever you like e.g. 2016 Sales

Move an Excel Workbook in this Folder that contains your Sales

data e.g. January 2016.xlsx

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Open a NEW Excel Workbook and go to Power Query >

From File > From Folder

STEP 3: From the Folder dialogue box, click the Browse button

This will bring up the Browse for Folder dialogue box and you
need to select the folder you created in Step 1 and press OK.

This is how you can use Power Query load multiple files
from folder feature.

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 4: This will open up the Query Editor.

From in here you need to select the first 2 columns (hold down the
CTRL key to select) and Right Click on the column heading and
choose Remove Other Columns

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 5: You need to go to Add Column > Add Custom Column

STEP 6: This will bring up the Add Custom Column dialogue box.

In here you need to name the new column e.g. Import, and within
the Custom Column Formula you need to enter the following

= Excel.Workbook([Content])

This will import the workbooks from within the Folder that you
selected in Step 3

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 7: You now have a new column called Import.

Click on the Expand Filter and select the Data box only and press
OK. This will import the workbook from the folder

STEP 8: Click on the Expand Filter from the Import Data column
and select OK. This imports all the columns’ data from within the

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 9: Now it is time to transform the data by making some

cosmetic changes!

Remove the Content column by Right-Clicking and choosing


Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 10: Select the Import.Data.Column1 and filter out the

CUSTOMER heading and press OK. This will also remove the other
column’s headers

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 11: Select the Date column and go to Transform > Data
Type > Date

STEP 12: Select the Sales column and go to Transform > Data
Type > Currency

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 13: Rename the column headings to whatever you like by

double clicking on the column header, renaming and pressing OK

STEP 14: Go to File > Close & Load.

This will put the data into a new worksheet within your workbook

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 15: You can now Insert a Pivot Table to do your analysis by
going to Insert > Pivot Table > New/Existing Worksheet

Put the Months in the ROWS and the Sales $ in the VALUES area:

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 16: Now for the very cool part!

You can move similar workbooks into the Folder we created in

Step 1, say for subsequent months e.g. February 2016.xlsx,
March 2016.xlsx etc

Take Note: The Excel Workbooks have to have the same format
and number of columns as in the workbook we imported in Step

STEP 17: In your Excel workbook, click on the imported data and
this will open up the Workbook Queries pane (If this does not
open, go to Power Query > Show Pane)

Click the Refresh button (or you can go to Table Tools > Query
> Refresh)

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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STEP 18: This will import the February 2016.xlsx and March
2016.xlsx data into the Excel workbook and append it to January's

STEP 19: Now you can Refresh the Pivot Table and the new
imported data will be reflected

Next month all you have to do is drop in the new month's workbook
into the 2016 Sales Folder and Refresh the Query & the Pivot Table
to see the results!

Power Query: Consolidate Multiple Workbooks

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Power Query: Unpivot Data

Power Query allows you to extract data from any source, clean and
transform the data and then load it to another sheet within Excel,
Power Pivot or the Power BI Designer canvas.

One of the best features is to Unpivot Columns.

What that does is transforms columns with similar characteristics

(e.g. Jan, Feb, March...) and puts them in a unique column or tabular
format (e.g. Month), which then allows you to do further analysis
using Pivot Tables which was not possible before unpivoting.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Highlight your data and go to Power Query > From Table >

Power Query: Unpivot Data 583 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: This opens the Power Query editor and from here you need
to select the columns that you want to unpivot

STEP 3: You then need to go to the Transform tab and select

Unpivot Columns

STEP 4: Go to the File tab and choose Close & Load

Power Query: Unpivot Data 584 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: This will load and open the unpivoted data into a new
worksheet with your Excel workbook. Now you can go crazy with
your super analytical work, using Pivot Tables or other tools.

Power Query: Unpivot Data 585 WORKING WITH DATA

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Quick Reports With Excel Custom

Whenever I wanted to print my Excel worksheet for a report, I
usually had to trim down the data and do changes like hiding the
columns so it could fit into one page.

Other common scenarios would be, hiding employee salaries

or filtering out sensitive customer data.

It is cumbersome because after printing it out I had to undo the

layout changes one by one!

Thankfully Excel has Custom Views that lets you revert and save
your layout changes in a single click!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: You need to set a default view first.

Once you have the layout that you use most of the time, go to View
> Custom Views:

Quick Reports With Excel Custom Views 586 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Click Add to create a new Custom View.

Type in Normal View and click OK.

STEP 3: In preparation for the second Custom View, select the first
4 columns, right click and select Hide.

Quick Reports With Excel Custom Views 587 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 4: Go to View> Custom Views:

STEP 5: Click Add to create a new Custom View.

Type in Hidden Columns and click OK.

STEP 6: Let us now try out our Custom Views in action.

Go to View > Custom Views.

Select Normal View and click Show.

Quick Reports With Excel Custom Views 588 WORKING WITH DATA
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You can see all of the columns displayed.

STEP 7: Now let us try the second custom view.

Go to View > Custom Views.

Select Hidden Columns and click Show.

The columns are hidden right away in a click!

Quick Reports With Excel Custom Views 589 WORKING WITH DATA
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Smart Lookup in Excel

There were times when I was working in a spreadsheet and I had to
do a quick internet search to understand some of the words in my

The process was, copy the text, paste on my browser, and click

Little did I know that since Excel 2016, there is a feature

called Smart Lookup! Smart Lookup allows me to make word
searches inside Excel!

Let us say we want to know more about these names in our


Exercise Workbook:


The steps are very straightforward, which are outlined below:

STEP 1: Pick first the name or cell containing the text you want to

Smart Lookup in Excel 590 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 2: Go to Review > Smart Lookup:

STEP 3: You can now see my picture and details inside Excel which
is using Bing's web search inside the Smart Lookup pane!
Thanks Smart Lookup!

Smart Lookup in Excel 591 WORKING WITH DATA

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Sparklines: Column
Sparklines were introduced in Excel 2010 and they show a graphical
representation of your data in one cell. A Column Sparkline is best
used when you have lots of data points.

You can style them in different colors and add a marker for the High
and Low points of your data. As your data changes so do the

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the Numbers Range

Sparklines: Column 592 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 2: Go to Insert > Sparklines > Column

STEP 3: Select the location on where to put your sparklines.

Click OK.

You now have your Sparkline ready!

Sparklines: Column 593 WORKING WITH DATA

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Sparklines: Lines
Sparklines are a handy way to show a graphical representation of
your data in one cell.

You can style them in different colors and add a marker for the High
and Low points of your data. As your data changes so do the
Sparklines, which gives them that much more power.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the Numbers Range

Sparklines: Lines 594 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Insert > Sparklines > Line

STEP 3: Select the location on where to put your sparklines.

Click OK.

You now have your Sparkline ready!

Sparklines: Lines 595 WORKING WITH DATA

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Sparklines: Win or Loss

When you have a large data set with positive and negative numbers,
a great way to visualize the trend is to add a Win/Loss Sparkline
next to your data.

That way you or the reader can easily spot the trends and patterns.

Exercise Workbook:


To enter a Win/Loss Sparkline in Excel you firstly need to follow

these steps:

STEP 1: Select your data

Sparklines: Win or Loss 596 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 2: Go to Insert > Sparklines > Win/Loss

STEP 3: Select the range that you want to insert the Win/Loss
Sparklines (this is usually the next column after your data ends) and
press OK

STEP 4: You can change the Style of the Sparkline by clicking in the
Sparkline (which activates the Sparkline Tools Tab in the ribbon)
and then choosing the Style drop down box

Sparklines: Win or Loss 597 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 5: To change the negative color you need to select Marker

Color > Negative Points > Select Color

Your Sparkline is now ready!

Sparklines: Win or Loss 598 WORKING WITH DATA

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Use Autocorrect to Input Complex

Autocorrect has its uses in Excel, and when we have fat fingers it's
very handy to have it correct our commonly typed mistakes. But did
you know that autocorrect in Excel can be used to type in
complicated text values?

If you have a list of complex text that you type often (I could think
of long medical terms), then you can use autocorrect to change a
shortcut version to the text that you want!

For example, we can change the initials "JM" to "John Michaloudis."

Autocorrect can do this for us!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Go to File > More > Options

Use Autocorrect to Input Complex Text 599 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Proofing > AutoCorrect Options

Use Autocorrect to Input Complex Text 600 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: Type in the Replace and With fields the values that you
want AutoCorrect to change

Once done, click Add and OK twice

Let us test it out! Type in "JM"

Use Autocorrect to Input Complex Text 601 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

After you press Enter, AutoCorrect gets to work and changes it

to John Michaloudis!

Use Autocorrect to Input Complex Text 602 WORKING WITH DATA

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Use Goal Seek To Find Formula

If you have a formula and want to show a specific result, but you do
not know what input values to change within the formula, then
Excel's Goal Seek feature is the one for you.

Imagine you are calculating the payment terms on a loan.

Your PMT formula gives you an amount of $1,450 but you can only
afford to repay $1,000. You can use Goal Seek to find out what
Principal you can borrow based on your $1,000 budget.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Enter your 3 input variables that you will need to use for
your PMT formula - Interest Rate of 3.50%, Term of 240 months &
Principal of $250,000

Use Goal Seek To Find Formula Result 603 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Enter the PMT function in cell C8 =PMT(Interest Rate/12,

Term, Principal) which will give you a monthly payment amount of -

STEP 3: Select the cell C8 and go to Data > What If Analysis > Goal

STEP 4: SET CELL: Enter the reference for the cell that contains the
formula that you want to resolve. In our example, this reference is
cell C8

STEP 5: TO VALUE: Type the formula result that you want. In our
example, we want the payment to be -$1,000 (Note that this number
is negative because it represents a payment)

Use Goal Seek To Find Formula Result 604 WORKING WITH DATA
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STEP 6: BY CHANGING CELL: Enter the reference for the cell that
contains the input value that you want to adjust e.g. One of our 3
variables (Interest Rate, Principal & Term). In our example, this
reference is cell C7 for the Principal

STEP 7: Press OK and Goal Seek will run and produce a

result. Press OK to keep the results or Cancel to discard

Use Goal Seek To Find Formula Result 605 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Use Goal Seek To Meet Your Profit

Say you have a quarterly Profit Statement and your Sales for Q1 and
Q2 have been reasonably well but in Q3 they dropped
dramatically. You are left with one quarter to meet your Net Profit
goal of $200,000.

You can use Excel’s Goal Seek feature (under What If Analysis) to
find out what Sales you need to achieve in Q4 in order to meet your
Net Profit goal of $200,000.

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the cell that you want to achieve your goal of
$200,000 which is the Total Net Profit in cell F7, which is a Sum
formula (Important: This cell must be a formula for the Goal Seek
to work)

Use Goal Seek To Meet Your Profit Goal 606 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 2: Go to Data > What If Analysis > Goal Seek

STEP 3: SET CELL: This is the cell that contains the goal we want to
achieve - F7

STEP 4: TO VALUE: Type the goal value that you want to achieve. In
our example, it will be 200,000

Use Goal Seek To Meet Your Profit Goal 607 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 5: BY CHANGING CELL: Enter the reference for the cell that
contains the input value that you want to adjust. In our example it
is the Q4 Sales forecast in cell E5

STEP 6: Press OK and Goal Seek will run and produce a

result. Press OK to keep the results or Cancel to discard

With Goal Seek we need to achieve Q4 Sales of $437,730 in order to

achieve our Net Profit goal of $200,000. Over to the Sales team
then to make it happen!

Use Goal Seek To Meet Your Profit Goal 608 WORKING WITH DATA
Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Use Windings Symbols in Excel

Wingdings is a symbolic font that a lot of us use for fun. I do that a
lot too! But what if we wanted those cool symbols to be of good use
in Excel?

Whenever I tried typing using the Wingdings font, I was not sure
which symbol I would get!

I will show you how easy it is to pick a cool Wingdings Symbol and
use it in your Excel worksheet!

Here is a sample usage of a Wingdings symbol for stock prices:

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Select the cells that you want to place the symbols in:

Use Windings Symbols in Excel 609 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

From the Font dropdown, select Wingdings:

Use Windings Symbols in Excel 610 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 2: Now that our cells are able to accept Wingdings symbols, go
to Windows Start (Windows 10) > Search Bar > Character Map

If you have an older version of Windows, go to Start > All Programs

> Accessories > System Tools > Character Map

Use Windings Symbols in Excel 611 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

STEP 3: You will now see all the characters! Ensure the
Font is Wingdings.

Double click on the symbol you want to use. Click Copy.

STEP 4: Go to your Excel Spreadsheet and click Paste.

Use Windings Symbols in Excel 612 WORKING WITH DATA

Go back to Working with Data Go to Table of Contents

Do the rest for the other cells, and you have used Wingdings

NOTE: Another way is to click in a blank cell and go to Insert >

Symbol > Font: Windings > Insert > Close.

Use Windings Symbols in Excel 613 WORKING WITH DATA

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View Multiple Worksheets in Excel

I usually have a workbook that has a lot of worksheets, and I have to
view multiple sheets at the same time. Switching tabs back and forth
just to compare the contents drives me nuts!

Did you know that you can view multiple worksheets in Excel? Let
me show you how!

Exercise Workbook:


STEP 1: Go to View > Window > New Window

You will notice that there is a new window that is opened. You can
notice that there is a number at the end of the filename indicating
the window number - .xlss:2

View Multiple Worksheets in Excel 614 WORKING WITH DATA

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STEP 2: Now let's arrange the windows to view all of them side by

Go to View > Window > Arrange All

Select Vertical and Click OK.

Now you can view multiple worksheets from the same Excel file!

View Multiple Worksheets in Excel 615 WORKING WITH DATA

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additions to this book at [email protected]

To Your Success!

John Michaloudis & Bryan Hong


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