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Rubrics for Lab Experiments – MM212

Student Name: _________________________ Assessor Name: ________________________

Si. Description No Evidence (0) Beginning (2) Developing (3) Mastery (4) Score
In-lab assessment
1 Coming to the lab on time Late (more than 30 Late by 10 to 30 late by 10 minutes or On time
(0.25) minutes) w/o ‘any prior minutes with valid less, will be warned not
information’ or reason, if no valid to be late in future
‘meaningful/valid reason’; reason then will be
will be given absent given absent
2 Following all the safety Not actually or giving Aware of one or two Following but not all Perfectly
procedure (0.25) least important and following those,
but not all
3 Participation/cooperation At times with
Highly cooperative and
with the lab team (0.25) cooperation but not
Lethargic Mostly but not always helpful in doing labs
being part of the
4 Preliminary questions on the Answering to all the
experiment (0.375) No answering to any Answering to few Answering relevant but questions, basically it
questions questions not to the all ensures that the student
well prepared
Report assessment
5 Objectives (0.25) Stated clearly with
No relevancy with the lab Stated with relevance,
N/A relevance to the lab
exercise however it’s too generic
6 List of tools/equipment used Missed few and/or Listed all but the Listed all and are described
Missed many and/or
with brief description of each description are not descriptions are not with each meaningfully and
description is irrelevant
(0.375) proper full clarity crisply
7 Theory (0.5) Mostly written as per the Precisely written as per
No relevancy or not Little relevant but
scope of exercise but not the scope of the lab
written mostly out of scope
precise exercise.
8 Answering questions (2) Not properly answered to Precisely answered with
Answered mostly but
all the questions, the flow Tried answering but good flow of information,
little vague or irrelevancy
of information or mostly vague which is readable and
is found
readability is poor. understandable
9 Conclusions (0.25) No conclusion was It was mere Gives meaningful
included in the report OR fulfilment, doesn’t Written but it’s just sensation that something
shows little effort and give any meaningful generic of what was learned and
reflection information how it was useful
10 Reference (0.25) One or two references
More than two are If referred, then all the
are missed or
No reference cited missed in the text references are properly
mismatching found
though it is found to be (not marked) and/or marked in script as well as
between the ref. nos. in
referred from other not listed the source described the source of
the text and the source
source of reference in the reference in the reference
of reference in the
reference section section.
Reference section.
11 Grammar, spelling and More than three
More error, no grammar
format (0.25) errors in grammar or Two or three errors in Perfect, no grammar or
or meaningful sentence
spelling and the spelling or grammar, yet spelling mistakes and the
making and no format
format is not followed the format is followed format is followed as given
Total is out of 20 marks

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