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Article  in  International Research Journal of Pharmacy · November 2017

DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.0811211


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2 authors:

Dinithi Amarathunga Upekshi Kankanamge

General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University


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A.A.M.D.D.N. Amarathunga & S.U. Kankanamge . Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (11)

ISSN 2230 – 8407

Review Article
A.A.M.D.D.N. Amarathunga *, S.U. Kankanamge
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Werahera,
Sri Lanka
*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]

Article Received on: 12/10/17 Approved for publication: 03/11/17

DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.0811211


Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (Family Piperaceae) has been utilizing in folk medicine for many years worldwide and much research have been
devoted. This review focused to summarize updated most interesting findings on the morphological, phytochemical, ethnopharmacological and
toxicological aspects obtained in the research related to the plant. Local communities around the world have been consumed this plant as a leafy
vegetable and in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders including dysentery, diarrhoea, stomachache; respiratory tract disorders including asthma,
nasopharyngeal infections, cough; skin diseases including eczema, wounds, abscess, acne, boils, scabies, dermatitis, rash, sores, scar, and warts,
mucosae tumors and other ailments such as fever, paralysis, epilepsy, convulsions, heart problems, hypertension, kidney disorders, gout, rheumatic
pain, conjunctivitis, and measles. This species has been extensively investigated as a source of natural pharmacologically active compounds with
potential antimicrobial, anticancer, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antidiarrhoeal, antihypertensive and anti-oedematogenic
activities. Phytochemical screenings on the plant have revealed the presence of various pharmacologically active principles of medical importance
including tannins, flavonoids (acacetin, apigenin, isovitexin, and pellucidatin), cardiac and xanthone (Patuloside A) glycosides, alkaloids (secolignans,
tetrahydrofuranlignans, peperomins A, B, C, and E, sesamin, and isoswertisin), saponins, inulins, terpenes, phenolic compounds, phytosterols
(stigmasterol, sitosterol, and campesterol) and other steroids, and resins. P. pellucida also contains several essential oils, mainly dillapiole, β-
caryophyllene, and carotol. The acute toxicity results revealed that this plant might be considered as a non-toxic plant with high therapeutic index. Much
additional work is needed to open new biomedical application of these compounds.

Keywords: Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth, Pepper elder, shiny bush, ethnopharmacology, phytochemical, dillapiole.

INTRODUCTION and locally known as “Diya Thippili” or “Wathura Gas”4,19.

Although this plant is considered as a weed, it has been used by
The Asian region of the world enriches with the vast diversity of Ayurvedic and traditional physicians in Sri Lanka4. It has been
herbal medicinal plants rich in ethnopharmacological properties utilized in folk medicine for many years worldwide and much
that are widely used in different traditional medicinal systems; research have been devoted. This review focused to summarize
known as indigenous or folk medicine. The practice of traditional updated available evidence on the ethnobotanical uses,
medicine is very popular and widespread in China, Japan, India, phytochemical constituents, pharmacological and toxicological
Pakistan, Thailand, and Sri Lanka and herbal medicinal studies of P. pellucida.
preparations are more in demand. Majority of the people in
developing countries of Asia and Africa utilize medicinally TAXONOMICAL CLASSIFICATION AND BOTANICAL
valuable plants on a regular basis for the primary health care1. DESCRIPTION OF P. PELLUCIDA (L.) KUNTH
Ethnopharmacological knowledge on these plants has been used
for the discovery, synthesis, and development of novel allopathic Kingdom: Plantae
medicines. Therefore, it is essential to research on herbal Division: Magnoliophyta
medicinal plants to ensure their better utilization, conservation Class: Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledonae)
and to save them from extinction, overexploitation and negative Sub-class: Magnoliidae
consequences of climate changes2-3. Order: Piperales
Family: Piperaceae (Pepper family)
Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth, also known by the common Genus: Peperomia Ruiz & Pav
names pepper elder, shiny bush, silver bush, rat-ear, slate pencil Species: pellucida
plant, clearweed and man to man4-10 which belongs to the family Botanical name: Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth
Piperaceae8,9,11-14, is a common annual weed native to tropical Former botanical name: Piper pellucidum (L.)6,9,10,17-18,20-21
North and South America14-16. In Sanskrit, this plant is known as
“Toyakandha or Varshabhoo”17. The name had been derived from P. pellucida is an annual or short-lived perennial, entirely
the Latin per (through) and lucidus (clear), referring to the delicate, fleshy and glabrous herb usually growing to a length of
somewhat translucent appearance of this plant18. It is now about 15-45 cm13,16. Stems are translucent pale green17, erect or
pantropic in distribution and is abundantly available in Sri Lanka ascending or decumbent, freely branched12-13,18-20, internodes
usually 3-8 cm long and hairless17. Petioles are 1-2 cm long12. Its

A.A.M.D.D.N. Amarathunga & S.U. Kankanamge . Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (11)

light-green leaves are alternate throughout13,19, well-spaced and The decoction of the roots is used for tumors by the Mog
succulent16. Stipules are absent18. The leaf blade is broadly ovate communities of Tripura State, in northeast India29.
or ovate-triangular to deltate (heart shaped), 1-3.5 cm length,
length ± equal to the width, cordate at the base with a sinus 1–2 Southeast Asians use the crushed mixture of this plant with water
mm deep, thinly membranous, both surfaces glabrous, to cure haemorrhage in wounds26, as a traditional wound healing
translucent, palmately 5-7-veined5,12,20. It has very small bi- medicine as well as a wound dressing material24,30 and to control
sexual flowers growing in the form of cord-like spikes. Spikes are abdominal pain26. P. pellucida has been recognized as one of the
slender, solitary, terminal or leaf-opposed (at the opposite side of top ten herbal medicines approved by the Department of Health
leaves), and arising from the leaf axils. Mature fruiting spikes are in the Philippines, due to its variety of valuable medicinal
2-6 cm long and 1-2 mm in diameter. Flowers are loosely properties30. The wine infusion or decoction of the whole plant is
flowered, bracts suborbicular, 0.5 mm wide and short-stalked. A taken orally for gout and kidney troubles and applied externally
flower has two stamens18. Anthers are sub-globose. The ovary is as a rinse against complexion problems. The warmed leaves are
ellipsoid. Stigmas are pubescent12-13,19. The fruits are drupe, tiny, applied to sores and boils7,31 and according to the Manila Medical
dot-like, round to oblong, 0.5-0.7 × 0.4-0.5 mm, ridged, sessile, Society, it is used to relieve arthritic pains, but it may cause
longitudinally ribbed with the ladder like reticulations; beak Central Nervous System (CNS) depression27. In Indonesian
minute, conic13,17,20, and first green, blackish brown at traditional medicine, this plant is incorporated in the treatment of
maturity17,19. They have one single seed17 and a mustard-like odor wounds, boils, abscesses, pimples, abdominal pain, colic, gout,
when crushed17,22. rheumatic pain, fatigue, kidney disease, furuncles, eye
inflammation (conjunctivitis), dengue32, and as an
ORIGIN, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND antihypertensive33. The crushed leaves are used to treat dizziness
HABITAT or headaches if the patient has a fever28. In Malaysia, the plant is
known as ‘ketumpangan air” and it has been used for treating
P. pellucida is native to tropical North and South America7,11-15,17- various ailments such as abdominal pain, indigestion, abscess,
18,21. It is now widely distributed throughout the tropics (America, acne, boils, colic, gout, headache, renal disorders, breast cancer,
Africa, and Asia) and is often naturalized as a weed and impotence, measles, mental disorders, smallpox16, fatigue, and
occasionally cultivated7,11,14,16,21,23. It is often epiphytic, terrestrial rheumatism26.
and occasionally a lithophyte9,18. It grows in clumps, thriving in
loose, humid soils5,16, during rainy periods (often in the Many countries in tropical America used this plant in folk
spring)11,16 and a tropical to subtropical climate. Flowering year- medicine. Fresh juice of leaves and stems is used to treat
round, the plant is found in various shaded and damp habitats conjunctivitis in South America17,30. In Brazilian folk medicine,
within woods, forests, rock crevices, bases of cliffs, sometimes a the whole herb is used as a diuretic, cough suppressant and an
weed of cultivation; around nurseries and greenhouses and along emollient, to control cardiac arrhythmia30,34, to treat abscesses,
coastal plain all over Asia and the America near sea level to 200- furuncles, skin sores and conjunctivitis24,30,35. In Northeastern
2000 m10,12-14. Brazil, the whole plant is also used to lower the cholesterol levels
in the blood (hypocholesteremic agent)24, to cure haemorrhage,
ETHNOMEDICINAL USES OF P. PELLUCIDA BY fever, abdominal pain, boils, renal disorders, rheumatic pain,
VARIOUS COMMUNITIES AROUND THE WORLD mental disorder, eaten as a salad for the treatment of gout and
arthritis22. The whole plant is crushed, mixed with water, heated
and then administered orally to stop haemorrhages by Altenos
Leaves and stems of pepper elder are frequently consumed as a Indians in Bolivia1,23,30. The solution of the fresh juice of leaves
spicy leafy vegetable cooked or in salads and condiment in many and stem is used against conjunctivitis in Surinam7. In the
parts of the tropics. In Africa, it is occasionally cultivated for the Amazon region of Guyana, the plant has been used as a cough
food purpose7. The whole plant is traditionally prescribed in folk suppressant, emollient, diuretic, in the treatment of cardiac
medicine of various countries15,16,21,24 and the ethnomedicinal arrhythmia, proteinuria, and hypercholesterolemia35-36.
uses are vary depending on the region24. It is sometimes grown as
an ornamental container plant7. P. pellucida had been reported in Nigeria and other West African
countries as being effective and commonly used to manage
Ayurvedic and traditional physicians in Sri Lanka have been used various ailments by traditional health practitioners37. It is one of
this plant for various ailments. The leaves and inflorescence are the most prominent plant species incorporated into the commonly
used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery, nasopharyngeal used recipes in the treatment of measles1,36 and hypertension5,33
infections, paralysis, epilepsy, convulsions, skin; mucosae tumors in Nigeria. The infusion added with milk is ethnomedicinally
and cancers19. The entire plant is crushed and rubbed over the described to boost the immune system of sick people23. The aerial
burned area to reduce burning sensation and to prevent blisters4. parts are used generally as a tonic for healthy well-being5 and is
employed in the treatment of diabetes, abscesses, furuncles, skin
An ethnomedicinal survey conducted in Bangladesh among folk sores, conjunctivitis5, abdominal pain, acne, boils, colic, fatigue,
medicinal practitioners has revealed that P. pellucida is used in gout, headache, renal disorders, rheumatic pain, breast cancer,
the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as dysentery, impotence, female sterility, mental disorders, cardiac arrhythmia,
diarrhoea, stomachache, respiratory tract disorders; asthma, and small pox7,36. In Nigeria and Congo, it is used as an ingredient
bronchitis, pneumonia, cold, cough, mucus, influenza, and of an infusion for treating convulsions7. An infusion of the plant
tonsillitis, sore throat and skin diseases including eczema, or a maceration, mixed with salt and palm oil, is taken against a
abscess, acne, boils, scabies, itch, infections, dermatitis, rash, cough in Congo7. The aqueous extract is commonly used in
sores, scar, and warts25. The juice of the leaves is being used by Cameroonian traditional medicine for the management of
the local people of Bangladesh to relieve a cough and fever, as a fracture11.
remedy for colds, diarrhea, heart problems, hypertension26 and in
the treatment of excited mental disorder23,27. In India, the whole In addition to above, the plant species has a history of other
plant is used to treat a cough, kidney disorders (dysuria, urinary ethnomedicinal uses which include in the treatment of malaria
retention, and urinary tract infections), and general weakness28. and as a facial rinse for acne and complexion problems30.
However, there has not yet been validated clinical data with

A.A.M.D.D.N. Amarathunga & S.U. Kankanamge . Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (11)

regards to P. pellucida dosing but the patients with known Anticancer Activity
hypersensitivity reactions to any of the components of the plant
species are contraindicated to its use. Nursing mothers have also Peperomin E isolated from this plant had shown anticancer
been contraindicated due to pharmacologically active activity/growth inhibitory effects on the cancer cell lines HL-60
components of this plant interfere with prostaglandin synthesis36. (human acute promyelocytic leukemia), MCF-7 (human breast
adenocarcinoma), and HeLa (human cervical cancer). The
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF DIFFERENT compound 7,8-trans-8,8/-trans-7/,8/-cis-7,7/-bis(5-methoxy-3,4-
EXTRACTS OF P. PELLUCIDA methylenedioxyphenyl)-8-acetoxymethyl-8/-
hydroxymethyltetrahydrofuran had exhibited estrogen-like
This species has been extensively investigated as a source of properties in MCF-7 cell line30,43. Anticancer activity of P.
natural pharmacologically active compounds with potential pellucida leaf extract had also been observed through
antimicrobial, anticancer, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, Colorimetric MTT (tetrazolium) assay against MCF-7 cell line
antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-oedematogenic activities. with the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 10.4 ±
0.06 μg/mL38.
Antimicrobial Activity
Antipyretic Properties
P. pellucida has shown a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity
against gram-positive bacteria; Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus Intra-peritoneal administration of petroleum ether and ethyl
subtilis13,22,36 and gram-negative bacteria; Escherichia acetate soluble fractions of ethanol extract of the leaves had
coli13,22,36,38, Pseudomonas aeruginosa13,22,30,36,38, Klebsiellae shown a significant reduction in the elevated body temperature of
pneumonae, Salmonellae typhi36,38, Enterobacter aerogenes22, rabbits and their antipyretic effects were comparable to that of a
Edwardsiella tarda, Flavobacterium sp., Aeromonas hydrophila, standard antipyretic drug, aspirin. This study supports the claims
Vibrio cholera, Vibrio alginolyticus, and Vibrio of P. pellucida by traditional medicine practitioners in the
parahaemolyticus38. The aqueous and ethanol extracts of the treatment of fever as an antipyretic remedy44.
leaves have shown no anti-Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (anti-MRSA) activity on clinical MRSA isolates39. In Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
addition, this plant extracts have shown antifungal activity against
Candida albicans, Rhizopus stolon, Aspergillus niger, Antioxidant activity of the crude extracts of this plant had been
Penicillium notatum36, and Trichophyton mentagrophyte40. determined using 2,2-diphenyl-picryhdrazyl (DPPH) radical
Another study has revealed the potential of the macerated scavenging assay30,38,45. Another study had determined the high
methanol extract of this plant as an antimalarial against antioxidant activity of P. pellucida even at low concentrations
Plasmodium falciparum using Desjardin method41. using the scavenging effect on DPPH, hydroxyl radical and ferric
thiocyanate compared to the antioxidant standards; butylated
An antibacterial study performed using agar-well diffusion hydroxyl anisole (BHA), ascorbic acid, and α- tocopherol36.
method for the aqueous and ethanol leaf extract of P. pellucida
has reported that the ethanol extract had shown its highest Petroleum ether, chloroform, and methanol extracts of this plant
inhibitory activity on Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas had shown antioxidant activity using DPPH assay and anti-
aeruginosa while water extract had shown its highest inhibitory inflammatory properties using the Carrageenan-induced rat hind
activity on E. coli42. N-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts paw oedema method. And the total phenolic content of the
of P. pellucida whole plant that grows around Ekiti State, Nigeria methanol extract (6.93 %) had shown the highest free radical
had exhibited antimicrobial activity against E. coli, Klebsiella scavenging activity45. The potent antioxidant activity of the crude
pneumoniae, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus and methanol extract of this plant was due to its ability to elevate
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ethanol extract had exhibited the least superoxide dismutase and catalase and lower thioltransferase and
potency whilst the N-hexane extract had exhibited the strongest thioredoxin reductase activities in rat liver under oxidative
potency with the zone of inhibition 10-12 mm at the concentration stress46. Oral administration of the plant extract in rats had been
of 25 μg/mL23. confirmed to interfere with the synthesis of prostaglandin, thus
acting as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent22.
According to the results of a study done by Zubair et al; 2015, the
inhibition of bacterial growth of all strains by the hexane, Phongtongpasuk & Poadang; 2014, had conducted a research to
chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and water extracts of leaves of investigate the effect of two extraction techniques; maceration
P. pellucida was dose-dependent as evident by the higher zone of and reflux and three extracting solvents; methanol, butanol, and
inhibitions at higher concentrations. The antibacterial activity had ethyl acetate on the yield and antioxidant activity of P. pellucida.
been compared with the 10 mg/mL standard antibiotic penicillin. The results have shown that the methanol extract by reflux
Hexane extracts had appeared to be the most effective extract. method offered the highest extraction yield. Ethyl acetate extract
None of the water extracts had shown any antibacterial activity. by reflux method had the highest total phenolic contents and the
Chloroform extracts were inactive against all the gram-positive highest antioxidant activity evaluated by DPPH assay. The
bacteria tested (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and antioxidant activity was drastically different and depended upon
Bacillus cereus). The antibacterial activity of the extracts was the extracting solvent and extraction method used47. Mohamad et
more prominent on the gram-negative bacteria (E. coli, Proteus al; 2015, had shown that different drying methods used in their
mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluroescens study did not affect the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and
and Salmonella typhi) than the gram-positive bacteria26. Plant chemical constituents of this plant extracts. Hence expensive
extracts often contain polyphenols and flavonoids which could be drying methods are not compulsory, and it is economically
the antimicrobial components as suggested by Zubair et al; 2015. beneficial.

These previous studies have shown the potential usefulness of P. A study had shown that P. pellucida has a phenological cycle of
pellucida in the treatment of various pathogenic diseases which approximately 100 days. Researchers had tested the anti-
in the future can be developed as a potential antimicrobial agent. inflammatory potential of the aqueous extract during the four
distinct development phases (Complete development, the

A.A.M.D.D.N. Amarathunga & S.U. Kankanamge . Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (11)

beginning of bloom, complete bloom, and seed set) to detect Antidiabetic Activity
differences in its potency. Aqueous extracts had significant anti-
inflammatory activity during phenophases 1 and 2 of winter and Antidiabetic activity of ethanol extract of P. pellucida had been
spring. Depending on the plant's phenophase there was variation investigated in alloxan-induced diabetic albino male rats. Ethanol
in the potency of oedema inhibition35. extract at the dose 1000 mg/kg had shown the better reduction of
blood glucose level than the dose 500 mg/kg5
An experimental design had been conducted for the ethanol
extract of P. pellucida using the enzyme xanthine oxidase and Cytoprotective Effect
xanthine as the substrate. Inhibition of xanthine oxidase had
determined enzymatically with the IC50 of 19.5 ppm. IC50 of The ethanol extract of the aerial part of P. pellucida had produced
allopurinol was 1.99 μg/mL. They have proved that the ethanol significant dose-dependent inhibition of gastric mucosal damage
extract of P. pellucida, has efficacy to reduce levels of uric acid induced by cytodestructive agents (80 % ethanol, 25 % sodium
excess by inhibiting the action of the enzyme xanthine oxidase48. chloride, 0.6 M hydrochloric acid, 0.2 M sodium hydroxide and
Hence P. pellucida had efficacy to reduce levels of uric acid 30 mg/kg indomethacin) at all doses (10, 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg)
excess and this claims the ethnomedicinal use of this plant in the in the experimental models of rats. The result suggested that P.
treatment of gout. pellucida possesses anti-ulcer properties as claimed by the
ethnomedicine. The findings have justified the traditional use of
The high antioxidant activity of P. pellucida at low the plant to treat abdominal pain. Therefore, we can postulate that
concentrations stipulates that it could be very useful in the this plant may have cytoprotective factors based due to the
treatment of ailments resulting from oxidative stress and further reduction of total lesion area when induced with necrotizing
corroborates the ethnomedicinal uses. agents16.

Fracture Healing Effects Immunostimulatory Effect

Orally administered aqueous extract of the whole plant of P. A study has shown the huge potential of P. pellucida leaf extract
pellucida had shown fracture healing effects in female Wistar rats as a natural immunostimulant in controlling motile aeromonad
(drill-hole injury model). The aqueous extract had increased bone septicemia due to Aeromonas hydrophila in red hybrid tilapia,
calcium levels at the lowest dose (100 mg/kg) but maintained this Oreochromis sp. The significantly higher value of antibody
parameter at a normal range at the high dose (400 mg/kg) in response to A. hydrophila in fish which had been determined by
fractured rats. Alkaline phosphatase and phosphorus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and significantly lower
concentrations reduced significantly (p<0.01) at the dose of 400 percentage cumulative mortality of fish received medicated feed
mg/kg as compared to fractured rats. Radiological tests had compared to fish did not receive medicated feed (p<0.05), had
revealed a dose-dependent formation of a highly dense and been observed. Hence, this plant extract can be incorporated into
compact fibrocartilaginous callus at the level of the fracture gap. the fish feed to manage fish health for aquaculture uses49.
The mineral content of the plant extract had revealed the presence
of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. The In Vitro Thrombolytic Activity
aqueous extract of P. pellucida had accelerated bone healing due
to the considerable mineral content of the extract. These results The results of a study conducted in Bangladesh to determine in
claim its incorporation into traditionally used recipes in the vitro thrombolytic activity revealed that the activity of various
treatment of bone fractures11. extracts had been found in the range of 10.87-55.56 %. The
ethanol soluble fraction had exhibited the highest percentage lysis
Antidiarrhoeal Activity of the clot, hence the highest thrombolytic activity comparable to
the standard drug, streptokinase among the hexane soluble
Plant extracts at a dose of 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg had shown fraction, chloroform extract, and aqueous soluble fraction26.
antidiarrhoeal activity by inhibiting castor oil induced intestinal
accumulation of fluid in male and female white albino mice. Antihypertensive Activity
Literature had documented that antidiarrhoeal and antidysenteric
properties of medicinal plants were due to flavonoids, alkaloids, Kurniawan et al; 2016, had isolated and determined the chemical
tannins, saponins, and sterols. Tannins, sterols, and alkaloids structure of the flavonoid (3/,4/-Dihydroxy-3-5-
present in the leaves might be responsible for the antidiarrhoeal dimethoxyflavone-7-O-β-rhamnose) which was responsible for
activity of P. pellucida26. the Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity
from the methanol extract of the aerial part that claims the
Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressant Effects traditional use of this plant as an antihypertensive. The IC50 value
for the in vitro ACE inhibitory activity was 7.72 μg/mL. They had
Diazepam-induced sleep, nikethamide-induced toxicity, light- suggested this compound inhibits the enzyme activity by
dark test and force swimming test had been performed in mice for competing with the substrate for the active site33.
petroleum ether and ethyl acetate fractions of ethanol extract of
leaves. Results of this study revealed that it contained A dose-dependent reduction in systolic, diastolic, mean arterial
psychoactive substances which are CNS depressant in nature. The pressure and heart rate had been observed in Sprague-Dawley rats
folk medicinal uses of P. pellucida for convulsions, in the following intravenous administration of P. pellucida aqueous
treatment of the excited mental disorder and its CNS depressant plant extract (10-30 mg/kg) and displayed moderate inhibition of
effects, agree with their experimental results. CNS depression had CYP3A4 enzyme activity. Their results suggested that the dose-
been reported as the neurotoxic effects of styrene isolated from dependent hypotensive, bradycardic and vasorelaxant effects of
this plant27. this extract were mediated through Nitric oxide-dependent
mechanisms. The impact on CYPs enzyme activities indicates
unlikely adverse drug effect when P. pellucida is consumed with
other medications reliant on CYP3A4 metabolism8.

A.A.M.D.D.N. Amarathunga & S.U. Kankanamge . Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (11)

Cholesterol Reduction Effects followed by (3-Methoxy-nitrophenyl) acetic acid, methyl ester,

Phytol, n-Hexadeconoic acid, E-2-Tetradecen-1-ol, 5H-
Isolation of styrene, campesterol, stigmasterol, and β-sitosterol Cyclopropa(3,4)benz(1,2-e)azulen-5-one, 4,9,9a-tris(acetyloxy)-
from this plant had been reported. Cholesterol biosynthesis and 3-[(acetyloxy)methyl], Stigmasterol, 3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2-
cholesterol absorption had been reduced by increased sitosterol, hexadecen-1-ol, Campesterol, a-Sitosterol, 9,12,15-
campesterol, and stigmasterol levels27. This claims the traditional Octadecatrienoic acid, (Z,Z,Z), Z,Z-2,5-Pentadecadien-1-ol and
use of this plant as a hypocholesteremic agent. 3-Hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic acid50.

ACUTE TOXICITY STUDIES OF P. PELLUCIDA A xanthone glycoside isolated from this plant named Patuloside
A, and arylpropanoids had demonstrated weak antifungal and
The acute toxicity results of P. pellucida revealed that this plant antibacterial activity while peperomins had exhibited anticancer
might be considered as a non-toxic plant with high therapeutic activity15,30,43. Dillapiole and Pachypophyllin from the
index27. Oloyede et al; 2011 had reported that the methanol, chloroform extracts of air-dried leaves had been elucidated by
hexane, and ethyl acetate fractions of methanol extract of leaves NMR were active against the fungi Trichophyton
were toxic while the most polar fractions butanol and aqueous mentagrophyte40.
fractions were non-toxic by performing the brine shrimp lethality
test. Patuloside A isolated from this plant have shown cytotoxic A study on the nutritional and mineral profile of this plant done
properties to brine shrimp naupli30. Observations of a toxicity in Malaysia using atomic absorption spectrometry had
study of methanol extract for 14 days (at the dose 500, 1000, determined that P. pellucida be rich in crude carbohydrate,
2000, and 4000 mg/kg) had shown that there was no mortality and protein, and total ash contents. A high-value mineral composition
no symptoms of toxicity on the skin and hair, defecation, feed comprises calcium, iron, and potassium as the main elements.
intake, respiratory system and in behavior between control and They suggested that this plant would serve as a good source of
the test group of rats. Histopathological observation showed no protein and energy as well as micronutrients in the form of a leafy
specific abnormalities in heart, liver, and kidney28. vegetable for human consumption15.

PHYTOCHEMICALS PRESENT IN P. PELLUCIDA A commonly used medicinal plant over long durations containing
high concentrations of natural radionuclides can cause health
problems. Sussa et al; 2013, had conducted a study to determine
Preliminary and qualitative phytochemical screening on the plant the natural radioactivity in a sample of P. pellucida. The level of
P. pellucida have revealed the presence of various radionuclides determined in this study presented the same order
pharmacologically active principles of medical importance of magnitude or slightly higher concentrations than that vegetable
including tannins 5,22-23,26,28,36-37, flavonoids5,22-23,26,28,37, cardiac, foodstuff, tea and herbal medicines concentrations reported in the
xanthone and other glycosides5,22-23,37, alkaloids22-23,36-37,41, published literature24.
saponins22,37,41, inulins37, terpenes, phenolic compounds,
phytosterols30,37,41 and other steroids28,36,41, resins and CONCLUSION
This review summarized updated available evidence on the
New structures of the pharmacologically active principles had taxonomy, ethnobotanical uses, phytochemical constituents,
been elucidated based on chromatographic and spectroscopic pharmacological and toxicological studies of the valuable plant
methods mainly by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth. This is widely used in different
Mass Spectroscopy (MS) and evaluation of their biological traditional medicinal systems for various ailments such as
activities have been reported in the literature. The phytochemicals gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract disorders, skin
present in the plant were alkaloids, namely, secolignans, diseases, neurological disorders, heart problems, kidney
tetrahydrofuranlignans, as well as, highly methoxylated disorders, rheumatic pain, conjunctivitis, and in the management
dihydronaphthalenone, peperomins A, B, C, and E, sesamin, and of fractures. This species has been extensively investigated as a
isoswertisin. P. pellucida also contained several essential oils, source of natural pharmacologically active compounds with
mainly dillapiole, β-caryophyllene and carotol that have high potential antimicrobial, anticancer, antipyretic, anti-
larvicidal activities. Other compounds are flavonoids such as inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antidiarrhoeal,
acacetin, apigenin, isovitexin, and pellucidatin, substituted antihypertensive and anti-oedematogenic activities.
styrenes and antraquinone. Phytosterols such as stigmasterol, Phytochemical screenings on the plant have revealed the presence
sitosterol, and campesterol had been successfully isolated from of various pharmacologically active principles of medical
dichloromethane extract of the plant 8,11-15,23,30,34,41,43. importance including tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids,
saponins, terpenes, phenolic compounds, phytosterols and other
Phytol had been identified as the major bioactive compound and steroids. P. pellucida also contains several essential oils, mainly
2-Naphthalenoldecahydrohexadecanoic acid, methyl ester and dillapiole. This review will be useful for further
9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z)-methyl ester had been studies on this plant. More research is needed to isolate and
identified as the other phytochemicals presented GC/MS38,49. characterize bioactive constituents and establish clinical studies,
Bayma et al; 2000, had isolated a novel dimeric ArC2 compound to explore the potential uses of P. pellucida that may contribute
named Pellucidin A, together with the known phenylpropanoid to drug development.
dillapiole from the methanol extract of aerial parts of P. pellucida.
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