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Physics A

Adedayo Elegbede
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Duration: 40 mins
Candidates answer on the Question paper.

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• Pencil
• Ruler (cm/mm)

• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Please write clearly and in capital letters.
• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions, unless your teacher tells you otherwise.
• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.
• Where space is provided below the question, please write your answer there.
• You may use additional paper, or a specific Answer sheet if one is provided, but you must clearly show your candidate
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• The quality of written communication is assessed in questions marked with either a pencil or an asterisk. In History and
Geography a Quality of extended response question is marked with an asterisk, while a pencil is used for questions in
which Spelling, punctuation and grammar and the use of specialist terminology is assessed.
• The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
• The total number of marks for this paper is 39.
• The total number of marks may take into account some 'either/or' question choices.

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1(a). Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 300 nm is incident on the surface of two metals X and Y. Metal X has
work function 2.0 eV and metal Y has work function 5.0 eV.

With the help of calculations, explain any difference between the emission of photoelectrons from the surfaces
of the metals X and Y.


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(b). *Two groups of researchers, A and B, conduct photoelectric effect experiments on a new material. The maximum
kinetic energy KEmax of the photoelectrons emitted from the material is determined for different frequencies f of
the electromagnetic radiation incident on the material.

Fig. 19 shows incomplete graphs of KEmax against f from the groups A and B.

The value of the Planck constant h is determined from the completed KEmax against f graphs.
The result from each group is shown below.

group A: h = (6.3 ± 0.3) × 10−34 J s

group B: h = (6.6 ± 0.6) × 10−34 J s

Explain how a graph of KEmax against f can be used to determine h. Discuss the accuracy and precision of the
results from each group.

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2(a). This question is about the brightest wavelength (590 nm) of light from a sodium lamp.

*A student is to measure this wavelength by the double-slit method. The lamp, a single slit, a double slit and a
clear glass screen are to be set up perpendicular to a common centre line as shown in Fig. 4.

A pattern of bright and dark fringes should then be observable through the screen. The screen has millimetre
rulings along it. The slit separation a is about 0.5 mm and can be measured using a travelling microscope,
having a vernier scale to 0.05 mm. The student is also given two 1 metre rulers and a magnifying glass.

The measurements required to calculate the wavelength in the experiment are a, D and y on Fig. 4.

Explain how the student measures D and y using the apparatus provided.
State the uncertainty expected in each measurement and how each could be minimised.
Estimate the uncertainty in the measured value of the wavelength.

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(b). Analysis of the light from the sodium lamp using a diffraction grating shows that there are photons of two
different energies at wavelengths 589.0 nm and 589.6 nm.

(i) Calculate the energy difference ΔE between these two photons.

ΔE = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J [3]

(ii) The light at these wavelengths can be seen as two separate lines when viewed through a diffraction grating.
In order to be distinguishable from each other, the angular separation between the lines must be at least

Show that the lines will appear separated in the second order spectrum when the sodium lamp is viewed
through a grating with 300 lines per millimetre.


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State the principle of superposition of waves.

(b). Fig. 16.1 shows an arrangement to demonstrate the interference of monochromatic light.

Fig. 16.1

Coherent blue light from a laser is incident at a double-slit. The separation between the slits is 0.25 mm. A
series of dark and bright lines (fringes) appear on the screen. The screen is 4.25 m from the slits.
Fig. 16.2 shows the dark and bright fringes observed on the screen.

Fig. 16.2

The pattern shown in Fig. 16.2 is drawn to scale.

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(i) Use Fig. 16.2 to determine accurately the wavelength of the blue light from the laser.

wavelength = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m [3]

(ii) The blue light is now replaced by a similar beam of red light.
State and explain the effect, if any, on the fringes observed on the screen.


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Fig. 21.1 shows some of the energy levels of electrons in hydrogen gas atoms.
The energy levels are labelled A, B, C and D.

Fig. 21.1 (not to scale)

(i) Explain why the energy levels are negative.


(ii) An electron makes a transition (jump) from level C to level A.

1 Calculate the energy gained by this electron.

energy = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eV [1]

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1 Calculate the wavelength in nm of the photon absorbed by this electron.

wavelength = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nm [3]

5. A high energy gamma photon passing through a scintillator crystal converts some of its energy into visible light
photons of mean wavelength 450 nm.

Show that the energy of a single photon of wavelength 450 nm is less than 3 eV.


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6. Stationary sound waves are formed in a tube closed at one end.
Fig. 17.2 shows three stationary wave patterns formed in the air column of the tube.

Fig. 17.2

The frequency f of the oscillations for each stationary wave is shown in Fig. 17.2.

Use Fig. 17.2 to explain how the frequency f of the sound wave depends on the wavelength λ.



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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 a 5.0 eV = 8.0 × 10–19 (J) and 2.0 eV = 3.2 × B1 Allow correct answers in terms of threshold
10–19 (J) frequency / wavelength for the metals and
the frequency / wavelength of the photon

B1 Allow first two B1 marks for photon energy

quoted as 6.6 × 10–19 J and 4.1 eV

photon energy =

energy of photon > work function of X Or B1

energy of photon < work function of Y

Hence electrons emitted from X with speed B1

/ KE from zero to a maximum value and no
electrons are emitted from Y

b *Level 3 (5–6 marks) B1 × 6 Indicative scientific points may include:

Clear explanation and discussion

There is a well-developed line of reasoning Explanation

which is clear and logically structured. The
information presented is relevant and hf = Φ + KEmax (any subject)
substantiated. A graph of KEmax against f is a straight
line graph with gradient = h (and
Level 2 (3–4 marks) intercept = –Φ )
Some explanation and some discussion Draw a straight best-fit line through
points and determine the gradient
There is a line of reasoning presented with using a ‘large triangle’
some structure. The information presented
is in the most-part relevant and supported Discussion of accuracy and precision
by some evidence.
% uncertainties are 4.8% for A and
Level 1 (1–2 marks) 9.1% for B
Limited explanation or limited discussion Data points widely spread out for B.
The information is basic and For B the value of h is accurate
communicated in an unstructured way. The because its closer to the real / actual
information is supported by limited value (but the results are not precise)
evidence and the relationship to the For A the value of h is precise because
evidence may not be clear. of the smaller % uncertainty (but the
result is not accurate)
0 marks
No response or no response worthy of

Total 10

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2 a Level 3 (5–6 marks) B1 × 6 Indicative scientific points may include:

Clear methods of measurement, statement
of uncertainties and how to minimise them M measurement
D measured with metre rulers
There is a well-developed line of reasoning
which is clear and logically structured. The y measured using mm graticule on glass
information presented is relevant and screen observed with hand lens
U uncertainty
Level 2 (3–4 marks) D maximum ±2 mm in 1.5 to 2.0 m 0.1%
Adequate methods of measurement,
statement of uncertainties and how to y ±0.5 mm in the position of the centre of
minimise them each maximum, giving an uncertainty of ±1
There is a line of reasoning presented with × = 600 × 10–9 × 2/5 × 10–4 = 2.4 mm so
some structure. The information presented we have y = 5x with ±1/(2.4 × 5 ) so of
is in the most-part relevant and supported order of 8 to 10% in value of x.
by some evidence.
a vernier to ±0.05 mm in 0.5 mm gives
Level 1 (1–2 marks) uncertainty of order of 10%
Limited methods of measurement,
statement of uncertainties or how to total uncertainty of about 20% or ± 100 nm
minimise them to 120 nm

The information is basic and A minimising uncertainties

communicated in an unstructured way. The D maximise distance available on bench
information is supported by limited
evidence and the relationship to the y measuring across the maximum number
evidence may not be clear. of x possible

0 marks a suggesting that a more sensitive method

No response or no response worthy of is needed, e.g. using slide projector to
credit. display enlarged image of slits on screen
compared to millimetre scale projected on
screen or similar

b i E = hc/λ; Δε = E1 – E2 = hcΔλ/λ2 C1 allow calculation of E = hc/λ twice and

difference taken

i Δε = 6.63 × 10–34 × 3 × 108 × 0.6 × 10–9/ C1

5.92 × 10–14

i Δε = 3.4 × 10–22 (J) A1

ii sin θ = nλ/d; 1/d = 3 × 105 (m–1) C1

ii θ1 – θ2 = sin–1 (2 × 589.6 × 3 × 10–4) – sin–1 M1 or similar

(2 × 589 × 3 × 10–4)

ii θ1 – θ2 = 20.717 – 20. 695 = 0.0220 A1 allow 20.72 – 20.70

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Total 12

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3 a (When two or more waves meet at a point B1 Allow total / Σ / net for resultant
in space) the resultant (displacement) is Not amplitude for displacement
equal to the (vector) sum of the individual
displacements of waves (meeting at a

Examiner’s Comment
Most candidates made a poor start to
Section B by incorrectly stating the
principle of superposition. Instead of ‘the
resultant displacement being the sum of
the individual displacements of the waves’,
candidates wrote about the addition of
amplitudes. Some simply wrote about
constructive (or destructive) interference
and stationary waves.

b i Clear evidence of at least two fringe B1 Expect 8 (mm)

separations used to determine x and x in
the range 7.0 to 9.0 mm
C1 Allow ecf for incorrect value of x
(Allow any


A = 4.7 × 10-7 (m) A1

Examiner’s Comment
One mark for this question was reserved
for accurately determining the separation x
between adjacent fringes using at least two
fringe separations. About a quarter of the
candidates did this and secured maximum
marks for calculating the wavelength of
blue light. A wide range of 7 mm to 9 mm
was allowed for x. Most candidates used
the correct equation and had no problems
with powers of ten. Almost all the answers
were written in standard form.

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ii Red light has longer wavelength / λ and M1

separation between fringes increases (AW)

Separation between fringes justified in A1 Allow other acceptable labels for D and a
terms of x ∝ λ or x = λD / a, D and a are
constants Examiner’s Comment
This was generally well answered with
most candidates giving correct explanation
of why the fringe pattern was more spread
out. Many candidates wrote concise
answers such as ‘the fringe separation
increases because red light has longer
wavelength and fringe separation x
wavelength’. The two most common errors

Red light has shorter wavelength than

blue light.
The pattern had something to do with
the refraction of light through the

Total 6

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4 i electron bound to nucleus / represents B1 Allow ionisation level defined as zero as

energy electron must gain to leave the AW for ‘represents electron must gain
atom / total energy of electron in atom is energy to leave atom / move up energy
less than that of a free electron level’
Allow potentials for attractive forces are

Examiner’s Comments
This item provided good discrimination
between the candidates. Many responses
referred incompletely to the negative
charge of the electron being the only
factor, whereas the correct explanation is
much more to do with the electron
requiring energy to leave the atom and the
ionization level being defined as the zero

Some candidates were on the right path

when they referred to the equivalent
statement for gravitational potential

ii 1 energy = 2.55 (eV) B1 Ignore sign

2 energy = 2.55 × 1.60 × 10–19 (J) C1 Possible ECF from (ii)1


wavelength = 4.9 × 10–7 (m)

wavelength = 490 (nm) A1 Note: wavelength = 488 (nm) to 3 sf

Examiner’s Comments
Virtually all candidates correctly evaluated
the energy difference to be 2.55 eV.
Negative values were condoned but are
unlikely to be accepted in future series.

Many candidates correctly calculated the

wavelength of emitted light, although a
minority did not convert the energy into
joules or performed the required
conversion to nanometres incorrectly.

Total 5

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

5 E = (hc/λ =) 6.63 × 10–34 × 3.0 × 108/450 × C1


E = 4.42 × 10–19 (J) C1

energy = 2.76 (eV) A1 N.B. the answer here must be 2 SF or


Total 3

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

6 Correct relationship between length of tube B1 Allow L for length of tube

and λ for at least two stationary waves Example L = λ/4 at 60 Hz, L = 3λ/4 at 180
L = 5λ/4 at 300 Hz

Allow λ/4 linked to 60 (Hz) etc on diagram

or in text

speed / v is constant or f λ = constant or f B1 Not just f increases λ decreases


Calculation comparing at least two B1 Note - calculation can also score the
stationary waves to show f λ = constant or f previous B1 mark
∞1/λ E.g f increases by a factor of 5 (from 60 Hz
to 300 Hz) and λ decreases by the same
factor (of 5)

Examiner’s Comments

The majority of the candidates scored 1

mark for either mentioning that the
wavelength was inversely proportional to
the frequency or identifying the correct
relationship between the length of the tube
and the wavelength. Generally, the
explanations lacked cohesion and showed
poor comprehension of stationary waves
formed within a fixed column of air. The
common errors are highlighted below.


There were some missed opportunities,

with some candidates making the following

wavelength = λ/4, 3λ/4 and 5λ/4,

instead of length of tube = λ/4, 3λ/4
and 5λ/4.
Correctly identifying the relationship
between L and λ, but then confusing L
and λ, and stating that the f ∝ λ.
Using an equal sign instead of the
proportionality symbol, e.g. frequency
is inversely proportional wavelength,

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hence f = 1/λ.

Total 3

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