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A new dark fantasy race,

complete with
two subraces

“The childe who's born from life and death alike,

He bears the mark of grave within his soul.
His kiss of blood the sweetest death, his gift
The curse he feels within, unquenched thirst.”

arts by
Joyce Maureira and Neil Spicer
used with permission

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . DHAMPIR, THE CURSED
Despite such marks of diversity, the
Among the undead abominations that plague
half-vampire acquires some gifts from his
this world of us, vampires are perhaps those
immortal sire. All dhampirs tend to display
whose charade is the most lifelike. Their nature,
better reflexes than common human beings,
however, is a predatory one, their farce of life
and some of them reveal an unnatural strength,
one that requires constant blood sacrifices:
the strength of the grave. Other dhampyrs
their very existence is a cancer that drys out
posses strong personalities and a tantalising
and corrupts natural life. Other undeads are
look, as well as a lesser version of vampire's
mockeries of life; vampires are a plague aimed
intoxicating charm.
to consume it.
All half-vampires are equally capable of
Thence it's not too unexpected that
feeding on blood, a practice they must commit
vampires, only among the undead strains, are
daily in order to remain in their prime. For
capable of giving life; for their essence is
among the many, unnatural powers granted by
mingled with blood, and blood is the life. Not
the legacy of vampires there is an unnaturally
every race, however, is capable of combining
extended lifespan, as long as they are willing to
itself with undeath: only humans are adaptable
feed on the blood of the living, that is.
enough to procreate a child tainted by
Those children are called usually
dhampir, dhampyr, or simply half-vampires; for
half of their legacy comes from the undead
parasites that walk the night.


While a vampire is cursed and condemned to
such an existence at the dawn of its life, a
dhampir is born with the curse in his veins.
Even as a fledgling, among the normal appetites
he feels the lust for blood, drinking the red
ichor along with breast blood in order to
survive and grow.
The light of the sun, while not deadly, is
painful for him to bear, and his very appearance
betrays the unnatural parentage. The skin of a
dhampire is very pale, being burned and not
tanned by sunlight, and gaining some
complexion only when the child is well feed.
Those few dhampirs whose skin is not milk-
white are instead pitch black, dark as the night
that spawned them.
Eyes and hair colors are more variable,
usually ranging from red to white; black hair
and yellow eyes are not unheard of, and some
dhampirs are lucky enough to inherit those trait
from their living parent.

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FEARED AND SHUNNED However, should a half-vampire
embrace his human legacy and sharp his
Given their peculiarities, dhampires don't reach resentment as a weapon against undeath, the
adult age unless serious efforts are made by half-monster will be regarded as a true, full-
their parents in order to protect them. Most fledged hero. Such dhampirs are well-known for
villagers will surely burn the spawn of hell at their skills as vampire hunters; for nobody
stake, along with its family, so the true nature of understands evil like those who suffered its
a half-vampire must be kept a well-guarder cruelty even before they were born.
Even when fully grown, a dhampyr will
always have to keep the utmost secrecy about
his or her parentage and abilities. For, when
their true nature and appetites are discovered, Living among humans, dhampirs tend to be
however, half-vampires are treated with fear, named like common human beings, ad best
hate and superstition, and they are often chased suited for their country and culture. Many half-
off the cities by an angry mob, right into the vampire, however, bear no family name, as they
welcoming embrace of their undead parents. were rejected by their kin, or adopt a peculiar
The most scheming vampires, indeed, second name best suited to describe their dual
often generate dhampirs in order to use them nature.
as pawns and emissaries when, predictably Sometimes, the name of a dhampir will
rejected by mankind, they'll seek acceptance be imposed by the undead parent, thus
among the undead. Dhampyrs that embrace reflecting ancient naming traditions, or the vile
their dark heritage show the colors of true schemes behind the conception of this
villains, their evil nourished by hate and unfortunate child.

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DHAMPIR TRAITS amount of hit points. The damage increases to
2d4 at 6th level, 3d4 at 11th level and 4d4 at
Your dhampir character has certain 16th level. If you are unconscious, an adjacent
characteristics in common with all other half- ally can use his action to cut his own wrist and
vampires. let you drink his blood, activating your vampire
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity bite with himself as the target.
score increases by 1. After you use your vampire bite, you can't use it
Age. Dhampirs mature at the same rate again until you complete a short or long rest.
as humans, but age sensibly slower and usually Languages. You can speak, read, and
live more than half past a century. write Common and one extra language of your
Alignment. Some dhampirs inherit the choice. Half-vampires live among humans, and
vile nature of their undead progenitor, while learn to speak as they do.
others fight against it and become prized Subrace. Two subraces of dhampirs are
undead hunters, freeing the world from the found among the worlds of D&D: loveborns and
scourge of their brethren. While a good half- tainted ones. Choose one of these subraces.
vampire is a conscious companion, the natural
bloodlust of an evil one produces a true villain.
Most half-vampires tend towards neutrality,
driven by their opposite legacies.
Size. Dhampirs are about the same size
as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your
size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed in 30
Darkvision. As a true child of the night,
you have superior vision in dark and dim
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bloodlust. In addition to the normal
appetites and thirst of a normal human being,
you need to satiate periodically your own
bloodlust in order to avoid exhaustion. It is
enough to drink blood once a day, even from an
animal, in order to satiate this thirst.
Embrace of Shadows. Adept at moving
in the dark like darkness itself, you have
proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Sunlight Vulnerability. You have
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks
as long as you are in direct sunlight. Thick
clothes or simple shadow remove this penalty,
but you still suffer disadvantage on attack rolls
and Perception checks that rely on sight if the
target of your attack or whatever you are
trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Vampire Bite. You can use your action
to bite the neck of a grappled, unconscious or
willing target, drinking his blood to restore
your own energies. The target takes 1d4
necrotic damage, and you regains the same
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . DHAMPIR, THE CURSED
While not always the fruit of genuine passion, TAINTED ONE
these dhampirs are born from a natural act of Despite their facade of life, few vampires are
lovemaking. These half-vampires, be them the capable of true acts of procreation, and it is
spawn of affection, simple lust or vile coercion, nearly unheard of a female vampire who bare a
are known as loveborn. child. But sometimes, when a pregnant woman
Thanks to the act of their conception, is bitten by a vampire and survives the
loveborn dhampirs inherit the most charming experience, the taint of vampirism nevertheless
aspects of vampires, including their seductive infects her unborn baby.
looks. Later on, if the fetus survives, it
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma becomes a strange dhampir, a childe “gifted”
score increases by 2. with the most unnatural powers of a vampire
Seduction of the Blood. You know the and its undead strength.
friends cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
can cast the charm person spell once per day. score increases by 2.
When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Power of the Blood. You know the
alter self spell once per day. Charisma is your blade ward cantrip. When you reach 3rd level,
spellcasting ability for these spells. you can cast the fog cloud spell once per day.
When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the
spider climb spell once per day. Constitution is
your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . DHAMPIR, THE CURSED

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