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NAME: Don Joshua A. Patiu DATE: 02-16-21

SUBJECT: CDI 3 specialized crime SECTION: D2018


Definition. Define the following terms based on our previous discussion

1. Subculture - A subculture is a group of people within a culture that differentiates itself
from the parent culture to which it belongs, often maintaining some of its founding
principles. Subcultures develop their own norms and values regarding cultural, political
and sexual matters. Subcultures differ from countercultures
2. Strain - The conflict between goals and means that results to frustration, anger and
resentment is the explanation for crime causation.
3. Extortion - a person makes a threat, often physical or destructive, to obtain something
or to force someone to do something With blackmail, a person threatens to reveal
embarrassing or damaging information if a demand is not met.
4. Loan sharking - is a person who or an entity that loans money at extremely high
interest rates and often uses threats of violence to collect debts. The interest rates are
generally well above an established legal rate, and often loan sharks are members of
organized crime groups.
5. Soldati - The lowest level “members” of a Family. The soldiers or “buttom” men report
to the caporegime. A soldier may operate a particular illicit enterprise – e.g., a loan-
sharking operation, a dice game, a lottery, a bookmaking operation, a smuggling
operation – on a commission basis, or he may “own” the enterprise and pay a portion of
its profit to the organization in return for the right to operate.
6. Consigliere - same level as the underboss but operating in a staff capacity, who is a
counselor or adviser. Often an elder member of the Family who has partially retired
from a career in crime, he gives advice to family members, including the boss and the
underboss, and thereby enjoys considerable influence and power.
7. Monopolistic - relating to a person or business that has exclusive possession or control of
the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
8. Bribery - refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means
of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty
9. Perpetuity - a bond or other security with no fixed maturity date
10. Sweet talks - If you sweet talk someone, you talk to them very nicely so that they will
do what you want.
Discussion. Discuss the following topics
1. Differentiate organized crime group from the following:

A. Terrorist groups The use of violence or of the threat of violence in the pursuit of
political, religious, ideological or social objectives. Acts committed by non-state actors
(or by undercover personnel serving on the behalf of their respective governments).
B. Criminal gangs defined as an ongoing group, club, organization, or association of
five or more persons formed for the purpose of committing a violent crime or
drug offense, with members who have engaged in a continuing series of
violent crimes or drug law violations that affect interstate.
C. Rebel groups defined here as a polity that uses armed conflict in opposition to
established government (or governments) for reasons such as to seek political change or
to establish, maintain, or to gain independence.
2. How can a crime be considered transnational? What are the usual crimes that can be
considered as transnational crimes? It will considered a violations of law that involve
more than one country in their planning, execution, or impact. Human trafficking, drug
trafficking, arms trafficking, cybercrime, illegal logging and state
3. How globalization affects organized crime operations?
4. Transnational criminals have been one of the biggest beneficiaries
of globalization.” Globalization facilitates international trade but also increases the
difficulty of regulating global trade; traffickers and smugglers have exploited this. ... This
has allowed illicit actors to launder the proceeds of crime more easily.
5. Differentiate the corporate model from patron-client relationship of organized crime
groups. corporate criminals are created from the opportunities available to them in
companies organized around doing legitimate business, whereas members of organized
crime members must be accomplished criminals before they enter such groups.
6. On the following criminology theories, what do you think is the best theory that can
explain people why the choose to join organized crime group. Cite some example
scenario to support your answer. For me the differential association theory because
Interacting with different people if he or she is a criminal you may be influence of his or
her values, attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal behavior and also the area is
also a factor to become a criminal.
 James becomes a marijuana user because his or her friends influence him to join
their session to become a user and a seller of marijuana.
 Christian lives in a squatter area where burglary, theft, and robbery are frequent
he becomes a robber when he grows up.
Lesson 1.
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by encircling the letter corresponding to the letter of your choice.

1. .Is the connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of
international cultural, economic, and political activities.
a. Politicization c. Radicalization
b. International affiliations d. Globalization
2. The following are the three elements of crime; except:
a. Desire c. Necessity
b. Capability d. Opportunity
3. A structured group of three or more persons, existing for a period of time and acting in
concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences in order to
obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.
a. Syndicated Crimes c. Criminal Gangs
b. International Criminals d. Organized Crime Group
4. An act or omission punishable by law.
a. Offense c. Crime
b. Infraction d. Felony
5. Is any crime committed by a person occupying, in a established division of labor, a
position designed for the commission of crimes providing that such division of labor
includes at least one position for corrupter, one position for corruptee, and one
position for an enforcer.
a. Organized Crime Group c. Organized Crime
b. Mafia d. Crime Cartels
6. A continuing illegal activity of group of person which is primarily concerned with the
generation of profits, irrespective of national boundaries as a result of globalization.
a. Transitional Crimes c. Organized Crimes
b. Transnational Crimes d. Globalized Crimes
7. The one who corrupts or bribes, intimidate or threatens, negotiate or “sweet talks”
into a relationship with public officials, law enforcement officer, or anyone who would
be of help in obtaining security and immunity from possible arrest, prosecution and
a. corruptee c. corrupter
b. enforcer d. muscle men

8. The one who makes for the arrangements for the killing (injuring or carrying out the
task physically, economically or psychologically) the members or non members.
a. corruptee c. corrupter
b. enforcer d. muscle men

9. An organized crime has a vertical power structure with at least three (3) ranks. The
authority is inherent in the position and does not depend on who happens to be
occupying it at any given time. In an OC, there is always a defined authority with a
strict chain of command.
a. Has no political goals c. limited membership
b. Hierarchical d. perpetuates itself

10. The head of the family whose primary functions are maintaining order and
maximizing profits. Subject only to the possibility of being overruled by the national
advisory group, and his authority in all matters relating to his Family is absolute.
a. Capo c. Boss
b. Soldati d. Master

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