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Business Model of “Learn2Earn”


Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman


Chowdhury Mobarrat Haider

MBA-513, Section 1

Executive Summary

The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) recognizes the need to leverage information and
communication technologies (ICT) to achieve its ambitious Vision 2021 and Vision 2041 and
“Learn2Earn” is a B2C Model business plan where some unique approaches have been
implementing under this shades. We took some actions under its Digital Platforms program to
create a ‘knowledge economy’, which includes strategic pillars that covered Self Earning, ICT
learning for Business, Connecting Buyers, and Human Resource Development. This kind
business plan is quite new to Bangladesh because we are paying the students/ developers from
day one where other institution takes money to teach which we are not doing. This will
accelerate job creation and reduce poverty as well as comply with new commitments to meet
goal targets and we can leverage as many humans as we can to create opportunity for
successfully complete bulk project in no time. Our team of 7 people including CEO, CO,
HR,Digital Marketer, Sales & Software Developer recognizes the need to be holistic in its
approach to leveraging ICT. The project has been designed aiming to develop a online workplace
for students to vibrant Information Technology sectors and by that we can achieve bulk
opportunity to complete various projects to pay more to the students from the 1st month of
joining. We are identifying the strategies, programs and investment needed for the company to
leverage students for economic growth and competitiveness for the future projects & by that time
we can complete projects of our client which will outsource for the growth of our profit margin.
The objective of the business is to make students skilled enough to earn independently and
delivering more projects to the buyers/clients in a short period of time without any physical
contact with each other in the pandemic situation. Our executive are committed to maximize as
many skill & effort to the specific projects to finish before the due time by managing whole
accounts, media buying to the campaign strategy both online and offline to make the client
satisfy enough. Earn and learn tactics can be a milestone for the future development of skilled
generation & for the company as well.

Table of Content
1.1 Business Description 4
1.2 Marketing 4
1.2.1 Planning 4
1.2.2 Our Key Marketing Research Analysis 5
1.2.3 Marketing Mix 6

1.3 Operations 7
1.3.1 Location 8
1.3.2 Personal needs and uses 8
1.3.3 Proximity to supplies 8

1.4 Management 9
1.5 Financial 10

1.6 Critical Risks 12

1.6.1 Potential Problems 12
1.6.2 Obstacle & Risks 12
1.6.3 Solutions 12

1.7 Strategy 13
1.7.1 Liquidity & Exit Opportunity 13

1.8 Milestones Schedules 13

1.9 Appendix 14

1.1 Business Description
“Learn2Earn” is a B2C Model business plan where some unique approaches have been
implementing under this umbrella. Bangladesh has been recognized by a US company as the
26th best destination for IT outsourcing. Our business plan is to outsource IT projects from the
buyer & those project will complete by the group of school, college & university students who
will learn and earn through the project making via online. We will make an online ICT learning
platform for non-technical students to learn & technical student will be teacher and guide to
make project done step by step by a process call “SCRUM”. Scrum is an agile framework for
developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products, with an initial emphasis on software
development, although it has been used in other fields including research, sales, marketing and
advanced technologies. The objective of the business is to make students skilled enough to earn
independently and delivering more projects to the buyers/clients in a short period of time without
any physical contact with each other in the pandemic situation. HR will handle the financial
transactions, Marketers and sales team will promote and manage the client end and software
developer will organize the whole projects till the handover. This kind business plan is quite new
to Bangladesh because we are paying the students/ developers from day one where other
institution takes money to teach which we are not doing. We can have 60-40% chance to get
profited with a minimum average investment. Our business growth prediction says we can
double our profit in a short period of time.

1.2 Marketing
The marketing plan of our business will be Campaign based online and physical as well. In
Bangladesh government is doing similar kind of projects for making people skilled for long ago
which is , this kind of projects needs to give exams before you can enroll
the program but our project is different because we are paying to the students for their learning
as we are giving the tasks every single week for individual students. This full funding education
is our main marketing strategy which is quite new to the technical and non-technical students.

1.2.1 Planning:
As we don’t need any physical place to teach its will be totally online, so only physical
marketing campaign will run only once in a month on specific schools, college & Universities.
Our main target is the students who are not technically sound at all but have decent configuration

Our 2 member of this business will go physically to the education institutions, we will set a camp
to council about the business. The counseling moto is to make students encourage to join the
team of 10 Paid Trainee from 1 institutions & find maximum 2 Paid Trainer from that exact
specific institutions. Advertising Campaign Banner will look like this:

1.2.2 Our Key Marketing Research Analysis:

Research is a systematic search for new knowledge. Research enables a business in finding out
new methods of production, improving the quality of product and developing new products as
per the changing tastes and wants of the customers. We have little similarity with the government
LICT Projects but strategy is totally unique. From the previous case study of LICT projects we
can understand that this marketing strategies will be very much effective to the students.

LICT Leveraging ICT for Employment and Growth of the IT-ITES Industry is a project of
Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunication and
Information Technology. The Government has been undertaking significant actions under its
Digital Bangladesh program to create a ‘knowledge economy’, which includes strategic pillars
that covered Digital Government, ICT in Business, Connecting Citizens, and Human Resource
Development. The government launched its 7th Five Year Plan (2016–2020) that aims to
develop strategies, policies and institutions that will allow Bangladesh to further accelerate job
creation and reduce poverty as well as comply with new commitments to meet Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) targets. The GoB recognizes the need to be holistic in its approach to
leveraging ICT. We are making a dependable youth on digital IT platform, where LICT is taking
money to teach and paying salary to the experienced trainers. So we are ahead from them.

By the case study research we stood out to some unique marketing strategies which is better than
the competitor’s advertisement, such as:

 No physical Contact in this pendemic.

 Students will be taught on ZOOM Meeting.
 Projects will be only on web based (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Wordpress).
 Projects will be handled by Agile Scrum framework.
 Minimal Config PC/ Laptop required.
 10 fresher/ 1st semester student groups will be divided into (Front End , Back End, QA)
 2 trainer students will must be from final year.
 2-3 month paid projects for each groups.
 Each fresher will work 4 days a week for 4 hours each day.
 10 Fresher will get 1000 taka per month for 3 month projects = 3000*10 = 30000 taka.
 2 Trainer will get 5000 taka per month for 3 month project = 15000*2 = 30000 taka.
 Money will be provided from 1st month via Bkash/Nagat.
 Certification will be provided after the Project done.

1.2.3 Marketing Mix:

Our business model is also following marketing mix which includes the 4 pillers of marketing
price, product, place & promotion. The basic marketing mix is often referred to as the "Four P's"
- since the most important elements of marketing are concerned with:

Product - the product (or service) that the client obtains.

Price - how much the customer pays for the project and how much we are paying.

Place – how the project is distributed to the client and where it’s done.

Promotion – Convince the client by work and how the campaign is created to gather students.

1.3 Operations
The impact of economic factors on the business site (or facility location) decisions has been
studied extensively. With globalization, several factors that were not prevalent in the past such as
tariffs and exchange rates are now relevant. A Delphi study based on a panel of experts indicated
that the most significant cost related factors impacting facility location decisions in order of
importance are: wage rates, transportation, fixed costs, energy cost/availability, and other
manufacturing costs. Similarly, other economic factors in order of importance are tax structure
and incentives, extra duties, tariffs, money exchange rates, proximity to high-quality client
assurance & human resource management. Our business model based on online platform our
operation will mostly be in a statically way like scrum and data will be published in the website.
So we don’t need a physical office to run the business at first that’s our key operation to make
the online platform as easy as possible.

 Business objectives: Our core objective is to use as many human resource as possible to
complete maximum projects in the due time and by the time students can learn and get
expertise throughout the projects.
 Goals: Our goal is to make students skilled and motivate enough to work independently
to earn money in a short time of period and make our client happy to give us more
 Procedures: we will take projects from client (Ex: per projects 3 lakh taka ) the we will
hire 10 non technical students for 3 months ( salary cost 30,000 taka ) & 2 technical

students / teacher ( salary 30,000 taka ) to complete the project in 3 months maximum,
HR will handle the financial transactions, Marketers and sales team will promote and
manage the client end and software developer will organize the whole projects till the
handover. Salaries of employee (5 person per month 50000*3month=150000) so after
completing the project we will have 90,000 taka profit for each projects. We will repeat
the procedure again in next project as well.
 Timeline: 1-3 month approximately for each projects to complete, we will take 2-3
projcts at a same time to leverage more human resource and changes may apply further.

Costs associated with expanding or establishing facilities have implications on the competitive
position, strategic focus and market position of a company.

1.3.1 Location:
We will have a 800 square feet office in Dhaka city only to run the business but in teaching we
have to consider a number of things when choosing a location for their training. These include
what type of business and how close they need to be to their trainer, group mates, materials and
projects so online is a great platform, students and trainer will have their own devices to work
which is also affordable that’s why it is based online managed by scrum framework tools which
we have chosen.

Our business will be online which will operates from Dhaka Bangladesh small office, the reason
to choose online because

 lower costs
 flexible working hours
 access to a much larger market of potential customers
 ability to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
 relatively low-price marketing and promotion

1.3.2 Personal Needs & Uses:

Many online businesses can be started with limited startup capital. Some of the highest paying
online businesses include corporate counsel consulting and software development. Build an
online business in a subject or industry that you are passionate and knowledgeable about.

Such as like SEO consultant, Small business consultant, Social media consultant, Niche market
e-commerce retailer, Web designer or web developer, Blogger & HR. Most of them will be used
here and there throughout the startups after getting settled some of the spots might change in

1.3.3 Proximity to supplies:
For some companies, this supply chain is even more complicated once they start ... The internet
can amplify word-of-mouth and digital marketing makes it relatively easy to boost & manage the
business. Increase human capacity and client proximity will be the core target to beneficial.

1.4 Management
Having acquired an online learning earning business it needs to run through a full site audit after
closing, it’s usually the right time to give more detailed thought into how the business is going to
be managed on a day to day basis. This will invariably depend on individual circumstances,
preferences as well as time commitments.

 Team: it is the group of individuals that operate at the higher levels of an organization
and have day to day responsibility for managing other individuals and maintaining
responsibility for key business project functions and give the output to the client end.
CEO – Adnan Chowdhury
CO – Tonni Alam
1 HR
1 Software/Web Developer
2 Digital Marketers
1 Media Buyer/Sales
10 Trainee ( per 1 Project )
2 Trainer ( per 1 Project )

 Legal structure : it is a agency category, a business or organization providing a particular

service on behalf of another business, person, or group. A consensual relationship created
by contract or by law where one party, the principal, grants authority for another party,
the agent, to act on behalf of and under the control of the principal to deal with a third
party resources.
 Governance: we have only one CEO to establishing policies and continually monitoring
proper implementation of an organization, we don’t have corporate governance because
the agency problem is a conflict of interest inherent in any relationship where one party is
expected to act in another's best interests. In corporate finance, the agency problem
usually refers to a conflict of interest between a company's management and the
company's stockholders.

1.5 Financial

Sources Of Fund: Amount

Capital 1,00,000
Long-term Loan 4,00,000
Total Sources 5,00,000
Uses of Fund:
Office 1,00,000
Salary 1,50,000
Electricity Bill 1,00,000
Insurance 40,000
Tax 30,000
Advertisements 13,000
Furniture and Fixtures 17,000
Inventory Purchases 50,000
Total Uses of Fund: 5,00,000

The financial structure for 5 years is been predicted as a future profit growth based on the capital
and other usage.

1 Years 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years

Operating Expenses:

1) Rent 120,000 195,000 200,000 205,000 205,781

2) Salary 200,000 200,000 240,000 240,000 270,000
3) Employees Benefits 10,700 10,700 17,300 20,400 25,500
4) Utilities 7200 7350 7525 7750 7960
5) Payroll Taxes 55,000 55,000 67,000 67,000 78,000
6) Supplies 15,000 18,750 27,370 39,970 50,210

Repair & Maintainances:

1) Advertising 30,000 39,610 47,970 66,520 78,970

2) Depreciation 52,000 66,320 75,800 80,500 95,670
3) Interest Expenses 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000

General & Administration:

1) Cleaner Expenses 7000 7000 9000 10,000 12,000

2) Liability Insurance 55,000 55,000 67,000 67,000 70,000
3) Disposal Fees 890 890 890 890 890

Total Expenses 5,92,790 6,95,62 7,99,855 8,45,03 9,34,981

0 0

Series 1
Series 2
Series 3

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Figure: Year Dimension Detailed Line Graph

Figure: Profit Growth Line Graph

1.6 Critical Risk

The risk of losing your main Web has become a critical business medium for small
entrepreneurs. Online security is main issue because every work will be done, manage and
handled by online.

1.6.1 Potential Problems:

There is a whole range of security threats out there to beware of, including malware, phishing
site attacks, hacking and spam mail, System reliability.

1.6.2 Obstacle and Risks:

Privacy issues, Customer disputes, Intellectual property issues, Taxation, payment gateways,
server maintenance etc.

When it comes to risk management, there are steps you can take, however. Here are seven types
of business risk you may want to address in your company such as Economic Risk, Compliance
Risk, Security and Fraud Risk, Financial Risk, Reputation Risk, Operational Risk, Competition
(or Comfort) Risk.

1.6.3 Solution:
Although you will never be able to completely eliminate business risk, proactively planning for it
can help. Awareness is key in helping you save money and time while protecting the trust,
reputation, and customer base have worked so hard to achieve. A risk management consultant
can help our business determine which risks should erase out in no time. Establish offline and
online data back-up systems to protect critical situations and fraudness.

1.7 Strategy
Online marketing strategy will be the practice of leveraging web-based channels to spread a
message about a company's brand, opportunity, or services to its potential client and targeted
students. The methods and techniques used for online marketing include email, social media,
display advertising, search engine optimization, Campaign Advertising Google AdWords and

For client we are focusing on the web based projects to outsource from the abroad and complete
it on the due time by working more humans on the projects. Sales and Marketer teams will
handle the clients onboard to feedback sections. Overall we will follow this 8 strategies:-

Step 1: Create a Customer Persona, Step 2: Identify Your Goals and Tools, Step 3: Focus on
projects, Step 4: Evaluate Existing Projects, Competitors & Marketing Channels, Step 5:
Campaign Marketing, Step 7: Make it Easy for Students to Reach You, Step 8: Clients

1.7.1 Liquidity & Exit Opportunity:

For a small business it’s hard to cover its short-term financial obligations. It means it refers to the
ease with which the assets can be converted to cash. By calculating and tracking different ratios
of our company's assets and liabilities, i can measure your business' liquidity is in positive
position because in next 5 years prediction our growth rate is pretty high. If fails the exit
opportunity might be followed by decreasing the student quantity and increasing more client end
marketing to cover up the losses. This creates a scope to management succession if the projects
is successful and companies growth rate remains high in every year..

1.8 Milestone Schedule

Our milestones list and categorize what’s supposed to happen, and when, for ongoing tactics
related to products, services, marketing, administration, and finance. They include launch dates,
review dates, prototype availabilities, advertising, social media, website development, programs
to generate leads of students and traffic. Our milestones are set to plan tactics into practical,
concrete terms, with real budgets, deadlines, and management responsibilities. They are the
building blocks of strategy and tactics. And they are essential in our ongoing plan-vs.-actual
management and analysis, which is what turns our planning into management. Our milestone in
5 years:

Student/Trainer- 100 , Client-50, Employees-10, Budget- 5X from Investment, Person

responsible- Active, Start and end dates:1-3 month, Company Growth-10X

We might also have additional information for main milestones. We make sure all our people
know that we will be following the plan, tracking the milestones, and analyzing the plan-vs.-
actual results. If we don’t follow up, your plan will not be implemented.

1.9 Appendix
Charts, graphs, or tables that supplement information from other sections of your business plan.
Any agreements or contracts that you have with clients or vendors. Licenses, permits, patents
and trademark documentation. Product illustrations or product packaging samples.


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