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ABS Solutions (PVT)

Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Business Plan

Turkish Fast Food



Contact # +923236679979, +923317085099

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Table of content
Page Number
1. Business Name 4

2. Business Profile 4

3. Introduction (Mission/Vision Statement) 4

1. Product/Services 4

2. Target Market 5

3. Segmentation 5

4. Marketing Strategy 5

5. Marketing and the 4 P’s 6

1. SWOT Analysis 8

2. PEST Analysis 9

3. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 10

1. Direct / Indirect Competitors

2. Positioning Strategy 12

1. Pre-Startup Expenses 17

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

2. Pre-startup Survey 19

3. Best commercial properties available in Islamabad 20

1. Financial Justification 21

2. Financial Justification 21

1. Conclusion 24

2. Exit Strategy 24


ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Business Name:
The business name is XXX.

Business Profile:

It is a fast-food chain.

Uniqueness of fast-food.
Mission Statement
To gain and maintain leadership in the fast-food industry it competes in by producing the best
quality and unique products with lowest possible cost.

Turkish Fast-food.
Why Turkish Fast-food:
 it is very well balanced.
 Food groups are in fantastic, healthy proportion
 Turkish kitchens are the cleanest in the world
 Lamb is very deliciously used and other leaner meats grilled to perfection always
accompanied by fresh salads rich in herbs and spices of untold medicinal value
 It contributes to healthy environment.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Target Market:
The company does not produce finished good for a specific segment or a group or a class of
market, this company wants to satisfy the people in Islamabad Capital City of Pakistan. From
the 220 Million population of Pakistan we are initially focusing to serve the people of Islamabad
Capital City basically comprising of approx. 1.1 Million in 2020.
Our segment is both of the elite class and middle class. Especially the fast-food lovers. The
people who like different foods and enjoy them a lot, are also included in the segment.
Moreover, the picnic lovers and students are also part of this market segment. Even offices will
try this.
We want to gain maximum advantage in our grace period by serving and satisfying maximum

The segment is both of the elite class and middle class, people who tries new food, picnic
lovers’ fast-food lovers and people working in different departments, offices and shops.
Classical marketing communication through TV, commercials, Newspaper Ads, Radio spots, and
Direct mail does not really excite the customer anymore. On the other hand, unconventional
forms can accomplish excitement.
1. Guerrilla Marketing,
2. Word of mouth Marketing
3. Online Marketing

a) Guerrilla marketing

This type of marketing distinguishes itself from other promotion tools by its surprise effect and
it has become a very popular marketing strategy in current times. The Guerrilla marketing is an
online marketing area where creativity, an innovation and a change enable the business to
attract new customers, increase sales and differentiate the brand from direct competitors.
Internet is useful for guerrilla marketing campaigns because it is an environment which is
interactive, easy to update, easy to link with other information, and the content of Internet can

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

be personalized. Majority of the marketers identifies that Internet is the most used marketing
media for communication with their customers.
Radio is most effective, followed by local print media. We will be doing SMS marketing, giving
more value to our customers informing about the upcoming products. We will be using
different social websites such as Facebook, twitter, Orkut etc.

Marketing and the 4 P’s:

We live in a society that bombards consumers with messages, from pop-ups on computers, to
on-line chat room links, to e-newsletters and e-blasts, to advertising in traditional media, all
designed to build a “share of mind” for a product, service, or social cause. Marketing is at the
heart of every successful brand, business, organization, and cause. marketing is not merely
communications. it is the sum presentation to the customer of a value equation that results in a
sale or action. marketing is the process of identifying what the consumer needs, how the
product or service can address that need, how to communicate that value in a compelling way,
and how to deliver that message in the most efficient and effective manner. When fast-food
managers think like marketers, they will sharpen the focus of outreach efforts and improve the
effectiveness of their fast-food offerings.
The classic elements of marketing – the 4 P’s: Product, Price, Place, Promotion – offer a useful
matrix to assess Turkish fast-food program. Turkish fast-food initiatives should address each of
the 4 p’s. For example, a consumer will not buy a poorly manufactured product or one with a
questionable reputation merely because the price is good. similarly, the best quality product
must be affordable to ensure market share. While fast-food programs usually do not produce
various new foods, price them, or control the quality of technology or installation, their
program success is integrally linked to the success of fast-food suppliers. Both share the same
goal: building a strong customer base for fast-food in their region. each plays an important part
in marketing fast-food. However, fast-food programs define the 4 P’s in a slightly different way
than do fast-food suppliers.
For marketing purposes, fast-food program can evaluate the:
Product is Turkish fast-food. It can be evaluated from the perspective of consumers’ rational
and emotional attitudes towards taste, quality and availability. these attitudes affect the desire
to purchase. Consumer reaction to Turkish fast-food (e.g., price, reliability, quality issues)
informs marketing and communications approaches by identifying both the opportunities – the

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

strengths and positive attributes that should be marshaled – and the barriers – the concerns
and “issues” that prevent sales.
Price is one of the single biggest barriers to growing the Turkish fast-food marketplace; many
states are addressing the financing of fast foods to help overcome consumer price concerns.
Today, financing mechanisms are broadening access to fast-food and making it available to new
customer groups. The price per unit of Turkish fast-food will be economical.
Place, or channels through which Turkish fast food is sold, also is an area where fast-food
programs have an important role through their work with installers, developers, and suppliers.
Building a strong supplier network is critical in keeping up with rising demand; ensuring that
customers can easily find Turkish fast-food.
An installer is part of this task. Entrepreneurs also should look at how convenient the fast-food
consumption process can be for consumers. The place where the product will be introduced is
Islamabad Capital City of Pakistan.
Promotion of Turkish fast-food should be a primary focus as entrepreneur seek to increase the
visibility of Turkish fast-food chain and broaden the use of their consumption. Using
communications and promotional strategies to favorably present Turkish fast-food in the
marketplace and ensuring that the right messages are presented to the public will help build a
stronger market for Turkish fast-food.
As Turkish fast-food can be evaluated through the program offerings using the lens of Product,
Price, Place, and Promotion. For such purpose, we need to better understand the customer
through market research, focus their efforts on specific target customer bases (customer
segmentation), and address key messages to reach those audiences effectively and efficiently
(communications). This evaluation process informs the elements of a Turkish fast-food
marketing plan. Whether a marketer’s goal is to persuade a customer to visit a store, sample a
new product, purchase an existing product, visit a website. Marketing matches the right
customer to the right product, resulting in a sale. as entrepreneurs apply marketing approaches
to their Turkish fast-food initiatives, they will become more customer-focused, rather than
program-focused, and, as a result, become more effective in Turkish fast-food goals.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

SWOT Analysis
 High barriers to entry
 Limited competition
 Very high gross margins
 Ability to sell products online
 High visible network
 Limited start-up risk
 Turkish cuisine is inherently healthy and highly seasonal, with many dishes being built
around the multitude of fresh produce available
 Fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, dairy and meat are produced throughout Turkey,
ensuring highly nutritious and fresh tasting food
 The flavours and spices that go into Turkish Cuisine are not only delicious, but also they
have antioxidant properties, working to lower cholesterol, eliminate toxins and boost
 Fresh herbs like dill, parsley and rosemary are often used to flavour dishes, while across
the Aegean and other sparsely inhabited regions, wild herbs are sought for their
perceived health and medicinal qualities
 Spices like red pepper flakes, sumac and ginger are used to flavour dishes or as
homeopathic remedies
 Olive oil is traditionally used to cook and preserve dishes, providing antioxidants and
essential trans fats whereas fresh fish and other seafood contribute to a diet high in
essential fatty acids

 Competitors can offer similar products quickly
 Limited price flexibility

 Continued expansion for online sales
 Ability to develop additional franchises
 Acquisition of additional rounds of capital
 Affiliate relationships with related vendors
 Market expansion
 Product expansion
ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

 Changes in regulations can affect the business
 Increase in price inputs can increase upward pricing

PEST Analysis
Political factor:
The Turkish fast-food policies: an appropriate governmental support for Turkish fast-food can
significantly enhance its propagation for resident and nonresident population. adequate
financing schemes can assist underprivileged families to purchasing their own products (Turkish
fast-food). Tax exemption to producers of Turkish fast-food can lead to job creation, low price,
better maintenance, or avoiding the business monopoly. Organizing the convenient
demonstration and information encourage the consumption of Turkish fast-food.
Economic factor:
Most countries are classified in the upper middle-income countries. The price per unit of
Turkish fast-food should be carefully considered to ensure its accessibility to every upper
middle class of the target market, irrespective of their social economic background.
Social factor:
Motivation: although Turkish fast-food provides the economic, environmental or health
benefits, a user may not have interested all three advantages. For instance, some low-income
people may be more interested in the economic and safety benefit of Turkish fast-food, rather
than the environmental ones. Understanding this distinction motives, coupled with the wide
price range of Turkish fast-food, should render these products an interesting strategy for
people from different socio-economic background. Rich families may not be interested in the
economic benefit of Turkish fast-food as much as the health or environment ones.
Use of Turkish fast-food by its disseminators: a successful consumption of Turkish fast-food
cannot be achieved if these devices are promoted in the economically disadvantage
communities. It is critical that the promoters of Turkish fast-food use the products themselves
and include other more advantaged people in their efforts towards consumption.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Supplier characteristics: Future Turkish fast-food providers in country must build a trust
relationship with their customers by providing a hygiene and good quality product.
Technical factor:
Level performance: Given the country’s favorable terms with Turkey, fast-food demands, and
changing demand patterns. It is expected that Turkish fast-food in the country will have a
relatively high demand. It will largely depend on its added features and cost. It is important to
ensure that for the given level of complexity and price, the highest possible performance level
is attained.
Ease of access: this feature is crucial in order to facilitate the availability of the product, thus
allowing the greater number of people to purchase Turkish fast-food items.
Sensitivity to separation: Turkish fast-food must be durable and should give more customer
Able to build with local resources: a local construction of the Turkish fast-food to the job
creation, affordable prices, and better maintenance. It is important to encourage the people to
involve in Turkish fast-food.
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:
Bargaining power of supplier:
 Suppliers increase competition within an industry by threatening to raise prices or
reduce the quality of goods or services.
 Companies invest in fast-food projects in large amount to gain their services. these
investments make the switching cost to new supplier extremely high.
 New switching cost a lot of processes are service related to existing equipment, so
switching cannot even be available option at time.

Threat of New Entrant:

 In term of fast-food producers, the cost of research and development are enormous,
and economies of scale are favourable to existing companies and a large barrier to new
development companies. Company after company has gone bankrupt because the gain
footing can erase a company long before they turn a profit.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

 The top four fast-food manufacturing companies own 20% of market share this allow
more flexible pricing for new fast-food companies as compare to conventional food
industry where the top companies own significant higher level of the market share.
 Often the companies with access to the best access to raw material through connections
or geographical location can maintain the foothold due to the cost advantage. Large
market is not a disadvantage or advantage for new entrant.

Threat of rivals:
 The competitive landscape for Turkish fast-food product varies by country and region.
The growth rate of industry can be significant factor in competition.
 Rivalry exists with the little product differentiation in the market. High exit barrier due
to high capital commitments.
 Growing economies increase the demand of Turkish fast-food.

Bargaining power of buyer:

 A wide variety of Turkish fast-food products increase the bargaining power of buyer.
 A customer that has purchased a Turkish fast-food or sign a contract with Turkish fast-
food company is essential handcuffed to their rates and their provider company unless
they to pay an enormous penalty or buy an entire system. For these, customer switching
is extremely high. As the number of customers increases, they demand to reduce the
Turkish fast-food cost.

Threat of substitute:
 There is little threat of substitute which can be countered by introducing multiple
flavours and variety with discount/promotional offers

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Direct / Indirect Competitors:

Direct/Indirect fast-food sellers
Few of the competitors are as follows:
a) Hardees – Quick Bites American fast-food in Islamabad
b) HOWDY - American fast-food
c) Ranchers fast-food
d) McDonald’s – Quick Bites fast-food in Islamabad
e) Subway – Deli fast-food in Islamabad
f) The Warehouse – American fast-food in Islamabad
g) Street Burger – Café fast-food in Islamabad
h) KFC – Quick Bites fast food in Islamabad

Positioning Strategies:
Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive
place in the target market’s mind. The result of positioning is the successful creation of a
market-focused value proposition, a cogent reason the target market should buy the product.
Number of marketing tools can be used for positioning strategy.
1. Place—The exterior and interior should have clean lines. The layout and the usage should be
planned carefully. Waiting lines should not get overly long.
2. People—Employees should be busy, but there should be a sufficient number to manage the
3. Equipment/product—Turkish fast-food should be in attractive colors and unique tastes.
4. Communication material—Printed materials—text and photos—should suggest efficiency
and speed of the staff in dealing with customers.
5. Symbols—The Business name and symbol suggest healthy and safe environment.
6. Price—The price can be low for any customer who wants to purchase in bulk quantity.
All products can be differentiated to some extent. But not all brand differences are
meaningful or worthwhile. A difference is worth establishing to the extent that it satisfies the
following criteria:
➤ Important: The difference delivers a highly valued benefit to a sufficient number of buyers.
➤ Distinctive: The difference is delivered in a distinctive way.
➤ Superior: The difference is superior to other ways of obtaining the benefit.
ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

➤ Preemptive: The difference cannot be copied easily by competitors.

➤ Affordable: The buyer can afford to pay for the difference.
➤ Profitable: The company will find it profitable to introduce the difference.
Each firm needs to develop a distinctive positioning for its market offering.
More things can be:
1. Improving the value of equation of Turkish fast-food:

Cost is the single biggest barrier to purchasing fast among those customers who wants to
purchase fast-food. The value equation (the relationship between the consumer’s expectations
of the product’s benefits to the costs) for Turkish fast-food is not strong and high up-front costs
are limiting market growth.
Conducting both quantitative and qualitative studies of the customer segments will provide
valuable insights to help and shape the development of smart marketing initiatives. While there
is much to learn from these studies, the key findings point to several essential elements for an
effective Turkish fast-food marketing plan.
1. Identify the range of financial of the customers within your market. - Are discount offers
and membership strategies available? - What new approaches, if any, should you offer?
2. Evaluate how you currently promote financial options to prospective customers.
- Are you reaching a broad audience with these options and bringing new customer groups to
Turkish fast-food? - Can you leverage the resources of strategic partners (such as lending
organizations) to create broader awareness and to attract more customers?
3. Develop an outreach plan.
- Prominently promote the affordability message in collateral material, public relations and
advertising that go beyond the website.
4. Create a strong “affordability” message.
- Offer economic and affordable prices.
5. Work with installers.
- Ensure that they are promoting the financing options that are available to
their potential customers.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

6. Focus on “how to give better quality.”

- Ensure the availability of hygiene food with open kitchen facility for customers to check the
7. Host special personal messages and emails.
- Identify target groups such as business associates, daily wagers, and institutional customers,
and developers.
8. Attract homeowners and commercial customers. - Work with local utilities to promote the
value of Turkish fast-food with satisfaction and achievement of maximum marginal utility and
optimum financial effectiveness.

2. Reinforcing the better quality of Turkish fast-food:

Consumer marketers have used a number of effective tactics to address consumer concerns
and reinforce the strength and reliability of their products, services, or goods, such as:
“Sampling” the product so that prospective customers are exposed to its quality and benefits.

1. Evaluate customer concerns about Turkish fast-food quality in your market.

2. Find opportunities to increase visibility of Turkish fast-food in high traffic locations.
3. Identify strategic partnerships with job holders, local celebrities and media to create
positive Turkish fast-food images and increase presence of Turkish fast-food installations
in the public eye and in the marketplace.
4. Offer online advertisement for specific targeted segments (university students, job
holders) to build confidence in Turkish fast-food.
5. Create campaigns built around positive testimonials from corporations, businesses,
and institutions who have worked Turkish fast-food.
6. Participate in or increase promotional sales offer to broaden attendance. Create
special VIP packages for target groups.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

7. Create a speakers’ bureau of homeowners and business leaders who will speak about
the Turkish fast-food.

3. Reducing the complexity of Turkish fast-food tastes:

Research is needed to indicate that whether the customers are much more comfortable with
the current fast foods and simply thinking about Turkish fast-food or not?. As early adopters,
existing fast-food customers are more at ease researching manufacturer and installer options
than those who are more conservative about new things.
1. Work with installers to reduce time delays in the process of providing estimates to
Turkish fast-food prospects.
2. Evaluate opportunities to create a fast-food program that connects existing
customers with prospective customers to provide information during the complex
decision-making process.
3. Consider offering free estimates and/or an advisor program to guide prospects
through the promotional application process.

4. Overcoming customer inertia:

The over-burdened consumer is the retailer’s enemy. Therefore, marketers use promotional
techniques to motivate consumers to 1) learn about a product, 2) sample a product, 3) make a
visit to a store, and 4) make a purchase. Techniques such as the “Buy One, Get One Free”
coupon are simply a device to motivate a store visit. The “no interest for one year” promotion is
designed to promote value and encourage a purchase NOW. Even surveys on the Internet are
designed to deliver users to websites. It is important to realize that Turkish fast-food programs
have an important role in the retail process and, as such, must deal with consumer inertia. One
of the most significant strategies to prompt action is the use of a sales promotion program.
Each year the sales promotion program provides economic and affordable prices deals to the
customers to reflect a corresponding drop in the costs per unit of the product.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

1. Create a database of interested Turkish fast-food prospects and develop a communications

strategy that continues to engage these prospective customers during the long decision-making
2. Use promotional incentives and prospect mailings to encourage forward progress and sales.
3. Raise the level of visibility of Turkish fast-food in the marketplace to keep it in mind.
4. Consider implementing a declining incentive program that encourages customers to act now.

5. Finding the right message:

Turkish fast-food programs that address the first four barriers: Cost, Reliability, Complexity, and
Inertia with customer-focused initiatives will find that they are building a stronger demand for
Turkish fast-food across their market.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Pre-Startup Expenses:
Rates for company registration (10 million capital business investment) and NTN Registration:
For Pakistani resident:
1) Company/LLP Registration 

Charges : 100,000
Time required : 2 weeks

2) Business NTN Registration 

Charges Rs. 5,000/-

Time required 2 days

3) Brand name Registration 

Charges Rs. 80,000/-

Time required. 5-6 months

4) GST Registration 

Charges Rs. 8,000/-

Time required 2 days

Total expenses = Rs. 193,000

5) Documents required for Pakistani resident

1. CNIC copy
2. Passport size pictures
3. Residential address of Pakistan

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

For non-Pakistani resident:

1) Company/LLP Registration 

Charges : 150,000
Time required : 2 weeks

2) Business NTN Registration 

Charges Rs. 5,000/-

Time required 2 days

3) Brand name Registration 

Charges Rs. 80,000/-

Time required. 5-6 months

4) GST Registration 

Charges Rs. 8,000/-

Time required 2 days

Total expenses = Rs. 243,000

5) Documents required for foreign company registration:

1. Passport copies of directors
2. Passport size pics
3. Office address (Commercial address for company)
4. Share distribution
5. Company name and business nature
6. Rent agreement of office
ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Pre-startup Survey:
For assessment of business scope and expected outcomes and prediction of accurate future
cash flows and public response ABS Solutions (Private Limited) Marketing team offers to
conduct pre-startup business surveys which include:
1. Social media surveys 2. Real time feed back  3. Educational institutions
To present investor with more accurate analysis and picture of market situation. Costs of
surveys can be dependent on scale and types of surveys.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Best commercial properties available in Islamabad:

These commercial buildings are located in main commercial areas of Islamabad where all the
business facilities will be provided 
Will be equipped with all amenities in it. Everyone wants to have a business in a place where
they can avail world class facilities. 
 Basic facilities:  Banks
 Electricity supply  Shops
 Gas supply  Commercial areas
 Water supply  Public transport
 All these basic necessities of life are  Society graveyard. 
distributed through underground  Special features:
pipelines.   Earthquake resistant structure
 Community services:  High quality building structure
 Parks  24/ 7 CCTV coverage
 Playgrounds  Speed lifts
 Mosques  Open sewage system
 Educational institutes  Fire fighting system
 Hospitals  Proper maintenance team
 Open and carpeted roads  Huge car parking space
 Wide streets

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Financial Justification:
Pre-Business Investment:
Scenario 1:
For rental shop (highest value option):
Rent per month = Rs. 4 lacs
Security of 2 months = Rs. 8 lacs
Advance of 6 months = Rs. 24 lacs
Commission = Rs. 4 lacs
Total initial investment = 8 + 32 + 4 = Rs. 36 lacs

Furniture Fixtures and Fittings = minimum 15 lacs and maximum 20 lacs

Employees salary:
Number of employees (15):
Supervisor’s salary = Rs. 50,000
Waiters 6 = 6 * 25,000 = Rs. 150,000
Guard 2 = 2 * 20,000 = Rs. 40,000
Sweeper 2 = 2 * 20,000 = Rs. 40,000
Cook 2 = 2* 50,000 = Rs. 100,000
Accountant = Rs. 40,000
Manager = Rs. 60,000
Total = 480, 000 + 20,000 (petty cash) = Rs. 5 lacs per month salary expense

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Advertisement and marketing expense = Rs. 2 lacs per month

Estimated investment for 6 months:

Initial investment = Rs. 3600,000
6 months running expenses:
Salary expense = 6 * 500,000 = Rs. 3000,000
Advertisement and marketing expense = 6 * 200,000 = Rs. 1200,000
Fixtures and fittings = Rs. 2000,000

Total estimated investment for 6 months = Rs. 9800,000

Due to market negotiations and market fluctuations these estimated figures can be varied up to
Rs. 9500,000 to Rs. 1000,000.

Scenario 2:
For rental shop (lowest value option):
Rent per month = Rs. 160,000
Security of 2 months = Rs. 320,000
Advance of 6 months = Rs. 960,000
Commission = Rs. 160,000
Total initial investment = 320,000 + 960,000 + 160,000 = Rs. 1440,000

Furniture Fixtures and Fittings = Rs. 10 lacs

Employees salary:
ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Number of employees (6):

Supervisor’s salary = Rs. 50,000
Waiters 2 = 2 * 25,000 = Rs. 50,000
Guard = Rs. 20,000
Sweeper = Rs. 20,000
Cook = Rs. 50,000
Total = Rs. 190,000 + Rs. 10,000 (petty cash) = Rs. 200,000

Advertisement cost per month = Rs. 1 lac

Estimated investment for 6 months:

Initial investment = Rs. 1440,000
6 months running expenses:
Salary expense = 6 * 200,000 = Rs. 1200,000
Advertisement and marketing expense = 6 * 100,000 = Rs. 600,000
Fixtures and fittings = Rs. 1000,000

Total estimated investment for 6 months = Rs. 4240,000

Due to market negotiations and market fluctuations these estimated figures can be varied up to
Rs. 4000,000 to Rs. 4500,000.


ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

Turkish fast-food will be liked by everyone in Islamabad Pakistan. It will be offered in different
varieties. Its demand will be high sooner in future due to its delicious flavors, enriched colors
and numerous health benefits at economic prices.

Exit Strategy:
In three to five years, you will be anxious to start a new entity, with new ideas and spinoffs that
have built up in your mind, and certainty that you can avoid all those potholes you hit the first
time around. If your startup was less than a success, you’ll definitely want to erase it from

So, here are the most common exit strategies and considerations these days for planning
purposes. We can use any of the following strategies:

1. Merger & Acquisition (M&A). This normally means merging with a similar company or
being bought by a larger company. This is a win-win situation when bordering
companies have complementary skills and can save resources by combining. For bigger
companies, it’s a more efficient and quicker way to grow their revenue than creating
new products organically.
2. Initial Public Offering (IPO). This used to be the preferred mode, and the quick way to
riches. But since the Internet bubble burst in the year 2000, the IPO rate has declined
every year until 2010, and is now at about 15%. I don’t recommend this approach to
startups these days. Shareholders are demanding, and liability concerns are high.
3. Sell to a friendly individual. This is not an M&A, since it is not combining two entities
into one. Yet it’s a great way to “cash out” so you can pay investors, pay yourself, take
some time off, and get ready to have some fun all over again. The ideal buyer is
someone who has more skills and interest on the operational side of the business and
can scale it.
4. Make it your cash cow. If you are in a stable, secure marketplace, with a business that
has a steady revenue stream, pay off investors, find someone you trust to run it for you,
while you use the remaining cash to develop your next great idea. You retain ownership
and enjoy the annuity. But cash cows seem to need constant feeding to stay healthy.
5. Liquidation and close. Even lifetime entrepreneurs can decide that enough is enough.
One often-overlooked exit strategy is simply to shut down, close the business doors, and
liquidate. There may be a natural catastrophe, like 9/11, or the market you counted on
could implode. Make rules up front so you don’t end up going down with the ship.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099
ABS Solutions (PVT)
Limited A name in Quality Solutions

To some, an exit strategy sounds negative. Actually, the best reason for an exit strategy is to
plan how to optimize a good situation, rather than get out of a bad one. This allows you to run
your startup and focus efforts on things that make it more appealing and compelling to the
short list of acquirers or buyers you target.

The type of business you choose should depend on your goals, and the way you grow it should
be aligned with your exit strategy. Don’t wait till you are in trouble to think about an exit, rather
think of it as a succession plan, or a successful transition.

ABS Solutions (PVT) Limited, 48, Street # 83, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad
Contact No. +923236679979, +923317085099

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