Padilla v. COMELEC

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Padilla v.


G.R. No. 103328 October 19, 1992

FACTS: Republic Act No. 7155 creates the Municipality of Tulay-Na-Lupa in the Province of Camarines
Norte to be composed of Barangays Tulay-Na-Lupa, Lugui, San Antonio, Mabilo I, Napaod, Benit, Bayan-
Bayan, Matanlang, Pag-Asa, Maot, and Calabasa, all in the Municipality of Labo, same province.

Pursuant to said law, the COMELEC issued a resolution for the conduct of a plebiscite. The said resolution
provides that the plebiscite shall be held in the areas or units affected, namely the barangays comprising
he proposed Municipality of Tulay-Na-Lupa and the remaining areas of the mother Municipality of Labo,
Camarines Norte.

In the plebiscite held throughout the Municipality of Labo, majority of the votes cast were against the
creation of the Municipality of Tulay-Na-Lupa. Thus, petitioner as Governor of Camarines Norte, seeks to
set aside the plebiscite conducted throughout the Municipality of Labo and prays that a new plebiscite
be undertaken.

It is the contention of petitioner that the plebiscite was a complete failure and that the results obtained
were invalid and illegal because the plebiscite, as mandated by COMELEC, should have been conducted
only in the political unit or units affected, i.e. the 12barangays comprising the new Municipality of Tulay-
Na-Lupa namely Tulay-Na-Lupa, Lugui, San Antonio, Mabilo I,Napaod, Benit, Bayan-Bayan, Matanlang,
Pag-Asa, Maot, and Calabasa.

Petitioner stresses that the plebiscite should not have included the remaining area of the mother unit of
the Municipality of Labo, Camarines Norte. In support of his stand, petitioner argues that where a local
unit is to be segregated from a parent unit, only the voters of the unit to be segregated should be
included in the plebiscite.

Issue: Whether or not the plebiscite conducted in the areas comprising the proposed Municipality of
Tulay-Na-Lupa and theremaining areas of the mother Municipality of Labo valid?

Ruling: Yes.

When the law states that the plebiscite shall be conducted "in the political units directly affected," it
means that residents of the political entity who would be economically dislocated by the separation of a
portion thereof have a right to vote in said plebiscite. Evidently, what is contemplated by the phase
"political units directly affected," is the plurality of political units which would participate in the
plebiscite. Logically, those to be included in such political areas are the inhabitants of the 12 barangays
of the proposed Municipalityof Tulay-Na-Lupa as well asthose living in the parent Municipality of Labo,
Camarines Norte. Thus, it was concluded that respondent COMELEC did not commit grave abuse of
discretion in promulgating the resolution.

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