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Series of 2O2t

Subject: Amendments to the Rules and Regulations on the Mandatory Credit

Allocation for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Credit

The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. 1607 dated 10 December 202O,
approved the revised rules and regulations governingthe mandatory credit allocation for
agriculture and agrarian reform credit to implement the provisions of Republic Act {R.A.)
No. 10000, otherwise known as'The Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act of 2009.'

Section 1. Sestion 331 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB) is hereby
amended to implement the provisions of Section 7 of the lmplementing Rules and
Regulations {lRR) of R.A. No. 10000.



Pursuant to R.A. No.

10000, The Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act of 2009,
the following guidelines shall govern the grant of agriculture, fisheries
and agrarian reform credit by banks, whether government or privately

Detinition of Terms. For purposes of this Section, the following

definitions shall apply:

a. Accredited rurolfinoncial institutions (Fls) xxl.,

b. Agrarian reJorm beneficiaries (ARBs) rxx.

The term shall likewise include registered ARBs'

cooperativeslassociations/other farm groups respectively
endorsed as comprising of ARBs by the nearest office of the DAR.

c. ARB household shall refer to members of an ARB household who

contribute to the productivity of the awarded land under, but not
limited to, the following instances:

(i) Upon death of the ARB and the transfer action to execute
hereditary succession of the awarded land is still in process,
{ii) Upon physical incapacity of the ARB to till/manage the
awarded land.

d. Agrarian reform community (ARC) shall refer to a barangay or a

cluster of barangays primarily composed and managed by ARBs

A. MabiniSt., Malate 10O,4 Manila, Philippines . (632) 708-7701 . . [email protected]

which is organized and willing to undertake the integrated
development of an area and/or their organizations/cooperatives.

e. Agrarian reform credit shall refer to loans granted, simultaneously

or otherwise, directly to ARBs and/or ARB households or to
finance activities that shall generally benefit ARBs and/or ARB
households or ARCs for agricultural, fisheries and agrarian reform

f. Agricultural and fisheries credit shall refer to loans granted to

borrowers for agricultural and fisheries purposes.

g. Agricu ltural lessee xxx.

h. Agricultural value choin (AVC) shall refer to a set of actors/players,

such as farmers, fisherfolk, ARBs and/or ARB households, traders,
suppliers, processors, and aggregators, who make up the linked
sequence of value-adding activities undergone by an agricultural
product when converted from raw material to the final form it is
presented to the consumers.

1. Agriculturol volue chain financing (AVCF) shall refer to the

financial products and services made available to an AVC following
the appropriate evaluation of the AVC's composition, goal, size
and capacity.

Agriculture, fisheries and agrorian reform credit shall refer to

loans granted for the following activities and purposes: xxx.

Agri-business shall refer to agriculture and fishery-related

activities that put farmers, fisherfolk, processors, distributors, and
consumers within a system that produces, processes, transports,
markets, and distributes agricultural and fishery products. lt
encompasses input production, farm and fishery operations and
management, equipment and supplies manufactu ri ng, food/non-
food processing, trading, and retailing.

l. Agro-industry Modernizotion Credit ond Financing Program

(AMCFP) tr:la.

Amortizing owners yxx.

n. Bangko Sentral-accredited rural Fls ntx.

o. Compact faffners xxx.

p. Form to market roodyyo<.

q. Farmer xxx.

r. Formworkerwx.

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Fo r m e r's coope r otiv es xxx.

Farmer's ond fisherfolk's orgonizations or ossociotions xxx.


V. Fisheries ws<.

w. Fishworkerxxx.
Loanoble funds xxx.

v, Nationol Food Authority (NFA) >tyt<.

Ow n e r-c u lt ivato rs xxx.

aa. Post-horvest octivitres xxx.

ab. P ost- h a rve st fa c i I it ie s xrr.

ac. Public infrostructure shall refer to xxx such other facilities in

support of agrarian reform, agriculture and fisheries.

ad. Setf/ers xxx.

ae, Tenant farmer xro<.

Qualified borrowers. Qualified borrowers for agriculture, fisheries and

agrarian reform credit shall refer to farmers, fisherfolk, ARBs and/or
ARB households, settlers, agricultural lessees, xxx.

Required allocation lor ogriculture, fisheries ond ogrorian relorm

credit, Banks shall set aside at least twenty-five percent (ZS%I of their
total loanable funds for agriculture, fisheries and agrarian reform
credit in general, of which at least ten percent (10%l of the total
loanable funds shall be made available for ARBs and/or ARB
households or ARCs.

Excess compliance in the ten percent ILO%) agrarian reform credit may
be used to offset a deficienry, if any, in the fifteen percent (LS%| other
agricultural and fisheries credit, in general, but not vice versa.

Direct Compliance. Total loanable funds as computed under this

section shall be made available by bank for agriculture, fisheries and
agrarian reform credit.

a, Twenty-five percent (25%l mandatory agriculture, fisheries and

agrarian reform credit allocation through the following modes of
compliance that are undertaken after 20 April 2010:

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(1) Actual extension of loans to qualified borrowers {gross of
allowance for probable losses), for purposes of financing
agriculture, fisheries and agrarian reform activities under
Item "j" in this Section (Definitian of termsl, other than
(1) loans rediscounted with universal banks
(UBs)/commercial banks (KBs), or (2) loans to the extent
funded by proceeds from any of the following:

(a) Bonds issued for the exclusive purpose of on-lending to

the agriculture, fisheries and agrarian reform sector, in
the case of Development Bank of the Philippines
(DBP)/Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP),

(b) Special deposit accounts {SDAs) maintained for the

exclusive purpose of on-lending to the agriculture,
fisheries and agrarian reform sector, in the case of
Bangko Sentral-accredited rural Fls, or

(c) Wholesale lending of other banks for the exclusive

purpose of on-lending to the agriculture, fisheries and
agrarian reform sector, in the case of Bangko Sentral-
accredited rural Fls, or

(2') xxx

Ten percent (10%) mandatory agrarian reform credit allocation

through the following modes of compliance that are undertaken
after 20 April 2010:

(1) Actual extension of loans to ARBs andlor ARB households

(gross of allowance for probable losses), for purposes of
financing agriculture, fisheries and agrarian reform activities
under ltem oj" in this Section (Definition of termsl, other than
(a) loans rediscounted with UBs/KBs, or (b) loans to the extent
funded by proceeds from bonds, in the case of DBp/LBp,
andlor SDAs and/or wholesale lending of other banks, in the
case of Bangko Sentral-accredited rural Fls listed under ltems
"a(7)(a)" to "o(I)(cf'above, or

{2} xxx

Allowable Alternative compliance. The following alternative modes of

compliance to the mandatory agriculture, fisheries and agrarian
reform credit shall be allowed:

a. Twenty-five percent (25%'t mandatory agriculture, fisheries and

agrarian reform credit

(1) Eligible securities (gross of allowance for probable losses but

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net of unamortized premium or discount) that are purchased
after 20 April 2010:

(a) Investments in bonds issued by the DBP and the LBP, the
proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for on-
lending to the agriculture, fisheries and agrarian reform

(b) Investments in other debt securities, the proceeds of

which shall be used to finance activities identified under
Section 23 of R.A. No. 8435 {Agriculture and Fisheries
Modernization Act of L997), as defined under ltem "j(9)"
in this Section lDefinition of terms); or

(c) Paid subscription of shares of stock in the following

institutions, subject to existing rules and regulations
governing equity investments of banks:

(i) Accredited rural Fls (preferred shares only),

{ii) Philippine Crop lnsurance Corporation (PCIC); or

(iii) Companies primarily engaged in activities under

Section 23 of R.A. No. 8435, as defined under ltem
"j(9)" in this Section (Definition of terms).


{2) Loans and other credits {gross of allowance for probable

losseslthat are granted after 20 April 2010:

(a) lnvestments in SDAs of Bangko Sentral-accredited rural

Fls, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for
on-lending to the agriculture, fisheries and agrarian
reform sector;

(b) Wholesale lending granted to accredited rural Fls for the

exclusive purpose of on-lending to the agriculture,
fisheries and agrarian reform sector;

(c) Rediscounting facility granted by UBs/KBs to other banks

covering eligible agricultural, fisheries and agrarian
reform credits, including loans covered by guarantees of
the PCIC;

{d} Actual extension of loans intended for the construction

and upgrading of infrastructure, including, but not
limited to, farm-to-market roads, as well as the provision
of post-harvest facilities and other public infrastructure
as defined underthis Section {Definition oJ termsl,for the

Page 5 of 8
benefit of the agriculture, fisheries and agrarian reform

(e) Actual extension of loans to borrowers for purposes of

financing activities identified under Section 23 of R.A. No.
8435, as defined under ltem '7P)" in this Section
lDefinition of termsl, including palay housing and farrning

(f) Actual extension of loans to agri-business enterprises

that maintain agricultural commodity supply-chain
arran gements directly with q u alified borrowers;

(e) Agricultural value chain fi nancing;

(h) Extension of loans to:

(i) NFA-registered warehousemen/millers/wholesalers

for the purpose of financing activities identified
under Section 23 of R.A. No. 8435, as defined under
Item "j(9)" in this Section lDefinition of termsl; or

(ii) The NFA: Provided, that it shall not use the proceeds
of said loans for relending; or

(i) Purchase of eligible loans listed under ltem Nos. "a(2)(b)"

to "o(2)(h)" on a "without recourse" basis from other
banks and Fls after 20 April 2010:

Provided,That the loans under ltem Nos. "a(Z)(d)" to'a(z)(i)"

are not rediscounted with UBs/KBs: Provided, Jurther, That
the activities identified under ltem Nos. "a(2){a)" to "a(2)(i)"
shall not be funded by proceeds from the issuance of bonds
under ltem No. "a(7)(a)", in the case of DBP/LBP, and/or the
acceptance of SDAs under ltem No. 'o(2)(a)" and/or
wholesale lending of other banks under ltem No. "o(Z)(b)",in
the case of Bangko Sentral-accredited rural Fls.

b. Ten percent (10%) mandatory agrarian reform credit

(1) Eligible securities {gross of allowance for probable losses but

net of unamortized premium or discount)that are purchased
after 20 April 2010:

{a} lnvestments in bonds issued by the DBP and the LBP, the
proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for on-
lending to ARBs andlor ARB households or to finance
activities that shall generally benefit ARBs and/or ARB
households orARCs; or

Page 6 of 8
(b) Investments in other debt securities, the proceeds of
which shall be used to finance activities identified under
Section 23 of R.A. No. 8435, as defined under ltem No.
'j(9)" in this Section (Definition ol termsl: Provided,That
said activities shall generally benefit ARBs and/or ARB
households or ARCs.


(2) Loans and other credits (gross of allowance for probable

losses) that are granted after 20 April 2010:

(a) Investments in SDAs of Bangko Sentral-accredited rural

Fls, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for
on-lending to ARBs and/or ARB households or to finance
activities that shall generally benefit ARBs and/or ARB
households or ARCs;

(b) Wholesale lending granted to accredited rural Fls for the

exclusive purpose of on-lending to ARBs and/or ARB
households or to finance activities that shall generally
benefit ARBs and/or ARB households or ARCs;

(c) Rediscounting facility granted by UBs/KBs to other banks

covering eligible agrarian reform credits, including loans
covered byguarantees ofthe PCIC;

(d) Actual extension of loans intended for the construction

and upgrading of infrastructure, including, but not
limited to, farm-to-market roads, as well as the provision
of post-harvest facilities and other public infrastructure
as defined under this Section {Definition of terms) that
shall generally benefit ARBs and/or ARB households or

(e) Actual extension of loans to borrowers, for purposes of

financing activities identified under Section 23 of R.A. No.
8435, as defined under ltem "j(9)" in this Sestion
(Definition of termsl, including palay housing and farming
homestead: Provided, That said activities shall generally
benefit ARBs and/or ARB households or ARCs;

(f) Actual extension of loans to agri-business enterprises

that maintain agricultural commodity supply-chain
arrangements directly with ARBs and/or ARB households;

G) Agricultural value chain financing that shall generally

benefit ARBs and/or ARB households or ARCs; or

th) Purchase of eligible loans listed under ltem "b(2)(b)" to

Page 7 of 8
'b(2)(g)" on a "without recourse" basis ftom other banks
and Fls after 20 April 2010:

Provided, That the loans under ltem Nos. "b(2)(d)" to

'b(2)(h)" are not rediscounted with UBs/KBs: Provided,
further, That the activities identified under ltem Nos.
'b(2)(a)" ta "b(2)(h)" shall not be funded by proceeds from
the issuance of bonds under ltem No. 'b(7)(o)", in the case of
DBP/LBP, and/ar the acceptance of SDAs under ltem No.
'b(2)(o)" and/or wholesale lending of other banks under ltem
No. "b(2)(b)i in the case of Bangko Sentral-accredited rural

Computation ol loanable funds. wtr


Syndicated type of agrarian reform credit/ogriculturol ond fisheries

credit, Banks may grant a syndicated type of loan for agrarian reform
credit/ agricultural and fisheries credit in general, either between or
among themselves. xxx


Section 2. This Circular shalltake effect fifteen (1.5) calendar days following its
publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.



0J March 202r

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